It is through the love of My children that the Holy Mother of God and your Mother can work with humanity and the planet, through the precious tools that exist in the whole of the vast Cosmos, tools that generated the Principles of Creation and that permitted the generation of life in the origin of origins.

It is these same tools of light of the nonmaterial and spiritual Universe that in this time act in the Universe and on this planet with the aim to not only uplift the human consciousness, but also to redeem it so as to take it on the path of good and light.

You are before the Mystery of the Origins, of the first thing that God thought of before the creation of the universes. You are before your existence, your creation. You are before the Mystery from which you emerged as essences.

Today you are before one of the truths of God and My angels accompany this sacred movement which, like a spiral of light, descends its principles from the Source for the human consciousness which, in these defining times, opens to reveal the mysteries and thus become able to know them, in order to become sacred and united, in perfect alliance with God.

In the nonmaterial Source, there are many manifestations of life. In the Universe, not only that which lives and vibrates is called life, but also everything that is moved by nonmaterial energy, as a powerful flow and energy that feeds back the spaces and all of the planes of consciousness, so that souls and all the beings of the Universe may be in contact with God.

In this part of the local Universe, where your planet constitutes a system of life, only one percent of this system of communication exists.

So you will be able to understand, My children, how vast the Creation of God is in this Universe. Because as you already know and learned, through the instruction received, the Universe not only ends in the physical, but it is also mental, spiritual and supra-spiritual, something that the human consciousness has not achieved yet, due to the condition of its molecular and cellular density and to the chaos of these times.

But the Father thought of something different for this humanity and this planet, even  before the return of His Beloved Son, that His most sacred treasures of Creation, the most ancient knowledge of this material and spiritual Universe should be within reach of all human beings, so that they may finally represent the Plan of God on Earth and the veils of cosmic life may fall from their faces so that the truth that brought them here and the Purpose that conceived them for this moment may be shown.

This is why, through My Immaculate Heart I not only profess simple words for souls, so that everyone may understand Me. But it is time, My children, that your consciousnesses take one more step toward the Universe so that your vibrations may be elevated more, given the planetary need and the chaos of the end times.

Just as the people of Israel were, this generation of the end of times, this humanity transitioning from an old time to a new time, must be deserving of the celestial treasures so that it may become the steward of the relics of God and of all His knowledge emitted since before creation.

Now, My children, the Mystery has now ceased to be a mystery. It is time for you to be able to ascend through the awakening and the sacred knowledge written in the eternal, in the sublime spheres of Creation, where the Divine Purpose pulsates and vibrates for all of Creation and for all life.

Today you are before one of the Wills of God and I know that your hearts cannot embrace all of this, even less your minds because of the limitation they have. But your spirits, that know universal and cosmic Life, that feel in the center of their breast the Greater Life and the confraternity that has brought them here to learn about redemption and forgiveness, your spirits are indeed open, because it will be your spirits that will make you understand the Mysteries of God, and you will thus become familiar, in an evolutionary way, with the divine Knowledge of the Supreme Source.

There are still many keys that we must deliver so that new doors may be opened. It will depend on the receptivity of hearts to divine knowledge for this to happen. This will generate more opportunities. The divine science will be close to your lives.

 You will learn to interrelate with the Universes and with other systems of Creation that are beyond this local Universe.

It is time to understand, My children, that we are not alone. It is no longer a theory of a few wise or scientific men.

Divine and universal reality wants to descend so that your souls may find the commitment that brought them here and become instruments of God, so that He may work in the end of these times, fully activating the plan of rescue in this humanity.

Nothing of what I tell you is strange. However only some hearts, in this hour and at this time, are able to understand all of this universal system, since the majority is awakening to something that they have long forgotten and that comes from the stars, from all the suns, from all the stars that encircle the Universe, generating universal Life and the descent of sublime Life in all the systems of this Universe and of others.

The Creation of God is vast, and much knowledge can draw close to the souls that want to reconnect with universal Life so that ignorance may be dispelled and the tonic of Truth may enter the consciousness, which will make you responsible and correspondent with the Divine Plan of the Father.

Thus, it is now time to take steps in spiritual evolution. It is time for you to no longer remain restricted to what occurred on the planet or with what is told in the history books that were written. Many more truths exist in the Universe that are not known up until today.

Only by the decision of the Eternal Father can this reality be part of your lives, be within your consciousnesses and form you in the Sacred Knowledge of God. That same knowledge, which once descended over the patriarchs and the prophets, was what allowed the originality of the race to be preserved, beyond its errors and acts committed, and also what allowed the preparation for the birth of Jesus.

The human being from the Earth has many possibilities in the system of life. However, the plans of My adversary reached the entire human consciousness so that it would not know its potential and virtues, or the possibility of being able to communicate with God in a fluid and permanent way, like no other place in the Universe.

For this reason, the human being is something unpredictable. They may be in good or in evil.

But it is time, My children, that through the Sacred Knowledge which comes from the Universe of God, you may learn in the end of these times to defeat duality so that your souls may grow in love and in truth, in service and in humility for those who are more ignorant and foolish, for all those who do not want to see the Truth of the Universe that is written since ancient times in the Mirrors of Creation, divine and cosmic information that is refracted from time to time to other systems of life beyond the Earth. 

Beyond the Earth, the material amongst distance planets is something alternate for the consciousness of humanity.

There are many points in the Universe from which you can reach other spaces in a matter of seconds or minutes. It is just that humanity is in an alternate time.

It will be the knowledge of the Universe that will allow you to access the truth of real time or present time, and will allow you to understand everything that exists within the Universe of God and which is much more sacred than what has been sacred on this planet.

All beings come from different Sources, from distant origins, from undeletable histories, from a lived experience that remains engraved in the consciousness, that is still not aware of this reality.

But those veils will also fall someday and you will be able to recognize your actions and errors. And you will be able to amend them in the Love of Christ, especially through the strength of your faith in the sacred Plan of the Creator.

Your Guardian angels keep the history of your existence and deeply know your inner and spiritual reality; what you were, what you are now and what you will become someday, after transcending duality, death and illusion.

But in order to be able to live this as many other beings have lived it at some time, humility, resignation, obedience and a great deal of willingness are needed to concretize the purpose that brought you here, beyond what you think, what you feel or what you live.

The true essence that brought you here is not in material life. Material life and its vehicles are instruments to live that experience, to learn something that you stopped learning or that you never learned, for different circumstances or reasons.

Material life can reflect spiritual life, but it will never be the same as supreme life. God created each plane of consciousness, thinking of each detail and meaning of each movement, each action and each purpose.

You, as humanity and as a planet, as an existence within a universal system, within an infinite creation of a vast universe, you are immersed within this Purpose, which must be designed and accomplished in these coming times, so that an unknown Will may be fulfilled, so similar to the Will that God once had to bring His Son to Earth.

With this spiritual comparison, My children, you are faced with a great divine responsibility and before the Portal of a great opportunity of carrying out the Greater Will on Earth.

