When the Divine Messengers are no longer manifesting Their Apparitions to the hearts of humankind, it will be the time and the hour to demonstrate to the world that the codes of Love and Wisdom of the Divine Source were placed in your hearts and have brought about results.

For this reason, you will be tested in mutual love, in faith, in compassion and in mercy. You will be tested in charity and in pity, so you may bear witness to what you have learned.

From your mouth will overflow what is in your hearts; your verb will demonstrate what there is within you. You will be tested in this way, by word and by silence, and the Creator will observe you so you may demonstrate, children, what you have learned in these times.

Will mercy and compassion, pity and truth come from your mouths? This is the time to measure your words and your silence, so that you may show the world what you truly are.

You will be tested through your actions. From your bodies will overflow what your consciousnesses are full of; your actions will demonstrate if you were capable of assimilating the Christic codes, or if they are hidden or even buried in the depths of the consciousness.

Souls today, children, have need of examples of souls that are capable of allowing the Christic codes they received to shine through.

Will your actions be of unity or of separateness?

Will you show charity or indifference?

Will you demonstrate love or mercilessly destroy?

Your beings will be tested in the mind and the emotions. Your thoughts and feelings will overflow with what your subconscious is full of.

Will you be capable of transmuting yourselves with the power of prayer and Eucharistic adoration or will you allow yourselves to be poisoned with the same collective thought and feelings that lead humanity into the destruction of their purest principles?

The silence of the Divine Messengers will not mean abandonment, children, but rather the moment of the last apostles testifying to the Christic life, of unity above the stimuli of war that permeate the human consciousness, of love above the stimuli of hatred, of forgiveness above the stimuli of vengeance and judgment.

This will be the time to transcend, from the inside out, the mundane stimuli, the feeling of power and superiority that has always led humanity into disunity and into destruction of their Higher Purpose.

Will you choose to go beyond your own thoughts and beliefs to unite and love or will you experience the same errors that, time after time, have caused you to become lost as a civilization? It is time to not only reflect, but to live; it is time to transmit peace to a world in wars.

From your mouth will overflow that which your heart is full of; from your actions will overflow that which your consciousness is full of; from your thoughts and feeling will overflow that which your subconscious is full of.

For this reason, pray and elevate yourselves, transcend yourselves and live this test of humanity, making known to the world that which you received in the last 17 years, which are Christic impulses of Love and Wisdom that must find expression in your lives.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Let your heart be at peace, child, for you have already learned the path of union with God, you have learned to become reconciled with Him and carry with you the hearts of your brothers and sisters of the whole world.

Let your heart be at peace, child, for you already know the path of surrender and  service, you know where you are to go so as to not become lost in the temptations of the world, you know what must be done in the times of transition: simply pray, love, and serve.

Let your heart be at peace, without allowing the confusions of these times also confuse your inner self. Concentrate on the only thing necessary at this moment, which is to be everything you have learned. Focus your consciousness and your energy on the only and essential mission of keeping yourself as a pencil in the Hands of God, through which He can write the story of humanity and the triumph of His Heart.

Keep your heart at peace and do not fear the tests you see approaching humanity. In the same way that you have come this far, so you will continue onward and see emerge from your heart the tools necessary for dealing with each situation when the time comes.

Do not expect perfection from yourself, but rather be persistent and seek a constancy in the intimate and deep dialogue with God, seek instances of silence and moments of gratitude, in which you are able to value everything you have received until now and how, in spite of everything, the Gaze of the Creator has always been on your heart.

Do not concentrate your attention on the miseries of others. Rather, be an example of persistence and of transformation each day, do your part and be better in everything you are able to be so that the gift of surrender and of service, of charity and of love may be perfected in you, and your daily transformation be the greatest instrument of healing for the miseries of others, as well as for your own.

Do not look at the world with fear or judgement. Instead, project Divine Thoughts in your gaze, the Purpose God had in creating each detail of life, and simply think that, in spite of imperfections and deviations, this Purpose is hidden some place within creatures. Seek to find it.

Do not go along with that which is no longer part of your path, disguising as fellowship what still tends to be mundane within you. Understand the moment and the point where another may be, but also respect where you should be, what you should no longer do or express because it no longer corresponds to you. Then, child, do not lack love nor understanding, but also, do not lack coherence with your own spirit and with the Spirit of God who dwells in you.

Remember each day that you are a temple of God, a dwelling place of His Heart, carrier of His Purpose. And let that truth have more strength within you than any human illusion that causes you to lose your awareness of what is unreal.

Always remember that I am your father and friend, that I am walking with you, for this is the Greater Will. Let My paternal love fortify and renew you.

Know that I will always accompany you in the silence. Pray with your heart and you will feel My divine response within you.

The One Who loves you and blesses you,

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Weekly Messages

Place your heart, child, in the Crucified Heart of Christ, where you will understand the essence of emptiness, surrender, divestment, humility, the true meaning of having nothing nor wanting anything for the self, the true meaning of surrendering your life for others.

Place your heart in the Crucified Heart of Christ and you will understand the meaning of fullness, a fullness that does not come from this world and does not become filled with anything that belongs to it, the fullness of being in God beyond all and any circumstances.

The time and the hour has come for your being to learn to be in God and live the essence of His Project of Love, because everything has already been given to you for this: all the instructions have been given to you, all the Graces have been given to you, all the gifts have been given to you so that now, child, you may know how to divest your heart of yourself, of the world and its promises, and enter into the essence of the Purpose of life.

Do not go through the world without fulfilling your primary mission, which is to fill your heart, your spirit and your consciousness in the likeness of Christ, with His Christic path. And that means to live like Christ in His surrender, in His Love, in His submission, and in His emptiness.

Do not seek something else for yourself other than the Purpose of your Lord, and embrace everything which leads you into the fulfillment of that Purpose.

Love this cycle of the planet with your heart, because you came to the world for this. Do not fear testifying to an empty heart, do not fear testifying to a perfect Love. And to reach this emptiness and this Love, you must first live the divestment, the purification and an absolute surrender of everything you still hold on to with your hands.

Thus, simply walk in faith, and on this walk, where only the silence of the Creator will accompany you, let your steps also be silent, but full of the certainty of the triumph of Christ through your heart.

The world is in agony, child, and its suffering has no limits. The anguish of souls makes no sense and is unexplainable, has no measure. And to repair and balance this, the Creator calls upon His companions to live His Words and His Law, to live His Purpose and His Love.

Will you say yes?

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

"My hour is ending with you and you will have to remember all the wonderful things I taught you throughout the last times.

