Piety is the essence that lovingly supports everything. The heart is the dwelling place that takes in all misunderstandings and dissolves them in the source of love. The soul is the refuge that sustains and supports all real spiritual structures and it is the temple that suffers the consequences of the concrete mind the most.
The spirit is the fire that gives impulse to all things; it lives and governs by the Will of God, that which is fulfilled from cycle to cycle. Miseries are the result of lack of love and honesty with yourselves and in the face of others, and everything is liberated through the action of transparency and by higher love, which unties the knots of the consciousness.
Loving others is a double but victorious work, because in transcendence the new paths for everyone are outlined.
Take flight to the Heights and allow the Universe to show you the next step that you must take, because in obedience everything will be resolved.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who loves you and forgives you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The essence of awakening is found in the development of faith, because it is faith that moves you to respond to the impulses of the heart.
Faith is what makes you transcend the atavisms of the limited material understanding for you to enter in the mysteries of the higher life.
Faith is what makes you cross the thresholds of life in this world, so that – although being in it – you do not belong only to it and, yes, perceive yourselves as part of an infinite and indescribable Creation.
Faith is not born in the mind: it comes from the spirit and expresses itself through the heart. Therefore, if you want that the impulses received are not lost, let faith develop itself freely in your own interior, even if you do not understand quite well the object of your own faith.
Many ask themselves, “To have faith in what?” Have faith in the purpose, faith in the teaching, faith in the presence of the Divine Messengers, faith in what moves you to transformation, faith in the communion with Christ, faith in His return, faith in the possibility that each one has to live the Plans of God, faith in Faith.
Let yourselves be transformed by the impulses of your own faith, for which the laws of matter are not the ones that prevail. Faith that comes from the spirit moves itself based on spiritual Laws. It is therefore that the hearts that have faith can experience what is called miracles that are nothing more than the action of superior Laws in the life of those who open themselves to live them.
Discover, children, the potential of faith itself and, by means of it, its prodigies.
Your Father and Friend, in faith and in prayer,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To overcome the indifference of the human heart, start with yourself. Observe every time your heart closes to planetary reality or when you think you care about the world, but your actions show the degree of importance you give to yourself.
Indifference numbs the consciousness and does not allow it to evolve. It is not necessary that you get emotionally involved with what happens in the world, but rather let such events lead you to transformation and impel you to never stop your steps.
Indifference is one of the great evils of humanity, even worse than ignorance, because the one who is indifferent already has a certain degree of education, and yet keeps thinking more about themselves and their own needs.
Child, indifference will lead many beings who believe themselves to be spiritual to the abyss of planetary consciousness. Be careful so that you are not taken and carried away by human indifference. Try to follow your consciousness and heart, and when you know that you must do something, do it promptly; do not ignore the needs. When you perceive that someone needs you, go in assistance, without fear. If you know what is happening in the world and that while at this very moment you are before the words of God, others are being tested in their faith, and on their knees, they choose to die with Christ rather than living without him, then pray truly, without ceasing.
If you already know the role of the indigenous consciousness on the planet and you also know how much the indigenous people suffer from neglect and indifference, then act, serve, pray, assist, offer your love. Show those brothers and sisters that they have vital importance in the spiritual life of the planet and that their way of being should not be sold in a tourist way, to amuse the unconscious.
When you stand before an indigenous brother or sister, learn from them and, in your learning posture, let emerge from their hearts the purity and wisdom they have to transmit to humanity.
If you know that effort and perseverance are the keys to overcoming obstacles in this time, then do not become discouraged when you are in difficulties.
If the trial is greater than your faith, turn to unity with your brothers and sisters, a unity that, when it is true, opens the doors to God, to the descent of His Will.
Unite your heart to the heart of those who are with you. Make this Work a stronghold in which the King of kings will dwell, in His expected return. Trust in the victory and value love.
Do not think about what others will do for you; practice what you know and overcome the indifference that in different circumstances manifests itself in the hearts of all living beings.
Be the one who transcends the laws of this world; in this way, I will be able to reveal universal mysteries to you, and the events of the world will be the signs for you to read and take the next steps without fear and with bravery.
Unite to God, unite to this universal mission.
Live under the grace of Divine Mercy.
For the awakening of the human heart,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Sister Lucía de Jesús: We were doing a group task with all the members of the Aurora Light-Community, Fraternity, in Uruguay, where we live, and we concluded the work journey with the transmission of the daily message of Saint Joseph. Although He had arrived from a refugee camp of the Middle East, Saint Joseph transmitted to us a message especially directed to the Light-Communities but, as He Himself explained to us, it may be useful to all those who consider themselves as servers of God and consecrated to His Plan. May all those who read this message practice these words, adapting them to their own lives. This was a request of Saint Joseph.
