Peace be in the heart of all beings on Earth, and so be it.

With joy, My children, I come to place you in the Lap of God so that you may be able to feel the eternal Love of the Father Who, in spite of the time and circumstances of life, does not cease to offer; He surrenders unconditionally for each one of His children so that they may feel and experience Him fully.

It is for this reason that I am here today, as that testimony of the Love of the living God, of that Love that gestated and created you from the beginning, which caused you to be manifested in this Universe as in other places of the Universe, where divine essences were manifested to experience a project of Love rather than a project of redemption.

But with the fall of humankind, from Adam and Eve until the present, God Himself has manifested again, has again surrendered and given of Himself to the world through the incarnation of the Son of God, the Christ. This has made it possible for souls, My children, to be able to return to God and be in His presence through the path of redemption.

It is on this path of Love that I want to have you all the time, for in this way, you will not only get to know the Celestial Father, but you will also discover the marvels and the treasures that there are in the Universe when you learn, through effort, to get out of the superficiality and the indifference that humanity instills in souls at this time.

Thus, My children, rejoice in your hearts, see your moment of redemption take place, for the Love of God has come through His faithful Servant, not only to fill you but also to fulfill you as souls, so that from you, may awaken the talents of God and all the gifts that He gave you from the beginning.

This is the main intention of your Heavenly Mother, Who in spite of the perversion humanity experiences at this time, of conflicts, wars, humanitarian crises, or even the destruction of the Kingdoms of Nature, I need My children to awaken again to their essential purity and to remember that state of inner purity with which God conceived you; because in this way you will be within His Plan of Love and of Light, you will be participants in the marvels of the Universe, in the sources of knowledge and of instruction, which reach the world to awaken the consciousness, to make of hearts, hearts united in Christ and for Christ.

So at this moment, beloved children, the fundamental basis of your material and spiritual life is love; this will allow you to transcend the difficulty of these times; love will teach you to be humble and simple, it will allow you to see the reality and the need in each place and in each brother and sister.

I need you, My children, decided and surrendered to God, to be part of that Source of Love and of Light, so necessary and urgent for these times, a Source that must be mirrored in humanity to be able to heal deep and unforgettable wounds that continue subjugating hearts and the lives of people.

That is why I bring you the Fount of My Love, which is the Source of the Love of God, the Source that will always nourish and guide you, the Source that will remove you from darkness, from illusion, and from any adversity that My enemy wants to impose on you.

An extremely important path for finding this Fount of Love is prayer, something that I have founded in your consciousnesses many years ago. But now, My children, prayer must not only be your daily food, it must be your weapon of defense and of combat against My adversary, not only for your own lives, but also for the lives of your brothers and sisters, of your neighbor.

The prayer that can protect the family as an extremely important nucleus and cell of God, so that the family in this crucial cycle of humanity, through a sincere and true prayer that unites you all, may be supported, strengthened, and keep faith alive in the face of all that the planet and humanity will see; because this is the time of purification, it is the time of the planetary transition, it is the time for submerging in the Love of God to be able to fully live the compassion of the Father and carry this compassion to those most in need of it.

When you step out of the Love of God you begin to suffer, because by stepping out of the Love, My children, you not only set aside the laws, but you also leave the Law of the Hierarchy.

Love will never make you doubt, Love will always strengthen you and will sustain you, Love will give you discernment and wisdom in the difficult moments, even if you have nobody that can guide or orient you. If your hearts are in Love, submerged in living prayer, assistance and a response will come into your lives, suffering will dissipate, because Love will grant you spiritual healing as the principal attribute of the Fount of the Celestial Father.

And in this way, as beings of Love, you may contribute to this planet, to this sick humanity that places no attention on the life of the spirit, rather places its attention on material and worldly things.

But not all of humanity is lost, although the majority may be very distracted. That is why it is necessary to enter into the Fount of the Love of God every day and have as a first rule that deep connection with the Eternal Father, seeking within yourselves the Kingdom of God so that He may lead you, prompt you, and guide you.

It is this so unknown but infinite Love that causes me to return here today, to this sacred land, that reflects to the world the chance to love, to serve, and to surrender for others and for the Kingdoms of Nature.

This seedbed of Light that the Nueva Tierra (New Earth) Community represents is a commitment of all My praying and servant people to protect it and to support it and that it may continue to experience its expansion, not only through a spiritual education, as an example of fraternal life, but also that it may expand and manifest as a little piece of the Kingdom of God that was placed here by My maternal Heart so that it may be protected and preserved by all.

It is time, dear children, to establish and solidify the spiritual bases of the Divine Hierarchy, not only at the Marian Centers like this one, that must be a living Center with the participation of all of My children, but it must also be a place, a common unity in which everybody may participate in what is simple that is life and in what is beautiful that means serving the other first.

Because the Islands of Salvation like this one will be the cradle to receive those most in need, those who will escape from the wars, from the conflicts in the nations, from the catastrophes that will come through the action of nature due to the imbalance that humankind of the surface generates. And the Hierarchy will always be in the Islands of Salvation, in spite of what happens and takes place on the surface, because the presence of the Hierarchy in you is spiritual, internal, deep, and also divine.

If you maintain and sustain this connection with the Divine Hierarchy, protection will never be lacking, help will always come, and when something is necessary, it will manifest, because the Law is perfect in the Universe. The Law of manifestation and of abundance was created with perfection so that nothing will be lacking for each one of the children of God.

I invite you, My children, to commit a little more deeply to this Light-Community that shelters the smallest and most innocent and which must be the future for what is coming ahead. And that future will be built with the collaboration and giving of self of all, in a periodic manner, faithful and transparent.

This will allow the Hierarchy to grant more graces in this place to those who need them; and those most in need will come because they will feel drawn by the Source of this Love, that today My Immaculate Heart pours out over the Marian Centers and over the Light-Communities. A Love that is for sharing and to be experienced by all, a Love that will always make you see the good and dissolve evil in any circumstance.

Today I feel drawn to this place because I know what this community represents for God and what it needs to achieve in the end of these times, not only as part of the Project of God and of the Universal Sacred Family, but also because of the spiritual and non-material treasures that it is to welcome in the coming time for the task it is to perform on the surface with the human race, as well as with the Kingdoms of Nature.

Therefore, everyone is invited to participate, to experience and to find love every day in a group life that is built by all your consciousnesses and that must make you more aware, more service-oriented and available for all that will have to be attended to in humanity.

That is why I am here, not only to reveal these treasures to you which some day will come and present themselves, but also to protect you with My Divine Consciousness, knowing that you will be very important not only to the state of Rio de Janeiro, but also to all of Brazil, in the same way that other places of this country receive the spiritual treasures of God, which is completely unknown to the majority.