You cannot forget the first lesson:

That you love one another as I love you; that you serve Me in the world through the least and humblest of your brothers, for truly I tell you, if you are serving the least of Mine, it is Me that you will be serving.

Remember what I once told you:

When I was hungry, you fed Me.

When I was thirsty, you quenched My thirst.

When I was cold, you kept Me warm.

When I was in prison or sick, you visited Me.

Whatever you do or wherever you serve, remember that it is Me you are serving.

I come to bear witness that in Love all things are possible and souls can be set free."

Christ Jesus


Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

"How many steps have you been able to take in these ten days of Lent?

How do you feel on the path of the inner desert now?

Can you surpass Me in Love?

Be brave and walk. Become detached and divested from yourself, so that the Lord, your God, may govern you.

Carry out a deep work: distancing yourself from all that which is superficial. Appreciate and value My Christic Impulses. I Am here."

Christ Jesus

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As an ardent Sun, I will descend from the universe to illuminate the deepest abysses of the planet, and to remove from them all the souls that are submerged in these abysses.

This is My true mission of returning to the Earth, not only to once again raise the spiritual family of God, all tribes and ethnicities, but also to rescue those who have been condemned to spiritual perdition.

This is how far My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy will act, before the decree of Divine Justice descends, which will reorganize humanity and the planet so that it may reintegrate the Project of God.

For this reason, throughout times and in these recent years I have been building this moment through you and your brothers and sisters because, just as I told you yesterday, your lives must be a pillar for My Work, the Work of redemption of the end of times, and the principles and values that God taught His sacred people of Israel must be latent in your consciousnesses and spirits, for you will need them to go through this final moment, which many do not do how to do for not living the life of the spirit, for being far away from the Higher Love that comes from the universe and cosmic life.

Each time I descend to the world, time and again, I bring you this Higher Love, which is what will always fill your spirits and consciousnesses. It is this Higher Love that will impel you to take steps and not go backward; this is what will help you to define your next paths, because there must be Christs on the surface of the Earth and this must no longer be just a message or an aspiration.

It is time for the Christs of the New Time to be a reality, a concretion, an expression of the Hierarchy. For this reason all are being purified, each one in what is needed and necessary to them at this moment. Nothing is out of the Law.

Take advantage of each moment as an impulse of ascension and transcendence, as an attitude of absolute divestment and detachment, so that into your consciousnesses, as new wineskins, I may pour new wine, I may deposit the Wills of God and His most ardent aspirations.

Now, this is the time to make a synthesis, after having walked so much up until today, when you have the Grace of gathering with Me, face to face, and receiving My Divinity and My Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, the One Who surrendered for you on the Cross, just as He surrendered for all of humanity, even knowing, companions, that in the end of times, many would not reciprocate to Me and would not value My sacrifice.

However, Love is capable of much more, it is capable of going very far when a disinterested, selfless and unconditional love is lived. This does not make you deter yourselves in superficial things or in any expectation, you do not remain entrapped under any result or response.

Because a Christ of the New Time has it clear in their consciousness that they serve God, and no one else, and that all they do, all they live and all they practice, must be under this Law of Higher Love, which renews and transfigures them from time to time, as many times as necessary.

This impeads them to remain in the past, to be submerged in sadness or suffering; on the contrary, a Christ of the New Time has clarity about their mission and the purpose they must fulfill in their incarnation, in a way similar to how your Master and Lord fulfilled the Purpose of His incarnation on Earth, when I was among you and your brothers and sisters.

Thus, companions, life is not only material, it is not only concrete, it is not a life of constant problems and sufferings, because the Christs of the New Time not only walk through the impulse of ascension and union with Divine Plan but they also help their fellow beings and their brothers and sisters to achieve the same goal, without interfering in the decision of another.

The school of the Christs of the New Time will soon be presenting itself on the inner planes. Who will be the ones who will offer themselves to experience it, to practice and assume it?

It is not a school of emotions or intellects, it is a mature school of love for sacrifice and sacred renunciation, which many want to escape because they think they lose control and their autonomy.

However, God does not want to place you in affliction, it would not be the Eternal Father, nor would it be His Most Beloved Son. On the contrary, companions, the door of My Heart is open to show you the path, which in this last cycle, you are invited and called on to go through with one goal, the triumph of the Redeeming Love on the planet, in as many souls as possible, and in as many hearts that need rescue and redemption as possible.

Even if you do not believe it, My friends, you already have the basis for living this school. You already have the experiences from the past and other moments, when you formed the first Christian communities, which, despite adversity and danger, sustained faith in the Christic Presence and in Christic Love. This made the fruits of redemption and faith of souls flourish throughout the times and experiences, due to their love for Christ, the Messiah.

Thus, companions, the impulse is already in the consciousnesses of your inner worlds. Unite to this impulse, and ask God for the Grace of being consistent to respond to the experience of this school of the New Christs, because it is an inner state, rather than one of standing out, because it is a state of silence, which speaks for itself through examples and good attitudes, through fraternal and merciful attitudes.

It was time for this moment to come, for the New Christs of the End Time to present themselves and be a reality. If this takes place according to what the Divine Plan determines, many errors in the world will be justified and the grave outrages of humanity in these times will be mended, so that a longer time of Mercy may be granted to the whole world, and to all the souls that need it the most at this moment, so that the door of My Mercy may no longer close in the last hour, but rather, that all those who have stayed behind may cross this doorway of Mercy. In this way, may they have the Grace of receiving redemption, just as you have received it.

Today, I ask once more for Aurora, as a Kingdom of Love and Light, to make this Grace to emerge that My last apostles and companions may be consistent with the school of the New Christs.

The world needs much help, souls become desperate for not finding peace. Now, you, who can be a mirror of My Love, go and serve, tell the world that I Am returning and that My hour is drawing near, just as the hour of the Lord drew near in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Because, today more than ever, companions, I need you to drink from the Chalice that I Am offering you, even if you do not know its content, or even its purpose. May you drink, just as your Master drank from the Chalice in the Garden of Gethsemane. In this way, you will be closer to Me, and I will be closer to you and your brothers and sisters.

Today, I close the spiritual mission of the Hierarchy in Uruguay, asking the Father for His blessing for this country and all its people, so that it may not be stigmatized by any idea that is not of the Light, but rather so that it may be blessed by the love, charity and Mercy that must awaken within thirsty hearts.

Thus, I raise My offering to God, as your hearts rise to Me, so that we may be witnesses of the Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, so that the last ones may achieve their spiritual goal and redemption.

I thank all those who are present for these days shared and for being in this Sacred Place of the Ombu Trees, so that the roots of human dignity may be strengthened within you, so that the values of family and universal life may flourish and rise in an offering to God.