Fraternity is something that should characterize this world, an attribute that all the beings of the Earth should carry within so that it may become the starting point for the experience of Christic love. In order to give your lives for your friends, you must first learn to be fraternal.
There are beings who manage to be fraternal by the nature of their own spirits, but others will have to sweat their own egos a lot, in a hard work of transcendence of their own opinions, wills and necessities; they will have to live a true renewal of what they call “priorities” of their lives.
The priority of the human beings incarnated in this world should be, in truth, the perfect experience of love and unity with one another, each one with God and all with Him. Having this as the only priority, everything else can be adapted.
If you think you have a greater necessity than living fraternity and love, start to meditate right away about the reason for your lives and the purpose of your existence in the world.
Seek, for an instant, the reason why you wake up every day. Why do you work, study, eat, drink, build homes, schedule your days, make plans? What is the true meaning of all this?
You must not think that life restricts its purpose to your simple necessity of being alive and comfortable in this world! Or do you?
If the soul does not find a superior purpose for which to get up every day, it gradually loses interest in life.
You must make of this experience on Earth a permanent act of renewal, of transcendence, of overcoming, of freedom in God, to love! Freedom from yourselves, so that you can give yourselves to your neighbor without limits and without restrictions.
Everyone thinks they live for a superior purpose. Everyone believes they are in the world to learn love, but when they are before the food on the table, they try to quickly take the best for themselves. If they see that somebody else needs help, they pretend not to see it. If they go to a group task, they quickly seek who they like the most or who they most “need”. Are there not any other brothers or sisters who would need, more than you, to put their feet upon the ground and take care of a flower, while you could do some other task inside the house?
Those who live in the communities know what I mean. I ask for forgiveness for those who will not understand My words and it will take some time to instruct those souls, so much loved by God, who have decided to surrender their lives for the fulfillment of His Plans and who must reflect if they are really doing so.
These words will serve for all who consider themselves servers of the Plan and consecrated to God, because they must take them to their own daily routines and meditate about themselves, never about the other.
So, truly think: are you here to serve the Plan, or to live your transformation and nothing else?
Since we spoke about the Christs of the new time, are some of you working for the Christification of others or do you only think about the possibility of being a Christ yourself? You must realize that, even while this is a superior purpose, you are thinking about yourselves.
If you need to be alone and somebody needs your presence, will you pretend not to see him or her? If you want to sleep early and there is someone who has not finished their duties, will you think, “better one tired person than two?"
Dears, I speak to you as a father, because I know that souls want to grow and they must do so. The times of definition are no longer knocking on the door; they have entered your homes and are demanding from all a truly spiritual life.
If humanity does not take a step towards true fraternity and love and remains partially surrendered to God, the Plan will never be fulfilled the way the Lord expects it to be fulfilled.
God silences Himself and seeks to find you in the most profound essence of your hearts. Has anybody sought Him? Have you created conditions so that your brothers and sisters can do so?
Reflect if the true purpose of your souls is the life of the spirit.
Do you want to construct an island of salvation and rescue? So, rescue, while there is time, your own spiritual life.
I love you and that is why I tell you all these things. May every one take them within.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
I am the one Who unites that which is separated, divided amongst consciousnesses. I unite the pieces of the great wheel so that the Project may function. For this reason, whoever invokes My name receives the gifts of Grace that transform the life of all hearts.
Decide to seek me; so I may help you always, day and night. Do not be discouraged by anything, your trust must be in the Lord.
Dear children, I bring you the spirit of reconciliation so that you may live it. I give you My Love so that you may multiply and share it as the essence of life. I encourage you to achieve the transcendence of self every day through service and prayer.
Unify through My Sacred Heart. I come to introduce you to the universe of My Son's love where there is no separation or rivalries; there is only God, your Celestial Father.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who unifies you with the Universe,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear companions in Christ,
I would like to talk to you about the greatness of Creation and the celestial mysteries. I would like to reveal to you the love that fulfills the stars and animates the universes, so that you see yourselves strengthened and guarded by a higher purpose, so that you fulfill your own missions in the end of cycle on Earth.
With My words, each day I expect that your consciousnesses reach a level of understanding which transcends the limits of the human mind. I try to make you understand the magnitude of the Plan of God and how this Plan cannot start and finish in the existence of this world.
