Friday, June 16 of 2017

The Sacred Call

Enter into My Heart and you will find your home, your origin and your principle, your path and your truth.

Enter into My Heart and you will find the new, what you most seek, what your soul and spirit most need, so that in this acute cycle you experience the Plan of God.

Enter into My Heart and empty yourself of everything, up to the point of knowing who you are and all that you should lose so that I can work in you.

Enter into my heart and calm yourself. I have already seen your tears and your weeping, because I come with My Mercy to heal the impenetrable.

Enter into my heart and be silent. Seek within Me the great refuge of God, the dwelling that many do not seek because of their preferences, desires, and their external life.

Enter into my heart and satiate me. I thirst for your love and your truth, so that you finally merge in Me.

Enter into my heart and do not worry. There, a treasure is stored that was thought for you by the Father; the principle of your essence, at the moment you were created in the womb of your mother.

I come with My Mercy to erase the past, not only in your consciousnesses, but also in Spain and beyond.

Enter into my heart and commune with Me. I already know your imperfections, your trials, your miseries and your difficulties. I smile at each one of them because you think you cannot overcome them.

Enter into My Heart and surrender, because in this way I will teach you to find meaning for life, the spiritual path, the goal of your soul and your spirit.

Enter into My Heart and you will take refuge in God, because there, in My Heart, nothing else matters but that you only unite with God, the Creator, because you will be doing it for those who do not, for those who do not experience Him and also for those who do not seek Him.

Enter into My Heart and you will find the way out, the liberation from your hell, the surrender of your fetters, the elevation of your spirit and the redemption of your whole being.

Just enter into My Heart and let Me act for a moment, because that way you will not know your life from now on.

As many times as you enter My Heart, I can be in you, I will govern your consciousness, your feelings, your thoughts and all your senses. And you will perceive in each moment what is not good for Me, and united with Me, you will transform each aspect of your being, until the point of not being able, in a short time, to recognize yourself.

If you just enter My Heart, you will know your virtues; you will also know your miseries so that you can transcend them one by one.

If I achieve with certitude that many more enter into My Heart, the whole planet will not be lost. I will find instruments and servants totally surrendered to Me so that I can act through their lives and make of each stage a new path and a new opportunity that you have not experienced in this life yet.

Enter into My Heart, because there is the Door toward God.

In the Heart there is a living love, in the mind there are only empty ideas. If you enter into My Heart, I will be able to give you wisdom and fullness.

My Heart was pierced by the spear of humanity, by sin, by impunity, by false power, and My Heart poured water and blood, virtues of mercy and divinity for all souls.

When souls do not enter into My Heart, I can do nothing, only contemplate them, pray for them so that they can find the way to the temple of My Heart.

Today the flocks are scattered. Few want to know who they really are and what they came to fulfill in the name of My Father.

If you enter into My Heart, all this knowledge will be revealed and you will be free from ignorance, illusion and all that is not real. You will perceive a different life, you will find meaning in your paths and you will be able to experience the Gift of Fear of God, because you will be able to feel when you are moving away from Him and when soon you will have to return to His Divine Heart.

If you enter into My Heart and empty yourself completely, I will be able reach more hearts that are troubled, sick and that feel lost with a great lack of love and with no mercy.

Today I come to deliver, as My Holy Mother said, the last keys to the salvation of humanity, because the portals of My Divine Mercy are still open. And it will be in this Source that your sins will be dissolved, that your faults will be forgiven and that all mistakes you have made against love and unity can be liberated. And you will attain the atonement you need to take new steps in this work, which I am decreeing for the end of times.

You can enter more easily into My Heart if you are humble, if your souls resign themselves to the Will that I bring to you and that until now you never experienced.

With all of this message, today I want to tell you that once again today a cycle is over. Today the doors must be closed to the planetary difficulty, to all that is debt on the spiritual level, inside and outside the beings.

Thus today I implement a new, more demanding and more risky cycle, for the victory of My Sacred Heart in the fallen ones of humanity, in the lost stars, in the suns that have extinguished, in the spirits that have not reached the Heart of the Creator.

The souls that are here today, before My Celestial Presence, all of them are precious to me.

I want you to seek your virtues, because in truth you will need them for the times that will come. You will be very much needed and urgent for your brothers and sisters on the path and for all the beings that are around you in this life that you live today.

