Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"The one who loves, will not fear.
The one who made a mistake, will learn to make amends.
The one who offended, will learn to ask for forgiveness.
The one who hated, will reconcile again.
The one who divided, will unite again.
The one who submerged in darkness, will find the Light again.
The one who hurt, will learn to heal.
The one who is in ignorance, will someday awaken to the Truth.
The one who walked away, will one day return.
The one who mistrusted, will learn to self-trust.
The one who stepped backward, will learn to move forward.
Nothing is fixed or permanent, so is the evolution of the spirit of every being.
There are causes and conditions, but they cannot paralyze the walk of the disciple.
The universe will always show what is not yet solved, for being under the Law of the universe means being in unity and harmony."
Christ Jesus
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"The time of the Return of the Lord will come, when the chosen, the persevering and the truthful will have a part with Me in the Kingdom of the Heavens.
In that hour, everything will be known. Those who have been humiliated, will be exalted; those who have been exalted, will be humiliated.
In that hour, there will no longer be appearances, because the gift and the attribute of the Truth will prevail, and nothing will remain hidden any longer.
Therefore, purify your hearts, purify your feelings, purify your thoughts, and above all purify your intentions, so that, when the Lord returns, He may find you free from yourselves and transfigured by all the codes of Love that you have received throughout the times.
Know that I will be arriving without warning. I want you with Me."
Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Behold the universe, which belongs to you and this is still unknown.
From the universe, I have come to bring you My Message of awakening, in the face of a planetary scenario that only provokes chaos, conflict and confusion; a scenario in which the human consciousness in this time must make a great effort in order to elevate and transcend itself; in which the abysses of the earthly consciousness absorb souls and make them lose track of the Christic Path.
Time and again, I approach the Earth’s orbit to contemplate the world and humanity, knowing that this moment would come, because I already knew it since the Garden of Gethsemane.
Today I come dressed with My violet garment, with the flame of the violet fire of the universe so that the waves of adversity may be transmuted and liberated from the earthly consciousness, so that My apostles and disciples are not absorbed by evil.
I have always spoken to you about the importance of entering My Heart. This is the time, this is the moment; but in order to cross the door of My Heart and be protected, you must surrender, you must yield, you must humble yourselves.
The door of My Heart is so small, that you cannot imagine. It is through the door of humility that you will be able to enter My Heart and there you will be safe from any harassment.
Although the human consciousness commits itself, day by day, to that which is not evolutionary nor spiritual, I come again to the world to make it remember what I left here more than two thousand years ago.
The Blood of the Lamb was shed upon the surface of this planet and this has incalculable value for you.
Invoke the power of My Blood and be bathed by it, receive the Christic Codes of Light that were achieved through the sacrifice of your Lord. In this way, from the consecrated consciousnesses to the consciousness of humanity, everyone will be filled by these Codes and be able to straighten their paths, until they can meet Me in the inner planes.
I know it is not easy to liberate oneself from the chains of oppression, of harassment and of darkness, but you have the tools to do it.
The power of the word of prayer will lead you to be at another point and in another state of consciousness.
The commitment to the life of the Sacraments will lead you to be protected and blessed by My Gifts.
To love the power of the Cross of Emmanuel and of the Cross of your Master and Lord will free you from sin.
A life of charity, of surrender and of service will remove you from yourselves so that you may learn to truly love.
Thus, with these simple tools that We have taught you, you will be able to survive in this fierce battle that is taking place on the planet, which many do not see and most do not want to accept.
This is the time of Armageddon, it is the first time of the book of the Apocalypse.
No longer let your eyes be covered by the blindfolds of illusion. Tear up these blindfolds and free yourselves forever from that which is superficial.
May your hearts not become points of indifference, of insensitivity nor of despise.
I have given you all that you need and a little more so that you may come to this moment. Do not fear knowing yourselves just as you are, and not what you appear to be.
Through the spirit of My Truth, become free from yourselves, and thus you will free the world from suffering.
Many of Mine throughout the whole world were assigned to live this time, they were anointed by My own Hand of Light, under the impulse of My Divinity, so that they would never forget the commitment.
Now it is not time to be busy with yourselves, but rather with My Plan. It is time to love the proposal that I gave you seven years ago.
I still wait that you can be My Word, My Message. I still wait that you can be My apostles, as many have been throughout the times. But this, companions, has a price; it is not a favor, nor is it an emotion.
To be under My Government means responsibility and discernment. To be under My Government means love and unity, transparency and truth, because evil does not know these attributes.
If your lives are these attributes, as imperfect as they may be, you will be protected and you will not suffer. For a moment, look around you, and you will realize what I tell you, it is not necessary that you go far to perceive it.
Each one of you must purify your lives during this Lent, but let this be a true purification and not a mental one.
You must feel in your own flesh the need to be different, the aspiration to fulfill My designs and at least reflecting on Earth a little love, a little light; because the world lacks this light and lacks this love, and you know this.
