In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Many of My apostles are coming to a moment that I already lived for you, a long time ago.
So that you may understand Me, so that you can feel Me, so that you can internalize each one of My Words, I will tell you a part of My story, a story that was not written in the Bible, not in any sacred book.
This story is similar to what you are living at this moment, not only for the planetary transition, not only for what humanity is going through, but also for what each one of you must give Me, because the time has come for the maturity of My apostles.
When I turned twenty-one years old, thirteen years before the great surrender of your Master and Lord, I made a very important journey to the Far East.
These events were registered in some of the Gospels which were removed so that humanity could not know of them.
But, today, I come to tell you what your Master and Lord lived when He was twenty-one, while, still being very young, He began to prepare to drink from the Chalice which, later on, the Eternal Father would one day offer Him, in the Garden of Gethsemane.
In this journey, I had to learn, as a man, but also as a Consciousness, to assume the overcoming of the human condition, a condition that was dragging the human race to perdition. I speak to you of a long, very long time ago.
That very important journey was retribution that My Heart carried out to those called “Kings of the Desert”, who arrived from very far-away lands to recognize the Birth of the Messiah, in the city of Bethlehem.
Thus, you will understand how the trajectory of your lives is drawn by the Will of God and, when souls do not live the Will of My Father, they only suffer and suffer.
At that time, while I was twenty-one, under the spiritual company of My Celestial Mother and the inner help of the first Essenes who accompanied Me in the inner planes for this Mission, your Master and Lord first arrived in the Arabian countries, and, before the great Imans of that time, the Son of God was not externally recognized, He was recognized internally, just from having passed through that place.
On that occasion, while I was visiting the Arabian peoples, My Father made known to Me the most important task that He Himself carried out throughout times, in the origins of these peoples and of these religions, not only by revealing His Sacred Names, which were pronounced and invoked, but He also made known to Me the Sacred Geometry of His Divine Project for the first peoples that populated this planet.
There, I was able to come to know the mystery of the Wisdom of God, which He sowed and placed in the oldest peoples of the planet.
Having received this instruction, which was preparatory for the moment of My great surrender, your Master and Lord, while He was twenty-one, continued His journey towards India, and, on that occasion, it was to remember and harvest the fruits of this experience that the Father once carried out within My Consciousness, with a different face and other garments.
It was at that moment that your Master and Lord received the revelation of the mystery of God's Compassion, and, before the ancient kings of India, I was able to understand, at the age of twenty-one, why, in this world, and up to the present days, there is suffering, and how the essence of Divine Compassion can not only liberate souls from suffering, but can also absorb them, transforming the whole human conditions and all limitations through the mere fact of loving.
If in India I had not had this experience, I believe I would not have had the strength to drink from the Chalice in the Garden of Gethsemane.
This experience and this mission concluded in Egypt, in the lands of the great patriarch, Moses, one of the successors of the Ark of the Holy Covenant. There, My preparatory experience was completed so that, on returning to the Holy Land in the following years, My Heart might be ready to live what I came to live for you.
In the lands of Moses, in the region of Mount Sinai, the Father made me know, even more, the immensity of His Mercy, the infinity of His Pity for this project of the planet, for human redemption, for all the generations that would come after Me, up to the current times.
In this sacred place of Mount Sinai, your Master and Lord was able to know hermitic life, because, in the absolute desert, that is where we only find God so that He may quench our thirst, so that He may console us, so that He may strengthen and renew us.
In that sacred place of Mount Sinai, I was able to witness, with My inner sight, the sacred treasures of the Spiritual Hierarchies of the universe and all that would happen in the coming times with the future generations, which would have the Grace of awakening to the Cosmic Consciousness and of knowing that life, on this planet, is vaster and more infinite than it seems, that the future generations could know that life does not end here, and that true life is found in the stars, in the suns and in the constellations.
When I returned to the Holy Land, after traveling for three months, My Mother was waiting for Me in Nazareth. There, She had also had the same experience, in her state of contemplation and devotion, accompanying each step of the Son of God, because She knew that this mission that I lived at the age of twenty-one was not only an initiation, but also a preparation for what would later come.
Why do you believe I am telling you all this today?