Therefore, My children, as time, months and years go by, each time new Children of Mary are consecrated, they take on greater responsibilities before Creation, knowing that it is not only carrying the mantle of the Virgin Mary on their bodies; it is something much greater, that comes from the Source and that gives them the grace of living their consecration.

Those who will be consecrated today can approach the stage.

You will make your vows before the Mother of God of learning to submerge in Divine Life, so that your consciousness may be divinized and thus, one day, you may fulfill the Greater Will that brought you here.

I have said a lot more than expected tonight, because God observes and contemplates the movement of your inner beings in order to measure how far it is possible to deepen in the revelations of His Sacred Knowledge.

Today, may those who will consecrate themselves, and those who have already consecrated, be permeated and filled by the sublime spheres so that, essentially as souls and spirits, you may unite with the Greater Source through the love and the unity that brought you to the Earth to fulfill a Sacred Purpose.

Continue to pray every day so that the Mother of God and your Mother may be able to continue pronouncing and revealing the Mysteries of God and thus, more each day, human ignorance may be dissolved from humanity.

Today, by means of the Mirrors of the Universe, through My Maternal Heart, as Empress of the Universe and of the Earth, as the Greater Lady of the Universe and Mother of the World, I radiate My attributes to you so that, as little seeds of light, they may be sown in your hearts and essences, so that when Christ returns for the second time to the Earth, He may find in you the talents and virtues that He will need to be able to redo and reconfigure humanity.

Listening to the Hymn of your consecration, I raise your aspirations to the Highest, and in His Heart, the Father receives your pleas, so that your souls may be contemplated by His Mercy at this moment of consecration and of union with the powerful Light of the Celestial Universe.

For this reason, children, on this night, before the Knowledge of God that has been revealed, receive My warmest and sweetest love of Mother so that in your hearts you may feel the promising warmth of My Love and the coming of hope. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We all stand, at the request of Mary. And together with Her, let us give thanks for the immensity of Her Love and Her Grace, because we know that we are not deserving of so much knowledge. And through this knowledge, through the Most Holy Mary, each one of us can discover each day more of the infinite Love of God for each one of His children.

At the request of the Divine Mother, we will pray for this consecration and for those who will re-consecrate today, renewing the vows with the commitment to live the Plan of God on Earth and to materialize it in these times, so that the salvation of humanity may be accomplished.

Let us pray the Our Father in Portuguese, together with Our Lady.

Pai Nosso...

With the power that comes from the Source of God, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, I bless you and I consecrate you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

You may sing the Hymn of your consecration.

I thank you for responding to My call and for being open to hear the revelations of the Lord.


Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

I come to the world for a spiritual and universal reason.

I come to open the consciousness of My children even further, so that you may feel the Truth in your heart, the Truth that I profess through My presence.

I come for a world that agonizes and despairs.

I come during a time of intense purification.

I come to bring you what you truly need, that which will grant you freedom, the opportunity of living what God has thought and what He has planned for your lives.

In the meantime, stay within My Heart, relive every moment of prayer as an opportunity for renewal so that the divine codes come into your lives and you receive the wisdom you need in order to make the right decisions.

This is why I come here, again and again, until what God needs is fulfilled, until what God has thought is accomplished.

In spite of it being a time of chaos, if He decides that everything is to be carried forward, it will be.

This is why your trust is essential, and especially the adhesion of all, so that what is written can be fulfilled.

Perhaps you feel that you have heard this many times, but if you are hearing it again, it is because it has not been fulfilled.

It is necessary to place your feet on one path.

It is necessary to bow your head in order to enter through the door of humility, just as We did when We were here on Earth as the Holy Family.

The attributes that are necessary in humanity cannot be lost.

You must be keepers of these attributes, you must be guardians of God's Rules so that everything remains on course, despite the events that are now happening within humanity and also the events that will happen.

When everything is very intense, there will be nowhere to run. Only in My Heart you will find the refuge you need, the breath you are waiting for so long, the relief you are so much looking for.

But I invite you at this time to follow this path of faithfulness, as We follow it up to the present and for all eternity.

This path of faithfulness that I invite you to live will lead you to transparency because, despite the miseries, your hearts will be transparent and pure and one day you will be able to live the Truth, even though the world is in its great transition.

I wish you could drink from the Light of My words, listen and keep memory of everything that I tell you, because then there will be no one to remind you of what I am telling you today and what I have already told you in other times. 

The Instruction that comes from Heaven is like the spring that emerges from a mountain, it is inexhaustible and endless. But for this spring to last it must be taken care of and protected, because it could unexpectedly end.

You must take advantage of the Words of the Hierarchy.

You must build within yourselves this path to the true reality that in the near future will free you from yourself.

Many thought they understood everything I needed and everything I said, but they did not understand, because whoever lives the Word of the Hierarchy transforms, even though they must try, again and again.

Therefore, I pray for those who are no longer here, because they did not understand that they had not sincerely opened their hearts to God.

The Truth is one, there are no two different truths; this is why it is so difficult for human beings to live Truth when they must face it to recognize and accept it.

We are in a time of great internal movements.

We are in a time in which hidden things are coming to light so that everyone can see them.

There will no longer be deceivers or liars.

There will no longer be manipulators or consciousnesses that can take advantage of everything, because the Law is already descending even if it does not seem so and My Motherly love comes to help you, to tell you: "Children, do not remain there, nor be like that."

You cannot go against Divine Will. You cannot oppose it, because the Divine Will is invincible.

The Love of God never lacked.

The Grace of God, in many cases, was abundant and few realized that.

I do not need you to be sad, nor to be offended.

I wish you could feel how My Heart feels and that you could live as My consciousness lives.

I am not saying that you will be illuminated or elevated beings. Humility, obedience and surrender will transform you, but you should always take the step towards that constant search for the Truth that is in the Heart of the Father, just as it is in the heart of His children.

The world agonizes, by itself, having come out of Truth and obedience. The Laws of Grace are no longer able to touch the Earth as before, only when the heart surrenders and cries out in sincerity.

God created you to always be happy and to be in His Celestial Wholeness.

God did not create you to suffer or endure.

Therefore, many errors are stored in the Universe and on the planet. Many stories are still indelible and no one has managed to fade them from the inner consciousness of beings.

But the time will come when this will happen, when My Son returns to put an end to human captivity and the destruction of souls, to finish transmuting humanity and redeeming it, and thus creating a new civilization, with a few Christs.

Humanity is not perceiving that it is losing the opportunity to love and find God, and that He expects His children to be consistent with Him even in the smallest details.

The Work is sustained by faith, prayer and service of all.

There is still time to reverse many situations, before the Universal clock marks the end of time and everything is triggered.

Souls do not believe that they can lose evolution and many of them laugh at this, because they do not know it, because of their ignorance, because of their lack of knowledge of the Truth.

The Spiritual Plane is a commitment of all; before, during and after this life.

The Spiritual Plane does not end here, nor does it end later.

On the Spiritual Plane is the divine decision, the Decree of God and His Affirmation.

