From My Five Wounds flows the light for souls.

From My Five Wounds flows My testimonial of Love for souls.

From My Five Wounds flows the infinite mystery of the Love of God.

From My Five Wounds flows the Truth for the planet.

From My Five Wounds flows the memory of My Passion for each one of Mine.

From My Five Wounds flows the sense of having been here, among you.

From My Five Wounds flows the non-material fount for the whole Universe.

From My Five Wounds flows the reason for loving you so much. 

From My Five Wounds flows the feeling of having lived the Will of God on Earth.

From My Five Wounds flow the attributes that humanity needs for these times.

From My Five Wounds flows the Principle that restores the spiritual life of each being.

From My Five Wounds flows the unforgettable experience of living in God.

From My Five Wounds flows the path of return to the transfiguring love.

From My Five Wounds flows the purpose for rescuing the human race and the opportunity that it has to return to God in Mercy.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Visions on the Passion of Our Lord

So I saw Our Lord on Mount Calvary, living the Crucifixion on the Cross.

This happened during the prayer of the Devotional of the Five Sacred Wounds of Jesus and after the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at three in the afternoon.

At that moment, I saw they were stretching out his right Arm, in such a way that a dislocation occurred in Jesus.

During all of that pain, which expanded over Mount Calvary, they nailed a large iron nail into His Wrist, which wounded the Arm one side to the other and caused it to bleed.

At that moment, another man appeared who, placing himself close to His Head, while Jesus was being nailed on the Cross through His right Hand, started to press the Head of Our Lord onto the wood of the Cross in such a way that the Crown of Thorns was embedded into the scalp and caused Him to bleed much more.

He then was hit various times over the Head, done with a club.

On one part of the Mount, I saw the Virgin lying prostrate on the ground and placing Her hands on Her Head in a sign of pleading.

Later on, I began to make the Sign of the Cross for all that I was seeing, and a new vision appeared.

As we prayed the second Sacred Wound, I saw that, on the left Hand of Our Lord, they began to strike His Fingers, to the point of causing each of them to bleed, and with a tool they had, pulled out His Fingernails, one by one, leaving raw flesh on His Fingers.

That indescribable sensation was radiated by Our Lord, and in spite of all that suffering and pain, at a certain moment I saw that the Mental Consciousness of Jesus rose above that whole situation, and while the Master experienced this martyrdom, He was pleading with the Father in the following way: "Eli, Eli, forgive them, forgive them!"

The Master then said to me: "Son, I show you all of My Passion so you will write the book of the Passion of Jesus."

Then the Lord transmitted to us:

I have not yet made known to you the difficult times to come, which will be unknown to all. For this reason, I ask that you defend My Congregation from yourself, in the same way in which I will expect each consecrated one to defend My Work from themselves, to thus again divert the temptation of My enemy to create his own tools that will scourge My Heart.

Let nobody step away from the test I have sent them to experience. The lambs must escape the ferocious hands of the wolves. But many still need to learn to revere all they have received by the power of My Glory.

Let nobody forget their signature made with Me, but I know that many still will desist from following something that does not satisfy human emotions.

When some presented Me with the letter of resignation, I only remembered Judas kissing my cheek and betraying Me on the dark night of the Garden of Gethsemane. The very difficulties of souls are born as a result of resistance and control.

What I have for each disciple I have not yet revealed nor given.

Today, I come forward to announce My last leave-taking in this infinite game of the salvation of souls and redemption of evils, in the face of the horrors that cause My Eyes to constantly weep.

The heart that does not love its defects and imperfections is a heart that closes itself to the truth; in the same way, when the sun is hidden by clouds, everything becomes shadowed, for the simple reason of not controlling oneself.

I have given you the greatest pearls of My necklace of Light, but few have pleased Me and even less have made the Mercy I poured out shine forth. Going out into the world means to condemn oneself, become divided like two rivers, which will end up in the throat of the great abyss. I am being faithful to those who responded to Me.

If you truly loved My Sacrifice and My Passion, you would not take from Me the time for the pursuit of great planetary Works. To work on the emptiness of self and your humbling in light of My Sacred Heart, I humbly ask that you go over My Passion during this evening and that all souls hear My last Words, which are for humanity.

