Dear children,
Throughout 2023, the trilogy of spiritual impulses will again take place, through My Son, Christ Jesus, the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph and your Heavenly Mother.
Thus, in this year of 2023, devoted and prayerful souls will be able to avail themselves of three spiritual and divine currents that can place consciousnesses on the fastest path of redemption and conversion.
For this special reason, My children, I invite you to be receptive, vigilant and attentive to the precious instructions that the Chaste Heart of St. Joseph will bring as the Water of Life to all His companions.
For this, dear children, the Three Sacred Hearts, through Their Words, will broaden the path for the transformation of the consciousness of human life. In this sense, each Divine Hierarchy, united as one Consciousness in God, will be able to help so that, in these critical times, open souls may receive more impulses from Our Eternal Legacy.
The Three Sacred Hearts of Christ Jesus, St. Joseph and your Blessed Mother, will contemplate the different internal needs in this cycle so that the praying, devoted and persevering souls of the Work of the Divine Messengers may feel cared for and accompanied.
Therefore, this year, St. Joseph will work every week through His weekly Messages, as well as through His monthly Apparitions. Thus, St. Joseph will be addressing different spiritual reflections that will allow souls to see and observe themselves on the path of transcendence and ascension.
Once again, the Three Sacred Hearts will be reaching out Their Hands in offering so that all who feel so, may be accompanied, just as they were accompanied since the beginning of the Apparitions in 2007.
Dear children, be truly open in this cycle in which the Divine Messengers will be closer, so that you may feel Our support, Mercy and Love.
Let us celebrate the Grace of having St. Joseph again this year.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.
Most Sweet Mother of humanity
Here is the Mother of all peoples, of all nations, and of all cultures.
Here is the Mother of the simple and the Mother of the poor.
The Mother who listens to the prayers of the meek and who feels the heart of the peacemakers of Christ.
Here is the Mother who cures and the Mother who heals the deepest wounds of the heart.
Here is the tireless Mother who guides souls onto the good path.
Here is the Mother of the Church and the Mother of the Apostles, Mother of the Missionaries, Mother of the Servants of the Light.
Here is the Mother of Grace and of Mercy, the Mother who consoles, the Redeeming Mother.
Here is the Mother of Peace, the Mother of Hope, the Mother who envisages the Truth in those who seek It.
Here is the Mother of the Purity that purifies Her children in order to consecrate
them to the Heart of God.
Here is the Mother who releases from captivity those who are imprisoned in themselves.
Here is the Mother who builds in hearts and in souls the bridges towards God.
Here is the Mother of the humble and the Mother of those who are simple, Mother of those who love, Mother of those who surrender themselves and of those who consecrate themselves to God.
Here is the Mother of Goodness and the Mother of Justice, Mother who unconditionally intercedes for all of Her children.
Mother of the Carmel, Mother of all those who aspire to the path of the spirit.
Here is the Mother of the Light and the Mother of the helpless, Mother of those who are imprisoned, Mother of the suffering.
Here is the Mother of Wisdom and the Mother of Discernment, the Mother of the Law and Mediator Mother before the Celestial Father.
Here is the Mother of the Renounced, Mother of the Surrendered, Mother of all the Consecrated.
Here is the Mother of Redemption, Mother of Liberation, Mother of the Swords of the Light.
Here is the Mother of Defense and the Mother of Intercession.
Here is the Mother of the poorest, Mother of the forgotten in the world.
Here is the Mother of the True, Mother of the Honest, Mother of all those who open their hearts to God.
Here is the Mother of the Pilgrims, Mother of the Walkers, Mother of all those who are tireless.
Here is the Mother of Honesty, Mother of Transparency, Mother of the Original Essence.
Here is the Mother of the Sun, Mother of the Stars, Mother of Spring, Mother of Nature.
Here is the Mother of all the sublime Mirrors, Mother of Knowledge, Mother of the spiritual awakening.
Here is the Mother of all those who seek Christ, Mother of those who commune of the Eucharistic Body of Christ.
Here and now is the Lady of Peace, who comes to this meeting today to be with Her simplest children, to listen to the voice of their prayers, to bless them all in the name of love.
Here, children, is the Mother that always hears you, the Mother who comes to your aid to remove you from any suffering and pain.
Here is the always Virgin Mary, the One Who descends from Heaven to be rejoicing together with Her children, to give each soul what it needs.