If the souls of the world do not live the Spiritual Plane, they will die out on their own, they will be erased, just as the sun disappears in the horizon, without warning.

The current time determines a severe decision on the part of souls, being aware of commitment and responsibility, knowing that there is no longer room for mediocrity.

It is time to grow and forge the inner Christ to rule, to act and participate in God's Plan.

Do not let your inner child disappear. Do what you must do and everything will pass.

God deeply loves workers of His Plan, but don't forget that it is necessary to pray and help the planet.

The Prayer for the Nations has been the refuge for My Heart and also My consolation, but that commitment must be sustained and not weakened by comfort, fatigue or for other reasons.

It is no longer the time to justify your lives, it is time to remedy the sins and grave insults that nations commit, day after day.

A bit of the Love of God must still reign on Earth through the hearts that profess their faith and communion with Christ.

We are not in times of rest or little work.

We are not in the time of thinking about whether the Plan is to be fulfilled or not, or if it is to be left for tomorrow or for next month.

Children, awaken, awaken and get out of your fanciful convalescence!

Look at the sky, the Universe waits to intercede and thus carry out the Plan of Rescue.

No one promised you glorious times; you were called to experience the Apocalypse and you committed to that.

You cannot waste the pearls of Creation, nor the treasures of Heaven. Everything, absolutely everything, will have its final account, it is part of the great calculation of the Universe and the universal balance.

I must announce this to you so that you awaken, so that drowsiness does not embrace you, does not make you indifferent nor mediocre.

The need of the planet will be assumed by very few, just as My Son assumed it with very few.

There are souls that will immerse themselves in their own regrets and their own desires, but there will be no time to wait.

The warrior is forged with the experience of the Plan and its fulfillment.

The soldier is sustained in the confidence of the Purpose and its goal so that the fire of transformation will never be lacking and they will be able to free themselves from their chains, to be reborn as a bird of fire that decrees the realization of the Plan.

Let the door of your consciousnesses open.

Let your hearts feel moved and not shaken.

May your spirits recognize the task and fulfill it with the best possible will and with the greatest love that you can express for these times.

In this way, the new race will manifest and will cease to be a promise.

The new Christs will inhabit the Earth and fight together with the Master to overcome evil and to establish the thousand years of peace.

I wish for you to remember this message, every day of your lives, because you will need it.

Blessed are they who believe without having seen and without understanding, because the Holy Spirit will not abandon them.

I rejoice, My children, with those who are consistent with the Law and comply with it.

My fullness reaches those who are most confused and need guidance because My Love will always be for everyone, so that the Divine Will may be fulfilled.

I thank you for welcoming My words and for not losing them, for recognizing them and humbly accepting them, for the Glory of God.

Do not lose faith and the conviction of living in Christ; He awaits you.

In the name of the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Through this song, I come to cry out to the world to not lose its innocence, because otherwise, it will greatly suffer, worse than the last century.

May innocence not be lost from the hearts so that they never lack Peace.

Yesterday I spoke to you about hope, but today I speak to you about the true consciousness that many eyes do not want to see, for being afraid, for fear or for anguish.

But I, My children, as Your Mother and Mother of the World, must always tell you the Truth.

We are trying to build something new in a difficult time, in which each second and each minute is definitive; in which each step to be taken must be taken with forethought and discernment, so that no one precipitates into the abyss.

With this I want to tell you, dear children, as I told the shepherds in Fatima: Do not lose your innocence; because if you lose your innocence as humanity and as a people, you will lose the power of your original purity, your essences will be stained and God will not be able to draw close to you to bring you what is new and renewing.

But as I Am Mother of all and Mother that comes for all, for those who are present and for those who are not here, today I make this plea to you from the depths of My Spiritual and Maternal Heart; that your innocence may be able to shine in these times in spite of the mistakes, of the tests and of all that happens in the world, day after day.

I need, children, that through your innocence, you return to the path of your essential purity, because the world greatly needs it in order to continue forward.

In spite of all the manifestations of these times, My children, remember that I will always be your Patroness in this nation, and I wish to be the Patroness in all the nations of the world, no matter how they may know Me or call Me. I Am the Divine Mother of God, the Sacred and Feminine Spirit that emerged from the Source to come to the world and hold all of My children in My Arms, just as I held Jesus, the Supreme King.

I invite you, through the path of prayer, to not only seek the hope of God, but also the inner innocence that must reign in these times, so that things may be kept in balance and, above all, nations may remain in harmony.

Because if your innocence is available to the world, permeated by a deep gratitude and love, many things that would be about to happen in the coming times could be stopped, very difficult and very large things that your Heavenly Mother observes, day after day.

For this reason, everything you do and everything you offer to God will be important in this time; you must be creators of sources of reparation so that many things may become balanced in the world and many events that have been foreseen may not occur.

Through this call, I want to lead you all to the essence of Love and of Truth, so that the world may also awaken to that.

But that essence of Love will first begin in you, in discovering it within you in a simple and humble way, so that it may then awaken in the world and in humanity.

Humanity has lost many values, has lost many principles and also many designs that your Heavenly Mother comes to reestablish in this time through the pilgrimage and the call to all Her children of the world, irrespective of their religion, their nation or their people.

With this I wish to tell you, dear children, that I Am the Universal Mother, the Mother that embraces each one of the children of God: the perfect and the imperfect, the sinners or the believers, those who have erred or those who have been correct, all are My children in the same Original Source.

That is why I come to call you and I come to find you, so that the transformation of the consciousness may take place in this time and serious events may not happen as has been foreseen.

But the path of prayer of the heart that each one of you offers Me day after day, gradually dispels all the bad influences so that the Light may reign a little more in the world, reach more sleeping hearts and awaken more consciousnesses that must find their inner truth in order to continue following the path to the Source, the path toward Divine Will.

While I speak with you, I pray for the world. I hope that in all the days to come, you will imitate this exercise of your Heavenly Mother, because in each second of your lives, as well as in each daily task, it will be necessary to place the mind and the heart in prayer, so that many, many more negative forces may be dissipated and the powerful channel of prayer may triumph in My children and consequently, in the world.

Unite in constant and continuous prayer with your guardian angels; more critical times will come to the world and they are not only just words, but realities that your Heavenly Mother decrees to you at this time.

Because the world chose to follow the path of lack of love and withdrew from the truth.

But even here, on this Earth, there are many brave hearts, that God will fully avail Himself of to carry His Work to the world.

There is still a little time to resolve what is happening in humanity.

That is why I call you, My children, to accompany Me at each step of a new pilgrimage, because your Heavenly Mother needs to establish new realities in the world; what I call "Principles of God," which come directly from the Source to aid humanity.

God needs instruments, many more instruments that may want to donate their lives to the Plan; for a Plan that is still unknown and of which humanity knows only a small percentage.

But there is no Mystery that cannot be revealed; your Heavenly Mother will always bring you the truth, the guidance and the path for your lives, so that this Divine Plan may be fulfilled as it is foreseen.

Know, My children, that we are reaching the great moment of great efforts that each one of your souls must live. Greater efforts than those you have lived up until now, because it is necessary to change many more things in the world.