The virtue of strength, the virtue of faith, the virtue of unity, the virtue of wisdom, the virtue of discernment, the virtue of science and especially the virtue of love, which unites all others through My Merciful Heart.

Practice them with effort and determination, because if you enter into My Heart, you can know them one by one and they will be close to your lives in the moments when you will have to make great decisions that could change forever the course of your lives.

With these virtues, souls of My Heart, I invite you not to make hurried decisions, asking your inner world what you truly must do to be able to follow the path that My Hand is indicating in this final stretch, in this last part of the transition, in the last five years.

At the most crucial time of the world, you must remember these words and how many times I have invited you to enter into My Heart of Light. For if you do not do this now, in the next time you will regret it for yourselves, for your families and your acquaintances. Bring everyone to My Heart.

I do not want to have thorns in My Spirit anymore. The horrors of the world anguish me, the blood that falls upon the planet as well. The Sacrifice to the Kingdoms and to Creation, all this distresses My Heart.

If you enter into My Heart, despite what may happen, I will feel fulfilled to be closer to you and your brothers and sisters. Because if you are in my heart, you will realize how far you are from me, many times.

I do not come here to claim anything, I come to reestablish the covenant of your souls with My Soul, the union of your hearts with My Heart.

Do not lose the sense of what I am saying.

Enter into My Heart and you will be on the right path. You will not lose the school that I come to present to you, so that at this moment you can live it.

If many more enter into My Heart, the world should not suffer so much.

Today humanity provokes the wrath of God; from the most insignificant things to the most grave situations, such as war, refugees, the blood that flows in the world and the sacrifice of animals.

As long as the world does not change these attitudes, do penance and truly repent, peace will be lacking very much, and I will be alone in the consequences, until what I desire is fulfilled.

Times have changed very much and souls do not want to see it. Many think that everything remains the same: in society, in nations and even in religions.

When I return, as soon as My Father asks, I will have to break many structures, from human life to religions.

God is found in what is simple and not powerful.

You may have built many churches to Me, but I am in just one and it is in the hearts of My companions.

Take care of this true Church. May your feelings become more and more fraternal, your attitudes become more and more peaceful, so that I can count on you anytime, anywhere, no matter what or how much it may cost.

The Work of God, through the Sacred Hearts, is the most difficult to materialize on this surface. That is why, in this last time, we came to meet that which is in flames, which burns in the fire of friction and which is impure and unjust.

In this way, I come to deliver the last treasure I have left, the most precious for My Father: it is My Heart that suffered for you, that was pierced by you and that resurrected to demonstrate to the world the eternal life.

Repentance is born out of true honesty, of a transparency that has no limits in this material life.

I come to deliver these words to those who lovingly want to receive them, meditate on them and reflect on each decree that I have given to you today.

Now, with your meek hearts and your more open consciousnesses, on this day we celebrate Communion with My Body and with My Blood; an act of reparation, penitence and surrender to My Merciful Heart.

In these simple elements is the renewal of life, what nourishes the spirit and makes the essence of My Divinity show in you.

Today I come to renew the Church all over the Earth and all those who join it under My Heavenly Universe.

May the angels now descend and purify the elements, which will be converted into My Body and My Blood, for all beings of good will.

Find in this Sacrament what is simple, humble and pure to the eyes of the Creator.

As in Jerusalem and Emmaus, before and after I was resurrected, I met with the apostles and later with the pastors, so that they would feel and see My true Being, who was the living God in each particle of My Consciousness and in every earthy and human being that would live the Passion for you, in order to redeem humanity and liberate evil from the planet.

After two thousand years, My enemy has seized the world, but his scepter will be broken by the stroke of the sword of Saint Michael.

All that he holds in his hand, through the ages and times, will be defeated by the power of the love of the Source, when I return to the world and when I return to collect all those who belong to Me, through the centuries and ages.

Then you will see those who will resurrect from nothing. Everyone will be amazed at what they will see around them. In that hour nothing will be hidden, everything will be evident to all and there will no longer be white and dark, but when I return there will be the eternal, God.

At that time, I took the bread and thanked the Father for this sacrifice. He blessed it and I decreed to My apostles: "All take and eat of It, for this is My Body that will be delivered for you for the forgiveness of sins."

