In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We breathe in and give thanks for the Presence of our Redeemer.

For a moment, close your eyes.

On this last day of Grace and of celebration, let us return in consciousness to the Holy Land, and see yourselves there, with the men and women of Jerusalem and of all Galilee, looking for the footprints of the Shepherd who calls His sheep to follow Him.

Some will remember the events of My public life, others will remember the steps of Calvary, but all will find Christ, Who traveled through the Holy Land to call you to live a redeeming Love.

Some will remember the multiplying of the bread and fish, others will witness the call to the apostles at the Sea of Galilee.

But other souls have been where the Lord was, preaching and teaching, healing and curing the deepest wounds of the human consciousness.

How many of you sat at the Feet of the Lord, in the house of the just or in the house of the sinners?

In that time, humanity could never have understood My task until I carried the Cross.

I want you to feel called by Me, like in that time,  so that at this moment you move forward with My invitation, but now a great invitation for the entire world, all the tribes that left Israel expanded throughout the world and learned the Teachings of Christ through the Word of God.

Today I make a bridge in space-time so that you remember your commitment with Me; fishermen, women, elders, youth and children, present in the history of the Redeemer, within the experience of His Heart.

What would be the reason for Me coming to the world at this moment if it were not for what happened in the past?

That story, which was written in the Holy Land, will always be indelible. The whole universe deeply knows it, because it was a unique conjuncture for all of humanity.

Today your Guardian Angels are witnesses of this moment, of feeling deserving of the Graces of the Father, although the human heart may continue being imperfect.

But today I am like I was once on the Mount of Beatitudes, and from this sacred mount, today I emit My Message to the whole world, as the Christ who is returning. Raising My Hands to Heaven and opening the universes so that Divine Grace may descend, I tell you: amend your paths.

May your hearts heal.

May your lives be redeemed by the strength of the Love of God, that untiringly flows from the Heart of the Son.

Love each other, much more than you do.

Support yourselves in the strength of brotherhood, in unbreakable unity, in unchangeable fraternity.

Be ambassadors of My Peace.

May your hearts experience eternal gratitude and an untiring effort to follow Me.

Be marked and anointed by the Holy Spirit, because the time is coming for My return. There will be signs in the sky, but the much deeper signs will be within hearts.

You will feel moved by a greater power that will come from the Supreme Source to make of your hearts brave ones willing to carry forward My requests. Because in the hour that you are judged, I will defend you. In the hour that you are blasphemed, I will give you the power of My silence. In the hour that you are denied, I will give you My meekness, and you will experience greater things than those that I experienced, and in that hour, you will recognize them for yourselves.

For if you love one another, you will be recognized as My apostles, but if you love more and live the truth, you will be recognized as My peacemakers, for there will be no misery that cannot be resolved, there will be no desert that cannot be not crossed, no pain that cannot be healed, for one who believes in Me will have eternal life and will know what eternal life is.

At the hour of your death, I will come and help you, and the Law of My Mercy will justify your errors and faults due to all that you have experienced here with Me throughout the years.

But there is something that you must experience for Me, which is what I lived for you, solitude. And in that hour, your faith cannot be tepid, because if you believe in Me, you will overcome it.

From miseries, I will make new Christs; from deniers, I will make the redeemed; from sinners, I will make the blessed.

Trust in Me, just as I trust in you, just as I have trusted in those who abandoned Me.

My Gethsemane, in this time, is different. Who will risk living it with Me? So that My Mercy may continue to save souls and redeem hearts. Up to when I return to the world, you must keep this all in mind, in your consciousnesses, because you will need it.

Just as I am reminding you today of your commitment to Me, I am also making you the successors of the Work of My Mercy, as I did with the apostles.

The time will come when your home and your repose will be the whole world, and everything that you have learned here, through the Mercy of God, you will carry to the world and fraternally share it with your brothers and sisters so that they may feel My Presence and My Word. Your voices will sing in other spaces, your feet will walk in other places.

The New Testament of Your Lord Jesus Christ, the testament of these times, will arrive to souls of the different continents, and I will be there so that they may experience all they are to experience in My Name.

Infinite has been the Grace of God upon you.

The time has come. My Father needs to see the New Christs, not in appearance, but rather in life itself, in an unconditional surrender and the sacrifice for one goal, the triumph of My Love.

For this reason, I have come here and have founded the Congregation so that it may be the mediator, together with all the brothers and sisters of the world, who listen to the Word of the Lord, and prepare My Return in their hearts.

After seven Sacred Weeks...

I remain in silence so that you not only hear My Words, but that you feel them, because what is most important for Me, companions, is that you feel what I feel for you.

At the end of times, the challenge is great. The aspiration of Our Father-Mother Creator is great, but it is the only path that will have you return to Me once you have accomplished what I want, without anything in exchange, even in the greatest void.

In these seven years, I filled you with My Mercy, I listened to you in your prayers, I lifted you up from your falls, and always, always renewed you.

And just as I got up from the ground three times after having fallen with the Cross, today your cross can be transformed by the victory of My Love and My surrender for the world, by an infinite and absolute living of the Sacraments, by all those who pray and adore.

It is here where I will establish My pillars for My Return to the world.

There is so much that I have to give to the world, that My Love is still not understood. But I seized you, I seized your lives, hearts and consciousnesses. And I still need more, because after seven years, you are no longer the same.

Have you seen the miracle of faith? Faith is what took Me to the Cross and was what caused Me to kiss the Cross, three times, for your rendition, for your mercy, for your redemption.

My Blood continues to transfigure material life. Your lives, through the Sacraments, must be the new chalices so that I am able to enter and have you be a part of Me forever.

This is what will make Me return to the world with all My Consciousness and all My Being. You will be able to feel the Presence of your Master and the moment will come of the great re-encounter when I see you, face to face.

See My humble Face illuminated, showing itself to the world so that you may hear and feel the Heart of God.

I only want you to be in Me, so that I am able to be throughout the whole world.

Today I feel rested in you. Your love brings a renewal to My Spirit so that I may continue giving more for humanity. 

The healing that humanity needs today will come in a few months, and through that impulse that I have given during these eight days, many consciousnesses will change. The life of people will no longer be the same, because My Light entered into many hearts in these last days, and that Grace is incalculable.

For this reason, all that you may be able to do for the Plan of My Father is important, so that the Supreme Grace is able to descend and work. Believe that it is not your lives that act, but rather it is My life which acts through you.

Give up what you still have not given up. Redeem what you have not yet redeemed, for I will call you to greater works, just as I have called you throughout these times for this Greater Work.

And we now see around Our Lord, the twelve angels in charge of Divine Justice, that in their hands hold a flame of light.

Today I have brought here the most just angelic beings of the universe, so that they may be witnesses of this moment and of this last day of the Sacred Week.

Let us recognize the faults of the world and your faults, and let us ask for the Grace of reconciliation and forgiveness; let us do it inwardly.


God of the whole universe,
Who has created life
so that all may love You and adore You,
listen to the pleas of My companions,
close the wounds of hearts,
renew the spirits and consciousnesses
so that, given impulse by Your Love and Your Grace,
they may someday achieve redemption.”


By the merits of the sorrowful and suffering Passion of your Master and Lord, by the merits of the always Blessed Virgin Mary, and by the merits of all the server beings of goodwill, by the faith and the love of the consistent, by the sacrifice of the untiring, by the charity of the missionaries to heal the pain of humanity, and under the Divine and Celestial authority of the Eternal Father, I come to establish, by the merits of the Cross, not only forgiveness, reconciliation and healing for souls, but also that I will come here to live, with all of Mine, the eighth and last Sacred Week.

I will pray so that the borders of the nations and the peoples be open, so that they may come here and re-experience with Me the Passion of Christ, as the closing of the great impulse of the Son of God for humanity. Amen.

Let us prepare, in the Presence of Christ, for this special Eucharistic consecration, and let us invite our brothers and sisters of the world who are listening to us in this moment, in their different nations and peoples, to plunge into this spiritual exercise to be able to seal this Covenant with Christ after these impulses of the Sacred Week, and so that together, as from now, we may prepare His great and final coming in the year 2021.

Before beginning this celebration, in the Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we will respond to a request of Christ, that the brothers and sisters of the choir sing the song "Face to face" at the end of this exercise, so that you may prepare for this moment.

And we here, bathed by this Grace that flows from the Heart of Jesus, offer this celebration in a profound act of gratitude, for all the Graces and impulses received directly from the Heart of our Redeemer.

Let us continue with the instrumental, please.

In the same way that we offer these elements from the altar, we will offer ourselves to Our Lord, in the same way that He offered Himself, today once again to us, so that we be deserving of His Mercy, and through His holy faith, we are strengthened to live the apostleship of these times, to carry His Word, His Love and His Peace to the world.

Those of us who can, may kneel for this consecration.

Before Jesus was given up, in a profound act of Love and of Mercy for all His companions and humanity, He took the bread, elevated it and gave thanks to God, deeply asking with His Heart that it be changed into His Body. Then Jesus broke it and offered it to His companions, saying to them: "Take and eat of it, for this is My Body that will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."


We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.


And a form of light entered the soul of the apostles.

The Supper having ended, He took the Chalice and performing the same exercise, He offered it to the Father so that it could be converted into His Blood. He then offered it to His companions, saying to them: "Take and drink of it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, which will be shed by your Lord for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me."


We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.



The Body and the Blood of Christ.

Blessed are they who avail themselves of this Sacrament.

Our Father (in Spanish and English).

May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth.

I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof,
but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.


We announce at this time the spiritual Communion of Christ with all our brothers and sisters of the world.

We listen to three bell sounds.

Celestial Father who leads us all,
accept our offer of surrender to You.
Guide us through the path of Love
so that Your Will may be done.


This is the beginning of something more important for the world. A new story is being written and your lives are in the Hands of God. You are like a small feather with which He writes, to make all things new.

I am grateful for the fidelity, the love and the accompaniment of all the devotees of the world throughout this Sacred Week.

May the Celestial Church hold you. May the Celestial Church protect you from all evil. May the Celestial Church elevate your consciousnesses so that, someday, your lives and your hearts may merge with the Essence of the Love of God, and thus, His Will may be done.

With joy and rejoicing, I bless you. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you.

Let us listen to the song that Our Lord requested.

Thank you all.





In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

It was on the great star of Andromeda that God placed His great aspiration for this humanity and for others.

Andromeda is the regent of your Solar System and others. It was there, in that part of the universe, where the Creator Fathers once came to sow the Plan of God in the material universe through a Divine Project, which first was to emerge and manifest in the Great Star of Andromeda.

Those who arrived there were beings from the mental universe, beings very enlightened in Science and in Divine Wisdom. Thus, the Archangels sent the Hellel, so that they could gestate this Project of God in that part of the universe. This is what My Celestial Church is showing you today through its main portal.

We are going to the real science of your origin, so that you may understand how the Divine Laws acted in the creator universe, to then gestate the Universal Laws, these later being the Commandments, which are a part of the great lesson of all the Universal Laws.

Life could not emerge without being governed by a Law. What would be the sense of evolution existing in the universe without the presence of the Law?

For the Divine Purpose to be able to manifest, the Law is necessary. For this reason, the Father so established it, and the Great Star of Andromeda was chosen so that, from the Mental Universe, it could have this experience.

The Hellel, the Resplendent, the most subtle angelic beings of the Mental Universe, that never descended from that location, only when the Archangels requested it of them so that, from the mental universe, that Divine Project could be carried forward in Andromeda, Andromeda being the emergence of humanities in likeness to yours.

 Why was Andromeda chosen rather than another location of the universe? And why does Andromeda today continue to be the Governing Center of this Local Universe?

Everything begins with a divine and occult meaning that is within the great Law of the Mystery of God, in which Divine Thought was what, in other times, in very ancient times, fostered the emergence of life in this universe.

In the same way that God thought of His human Project, He also thought of other Projects that continue to evolve, similar to this one. With other degrees of consciousness and evolution, the different creatures of the Father live their lessons and schools in order to achieve the experience of degrees of love.

But what is there within this Project of humanity that makes it so important for the rest of the universe? What other universes do not have, as you have, in what is known as Divine Science, which makes you worthy in the Father and in His children. This is what allows you to be here today, in spite of the errors.

In Andromeda, the purpose was very great; the challenge could be impossible, but it could not have flaws.

In that time, the evolution of consciousness was different. Before it was decided that a humanity could exist, like this one, which is upon the surface, only the Father knew what would happen. For this reason, He created the Laws, first in the Mental Universe, so that His requests could be fulfilled and His aspirations of having creatures in likeness to Him could be realized, that would learn to recognize Him and love Him as the Divine Source, as the Essence of Love, as Supreme Power.

Up to that time, in Andromeda, everything was on course. The Plan was ready to be carried forward.

That was how the Hellel, in a source of Light in likeness to the One Source, within the great star of Andromeda, created the first representatives that would carry out this humanity and another.

It was necessary that there be intermediaries in this Project, not only to accompany it and guide it, but so that the first humanity, that would emerge on Earth through Adam and Eve, could follow the divine guidelines, mandated by the Hellel for these higher consciousnesses, that were intermediaries between Heaven and Earth, between your humanity and the Mental Universe.

In that time, the first experience of love was implemented. It was not in the Mind of God to descend to Earth as the Christ, to redeem humanity. But the Project diverted; it did not follow the correct path through the choice of the men and women of that time.

But there was something in all of that which could not be lost, that was the essence of the Purpose that had been requested and sought by the Father from the Archangels, and the Archangels from the Hellel.

Since the Project was established in Andromeda and moved out from there to other parts of the universe, the humanities, in their different schools and lessons, were to keep alive their divine essence in order to understand, in their evolution, the Project of God, and understand that life had been created for adoring God, to love Him and revere Him, just as He loves, reveres and adores them as part of His Paternity.

Up to that point, Andromeda managed to develop what the Father needed. The Resplendent Ones came and settled for a specific time. It was the great moment of manifesting the request of God, in which the first thirteen humanities were to exist in the material universe, being that one of the thirteen humanities would have the gift of a divine connection and angelic contact. And that humanity is your own.

Now do you understand the importance of this project being successful?

The master key for overcoming duality is Love. Love cannot be destroyed by the adversary, just like it tried to destroy the project many times, tempting Adam and Eve into the greatest deviation of all time, so that what God needed would not be fulfilled.

But the aspiration of God was not impeded. Many consciousnesses of the universe came to Earth to assist humanity, because what had happened in Andromeda had been very important.

A spiritual conclave occurred at that time, when the human consciousness still did not exist nor the elaboration of the first part of the Project, because it was only an aspiration of the Mental Universe to then become a reality in the Material Universe.

Why was the Project of Andromeda not completed on Earth, with all the assistance given to it? Why did the higher consciousnesses not succeed in accomplishing what the Hellel requested of them?

You must be aware, companions, that a Creator Father had failed and was absorbed by his disobedience.

From that point on, everything changed. The Eternal Father, for a moment, was faced with an unknown. What would happen to Creation if His Project were not accomplished as His One Consciousness had decided? What was the reason for disobeying His Law and His mandate, and of not having understood that the center of His Power is Love rather than authority?

The mistaken Creator Father could not see beyond the events. That is why it denied the Eternal Father and everything changed. As from that point, evolution was divided by the first error of Adam and Eve. The apple of temptation embraced them and the genetic Project changed overnight.

They stepped out of immortality and entered mortality. Something unexpected happened; the man and the woman of Earth awoke to old age, something not foreseen because God had thought of an eternal and immortal humanity.

After twenty-six thousand years from the emergence of the first Project in humanity with Adam and Eve, Abraham came, who was the first and great patriarch, who had to face the hardest moment of his life, leading his people into living the Law rather than disobedience.

Abraham managed to do so, but he suffered greatly because God asked him for everything, knowing that from his descendants would be born the Christ.

Thus, what would happen with Abraham and his people was decisive. That was the great moment for correcting the human Project and of learning to correctly live the Laws.

From that point, the Eternal Father saw that humanity must never again be misguided and that the direction of humanity would depend on the fulfillment of His Will and His Law. And it has been this way up until these days through the intervention of the Sacred Hearts, because being a part of God, we know your history, and we are a part of this humanity.

My Mother and I incarnated so that even matter could experience the process of redemption, and we could cause what the Hellel had determined to be accomplished. Thus, I had to die on the Cross, be denied and repudiated, humiliated and scourged, so that the human Project could be saved, and in this last opportunity, through the Presence of Christ on Earth, the aspiration of God could be fulfilled, that His Love be a part of His creatures forever.

And so, God has asked Me to use His creatures, His children, over the course of time and generations, so that all souls possible may achieve living a Christic life, even in the culminating moments, even in the determining cycles, until the Will of God be done.

The aspiration of the Resplendent Ones is still to be fulfilled. That definitive moment will come with the Return of Christ, when everything is about to be accomplished, when the prophecies manifest and humanity becomes aware, in the last hour, of these events.

Thus, the Sacred Book of the Hellel is still incomplete. It is the story of your lives that will complete it. It is the value that, for the price of My Blood, all of you can give it, so that this book may be finished, written by the very hands of the Resplendent Ones.

Your life and the lives of each being of this planet should be written in that Sacred Book as a testimony to the fulfillment of the Will of God, just as the Life of your Lord is written in the Book of the Resplendent Ones.

On this seventh day, I leave you this revelation so that you may understand and feel what the Father is feeling and living, that this moment is culminating, and there will not be another. For this reason, He sends Me as His Messenger, so that you not only experience these things in My Mercy, but that you also fulfill them, as has been foreseen.

Today your human part is facing the Truth of God, so that it may become more aware and responsible each day, because we are faced with the last great time, the time of the coming, of the Return of the Son of God.

May God make you humble so that you may hear His Message and His Word, to go beyond yourselves and fulfill His Will.

Through the Grace of the Sacrament of the Eucharist, let us commune of this mystery and of this truth of God, so that humanity may give a response to the unfinished Project.

Let us celebrate.

We stand in first person before Our Lord Jesus Christ to receive His blessing and His Divine Grace. We unite in our heart to this prayer for all priests:

may my spirit be purified
at this moment, 
so that I may participate 
in Your unfathomable mysteries of Love.

may my soul be purified
at this moment,
so that I may be worthy
of all Your Graces.

may my mind be purified
at this moment,
so that my consciousness may be united 
with the Divine Mind of God, and thus
be able to have the Grace of lovingly carrying forward
this Holy Sacrament.

may my heart be purified
at this moment,
so that my feelings may be united
with Your most pure feelings
of Love for humanity.

may my hands be purified
at this moment,
so that I may be worthy of participating
in the celebration and the consecration
of Your Body and Your Blood.
Purify my hands of all
that I have done that is impure and incorrect,
so that I may be blessed, 
able to touch Your Glorious Body.

may my eyes be purified
at this moment
of all that I look upon outside of the Law,
so that during the celebration, 
my gaze only be fixed only upon You.

may my mouth be purified
at this moment
of the words, deeds and judgments 
that I may have pronounced against the Love of God,
so that all that I say from now on
be the holy word of Your Gospel, 
under the Grace of the Holy Spirit.


may my ears be purified
at this moment
of all that I may have heard,
so that from now on I only hear Your Words
and, as a priest,
I may practice all your teachings.

empty me, at this moment,
so that it may not be my personality that acts,
but rather the strength and the power of Your Spirit,
which will perform miracles and wonders 
in this Holy Eucharist.


Let us celebrate the mystery of the Love of Christ present in the Eucharist, and in the Presence of Our Lord, the Resplendent Ones, the Hellell, and our Creator Father, let us not only offer this Sacrament as the surrender of the human condition, but also, let us offer our souls and hearts as testimonies and a thanksgiving for all the Love of Christ received throughout time.

Thus, before Christ was given up, He took the bread, elevated it, giving thanks to the Father so that it could be blessed as His Glorious Body, so that it could be transubstantiated by the angels of the universe, as justification and forgiveness of human errors. He then broke it and offered it to His companions, saying to them: "Take and eat of it, for this is My Body that will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.

He then took the Chalice and offered it to the Father for the redemption of humanity, so that it could be converted into His Blood. The Chalice was blessed and the prayer of the Son was heard by our Creator Father. He then offered it to His companions, saying to them: "Take and drink of it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, which will be shed by your Lord for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me."

We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.

Our Father (in Spanish and English).

May the Peace, Love and Light of Christ descend to the planet.

I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof,
but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.
Celestial Father, Who leads us all,
accept our offer of surrender to You.
Guide us through the path of Love
so that Your Will may be done.

The Plan of Salvation of Christ is taking place and this is the essence of My coming here as a Messenger of God, as the Son of the Father, so that all may be rescued by My Love.

I thank you for listening at this time to the praise "Rescued by Your Love," so that you may understand the essence of the message given today, because everything will always begin with Love, and Love will bring you Grace.

I bless you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us!


We stand up to receive Him.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, My Celestial Church will draw you closer to the Primordial Source, because humanity should still continue to understand what the reasons and the motives are for your being here, as well as for the existence of the material universe.

Through the portal of My Celestial Church, let your souls enter this moment, coming before the Non-material Source that is shown through the portals of the universe.

