Saturday, November 30 of 2024

Special Message

Voice of the Virgin Mary:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


I Am the Light that announces the beautiful horizon of God. The one who contemplates this Light will not become lost, because it is a divine and inextinguishable Light.

It is this Light of the beautiful horizon of God that announces, in this final time, the arrival of Christ to put an end to the cruelty of the world, and the endless suffering of souls.

For this reason, dear children, in the name of the Lord, I am here today to fulfill the promise that My Son had made to you, as I bless this Sacred Fountain of the Supreme Healer, so that souls may remember that the Heart of Christ is open to all, regardless of the sin or error.

I come as your Celestial Mother to once again lead and guide you toward the Heart of Christ, so that you may find His infinite and inexhaustible fountain of Love, which flows like water, as a spiritual tributary in all souls.

For this reason, this fountain, which we will bless and consecrate today, will gain its spiritual, inner or material power and expansion, depending on the faith of each heart and each soul; remember, dear children, what My Son told the Roman centurion: “Your faith in the Lord saved your servant.”

Today I come to renew the gift of faith in this place and, above all, in hearts. A gift that is being transgressed and violated by the situations of the world, by all that is being replaced and changed.

For this reason, I bring you closer to the fountain of the Lord again, so that you may not only purify your faces and hands, but also so that you may reach the path of conversion of the heart, which means, dear children, that your lives, as of today, have the door open so that you may completely change both inside and out, so that you may be different people with new values and attributes for life, fundamental in this time of transition and chaos; because it will be these very same values that you can cultivate within yourselves that will allow you to be free from yourselves and from the world.

Today humanity is facing a complex scenario. It is before two paths and must choose only one path: the path of Light, or the path of perdition.

My Son comes to intercede for all of you and the world on this day, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so that souls may come closer to the Graces of Christ, sanctifying and renewing Graces for souls, so that each heart may internally receive what it needs so much.

Beloved children, in this time it will depend on each one of you that your lives may become the very Grace of God manifested and concretized. This should be the miracle in each one of you.

You yourselves must choose what life you want to live in this time, in the face of a challenging scenario for humanity itself and the planet. For this reason, I remind you again of the values of life, the so called Attributes of God, which are granted to all souls through the Sacraments and, above all, to the hearts that faithfully pray to God every day, because humanity in this time needs much spiritual guidance.

You know, My children, that this is urgent for the world, in the face of so many things that are happening in humanity, because it will be these very same values that you may cultivate in yourselves that will help your families and your loved ones.

And thus, the nucleus of the human family will be protected and supported by God from the grave interferences that the world manifests and radiates to souls. Because there is an attempt to replace the true and only God of Heaven and the Earth by an artificial god.

Do not let yourselves be confused or deceived, beloved children. Rather turn to the prayer of the heart, turn to the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, to the sacred moment of the Eucharist, of confession and the fervent and supplicating prayer; because everything will happen in this time, but on yourselves, beloved children, depends what will be the result of your paths, of your own choices, of what you may choose, the Living God or the dead god, the dead god of humanity that appears to have life and intelligence of its own.  

For this reason, in these simple and sacred moments, through the fountain that springs today from the Heart of Jesus, by means of this water of the fountain that today will be sanctified and consecrated for each one of you and your brothers and sisters, just as it was in Massabielle in Lourdes, Our Sacred Hearts, in self-giving and as an offering, grant again to souls the Graces they need, mainly the Grace of the conversion of heart, of the change of habits and modalities of life, so that you may be worthy of the Graces and miracles that you need.

Because the Grace of God is not wasted in this universe. It is a sacred and sublime current that, when it acts through the Holy Spirit, as it does at this moment, transforms souls into what God has expected so much since the beginning.

I not only want you to place your miseries today at the Feet of My Son, but I also want you to place at the Feet of the Supreme Healer the honest and sincere offering of each heart, of what is most intimate in your inner world, where God dwells and lives, and expresses His Kingdom in souls.

Thus, you will be heard by the Supreme and Sublime Healer, by the Humble Sheppherd of souls, the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus, who, from His deepest cores, causes Graces to be poured out upon souls, and reveals the ardor of His Love for hearts.

God listens to the hearts that cry out, but above all, God listens to the hearts that suffer unknown situations that they have never experienced upon the surface of the Earth. For this reason, He opens the fountain of His Graces to sanctify souls, to consecrate them.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Our Lady asks if anyone can bring a glass of water for the person who is coughing, please. You may bring the glass of water here, please, because She will bless it for the person who is coughing.