My aim is not so that you may have more knowledge, but so that you may grow in love, in the mature love that surrenders, the love that renews you, that leads you to risk, more each day, to have greater experiences of love for Me, regardless of what it means or represents.
Many of you, from the spiritual point of view, are now at the age of twenty-one of your evolution, and here, companions, it has nothing to do either with the evolutionary age or with the material age.
Many are now living the twenty-first year of their evolution, and are before the threshold, before the opportunity of taking a great step, a firmer and more secure step, a step toward maturity and toward responsibility.
This maturity and this responsibility will allow you to understand, in this critical time, that you can no longer be put first in everything, but rather that everything else, which is more necessary and urgent than yourselves, must be first in your lives, so that you may assume spiritual and material maturity, so that the Celestial Father may give you greater responsibilities and greater tasks.
Many of you might believe that you are not ready for this. But remember that which I recently told you, that the axis of the planet is being held by a very thin thread of Light, this thread of Light must be strengthened, so that it never breaks, so that more events do not develop in humanity and on the planet.
At this moment, humanity has no justification before God. It is the love and responsibility of My apostles, it is the maturity and consciousness of My companions that will generate true justification before God, so that Mercy may descend and Divine Justice may be deterred.
I know that, through these Words and this Message, I place your inner worlds under ardent pressure. But know that My duty is to tell you the truth and open your eyes, the eyes of consciousness, but also to open your hearts so that they do not crystalize, so that they do not harden, so that they never lose their sensitivity in the face of the reality of these times.
As it was two-thousand years ago, this story repeats itself in the present, and, with a few, I will do all that I must do. This is the time of My apostles, of the mature and available apostles, capable of going beyond themselves, capable of renouncing, beyond themselves, capable of surrendering for Me, even more.
In this last month of the year, and before you enter a new year, you must think and reflect about these things, because you are at the moment of not only being able to remember who you were, but you are also at the moment of knowing for what you came here, and what you must still fulfill, under the guidance of the Will of My Father.
I do not come to ask you to be perfect, I come to ask you to attain perfection through surrender and service, because the one who trusts in Me has nothing to worry about, not even their own miseries.
Because I will liberate those who are truly with Me from their chains and oppressions. I will heal them with My healing Hand, and they will be forever freed from themselves; and their souls will no longer live in a spiritual prison, but, rather, as an eagle of light, their souls will fly to the high peaks of the House of the Father, to be a part of His Divine Dwellings.
This is the Message that I want to leave to all those who are faithful to the prayer of the heart, and, especially to the Meetings of the Marathon of Divine Mercy.
As from the next cycle onward, you, My companions and My friends, will be the ones who must sustain, through merciful prayer, all that will happen on the planet, because, at the age of twenty-one of your evolution, you are at the right moment to take the great step, without Me being present. But, have faith, because from a distance, from My Spiritual Government, I will be praying for you, so that you may someday be Christs.
And now, in this silence, which I invite you to internally live with Me, commune with My Words, so that your hearts may be ready for what will come.
Remember that My Mother is your Mother, and if the Son of the Mother of God surrendered what was most valuable to Him, at the foot of the Cross, where He gave His Mother, to each one of you, do you believe you can manage to do so? Do you believe that you can manage to surrender, as I surrendered?
This is all that I want to tell you today, and I thank you for having the courage, to dare to feel each one of My Words.
Let us pray, phrase by phrase.
Prayer: Christ of the Light.
May this Marathon be the great step of the apostles for the times that will come.
I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Surrender to Me, for this is already My last time.
Hours pass for this world and souls get lost. Blessed are you for receiving Me and for being worthy in the Lord, even though you do not deserve it. For if you do not surrender, how can I be in you and you in Me?
My Sacred Heart pours Its Blood over the horrors of the world, over all sins. Who will be worthy of collecting My Blood as My Mother and Mary Magdalene did? Who will be like John and will be at the Cross without any fear until the last hour?
What I have given you in your life is the best that I could give you; there is nothing better that I can give you. Each one has what is just and what they deserve before the Law of My Father. But why do you not surrender? What harm can I do to you if, even in the midst of tribulation, I come to you on this blessed night to shed the codes of My Blood and renew them in the Spirit of God?
