Friday, February 20 of 2015

The Sacred Call

My Heart is injured by this humanity.

Who will have the courage to inwardly heal Me on this day?

Offer God your reparation so that the Great Consoler may come to your aid.

Friar Elías takes the notebook and begins to write the first monthly Message.

On finishing, Christ Jesus continues to transmit His words:

On this evening, I bring the opportunity to live in My Mercy.

On this sacred evening, I will invite some brothers to raise to My sacred Altar the offering of the Body and the Blood of Christ, in honor of all those who die and all the innocent, so that My infinite Mercy may continue to be poured out upon the world.

My Heart is in you whenever you allow it. Today My Heart needs to be further within you. Will you allow Me? Live in My Mercy.

I am here with you, but also with the world. I observe what takes place around you and also in all of humanity.

While you raise the consecration offering of these Heavenly Goods, sing to My flagellated Heart to alleviate it.

"A Man Called Jesus" will be the song.

After consecrating, dear companions, I will say goodbye.

Song: "A Man Called Jesus"

Let the summoned brothers come up onto the stage to make the offering of the elements for the consecration.

Each heart holds, in its hands, the offering for My Sacred Heart.

I want you to know that at this moment, God listens to you in the name of this humanity. Let each one of you, in My Name, make an offering to the Creator for a necessary cause of this planet, so that Divine Mercy may permeate all the spaces and all consciousnesses. Silently, I listen to you.

I gather up your supplications in My Heart and from your hearts receive all the love you can express to Me. With all the love of this world, which comes from good souls, I rebuild this humanity, transfiguring that love into the essence of My merciful love, and again I pour it out upon humanity, just as it is at this moment.

Let us pray.

Our Father (in Aramaic)

Remembering within yourselves the passage of My Last Supper, bring to memory the moment of the important consecration I carried out for this humanity, in honor of the Supreme Father and all the Creator Fathers that united with this principle of transubstantiating the bread into My sacred Body, the wine into My precious Blood.

At this moment, revere the Rays that emerge from My Heart.

Prayer (repeated three times):

Water, Blood, Life and Redemption,
that flowed out from the Blessed wounded Heart of Jesus,
have pity, mercy and compassion on all of us.

And thus, in commemoration of My eternal Presence in the world, as it was in that time, among all My apostles of the past, the present and the future, I bless these Sacraments under the powerful, luminous, redemptive and merciful imposition of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Celebrate My Eucharist with love.

Go in peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


A Man called Jesus.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

In truth, thank You, Lord!

And although the Message of Christ for today was very powerful, He again revealed to us His flagellated Heart. He did not fail to tell us that He deeply loved us, just as each of us is. He needs each one of us because He was telling us that each of us hears His Call, and He needs this love that each of us can express for Christ, because it will be the only way that He has for being able to pour out this Love again upon humanity.

He called on us, also on this day, to renew our trust in Jesus. To not give up in spite of the things that are happening on the planet. To foster our hope and our faith. For this reason, in the end, He poured out His Rays upon us and called each one of those brothers that held these trays, within the public, because He also recognizes His disciples in all of us, not only in those of us who are consecrated, because He sees our consecration inwardly.

Through this consecration of the Body and the Blood, He attempted to have all of us together become unified in Christ.

He needs each Sacrament, each prayer that we do to be offered to Him in reparation of the things that happen in the world.

He says that it is the only thing He can do at this time, thus avoiding the Justice of the Father, because today He showed us that the Father's Heart of Light is in great pain.

But if among us all, we unite and multiply this offering of love to Christ, doing each thing that we do during our daily routine for Christ, He promised to raise the innocent into Heaven.

For the closing, the first monthly Message was shared.

Friday, February 20 of 2015

Monthly Messages

I come to repeat to you the message that was not listened to in Rwanda:

Repent, you are still in time to do it, before it is too late!  Offer to the Eternal the opportunity and the moment of your sincere repentance.

Day and night, from the top of the mountains and ridges of Africa, I listen to the request for help and relief of those who have to been mutilated.  Offer your repentance to the Eternal and Supreme for all those who do not seek My Unfathomable Mercy and who, in this bloody hour, only seek to generate fear and sorrow in the world.

Since the last day in which I was with you, I promised you to return in the moment of the greatest tribulation.  Today, I tell you, as I told the whole Rwanda: Repent and do not only apologize!  This will no longer suffice to the law of God!  Seek to understand and to know where the whole humanity is failing.