For I will return in a way very few have perceived. I first gave you My Heart so you could live it and love it, then I gave you the Voice of the Merciful Source through My Words, and lastly, I called you to an inner consecration; and now some want to abandon Me and leave Me nailed on this cross of evil and the indifference of the world.

To those who persist, continue onward for those who turned their backs on Me and have stopped living in My Merciful Heart.

To those who are demented, do not despair, but rather trust in the Spirit of My Infinite Compassion, and to those who feel tired, remember the moment of the Last Supper and the greater sacrifice I had to carry out so the world and its sacred project not be lost.

I know My Words will not be enough, but in truth, I tell you to have enough remembrance and a greater heart, so that through your follies, you do not lose the spring of My Graces. This Order must fulfill My Purpose, even if only three reach the summit of the Mount of the Cross.

With eyes of mercy, look at My humble declaration. You can no longer be ingenuous and egotistical; the Plan of My Father needs you so that, among the tribulations, you learn to pull out the roots of evil during the night of greater darkness.

It will be at that moment that I Myself, with My own Merciful Eyes, will see those that, having gone through a renunciation, humiliation and sacrifice, will glorify My Holy Name and make it flesh in their own flesh. At that instant, I will be Your Intercessor and will free you through the power of My Glory.

Ease the weight My Hands carry, the cross is ever more heavy and the world as well.

Who will risk defending My Will rather than their own?

Who will be worthy of praising My Name and of fulfilling My Promises, giving their life for the rest?

Who will wait patiently for the Return of their Master, even when everything is about to end?

Happy are those who seek Me in spite of their own adversities, because I promise you, I will not be the executioner or the judge, but rather will be the Door that will take you after this life to the Celestial Kingdom.

Under the Pity of the Creator, be consistent with My Precepts.

Your King, Christ Jesus, the Aching Heart 


Dearest friends and followers of Mine:

Today, under the Power and the Grace of the Father, springs from My Merciful Heart for all of you a new and powerful exercise of Prayer, of Mercy and of Redemption which I name the Devotional to the Five Sacred Wounds of Jesus.

With true love, devotion and surrender, you will repeat ten times each one of My Five Wounds. Whoever does this exercise with faith and spiritual conviction will receive the merits achieved by Me on the Cross and these will be the same merits that I will deposit in the heart of all those who may clamor for Me and who may believe in the redeemer and healing power of My Wounds.

Those hearts that, as in the Via Crucis, venerate Me and pray to these five wounds marked on My Glorified Body, all Wednesdays and Saturdays, will be truly united to My Compassionate Heart and with reverence I will give them My Peace, My Comfort and My Mercy. If this exercise is prayed in group or as a family, the power of this devotional will acquire greater celestial repercussions.

All those who with faith exercise these prayers to My Five Wounds will be able to understand from the heart the divine mysteries that were achieved by Me during the Passion. In this way you will repeat ten times each one of the five wounds and you will concentrate your being on the place where they were marked on My Glorified Body. Whoever does like this each new day will help in glory and in honor so that My Sacred Heart may be relieved from the pain that humanity causes Me for not accepting the All Powerful God through His Most Beloved Son. 

First signal
For the Sacred Wound that we marked(*)
in the right hand of Our Lord Jesus,
Father, have Pity on us.

Second signal
For the  Precious Wound that we marked(*)
in the left hand of Our Lord Jesus,
God the Father, have Mercy and Pity
on all of us.

Third signal
For the Immaculate Wound that we marked(*)
in the right foot of Our Lord Jesus,
Eternal Father, have Compassion and Forgiveness
for all of us.

Fourth signal
For the Glorified Wound that we marked(*)
in the left foot of Our Lord Jesus,
Lord of the Universe, have Love and Grace
for all of us.

Fifth signal
For the Blessed Wound that we marked(*) 
in the Side of Our Lord Jesus,
from where sprang the Unfathomable Source of Mercy
for the entire world,
Adonai, Eternal Father,
reconcile us with Your Glorious Kingdom.

(*)Marked: According to Christ Jesus, all prayers have reference to this word because we as humanity marked the Son of God with wounds and this is an exercise of reparation.
And for the union beads, you will repeat with faith:

Union bead
O Lord Jesus,
resurrect our spiritual life,
redeem our hearts,
elevate our being before God.


Have a good exercise of union with Me.

Under the Mercy of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for praying to My Heart with all your love!

Christ Jesus. 

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