I thank you and give you My Peace again so that you may not forget that you must be peace in the world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Come to My Ocean of Mercy, and in faith walk upon the waters, just as I told Peter. Before His faith weakened, he walked upon the waters without realizing it.

This is what I invite you to do again today. I need the world to walk towards that which is unknown to learn to overcome the fears of everything it cannot control or retain.

I come to teach you the way, because I Am the Way. I have been with you in the Holy Land, and you have been with Me, closer than you can imagine.

How many times did you touch My tunic? How many times did you beg for My blessing in the Holy Land? On how many occasions did you listen to My Voice, preaching and teaching the Gospel? How many of you followed the steps of the Cross of the Lord to the top of Mount Calvary?

Remember all that which you once lived with Me, and have faith, because Heaven and Earth will pass, but My Words will remain in the hearts that believe in Me.

And today I Am here, upon the seas of Uruguay, because I come to fulfill My promise, the Lord is returning and with Him will return all the stars, all the suns and the entire firmament.

Happy will be those who walk with Me until the end, overcoming their own fears, transcending their own obstacles, fully trusting in the Love of My Heart.

Behold the Living Heart of the Master, which beats with Love for souls. It is a Heart thirsty for those who are lost and agonizing. However, My Mercy and the Ocean of My Love are greater than this entire ocean.

I was born for you, I lived for you and for you I died on the Cross; for you I resurrected on the third day and for you I ascended to the Heavens to be able to return to the world at some moment.

In your souls is written the story that unites us, that makes us meet time and again throughout times. I Am by the side of those who walk upon My Path, and My Hand stretches out to bless you in the Love of My Father.

Today, I come with a Message of gratitude for all Uruguayans; for those who work day by day preparing My Return; for those who expect to meet Me face to face, just as Saint Mary Magdalene met Me in the garden of the Sepulcher.

Today I call you by your names, just as I called Mary Magdalene, to tell you that here I Am.

My Presence is unchangeable. My Love is inexhaustible. My Consciousness does not change but rather evolves, just as you can evolve, taking the steps that are needed in these times, in the face of a world wounded and outraged by conflict and war, by cruelty and wickedness.

However, I come to bring you and your brothers and sisters all the hope that exists in the Kingdom of the Heavens, and all the joy of serving God untiringly, doing one’s best until the end.

Through this moment, I come to be with you so that you may feel and recognize Me as your Master, as the One Whose Feet were washed with the tears of the holy women, as the One Who was anointed with the blessed oil of the holy women.

My sustenance was in them, and the sustenance of the holy women was in Me, and in this way the White Fraternity was manifested. Today, you are part of this same Fraternity, because we already know each other and have experienced each other. Therefore, do not deter yourselves in that which is material and concrete, nor in that which is mental.

Let your hearts grow, allow them to grow in love, kindness and mercy. May your lives be My gesture of Love for the world, despite the offenses, despite the grievances, and despite the indifferences that you may experience.

Do all in the name of My Love, so that Love may reign in the world and humanity; so that love may return to the hearts that are losing it due to suffering, emptiness, anguish and despair.

May your lives be My example in the world, the example of the untiring Presence of the Lord, Who does not deter Himself, Who does not rest. Because the Shepherd works for His flocks so that all may attain the spiritual goal that is written in the profound essence of each being.  

I wish this year that begins to be a year of greater agreement, hope and peace. May you recognize one another as brothers and sisters on the same path and of the same Father Who is in the Heavens. Because I Am the Lord of Israel, and I come to remind the whole world of the Call of God.

Stop chaos, stop conflicts, dissolve disagreements.

Love one another, just as I love you.

Live just like I live, and the Truth will free you forever.

Upon these oceans, and even more, within your hearts, the Lord finds rest today. Because I want to be within you, just as I hope you want to be within Me, in communion with infinite life, in union with the entire universe.

In this Marathon, let us pray, companions, for this to be a year of greater hope, peace and justice, so that love may replace revenge, so that peace may replace hatred, so that good may replace evil, so that unity may replace indifference, so that forgiveness may replace error.

Let us pray for peace to be achieved in the world, as well as the end of war, of all wars in their different manifestations and forms, so that souls may attain relief, healing and redemption.

I gather you in the name of Grace.

I thank you for being here with Me, in the simplicity and humility of the spirit. Because there lies God, in the simplicity and humility of the spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My beloved children,

Under My Mantle, I hold today the most urgent causes of the planet, which have gravely wounded the Heart of God in this 2023, a moment when humanity is confused and lost, in which intolerance and violence prevail, rather than love, truth and justice.

Behold, under My Mantle, each one of the situations that the Hierarchy attends to, although such situations also bring it a sense of urgency.

Behold the clamor of all peoples, nations, families and those who cry out for help.

Behold, children, the great need of humanity and of the whole planet.

Today, I come here to show you this, so that you may contemplate it with Me in prayer and, even more, in supplication, because the world needs an immediate solution. And know that not only My Heart, but also the Hearts of all the Hierarchies, are attentive to each moment and each situation.

I come to hold each one of the urgent causes under My Mantle, because the world and humanity cannot find a way out, can no longer see the path of peace and harmony.

This is why, children, despite the seriousness of the situation, all those who have prayed in the year that is now concluding, have sustained, together with the Mother of God, each one of the causes of the souls that cry out and ask for help.

This is why God, the Father, once again sends His holy angels to Earth, so that, through His legions and all His commands, they may help humanity, which is losing the values of loyalty, unity and understanding, which are essential foundations for human fraternity and the common good.

I want you to know, My children, that the true prayerful beings committed in daily life and throughout the ages, have helped the Mother of God very much in all that which your Heavenly Mother attends to at this crucial moment of humanity.

My children, I am here, at the doors of the last day of 2023, so that a new year of greater love, greater justice and hope may begin, because souls, peoples and nations must no longer continue to break the Law, and thus distance themselves from the Truth and the Wisdom that God can give them.

Therefore, this is the time and the hour to sustain the bridge that is breaking, so that this union between Heaven and Earth may be re-established at every moment and in every need.

Do not allow love to die in you or in your brothers and sisters.

In the name of My Son Jesus, the King of the Universe, I tell you again to love one another as He loved and still loves you. There is no other way out, My children, because many, many among My children in the world have lost the essence of Love.

And this essence of Love, which is the essence of life and of all creation, needs to re-emerge in the hearts that have distanced themselves from God, in the hearts that have closed and do not open to listen to the Good News of the Return of Christ, because they have lost faith, because they have lost love, because they have lost hope.

