Wednesday, December 6 of 2023

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After four days, I have reached the end of a spiritual task with the future planet, in which all have participated together with Me, so that the New Earth may emerge, after it is purified in this final stage.

This is why all that I have brought to you these days may have seemed a little abstract or symbolic, because all the situations that emerge from the Supreme Source, all emanations of the Codes and Purposes of God, do not have a concrete form, but rather an immaterial form, which is permeated by a current of cosmic energy.

It is an aspiration that emerges once from the Source, until this aspiration may become concretized on the three planes of consciousness, spiritual mental and material, until this aspiration may be a reality, just as the Will of God has predetermined it.

This is why, before God and before you, I Am the Great intermediary and Divine Consciousness that brings from the higher planes, the aspirations of God, so that they may be concretized in matter.

It is something quite similar to what the archangels lived at the beginning, because they had to manifest this Creation. First, by extracting from the Source the aspirations of God in the Spiritual Universe, then meditating on these aspirations through the Mental Universe, and thus designing the different Projects of the Creator so that they would be concretized in the Material Universe.

For this reason, the impulses of God are gradual, just as your beings are gradual. Just as you have a soul, you also have a spirit, and what is there beyond the spirit of each being?

Everything seems a mystery, but it is not so, because the mystery is unveiled when the soul loves the unknown, without understanding even what this means.

The consciousness incarnated in this world knows that it must fulfill a Purpose, because it is its essence that knows it. For some reason, it is incarnated in a human body, not only to live something material and concrete.

Matter is the possibility of concretion of this spiritual and mental Plan, but the material plane is not what determines the evolution of the consciousness, because just as the essences emerged from the Ponds of the Source, so the essences must return to these Ponds of the Source with a lived experience.

For this there are the Universal Laws that very few know, which perhaps the majority has heard with the name of the Commandments. But the Commandments, which Moses received, were the Basic Laws of the evolution of this race.

These Laws expanded through the incarnation of the Son of God on Earth. Because the Son of God united all Laws of the Commandments into one Law, which is to love God above all things, but also to love one’s neighbor so that this evolution may be concretized and fulfilled without obstacles.

I know that the material life is a challenge for the majority at this time. Many souls at this time do not find a meaning for life, because souls are in depression, not finding the path of the Purpose that they lost. But it is not outside that you will find the answer, it is in the innermost depths of each human heart that you will find this answer which you very much seek.

Know that, for each life situation, for each learning or experience, and also for each decision that must be made, the answer is not outside, but rather within. This is why the Son of God, when He was incarnated in this world, always found a moment to withdraw with His Father, to make His great decisions.

The Universe provides you with everything. The material life provides you with illusion and, in many cases, deception. But for souls to live something they do not know, they must have great will, the determination to attain that which is unknown and impalpable, that which has no form and is not concrete.

On this fourth day of meeting with Me, I come to conclude My Message, My series of spiritual and cosmic impulses.

In this special series, which I have granted to you on these four days, you must discover by yourselves the different keys that I have left in My Messages. Because this is the last time I Am saying it, so that My apostles and followers may have all the tools the moment they have to make their decisions and work for the Plan.  

But when I can no longer be with you, it will be you who must give continuity to the Legacy which I transmitted to you with so much Love, and it will be you who must take care of the souls and hearts of the pilgrims, and also of your brothers and sisters of the path, all those who co-exist with you day by day.

Do you now understand that all this is not by chance, but rather a commitment?

There are souls that have lived this Will, which I bring to you. There is no way to escape this, because wherever you go, this Will of Mine will be present. And this is something inexhaustible, because it is not material, it is a spiritual impulse that, in the innermost depth, will remind you of your commitment.

In all that I have said to you throughout these years are the answer and guidance that many need, to live the path of the apostolate and of surrender, to be mere instruments in the Hands of God, which can allow Graces to descend upon the world and souls.

I leave to you, in this place, the beginning of a new inner stage. Here I leave to you the Spiritual Fountain of My Father open, so that souls may come here to purify and heal themselves. And you will be stewards of this, so that, at the most difficult moment of the planet, humanity may know that, from the great bottom of the abyss, the Light of Aurora will emerge and elevate again the fallen stars, converting these stars into redeemed consciousnesses that will fulfill the Project of the Father.

Here is the page of the last part of this Book, which was written by Me in these recent years. But this page is blank, and it will be your lives and souls that will write the last part of this story lived with Me. A story that will be able to justify the grave errors that the world commits today through wars and persecutions, through exiles and immigrants, through the trafficking of children and the abuses of power.

Do you now understand the importance of writing the last part of the story?

Because this will not remain only in the memory of those who remember Me, but it will also continue when I return to the world and fulfill what I said to John, the apostle.

I will come to personally ask you for the talents that I once gave you, and the Shepherd will ask you: “What have you done with the fruits that I gave you? From these fruits, what will be the harvest that you have made? And what will be offered to the Celestial Father when the world comes to its end?”

In that end, on that day, and at that hour, humanity will be redeemed and the New Humanity will begin. And that New Humanity will not have memory of suffering or of all the agonies this world has lived throughout the ages, because the New Humanity will be comprised by the New Christs, who will resume the Project that was not fulfilled with Adam and Eve.

And through a pause in time-space, from Adam and Eve up to the present, the horrors of humanity will be erased forever, because the Archangels will have purified this cycle so that the New Humanity may not carry any spiritual debt with it, the reason why there will no longer be spiritual or material illness, because this learning experience will not be necessary for souls.

I would like, as a Master, that many, really many more would be part of this new stage of humanity, but more and more souls distance themselves from this, which tears My Heart from within.

But I will never rest, even when I physically return to the world, because I will go after those who have not been redeemed or forgiven yet. I will go after those who have gone unpunished and all those who have brought about evil to this world, because the entire planet will be resized by the Christic Laws and, thus, all will begin from scratch, as it is written.

The moment when I reunite the different tribes of Israel, independently of nations and languages, independently of peoples and even cultures, the Eternal Father, through His Most Beloved Son, will reintegrate within humanity the Purpose of the twelve tribes of Israel, and the concretion of the Project of the Eternal Father will receive continuity, under the visible presence of the angels.

Do you now understand why it is important to work for Me?

There is no other reason in this universe, other than fulfilling the Will of Christ, just as Christ fulfilled the Will of God in the Garden of Gethsemane. I encourage you to follow this aspiration of Mine, beginning in what is smallest in daily life, because the world is dimming out without seeing the Light or Love.

It is necessary that there may exist merciful souls in this time, souls that, in this time of planetary agony, may be witnesses and stewards of the Love of the Redeemer, of this Love that comes from the Heights and from what is most sublime in the Heart of God.

I come once again to consecrate new adorers, this group of souls that are so different from one another, yet so united aby one goal and the same Purpose, which is to relieve the Heart of Jesus through holy adoration, so that My Graces and Mercies may reach the world more and more and more souls in this world may no longer be condemned or become lost from the path of Love.

Let us prepare ourselves at this moment for this consecration, which I will accompany with predilection, to bless you.

In this Work, there is a song that identifies all of you, and represents the message of the soul that aspires to constantly live in God, aspiring every day to walk free from itself and follow the footprints of Light of the Great Master.

This song, which I now ask of you, will accompany this moment of consecration, so that the world may also consecrate itself someday, although this may seem unattainable.

All the souls that are consecrated spiritually foster the consecration of humanity. Keep this always well in mind, so that you may learn to value the spirit of consecration.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will sing “Consecration.”