In the same way I took the cup in My Hands, I thanked God for this sacrifice, He blessed it with the light of His angels and I gave it to My apostles decreeing: "All take and drink of it, for this is My Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, the Blood that will be shed for all humanity for the remission of sins. Never forget to do this in My Memory. "

This is the Sacrament of Renewal. Happy are those called to live it. Blessed are those who receive it to experience their redemption and conversion, until My return to the world is fulfilled. Amen

So, take My Words to the heart and may the Father, through His Son and the Holy Spirit, always bless you, so that you can find in your path My Path of Light, which I show you today, inviting you to return to My Heart, and this way we can be one forever.

Spain vivifies My Mystery. May the wounded hearts of My Church be open and feel in their interior the truth that I bring to you, because what is alive is what is inside the beings and is called love of the heart. May this love emerge in those who do not have it and may many more be encouraged to attain it, healing their wounds of incomprehension.

May faith, unity and fraternity enlighten you. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for being with Me and all those who have been with me through this means of communication.

Today I emit an irradiation to all my friends.

Believe that it is possible that the Kingdom of God approaches a sick humanity that needs so much love, forgiveness and reconciliation.

May your sincere hearts sing today and may they join this Work that must embrace all of humanity, all languages, all peoples and all beliefs that seek to live love and solidarity. So be it. Amen

Song: "Sincere Heart"

Tuesday, June 6 of 2017

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus, during the 47th Marathon of the Divine Mercy in the city of Assisi, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón:

We see Our Lord dressed in a lilac-colored robe, and at the center of His Chest appears the flag of Venezuela. But there is an important detail on the flag that Our Lord is showing, it has stars that shine, just as His Chest shines. Our Lord is deep within Himself, meditating in silence. 

And over this lilac robe He has a priestly garment, all embroidered from His Shoulders to His Feet.

He picks a chalice with His right Hand and, with the other, a small cross. His Eyes are of light blue color and His Face almost pale, surrounded by a golden light. Behind Him, there is a sky, as deep as it is infinite.

He tells me He is on Mount Avila, in the highest point of Caracas. He is not alone, He is accompanied by rows of regent angels that surround Him and contemplate Him as well.

My Silence today is for the innocent. 

My Presence, on this mount, is for those who are looking for Me and have not lost in themselves their divine essence. So, I am there as I am also here, on this land so appreciated by Me.

So today, I am in two places at the same time, because My Father has asked Me to be there, through His omnipresence.

While I am here, I dissolve everything that generates evil, such as chaos and despair, lack of faith, lack of trust and loss of love.

Today I pray for those who pray to My Heart, for I know that it is just that this supplication and request be answered by your Lord.

With the countenance that I show you today, similar to the one I had in the agony of the Garden of Gethsemane, I want to represent to you, through this symbol, that it is important to maintain serenity, calm and neutrality, virtues that My enemy does not know, because when these virtues are present in consciousnesses, My adversary feels lost, as if he did not have the ground under his feet.

The virtue of serenity builds positive things. It is like an invisible tool that, like prayer, works powerfully on negative structures and dissolves them little by little, until the evil consumes itself. In that sense, there is no battle, no war and no opposition.

Calm is an important tool that dispels the ideas that oppose the Plan of God.

Neutrality is another tool that keeps everything in balance and does not allow the consciousness to become involved in anything external. Neutrality is very similar to peace. It is not difficult to achieve it. It is necessary to seek it, because the more neutral you are, all that is not light will dissolve and you will find the inner strength to carry out My Works, the work of the redemption of souls, conversion of hearts and all that is necessary to reach the Light of God.

Thus, I come to protect the essences on their path of transformation. Therefore, I count the essences one by one, so that they may be contemplated by My Father, in the effort that the essences make to live My Christic Way.

Therefore, on this Mount Avila, in the highest part of Caracas, I come to build new bases, which will not be seen soon. Thus, they will be able to be contemplated by all those who pray to My Heart.

There can be no human will that lasts more than the Will of My Father. It will fall under its own weight, because it is a will that has no love, compassion or mercy.

In this way I come to demonstrate that, just as I am here, I am with those who need Me, with all those who cry out to God for His intercession.