Here is the Mother of the Holy Rosary, the One Who stretches out Her arms to you so that you may hold on tight and raise your consciousness to God.
Here is the Mother who eternally loves you, the Mother who awaits you every day in prayer.
Here is the Mother who shepherds you and guides you on the path of forgiveness and of reconciliation.
May this day be a celestial party, may the Portals of Light and of Healing open over this city and may no soul lose the Grace of liberating themselves from their self forever.
May we, all together, build over this town of Carmo da Cachoeira the arc of Peace and of the Mercy of God.
May the angels of the light descend to fill the hearts with all possible Graces.
May the alliance between souls and Christ be established.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My Celestial Government
Here is My celestial government, which has always descended to the world when your Mother descends to open the portals of the Heavens.
Here is My celestial government, formed and integrated by the angels of different hierarchies, who in obedience and in an unconditional way, serve Your Humble Celestial Mother.
Here, children, is My celestial government, which has its basic foundation in the teachings of My Beloved Son and in His Divine Work of Mercy.
Here, dear children, is My celestial government, guided by the Divine Thought of the Father and manifested by the work of His Eternal Grace.
Here, My little ones, is My celestial government, which has its universal headquarters in the Divine Church of Christ, existent and present in the sacred Spiritual Universe.
Here, My children, is my celestial government, inwardly extended in this world by those who proclaim their faith and their love for Christ.
Here is My celestial government, renewing and expressing itself in devout hearts and in the spirits that surrender for the love of service.
Here and now is My celestial government announced by the Archangel Gabriel in the first moments of the Annunciation.
Here is My celestial government, proclaimed by the humble word of My cousin Saint Isabel, and from then on by all generations.
Here and now is My celestial government, spread throughout the Universe after My Assumption into the Heavens, through the work and the immediate service of the angels.
Here and now is My celestial government, given by the Divine Father and by the Loving Son during My coronation as Queen and Mother of the Universe and of the Earth.
Here, children, is My celestial government, concretized by means of the purpose that the Almighty entrusted to Me for this Universe and for this beloved blue planet.
Here and now is My celestial government, given impulse as a work by the state of My eternal Grace, and carried forward with the maternal love of My Immaculate Heart.
Here is the Eternal Slave of the Lord, Who holds all Her beloved children in His invisible Kingdom, Who protects the steps of the wayfarers of faith, Who guides and shepherds the lovers of Christ.
Here and now is the celestial government of Your Most Holy Mother, alive and resplendent through the Mirrors, which subtly radiate the eternal principles for the emergence of the new consciousness of humanity.
Here and now is the celestial government of the Mother of God, which is carried forward throughout time with the adherence and the surrender of Her little children.
Here and now is My celestial government, manifested during these years of work with Me with the work on the surface, which is inwardly moved by the constant impulses that the Holy Spirit sends.
Here and in this time is the work of the Most Holy Mary present in the hearts that are a part of it.
Here is the Marian Work of God through all of this group of souls that has given its “yes” to Mary, just as Mary gave Her “yes” to the Archangel Gabriel.
Here and now is the work of the Co-Redeeming Mother of Christ, a work that has expanded and and become widespread on the five continents, a work that reaches the souls of various languages in the world.
Here is the work of Love and of the Mercy of God through the Most Holy Mary, slowly acting and working through the love of Her children and the faith of Her soldiers.
Here is the work that arose, in the beginning, in an orange orchard of Aurora and that then emerged like a great sun for the whole planet, today managing to serve and to rescue the most lost souls.
Here is the work of hope, Mary’s work and our work, guided by Her noble Heart and carried out by Her humble hand.
Here and now is the work of peace, present in the world by the Will of the Father after ten years.
Here is the work that has regenerated many lives, that has worked true miracles in hearts in need, that has returned love and life to those who had lost them.
Here and now is the work formed by many children of Mary that together with their Mother, are weaving the mantle of peace in the world, the mantle where Christ will place His Feet when He returns.
Here is the spiritual delight of Your Mother on seeing the glow of Her Grace in the eyes of Her children, and the hope expressed in the countenances of those who had lost it.
Let us give thanks to God for having allowed His Humble Lady of Peace and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity to come to you so as to be able to make of your lives receptacles of Grace, instruments of love, and pillars of Her eternal and divine Mercy.