There are many who claim to be with Me, but are not. I need true apostles, not apostles of clay that can be broken with a single blow. As I told My apostles in the past, you do not know My Justice. I do not come to punish you, I come to bring you the truth, that truth which can be in you if you are in Me and do not reject Me in your brothers and sisters.
If you do not live the tests, how will you learn? Without tests, do you think you will reach Heaven and Divinity? I am not talking about impossible things, companions, because today I come to dedicate this message to you, although the need of the world is greater than your own needs.
Today I show you My sorrow, which is the sorrow of the world, and I invite each one of you to know it, to accept it and to live it in prayer. But I know that some of you do not accept that sorrow because you are afraid to know it. I gave that sorrow to all the saints and simple-hearted people throughout the ages. The sorrow is greater than My Mercy, and that I cannot hide. Who will carry this heavy Cross and not only live on My Prodigies? Those who are called by the Shepherd must live all the things I give them from time to time.
But even My Sacred Heart expects of each one of you that, in this merciful offering of prayer, you will no longer be the same because there is no more time to lose. The world is gradually darkening, and fervor cannot be extinguished in hearts. How can you be depositaries of My Graces if at times your hearts close to Me and to your brothers and sisters?
I do not come to promise you a magnificent life in this world, but I do come to promise you eternal life in the next world. If you separate from each other, you separate from Me and My Hand cannot come near you because you move away. You move away from My Light, from My unfathomable Love, from My Peace, from My Hope.
Today, I do not want to leave you a message of sorrow, but a reality. All souls are in their Judgment and this has just begun. Your Judgment may be lighter if your love is greater. Love for what you do not yet feel, love for what you do not accept, love for what you reject, love for what you deny before all that you have received on My right and on My left.
Today I cannot open My Arms and extend My Hands to you because I do not see the love of the world. Very few flames are ignited to glorify Me, but there is still time, companions, to take one more step in trusting My Sacred Heart.
I wish to see you in fullness and not in bitterness. My Heart sheds Its Blood to renew you, to vivify you in the Spirit of My Father in Heaven who contemplates you day and night. If you do not accept what I give you, you will not be able to vivify My Eternal Father; for My Father is full of Gifts for all souls, but the souls do not allow the Gifts to be poured into their hearts.
I wish to speak to you about what the world truly needs, but first I must care for those whom I have chosen with My Hand throughout the ages and pointed out with My Light in this last cycle.
The apostles were separated to preach, but they never ceased to unite, just as I taught them in prayer, in the Adoration of God. You think you adore My Heart, but you do not know. It is a conquest for your spirits to adore My Heart when you have trust in Me for all that you live. Nothing is by chance. You live what you have sown and you are harvesting what you have planted. There is no mistake in all this. Heaven knows that souls make mistakes, but they must start again every day, in the absolute certainty that they will serve the Shepherd in spite of the consequences.
What more do you want from Me? This is all that I can give you, and it is already a maximal Grace that you can live in these difficult times. Raise your mistakes to the Father because they are the mistakes of the world, the indifference of hearts that suffer for not being able to recognize the Purpose that has passed before them many times in different ways and with different signs.
Welcome My pain for human indifference and transform it into love and compassion; welcome the indifference of your brothers and sisters, who suffer for unconsciously rejecting Me; welcome the pain of others and thus you will help Me fulfill the Plan. May this Marathon be to assume the pain of the world, which most people do not want to live. For if pain is not assumed, the world will suffer for not having listened to the Message.
Today My guardian angels adore your essences, which is true and sublime before the Eyes of God. They do not see your defects and imperfections; they see what you really are and do not get tired of doing so. It is something that you must learn in yourselves and in your brothers and sisters; thus you will free yourselves from the influences of My adversary who crushes minds, as the wheat is crushed into dust.
Be merciful even if you are not. Renew your vows before My Heart every day and do not be afraid to live your cross, because if I carried the Cross for you and for the world, why will you not partake of the Cross that I carry today for this humanity? Even if I am an ascended being, may My humility humble you, may My truth purify you, may My Heart cleanse you from all stain, from all adversity.
If you believe that I am the Light amidst darkness, why do you not follow Me in what I have placed on your paths?