So I lead you through the path of instruction toward that revelation so that you may be participants in these treasures, wardens of these treasures and guardians of the sacred divine knowledge.

I am also preparing you for that, My children, but a faithful and greater collaboration of this community will be necessary, because still many more children and young people are waiting to have the chance of coming here and of knowing that Love has not been lost.

It is through this Love that envisages miracles and the wonders of life, this Love that emerges today from My Immaculate Heart, that I will consecrate the new Children of Mary, who will be the first for this new cycle in which they will faithfully commit to Me to actively participate in this community and in this group life, to help and contribute to the education of the children, in support of the young people and in support of the Kingdoms of Nature.

These children who will be consecrated today, like others who were consecrated here and who still have this commitment to Me and cannot forget it, will also support this Marian Center, they will make it alive through the liturgy that can be expressed here and experienced in a simple way. A liturgy of prayer, of adoration, and of contact with God which touches the Heart of the Eternal Father many times, which already happens here.

Thus, My children, this consecration is a consecration moving toward maturity and spiritual responsibility, because it is important that My children understand, especially those who will consecrate themselves in the future, that being My child is not only being in My Heart, it is to live the Plan of God, it is to realize the Plan of the Father, it is to live His Will with responsibility and carry it forward no matter the cost.

That will be a true and sincere response of each one of you, that you are understanding what it means to be a Child of Mary. I need you to be those spheres of Light, permeated by the Love of God, that can be radiated to the world and to those who need it.

At this moment I invite the Children of Mary to stand up, those who will be consecrated today in My Presence.

And listening to the Hymn of your Consecration, My children, I will bless you and fill you with My Love and with My Light, knowing that it is necessary to do something for this planet and for this humanity, it is necessary to live Love and carry Love to those who suffer and to those who need it, from the human being to the lower Kingdoms.

That Love must be multiplied and grow within you, in life actions, daily activity, in all those who are around you.

Love will allow you to be reconciled, will lead you to Peace, will lead you into understanding and wisdom, and in spite of everything maybe being difficult or impossible, if you invoke or call to the Love of God, all will be resolved.

Because all that you may experience in this time is because you need it so, you need to learn something from all that you experience and live; that is also Love, even if it does not seem so.

Suffering is not Love, Love is light, is healing, and is peace; Love is being in the Heart of God.

Because of this Love that conceived you from the beginning and at the origin, and this commitment that you make to Me today, of being wardens of this Light-Community and servers of the Plan, unconditionally and in surrender, I will bless you, My children.

Placing My hands on your hearts and sharing the Grace of God in your lives, in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Before you sing the Hymn of Consecration, which is a moment for the renewal of vows for all, I want to say good-bye to this New Earth Community, knowing that it will always be in My Heart and I will be in you, making you feel My presence, giving you strength in each moment that you need it, lifting you from the ground, sheltering you in My arms, having you feel the beat of My Heart.

And covering you with My Mantle, I will submerge you all in My Peace, in which you will be able to see the Light of the Father, His infinite Mercy, and His Compassion; and any situation will be dissolved, because the child that invokes the Mother of God is taken care of, protected, and assisted. The child of God who invokes the Heavenly Mother is within Her Universal Heart.

I thank you and until next time.




Thirty-three are the principal constellations of this Universe that carry forward evolutionary life, places from which many come and that have come for a special reason to the Earth, to be a part of this school of redemption and of forgiveness that My Son has been offering to you from the beginning.

Nobody will be able to enter the Kingdom of God without having first gone through this school.

It is necessary that the Universe becomes recreated again, based on feelings of peace, of love and of charity, based on experiences of redemption and of forgiveness; experiences of a feeling capable of going beyond everything, just as My Son did up to the last moment on the top of the Cross.

But in that time He gathered together all those who were needing redemption and forgiveness; not only those present during the event of the Passion of My Son received this great universal opportunity, but also all the constellations that are a part of this system of life, of which the Earth has also been a part for a long time.

But for this humanity to reach a new state of consciousness, it will be necessary to live the school of redemption and of forgiveness, placing at the feet of the Creator all the events, all the experiences and all the facts that have altered His Divine Plan of Love.

For this reason, My children, today I say to all creatures of the Earth that we are now in the time of living that redemption to be able to definitely transcend the suffering and the after-effects that pain leaves within the lives of human beings.

It is no longer necessary to learn from mistakes; it is necessary to learn from love, from an unconditional and living love that is capable of giving one's life for another, just as My Son gave it for each one of you.

In that time, when Jesus was on Earth and lived His Passion, the door to the great opportunity for humanity opened, and that door is still open in spite of the currrent errors. It is the door that We cross each time We come from the Universe to the Earth to announce the Word of God, to give the graces to My children, and to give new opportunities to all those who have disregarded them, for some reason.

All, absolutely all are before that door of redemption. This goes beyond religion, society, peoples or nations. It goes beyond all the errors that you have committed in the Universe, because this door is open for the Love of God, for the Love He has for each one of His children, in spite of the disregard that He receives in this time.

This too is the work of the divine and unfathomable Mercy, so that all the creatures that came from the Universe, and that are present today in this humanity, do not miss the opportunity of redeeming themselves and of unconditionally loving as Jesus loved them.

In the face of the revelation of these times, it is important to be aware of what we are experiencing, My children, because this opportunity that you receive today can also be received by your brothers and sisters throughout the entire world, seeking in a precise and objective way that souls may be able to awaken to what they came to realize on Earth, and can make the Divine Plan of our beloved Creator Father a part of themselves.

The Universe does not only revolve around this world. The Universe is something more than the Universe itself. It is broader than it seems, more vast than what it has, more infinite than what it possesses. 

The Universe is yet to show itself to humanity. Only in recent times has the Universe showed itself through the spiritual Hierarchy in order to seek the awakening of humanity, to deliver warning of the deviation from the Purpose of God, from going down the path of self-destruction.

That is why divine intervention occurs time and again, just like the intervention of the spiritual Hierarchy in different regions of the planet, with different cultures and with different impulses of light that come from the Source of Creation, to bring awareness to humans of the surface.

It is thus, that today the whole world, on this March 13, 2019, is before the presence of its origin, with the opportunity of spiritually reconsidering and of amending all events, even though they may be unknown and far away.

Today the first veils of consciousness fall from your faces so that you can see the reality that must be redeemed and forgiven, because that reality will no longer be in the New Earth, will not be in the feeling or in the consciousness of the New Humanity. Everything, absolutely everything, will be transformed, especially during this time of transition and of chaos.