Tomorrow, December 31st, the last day of 2023, I ask souls, in the inner worlds, not to forget the Higher Universes that will be attentive, once again, to the voice of supplications.

Great Mercy is needed. Souls need Grace and they need to recover love, to be reborn in Christ, who is arriving.

Children, once again I will be with you tomorrow, as the Aurora that announces what is new, as the dawn that brings life and renewal, as the Breath of God that announces the Advent of Christ.

On the day of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, the Altars of God will be open, because the angels will open their doors to welcome the offerings of hearts and, above all, of the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist, which will be offered for a higher goal, for a higher good, for a higher purpose.

May 2024, a year that foretells the Return of Christ, be a year of greater mercy and peace, greater fraternity and justice in the world, especially for the most innocent and for families.

Behold the Mother and Lady of the impossible causes, your Advocate, Mediator between souls and God, Consolation for the afflicted, Hope of the poor, Refuge of families, the Mirror of the Justice of God.

I wish the good for everyone. I am here and I Am your Mother, the Mother who does not stop, and does not take rest, the Queen of Peace.

I thank all those who respond to the Call of God in these critical times.

My blessing is upon the just and the unjust. My blessing is upon the servers, but also upon the sinners. My Son wants the salvation of the whole world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


In the most arid deserts or in the deepest abysses, the Love of God will always find you, child. When you are able to go beyond an inner aridity, sufferings and anguish, doubts and afflictions, and are able to pray to your Father Who is in Heaven, He will always hear you.

And like a starry sky in the desert or like a powerful light in the abyss, His Love will be revealed to your heart and will make you feel that not even deserts or abysses will limit the Presence of God in the life of His Creatures, because union with the Creator happens from the inside out, it is something that is experienced within you.

And the circumstances in life do not matter, where and how you are. If your heart is willing to go beyond that, the Creator will be guiding your steps and sustaining your spirit.

For this reason, do not be afraid and do not suffer because of the times of chaos and  conflict on the planet and in creatures. Concentrate your consciousness on the power of the Light and, in the face of the shouts of the deceiver, let your silence open the doors to a higher reality.

The enemy will shout and seek to confuse consciousnesses in many ways; its expression is an appearance, and its deception lies in superficiality.

Thus, the battle you must fight is in silence, constantly placing your heart in God and not allowing your eyes to focus on appearances, but rather that the focus of you heart be on the Truth, and that the shouts of the enemy echo without any strength in your ears, for they will not find any room in your heart.

Let your goal be Love, despite seeing resentment, wars and chaos in the world.

Let your goal be the Light, despite seeing confusion and darkness in the world.

Let your heart remain in the certainty that strengthens it, which is the Divine Purpose, that is beyond everything that is confusing and apparent. It is in this way, child, that in spite of everything that happens on the planet, you will find peace and will transmit peace to the world.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear children, 

The united family is God's most precious gift. The family is the original treasure of the Eternal Father's Project.

Throughout the ages and the different humanities, the spiritual archetype of the family has been present so that, in the union between its members, the authentic and spontaneous virtue that each family has is represented.

Each family, for God, has a purpose in life. Each family has a goal to achieve and concretize; but that concretion of the spiritual purpose of the family does not happen separately, but the family, in the persevering exercise of understanding, tolerance and love, beyond all things, will allow the expression of that spiritual gift that each member of the family has to manifest.

In other times, as it was for the Holy Family of Nazareth, that Gift of God, reflected through the family by means of charity, service and help to the needy, opened the internal doors so that new families could be formed, the cell of the Project of God could be enlarged and the souls that formed the groups of families could reach the same virtues that the Holy Family of Nazareth once reached.

Today, the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, once again emanate internally and spiritually the same impulse that was gestated on the Sacred Birth of Jesus, so that the families may be under the shelter and protection of their spiritual purpose, so that the families of the world, martyred and persecuted today by all the threats of these times, may carry forward the expression of that archetype of the family, that is authentic and original in every family that was formed.

Therefore, the novena for the families of the whole world, in this month of December, reminds us that the family is the center of the New Humanity and the possible fulfillment of the Will of the Father through families.

I pray every day for families.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

First Message

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

With the presence of all the angels of Heaven and the Ark of the Holy Covenant at My Feet; today, for you and for the days of the special encounter with Me, through the Marathon of the Divine Mercy, I bring a special and favorite portal for Me, which I hoped to open on this day, for all the souls of the world and for all hearts, for all who need the Presence of the Celestial Father through the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

For this reason, I am here today in a special way, to open the doors in this month of May, spiritual doors and profound doors, that the Lord comes to announce for everyone on this day; doors that open so that souls can cross them in confidence.

This special door that I open to you today is the door to My Spiritual Retreat, expressed through all My passages and deeds in the Holy Land, but also filled with the experience and history of the patriarchs and prophets, because on this special occasion for the month of May, not only will souls need these Christic Codes at this time, but nations will also need them, through souls.

The Celestial Father has sent Me, together with the Ark of the Holy Covenant, because as you already know, companions, this Sacred Ark holds many spiritual treasures unknown to humanity. This Holy Spiritual Ark, which was built by Moses himself, was venerated and adored by the sacred people of Israel throughout all times. This Sacred Spiritual Ark keeps all the experiences and deeds of the public life of Jesus and of the greatest feelings of elevated Love that your Master and Lord had for each one of the souls.

This Sacred Ark acts today as intercessor and mediator between the souls and all the sins of the world, so that the Celestial Father, through His Law, His Spiritual Government and His Omnipresence, grant in this month of May an urgent and necessary spiritual amnesty to all the essences of the world, especially for those souls who believe in Christ, who live His Gospel and who give their lives through unconditional service for the redemption of the entire human race.

For this reason, the Ark of the Holy Covenant, present today in the heart of this Sacred House, unconditionally dedicated to the Work of the Divine Messengers, has been spiritually deposited, so that this Sacred Ark, which today I have brought for all, may radiate the codes that the world needs to find its path of redemption, to find its way back to the House of the Father, offended by the sins and outrages of the world, by indifference, by conflicts and by war.

The Celestial Father has granted, for this month of May, that this Sacred Teraphim of God, conceived through the people of Israel, comes here, to South America, so that the nations of this region of the planet receive the assistance they need, immediate spiritual assistance to help untie the energetic knots of this world, which generate inflection points, dead-ends, where all souls who live here are exposed, due to the nonfulfillment of the Spiritual Government.

For this reason, I am here today in a special way, together with My companions, together with My apostles and My followers, all those who summon themselves at My Feet to reaffirm and recognize, time and again, the sacrifice of the Lord, in His deepest silence.