These hosts, who are accompanying Me today, will be sent by your Lord to the nation of Venezuela so that they may start working on the Rescue Operation. It is something that you will not see on the physical plane, but trust that something will be happening.

Do not stay in what is superficial. Raise your consciousness more and more for all those who will not be able to raise it because they are immersed in suffering and agony. I come to relieve those states that are part of the human condition, of the very debt that humanity must pay.

Do not lose concentration. I am doing something risky for those who need God the most. Maintain that serenity that I ask of you and you will be far from the realities of chaos.

I would like all those who listen to Me, in your homes and prayer groups, to take on, together with your Lord, greater humanitarian aid for all these people. I do not only speak to you of something material, but also of something spiritual, that you offer to share with Me what few share: your silence and prayer.

Let us pray.

Prayer: Celestial Father (repeated three times)

All those who unite during adversity will always win, because in the unity among hearts and souls there is love, trust and hope in the Creator. Do not fear, because in the apparent horror, My Sacred Heart will triumph.

Today I dedicate this moment, along with the angels of the Lord, to My children of Venezuela, to all those who, in that nation, still have not reached Me, have not felt Me or have not been able to live Me within them because of fear, difficulty, suffering and disease.

Venezuela is a people of hope. Venezuela is a people of joy. In this people there exists the New Humanity. Venezuela is a nation of brotherhood, because it is ruled by the Mother of Heaven and by all Her choirs, which descend to help suffering souls.

Today I liberate suffering, on behalf of many more. Today I liberate the sadness of those who see, around them, everything that causes pain.

Venezuela will always be alive, because God wishes so. Venezuela will always be a people of equality, equity and hope.

Joyful will be those who believe in Me, because they will never lose peace and will be instruments that will radiate to the world the love that the world needs so much.

Today I want us to sing for Venezuela, Syria, Turkey, Brazil, Egypt and for all those who expect someone to pray for them, as they pray for those whom they do not know.

Let us sing.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Holy water.       

May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, bless Venezuela and all those who cry out to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit , for Peace. Amen.

Sanctify, Lord, all that Your children offer You and that emerges from the hearts that cry out for equality in these times.

Let the faces of My children, whose names are placed at the foot of My Altar, smile to the universe, for their freedom is near. Saint Michael the Archangel will leave His sword of liberation in Venezuela. So be it.

Today your hearts will be more relieved, they will find in you what you have long sought.

May the Lord bless the intentions of those who love the divine, supreme and infinite Justice. Amen.

May your people be anointed by redemption and thus find peace.

May all rejoice in this Supper that I celebrate with you today, may the healing of the heart be experienced. May My Blood wash you today. May My Body strengthen you today. May all feel within yourselves the great opportunity to love, beyond your lives and consciousness.

Let us sing with the angels.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us sing with the angels.

We stand up.

Today we will unite the peoples, the cultures of all those who seek peace and hope in these times. I also invite all those who listen to Me, companions, to imitate this example of brotherhood.

The Love of God will always win because it is a Love that grows, that is cultivated and regenerated in all those who believe in it.

May the Source of this merciful Love reach the beings throughout the planet, especially those who need it most.

May this Love bring the hope, the unity and joy of being in God, eternally. Amen.

I bless you, by the authority granted to Me by My Father. I especially bless Venezuela, regenerating in that people the joy and hope of continuing to trust God until the end of days, until I come to the world for the second time. So be it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I want you, as I rise, to continue to sing so that this supplication may be placed in the Heart of God. Amen.

Monday, June 5 of 2017

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus during the 47th Marathon of Divine Mercy, in the city of Assisi, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Let us pray.

"Listen, Father, to the voice of Your creatures, of all the beings of goodwill and of good.

Listen, Father, to the voice of Your children, of all those that hold Your Divine Hope; of all those that aspire to find Your Will, Your Love, and Your Grace.

Beloved Father, descend now over Your creatures; may everything be permeated by Your Light, so that suffering may transform into joy; so that error may transform into liberation; so that sins may transform into salvation and all find the Great Portal to Your Peace.

O beloved Father! Today I bow down before You, in the luminous company of Saint Francis, because He has asked me to pray for humanity. And today I unite with His holy Heart which demonstrated, in past times, a love for Creation and life. Thus, may each essence be restored by Your Love. May offenses be dispelled. May Your Mercy shine and may hearts that are closed open to the essence of Your Divine Love.