May this Marathon number ninety represent discernment for all, the action of love in all things and needs, the responsibility to live the commitment and not to escape the commitment; the affirmation to be My apostles, and someday be the New Christs, the Christs of the New Time.
I know that many of you have thought someday that you would not come to this moment, nor to be so aware of the responsibility of being with Me, of being by My side; but this is what God needs.
His celestial treasures cannot be kept just anywhere nor in just any consciousness. His celestial treasures must be kept in the most humble, the most simple but truest hearts.
If humanity could understand the need to live change, that which is happening in the world would not be so.
Many think that the Celestial Father does not want to dissolve everything that is happening in the world, but this is not true, companions.
Humanity generates its own sufferings, and these sufferings fall upon the most innocent and the poorest among the poor.
A true King would never be born in a palace. I need you to be humble, just as I had to be in the manger in Bethlehem.
God does not hide in material wealth. God is present in the spiritual treasures, which can be the very example of souls that are converted and redeemed.
May the sacred violet garments of Christ make you understand, in this Lent, that you are already in the time of a great transition, a transition that is more definitive and profound than it seems to be.
Open your inner senses to understand all that I tell you. Do not try to understand with your mind nor with your external senses.
In this Lent, open yourselves to be transfigured by My Light.
May My apostles hear the call of the Lord of Israel and may they prepare the spaces for His arrival.
This is the time marked for My Return. It is the time when many of Mine will have the opportunity of learning and of growing, if they so accept.
I will no longer force you to follow Me. Your feet must walk by themselves, just as I have told you, that for faith you must walk upon the waters, just as the apostle Peter.
May this Marathon invoke the Gift of Discernment of the Holy Spirit so that the consciousnesses, from the consecrated consciousnesses down to all of humanity, by irresponsibility, by indifference or by lack of common sense, not miss the opportunity that the Father has given them.
At the doors of this Sacred Week, and after so many Sacred Weeks, the moment has come for you to carry your own cross and to be brave, to learn to endure the fire of purification and to learn to transcend yourselves, to free yourselves from yourselves, forever.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
If you untie the knots you have on Earth, in Heaven the knots will also be untied.
Thus, a Law is fulfilled, the Law of Impermanence, of that which is neither fixed nor static.
Untying the knots of consciousness means liberation in this time, an opportunity that you are giving the universe so that it can regenerate and recreate.
When you untie the knots on the Earth, the universe is in charge of untying the knots in Heaven and everything reaches a liberation that is unknown, that can neither be measured with thought nor with the intellect.
It is a liberation that comes from the heart that trusts in the universe and in the possibilities offered by the universal Laws and the material Rays.
When the knots in Heaven are untied, the doors are opened to other perspectives, the doors are opened to other learnings and schools that you were never able to live before for different reasons and motives.
At this time, it is very necessary to untie the knots of consciousness, not only those that are on Earth, but also those that are in Heaven, because you will allow the angelic consciousness to intervene and intercede for you. There is no way to generate that movement, there is neither an attitude nor a thought.
Untying the knots on Earth and in Heaven is a possibility that you offer to your soul and, consequently, to your spirit and that which is beyond. Thus, an endless story begins to close.
The doors of the past, of mistakes, are closed, and the consciousness that unties the knots here, on Earth, receives a Grace, receives an opportunity that cannot be measured by movement nor thought, it can only be felt with the heart, with the opportunity to love and recognize Divine Mercy.
If every human being on this planet learned to untie the knots that he possesses here on Earth, imagine, for a moment, how many things would happen! How many opportunities would be offered! What benefit the consciousness of the planet, that lives in a constant suffering, would receive!
As the end of time approaches, greater are the events within the human beings. Not only will they be able to recognize the dwellings that God has given them so that one day they would turn them into sacred temples of elevation and surrender, but also that the same human beings will recognize and know everything they have done in other times.
Is there no meaning in knowing the Truth?
This does not mean retrogressing, nor does it mean staying in the past. It means consciously amending that which has never been amended, that which has never been forgiven or reconciled within, neither with existence nor with the universe.
There are many consciences that need to untie these knots, in these times, to be able to take their steps, the safe steps toward My Heart and toward My Consciousness, the steps that I expect you will take, day by day, with determination, free from mediocrity, from neglect, from what is small, from what is poor; because God, since your origins, has given you everything, and you still do not know it.
You need to amend that which has happened so that you reach reality and learn, like your brothers and sisters, to get out of the illusion of the world, learn to immerse yourselves in Our Higher Life.
If you were not here, next to Me, you could not live that which you live today nor that which you learn today. The schools that I offer are unique, they are unrepeatable, they are non-transferable, because I know what each soul and each spirit need in order to evolve.
Everything that I give you and everything that My Father has given you throughout time and, above all, since your origins, since the Source, cannot be offered with a small amount. Your self-giving must be ample, infinite and immeasurable, just as I did for you until the last minute, in the final second of My expiration.
