Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come as the evening sun to bring you the Light of God, because there is nothing that cannot be resolved through love. Love is saving, love is alive, love is resplendent.

When the children of God turn to love, nothing happens, all is transformed and is elevated; thus, do not fear. Feel the Love of God that vivifies you, that transforms you, and causes you to change, time after time.

My Heart is a Source of this Love, which you can participate in, day by day; this is why I need you to be like My Love, like the Love that saved you, like the Love that rescued you and redeemed you up to the cross.

It is this Love of God that surrendered and gave everything it had for each one of you. It is this Love that let itself be flagellated, that let itself be humiliated, that let itself be sacrificed for humankind so that humankind might learn from the truth that Love is.

I want to see you in this Love all the time, in a Love that regenerates, that brings life, that calms, that neutralizes forms and all struggles.

I hope to see the world in this Love, again and again, because I know that it is not and many are not because they do not know the miracles that this Love can do when one truly surrenders to It without fear. Because the Love of God is something that penetrates the Consciousness, it is a Love that brings confidence and brings strength in the face of situations in life and in events.

Today I wanted to give this Love to all those who are here. That is what I was hoping for, because I know that you have need of this Love that I bring you, for this end time in which the human consciousness must face itself to learn to transcend and be free of itself.

But everything is possible in Love, in the Love that I taught you, the Love that I professed to My apostles and all My followers.

It is this same Love that I bring you today and in which I make you participants of, again and again, so that you may know that the world needs to have beings of love who, as instruments, can mirror the Source of the Love of God, transforming their own love into a greater Love, a Love that comes to assist the world and the critical events of the Earth.

It is this Love that I offer to you that will allow you to experience the transition. Without love, nothing will be possible, everything will be a void, a desert and loneliness.

My Heart is a doorway to this Love that can transform and transcend you when you cannot manage to on your own, when you do not know where to go and to whom to appeal.

I not only speak to you about nonmaterial love, but also the love that I experienced as a human being, as a man and as consciousness.

This Love, which is also of God, acted in everything, participated in everything, and surrendered for you as you surrender for Me today.

Love will allow you to experience the fraternity that the world urgently needs to practice, a fraternity that sees the need of a fellow being, a fraternity that sees the need present in a peer.

I invite you to find this Love within yourselves, it is this Love that lets you see God in each moment, in each circumstance. It will be necessary to go through these times under this Law, to learn how to overcome oneself and help your brothers and sisters, your companions, overcome themselves.

But without Love, nothing can be done, it is like having no direction, it is like having no path. This is why I bring you this Source of Love for this end time, because humanity urgently needs it in order to stop committing errors and faults, to stop separating itself from God and losing the direction of its path.

Today I offer Myself as this Love that renews you, heals you, cures you, as this Love that brings many things to an end, and that opens doors to new experiences, new learnings, new schools.

I do not stop thinking about how much you still need to live in this Love, a love that is not palpable. It is a Love that moves Divine energy and causes it to flow throughout the Universe, and in all spaces of Creation.

In the same way that the angels live from the Source of this Love and are nurtured by it, you must also nurture yourselves from this Love of God that offers itself, time after time, unconditionally, so that souls may accomplish their purpose and, above all, the Will of God. While this does not happen and love is not present, everything becomes dark, fragile and weak.

Love allows you to be elevated all the time, it has you see reality and find a path of peace that will lead you to a mature and wise understanding. I only wish for you to find this love someday, because it is a living and Divine Love that will consecrate you, that will make you good servers and collaborators of My Work.

And those who live this love today, and truly practice it, let them continue to do so, because the planet needs it as a consciousness, humanity needs it as a race, just as all of the Kingdoms of Nature have need of the love of these people, so as to be able to evolve and awaken in order to grow, like you grow and live, in spite of the condition the world and humanity are in.

The Source of the Love of God is open to spiritually descend toward Earth; it must find instruments to be able to descend and express in, it must find open hearts to be able to be placed in, and thus multiply the Graces of God in all senses and in all of life.

This is the time for you to experience the miracle of love, but first believe in it so that you may feel it and live it. This will unify you, will make you more fraternal, more like companions with one another.

Feel My Heart that emanates this Love of God, and become calm. Everything is a transition and is an experience.

Love is eternal, the Love of God will never end; hardship will end and the Light will win when you enter into the current of the Love of God, and make it part of yourselves, because the Love of God will grant you forgiveness and reconciliation.

This is all that I expect for this time, to see My Work reflected like a living current of Love in the hearts and in the souls that say "yes" to the Creator and fully trust in Him, in His Will.

I make you participants in the Truth that comes from the Love of God so that you may find it someday, knowing that everything passes, but that the experience of Love is indestructible and unexchangeable for your consciousnesses.

God needs love to reign in the world and in hearts so that peace may be established and unity among brothers and sisters can be experienced, beyond everything.

I leave you My Love as a way out, as a Light on the horizon, as the sun that shines on you in this afternoon of Grace.

Today I do not come to judge your actions nor your undertakings. I come to invite you to enter the Universe of My Love, where you will find the Truth and experience it in a simple way.

In this way, I will make you representatives of My Work on Earth, and there will be beings on the surface of this planet that will be bridges of communication between the Earth and Heaven, which is what God needs, not only in priestly life, but also in all of those who pray and proclaim their faith toward the Creator. In this way, the world will stay stabilized and in balance, and everything will happen in a more harmonious way.

When souls do not live love, hearts suffer and do not understand why. Human love must be transformed into Divine Love, and only a Grace can grant this, in this time, so that humanity may understand that it made a mistake, and that it must reconsider so that Mercy may fill you and be able to save you.

It is the Love of My Heart that today brings you peace, and the peace of God blesses you and fills you so that you may continue onward for Me, so that the Project may be accomplished and Love may prevail, as He prevailed on the Cross.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.



In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (in Latin). Amen.

Let us greet the King of the Universe.

I ardently wished that this day would come because the triumph and the victory of My Heart are near and nothing will prevent it.

Happy are those who trust in My Word. Fortunate are those who follow it. Blessed are those who fulfill it, because Heaven and Earth will pass but My Word will remain in the memory of My chosen ones.

This is the time to give everything for Me. It is as I said in the past: I want you cold or hot. Far from Me the tepid at heart because in them My Work is not built.

In the tepid ones My Work does not evolve. It is in the warriors that I build My Truth and in them I leave My Message, My Flame expresses itself, My Love penetrates and transforms all that is corrupt. This is why I wished for this day to come and that you would be exhausted and tired, in order to be able to represent and to live what I lived for you in the culminating moment of My Agony, in which solitude abounded and the strength, despite the darkness, was in God.

I know it is not easy to live what I ask of you, this is why I respect the timing of each one of you. But it is up to Me, as your Master and Lord, to observe you and contemplate you so that you learn to follow My Path, so that you do not lose sight of My Purpose, that goes beyond the material and the spiritual. Purpose of which you are all part. Purpose in which you were all congregated, to fulfill it and to live it in these times, for a greater and widely unknown goal.

What I need from you is something more than material and, I could say, something more than spiritual. I need you to deepen into this existence that is within you so that the world may, day by day, continue to learn how to overcome mediocrity, indifference and all that omits the Truth of My Heart. This omission comes from humanity for being blind in the illusion and for not having heard, not even once, everything that I have said in these last times.

I still await the redemption of these human beings and the collaboration of the souls who, beyond their possibilities, their sacrifice or their surrender, are ready to suffer for Me.

But I do not bring you the suffering of the Cross, not even the tiniest cells of your body would bear it. Because what I lived for you was very great and it still has not been reported in any sacred book. The time will come in which I will tell all the truth.

I hoped that, on this night, those with an open heart would be preparing for the next encounter with Me, which will be a determining Sacred Week, in which many definitions will be made, steps will be taken and many will determine what they will make of their lives, based on these impulses of light that will come from My Heart.

All that I tell you today, companions, is to encourage you to continue forward, it is to encourage you to burn in love for Me, in a love that is capable of doing anything, under any circumstance or situation, in a love that lives in silence the aspiration of meeting Me day by day, and of someday seeing My Sacred Face.

If today you are not pervaded by this love for what you are living or for what you are learning or suffering, what are you doing here?

I need a real and sincere truth, I need your hearts to be torn for Me and your souls to be surrendered for me, day by day.

My Cross had an incalculable weight, a value not yet valued, a surrender still unknown. May My Cross be your breath, your strength and your aspiration. And when you feel the weight of your cross, feel that you will be in My Truth, and My Spirit will blow in you and I will inspire you in the Sacred Word, I will give you the answer and you will reach the aim.

Not everyone is prepared to live what I need. But if I ask, companions, it is because it is possible and only something within you could prevent it. But whoever surrenders at My Feet surrenders to God, to His Will and to His Purpose. And this surrender is priceless, it cannot be measured nor is it conditioned, because it is a surrender that donates the heart of each being who clings to Christ.

Today is a special day, but also a decisive one, because all the souls that hear My Call, after these last times, are for the first time before two paths in order to choose, and this answer will emerge from within you.

This is why I contemplate you. This is why I pray. This is why I adore My heavenly Father so that His deep and infinite Wisdom may be in you, within you and in your essences at the moment of deciding, of confirming yourselves or of defining another path.