Follow me in consciousness toward the place where I want to take you today, so that once more, your souls and the souls of your brothers and sisters may be participants in the codes of life, just as your Master and Lord was a participant in the Life of the Father in Himself.

Today the consciousness of the world is placed before the Elohim, a Name of revelation and of strength, of determination and of concretion of Will in all Creation. Holy is the Name of Elohim for all the universe. Holy are Its geometric forms and matrixes that not only regenerate life, existence, but also all of Creation.

Prepare your inner world for this moment, placing yourself in the practice of the void, so that you may hear beyond the words, so that you may understand beyond the mind, so that you may be permeated by the Light of the Spirit, that reverberating and eternal Spirit that is the Elohim itself.

Your hands in the sign of willingness, in the void and in openness.

Let us bring back, in this moment, the blue scenario, so that the melody and the color blue impregnate the physical matter of your human beings.

Close your eyes for a moment and listen, beyond the Word, the vibratory meaning of the Message of the Lord.

And now, with your souls at the Primordial Source, in company of the Creator Fathers, the Elohim, we will contemplate the mystery of the Creation in its divine form.

In that time, when nothing appeared to have a concrete form, the Principle emerged, governed by the Love of God. The Principle had a goal, a purpose, placed in the Mind of the Creator Fathers.

God Himself blessed the Archangels for that mission, which they would carry forward in Creation. But they did not know the whole Will of God. They only knew a part of the mystery, because in the beginning, the Will of the Father was really a mystery; it could not be understood by the mental universe.

But there is something that God placed in the angelic beings, which was obedience, so that they could accomplish it and thus move forward with it in absolute resignation and surrender to the Will of the Father.

Now you, beings from the surface of the Earth, essences of the Supreme Divine Source, position yourselves like the Creator Fathers, at that moment and in that time, and beyond the errors of humanity throughout the ages, in order to understand the occult meaning of the Will of God, permeated by the formula of Wisdom.

Let us see God on His Throne, at the Primordial Source and with the Creator Fathers, calling them, one by one, to serve Him.

Between the Father and the Archangels, contemplate a deep lake of blue light. It was there where everything began. Not only because of His Divine Thought, but fundamentally through a deep feeling, which emerged from the deepest core of God.

God is still a mystery to many, but He has already shown His Power in Creation and in this humanity through those Christified.

Before the need for the accomplishment of Divine Will in this time, and for the recovery of the Purpose throughout the whole human race, as it had been thought of in the beginning of the Primordial Source, a new generation of Christified consciousnesses will emerge. But a way of understanding it or even feeling it will not exist. It will be something that comes directly from the Source to the hearts that will be called to live that spiritual process.

It is something that will come, beyond imperfections, errors or matter. The path of Christification will emerge in unknown consciousnesses, in unimaginable people, in souls that have been waiting since the origin of the Earth for this moment, in collaboration with the Plan of My Return to the world.

The true transformations of the human race in this time will emerge from within beings, so that afterward, that transformation may occur in material life.

Just as the great Hierarchies of the universe were called by Myself to meditate and reflect, today you are aware of this moment that the Archangels are living with Me at the request of the Celestial Father. It is like stopping time and space for a moment. It is to paralyze the errors and traumas in the material universe, especially of this surface race, which must understand that this moment of inflection where it is placed, is the most important. It will be when the last opportunity will be given.

Are you aware of this? So that your material mind and your minds understand beyond forms what God is thinking, not only for you, but also for all Creation.

In this event taking place in the spiritual universe, the Sacred Ark of the Holy Covenant is the intermediary so that the greatest possible number of souls on Earth may receive this impulse. And as much as symbolically it may not be comprehended or understood, what is most important in this moment is the openness of heart, so that you may be participants in the advent of the New Humanity that will come after the current one.

While I am here with you, I must also attentively take care of the requests of My Father, so that His Will be always accomplished, even though the Archangels themselves do not yet deeply know it.

Since the origin of the Earth, the great angelic consciousnesses, the Elohim, learned from this humanity and from the evolution of this planet, from its successes and from its errors, from its victories and from its defeats. And even more, they learned of the choice of humanity throughout time, and of all the alterations made in the human genetic project.

You could not exist at this time if God had not desired it so. How could it be possible to live without His Will, when His Will is the center of the life of the universe? Because from His Will come His deepest aspirations of seeing His creatures in eternal happiness and in the accomplishment of His Divine Purpose, governed by the Sacred Blue Ray.

Now, this great lake of blue light of the spiritual universe is the Consciousness itself of the Elohim. From there came His ardent desire, and there was born His first Will.

God is a Science and an unknown Power; it is for this reason that He has so many Sacred Names, so that He may be understood.

But have you ever asked yourselves, what is there beyond God? What is there beyond the Most Holy Trinity? The Sacred Life of the spiritual plane, does it just end in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit?

Expand your consciousness even further, and through My Words, capture the impulses that I am sending to you.

Material life is not what is most important, even though it is part of the evolution of your lives. But it is time that, before My Return, souls understand the meaning of the Presence of God, not only by His Name, but through what He is, beyond the life of the spirit.

Religions perhaps will not understand what I am telling you, but if I did not say that, it would not be the Will of God. If He sends His Son to the world to prepare you, what is really taking place in this moment? Why is humanity facing the first steps of its Armageddon? Is suffering the only way to learn? No, it is not!

The more consciousness becomes elevated, the less will be the suffering and the debts to be amended. I want you to learn like I learned, to enter into Divine Law. I gave you a first Law so that you could live it, which is the Law of Love. The more you love one another, not only will you be closer to Me, but also to My Father.

What He needs is that, after My Passion, what He so desires be fulfilled, is that the inner Christs awaken, that they concretize the coming of the Kingdom of God in faith, in love and in the trust of hearts. But first you must love what I ask of you, in order to participate.

Do not try to understand it, but rather try to accept it. For this reason, the Creator Fathers today are before the Consciousness of the very Elohim, so that from the eternal principle, a new intervention and opportunity may emerge for all the souls that accept it.

For this reason, My Celestial Church offered to be the intermediary in this event, and not only to have you re-experience My Love, but also for you to love the Divine Wisdom that comes from the Supreme Source.

Today, the Creator Fathers meditate on how They will move forward with this intervention in humanity, in a way similar to how They did in the past, with the people of Israel.

But at this time, the need is very great to be able to be met and reciprocate. The Archangels have been entrusted with this mission. That through the Blue Source of Elohim, humanity may be assisted so that at least a minority of people may fulfill the Will of God, just as the patriarchs fulfilled it.

This will bring the healing of humanity and the concretization in the process of human redemption. And although all are facing the mystery of trying to understand what God needs in this moment, know that the Creator Fathers, the Archangels, will inspire different peoples in the world so that they awaken to this call and fulfill the Eternal Will, which comes from the Father directly to each soul.

Not only the Passion of the Lord is offered so that this may be possible, but also the prayers, the sacrifices, the adoration and the works of charity that are carried out in the whole world through beings of goodwill, and at this moment, in this world crisis, a special and expiatory Grace is allowed, particularly for those that did not deserve it.

The new Tablets of the Law will be given to the Tribes of Israel, that are today scattered throughout the Earth. The Creator Fathers will entrust this exercise so that in the soul of each being, the Will of the Father, which He has been determined since the last 8th of August, may be recognized and felt. This means that not only you are aware of this; the whole universe is aware of this.

Do you understand what I tell you? It is not just another moment. It is not just another cycle. It is a definitive time, but also culminating, not only for your race, but also for all that surround it in the universe, because the only purpose and goal is the realization and the fulfillment of the Will, which will bring revelations, knowledge and deeds.

Saint Joseph has been entrusted by the Eternal Father with being the great intercessor between souls and God from the spiritual universe, so that souls may recognize what the Father needs at this moment for the planet. He will be the Messenger of the inner planes, not only in the conversion of the human heart, but also in the awakening of this great and last call.

Today remain in the consciousness of what happens in the Primordial Source. And although the message is symbolic, love it, just as I love you, so that you feel encouraged and risk living My Will, because everything that you unite in Heaven will be united on Earth, and everything you unleash on Earth will be unleashed in Heaven.

The sacred matrixes of Creation are placed in the hands of the Creator Fathers so that, with the beginning of nothing, when no form and no life had existed, They may go back to contemplating and meditating upon the Call of God, of Elohim.

In the Garden of Gethsemane, this mystery was revealed to Me. I could never have retreated nor refused to suffer for you, because My own human heart, just like yours, was afraid. My cells were afraid of what they would experience in the face of such a great and cruel injustice. Your own Master saw Himself in His human persona.

In spite of the errors, of the tribulations and the attacks in the Garden of Gethsemane, My Heart, just like yours, was carried into peace in order to feel trust, courage and bravery for living something so great.

I trusted, in that moment, that you would do greater things than those that I did.

In spite of the abandonment of My apostles, the uncertainty of My companions, I could not fail to fulfill the Will of God. And when I was crucified, in the Hands and in the Feet, God, in that hour, asked Me to surpass Myself; and the depths of My Spirit, in that moment, cried out: Father, forgive them for they know not what they do! But that was not just for that moment, but rather for all that would happen afterward, up to the present time.

My Spirit felt the impact of the Cross, but also felt the Love of the Source, for the renovation of the human project and redemption.

My Holy Mother did not stay behind. After having known this mystery of the offering of the Spirit of Christ, in rectifying the human errors up to these present times, She also offered Herself, placing Her head upon the ground at the top of Mount Calvary, so that Her Life and Her Heart could be pierced by the pain of Christ, in reparation of the whole human race.

Today I ask you to do the same, beyond the imperfect life, the falls, beyond all lack of understanding, so that you always say to the Father: "Lord, I do it for You, for Your Will, for Your Purpose, for Your ardent aspiration, for Your Love."

Place your hands upon your heart and give thanks.

Under the reflective gaze of Jesus, let us offer this Communion so that the aspirations of the Father may be accomplished in all hearts possible.

When Jesus was gathered with His apostles, moments before His Passion, understanding the Purpose of God beyond material life so that one day, we also would understand it, He took the bread, offered it to the Father, gave thanks and asked that it be transubstantiated into His Body. He then broke it and gave it to His apostles, saying to them: "Take and eat of it, for this is My Body that will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.

He then took the Chalice, and elevating is, gave thanks so that it too would be blessed and transubstantiated into His Blood. He passed it to His companions, saying to them: "Take and drink of it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the eternal and new Covenant, the Blood that will be shed by your Lord for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me."

We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.

The Body and the Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Blessed are the pure of heart, for they will be in the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Our Father (in Spanish and in English).

May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth.

I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof,
but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.

From Heaven, gather this revelation of the Primordial Source of Elohim, to understand that the transformation of the human heart is possible in the absolute living of the Christic life.

Today you will intone a song for Me that resonates in the life of each human being of this planet and that causes the mystery of the surrender of love to be understood. I will carry this song, so simple and straightforward, to the Father in My Heart, as a testimony that redemption is possible in these definitive times, in which the flames of faith, of love and of trust must always be renewed so that His Will may be done.

At the request of Christ, let us listen to "That Which I Am, I give You," and after that song, we will close the meeting of this day and will withdraw to meditate and reflect upon what the Lord has revealed to us today.

I give you My Peace because My Peace is unchangeable. My Peace is transformative. My Peace is healing. My Peace brings renewal.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


We will intone "Primordial Source" a few times and we will accompany Christ in His task of liberation of the planet.

We will stand.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The origin of the Earth was modified from the beginning. The Divine Purpose was not able to be accomplished and many of you already know what the reason was.

Today I do not come to remind you of the mistake, but rather the causes, something that is still to be corrected by the redemption itself of the human being, so that they may recover their filiation with the Source and live the Will of God.

The correction of the Divine Purpose has still not occurred. Humanity has gone through many experiences over the course of time and it is still not redeemed. For this reason, I must return to the Earth to finish carrying out and concretizing what is missing.

If I had not come more than two thousand years ago, the planet would not be within this solar system. The heartbreaking injustice of humanity in that time was very great, and even with the Blood that was shed up to the height of the Cross, the human being has continued to make mistakes.

Now, the situation of this time compared to that of yesterday is very different. The events have become more serious and have harmed the spirituality of the human being. The expansion of the consciousness promised by the Universe will reach the Earth to enter into the human being, to de-crystallize their resistances, and through a great blow of Light that will emerge from the Divine Source, through the Central Sun of the Galaxy, a large part of humanity will have the chance to awaken.

The events of these days are a prelude for carrying humanity into a recovery of its origin and its purpose.

Thus, humanity will have a unique opportunity and could recover the place it lost when Adam and Eve committed the first errors and left Eden. The duality itself that many of you experience today, originating in the time of the Genesis, is what each one must learn to overcome, and do so.

This will bring to the consciousness an important possibility that is not only material, but also spiritual, for humankind of the surface of the Earth to genetically recover its place, that archetype or design of God that was thought of in order to be applied in this humanity, in this race, and which was modified by perversion and disobedience.

At this moment, humanity does not know what will happen inwardly. Before Divine Justice modifies the universe, continue to modify your attitudes and habits for, in this way, you will not feel the impact of the Law at this time.

The Universal Mother has spoken to you about repentance, about penitence. These are words, attributes that cannot be forgotten; you cannot listen to them as if you did not understand what this means. The Word of the Hierarchy comes with determination at this time.

It is necessary to forge the existence of the true being so that illusion may fade away from the human consciousness. Two thousand more years cannot any longer go by for the human being to be able to change, there is no time. This is the only opportunity, an opportunity so similar and unique like that which was received by the people of Israel, with the birth of the Messiah.

After two thousand and twenty years, the situation of humanity has become worse. Humanity has distanced itself from the Purpose and it believed that it was beyond anything. But in this time, it has recognized that this is not so. The events show the contrary, and this must end.

Humanity cannot continue to move backward; it was not created for this end. Setback is part of the adversity; evolution is part of the Divine Source, and the Hierarchy has concentrated on that in these special days, in which important decisions will define the next steps on the surface of the Earth.

But those who want to forge their survival will not manage to do so. It is necessary to strive in order to be within the Law and fulfill it. Suffering is not a part of Creation nor of life. Will you continue to suffer when the assistance of the universe is here?

Humanity must understand that it is not alone and that life does not end here. The universe is in a constant great dynamism, everything is part of life, everything is part of Creation. Is it not of God? For He was Who created it.

Awaken and you will not perish. The consciousness must expand and achieve its purpose. The mirages and illusion must no longer submit your lives. How much longer will you wait for the great step to be taken?

We hope that humanity understands that a great step must be taken, and that many other situations of which humanity is ignorant of and is not aware of depends on that step. Those steps must be taken. There is no place to go or where to remain.

The consciousness will be carried into facing reality. Your irritation or intolerance will not help. You will suffer; you will only suffer if you resist the great change in consciousness.

Humanity needs to be prepared for My Return. If it does not prepare, how will I be recognized? Will the Son of God be imprisoned because He cannot be crucified again?

He will come with the Glory that the Father has given Him, with the great revelation that was experienced by some of the apostles at the Transfiguration. With Him will come not only angelic beings, but also everything that is and vibrates in the universe, called the Brotherhood.

There will be no form or movement that will stop it because when the Return occurs, the universe will tremble and the planet will enter into a time where it has never been, the eternal time of the universe, where everything is known and is lived.

At this moment, any preparation could be insufficient. For this reason, the demand is very great at this time. You will need to help your brothers and sisters in their awakening. You cannot be paralyzed when I return to the world and the universe enters the planet in a very strong way. There will be nobody who cannot see it; that moment is written and you must remember it.

That is why I have come in these end times, preparing you so that, when I return, you are not surprised, because you will be able to see the true Face of the Son of God, as nobody has ever seen It before, because the Son will come from the Source and at His Feet, the universe will accompany Him, and humanity will know it because it will be a sign without warning.

Those who have never believed, will believe. Those who denied Me, will repent. And those who abandoned Me, will beat their chest and say: My God! My God! But everything will have been accomplished, because the Graces of My Source have been endless.

I come to open the eyes of the consciousness. I come to make you feel the Truth within your hearts, and this goes beyond any religion, because the Divine Source is one and universal. It is the Source of all creatures and consciousnesses, on all levels of Creation.

That Divine Source belongs to each being, because we all come from it and the goal of this experience on Earth, as well as in the universe, is that you return someday to that Source, to renew Creation with all that you learned and experienced.

I do not want you to feel fear of My Words, but rather seriousness. The Will of God acts in this place and His Power expresses through My Words, awakening the cells of the human beings so that they achieve an elevation and an awakening.

I do not want more souls to continue to blind themselves, to lose the path of the spirit, to miss the opportunity of inwardly loving and growing.

I gave My Life for you and I continue to do so, because humanity has not understood the Message. For this reason, I still have to come from Heaven so that souls can hear and recognize Me. If I were in My Church of the Earth, humanity would not hear Me.

Many were the paths that My companions decided to take, and they slowly distanced themselves from Me. In the center of My divine and solar Heart I unite all the paths so that souls may return to Me and have eternal life.

But My coming to the world, My Return, is not far. Think about that, because at the least expected moment I will come and you must be ready to go to My encounter, just as I will go to the five continents. And all of humanity, in spite of their languages, will understand Me, for I will speak a single language that nobody has heard yet. It will be the Spirit of God that will cause you to understand My Message, just as you now understand My Words.

You must be stewards of My Legacy, living it so that your brothers and sisters may also learn to live it.

I come from Heaven with the Purpose of God, because there is little time left for humanity to correct its paths and amend its errors, so that it does not lack My Mercy. This is what I hope for, that you not lack My Mercy.

Today I carry the great Scroll of God in My Hands, which the Father wrote for humanity, His sublime and ardent Desire for each of His children.

This Scroll was presented to the Archangels in Genesis, to be applied to the first humans, in Adam and Eve.

Pray with Me for the times that will come, so that this Purpose of God that is written may be fulfilled in each one of your lives according to His thought, and I will pray for you so that you may live it.

Many souls denied this Legacy, souls with great tasks rejected this Purpose without being aware of what they did. But I will take care of them and I will position them in the place they belong, that corresponds to their choice, because now they will not have the prize of the Heavens, but rather the loving Justice.

But you will continue to pray until just before My Return to the world, so that souls may be able to correspond to My Call, which is the Call of My Father through the Voice of His Son, which hopes to echo in hearts.

Today, in light of the written Will of God at the origin of this Creation, we will offer the Sacrament of the Eucharist, so that through the Body and the Blood of Christ, souls may have the inner strength to live the Purpose.

Let us celebrate, contemplating this mystery.

Let us contemplate Christ, still present in this place for the whole world, bearing in His Hands the Scroll of God, the ardent Will of the Creator for His children at the origin of Creation.

Let us place our hands on our hearts and unite with Jesus Christ, making our offering on this afternoon of Mercy and of awareness. And in the name of humanity, let us give thanks that the Lord always leads us to Truth so that we may be guided to the Father.

We offer our imperfect hearts and we aspire to receive the coming of Christ to the Earth, in brotherhood and in light.

Knowing the purpose of Creation, in that time, and while gathered together with His companions, Jesus took the bread, raised it and offered all His Being for each one of us. And He asked of the Father that the bread He was offering be converted into His Body.

The Father heard Him and accepted His surrender.

And thus, Jesus broke it and offered it to the apostles, saying to them: "Take and eat, for this is My Body that will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

And the form of Light entered into the soul of the apostles. Jesus then took the Chalice and raised it, asking the Father to convert it into His precious Blood; the Father heard Him. Then Jesus offered it to the apostles in an act of profound Love, saying to them: "Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, which will be shed by Your Lord for the forgiveness of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

The Body and the Blood of Christ.

With all our hearts, in the living Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we offer the prayer that He taught us:

Our Father (in Spanish and English).

May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth.

I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof,
but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.
Celestial Father,
Who leads us all,
accept our offer of surrender to You.
Guide us through the path of love,
so that Your Will may be done.

I will always give you everything that I Am and everything that I have, because I know what you need for learning to love My mystery and living My Will.

At the request of Our Lord, through the brothers and sisters of the Council, we are going to listen to an intention you may want to leave in the Heart of the Redeemer for humanity.

The Lord listens, one at a time:

"May Your Will eternally be accomplished, Lord."

"May there be peace in hearts, in spite of the suffering."

"May we be able to live compassion and unity, and be as one heart and one soul."

“Father, listen to those who serve Me,

those who follow Me, those who live Me.
Father, sweet Adonai, Supreme Will, Eternal Hope,
sacred relief from suffering,
listen to us, so that Your Will may be fulfilled.
Father, do not look at the errors,
believe in all that which I can do in Your children,
because Your Love, Your Grace and Your Mercy will always win.”


I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To close this meeting and this transmission, carrying the impulse of the Love of Christ within the heart, let us listen to a song requested by Him:



In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the solemnity of the consecration of new adorers, standing before the doors of the Celestial Church, in the Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His holy angels, we will listen to the "Pater Noster" and join this angelic procession that descends from the Universe to the Earth, beside the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

We continue with an instrumental.

We salute Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and revere His Eucharistic Heart in union with all the adorers of the world who implore at this time for the Mercy of Our Lord for the whole world.

Today, within My Celestial Church, I have prepared a simple but profound ceremony, very significant for your lives at this crucial moment of humanity.