O beloved Father! How much You have given for all Your creatures. How much you have given of Yourself for each created essence. How much, Father, You have manifested through the Kingdoms of Nature. May the Mineral Kingdom be cared for by the human heart. May the Plant Kingdom be praised by humanity from the surface of the Earth. May the Animal Kingdom be rescued and healed by the hands that give of themselves to unconditionally serve it.

May no more die on this Earth. May no more suffer through indifference. May no one miss the opportunity of loving and of finding Your Kingdom, Your Celestial Kingdom.

May all the evil generated between peoples, between nations and in the Kingdoms of Nature be restored by Your infinite Mercy.

May the eyes open of those, Lord, who still do not want to see You. May the hearts open that distanced themselves from You because of the actions of humanity, in all religions. May intermediaries no longer exist, may all be able to be Your true instruments of Peace.

O beloved Lord! Father of Creation and of beauty, cause Your stars of Glory to descend over a lost humanity.

Today My Heart pours out the Blood of His Love so that everything may be washed, purified, and again become worthy so as to find Your Love.

O Father of the Universes! May souls be able to look at the skies, the stars, the Sun and the Moon, to contemplate the Light of Your Love. May each heart feel how You, Father of Love, renew all things, regenerate all things, transform all things, for everything belongs to You, Father, in Heaven and on Earth, in the firmament as well as on the earth, in the oceans, on the continents, in everything You have created, it will always belong to You.

And turn Your creatures away, Lord, from the influences of evil. May this race, that is at the doorway of its great definition, not lose its union with Your Essence.

Today, Saint Francis, Your son, and Your wife, Saint Clare, implore, beloved Lord, for a greater Grace, incomprehensible and inconceivable to the humanity of the surface. But You, Lord, Who can do all things, You Who are the same Will that expressed love, grandeur, and Creation, conceive the principle of Your compassion in Your creatures, so that souls may find the way out toward Redemption.

Today, with Saint Francis and Saint Clare, I raise up the fallen stars, that fell into the abysses, that extinguished their inner light and lost the flame of Your Faith. I pour out and place those stars on the mantle of Your Mother, for it is She Who conceives life, the grace and the opportunity for all Your beings, in Her most pure and divine womb. It is She Who gestates in Herself the new Humanity. It is She Who grants the Mercy of Your Heart so that Your creatures may contemplate Your Holy Face.

And so, with Saint Francis and Saint Clare, surrounded by Your omnipresence and omnipotence, we ask You, Most High Lord, that you separate, set apart and distance humanity from the Ray of Your Justice, because You, Father, have sent Me so that Your children, who are imperfect, will emulate My path so as to manifest the New Christs.

Today I come here, to this land of Assisi, to re-consecrate it to Your Creation, to sister Poverty, to sister Humility, to brother Sun and sister Moon, as well as all that exists in Your greater universes.

May all be illuminated by Your kind Hand. May You, Father, pure and infinite Love, signal to Your children with the cross of freedom lived by Your Only Begotten, carried upon My Shoulders for the redemption of humanity.

May the Kingdoms of Nature be praised. May all the evil generated by the ignorance of Your children in the Kingdoms of Your Creation be dispelled so that Your Love and Your Compassion may incarnate in all.

Today we ask brother Sun that he not cease to shine in this world; that his rays penetrate the very depths of the most hardened hearts. That sister Moon illuminate the paths of tribulation that many are experiencing today in these times, so that all may contemplate how great Your Love is, written in the firmament, in the stars, in all of the universe.

Today, with Saint Francis and Saint Clare, united in the Most Holy Trinity, We offer You, Lord, this prayer as a plea of those who love Your Creation, Your Kingdoms created in image and likeness, treasures of Your infinite Love.

We offer, Lord, this Communion with life, with eternal life, with what is real, living, and resplendent.

May all feel Your Presence. May all awaken to the universe of Your Peace, Your Unity, forever."

Let us offer in the presence of Saint Francis and Saint Clare, for the Kingdoms that are not contemplated, this song that is now being played, that is a prayer of those who are true children of God and who love Creation and the Kingdoms of Nature.