With the sweetness of My Voice, today I bring you the Truth; with the calmness of My Heart, today I bring you hope; and I pronounce the call of God to the world again and again, until finally all souls may listen and realize that it is necessary to change.

I thank you for your perseverance and your faith; through those virtues, I can also do many more things in the world.

Perseverance will always make you brave; hope will always build the future, inside and outside of yourselves and over the surface of the Earth.

I want you to make the Plan of God triumph in humanity, with each daily effort and dedication, with each opportunity of service and of surrender, to relieve the Heart of God that is much offended by men, also by His church.

I want you to relieve the Heart of the Father together with Me, with that joy that you live and that you have that will never be erased, with that devotion that you have built through each daily prayer bead, with each service that you have lent to humanity and to the Kingdoms of Nature.

All, all of those virtues transform the world and repair the Heart of God, although you are sometimes very tired. Everything is valued by the Highest and recognized by His Angels from Heaven.

There is no testimonial of love that you make that is not written down; everything is recorded in the Book of the Heavens; every good work done, every work of Peace that is spread, every service rendered that is unconditionally surrendered to the Universe, is recorded in the Books of the Heavens and, in this way, many more Graces can return to the world, such as the Grace of the Presence of the Mother of God in these critical and difficult times.

The sweetness of My Heart will always be close to you, even though the time will come in which I will withdraw to Heaven, as My Son will; I will be here, in Spirit, with you, making the Graces that many more souls will need in the definitive times blossom and emanate at the Marian Centers.

Everything you do for God, you do it for humanity and, as a result, the Kingdom of Heaven will reward you with His Graces.

Today I can say, dear children, that the Spiritual Mission in Europe and Africa will be accomplished; but much more help will be needed for it to be able to end as has been foreseen by the Universe.

For the first time, dear children, and by the Will of the Most High Father of the Universe, the Divine Messengers will embrace many nations at the same time and with them, all the souls that are in them, in order to avoid a universal catastrophe that could encompass a great part of the world and above all, many, many lives.

But now that you have responded to Me and will continue to respond to Me in the days to come, I Myself, at the request of My Son, will prevent what could happen in that part of the world and that could bring about great consequences for the rest of humanity.

When your faith is sustained in the Purpose, the Mission is accomplished and the Graces return to the world to aid the most lost hearts and the nations most in need of Mercy, although it would not seem so.

Today I ask God for humanity to recover its inner innocence and that this innocence may prevail and reign in this time.

As a testimony of this request of Mine, today I will consecrate new Children of Mary, who will actively form part of My celestial armies, to carry forward this work of Redemption and of Forgiveness in humanity, which the world must awaken to.

Let the Children of Mary, who today will be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, stand at the foot of this stage.

Today I will ask you again to repeat the song you have sung, as a call of Mine to the world, so that many more of My children may hear Me and find Peace.

I wish you to bring water before My Presence for blessing and consecrating, for My children who will be consecrated today.

I am listening to you...

I consecrate you and bless you.

I thank you for having responded to this important call.

May God pour out His Light in your lives, and especially in your hearts.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you!

Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I come from a place in the Universe where peace reigns, love and good exist, where all understand one another, where everything is comprehended, where there are no obstacles or incomprehension.

From that place, I come, and I bring the Kingdom of God to the world so that more children may enter into It and feel themselves to be participants in the Communion with Christ.

I come from that place to demonstrate to the world that it is possible to live in a new state, to live within a real consciousness that includes all things, that understands all things and that pacifies all things.

I come to bring to the world the spiritual reality that many still do not want to see and that, through My Heart, I demonstrate every day, so that you may be in the truth, so that you may be submerged in love, and above all, in brotherhood.

In this place, there is wisdom and understanding, science and all that is created.

I come to bring you, from this place, what you need to see and understand, not with the mind, but with the feeling of the deep heart, with the heart that beats in God and knows all things.

Dear children, I need you to know that it is necessary to enter into this state for these times that will come. There is still much to do, and it is still necessary to continue to work in an unbreakable unity among beings; this will allow the Work to be carried out. This will allow for everything to be carried forward and for the steps of the disciples to be taken toward the path of the Purpose.

I do not need you to understand things in a material way, rather, I need you to understand what God wants in a spiritual way. This will make you more real each day, and, by means of Grace, you will be able to receive the wisdom to understand everything.

The times that are coming will require many changes, and souls do not yet know how to live the changes because they were never in this time.

This is the first school that you are experiencing, this is the first reality that you are going through in this cycle; that is why I need you within this state of unity, so that you may understand everything and so that there may be no obstacles.

Open the doors to the new times because they will arrive with great intensity and power.

The new times will come to change everything, inside and outside of beings.

The new times will come to modify everything, inside and outside of beings, and nothing will be left unaffected. For this reason, experience the times that will come with bravery and you will be within the Purpose of the part that is necessary for you to fulfill in this cycle, in this humanity and on this planet.

I come to reinforce Sacred Unity in you, which is the true principle that must never be lacking in your hearts nor in your lives; this will someday make you free, you will be able to walk free, you will not feel resistances or ties, because the divine Unity Itself will liberate you, the divine Unity Itself will guide you to the path of realization of the Plan.

Thus, dear children, receive this fundamental key for these times, even though we have already repeated it many times, you must remember it. The Lord needs it to not ever be erased within you or among your siblings on the path.

The Sacred Unity of God will allow evil to be defeated, it will allow the hells on Earth to be banished, especially all those that live within some consciousnesses in a permanent way.

The Sacred Unity of God will bring you healing, understanding, and above all, reconciliation among your beings.

Embrace this Unity, for it will strengthen you.

Live Unity all of the time, and in this way, all will be fulfilled as is written. Nothing will be altered by anyone.

Open your eyes and observe the firmament, the new time is arriving before the Return of My Son.

What I give you, in this time, are the bases for that expected return; they are the fundamental and spiritual requirements for you to be ready, rather than absent, when My Son returns.

You need to receive these impulses with true transparency of the heart, knowing that you are still experiencing transformation and change in these difficult times, knowing that you are still facing truths about yourselves that are deeply unknown to you.

But I come to bring you a maternal healing for all of those things, so that you are able to submerge yourselves in the Divine Unity of God; this will cause you to completely keep up with the events, this will cause you to be within reach of the Divine Purpose and everything will cease to be a mystery, because all will be revealed.

The Treasures of God will be within the reach of souls, the sacred tools of the Father will be within the reach of souls and all will know them, so as to be able to protect this planet, to know how to safeguard it from all the attacks that it will experience in the coming cycle, as it experiences them today.

Thus, the formation of your spirits is important, the purification of your souls is important, the transparency between your hearts and lives is very important.

You cannot set anything aside without solving it.

There is no time to waste, dear children; it is time for you to open your heart to change; it is time for you to feel within the call of God 

Each one must fulfill their virtue, their gift, their talent, and their lineage.

Each one of you must be the Mirror of God on Earth, which is able to reflect what God needs for these times.