The expansion and the deepening of love in the consciousness of the human being will be the great key of the end of these times that will be able to remedy the chaos that exists in the nations, bring peace where it no longer exists, and fraternity where it is not present today.

That key of love that is in your hands and especially in your hearts will be the door that Christ will use to return to the Earth.

It will not be an allegory; it will be a living reality that will come overnight.

This is why it is the time for the whole world to solve its debts, forgive its conflicts and transcend the mistakes through the help of divine intervention that the Universe gives you on this day.

Each new consecration of a Children of Mary is the opportunity to expand that divine knowledge and approach this revelation to the human consciousness, of what exists in the Universe, as well as what exists within the inner universe of each being.

This is the time in which knowledge can be deepened, when souls can become more aware of everything they have done in order to amend it and forgive it, to finally be able to live the purpose that brought them here.

That is why today the consecration of Children of Mary will be special for Me, because it goes beyond your personality, it goes beyond your spirits, it comes very close to the Divine Purpose, to the main and primary reason that this consecration will generate within humanity and not only in a group of people.

With this expansion of consciousness I call you here today so that you may be consecrated, because you will be making vows not only with your inner worlds, with the purpose that brought you here, but also you will be making a vow with humanity, knowing that humanity must finally learn to live the Will of God, that it will no longer be necessary to go through so many mistakes and so much suffering in order to be able to learn something.

Today it is the school of Love that I am offering to the Children of Mary, especially to those who are being consecrated today and placing the offering of their heart and of their life here at My feet to someday reach the Will of God.

Let the spiritual flame of your hearts be lit today so that wisdom may be present on the Earth, beyond the events or the tests, so that the Wisdom of God, like a living flame, will always carry you to the Love of God and to the experience of forgiveness, which must be lived in this time with deep sincerity and truth.

Listening to the hymn of your consecration, today we again renew the vows before the Celestial Father on the path of persistence and of faith, of constancy, of charity and of good above all evil and of every test, of every difficulty or every illness, fully trusting in the Presence of Divine Grace, in the Universe of the Mercy of God, that on this night assembles you in the Presence of the Divine Spirit to consecrate you and bless you in the name of Love

.May these flowers, which were placed at My feet today, not only be received by those who will be consecrating themselves today, but also by all those who are here, who accompanied Me here to Aurora, to support your Heavenly Mother in this impulse of the new revelation that the Universe of God is giving you so that forgiveness and redemption may be lived.

May these flowers you left at My feet today remind you of the return to your origins, to your inner essence, to your original purity, to your truth, the truth that God placed in you since the beginning as essences, as souls, as spirits.

May these flowers, these roses, always remind you of the Truth of God, and especially of the infinity of His Love and of His Wisdom, present and alive in all Creation.

May your lives, My children, someday convert into a flower, so that the Light of the Christ, of the living Christ, may be radiated to Earth. Amen.

I bless you, I consecrate you and I awaken you to universal truth, to the truth of love, to the truth of wisdom, and of the healing that all beings can experience to reach the celestial joy of being in God and with God forever.

I bless you with the authority that My Son granted Me and by the merits of His most precious and divine Passion, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 

You may sing.

I thank you.

Vigils of Prayer
Apparition of the Virgin Mary during the Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations, in Zurich, Switzerland, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

For the sake of God, I bring Love from Heaven, to pour It over this place, over this planet. I bring you the Love that you need, the Love that you so much seek, the Love that you so much aspire to penetrate in order to find God.

I bring you the Love that will liberate you so that you can take a new step, knowing that it is necessary to listen to God in the same way as the Mother of God listened to the call of the Archangel Gabriel.

I invite you, dear children, to follow the example of the Mother of God, in unconditional obedience, with the immense joy of being able to follow the steps of the Lord, just as God needs in this time.

All that I tell you, My children, is not to hurt you, neither is it to wound you, it is to open your consciousnesses, to penetrate your hearts with the Love of God so that such deep wounds, which are still present in your lives, can close and dissolve.

This is the reason why I am in Europe, My children, presenting to you My different Faces in order for you to know the Omnipresence of the Mother of God, in order for you to know how to understand and hear Her the best that you can, thus I come as the Mother and Virgin of Schoenstatt.

But today I do not bring My Son in My arms, I bring an African child, among so many who would like to be in My arms.

Today, I bring the most sick and hungry child, the child with the most pain, the most anguished child who needs the attention of humanity, and of its people.

Therefore, My children, I invite you to solidarity, to cooperation and to the good that must awaken in your hearts so that the world, and especially humanities suffering and pain, which must be relieved, can enter you so that you may feel as the Mother of God feels when there is lack of consciousness, lack of love and especially a lack of fraternity.

If you take the step, I assure you, My children, that many more will do so.

Thus, today I have decided to come to tell you this so that you may hear My call, so that you may feel My Maternity, so that you may make use of My Heart, a noble Heart that cries out to the world, a Heart that welcomes the miseries of humanity, and especially of those who suffer most.

I invite you, My children, to imitate My Spirit of Maternity, of service and solidarity; this will transform your people completely and will make of your people a Promised Land, knowing that God still wishes to manifest His Divine Will here.

With maternal Love, I call you, My children, to become aware of this, to give importance to this in your lives so that your lives can also transform through the response to My Sacred Call.

I will always wish good for you, thus I am not only here for you, but I am also here for all nations of the world, for everyone who has conceded this Pilgrimage for Peace, for everyone who sincerely, in one way or another, have made their loving and unconditional effort for Me to be here today, for Switzerland, just as I will be in a short while there for Germany.

Thus, I invite you to this Unity, the Unity that God gestated since the beginning, in the Universe, the Unity that will lead you to Peace, because it is a Divine Unity that the world has completely forgotten.

This is also the reason why we still go on pilgrimage, leaving the Marian Centers on the quest for the neediest and most lacking hearts, on the quest for the awakening of the consciousness of humanity so that the purposes of God may be fulfilled.

As Mother of Love and Virgin of Schoenstatt, I do not wish My children to suffer and to accept living the path of suffering, because humanity has already demonstrated to the world that it knows how to destroy itself. I want to change this human pattern by means of your prayers and supplications, by means of the opening of your inner world to My call.

Thus, I will not only be able to continue working for Switzerland but also for the world that needs Me and I will be able to reach other nations of the world, just as I have reached here, in an extraordinary way, by the response of My children.

Today I transmit to you, My children, with all the Truth of My Heart, the affliction of My Maternal Heart for the deafness of My children.

Thus, I come from Heaven as I have come to Fatima and Medjugorje, to bring a message to humanity, to demonstrate to the world that I am unique and that I am the Mother of all nations and of all children that exist on this planet; that I am the Mother without religion because My religion is the Love of God, which the Archangel Gabriel had taught Me when I had Jesus in My Womb.