Today My Heart will open like a tabernacle to receive this prayer from all creatures, from any part of the world, from any heart that unites in this moment with the Love of the Creator.

I place My left Hand on My Heart, I raise My right Hand over the world to bless it with all the Love of God, and in this way, I receive the plea of this prayer from your voices.

I am listening.

May you find in the Body and the Blood the fruit of your salvation, and may that fruit, based on the Love, Unity, and Mercy of God, reach all the souls of the world.

So be it.

And now, inwardly ask Saint Francis and Saint Clare for what you need and all your brothers and sisters need more than you yourselves. Ask sincerely, for these saints will receive your pleas in Their hearts. Ask, and all will be fulfilled. Ask for humanity. Ask for the Kingdoms of Nature, grievously offended by this race of the surface. Ask that love, forgiveness, and reconciliation between Creation and humanity may be conceived, so that in this way, the thousand years of peace may be established.

Place your hands in a sign of prayer.

We will pray the Our Father slowly, as if you were pronouncing it for the first time, so that His Kingdom may descend and evil be extirpated from humanity.

Now place your hands on your heart so that I may bless you for those who are not blessed and who forget that My Heart is the great treasure of infinite Love for all of humanity and for the Kingdoms of Nature.

Raising My right Hand on High, in the sign of blessing and protection, I grant forgiveness to the Minor Kingdoms assaulted by this humanity of the surface and I implore the Holy Father, Lord of the Heights and of Creation, to have Mercy on those that have fallen and have hurt His Divine Creation.

May Light, Peace, and the Good reign forever in believers and in those who aspire to someday reach the Kingdom of Your Love. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

I thank you for being united with Creation.

Sunday, June 4 of 2017

Monthly Messages

I come at a time of planetary crisis to give the last Grace to the world. Thus I have come to this place, companions, to bring you not only My Peace, but also for you to be carrier of My Grace and of My Mercy.

I bring you once again the opportunity to love. I bring you the way out to a new stage. Thus I need you to be by My side, just as I need each of My companions to follow My Steps of Light.

I need you to open your hearts to the new. I do not need what is already old. I need you to live Me in plenitude and in truth, because in this way you will be with Me and I will be in you, showing you the way out to a new opportunity and hope.

I have come to Assisi to convert it into what My Father expects so much, and that San Francisco lived at the moment of his first surrender. I need you to imitate Him with examples of truth, because He contemplates you from Heaven, and prays for all of His brothers and sisters, so that they may also live the same principles that He lived so long ago. He has prayed in order for Me to be here today. As well as all Master Saints that have prayed to My Merciful Heart in order for Me to be here today, among you and among those who most need My Peace.

I come to open the doors to a new Italy. An Italy renewed by the love of My Heart. Renewed by a true and fair love, charitable and humble, by the fellow beings that surround It. Thus I need you to live Me in plenitude, so that your Master and Lord may not suffer what the world does to him continuously.

I left you throughout times, precious lights of God in the world, through the saints and masters of all times and of all periods. A small percentage of humanity learned what they taught. Thus I am here, to reinforce this teaching, this potential of instruction, so that souls may live the Principles of the Universe and these Principles may mirror on Earth, in order for souls to practice them and in this way to give example of love and of truth.

Today My Heart beats to relieve the pain of the world, to relieve the indifference of humanity, to relieve the mistakes committed and all that humans of surface perform, by distorting the Project of God.

Today I open My Arms and I extend My Hands, pouring My Light, pouring My Justice, pouring My Truth upon an Earth that needs Me, even if it does not seem so.

I come to open the doors to the non-redeemed; they are the ones that I need in order to carry My Work forward, in all souls, and especially in those that do not seek Me, that do not listen to Me and that still do not feel Me. With this I bring you something so great, before such smallness of your lives.

My Father has send Me to bring you the Peace and the victory of My Love in all hearts that open to receive Me. Today I want to extend My universal Message to humanity. I want all consciousnesses to listen to Me in their different nations, in their different cultures and peoples, as well as in their religions.

I come to unite all in the center of My Merciful Love, because this will be the place and the moment for all to be able to understand all things, to be able to know the mysteries and that they may come to light for all those who sleep in this hypnotism of the world.