On this day, the center of the celebration in My Celestial Church is My Eucharistic Heart, so that It may be honored and adored, so that the Love of the Living God may be recognized and accepted by all the souls of the Earth, in order that through the Adoration they may achieve the spirit of redemption and elevation of the consciousness.

The great task of all the adorers of the world has just begun. Since the first day that the Corpus Christi was instituted up to the present, everything has been a preparation for this end time.

Each adorer commits to be a warden of My spiritual Relics, so that those Sacred Relics, which are born of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, may be available for all souls, and the merits of My Merciful Heart can be poured out in the world.

The Adoration that in this end time you will be able to offer Me will not only unite you with My Celestial Church, you will not only be able to continue doing it in silence to contemplate the silence of your Lord, but also, you will be able to know many more mysteries of My Heart, that have not yet been revealed to the world.

The Adoration that My Adorers can offer, in this end time, will be significant and important for Me, not only because of all that the Hierarchy has already said throughout the ages, but also because the great moment has arrived for your lives to be the eucharistic miracle of the Adoration. And those are not only words, they will be acts, it will be something more than a testimony and more that an experience or a spiritual practice, so that you may learn to support the end of times with Me.

The Adoration is a law instituted spontaneously in the beginning times of Christianity by the souls devoted to My Merciful Heart, by the first Christian communities that understood the occult meaning of the Presence of Christ on Earth, more than two thousand years ago.

Do you understand what it means that a Divine Law has been attracted from the Source by the souls of Earth? When souls on the Earth must live the Law, what is it that allows that spiritual and profoundly inner miracle? It is the Adoration, throughout the times and the generations.

The souls that adore in this time have already adored in other times. Through the deep connection with My Heart, they are not only wardens of the spiritual treasures of the Redeemer, but through the Adoration, their spiritual life is changed and redeemed, forgiven and absolved of the errors of the past.

In this end time, Adoration modifies the human genetics, transubstantiating and redeeming it in each practice of Adoration.

The science of the Earth could never explain this. But if souls in times past were capable of drawing to themselves the immutable Law of Adoration, what more could happen in this end time if more souls commit to truly adoring the relics of their Master and Lord through the Eucharist?

It is for this reason that I need your lives, in this end time, to be the eucharistic miracle itself through Adoration. 

It is something more than being in Adoration at My Eucharistic Heart; it is learning to penetrate the mystery of the non-material universe that presents itself in the science of the Eucharist through the intervention of Divine Laws, which allow Eucharistic miracles by means of the Holy Spirit.

The souls that will be consecrated today will not only be sealing a commitment to Me, outstanding and definite, but they will also be doing it for all the souls that do not adore Me and that do not love Me.

Today, the Celestial Church, through this special ceremony for the Adorers of Christ, is working with the indifference of humanity, with the omission of the Commands of Heaven.

Through Adoration, I will erect you as the new Tree of Life, and your lives will be able to express the Treasures of Christ, the fruits that come from gifts and virtues, and your task of Adoration will not be personal; it will be an essential task of your souls with Me, your commitment to Me, your transparency with Me.

In this way, I will be able to renew all things, just as I can renew all those who come, and who, at any level of consciousness, place themselves at My Feet to be torn apart by My Love.

The next step of each of your lives is to allow yourselves to be rent by My Love, from the inside out, so that all may be removed, so that the treasures of your Master and Lord, present in the Eucharist, enter into your consciousnesses so ta you may learn to be different consciousnesses, and thus live the Will.

In the Celestial Church, Adoration is permanent; it is an eternal state of awareness that the angels constantly venerate, so as to give tribute and honor to the merits that your Master and Lord achieved through His sorrowful Passion.

The power of the Eucharist is still unknown to humanity. Its power will come in the end of these times as a great visible sign in the skies. When your Master and Lord is returning, there will not only be signs in the sky but also in all Tabernacles of the Earth that have been correctly adored and revered by souls. I will demonstrate to the world that Christ is not a religion, It is a state of consciousness that belongs to the children of My Father, surpassing any religiosity or dogma.

In this moment of your lives, if you have correctly adored your Master and Lord in the Eucharist, you will be able to be the shrine itself. And in this way, in this time and at this hour that is approaching, the Law will be fulfilled.

In the Sacred Eucharist of the Celestial Church and in all the tabernacles of the Earth there are the five Powers of Christ: liberation, transfiguration, transubstantiation, redemption and Mercy.

In the Eucharist is the synthesis of My whole Life and experience with humanity; it is the testimony of the Presence of the Living God.

Now you know My five Powers, seek them, contemplate them, adore them, and you will achieve them

If souls knew what I left them through the institution of the Eucharist, humanity would already be different, and it would no longer be a debtor, but rather, worthy of all the Graces of Heaven.

Thus, each adorer repairs the offenses that your Master receives, amends the contrary actions that are committed by humanity, so that Supreme Grace may descend and hearts have an opportunity.

May the center of your lives from now on be this mystery.

There will never be a question without an answer; everything is in the Adoration, inside and outside of the consciousness.

Today, the Celestial Church offers a reparation for many souls for their indifference, outrages, and omissions of the Holy Eucharist, from religious life to ordinary life, and this is possible, although unknown, because of the offering of adoring souls.

But before blessing those who will offer themselves to support the planet with Me until the end of their lives, in this solemnity of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, through the Celestial Church, together with the angels of Heaven, we will bless the monstrances that were brought to this altar, so that they may serve not only for Adoration, but as inspiration, as fortitude, and as healing for souls.

Let us stand.

Let us accompany this blessing, in union with our Guardian Angels, solemnly intoning: "Kodoish."

We will wait for the angels to enter so that they may indicate the moment of the consecration.

Let us sing.

We breathe in.

Let us go back to the "Pater Noster."

Now our brother and sister postulants will make their inner offering to Our Lord, to consummate this consecration in the silence of the heart.

The Lord listens to you.

We receive this Grace by making the Sign of the Cross.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us request of Our Lord, for these brothers and sisters, the Grace of perseverance in this sacred task of adoring the Eucharistic Heart of Our Lord, for the peace and the good of humanity.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen (in Portuguese).

You may go.

(The second group of postulants comes up).

Let us ask of Christ, for this task, the Grace of perseverance in this sacred practice of Adoration of His Eucharistic Body.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You may go in peace.

We return now to the instrumental of the beginning so that we may carry out this consecration. And in the same way that the adoring souls offer themselves to Our Lord, in constant union and love with Him, we will ask through the Celestial Church, in the Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ, that His Eucharistic Heart, the powerful Monstrance of Light, wake up and inspire the souls that have not yet found Christ, so that they may feel His Love and His Mercy.

In this hour, we offer ourselves to the Celestial Church, just as we offer these elements of the altar, so that they may be blessed once again.

Let us place ourselves at the moment of the Last Supper, when through the elements, Jesus taught His apostles what He would live for us up to the top of Mount Calvary on the Cross.

That was how Jesus, after having blessed His companions, took the bread, lifted it up and thanked the Father for the sacrifice that He would live so that it could be transubstantiated into His Body. He broke it and offered it to His companions, saying to them: "Take and eat of it, for this is My Body that will be given for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
(in Portuguese)

The form of Light of the Eucharistic Body of Christ entered into His companions, just as today It will enter into us so that we may commune of His Peace.

He then took the Chalice and lifted it up, giving thanks so that it could be transubstantiated into His Blood. Then, with a Loving and Merciful look, He offered it to His apostles, saying to them: "Take and drink of it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the eternal and new Covenant, which will be shed by your Redeemer for the forgiveness of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
(in Portuguese)

The Body and the Blood of Christ.

May those who avail themselves of this Sacrament for the redemption of humanity be happy.

Our Father (in Portuguese and in English).

May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth.

I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof,
but only say the Word and I shall be healed.

Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee
the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ
present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth,
in reparation for the outrages,
sacrileges, and indifferences by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg the conversion of poor sinners.


For some seconds, let us adore the Sacred and Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, for the peace and the healing of humanity.

Celestial Father,
Who leads us all,
accept our offer of surrender to You.
Guide us through the path of Love
so that Your Will may be done.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We close this transmission by contemplating the Heart of Christ within us.

Thank you all. 


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To receive at this moment the perfection of the Celestial Church of Our Lord, at His request, let us stand and intone "Ha Rishon", to receive the impulse of the Consciousness of Emmanuel.

Song: "Ha Rishon V'ha Acharon."

Welcome within you the Presence of Emmanuel, one of the great aspects of God, in My Celestial Church. It is the thinking and creator God, Who has gestated in His Spirit all that exists in Creation and in the Universe.

His Mental Universe is not only expansive, but also infinite.

From Emmanuel emanates the power of the Purpose, the concretization of the Sacred Goal.

From His creative Mind are born the forms that strengthen the expression of the Celestial Church.

Through Emmanuel, we find the path of righteousness, alignment and harmony.

His Creative Mind must act in all that exists and lives. For this reason, there is no error or mistake in His Plan; geometrically and mathematically, everything is perfect. From there are born the sacred forms, the so-called symbols of Creation, that have constituted the manifestation of the spiritual, mental and material universes.

Today, in the Celestial Church of your Master and Lord, we are standing before the Creator Source of Emmanuel, governed by the sacred Blue Ray, which expresses His infinite and pure Mind.

From Emmanuel were born the Archangels. The original Source of the Creator Fathers is in Emmanuel, and through the Creator Fathers, from the Archangels, the principles and attributes of the Divinity are born, especially for this material universe.

In its interior and at this moment, see within yourselves the great creator Nebula of Emmanuel, the powerful Mind of the Eternal Father, which from the beginning gave an impulse to the manifestation of the Will.

See within yourselves the sacred Nebula of Emmanuel, and return to the origin of the Origin, just as today the Creator Fathers, through the Sacred Celestial Church, return to the Origin together with all the good and blessed souls.

That is how, at this moment, you must find in the silence of the heart as well as in non-material life, the essence of your purpose, the reason for your creation and existence.

Meanwhile, the Father contemplates you, just as He contemplated you in His Powerful Creator Mind before you had life, before you were an essence with a creator purpose.

In the Nebula of Emmanuel lies the beginning of your beings, the origin of your emergence, the path that will again lead you to God.

Today God has wanted you to know these things, that you become aware of this mystery that goes beyond material life and up toward spiritual life.

Ask yourselves internally: Who am I? while you see within yourselves the Sacred Nebula of Emmanuel.

Who am I?

And see written within yourselves the Sacred Name of Emmanuel, the "God in Us" and in this way, you will understand that your life does not end here, that this life is a passage and it is an experience that someday will lead you to finding the truth, the truth that is within each one of you, a truth, free of appearances, errors, traumas and sufferings.

God ardently desires that you remember your essential life, the God in us, and in this way, you will overcome everything, will understand everything, and in the end, you will penetrate the mystery of the Consciousness of Emmanuel, just as the Son of God lives in the mystery of His Father, just as the Father lives in the Mystery of His Son.

What shines in you, under the Love of God, is stronger than all that is external.

See your lives in a different way, understand your paths through other symbols, because the "God in Us" is there, waiting, up until today, that you realize His aspiration.

Continue emptying and divesting yourselves so that you may understand and love the revelation of this mystery, which reaches the consciousness of the whole planet and of humanity.

While My Church emanates this impulse to the world, hearts can find the truth and the answer so longed for to understand that life does not end here, and that it is governed by a Sacred Purpose, which is written in your essences, since you emerged from the Source.

In this crucial time of humanity, the Creator Fathers resume the principles of the Source in order to be able to pour them out, and place them in all possible essences in order to generate the awakening. If that happens, and souls understand the message that comes from the universe, the end of time will not be necessary and chaos will end in humanity because millions of souls will be aware of their purpose and would be able to amend their mistakes through experiences of love and redemption.

The most pure Source of the Consciousness of Emmanuel opens through the Celestial Church in order to reach the world and try to correct its errors, under the impulse of the Divine Will, that the Creator Fathers bring.

If the offerings continued to be true, many uncertain doors would close, and souls will not suffer, for they will have found the meaning for being here on this planet, learning what they are living and experiencing, what they are feeling, in perfect union with the Creator.

But Emmanuel is not the only creative manifestation of the Father; you already know some of His Sacred Names and it must be your aspiration to know even more about the mystery of each Sacred Name, because they are vibrations that are emanated from the Supreme Source, bathing all of the spiritual, mental and material universe.

But this does not end here; the Names of God are great keys of access to the Supreme Consciousness, and to the re-encounter with the Source that generated and emanated you.

Emmanuel is the Great Restorative Power of the Universe. During the three days in the sepulcher, the power of the Light of Emmanuel restored the Sacred Son and carried Him to the resurrection. If souls knew that power, even more, they would not become lost, for who adores God in the Heavens, adores all of Creation, and all its manifestation in the planes of consciousness.

Today you are before that Nebula of the Light of Emmanuel so that the life of humanity may be restored and healing may be achieved in this moment of the planet.

Many fallen essences return to the Primordial Source through the intercession of the Creator Fathers, to recover the principles they have lost and the attributes they abandoned since they emerged from the Source, and this is possible because of the descent of the Celestial Church, and because of this physical space, offered to your Master.

Today, the inner union between the material, mental and spiritual universe occurs, and the souls of Earth carry with them a great impulse that comes from Emmanuel.

Now, placing your hands in the sign of gratitude and reception, let us ignite the essence of the Purpose in each being, intoning the sacred Name of Emmanuel. 

We can begin. Everyone within the blue Nebula of Emmanuel.

Song: Emmanuel.

We bring our hands to our hearts and give thanks. We give thanks to our Creator Father.

Let us celebrate this Eucharist, standing before the Consciousness of Emmanuel and Christ. Let us ask Our Lord that He make us worthy of this moment so that we may participate in the mysteries of the Love of Christ, re-experiencing His sorrowful Passion.
At this moment, let us offer a prayer for all the priests of the world, so that the Lord always grant us the Grace of representing Him on the surface of the Earth as His companions and apostles, so that the priestly consciousness also be restored in the Presence of the Creator Father Emmanuel:
may my spirit be purified
at this moment,
so that I may participate
in Your unfathomable mysteries of Love.

may my soul be purified
at this moment,
so that I may be worthy
of all Your Graces.

may my mind be purified
at this moment,
so that my consciousness may be united
with the Divine Mind of God, and thus
be able to have the Grace of lovingly carrying forward 
this Holy Sacrament.

may my heart be purified
at this moment,
so that my feelings may be united
with Your most pure feelings
of Love for humanity.

may my hands be purified
at this moment,
so that I may be worthy of participating
in the celebration and the consecration
of Your Body and Your Blood.
Purify my hands of all 
that I have done that is impure and incorrect  
so that I may be blessed,
able to touch Your Glorious Body.

may my eyes be purified
at this moment,
of all that I look upon outside of the Law,
so that during the celebration,
my gaze only be fixed upon You.

may my mouth be purified
at this moment,
of the words, deeds and judgments
that I may have pronounced against the Love of God,
so that all that I say from now on
be the Holy Word of Your Gospel,
under the Grace of the Holy Spirit.

may my ears be purified
at this moment
of all that I may have heard,
so that from now on
I only hear Your Words
and, as a priest,
I may practice all your teachings.

empty me, at this moment,
so that it may not be my personality that acts,
but rather the strength and the power of Your Spirit,
which will perform miracles and wonders
in this Holy Eucharist.


You who are the Love that exists in all existence,
on this afternoon of Mercy,
I offer the merits and the triumphs
of the Sacred Heart of Your Son,
so that they may be poured out
by the power of this Sacrament,
so that the faults of souls
be forgiven,
hearts be repaired,
and life be healed in all those who need it,
so that Your Will may be fulfilled.


When I was gathered with the twelve, I took the bread, in an act of gratitude I elevated it so that it would be transubstantiated by the angels of Creation, so that it would be converted into the Body of Christ. I then broke it and gave it to the apostles, saying to them: "Take and eat, for this is My Body that will be given for humankind, for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
(in Portuguese)

The Supper having ended, I took the Chalice and elevated it to Heaven in an act of thanks, so that it could be transubstantiated into the Blood of Christ by the angels of Creation. I then passed it to those of Mine, and offered it to them, saying: “Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, that will be shed by the Redeemer for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me.”

We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
(in Portuguese)

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, may the powers of Your creator Grace descend through this Sacrament and establish a spiritual Communion with all the devoted souls of the world.

Our Father (in Portuguese and English)

May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth, under the Power of Emmanuel.

I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.

We announce at this moment, at the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, before the Presence of Emmanuel, the Creator Father, the establishment of spiritual Communion with all followers of Christ throughout the world, through three bells.

Celestial Father, who leads us all,
accept our offer of surrender to You.
Guide us through the path of Love
so that Your Will may be done.

Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee
the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ
present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth,
in reparation for the outrages,
sacrileges, and indifferences by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg the conversion of poor sinners.



My Father, Emmanuel, was the inner power that caused Me to reach the heights of Mount Calvary, although seemingly I could never have managed it, because it was the power of His Love that changed the Cross into the Tree of Life.

Your own crosses may someday be the Tree of Life. Believe in it, because the end of the captivity is near, and all will change with My Return to the World.

Today take Emmanuel into your heart and feel within yourselves His blue Fire, so that the essence of the Purpose may incarnate in all possible souls, and just as the beloved Son, the Crucified, souls may fulfill the Will that comes from the Supreme Source.

Be in My Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

At the request of Christ, at the closing of this apparition, we will listen to a song that He greatly feels and that helps each one of us, called “Make of me nothing.”


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I want to see you divested at this moment, so that I move forward with My task on this day.

Do so!

Lord, I who am nothing,
surrender to You,
so that you may make of me Your Dwelling.
(three times)

There are still wounds that the world causes Me to suffer.

Today, I want you to contemplate the Wound in My Side. That Wound that once, on the Cross, poured out Water and Blood as the last and great surrender of your Redeemer.

Through the Celestial Church, let us go to Mount Calvary, not to remember My suffering, which is still very unknown, but so that you may know My Victory, which is the Victory of My Father through His Son. This is why I need you divested.

The Lord is showing Mount Calvary, between smoke and fire, and His empty Cross. At the foot of the Cross is the glorious Mother. Let us place ourselves beside Her so that, together with the angels of the Celestial Church, we may contemplate this moment and the revelation of this mystery that is held in the Ark of the Holy Covenant.

Let us go to the moment in which Our Lord expired for the last time and had His Head drooped upon His Chest. Let us contemplate the Death of Jesus and how all the angelic choirs place themselves at the Feet of the Lamb of God, between the smoke and the fire, to feel the transformation of pain into Love.

Let us see the Virgin Mother contemplating the mystery of this surrender, Her Heart being pierced because of sharing the pain with Her Son, the pain that redeemed and liberated.

And in the heights of the sky of Mount Calvary, we see an angel coming, the Archangel Gabriel, with twelve of His angels, carrying in His hands a Chalice to collect the fruits of the Blood of the Lord.

In the apparent Death of Jesus, He was more alive, laboring over and redeeming the inner planes in all aspects of the planet and in the lower worlds of the human consciousness.

Let us contemplate the Soul of Jesus, the resplendent and living Soul, together with the angels, cleansing the hells, lifting up fallen souls, in the mystery of His Love.

Let us see the Soul of Jesus transfigured, illuminated and glorified, lifting up the not chosen to Heaven through the mystery of His Death on the Cross.

And so, the Archangel Gabriel descends to the top of Mount Calvary and takes in His hands the spiritual relic of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Holy Mother has the revelation of that mystery, just as we also have it today.

The Mother of God offers the Archangel Gabriel the Heart of Her Son so that the expansion and the work of Mercy may be stronger.

Let us offer our imperfect hearts, our human hearts, to be considered and accepted by the Ark of the Holy Covenant.

In honor of the merits of our Redeemer, we remain on the top of Mount Calvary, contemplating the pain of the Death and the victory of the Light, being bathed and filled by the mysteries of Our Lord.

Now, in this moment and in this apparition, let us see the pity of Mary with Her Son in Her arms, Saint Mary Magdalene, Saint John the Apostle, Joseph of Arimathea and some of the holy women, in the Death of Jesus, all contemplating the life of the Soul of Jesus. And how, from the Chest of Christ, a deep light emerges from His wounded Heart. It is the Light of God's Love, untiring, that does not cease giving itself out of Love for His children.

Let us place our hands in the sign of reception; we are at the top of Mount Calvary with Our Lady and the companions of Christ, and also with the angels of the Archangel Gabriel, who hold the relics of Our Lord, the fruits and the treasures of His experience on Earth.

And on top of Mount Calvary, we see the Consciousness of God approaching, Emmanuel.

Let us keep in our hearts the Light of the Love of Christ, just as Our Lady and the holy women kept that Light in their hearts.

"Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the Word, and I shall be healed. Amen."

Let us repeat.

Now let us see that Light that emerged from the Heart of Christ in us. Let us feel the Presence of Jesus, His loving Presence, the Love that transforms and heals, the Love that accepts and understands, the Love that calms and brings the new life.

Let us raise our consciousness higher, as the Archangel Gabriel does, taking the spiritual relic of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to the Celestial Church.

And now, let us see ourselves inside the Celestial Church. Our souls are there again, also contemplating this mystery revealed on top of Mount Calvary.