The Love of God was gestated in Me so that redemption could be born in the world. Today My Womb of Light gives Itself to the world so that your lives can be born again someday with the hope of living in faith, and of attaining the redemption of the heart.

I invite you to redouble your efforts for My call, and I thank, today, My daughters who live here in Switzerland for being the precursors of My call in Zurich, for having strived and dedicated themselves so that the divine fulfillment of My Spiritual Mission in Switzerland may be accomplished.

Today I will leave here with hope because you have demonstrated that it is possible to disseminate My call, knowing that it is urgent that the souls leave the terrestrial hell to enter the Universe of My Heart, where there is a special place, there is a refuge in the Heart of the Mother of Schoenstatt for each one of My children.

It is your love, it is your dedication, it is your offering that allows Me to return, time and again, to the world.

I thank you for responding to this invitation and I bless you with the Sacred Flame of the Hope of God, which will never extinguish because it is eternal.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Vigils of Prayer
Apparition of the Virgin Mary during the Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil; to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

I come in the name of My Son to give you thanks for your pleas through the novena you are doing to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

I have come from the Cosmos to tell you this so that you know that your Heavenly Mother is with you, as She is with the world, in so much need of Love and of Light.

I come to make your lives shine through prayer, so that you may become pillars of Light for this world and carry that Light to the world where It is most needed, where they cry out the most.

I thank you for this novena, because the doors are opening and hearts are managing to be sincere.

Even though you do not understand in depth the Purpose of God, your Heavenly Mother, through Her Love, will make you understand all things with simplicity and humility.

For that reason, continue praying until the end of the Novena of Saint Joseph so that the Most Chaste Heart may also bestow His Graces on Europe and Africa.

The planetary needs are great, and the emergencies in these times are many.

I ask you, My children, to continue praying for Peace in the nations, as you have been doing: week after week, bead by bead, and heart with heart, igniting that Light of My Love in the world through the powerful Rosary.

With all of this, I ask you to continue forward, so that you may continue renewing yourselves through the times, in spite of the very serious things that occurr in the world.

My trust, children, is in you, in each moment of prayer that you offer to My Immaculate Heart, so that deep and inner wounds may be dispelled from the Heart of you Mother, and thus, from the heart of Her children who seek peace.

I come to meet you with all the stars of the Cosmos. I come to visit you with great angelic consciousnesses to untie the knots of these times, so that souls may find peace, live the spirit of solidarity and of cooperation with their peers, knowing that everything may be overcome through Love. There is no other path.

While the world does not learn to love, there will be no peace. The more you dare to practice the exercise of the love of the heart, the greater the possibilities that will exist for millions of souls to learn to live the path of Love.

Through this school of prayer that you live with Me every day, especially in the prayer for Peace in the nations, all the beads that are counted and offered grant inexplicable Graces to the whole world; things that perhaps you will not see in this time, but you will see occur in the near future, when your Heavenly Mother is no longer at your side to visit you and is only in Heaven, ardently desiring that you live My instruction, the instruction of My Son and that of Saint Joseph, so that this Work may continue forward, as it is written in the Heart of God.

Meanwhile, My children, I invite you to continue to truly love, to put love into practice in each detail, as with each sibling that approaches your lives, seeking a little of the restoring love, seeking a little of the healing and consoling love, that only emerges from the Source of the Holy Spirit and from the souls that unite with Him.

The Work that will be carried out by your Heavenly Mother in Europe is important. For that reason, each collaboration is essential, no matter how small it may seem. But I know that there are souls that can help Me more and you know that what I say to you is true.

The Mother of God does not flaunt riches, but rather the good for all of Her children, irrespective of their nation, religion or belief.

I want you to learn, My children, together with Me, that all can be one for, by achieving that spiritual unity, God will be in you and you will be in God, living His Kingdom; in spite of the events of these times, of the purifications or of the tests.

I invite you every day to be part of the Great Brotherhood, the Great Brotherhood that is in Heaven and also those who are in the interior of the planet and that with their silence, carry forward great Works in the world for the liberation of the planet and of humanity, for the redemption of souls, for Peace in all the peoples.

I invite you every day to link up with that great Brotherhood and to continue igniting the Confederated Star in your breasts, which will lead you on the path of Light, of ascension and of the good.

Very deep and unknown Laws of the Universe may be able to transform your lives and the lives of your siblings, and it will no longer be necessary to suffer, My children. I want the pain and the suffering to stop in the world. I want souls to know the true joy of serving God. What I call spiritual happiness, that is not in this world but in the Universe, in the Universal Life and in Knowledge; in faith, in service and mainly, in gratitude.

I want to lead you, dear children, to the Kingdom of God every day, so that you may dare to bring the Kingdom of God to the Earth and many, many more things in the world may continue to be transformed.

This is the ardent desire of your Celestial Mother, of your humble and serving Mother, untiring and eternal, Who comes to call Her children throughout time so that more lives may awaken to their true spiritual life.

While this does not happen, I will continue coming to the world. I will continue giving impulse to the awakening of consciousnesses, responding to the request of Christ and of the Celestial Father; with you and in you. As a Mother, I will be able to do many more things.

There is still much to do, My children. There is much to materialize and express within this Work of planetary Love and of Redemption that is traveling through the world and the nations, simply to sow Peace and hope.

Today I bring the Ray of hope to the world so that souls may recognize it and live it. Knowing that each one of My children has so many virtues and gifts to serve God, so as to be able to awaken and recognize in themselves what not even souls fully know.

Thus, I come to give you an impulse and to motivate you, to awaken your talents, virtues and gifts. Because Christ will come to call you and He will ask you for your virtues and talents, as well as for all of your gifts, so that you may be at His service at the time of His great Return to the world.

You, My children, are being called like your Celestial Mother, to be mediators of the heart and of the word; to seek in all things and in all of your siblings the spirit of the good; to see the good in your siblings, rather than evil; that which is positive, radiant and elevated in each consciousness that holds the inner Christ within.

Promote the awakening of the inner Christ in this time and the planet will be repopulated with sublime divine energies, which will be attracted by the children of God, not only as pillars of Light, but also as mirrors of His Divine Consciousness.

I invite you, My children, to recreate this planet and this humanity together. To teach the path of Love and of Service again through the humanitarian missions, the pilgrimages, the choirs, through everything that may be able to express the Love of God in the world.

Thus, this Work is for everyone and is broader than it seems and is. You, My children, have the key of My trust in order to do it, following the steps of the Spiritual Hierarchy in obedience and in the good, so that all may remain on its path, just as I ardently hope it to be fulfilled.