Live the foundation of prayer every day, as something indispensable.

Never forget to pray, because if you stop praying, you will lack understanding, you will lack wisdom, and will have no inner direction or guide when We are no longer among you.

You must represent the sacred sparks of the Divine Messengers on Earth.

You must be those inner Mirrors over the Marian Centers so that many more are able to feel inside of themselves what you once felt, when you awoke to Our call.

It is time to take on this Plan in a definite way.

It is time to be whole for everything that needs to be done.

It is time to come out of yourselves.

It is time to stop being in yourselves; because it is already time, children, to be in others, in those most in need, in those most in search of God and who do not know how to find Him.

I need you to be extensions of my Rosary on Earth, that you not only be flowers in My Celestial Garden but also be that bead of Light, that drop of Light, that Mirror that illumines all things.

Feel yourselves to be joined, feel unified, like Our Sacred Hearts feel all the time.

We come to bring you a celestial reality that you cannot yet understand in this life, but rather in the next.

We have come to bring you a divine state of consciousness that you still will not achieve, until the next time.

Meanwhile, dear children, it is possible to contact it through prayer and through union with Our Sacred Hearts.

We are reaching the last stage of this work, we are finalizing everything that we should do with you.

We are in the last times of the Work, before the Work can unfold into a greater state of consciousness.

I do not, dear children, need you to understand everything I say to you, because it is part of a divine and inner wisdom that has been developing from the higher planes.

The human being will still not be able to understand it all.

Life and the non-material Universe is still very unknown, but you have the possibility of drawing closer to it, of being in communion with true Existence, with the One Consciousness, with God.

In this end time, everything will be unleashed; you must not fear what will happen, but rather what you still are not doing.

Work tirelessly with that inner unity among your siblings, and in this way, you will make room for all to happen as has been written.

I do not want your hearts to be disoriented.

I do not want your feet to stray outside of the Path of Christ, but rather, that you be even further in, within His Heart of Love and of Light, receiving His Wisdom, receiving His Mercy, receiving His Understanding and His Comprehension.

And now, children, I ask you, set aside indifference and open to the unification of your beings and of your consciousnesses.

The Lord needs this path to finish being built by yourselves, through your giving of self, through your offering.

It is time that you found the path of Truth within yourselves, and thus, within yourselves, you will find the Kingdom of God.

I have waited for this Pilgrimage in Peru and Ecuador to pass so that you were strengthened in order to be able to hear My Words, which are now the last for these times; it is the last part of the Divine Word that is expressing on Earth for all souls.

It is the Source of Love that comes to hearts so that they may awaken and feel God within themselves.

I need you to be with Me unconditionally, and that is the simplest and most real testimony to demonstrate to God that the concretization of His Divine Plan in this humanity is possible.

A time will come in which you may experience doubt or a lack of understanding, but do not allow yourselves to be tormented; My enemy never rests, not even for a second. Be intelligent, dear children, defeat it with the prayer from the heart, with the ardent adoration of the Eucharistic Heart of My Son, and above all, with unity among your consciousnesses.

I wish the world to learn from your example of fraternity and of brotherhood; what happens here, dear children, does not happen in any place in the world, with any other group of souls.

I need you to understand that what you are living is unique and unrepeatable.

It is time to take a step in the maturity of the heart and of the consciousness; not seeking answers where they do not exist.

Ardently aspire to unify everything, because in this way, My Son will unify in you and the Will shall be fulfilled.

I bless you for the Meeting that you will experience in these days, in which this project must already be realized, first in your consciousnesses, to then be realized in the world.

The Grace of God must reach everybody, and it must first be conceived in you, so that it then may be conceived in the world that suffers and endures every day.

I Am the Mother of Grace, the Mother of Reconciliation, the Mother of Sacred Unity.

I thank you for responding to My call, now and always, and for the days that will come.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come to bring My Mercy where there is no religious or social justice.

I come to bring something that human beings do not yet have, because of the little value they give to it.

But it does not matter what education they have, it is the heart that counts with God, because it is the one that will always perpetuate, will always bear witness to the Love of God among all the men and women of the Earth.

Place your gaze, dear children, on the heart, and there you will find God, rather than humankind. If God is in you, My Son will be in you and no one will be able to change that inner union.

Nobody will be able to say, My children, that God is not present in the hearts of humankind, that God is not alive in those who believe in Him above all things, beyond all events.

I come to teach you the way of love, because in the Love of God you will always find the way out; there will always be understanding and wisdom for comprehending the designs of God and above all, His highest Will.

Today I come to bring peace to those human beings who arouse uncontrollable anger.

Today I come to tame hearts, so that they may feel peace and know that everything is being fulfilled, beyond all understanding or any philosophy.

What God needs, dear children, is for humankind to learn to love and that it not forget the path of love, because whoever is not on the path of true love will not be on the path to Paradise, no matter how much they may profess the Name of My Son, no matter how much they may perform the Eucharist before the people of God.

Love is everything. It is the first science. In love you will understand life, as you will understand suffering.

Unite in love and not in the separation of your ideas or your thoughts. The Kingdom of God is for everyone, it has no religion or doctrine. The Universe of God is free and ample. And He comes to point out the children He has chosen to carry His Work of redemption forward at the end of these times.

I tell those human beings that are claimed to be wise, that they not tempt the wrath of God. That they live the Gift of the Fear of God; let them live the Gift of the Fear of God so as to not be separate from the Father and not separate the flocks of My Son from the Heart of God.

These are not times for divisions. It is the time of the great celestial unity. It will be that unity that will save the planet and humanity, especially the most miserable in spirit, which are not only found in life, but also in religions.

My Son comes to give an opportunity to all souls. His Mercy is not limited to humankind. His Mercy is universal and infinite.

I need, dear children, for you to open your hearts to the great divine understanding, not allowing yourselves to be involved in what humans say of this world, by what humans point out in their fellow humans.

Open the eyes of your heart and you will find the Truth, the Truth that rests within you, the Truth that is born of the heart, that accepts all things and understands all things; an unconditional and living heart, that is not afraid to embrace the unknown and say “yes” to the Universe every day.

I am sorry, dear children, for those who do not understand the Will of God and who claim to live it fully, but which is not true.

Seek a union between your hearts and you will be prepared to receive the second coming of Christ.

God has asked me to come and seek all the essences of the world and not only those who believe in My Son. Remember that My Son is the Lord of religions, because He is the Lord of Love. And if He is the Lord of Love, He is the Lord of Truth, of Divine Will, and of Justice, of the good He Himself would wish to profess for all the beings of the Earth.

So, dear children, do not get confused. Feel My message in your heart, more than the message of empty human beings, who are empty of love, of truth, of the true understanding that only is given by the Holy Spirit.

There will come a time, dear children, where all religions must appreciate and understand each other. Because if this does not happen, who will open the door to Christ so that He may return?

It is necessary to pray from the heart and soul, so that in these times the humans of the Earth not confuse you.

It is necessary to choose the Most Blessed Sacrament, so that the humans of the Earth do not confuse you.

