Friday, January 5 of 2024

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As an ardent Sun, I will descend from the universe to illuminate the deepest abysses of the planet, and to remove from them all the souls that are submerged in these abysses.

This is My true mission of returning to the Earth, not only to once again raise the spiritual family of God, all tribes and ethnicities, but also to rescue those who have been condemned to spiritual perdition.

This is how far My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy will act, before the decree of Divine Justice descends, which will reorganize humanity and the planet so that it may reintegrate the Project of God.

For this reason, throughout times and in these recent years I have been building this moment through you and your brothers and sisters because, just as I told you yesterday, your lives must be a pillar for My Work, the Work of redemption of the end of times, and the principles and values that God taught His sacred people of Israel must be latent in your consciousnesses and spirits, for you will need them to go through this final moment, which many do not do how to do for not living the life of the spirit, for being far away from the Higher Love that comes from the universe and cosmic life.

Each time I descend to the world, time and again, I bring you this Higher Love, which is what will always fill your spirits and consciousnesses. It is this Higher Love that will impel you to take steps and not go backward; this is what will help you to define your next paths, because there must be Christs on the surface of the Earth and this must no longer be just a message or an aspiration.

It is time for the Christs of the New Time to be a reality, a concretion, an expression of the Hierarchy. For this reason all are being purified, each one in what is needed and necessary to them at this moment. Nothing is out of the Law.

Take advantage of each moment as an impulse of ascension and transcendence, as an attitude of absolute divestment and detachment, so that into your consciousnesses, as new wineskins, I may pour new wine, I may deposit the Wills of God and His most ardent aspirations.

Now, this is the time to make a synthesis, after having walked so much up until today, when you have the Grace of gathering with Me, face to face, and receiving My Divinity and My Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, the One Who surrendered for you on the Cross, just as He surrendered for all of humanity, even knowing, companions, that in the end of times, many would not reciprocate to Me and would not value My sacrifice.

However, Love is capable of much more, it is capable of going very far when a disinterested, selfless and unconditional love is lived. This does not make you deter yourselves in superficial things or in any expectation, you do not remain entrapped under any result or response.

Because a Christ of the New Time has it clear in their consciousness that they serve God, and no one else, and that all they do, all they live and all they practice, must be under this Law of Higher Love, which renews and transfigures them from time to time, as many times as necessary.

This impeads them to remain in the past, to be submerged in sadness or suffering; on the contrary, a Christ of the New Time has clarity about their mission and the purpose they must fulfill in their incarnation, in a way similar to how your Master and Lord fulfilled the Purpose of His incarnation on Earth, when I was among you and your brothers and sisters.

Thus, companions, life is not only material, it is not only concrete, it is not a life of constant problems and sufferings, because the Christs of the New Time not only walk through the impulse of ascension and union with Divine Plan but they also help their fellow beings and their brothers and sisters to achieve the same goal, without interfering in the decision of another.

The school of the Christs of the New Time will soon be presenting itself on the inner planes. Who will be the ones who will offer themselves to experience it, to practice and assume it?

It is not a school of emotions or intellects, it is a mature school of love for sacrifice and sacred renunciation, which many want to escape because they think they lose control and their autonomy.

However, God does not want to place you in affliction, it would not be the Eternal Father, nor would it be His Most Beloved Son. On the contrary, companions, the door of My Heart is open to show you the path, which in this last cycle, you are invited and called on to go through with one goal, the triumph of the Redeeming Love on the planet, in as many souls as possible, and in as many hearts that need rescue and redemption as possible.

Even if you do not believe it, My friends, you already have the basis for living this school. You already have the experiences from the past and other moments, when you formed the first Christian communities, which, despite adversity and danger, sustained faith in the Christic Presence and in Christic Love. This made the fruits of redemption and faith of souls flourish throughout the times and experiences, due to their love for Christ, the Messiah.

Thus, companions, the impulse is already in the consciousnesses of your inner worlds. Unite to this impulse, and ask God for the Grace of being consistent to respond to the experience of this school of the New Christs, because it is an inner state, rather than one of standing out, because it is a state of silence, which speaks for itself through examples and good attitudes, through fraternal and merciful attitudes.

It was time for this moment to come, for the New Christs of the End Time to present themselves and be a reality. If this takes place according to what the Divine Plan determines, many errors in the world will be justified and the grave outrages of humanity in these times will be mended, so that a longer time of Mercy may be granted to the whole world, and to all the souls that need it the most at this moment, so that the door of My Mercy may no longer close in the last hour, but rather, that all those who have stayed behind may cross this doorway of Mercy. In this way, may they have the Grace of receiving redemption, just as you have received it.

Today, I ask once more for Aurora, as a Kingdom of Love and Light, to make this Grace to emerge that My last apostles and companions may be consistent with the school of the New Christs.

The world needs much help, souls become desperate for not finding peace. Now, you, who can be a mirror of My Love, go and serve, tell the world that I Am returning and that My hour is drawing near, just as the hour of the Lord drew near in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Because, today more than ever, companions, I need you to drink from the Chalice that I Am offering you, even if you do not know its content, or even its purpose. May you drink, just as your Master drank from the Chalice in the Garden of Gethsemane. In this way, you will be closer to Me, and I will be closer to you and your brothers and sisters.

Today, I close the spiritual mission of the Hierarchy in Uruguay, asking the Father for His blessing for this country and all its people, so that it may not be stigmatized by any idea that is not of the Light, but rather so that it may be blessed by the love, charity and Mercy that must awaken within thirsty hearts.

Thus, I raise My offering to God, as your hearts rise to Me, so that we may be witnesses of the Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, so that the last ones may achieve their spiritual goal and redemption.

I thank all those who are present for these days shared and for being in this Sacred Place of the Ombu Trees, so that the roots of human dignity may be strengthened within you, so that the values of family and universal life may flourish and rise in an offering to God.

I thank you and give you My Peace again so that you may not forget that you must be peace in the world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.