I come to thank you this evening for your loving collaboration, all those that are generating the next mission of peace in Europe and Africa through prayer and collaboration.

You do not even know, My children, what will happen on that continent and all that the Divine Messengers will do in each nation They will visit, just as in each place where They will go in order to sow the Peace and the Mercy that you have had the Grace of knowing during these last times.

Through the collaboration and the building of this next mission, I invite you to continue to ardently be those who pray and are merciful with those more ignorant, that are distracted and full of illusions with everything the world offers them.

Everything you do on Earth you will also be building it in Heaven. On the last day of your lives, you will know and become aware of all that you did for the love of God.

Everything you weave on Earth you will also be weaving it in Heaven, and the Universe will keep a memory of your actions and of your works of good for humanity.

Today I will rise up to Heaven in profound serenity, knowing that My children have understood, beyond words, the call of Heaven.

Be propagators of the good that I bring you today, so that the planet may be filled with Light and with Mercy until the Divine Messengers finish completing Their Mission in humanity.

On this evening, My Children, I want your hearts to be covered in hope so that healing may be established in humanity, the good may reach many more lives in the world and be touched by the Grace of God, by His Infinite Mercy.

I come to bring Peace not only to Brazil, but also to the world. This meeting has helped this to happen.

In Love and in the Good, I bless you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for responding to My call.

May this place be always covered in hope, so that hope may transform the world and all the consciousnesses may be touched by the Ray of the Hope of God.

I thank you.

Special Apparitions
Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary, March 2, 2018, in the city of Quito, Ecuador, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Today I am crowned by the Most Holy Trinity, bringing to your hearts the Purity of God, that purity so original that brought forth all things, to the manifestation of life and the whole Creation.

In the Purity of God is the Love of the Father, that Love that regenerates everything, and makes it possible to rescue hearts and remove the lost souls from the hells.

Today I come clothed of the Purity of God and crowned by the prayers of My children, knowing that, in these times, it is essential to reinforce the prayer from the heart, not only for the transformation of life but also for the recovery and restoration of the planet.

Today I come filled with the Essence of God called “Original Purity”.

I come filled with that which is within you, that lives in your inner worlds and that will always help you to reconnect with God.

I come to close a cycle and to start a new cycle, thus I come filled with the spirituality of God, to purify your hearts and lives, to unify you to the love of God, and in the mystery of His great science, where once everything was originated for this humanity, as for other planets, for the whole Creation.

I would like you to know, dear children, that the original purity, that dwells in you, comes from the universe of God, gestated by the holy hands of the Angels of the Father, in His sublime Sources of Creation.

From there, dear children, comes everything, and there you must one day return, with the lived experience of love and redemption, with the lived experience of forgiveness and reconciliation; knowing that all human beings, no matter how imperfect they are, will never lose the original purity of their hearts.

That is why I invite you tonight, dear children, to look within yourselves, to discover your inner universe and to find yourself with God in the Living Flame of His Original Purity, where neither sin, guilt or perdition exists.

Today I come to cleanse your hearts, but I also come to heal your wounds, seeking in you the purity of the heart, that living and shining flame that will renew all things.

This is My main message for today, seek the Purity of God within you, and you will be able to enter to the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Relive in these times the Gospel of My Son, so that the purity in your hearts may awaken.

No longer seek, dear children,  separation, division or criticism. Open your hearts to the Purity of God, and the Purity of the Father will be able to awaken in you at this time.

Do not complicate your lives more, dear children, make things simple day by day. Live and imitate the Sacred Family, so that the celestial treasures of the Purity of God, through the sublime mirrors, may be reflected upon the souls of the Earth; may darkness in the hearts vanish, may the Light and Love of Christ triumph in these times.

I invite you tonight, dear children, in a simple and maternal way, to rediscover the path to the heart where wounds, guilt and suffering do not exist. Believe in yourselves, believe in this Original Purity that is within you; seek it through the path of prayer, of a merciful life, of a life filled with service to fellow beings.

Thus, you will be repairing the wounded Heart of God, and you, dear children, will be this perfect balm of love that will grant the world that your Celestial Mother returns to everyday to help the lost hearts, to awaken the planetary consciousness, to grant in this last cycle a little more time of peace, especially in those places where it does not exist.

Give great value, dear children, to the prayer for peace in the nations.

This simple exercise that My Heart has granted you to perform every day of the week, praying for those nations that suffer so much, that live in darkness and inside the abysses of the planet, so that they may recover and move forward. Praying for cultures so distant, for brothers and sisters so far away, who feel and live, just like you, the greatness of My Immaculate Heart.

Dear children, in this cycle may everything be renewed, and that tonight you leave here living a true commitment with Me, so that I can return everyday, for a little longer, bringing the light of the Kingdom of the Heavens and the Infinite Mercy of the Creator.

Because, if I am not among you daily, dear children, in truth I confess, this world would be unbalanced as quickly as the passing hours and the planet would move abruptly.

It is the prayer of your hearts, the prayer for the nations, service, charity and good, the communion and confession with My Son, that allows Me to come back everyday to the world, that allows Me to bring the Grace of God to this world that does not deserve it, so that everything can be stabilized, and, above all, the axis of the earth maintains in its balance.

Remember that I am the Mother of the World, the Universal Mother and Mother of humanity. I am the Mother of all people, who consoles all hearts and lives, the Mother who is with the poor and the rich, with those who are equal of heart and soul, the Mother who is also with those who are indifferent and still do not live God in their heart.

I come for the whole world, for all nations and all peoples.

I would like this current of prayer for peace in the nations to grow, do not feel limited, nor hindered to learn to pray in different languages, in order to help the angels of the nations, so that they may accomplish their great spiritual task in these difficult times, with the loving support of all My children.

Today I would like for you to not feel grief in your heart, because if the Mother of Life is here, life can be regenerated and the most profound feelings can be healed. For God nothing is impossible, for the Servant of God nothing is impossible.

Today I come clothed of the Purity of God, to remind you of this commitment with Me, that through the prayer of the heart and the loving services to the world, everything can be renewed and repaired, and your lives can finally be other, when you simply take the step, just as I took it before the Archangel Gabriel.

Today, I do not come only to tell you that I will be with you a little time longer everyday, but of the joy that My Heart feels, the bliss that My Spirit feels in telling you that My Son will also be here everyday, to bring the world the last lifeline for all hearts, all religions, and all peoples, in order to prepare the world, for one whole year, for His return.