I know that many need the simple words so that they can understand and engage themselves in the task of recue of the Divine Messengers. Many prefer not to believe Our words and in Our presences when we reveal to you something you do not understand and that do not adjust itself to what you already know. However, I ask you not to try to reduce the greatness of God to the understanding of the human mind. Do not try to compare the Love of the One and Only with your own ability of loving. And do not expect that the Creation of God restrict itself to the existence of this small planet, when so vast is the universe.
What for would exist so many stars and galaxies if not for the different expressions of the Love of God in His creatures to inhabit in them? Or do you think by any chance that the stars exist so that they can be contemplated by the humankind in the sky of Earth?
While a great change precipitates itself in the world, the Divine Messengers will try to elevate the understanding and the knowledge of humanity. They will try to open the eyes of the human heart to the truths that cannot be seen with the material eyes.
This will so because only the certainty of a superior purpose and of a superior life, which supports you, will give you strength to live the times that will come. Without a higher understanding about the Plans of God, your lives will become meaningless, such as life has become meaningless to many youngsters and adults who did not find a reason to be in this world.
If you are strengthened by the hope of a spiritual and divine goal, you will be able to persevere and keep yourselves firm to overcome the obstacle with love, forgiveness and braveness. And, when it is time, you will be able to reconstruct the world with the proper courage and with the principles of the spirit.
You will know that you are never alone and you will be able to count on the help of Brothers of yours who observe the world and wait, with holy hope, for the Earth to live its learning.
In love and peace, preparing your hearts,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In order to be a companion of Christ, you will seek to transcend the laws and the tendencies of the Earth, because you cannot follow with human thoughts, the steps of That One whose spirit and divinity does not come from this world.
Leave the planetary thought for those who seek only the riches of the Earth, the transitory glory and honor which are achievable here. Seek for yourself the glory of God and instead of seeking to be honored, give honor to That One who is worthy to receive.
Seek for yourself the reward of the meek, which is the humble heart. Be more ambitious than the men of the Earth and seek for yourself a place in the Kingdom of the Universe. Even though you are eternally a servant, there is no better King to serve than That One who is One with all that was created and whose mercy does not measure with the existent proportions, neither in this world nor in any other.
Do not be discouraged, dear child, with the defeats that you live on Earth; glorify your Father and God each time you are humbled, because you are learning, thus, how to achieve greater Graces, true Graces and divine Graces.
Surrender yourself as a servant, as nothing; be the carpet in which those who seek the glory of the world step on. Let the others be better and victorious.
Get lost, including from yourself, and you will make of yourself a victory for That One who is the Only conqueror of all the Creation, because He has lost Himself and thus has returned to the Divine Essence.
Why do you fear so much to leave the laws of the Earth?
Why do you fear so much to lose the treasures of the world?
Oh, dear child, discover the Grace of being poor of yourself and of all and you will never want anything else except, nothing.
Why do you hold on so much to this world and to its ways of life, if you do not come from it and will not remain in it forever?
Live in this world as you must live, make of it what it is: a school of transcendence, of redemption, of love. You are here to be what you are not, to renounce what you see, to redeem yourself and to love everything that exists, good or bad, as a way to let love transform everything.
Choose the simplicity, the joy, the freedom of the spirit. Rejoice yourself in the humiliation, fulfill yourself in the obedience, resign yourself to be nothing and you will see that everything will be given to you.
Be free from the world and from yourself. Do not give to the world a heavier weight than it already has. Make it light, being empty of yourself. Empty yourself from self-love, of desires and appearances, of aspirations. Flow in the Divine Will, flow in what God orders to your life and nothing, child, neither in the spirit nor in the matter will fail you.
Do not fear to seem weak and to renounce winning the competitions imposed by men. Take a step back when you see that competition comes to you and surrender yourself to humility. You will see how unbreakable of a fortress will be built in your interior, because it is in your humility and smallness that the King of the Universe will dwell, who does not seek for great castles, but simple mangers to be born in.
Trust in what I tell you and remember My words. Follow My steps, I conduct you to Christ and He will lead you to God.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In times of battle for the mind, for the body and for the spirit, keep your heart in peace.
Hold onto the purpose of these times and not so much to the tribulations that disturb your being, in and outside of yourself.
If you cannot pray, then simply unite your heart to God and ask for His assistance. As a soldier of His army of love, the Lord will never deny due help to you.
However, little by little, talk to your bodies, with the life which inhabits your consciousness and which expresses itself in different ways, because times have changed and the density of the planetary atmosphere itself will seek from you the spirit of the permanent transcendence.
