My dear children,
In the Law of Self-giving, you will find the inner strength to go through this moment, even if it seems impossible to you. For without self-giving, you will never understand God’s Will and all that He desires for your lives.
My children, self-giving is a master key that opens the door to piety and humility.
There is no way to understand or perceive what the Eternal Father traces with His Divine Thought, without first living by the Law of Self-giving.
Under that Sacred Law, you will purify yourselves. Under that Law, you will transcend yourselves. Under that Law, you will learn to be unconditional and righteous, just as Christ was until the last moment of expiring on the Cross.
Without self-giving, it is impossible to redeem the world and its sins.
Christ comes, through His Word, to awaken in you, My children, the commitment to embrace the Law of Self-giving, just as My son embraced the Cross and kissed it.
This is the moment, this is the great moment, in which Jesus will prove his fidelity to the Law of Self-giving, imperiously necessary to balance the evils of war, the impunity in nations, the indifference to those who suffer, the separatist ideologies of these times. For the Law of Self-giving will make you reunite again and again with your true essence; and in that inner communion with the essential, you will not be disturbed or intimidated. You will no longer believe, for yourselves, that the place and the moment that My Son entrusted to you to donate yourselves, does not make sense.
The opposite of self-giving is self-absorption. The opposite of self-giving is believing that you should no longer serve.
This is the exercise of the end times: self-giving without expecting anything in return, trusting that everything will be contemplated in you, even the smallest thing.
Think and meditate on all that I have told you, for My Son expects mature souls.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.
Dear children,
Throughout 2023, the trilogy of spiritual impulses will again take place, through My Son, Christ Jesus, the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph and your Heavenly Mother.
Thus, in this year of 2023, devoted and prayerful souls will be able to avail themselves of three spiritual and divine currents that can place consciousnesses on the fastest path of redemption and conversion.
For this special reason, My children, I invite you to be receptive, vigilant and attentive to the precious instructions that the Chaste Heart of St. Joseph will bring as the Water of Life to all His companions.
For this, dear children, the Three Sacred Hearts, through Their Words, will broaden the path for the transformation of the consciousness of human life. In this sense, each Divine Hierarchy, united as one Consciousness in God, will be able to help so that, in these critical times, open souls may receive more impulses from Our Eternal Legacy.
The Three Sacred Hearts of Christ Jesus, St. Joseph and your Blessed Mother, will contemplate the different internal needs in this cycle so that the praying, devoted and persevering souls of the Work of the Divine Messengers may feel cared for and accompanied.
Therefore, this year, St. Joseph will work every week through His weekly Messages, as well as through His monthly Apparitions. Thus, St. Joseph will be addressing different spiritual reflections that will allow souls to see and observe themselves on the path of transcendence and ascension.
Once again, the Three Sacred Hearts will be reaching out Their Hands in offering so that all who feel so, may be accompanied, just as they were accompanied since the beginning of the Apparitions in 2007.
Dear children, be truly open in this cycle in which the Divine Messengers will be closer, so that you may feel Our support, Mercy and Love.
Let us celebrate the Grace of having St. Joseph again this year.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.
My children,
At this moment, how do you understand Life? through obstacles or through transcendence? Do you understand Life through tests or through challenges?
Life is the first Gift that God created so that His children, all His creatures, would be able to reach the highest degrees of love.
Life is a Gift, and it is also a treasure for God.
As a sample of His immeasurable Mercy, the Father sent His Son to Earth so that, through His Passion, Death and Resurrection, all of you would be witnesses, throughout times, of how great is the Love of God.
Today, I invite you, My children, to rethink your perceptions and even your understandings of what Life really is, the one that the Creator Universe gave you so that, within you, the power of love awakens through challenges and even through possible uncertainties that may arise along your paths of spiritual consecration.
By learning to perceive the essence of Life, you will learn to love; you will learn to recognize that, in this universe, everything that seems dual has the deep meaning of turning each of you into other people and other consciousnesses, under the sacred emblem of unity between creatures and the universe.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Never fear to definitely cross the thresholds of the lower consciousness.
The Love and the inner strength of My Son, in the Sacrament of the Altar, will take you and help you to gradually on your own transcend the human condition.
You must know that it is not only you who redeems and surpasses yourself, but rather it is the human race that is also assisted to live redemption, to some degree.
For this reason, keep your faith and your trust ignited within the center of your heart, for it is there where the Love of God will triumph, above any condition or adversity.
God will always recognize your sincere efforts and your momentum to live Christic and divine Love a little more.
Remain at peace and continue forward. Remember that My Son gave you His parables and talents so that, through them, you may learn to serve Him and worship Him.
Everything has its timing. It is not intelligent to force change, because change comes when the soul and the mind of humankind understand that everything has its cycle.