Inside the Sacred Ark, the Archangel Gabriel places the spiritual relic of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, holding the wound of the Heart of Christ as the great offering of the Love of God for all Creation.

The Ark of the Holy Covenant shines forth until it disappears into the intense light. The entire Celestial Church is illumined. Our souls disappear in the intense light and all of Creation is lit up on the spiritual, mental and material planes, and all life is illuminated.

Today the planet receives the mystery of the Heart of Jesus, kept in the Ark of the Holy Covenant.

Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, dressed as the Wife of God, holds wedding rings in Her hands. Being next to the Sacred Ark, She offers them as one more step in the consecration of our souls. Our souls appear before Our Lady, in the center of the altar of the Celestial Church.

The Sacred Heart still continues to illuminate all the spaces of Creation. And behind the Ark of the Holy Covenant, in the main temple, is Our Lord, sitting on the Throne together with the twenty-four Elders, the Elders of the Apocalypse.

Mary, in Her humility, offers these rings to the children who want to accept the path of Christification, in this time of humanity.

Our Lady waits, in light of the scenario of the Celestial Church, for Her children to approach in soul to take the rings, before the paternal Gaze of Jesus.

Bring me here the rings of the new helpers. Our Lord has requested them so that, in this exercise, all of us also experience this consecration and renewal of vows.

Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that by the Birth, Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ, that demonstrated Your merciful Love to the world, receive into Your Celestial Church the acceptance of our souls, of this eternal alliance with Your Divine Spirit so that Your Will may be done.

I would like you to learn to live in My Kingdom all the time, because I am always there, sharing the fruits of Love with the angels and the blessed. It is thus that your union with My Celestial Kingdom will make the sanctity of your lives emerge, and the imperfection will be transformed through the Sacraments of Love that I gave you.

Let us adore this moment and prepare for this consecration and Eucharistic celebration, bringing into our awareness everything that the Lord has revealed to us today. Let us not leave that space and that place. Let us feel ourselves embracing the wood of the Cross and expressing our gratitude for the triumph of the Love of Christ in all humanity. Amen.

Incense. Blessed water.

Lord, we offer this incense on Your Altar as an elevation of our souls and consciousnesses to Your Celestial Kingdom, so that the souls most in need, at this moment, may be touched by the Light of Your Love and of Your consecration. Amen.

Baptize us, Lord, with the Water of Your Spirit, so that every part of our being may be blessed by Your Light. Amen.

Now, sisters, make your inner offering to Our Lord, so that this moment may be sealed by the covenant with His Sacred Heart.

And now that everything has been consummated, the most important moment has come for your Master and Lord, in which He can remember and relive the surrender of His Love to His companions.

In light of the power of the Celestial Church, also offer yourselves at this moment to the Most High, so that the merits of the Passion of Christ may be a part of your beings.

Jesus, when gathered together with His apostles, knowing the mysteries of His Sacrifice, took the bread, raised it and thanked the Father so that it could be transubstantiated into His Body. He then broke it and offered it to His companions, saying: "Take and eat, for this is My Body that will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. 
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. 
(in Portuguese)

After the Supper had ended, He took the Chalice and raised it up, offering Himself again for each one of us, so that the wine could be transubstantiated into His Blood. And thus, He offered it to His companions, saying: "Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal Covenant that will be shed by your Lord for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me".

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
(in Portuguese)

In the emptiness of our beings, in the surrender of our souls, we are filled through the Celestial Church with the glorious and victorious merits of Our Lord.

And thus, just as Christ taught, on top of the Mount of Beatitudes, let us pray:

Our Father (in Aramaic, Portuguese, and English).

May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth.

And with three bell sounds, we unite with our brothers and sisters from all over the world to announce the spiritual Communion.

"Lord, I am not worthy that you enter under my roof, but only say the Word, and I shall be healed. Amen."

And at the request of Our Lord, we are going to sing: "Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof", so that we may join this moment of consecration of the helper sisters.

Remember everything that I have told you today, because you will need it in the times that will come. The Love that comes from God will always be a triumphant and eternal Love, and it is that Love that will strengthen and unite you with My Father.

In this time, let Love be above indifference, so that hearts may open, feel and glorify God, Who is in Heaven, the God of Creation.

I thank you for having accompanied me in the mystery of the top of Mount Calvary, in the victory of the Cross and of Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us withdraw into the Heart of the Lord, re-experiencing His Words and His impulses.

We close this transmission with the heart full of gratitude and joy, for once again being anointed by Our Lord.

Thank you all.


At the request of Our Lord, at this moment we are all going to sing one of the Names of God, invoking the descent of the Celestial Church upon the planet. Let us sing the Eloha Shamayim song.

We may all stand up to revere this moment; Our Lord is still coming with the Celestial Church.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

While the foundations of My Church are established upon the surface of the Earth, great forces of evil are liberated from the planet by the elevation of the fallen stars. Be well received by the Celestial Church of My Father and the essence of all His mysteries of Love.

In the presence of His Sacred Ark, receive the impulses of Light that comes from God through the merciful Heart of His Son.

In the company of the angelic universe, prepare your hearts at this moment, to offer your souls to God and be partakers of this task that your Master and Lord will impart to the world.

The doors of My Church are already open and souls are arriving at the Temple of My Heart.

Souls arrive, just as they are, in the spiritual and material state in which they live. With their imperfections and errors, souls arrive at the center of the Temple of the Celestial Church where the Sacred Ark is found at this moment, which acts as a spiritual source of Light for all the souls that approach it at this moment.

And on one side of the Greater Altar of My Celestial Church, the Virgin Mother is to be found with the holy women and some of the apostles, praying for you at this moment, in the contemplative silence of the prayer that is refracted through the mirror of the heart.

Take your hand to your heart and feel the beat of your heart, My Heart beats just like yours, feeling the pulsation of renewal and of life.

Take the Light of My Church to your heart and let the other hand be in a position of offering. See, at this moment, the arrival of the Celestial Father in His state of One Consciousness. And in the emptiness of your beings, make the surrender that you will give your Redeemer today.

The Celestial Church continues to expand over the world so that all souls, of all nations, peoples and races, may enter My Celestial Church, and may all understand one language, one feeling, which is the language of the heart, unmistakable and perfect.

Now that you are aware of what your souls are living with Me, for all your brothers and sisters on Earth, enter the main corridor of My Celestial Church and approach the Greater Altar, where the Ark of the Holy Covenant is.

Today we are before the moment in which God thought of creating His creatures. On the Altar and through the Ark of the Holy Covenant, feel in your hearts the great moment of Our Creator Father, when He wanted to have beings in likeness to Him so that they could love Him and adore Him.

We stand before the God of Mercy. Feel the Heart of God that, in His silence, implores the world, saying to it:

"Reconcile with Me! I am your Creator, I am the Beginning and I am the End. In My House, there is a special place for each one of My children.

Today, My beloved Son has asked Me to bring you to Me, and you are before Me at this moment.

I am the God of Mercy, of the profound Divine Wisdom, the God of Compassion and Love.

Children, straighten your lives, correct your paths, the end time is approaching and you will have only Me to go through it. I am the God of goodness, the God of acceptance, the unconditional Spirit.

Today, your Eternal Father does not look at your faults, but at the gift that He placed in each one of you, with so much love. When will you offer it to Me? My Son has taught you how to do it.

This is the time of reconciliation, so that peace and healing may come to the world.

I have mobilized the entire universe at this time, because your Father is here, seeing how His children become lost and mistreat each other, how they move away from the Law and the truth.

I did not create you to suffer, but rather that you could have eternal life through the Presence of My Son, your Redeemer. But today I have allowed you to enter My Celestial Church so that you may receive within your inner worlds all the mysteries that this Creation granted you, since before you existed.

You are before the Legacy of the Wisdom of God through the Ark of the Holy Covenant. Thus, the New Jerusalem approaches and the children return to the House of David to resume the path, which they once lost, to the Purpose of My Heart.

I only wish happiness for the world rather than justice, but My children did not understand this. Once I Myself had descended to Earth to teach you about Love through the Word, through each of My Wounds, through the absolute surrender of My Heart.

I am the living, unchangeable and infinite God. My House awaits you one day, but while you are here, learn everything the universe gifts to you, correct your mistakes, purify your faults and healing will be achieved.

I come to give you an atonement that today you will not understand, but that in a short while you will know, because it is your souls that need this Grace of listening to the God of Creation.

The Book of the Life of Creation waits to be rewritten by each one of you, through your experiences of forgiveness and redemption.

On this first day of the arrival of My Church to the hearts of the world, I come together with My Son to celebrate the first and fundamental legacy that Your Redeemer left humanity: The Sacrament of the Eucharist.

Just as your souls are doing at this moment, in the withdrawal into the heart and into the void, prepare yourselves for the offering, so that everything that will take place here, as well as everything that has happened here, may continue to bear its fruits of Mercy and Love in each soul of this humanity.

Place your face upon My Feet.

Oh my God, I believe,
I adore, I wait for and I love Thee;
I ask pardon for those who do not believe,
do not adore, do not wait for and do not love Thee.

(three times)

Receive the symbol of the Sacred Geometry of the Ark of the Holy Covenant and carry it to your heart in gratitude and reverence."

Our Lord says that the Word of God reaches the world after two thousand years.

My Father has absolved you.

Our Lord weeps for the non-believers, for those who have abandoned Him and did not have the strength to be supported in Him, and He shows us the Light of His five Wounds, the Light of His Hands, of His Side and of His Feet. And through His Hands He presents us His golden Heart of Light, stronger than hundreds of suns.

By the merits of His Mercy and His sorrowful Passion, He blesses humanity, the five continents and all nations, so that the science of Wisdom illuminates the minds of humankind so that the healing and the reparation of humanity may be established.

In the same way that on this afternoon Our Lord delivers His Heart to us, let us also deliver our hearts to Him.

Let us celebrate.

Just like two thousand years ago, I again give you my Life and all that I am for a simple reason: that you live in My Love and that you know the Truth.

May the Celestial Father receive these elements that will serve as Graces and spiritual anointing for all humanity, recalling the Passion and the Death of Our Lord.

This was how, when Jesus was gathered together with His apostles, He took the bread, raised it up, and offered it to the Father, as an offering of His Sacrifice for humanity. The Father blessed it, and then Our Lord broke it, saying: "Take and eat, for this is My Body that will be given up for humankind for the remission of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. 
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Amen. (in Portuguese)

He then took the Chalice, and offering it to the Father to be blessed, He gave it with all His Love to His companions, saying: “Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the eternal and new Covenant, that will be shed by your Redeemer for the forgiveness of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me”.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Amen. (in Portuguese)

Recognizing the infinite Grace that we receive, in the immensity of the Mercy of God, reaffirming the Passion and Death of Our Lord for the redemption of humanity and for all the Earth, we unite in our hearts and minds with Our Lord Jesus Christ, and before His Celestial Church we repeat the prayer that He taught us, to consummate this consecration.

Our Father (in Portuguese and English).

May the Peace, Love and Mercy of Christ descend to Earth.

"Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof, but only say the Word and my soul shall be healed." Amen.

The most real work of these days will take place in the inner worlds. It is there where you will find My treasures to be able to avail yourselves of them in this end time.

I thank you for having entered My Celestial Church.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We are going to finish this transmission by holding in memory what our souls lived today with the Celestial Father, so that tomorrow, on the second day of the Sacred Week, our souls may be more elevated in order to be filled by the impulses of our Creator Father and His Most Holy Son.

We unite with each of our brothers and sisters of the world, in spiritual communion with Our Lord.

And we give thanks, we always give thanks.

Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

Under the blessing of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May peace be within you in these times of great setbacks, in which serenity and meekness are the principal keys for going through them.

Today I come from a place that some already know and that others will come to know today.

My voice echoes within a distant place of the Earth, where nothingness is present and the void fills the whole being.

My voice is heard in the inner planes, where the melody of peace and rescue for humanity resounds.

Today I come from Shambhala, in the Gobi Desert. Focus your attention upon this place; there, in the desert, lies the Voice of the Master, Who prepares His Return to humanity.

The instructions and teachings continue to be given; knowledge descends to bring more wisdom and discernment in this time.

The great decisions are carried forward and all gather in confraternity.

Shambhala brings the feeling of the sacred and the devotional to all. Its harmony and attunement awaken in the human heart the sacred melody that causes Shambhala to resound.

But Shambhala is remote, its origin unknown. Many want to access its portals, but few find them, because to reach Shambhala, the heart and the intention must be pure; in this way, you will enter the Kingdom of Shambhala.

My Message is being emitted from there, on this day of preparation for the month of August, when I will come to the world to give the last impulses and treasures to humanity.

The light of Shambhala brings peace to the contrary currents and stabilizes the forms; the human mind cannot understand what this is about. Because Shambhala is not of this world, even though it is within it. Its existence is very ancient, its legacy is very profound.

Those who draw close to Shambhala will know the sacred and the blessed; they will feel a call toward ascension and toward the elevation of consciousness, even in these critical and difficult times.

In the Kingdom of Shambhala, you will find many brothers and sisters who are not in material life, but rather in the spiritual life, who intone their songs and mantras to sustain the planet and humanity in equilibrium and harmony.

Join this chain of love and solidarity with the Confraternity of Shambhala; may its sacred spaces fill you and lead you to understand, beyond the material, the whole Plan of God.

It is thus that today Shambhala resonates as a sacred note, a primary key for this end time in which souls are called, on the inner planes, to the Sacred Chambers to meet with the Hierarchy and accompany it in fidelity and obedience.

It is thus that My Voice is emitted from the heart of Shambhala; the doors of Its Kingdom are open before the presence of the Master of Love and Humility.

May its disciples come to Shambhala to also recognize the legacy that is within each being and that for the first time was given impulse in the origins of Shambhala for this planet. Thus, the surface will be permeated with new principles that will dissolve the corrupt and transgressing forms.

The minds will be set free from the chain of bad thoughts, from destruction and cynicism, because Shambhala will be able to awaken within everyone.

In the same way that the monastics of this region of the planet perpetually intone their mantras, may the voices of prayer, supplication and pleas resound within you, because the door of My Mercy is still open to the world and to all souls, beyond their conditions or situations.

The light of Shambhala emerges on the surface of the planet. Some manage to perceive it, others are still too asleep to realize this great happening.

Shambhala emanates its silent message within souls so that they may recognize the moment of Shambhala in this time of humanity.

I want your beings to submerge in Shambhala to understand life and existence from another point within the consciousness; in this way, you will not feel blocked or imprisoned by your own human condition.

Shambhala forges the warrior; Shambhala forges the guardian; Shambhala forges the devotional soul, and constantly gives an impulse to the elevation of the consciousness toward the Sublime Universes.

The Earth is not just chaos. Shambhala, like other places, is a Sacred Chamber where you will be able to make the inner pilgrimage within yourselves, toward your origins, toward the truth. Thus, appearances will disappear, the incomprehension will dissolve; but only the pure and humble hearts enter Shambhala, one that knows, beyond itself, how to recognize the Power of God and Creation.

Shambhala opens like a fount of inexhaustible love. Souls are bathed by the light of Shambhala at this moment to again find the meaning for their existence and their missions on Earth.

Shambhala is here. This is the light of Shambhala. In reverence, be thankful and prepare your hearts for that which will come.

If Shambhala is here today, it is because of a universal, not just world importance. It reveals itself again, after its long withdrawal. Its rays and lights show the next cycle, in which everything will come to an end.

Go and seek what you need in the fount of Shambhala. The Father will always give you everything, always. And when you are in His Law, drink of this fount and your talents will awaken.

Shambhala is unchangeable. Shambhala is eternal. Shambhala is a history of great origins. That is why so many monastics come there, to the Gobi Desert in Mongolia, to seek Shambhala where it seemingly does not exist.

May the light of Shambhala stabilize the spaces and consciousnesses so that harmony and peace may reign.

Shambhala is preparing for its great task and its great moment. Accompany it.

Shambhala summons you in spirit and in soul for the inner union and attunement with the Greater.

But when you walk toward Shambhala, empty yourselves completely. May your feet be washed clean of the dust, the worldwide chaos, before entering the portal so that, purified, your souls may receive what Shambhala has to give you. Accompany Me in this inner pilgrimage.

Shambhala is the essence of Truth; follow its light. It is like a great star in the firmament. Shambhala is like a great sun in the Universe. Its Kingdom is there to be recognized and loved.

Shambhala is the voice of the wisdom of the heart.

Shambhala, Shambhala, Shambhala, come to those who seek immortality and the overcoming of self. Come to those who love the Plan of God and seek It.

Before saying goodbye, and so that you remain in the light of Shambhala, I want to ask you for something special to Me, that, in this Sacred meeting with Shambhala, you close this work by singing "Solar Christ."

In this way, souls will ignite through the impulse that Shambhala will give you with its wisdom and love.

Follow in My footsteps along this pilgrimage, towards a meeting with the sacred and the devotional.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Sacred Light of Shambhala
that emerges throughout space, 
Sacred Light of Shambhala 
that permeates all forms and archetypes, 
Sacred Light of Shambhala 
that transmutes the concrete and terrestrial mind:
Elevate all principles! 
Transmute all currents! 
Dispel all adversity! 
so that the Love that comes from you 
may triumph throughout Creation.


Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Word became Flesh and dwelled among you, and the Word of the Lord was fulfilled on Earth within the lives of those who are consistent and selfless.

The Incarnate Word became One in the children of God and the Word of the Most High reverberated and will continue to reverberate throughout time, through those who hear the Word of God.

Of the most imperfect, I will do wonders for our Father. I will convert miseries into Mercies, and nothing will be impossible for Me, as it has not been until now.

With this, today I want to tell you, on this afternoon of Mercy and solemnity, that for the merits achieved by your prayers in these last seven years, the Most High God of the Universe, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, Adonai, Emmanuel and Abba, He repays from His Source, for each one of his children, His Peace and universal atonement, amending the mistakes made by all humankind up to the present.

Thus, today I want to tell you that I will never abandon you, because you already know how to enter My Heart, and in My Heart there is only eternity, there is never an end.

Children of My Father, open your hearts even more as you did yesterday, on this afternoon of solemnity and Mercy, in which the Eternal Father was attentive to the voice of your supplications.

After the Celestial Church descends here and for the world, in the month of August, I will continue to come, but this time in a special way. On the third Friday of each month I will give the world the final spiritual and divine impulses that, for a certain amount of time, will erect humanity and prepare it for My Return.

The Eternal Father testifies to this moment through the presence of His children and all of His who pray. And even more, our Mother of Heaven and Earth, the great Empress of the Universe, will accompany My Sacred Heart after the month of August, only on the 13th of each month, in which she will finish carrying out the task that She once began in Fatima.

Celebrate this moment and thank God, because you will never be forsaken.

Saint Joseph will go to Heaven and from there He will continue to bless the world, just as He blessed the Son of God when he was still a child.

The last secrets will be delivered, the last mysteries will be unveiled and humanity will no longer be able to say that it does not know it because, through My Spiritual Government and My Celestial Church, I will give them what they need.

So that, after August, I may return and bring more relief to the world, I will trust and accept your prayers on the 5th and 6th of each month, even though I will not be present here. But you know that I will make use of your prayer work in order to bring My Peace and the force of My Mercy to the world.

I would not want to leave here without first seeing all the pilgrims one last time, those who pray and serve, when time permits. Because My aspiration is to merge your essences with Mine and, at the end of this time, to recreate Creation for the victory of Love and forgiveness.

Your Guardian Angels commit themselves to the Lord of the Universe to guard and watch over this moment.

While I am silent, I contemplate with you the world, hurt and in need of love, Mercy, healing and redemption.

Today I accept the surrender of those who have decided to live this path, for all the hearts and lives of this planet that did not correspond to Me and that have failed Me in recent times.

As I accept these offers, the power of My Blood is poured out upon the unredeemed so that they may once again look up to the Heavens and find the hope and peace that they once lost, and also the signs of My Passion, the five sorrowful wounds from Your Lord, that enlighten the world at this time and pour out the Grace of the Lamb of God upon the children of the Eternal Father, upon those who hear Him, feel Him and love Him.

Today a cycle closes, but a final preparation time begins. Commune of My Words, be filled by My Grace and move forward.

You can surpass Me in love. When will you prove it to me? The value of My Life can be surpassed for your lives. The surrender of your Lord can be surpassed by your surrender.

I do not come to ask you for the impossible, I want you to be part of My Mystical Body so that all My Mercy may descend upon you and the world, and you may purify yourselves within Me in order to achieve redemption.

Today I gather all the force of the Light of the universe, and the hells feel this repercussion because each drop of Blood poured out by your Master today has value and victory in those who have corresponded to it.

Even more souls are waiting to enter My Heavenly Church, this must now be spread to the world. All are called, without exception, to be at the doors of My Celestial Church and enter it in the month of August, in which the great celebration will be established between believers and God.

As I speak to you, I purify you and bring you closer to My Heart. Now let your souls lay their heads on My Chest, right now, do so.

And through this melody, which you listen to at this moment, feel My divine and universal embrace, and how each misery is transformed by the power of My Light and the force of My Love.

Surrender into My Arms, you have the opportunity and, in the void and in the emptiness, find My Peace.