Just do not surrender. Be a little braver and more determined to overcome yourself and the energies that are around your consciousness, because inside of you and outside of you there will be resistances not to allow you to be a triumph of Christ in the world.
Do not allow your consciousness to be an instrument of disunion. Always cherish the unity, yours with God and with your brothers and sisters and of all with the purpose of the Creator.
You will have to learn to find within yourselves pure airs to breath and nourish your soul and your spirit, because there will be days in which you will find no breath in what surrounds you. Therefore, construct today a path of union with your inner world. There are found the codes left by God on the many occasions in which He came to you. There you will find peace.
For the inner deepening of all beings,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Release your souls from the captivity of this world though love for the Plan of God. If you love the Plans of the the Most High for all that has been created, you will transcend the common understanding of all the events that are manifested in the world.
Be willing to love the Plan of God above your own selves and you can then live what the Lord really expects of you.
When your self-love is greater than your love for the Plan of God, you run the risk of getting lost in your own limitations and lose the opportunity to discover the transcendence of all expressions of life, whether mental, emotional, physical or spiritual.
When you love the Plan of God above all things, you are able to throw yourself into the impossible to manifest it and, then, you cross the threshold of the human limitations and discover new capabilities which are eternally dormant in the consciousnesses of all precisely because of the lack of love and surrender by the beings.
I know this is an unknown and unattainable love to many, because you have not learned to love the intangible, the Divine, the spiritual. In this world, love is always based on benefits and even the love for God and for the spiritual life has to bring some merit, even if it is holiness.
Those who seek the spiritual life, heading for holiness, begin their journey seeking a benefit, a recognition, a goal; but on the way, they discover that, in order to find what they seek, they must lose themselves. And thus lost, they leave little by little everything they have, all that they are and what they think they are, as well as their aspirations and even the pure intention of attaining holiness.
When the heart feels the most that it no longer wants anything and only walks towards God, when it seems to be even further away of any perfection, because to him nothing resembles the Perfection of the Father, it is when the soul arrives, without realizing, to the first step of its goal.
For this true love I call you: love that transcends the individuals, the benefits, the aspirations, the achievements; transcends the very needs of life and leaves the soul and spirit suspended in the hands of the Creator, so that they may be His instruments in the world, attracting His Peace into times of chaos.
What I tell you and that seems so distant would be the reason for the human existence; however, human beings gave it a name and placed it at a point unreachable to consciousnesses, because even aspiring to it causes you fear, shame or you think you are lacking in humility. This is holiness.
Holiness is the union with God, it is the manifestation of His Plan. Holiness is not an exception, it is a goal for all human consciousness.
To find holiness, it is necessary to love the Only One, but to love the Only One, it is necessary to leave behind the human loves, to discover the love for the Divine.
The world needs hearts that truly love, that attract from the universe the Love left by Christ, because only in this way will it balance such evil that expands on Earth.
I love you and invite you to love with the same Love.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear companions of My Chaste Heart,
Today I call you to the awakening of the true faith, the one that is born from the union of the spirit with God, and that is not fed by miracles or rewards of any sort.
The faith to which I invite you is the faith in the invisible, so that you can trust and thus live the instructions of the Divine Messengers.
I know that for many it is difficult to awaken faith in the heart, when it is purely spiritual. Many believe in the presence of God among humankind, through the current Apparitions of the Sacred Hearts, but the belief comes from the acceptance of the mind and faith is the adherence of the spirit to the Will of God.
A faith which is born as a result of phenomena and miracle is a faith that may be as transitory as such phenomena, but the faith which is born from the heart of the one who believes without seeing is a faith that will never be extinguished and that will conduct them to find the true life of the spirit.
Those who keep their faith, even in the invisible of the heart, might find God, which it is not visible to the human eyes and will overcome the limits of matter and of the senses in order to enter you into a reality that transcends the material existence. It is for that reason that the Divine Messengers come to the world in this time, by means of this group of souls.
Throughout the human existence, God tried to awaken humanity in many ways, but every time they were awakened through the senses, they could never leave the boundaries of their own material and concrete sense.
The devotees and the faithful of God in the whole world are almost always simply aspiring to things that concern the material life and at no time they glimpse the true existence that starts after they transcend the illusions of this life.
Many believe in God, pray and seek to live in peace, but almost always this only intends the personal well-being and the success of their own material life.
Do you understand that the Plan of God does not start and does not finish on this little Earth?
