The Universe of God is sublime, and its mysteries are incalculable. But, before reaching the celestial heights, children, you should learn to deal with your human condition and live the transcendence of illusions, available to humans by the time of Earth and its mysteries, until you can cross the layers and veils that separate you from the Truth and the Time of God, so you may discover not only the celestial mysteries but, above all, yourselves.
If I spoke to you only of sublime things, you would make from the Truth an illusion in your minds, you would have it as a story, but not as an experience, as a philosophy, but not as life manifested in everything that you are. This is why, sometimes, I speak to you of the Universe and sometimes I go back to your human condition, to create a bridge between what you think you are and what you must find out about yourselves.
The Truth already is. It manifested in the Origin of life and has hidden in the essence and microcosmos of each being. To find it, you should search for it as you search for the things of the world today. Just as you make an effort for the victories on Earth, make an effort for the triumphs of Heaven.
Search for the example of those who have already walked this path. Drink from the experience of those who were tested and transcended human life, to find Christ hidden and alive within themselves. Those you call saints, children, are not God, and it is not their miracles that will make them reach God, but rather their example which can inspire you and bring you light for the darkness of consciousness.
To reach what is High, you should elevate yourselves. To reach that which is within, you should deepen. And this is an eternal and tireless mission, until you return to the Origin of life.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
It is time to expand the heart and the consciousness in love and in service to God. This is the time for, within you, there to be a space to receive and feel those who arrive.
It will be in this way that, just like My Son when He surrendered for you, you will be able to feel your neighbor, you will be able to participate and welcome the other's suffering and pain so that it may be transmuted and liberated in love.
Each being on this planet has a place within the spiritual path and this place, still unknown, is waiting for the consciousness to awaken to the Truth that comes from God. A Truth that will liberate you, forever, from the chains of error and illusion of this world.
Therefore, to those who have already awakened, I invite you to be conscious and keepers of this purpose for those who will arrive upon the Path of My Son, which is the same as your Path; seeking an opportunity, relief and hope for this crucial time of the planet.
As a Mother, I open My Heart again to welcome those who are just arriving and need great faith and fortitude to learn to detach from everything that binds them to the world and to perdition.
These souls that are just arriving and awakening are the ones that most need consideration and support so that they can feel that someone is there to sustain them in their trials and to help them in their transcendence.
The youth in the world need to be guided onto the correct path because, day by day, thousands of youth go astray in the illusions and in the promises that the world offers to them. Therefore, as the Mother of all, I open My Heart to accompany and sustain those who will awaken and arrive before the presence of My Son to say "Yes" to Him in a complete way.
It is the time of revelations, but it is also the time to support and accompany, from the heart, those who seek to find an inner and spiritual meaning for their lives. This is the task and the commitment of those who already serve Christ, day and night.
The youth in the world need to be listened to and understood, they must not be rejected or omitted. When they have a shoulder upon which they can lean and cry, they feel relieved and encouraged, beyond their youth, to change and mature.
Children, this cycle of youth and welcoming has arrived for all.
As of now, I thank you for imitating and accompanying Me!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To begin searching for the illumination of the consciousness, you must love God, His Plan and His Will above all things; you must develop the perception of His Presence in all kinds of life and know that all beings need to express their potential as creatures that come from God, so that they may then find peace and express peace in the world.
Without knowing the truth about themselves, beings walk in the darkness of ignorance, confused among miseries, desires and skills, and do not express what they came to the world to express.
That is why sometimes it becomes so difficult to love and to accept a neighbor as they are. I say "as they are" because they still are not what they were really created to be, because it still hides within them. But before you can see the truth expressed in your brothers and sisters, you must first know that it exists and you must love it, feel the need for it to become alive in yourselves and in your neighbor. In this way, your search will be real and your pure aspiration will lead you to the correct path, to the path of the Will of God.
Why do I tell you this?
Because many times, your attention is on the things of the world and in human endeavors when, in reality, the human being only becomes realized when they are capable of expressing Divine Will and participating in His Celestial Truth. Then, you will be able to discern, take action and even make use of human skills in order to turn them into instruments of the manifestation of the Divine Work.
While assuming your responsibilities, deepen into the way in which you carry them out.
Look to your neighbor, seeking to feel the love and the aspiration that they find. Live life with the aspiration that its meaning may be found.
Find inspiration in the manifestation of nature, in the accomplishment of the flowers and the beauty of that percentage of life that, yes, fulfills Divine Will and has found its realization, its wholeness.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Where there is a heart that cries out for peace, there will be the presence of the Creator, transforming and converting human consciousness from within.