At this moment, in the face of your spiritual and universal decision, I cannot intervene. My Father and My Mother made you free in spirit, in action and in word.

As before I surrendered to the Cross, before I was martyred and humiliated by those who were cured and healed by Me before My Blood was shed, and although up until today it has not been recognized, it was in that time and in that hour that the apostles also lived their great definition for their following stage.

My disciples must cross this threshold and learn how to cross it as I crossed it for you when the Father presented Me the Chalice and I said: "Thy Will be done."

This is the Chalice that I am offering you today. Beyond your possibilities, your limitations or your trials.

This is the Chalice that witnessed for you the Love poured out in each drop of Blood, as well as in the Water that flowed out from My Side.

This is the Chalice that witnessed the descent of Mercy, of pity, of compassion and of redemption in humanity.

This is the Chalice that I offer you so that the world may not destroy itself, so that the continents may not suffer, so that the wars may end and so that the enemies and antichrists may be defeated by My Light, the Light that comes from the Love of My Heart.

I warn you and I call you to awareness. Everything that you truly offer Me I recognize, however simple and small it may seem, however silent it may be, even if it is between you and Me and no one else; everything is recognized, contemplated and accepted by My Heart.

It is there, in this small offer, that you will find strength, impetus and determination. It is there, in the small and in the simple but true, that you will find the key of the love which will transform your being and all of your consciousness as I still expect so much, according to My Projects.

Keep these Words as something that will never be repeated again. The Lord of the Universe also has His time for saying things because this prepares you and guards you from the danger, the perdition and the deception that My adversary can propagate.

But I will step on his head and place My Sword. I will transfigure his essence and all the essences of evil. And My Celestial Kingdom will descend on the four points of Earth, the great Mother Star will come and the Masters will descend to regenerate and heal the Earth, and thus the New Humanity will emerge.

Offer this moment of decision at the Altars of God. He is attentive to the voice of your pleas, just as He was attentive in Fatima through the heart of My Celestial Mother. We are in a moment similar to that one, beyond your matter or your bodies, your mind or your intellect, beyond the spirit, the soul or the essence.

Offer to God this moment of decision. This will allow My Work to expand in the world and My Love to continue to triumph above the adversity in the hearts that congregate to live My Brotherhood.

Let us stand up.

Lord of the Universe, Creator Father-Mother, participate in the Communion with Your children at this sacred moment of definition in which Your Doors open and the souls cry out for Your Love.

Light in them Your Trust, the gift of Your Wisdom, the infinite Compassion of Your Heart, so that all the Christs of the New Time may awaken and take part in the victory of My Kingdom in humanity. Amen.


Let us now invoke the Celestial Father, His Sacred Name Adonai, so that His Wisdom may descend on the planet and on all those who participate in the Communion with His Spirit.

Song: Adonai.

Let us inhale.

Father, convert this element into My Body so that the souls may nourish themselves from the essence of Your Spirit and of the Universe, of Your Truth.

At that time I raised the bread to the Father so He would bless it and give Me His Grace, and I handed it to the apostles saying: "Take this and eat it, all of you, for this is My Body that will be given for you for the forgiveness of sins."

Father, convert this element into My Divine Blood so that the souls may drink from the essence of redemption through the infinite Power of Love.

At that moment I also raised the Chalice, the Father blessed it and gave Me His Mercy so that it could be poured onto the whole Earth through My Blood up to the highest point of the Cross.

At that time I handed it to the apostles saying: "Take this and drink from it, for this is My Blood of the New Covenant, that will be shed for all human beings for the forgiveness of sins."

This is the Body and the Blood of Christ. Blessed are the merciful because they will live in the Mercy of God. Amen.

 Prayer: Our Lord in Portuguese.

Whoever lives in My Word, lives in My Love. I taught you to love yourselves, one another, beyond the flaws and the differences. May this Love spread in the world, the Christic Love of My Heart, in all peacemakers, in all missionaries and collaborators of the Work of God.

May the Peace of God be in your hearts and may He always make you partakers of His Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

In fraternity and love, gratitude and joy, you will give each other the greeting of peace.

I thank you!

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus, transmitted on September 4, 2018, in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When the twilight is about to disappear and the night arrives, this will be the most culminating moment for humanity and the planet.

Everything will have been unleashed within and outside of the beings, and upon the surface of the Earth, there will be nothing more to learn nor anything to teach.

Everyone will know the truth.

Everyone will be able to see it and participate in it, because the end of times will have been consummated and the New Earth will cease to be a promise, because the old Earth will have been purified.

But before this promise is fulfilled, which God eagerly awaits, the Earth will have yet to go through its transition. Duality will also experience its definition and fate will be changed.

After the most difficult parts have taken place, the Aurora will come, causing its Light and its Consciousness to shine forth. The Son will come and then His Mother will come, and with Them, all the angels and archangels, and the great laborers of the Plan.

The trumpets will have already been played and Truth will resound in the hearts of the righteous.

The unrighteous will be set apart and sent on to their new destiny. The chaff will have been separated from the wheat, the wolves from the sheep, the pure from the impure, the turbid from the clear, the darkness from the light.

And no one will be able to complain, no one will be able to justify themselves, because they will have received everything from Heaven and from the Universe.

The Words of the Hierarchy will no longer slip by like the wind or the breeze that can caress your faces.

The Word will be fulfilled and no one will be able to omit it.

No consciousness, no nation, no government, no one will be opposed, for opposition and duality will no longer exist, there will be no past nor will there be future.

The eternal present will descend to the Earth and the planet will enter into its new dimension, the dimension from which it was separated due to learning and experiences.

It will enter into the real dimension, into Real Time, where only the eternal exists, the visible and the invisible.

Thus, the consciousnesses that will stay and remain will no longer be far from the Truth, because the Truth will be part of them for having persisted in their tests and in their learning processes, for having believed in Christ, in His Word, for living obedience and a strict adherence to His call.

When I am no longer here among you, know that everything will be unleashed.

The walls of the resistances will no longer be personal fortresses, there will be no divisions or barriers, obstacles nor challenges, because everything will fall by its own weight.

Truth will prevail in the clean and humble hearts. The lies will be seen in the hearts that became soiled through their evil words.

The true faces will be seen. Some, full of gladness and the joy of Heaven, others full of fright, encountering Truth and repenting too late.

This is why you must always be careful with what you decide about your lives and your paths.

The Plan of God is not something transitory nor is it something that can be used to one's own advantage.

If the Son of God descended to Earth, it was because of the highest Will.

If the Son of God came to meet you, it was because of the highest Will.

Do you understand?

You cannot discard the Plan of God because it is not convenient for you or you do not feel it. Assume the responsibility of your purification and soon you will be free of yourselves.

You cannot distort the story that is being written in your hearts and lives.

You cannot turn aside the pencil of God for your faults. Reconsider and you will grow.

Do not make small what is truly grand and comes from Heaven.

Do not be like the world, which insults the Plan of God, day after day, without being aware of it.

Because when the laws strike the world, all will learn, and those at the center of the Purpose will not suffer, because the Law will not be a punishment, the actions of humankind will be their own condemnation.

You must recognize within yourselves what the Kingdom of God has given you, and do not contaminate it with your way of life.

Thus, invoke, implore and appeal for a pure heart so that your minds may be pure, so that your actions may be pure, so that your paths may be full of light rather than of suffering, the suffering that you can cause and experience for yourselves.

God aspires that all be able to live in His Joy and that nobody else condemn themselves in this humanity.

Seek to be what God really needs and everything will transform.

You cannot cease to be part of My New Gospel.

You must be part of what is descending from the Universe.

This is why, in these last days, I have brought you so many keys and so much knowledge, because it is time to live the spiritual maturity that the Father of the Universe needs to be able to continue to fulfill His Plan and His Will.

You cannot consider the Plan of God and your mission as something transitory, as if nothing mattered anymore.

Repentance will come to show some the place that they have put themselves in and from where they cannot manage to get out on their own. My Mercy does not reach there, neither does My Grace nor My Light. I cannot transgress your free choice nor your will.

I taught My apostles to be true, but also simple; to be honest and transparent in Truth, because that will always protect them.

But now is the time to place your consciousness upon the decisions in life and how that influences your evolution and mainly, your spiritual life.

Everything that has been given in these last times must be testified to on the day of the Final Judgment and after this life for all.

The treasures of Heaven will never be lost.

The treasures of Heaven must be testified to by each disciple of Mine, even though they are no longer with Me.

The signature of your commitment is your salvation and to remember this every day is also your salvation.

You must learn to perceive the reality beyond yourselves and never allow yourselves to harm the Plan.

You cannot let time go by as if nothing will happen. You know, better than I, that the planet is suffering and is very wounded.

This is why it is in the most culminating moment of the tribulation that I will return, and nobody will be able to escape this event, no matter how much they have denied Me, no matter how much they said I am not here.

The true Hierarchy does not have the children of God waste time. Be aware of this and reconsider.

I express this especially to those who have distanced themselves and were confused by My enemy. I pray for their repentance and their humiliation.

Human pride can be as large as a sea and drown you without you perceiving it.

The blindness of the unjust will be removed when they allow the Heart of the Master to touch them with His Light.

The lepers of spirit will be healed when they open from the heart to the divine healing and the reality of the Universe.

All of you have a place in My Heart, which you already know.