My Face is drawn in the hearts that are true and in those that are honest in their transformation, despite the falls. I do not cease to help those who cry out for Me, but I cannot help those who take pride in their own virtues. Banish that which no longer serves to My Father, so I may enter within you as I entered within Father Pio leaving the visible sign of My Presence for fifty years. I have something special for each of you, but I have not yet been able to give it. The trust in God is found in sacrifice, the divesting of self in found in humility and humiliation and all barriers of matter are transcended.
I want you to be true to Me in this Marathon and not just in words. May your words say what you truly feel before My Merciful Heart, for while a great part of the world is suffering persecution and war and cannot receive Me, what will you do with all that I have given you with so much Love and Mercy? Be honest before the Heavens and renounce not with pride, but with humility, with peace, with effort and sacrifice. Truly renounce to what you believe is better or to what you could improve. My apostles went through this test until the end of their days.
Do not let your consciousness sleep when I am speaking. I am your King and your salvation.
I need you to grow in consciousness and not in vanity. My precious pearls cannot be lost in this world. Adore My Heart so that nothing bad happens, for the time of My Justice is approaching for all humanity.
Come out of yourselves and see those who are dying, whom television shows as if they were a victory. O My companions, you still do not know what God feels when a heart is indifferent to what has been given to it for Mercy.
I am leading you all to an inner evaluation, for when I return I shall not be able to see any stains on your garments, and if there are any stains I shall not be able to recognize you, for up to now I have taught you to wash your garments with the water of My Mercy and My Glory.
Try to love a little more, even if you cannot. My Heart offers itself for this and your brothers and sisters also offer themselves to be truly loved. Let us pray to God for those who cannot love My Father and Me. Let us pray with fervor and with Mercy, just as I taught you in the beginning.
Prayer: Our Father.
I would not like to see you with long faces in this Marathon, because the world needs joy, true joy to be able to transcend all evil and indifference that the souls commit daily before the Celestial Kingdom.
Today I can bless, out of compassion, these elements that you have placed before My altar, which is in Heaven and on Earth, so that your hearts may be washed by My Blood and your spirits may be purified by My Body, two visible signs of redemption and surrender to My Heart that always waits for you.
Two thousand years ago I left you a universal treasure, a perpetual badge for your hearts and souls. I left you the living treasure of the universe, the Teraphim of God manifested in body and blood for the whole of humanity. How many times have you now received communion with Me? Did you do it truly or only in a hurry? How many times did I offer Myself at the table of all souls so that they would live Me in the Passion and on the Cross?
Today My Sacred Heart sheds Its Blood for indifferent souls, for those who do not dare to confess with Me, before My divine Humility and before My Peace.
Today I prepare with this communion this whole part of the Earth that must be consecrated to My Divinity before I come back to the world for the second time. To reach My Divinity they must cleanse and purify themselves every day. That is why I ask you to surrender to Me so that your hearts may overcome all tests, in the name of God and His infinite Project.
Before the Guardian Angels of the universe, before the Archangels who glorify My Father perpetually, before the most Holy Spirit of God, before His beloved Son, before the Celestial Father who unifies all creation and vivifies the spirits that respond to Him with sincerity, and before the majesty of the Mother of the World, I absolve and forgive you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
When you commit an indifference, wash your feet, just as I washed the apostles so that they would recognize that God becomes so small before the proudest souls. Do not offend God anymore, the world has offended Him a great deal.
Live My celestial Treasures and you will attain eternal life. Amen.
The Glorified Christ Jesus
Visions on the Passion of Our Lord
So I saw Our Lord on Mount Calvary, living the Crucifixion on the Cross.
This happened during the prayer of the Devotional of the Five Sacred Wounds of Jesus and after the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at three in the afternoon.
At that moment, I saw they were stretching out his right Arm, in such a way that a dislocation occurred in Jesus.
During all of that pain, which expanded over Mount Calvary, they nailed a large iron nail into His Wrist, which wounded the Arm one side to the other and caused it to bleed.
At that moment, another man appeared who, placing himself close to His Head, while Jesus was being nailed on the Cross through His right Hand, started to press the Head of Our Lord onto the wood of the Cross in such a way that the Crown of Thorns was embedded into the scalp and caused Him to bleed much more.