For the sharing of these ten years, today I thank you.
Who blesses you under the light of the Immaculate Heart,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the light that St. James the Apostle left imprinted on these paths serve for souls that have long searched for the Path of the Lord.
Walking the Path of St. James is to accept the path of redemption and apostleship that My Son offered all His followers.
To experience the Path of St. James is to offer oneself, as an apostle of the Lord, so as to find the paths of purification, redemption and rehabilitation.
St. James the Apostle walked this path to carry the word of the Good News to souls and to make that moment an opportunity for souls to, at some moment, find the Love of the Lord.
To follow this path is to accept the experience of the personal cross and to learn, through the experiences, to carry it with courage and resolve.
The Path of St. James opened doors for the evangelization of the West and for the redemption of this part of the planet.
St. James the Apostle was spiritually accompanied by the Mother of the Apostles so that he could accomplish the mission that My Son had entrusted to each of His Own.
The Path marked by St. James was later traveled by the feet of the simple Mother, the Mother of Jesus, carrying in Her hands the great symbol of the Grail, and thus awakening the life of ministry in all.
The Path of St. James was later the path of the Most Holy Mary.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you, now and always in love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I come to the world for the salvation of the unfaithful.
I come to the world for those who suffer.
I come to the world for those who are lost in the material life.
I come to the world for those who do not have God.
I come to the world for those who wage wars.
I come to the world for those who create perversions and idolatries.
I come to the world for those who are false.
I come to the world for all those who harden their hearts to God.
I come to the world for those who say no.
I come to the world for those who sleep.
I come to the world with the ardent desire of changing and redeeming souls, so they may enter the path of true love.
I come to the world to bring peace to all those who have lost it.
I come to the world for those who deceive themselves.
I come to open the eyes of those who do not want to see the reality of these times.
I come so that you may accompany Me in this planetary Calvary.
I come so that all My children remember God, His Omnipotence, His Grace and His Mercy.
I come to bring you the peace and the joy of being able to know the Kingdom of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Behold the Slave of the Lord, may it be done in Me according to Your Word.
Behold Your Slave of Love and of Motherhood, blessed among all women and honored by all generations.
Behold Your beloved Daughter, simple in feeling and deep in loving.
Behold Your untiring Server, Who burns with Love and Mercy for the souls that seek Your Kingdom.
Behold Your most gentle Mother, Who watches over Your flocks, Who guides them and accompanies them to the stable of Your merciful Heart.
Behold Your Star, Who illumines the paths of creatures that open to know how infinite Your Love is in essence, powerful and invincible.
Behold the Lady clothed in the Sun, Who lights the flame of simple prayer in Her children, Who calls all to change and forgiveness of sins.
Behold the Divine Lady, advocate and counselor of impossible causes, intermediary between souls and God.
Behold the eternal Virgin Mary, Who begs and pleads for peace, Who asks for and seeks a union between peoples and nations.
Behold the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, crowned today in Fatima and in the world, recognized as the Mother of kindness and of Mercy.
Behold the Celestial Mother of God, Who unites with each pilgrim and each heart that in these days seeks a special Grace; the Grace of being able to love, of being able to forgive and to be forgiven by the Eternal Father.
Behold the Queen of angels and of archangels, descending in Glory over the Cova da Iría, again awakening the peace that Fatima grants, as teraph of the world.
Behold the most gentle Mother, venerated and beloved, loved and accepted by all Her children, Mother of reconciliation and guardian of life, shield against all evil and Temple of Wisdom.
Behold the most sought-after Holy Woman, Who alleviates grief and sorrow, Who understands and helps the most lost.
Behold the Mother of the Sun, the Lady of Light, Who welcomes into Her bosom the suffering of the world and makes it Hers, so the world may be alleviated of sin and error.
Behold the Queen of Lys, the Commander of missionary spirits, the Mirror of Divine Love that is refracted in the essence of the one who invokes Her.
Behold the Mother of Hope and the guardian of faith, the administrator of the new principles that will repopulate the Earth and the New Humanity.
Behold the Lady of Fatima, the Mother of prayerful hearts, the Servant of the Source of renewal.
Behold the Mother of the New Alliance, Who accompanies the consecration of Her children and leads them by the hand to Jesus.
Behold now the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, beside each soul that in the coming hours prepares in prayer for the great awaited event.