All of you have a commitment with Me and that is unforgettable, because the time has come for assuming the reality and not setting it aside on your paths as if it did not exist.

Learn from My Sacrifice and you will survive.

Be capable of truly and warmly loving.

Be true ambassadors of peace for these critical times, for in this way you will gladden My Heart which has many anxieties and a great many sorrows, caused by those who have not understood Me through this medium.

Now the Light will come for those that want to live it and want to participate in it.

That Light that I will propagate will protect you and you will love each step of your purification for Me.

Re-live your commitment that you once signed in the Cosmos and enter into the true dimension of the Brotherhood.

The locks of the Sacred Books have already been opened to begin to pronounce the great revelation of all times and of all eras.

Universal Life will become present in the hearts that cry out for it, for in this way the Plan will be vivified.

Do not waste time in what is transitory.

Accept carrying the planet upon your backs, for it cries out for relief.

Have the Star of loyalty and Confraternity stamped upon your chests. Re-ignite that inner Sun that must never die or go out.

Let what you truly are shine and you will be able to step out of superficial things.

Because what is small-minded will cease to be small-minded, pride will be purified, and arrogance will die so that the light of the spirit may emerge, which will always fill you and lead you toward peace.

I thank you for cooperating.

I thank you for listening and for bringing relief to the Heart of God.

May the Purpose be accomplished in you and may it always be remembered so that in the moments of greatest tribulation you do not doubt in following My Path, in this way, you will free yourselves of the confusion and the appearances that are around you.

Embrace this cross that I offer to you and, in this way, the seed of a New Humanity will be sown.

I do not ask the impossible of you. I only ask that after so many experiences in Heaven and on Earth, you learn to live Truth and, in simplicity, that which will cause you to find the great Ocean of My Love, of My infinite and expansive Love.

Re-experience all these impulses that I have given to you these days, because I know that you cannot manage to remember them.

You must pay attention to what I say to you because My Words will not be repeated.

Be good students, dedicated and disciplined, in this way you will defeat inertia.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus during the 50th Marathon of Divine Mercy, on September 6, 2017, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Our Father... (x2)

Pai Nosso... (x1)

Never stop looking at the Inner Sun of My Heart, for in this way, you will always be protected from everything.

My Silence today speaks of an acute planetary reality.

For this reason, yesterday I had to emanate the greatest Fount of My Love to you, in order to be able to speak to you today about what I am going to say.

I am holding the Book of the Wisdom of God in My Hands and I come accompanied by the twenty-four Ancients. Gathered together in a single Council, we deliberate on the next steps for this humanity.

Today is not an ordinary day, but rather a day of great definitions, for which I invite you to continue praying, although apparently it may seem a mystery.

In this Book of the Wisdom of God, the destiny of the current humanity is to be found, a destiny unknown to everybody, which still has not been revealed, not even in dreams.

But today I bring you this treasure of God because it is the Father Himself who, with His Holy Hand, writes down the events of this current humanity that has already entered fully into the planetary transition.

I ask you to open your hearts for what I am bringing to you today as a message.

I ask you to not be afraid, but rather have a broad awareness, in order to inwardly perceive the Sacred Knowledge of God that is written in this Sacred Book of His Universal and infinite Kingdom; the Kingdom that the angels and archangels care for in perpetual praise and honor to the Almighty, because He writes and builds the destiny of humanity every day.

What many would wish to see is to be found In this Book, but also what many do not want to see, because in the Book of the Wisdom of God the Divine Wisdom is reflected, the one which has begun to invisibly descend all the planes until reaching this physical plane and being concretized.

That is why I ask you to concentrate your gazes on the inner Sun of My Heart, because there exists the equilibrium, harmony, and unity that will make you strong for these difficult times.

That is why in these days, companions, I invited you to define yourselves as My apostles of the end of times, so that you may be able to serve Me in each corner of this world where the planetary reality is becoming acute and souls fall into their own abysses, without finding even a speck of light.

I invite you to be aware so as to acquire a maturity sufficiently uplifted to help you face these times and all the learning experiences that will come to enrich your spirits with new experiences of Love and of Redemption.

It is in this way that I come to request, with the Book of the Wisdom of God in Hand, something that you have never experienced: an absolute and full surrender so that My Plan may be able to materialize even further on the surface.

The twenty-four Ancients of the Universe, the great carriers of the Sacred Knowledge of God, the Great Mentors among mentors, are those who mirror Divine Justice to the Universe in this time.

They are not promoters of universal punishment, as My adversary is. They are just consciousnesses that throughout time have learned and lived, in all Heavens, the knowledge of this human experience within this sacred planet.

In their hands they hold the Project of God, especially in their Solar Hearts.

They know what the world needs to experience and what the aspiration of the Almighty is, but they cannot interfere or alter the free will of this humanity, which is what truly condemns it, time after time.

But if your eyes are upon the Inner Sun of My Heart, you will learn to set aside superficiality and everything that blinds the human being in this time, disconnecting them from God completely.

Today, they came with Me, the Sacred Ancients of the Universe, to be able to see and be present for what will happen in the world overnight.

It is important that you not change My Words, because their meaning, the energy, and the Principle of what I want to say change, for your inner worlds, not for your minds.

Thus, place your feelings in your heart and in this moment, re-experience what I brought you yesterday; it is what I always wish to give My companions, so that the universal bitterness may finally be dissolved, that which has condemned all the creatures in this Universe to the errors of yesteryear.

We come as a Universal Council to make you aware of the new decisions that have already been taken and of which you are a part, just as is each being of this surface.

Today I ask you to disseminate to the world the importance of living in the Gift of the Fear of God, so that souls may have time to repent and to do true penitence, before everything happens, because I know that many believe that nothing will happen.

There would be no sense in My being here after fifty meetings, preparing you for that great moment, in which your missionary souls will be active, in operation, and at the service of the planetary need.

Prepare to stop doing all that you do daily. Do not feel discomfort when the time comes to be removed from what is normal in these times.

I have already told you, companions, that you are My Hands and My Feet so that I may work on this planet and avoid millions of souls being unexpectedly lost, in an unheard-of way, that nobody knows about up to now.

That is why it is important that your spiritual values be present and latent. You will need all those values to be able to go through the end of the times with bravery and courage, and thus not be distracted with everything that happens daily in the world.

In you I want to build universal consciousnesses, beings that are able to mirror the Wisdom of God in these times, without losing a moment of their lives to learn all that is necessary, everything that God needs you to learn for the great planetary moment that humanity will experience.

Today I expose My Most Holy Body to the whole planet because it will be the Portal through which you will be able to enter, to be safe under Divine Protection and under the protection of My Eucharistic Heart.

Happy will be those who do so, and if many more did so, there would be a greater balance on this planet, and it will not be necessary, in spite of the great debt of this race, from its human line to the Kingdoms of Nature, that the Oceans be so stirred up, nor the Earth move so much.

I can say to you with all of My Heart that nobody is prepared for the end of the times, but it will be necessary to experience them.

You incarnated in this era, in these end times, to participate in this transition, of which many more should be aware, to get out of the global drowsiness.

The more good works that are done in the world, the smaller the catastrophe in humanity will be.

The fewer animals sacrificed by humankind itself on the surface, the less necessary it will be that blood continue to be spilled in this world, innocent blood.

The fewer minerals and forests are exploited, the fewer abortions there will be in the world, and the mothers will not have the pain of that cruelty remain with them up to their next lives.

The less infringement on the oceans, contamination of the seas, and sacrifices of the whales, the smaller will be the movement of the axis of the Earth and the melting of the poles, never seen before by God, nor by the whole of this Universe. It will not be necessary for the planet to get so much closer to the sun and for the temperature to go up such unknown degrees, never experienced in any era of this planet.

Now you understand, companions, what the Council of Ancients is deciding as the future of this race, for the triumph of My Sacred Heart.

Do not be sad, but rather further strengthened, because I need you to be strong here, more decided, more aware, more open, to aid humanity and all of this planet.

Do not think about what will happen, but about what the world still does not do in a balanced, true, and fair way.

And to complete this meeting, I invite you to be carriers of justice, so that always and in everything you have fair attitudes: in all that you do, in all that you think, in all that you experience, because no matter how small it seems, it will help to balance the world and the harmony of this planet and of all the Younger Kingdoms.

Now I want to leave a request with you: that you strengthen your prayers for Brazil, twice a week, because this people and this land are being very sought after.

In spite of everything that happens in this nation, the triumph of My Sacred Heart could only happen here, and from here to the whole planet.

I ask you not to become involved with what may happen on this surface. The Universe itself will clean up what is in excess, and in this way, I will be able to reforest the nation with valiant souls, who will accomplish My Project in the end of these times.

Remain above the events and in this way, you will also be able to help Me, and you will help many, many souls that remain lost in the events of this surface.

If you pray to My holy Mother for Brazil, Brazil will maintain its original spirit, and conflicts, such as the ones that exist in other nations, will not be necessary.

Remember that Archangel Metatron is the one in charge of caring for your people and you must unite with his Cosmic Fire so that his igneous currents may transmute the contrary currents that bring disturbances to My beloved Brazil.

I promise you that this land will no longer be a land of slaves, but rather of triumphant souls that live in the Love of God and radiate it to the whole world.