He then was hit various times over the Head, done with a club.
On one part of the Mount, I saw the Virgin lying prostrate on the ground and placing Her hands on Her Head in a sign of pleading.
Later on, I began to make the Sign of the Cross for all that I was seeing, and a new vision appeared.
As we prayed the second Sacred Wound, I saw that, on the left Hand of Our Lord, they began to strike His Fingers, to the point of causing each of them to bleed, and with a tool they had, pulled out His Fingernails, one by one, leaving raw flesh on His Fingers.
That indescribable sensation was radiated by Our Lord, and in spite of all that suffering and pain, at a certain moment I saw that the Mental Consciousness of Jesus rose above that whole situation, and while the Master experienced this martyrdom, He was pleading with the Father in the following way: "Eli, Eli, forgive them, forgive them!"
The Master then said to me: "Son, I show you all of My Passion so you will write the book of the Passion of Jesus."
Then the Lord transmitted to us:
I have not yet made known to you the difficult times to come, which will be unknown to all. For this reason, I ask that you defend My Congregation from yourself, in the same way in which I will expect each consecrated one to defend My Work from themselves, to thus again divert the temptation of My enemy to create his own tools that will scourge My Heart.
Let nobody step away from the test I have sent them to experience. The lambs must escape the ferocious hands of the wolves. But many still need to learn to revere all they have received by the power of My Glory.
Let nobody forget their signature made with Me, but I know that many still will desist from following something that does not satisfy human emotions.
When some presented Me with the letter of resignation, I only remembered Judas kissing my cheek and betraying Me on the dark night of the Garden of Gethsemane. The very difficulties of souls are born as a result of resistance and control.
What I have for each disciple I have not yet revealed nor given.
Today, I come forward to announce My last leave-taking in this infinite game of the salvation of souls and redemption of evils, in the face of the horrors that cause My Eyes to constantly weep.
The heart that does not love its defects and imperfections is a heart that closes itself to the truth; in the same way, when the sun is hidden by clouds, everything becomes shadowed, for the simple reason of not controlling oneself.
I have given you the greatest pearls of My necklace of Light, but few have pleased Me and even less have made the Mercy I poured out shine forth. Going out into the world means to condemn oneself, become divided like two rivers, which will end up in the throat of the great abyss. I am being faithful to those who responded to Me.
If you truly loved My Sacrifice and My Passion, you would not take from Me the time for the pursuit of great planetary Works. To work on the emptiness of self and your humbling in light of My Sacred Heart, I humbly ask that you go over My Passion during this evening and that all souls hear My last Words, which are for humanity.
For I will return in a way very few have perceived. I first gave you My Heart so you could live it and love it, then I gave you the Voice of the Merciful Source through My Words, and lastly, I called you to an inner consecration; and now some want to abandon Me and leave Me nailed on this cross of evil and the indifference of the world.
To those who persist, continue onward for those who turned their backs on Me and have stopped living in My Merciful Heart.
To those who are demented, do not despair, but rather trust in the Spirit of My Infinite Compassion, and to those who feel tired, remember the moment of the Last Supper and the greater sacrifice I had to carry out so the world and its sacred project not be lost.
I know My Words will not be enough, but in truth, I tell you to have enough remembrance and a greater heart, so that through your follies, you do not lose the spring of My Graces. This Order must fulfill My Purpose, even if only three reach the summit of the Mount of the Cross.
With eyes of mercy, look at My humble declaration. You can no longer be ingenuous and egotistical; the Plan of My Father needs you so that, among the tribulations, you learn to pull out the roots of evil during the night of greater darkness.
It will be at that moment that I Myself, with My own Merciful Eyes, will see those that, having gone through a renunciation, humiliation and sacrifice, will glorify My Holy Name and make it flesh in their own flesh. At that instant, I will be Your Intercessor and will free you through the power of My Glory.
Ease the weight My Hands carry, the cross is ever more heavy and the world as well.
Who will risk defending My Will rather than their own?
Who will be worthy of praising My Name and of fulfilling My Promises, giving their life for the rest?
Who will wait patiently for the Return of their Master, even when everything is about to end?