Where there is a heart that cries out for peace, there will be the presence of the Celestial Universe, uniting times and spaces, bringing the reality of the divine dimensions to Earth, preparing hearts for the encounter with their Creator.
In a simple way, children, the Kingdom of God is beginning to inhabit within beings and to consolidate the inner fortitude of souls.
When you pray and cry out for this world, your Lord listens to you, and sometimes in a silent way, sends His Love to the hearts.
God transforms you slowly; He converts your hearts into what they truly are, but cannot express.
If you want to find out the truth about yourselves, cry out for peace and pray for the world.
If you want to awaken the potential of what it is to be a human being as God thought, cry out for peace and pray for the world.
Prayer, when done as a service, takes you out from yourselves and places you in God, and it is in Him that you will start to find out who you truly are. Pray, not to experience God; pray to live in God, to find Him alive within yourselves and in everything.
Pray for the world, placing everything that you are in the clamor of your hearts. Supplicate for a new time and a new life, and thus this Real Time will be revealed within you, and you will know what it is to be in God, even while being in the world.
You have My Blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Universe within you does not hide, it merely keeps silent, waiting for its beings to turn inward to find it.
Mysteries only remain mysteries in the hearts of humankind when they do not seek them or are indifferent to spiritual life. All sciences may be revealed to you, because the Wisdom of God Himself is to be found within you. Your essence is a bridge to the Heart of the Father, to everything that He is.
There are no limits or boundaries for the spirit that untiringly treads the path of return to God. Ignorance is the self-condemnation of those who choose to remain in illusion, in the darkness of their consciousness. Wisdom is not a gift for the few; Wisdom is a virtue that is asleep in the essence of all human beings who can awaken through a sincere and pure search for the Truth.
Be pure of heart and begin to walk. Be sincere and ask the Father for the grace of being in His Heart and of living what you were created to live.
Aspire to go through the school of the Earth and to experience it fully. Aspire to express all the potential that you hold within you. God manifested each being according to His Perfection. All of you have unique virtues to express. Aspire, children, to fully manifest this truth.
Empty of human concepts, of vanity and pride that keep you attached to material concepts of evolution, you will be able to find the truth about yourselves. Divine Grace can reveal these and all things to you; it is enough that you wholeheartedly cry out and open up with your whole being.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The mystery of the human existence is greater than the renewal of Love and greater than a revelation of a new Love for the Divine Consciousness. In the essence of human beings, not only is their own history kept, the history of the evolution of life and of Creation, the history of God Himself, children, is kept there.
I know that what I am saying can seem somewhat distant from what you experience as creatures, but what truly happens is that human beings go through the experience of life on Earth and cannot discover who they are, let alone express it. Even the Son of God, being on Earth, could not express to beings the whole truth of His existence because not now nor at that moment were beings ready to know.
Revelations arrive at this time as impulses of Truth, but not as the unveiled Truth. The beings receive what they need in order to cross the threshold of these times and to start entering into divine time and reality.
Even if the moment of living the true expression of a human being has not arrived, you must at least know that it exists and through the simple attunement with the Truth you can now experience the tests of these times in a different way.
Let this inner legacy be felt. Let God make Himself felt within you. And by only knowing that something hidden is alive in your heart, it will now be sufficient to start a new cycle, in a new time.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I do not mind how you are, as long as you are truly with Me, just as I was with you, from the Garden of Gethsemane to the Cross.
According to how you are with Me, I will give it a specific value, because the way in which you are inwardly with Me will show Me and confirm for Me, the possibility or the difficulty, of being able to carry out My Plan through you.
I know that what I am telling you might impress you or shake you, but I have committed Myself before the Celestial Father to tell My companions the truth so that they may grow, every day, not through their relevance or skills, but rather so that they may be able to grow through My Truth.
I tell you this today because I know that you are with Me every day, beyond the events or situations. There are few who are with Me in this way, this is why I give opportunities to everyone so that someday they may be able to be unconditionally with Me.
In this way, I gradually form an army of real servers, who in the service of God, will help the Hierarchy to move forward with the Plan of Redemption.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Dear children,
May peace be established in this time, so that peace may be present in the human heart.
From now on and forever, I thank the devotion of hearts toward the Queen of Peace. And on this day, from the reign of My Peace, I pour upon the whole world more Graces and sacred Principles for the Will of God to be fulfilled in the men and women of the Earth.