May nobody lose this opportunity to relive the Words of Christ, to relive in your hearts the simple words of the Mother of God, but also to study them again as spiritual impulses present for these times in which you will still have the key, the inner key to be able to transform yourselves, just as God wishes, for these final times. 

Finally, I wish, dear children, that your lives may be Original Purity, and that this purity may be reflected to the world, so that souls awaken from their drowsiness and may open their eyes to the Kingdom of God, which still keeps the doors open so that many more souls may enter into His Heart.

Do not lose this Grace; receive this Mercy with the humility of your hearts, so that tonight all may be renewed, just as God has thought it since the beginning.

I come here to bring Heaven to Earth, the Consciousness of God to humanity, the Truth to a planet that lives in lies, in order to awaken the hearts to the great feeling of the Love of God, to the spiritual filiation with His Great Divine Consciousness.

Tell the world that I will be coming to you everyday for a little time longer, in order to prepare your hearts for the time that will come, which will not be an easy time. You know, dear children, that time will change, humanity will change and your planet as well.

For that, you must be prepared and firm. You must take My Words and My Instructions, the Instructions of My Son, as stairways to Heaven, so that you may be protected and safeguarded by My Heart.

May My Words be heard in every language; this is My most ardent wish for this year, may My Message of Peace spread to the world so that the souls awaken, so that bombs do not detonate in humanity, over all those planes that My enemy stimulates in a blind humanity, closed of heart, for not being able to see God.

I invite you to the time of the great awakening of the consciousness, to the awakening of your inner senses, to come out of what is superficial and embrace all brothers and sisters with an immense love and an infinite Mercy.

Thus, dear children, although everything is so hard and difficult in this humanity, everything will be fulfilled and I will be able to continue coming to you until God indicates, as it is written in His eternal Heart.

Place your hands in sign of reception, because today your Celestial Mother, clothed of the Purity of God, the Rose of Peace, comes to reconfirm in your hearts and in the hearts of all beings of the world, the reunion with its original purity.

Water to bless…

Receive from My Heart this Grace that should not be lost, because the Mother of God, Mother of the Universe and Earth, of the Angels and all souls, comes to reopen the Spiritual Source of the Original Purity, in the souls of the world that say “yes” to the call of the Creator.

May the Source of the Holy Spirit descend upon this element, and may everything be renewed, may souls awaken to their original Source so that everything may be redeemed. 

May the water baptize the lives of the world, redeem the sins and heal the hearts of their most profound wounds.

Today I do not only come to consecrate those who have taken the step to My Immaculate Heart. Today, as Mother of all and Mother of humanity, I come to renew this consecration for all those who are present here and for all that listen to My Voice, on the five continents of this world.

May this water consecrate all of you, just as the water of the Spirit of God washes the most profound wounds, and may it reignite in souls the Flame of the Original Purity.

Today you will sing a special song for Me, that will make you, in this time, reunite with Me everyday.

Mirarte (To look at You)…

While you perform this song, I raise Myself to heaven to someday return and bring to your hearts the same Peace that I live in the Kingdom of the Heavens, so that this Peace descends to Earth in all the hearts of the world.

I bless you and consecrate you, to the Immaculate Heart of Love, to the inextinguishable Love, to the eternal Love, to the unconditional Love, to the perpetual Love of the Mother of God.

In the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


I thank you for responding to My call.

I thank you!

Vigils of Prayer

Today I place My hands upon your heads to plead to the Divine Son.

I come on this night and to this Marian Center to give you a small message, since you have opened your hearts to me, and thus, I could enter to strengthen your lives and consciousnesses.

I come from Heaven to tell you that I will not be with you here for a time, but My Heart will be your fortitude, because I will go to meet My children of the world, in Spain, Portugal, and Italy.

My Word will also reach Medjugorje and I will unite races and cultures in My Heart.

So important will be what My Son will do together with Me in Italy that in a short time you will understand what the real need is for your Heavenly Mother and Her Beloved Son to go on pilgrimage for such a long time in the world.

This is only a preparation, dear children, for what will happen in Asia the next year.

I would like you, dear children, to accompany your Heavenly Mother on the pathway of pilgrimage that we will be treading.

From Our Hearts, We would like to see in your hearts the same fruits that flourished in the pilgrimage through Central America, Mexico, and the United States.

Now your Heavenly Mother goes to meet those who suffer most in the wars. And in Her silence and prayer, and in adoration of the Most Holy Son, She will go to dissolve the evils that generate suffering, pain, and desperation; and this will be possible because of your contribution and trust in the step by step of this pilgrimage for peace.

Now more than ever, I want your hearts to also cause to blossom this Marian Center, which has become a spiritual base for the planet; in which many sources of instruction and of inspiration descend, from where souls of the world are inwardly acquiring them.

In this way, My dear children, I leave you the task of always igniting your inner fire, so that many more souls may be touched by the Light that your Celestial Mother brings you in this time.

In this way, I will feel more tranquil, because I will see the apostles of My Beloved Son take care of and protect this Marian Center and its liturgies, as it has been from the beginning.

Remember that your prayers and liturgies in this Marian Center, during the pilgrimage of the Divine Messengers in Europe, will be generating the necessary spiritual conditions for what will take place in Asia in the coming time.

Everything is united in a great network of Love and of Light.

Your participation in this next pilgrimage from this Marian Center must be unconditional, as you fulfilled it, My children, in the pilgrimage of Central America, Mexico, and the United States.

Europe, in this next pilgrimage, will be a bridge to reach Asia; thus, all the Europeans will also have to generate the foundations for this pilgrimage in Asia to take place.

Now I ask you, My beloved children, as your Mother, the Queen of Peace, that you concentrate your consciousnesses and hearts in all that the Messengers of God will carry out in this next stage in Europe.

You know that this will always be My home, the same as the home I once had in Nazareth.

Now My spiritual home is the planet and you are within My spiritual home to work together with your Heavenly Mother, until the end of days, for Redemption and Compassion in humanity.

Today, in a special way and through this little message of love, I am uniting Medjugorje with this Marian Center. Because in Medjugorje there are very valuable souls like you are; there are workers of the Plan working in silence for your Celestial Mother, so that more each day, Medjugorje may be the principal source of conversion and of confession for all the nations of the world.

Do not forget that the next thirteenth of May I will be in Fatima, for the great moment of the expansion of your Universal Mother in all of this Universe, and beyond it, by means of the sacred purity of Lys.

It is in this way, dear children, that I show you the true task of your Celestial Mother for the world.

My gaze is also on Asia, because there, many of My children proclaim, in their tiny faith, for the descent of Divine Mercy.

Remember that after this Sacred Week, after all that My Son gifted you with, this task has become planetary and goes beyond this Marian Center of Love.