My dears, when you are called to awaken faith in the invisible, you awaken, as a result, many other things, such as the understanding that life does not end in matter; you understand the existence of a superior life; you can transcend the appearances and the messengers and reach the essence of the message; you can deepen in the consecration of the material life, so that you may have the life of spirit as a priority.
Today, the Divine Messengers are conducting humanity to a greater understanding of live and they do not seek to build, in this world, anything which concerns comfort, convenience and material welfare, because this is not the goal of God.
The goal for this world is to be another one, so that the spirit may inhabit matter; so that the Earth may be a new Earth; so that humanity may be a new humanity, because this concerns to the descent of the Kingdom of God to the world. That is, what is invisible to the human eyes today must become a reality of this planet. But, for this, you must start from the beginning, which is developing faith in the invisible, so that it may cease to be a mystery to the human heart and may become the reality.
I love you and I call you to the awakening of the true faith of the heart.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Devotional of Saint Joseph to achieve the Divine Spirit of Unity
Union Bead
By the Power that God granted You,
Most Chaste Saint Joseph,
teach us to live in the Divine Spirit of Unity.
First decade
Under the intercession of Saint Joseph,
may all atavisms, selfishness and vanities
that separate us from the Heart of God be dissolved.
Second decade
By the power granted to the Most Pure Saint Joseph,
may all stains and sins
that separate souls from the Kingdoms of Nature be absolved.
Third decade
Under the intercession of the Humble Heart of Saint Joseph,
may all evil aspects
that prevent unity among human beings
be expelled and transcended.
Fourth decade
By the power of charity and love, present in the Chaste Heart,
may all misunderstandings
that separate us from the Sublime Universe of God
be dissolved.
Fifth decade
For all the attributes achieved through the paternity of Saint Joseph,
may the virtues and gifts of the Most Chaste Heart
manifest in humanity,
thus uniting the human heart to all of God's Creation.
This devotional is to be prayed by all those who aspire to achieve unity within themselves, with others, with the kingdoms of nature, with the Angelical Universe of the Creator and with the Divine and the Most Pure Consciousness of God.
If you pray with the heart, aspiring to transcend all the human aspects of separation caused by pride, vanity, and selfishness, you will be able to achieve My Holy Intercession.
By clamoring to God for the virtues achieved by Saint Joseph, you will allow My blessing to permeate you and My love to open the doors so that you may enter into a new cycle as humanity.
I love you, bless you and give you new keys for the transformation of life.
Saint Joseph, prayerful Servant of God
As Lady and Mother of the entire universe, I deign to descend to your beloved planet in order to awaken you to the purpose of the greater Task.
Closing the doors to evil, the hearts reconsider and are placed before their spiritual and inner task, for the time has come, and humanity urgently needs solid pillars to carry forward the Plan of the Divinity.
That current of Light cannot be interrupted or cut off by anyone. The prayer of the heart will keep you united to this Divine Principle and thus you will achieve the expected steps in the consciousness.
Children, you knew that the time of the Armageddon would come. Now, on your paths and in your families, you find beings hypnotized by the modern illusion of this world, and no one manages to perceive the absence of the spirit of peace.
You knew that these times would come; this is why you were led to understand the Will of God, and now it is necessary and indispensable that you are able to live it fully.
Children, you knew that these times would come. The Father expects you to be sacred vessels into which the Rays of Mercy can be poured and become part of the life of each soul.
Dear children, you knew that these times would come. While the hardest things are taking place in this last humanity, your Eternal Father takes care of the emergencies, because if He did not take care of them, you would have no perception of things or of your realities, and thus you would lose the meaning of the inner mission.
Now, the time indicates transparency in the work; you have been called to participate in the Work of your Heavenly Mother. The need grows and it must be filled.
The Universe counts on the consciousness of everyone. My Son hopes to be able to pour out His Gifts of Mercy over all. With attention, seek this Legacy.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who elevates you to the essence of the Purpose,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Just as the rain, that touches the Earth and makes the fruit grow in arid deserts, so do My Graces, which touch your hearts in order to convert them into the perfect model that God planned for since the beginning.
Children, I know that which must still die and be transcended within you, so that someday the true apostle of redemption may manifest.
Dear children, we are in a time of spiritual battle, and many of My children do not want to realize it; for this I come to ask you for prayer, so that you can realize how distracted the world is and how it affirms, before the Universe, that it is doing everything fine.
I come to demystify what you believe about your lives so that you may recognize the Will of the Celestial Father and so that your own will may die. Thus, children, you will be worthy of understanding all things.