Therefore, My children, the Sacred Geometries of God comply in the world with all the requests of the Father, for what they reflect is that which humanity needs in this time in order to attain the peace and the truth that will free you from the chains of illusion and of adversity.
Each time your Heavenly Mother arrives in the world or visits some nation, the Sacred Geometries of the Father, which are perfect drawings of light that come from the Fount of Love and of Unity, descend to the world through My maternal Presence so that the children of God may reach the fulfillment and the accomplishment of His Project of Love and of Redemption on Earth.
The more souls awaken to My call, the more possibilities there will be for humanity to fulfill the Sacred Project of God which, based on the return of His Sacred Geometries, as principles and codes of Light, will make of the Earth the promised place for the souls, that today live on this planet, to fulfill His Designs of love and of divine unity.
All this, My children, has the sense of leading the whole world to rediscover the path of the sacred and of the blessed, to defeat the adversity and the cruelty that exists in humanity because it has turned away from love.
Thus, as Mother, I lead you toward My Son, because My Son is the very Project of God manifested in the spiritual, mental and material Universe.
My Son is the perfect model for each one of you and He, as a sublime and Sacred Geometry of God, incarnated in the world to physically testify to the Will and the Truth of the Father before all of this Universe.
In My Son this Divine Project was fulfilled, not only from His birth, but also on the Cross when, above all error and evil, His Love won, demonstrating to the world the fulfillment of the Project of redemption in all the ones who in that time fell, and for those who are also falling in this cycle, through ignorance and lack of love.
But the Love of My Son on the Cross left the mark of the victory of the Project of the Father and built the bridge for millions of souls, throughout the times, to recover their original purity and thus, to definitely close the door to darkness.
For this reason, My children, as a Mediator and Intercessor, I offer Myself to the world, time and again, not only because I love you, but also because, being a witness of the Passion of My Son and of His Death, I know the importance of this great offering that He made for each one of you.
My ardent wish as a Mother is to convert your lives into something sacred so that, humanly, there may be in the world instruments of peace and of love in times of adversity and conflict; so that the Fount of Peace does not end within the hearts of humans and so that the nations may be the fulfillment of the Sacred Principles of the Father in all of Creation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Welcome the Science of God that is revealed and allow it to settle within you. Do not try to understand it immediately, but rather feel it and experience it, little by little, until it transforms you and reveals itself.
Learn to know, by living. Learn to welcome, by loving. Learn to transform yourselves, by being companions of God, each day a little more, and not just His children.
Aspire to be the new in this world.
Aspire to experience the unknown.
Aspire to be precursors of a new time, manifested truths, a new experience for the entire Creation.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Indifference embraces the planet too much. May there be no trace of indifference in you, so that My Plan may not be interfered with nor hindered by anything indifferent coming from you.
To some degree, you must consciously work to banish indifference from your consciousnesses because through indifference My enemy nurtures in humankind the lack of love and of attention for others, for the brother or sister they have beside them, day by day.
A disciple of Christ works every day to banish from themselves any degree of indifference because if something indifferent is within the disciple, they will have great difficulties to go beyond themselves, in spite of being right in something.
Therefore, I invite you once again to reflect so that within yourselves you only seek the truth, which will forever free you from the chains of indifference and lack of love.
I have already taught you how to experience My Love, do not forget it.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I come as the evening sun to bring you the Light of God, because there is nothing that cannot be resolved through love. Love is saving, love is alive, love is resplendent.
When the children of God turn to love, nothing happens, all is transformed and is elevated; thus, do not fear. Feel the Love of God that vivifies you, that transforms you, and causes you to change, time after time.
My Heart is a Source of this Love, which you can participate in, day by day; this is why I need you to be like My Love, like the Love that saved you, like the Love that rescued you and redeemed you up to the cross.
It is this Love of God that surrendered and gave everything it had for each one of you. It is this Love that let itself be flagellated, that let itself be humiliated, that let itself be sacrificed for humankind so that humankind might learn from the truth that Love is.
I want to see you in this Love all the time, in a Love that regenerates, that brings life, that calms, that neutralizes forms and all struggles.
I hope to see the world in this Love, again and again, because I know that it is not and many are not because they do not know the miracles that this Love can do when one truly surrenders to It without fear. Because the Love of God is something that penetrates the Consciousness, it is a Love that brings confidence and brings strength in the face of situations in life and in events.
Today I wanted to give this Love to all those who are here. That is what I was hoping for, because I know that you have need of this Love that I bring you, for this end time in which the human consciousness must face itself to learn to transcend and be free of itself.