Companions, today, I am here, opening the great door so that My Spiritual Retreat can be recognized at this moment by the inner worlds; and if the inner worlds of each of you recognize it, you will be able to remember, companions, what each one of you lived with Me so long ago in the Holy Land and elsewhere in the world.

It is in this way that I come to awaken the last apostles, those who truly want nothing for themselves. Those apostles of the last times who dare to cross the threshold into the unknown, the apostles of the last times who are not afraid of transformation, liberation from sorrow, cure and healing from guilt so that they can be reborn in Christ and through Christ.

I want to bring, through this Message, a moment of hope, joy and happiness, because what I have experienced with you in Israel has been important for your Master and Lord and, mainly, what I have experienced with each one of Mine, of those who were present, near or far, in this latest Sacred Week.

The moment that we have lived, through the Sacred Week, has allowed your Master and Lord, the Immaculate Heart of My Mother and My Father The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, the Three Sacred Hearts, to be present again here in Brazil, and through Brazil with the whole world, to spiritually take care of all the needs, urgencies and demands that souls are placing on us in these times, because we know that this humanity on the surface not only lives the great preamble of its Armageddon, but also lives unknown moments that it has never experienced or learned before, and that it needs spiritual help to be able to go through them, accept and understand them.

I come today to prepare you so that you may truly live the next Marathon of Divine Mercy and so that, as My praying warriors and My apostles, you may be whole at My Feet, at the foot of My Spiritual and Celestial Church; so that the small and insignificant offering of each one may justify all the errors of the world, especially those that the children and young people of these times experience.

And thus, your Master and Lord, can free many hearts, besieged by the creation of suicide, by the lack of love, of truth, of hope and of inner rebirth.

I come to ask My companions for one more step in consciousness, as it is the moment to take a step towards maturity, towards what the Plan truly represents and means and its fulfillment for the end of these times, through all souls who are self-summoned to stand before the Lord and live the end times with bravery and courage; seeing, through each experience and each trial, an opportunity for inner growth and not guilt, an opportunity to expand the consciousness and not a bond to what is superficial.

You must learn to consider the events, just as the Hierarchy does. I encourage you, in this month of May, when Our Sacred Hearts will bring all the necessary Graces for souls, not to miss this opportunity, to be aware at every moment and in every minute that the Source of Graces, of the Heart of Mary, of Saint Joseph and of Christ, will be open for you to come and drink and quench the thirst in this surface desert.

May this next Marathon be the opportunity of confirmation for each one, of the definition that I asked of you in Israel, because even your Lord hopes to carry out His last Plans, in the souls and in the world, in the nations and in distant places of the planet.

But for that, companions, it is very necessary to have a solid and firm spiritual support, built on love, unity and harmony, because all this will establish an unknown peace, a peace that many souls in these times are looking for and do not find.

I want to tell you, in clear Words, that Our Sacred Hearts will not only be able to connect souls to the Spiritual Retreat of Christ during the month of May, but also Our Hearts will work tirelessly to help souls reconnect to the Primordial Source.

For this reason, I would like to see in the coming days and weeks this simple and true ardent devotion that I found here today.

May this awaken within your hearts the enthusiasm to experience the reencounter with Me, because thus, time and again, I will renew you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And thus, you will be able to follow My Footsteps, you will be able to recognize My Footprints, because, although you do not know it, I have a path built for each essence, waiting for each soul, in this trajectory that will lead you towards Infinity.

Because the result of all this experience on Earth is that you learn to live from Love, from Higher Love.

I thank you for being with Me today and for responding to My requests.

Go in peace.


In the face of tiredness, I will strengthen you.

In the face of despair, I will support you.

In the face of darkness, I will always be the Light.

Before sincere surrender, I will rejoice.

In silence, I will make Myself felt.

In love, you will see Me made manifest.

Beneath those pure in heart will be the sacred soil of My Kingdom.

Upon the merciful will be the dome of My Celestial Church.

From the persevering, I will make infinite impulses spring.

From those who never become tired, My Fire of overcoming and transcendence will emerge.

My Hand will always be upon the just.

My Breath of the Spirit will guide the boat of your souls, and I will always show you the way out in the face of what seems to be a stormy sea.

From those who are surrendered, I will make the Inexhaustible Source of My Love emerge.

My Peace will embrace the simple.

Like the stars, Light will guide the path of the consecrated.

My Priesthood will be protecting those who sincerely said ‘yes’ to My Son, despite the battles.

I will never stop, regardless of what may happen in My Creation, because My Love is inexhaustible, My Mercy wishes to be the door to the redemption of all My Children.

Time and again, I renew Myself in those who are adoring Me through My Son at the altar, for in this way I will show My Victory in those who walk by My side.

Child, you can rest peacefully today, because if you seek Me, you will find Me, because if you call Me, I will always be there. Because if you trust in Me, you must fear nothing.

I made you free so that you might grow in Me. I made you pure so that you might be a testimony of My Presence.

Rest in My Arms.

Keep taking steps in mature love.

My Son is your only school.

Your Celestial Mother will embrace you with Her Mantle.

You receive a sacrament whenever you listen to Me.

You are healed whenever you are in communion with Me.

In this way, you are strengthened to learn how to be humble.

Move forward, I Am here with you.

I Am that I Am.

I Am Adonai.



My dear children,

Today your Heavenly Mother is already on pilgrimage to Brasilia in the Celestial Planes to accompany the Sacred Task that the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph will carry out, and also in order to be very united to My Son for the most important spiritual and internal help that, through the souls of Brasilia, He will offer to all of Brazil.

Dear children, in the same way, your Heavenly Mother calls you so that, from wherever you are and through the Prayer for Peace in Brazil, you may also go internally on pilgrimage, accompanying all the Divinity in this next stage of pilgrimage.

Dear children, I also invite you to propagate Our loving call in as many places as possible so that more souls in need of light, love, and above all, hope, may come, approaching the warm and devoted Meetings of Prayer that will be offered in Brasilia.

As from now, your Most Holy Mother accompanies you and, in advance, I thank you for all that will be built.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.


Today the Kingdom of Aurora manifests itself before your eyes, your spirits and your hearts; an ancient Kingdom that does not come from this world, but rather from the depths of the Heart of God.

Contemplate, children, this sacred Kingdom, its Temples of Healing, its Mirrors of Peace, its Fountains of Mercy, through which Redemption flows to the whole planet. And receive, today, not only My blessing, but also the blessing of the Kingdom of Aurora, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

When the Creator manifested the human heart, it was not for it to suffer, but so that it might experience love and surpass its love, time and again, not just once, but many times.