Brazil is the Mirror of My Heart and when it suffers, I suffer in silence.

Strengthen your spiritual values and teach simple souls to pray, for in the most humble, as well as in the poorest, exists the support of My Work, which also makes Me come here, time after time.

May the Lord illumine hearts.

May souls avail themselves of the powerful stream of My Eucharistic Heart.
May all drink of the Fountain of Life and the Principle of Redemption of this Earth be renewed.


Now revere My Body and thus receive the dispelling of the darkness and the illumination of your essence for the times that will come.


We may stand.

Song: "You Are the King."

Know that I am honored to come from Heaven to be able to see you in these times, through this meeting, in which My Mercy expresses itself to all souls, in different ways, in the simple hearts that seek the Truth and Unity with God.

My Heart is filled with joy when I see you so close to Me with your spirits in absolute trust of My Redemptive Project.

I renew all things in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for being here today in My Heart.

And today I wish you to radiate more love to the world so that souls may be healed and withdrawn from their captivity, so that the consciousness of this planet, in this end time, has somebody to lean on and whom to trust, without fearing that humanity will once again assault the planet, as in recent times.

The planet also suffers as consciousness; that is why it moves so rapidly in this time and in each event; it is the sign of its suffering, of its agony, of the planetary birth.

Embrace the planet and hold it in the depths of your hearts, just as the planet has always held you in the Universe of Creation, in all that exists, in all that vibrates, and in all that evolves.

Go in peace and be My Peace in the world.

Today I have calmed My Heart with your presence, with the presence of each pilgrim and of each one who prays who has made an effort to give Me their all in these two days, and this makes Me come back here, always.

Do you accept that I come back one more time? 

Friar Elías:

He is crying.

Now yes, I must go, but hearing your words with a song that inspires souls to be close to Me: You are here.

Friar Elías:

Let us place our hands in the sign of reception, to receive from Christ His Energy, and then take it to the center of our heart, in an inner communion with His Divine Consciousness.

And let us thank Him through this song, for all that He has given us in these days.

Apparition of Christ Jesus received in the Marian Center of Figueira, by the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Carry in your hearts the badge of the Brotherhood.

May those who have fallen rise.

May evil be submerged itself into its hells and may the doors to perdition and to the condemnation of souls be closed at last; because the Almighty has come to meet you in order to be able to fill you with His Light and His Mercy, and to make of His creatures a new flock of Light, full of the Love of God and impregnated by His Gifts of Compassion, Unity, and Faith.

Today I come as the Priest of the Universe; I come to give you My Peace so that you may be in My Peace, and I give you My Peace so that you may multiply it and make it alive in your hearts and in the hearts of your brothers and sisters.

I have come from a very special place for Me, and also for My Father, one of the most beautiful places in the Creation of this Planet.

I come from the high peaks of the Himalayas, where the spirit of the sacred, of the pure, and of the reverent is gestated for humanity.

I want those who are Mine to walk with Me upon this mountain. I want you to feel your feet free in order to be able to do so.

I want you to be able to attain the goals that I propose for you for these times, and that, in spite of everything, you continue trusting in Me, because even though the purification may be extensive, the Mystery of Faith is infinite and it is what allows souls to be in God, and God to be in them.

I wish you to contemplate these mountains of the Himalayas as a great revelation of your Master and Lord, who, while amongst you, more than two thousand years ago, already knew what existed there.

Let the mountains be the example and the principle of the elevation of humanity, and, above all, of the elevation of the human mind, which is volatile and destructive.

I come to give strength to those who consider themselves to be My soldiers.

I come to bring the Light that rises in the infinity of the horizon.

For this reason, walk together with Me upon that mountain path, until you reach its highest point, thus, your spirits will rejoice, for you will no longer see obstacles nor will you have limitations in rising up to God. While matter is purified, let the spirit be firm in its purpose and in its mission.

Precious jewels of the Brotherhood are being delivered to everyone and they must be recognized first within yourselves, so that later you are able to express them in the physical life.

In order to climb to the top of this mountain, you must follow a rule that is necessary for Me: that you be what I need you to be, that you give the example of your true spirituality and that, no matter what happens, you keep faith and know that nothing is lost.

Humanity has never faced such difficult times as these. It is the first time that it crosses a portal towards a definition of its consciousnesses and of its purpose.

I come from the heights of the Himalayas to be able to show the world that it is possible to attain the goal and to reach the end of the purpose, no matter what the cost may be.

But if your hands remain united as brothers and sisters, and you create a great chain of Light up to the heights of the Himalayas, the one who is last, and experiencing the hardest test, will be able to be elevated through you and achieve the Light, feel Peace, and, in this example, will be able to find the Spirit of Brotherhood.

Many places of the planet keep Sacred Mysteries.

Unknown keys will be activated in the end of times so that the sleeping humanity may awaken.

And in order for this to happen, first this initiative will come from you, because, in truth, you already know what exists in the inner worlds of this Planet, which allow for the true awakening of humanity.

Today I show you the Himalayas so that you can see within them the spirit of that which is sacred, of all that is good, that can be permeated in the consciousness that seeks the transcendence and elevation of its being.

I am not the only Master in that place; there are also others who, on the inner planes, work for the purpose of the salvation of this humanity, especially the most unconscious of humanity.

Enter the heights of these mountains and feel your spirits in deep freedom.

See how your souls fly like the bird; feel how your hearts open to the beat of the Brotherhood and of all that is sacred.

Discover in yourselves the true Sun that you are. Let it shine and let it dazzle in order to be able to fulfill its purpose in this humanity.

I come to free you from the roots of indifference.

I come to raise you up to the spirit of Truth so that you may enter these mountains, free of the past, redeemed in your actions, and healed of your wounds.

In this way, you will receive the inner light that you need, and with gratitude you will embrace the Codes of Love that God will send you through His Presence in those sacred places of the planet.

From the heights of the Himalayas, I come to proclaim My coming to the world, so that all ears may hear within their inner worlds, and this Word may echo and resound where it should resound, beyond this Universe.

Meanwhile, the doorways to an incalculable opportunity are opening so that souls may recognize their origin and cease to be ignorant and asleep in the face of the Mysteries of the Universe that are being unveiled in these times, in which everything is in play.

Today I leave you all in the heights of the Himalayas, in one of the places most Sacred for My Father, in which He has chosen to place His Feet and again bring His Spirit of Reconciliation and Peace, to give it to all of His creatures.

His Fount will become visible in the times that will come, and souls will awaken and set aside their ignorance; they will open their eyes to what they truly are and set aside arrogance and everything that is petty in this surface humanity.

The chains of error of the past will be dissolved because Saint Michael the Archangel will wield His sword over them. Saint Raphael the Archangel will pour out His healing over the spirits that are unconditionally with God.

The keys of the Doors of Heaven will be given into the hands of the simple, to those who have followed the Path of the Lord, in spite of their purification and their tests.

Blessed are they who enter into My inner Himalayas.

Blessed are they who commune of this Mystery and reveal it to the world.

Blessed are they who with gratitude give thanks for all of these things without deeply knowing them.

Blessed are they who seek the Spirit of Brotherhood beyond themselves and their imperfections.

Blessed are they who take care of the Project of God and make It a part of their lives, defending it from themselves.

Blessed are they who remove their shoes to enter the Temple in an act of reverence and devotion to Divine Compassion.

Blessed are they who bow down in the heights of the mountains to plead to the Father, to Adonai.

Blessed are they who build the new and maintain it throughout time.

Blessed are they who have nothing to gain nor to lose because the Kingdom of the Heavens will be within them and scripture will be fulfilled; they will be freed of the sin of Adam and Eve. And a New Humanity will finally rise, full of new Christs, servant spirits, of souls in constant adoration.

Blessed are they who care for their work of prayer, truly and without deceiving themselves.

Blessed are they who build the foundations of spirituality and hold them in their hearts, as the last legacy.

Today your High Priest speaks to you; the Almighty pronounces His Words through His Beloved Son so that the flocks spread throughout the Earth may assemble at the foot of this mountain of the Himalayas, awaiting the great moment of the Return of their Beloved Lord.

"I ask You, Father, to open the Heavens over a world that is in darkness and that, through the Compassion of your Heart in the world, You may see the lights that ignite to recognize Your Call.

See now, Father, how Your fallen stars shine and how they rise up to the heights of the Firmament to become part of Your Universal Kingdom and Your Great Heavenly Vault.

Now, Father, do not leave anyone behind. I promise to give those who are lost refuge in My Arms. I promise to fulfill Your Works through those who give of themselves to Me and who are unconditionally consistent with My Invitation.

Today, in the heights of the Himalayas, Father, I leave those who most need You, so that those who are most aware and awake may, at the feet of these sacred mountains, may care for the rest of Your flocks.

I place My Scepter upon the heights of these mountains and I strike it on the Earth, to ignite it in Light.

The false temples will fall to My right and to My left, and the ruins of perdition and of the hells will be swallowed up by the earth so that Your Great Portal of Compassion may open between the East and the West, and, finally, Father, Your Words may be accomplished in Humanity. Amen."

Today I send My thanks to those who take care of the Sacred Instruction of the Spiritual and Divine Hierarchy. Through them, My Word is known throughout the world, and all languages can receive My Message so that it may be accomplished in Humanity.