And even at that moment, I did not stop, I showed you through the Resurrection how to achieve the reemergence of the spirit, from the ashes of the past, to be driven by the fire of the Divine Source and thus be able to heal everything, thus be able to redeem everything, thus being able to enter the Kingdom of My Peace.
Your structures must be removed from their places, My treasures cannot be deposited in internal universes that are empty and poor.
True poverty of spirit is achieved with a given heart, the donation of life, with selflessness. That is what I need from you, it is what I need from every human heart.
Each one knows what to give me, what to present to me, what to offer me.
These are not times to measure what one should give or how far one can go. If you say you live in My Heart, can you not do everything?
The alliance with Me must not be built on tepid principles. The alliance with Me must be strengthened in Christification and in permanently giving thanks for the opportunity that presents itself within your lives, day by day; the opportunity that the universe gives you in each new step.
Because everyone must be an important piece of this great puzzle of the Plan, the pieces can be replaced, the pieces can change places according to the need and the Will of My Father. But My precious pieces cannot be lost as if nothing ever happened.
You have very close examples of pieces that I have lost because they are in the hands of My enemy. Have you ever felt what that means for Me? And how must I look at the Father so that He intercedes for them?
Nobody has the capacity to understand what their stay on this planet means, in this school that I have instituted through the Cross, so that you live redemption.
God Himself incarnated among you and gave you His Word, gave you His testimony and His Good News, offered you miracles, conversions and the liberation of souls. He became a Body through bread and gave His Blood through wine.
He is constantly renewed in the priestly office, in the opportunity that My apostles have to relive My Passion and to love it, to love it more deeply every day, and without superficiality.
You must feel the Passion of your Master and Lord, offered in each new Eucharist, in each new Communion, because if the world does not cling to this, how will it survive? How will it remain in the Peace of the Lord in the face of so many conflicts and diseases?
Now, you must not only avail yourselves of My Body and My Blood, you must be part of My Mystical Body. What are you waiting for?
Thus, among few companions in the world, I will strengthen My Mystical Body that will be nourished by My Eucharistic Body, by My Body of Light, so that the whole world does not stop seeing the Light, despite the darkness.
Within the inner worlds is where the Plan is carried out, it is where the great operations of your Master and Lord are carried out with each one of the souls of the surface of the Earth.
Priesthood is always exposed to being attacked and destroyed, because the priesthood power that I offer you is unbreakable, and the gates of hell fear that.
For this reason, even the last drop of My Being was poured out on the Cross, and even more, the Water and Blood of My Side gave life, healing and renewal for all.
Although My Wounds healed in the Resurrection, I need the signs of My Passion to be alive in priests and in believers, in those who profess faith, despite difficult times.
In the signs of My Wounds, you will find your liberation, in the power of My Blood you will find your redemption and justification before the Father of all your mistakes and sins committed since Adam and Eve.
Now, you must be this mystery that is revealed, transformed and redeemed, you must be the expression of this love, you must want to reach the higher spheres that I offer you at this planetary moment, because there is still much to be done.
Your rest will be in the priestly service, in the life that each one can give to My Sacraments. Because now that souls cannot receive It in person, My priests must be that sacramental sign that should be engraved in the inner worlds so that suffering and agonizing souls may be strengthened.
Aspire to achieve perfection in priestly service, because the world needs it, humanity needs it, and in this way My Return will be prepared.
May souls discover their true virtues, may they see with loving eyes what God has given them and may they not only immerse themselves in their impurities and imperfections because that is the place where My enemy wants them. If you say you are intelligent, why are you there?
May the strength of your love be not in the mind, but in the heart, in the deep feeling of loving, as I love you, of serving, as I serve you, of uniting, as I unite you with the Source of My Eternal Father.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In this time of Armageddon, companions, I call you to cross unknown oceans with your feet so that the limits of ignorance may be overcome, so that the voice of My Heart may resound within each one of you.
Just as the apostle Peter, step with both of your feet upon the unknown oceans that I present to you today; in this way, you will discover within you what you truly are, and what you came to fulfill in the name of My Father.
I am the Fisherman that calls his companions to the deep seas, to the profound oceans of the infinite so that you may submerge in the essence of life, so that, within the Source of Light, you may find the Truth, that Truth that the world lacks due to its indifference and ignorance, due to the lack of search for higher Truth.
I Am the Lord of the Oceans, I invite you to walk upon the waters, and in this time of Armageddon, it will be your faith that will allow you to cross the very vast oceans that I present to you. In this way, with your offering, you will also elevate the consciousness of humanity and help to remove it from the great abysses of these times, when suffering and desolation reign within hearts.
I call you to cross the unknown oceans of the infinite in trust, igniting the flame of faith at this planetary moment, because faith and trust will allow you to understand everything, to accept everything and to no longer suffer.