Walk in the direction of the Purpose of Light that is before your gaze. Follow it, and the creator universe will send you it's assistance so that you may accomplish it. Thus, the new apostles of My Son will be formed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear child,
With effort, try not to lose peace, because peace will help you to accept and understand the lessons of life.
Practice peace, so that it may inspire you and teach you the path of meekness.
My Son expressed Peace in the moments of greatest tribulation and abandonment. If He had not done so, perhaps He would not have managed to accomplish the mission that the Father had entrusted to Him.
Peace is everything, from the beginning to the end.
It will let you see the most difficult situations as the most important opportunities for the transcendence and elevation of your being.
Let peace gradually become deeper within you, in the faith that all is for the good and for the inner growth of your consciousness.
In this way, while you every day face new challenges, you will know that there is to be found peace, which will bring you confidence and support in the culminating moments of life.
Today I leave you My Peace again so that, through it, you may take the first step.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
May the sorrowful Passion of My Son be the legacy of the redemption and the spiritual light that your souls need in order to live conversion.
May this powerful yet humble legacy of My Son be the support of your consciousnesses for when Our Sacred Hearts are no longer present within your lives.
Children, avail yourselves of the spiritual legacy of My Son, and make the world know your testimony of redemption.
Teach the world to live in love so that souls may remember and know that, through the legacy of the sorrowful Passion of My Son, the oppressed hearts will attain spiritual freedom.
Avail yourselves of this legacy, revere it and love it. Thus, the human hearts will continue to live their redemption and achieve the understanding of the mysteries.
Within the sorrowful Passion of My Son lies the door for your transcendence and inner death; a path towards the emptiness of self and a reencounter with the unfathomable Love of the Redeemer.
Thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear Children,
The Most Chaste and Venerable Saint Joseph is preparing, in this month of July, to finalize His task with humanity. But His teachings and words will resonate within those who throughout the years have known how to recognize the impulses that He left for the transcendence of humanity.
Children, I would like to announce to you that on July 19th, the day of the last apparition of Saint Joseph, the monthly Feast of the Heart of Saint Joseph will be instituted, in which every 19th of the month, from the Heavens, Saint Joseph will intercede for impossible causes and for the most difficult purifications of the human heart.
This Feast of Saint Joseph will not only be to remember His paternal presence in the life of His apprentices, but it will also be an opportunity for hearts to plead to Saint Joseph, for Him to grant the necessary Graces.
On that day, those who stand before the Sacred Reliquary of Saint Joseph will have the joy of being blessed by Saint Joseph, and they will be able to begin finding the path of humility.
This Feast of Saint Joseph will not only be for honoring the Holy Name of the intercessor for the human hearts, but it will also be a day in which the souls that are praying to Saint Joseph will be able to renew their vows, and the missionary lives will be safeguarded by the light of the Chaste Heart, month after month.
May the monthly Feast of Saint Joseph be for remembering the impulses of each one of His words and instructions.
Every 19th, each soul will be able to offer Saint Joseph not only their imperfect hearts but they will also be able to light a candle so that the Grace of conversion may transform the hearts of humankind and the healing of humanity may be granted.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
The faith of My children is renewed when they, in sacrifice and under any circumstances, pray out of love, knowing the spiritual need of these times.
Thus, dear children, prayer will always renew your faith and your absolute trust in the Celestial Father.
Faith, which is renewed by prayer from the heart, creates a potent vortex of light that not only physically protects the praying consciousness, but also everything around them is silently impregnated with Codes of Light which help souls that are spiritually ill or have lost their trust in God.
The power of prayer, in this time, works miracles in the being itself and places it, again and again, at the portal of transcendence and on the path of redemption.
Prayer propagates peace and many more attributes so that everything may continue to transform and be renewed within beings, even those who do not pray will become aware, at some moment, of the importance of turning toward God.
I thank you for responding, in love, to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The spiritual and interior healing shall be the means by which humanity will be redeemed.
But, in order to be able to find the healing, there must be true repentance and purity of intention; on the contrary, the healing will not be able to approach the consciousness that still has not been redeemed.
A true coexistence with the Laws and with the Kingdoms, in all their expressions, grants the arrival of that so awaited spiritual healing; healing that will fill the spirit and each part of the being so that the consciousness, free of oppression, may take the steps towards the Lord.
This is the time to return to the origin and to the essence that created us so that the sense of the sacred and of reverence may be what elevates the consciousness so that it reaches the inner transcendence.
I thank You for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace.
My children,
It gladdens Me to know, from the depths of My Heart, that I will be with you again in this month of March so that, from Mother to children, we may share the Graces of God again.
It gladdens Me to know that you will gather, once again today, to pray and cry out for peace, Mercy and Justice for the world.