I am who I am, I am the beginning and the end, I am the maximum for your lives.

My Love wants to be throughout the whole world.

Today be anointed by My forgiveness that dissolves your miseries, that forgives your sins, that renews you after each fall, that places you before God to feel the Love of His Heart.

Surrender into My Arms and everything will pass.

My Love merges with your love and a single Love is born, the Living Love of Christ that sanctifies souls and leads them to the Kingdom of God.

Thus, today I wish, in the depths of My Soul and Divinity, that you may commune of Me through the Sacrament of the Altar.

Bring the altar here and remain in My Arms, until I tell you what to do.

Stay in My Arms, feel the beat of My Heart and the triumph of Love through this perpetual Covenant with Me.

The Father is attentive to this moment, just as He is attentive to all the souls of the world that surrender in My Arms at this moment.

May we be worthy of this moment and that in the Arms of our Redeemer our hearts and lives be renewed in Christ, knowing that Love, above all, the one that renews all things, will win.

Today the Father will participate in this consecration. Place at the Feet of the Eternal Father your needs, the true needs that benefit other souls.

Today the Cherubim Angels, Guardian Angels of My children from Africa, are here to bring me the offer of their little hearts, for that wounded people and for the world.

My Love penetrates the core of the deepest human pain, because today you have accepted being in My Arms to feel God.

Let us celebrate.

"Oh, Eternal Father, how great is Your Love, Your Power and Your Mercy, that you are able to invite Your children to surpass Me in Love and in surrender, because a good Master works tirelessly so that His companions will surpass him, and someday be good people in charity and in good, in love and in transparency.

Oh, Eternal Father, so many offerings I have received into My Heart from Your children. So many prayers have I heard throughout the recent years. So much, Father, in the triumph of Your Love and Your Truth, faith and unconditional service have you built in the hearts of Your children. This is what brings Me here today to the world.

Adonai, once again I place at Your Feet that everyone can surpass Me and that the prices of My Blood was not in vain, because it pours out upon the oppressed and fallen.

Today I offer you, Beloved Father, the embrace that I have felt from each soul at this moment, so that You, Our Lord, may give them an opportunity like You have given Your Son, to save the planet.

Receive in Your Kingdom, Eternal Father, the love of Your children, the prayers of Your children, the service of Your children and the daily improvement of Your children to achieve Your Peace and Your Mercy.

And so, before the consecration and offering of this Sacrament, on this afternoon of solemnity and Mercy, the faults are erased, the sins are dissolved, because the triumph of Your Love was fulfilled. Amen".

Today the Cherubim Angels, the Guardian Angels of My children in Africa, will transubstantiate these elements together with their Master, because God shows Himself to the small and humble and hides His Power and His mystery from the proud and selfish. Holy Scripture is fulfilled once again.

On the night when He was to be given in, in spiritual company of My Mother and the holy women, who were praying for Me, I took the bread before My apostles, I raised it to the Father, thanking Him for the sacrifice, so that it would be blessed and transubstantiated into my body. And the spiritual Light of the Creator descended to Earth.

Afterward, I broke it and gave it to My apostles saying: “Take it and eat, because this is My Body, which will be delivered by humanity for the remission of sins.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Amen, (in Portuguese).

And thousands of fallen who were in the depths of the abyss of the Earth, became aware of the moment of their redemption. The stars of the universe drew a sacred geometry for the triumph of Love.

Afterward, I took the Chalice and offered it to the Father, so that the wine would be transubstantiated into My Blood, and the divine Light of God descended. Then, I offered it to My apostles saying: “Take it and drink, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, Blood of the eternal and new Covenant, which will be shed by your Lord for the remission of faults. Do this in remembrance of Me. "

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Amen, (in Portuguese).

The Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Father (in Portuguese and English).

May the Peace and Mercy of Christ descend to Earth.

"Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word, and my soul shall be healed. Amen".

Sister Maria Jerusalem, can you come here, please?

We announce spiritual Communion, with Our Lord Jesus Christ, for all our brothers and sisters throughout the world, by means of three sounds of the bells.

Heavenly Father who leads us all,
Accept our offer of surrender to You.
Guide us through the path of love
for Your Will to be done.

When you feel you cannot, be in My Arms.

When the night is too dark, be in My Arms.

When you think you will not succeed, be in My Arms.

When you feel hopelessness, agony or disturbance, be in My Arms.

When you have no inner strength, and only confusion and lamentation, be in My Arms.

When you do not find meaning in life or in your spiritual mission, be in My Arms.

Be in My Arms, be in My Arms, because I come to liberate the afflicted, I come to give Light to the blind, I come to fill the dryness of hearts, I come to transform miseries into the power of My Mercy, because I need you to be able to surpass Me, so that the Plan may be fulfilled.

There is a song that touches My Heart very much, like so many offerings that are given to Me. But this is special, because it reflects the improvement and persistence of My companions in the world. This song is called "Everything I Have Lived". I want you to make this last offer that closes, on this afternoon of solemnity and Mercy, a seven-year cycle of work, effort and hope, with your Master and Lord.

May peace be in you and may you be bearers of My Peace. 

I thank you for responding to My call.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We will prepare for that song.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Those who in the past announced the coming of the Messiah are those who today announce My Return to the world.

The last Scriptures are being fulfilled and this goes beyond human understanding.

My Celestial Church is preparing to descend in all its glory during the month of August; a final culminating moment for humanity.

Today, the domes of My Church and the high towers of the Sacred Cathedral of God are beginning to be built in this place in order to be able to help the whole world from this Center of Love.

Through your prayers, your souls are consciously preparing to participate in the descent of the Celestial Church, which will come like the New Jerusalem, with the power of all the Heavens, with the glory of the whole universe.

The sacred Celestial Church, in its non-material aspect, will touch the Earth for a few days and, in the inner worlds, it will resonate and call upon the last, who will be self-summoned to be present for My Return.

Israel will again have an opportunity, and that ancient people that walked in the desert will no longer search for the Promised Land, for it is within each one of you, in what you truly are, rather than in what you appear to be.

Today, the first domes of My Celestial Church are built by the angels of the universe, and by the order of the archangels, they also call the souls that will avail themselves of this precious and last impulse that will emerge from My Sacred Heart.

Feel the coming of My Celestial Church and the revelation of its sacred treasures, which are kept in the Ark of the Holy Covenant. They will no longer be distant from souls, rather they will be part of the souls that, throughout the end times, have trusted in My Word and in My Presence.

The Mystical Body of Christ will be strengthened after this final school, which was experienced throughout these last years, in which your consciousnesses were participants in My Graces and in My Mercies.

The Celestial Church, which will descend in the month of August, will administer the sacraments to the last self-summoned. They will be those who, together with you, will build the unity and brotherhood so awaited for by the world. And that impulse will be so strong that the other religions will feel it, even the atheists and the non-believers.

In the descent of My Celestial Church, the last doors of salvation will open and souls will be called to gather and assemble at the center of My Altar, where the Most Holy Trinity will be present, in union with all beings of goodwill.

It is there where the souls will understand what My Church is, the Church that I built two thousand years ago within the hearts of those who believed in the Messiah.

I will place My Stone Foundation upon you and I will release the evil from the darkness, and My Church will be erected through the brave hearts, the peacemakers, all those who unite with Me in truth and in transparency. And while within My Celestial Church, from your souls will emerge your gifts, you will know your talents and you will offer them to Me in light of the Glory of the Father and the Holy Spirit.

The Celestial Church will descend in the month of August and reach all homes throughout the world. Prepare your homes, announce to your families that the Grace of My Celestial Church will pierce your hearts
and fill your souls with My last impulses of Love and Redemption.

But some souls are already at the doors of My Church, together with the angels, building the sacred geometric shapes of My Spiritual Church; because everything will be offered, not only the construction of My Church in the heart of humankind, but also the efforts of those who will set out to work, with their hands as a gift, day and night, to build My Church in humanity.

And the archangels will write of this moment, and the offerings of the pure souls, although imperfect, that will be offered at the High Altar of My Heart, where the flame of faith is blazing and eternal.

And thus, the Ark of the Holy Covenant will be placed upon the High Altar of My Celestial Church, and the sacred relics of the Passion of Christ will be able to be in the hands of those who always aspired to have them, to love My sacrifice and My surrender even more, to love each particle of My Blood and of My Water, for the redemption of the planet.

"O sacred Celestial Church, that descends upon the New Jerusalem, may your doors be opened, may the abysses be closed, may the angels with their trumpets call for those who were self-summoned to serve you and adore you through the Celestial Father. May the signs of your presence be heard in the inner worlds, may the impulses of your Grace be poured out like an inexhaustible fount upon those who cry out for relief and for healing.

O sacred Celestial Church, reveal your sacred shapes, your precious symbols, so that souls may recognize that you have always been there, in the universe, waiting for those who aspire to enter into you, to be in adoration and in prayer for the Love of Christ."

Before the last and great moment, humanity will become aware of what I came to do in the world, in this final time.

May the testimonies of your lives continue to be written by the humble Hand of God, so that His Love may multiply in the world and souls may find the peace of belonging to the Kingdom of God.

May your lives be the first pillars for the building of My Celestial Church in the month of August.

May your commitment and fidelity be the great dome that will express the beauty of the art of Creation and, in the end, may your hearts be the great offering of the Altar so that the price of the Blood of Christ, which was poured out in the world, be rectified and recognized by your transformation.

May your Guardian Angels silently follow this moment and guide you to the great meeting with My Celestial Church in the month of August.

Sister Amerisa, Our Lord calls you here.

"Today I want to announce to you, by the merits of your love and your striving for My Sacred Heart, in gratitude for the descent of My Celestial Church to this material plane, for all the moments that you have experienced and I have closely followed from the moment of your consecration, I want to tell you, sweet daughter of Mine, that your mother is with Me in Heaven and that, in the same way as many mothers that silently suffer in this world, she prays for them so that they too may achieve the Grace of the Blessing.

By the merits of the suffering of your mother, she has entered My Celestial Church, and together with the saints, she has been crowned as blessed.

Today I leave this testimony for the world, so that you may know that My Words are real and My Promises are kept in the hearts that strive for Me.

I bless you and thank you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Let us celebrate these last moments in union with the Eucharist and the Blood of the Lamb of God that today, once again, will be offered upon the altars of the Celestial Church, so that more souls and more hearts may be redeemed.

Bring the incense and the water here to be blessed.

In this moment and in this instant, in the presence of the Love of Christ and by the victorious merits of His Passion, as an act of thanks, in love and in reverence, let us offer our lives into His Hands as a testimony of our faith in Him. Let us do so now.

Oh My God, I believe, I adore,
I wait for and I love thee,
and I ask pardon
for all those who do not believe,
do not adore, do not wait for and do not love You.

(repeated three times in Spanish)

You may bring the altar.

Let us offer this moment so that, through the consecration of these elements, our lives may also be consecrated and deserving of the Mercy of Our Lord.

On the night when Jesus was to be given up, He took the bread, raised it, and gave thanks to the Father for the surrender that He would experience. He gave it so that it would be consecrated as His Divine Body. He then broke it and gave it to His apostles, saying to them: "Take it and eat, for this is My Body, which will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. Amen. (Repeated three times in Portuguese)

Once the supper was ended, He took the Chalice and raised it to offer to the Father as a sacrifice for humanity, so that it could be transubstantiated into the precious Blood of Christ. He then handed it to His companions, saying to them: "Take it and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which will be poured out by your Lord for the remission of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. Amen. (Repeated three times in Portuguese)

The Body and the Blood of Christ.

In union with the Celestial Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in union with the angels and the archangels, with the saints and the blessed, and with all beings of goodwill that work for peace and fraternity, we unite in prayer and in supplication, together reciting the prayer that Christ taught us.

Our Father (in Portuguese and in English)

May My Peace descend upon Earth and fill hearts with the Love of God.

"Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and I shall be healed. Amen."

Sister Amerisa can come here.

And Our Lord, at this moment, in spiritual communion, unites with all our brothers and sisters of the world. We announce this spiritual communion with three rings of the bell.

Celestial Father, Who leads us all,
accept our offer of surrender to You.
Guide us through the path of love
so that Your Will may be done.
(in Spanish, Portuguese, and English)

May My Celestial Church, which is being built and is erected within your hearts, be perpetuated for these times, so that you may always find My Peace and the consolation of My Heart.

I bless you and your brothers and sisters under the redeeming Light of My Grace, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I invite the whole world to sing a simple song that was born in this Marian Center, from a devout soul, to alleviate My Heart and that of My Father; you will sing: "Lord, I who am nothing, surrender to You, so that You may make of me Your Dwelling."

I thank you.

Special Message

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Tabernacle of My Heart wishes to be present at all the Marian Centers and Monasteries of this Order.

You will be able to find Me in the Tabernacle, as well as in the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

My Presence in the Tabernacle is eternal, and it is there where souls must seek Me and recognize Me to be able to feel Me within themselves.

The Light of My Tabernacle is not recognized by many souls in the world.

In the tabernacle of My Heart, I have a space prepared for each soul: a purpose.

Before departing and leaving the world, I want you to fulfill this request, because this is not only for your religiosity, but also for the souls of the world that, at this moment, need to discover the mystery held within the Tabernacle of My Heart.

In this Chapel, which has been built in My Name, I also wish to see a Tabernacle; as well as in all the religious houses of your Order and the Marian Centers, because the Tabernacle of My Heart is the visible sign of ecumenism and the peace amongst religions.

You will be able to gather in front of the Tabernacle of My Heart at the most difficult moments, as well as in front of the Blessed Sacrament.

The Blessed Sacrament and the Tabernacle of My Heart are the greatest legacies that I have left for humanity throughout time.

Many good souls have been converted in front of the Tabernacle of My Heart, and I have communicated with them throughout time, in the presence of the Tabernacle of My Spirit and of My Divinity.

In the Tabernacle of My Heart, souls will be able to be consecrated, even though they do not live a religious life, because that which is consecrated is your soul. This must be the aspiration of your lives within the universe of consecration.

Many difficult situations that the world is experiencing could be resolved if souls venerated the Tabernacle of My Heart, where I too will be able to sanctify you with My Spirit and with My Peace.

Today, through My Chest, I reveal to you the Tabernacle of My Heart, the light of the Grace that descends to the world, by the merits of the Passion of Your Lord and Redeemer.

In the Tabernacle of My Heart lies the synthesis of My experience and My life on Earth, from when I was born up until I ascended to the Heavens.

I know that souls sometimes do not place their attention upon the significance of the Tabernacle of My Heart; so today I reveal it to you and share it with you, because the Marian Centers and your religious houses will be where you will be able to find Me.

The Tabernacle of My Heart is a bridge to the Heavens, to the Universe, to Greater Life.

In the Tabernacle of My Heart, you will not experience adversity or disturbance.

 In front of the Tabernacle of My Heart, your ideas will become clear, and you will have discernment through the impulse of My Grace and My Wisdom.

I need the world to understand the significance of the Tabernacle of My Heart, because souls do not yet know what I keep within It. Within it is not only My Body and My Blood, but also there is the spiritual life of Your Lord, which is omnipresent and eternal life.

John the Apostle got to know the Tabernacle of My Heart on the Cross. My Mother allowed him to know it at the culminating moment of My agony while, in the deepest core of My Being, there was loneliness and abandonment from humankind.

In the greatest darkness and suffering on the Cross, the Tabernacle of My Heart emerged as a spiritual and divine form. And that elevated fallen souls from the abysses and many souls achieved the victory of redemption by means of My Blood. Even though this took place more than two thousand years ago, it is still alive.

Today, the Tabernacle of My Heart is here so that it may be venerated and adored by good and humble souls.

In the Tabernacle of My Heart, you will be able to find the humility you need and the surrender you require to experience and go through these so unknown and unpredictable times.

Around the Tabernacle of My Heart, that will be able to be present at the Marian Centers and in your religious houses, just as it is present in the churches of the world, is where the angels contemplate God in His second person, the Son, Who gives souls and hearts filiation with the Eternal Father, reconciliation and forgiveness.

Whoever has faith and adores Me in the Tabernacle of My Heart will be healed spiritually and the illnesses of their bodies will inexplicably disappear.

There are souls in the world that came to serve Me through their suffering. The souls of people are afraid to have this experience because it is something similar to what I lived, from the Garden of Gethsemane until the death on the Cross.

I will not rest until you learn to surpass Me in love and in service.

Before closing My cycle with you, I leave you the greatest legacy of the spiritual universe, that is the Tabernacle of My Heart, so that the Holy Eucharist may be not only adored, but also recognized and loved by humankind.

The Tabernacle of My Heart is the refuge for your sorrows, the relief of your agony, the healing of your wounds, the love for your consciousnesses, the wisdom in your confusion, the clarity on your paths, the eternal surrender of your souls.

Within the Tabernacle of My Heart lies My whole life and My existence.

The Tabernacle of My Heart is full of Mercy for souls.

My Being is full of Light for hearts, but many do not accept it.

Let this last Marathon that you will experience with Me not only be a synthesis, but also an opportunity to remember what you have lived with Me throughout these years, from the sacred pines of Aurora, to going through all the cities that the Pilgrimage for Peace visited.

In each moment, this mystery of the Tabernacle of My Heart was present, accompanying you and serving souls most in need, especially those that seemingly did not need it.

In front of the Tabernacle of My Heart, you are crystalline. I can see and recognize everything, there are no limits or appearances.

in front of the Tabernacle of My Heart, your souls can govern you, and they can learn to do so in these critical times.

In front of the Tabernacle of My Heart, you will not forget your commitment in the moments of the greatest tests, because I Myself will remind you of what you came to serve and offer Me.

It is through the Tabernacle of My Heart that I will leave My representatives on Earth, all the adorers and those that venerate My Sacred Body in the Eucharist.

Through the Tabernacle of My Heart, you will find the Celestial Kingdom, and you will be strengthened in peace for the moments of the greatest tribulations.

Now, in the Tabernacle of My Heart, I wish to have your experiences of love and forgiveness, because this will recreate both Creation in this school of Divine Love and the expansion of consciousness, through the impulse that the Love of God brings to the world.

The last thing I want to tell you, companions, is that you must value all that you have received from My Person and from My Divinity during these recent times.

Let this moment of the farewell of Your Master and Lord be an opportunity to definitely assume your commitment with Me, in the work of service and prayer, because the spiritual exercise of the prayer of Mercy will continue on.

Now the time has come to engage and become responsible as adults on the spiritual path. Up until now, everything was a preparation.

I will withdraw, not only because My Father has called Me, to prepare Me for My Return, but because you have already learned how to sustain My Plan of Love in humanity.

Definitely be the Love that I have given you in the Sacraments and through each word, each message and instruction. In this way, from the Heavens, I will have a place and space in your souls, where I can reflect Myself and refract the Light of My Mercy.

I thank those who have committed to Me during these years of merciful prayer, and those who will continue doing so, understanding beyond themselves what this means for this moment of the planet and humanity.

I can only be in what is simple, austere and humble. This is where I can return, so that souls may find Me, and live Me.

The self-giving of Your Master is eternal and unconditional; such must be your lives and consciousnesses, because today you will not understand what this means, but tomorrow you will know. This is a promise.

May your lives, experiences and prayers continue being written in the Books of the Wisdom of God, so that humanity may yet have the chance of being redeemed. So be it.

May we pray in this Marathon, as if it were the first time, knowing that I will be attentive to each one of you, and waiting for you to respond to Me in the same way as when I called you for the first time to this spiritual exercise, knowing that I will avail Myself of this moment of prayer to help the planet and the souls, so that the salvation of hearts may be fulfilled.

May My Peace be reflected within you. May you be bearers of My Peace. May My Peace multiply and expand throughout the world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

When the world comprehends that spirituality does not end here, this will be the great day of the step of consciousness. Then, a great part of humanity will grow internally, and the mysteries will be revealed to those who have always looked for an explanation and a reason. 

This conjunction of the planet and humanity's moment of inflection is when many of My postulants, in the inner plans, will prepare themselves for this great moment that will come as a great inner revelation, straight from My Celestial Church. This will be the first sign of My return. Many hearts will feel that a culminating moment is approaching. 

Before the scene of humanity and of the whole Earth, hearts will feel my return, not as an intellectual explanation, but as a true inner sign that the Holy Spirit will awake within those who trust Me, and this will go beyond any religion or dogma, because your Master and Lord will come for all humanity, all races, all peoples and nations. 

That which was written in the book of Revelations will be fulfilled, not in the way many believe. There are many symbols and signs left through my Apostles in the Scriptures, but not even they understood them in their time. This goes beyond any theology or science. 

The return of Christ to Earth has not yet been understood by humankind, nor by any religion. What is written in the Bible is a small part of this great event. Many, but many will recognize too late that they did not repent fast enough in order to keep their doctrine or institution safeguarded. 

I come to teach the world that which I taught My apostles and all those who followed Me: humility and simplicity of the heart, which allows for the comprehension of all My messages and parables. How did you think I could have done it? In a simple way. This is the only way that My Father asked me, humbly, austere, so that all hearts could recognize God. The Father could never have revealed all His Power and His Truth, no heart in this humanity was prepared for that. 

