As a pious Mother, today I come to envelop you in the sacred mantle of Christ in order for your deepest and most unconscious wounds to be healed.

I come to purify and cleanse the marks of an erroneous life and that is subjected to the existence of a material world.

I come to envelop you in the sacred mantle of Christ in order for your wounds of the past to be washed in the Source of My Son.

For it to be possible and so that I may be able to envelop you in the sacred mantle of Christ you must grant Me an inner permission in order for Me to make you get to know all that which separates you from the perfect union with My Beloved Son.

With the Piety in which I live, I come to deliver My Grace to you because it will be the science that will change the deep and unconscious things, those that hinder your freely walk.

But remember, Child of Mine, that you have come to the world so that someday you will reach transcendence and thus the doors to rehabilitation may be opened for humanity.  While you purify yourself, live the ardent aspiration of finding the celestial universes; on this path you will not get lost because I will keep you united to My Heart of Mother.

Be brave and encourage yourself to discover that which most of the souls do not want to see: the human condition, which is the last thing to transcend before the sanctity.

I delivery My Peace and My Love to you.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who heals you in the Repairing Source of Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Favorite children, it is time for the great transformation.

It is time to change the states of consciousness.

It is time for renouncing.

It is time for transcending oneself to be able to love.

My children, this will soon make you free from the prison that life in matter represents. In a short time, you will come to know the new consciousness, which will be free of human errors and purified by the fire of My Compassion.

Favorite children, God expects to accomplish a part of His project through you; because of that, let yourselves be transformed within this school, which I call purification.

Your Mother sees the urgency of healing and of consolation in the world, but in order for your Most Holy Mother consent to pouring Her last Graces, someone from this humanity must change. The time for theories and for philosophies is over; your change and transformation must be still more obvious for the Plan.

Thus, My dear children, planetary emergencies that are far from your capacity for understanding will be taken care of and alleviated by the columns of light that My Son has formed in you.

Seek at all times for that sacred union with the Divine Plan, and I assure you that soon your lives will reflect the true mirror that they are since the beginning. But the search for upliftment is the goal of very few, and complaints and conflicts characterize the many.

The Most Holy Trinity, which is the most important Gift for the evolution of souls, descends in assistance and in mercy through your Holy Mother Mary, to rescue the last flocks that will tread the path to be a part of the New Earth.

For this to happen, the time of your purification will be accompanied by the definition of your paths and especially by absolute surrender to the Will of God.

It is for this sacred reason that your Heavenly Mother prepares you in this time of purification, so that your lives will finally be consummated in Christ. It will be thus that the changes will take place in the life of souls, and nobody will lose the space or the time for the purpose to be fulfilled.

It is in these times that the Divinity of the Son and that of the Holy Spirit will work unswervingly on those hearts that connect themselves to the objective of the task. It will be in this way, favorite children, that the world will sustain itself for one more cycle, through the changes that many of you should already be living.

The main obstacles for souls are resistance, power, arrogance, and pride, infernal doors of condemnation and of domination; doors that My adversary opens and uses to condition spiritual evolution by means of the aspects that have not been resolved in souls.

Because of that, your Heavenly Mother works untiringly to remove these veils of the unconscious and thus open a little window in your inner world so that Divine Light may transfigure your lives and you can abandon this unending captivity.

The mere fact of wanting to change and of allowing yourself be guided builds in the consciousness, above all these aspects, the possibility of balancing the debts and of starting to recognize the attributes of humility, meekness, and especially the attribute that supersedes all: the attribute of love.

Accepting to be humble, living the meekness, and building within oneself the capacity to love more each day, beyond what one can give, will position the Plan on another scale and the aspirations of Adonai will be able to be fulfilled just as they were thought of and meditated upon by the One Mind.

The receptivity of these states of consciousness, of these attributes, articulates new experiences, and it is in this way that souls liberate themselves from having to start over again in the same not yet finished experience.

Your Heavenly Mother reveals these profound aspects of your consciousnesses to you so that some day, the whole of humanity perceives that it is very far from understanding and living Divine Will.

Now, your Mother indicates one of the last paths to you so that, open, awake, and united to the new humanity, these attributes start arising in the depths of each being.

In order for this to happen, many changes must take place. Because of this just cause, as from now Your Heavenly Mother helps you walk in faith, so as to then live the trust and the definitive consecration to this Omnipotent Will.

Mediten en lo que hoy les digo, así vuestros espíritus aprovecharán el sagrado conocimiento divino.

Meditate on what I tell you today, so that your spirits can benefit from the sacred divine knowledge.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you in the Highest Will of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from the city of Goiania, Goiás State, to the city of San Carlos, São Paulo State, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús


Today I draw as close to you as your hearts allow.

As your Mother from Heaven, I wait for the great day of your redemption, for in this way, you will be free of the prison of doubt and the lack of real love.

Today I come from the Divine Universe to give a Message of Peace to the world, and for this to be possible, I come to look for the spirit of transcendence and peace in you. In this way, you will walk free of yourselves and will avoid always returning to the same departure point to begin again.

My grand Love waits to make you free, more every day, because on being withdrawn from the captivity of the heart, the soul will become as free as the flight of a sacred bird.

I wish your lives to be sanctified in Christ. I no longer need your inner resistance. Open your heart! Because during these last seven years of special Graces, you have already learned to love. If you do not love, you will never be able to forgive nor forgive yourselves.

My Son died for all, so that nobody else would have to pay the price of injustice and pain. Remember My Crucified Son, present in the Eucharist, and dispel the tribulations from your hearts.

I pray for your true inner freedom. It is already time to quickly reconsider and become reconciled, so as to not become like a stone between My Feet.

I wish for a rose of peace from your souls. Since the beginning, I aspire that you be converted in Christ and for Christ. Thus, the promised plan will be fulfilled and the whole Earth will achieve the Thousand Years of Peace.

Remember what I tell you. Do not reject My Words; take them as your own, for in this way, you will grow, and as adults, you will live a true Christic discipleship.

Know, children, that I love you and correct you, so you are able to expand the Love of God in this apocalyptic world, a love so needed by imprisoned souls.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who cultivates the spirit of holy humility in you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