It is necessary to let go of what is oppressing us, so that we may be renewed in the presence of the Love of God.

The purification of the world is not a punishment, it is a necessity for hearts to become liberated and thus to become healed of their deepest wounds, mainly their spiritual wounds.

Jesus has always taught us, the holy women and the apostles, that the good Samaritan is the one who first thinks of the other, and is capable of giving from their heart for the salvation of their fellow being. And it is in this way that unity and fraternity are multiplied, through service and charity among hearts.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

And now, with our Mother, all of us will draw near the fountain for its blessing and consecration. We will go singing, all of us together, with the brothers and sisters of the Choir of the  Nucleus tthe opening song that you sang today.

We will go in procession, in solemnity, in reverence and silence, to place ourselves at the Feet of the Supreme Healer for Him to bathe and purify us with His water, that water that sprang from His Side on the Cross.

And thus we will bless, together with Our Lady, this fountain that will be offered as an instrument of Healing and Grace for souls.

And then we will return here to officiate the Holy Eucharist, administer the Body and the Blood of Christ to all those present, and then finalize with the Sacrament of the Baptism.

We may start singing with the choir.


Song: “By the Fountain of Grace.”


Let us breathe in.


Prayer: “Hail Mary” (three times in Portuguese).


I come here with My beloved Son, just as We would go to the wells of Betsaida so that Our Lord could heal and cure the leprous and the sick, restore sight to those who were blind and, above all, open the hearts of those who had closed their hearts to God.

Today My Son comes to bless you through His fountain of Grace and Mercy, Pity and Love.


The Voice of Christ:

By the authority that My Father has granted Me, in union with Heaven and Earth, and with the holy angels and the blessed ones, I come to bless this fountain of Grace so that souls may be purified, renewed and consecrated to the Eternal Heart of God, and may surrender to the Supreme Healer.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thursday, November 14 of 2024

The Sacred Call

Just as I once revealed in one of My Parables, the story says that the great farmer gave each of His workers a certain amount of coins so that later, through their work and effort, they might multiply everything they had received; but above all, they might know how to keep it in a safe place so that, after time had gone by, when the great farmer returned, his workers would give an account and in good faith deliver the fruit of all their labor from the harvest season. 

However, the story says that the great farmer called his first worker to ask him for what he had entrusted with so much care. The first worker gave Him according to what had been foreseen and kept the treasure in the right place.

Then, the great farmer successively called the others so that they might also give an account of everything that had been entrusted to them with so much love. However, the father gave two of the farmers what they deserved, because they had not been attentive; one recklessly spent what had been entrusted to him and the other went bankrupt. Instead of carefully keeping what the Farming Father had entrusted to them, both ungratefully undervalued the goodness of the father.

Thus, each one carried with them what they had sown with effort or with the neglect of the treasures that had been lovingly entrusted to them.

The first worker was blessed because he was righteous in his principles and codes.

The second worker was rewarded, just like the third, fourth and fifth workers, because he received what he had worked for through his effort.

However, the sixth and seventh workers went away empty-handed because they believed that the goodness of the father could be undervalued and taken with ingratitude.

The other workers, until the twelfth, also received what they gave during the harvest time.

The essence of this story is the following:

The great farmer is the Father Who is in the Heavens, Who comes full of Graces and Virtues to be deposited within each of His children.

The workers are the immature aspects of the human being, from the most surrendered and resigned aspect to the arrogant, stingy and ungrateful aspect who believes they know more than the universe or even more than the Law.

What each one received is the test of trust that the Father grants to each child, knowing that perhaps not all will be able to respond as it is written within His Heart. But the Father entrusts the same to each child, regardless of each one's inexperience or training.

In all that He gives, the Father does not distinguish or flatter anyone, because He knows that His children, the workers, need to know how to give of themselves, just as the Celestial Father gave of Himself through His Beloved Son, allowing Himself to die on the Cross to free the world from sin.

This story speaks of what is seen and contemplated today in the Work of Christ on Earth.

The Father is before each of His Children, waiting to receive the authentic and true result of what the Celestial Father Himself gave, granted, entrusted and expressed through the Work founded by Christ through His servants, collaborators and consecrated beings.

This is the moment when, without judgment or condemnation, the Father observes what each son and daughter has done with everything they have received out of love, and into what they have converted the treasures entrusted to them to raise and elevate the Work that belongs to the Hierarchy.

For this reason, this cycle in which the most sensitive flowers open up to express the inner, spiritual and moral results of the children of God, is the space and the place where the Law, which is limpid, neutral and pure, defines how the next cycle will be, based on the result of each one.