Behold the Mother of Jesus, the Redeemer, with the Scepter of God in Her hand, pointing to the European continent so that it may change, be redeemed and live in peace, in order to accomplish the triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
Behold now the Queen of Peace, surrounded by Light and more brilliant than the sun; the Mother Who descends from Heaven to be close to Her children to embrace them, kiss them and give them the Love of Her Heart.
Behold now the Mother Who said 'yes' for all of humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Most Holy Rosary
After Jesus healed the blindness of a poor and simple woman, He arranged with the twelve holy women who were accompanying My Divine Consciousness that they would meet on Sunday evening in the home of one of them, to finish preparing the great task that He would undertake for humanity: His Divine Passion.
The twelve holy women, after espousing Jesus in Bethany, left in pilgrimage along another path that led them to Jerusalem. With prayers, fasting and sacrifices, the holy women, together with Mary and during the path to Jerusalem, began to experience inexplicable ecstasies that made them more conscious of the Passion that their Holy Spiritual Spouse would experience.
Throughout the pilgrimage, My Divine Consciousness reported the visions that the Eternal Father was sending to me through Archangel Gabriel about the difficult moment and about the agony that Christ would experience.
Without knowing it, the twelve holy women, who were walking while praying and fasting towards Jerusalem, began to experience the Passion of Jesus in advance.
On Sunday evening, they received from Jesus Himself and through the legacy that My Divine Consciousness would leave, all the details about the preparation for the Last Supper. They perceived the indications for this ceremony by means of dreams and by direct guidance of their guardian angels.
This allowed them to be in perpetual communion with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a fact that, in the end of times, would affect the whole feminine gender.
Before arriving in Jerusalem, the holy women declared to Mary the inner union to Her Heart of Mother and they confirmed that they would share, with Her and for Her, all martyrdom and pain that the Holy Mother would live in order to relieve Her Most Beloved Son.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who unifies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Declaration of a holy Guardian Angel, pleading with the Holy Virgin for Her children of humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who restores you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear Children:
In My arms, as the Mother of Mercy, I sustain those who have become lost from the path of Christ, and just as once I had Jesus in My arms, He Who died for you, today I supplicate to the Celestial Father for His Divine Piety.
The Father concedes to Me again the Grace of liberating and of forgiving those who fell into error, into pride and into deep ingratitude.
As the Mother of Mercy I intercede for these souls because they are My children, those which I want to bring towards the true peace, towards the redemption of life and of the heart.
As the Mother of Mercy I gather from the Calvary of each being the miseries that fell when walking with their own cross, and with My maternal Light I transform darkness into light, incomprehension into wisdom, and sadness into sheer joy.
As the Mother of Mercy I convert that which is impossible for this world and I heal the wounds that no one is able to spiritually heal, because the Father has given Me the Grace by which as the Mother of Goodness I may assist My children, all those that open their hearts as to find My Love.
Dear children, the defeat of pride in a heart is the greatest gift that a soul may receive in this time when pettiness, blindness and corruption hypnotize the path of the souls.
When this pride is broken by the staff of God, Divine Justice is established and the soul does not receive that which in truth it would have deserved, because when the mask of pride is broken the purity of the heart is born.
Have pure hearts and love; love much because in love My adversary does not have his reign except in the hardened hearts and minds.
Give permission so that the love of the heart will spring like a flame through prayer, and let the old structures fall to the ground so that in this way the flower of the heart be able to open.
Recite every day the infinite gratitude to the Creator and you will be in the correct path. As the Mother of Mercy I am here to assist you and to conduct you to the Celestial Father.
I thank you for responding to My call!
For the mercy of the entire planet,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Sacred Litany to the Mother of God and Mother of the Universe
To implore for Her intercession during the moments of test and of purification
Most Holy Virgin,
Powerful Virgin,
Most Chaste Virgin,
Our Advocate Virgin,
Prodigious Virgin,
have mercy on us,
help us.
Mother of Hope,
Mother of Mercy,
Blessed Mother,
Co-redeeming Mother,
Mother of the Divine Faith,
Protective Mother,
Mother of Holy Justice,
Mediating Mother,
Mother of Perpetual Help,
Saving Mother,
Mother of Victory,
Most Pure Mother,
Most Complete Mother,
Miraculous Mother,
have mercy on us,
come to our aid.