Now the Universe allows certain events so that all may learn and not repeat the same mistakes again.
Children, I am consistent with you and I will touch you with My Grace, as many times as necessary, because My true purpose is to convert you into that which you are not yet. Be patient and love transformation, thus, it will be less dificult for those who are willing to know themselves; when this happens, you will be able to be conscious that your very little problems in life are light compared to the great sin of humanity.
Seek fidelity through Christ; do not despair over that which you experience; there are greater planetary problems that encompass regions, peoples and, above all, a project of spiritual evolution.
Purge that which is old, empty yourselves all the time and thus, you will be the new wineskins that will be filled with the Precious Blood of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who purifies, heals and elevates you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In order for you to work with maturity and consecration to the Plan of God, I give you the Seven Precious Stones of Salvation:
- To not be ungrateful towards the universe or towards your neighbor
- To believe that everything is possible through Mercy
- To not destroy the Divine Plan by means of false actions
- To be reverent towards others
- To love the Divine Plan more than your own comfort
- To accept the help that comes from the Heights
- To forgive yourself in order to be forgiven.
With these seven little stones you will be able to truly live the Five Unions with the Celestial Father through:
- Repairing communion
- Healing confession
- Formative instruction
- Renewing reconciliation
- Redeeming conversion.
Who loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
As a pious Mother, today I come to envelop you in the sacred mantle of Christ in order for your deepest and most unconscious wounds to be healed.
I come to purify and cleanse the marks of an erroneous life and that is subjected to the existence of a material world.
I come to envelop you in the sacred mantle of Christ in order for your wounds of the past to be washed in the Source of My Son.
For it to be possible and so that I may be able to envelop you in the sacred mantle of Christ you must grant Me an inner permission in order for Me to make you get to know all that which separates you from the perfect union with My Beloved Son.
With the Piety in which I live, I come to deliver My Grace to you because it will be the science that will change the deep and unconscious things, those that hinder your freely walk.
But remember, Child of Mine, that you have come to the world so that someday you will reach transcendence and thus the doors to rehabilitation may be opened for humanity. While you purify yourself, live the ardent aspiration of finding the celestial universes; on this path you will not get lost because I will keep you united to My Heart of Mother.
Be brave and encourage yourself to discover that which most of the souls do not want to see: the human condition, which is the last thing to transcend before the sanctity.
I delivery My Peace and My Love to you.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who heals you in the Repairing Source of Christ,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Favorite children, it is time for the great transformation.
It is time to change the states of consciousness.
It is time for renouncing.
It is time for transcending oneself to be able to love.
My children, this will soon make you free from the prison that life in matter represents. In a short time, you will come to know the new consciousness, which will be free of human errors and purified by the fire of My Compassion.
Favorite children, God expects to accomplish a part of His project through you; because of that, let yourselves be transformed within this school, which I call purification.
Your Mother sees the urgency of healing and of consolation in the world, but in order for your Most Holy Mother consent to pouring Her last Graces, someone from this humanity must change. The time for theories and for philosophies is over; your change and transformation must be still more obvious for the Plan.
Thus, My dear children, planetary emergencies that are far from your capacity for understanding will be taken care of and alleviated by the columns of light that My Son has formed in you.
Seek at all times for that sacred union with the Divine Plan, and I assure you that soon your lives will reflect the true mirror that they are since the beginning. But the search for upliftment is the goal of very few, and complaints and conflicts characterize the many.
The Most Holy Trinity, which is the most important Gift for the evolution of souls, descends in assistance and in mercy through your Holy Mother Mary, to rescue the last flocks that will tread the path to be a part of the New Earth.
For this to happen, the time of your purification will be accompanied by the definition of your paths and especially by absolute surrender to the Will of God.
It is for this sacred reason that your Heavenly Mother prepares you in this time of purification, so that your lives will finally be consummated in Christ. It will be thus that the changes will take place in the life of souls, and nobody will lose the space or the time for the purpose to be fulfilled.
It is in these times that the Divinity of the Son and that of the Holy Spirit will work unswervingly on those hearts that connect themselves to the objective of the task. It will be in this way, favorite children, that the world will sustain itself for one more cycle, through the changes that many of you should already be living.
The main obstacles for souls are resistance, power, arrogance, and pride, infernal doors of condemnation and of domination; doors that My adversary opens and uses to condition spiritual evolution by means of the aspects that have not been resolved in souls.
Because of that, your Heavenly Mother works untiringly to remove these veils of the unconscious and thus open a little window in your inner world so that Divine Light may transfigure your lives and you can abandon this unending captivity.