I invite you to cross the unknown oceans with courage, with the bravery of a server of Christ, with a soul in detachment and in selflessness for the service of others, to meet the great planetary need.
When you step upon the oceans with your own feet, do not doubt, because if you doubt you will sink, and then your faith will be weakened, it will be poor faith for not believing.
If I call you to cross the oceans, it is because you can believe in Me. I continue being the Way, the Truth and the Life. I Am the Way to reach God, I Am the Truth to find it within each one of you, I am the Life that will never die, because it is an Eternal Life, the Life of the Spirit.
Now cross the oceans, upon the waters, feeling the firmness of what I tell you. Do you know how you will be able to cross these unknown and infinite oceans? Not by looking at your feet, at your imperfections nor at your doubts, but rather by looking at the horizon, where I Am, waiting for you as the Eucharistic Sun of Adoration. In that direction, you must look.
Your eyes must penetrate the mystery to be able to cross the great oceans of consciousness and go through the thresholds of ignorance and indifference in order to find, beyond yourselves, My Spirit of Truth.
Today, I am upon the oceans of the world and I invite each one of you to also be upon them because it is in these great oceans where you will find your inner void and you will be free from the expectations of the end of these times, of all that could happen.
Although the world view is something more than a serious and painful crisis, I call you, as My apostles of the end of times, to cross the unknown oceans of the infinite with your own feet, stepping firmly upon the waters, feeling the elevation of consciousness, leaving that which is material and earthly, superficial and petty; walking upon faith and trust, spiritual dignity and prayer, until you find, upon the horizon of the oceans, My solar and cosmic Consciousness, opening its Arms to receive and welcome you into My Heart.
If souls would decide to cross the oceans that I offer you, these unknown and infinite oceans, the whole world would not be in this situation. The oceans, on which you must step with your own feet, invite you to overcome your own fears, your insecurities and your doubts.
I know that you will go through these feelings and thoughts, because walking upon the oceans not only means having a spirit of determination and trust, but also going beyond faith, what is beyond faith and what comes from that which is eternal, from the unchangeable, from the unconditional.
The unknown oceans of the Christic Consciousness open before you so that you can cross them at this critical moment of humanity, as it will be through the path of the oceans that you will be able to find the peace and emotional serenity that you need at this moment, in the face of the whole planetary situation.
However, if throughout your walk upon the oceans you come to feel doubt, uncertainty or insecurity, know that I will be there to help you. I will help you to walk upon the waters of the typical turbulence of these times.
Trust, beyond what you live and what you know.
Trust, because I will extend My hand towards you and you will hold it tightly. And if out of ignorance you fall into oceans that you do not know, I will raise you up, and I will bring you with Me to the end of the path, towards where My Father needs you, at this moment.
If many more let themselves be led and guided by Me, you would not be living this moment that humanity lives today.
Although you are on this planet and within this school, which the universe has given you in order to learn to love and serve, I have precious treasures for each one of the souls, but these treasures are in crossing the great oceans of the inner and spiritual consciousness.
If your trust is strengthened and not lukewarm, you will cross, with your own feet, the oceans that I offer you, and you will not fear what is unknown because, in the end, upon the horizon, you will find the portal, a threshold that will lead you towards something more profound that you still do not know.
Thus, when you come to this moment, you will perceive that you are losing the control and the power that you believed you have always had. For this reason, I speak to you of trust and faith at this planetary moment.
Do not fear to cross the oceans that you do not know, because they will never cause you harm.
Today, see yourselves before the oceans that I offer you, at the shore, upon the sand, listening to My Message, hearing My Words, seeing My Presence on the sidereal horizon.
I call you to cross the oceans with your own feet, without fearing that you might fail. Your history and your past will be left behind, the wind of the oceans of My Christic Consciousness will impel you to reach the goal that I propose to you today, which is an inner goal.
If you cross the oceans with your own feet, you will be able to become aware of the talents that I have deposited within your hearts, souls and spirits.
This is the time to launch into the unknown, into what you cannot control nor direct with your power, but rather launch into what you can live, in divestment and in emptiness, in humility and in surrender.
Many still find themselves at the shore, barefoot on the sand, thinking whether or not they will cross the oceans that I offer them towards the unknown and infinite. But they see Me, many see me on the horizon of the oceans. They listen to the sound of the waters, they see the movement of the waves, feel the breeze of the wind upon their faces, but they have still not taken the final step. Because there will not be a boat that will take them. Their boat will be trust and faith, which will sustain them at this moment and in this time.
And when you cross the oceans with your own feet and step upon the waters, if you trust, you will know who you are and from where you have come, what you have lived and how long you have been here, waiting for this great moment of again meeting your Lord, the Lord of the Oceans, the Lord of the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Meanwhile, I pray for you and for the world so that the ocean of ignorance no longer embraces you nor causes you shipwreck; so that the ocean of indifference does not drag you towards unknown places, without a safe harbor, without firm land.