But today I do not come to be your judge, but your beloved intercessor that cries and sees blood streaming like water among the streets of this world.  There will only be one solution for all that occurs: that you clamor all the time for My Infinite Mercy.  Thus, My friends, you will be deserving, as many others, of receiving in this time, the last table of salvation and pity.

While My Sacred Heart collects the weeping of the innocent and of all the faithful Christians, I ask you to remove from your lives everything that is considered as normal and that, from today on, you begin to penetrate more and more into the Mystery of My Heart Flagellated by the world.

I encourage you to walk amid darkness and to not feel any fear for what will come because if I Am Your Master, the one who walks before your lives, why would you stop trusting Me?

Accept My convocation.  The result of all the serious faults that are committed and that once again deeply offend Your God, is already being observed in the universe.  For this, feel blessed for listening to My call, it must echo into the deepest of your hearts.  

And I repeat to you: Repent!

It is urgent and indispensable that everyone opens the doors and the paths to this important humanitarian and spiritual mission to Africa, for Peace in this suffering region of the world.

Today I leave you the only thing that I can legate and deliver to you, which is My Merciful Love, the one that is not being well availed by My good souls.  Heal My Heart, in this way I will always be able to comfort you until the last days of your lives.

Under the Supreme Mercy of God, may the innocent be raised to Heaven!

Thank you for listening again to My Sacred Call!

Christ Jesus, the Flagellated Heart of Love  

Sunday, February 15 of 2015

Special Message

Visions on the Passion of Our Lord

So I saw Our Lord on Mount Calvary, living the Crucifixion on the Cross.

This happened during the prayer of the Devotional of the Five Sacred Wounds of Jesus and after the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at three in the afternoon.

At that moment, I saw they were stretching out his right Arm, in such a way that a dislocation occurred in Jesus.

During all of that pain, which expanded over Mount Calvary, they nailed a large iron nail into His Wrist, which wounded the Arm one side to the other and caused it to bleed.

At that moment, another man appeared who, placing himself close to His Head, while Jesus was being nailed on the Cross through His right Hand, started to press the Head of Our Lord onto the wood of the Cross in such a way that the Crown of Thorns was embedded into the scalp and caused Him to bleed much more.

He then was hit various times over the Head, done with a club.

On one part of the Mount, I saw the Virgin lying prostrate on the ground and placing Her hands on Her Head in a sign of pleading.

Later on, I began to make the Sign of the Cross for all that I was seeing, and a new vision appeared.

As we prayed the second Sacred Wound, I saw that, on the left Hand of Our Lord, they began to strike His Fingers, to the point of causing each of them to bleed, and with a tool they had, pulled out His Fingernails, one by one, leaving raw flesh on His Fingers.

That indescribable sensation was radiated by Our Lord, and in spite of all that suffering and pain, at a certain moment I saw that the Mental Consciousness of Jesus rose above that whole situation, and while the Master experienced this martyrdom, He was pleading with the Father in the following way: "Eli, Eli, forgive them, forgive them!"

The Master then said to me: "Son, I show you all of My Passion so you will write the book of the Passion of Jesus."

Then the Lord transmitted to us:

I have not yet made known to you the difficult times to come, which will be unknown to all. For this reason, I ask that you defend My Congregation from yourself, in the same way in which I will expect each consecrated one to defend My Work from themselves, to thus again divert the temptation of My enemy to create his own tools that will scourge My Heart.

Let nobody step away from the test I have sent them to experience. The lambs must escape the ferocious hands of the wolves. But many still need to learn to revere all they have received by the power of My Glory.

Let nobody forget their signature made with Me, but I know that many still will desist from following something that does not satisfy human emotions.

When some presented Me with the letter of resignation, I only remembered Judas kissing my cheek and betraying Me on the dark night of the Garden of Gethsemane. The very difficulties of souls are born as a result of resistance and control.

What I have for each disciple I have not yet revealed nor given.

Today, I come forward to announce My last leave-taking in this infinite game of the salvation of souls and redemption of evils, in the face of the horrors that cause My Eyes to constantly weep.

The heart that does not love its defects and imperfections is a heart that closes itself to the truth; in the same way, when the sun is hidden by clouds, everything becomes shadowed, for the simple reason of not controlling oneself.