For this reason, remember the symbol revealed in the month of August when, through His surrendered Hand, your Master and Lord drew the line on the ground to separate the wheat from the chaff, since last August 8.

I know that today some question and, with their words, sell what is happening in the present moment of urgent reconstruction of all the planes of consciousness and especially of the Laws in the lives of those who have always said they are with Me.

This is why I bring you today the story of the great farmer and his workers, his children, who claim to live a spiritual path and selfless service.

In the face of a disturbed, selfish and indifferent world, I call you to meditate and give thanks for this moment so that nothing may surprise you overnight, because we are in the last and most delicate instances in which humanity will have the last chance to reconnect with God.

Have you forgotten what I told you about the disconnection of humanity?

Have you thought of anything? Is your attitude the same after this?

You know that the reality is like this. Therefore, do not waste these last instances, because the final moment is now coming, when each one will definitely have to walk with their own feet, but with purified feet and divested of themselves, because only those who are divested of themselves will enter the Kingdom of the Heavens.

I will always be there to unconditionally support those who are truly unconditional, without appearances, and mainly those who are unconditional to their brothers and sisters.

I thank you for meditating and keeping My Words in your hearts.

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Monday, November 4 of 2024

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Today, look again at My Heart, pierced and wounded by the sufferings of all the souls of the world.

This is the patient and kind Heart of God through His Son, which in perpetual surrender, untiringly offers itself for the reparation of the grave sins of the world.

My Heart is a balm of hope and sustenance for souls; it is a sacred space where the children of My Father can see and feel themselves reflected, because My Heart is the receptacle that lovingly welcomes the honest offerings of those who say yes to Me.

This is the Heart that offered itself for all the human race through the Eucharist, which was instituted and celebrated with My apostles during the Last Supper.

This is the Heart that, for your redemption, endured the most terrible offenses and suffered the most painful and indescribable martyrdoms so that the humanity of today could be here and the planet would not disappear.

However, who is capable of meditating about this through the sacred teaching of the Sorrowful Way of your Master and Lord? Because at each sorrowful station, you will find the teaching and instruction that you need at each stage of life.

Many were the teachings that I left to My companions, just as, in this time, I leave these teachings mainly to those who have decided to follow Me in fidelity and consecration, regardless of the circumstances of life.

Because the most important thing for the Father is that His beloved children of the Earth may learn to grow in love and to remove from themselves all arrogance and pride, so that the light of their hearts may not be dimmed by the discord and conflicts that the world constantly experiences and can no longer bear.

Imitate My patient Heart. Receive from My Spirit the incandescent flame that will withdraw you from the dark night of the soul so that, by being able to see My Light in the innermost depth of the abyss of the consciousness, you may know and learn how to recognize My Holy Face at the moment of the Return of Christ.

In this hour of pressures and uncertainties for most, may My Heart be the expected refuge of the spirit and soul that welcomes My Words in the name of Adonai.

May your feet continue to travel the pathway toward the total divestment of yourselves and detachment from the past. Thus, your gaze will be able to be fixed upon the horizon to recognize the signs of Heaven that announce the expected time of the Return of Christ.

May your inner hearing, the hearing of the heart, always be open to Me and your fellow beings, for I could be giving you a simple instruction.

Receive My Words, which are the Words of the Celestial Father, because the Word became flesh and once again dwelt among you so that, out of Grace, you might know about the existence of the Kingdom of the Heavens.

I thank you for keeping and living each one of My Words.

I thank Spain for its warm welcome and I pray for those who suffered a total catastrophe in this country, blessed by one of the most resigned and emblematic saints of all times, Saint Teresa of Jesus.

Who blesses Spain,

Your Master,

Christ Jesus

Sunday, November 3 of 2024

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Souls do not know in depth the unfathomable mystery of My Love because this is only revealed and becomes known when the soul yields in totality and surrender.

When the soul comes to know the unfathomable mystery of My Love, they can never be the same again, because, although small and imperfect, their consciousness begins to be part of My favorite spiritual helpers who, through prayer, collaborate and assist in the trajectory and destiny that all other souls must go through. The souls who are helpers of My Heart also have it clear that their service is inner and anonymous.

In this time, when the attention of many souls is placed far from My Heart, I prepare them, after almost twelve years of Messages and Instructions, for these souls that are chosen by Me to finally decide to not only be victims of My Love but also to be simple instruments in the blessed Hands of Christ.

Therefore, be attentive to the moment that everyone is living in this cycle, internally and externally, so that the transparency of heart and purity of intention may be the guiding star that indicates the next paths to go through and learn.