I pray for the world and for you so that the Ocean of My Love and My Mercy may flood you. And so that someday, free from your inner and outer, bodily and spiritual prisons, your true being may again be born, that which once emerged from the Source, from the sacred Lakes of Light of the universe, to fulfill the Divine Will.
The oceans prepare the Return of Christ.
This is the time to overcome your fears. It is time to no longer fear the unknown.
It is the time to lose the control and the power you believe that you have by means of emptiness and divestment.
I call you to step with your feet upon the waters, where doubt, insecurity or lack of faith cannot make you fail.
I am here to help you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Evolutionary Laws of a Light-Nucleus
If these principles and rules are applied, the members that are or will be a part of a Light-Nucleus will learn new things, and will not waste time or space, helping the Hierarchy with everything that They must establish in the end of these times.
I thank you for placing these principles in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today I come back here to Colombia as the Solar Son and, at My Feet, I show you, in the inner planes, the sacred city of Guatavita, that legendary city that once was expressed upon the surface and brought to the Andes a sacred knowledge that has still not been revealed to the humanity of today.
But many of you participated in this.
This is why I am returning to Colombia, to gather you in My name and so that you define your paths for one Hierarchy, for one Law, for one group.
This group of souls is congregted by My Love, like many groups of souls that I have in the world, which in this time come to Me, to serve Me and to express My redeeming Work, before this sacred city that shines like gold and copper. I have you inwardly revere this legacy, to which you have belonged in other times, in other experiences, and now the veils over your consciousness fall so that you can see the truth and the primary reason for being here, in this place, present in this country, and united like brothers and sisters.
This is what is most important, that I need in this time, so that Colombia can finally express its task. There is still much to do and there is still much to carry forward. You are the preamble of something very important, but remember unity and the Law of Hierarchy. If this is not accomplished among you, nothing will manifest.
I know that it is not easy for many consciousnesses to obey what I ask of you and to strictly carry out what the Hierarchy says. But, companions, My brothers and sisters, there is no longer time, there is no time left. And this is the reality of it.
The impulses of the inner Hierarchy come to change hearts, to awaken them, to purify and transform them. This is why today I bring My Solar Consciousness and, as a Mirror Being, I reflect upon the sacred city of Guatavita all the principles and attributes of God, which this sacred city, indigenous and internal, also achieved in other times.
The values of the culture of Colombia are very important for God, as are the values of the Aztec culture and of the Mayan culture. These are the values that today's humanity will need in order to experience the transition of the times and the Armageddon; to not forget the principles, the attributes and the commandments of the Father, which are basic Laws for its evolution and its awakening; so that it may go deeper in degrees of love and in degrees of solidarity.
This will build among you, and in many more that will come, the true brotherhood of the surface, this sacred third Order that must be expressed in South America so as to be able to bear and contain the end of times, the time of purification, the time of tribulation.
Among you, there must not exist lies, deceit nor appearances. It is something that I taught My apostles in the past and it is something that I have been teaching all of you for many years.
I do not come to see your imperfections nor miseries, because My Mercy grants you the transformation and liberation for your lives.
All I ask of you, companions, is for loyalty, transparency and crystalline unity. This will allow for My Work to expand in Colombia and for many more emergencies to be attended to by the Hierarchy.
But meanwhile, and in spite of all that you receive, of all the impulses that were given since the inner Hierarchy expressed itself in this place of Guatavita, there is still much to purify.
But I, as a Solar Mirror, give you My hand so that you may hold it tightly, so that you may trust, so that you may repent and reconcile.
This will allow to dissolve, in Colombia, many streams of chaos and of adversity that still surround this country and this beloved people, to which I come to give My Mercy and My forgiveness today, so that it may be reborn and re-emerge through the impulse that the Holy Spirit brings as Solar Essence.
Return to your origins, regain the roots of your culture, and preserve from yourselves all that is sacred, blessed and sublime; everything that comes from the Hierarchy, be it Its knowledge, be it Its word, or be it Its love or Its presence.
If you, My companions, are here today, congregated by My Presence, and not other people, it is for some spiritual reason that you still do not know.
Never break the rules because the Father and, above all, His Son, see everything.
Elevate your hearts in a spirit of repentance and someday you will receive the sacred flame of redemption, which are the Christic Codes, the merits achieved by your Master and Lord when He was on Earth.
And, in this way, you will become My memorable apostles, the apostles of the end of times, those who will protect the legacy of the Hierarchy, not only on the surface, but also in the inner worlds, and who will be able to reflect and represent the Brotherhood, wherever or whenever.
For this, I need you to be firm, available and open to change, not only in consciousness, but also in heart, in personality and in ego.
This will allow the legacy that is held in the sacred city of Guatavita to always be protected and radiate its principles toward humanity, which so needs it in this time. Because not only will you receive transformation and renewal, but also other peoples in other parts of the world, who continue to lose the values and the principles of their culture, those which they have received and experienced throughout time, and those which My adversary set about dissolving, dividing and erasing from the memory of the men and the women of the Earth.