It is necessary to live a life of service, so that the humans of the Earth do not confuse you.

In this way, your faith will be strengthened, which is a faith that has no investment in anyone, or in any person. It is a faith that belongs to God and intimately to your hearts.

Revive that faith with good examples and open your eyes to divine knowledge that comes from the Universe. Thus, you will take sure steps in redemption and will fully accept the call of God, without thinking what others may say.

Dear children, as Mother of God and Mother of My Son, I come to re-connect you with the path of love, because it is a path that is not being practiced by the humans of the Earth. Illusion, and all that is superfluous, separates humankind from that true path.

Live the Commandments and you will be in true spiritual freedom.

I come, dear children, to do good, to teach you the path of Love and of Truth, at the request of My Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. No one can take that away from you, the experience of your faith and of your devotion to the call of God in these times, outside of the Church of My Son.

See the importance of the awakening of hearts in these times and do not allow yourselves to be invaded by the comments of people. It is necessary to unite and become stronger. It is necessary to unite the strength of the heart with the strength of the heart of your sibling, to carry out the Plan of these times, in the face of a chaotic and difficult planetary reality.

On this night, may your hearts feel the truth of My Heart and not repent, nor abandon your consecration as children of My Immaculate Heart, because what I bring you, dear children, no one will give you, not even the highest hierarchy of the religions. Everything comes from the Heart of the Father, from His non-material and eternal Source. You must learn to nurture yourselves spiritually from that every day; not only from the Gospel, which is the basic path for your awakening and redemption.

Find meaning in your spiritual path, in what is higher and divine, and thus, you will be in the Father and the Father in you. Your hearts will feel no doubt or distrust, but rather will take a sure and firm step on the path of Love and the joy of serving God.

Remember that you must reintegrate your spiritual dignity again in the Father’s eyes.

Religions are the bridge for that, but it is not the final thing. There is something, dear children, that must begin with you, that must be born of your heart, in order to be in Christ and in His Divine Presence.

I come to evangelize with a New Word, a Word that humankind does not know, because the Word that I pronounce is a Word that comes from the Source of Love. It is a Word that is not wasted. It is a Word that serves and helps souls in their conversion.

When the times are more difficult and the rebellions of humankind are present, it is a sign, dear children, that it is the triumph of My Immaculate Heart and the defeat of the beast, which confuses hearts, despite their beliefs.

I come to bear testimony of what Christ gave you when He was present on this planet. I reintegrate this testimony of love again for you so that you do not forget, dear children, that the answer is to be found in love, in wisdom, and the way out of the great obstacles.

As I will not tire, dear children, of saying that I am here, although many publicly deny it, I come to consecrate new children to reaffirm that testimony of love, that testimony of the Infinite Love of God and of the Christ that, more and more, unites consciousnesses with the Essence of the Primordial Source.

That is why I will not stop giving blessings, no matter how much talk there is, no matter how much lying and not telling the truth.

Pray for those who do not understand, because they are very miserable and sick of spirit and do not know it, just as I pray for you to heal your spiritual illness. I invite you, dear children, to pray for the miserable of spirit and soul, because they do not know it, so that they may receive the Grace of someday realizing this and asking for true mercy from God, rather than uttering vain words.

Be merciful as I Am, and the planet will have more opportunities, more souls will be healed, and hearts will become reconciled with the living God.

Let those who today consecrate themselves come before the Fountain of God's Love, so that they may be witnesses of what I ask of them, so that they may defend their consecration and are not afraid of saying that they believe in My Presence, as a precious call from God for these times.

I would like to say to all the Children of Mary that they remember their commitment with Me, because I cannot waste anything, not even a minimum amount of the energy of Grace. All that I give you is because you need it, even if you do not understand it or do not know it; everything is a reason for a special Project in your lives, in your consciousnesses, and in your spirits. I give you something that no one can give you, that must be valued and respected, revered, and you must pray that the Gift that I give you may persist in the end of these times.

Listening to the hymn of your consecration, I come to bless you, dear children, so as to re-consecrate those who have already consecrated themselves as Children of Mary, to be witnesses of the Word of God and of the return of Christ, with nothing to fear, because the love that may be in your hearts is invincible.

The love that may be in your consciousnesses is indelible. No person or any being of this Earth can erase the Love of God. They will never win, because love is the one that overcomes; it is the Love of Christ that overcame death on the Cross and that comes to teach you that in love, everything is possible, until the end of days.

Beloved Father, have Your Fire descend upon simple and humble hearts. Have Your Divine Consciousness descend upon those who preach Your Word and who in the simplicity of their heart testify to Your Presence in the world.

Have Your Wisdom and Your Grace descend upon the hearts that must be converted to the Christic life of service and of love for fellow beings.

O Beloved Father!, listen to the voice of Your Faithful Servant, have Your Love descend upon the miserable, upon those who do not understand, and those who do not accept Your call, upon all those who cause the separation of Your people from Your Most Beloved and Intimate Heart.

O Dear Father!, forgive them, forgive them so that they may find a new opportunity, through Your Divine Compassion and Your Grace.

Forgive, Lord, those who offend their fellow beings. Forgive them, Lord, so that they may find the Light of Your Heart in the great Universe of Your Universal Love.

Today I bless and establish My Peace among humankind of the Earth, knowing that I will still be here, fulfilling Your Divine Will and Your Call, in union with all My Children, especially those who consecrate themselves, to be the example of Your Life in the Universe.

May the Lord bless you, redeem you, and consecrate you, in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now sing, because you have been consecrated to the Mother of God.

I thank you for responding to My call, in trust.

Special Apparitions

Song: Children of the sea (in Portuguese)

My beloved children,

I have come here on this day to elevate, through your prayers, all those who need the Light and the Love of God, a Love that is being forgotten by the world, because the kingdom of darkness is present and love can only overcome when it is in your hearts all the time.

After these days lived with Me, in which you shared the Truth, the Sacred Knowledge of God, I come to definitely activate the sacred Mirror of your hearts so that, from there, the principles of Love and of Brotherhood, which God expects from this world and in this final time, may be born and emerge.

I come to build new bases in you, bases of an uplifted life, of souls that correspond to the Heart of the Heavenly Father and who, in this time, awaken by work of His Grace and His Mercy.

But still, dear children, through your hearts and all of your prayers, many more hearts will have to awaken.

After so many years in which each one of you were instructed, the time has come, My beloved children, for the bases to be finally founded in this Work that I want to carry out in Europe and beyond this continent.

But know, dear children, that all of your brothers and sisters in the Americas will be able to give you support in order to always motivate you to take a step further and dare to build, in this final times, this great network of Mirrors of Love that I aspire to establish in each one of you.

You have just begun, dear children, to take the first steps on this path of awakening. Know that your stars of origin, that your real essences, recognize this important moment and this work in which you were called to participate.

Know, dear children, that above every test or suffering, or every error that the whole world commits, there is the Plan of God to be fulfilled and the love of your hearts will always be able to prevail. It will be this love that will keep you all well united, will strengthen you and will keep you firm in order to sustain this boat that is passing for the last time in this world to rescue those who are still lost.