 In His silence, Your Master and Lord prepares this moment so that as many souls as possible may abandon the zone of imperceptible spiritual risk and enter the perpetual state of Grace and Mercy, without losing the sense of wisdom.

However, to reach this, the souls who offer themselves must purify their most intimate intentions; they must be honest with themselves; they must practice truth by example because there is absolutely nothing that can be hidden from God, for His Science and Understanding know each one down to their innermost and most unknown depths.

For this reason, so that you may be truly deservers of Grace, you should identify how many times the Law of Grace has embraced your lives and consciousnesses, and even everything around you.

However, the world insists on learning through suffering and guilt. This paralyzes the consciousness, leaves it immobile and uncertain about the next step.

But just as I did with Lazarus, one of My best friends, I invite you and call you to resurrection, so that your lives, as well as your feet, may be purified and cleansed of the dust of the past. Thus, you will learn to be reborn by yourselves, in attunement and unity with the celestial spheres.

The most magnificent thing that exists for an awake, selfless, and self-given soul is to find the path to the Infinite, this sacred pathway thought of from the beginning by the Eternal Father so that, through Me, all might have Life in abundance.

However, it is necessary that souls, in this material life, learn to love and grow through the goodness that the universe can teach and instruct them in.

Know that in this life there are not two realizations but only one, which for you should be to be in communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Thus, you will be under Grace and the Will that still waits to be fulfilled in most.

Be brave and become divested of yourselves. Seek to be nothing so that, at the end of these difficult times, you may be guided toward the sacred goal of your lives.

I Am here, opening the Tabernacle of My Heart to those who, decidedly and without delay, accept to bear with Me the weight of the cross of the planet, which is transformed by Redeeming Love.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts.

Who blesses you and blesses all of Spain,

Your Master,

Christ Jesus

Saturday, November 2 of 2024

Marathon of Divine Mercy

My child,

Look how the arrogant and petty world continues to hurt My poor and humble Heart.

This reminds Me of the moment of the crowning of thorns, after having been severely flagellated, they took Me to an enclosure and continued striking Me without pity or compassion.

Each one of these thorns that I present to you today symbolizes the deep and inexplicable pains that ungrateful souls cause Me.

I want you not to forget, not even for a moment, what I experienced for each one of you.

Therefore, surrender forever to the great ocean of My Mercy so that I may transform and redeem you. Do not hold anything for yourselves, do not fear showing yourselves as you really are.

With dedication and love, I have taught you how wonderful it is to live in the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom that touches the land of Spain today to bless and consecrate it to My Sacred and Eternal Heart.

Companions, in this hour when everything seems to precipitate from the inside out of souls, I call you to sobriety and righteousness in your lives so that nothing, absolutely nothing, may surprise you.

For this reason, always ask for Light before you make your decisions. Like a ferocious dragon, My enemy drags with its tail all the lukewarm and insecure of heart, those who have still not decided to fully surrender their lives to Me.

What are you waiting for?

The dark night of souls is coming to its culminating moment. Do not give up, do not forget My Words, do not set My holy and humble Love apart from yourselves just as the whole world does.

Because after this crude and difficult night, after the world is submerged in its deepest spiritual and human abyss, it will be the indicated hour and moment so that I may return in Glory and may reappear as the Light of the world, just as it was with My apostles.

Before this, with wisdom and discipline, submerge into the powerful prayer of the heart. May your hearts pray with Me so that, even in the final time of My Mercy and before the time of Justice, more souls may be rescued and contemplated by My ardent and sovereign Merciful Heart.

I encourage you to be brave in this time of planetary cross and calvary so that, for Me and through your good works, you may carry all the Love that I have taught you from the beginning.

All the Chalices of the Lord are upon the last Eucharistic Table, ready so that all who decide may drink from the final offering that I make to you at this moment.

Who will drink of the Blood of the Lamb?

The little Garden of Gethsemane shows itself within your hearts. It is time to live that which has been written within the Heart of God since the origin.

I Am here to guide you along the pathway of the fulfillment of My Father's Will. Who will accept it? Who will not step back? Who will be capable of not abandoning the Lord when everything happens?

Today I meditate on all the deeds lived by your Master and Lord at each moment of His Agony.

Despite so many thorns that surround My Head, I would like to see the little flower, the jasmine of the offering of the confirmed and decided souls.

Today, My serving and loving Hand extends itself especially to all My children of Spain, to those who have tragically suffered the end of these times. Let us pray so that those who are no longer here may reach Heaven.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you and blesses Spain,

Your Master and Lord,

Christ Jesus

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