I have given you the greatest pearls of My necklace of Light, but few have pleased Me and even less have made the Mercy I poured out shine forth. Going out into the world means to condemn oneself, become divided like two rivers, which will end up in the throat of the great abyss. I am being faithful to those who responded to Me.

If you truly loved My Sacrifice and My Passion, you would not take from Me the time for the pursuit of great planetary Works. To work on the emptiness of self and your humbling in light of My Sacred Heart, I humbly ask that you go over My Passion during this evening and that all souls hear My last Words, which are for humanity.

For I will return in a way very few have perceived. I first gave you My Heart so you could live it and love it, then I gave you the Voice of the Merciful Source through My Words, and lastly, I called you to an inner consecration; and now some want to abandon Me and leave Me nailed on this cross of evil and the indifference of the world.

To those who persist, continue onward for those who turned their backs on Me and have stopped living in My Merciful Heart.

To those who are demented, do not despair, but rather trust in the Spirit of My Infinite Compassion, and to those who feel tired, remember the moment of the Last Supper and the greater sacrifice I had to carry out so the world and its sacred project not be lost.

I know My Words will not be enough, but in truth, I tell you to have enough remembrance and a greater heart, so that through your follies, you do not lose the spring of My Graces. This Order must fulfill My Purpose, even if only three reach the summit of the Mount of the Cross.

With eyes of mercy, look at My humble declaration. You can no longer be ingenuous and egotistical; the Plan of My Father needs you so that, among the tribulations, you learn to pull out the roots of evil during the night of greater darkness.

It will be at that moment that I Myself, with My own Merciful Eyes, will see those that, having gone through a renunciation, humiliation and sacrifice, will glorify My Holy Name and make it flesh in their own flesh. At that instant, I will be Your Intercessor and will free you through the power of My Glory.

Ease the weight My Hands carry, the cross is ever more heavy and the world as well.

Who will risk defending My Will rather than their own?

Who will be worthy of praising My Name and of fulfilling My Promises, giving their life for the rest?

Who will wait patiently for the Return of their Master, even when everything is about to end?

Happy are those who seek Me in spite of their own adversities, because I promise you, I will not be the executioner or the judge, but rather will be the Door that will take you after this life to the Celestial Kingdom.

Under the Pity of the Creator, be consistent with My Precepts.

Your King, Christ Jesus, the Aching Heart 

Friday, February 6 of 2015

Marathon of Divine Mercy

My cousin John baptized you with water, but I baptize you with the Spirit of God.

Blessed are those who congregate to remember My passage on Earth.

Today I come in the holy company of Elizabeth, John and your Mother Mary, congregated by the Love of God, participants in this infinite encounter between the souls and Heaven, between hearts and God.

Joyful are those who were willing to be baptized, like those who asked to wash their feet to erase the past and the pain of their lives.

In this way, My companions, I do not come to institute a new Church, but to renew the Sacraments in a simple and pure way, as I taught the apostles in the past.

The Sacraments will serve as salvation for souls, but also prayer will serve for your conversion.

Before My Eucharistic Heart, contemplate My glorious, merciful and redeeming Face, which I bring from the universe for all.

Elizabeth accompanies you in the spirit of Love. John accompanies you in the consecration of your hearts. My Mother congregates you to join Me, because in this place, My Most Holy Mother instituted Adoration, a commitment that is a part of everyone so that this humanity and this city may be liberated by My Mercy and not by My Justice.

While you are aware today, a great part of humanity sleeps in illusion because many lose their faith for not finding Me in the ancient priests. But I am present in the Sacraments, which are the Source of Life and renewal for all. 

In every Sacrament you find a key to access My Heart, because My Rays permeate every one of the Sacraments. I provide the renewal and healing, the transmutation and liberation of your lives.

Therefore, every time you ask for a new Sacrament, meditate for a single moment on what you will receive, because it is something sacred and blessed that I offer to Mine.

Therefore, celebrate and rejoice when every new brother or sister is baptized and blessed by the Sacraments of God, because they will be receiving them on behalf of all humanity.

Your hearts and essences are unique in the Eyes of God. 

My companions, in Heaven and in the Universe there is no separation between souls. I come to unite you in this time. I come to unite you through Love and Truth, for the enemy has taken it upon himself, at this time, to turn away from My paths the good hearts that must achieve redemption.