It is in this way, dear children, that I also come to open the eyes of your hearts, so that, by knowing the Truth of the Universe, which has been written a long time ago, your spirits may be able to self-summon for this true mission that is born from the Heart of God for the whole Universe and for this planet.

Thus I invite you, beloved children, to live in fraternity and in confraternity, so that more hearts and souls that still do not find the path of Light and Truth, may be able to find this path that I open to all, without exception. Because I want, dear children, that all of My children in the world receive the same sacred opportunity, just as corresponds to each one.

In this so crucial hour for the world, in which the final battle accelerates, I invite you, dear children, to keep praying with all of your heart, so that you may finally discover the love that exists in you, a love that has to be at the service of God, for Light to be able to triumph at this final moment of the planet.

I open the doors of the Universe to all, so that all may know the Truth, the true origin, the true essence of your lives, the true spirits that were chosen by the Hands of the Most High in this final hour, to carry forward this Work that is sustained by all those who have awakened to the call of My Son.

Heaven contemplates you with Love, dear children, and this love rejoices in God and in all the angels of the Universe.

Your step at this moment is very important so that the Work can be fulfilled and the pillars can be founded in this part of the world.

I leave in your hearts all the Principles of Love because it is this Love that will nourish and save you, that will bring you life and the opportunity of knowing Redemption and Peace.

I want you to live united to Me through this Love. And thus, dear children, you will be able to know the different flows of the Love that have to be at the service of the Plan and donated to this spiritually sick humanity.

There are many souls of the world that do not know the Love of God. And if your hearts were summoned to live in this Love, I ask you, dear children, to dare and do it, because it is this Love of God, which dwells in each one of you, that will lead you to complete the Work, the Work that was thought by the Creator for this final part of time.

Thus, I constitute you, dear children, not only as apostles of My Son but rather as apostles of His Love and His Mercy. You will live this apostolate, dear children, through daily example, service and fraternity, which must expand throughout the world in order to be able to change all evil that exists in humanity, transfiguring it in Light and in Love through all the souls that correspond to this call.

Time and again I visit Portugal for you to remember your true mission in this time.

You will always count, dear children, on the Sacred Center of Fatima, which I have especially founded for you and for all of your brothers and sisters.

I wish, dear children, this Sacred Center would also live in your hearts, just as many of your brothers and sisters who are in other Sacred Centers, carry these Centers in their hearts in order to be able to radiate them to the world, which needs it so much.

Today I also invite you, beloved children, to be sparks of Lys by means of the prayer and the love that must emerge from your hearts every day of your life until the awaited return of My Son to the world is finally fulfilled.

Everything you live in this time, dear children, is a preparation, it is a school of learning and of redemption. I ask you, for love’s sake, not to resist to living it. Always open the doors of your hearts so that the Light of God may enter.

Remember all these Sacred Instructions that you have received in these days, so that these seeds may be indelible in your essences. It is these seeds of Light, dear children, these sparks of Lys, that must multiply in this humanity and in all Europe.

You can count on the divine intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph to carry forward this work in all of Europe.

The souls of Europe must be attracted to the Center of Lys. Many of them need to recover their essential purity, just like you. It is this original purity that My adversary is erasing at this moment through wars. It is this purity that cannot be erased, dear children.

Your commitment to Me is very important. It is thus that I demonstrate to you, beloved children, that all things that I ask you are very simple.

Although humanity does not pay attention, it ends up going astray in the abysses of hell. And up to there I must go to rescue each one. I need, dear children, that you also accompany me on this task.

May all the teachings that you received in these last days be able to re-sprout in your hearts, may they nourish your souls, may they fertilize your spirits, just as the Sacred Family fertilized Fraternity in humanity.

In this special night, beloved children, I offer to you My Immaculate Heart, which ardently pulsates on the palm of My hand full of Love and Mercy for each one of you, for each one of My children, who are more lost and forgotten by humanity.

I need, dear children, that, in you, the Love of Lys may flourish, so that you may finally be formed as true Mirrors of Love.

I only ask you, in this crucial hour of humanity, in which war condemns many souls in the world, that love may be in your hearts through simple and true acts.

I ask you, dear children, that you only live actions of goodness and love. Ask for this love to My Immaculate Heart, a Heart that is full and replete with Love for each one of its children; a Love that wants to pour itself but still cannot, cannot because the souls do not ask for it and My Love is a Grace, dear children. It is a Love that heals and that redeems, it is the Love of Jesus in Me that must be in each one of you.

In this way, you will permit, dear children, that I may have the Grace, for this final time, to return to Europe once more, before you imagine.

Special Apparitions

And even when the world does not listen to God, His Heart is visible in humble hearts.

The power of His Simplicity is great; this is why there are many who do not know Him. But those hearts that are simple will always know Him, despite having nothing in their physical life.

Contact with God is created through love, through a perfect union with Him, in the incessant search for His Universe, to concretize His Will on Earth.

Today I come as the Mother of Uruguay because I still have hope.

I will not delay working for My children to wake up, just as all creatures of this world, dear children, should wake up before purification increases in each of your lives.

But God does not impart punishment on anybody; He only wants you to love Him and constantly seek Him.

The Love of God is what builds all things and is what allows divine ideas on all the planes to be manifested.

If you do not have the Love of God, the Love of the One, in your hearts, how will you know it?

The Father is not far from anyone; it is just that He is very much forgotten and the souls substitute their awakening with modernities, with the vain search for spirituality, with the search for the energy that belongs only to the Creator.

This is why, dear children, I taught you to pray. With something so simple and profound, I have seen that your lives have transformed with much effort.

But there is still much to do. I will need to fulfill My Works, the Works that I have promised to the Father, together with your hearts, and those Works cannot be accomplished before the world comes to know them, just as I have revealed them in other times and in other apparitions.

Today I come under the splendor of Love, so that you may recognize it within you. The Lord needs you to unite with this Love so that you may separate your consciousnesses from the illusion that the world promotes, an illusion that promotes abortion, drug addiction, fanaticism, superstition, solitude, abandonment, the lack of light in the soul.

But it is the infinite Love of God that has brought Me here today, dear children, to share with you what the Truth is; the Truth that is not deeply known, but that must be loved by you so that you may be within the Truth of God.

The Lord, who is in the Universe and rules in all the Heavens, does not want anybody's punishment; but the decisions of the world, the attitudes of souls cause His Laws to manifest severely in this time.

God could not be God if He were not the God of Love.

Love is what created all the universes, the stars, the planets and the life on all planes; but if the Love of God is not present in your hearts, you will not be able to come to know any of that.

Spiritual vanity is a very dangerous weapon for this time. I know there are souls, dear children, that seek spiritual life with arrogance, as ownership and control.

The creatures of Earth will never have anything for themselves. That is why we have taught you, dear children, through our Presence in the world, through the Sacred Hearts, that humility is your first lifeline.

Without humility, you will achieve nothing.