Queen of Peace,
Universal Queen,
Queen of the Stars,
Queen of Love,
Queen of all Angels,
Celestial Queen,
Liberating Queen,
Most Beloved Queen,
Most Sweet Queen,
Venerable Queen,
Adorable Queen,
Queen of the Doors of Heaven,
have mercy on us,
intercede, now and always.
Lady of the Rosary,
Lady of humanity,
Lady of the poor,
Lady of the innocent,
Lady of the Holy Cross,
Lady of the sick,
Lady of the pure of heart,
Lady of Pity,
Lady of Brotherhood,
Lady of Confraternity,
Lady of Light,
Lady of Majesty,
have mercy on us,
rescue us.
Mirror of all Universes,
Mirror of Healing,
Mirror of Wisdom,
Mirror of Discernment,
Mirror of Joy,
Mirror of the Cosmos,
Mirror of Liberation,
Mirror of the Assumption,
Mirror of Mercy,
Mirror of Redemption,
Mirror of Union,
Mirror of Salvation,
Mirror of Rehabilitation,
have mercy on us,
heal us, now and always.
Within Your sacred faces, may I may find the pathway out.
In Your walk, may I see the steps to be taken.
In your gaze, may my soul be strengthened.
Holy Mother of God,
banish from my being all arrogance,
possessions, pride and indifference,
because my whole life belongs to You
so that Your Beloved Son
may realize His Work of Redemption and Fraternity.
I surrender into Your arms,
humiliated and divested,
because Your full Grace
has granted me redemption.
Dear Children,
Today, when the Universe of God touches the Earth and pours Its Mercy over the whole planet, your Mother of the Most Holy Rosary, from America united to the heart of the Kingdom of Fatima will proclaim the word of life, the one that Her beloved Son Jesus requested Her to pronounce on this sacred day.
For this reason today your Celestial Mother will be united to all of the essences of this world, those that on this 13th of May declare to God and to Jesus Christ that the world accepts and recognizes the Mother of God as the Mother of all and as the Queen of Peace.
In this way the Angelic Universe will be radiating from Fatima, heart of the essential purity, a sea of Graces mainly over the hearts and souls that have remained imprisoned in the illusion and in the claws of the adversary.
Today, from the heart of the Kingdom of Fatima, it will be declared Peace for the world and this will come especially to the hearts that may commune on this day and may pray at least a mystery of the Holy Rosary.
Thus, dear children, the Church of Christ, the one that lives in eternity within the simple hearts, will be awakened again. And the Holy Father will receive an inner aid with which He will be able to keep the spiritual world balanced for some more time.
For this, children, the Queen of the Holy Rosary will descend today in South America in spirit of peace and renovation so that all of the souls of the world may collect the last fruits that the Mother of Heaven will deliver in the hands of the simple and the truthful.
Today from Fatima, the priests of the whole world and all of the favorite children of Our Lady, the ones consecrated to the sacerdotal life, will deliver to the people of God a key that will open the door to liberation of all sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. From this door, the most sinful souls will be able to direct themselves through the path of inner and spiritual rehabilitation.
Twelve Celestial Angels of the Universe will be celebrating along with Our Lady this communion of reparation and of atonement of the whole world, an event that will happen at the same time in all of the tabernacles of the Earth.
But if there is a greater spirit of faith and of devotion to Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, the Mother of God, Saint Michael Archangel and Saint Gabriel Archangel will promise to the good souls, aid during the hour of death and mainly the spiritual conversion of the family. This will be so if today you pray the Rosary with heart, without asking anything in return, only that the Plan of God be fulfilled in the ungrateful souls.
From the Kingdom of Fatima, the angelic spheres will shine and entrust to all of the guardian angels of the world to celebrate along with Our Lady the universal communion for Peace.
For this, today, your Heavenly Mother comes to ask to all of Her Children to commune of the Body and of the Blood of Christ. This atonement that will be granted by the Virgin Mary will last until the 14th of May of 2015, moment in which will be closed the last door of conversion.
Dear children, today I invite you to adore Jesus and that all may feel united to the Sanctuary of Fatima, Portugal, so that this sacred task of your Mother may be fulfilled as it is planned.
I thank the groups of prayer of the Americas, of the United States and Europe for being already answering to My call!
The Work will be fulfilled because these are the last missions of the Most Holy Virgin before the return of Christ.
Who thanks and blesses you always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more