Today think of Saint Elizabeth and Saint John the Baptist, two great Missionaries of the Celestial Universe, guardians of the holy Sacraments of God from the moment of My Ascension to Heaven.

Therefore, My companions, may your thirst for seeking Me never end. I am not only present in the Sacraments, but also in hearts that seek unity with God all the time. I am also among the little ones, among those who cry out for redemption and peace.

This world must be liberated, My friends, and through your sincere consecration that will happen.

I am also present in these times, in the tests that each of My children is experiencing, because through suffering and tests I come to strengthen you in the love of sacrifice, surrender and liberation. 

I leave you on this afternoon of Mercy My Graces, in the Most Holy Presence of Mary, John and Saint Elizabeth, who have been gathered in this universe, in this space and in this place, so that your hearts may shine in perfect fusion with the Spirit of God.

Continue to pray every day. Do not tire of praying for Mercy. Remember that you will be praying for those who do not pray and do not love God. Therefore, I need you at this time, steadfast and willing.

I will come to meet you when you allow Me, because I live in each of your hearts. I must have a place in your essences so that the evil that disturbs them may be released and thus the Grace of God may reign in many hearts that need it.

Today I expose before your hearts and spirits My Most Holy Eucharistic Heart, which is the true Sun of the Celestial Universe, the true reason for your lives and paths.

Therefore, today I gather you in the spirit of renewal and faith, so that the hope of continuing to pursue it may prevail in your consciousness and that My Mercy may not be lost in you.

I have left a seed in this place that must be sown carefully, for from it new fruits will be born and new hearts will come forth, in a constant search for redemption and liberation.

I thank you for your efforts to adore Me every day. This is the greatest sacrifice that I adore, when the souls contemplate Me with sincerity and enter the Essence of My luminous Heart, through the Most Holy Sacrament that I expose to the world and humanity in all tabernacles on Earth. Remember My Presence in the tabernacles. Remember My Presence in your inner tabernacles. There, I am always present, and when you call Me, I will answer you.

I open My Arms and extend My Hands over you.

Place your palms upwards so that I may bless you and, in this divine and spiritual magnetism, your essences may be united with My Heart.

Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón:

He says that He is praying for us, that we just listen.

Mighty Lord of the Universe 
that congregates all souls,
that gives life and eternity,
I ask you, beloved Father,
that you take care of these disciples of Mine,
so that being walkers and servers,
always find their way back,
way back to Your Celestial Home, 
 to Your infinite Dwelling of Life,
principle of Love and Unity.

Contemplate the Glorified Jesus, He is present in simple hearts. For I still hope that all beings will know My new Face, so that all may have Me present in their homes and always remember that I am the Shepherd of souls.

I wish I could be with you longer, but I must help the whole world and the humanity that is fallen into the hellish abysses of this world.

Yet through your merciful prayer in these days, your care and your love for Me, many souls have been elevated to Heaven and many have entered the ocean of My infinite Mercy.

Engrave in your consciousnesses and hearts My Most Sacred Eucharistic Heart, the Sun of your salvation.

Silently, make a petition to My Heart, a request or a plea that I will raise to Heaven at the Feet of the Celestial Father.

I thank you for sharing this time of Adoration with Me.

As I rise up, I will listen to your songs. When they are true and loving, they alleviate the Heart of God and serious faults are dissolved, Mercy is installed and poor hearts are resurrected.

Dear companions, after being blessed by the Water of Life, receive My Glorified Body in reparation and forgiveness, through Communion with My Blood and with My Body. 

Remember that I will always wait for you. My ocean of Mercy is available to all. Just seek God and His Love. Thus you will gladden My Heart.

Go in peace and give thanks to the Eternal Father.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thursday, February 5 of 2015

Monthly Messages

Rosary of the Tears shed by Jesus

To those who may pray with devotion and with gratitude, under the spirit of the Holy Faith, I promise:

- The liberation of the soul
- Spiritual healing
- The materialization of the redeeming act, which means the liberation from grave faults
- Forgiveness in each stage of life
- Family unification
- Reconciliation with Adonai
- The restoration of the lost souls and of the souls that are caught in the terrestrial fire of this world
- The spiritual and higher fusion with the Holy Spirit
- The recognition of the spiritual mission of each being
- Inner liberty
- The strengthening of inner Faith
- The path of ascension by means of prayer of the heart
- The Grace of loving, more each day, Creation and the Universe
- The opportunity of exorcising the material life, so that the Spiritual Law may enter
- The opportunity of living in My Divine Mercy during the time of the Divine Justice.