I wish to dedicate My Love to those who make the effort for this to be accomplished, according to My designs.

Know that, through My Words, and all those who revise and correct them, so that My Message of Light may expand through the world, your hearts are deeply worked upon, time after time, and without your perceiving it, your consciousnesses are unified with Mine, and, thus the Plan manifests.

After these last years of work, those who take care of the instructions of the Divine Messengers should know that they have a spiritual treasure in their hands and that, through their offering, this spiritual and inner treasure may reach many souls that also need it.

For, in this way, the one hundred and forty-four thousand will awaken, who will wait for their Lord during a night of vigil.

And, before the sun will rise, before the new Aurora emerges, in your silence, you will hear the footsteps of the Lord, who is drawing closer to again meet with you, and thus seal the Covenant between hearts and God.

So be it.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Our Father...

See how many armies follow Me and many do not know it.

This is the real presence of My Kingdom on Earth; a Kingdom that is united with each praying heart. And this Kingdom expands through the world in its invisible universe to reveal itself to the simple of heart.

This is the Kingdom that I promise to all, which I promised once when I was among you in My beloved Holy Land, revealing the power of My Gospel to you, the Sacred Word of God, that comes to redeem you time and again.

Today, with great happiness, I am in Costa Rica, because hearts are listening to Me, not in quantity, but in spirit, their simple spirit that unites with Mine and thus brings the Kingdom of God to a place so much in need of the presence of the Most Holy Trinity.

Seek God in all that exists, in all that He has created through Nature. There I am also, in silence and in the heights of the volcanoes, contemplating the whole planetary population, waiting for their awakening, for their great and last step towards the path of Light and of Forgiveness.

Thus you can see, companions, that I am in all places. I have come here to give you My inner Strength and My Love to have Central America rise up in its purpose and its spiritual mission, so as to fulfill the Plan of Peace of God.

Unite more, each time, and you fulfill this purpose that I am requesting of you today. Do it for all your brothers and sisters, of all the nations of Central America, who are so in need of My Divine Mercy to be able to continue forward in this final time that is approaching.

The strength of your prayer has reached beyond Central America, has embraced a great part of the planet and many condemned essences were benefited. And this was possible, companions, because of your unity with the Unity of God, with the Son and with the Holy Spirit, with each of your brothers and sisters of the nations that  fervently embraced the fire of this prayer, fulfilling, in this way, the task of this day.

A great part of My armies are formed with angels from Heaven, angels that accompany you time and again, from cycle to cycle, to facilitate your evolution and the great moment of your awakening to mature.

I want you to keep these words in mind because your Guardian angels wait for you, to show you the path towards the Truth, to strengthen your spirits, and so you may find the peace that must be radiated to the whole planet.

Today I come here with the Grace of God and of His Holy Spirit. Through My Divine Mercy I bring for all, the atonement, a holy absolution of each one of your lives at this crucial moment of the planet in which many consciousnesses, a great number of souls, are in need of forgiveness and of liberation.

Through this spiritual practice, companions, and after forty consecutive meetings, you are already at another point in your awakening. And as these meetings advanced, many more souls gradually awakened to My call.

This means that there is still much to do, much to sacrifice, especially in the surrender to God, each one to the degree of their consciousness and of their inner availability.

Thus, I come to give you My Message of Peace so that you may allow it to reach your siblings of the path, your relatives, all of the people; the people of God who must return to the path of hope and the path of forgiveness, that many are still searching for and cannot find.

Therefore, today, also with open Arms, as the Redeemer, I show you My Sacred Heart, My Eternal Spirit, so that you may strongly embrace it inside of you, adopt it in your lives as the one Flame, as the true path, as the hope for your lives rather than other spirits.

These spirits have also to be redeemed. Free them, set them aside and follow My path, because I will comfort you and free you from all evil, without leaving any of My disciples behind, especially those who must return to My Path and who for a long time have forgot Me.

I come to recover My old friends in  Central America, who committed with Me to live me, to worship me, to honor me, to love me, to seek me above all things and especially to serve me in this end time, in this Work of Redemption and of transformation of the consciousness.

So It is thus that I open the doors for you to see the Light again, the invisible Light of God that comes from His Spirit, from the deepest core of His Sacred Heart. He brings you His Mercy through His Beloved Son so that you may be able to free yourselves and walk freely in Redemption.

Today I launch the nets of Light so that many more souls may be able to return to My Heart.

Today I come as the Fisher of Men once again, seeking those who are lost, those who cannot find the path, those who, until now, have not seen the way out in the face of so much darkness.

And I bless you, companions. I give you the impulse to follow me in faith and in love, confirming in your lives that if I am in you, you will be in Me, and everything will always be well, and you are not to fear anything because you will be with Me and I will be with you, in vigil and prayer.

I come to withdraw many consciousnesses from sleep. But you will see this time and again because these souls must learn to know me, must learn to find the path by means of the seed of Light that today I once again am sowing in your hearts so that you may achieve the peace of living in God and in His Divine Kingdom.

Do not lose sight of these moments.

And I tell you again, companions: feel the strength of My liberation sustained by the whole Universe, by its Divine Laws, that come to try and reshape your lives into spirits consecrated to God and to His Holy Purpose.

I also bring you My joy, because of the joy that you have transmitted to Me on this day; the healthy joy of the heart that heals and redeems souls and a great part of the planet because joy is the flower of Love and Love will lead you to a Unity with God, with all of His Consciousness.

Understand this mystery in a simple way. Joy will lead you into peace and peace can be in everybody, especially in those who most need it.

Keep peace as a great treasure for these times. Let nothing disturb or bother you.

Offer each challenge as an opportunity of humiliation and of redemption without losing anything or seeking anything in return.

And now I show you the wounds in My Hands, how millimeter by millimeter they heal when feeling the love of all My companions, of those who seek transcendence, persevere in an unwavering faith, devotion, peace, the experience of My Divine Mercy.

See how the light of your prayers heals My Wounds, bringing relief to My Heart when seeing the horrors of the world and the sins of humanity.

Adore this moment, contemplate My Heart and live it in this last moment, in which My Grace allows all things and My Mercy gives impulse to all things, so that you may be in the Kingdom of God.

Each time you go through a test or face a difficulty or illness, remember this moment in which My Wounds are healed by the light of your prayers and through this example, of this symbol of holiness, strengthen yourselves and do not allow yourselves to fall, because My offer will always be to pick you up from the ground so that you may live Me, so that you may look into My Eyes without shame, without fear, not caring what may happen, contemplating the Love that My gaze expresses for all souls.

And so, with My angels, saints, and the blessed who today help Costa Rica and Central America, we enter into communion, in union of spirits, of essences, and of souls, with the one and powerful God Who gives you eternal life.

I come to especially consecrate all you have brought to Me to the altar because I have seen, on this day, the sincere hearts praying for a just cause that I have transmitted to you in the message for this Marathon.

Understand My Words with simplicity and thus you can live them, one by one.

The sacred objects are symbols of redemption for souls and a reason for igniting the spirit in profound devotion.

So today I will also give the sacrament to each one of you, through the sacred office of priesthood by means of the Sacraments that I instituted in the past, as an inner legacy for souls and for all the consciousnesses that may want to unite with Me in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Today I see that you are experiencing the Gift of the Fear of God. For Me, this is incredible, especially at this time in which humanity is very distracted; this does not make me give up, because if I carried the Cross for you, you with Me and I with you, we will be able to carry the cross of this planet to achieve Redemption.

Offer yourselves to experience this sacrifice for the triumph of the Three Sacred Hearts in all of the Americas and the world.

Adonai, Mercy, Mercy, Mercy,

Redemption, Redemption, Redemption for this planet. Amen (x 6 times)

And before consecrating all the elements, I want you to hold hands to plead together with Me to God.

Feeling your sincere hearts, we unite in peace and work for peace for the places that most need it, where chaos reigns and causes more hearts to tremble.

Adonai, Creator Father-Mother, only existence amongst all that is created, Omnipresent and Omnipotent Spirit, experience of the Sacred and of the Eternal, descend with all Your Universal Light and may Your angels open the doors that the Fathers of Creation may descend.

May the twelve archangels help in the Redemption of consciousnesses, in the Liberation of sinners.

Do not forget, Holy Father, about any created essence.

We are a likeness of Your Face. We were created in Your Image. We are impregnated by Your Divine Spirit.

Close the hells that have been opened and redeem the one who has fallen and has created all the evil.

Clear the doubts from all minds. May the power of Your Love penetrate the core of spirits so that the Power of Your Unity and of Your infinite Love may thus be established for the centuries to come. Amen.

Place your hands on your heart and now sing to the sincere heart, because it is this heart that will accompany Me up to the last days on Earth and will see, on the horizon, the coming of My Kingdom and of My Glory, establishing the thousand years of peace.

I thank you for accompanying Me on this day in each corner of this planet.

Let us continue praying, proclaiming the sincere heart. It is that heart that will unite everyone, will free you from indifference.

And so may it be.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Although it does not seem so, My Light defeats evil and so My Plan on Earth triumphs, in each open heart that listens to Me and receives at this hour the powerful flow of My Love, the one that will transform you completely and bring life, the spiritual life that exists in the Universes and forms part of each being, when he awakens to his truth.