When the Creator manifested human beings, it was not so that they would feel pain, nor for them to outrage one another; it was so that they might experience Love, and, by loving one another, they might learn how Divine Creation renews itself.

However, human choices, the definitions they live every day, the paths they decide to follow, have brought you, through free will, to the place where you are today. 

The Lord, while contemplating that free will was made manifest, also manifested Healing and Redemption. At this moment, I reveal to you that it was not from the beginning that the Creator had thought of free will. He had only thought of Love, Mercy, Peace, the Infinite and Unfathomable Grace that would be able to emerge and spring from the heart of His Creatures.

However, I tell you, that before beings were made manifest upon this sacred planet, a creature lived disobedience, and chose his own will before the Divine Will, thus beginning this Law that began to rule the Universe, and that manifested duality and personal will for all creatures that, below the angels and archangels, began to be made manifest.

Also, at that moment, Love surpassed itself in the Divine Heart, and, in spite of the deep pain that this caused Him, the Creator manifested Healing and Redemption so that, regardless of the paths chosen by beings, they might have the opportunity to return. Thus, Aurora emerged, in the self-surpassing of God’s Love, even before the existence of each one of you.

I am telling you this so that you may understand that, long before you made any mistake, the Creator already loved you, and had already granted you the opportunity to return.

Long before you got lost, the doors to God’s Heart were already open, so that you might look back, repent of your sins, and return Home.

Today I come here, so that this Divine Healing, this Divine Love and Redemption, may be radiated to the planet and to the heart of Africa, pierce the hearts that suffer, and reach the roots of suffering, reach that moment when humanity decided to err, and chose pain, instead of Divine Love.

May Healing and Redemption reach the deepest scars of the human heart and, in it, touch its essence, which, despite all darkness, still remains intact. This little big door to God’s Heart, which keeps beings connected to their Creator, and, despite all deviations throughout the centuries, is still there.

The Creator surpasses Himself time and again within human beings, although they do not know about this.

Often you wonder how you will surpass God’s Love and today I tell you that this is already happening, and it must continue happening, in an ever deeper way, because each time the Creator does not give up on human beings, and you can get up on a new day, this means, children, that God is surpassing His own Love.

Although He contemplates human indifference, and although He contemplates how humans hurt one another, days like today rise on Earth, in which you can feel the Peace and the Love of God. This means, children, that God surpasses Himself in Love.

To participate in this self-surpassing, and allow it to happen within yourselves, just be thankful, because the Creator lives all these things within you.

The fact that Divine Love touches the heart of Africa, and that you, through your songs and praises, open the doors of Heaven within this wounded continent, means, children, that God surpasses Himself in Love within you.

Despite all outrages experienced, despite all traumas experienced, the fact that a child raises its voice to sing to God means that the Creator surpasses Himself in Love within human beings.

Despite the wars, both within and outside of humanity, if you can smile, this means that God surpasses Himself in Love within human beings.

The Creator sees much more than your eyes can see; His Heart penetrates even the darkest layers of the Earth and beyond it. Thus, it penetrates the depths of human intentions and of the human essence, and what He still sees, within the essence of beings, can balance what He sees in the depths of the darkness of abysses.

Therefore, believe that, within you, you can still transform this world, the human condition, life on Earth; you can still be instruments for the surpassing of God’s Love.

Africa is the symbol that the Father’s Love keeps surpassing itself every day, despite the chaos, despite the pain. There are songs and praises, there are smiles that wipe away the tears, there are prayers that overcome the inner abysses. Therefore, do not think that we have come to Africa just to bring Healing and Redemption, because we have also arrived here so that you may learn from Divine Love and so that, together, you may transform Creation.

Each human being bears within themselves a unique attribute; each nation, each people, each race, manifests a Divine Gift, which must be put on the table of redemption to complete the human transformation. And it is at this table of unity that the Redeemer will sit, when He returns in Body, Soul and Divinity.

And at that table, there will not be those who serve and those who are served. There will be beings who learn from one another, beings that love one another, beings that help one another.

When you look in the eyes of a child of Africa, you can understand your own ignorance. They teach you about love. This is what I am speaking to you about, about the contemplation of virtue beyond suffering, about contemplating God within your fellow being, where He surpasses Himself.

Within Aurora, God also surpasses Himself untiringly, every day, every instant. And those beings of Light that dwell here, beings that, many times, have left behind greater paths to remain serving humanity, to be instruments of the self-surpassing of Divine Love, they learn from human beings, too.

This is why today I come to teach you to be in communion, I come to dissolve borders, to unite hearts. May Aurora may be in Africa and Africa in Aurora. May each heart may be united to this bridge of Healing and Redemption.

Feel the flow of divine currents, feel the beating of Aurora’s heart, the same beating of God’s Heart when, for the first time, it manifested Redemption as an opportunity for beings to return.

May this beating of Aurora’s heart mark the rhythms of the Redeemer’s Feet. Just as Redemption approaches the deep wounds of humanity, so the Redeemer approaches this world. Listen to His steps, feel His Heart.

At each beat, one soul again finds God.

At each beat, the Mirrors of Aurora radiate their Peace.

At each beat, the liberation of Aurora manifests its Power.

At each beat, the Heart of God surpasses Itself in Love.

Be a part of this moment. Contemplate in your hearts, in the silence of Aurora, the Healing that reaches wounded hearts, forgotten souls, hidden wounds. There are abysses within beings that must be illuminated, just as your faces are through the Sun of Aurora.

Let us sing once again “Kingdom of Aurora” so that the Creator may reach these abysses, these wounds, these hearts, so that God’s Love, born at the beginning of life, may renew itself and fill all of Africa, as well as all the hearts that suffer beyond Africa, opening up paths so that impossible situations may be healed and opportunities never thought of before may manifest themselves for the beings that have erred the most from the beginning of their existence and have never known Redemption or Love; but the time has come for this Love to be known to them.

Song: Kingdom of Aurora

In this way, a Divine Will is fulfilled.

In this way, once again, the renewal of His Love is made manifest.

Keep renewing, children, this Love of God, every day. You have My blessing for this.

May the Peace, Healing and Redemption of the Heart of the Most High fill your lives and show you the door to the opportunity to return to the Heart of the Father.

I bless you and I thank you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


My dear Children,

With joy and bliss, I come from Heaven, once again. This time for this awaited meeting between My Heart and yours.

Your Heavenly Mother is now here, with all of Angola and all of Africa.

Today, I come as the Mother of Africa. I come for a continent stigmatized throughout the times. I come for a race that is discriminated against and exploited.