For this, in order to alleviate My Sorrowful Heart, and to prevent me from shedding more tears, I give you this rosary of tears, which are shed by Me when I see the causes and the unjust actions of souls. Through your devotion, you will dry My tears and you will rejoice My offended Merciful Heart. To those who may seek Me and who may contemplate Me by means of the Rosary of the Tears of Jesus I promise to assist in accomplishing the possible within the impossible, and in liberating them from all evil and from all persecution.

In order to honor My Sacred Heart, you shall pray:

Union bead
For all tears shed during the Crucifixion of Jesus,
Shekinah, make us worthy of serving Your Son.

First decade
For the tears that today Jesus sheds for the ingratitude,
Shekinah, liberate the whole world.

Second decade
For the tears that Jesus sheds for persecutions and death,
Shekinah, re-establish Your Mercy in the world.

Third decade
For the tears that Jesus sheds for the unborn,
El-Shaddai, alleviate the great debt of this world.

Fourth decade
For the tears that Jesus sheds for the perdition,
El-Shaddai, unify all hearts, now and always.

Fifth decade
For the tears that Jesus sheds for denial,
Iod He Vaud He, deeply heal all souls.


Thursday, February 5 of 2015

Marathon of Divine Mercy

While I observe the sick and wounded world, My Heart is pleased to find souls that respond to My Call. This is the strength that all souls give Me so that, each day that passes, I can return to this world with greater strength and power, with the hope that it may attain final liberation.

Today, I gather all within My Sacred Heart and, through the Message I have transmitted to all, you will understand My great petition for this moment, which I invite you to respond to again, just as you have done throughout the times.

Therefore, today I leave you the consecrated Communion so that in all the days of your lives you may remember that I am present in your hearts, that I Am the great Light of the Universe that illuminates the path of all souls.

Through this Message that I will recount to you today, you will relieve My Heart. When you listen to it, My companions, you will understand everything.

Today I thank you for being with Me and for being renewed in faith and in love.

Today I withdraw in your prayers and I listen in silence to your petitions.

Tomorrow, My companions, may the strength of your prayer increase, because many souls of the world are helped, mainly those that deny God and His Plan of Love.

I thank all of you for liberating Me from the ties of this world and from the flagellation that unjust souls commit to Me.

Live in My Heart and for My Heart. In this way, I will always thank you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

And at the request of Our Lord, we will read the Message.

This is a rosary that He transmitted to us today, which, at the request of Our Lord, we will pray together, at this moment, the Rosary of the Tears Shed by Jesus.

The promises that He made to us are the following:

To those who will pray with devotion and with gratitude, under the spirit of the Holy Faith, I promise:

- The liberation of the soul.

- Spiritual healing.

- The materialization of the redeeming act, which means the liberation from grave faults.

- Forgiveness at each stage of life.

- Family unification.

- Reconciliation with Adonai.

- The restoration of lost souls and of souls that are caught in the earthly fire of this world.

- The spiritual and higher fusion with the Holy Spirit.

- The recognition of the spiritual mission of each being.

- Inner freedom.

- The strengthening of inner Faith.

- The path of ascension by means of prayer of the heart.

- The Grace of loving Creation and the Universe more and more each day.

- The opportunity of exorcising material life so that the Spiritual Law may enter.

- The opportunity of living in My Divine Mercy during the time of Divine Justice.

Therefore, in order to alleviate My Sorrowful Heart and prevent me from shedding more tears, I give you this Rosary of tears, which are shed by Me when I see the causes and the unjust actions of souls. Through your devotion, you will dry My tears and you will rejoice My offended Merciful Heart.

To those who may seek Me and who may contemplate Me by means of the Rosary of the Tears of Jesus, I promise to assist in making the impossible possible, and in liberating them from all evil and all persecution.