With My hand on My Heart, I invite you, dear children, that in love, in collaboration and in faith, you help your Celestial Mother, just as you have helped Her in the recent times, to concretize and manifest each one of Her requests; because behind each request there occultly exists a greater benefit for all of humanity.

I would like that, as from this new cycle that you are experiencing, dear children, you may share the Love that you have received from the Divine Messengers.

The lack of love in the world is very great. This is also the main cause for your Divine Messengers to be in a pilgrimage throughout the world, so that the essence of Love and of Truth may not be lost in humanity; for My wish as Co-redeeming Mother is also that our beloved Pope Francis gets to know this Work more deeply than he already knows.

If this comes to be in love, I will not only unite the creeds, but also the hearts that hear the voice of your Celestial Mother.

And this will be a part, after the next thirteenth of May in Fatima, of the triumph of My Immaculate Heart in Europe and Russia.

So be it.

I thank you for responding to My call.

I ardently desire that the words of your Celestial Mother resound in your hearts so that they may be fruits of Light and of Love in the world.

Again I thank you for concretizing My call and I bless you under the intercession of My beloved Son, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

May Europe wait for Me with great gladness, rejoicing, and jubilation. Your Celestial Mother is again on the way to the great meeting with all the consequent hearts of the beloved servants of the Plan.

I thank you.


Special Apparitions

Song: Children of the sea (in Portuguese)

My beloved children,

I have come here on this day to elevate, through your prayers, all those who need the Light and the Love of God, a Love that is being forgotten by the world, because the kingdom of darkness is present and love can only overcome when it is in your hearts all the time.

After these days lived with Me, in which you shared the Truth, the Sacred Knowledge of God, I come to definitely activate the sacred Mirror of your hearts so that, from there, the principles of Love and of Brotherhood, which God expects from this world and in this final time, may be born and emerge.

I come to build new bases in you, bases of an uplifted life, of souls that correspond to the Heart of the Heavenly Father and who, in this time, awaken by work of His Grace and His Mercy.

But still, dear children, through your hearts and all of your prayers, many more hearts will have to awaken.

After so many years in which each one of you were instructed, the time has come, My beloved children, for the bases to be finally founded in this Work that I want to carry out in Europe and beyond this continent.

But know, dear children, that all of your brothers and sisters in the Americas will be able to give you support in order to always motivate you to take a step further and dare to build, in this final times, this great network of Mirrors of Love that I aspire to establish in each one of you.

You have just begun, dear children, to take the first steps on this path of awakening. Know that your stars of origin, that your real essences, recognize this important moment and this work in which you were called to participate.

Know, dear children, that above every test or suffering, or every error that the whole world commits, there is the Plan of God to be fulfilled and the love of your hearts will always be able to prevail. It will be this love that will keep you all well united, will strengthen you and will keep you firm in order to sustain this boat that is passing for the last time in this world to rescue those who are still lost.

It is in this way, dear children, that I also come to open the eyes of your hearts, so that, by knowing the Truth of the Universe, which has been written a long time ago, your spirits may be able to self-summon for this true mission that is born from the Heart of God for the whole Universe and for this planet.

Thus I invite you, beloved children, to live in fraternity and in confraternity, so that more hearts and souls that still do not find the path of Light and Truth, may be able to find this path that I open to all, without exception. Because I want, dear children, that all of My children in the world receive the same sacred opportunity, just as corresponds to each one.

In this so crucial hour for the world, in which the final battle accelerates, I invite you, dear children, to keep praying with all of your heart, so that you may finally discover the love that exists in you, a love that has to be at the service of God, for Light to be able to triumph at this final moment of the planet.

I open the doors of the Universe to all, so that all may know the Truth, the true origin, the true essence of your lives, the true spirits that were chosen by the Hands of the Most High in this final hour, to carry forward this Work that is sustained by all those who have awakened to the call of My Son.

Heaven contemplates you with Love, dear children, and this love rejoices in God and in all the angels of the Universe.

Your step at this moment is very important so that the Work can be fulfilled and the pillars can be founded in this part of the world.

I leave in your hearts all the Principles of Love because it is this Love that will nourish and save you, that will bring you life and the opportunity of knowing Redemption and Peace.

I want you to live united to Me through this Love. And thus, dear children, you will be able to know the different flows of the Love that have to be at the service of the Plan and donated to this spiritually sick humanity.

There are many souls of the world that do not know the Love of God. And if your hearts were summoned to live in this Love, I ask you, dear children, to dare and do it, because it is this Love of God, which dwells in each one of you, that will lead you to complete the Work, the Work that was thought by the Creator for this final part of time.

Thus, I constitute you, dear children, not only as apostles of My Son but rather as apostles of His Love and His Mercy. You will live this apostolate, dear children, through daily example, service and fraternity, which must expand throughout the world in order to be able to change all evil that exists in humanity, transfiguring it in Light and in Love through all the souls that correspond to this call.

Time and again I visit Portugal for you to remember your true mission in this time.

You will always count, dear children, on the Sacred Center of Fatima, which I have especially founded for you and for all of your brothers and sisters.

I wish, dear children, this Sacred Center would also live in your hearts, just as many of your brothers and sisters who are in other Sacred Centers, carry these Centers in their hearts in order to be able to radiate them to the world, which needs it so much.

Today I also invite you, beloved children, to be sparks of Lys by means of the prayer and the love that must emerge from your hearts every day of your life until the awaited return of My Son to the world is finally fulfilled.

Everything you live in this time, dear children, is a preparation, it is a school of learning and of redemption. I ask you, for love’s sake, not to resist to living it. Always open the doors of your hearts so that the Light of God may enter.

Remember all these Sacred Instructions that you have received in these days, so that these seeds may be indelible in your essences. It is these seeds of Light, dear children, these sparks of Lys, that must multiply in this humanity and in all Europe.

You can count on the divine intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph to carry forward this work in all of Europe.

The souls of Europe must be attracted to the Center of Lys. Many of them need to recover their essential purity, just like you. It is this original purity that My adversary is erasing at this moment through wars. It is this purity that cannot be erased, dear children.

Your commitment to Me is very important. It is thus that I demonstrate to you, beloved children, that all things that I ask you are very simple.

Although humanity does not pay attention, it ends up going astray in the abysses of hell. And up to there I must go to rescue each one. I need, dear children, that you also accompany me on this task.

May all the teachings that you received in these last days be able to re-sprout in your hearts, may they nourish your souls, may they fertilize your spirits, just as the Sacred Family fertilized Fraternity in humanity.

In this special night, beloved children, I offer to you My Immaculate Heart, which ardently pulsates on the palm of My hand full of Love and Mercy for each one of you, for each one of My children, who are more lost and forgotten by humanity.