In Fatima, though My Most Chaste Mother, through the Miracle of the Sun, a part of this Power of God was shown to the world. Many hearts were converted and they renewed their faith, and this reveals to the world that the Divinity was always present, since the beginning of Creation up until now, and this will always be so. It is a Law, and nothing will change it. 

For this reason, I tell you, companions, in these last moments that I am with you and for you, when Our Sacred Hearts start to return to the Celestial Spheres, this is the most important moment of your lives, when the great decision must be taken. It will not depend on anybody or on any religion, this decision is up to each one of you with Me.

If you have truly learned how to read the events, you can understand, companions, all that your Master and Lord has delivered to you in these last seven years, in which I have walked by your side so that you could feel and understand the Plan of God. 

But humanity still waits for everything to go back to normal. Humanity does not want to recognize the end of the final time. The Bible reveals and expresses it clearly, but do not only hold the teachings that the Bible holds, but fervently ask God to understand its mysteries one day so that you will be prepared, available and conscious to wait for My return. 

In the solemnity of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Her Son comes to glorify Her name, Her task and Her mission with humanity, a purpose of great sacrifice, an infinite Love expressed through Her mission, something that was never interrupted because it is eternal and sublime. 

It will be in these last months of work that souls will be able to receive from Our Sacred Hearts the last thing that they need to survive the end of time. I want humanity to know about the end of this time. It is no longer time to conceal this event, but it is time to recognize it, accept it, and above all, live it, just as I am living it for you at this moment. 

The mysteries of My Passion are not only revealed in the Eucharist, but also the signs of My Passion have been the testimony of many souls in the world that throughout the times and generations have offered themselves to live the stigmatization of consciousness, some physically others spiritually. The signs of My Passion in the souls I have chosen are indelible, they have the purpose of the redemption of the suffering, through love and compassion. 

Today I bring the Holy Chalice in My Hands, the chalice that witnessed the sacrifice of the Redeemer, and above it I sustain My luminous Body, the Eucharist, to point out to the world the moment of My Return and the time of the great definition. May religions assume this moment, thus they will allow My Rays of Love and Mercy, that flow from My Heart, to help the world. 

As a request of Jesus, our Lord, let us contemplate, in His Presence and Glory, the Blood and the Body of Christ that today He has within His Hands.

Just as many of the blessed received this Mystery of Love through the Body and Blood of Christ, today I come once again to renew within you and in the whole world, the powerful Grace of conversion and redemption through the Blood and Body of Christ, that today is spiritually poured out upon the world to vivify the souls in divine union with My Spirit, where they will always find the strength of their faith and trust in our Creator. 

Bring the altar here.

The angels gather at this moment around our Glorified Lord to celebrate this offering, that will rise from each sincere heart, in union and love to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and for humanity. 

In the solemnity of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for the merits of Her sacrifice, maternity and silence, may the souls of the world that are most in need tonight receive the Grace of the spirit, entering My Celestial Church to be bearers of My Peace. 

We can get down on our knees or stand up for this consecration that today, in a solemn way, Our Lord will do for humanity. 

Let us ask Jesus Christ for the Grace of being worthy of participating in the revelation of this Mystery of Love on this day and for all the days to come. Amen.

At the foot of Mount Calvary, where the Tree of Life rose in sacrifice and love, our souls prostrate themselves, just as the angels of the Heavens, to receive the mystery of the compassion of Our Lord. 

Let us contemplate this moment, just as our Lord shows us Mount Calvary and Christ on the Cross, pouring out Blood and Water in a spiritual way to the whole world.

Let us silently, in this moment, in the presence of Jesus, make our act of contrition, an act of penance and reconciliation, recognizing our miseries but finding within ourselves the unfathomable Love of His merciful Heart.

I wish I could stay longer with you, but the end has come and I hope you will understand it one day.

Today, for you and for the world, for those who have faith without seeing, I offer this Sacrament for My Church on Earth, for the Love of My Heart in the souls. 

That night, before being delivered, I took the bread, raised it as an offering to the Eternal Father to be blessed and transubstantiated into the Body of Christ. Afterward, I broke it, and I offered it to My companions saying: "Eat it, because this is My Body, which will be delivered for the forgiveness of our sins". And the Light of My Heart expanded to the world.

We praise you Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you Lord, and we bless You.

After having finished the supper, moments before leaving for the Garden of Gethsemane to experience and recognize the agony of your Master and Lord for humanity up to today, I took the Chalice and, raising it to God, I offered My Blood for His Redemptive Project so that it would be blessed and transubstantiated into the blood of your Redeemer.

Afterward, I offered it to My companions saying: "Take it and drink, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, which will be shed for humanity for the remission of all sins. Do it in remembrance of Me". 

We praise you Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you Lord, and we bless You.

And the Holy Spirit, before Pentecost, entered as Light and Wisdom into My companions so that they would be ambassadors of Peace and servants of the Love of your Redeemer.

Lord's Prayer (in Portuguese)
Lord's Prayer (in English)
May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth.

"Lord, I am not worthy of You entering under my roof, but only say the word and I shall be healed. Amen" (repeat three times)

We grant, by means of the authority of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the spiritual Communion, to all those who participated in this moment from different parts of the world. May the communion with Christ and His Spirit grant you peace.

And before leaving the Garden of Gethsemane, in the great solemnity of His Heart, Our Lord said to his apostles:

"Love thy neighbor just as I love you. You cannot go where I am going because I will return to the House of My Father, but a special Grace will always ease your hearts, The Grace of the Holy Spirit, which will be your fortress and confidence to move forward". Today I tell you the same, companions. 

I did not want to leave this place, but My Father has said that it is time. Be a testimony of My Love, even if you are persecuted. Be a testimony of My Peace, even if you are blasphemed. Be a testimony of My Light, even if you are punished, because I tell you, you will be known by your fruit, and a good fruit never dies because it will always blossom, time and again, the Tree of Life. 

Today I rest for a moment in your Hearts to carry onward, just as I have rested and suffered within those who have been stigmatized for the painful wounds of your Master and Lord. 

Keep on giving courage, love and devotion to the Wounds of Christ, because there you will be hidden, and evil will not prevail. 

I bless you and grant you My Peace so that you may live it and share it with the whole world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I bid farewell tonight, listening to a melody that is special to Me: “Corazón vacío” ("Empty Heart").

I thank you.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, for the 82nd Marathon of the Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today I need you to take into consideration all that I have done in this place and in other places of the world, because all that happened had a larger and unknown purpose for a great part of the world.

Placing your consciousness in the sense of what I have wanted to do, your understandings, your knowledge, and even your wisdom will not be limited to the mind, but to the soul, as that is what receives the impulse of My Merciful Heart.

There would be no other form for Me to come to the world, in this cycle, to announce My Return to humanity. But nobody knows yet how this will take place and what will happen at the time when I do return.

Through the years I have given you some examples, but it depends on each one of you to go deeper into the spiritual sense of this event.

Would My Return not be a part of this current event? Who could censure it? Why would this be done? Who has the authority, the Father of Humankind?

As I speak to you, at this moment, it is as I have spoken to you in the temple and in many places of the Holy Land, for the souls to correctly learn what was happening with the Presence of your Master and Lord in those times.

But this time it is different. Humanity is very influenced, the message is modified, seized and interfered with, and the souls fall in these great holes of unconsciousness and ignorance; but the Word of God is undeniable, especially when it descends with power and authority.

I come here to announce to you the Word of God and nothing else.

I am not the Christ of the new era, I am the Christ of yesterday and of today, the Lord of the eternal present. I have given testimony of My Presence throughout time, not only within My Church, but also outside of My Church.

By chance, isn't the House of My Father for everyone? Who would have the authority to say the opposite?

The Power is in God, in the Son and in Holy Spirit, and in this, I invite you to believe it and to live it so that everyone will be baptized by My Spirit because when I physically come back to the world, I will come for all.

What sense would it make to come only for the Christians?

The universe will move itself; the elements will be shaken and the planet will feel when the Son of Man returns to the world.

I came and I come for humanity, because I teach you to reconnect with God, to follow the teachings of the Gospel, to be a part of the experience of the Sacraments and to deepen yourselves, day by day, into the meaning of prayer.

Is this only for those who know Me? What would be the reason for having died for you?

My sacrifice was for the whole of humanity and for all generations that have passed through Earth till now. And this sacrifice will continue having value, power and authority, because it is the Father that is in Heaven who has the authority and power. I am part of the Father and the Father is part of Me, and all His creatures can be part of My merciful Heart.

My message is for those who are awake and for those who are not awake, because My Purpose is not for the knowledgeable nor for the learned, it is for the souls that are the those who should continue living in eternity, at My side, always.

But if I do not speak like this to the world, humanity continues submerging into ignorance and under the influence of other human beings.

It is time that you understand this great event that you are experiencing in this place and at a worldwide level.

Many souls are being called to renew their faith, their commitment with My Heavenly Church and the value of the Sacraments that I taught you, a long time ago, so that you can always be at My side and nobody and nothing will confuse you, because you will be in Christ and you will live for Christ, being guardians of the Teachings that I left for you, not only in the Gospel, but through this call that I have repeated in these last seven years.

This value of the legacy that I have delivered to you recently, which is a part of the Word of God for the open hearts, cannot be depreciated, neglected nor censored, because in reality, companions, nobody knows the essence of the Word of God and the transforming power that it has when it reaches the hearts and the lives of people.

Heaven comes for the self-summoned, not to those who resist nor to those who deny what happens here. Each one will experience what one needs. Remember that your choice is what will save or condemn you, and this does not depend on any religion nor on any spiritual movement.

But I am here to show you the Truth. I told you that I am the Truth, the Way and the Life, and you must recognize it in your heart and in your union with Me through the redemptive Plan of My Father.

There is a path that humanity has not recovered yet, which is the path of redemption. Therefore, I suffered for you, not only in the Passion and on the Cross, but at each moment that I was here with you, announcing My Good News.

However, I will continue coming to the world while it be necessary, and while My Heavenly Father needs it. And this will not be hindered, obstructed nor interfered with, because nobody knows, in any part of the planet, what the Power and the Will of God means.

I invite you humbly and in reverence, and in profound gratitude, to unite yourselves to the Will of My Father, because I am part of His Will. If it were not like this there would be no reason nor motive to be here speaking to the world, taking My Word to the hearts.

Awaken and do not let yourselves be mistaken. Many wolves surround My Churches, and this you already know. The Church has to correct itself a lot by its deeds and actions throughout the centuries.

Who will correct it?

For now, only one man, he who has given his life for Me, not for his words, but for his actions, the holy Father Francis. I placed him there for him to help Me in the most difficult moment of humanity and he knows, in his heart, that what I am doing here is correct, because it gives the truth of transformation and of redemption to the souls, of renewal of faith and of a union more and more profound with the Sacraments.

Is this out of the Law?

May your hearts not be filled with bad words, but may your lips be filled with prayers, because what has happened here throughout the years is just in the Eyes of God. Nobody has the authority to make accusations nor to judge you because I am the Christ, the One Who has requested and established it.

If you want to know the truth, come to see it with your own eyes and feel it with your own hearts. The souls that are here have given their lives for Me and this cannot be insulted because it will be out of the Law, and the Law will act according to your actions.

I have asked you to love one another, but you still love your own wills, therefore the world suffers. And to love one another if not to love one's own beliefs or religion, it is to love humanity, the Kingdoms for Nature, the Creation. Do not be unjust because then I will not be able to intercede anymore for you.

You know who I am speaking to.

I cannot let you deceive yourselves. My Presence and My Word are for the whole world, because when the most difficult moment arrives, which is approaching, day by day, at this time men and women from Earth, beyond their religions and actions, will receive a very potent blow to the consciousness, and each one will see before themselves what they have done with this life. At this time, you will have the last Grace of repenting or of condemning yourselves.

I would like to use My Word for what is really happening to the world, how many souls in the world are sincere and truthful, how many hearts feel without understanding and without seeing, waiting for this moment, each new month, in order to listen to their Lord and gain strength, bravery and hope among so much evil and suffering.

I invite you to keep the Commandments, to experience them and to fulfill them, but it is time that you feel and understand all that I am doing, because it is for a greater good, for the good of the whole world, for those who need it most, for those who supplicate, for those who become lost.

I invite you to collaborate with the Work of your Master and Lord, and not to censor it. I do not want to see new pharisees, because I have already had them before My Eyes.

By chance, will you condemn what I am saying now?

I suffered for you, I was heavily hit, whipped and badly hurt. My Body and My Blood was shed at each step of the Calvary. And although many times I felt that I would not make it to the end, or that I would die on the way, the loyalty, obedience and transparency of the holy women and of many of My followers gave me strength to continue, under the maternal embrace of My Mother.

I need this attitude and no other from you, because you will never understand the things from Heaven if you do not love them profoundly in advance.

Love what is out of your reach and control, love the Work of the Mercy of your Redeemer at this time.

I come to make in the nations apostles and missionaries of Mine, in love, service and prayer.

I told you all that which I expected because you allowed Me to do so.

Now I invite you, before the Sacrament of the Altar, to renew your offer to My Heart, so that the Holy Spirit may grant you the Grace of understanding and the science for the discernment and wisdom to awaken in you, and may your hearts feel the peace of what you hear and of what you experience through My Presence as the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus.

Bring Me the incense to elevate this moment and the offer of this altar at the Feet of Our Creator. I hope you will do so, at this moment, beside Me.

You can bring the altar.

We invite those who can to kneel for this consecration.

Know that what I had said, more than a thousand years ago, and that I do at this time, is only for only reason: Love.

"Father, accept once more the offer of Your Son, for this bread to become the Body of Christ. I raise it in Your Presence for you to bless it and, through It, to bless Your children, so that they may be ready to receive me on the expected Return.

Therefore, I offer it to You and I offer it to all, for you to eat it, because this is My Body, that will be given to humankind for the remission of sins." 

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Thus, Eternal Father, I offer you once more the Chalice, fruit of the redemption of the hearts, for it to be accepted by You and by all humankind, as a form of conversion and redemption of the hearts."

And I say once again: "Take and drink it, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, Blood of the New Covenant, that is shed by your Lord for the forgiveness of the mistakes. Do it in remembrance of Me."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Body and Blood of Christ.

Let us pray the prayer that the Lord taught us.

Our Father (in Portuguese).

Our Father (in English).

We announce the Peace and Mercy of Christ on Earth.

"Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof, but only say a word, and I shall be healed. Amen."

Brother Moses and brother Camilo come here, to serve this Sacrament.

Let us pray together, with brother Camilo and brother Moses, before Our Lord Jesus Christ, the prayer of the Angel of Portugal, for Christ to carry this prayer in His Heart and to give it to the Father as an offering of the souls that have converted themselves to Christ, in the Love of the Heart of the Redeemer.

O My God, I believe, I adore You,
I wait for and I love Thee.
I ask pardon for those who do not believe,
do not adore, do not wait for and do not love Thee.

(repeat three times in Spanish and once in English)

I say farewell to this place, after this meeting of prayer experienced with the effort and dedication of the brave hearts, carrying in My Spirit all the pleas, intentions and prayers of those who invoked the power of My Divine Mercy. All these efforts, that many cannot see and that are silent but true for your Lord, on this day are converted into Graces and atonement for the whole world. Amen.

I will rise to Heaven and return to the House of the Father, listening to the last song that will close and end this moment of instruction and knowledge for souls. The song is called "I will rest."

I thank and bless you in spiritual and inner Communion with the sacrament of the Altar. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today the whole Universe is attentive to this moment. This is why I ask you to be attentive as well, companions, because while I am here, I am with the world, bringing it a special Grace that will not be tangible, but rather inner, the Grace that will save you and that, in spite of this planetary moment, this Grace will renew you, in spite of what happens, beyond what you go through or in the face of any difficulty. My Grace is unchangeable, eternal and profound in the hearts that open to receive it.

Two thousand years ago, when I incarnated in the world to bring the Word of God to humanity, I came with a Purpose, which the majority already know.

But at that time, there was something that was not said, of which you are a part of today, after having gone through the experience of this world, after having learned about love and forgiveness. And although you still have much more to learn, this is the exact moment in which your consciousnesses are facing a special moment, in which there is no freedom that may falter, in which there is one time, one reality, which is the same one that descended when I was born in the humble manger of Bethlehem.

It is a moment for Christianity to recognize that the Birth, Death and Resurrection of Jesus was an event beyond the material and also the spiritual planes, because that is how it had to be, given the spiritual condition of the planet and the inner condition of humanity.

What really made all this happen? It is clear that it was the Will of God. But there was something beyond that, for the Son of Man to incarnate on Earth and bring the Word of Salvation.

The Sacred Books hold the sacred events of My existence in this world. But Truth is not only in books. Is that a lack of faith?

True knowledge arises from the Supreme Source. The books that this world have are the last to receive this knowledge.

But My Word will be fulfilled within souls when My Words move through you rather than through the books.

You may be very scholarly or intelligent, or believe that you have the greatest knowledge of what I was, but it will not be so. You must recognize yourselves as humble, peace-making and selfless so that your hearts and lives may truly be prepared to receive My Knowledge. Is that false?

In truth, that which lives eternally is the spirit. Is the spirit false?

When the spirit of each one of you rises to embrace greater knowledge, what will be the reason for all this? It is not in science nor in the humankind of the surface nor in the greatest scholar of the scholars that exists in this world.

Through My Gospel, that at this time is being renewed and expanded with the experience of your redemption and transformation, I have already told you what an expansion of consciousness is really like, and that does not mean ceasing to experience God, because God is All, He is the outer and inner, visible and invisible Supreme Creation.

Do you not believe in this? Is that not the creed of your lives? Is that not what you say and repeat every day: "I believe in God the Father, Almighty Creator of Heaven and of Earth"?

God is not conditioned to one consciousness, God lives through His creatures, otherwise He would not be God. And perchance, can God not be here? What would prevent Him? What would be the reason for it not being so?

Do you understand what I say to you?

Knowledge will never stop nor will it be limited to the human mind, because then it would not be knowledge but rather just words that only pass before you and do not make any sense.

What is true spirituality? How is that spirituality achieved? Only through Christianity?

Who was there before I came into the world? Just the patriarchs and the prophets? What was all that which happened in the East?

Even the Son of God Himself was humble, while still little, to recognize the Kings who visited Him in the grotto of Bethlehem. Were they not spiritual beings? What was their form of contact to know perfectly that the Son of God was going to be born there?

Open your eyes rather than your minds. God speaks to His children, just as He wants and just as He needs, and that does not mean another religion, because I do not come to found another religion in the world. I come to make of the world a true religion that is not in the Scriptures; it is in the action of the love and the forgiveness in hearts. That is where Christ is. Is that not true?

But humankind still wants to suffer in order to learn something. I am sorry for those who do not believe without having seen, because they will regret it, and today, I declare it to the whole world.

I am the same Lord of yesterday and today, but nobody truly knows what happened in My Transfiguration on Mount Tabor.

If you do not want to open your eyes, do not open them; I speak of the eyes of your consciousness.

You will miss an important Grace, but I will not stop, nobody will prevent it, because whoever prevents it or tries to, will go against My Father, and I recommend you not do that.

Just as I spoke to the blind pharisees, today I speak to the pharisees who claim to live My spirituality.

I came out of the sepulcher to show you the truth of My Resurrection, but I will not be able to break your white sepulchers that inside are full of other things.

Will you wait another two thousand years to be able to change? Is that which the world already experiences not enough? What is the reason for not believing in the love that I have been bringing to you for so many years?

If I did not come outside of the Church, this would never have been possible. But God knows how to write and He does so as He needs it, and this you will never understand, because God does not write through words, He writes through the events, the testimonies, the change and the love that people can live, beyond any religion or doctrine.

Will you continue to delay in living true ecumenism?

Do not waste any more time, the world is suffering, occupy your time in service, in prayer and in what is truly necessary for your lives.

Do not contaminate yourselves any more with everything you see or hear.

I will leave proof that I have been here, it is a promise. And when I stop coming, that will happen, because humankind has not yet understood the Will of God.

Will you continue to challenge it? Do not do it anymore!

Love will always triumph.

I know My friends, because I see the fruits that I left in each one of them. Those are the true fruits that I seek, not the fruits of their perversion, their judgment or even their mistreatment.

Everything I have done in these end times have an unknown spiritual reason and I value everything that has happened here, for what I myself can testify to regarding those who persevere in Me.

But everyone will be tested when I stop coming here. That will be the moment that I have so awaited for, in which you will have to testify to what you say you believe in,  and live for Me.

And the judgment of the two witnesses will come and the last Scriptures will be fulfilled, just as John had seen in the Apocalypse.

This is not a message of persecution nor of a last era. This is a message that comes from the Heart of the Universe, from the deep Essence of God, in which His Will is conceived and lived.

For this reason, today I have brought all the angels of Heaven, more than one hundred and forty-four legions so that, in light of the Lords of the Law, you may be witnesses of what is happening and has happened here, as part of the merits of My sorrowful Passion.

And I will consummate this testimony through the celebration of the Eucharist, because what I taught two thousand years ago was not only a legacy for the world, it is an obligation of all hearts to live that union with Me, in love and in truth. And that legacy is for those who want to receive it in reverence and humility.