The mere fact of wanting to change and of allowing yourself be guided builds in the consciousness, above all these aspects, the possibility of balancing the debts and of starting to recognize the attributes of humility, meekness, and especially the attribute that supersedes all: the attribute of love.
Accepting to be humble, living the meekness, and building within oneself the capacity to love more each day, beyond what one can give, will position the Plan on another scale and the aspirations of Adonai will be able to be fulfilled just as they were thought of and meditated upon by the One Mind.
The receptivity of these states of consciousness, of these attributes, articulates new experiences, and it is in this way that souls liberate themselves from having to start over again in the same not yet finished experience.
Your Heavenly Mother reveals these profound aspects of your consciousnesses to you so that some day, the whole of humanity perceives that it is very far from understanding and living Divine Will.
Now, your Mother indicates one of the last paths to you so that, open, awake, and united to the new humanity, these attributes start arising in the depths of each being.
In order for this to happen, many changes must take place. Because of this just cause, as from now Your Heavenly Mother helps you walk in faith, so as to then live the trust and the definitive consecration to this Omnipotent Will.
Mediten en lo que hoy les digo, así vuestros espíritus aprovecharán el sagrado conocimiento divino.
Meditate on what I tell you today, so that your spirits can benefit from the sacred divine knowledge.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who unifies you in the Highest Will of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today I draw as close to you as your hearts allow.
As your Mother from Heaven, I wait for the great day of your redemption, for in this way, you will be free of the prison of doubt and the lack of real love.
Today I come from the Divine Universe to give a Message of Peace to the world, and for this to be possible, I come to look for the spirit of transcendence and peace in you. In this way, you will walk free of yourselves and will avoid always returning to the same departure point to begin again.
My grand Love waits to make you free, more every day, because on being withdrawn from the captivity of the heart, the soul will become as free as the flight of a sacred bird.
I wish your lives to be sanctified in Christ. I no longer need your inner resistance. Open your heart! Because during these last seven years of special Graces, you have already learned to love. If you do not love, you will never be able to forgive nor forgive yourselves.
My Son died for all, so that nobody else would have to pay the price of injustice and pain. Remember My Crucified Son, present in the Eucharist, and dispel the tribulations from your hearts.
I pray for your true inner freedom. It is already time to quickly reconsider and become reconciled, so as to not become like a stone between My Feet.
I wish for a rose of peace from your souls. Since the beginning, I aspire that you be converted in Christ and for Christ. Thus, the promised plan will be fulfilled and the whole Earth will achieve the Thousand Years of Peace.
Remember what I tell you. Do not reject My Words; take them as your own, for in this way, you will grow, and as adults, you will live a true Christic discipleship.
Know, children, that I love you and correct you, so you are able to expand the Love of God in this apocalyptic world, a love so needed by imprisoned souls.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who cultivates the spirit of holy humility in you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
I am here to silently ask you to unite with Me and to not separate yourself from Me.
In the mystery of tests, there is the path of the great step to transcendence.
My project for your little life is to transform you into a new instrument, always available for when it may be necessary and opportune to help the souls of the world.
After this life, there will be another one, better than the one you have experienced. For this reason, take the necessary precautions to live My holy Word in this life.
I have come to ask you for something that is beyond your expectations and aspirations. I come to ask for your innermost trust in My Sacred Heart because when souls trust in Me, many human decadences are replaced by My Rays of Mercy and everything is transformed by the gifts of My Light. In this way, souls do not miss the opportunity of again finding the consolation they so lack.
I come to unite you with My father, with the great Universal Emanation of Love and Unity. I only ask you not to miss the path of sanctification.
In order to be able to experience current changes, you must strengthen your faith in Me; this will allow you to erase doubts and concerns.
When a soul strives to seek Me every day, it will be able to know that in its last days My Heart will remember it and it will go to the Kingdom of My Father.
Do not fear to face that which you cannot face; the Lord sends you His supreme Grace through My sacred Presence on this day.
The Lord assembles you in one consciousness of peace so that, in these times, redemption may awaken in everyone.
I give you the assurance that you so greatly seek within yourselves. I give you My sincere and inseparable Love of the Heart.
Under the Grace of God that assembles and heals you, be blessed.
Thank you for living in My Heart!
The Glorified Christ Jesus
As long as you are in this world, life will be an exercise of constant transcendence and redemption.
For this, do not detain your steps on those things that form part of your indomitable human condition. Surrender to me, day by day, your little beings and drink from My Fountain of Mercy, which will free you from sin.