Let us begin with the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

In order to honor My Sacred Heart, you shall pray:

Union bead
For all tears shed during the Crucifixion of Jesus,
Shekinah, make us worthy of serving Your Son.
First decade
For the tears that today Jesus sheds for ingratitude,
Shekinah, liberate the whole world.
Second decade
For the tears that Jesus sheds for persecutions and death,
Shekinah, re-establish Your Mercy in the world.
Third decade
For the tears that Jesus sheds for the unborn,
El-Shaddai, alleviate the great debt of this world.
Fourth decade
For the tears that Jesus sheds for perdition,
El-Shaddai, unify all hearts, now and always.
Fifth decade
For the tears that Jesus sheds for denial,
Iod He Vaud He, deeply heal all souls.

On the tenth bead of each decade, you will repeat, “Amen.”

Wednesday, February 4 of 2015

Special Message

My most pure channel of Mercy has been opened in this place, so that all the thirsty souls may come here and drink from My Sacred Source of Graces.

I come to this place by means of My Glory and not of My Justice and although many souls may blaspheme the Name of God, My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy is poured over the lost souls of this city, hoping that someday they may reach redemption.

Today My Sacerdotal and Merciful Spirit gathers you again so that each one of My prayerful ones may once more confirm themselves in the consecration to My Sacred Heart.

In Grace and Piety I descend to the world together with the Hosts of the Archangel Michael, to remove the spirits that disturb the souls of God.  In this way, My Sovereign Power liberates you, transmutes you and takes away from you the ties that do not allow you to walk in confidence towards My Most Sacred Heart.

But through the constancy of the Adorers of My Eucharistic Body, you, My companions, have received the Grace of My Holy inner and spiritual Presence.

Thus, I congregate you again and again around My Table, so that you may always remember that I will be waiting for you, so that every day of your lives you may commune of My Body and of My Blood.

The whole humanity faces in this 21st century the first moment of the Divine Justice, but every day at 3 pm, when the clock strikes the time of My Death on the Cross, I pour from the Universe, the Source of Salvation and of Redemption.

Now that you have already been formed as soldiers of prayer, I hope in the silence that you walk among darkness, and that you do not fear to face the old self, to whom time to die has come so that the Light of the Creator may be born in all of you.

While millions of living souls all over the Earth are facing the planetary transition, in the Humility of God and in the name of love, I bow before My ones so that they may ascend to the Eternal Father through the stairway to Heaven which today I internally show to all.

I hope that you love more each day, because in truth I tell you, it will be the love of the heart that will defeat all evil and will resurrect the dead, as well as I once resurrected many in the past.

For this reason and for an infinite purpose, I descend in light in this place and in this city, so that in time, the souls may recognize My call to live redemption, penance and the reconciliation through the Ecumenical Communion.

While I wait for the souls to wake up, I come on this glorious day to strengthen the vows that many have made with My Sacred Heart, which today is shown to the world trespassed by the crowns of thorns that unfair souls put on Me day by day.

But today I tell you that the strength of your love is what has allowed Me to be among you and with all the hearts of the world that suffers.

The world fades without being able to see the light, and each act that you may offer to Me for the times to come, will allow one soul to be rescued by My Love.

May this Marathon represent the confirmation of your spirits to the planetary mission, which will manifest itself through the unity between your small hearts.

Under the Glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, be blessed and brave.

Thank you, My companions, for removing the ungrateful thorns from My sorrowful Heart.

Christ Jesus, your King


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: 

For Christ to be able to arrive here, He had to make a great spiritual movement, which was accompanied by the song we were singing.

He said that today He came accompanied by the hosts of Archangel Michael, and manifested Himself as a Priest.

Then, He presented Himself as the Sacred Heart pierced by the ungrateful thorns of the world. And, through this presence, He permanently showed Himself  and gave each one of us a very concrete example of how this planetary reality is; in this case, here, in Sao Paulo. But while He showed this situation of the souls of Sao Paulo, regarding ingratitude, He gradually also showed several things that were happening in the world.

The moment the Master appeared, He extended His arms and opened His Hands towards us, as a Priest. And under His feet the whole world was manifested. It showed various little dots that revealed several situations on the planet.

At that moment, Christ began to give His Message, and He called each one of us to be in deep serenity, because it will be the way we will be able to face the end of times.

For the first time after so much time, in the Messages that are transmitted by Christ for each Marathon, He extends Himself in His dialog through this Message. At a certain moment, we thought He would not cease to speak, and, from what we saw here, He wrote various pages, because He knows it is necessary for each one of us to understand what His Sacred Heart is feeling at this moment, concerning what is happening in this world, in this twenty-first century.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