Bring here the incense and the water, to bless this altar.

We stand up.

"Lord God of the Universe, Who gives Life and Grace to Your children, You Who have gestated from the beginning, since before the coming of Your Son to the Earth, this moment for hearts to feel the truth rather than appearances, because Your Power, which is Glory and sovereignty, has descended here, unmistakable and undeniable Power, a Power full of Your Love and Your Truth, of Your Light and Your infinite Mercy.

I wish, Father, that Your Will be fulfilled in those who are not worthy of Your Grace, because the Power and value of My Blood are still eternal, infinite, for all of humanity. And by the Power of My Blood, today Your Will shall be fulfilled here. Amen.

Dispel, o Lord, everything that is against Your Will and omnipotence. Let the unfathomable Power of Your Light and of Your Love descend at this moment, so that Your Love may be within the hearts”.

Just as I bless this place, I bless the hearts that listen, open to recognizing My Word, because the wolves are among the sheep. They are the wolves that you would never have imagined, those who have need of My redemption.

We bring the altar.

Water for washing the hands.

I taught you to love through this testimony, delivered to the world for the redemption of its sins and the freeing of souls from their spiritual and inner prison.

After having washed the feet and hands of My apostles, at a moment as solemn as this, I took the bread, raised it up to consummate the sacrifice of the Son of Man, immediately broke it and gave it to My apostles, saying: "Take and eat, for this is My Body, which is given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

I then took the Chalice, raising it up to God to confirm the consummation of the sacrifice of the Son of Man and that He be blessed. I then gave it to the apostles, saying: “Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be poured out by your Lord for the remission of sins. Do this always in remembrance of Me. "

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

Let us consummate this moment through the transubstantiation of the bread and the wine. And just like the bread and the wine, the Body and Blood of Christ rise again in sacrifice and offering; at this moment, let us elevate our souls, hearts and lives to also consummate the greatness of this testimony of love through the Eucharist.

Thus, united to the Heart of our King, Master and Lord, we pray the prayer that He taught us.

Our Father (in Portuguese).
Our Father (in English).

We declare, at this moment, the Peace and Love of Christ in humanity.

At this moment, the angels are witnesses to the apparition of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in light of the compassionate Gaze of God and of open hearts.

At this moment, the Will of God is fulfilled and the souls that listen live their spiritual Communion with Me.

We unite with all the souls of the world in spiritual Communion with Christ and for Christ.

"Lord, I am not worthy of You entering under my roof, but one word from You and I shall be healed."

We repeat.

Mother and Sister Lucía, please.

Mother Maria del Salvador and Friar Luciano, please.

The Lord is asking us that together and united, we consummate this moment in His Presence.

Your Lord, throughout the ages, in the silence of His Heart, must bear the injustice of humankind, but that feeling, so profound and unknown to you, is dissolved and filled with the love and devotion of true souls, thus, everything is fulfilled.

I bless you and thank you for having prayed with Me on this day.

My promise to come to Africa is in force and I will not give up.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

At the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, closing this meeting in the Heart of Our Lord, a last melody will sound, a last song: "By the power of the Blood of Jesus".

Thank you, Lord, for all that You give us.

In this meeting we honor You, Lord.


Song: Mercy, Christ Jesus.

Our Father, in Aramaic (repeated three times).

May the Holy Spirit reside in your minds and hearts, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today I come down from Heaven to be in this meeting in order to tell the world that in this cycle everything is allowed. My Father has thus decided it. Humanity needs to grow within in order to be able to express what it came to do in this world.

I need you to be here with Me, in vigil, because in this vigil you will always find peace and you will have the wisdom for knowing how to make good decisions.

The planet is like a fragile crystal that is at the point of breaking, just like all that is within it.

But you, through merciful prayer and through your faith, have learned to strengthen yourselves, and that strength must not be lukewarm, but rather it must be firm, based on what you believe and live, based on what you practice and offer as a service to the world, as well as to your brothers and sisters.

For this reason, everything is allowed so that humanity may learn what it has not yet learned. This does not mean that you continue to suffer, because you are still governed by a basic law, which is free will. In that choice that humanity makes lies condemnation, damnation and darkness.

But today I invite you to position yourselves above this law and unite with My Divine Knowledge, with My Word, so that, through love and truth, you may learn to decide wisely and with discernment, without having to be touched by the action of this law.

I know that not all of you will manage to do so, because you are still in the moment of overcoming duality. Until I return, that will not happen, and hearts will have to experience what they need to experience in order to be formed as true servers, as long as you decide to follow the path that I offer not only you but also to the whole world, to all peoples and all religions, because I am not only the Christ of the Christians, I am the Master and Lord of all souls.

In souls there is no religion, no doctrine; there is faith, trust and unity in the Eternal Father; it is there where I am. And thus I seek to always be in your hearts and lives so that you may reflect the gifts that I have been giving you for some quite time.

My treasures, that are inner, deep and non-material, will never be lost. When souls do not live the talents that I give them, I gather the gifts and the virtues from the hearts that do not fulfill My Purpose, and that does not mean that I abandon them.

In solitude and silence, I stop to observe you, up to the point where you learn to take steps, just as I taught you from the Garden of Gethsemane up to the Cross.

In each instant of your lives, redemption can be experienced.

At each step of your lives, there lies the opportunity for freedom, when you are under the Law of Love and Truth.

This world suffers and it is in pain and sorrow, not only in consciousness, but also in soul, because the planet is part of everything, and you are part of that great consciousness of the planet, which is ill and needs healing.

In maintaining your faith and your trust in Me, the bridges will always exist through which I will be able to descend in order to help you and assist you, even though you do not feel Me, do not perceive Me, even though I am in silence.

For this reason, this is a definitive moment, in which the planet is facing an unpredictable event, facing an uncertain destiny, without knowing how it will continue during the times to come.

But you, who have grown in the love of My Words and My Wisdom, must not focus your minds upon what will happen, but rather on what is happening. In that will be the lesson that you need in order to grow, learn, and once again be able to overcome the obstacles and the tests in the infinite trust that My Heart offers you.

Perhaps what I tell you today, companions, you may have heard at other moments, through other Words that I have already spoken. But know that, in everything I tell you today, there is the answer that each being needs, according to their school and their moment of purification.

Do not believe that I do not see what is happening to you, what you feel inwardly, what is happening in your minds, what your souls are living, what your spirits aspire toward in order to find the truth.

This is why the Hierarchy, in one attunement and vibration, unites at this moment, under My consensus and authority, to bring to the whole world the last impulses it needs so that humanity may awaken their consciousness even more and perceive that it is not under the Law and that it must return to it.

In this way, the times and the moments of uncertainty, of suffering, of pandemics and of insecurity will end. Because, in this way, you will be open to receive Me at that great moment of My Return, which is not far away, each day it is closer, and you must keep this in mind because I will not alert the world, nor will I alert you. I will arrive in the most needful and urgent moment, even though everything may appear calm.

In that moment, I will be able to return to correct this world, as it has never been corrected. 

And thus, the judgment of Love will come, and all will become aware of it; it will not matter whether you believe or do not believe, that you know or do not know anything. All will be equal in the Gaze of the Father.

I will never bring you a punishment, through Love, I will bring you the Truth that will set you free, forever.

And you will be what I need, what I have so waited for, what I have so longed for over the last more than 2000 years, because if I am here today, it is because My Father asked it of Me and He showed it to Me clearly in the Garden of Gethsemane, before delivering Me to the Cross.

I still have Chalices full of Mercy so that souls may drink of them.

The love that I have placed in each of the Chalices is so much that they overflow with the power of the Light of My Blood.

These Chalices, while not drunk nor considered by souls, pour out the Codes of My Passion and of My pain for the world.

This is the sacrifice that I want you to be able to live with Me; something that goes beyond you and your consciousnesses, your knowledge or your intentions.

The Chalices of sacrifice will be what will save the world and grant a spiritual and special reprieve for a large part of humanity, through the consecrated, priestly and missionary lives.

Thus, the more difficult the moment is, the harder the tests are, and the more painful it is for you to know the truth as it is.

This is the time and the great opportunity of giving all for all, as I did for you without thinking for a second of retreating or desisting. Because I knew, companions, what would come after. There was no human pain, feeling or thought that got in the way of Me carrying out My task for the world, just as today I carry out this task for you and with you.

My last Words are being written in the Book of God, and you must be a part of that story, which is being written through My Work.

In this Marathon of Divine Mercy, let us cry out for divine discernment, for universal wisdom, so that everyone may make good decisions in this crucial time in which prayer and service will be the shield that will protect you and the impulse that will unconditionally carry you by My side.

Today I do not come to see your errors, your traumas or your deserts, because I already know them.

I come to give value and power to each Code of Light, of Love and of the Word that I have placed in your hearts, because I believe that you will practice them and take responsibility for that, knowing that I have need of mirrors on Earth, of servers and missionaries on the surface, to heal the pain through the Love that I gave you and which you will always be able to give, without fear.

Dare to love, more than I love you.

Dare to surrender, more than I surrendered.

No one has yet surpassed Me in Love, and I hope that will be accomplished someday.

Today, from the world, I take the suffering that it experiences so that it may be healed and liberated, transmuted and sublimated, and so that, in this Marathon, My disciples, friends and companions may renew their inner vows with Me.

In this month of June, the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, may souls remember that in My Heart there is a place for each one, a place that waits to be occupied by you.

I thank you for praying with Me, for praying for the world, so that the Project of Your Redeemer may be accomplished in humanity. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Sacred Call

The pen of God stops, and He stops writing. What will this mean for you, in the face of what the world experiences today?

I Am the Lord of Silence, the Lord of introspection. My Will reaches the ends of the universe, but My Words labor in the hearts that are open to listen.

In the face of this revelation that I brought to you today, part of a secret from your Master and Lord, I ask you to continue praying with Me, just as you pray with My Heavenly Mother, because humankind from the Earth have no knowledge of the true Justice of God, a Justice that cannot be tempted, modified or altered. Only the Grace of the Mother of God can change the events upon the planet and, above all, in the hearts that are in danger through their own actions, because of the immensity of their ignorance, because of ingratitude.

You already know that My time within this place, so sacred to Me, is coming to an end. And today I tell you again that when that happens, you must be witnesses to the Heavenly Father and to humanity, of what you have witnessed in recent times through My coming to this place, which has a reason and purpose, unknown to all, not yet revealed to the world.

This does not mean that the supreme Will of God hides from His children, His creatures, all His mysteries and revelations. But He Himself chooses who needs to know them and have knowledge of them. So it has been throughout the times in the various apparitions of My Celestial Mother.

Even though today you do not know what I have said or know everything that I have revealed, this is not to be a curiosity for anyone, but rather an impulse to reinforce and double prayer for, in this way, Heaven will always hear you. Heaven will be attentive to the voice of your supplications; It always listens to the children of God.

While I am here, I am also with all of humanity, in these last moments of your Master and Lord, much like the last moments shared with the apostles during the Last Supper. We are in a very similar and culminating moment.

This is not sensationalism, this is a truth that comes directly from the Heart of God for you, because the scriptures will continue to be fulfilled, just as they were dictated to the hearts of the prophets and the apostles, and nothing will change them, only your unconditional adherence to the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, to all Her aspirations and wills, which are part of the Will of the Holy Spirit.

Today I can only speak to you through symbols, because you have to meditate on My Words, because My Words hold many keys that will open the doors of your consciousnesses, so that you may be able to be closer to God and to His Will.

Just as I have always done so, today I am fulfilling the Will of My Father so that the veils of consciousness fall from your faces and you may be able to see the truth and reality of these times, knowing that each treasure and spiritual impulse given to you will have to be justified by you, until the last day of your lives.

Thus, before the Heavenly Father, you will give testimony of what you received and of everything that was given to you throughout time and through the years, not only by My merciful Heart, but also by the Mother of God and the Most Chaste Saint Joseph.

Today, more than ever, the essence of Our Sacred Hearts reach the world with the last messages that prepare for the definitive moment of each human being, in these end times.

Heaven and Earth shall pass, but My Words will remain in those who make them count and be recognized in the world, in all peoples, in all nations, in every corner of this planet. Your example and Christification, your sacrifice and surrender to My Heart will come before the long-awaited moment of My Return, because I will only be able to come first through you, through your transformation, surrender and redemption. It is the only thing that I need so that I too can justify to the Father everything that I have done for you.

The Word of God is not wasted. The Word of the Hierarchy will never be invalid. It is autonomous, eternal and it transcends all times, generations and forms.

But only you have been called by My Eternal Father to be witnesses, at the end of times, of all that I have given you and revealed to you.

I am not being dramatic, I am telling you the truth, because the truth will free you from yourselves.

Just as I told My apostles at the Last Supper, many of the revelations that God gave Me for future generations of humanity, you too as beings and as races, as peoples and nations, are at a great pivotal point, you are facing the same moment as the apostles were when each one, in the most crucial and culminating moment, had to give testimony of Me.

Today I am again alone, as I was in the judgment of the Pharisees, waiting in the greatest silence for the adherence and unity of My companions.

The Mother of God, Doorway of wisdom, of discernment and of love, is now present at the request of Her beloved Son, just as Saint Joseph is also present.

At the request of Christ, the visionaries can come here to unite with us at this moment with the Three Sacred Hearts.

We invite those who listen to us through this means of communication, that in the face of this mystery that the Three Sacred Hearts bring us, we may kneel or stand up to revere them.

We thank you.

God is listening to us and contemplating us, and so He does with all of humanity.

After the world day of fasting and prayer, requested by the Holy Father, Pope Francis, Our Three Sacred Hearts have received the supplication of humanity.

I come to ask the world, in the name of the divinity of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, that all who can, in the next six months, repeat the day of fasting and prayer on the fourteenth day of each month. Thus, I will have more occurrences and testimonies to show the Eternal Father about the efforts of His children for the relief, the healing and the peace of humanity and the planet.

Enter the Ocean of God's Mercy, the doors of your deepest core are open so that, through the merits achieved by your Master and Lord, souls may be forgiven and absolved by the infinite and unfathomable Mercy of God.

This is the time of My apostles. This is the time to give testimony to humanity.

Carry My Words within your hearts, let them not be erased from your memory, may they echo in these times that will come because you will need them as strength to go forward. My Heart will never abandon the merciful.

And thus, with the Three Sacred Hearts, we will celebrate the Eucharist and the spiritual Communion that the souls who are listening at this moment will be able to experience with the Divine Master.

We can bring the altar.

Lord Jesus, make us worthy of living Your Word, but also make us worthy of living this Sacrament so that, as humanity and a planet, we may achieve redemption and eternity. Amen.

The Divinity of Christ is present in this moment of celebration. In honor of the merits achieved by Our Lord Jesus Christ before, during, and after the Last Supper, we offer this bread so that it may be changed into the Body of Christ.

In the evening, before being given up, Jesus took the bread, raised it and thanked the Father so that it would be blessed and transubstantiated. He then broke it and gave it to His apostles, saying: "Take and eat, for this is My Body, which will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Then He took the Chalice, and making the same offering and surrender, He raised it, giving thanks to the Father, because His innocent and pure Blood would redeem humanity. It was thus that He gave the Holy Chalice to His apostles, saying: “Take and drink, this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be poured out by your Redeemer for the remission of faults. Do this in remembrance of Me".

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


The Body and living Blood of Christ.

In union with the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary and of Saint Joseph, let us say the prayer that our Lord taught us.

Our Father.

Our Father (we repeat in English).

May the Peace of Christ descend on Earth.

May the Peace of Our Lord be in this place and in all hearts. Amen.

Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee
the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ
present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth,
in reparation for the outrages,
sacrileges, and indifferences by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg the conversion of poor sinners.


Do not forget everything that I have told you today, because Heaven and Earth will pass, but My Words will remain in the hearts that will make them resonate within.

We say goodbye and send all Our Love and Our Peace to the world so that human awareness may awaken in all hearts. So be it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

And now, at the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in this very special Trinity, formed by the Three Sacred Hearts, bowed down at the Feet of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Divine Lady, the Virgin Mary and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, we will offer one last song, so that Christ may continue to resonate within us and thus form His apostles.

We will hear "Todo lo que yo viví". ("Everything I have lived.")

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, for the 81st Marathon of the Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

There is no evil that can prevail where I am present, because the triumph of My Heart is a reality in the hearts that open themselves to receive and adore Me. It is there where I place all the Codes and Principles of God for the souls, living in transformation, to reach redemption.

It is in the moment when this happens, when all the souls on Earth, regardless of where they find themselves, by means of this meeting with Me, receive the codes and merits of My Passion and, even more, receive the merits achieved by your Master in the universe, after the Ascension.

Today I come to speak to you from this place of the universe where I find Myself, a revelation that has not yet reached the human race because it is not written in the sacred book of the Bible.

You are in this time, as My servants and apostles, those who should continue with the history of your Master and Lord within the universe so that My Heavenly Church may be closer to the souls thirsty of God, and mainly to those that have not yet found the way out.

Just as you live here, upon the surface of Earth, under governments that are purely human, within the universe there exists a true spiritual Government that leads a great Confederation of consciousnesses that, in pure states of ascension and evolution, live as you do, in the material universe, but on other planes of consciousness, a reality and especially an existence with which this human civilization has very but very slowly made contact.

What is it that I want to tell you by saying this? That life does not end here nor does life starts here. The original life rises from the Universe, from the Source, and as the Source generated life through the Divine Will of the Father, the Eternal Father also decided that there would exist a Universal Government of which you are part, as well as many other consciousnesses that today you cannot see or perceive.

The spiritual Universe is more real than the material universe. Matter is corrupt and it dies, but it is a fundamental vehicle for science and the life of beings to experience that which each soul needs in order to learn and evolve.

This Spiritual Government that exists in the Universe is eternal, powerful and emblematic, because its main and primordial axis is love, which in other peripheries of the system of universal life fulfills all consciousnesses with wisdom and unity.

This Government was taken over by your Master and Lord after the Ascension, and it is from there where I will come to the world, it is from there where I will return to show My true Face, this Face that My apostles came to know, as I told you yesterday.

Through this Universal Government, not only the Laws can be experienced and fulfilled, but everything that is life and vibration is guided and conducted by this spiritual Government.

From this Government, Moses received the Commandments; by this Government, Abraham was inspired to protect his people; from this government, John the Baptist spoke, preached and taught men and women on Earth. And from this same spiritual Government of the Universe, I brought you the Gospel, the parables, for you to understand in a simpler form that which really exists in the universe and is latent. 

Although this government still exists in the Universe, and while humanity still takes much time to enter the real system of the universal life to fulfill the laws and all that comes from this Government, I am preparing, in these final times, for all beings who say they live in Christ and for Christ to become conscious and knowledgeable of this powerful emanation of the Spiritual Government, which your Master and Lord leads and follows closely.

What I want to tell you is that this spiritual Government is the one that sent Me to the world, not only two thousand years ago, but it has also sent Me in this final time so that, through the Divinity and the Spirit of Christ, souls would have the Grace and the opportunity to find the path that many lost throughout recent times.

All consciousnesses of the Universe depend on this spiritual Government and you also depend on this spiritual Government. By not being under this government, humanity is suffering, because it loses the essence of what it really has to do and fulfill.

This spiritual Government inspired the appearance of this race. From the beginning of everything and until recently, this aspiration of the spiritual Government is latent. Now, at this time and at this moment, I call all hearts to enter with their consciousnesses into this spiritual Government that, from the beginning, has been following you and that recently, after 1950, has intervened in the humanity for it to not destroy itself once more as in Atlantis or in Lemuria. This way, the souls have the opportunity to free themselves from their debts and from the chain of addiction, of human errors.

Whoever has their consciousness in the spiritual Government, even without knowing it deeply, but if they enter in tune with It through their hearts and by means of prayer, this is considered by this spiritual Government, in this final moment, in all that this Government will do in the world, especially in the most difficult moment of humanity, a moment that has just begun.

I do not come to speak to you about something abstract, companions, today I come as the spokesman of this spiritual Government that leads this and other universes. It is a special space of the Consciousness of God, where Love is primordial to make big evolutionary decisions and important projects of life, throughout the whole universe.

As Abraham and Moses, this spiritual Government has been revealed to you and has come closer to you, to strengthen the Sacred Project of the people of Israel. Today, through your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ, through His Merciful and Glorified Heart, the souls have the essential and spiritual opportunity of being contemplated and considered by this Greater Government, so that not only each one of you may fulfill the mission that God has entrusted to you from the beginning of Creation, but also for you to unite yourselves, at that moment when the spiritual Government of the universe approaches Earth, to be able to assist and help it, at that crucial moment.

This is also one of the last impulses that I bring to you today.

In this spiritual Government there is also My Heavenly Mother and all the consciousnesses that follow Her, for Her to be able to go forward with her planetary task with each one of Her children, with each of the nations, with each of the peoples, with each heart that suffers for not being able to meet God.

It will be this spiritual Government that will intervene once more, on the planet and within humanity, as it has in other times, to try to correct and warn it about that which humanity really needs to fulfill and accomplish, in the name of God; and this goes beyond any religion or belief. It is a spiritual and cosmic situation that directly unites each one of you with the major Source of this spiritual Government.