This truth and this awakening tries to be infiltrated by My enemy. But the power of My Love defeats everything and he fears My Light and My Truth. When he faces it, he becomes confused and does not know what to do, because he does not know Love; he truly turned away from Love, the Love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

It is this Triune Love that brings you Eternal Life, renewal and peace for these times.

In this Holy Trinity you must keep your hearts and lives, within this triangle of light that represents the Holy Trinity; there you will be protected from all evil, you will help to protect your brothers and sisters and you will also help, dear companions, to remove the illusion of those asleep at this moment.

This worldwide illusion is created by My adversary all the time.

The souls are hypnotized and many believe in another spiritual life that is not the one I offer at this time.

My adversary confuses the souls and shows himself with splendor through a false light that blinds the hearts and makes them enter into confused paths, which lead them to separate from My Law.

For it is the Law of My Love that shows them the Truth.

If I gave My Life  for you and I now give My Life for you, at this time, why follow other paths, companions? My adversary only wants to tempt you, he wants to separate you from My true Heart of Light.

Therefore, today I bring you a real example of this maximum fidelity, through two consciousnesses that gave their  lives for Me, obeyed My instructions and followed My Steps with profound loyalty and humility.

They are Saint Teresita of Lisieux and Saint Teresa of Jesus, two examples for your lives that I present today at My Heavenly Altar. Two Masters of prayer, of the consecration and of the spiritual path, who can guide your steps if you only consecrate your hearts.

In all the Saints of the Universe who gave their life on Earth for Me, there is also the sacred example, the reverence, the true burning devotion.

In Saint Teresita of Lisieux you can find the example of humility, of real love for Baby Jesus and His true Heavenly Mastery.

In Saint Teresa of Jesus your will find your inner renewal, the consecrated life; each one on a different level of love and on their level of commitment to Me.

Saint Teresa of Jesus offers herself as your Instructor for this time, to guide the souls of the self-summoned, of those who are awakening at this time to the real Spiritual Consciousness of the Universe.

Today I recommend to you these two great consciousnesses because they have given a loyal testimony of My Word in the world and, most of all, of My Sacred Heart.

In both you will find the path to perfection.

All the paths that are full of love lead My Paths. This is what you should try to follow at this time and not be deceived by yourselves as the world is deceived.

Today I bring you this message, companions, because it is important that you grow in Truth.

Today I invite you to be humble, within the spiritual apostleship that I offer to all souls.

I only need you to pray with Me, that you adore the Son of God, because you will be adoring the Heavenly Father. That you contemplate this legacy that I hand you to be able to open your consciousness towards this path of redemption.

All souls are called to live on My path. The only path that I offer at this time is the path of love, that can unite you to your brothers and sisters, to all those who are around you, to all those who seek the truth, the truth of the heart.

It is this truth that will make you strong to remove from the consciousness all the lies, all illusion and all mistakes that My enemy articulates in secret behind each being; but whoever lives in My Heart and lives it truly, will not be fooled by him.

His time is approaching and My armies are preparing themselves for this.

You are called to enter into this spiritual command of the end of times and Armageddon, for you to prepare yourselves to experience the battle, a battle that is not known to the world, that was written by John, in the Apocalypse.

This hour is approaching; therefore, I invite you to adoration and prayer for you to be ready, firm and secure, in each decision you take in your lives. This will determine your destinies and the goal you will reach after it all happens.

Today especially, beloved children, I come to remove the veils of blindness for you to be able to see beyond this place and its consciousnesses, for you to be able to see the Heavenly Kingdom that is approaching, with all the splendor of the Divine Mercy, for the souls who need it the most.

My Heart suffers for the ungrateful, even more for those who hurt and wound the Heart of God. Only Love can repair it and the offering of each soul before the Heavenly Son.

If you are as you are, you must not fear being imperfect. I want to see you real, transparent and clean of heart. Because as much imperfection as is in the consciousness and in spite of each test not surpassed, My comfort is infinite to the one who truly calls for it.

I repeat: truth, because it is truth that you must live. It is the truth that makes the world lose itself, the truth that makes the souls lose themselves from their real purpose.

In truth there is peace, calm, quietness, inner strength, victory in each heart. It is this truth that I taught My apostles, that today I recall once more for each one of you.

It does not matter how many fail Me, what matters is how much they let Me live. In the living experience we might have together, brotherhood is built between Heaven and Earth, between God and His creatures and among their fellow beings.

So you will be free of yourselves and the sin will disappear from the world, from the beginning of Genesis to the present, since Adam and Eve committed the original sin. This can be erased from the history of the planet when the New Christs awaken.

Today, I unite My Hands in prayer to ask the Heavenly Father for strength for the weak, love for the hard at heart, faith for those who lost hope, healing for the sick, mercy for the ungrateful ones.

Today I come here to ask the Father for you and the world, because I need you at this acute hour on Earth, in which all is about to happen, beyond the capacity of each being.

When everything happens, there will be no return because everything is being fulfilled, as it is written.

Christ asks for a Bible.

On these paths that I invite you to travel, My Word, the Teaching and the Instruction is always there, moving all spirits to perform the Work of the Plan. If anybody does not fulfill it, it is not for lack of Word, Teaching or Instruction; it will be for inertia, disobedience or indifference.

In this way there are many souls in the world and even so, I send My Mother to Earth for Her Consoling Spirit to be the main force that moves the Universe, generating all possible Graces for those who do not deserve it.

You, companions, be deserving of this Heavenly Grace for the gifts that I handed you in the past to be at the service of My Heart, of My Redemptive Work.

In each step you take I accompany you.

In each breath you take My Spirit is present when the soul is really united to Me, and wants nothing for itself, only the good for the world, for the whole planet and Creation.

I invite you to live in fraternity. This will be your next step for the following months. To transcend the judgments, the indifference, the evils, the commentaries, the blasphemies and all the insults that the souls of the world are able to do.

If you search for the spirit of fraternity, you will only find it in My Merciful Heart, because My Heart is this great universal powerhouse that many consciousnesses use in the Universes.

If My Heart had not been offered on the Cross for you, in the present none of this would be possible.

I suffered the strongest pain in humanity through human indifference, negation and pride.

I come to banish from those who want to experience Me, all the patterns of evil that lead to the decadence of humanity, to war, to the division through times.

I come to build, in the solitary hearts, a new brotherhood for you to not feel lonely anymore and to count on each brother and sister of the journey.

That way, I can be among you when I do not come back anymore, because the time is approaching in which the world will purify itself and will see a reality it never wanted to see by itself.

I pray kneeling before My Father for all to be light at this crucial moment. Therefore I give you all these Graces.

Do not miss this moment with Me.

Make use of My Presence and do not think about when this all will end. That way you will not have understood what I am saying.

Even if I do not show Myself to everybody, I make Myself present in the peaceful hearts. Thus you have been able to see in this material life.

Many believe that there is nothing in this Book and that those who wrote it were retarded.

The apostles who followed Me had no spiritual nor mental instruction, but I taught them, as I teach you now, to write the Words of God through the heart.

Even if there are faults or little understanding for those who think they are wise, the true Presence of God, companions, is in the simple hearts, who write through their examples, who give witness of My Presence in these times, where light and peace are needed.

Here there are inexplicable codes. This belongs to My spiritual legacy and not to the beings who follow Me.

Men and women must follow My Commandments and not possess My Words.

This book, which was written with so much love, from the beginning of Genesis, shows a part of the Truth that has not been discovered yet by any theologian.

First, you must feel in your heart the message for it then to become real and to be fulfilled in each one of you.

I left you the basic Instruction for the times, the parables, which many still are not able to experience, even more so those who pronounce them in My Name.

I invite you to be simple, as the scripture of the heart is.

Because God manifests Himself on three planes of consciousness: in the spirit, in the mind and in the human.

Once more I leave this present from God. Although the Sacred Bible has been changed, do not get lost in details, but in the essence of the instruction that gives the spiritual Hierarchy to all souls in the world.

In each parable there is a superior key, a portal that can be opened in your consciousnesses. You will be invited, this way, to experience the different levels of love, as I taught you in the New Testament.

I place My Hands upon the Sacred Word of God so that when all is finished, nobody will have missed not even one enunciation of it.

May the instruction be revered and valued by the simple hearts, because there will be peace, in the knowledge of the heart that loves beyond what is thought, because the Word of God, the Word of the Hierarchy, is a living witness for the world, to reach the promise of the New Humanity.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Jesus will pray with us at this moment and asks us to follow Him in silence and in union with Him.

Jesus Christ:

Deposit, Lord, Your merciful Teaching for those who have fallen.

Write Your new history in the impure hearts, for each soul to be able to purify itself and to find Your Peace and the maximum consolation of Your Heart.

Lord, do not look at the faults of the world.

Glimpse at the Power of Your Word, of Your Sacred Instruction in all those who hear it, while their hearts transform themselves in potent streams of light.

Through Your Word, Lord, You created all.

I was born from the Source of Your Heart,  and so Your Divine Spirit appeared.

You created the Universes in seven days and you made things in Your likeness, in the great splendor of Your Love and of Your Infinite Life.

Constitute, Adonai, Your new Teachings in the world, and may the souls awake to Your Love, which is pronounced like the Living Word in all You have created.

Transfigure, Lord, all that has strayed from Your Path.