It gladdens Me to know and see the efforts that you made everyday, and especially during these last months, for your humanity and for the planet through the Prayer for Peace in the Nations.
It gladdens Me to know that there are decided souls, willing and adhered to the Celestial Hierarchy in order to be able to carry forward the manifestation of the Divine Plan on Earth.
For this reason, dear children, today I give you thanks from the depth of My Heart and My Face does not cry for an indifferent world today, but it cries with joy for the reception and the response of My children to the call of the Mother of God.
I impel you to continue building the Plan for these coming months, because greater and more determining challenges and commitments will come to all, so that you may keep maturing in faith, in prayer and in the inner communion with the Sacred Heart of the Heavenly Father.
Know, My dear children, that I am with you in the joys as in the difficulties, in the triumphs as in the defeats.
May the Love of God always reign in you, may the Love of the Eternal Father impel you to live the challenges and to transcend the crucial tests of these times.
I am with those who pray, with every heart and soul that opens day by day to discover the mystery of praying with the heart.
Let us keep walking firmly towards the goal because the planet and all of humanity need beings of love, souls that live love and spread it in order to be able to dissolve the pain and the suffering generated by the chaos and the wars in the nations.
But remember, My children, that at the end of everything, My Immaculate and Maternal Heart will triumph.
I thank you for responding and for living My call!
Who blesses you under the Love of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
This is the cycle in which to recognize and face the miseries within oneself that are to be transformed; but it is also the cycle of discovering the talents that My Son left within your hearts.
It will be necessary, beloved children, to substitute your defects and imperfections for the talents and the virtues that must be at service for the love of humanity.
For this reason, children, live the present time as an opportunity to transcend the limits of the consciousness and the suffering that all this generates.
Discover in yourselves the seeds of Light that My Son once planted within you.
Truly attribute the potential that the virtues of the soul have for these times and everything, absolutely everything, will pass.
In this way you will learn to be more humble, available, considerate and helpful toward all the needs that present themselves.
I only ask you, My children, to no longer justify your actions and ways of life. Recognize every personal aspect as an opportunity for transcendence and forgiveness rather than for battle and struggle.
You have my blessing for going to meet the Twelve Talents of the Lord.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear child,
Every soul that surrenders to God in order to live the divine life, while still being on Earth, needs to learn to transcend inner duality.
It is like an unconscious and autonomous matrix that in many cases leads toward a spiritual condemnation for souls because duality is imbued with personal will.
This generates that the souls of the Earth, after some time, suffer the consequences of decisions made.
On the spiritual path, it is similar. But it is much more difficult to transcend duality within the human being, since overcoming the infinite aspects of duality is a victory for the soul that ventures into that mission because in reality the aspects of life that play against true love are defeated, and the spirit finds the freedom that God wants it to live: freedom that only the Universe can grant the soul that seeks union with the divine.
In this exercise of transcending duality, there are inner battles, crossroads and challenges that can only be overcome with determination and faith in the heart.
After all of this, the consciousness finds the inner paradise.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
With fervor, embrace the Power of the Cross and sustain yourself through It.
With fervor, embrace the Power of the Cross and let Its light encompass all spaces.
With fervor, embrace the power of the Cross and let Its love extend to all places.
With fervor, embrace the Power of the Cross and let Its transcendence transform all abysses.
With fervor, embrace the Power of the Cross and let Its temperance strengthen all of your being.
With fervor, embrace the Power of the Cross and let Its firmness support all of your steps.
With fervor, embrace the Power of the Cross and let its presence exorcise all spaces.
With fervor, embrace the Power of the Cross and remain united with It to transform the evil of the world, into good.
With fervor, embrace the Power of the Cross and let all be sublimated.
With fervor, embrace the Power of the Cross and affirm the victory of Christ in humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Do not let failure invade your heart, because it does not exist.
Cleanse your consciousness and purify your heart in the Restoring Fountain of My Grace.
Allow the Love of God to reign in you so that the doorways to change may be opened.
Sustain yourself through the faith that My Heart can express to you, and do not forget that I Am Your Mother and that I love you.
Rejoice in My Son, again and again, because the hour of your redemption will come and you will remember all the experiences you had; thus, you will be transcending your human and terrestrial story.
Believe, above all, in the healing power of love, so that the Holy Spirit may always fill you and in this way, you may be able to surrender to God more each day.
The time will come for duality to be overcome and the human being will set aside suffering and start living the true happiness of being in God.
Participate every day in the powerful current of Mercy and be part of the great moment of redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Within the essence of compassion lies the key to inner transcendence.
Through compassion, the consciousness is able to understand everything beyond appearances.
One of the reasons why human beings suffer is because of the lack of compassion for themselves, as well as for others.
Compassion teaches us how to awaken the virtue of understanding and balances conflicts, dissolving them in the divine power it possesses.