But everything is possible in Love, in the Love that I taught you, the Love that I professed to My apostles and all My followers.
It is this same Love that I bring you today and in which I make you participants of, again and again, so that you may know that the world needs to have beings of love who, as instruments, can mirror the Source of the Love of God, transforming their own love into a greater Love, a Love that comes to assist the world and the critical events of the Earth.
It is this Love that I offer to you that will allow you to experience the transition. Without love, nothing will be possible, everything will be a void, a desert and loneliness.
My Heart is a doorway to this Love that can transform and transcend you when you cannot manage to on your own, when you do not know where to go and to whom to appeal.
I not only speak to you about nonmaterial love, but also the love that I experienced as a human being, as a man and as consciousness.
This Love, which is also of God, acted in everything, participated in everything, and surrendered for you as you surrender for Me today.
Love will allow you to experience the fraternity that the world urgently needs to practice, a fraternity that sees the need of a fellow being, a fraternity that sees the need present in a peer.
I invite you to find this Love within yourselves, it is this Love that lets you see God in each moment, in each circumstance. It will be necessary to go through these times under this Law, to learn how to overcome oneself and help your brothers and sisters, your companions, overcome themselves.
But without Love, nothing can be done, it is like having no direction, it is like having no path. This is why I bring you this Source of Love for this end time, because humanity urgently needs it in order to stop committing errors and faults, to stop separating itself from God and losing the direction of its path.
Today I offer Myself as this Love that renews you, heals you, cures you, as this Love that brings many things to an end, and that opens doors to new experiences, new learnings, new schools.
I do not stop thinking about how much you still need to live in this Love, a love that is not palpable. It is a Love that moves Divine energy and causes it to flow throughout the Universe, and in all spaces of Creation.
In the same way that the angels live from the Source of this Love and are nurtured by it, you must also nurture yourselves from this Love of God that offers itself, time after time, unconditionally, so that souls may accomplish their purpose and, above all, the Will of God. While this does not happen and love is not present, everything becomes dark, fragile and weak.
Love allows you to be elevated all the time, it has you see reality and find a path of peace that will lead you to a mature and wise understanding. I only wish for you to find this love someday, because it is a living and Divine Love that will consecrate you, that will make you good servers and collaborators of My Work.
And those who live this love today, and truly practice it, let them continue to do so, because the planet needs it as a consciousness, humanity needs it as a race, just as all of the Kingdoms of Nature have need of the love of these people, so as to be able to evolve and awaken in order to grow, like you grow and live, in spite of the condition the world and humanity are in.
The Source of the Love of God is open to spiritually descend toward Earth; it must find instruments to be able to descend and express in, it must find open hearts to be able to be placed in, and thus multiply the Graces of God in all senses and in all of life.
This is the time for you to experience the miracle of love, but first believe in it so that you may feel it and live it. This will unify you, will make you more fraternal, more like companions with one another.
Feel My Heart that emanates this Love of God, and become calm. Everything is a transition and is an experience.
Love is eternal, the Love of God will never end; hardship will end and the Light will win when you enter into the current of the Love of God, and make it part of yourselves, because the Love of God will grant you forgiveness and reconciliation.
This is all that I expect for this time, to see My Work reflected like a living current of Love in the hearts and in the souls that say "yes" to the Creator and fully trust in Him, in His Will.
I make you participants in the Truth that comes from the Love of God so that you may find it someday, knowing that everything passes, but that the experience of Love is indestructible and unexchangeable for your consciousnesses.
God needs love to reign in the world and in hearts so that peace may be established and unity among brothers and sisters can be experienced, beyond everything.
I leave you My Love as a way out, as a Light on the horizon, as the sun that shines on you in this afternoon of Grace.
Today I do not come to judge your actions nor your undertakings. I come to invite you to enter the Universe of My Love, where you will find the Truth and experience it in a simple way.
In this way, I will make you representatives of My Work on Earth, and there will be beings on the surface of this planet that will be bridges of communication between the Earth and Heaven, which is what God needs, not only in priestly life, but also in all of those who pray and proclaim their faith toward the Creator. In this way, the world will stay stabilized and in balance, and everything will happen in a more harmonious way.
When souls do not live love, hearts suffer and do not understand why. Human love must be transformed into Divine Love, and only a Grace can grant this, in this time, so that humanity may understand that it made a mistake, and that it must reconsider so that Mercy may fill you and be able to save you.