That is why South America is at stake, not only in a political, social or economic way; South America is at stake in a spiritual way, and it is on this level where the real and serious situations present themselves and where the Hierarchy must face and attend to them in this time.
You must not only be suns on the surface of the Earth, as was the sacred city of Guatavita, but you must also be mirrors of love, of solidarity, of brotherhood, of good, of transparency. It is now time for there to no longer be any trace of evil, any trace of adversity or contrariness within you.
You are now depositaries of the Christic Love of My Heart, and you must protect it and support it so that it can grow and expand into the world, because many, many souls are missing the opportunity, not only of evolving, but also of awakening, of carrying out their true task and mission in this time.
This people of Colombia has had the grace of being blessed by the Hierarchy and it is in the small groups of souls where the Plan is carried out, to then give a chance and graces to all the rest of the souls of the world.
So that you can do all that I ask of you, companions, you must trust in My Presence, in My Word, in My support and, especially, in My Love that is immeasurable and unconditional for souls.
Let all that no longer belongs to you be withdrawn. Empty yourselves, empty yourselves in this moment and offer your lives, your souls and your hearts to God, through the Solar Presence of the Son of God, and elevate your aspirations to the Heights, the aspirations for redemption, for reconciliation, for unity and for peace, so that those attributes may descend upon you and upon your brothers and sisters, and a solid, firm and crystalline brotherhood may be built, which lives for the Plan of God and its fulfillment in this cycle.
I bring you this golden city of Guatavita, the sacred city of Guatavita, so that you can be reborn and rediscover your origins within; the main reason that brought you up to here, which is not personal nor individual; which is group-oriented, which is among souls, to serve God and to fulfill His aspirations, not only for Colombia but also for the rest of South America.
Remember that you have the assistance and support of the sacred Sites, where you will be able to place your consciousnesses, souls and beings so that they may be worked on and healed, and still continue to experience the process of redemption.
Be these sparks of redemption of My Heart, because the world needs it, so that someday it may realize that it was mistaken and that it has deviated completely from the truth.
Colombia is still to awaken; it must awaken more deeply than it has awakened. But for this to be possible, the transformation and the change must first begin within you, My companions, who represent Me before God in this spiritual task for Colombia, and for all the souls that are to be found here.
It is in this way that the spiritual and material slavery will end in this country and souls will be able to become aware of the importance of turning toward God in order to be able to hear Him and deeply feel Him again.
Offer this next Marathon of Divine Mercy as an opportunity for returning to your origins, to your beginnings and to your original culture; and may you benefit from the company of all the inner beings that collaborate in brotherhood and love for the Hierarchy at this moment.
Let Colombia be reborn to the principles of its culture, of its solidarity and of its love for the Celestial Father.
For this reason, companions, to all of you and to all your brothers and sisters that are listening, I give you a blessing so that this task, through the Meeting of the Prayer of Mercy, may be blessed and filled by the gifts of the Holy Spirit. And I ask you to trust in the coming of these gifts, that will not only transform and give impulse to your spirits and consciousnesses, but also to your material life that, day after day, must be a mirror of the Brotherhood upon the surface.
As the Sun of the Universe, of the center of this Galaxy, that shines upon this sacred city of Guatavita, which today reflects its principles and its origins towards the souls that have belonged to it, just as to all the souls that have belonged to the original peoples of the Andes, I give you Peace and a blessing, wishing you a beautiful and glorious task in this crucial time in which souls must be reborn to love and to forgiveness.
With the rays of the Central Sun that come from the emanation of the Heart of God, and in union with the Great Universal Confraternity, let Colombia be elevated, let hearts be firm to experience their redemption in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I give you My Peace for you to experience it, also during the crucial moments.
I give you My Peace for you to be able to feel it, even in moments of difficulty or of desert.
My Peace can be experienced by those willing to find it in the conviction of serving, in the effort of giving oneself, and in the opportunity of sacrificing for others.
My Peace can permeate and fill the hearts that intend to be in this chain of love, which is given impulse by the Universe.
Through My Peace, you will also achieve wisdom and, in spite of the circumstances or of the trials, you will be able to clearly know which direction and which way to follow within My Plan of redemption and of forgiveness.
My Peace will lead you to find the Truth and to recognize It within yourselves. This will help you to grow in consciousness and thus your souls will govern your lives and paths.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
These are the times in which two realities will meet, the inner reality and the material reality. They will emerge spontaneously through the revealing impulse that the truth will bring, and nobody will be able to escape this event because it will be brought forward by the Universe itself.
And so, these two realities will meet in the light of each consciousness to bring them to a profound decision. And those consciousnesses that have already come to know both realities, but wasted the opportunity of growing, must account for this great waste.
For this reason, I encourage you to live in the constructive thought of God so that, when this moment comes, you may be neutral and peaceful and you may simply be moved by the impulse to help, by means of the path of prayer, all those who will need it; because they did not avail themselves of the path that I had asked them to tread.