I need, dear children, that, in you, the Love of Lys may flourish, so that you may finally be formed as true Mirrors of Love.

I only ask you, in this crucial hour of humanity, in which war condemns many souls in the world, that love may be in your hearts through simple and true acts.

I ask you, dear children, that you only live actions of goodness and love. Ask for this love to My Immaculate Heart, a Heart that is full and replete with Love for each one of its children; a Love that wants to pour itself but still cannot, cannot because the souls do not ask for it and My Love is a Grace, dear children. It is a Love that heals and that redeems, it is the Love of Jesus in Me that must be in each one of you.

In this way, you will permit, dear children, that I may have the Grace, for this final time, to return to Europe once more, before you imagine.

Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My children,

Continue to play because I also am listening.

When I send you into the world, it is for a greater purpose, and in this way, the mission of each being becomes infinite and profound.

My maternal purpose is that you be ambassadors of peace in the nations you visit and travel through, with the purpose of carrying peace to all the corners of the Earth.

In the same way, I have asked this, throughout the centuries, of so many other children, that they be ambassadors of peace and of prayer.

Now My path expands toward other horizons and you will be the mediators so this may happen.

On this day, July 16, My Heart comes with the purpose of pouring out My blessings upon you, which will strengthen you and allow you to carry out the works that I request of you day by day.

Thus, do not fear, otherwise, you will not be able to accomplish them.

Place your active faith, and let your heart be on fire with this faith.

In this way, you will be able to concretize what I ask of you through the Holy Spirit;  because you will not do it for yourselves, My dear children; God will do it through you. My hands will labor through you and My Heart will be illumined through your hearts.

In this way, My dear children, I gather you all together in a greater mission so that, at a future time, in a coming time, you are able to know the Will of God which continues to be alive and resplendent throughout the centuries and the years, trying to manifest itself in all creatures.

Today, on this night, dear children, I invite you to live in My trust, which will be necessary for the times that are coming and, in this way, you will concretize what I desire with so much love and peace.

In this time, dear children, in which I pour out My Graces upon the world and humanity, I come to bless My Work which is taking place in this part of the Americas; and on this birthday, I bless this channel, this daughter of Mine, who has given of herself to carry out My Work and who has responded to My call as so many other children have.

Thus know, My dear ones, that each of you is a part of a piece of this Plan and if there is one piece missing in this Great Plan of God, how will the Divine Work function on Earth?

Dear children, through My Love, I invite you to confirm yourselves to My Immaculate Heart in the task each one is to do; it does not matter that the task not be important. God sees all things equally, all His children are important and all His laborers as well.

Thus, dear children, unite as a network of love and of work; be the nets of Christ in His Hands, so He may intercede for this needy world.

In this way, like somebody who sings so lovingly to Me, or like somebody who cooks for other brothers and sisters and seems to be forgotten among many, My Heart is present in the simple things.

Dear children, I achieved My Maternal Divinity by laboring through simple things, seeking the humility of God in all things and manifesting the sincerity of the heart.

In this way, dear children, nobody is more important than the rest; each one is a part of a Precious Plan of God, and if this did not happen in this way, humanity could not be redeemed.

Thus, My Immaculate Heart calls out to the hard of heart, as well as those who have a heart open to My Heart. For Me, all children are important, those who are in hell as well as those who are in Heaven, those who succumb in this world as well as those who stand up.

All nations are part of My Redeeming Project of Love, and it will be possible, My children, though you; thus My Immaculate Heart will triumph.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today I place My Mantle upon the head of each one of you, not only of these children who are here. I also want all those who accompany Me from all parts of this world to feel contemplated, so that you may know, My children, that My protection is upon your lives, that I contemplate each of your prayers with love and with joy.

Today, I want to give special thanks to a group that responded to the call of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, so you may know that it is through those simple things that the soul and the spirit take a step toward a meeting with the Creator.

I want this group, which today is in the northeastern part of Brazil, going to the "Sertão", to know that My Immaculate Heart will follow this task together with the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph. And may it also know that in each simple activity it carries out, there will be the Hand of God, making your actions divine and pouring out redemption upon the souls that most need it.

My children, on this day, I want to prompt you to take steps so you may follow the instructions that the heart gives you, that you are able to follow, without fear, the adventures the heart sends you; because a great adventure in this world is to be alive to respond to the Call of God, that Call that manifests itself within His creatures and allows you to love a fellow being as you do yourselves, and further, My children, that you may  love one another just as God loves you.

Today I want to give you My Love, pour out a special blessing upon each of your beings, so that you may know, My dears, that My Heart sees everything, contemplates the purest intentions of your souls and only sees what is beautiful manifested by your souls; so that in this way, My blessings are able to multiply the beauty of your hearts and you are able to grow in likeness to God, in likeness to His Son, Who is pure Love, which beats in your souls, in your hearts.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My last petition, on this night of Graces, is for My children of the United States: do not separate, dear children, My purpose will always defeat evil, unite with My Immaculate Heart through prayer.

In this so simple but real way, you will allow the doors to open immediately so that I may also redeem that nation, as I have done in other times, in States of that country.

Thus, dear children, respond to the invocation of My Heart, that all this work which will take place shortly be the result of peace, be the goal and the very clear mission for all.

For all these things and for the responses of all My children, I thank you for waiting for Me on this night.

Thank you for responding to My call!

God bless you, dear children.

Peace on Earth.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

We would like to share that today, before the meeting with the Virgin Mary, Our Lord came accompanied by the Archangel Michael.

(At this point, Mother María Shimani, reads the Special Message of Christ Jesus, in which He requests the building of a hermitage at the Marian Center of Aurora in honor of Saint Michael the Archangel, and also transmits the prayer "Request for Liberation to Saint Michael the Archangel".

Our Lord, Christ Jesus, told us today that when He is no longer permanently close to us, transmitting His instructions and His Messages to us, He will leave the Archangel Michael in His place so we will be able to always turn to Him when we need to.

He also explained to us that anyone who comes to the Hermitage, by mandate of the Son of God, will be freed of all their ills.

Although we do not know very well what it's about, because we are really very ignorant when it comes to celestial mysteries, we completely trust in what Our Lord told us.

Tomorrow we will get to work on this hermitage, with everybody who wants to help us, because in August we are expecting Our Lord to be pleased.

So we invite you all to experience this holy madness a little bit with us, of pleasing Our Lord, Christ Jesus, and prepare this place for that task He wants to do.

We thank you all for having accompanied us and as we always say, now we will meet in the Heart of the Divine Messengers.

Thank you very much and good night.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