I am here and I Am your Mother. Come to My Arms so that, once again, I may console you and embrace you in My Arms of a Mother.

Today I come full of Grace, Love and Mercy.

These Graces, promised to My children of Saint Isabel's House and to all of Africa, today I pour them out upon your hearts so that the heavy chains of indifference,  impunity and mistreatment may be broken by the precise blow of the powerful sword of Saint Michael the Archangel.

My children, have faith and believe. The end of captivity is near because My Son will return and He in His Glory will first return for you, for all of My dear and beloved Africa.

Throughout the days to come, I will keep coming, just as I once arrived at Kibeho, to tell the world that Africa is in My Maternal Heart.

I thank you for having responded to My call!

Who blesses you and loves you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of all of Africa


I Am here, not only where you can see Me and contemplate Me through Nature, all that I Have created so that you might be happy through My spiritual wealth; but I Am also within you, strongly calling you towards the innermost depths of your being so that you may listen to Me and follow Me.

I Am not a God of Justice, I Am a God of Mercy.

I Am a Father who, with a sorrowful Heart, contemplates how His Children behave, how His Creatures not only act against My Creation, but also how My Children do not respect one another and would rather wound one another by causing wars, destroying families, displacing millions of the innocent, separating parents from children, so that they may go to war.

O, what intimate and unknown pain this whole situation generates for Me, a situation that distresses My Eternal Fatherly Heart, of a Father who is no longer heard today, even while I send My favorite Messengers from Heaven and from the Stars.

Look at what My Creation has been converted into, to the point of wanting to conquer space, only to demonstrate who can do more.

My Creatures, I assure you that you will never find Me amidst wealth, you will never find Me in what is comfortable or pleasant for all. My Essence is perpetuated in silence and in Love.

I created you for you to bear fruits in Love, in service and in fraternity. Without these three essential principals, My Children will not be able to be happy because I created you to love Me, I made you grow in order to serve Me, I united you as brothers and sisters for you to live in fraternity.

And in a planet of inequalities and ambitions, My Children were led astray in darkness and vices, forgetting Me and believing, due to the deception of My adversary, that I abandoned you.

How do you believe that an Eternal Father could be capable of abandoning His Children or of punishing them?

I know that, throughout the times, many of My Children, even those who claim to be spiritualized, have lost the ability to hear Me and recognize Me. I always try to send you signs of My Presence so that you may know that I Am here, not only in the beauty that I Have created for you, but also within you, which is many times censured by your points of view or your ideas.

Thus, those who I once chose with My own Hand have distanced themselves from Me, they have believed in themselves and ceased to believe in My Consoling Love.

How do you believe the Celestial Father may feel when brothers and sisters treat one another inadequately, fiercely wounding one another, destroying the house that I gave you with so much love and care?

How do you believe that the Heart of your Eternal Father might feel when bombs are launched, lives are annihilated, Children are discarded, families are separated and hatred and impunity are sown?

How much more will My beloved Children make My silent Heart suffer?

Children, this is not the world or the humanity that I wish for you, you have lost the way to the Promised Land, for this reason, I Have, up to these days,  sent you My Resurrected Son and the Mother of all, a Mother who only asks Me to allow Her do more and more for Her little and ignorant creatures.

I ask you to tell the whole world to turn towards Me, because My Heart needs to be repaired, but My Arms are constantly open to receive you, to listen to you, to call you to the path of return to the House of your Loving Father.

If souls do not turn to Me, hearts will keep suffering, families will be the social fracture of the times, wars will keep being in the news and a source of commotion to all.

I did not create you for you to be converted into instruments of evil, I made you emerge so that you could be witnesses of My Love.

In My eternal silence, I pray for you, together with My adoring angels.

And for those who offer themselves to Me, as postulants to be victims of My Love, let them keep aspiring, every day, so that the lives of the New Christs, anonymous and selfless, may keep being the cause and reason to placate all errors of the world.

That, by the merits achieved in the countless sufferings of My Son, more consciousnesses may someday realize, by themselves, that they have forgotten the Love that created them.

Who always blesses you eternally,

Your Celestial Father,



Dear children,

On this special day, in which the cycle of the one hundred Prayer Meetings of Mercy is celebrated, it is My wish for each one of My children that they may place their gaze within the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Thus, see how, on this day of victory of the Divine Mercy, His Rays of Love, Healing and Light touch and bless all souls, especially those who most need Mercy.

As prayerful soldiers of Christ, raise your banners and walk as a great army of Light toward the center of the Altar of the Lord so that, once again, the offering of each heart may be deposited at the Feet of the Redeemer, so that your inner vows may be renewed, and, as in the last one hundred Meetings of Mercy, you may contemplate the descent of God's Mercy.

Today, I also invite you to remember the moment, for each one of My children, when, for the first time, you made contact with Mercy, and this Mercy made of your life a testimonial of conversion.

Remember all the beautiful moments of praise and the prayers sustained throughout these recent years.

See, My children, for a moment, that the Will of God may be fulfilled within you.

May today, the Sacred Spirit of renewal and of the unfathomable Mercy of My Son keep healing the wounded Earth so that the Good and Peace may triumph.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I will come through the dawn of the sun. I will come through the moonlight. These are the signs of the new time.

It is not a new religion. It is not a new movement. It is the advent of what has been awaited.

This great portal to the new time opens up in the heavenly dome. It opens up among all the doors of the cosmos.

It is the portal to the Great Conclave, which is gathered today before you, which is present today before your inner worlds. The Celestial Father has decided it so, and, in obedience and in law, we will fulfill it.

Today, My Voice echoes from Andromeda, and, through Andromeda, in all universes and consciousnesses.

Today, a culminating stage has been completed, not only for your civilization or for the soul of the planet, but also so that the portal to the Great Time may open. The change will take place.

Souls must be awake and love the unknown even more; that which has no form, that which is not intellectual. The unknown is that which is not material.

This is why today We come and make Ourselves present before you, through a great unknown portal. It is the portal to the fourth dimension.

This will be the way, this will be the path and will also be the bridge for all to cross. But it is not through a technique nor through a mental or spiritual procedure.

You will cross this portal through your inner world because it is there, in the inner world of each one of you, where the essence of the Divine Purpose lies; a purpose that humanity has outraged, violated and transgressed, up to the current times.

Do you now understand the consequences of what you experience?

However, Love is what will always prevail. It is this Love that gathers us today, the Love that congregates us today, the Love of the Greater Hierarchies, which call you all to cross the great portal so that all consciousnesses and also the planet may be transmuted, purified and liberated.