Make Yourself alive and present in those who have not heard You yet and who negate the Power of Your Word.

Beloved Father, Holy Lord of the Highest, Unique (One) Universal Source, You have taught us to pray with the heart and to implore Your Sacred Name for us to be able to live as Your worthy children, Your beloved creatures of this existence.

Erase from each hurt heart the blasphemies committed and all words that have hurt Your Heart in the great indifference of the world.

Revive Your Sources of Instruction as a divine inspiration for the consciousnesses.

May each soul find the path that will take them towards You, to be able to vivify You forever and ever. 

Make Yourself present, Lord, in all those who cry out to You. Do not look at their faults but at the kindness with which they look at You to find Your Mercy.

Unite Your Powerful Heart to each being and remove the spiritual evil from each consciousness on Earth.

Regroup Your flock, Lord.

I am Your tireless Pastor that leads the souls to Your Heart for them not to get lost nor be unable to find You.

Lord, accept My Kindness and the offering of all Your children who pray to Your compassionate Heart to ask You for an opportunity,

I promise to take Your Kingdom to those who have transformed themselves, through Your Holy Word, in sacrifice and in love for the goodness of the whole Creation.

So let it be.

My prayers are not heard in the world. Who will open their heart to listen to what I say and will not think about what each one wants for himself?

Ask every day to your Master what He needs. The Plan is near you. Recall it so as not to lose sight of it.

Now I will consecrate you again for the third time so that in the coming times all that has happened here can bear fruit.

I do not want My pearls in the stables of the pigs.

Each light that I bring is precious for the souls that know how to revere it.

I bring you the food of the spirit and the hope for all the planet.

Trust Me and never close your hearts.

I will return to the world to end this horror that the whole Universe is seeing.

Our Silence brings strength, our Prayer brings constancy and our Word, Mercy.

In these elements, companions, I hand you My Life, My Forgiveness and My Love, until I return in the Glory of My Father.

And with all My angels I will come to call My flocks and I will give all those who followed Me the Eternal Life and Grace of being with Me forever.

I hand you My Heart, as a flame of life that will never be extinguished.

Today, I raise to My Heart all the intentions that have been offered to Me during these days.

Know that I love your souls more than your errors.

Look into My eyes whenever you need it and remain in Me, in My Arms, as John remained until the last hour of My surrender. This way you will also be consoling Me and pride will distance itself in order not to confuse your hearts anymore.

So I will hand you My Peace and My eternal Grace after this life.

Today I spend more time with you for you to engrave in your cells this moment with Me, because although the world rejects Me with all the  faults it has committed, My Love will never fail, because I am your King, and I am the Path.

Go in peace. And for Me, be the peace wherever you go.

By the Grace of God, be blessed. 

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you Father for all that You give us!

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Prayer of the angel of Peace

My God, I believe in You... (x3)

Commune of Me in this moment and adore the Almighty, because He is attentive to the voice of all pleas.

I have come again in My Glory to bless you, for the hour of this great meeting has come for each one of your spirits and the spirits of your brothers and sisters, that also make an appeal for this moment of being united with My Heart in this evolutionary proposal to concretize the Plan of God, in these times of Armageddon.

Today I come with the Glory of the Father and of the Holy Spirit, as the manifestation of the Firstborn Son, so that in this way, you may recover your filiation with God; and the world also recover its spirituality, which has been lost because of the wars.

Today I come to establish the second protocol of My Peace here, in union with Universal Creation, that governs all these things, of which I avail Myself to accomplish the Works of My Father; which are also your works, yours, My apostles.

Today I come in the silence, perceiving humanity and its great need for love, for these critical times. Thus, your effort must be permanent so that My Work may be realized in the world and in this humanity.

Each one has their role in this time. Each one fulfills a part of this Plan. All the pieces of this Plan are important so that the Work may be concretized.

In the depths of My Heart, I know that many pieces are still missing in order to be part of this Universal Plan, which invites us to elevate the consciousness and to get out of the superficiality in which  humanity has placed itself, forgetting the Love of God.

This Plan is governed by the Love of God. Just as Love governs all Universes, so does Love govern your consciousness, governs all of Creation, all that is life and manifestation in this material Universe.

You are part of this, companions, of a greater command that you are invited to participate in; it is not a command like that of the Earth, which is governed by weak people who seek your property, war, and a separation among souls.

The command of which I speak, My friends, is the command of My Heart, from where all the Rays of Mercy blossom, where all the souls that spiritually assemble with Me are born so as to serve the end of the times.

You are part of that reality and each one of you is positioned within this Work. Each action you perform within this Work is important, just as is the discernment in it.

Everything is a part of a spiritual science that I am inviting you to live in an unknown way, because it is still not in your consciousnesses; but it can be in your hearts when they vibrate with Mine, in this Work of Redemption and of Peace in all of humanity.

The Plan is coordinated in these times according to the need of this Universe, of all the humanities that form part of this material creation. From there come all the Laws, in which all creatures are governed according to a greater principle, according to the Law of Love and of Unity with God.

Who is outside of this Principle, cannot be a part of this material Universe either in spirit, in soul, or in body, because they will be out of the Law.

Humanity is at this point, outside of the true reality for which it was created in the Beginning of Genesis to carry out the Work of God; to concretize this human project based on Love, on Truth, and on Unity, which very few live throughout time.

This led, My companions, to the determination of the Celestial Father and of His holy archangels that I, the Christ, the Firstborn Son, born from the Heart of the Celestial Father, from the Greater Source, should incarnate among you in order to save you and guide you, to remind you of the Laws of the Universe through simple parables that all hearts can understand.

Relive My Message, My Gospel, the New Testament, and also unite it with this New Testament, with this New Message that I give to the world today, and to all the messages that I have already given you, so that your lives may be redeemed under the Principle of My Merciful Love.

I came to the world and very few understood what it was I did. Only as time went by were many holy consciousnesses and souls inspired by My Christianity able to access My Principle of Love and of Unity.

They were re-transmitters of My Universal Love for the world; just as you, companions, who in this definitive hour, within this Plan that summons you, are called to radiate the Love of God to the world,  not forgetting first that among you, you must be thoroughly united so that this may happen; otherwise, everything would be a failure.

That is why I come to tell you in this Marathon that you must seek your truth above all mistakes and successes, learnings and tests, challenges, calamities, or sorrows.

Above all things, I come to give you the Principle of My Truth, which is based on the Love of God, in which you can enter in consciousness to discover your true purpose, which you must accomplish in this hour, in honor of My Sacred Heart.

That is why I came in the past and came throughout the times, performing miracles and wonders, testimonies and healings,  so that all could believe that I Am the Christ, the Son of God, Who prepares for His Return in this acute hour of the planet, in which souls must find the spiritual meaning of their lives, the path to reconciliation and forgiveness, which you have lost among your peers.

I come to unite the times: the time in which you live and the real time of the Universe.

I come to draw you closer to the true dimension of things, through all the Spiritual Hierarchies and all the angels that cooperate in this Work of Redemption and of Peace.

I come to open the doors to a unique and definitive opportunity that souls will have in this last hour; a chance to cross the threshold, to cross the portal toward My Heart, to recognize your own truth, your real spiritual constitution for which you were created in the image and likeness of the Creator.

Humanity will not be able to self-destruct, and although it leads to that every day, the Divine Messengers are at the service of the Plan, just as you must be at the service of God; you must banish from the world this destructive idea of taking faith away from hearts, of extinguishing love in hearts, of causing the world to suffer.

That is why I came here to show you the origin, your true filiation with God, with the Most High, that is hurt by the sins of the world, by the war and the persecution among brothers and sisters.

As My Mother said in Fatima, in this hour I come to bring you a short time of peace, so that the majority of souls may enter the Kingdom of God and not lose the Grace of being redeemed.

I bring you an awareness of the Plan, because it must be well understood; but first loved, to then be understood in each human heart that opens to this infinite Mystery of Love.

I unite consciousnesses when consciousnesses truly unite with Me, not wanting anything for themselves, but rather all the greater good for the world, for those who most need to find salvation, just as you have found it.

That is why this Meeting with Me, companions, is unique and in a short time will not be repeated again, because the world must be purified completely, within and outside of beings.

That purification will be intense, but the heart that trusts in Me will not perish.

I will give you a renewal, the strength to be able to bear your purification. For who loves Me is protected by Me when they are sincere in their thought, in their feeling and action.

This is the truth that I want you to live for those who do not live it, for those who hide it because of being blind to themselves and far from God, although believing that they are not.

That is why I show you, companions, My true Spiritual Church, that does not live in this world, but rather in the heart of those who seek it in an intimate union with god, with the Father, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

My Spiritual Church is expanded throughout the world in that Most Holy Trinity, in the inner temples of souls; because it will be your little inner church that will merge with Mine to form the new pillars of the New Race.

I will bless and consecrate the elements. Just as on this day I will bless them again at the request of My Celestial Father, through My sublime Grace.

I will pour out the Graces of My Glorified Heart for those who know to contemplate them in humility and love.

Let us praise the Father Who is in the Heavens. It is the Creator Who has sent Me to save the world from its complete ignorance and incapacity to love.

My apostles, servants of My Divine Mercy, leave this inner sanctuary loving one another. Remember that Law, for who loves in truth will not be in the claws of My adversary.