Thus, companions, remain in unity with Me so that at the key moment I may help you and guide you, showing you the way out.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The poorest families of Argentina are the last to receive the help they need in order to live. Thus, they will be witnesses of the spiritual treasures held in Argentina and, in this way, their consciousnesses will be enriched upon knowing the truth and upon accepting it, just as it is, with the purity of their hearts.
But others will not see these spiritual treasures because their intentions are not pure nor transparent, because their hands and their eyes have become addicted to power and authority. These, which I name, will not see anything, while the poor who have nothing, will be participants in the spiritual treasures.
So this will be the time for bringing equality to Argentina, and leaving behind the promises that are only pretty words.
Argentina will rise up with the strength of its workers and its laborers and these will be who, through constant effort, will prepare for the arrival of the Redeemer, for just as it was with the apostles, I will call the workers of Argentina to sit at My table so that we may share the bread.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
With the Light of My Wounds, I continue to illuminate the darkest spaces of the consciousness of Argentina so that more souls from this country may have the opportunity to be reborn, to awaken and to love.
With the Light of My Wounds, I justify before the Celestial Father the mistakes that humankind continues to commit and thus, the Law of Mercy and of Grace, in an extraordinary way, grants moments of forgiveness to the most lost and sleeping hearts.
With the Light of My Wounds I transmute the precarious conditions of the consciousness and move forward with the liberation of the most corrupt states of the consciousness of the nations, so that they do not miss the opportunity of seeing God.
With the Light of My Wounds I bring hearts closer to the truth so that each one may recognize it must change, even further, aspects of the consciousness that prevent the freedom of taking steps in the evolution of the being.
With the Light of My Wounds I bring healing to that which is sick and I cure the inner wounds that do not allow souls to experience renovation.
With the Light of My Wounds I open the doors for you to feel and to find God again.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I do not mind how you are, as long as you are truly with Me, just as I was with you, from the Garden of Gethsemane to the Cross.
According to how you are with Me, I will give it a specific value, because the way in which you are inwardly with Me will show Me and confirm for Me, the possibility or the difficulty, of being able to carry out My Plan through you.
I know that what I am telling you might impress you or shake you, but I have committed Myself before the Celestial Father to tell My companions the truth so that they may grow, every day, not through their relevance or skills, but rather so that they may be able to grow through My Truth.
I tell you this today because I know that you are with Me every day, beyond the events or situations. There are few who are with Me in this way, this is why I give opportunities to everyone so that someday they may be able to be unconditionally with Me.
In this way, I gradually form an army of real servers, who in the service of God, will help the Hierarchy to move forward with the Plan of Redemption.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Indifference embraces the planet too much. May there be no trace of indifference in you, so that My Plan may not be interfered with nor hindered by anything indifferent coming from you.
To some degree, you must consciously work to banish indifference from your consciousnesses because through indifference My enemy nurtures in humankind the lack of love and of attention for others, for the brother or sister they have beside them, day by day.
A disciple of Christ works every day to banish from themselves any degree of indifference because if something indifferent is within the disciple, they will have great difficulties to go beyond themselves, in spite of being right in something.
Therefore, I invite you once again to reflect so that within yourselves you only seek the truth, which will forever free you from the chains of indifference and lack of love.
I have already taught you how to experience My Love, do not forget it.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I place My Hand upon you to bless you and consecrate you always to God, beyond trials and falls, because for God it is important that His Plan of Love and of Redemption be fulfilled in humanity.
At His Divine request I place My Hand over you to bless you and consecrate you because He needs reconciliation to be established in the world and in His most lost children of the Earth to be able to recognize and find the Love of God, as a means of salvation and of relief.
I place My Hand over you to bless you and consecrate you in the name of all those who, in some way, fail in their spiritual life, and through this gesture of love, on this day, I bring the opportunity of your turning to God and finding His Infinite Mercy.
I place My Hand over you to bless you and consecrate you in the name of redemption and of the peace which must awaken in all the children of the Father, who at some point will face the Truth and must live it.
I place My hand over you to forgive you, to strengthen you, to encourage you to say "yes" to Me until the end.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I do not wish you to someday feel frustration, discomfort or despair because of being tired, for I reached the cross being more exhausted and destroyed than all of you; that is why, on this day, you have the opportunity of suffering for Me.
I know that for your inner nuclei, it is sometimes too demanding, but it is time for you to see that you lack nothing, absolutely nothing, and that My Father Himself, through your Heavenly Mother, takes care of even those details.
Remember all those brothers and sisters of yours who have nothing, who receive nothing and who are in worse conditions of spiritual and material life.
I have called each one of you so that you give Me something from within you, and many have not yet given it to Me.
I do not seek your material or intellectual development. What I always seek is that your hearts, fully offered for humanity, also be with Me at this time in which perhaps your cells want or aspire to do other things.