Let yourselves be brought to the Kingdom of Peace, and of absolute Love. Do not lose sight of My pilgrim footsteps, because I am by your side to teach you the correct use of the Law of the Lord. Affirm your life in the infinite purity of God, aspire each day to be less for yourselves and more for those who in truth need help.
The key for your constant purification is found in prayer and in faith; because through them you will strengthen the path of the living of your vows. I know with anticipation that you will fail Me, I know with anticipation that you will come to Me seeking internal strength, so that you may face your own inner battle.
I only say to you that bravery and love are needed to live in My Project, because to be blessed of spirit, you will know first the desert of you beings. But I will be in the desert to give to you drink from My Merciful Fountain of Pity.
Confess yourselves with Me, and only say to Me every day that you are with Me. Live in faith.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus.
At the end of the prayer of the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy we were waiting for the arrival of Master Jesus but today something special happened: it was the apparition of Child Jesus in the arms of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, who with devotion and an example of humility visited us at 3pm.
From the moment of the apparition of the Child Jesus He transmitted us the following instruction:
My dear brothers and sisters:
Today, as the Child Jesus, as the Little Jesus, I come in the arms of My Father to demonstrate to you that you will only get to the Kingdom of God if you are little and humble children that obey with fidelity and love the designs of the Father.
With this aim, today I call you to reflect if your consciousnesses think and feel like a pure and good child.
If it is not this way, in spite of the experiences of life, I invite you to consecrate yourselves to the Sacred Heart of Child Jesus because it is through your act of faith and of forgiveness of yourselves that you will receive the divine help, that which you may need in order to undo the knots in the consciousness.
For this Friday I also call you to renovate yourselves and to imitate the most chaste path of Saint Joseph. You only must put in your hearts the aspiration of transforming yourselves and of making way so that the Will of God may act through your lives.
Saint Joseph will help you to cultivate a spirit of humility and of simplicity.
I call you, for this special day, to affirm yourselves on the path that Saint Joseph went through by means of obedience and of the absolute emptiness of oneself. If you do not empty your hearts of all property or control in time, how will you be blessed by the treasures from Heaven?
You are in time to construct the path of your own redemption. For this today My Mercy presents Itself before you through the presence of the Sacred and Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph. Every time that you may not be pure, chaste and meek, remember that there is a Faithful Mediator before God who is waiting to cross the gate of transcendence and of the inner detachment of yourselves.
Find through Saint Joseph a good and venerable father, capable of accompanying as a Good Shepherd each one of My sheep.
I repeat to you with great compassion: be like children before the maturity and the arrogance that wants to conquer your precious lives, lives that can only filled by the Spirit of God, lives that can transmit the impulse of the Divine Mercy to all of the Earth.
I wait for you in prayer and in reflection in the Chaste Heart of the Father Saint Joseph.
Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My messages in the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.
When a door of evil is closed by the presence of the sublime and wise Love of God between the brothers and the sisters of humanity, the Holy Spirit of Christ again fully organizes the consciousnesses, carrying them one more time to the encounter with the true spiritual mission that My Father has entrusted to them.
For this do not fear that your vestments may fall from your beings or that they may be taken off, as they were from My Glorified Body because from you will be taken off the old so that you may be covered by the Holy Spirit.
When My Heart communicates to you the hour of changes it is so that the hearts may be prepared for the path of transcendence and of purification. Whoever drinks from the bitter chalice of the emptiness of oneself will afterwards be with Me to drink and to dine of the chalice of Reparation and of Redemption.
But it is urgent that the past be transmuted by My Merciful Rays so that your beings may receive absolution and forgiveness. I know that sometimes My Disciples feel lonely before so much dryness of the desert and, out of instinct seek to quench their thirst in other fountains that could be dry.
But I tell you that the true Christic and chaste love between beings is born when the truth is revealed between them, because there is present the wisdom of God and the love that may be able to exist between souls that will be able to be purified so that you may love each other in spirit and in fraternity.
For this I have asked you to love each other. I have asked you to love one another as you are so that you may learn to love the soul of each consciousness, because this is your inner goal.
When the love of My Heart is present between beings will be lived the pure Love of God, as My Mother Mary and the Most Chaste Joseph lived it on the Earth. Believe in this love and nourish yourselves through spiritual love, in this way your sensation of emptiness will disappear. I am returning as the renovated source of love that is absent in all of humanity.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living in the Source of My Christic Love.
Christ Jesus.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more