On the inner planes of the planetary consciousness, in a place not very accessible for any human being, on the top of the Himalayas, the spiritual Government that I lead and conduct has a spiritual base on the planet, to closely lead humanity.

Consciousnesses of wisdom, love and of profound brotherhood gather together in this space, time and again, since 1950 to the present, to guide humanity in the inner planes, for humanity to recognize that it has not only lost its guide through the Law of God, but that it has also lost its inner contact with the Source.

Through the spiritual Government of the universe, today your Master and Lord once more reintegrates, into the depths of the essences, this necessary connection with the Eternal Father. This is not a Grace nor a merit, it is part of a great planetary need so that at least the majority of humanity can be saved and redeemed.

The pillars of knowledge of the truth and loyalty are the fundamental bases for the action of My spiritual Government, and circling these pillars are the great principles of love, wisdom and faith.

At this culminating time, this is possible for the souls who pray to the Source of My Divine Mercy, because most important, companions, is that which the souls need to receive within in order to be able to take forward their commitments with Me.

This spiritual Government will reveal itself to humanity in a form that nobody has ever seen, and the awakening will give an impulse to the human race once more, for it to recognize that which it still needs to experience and accomplish, at this time, for the new Christs to be able to awaken.

Today, under this Consciousness and Wisdom that guides you, you will once more offer Me your spiritual Communion so that I can work once again in humanity, in the place that needs assistance the most, not only spiritually, but also materially, and so, once more they will receive from me the codes of Light that they need to make their lives examples of My Work on Earth.

Before this Spiritual Government that is present through Christ, we are going to empty our beings completely, for the Christic impulses to fill our hearts and to renew the planetary life at this culminating moment of humanity.

Brothers, please, the table.

Through this Eucharistic celebration and through the spiritual Communion that at this moment the souls of the world will be able to experience, I will return to bring to Earth, through My Heart, the pillars of knowledge, wisdom and loyalty.

 We invite you to stand up or to kneel at this moment.

"Father, You have sent Your Son for the souls to learn once more about love and forgiveness. Through the sacrifice lived by Your Son, give this planet and humanity the extraordinary Grace to again recover the meaning and the path of evolution so that, through knowledge, wisdom and loyalty, the souls may awaken to their mission and meaning and reason for having come here, to Earth, in Thy Name. Amen."

When I celebrated the Last Supper, the apostles came to know the spiritual Government through the Communion with Me. This evening was definitely not only for your Master, but also for all humanity through the presence of the apostles.

Today I come to perform the same exercise, with a more expansive consciousness present within everyone, for you not only to remember that I am present in the Body and in the Blood, by means of the bread and wine, but also that I am present in the universe, awaiting the great moment of My Return to humanity.

In this way, I took the bread, offered it to the Father for it to be transubstantiated and sanctified. Then I divided it and gave it to My apostles saying: "Take and eat, this is My Body that will be given to men and women for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.

And the Light of knowledge, wisdom and loyalty entered the apostles, for them to be My representatives on the planet, up to today.

Afterward, I took the Chalice, the one that after My Ascension would then be taken to some other locations of the planet, for the triumph and victory of the Sacred Chalice of the Lord to be shed upon all humanity and on the generations to follow, with the objective and the purpose that, through the Chalice, the first religious order would be born in humanity, and from it many other orders would arise, which I would use to fulfill My Work upon the planet.

I elevated the Holy Chalice for it to be transubstantiated and sanctified. Then I offered it to the Apostles, saying: "Take and drink all of it, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, that will be shed by your Lord for the forgiveness of the faults. Do this in My memory.

We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.


The Body and living Blood of Christ.

In union with the Spiritual Government of Our Lord Jesus Christ, let us pray the prayer that He taught us.

Our Father.

Our Father (let us repeat in English).

May the Peace, Love and Wisdom of Christ descend upon Earth.

Lord, I am not worthy of You entering under my roof, but only say the word and I shall be healed.

At this moment, united to all our brothers and sisters of the world, in their homes, nations and groups, let us receive the Sacrament of spiritual Communion and so, repair the Heart of God.

Let us hear three sounds of the bell.

The form of Light of Christ has entered the souls that opened themselves to commune with the Lord. Amen.

I leave you the Light of My spiritual Government for you to also commune with it, for more souls in the world to learn to experience the powerful love of the Law.

I deeply and internally thank all those who summoned themselves spontaneously to pray for My Divine Mercy, knowing that it is urgent and necessary to pray for the healing of humanity. But remember that, in the days to come and through the Powerful Novena to Saint Raphael the Archangel, the Creator Father will once again enter the planet and the consciousness of humanity in order to take forward the second phase of His spiritual mission.

Unite with Archangel Raphael in this sacred mission.

I bless you under the Light and Wisdom of the Spiritual Government of your Lord.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús for the 81st Marathon of the Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I have come in a moment when humanity is still hurt. I have come in a moment when everything seems to be lost, when the faith of many of my companions in the world weakens, in a moment when nothing makes sense. I have come at this important moment for humanity, although it is difficult for millions of souls in the world.

Through My Heart, I bring you the presence of the Heavens and the Universe so that you may notice and feel that I am here with you, even though the moment of My Return to the world has not come yet.

I bring you everything that each one of you needs at this moment. This is not material or even spiritual, it is something profoundly internal that is deposited in each one of your essences so that you learn, as I have said, to go through the end of these times. The peak has not yet come and you can see that.

It is time to follow, with much obedience, the divine Law, so that each one of your souls may be protected under the Love of God. It is time to multiply the love in the hearts that suffer the most because this is the scene of the end of times, humanity does not know how it will conduct itself. 

Because of this, I offer you, at this moment, the divine Laws of God, from the known Commandments of Moses to the new Commandments that I have brought to you through the years, which I call Beatitudes.

I need you to apply these rules in your lives because this way the essence of humanity will be protected, even if the majority do not do so and do not comply with this. In a small proportion of the human race, these rules and Commandments will be fulfilled and will push other hearts and lives to not only reach the beatitudes but to also persevere in faith and in trust in God.

If God were not with His eyes upon this planetary moment, he would not have sent His Son this afternoon. What sense would it make for this humanity?

The Love of God is above all things and all situations, the souls must turn to God at this time and this can not take long. Because it will be in this Love of the Father that your lives will be renewed and thus you will renew everyone around you.

What are you waiting for to do so? The door of the great summoning is still open so that the souls may be driven to live the apostolate of Christ at the end of these times, through the impulses and the gifts that the Holy Spirit brings.

Attention, companions, listen to what I am saying because they are not just a few more words. I need you to be aware that My task with you is coming to an end. And when this happens, you should give testimony and lead by example that I have been here, just as I am in each one of your hearts every time you allow Me to be so. Because that is where the truth will prevail, and the wisdom and the understanding that you need in these times.

Even if the planetary situation seems difficult or impossible to reverse, do not lose faith, renew your vows and commitments with the Eternal Father. He also has the Fountain of His Divine Mercy open, His Ocean of Love and Mercy is empty. Everyone is invited to submerge in this Ocean of Love, an immaterial and eternal Love.

Today I am at peace because of your response to this meeting of prayer, because you realized, by yourselves, that it is necessary to pray, pray and pray so that a new opportunity may descend to the world, beyond what the Earth and humanity must purify.

With everything you have learned from Me, companions, live your apostolate consciously, may it not be a theory, but a practice. May you be able to go beyond yourselves for humanity and the planet, may you make the Love of My Heart triumph in the world and upon those who suffer the most, in the great solitude of these times.  

I will always come to fill you with everything you need. My Love has no end or shape. Therefore, I am here, as a response to your commitment with Me, knowing that this is the time of the great decision.

Jesus has just opened the Book of the Wisdom of God and a very strong Light came out of this Book, where the Wills of God are written. Let us contemplate it and recognize it, to understand and comprehend why Jesus has brought it. 

The prophets and the great patriarchs knew something about this book which is in My Hands today, the Book of the Wisdom of God, that which humanity must achieve to realize that not only must it be redeemed, but also, it must reconcile with the Original Project that has created it. As long as this does not happen, there will be hard times. But they will not be times that last forever, because I will come, I will return and, within My Hands, I will bring this Sacred Book of God, just as the angels will bring the Ark of the Holy Covenant. 

The Great Revelation has not come to the world yet. My true Face was only known by a few of My Apostles and you know this. When My Face soon reveals itself to humanity, everything will happen. I do not speak of chaos, catastrophes or even of suffering, I speak of the great moment that each one of your lives will have before My Eternal and Cosmic Presence. 

Because at this moment and at this time, when each one of you will be before the Gaze of God, to give Him a definitive answer. And for a few seconds, the entire world will be aware of what they have done during their lives; the whole story of their incarnation will pass through their minds, they will recognize each one of the scenes, and they will be before their judgment. 

But at this moment, the Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary, will already be praying, not only for the whole world but for each one of Her children, under the authority that the Father has given Her as a Faithful Servant. She will send many of Her angels to inspire the souls and strengthen them in this decision. 

It will be at this time and this hour that God, before His Son returns to Earth in glory, will open the Book where the Will for this planet is written. For a moment humanity will be aware of it, but also of all its sins and mistakes made throughout times, as well as the aggressions toward the Kingdoms of Nature.

Many hearts will feel the cry of the center of the Earth. The depths will open and the hidden will be shown. And then, before this vision and this consciousness, God will show His Face to those who will know how to recognize it and love it, and before the archangels, their souls will be able to write within this Book the answer that God has so long awaited for. 

The world will seem lost because of its illusion. Hundreds of shooting stars, great consciousness of the Universe, will descend to the Earth, and everyone will recognize them, even if they do not know their origin. 

God, before His own Will and the culminating moment of the planet, which is not far away, will prostrate Himself so that the Source of the Supreme Divine Fountain may humbly grant a universal Grace to the planet and to all Creation, and everyone will hear within themselves the Echo of the Father. And even the most closed heart in the whole world or the biggest atheist of humanity will also hear this, because God will grant His last Grace for the souls, the hearts and the people,  so that they may reconsider their lives and surrender themselves, this will be the hour of My Return to the world. 

Everything that I give to you today are not only My last words, but also my last revelations, because there is still a part that humanity cannot know them. 

Treasure these moments. Honor these meetings, because you will need them.

God sends me to the world to raise it up. It is urgent and necessary so that the prophecy of conversion may be fulfilled. 

I come to ask you, once again, for the repairing Communion for each day of May, especially the spiritual Communion, so My last impulses and words may embrace more people throughout the world. There is still a part of humanity that must know that I am here to receive you, to hear you, to absolve you and to give you My Mercy, the one which will restore and heal your lives.

All the souls who have died, through this pandemic in these recent days, have found a place in the intermediate planes of consciousness, where they no longer suffer, because your prayers, on this day, have achieved Mercy for each one of them. 

Even the deepest Mercy of My Heart continues acting by means of the Easter that happened this year. And even though a few weeks have passed, the Source of My Mercy is open for souls to plunge into the ocean of My Love. We are in the time of the last reprieve, value it.

Let us celebrate this moment with the joy of finding the Truth, the Way and the Life. Let us offer this moment to repair the Heart of the Eternal Father, offering each one of the prayers and songs for this current planetary situation so that the Grace of healing and science may inspire the scientists and doctors in the world to find the answer for this situation.


We can bring the altar. 

"Lord and God of the Universe, Who listens to the prayers of Your children, who renews and consecrates the souls and the lives of people; serve Yourself, Eternal Father, of this moment, so Your fathomless Mercy and Love may descend to the most needed places of humanity. Amen".

May God grant the Grace, at this moment, of us deeply living this Sacrament, so that more Graces and impulses of Light arrive in all hearts through this offering of the repairing Communion and the spiritual Communion with our Lord.

We invite you to stand or kneel. 

May the legacy of Love, Eucharist and the Blood of Christ fill, as a balm of Light, humanity, and our planet. Amen. 

When I was gathered with the twelve, just as I am gathered with each one of you, beyond the distance, I make you unify to Me so that you may be unified to the Father and also to the Holy Spirit, Who works at this moment through its Gifts and Gratitude.

I took the bread, raised it, and gave thanks to the Father for what He was offering Me. Afterward I broke it and gave it to the apostles saying: Take it and eat of it, because this is My Body, which will be delivered by humankind for the forgiveness of sins".

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless you.

I took the Chalice, and making the same offer from My Heart, I offered it to the Father so it could be transubstantiated. Then I offered It to the apostles saying: "Take it and drink of it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be poured out by humankind for the forgiveness of sins. Do this is My memory".

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

The Body and Blood of Christ.

Be happy, our Lord said, to those who are called to serve from the Lamb that was slain and resurrected to give you eternal life, life in abundance. 

Let us pray the prayer that Christ has taught us, to consummate this consecration.

Our Father

Our Father (we repeat in English).

May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth and may it be within each heart.

We announce Peace.

Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word, and I shall be healed. 

Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word, and I shall be healed. 

We repeat in English.

When I no longer come to the world to speak to you or instruct you, you will have My New Gospel to find comfort and strength, but especially, you will have My Body and My Blood, to feel Me, so that you can renew yourselves. 

In the Beatitude of the Grace of God, this afternoon, I bless all those who share this moment with Me, which I have engraved within My Heart, as a fire of love for each one of the brave and persevering hearts. I pour My trust upon them.

I bless you and I thank you. May peace be on Earth so that peace brings healing for all humanity. So be it, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We end this transmission thanking our Lord Jesus Christ and everyone who is present.

To end this transmission, let us give thanks:

Thank you, Lord, for all that You give us. In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.


Monthly Messages

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Companions, today I bring you the Most Holy Body of your Lord and the Sacred Chalice of the Redeemer so that, in this month of May, you may offer a Reparative Communion every day, that God may hear the heart of His children and the supplications of those who truly pray, asking for this humanity and for this planet so that, in this end time, souls may be strengthened and learn to go through the end of these times, revealing and definitive times, times in which humanity will come to know the Truth, in this cycle of the Apocalypse.

I pour out the Rays of My Heart upon the Sacred Eucharist that I carry today in My Hand and upon the Sacred Chalice of the Redeemer so that the Body and Blood of Christ may be that divine, perpetual and eternal unity that souls need in this end time.

It is there, in that divine strength, in that essential union with the Sacrament of the Altar where you will find the strength, the courage and the bravery to overcome these times, rather than anywhere else.

For this reason, today the Light of My Spirit pours out not only upon the Most Holy Body of your Lord and the Holy Chalice, but also upon the world and, especially, upon humanity, upon those regions of the Earth where conflict, the pandemic and terror plague innocent hearts.

In this divine union that each one of you can achieve, through this special offering during the month of May, you will be truly united with Me and, as a result, you will be united with Higher and Cosmic Life.

Thus, in spite of what may happen, help will come from the universe through its powerful currents, through its sublime energies, through the sacred material and nonmaterial rays that must fill souls so that they may finally concretize the realization of their mission and their commitment to Me, so that the whole human race may learn to overcome these times and, above all, learn to go through them.

For this special offering, during the month of May, it is fundamental that the priestly life may be the one that, with the strength and the momentum of the heart and of love, will instill the help that souls need through the Sacraments that I have given you.

Now that, for millions of souls, it is impossible to commune with the sacred form of the Body of Christ or of the Precious Blood, this is the time for living a spiritual Communion, just as real as the usual Communion that you have always experienced.

It is in this spiritual union where your commitment will be strengthened, and those adversities, shadows and uncertainties will not prevail, for each day that you work with and experience this union with Me will allow Me to also act and work through you.

I especially dedicate My Message to all souls, to the silent and anonymous good hearts that pray for the priests, every day, because the spirit of prayer, the power of prayer will cause you to understand, beyond appearances, the spiritual essence of the priests in this end time, in which healing, redemption, reconciliation and Mercy for the whole world will be achieved through priestly life.

It is in this commitment and in this union that each one may be able to truly live with Me, through My spiritual Heart and the Light that emanates through the Rays of Divine Mercy, that I will be able to pour out and place in the hearts of the priests the attributes and above all, the designs that I have thought of from the beginning for each one of them.

While humanity is worried and agitated because of not knowing how the coming time will continue, I invite you to each day further deepen into this union with Me through the spiritual Sacrament with My Body and with My Blood.

In this time, I am also considering the adoration that is offered to the Holy Eucharist, because the more adorations accomplished, the more practices are spiritually made, and souls are also benefited by this spiritual practice that will allow hearts to be kept in balance, in that basic balance that humanity today does not have because of all that worries it and the uncertainty that it feels in this time.

Everything that I left, more than two thousand years ago, for the whole world, are important keys for today. That was the reason for the spiritual living of the Sacraments and for unchangeable and permanent strength that they have throughout the times.

In this way, through the Sacraments, in a spiritual way, you will find the strength of renewal and of faith and, in spite of everything that may happen in the world, souls will feel safe; because you will not become ill; your souls will rejoice and, with Me, they will celebrate the victory of My Heart within each one of them.

I need you to understand, in a broader vision, what this means to Me: that this living of the spiritual Sacrament within each one of you will be able to demonstrate to the Eternal Father that the treasures that I gave you are in safe places and that these very treasures that I gave you bring about results in redemption and in conversion.

This is the time in which, through the spiritual Communion with Me, through the Marathon of Divine Mercy that everyone will be able to experience, everyone will become strengthened and be able to understand, beyond everything, the essence of what I have done throughout the last years.

Because everything that I have done, up until now and since the beginning, has only been a preparation in your lives and spirits so that your consciousnesses would not be afraid nor doubt about being able to face these times and constantly lead humanity toward an elevation of consciousness, because as much as only a few make this effort and this surrender, all this will always benefit the rest of humanity and those who perhaps would not deserve anything, not even a Grace, will receive it.

It is thus that the Love of My Heart is multiplied in all hearts that offer to not only pray for the priestly ministry and priestly life, but also so that the Work of My Mercy and Redemption may be carried forward by the companions that I have summoned to live this life and this spiritual principle, among many others.

I want you to be attentive and have a clear vision that this is the time and the moment for living what I have so much hoped for throughout the times and generations.

I have worked and I have presented Myself with the same aim and purpose, and that will not change until I return to the world, in which your Greater Priest and Lord of lords will move forward with the institution and the advent of the new time, of the new life, of the new humanity.

If your spirits and souls are strong in the Communion with Me in this crucial time, nothing will happen to you; on the contrary, you will help those most need it, those who are weak of spirit, those who are tepid of heart, those who are not poor in life, those who have lost their faith, those who are not humble, those who do not accept Me.

All your offerings will multiply and I will accept them because I will return them in Grace and in Mercy for those who do not deserve anything.

It is in this way that, little by little, I invite you to experience the same school of overcoming, of surrender and of faith that I lived for you until the Cross, so that your last breath, in the last minute of your life, may also be an offering.

Think about and meditate upon what I tell you. I will not ask you for impossible things, but rather I will ask you for what you can really give Me, because I need to be in hearts, I need to be consoled by souls, I must have a space and a place in the temple of each heart so that you can suffer with Me, in silence, for the freeing and the transmutation of humanity for not having conformed to the Law, and not even to My Eternal Father.

You must understand what I am telling you, for these are now My last Words, in this end time. And you must not forget anything that I have told you, because I need to be living in the hearts and souls that offer to live this great surrender for My Heart and My Consciousness.

It is thus, through this path, that you will achieve Greater Life and Cosmic Life. First, you must yield so that I may triumph in the world through you.

Thus, today I bring you the Most Holy Body and the Sacred Chalice, the fruits of the surrender and the merits of the Passion of Jesus, so that the world would not forget that, before all this, there existed a man of Nazareth, Son of a carpenter and of a humble Mother, who fulfilled and carried forward an important task for humanity, pouring out His Blood for sinners, pouring out His Water for those who were lost, freeing the whole planet, to the deepest layers of this world.

Let the power of My Blood justify you before God. Let the power of My Water purify you before God, because I will wait for your great and definitive step, until it be necessary, until each one of you understands that, if I have come here to meet with you, speak with you and instruct you for such a long time, there is a reason and a purpose, because nothing is by chance.

May this Marathon of Divine Mercy awaken within you the flame of healing that humanity needs and, above all, the planet that is in agony not only for this pandemic.

Humanity had to become ill to be able to understand what condition the planet has been in for so long and, even so, how the planet and its nature have responded and expressed in the face of humanity's stillness.

Through the Kingdoms of Nature, see the message that the universe leaves to you, and do not resist anymore. Dare to live the great change in consciousness so that everything may revert and be healed.

While that does not happen, the world will continue to suffer and your Master will also suffer in the hearts that open to receive the Cross that your Master lives in this current time. A Cross that wants to be shared with those who persevere, with those who are selfless, with those who are unconditional, with those who work, day and night, in humility and for peace, with one end and one goal; that Divine Will be fulfilled.

Through the Sacrament of Communion and of the Blood of Christ, I bless you so that this task of the Marathon of Divine Mercy may be profound and true, so that it is not just some time passing by, but rather an imperative and definite need to respond to God until it hurts.

I thank you for the union, the perseverance and the strength of determination in these times.

Remember the spiritual offering during this whole month of May so that, together with the consecration of your lives to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your beloved Celestial Messengers may once again carry to God the fruits of redemption.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