Without humility, you will not be able to know yourselves and banish what is not real, what I call false.

So the world, throughout the times, through wars, annihilation and false power thought to have conquered the planet.

It will not be necessary, dear children, for you to observe what is happening in the world. Look beside you and you will see the true need. 

Jesus is also in the hearts that suffer and He hopes that you will be able to serve Him through your brothers and sisters.

Service in this time is what will promote the salvation of humanity; service to the Kingdoms of Nature, to everything that you may find on your paths that is in need.

There is much to be done, dear children, and the hearts and hands willing to do it are few.

Uruguay has this great opportunity.

Service in Uruguay is not the priority of the souls for their spiritual path, because it means to lower oneself before a fellow being.

Did not Jesus, Your Lord, wash your feet through the apostles?

He humbled Himself before you so that God could pour out Mercy on the world; He allowed Himself to die on the Cross so that you could be saved.

He is the Truth. There is no other, dear children, in this time.

Impure spirits may reveal many secrets to you, or the energies that believe they know what may satisfy you; but if there is no prayer, there is no Love of God, there is no service, there is no ascension of the consciousness.

These foundations that I dictate to you will make you worthy before the Lord.

And you will believe that to pray will be something routine, but in this time, it is the portal that opens for the liberation of the world, in all the Marian Centers that I have consecrated to the devotion of My Immaculate Heart.

Aurora is the Center that I consecrated from the beginning, when My Light, the Light of the Love of God, rested Its Feet on this place.

Many believe that all of this was crazy and continues to be so. Look within your brothers and sisters and you will see the fruits that I have managed to realize, in a simple but real way.

The world seeks that which satisfies its desires and distances itself from God. This is why it suffers and cannot find the Light, it gets lost in the darkness and succumbs in the hells of the consciousness; when you are submerged in error, in perdition, in deceit and in suffering, then you remember God!

But as He knows that humanity is very fragile and weak, He sends His Servant so that the eyes of your heart may open to recognize the Light that comes from Heaven and from all of the Universe.

Dear children, I will work with those who are with Me until the end. I do not need you to promise Me anything, just that you do what I ask in the best way possible.

Please the Heart of your offended God, and meditate on His Presence through the Eucharist; and let prayer always lift you up High, just as I lift you up in My Arms to the House of the Celestial Father.

Today I come to bring quietness for your spirits, serenity for your souls and restoration for your bodies.

I will not be able to promise, dear children, that the spiritual battles of this world will cease. While there is war and killing of animals in humanity, suffering will exist.

Thus, I call you to prayer; so that your bodies, cells and atoms can rise and finally perceive that it is not necessary to eat another, from a fellow Kingdom so loving and insignificant to your eyes.

The Love of God is what allows you to be kept in unity.

As much as what I tell you today, dear children, are always the same words, it is because today you have not yet lifted your hearts to My requests.

Do not close your hearts for anything. I always keep you in My arms so that you may see Jesus and His Heart, which shines forth in this Universe.

He is the Sun that guides you.

I Am the Star that shows you the path so you can find your true dawn in the presence of Aurora.

Do not despair, but do not be naive. Accept to live reconciliation, so that peace may be established in the world.

I am united to each heart that today has sincerely prayed with Me; because God recognizes the offerings of all His children and is grateful for your effort.

Now, dear children, before the Thrones of the Father, the archangels, the Elohim, the celestial choirs and armies, and the guardian angels, which have been banished by the creatures of this world that do not accept the Love of God, together with you and each pilgrim, I will pray for the world with a simple proclamation.

Place your hands receptively so that you may receive the greatest gift of the Universe: the Love of God, which will merge into your hearts and into the Heart of God.

Father of the Universe, hear the Voice of Your Servant and light the Flame of Your Sacred Presence in the hearts.
Forgive humanity for its continuous sleep, and awaken, through My Aurora, all those who sleep.
Liberate them from naivety. Carry them into service so that they may find Your Peace and Your Love.
Pour out, through My generous and serviceable Heart, all Your Gifts and concretize Your Works in all the hearts of the world.
Send Adonai, O Beloved Father!, Your angels of Light, so that they may pour out Your Mercy over those who deny You and do not hear You.
Have Pity, Lord, on those who are ignorant and close their heart to Your Call.
May in the last hour of this world, the souls find Your Path so as to reach Jesus, and may Jesus lead them all toward Your Kingdom of Celestial Power.
Today I leave at Your Feet,  Universal Father, each one of Your creatures so that You do not make Your Justice tremble within them, but rather ignite in their hearts the infinite Compassion of Your Spirit.
O Lord of the Universe!, close the uncertain doors in this world.
Forgive those who do not do things well and forget about You.
Be compassionate with those who are banished, with those who suffer exile.
And show Yourself with Your Face, with Your Glory and with Your Love to each being of this planet, so that, through My Pleas and My Praise to You, Emmanuel, the Plan thought of by Your One Mind may be accomplished until the New Humanity.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us sing Ave María, in the Presence of our Mother.

I will always find you in the prayer of the heart, the sacred refuge of souls who await the return of Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call and for praying for the consecration of the Americas to My Immaculate Heart.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Brothers and sisters, it is always very good that we try to hold in our hearts this Love that Mary brings us, this Love that understands all things, achieves all things, can do all things, and that She knows, above all things, is within us: the Love of God.

She came with that Love of God, with that Source of Love and of Unity with the Father, to offer it not only to us, but also to all those who do not want to accept it.

And through each meeting, Mary patiently told us that She is attempting to rebuild, to work in each of our beings, this conquest, this triumph of the Love of God in our hearts, in our lives.

It is this Love of God, according to Mary, which will help us to face these times, these difficult times that humanity is living, and that God will avail Himself of the love that we offer Him so that His Work may also be accomplished.

We wanted to briefly, simply tell you how the Apparition of today went, because it is important so that everyone can carry this image, this mission that Mary brought through Her Presence.

When She got here, She showed Herself, as she always shows Herself, as the Virgin Mary. Today, Her Mantle, the Mantle that covered Her, was the flag of Uruguay.

And at a certain point, when She began to address Her words, She drew closer to us so as to radiate that Love of God; the Mantle that draped down behind her, that formed part of that Veil that reached Her Feet, had the flags of all the Americas, of all the nations of the Americas.

And while She spoke, in spite of Her speaking, She was praying for each one of the nations, for each one of the members that are part of the nations and for each one of those present that were connected with Her at this moment.

And when She began to come closer to here, to appear as She always does, through a golden sphere of light that comes from the Celestial Universe, which begins to move toward the planet until it spiritually locates this place, She began to descend and to open various Heavens through a pillar of light.

And while that pillar of light descended with the songs of the angels, the lost souls, the souls that were imprisoned in the hells of this world, began to rise up as She descended.

And that is when She appeared and showed Herself to be that Mother that was with the Mantle of Uruguay.

So we just wanted to tell you about that, so that we may really trust that all that is happening is what has to happen and that we have, as She said today, to love the Will of the Father.

Thank you, Mother, for all that you give us!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