Happy are those who seek Me in spite of their own adversities, because I promise you, I will not be the executioner or the judge, but rather will be the Door that will take you after this life to the Celestial Kingdom.
Under the Pity of the Creator, be consistent with My Precepts.
Your King, Christ Jesus, the Aching Heart
Unexpectedly, before the presence of the Virgin Mary, descended in Glory from the Heavens the presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who visited us to transmit His daily message together with the message of Our Lady for the Vigil of Prayer.
The Blessed Virgin Mary tells us:
Dear children, now My Blessed and Beloved Son Jesus will proceed, communicating to you the celestial words:
My Beloved ones,
On this day of Maternal Graces, as My Mother has said, the Lord sends to you, as a result of all of the spiritual goods that have been received by you during the Meeting of Prayer, an impulse of materialization of His Will for your lives.
For this My companions, it will be necessary that through the daily prayer of the heart you recognize the call that Heaven proclaims in face of the absolute necessity for the faithful Marian and Christic servers for this planetary cycle.
In face of all that happens in the world Heaven has given you all that It guards, waiting thus for an immediate answer for you to decide to live a constant life of prayer.
This is how it was, and for this purpose the universe has prepared, it has been six years, this sacred space of the Marian Center of Aurora so that the souls of the world, especially all of the hearts of the Americas, would have a place of reference where they could be able to realize the spiritual path.
Such as it has been in your history as humanity, Heaven chooses the immature and simple consciousnesses and It also chooses the forgotten and distant places so that the Father may be able to pour through the Celestial Messengers all of His gifts of love, of healing and of reparation.
For those people who pray and that follow My daily Messages I tell you that you are being participants in a unique moment for your souls, it is something that will remain guarded in the highest spirit of each being for, it after all, to follow the steps to Heaven.
For this I ask you that in prayer you be attentive to the moment in which you live as souls and as brothers and sisters in the various groups of prayer because if you are attentive you will know how to take the steps correctly and you will avoid mistakes.
In this time Heaven is opening its doors upon the Earth in order to redeem those who have distanced themselves from God. For this Heaven chooses places where ecumenism may be able to be expressed and the human power does not interfere in the Divine Purpose. In this way, all of the souls are free to participate and to feel if this call is for them.
Now the inner reading for each being is singular and Heaven sends you a worldly message for all because the moment has come for the definitive unity and for the fraternal integration with the superior laws of the Kingdom of the Heavens.
I only want to tell My ones that the last path of return to the Greater Life is being indicated in your path. God in His Glory has given you the art of deciding and of choosing. We wait for all of the people who pray and for the pilgrims.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for listening with attention to My message!
Christ Jesus
My dears:
Today I invite you remember the perfect union that there was in the past among the Sacred Family so that through this example your inner beings may be able to reach the sacred.
For your best understanding, I will tell you what are the fruits that the Sacred Family achieved through the daily living in Nazareth. In each one of us were awakened the gifts of the Spirit of God, which were those that were at the constant service of humanity, even when we used to live upon the face of the Earth. These gifts of the Spirit of God awakened in the Sacred Family the following mysteries:
In the Virgin Mary were awakened: the gift of Prayer to realize the plans of God; the gift of Maternity to shelter all of the children of God; the Gift of Humility to reaffirm Her most pure surrender to God; and the gift of Virginity to radiate pure love of God.
In My Father Saint Joseph were awaked: the gift of Chastity to conserve the designs of God; the gift of the Good Worker to manifest the Will of the Father; the gift of Silence to construct the new in the inner planes and the gift of Joy to heal the sick.
These gifts made themselves also evident in the spirit of the little Child Jesus as for example: the gift of the Word to transmit the Love of God; the gift of Redemption to convert those who were distant from God; the gift of Retreat to interiorize the plans of God; the gift of the Heart to radiate the Spirit of God and the gift of Meditation to carry forward the ideas of the Universal Father.
The gifts of the Sacred Family were always a mystery for many but they generated, through the three Sacred Hearts of the Holy Family, a deep change in the consciousness of humanity, in this way leading it to conversion and to redemption.
For this today pray and meditate upon the powers of the gifts that are radiated from the Heart of God. In this way you will help to consecrate again the humanity in need.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living the gifts of God!
Christ Jesus.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more