It is the Love of My Heart that today brings you peace, and the peace of God blesses you and fills you so that you may continue onward for Me, so that the Project may be accomplished and Love may prevail, as He prevailed on the Cross.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
A nation that rises in true prayer is a nation that begins to return to the Heart of God, that builds in its depth the awakening of the new life and union with the new time.
A nation that prays opens the doors for spiritual awakening, for Truth to be revealed, for its past, present and future to find meaning, and so that everything may be understood in the essence of the heart.
A nation that prays is one that approaches its Origin in unity with the Creator and allows the Kingdom of God to be upon the planet, generating merits so that other peoples may find redemption and awakening.
A nation that prays is one that attracts peace to the world, to grant hearts the possibility to learn through love and not through pain.
Therefore, children, pray for the nations, but also pray as a nation; pray on behalf of peoples, of cultures, of hearts, on behalf of the planet.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May your hearts be in peace, so that in peace you receive the designs of God.
Transcend that which is apparent and commonplace, for your consciousness to enter into the sacred and into what is true.
The Plans of God were already designed for each being, now the creatures need to put their feet on the path traced by the Creator and not the path traced by skills, temptations or difficulties.
To experience a superior reality is a higher decision that each being has to take, within and outside of himself, for it to resonate in your souls and also in your planetary bodies.
How often have we said that there is no more time? How often have we warned that it is time to enter into the Real Time? It is there where Truth inhabits and the illusion becomes visible for you to know how to distinguish the difference between being in the world in God and in being in the world without Him.
Choose, children, every day, the path of the Sacred and the elevation of consciousness. You will thank, in the future, for each renunciation made in the name of the evolution of humanity.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I place My Hand upon you to bless you and consecrate you always to God, beyond trials and falls, because for God it is important that His Plan of Love and of Redemption be fulfilled in humanity.
At His Divine request I place My Hand over you to bless you and consecrate you because He needs reconciliation to be established in the world and in His most lost children of the Earth to be able to recognize and find the Love of God, as a means of salvation and of relief.
I place My Hand over you to bless you and consecrate you in the name of all those who, in some way, fail in their spiritual life, and through this gesture of love, on this day, I bring the opportunity of your turning to God and finding His Infinite Mercy.
I place My Hand over you to bless you and consecrate you in the name of redemption and of the peace which must awaken in all the children of the Father, who at some point will face the Truth and must live it.
I place My hand over you to forgive you, to strengthen you, to encourage you to say "yes" to Me until the end.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I do not wish you to someday feel frustration, discomfort or despair because of being tired, for I reached the cross being more exhausted and destroyed than all of you; that is why, on this day, you have the opportunity of suffering for Me.
I know that for your inner nuclei, it is sometimes too demanding, but it is time for you to see that you lack nothing, absolutely nothing, and that My Father Himself, through your Heavenly Mother, takes care of even those details.
Remember all those brothers and sisters of yours who have nothing, who receive nothing and who are in worse conditions of spiritual and material life.
I have called each one of you so that you give Me something from within you, and many have not yet given it to Me.
I do not seek your material or intellectual development. What I always seek is that your hearts, fully offered for humanity, also be with Me at this time in which perhaps your cells want or aspire to do other things.
I promised you My Kingdom through sacrifices bearable to you. Now is the time to offer yourselves completely into the Hands of your Redeemer so that miracles and greater interventions may take place.
I promised to tell you the truth; I recognize the other efforts, but today I need you to individually place yourselves before Me and ask Me: "Lord, what more should I do?".
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Dear children,
You have finally arrived to one of My spiritual sanctuaries of Light, a place in which I revealed to the world the aspect of the Queen of Peace, more than thirty years ago.
But I am still calling My children to the path of conversion, because conversion is not only converting to God and to My son. Conversion, My children, is to live and carry forward a new life, making notable changes and profound transformations within the consciousness.
This is why I still come to Medjugorje to request from the world that it truly changes. God hopes that this change will also be reflected in daily and spiritual life.
Many of My children have already taken the step, through Medjugorje, but few have reached the realization of the spiritual goal through the inner impulse they received.
For My children, I brought the possibility of opening the consciousness to the truth, and I gave them the path of Peace so that they might find the doorway toward Supreme Truth.
It is a joy to gather together the different visionaries, on the inner planes, under the guardianship of the Mother of God, because it is important that the instruments reflect and mirror what God is asking of humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Hear My words, Oh God. I pray for the beings of this world, that they may awaken to Your Love; that they may find Your Peace.