I promised you My Kingdom through sacrifices bearable to you. Now is the time to offer yourselves completely into the Hands of your Redeemer so that miracles and greater interventions may take place.
I promised to tell you the truth; I recognize the other efforts, but today I need you to individually place yourselves before Me and ask Me: "Lord, what more should I do?".
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I do not come to seek desires or expectations, miseries or errors in you. I come to seek your heart so that, under any circumstances or in any situation, it may be with Me, regardless of results or consequences.
I know that you are a being on the surface of the Earth wounded and hurt by all humanity. For this reason I understand and accept you as you are, and I hope that My acceptance serves as a consolation and encouragement for you so that you continue to transform, so that the world may also transform and achieve redemption.
In your noble heart lies the truth about what you always were and what you will be, because the truth of your being is spiritual and not human. Thus, continue to perfect yourself daily for Me, so that I may make you a participant in My designs and My treasures.
If you trip again and again on the same stone, be thankful, because you will be receiving the chance to be more humble and of recognizing your miseries for those who do not recognize theirs, nor want to see them.
Be glad, everything will pass, and if you obey Me as up until now, you will be what I so wish for.
I love you.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I reflect Myself, widely, by means of the Sacraments.
The Sacraments and their forms are the extensions of the Attributes and of the Graces that come from Heaven.
When the soul comes into contact with some of the Sacred Sacraments, it has the opportunity of going through the divine mystery and of uniting, essentially, to the Supreme Truth.
The Sacraments and their forms are like spiritual bridges of Light that conduct the soul toward the fulfillment of its purpose and of its mission on Earth.
The Sacraments put us in contact with the diverse Designs of God and they provide wisdom, reverence and devotion to those who live them and adopt them as standards of inner conduct.
In this sense, the Sacraments are still pouring blessings and graces on the souls so that the human beings may learn, through them, to overcome the inner duality, to live their individual and group purpose and, mainly, for all to learn to share and to live the Christian ecumenism and human fraternity.
The Sacraments are gifts, but they are also a means to live redemption. Their practice in daily life and the devotional and ardent value that we place before each one of them will allow the human being to receive the necessary protection to transit the end of times, in this moment of planetary chaos.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Even if you fall before Me many times, My child, I will not cease to recognize you, for I know that, beyond every mistake and every test, your heart wants to be close to Mine, and I recognize and appreciate that very much, so that the soul may feel the reason for surrendering their life to Me.
Stay by My side and you will see that everything will be transformed from time to time.
You must remember your miseries so that vainglory does not enter your life.
Feeling imperfect or moribund is a state of consciousness that leads you to remember of God and beseech Him.
He expects His children to be converted in order to represent and recognize Him as their Creator, so that Grace may exist in life, and that inexhaustible source may continue to transform the human consciousness.
This is the time to recognize the truth within oneself and to participate of the demanding changes of these times, so that the soldiers of the last times may awaken in humanity.
I thank you for keeping My aspirations in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I have told you more than once that I could not work with those who have a tepid heart. And at this time I see that many hearts easily remain tepid, and in different moments they lose the fervor of being in Me.
In this situation, My Consciousness can only contemplate and hope that the tepid heart will define itself if it will remain in this condition or it will risk itself for Me to give a little more every day.
A tepid heart is a doubtful heart, not faithful, not reliable.
My Celestial Work cannot be in those who are tepid of heart, in people who act according to events, instead of acting according to unconditional love.
This is the time to reflect on this, because everything that hearts have already received directly from Me in the last years should not place you in tepidness/lukewarmness, because if so, My Work of Pity and Mercy would not be fulfilled.
It is in the heart of each disciple of Mine, the response to follow the Truth or remain in indifference.
There is no longer time to sustain those who are tepid.
May the flame of My Love heat you up and light within you the fire of determination.
I am waiting for you.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Without you having expected it, today I have come according to the expresed Will of My Father, to tell you that I will be returning to give you My daily spiritual impulses beginning today, March 20, 2019; numerically special for the Universe of God.
All of the Spiritual Hierarchy is attentive to the great spiritual and inner needs of humanity.
But in this cycle, in which My Word must be put into practice, I will impel you and guide you with new and precise instructions so that your inner worlds and your souls may feel guided.
For this reason, the Father has asked Me, by the infinite merits of My Passion, to offer My Divine Consciousness to those who will continue working daily for their transformation and redemption.
Thus, as from today on and for an undetermined period, I will be returning with all the Glory of God to accompany humanity in this critical and decisive time in which it is going through.
And I will specially come, at the request of My Mother, for those who deserve and cry out for the merits of My Divine Mercy.
I will come in this cycle to continue to reveal the Truth to you and, above all, to avoid the substitution of faith and Christian teachings with worldwide and religious idolatry and fanaticism.
During the next Sacred Week, I will sow the last seeds.
I thank you for keeping My impulses in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more