Because it is in the most chaotic moments, like the current times, that the great opportunities of liberation and redemption take place.

Do not forget that hope is latent in the Heart of the Universe, and it is this hope, permeated by Divine Unity, that I bring to you today, for you to accept it and experience it.

This is why it is important for you to practice fraternal consciousness, and not a mean one, for you to practice an inclusive consciousness, and not one of discarding, a peaceful consciousness, and not one of conflict, a consciousness of love, and not one of lie.

These attributes will purge the Earth of planetary corruption, which generates the great debt of this world and of all humanity, which submerges the most innocent and the poorest into the abysses, without having an opportunity of raising their gaze to Heaven to once again believe and have faith.

This is why I am preparing My Return to the world as I have promised, and I want you to know, companions, that today these are not only Words, they are facts.

Two thousand years have passed since My events with you and among you, this is why I gather all the Evolutionary Consciousnesses of the universe into a Conclave so that they may help Me and prepare My Return. Thus, you will see the Son of God come among the clouds, the clouds are the portals of the universe that will open, and that will be physical. Thus, the Spirit of God will return, will heal the Earth and its wounds, will populate the Earth with New Christs, those who have known how to say ‘yes’ to Me.

This is why the portal to the Great Time opens up today before your eyes and inner worlds. It opens up today before these oceans, in representation of all humanity and of the whole planet, as well as of the Kingdoms of Nature, which will also see the Son of God come. And that which was thought of in the Origin of humanity’s Project will be reconstituted and re-established.

Throughout time and space, the evil that was generated throughout entire generations will be dissolved, and those who persist until the end, to wait for Me to return, will see this change, in a concrete way.

Thus, all, absolutely all, will return to their origins, to the origin for which they were thought of and created, to the origin with the goal for which they emerged, to the origin with the goal for which they have existed and were emanated by the Supreme Source.

Today, I speak to you not only through My Spiritual Government, but also through the Love of God, a Love that was capable of dying for you on the Cross, even knowing that it would be denied.

Today, may those who suffer be healed, those who lack hope be renewed, and those who have decided to give up may they reach out their arms toward God, because the moment will come to express gratitude for My Return, which is near.

This is My great Message for the celebration of the one hundred Marathons of Divine Mercy, an important and spiritual moment for all, when the Son of God, the Solar Essence of the Cosmic Christ, makes you see and recognize how far you have walked with Me.

Do not see only the miseries of your tests, the banishments of your human aspects. Do not see only the suffering of the planet or the transgression made to the Kingdoms of Nature. For this Marathon number one hundred, I ask you to see the efforts accomplished, the persistence built, the unity strengthened, the faith expanded and the Mercy achieved, in spite of the darkness of this world.

Because it will be through this Universal Conclave that you will find the solution and the way out, this Conclave of evolutionary consciousnesses that know you deeply, that grasp you deeply, that have accompanied your cosmic trajectories since your origin.

This is where you will find the strength and the certainty that you will need to keep moving forward and thus fulfill the Plan. A Plan that is still to be fulfilled, first, within each one of you, so that then this cosmic Plan may be fulfilled throughout the whole world, although everything may seem to be in ruins and in darkness.

It is this Light of the Higher Councils that blesses and contemplates you today, not only as beings in redemption, but also as consciousnesses in transformation and bravery.

Within all those who are Mine, I will make the new apostles. Therefore, persist and follow My footsteps of Light, firmly follow My steps toward the Divine Purpose, because today the scepter of God is in My Hand to lead you and guide you toward the goal, the great goal of your Christification.

I want to thank, from the depths of My Heart, the consequent and prayerful ones, those who, in the last one hundred meetings of prayer, have sustained the banner of My Peace and will keep doing so, for a much longer time, until I meet you, face to face, in My Return.

And the last thing I tell you, companions, for you to hold within your hearts, is the following:

What would you do if, at this moment, I were physically facing you?

What is the first thing you would say to Me?

What would you do with Me if I told you: “son, daughter, here I am, because I have returned”?

Contemplate this scene in your inner world and attract this reality, at each new day.

When you feel that you cannot, or even that you will not manage to, that you will not have the strength to keep moving forward, think and contemplate for a moment if I were before you, what would you say to Me?

I leave you My Peace, I leave you My gratitude, I give you My Consoling and Redeeming Love.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!


Dear children,

Build within yourselves, every day, through the prayer of the heart and acts of love, a strengthened inner space for God.

There is no other path, at this moment, to be able to find a safe way out. Only by building an inner enclosure of love will you allow the Living God, the One who created you in His image and likeness, to come and live within you.

My children, as part of the creator universe that this humanity is, I invite you on this day to remember that, without an inner world, strengthened in faith, prayer and charity, souls will not have the means they need to face these unknown times.

Therefore, as a Mother who loves you and wishes all of humanity well, announce to all that this is the path to find God within the heart.

I thank you for responding to my call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


The Guardians and Stewards of the Divine Plan

1. Are those who obey promptly, before even thinking of obeying.

2. Are those who adhere to the Divine Will, and, from their plane, work to live it and manifest it.

3. Are those who protect, from themselves, the Sacred Mystery.

4. Are those who love the unknown spontaneously, even if they do not know it. 

5. Are those who profess and live humility through the permanent giving of self. 

6. Are those who work every day to be able to live transparency within their degree of consecration in order to one day live Truth.

7. Are those who ardently aspire towards the best spiritual results in their fellow beings.

8. Are those who learn to love through mistakes in order to one day be able to love unconditionally. 

9. Are those who do not break the rules and inner codes that they set for themselves.

10. Are those who assume to live the pain of humanity, but work every day to transcend the human condition. 

11. Are those who are not afraid of being mistaken; however, they are afraid of not being able to repair the error, but they trust in the infinite Mercy.

12. Are those who aspire to lose control of their decisions in order to one day live the divine decisions.

13. Are those who revere the Instruction and make it a part of themselves, even though they think they do not need it.

14. Are those who recognize the Power and the Glory in one God, present in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 

15. Are those who do not forget others. 

16. Are those who learn to be compassionate with themselves in order to learn to be compassionate with others.

17. Are those who no longer justify themselves but always make themselves available. 

18. Are those who understand, beyond themselves, the Plan of God. 

19. Are those who live Justice, but, first, live Love.

20. Are those who stand in solidarity with everyone. 

21. Are those who, above all else, fulfill their duty without complaints. 

22. Are those who do not step back, but always advance.

23. Are those who promote and gestate brotherhood. 

24. Are those who eradicate, within themselves, indifference and lack of collaboration.


I thank you for responding to My call! 

Who blesses you, 

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