Compassion leads the soul to accept the mistakes of others and to positively enjoy the most significant and determining life experiences.
In compassion lies the balm for deep wounds because compassion dissolves divisions and strengthens inner unions.
In compassion one manages to transcend their own will and the constant habit of control and ownership because a truly compassionate being wants nothing for themself.
The being is elevated in the compassion of the heart so as to be able to embrace all difficulties and transmute them through the love that compassion itself expresses.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you in Divine Compassion,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My Son does not expect the perfection of His servers, but rather the constant giving of self so that His Work may be accomplished.
My Son does not expect the complete transcendence of being, but rather a true love that may emerge as a spring from the heart.
This world is a school of challenges and tests. Each soul receives the learning experiences it needs for awakening more each day to the truth, and to absolute surrender to God.
My Son does not expect realized souls, but rather hearts offering love and sacrifice so that, in this way, the Designs of God in humanity may be accomplished.
My Son does not expect saints of the new millennium, but rather ardent hearts that live Christic love, in spite of their falls or tests.
My Son does indeed expect souls in full devotion, that love and revere everything they experience, that are aware of their mission on this planet and that, above any circumstance, can represent Him so that, when He returns, humanity and the planet may be freed from the current captivity and from all prisons and, thus, the Kingdom of His Sacred Heart may again triumph.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Pick yourself up from the ground as many times as necessary, recognizing your human errors, but not blaming your soul, rather take up a sufficient conviction to be able to forgive everything, as many times as necessary.
For this, take your cross and follow in the footsteps of the Master. In this way, someday, and at a special circumstance, you will realize, My child, that you will have dissolved from your consciousness those obstacles that always stopped you from walking.
Have faith and persist. Persist for the divine future and for the new and renewed humanity.
Transcendence of self is something of too much effort, but persistence and victory will bring their trophies in Heaven.
Identify with Jesus and, in this way, you will be able to find the inner means to transform everything.
Live in Jesus, in spite of uncertainties, and you will achieve degrees of love in likeness to those of the Master.
Continue to serve, aspiring and renewing yourself every day for, in this way, humanity, as spiritual consciousness, will be renewed, until the Lord of the Universe again descends to the planet for a second time to give you His greeting of Peace.
Go ahead! and follow the path of redemption with your entire being based on faith and hope.
I thank you for having prayed with Me today!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Never let your heart be closed by the indifference or the wrong actions of your peers.
Work intensely in you the transcendence of human indifference and of conscious omission. Thus, you will attain a state of mature love that will lead you to understand everything and accept everything, however difficult it may seem.
Never let your little human heart close, by absolutely nothing, because thus you will avoid delaying your steps towards My Son, in the direction towards His Divine Kingdom.
You know that within the human life there are many imperfections and many defects, some of them with great and hard resistances.
Begin working in yourself all that which still does not want to transform or mold. It will not be by facing yourself in battle with your own inner enemy but by loving it with the Christic Love so that, little by little, the remnants of these resistances that lead to error may dissolve.
You will not be a saint in three days, the transcendence of the human condition is until the last days of life. But have the certainty that everything can change without the need to live suffering nor agony.
Reach perfection in a positive sense and thus you will advance on the path to someday entirely embrace the consecration of the spirit and of all consciousness to God, the Creator.
Trust that every day you will be able to begin from zero.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Do not seek perfection while you are on Earth, because true perfection is found in Heaven, at the moment when your consciousness will definitely merge with God.
The path of perfection is conquered daily, at each new step, with each new test, until total transcendence is achieved.
In this time, in which the challenges and the difficulties are very great, the path of perfection is forged through constancy and commitment to prayer, making this spiritual exercise the main engine of transformation and of the daily battle.
All that will be until the human condition on this planet is defeated, a condition that is at the roots of this civilization.
Thus, with determination and valour, My child, continue working toward your perfection, in order to make the world a little more perfect every day.
Perfection is achieved under a spirit of humility and of an absolute surrender to God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The strength that comes from the Sacred Spirit of God will give you the courage to overcome all barriers and to dissipate all obstacles.
It is the strength that comes from the Sacred Spirit of God that gives the impulse to all transformation, redemption, and forgiveness.
Because the Sacred Spirit of God is full of infinite Love and Compassion; this makes every stage an opportunity to expand the degrees of love through the Sacred Spirit of God that fills, vivifies, and comprehends all things.
May the Sacred Spirit of God always be this Pink Flame of Love that ignites everything internally, that heals and liberates all so that it's creatures may be free to take their steps.
May the Sacred Spirit of God guide and gather the flocks of Christ, the navigators who must find the port of the Heart of the Redeemer, and may all this finally consecrate them as soldiers of His Divine Plan.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more