In this way companions, I come to invite you, just as in other times, to take a step in your consciousnesses, in order to be able to embrace My planetary Work, that goes beyond your lives, that reaches beyond your feelings and all your understandings.

I need that in this Marathon of the Divine Mercy you enter in My Merciful Heart, so that your souls may be washed in the Source and in the Ocean of My Grace. In this way you will be purifying yourselves from the codes of human precariousness. In this way you will be ready to follow Me; you must have much faith, trust and love at the moment of the tests and thus you will not leave My Path, you will not forget My Principles and you will remember that I will be observing you, protecting you, in your paths of redemption and of rehabilitation.

If you, as a group of souls that have come here, to Assisi, to respond your Master and Lord, for the love of your hearts, I may tell you, companions, that you will always be on the right path: the path of simplicity, of bareness and of humility.

I also come here for the religious Order that was founded here, to raise the bases and to lift again a new Temple, which is the Temple of the spirit, the Temple of fraternity, of truth and of unity, that must be in all My companions, so that I may continue to work through them.

I do not want that, what has cost so much to be maintained, get lost through time or by the action of human life, by the criteria and the forms that only lead to mental destinies and not to the destiny of love. I need you in these times to feel different, so that you may see the things differently. Thus I am extending My Arms and My Hands over Assisi, to protect faith and charity that have been part of My Christic Work in the world.

I have come here, to unite all in fraternity, so that you may learn to live now the times of tribulation in a group way and not individual, so that you may learn to sustain one another, despite of the storms, because your boat, that is My boat, must keep swimming into the sea, until being able to reach the harbor of the Heart of God.

When this happen, I will be able to say that My Work is accomplished. It will no longer be needed to go on a pilgrimage through the world to fight against tribulation in the great spiritual battle of these times. I will always be your Commander and Lord, who will guide this boat to its destiny. Thus do not doubt what I do or all that I ask you to, no matter how abnormal it may seem. Because behind each intention and each request, there is a reason, a purpose and a destiny to live.

If you unite your hands as brothers and sisters you will be in Me, in the reconciliation of God and living the Sacrament of faith. If you, as brothers and sisters, separate from each other, the world will be even more separated and greater will be the indifference, the spiritual blindness, and the mistakes will impart in an uncontrollable way in humanity. And who will stop this? Who will bear this wave of ingratitude? Who will paddle with My boat until the end?

In the most difficult times, the triumph of My Sacred Heart will be achieved. Because of this, very few follow Me.

I have special treasures that are not of this world, but of the whole Universe, for the souls that contemplate Me and that accompany Me.

I need to have each one give Me what they can give Me.

I do not come to demand great things. I come to ask you simple things, so that I can remain for longer time in the world as Divinity, because it will be My Divinity that will succor you in the tribulation and in the times of chaos.

My Divinity will be the light for the world, in the acutest moment of the planet.

It will be My Divinity that will conduct you toward the path of peace, of protection and of truth.

I come today to renew the religious life, especially: the consecration, the vows and fraternal life, with the aim that My Heart, My spiritual Heart, may keep living in you and amidst you.

If this is complied with in a simple and true way, remembering My Words every day, I will be longer time in humanity, so that the souls may not suffer, may not get lost, neither may abandon God due to their ignorance and blindness.

May this Marathon mean the union of two cultures, of the beliefs and of the religions, under My fraternal and Christic Love.

In this way, the nations will not tremble and will not oppose one another, because peace will be able to reign in those places of the world where life and nature express themselves, as fruits of the Creation of God, so necessary and urgent for all the nations that live the war, despair and conflicts that seem to never end.

Because of this I invite you in this Marathon to enter My Merciful Heart, with the aim that your Lord and Master can balance human injustice, the lack of love, the lack of charity and of fraternity.

Today I will ask you to be the ones who consecrate these elements, so that you may be more united to Me, so that humanity can be more united to the Father and can leave its spiritual blindness, to be able to open its eyes to Infinity and to find peace.

I rise to Heaven in radiance. I rise to Heaven in prayer.

I rise to Heaven and I take in My Heart all who feel Me, all who understand Me and all who live me beyond themselves and for a greater finality.

I absolve you with the celestial authority of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Just as I converted water into wine, I can convert the impure into pure and make shine in human matter the celestial codes of My Heart.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
