Just as I once revealed in one of My Parables, the story says that the great farmer gave each of His workers a certain amount of coins so that later, through their work and effort, they might multiply everything they had received; but above all, they might know how to keep it in a safe place so that, after time had gone by, when the great farmer returned, his workers would give an account and in good faith deliver the fruit of all their labor from the harvest season.
However, the story says that the great farmer called his first worker to ask him for what he had entrusted with so much care. The first worker gave Him according to what had been foreseen and kept the treasure in the right place.
Then, the great farmer successively called the others so that they might also give an account of everything that had been entrusted to them with so much love. However, the father gave two of the farmers what they deserved, because they had not been attentive; one recklessly spent what had been entrusted to him and the other went bankrupt. Instead of carefully keeping what the Farming Father had entrusted to them, both ungratefully undervalued the goodness of the father.
Thus, each one carried with them what they had sown with effort or with the neglect of the treasures that had been lovingly entrusted to them.
The first worker was blessed because he was righteous in his principles and codes.
The second worker was rewarded, just like the third, fourth and fifth workers, because he received what he had worked for through his effort.
However, the sixth and seventh workers went away empty-handed because they believed that the goodness of the father could be undervalued and taken with ingratitude.
The other workers, until the twelfth, also received what they gave during the harvest time.
The essence of this story is the following:
The great farmer is the Father Who is in the Heavens, Who comes full of Graces and Virtues to be deposited within each of His children.
The workers are the immature aspects of the human being, from the most surrendered and resigned aspect to the arrogant, stingy and ungrateful aspect who believes they know more than the universe or even more than the Law.
What each one received is the test of trust that the Father grants to each child, knowing that perhaps not all will be able to respond as it is written within His Heart. But the Father entrusts the same to each child, regardless of each one's inexperience or training.
In all that He gives, the Father does not distinguish or flatter anyone, because He knows that His children, the workers, need to know how to give of themselves, just as the Celestial Father gave of Himself through His Beloved Son, allowing Himself to die on the Cross to free the world from sin.
This story speaks of what is seen and contemplated today in the Work of Christ on Earth.
The Father is before each of His Children, waiting to receive the authentic and true result of what the Celestial Father Himself gave, granted, entrusted and expressed through the Work founded by Christ through His servants, collaborators and consecrated beings.
This is the moment when, without judgment or condemnation, the Father observes what each son and daughter has done with everything they have received out of love, and into what they have converted the treasures entrusted to them to raise and elevate the Work that belongs to the Hierarchy.
For this reason, this cycle in which the most sensitive flowers open up to express the inner, spiritual and moral results of the children of God, is the space and the place where the Law, which is limpid, neutral and pure, defines how the next cycle will be, based on the result of each one.
For this reason, remember the symbol revealed in the month of August when, through His surrendered Hand, your Master and Lord drew the line on the ground to separate the wheat from the chaff, since last August 8.
I know that today some question and, with their words, sell what is happening in the present moment of urgent reconstruction of all the planes of consciousness and especially of the Laws in the lives of those who have always said they are with Me.
This is why I bring you today the story of the great farmer and his workers, his children, who claim to live a spiritual path and selfless service.
In the face of a disturbed, selfish and indifferent world, I call you to meditate and give thanks for this moment so that nothing may surprise you overnight, because we are in the last and most delicate instances in which humanity will have the last chance to reconnect with God.
Have you forgotten what I told you about the disconnection of humanity?
Have you thought of anything? Is your attitude the same after this?
You know that the reality is like this. Therefore, do not waste these last instances, because the final moment is now coming, when each one will definitely have to walk with their own feet, but with purified feet and divested of themselves, because only those who are divested of themselves will enter the Kingdom of the Heavens.
I will always be there to unconditionally support those who are truly unconditional, without appearances, and mainly those who are unconditional to their brothers and sisters.
I thank you for meditating and keeping My Words in your hearts.
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I Am the Great Vine and you are the clusters. No cluster bears fruit if the vine is not well sown. My Father is the Great Worker who weaves and elaborates the new web of humanity between His hands. Those clusters that are dry, I will burn them in fire so that they may be purified and, as new seeds they may grow again a new vine.
In order for the vine may not become dry the fruit must be nourished with the Water of Life that is guarded as sap of life for all humanity. The poorly harvested fruit will be spoiled. For this only allow that the divine harvest be realized by the Great Farmer so that all of the fruits may be guarded and may rest as offer in the granary of the Great Farmer.
In this universe nothing is lost, all is transformed by the science of Creation. Try to mature as good fruit. In this way you will manifest the best harvest for My Father, you will be the fruits of the good vine, that which will be drunk as new wine in the supper of the last redemption.
Help in this flourishing of the fruits that are still immature. Give them the sap of life that you as clusters of light and of peace have received. Imitate the strength of the orchards of Heaven and be fruits renewed by the hands of the Great Keeper of the harvest.
Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for reverencing My Words through your love!
Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more