I pray that the indifferent hearts open to the truth about themselves, that they may have the Grace of seeking the path of forgiveness and of redemption.
I pray that those who are awake, awaken even more, so that each day they may draw ever closer to the Divine Will and the return to the celestial origin.
I pray for the Kingdoms of Nature, that they may be relieved of their pain and may find peace and the path for their evolution, in love and in brotherhood with human beings.
I pray for the consciousness of the Earth, that it may no longer suffer and may find the hope of being in God, under Your Laws, under Your Will, fulfilling Your Plan.
I pray, Oh Father, for the life You created, that it may return to Your Heart.
Today, I look at the world and simply unite My Heart with Yours, Oh God, to thus create a path of union between the consciousness of humankind and Your Sacred and Infinite Heart.
Hear, Oh God, this prayer for peace and grant peace to the world.
So be it.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
The times that will arrive will deeply need the adherence of all in order to know how to go through the culminating stages which will place humanity on a new path.
With all of this, My children, I need you to be able to perceive the reality of this cycle which, full of challenges and tests, will be filled with the light of your prayers so that peace may be established in the world.
My children, this planetary moment will need more and more consciousness, righteousness and prayer in order to be within the necessary spiritual protection to know and learn how to discern before all the events that in a short while will approach.
For this reason, the Sacred Hearts go on pilgrimage to different nations of the world to prepare and alert all children of the Celestial Father, to remove souls from the illusion of these times, to awaken human consciousness and fraternity, which will help to feel the inner need to assist and cooperate with one’s fellow being.
Dear children, for this reason, the Divine Messengers also bring the graces that exist within the Creator Source of God so that souls may recover their filiation with the Eternal Father and, above all, remember their divine and spiritual origin, which is drowning under the modern influences of these times, under a global distraction.
Thus, dear children, I bring you to God through My Heart and I invite you to repair the Heart of the Divine Father so that He may pour His Mercy upon you.
My children, I call you to have more consciousness so that you may know how to make correct decisions rather than hasty ones. I call you to find the truth through your love and your devotion to God and to all of His Celestial Kingdom.
I impel you to change.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Let the Heavens open to those who pray with the heart, so that they may find peace and so that, through their intercession, the planet may also come to know a little more peace.
Let the Heavens open to those who pray with the heart, so that they may recognize the Divine Presence and so that the Mirror of the Heart of God may reflect in His creatures and awaken their potential to love, to create, and to transform this planet and much more beyond it.
Seek, children to awaken the Gifts of God in your hearts, rather than to develop skills. Through prayer, let this unique potential of likeness with God emerge from your hearts, which only human beings carry within.
It is not to develop intelligence that you are on the Earth, but rather to express Love-Wisdom, which heals, redeems, and restores all the past, all error; it makes you new, and more than that, it renews all of Divine Creation.
I repeatedly tell you to seek the truth about yourselves because you still have not found it. The time of illusions is ending, and the closer it comes to the end, the more humanity seems to cling to it and distance itself from the essence of spiritual life.
Do not let this happen in your hearts.
Pray and seek union with God. Let His Peace, His Silence and His Love settle in your consciousnesses, revealing down to the very depths of your beings why you are here, where you came from, what you are to do, and where you will return after this life.
Look for the meaning of your existence through prayer, and even if you do not have concrete answers, let your hearts unite with the Heart of God and, in a real sense, let the Lord show you the path and the next steps that you are to take.
Remember that the cycles pass acceleratedly in front of you, and your hearts must follow the movement of the stars through the deepening of your own inner being. This begins, children, by loving Divine Will and letting it settle in your consciousness and in your heart.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I do not come to seek desires or expectations, miseries or errors in you. I come to seek your heart so that, under any circumstances or in any situation, it may be with Me, regardless of results or consequences.
I know that you are a being on the surface of the Earth wounded and hurt by all humanity. For this reason I understand and accept you as you are, and I hope that My acceptance serves as a consolation and encouragement for you so that you continue to transform, so that the world may also transform and achieve redemption.
In your noble heart lies the truth about what you always were and what you will be, because the truth of your being is spiritual and not human. Thus, continue to perfect yourself daily for Me, so that I may make you a participant in My designs and My treasures.
If you trip again and again on the same stone, be thankful, because you will be receiving the chance to be more humble and of recognizing your miseries for those who do not recognize theirs, nor want to see them.
Be glad, everything will pass, and if you obey Me as up until now, you will be what I so wish for.
I love you.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more