The beast fears Love and consequently, all those who follow It.

My Heart is the Power of God made manifest in each part of the Earth. Venerate My Glory, disseminate My Mercy, and everything will be accomplished.

I have come with My angels of the Universe. Solar Governors of the Celestial Universe that know your souls and the origin of your spirits, and who bring you awareness in this moment, the sacred opportunity of being able to awaken to the Science of the Universe based on the Love of God, on His infinite Unity.

As the angels sing to Adonai, proclaiming His Wisdom in this material Universe, that is how I want your voices to sing, proclaiming to the Father, to the Regent of this Creation, to the One Who loves you from the beginning.


Prayer: Most Holy Heart of Christ...

All stand.

When the Sacraments are blessed, souls win; not like the prize that the world knows, but rather like the Supreme Grace of God, which descends over consciousnesses so that they may be able to take a new step.

This is the real meaning of those who receive the Sacraments, to be renewed by the Love and the Unity of God, and to find the path, the true path of their purpose for this life, the realization of the Work of God in each human heart, in each soul that assembles in order to serve Me.

My Sacred Heart is ennobled by being here and It expands in Love for all.

My Mother grants these opportunities for all, because She intercedes for each being that cries out from their heart for the Grace of Her Beloved Son.

You are graced on this special day and I thank you for accompanying Me in this eternal Communion with Me for the triumph of the Plan.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!


Contemplate My Glory. When I am present, everything is perfect and nothing wounds.

Today I again offer you the cross of the world, so that you may carry it with Me during this Sacred Week that is coming; because after so many Graces, everything is already different and nothing can be the same.

Today you are here for My Mercy, which is the Mercy of God; which has gathered you together through Me and around Me, to honor Me.

Today I am with you and I am with the world, with the needs of each heart and of each soul, without ceasing to attend to the requests of My Father, so that His Will may be done.

Today I show you the wounds of My Hands so that you may venerate them during this coming week, where I will give precise signs for these end of times, so that souls may continue on My path and in ascension to My Sacred Heart.

I know that it is difficult to live the chaos of the world, the chaos of souls and of consciousnesses that resist purifying. But I can't do anything else.

Your hearts and the heart of your brothers and sisters must be open so that I may work and thus help you until the end. Because it is the Will of My Father that you live in My Grace and it is the feeling of My Heart that you rejoice in Me all days of your life, so that you may know My Will, which is invisible to your eyes and perceptible to the intuition of the pure.

I need to reach in you holy humility, pacification, surrender and meekness. But I know that everything is by degrees. You must reach it through the effort and dedication you live for My Heart and for the Will of My Father who is in the Universe and who always looks upon you with a lot of compassion. Because if from Him did not flow compassion, there would be no humanity.

The tonic of these times is the intercession of the Sacred Hearts, of Mary, of Saint Joseph and of My Heart, otherwise nothing would be possible, companions.

I don't come here to bring you disappointments but the truth; truth that you must love every day to be able to reach it and so that your hearts are crystalline just like Mine, without pride, without denial, without indifference.

You must persist, as I persisted for you on the Cross.

You must mature in love, as I surrendered the Love of God for you at each stage of the Passion, just as My Mother surrendered Love for each of Her children who denied and rejected the King of the Universe.

I need that in this Sacred Week, your hearts live My Passion in humility. That you feel My Passion as the great victory and as the great promise for those who have not yet awakened and who separate themselves from God day by day.

I need, companions, that through this Sacred Week you live My Passion, so that your souls confirm that I am still here accompanying you, as well as I accompany those who need the most in this acute time of the world.

I need, companions, that in this Sacred Week you not only see My sacrifice, but the victory of the Archangel Michael through My Heart and My Consciousness, which at the most culminating moment left My Being so that I would Christify myself, as well as in these times I invite you to live the christification of the heart through dedication and perpetual prayer.

If there were no souls like yous in the world, just as there are other souls who love My unfathomable and merciful Heart, I would not be here anymore and this would not be a denial because I would have no place to pour out My Grace and My Mercy on those who truly claim it for their brothers and for all mankind, as for the minor Kingdoms created by God, your Lord, your Eternal Father.

So I need, companions, that in this Sacred Week you multiply My Mercy for all the places where you go and that it multiplies even more when you leave here, from this Sacred Center, after having received My spiritual impulse of love and of compassion.

I do not need you to be martyred with My Passion. There were holy women in the past who lived this for Me through the ages and abode all next to My Cross, together with Mary, My Mother.

I invite you, companions, in this Sacred Week to be holy consciousness that venerate My Sacred Heart through the Passion and the cross and every step that I took for you from the Last Supper until My resurrection.

In these steps that I entrust you to meditate day by day, you will find the strength for these times, the inner strength to overcome your problems, the dissipation of all doubts and the lack of confidence in the Heart of the Creator.

I need, companions, to revive My Passion for those who do not and especially for those who never did and who least know Me in different parts of the world, for living their own idolatry.

This weighs on My Heart, because I come with My Grace for all souls, for all those who nevertheless continue in My way, as it is today before My presence..

So you will see, companions, how is the Mercy of My Heart, how is the sustenance and support that I can give to your spirits when you trust in Me and decree it.

I not only bring you the revelation of My Grace but also the presence of My heavenly Glory reached after My ascension to the Universe, to the abodes of God.

I need you to be purified in My trust and to accept the task that I, with so much Love, have entrusted to you for these times from the beginning of your births.

Just as My Infinite Heart was grateful for the support of My Holy Mother during the Passion and from the beginning of My life in this world for each one of you, so I expect you, companions, to be grateful to your mothers for their existence and presence at this time so special with me. What would happen to you without your mothers?

Even if your mothers do not look like with what you desire, they are the perfect model of transformation for your hearts and lives. You will not be able to continue walking on My path without first reminding your mothers of everything they have given, even if it was errors, tests or conflicts.

God, through your mothers, wanted to break your hardened hearts so that you would feel the true love that is born of the motherhood of all the holy women who conceive before the Creation and give birth, as My Mother gave birth for each of you .

I need you to love the maternal strength and not reject it, because in the maternal strength is the way out of the possible difficulties of the path.

Between My Passion for this Sacred Week and the spirit of motherhood, you will find two great doors to also reach forgiveness and reconciliation among your loved ones.

I do not need you, companions, to judge but to love what God gave you through your mothers and also your spiritual mothers that I have placed on your way, to work the path of perfection and holiness in you.

Discover in the mystery of My Passion and motherhood the path to conversion and to take the steps in the simplicity of the spirit and the soul that is given to the heavenly Father, opening your heart and understanding all the things that come to the school of learning.

I leave you tonight, companions, the symbol of the sores of My Hands, of the Hands that were donated for you, of the Hands that were cured, that healed, that multiplied the loaves and fishes, of the Hands that poured out graces and prodigies, who raised the dead, of the Hands that raised the paralytics, who healed the blind and who redeemed hearts hardened by their own will.

I hope that in each of you and your brothers and sisters, I can make sprout what I come to take for so long and after so many times and many attempts.

Now, companions, that you know all these things, be encouraged to take the step and not back down, because My feet walk barefoot in front of your own, marking the path to peace and transformation

One more request for those who listen to My voice. I would like to see you arranged and clean every day to receive me. Just as I sent the sick to purify the wells of Bethsaida, of Samaria, I invite you to prepare every day for the encounter with Me at three o'clock in the afternoon, in harmony and order, interior and exterior. I do not need you to embellish for Me, but to understand and feel the importance of the ceremony in every detail, because that is part of the Law of the Hierarchy.

And now, companions, on this eve of preparation, let your hearts pulse and feel the Sacred Week beating within you like a living flame that is molded and prepared to receive me in trust.

And the synthesis of all this Sacred Week that we will live for a sick, separated and indifferent humanity; for those who can not live this with Me and who do not yet know it, I remind you of the infinite mystery of the sacrament of Communion, of the bread made flesh of Christ and of the Precious Blood of the Master as sources of salvation and conversion for the souls that commune in faith with the divinity of My Spirit before the Universal Father.

In glory to God for this grace granted to realize the Sacred Week here, and waiting for all Heaven, may your collaboration be efficient for the next meetings in this material order of the work of the Hierarchy.

I hope that My Graces will not fall in vain, but be the permanent multiplication of the service and the donation for this redeeming and co-redeeming work with My Mother and Saint Joseph.

I hope that your hearts, companions, awaken to the importance of collaboration in this project of the Divine Messengers in this material plane. That will define after this Sacred Week the continuity of that sacred project of conversion and peace for the world.

May each one accomplish your part so that the Will of God may be manifested.

My last request, companions: pray for the hearts that were closed. I want to see in these beads the persistence of the consecrated. Let each prayer bead represent the opportunity and grace for a new soul that must be rescued by the trinity of the sacred hearts.

In this sacrament, companions, I leave you the model for your conversion, so that you may be peacemakers, meek in heart and humble in spirit.

I thank you, companions, for sharing this moment with Me in the name of Light and Redemption.

And so to those present I bless you preparing you to live this sacred moment with Me, in this Holy Week that is approaching, where the Heavens will be open for seven days on this place so that souls rise in spirit through My Heart to the House of the Celestial Father.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

At the request of Christ, let us sing "Peacemakers".

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
