When your foundations, apparently solid, begin to transform into quicksand, know, child, that the Universe is indicating that your faith must be in the Infinite.
When your feet no longer feel secure on the paved roads of the world, know, child, that the Universe is indicating what is non-material and invisible to you.
So that your consciousness may learn to seek its own sustenance in what is Higher, everything that was once was the basis for your life must be transformed. The time has come for learning to love what is infinite, invisible, non-material, the Purpose of existence in all dimensions, that which gestated material life, rather than material life in and of itself.
Your faith must be consolidated in what is eternal, intangible, yet true; in what is immutable and perpetual, which is the Love of God and His Universal Rays.
Concentrate your heart on the upliftment of consciousness and for the world, be an instrument of truth and transcendence.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The last year of impulses of My Chaste Heart
You are going through the last year of the great impulses of the Divine Hierarchy, a time when your hearts must incessantly drink from the Source of the wonders and gifts that we give you at each Apparition.
The last year of the impulses of the Hierarchy speaks about undeserved Graces which souls are receiving so that they may live their definition and strengthen their consciousnesses in order that, in the next cycle that will come, they may be responsible not only for their own inner sustenance, but also for the support of all those who did not drink of this Source and will have need of help, healing and mercy to be able to walk through the narrow doorway of the last opportunity.
The last great impulses of the Hierarchy speak to you about a great test of love, surrender and yielding which we will lead you to experience so you may learn what Christic Love truly is and transcend human love and the common good in the Grace that we will grant you to understand that, beyond the chaos, the evil and your own and others' miseries, there is an unfathomable Fount of Christic Love from which you must learn to drink, and this will be the same for everybody.
In this cycle there will be no preferences, no titles, no human merits capable of excluding somebody from the greater test of surrender, definition and the unveiling of a Higher Love.
All will be before two doors: the large and ample door of worldly comfort, a false and poor comfort which will confuse souls, offering its consolation and an illusory peace; and the narrow door of surrender and Higher Christic Love, which will forge in you the possibility of seeing each other as you truly are, transcending the human condition, judgments and opinions, in order to unite under the single purpose of supporting the planet until the old human gives way to the one who is capable of living the Divine Purpose in fullness.
For this reason, know that each time you are faced with a situation which seems greater than what you can bear, in reality you will be facing an opportunity of transcendence and surrender which God calls you to live so that you awaken the love latent in your hearts.
If you are in this world, at this time, it is because you are called to experience the great human definition, and this will not make you greater or lesser than the others; it will only make each of you an instrument in the Hands of God for the transformation of life, life beyond life, which must be renewed.
Thus, do not waste the impulses, but rather, drink from each of them, meditate and do not allow them to go by without first permeating all of your consciousness.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While walking with the Cross, in the Heart of Christ, beyond suffering and pain, there was peace and compassion.
This was a constant exercise of His Divine Spirit within a human body: to transcend in each second the dimensions of chaos, ignorance, evil, while the beings that surrounded Him were absorbed by obscurity and He had to enter into dimensions of peace, compassion, wisdom, Truth, where His Eyes could see every occurrence as it really was and not as it seemed to be.
The Eyes of the Christ of Calvary contemplated the world and saw a more complex, deeper reality; They saw the evil of beings and saw essences trapped within the yoke of this evilness; He knew the evil spirit that guided every action of those who mistreated Him, and He knew that the way to liberate those essences was Love, not only the Love of the Cross, but the Love of all eternity; Love that would begin to be born with His example, like a source that would emerge with the last drop of Blood, which would be poured out of His Body, but would stream through the souls that, over the centuries, would respond to His Call and follow His example, renewing and multiplying this Love.
In each obstacle of life, child, may your eyes be the Eyes of the Christ of Calvary, contemplating the Truth and not the illusion, placed on the dimensions of peace and not of hatred, knowing that healing comes through living Love, in the example of each second of life.
This is how you will fulfill the Plan of your Celestial Father and be one with Him at all times.
You have my blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Sometimes it seems like you walk and walk, and your spirit turns away from God.
Sometimes you feel that you strive and break, and your heart retrocedes in love.
Today, child, I come to tell you that the human condition is very deep, with many layers to be transcended, ever deeper within your being. It is a long path, made up of many stages that your heart must mature, but your heart also must allow itself to be inflamed by the Love of God.
Each offer you make, each surrender you make, opens a new space within you to be healed, liberated, transcended. These are the chambers of your inner castle, which safeguard your essence and its mysteries.
Live each stage of your surrender, deepening into your union with God. Let your soul be a friend, sister, companion, wife of Christ, until one day it blends with the Lord and there are no longer limitations of His Love within you.
Walk, even if it seems that you will never get there.
Know that this is a profound inward walk toward infinity, and do not stop your steps.
Fix your gaze upon He Who calls you. And let all the obstacles, resistances, all the pain of the torn away layers, all the sorrows of the knocked down walls be sustained in the Heart that is before you upon the horizon of your surrender, your beginning and your end. In this way, you will grow in spirit, but also in love.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I know, child, that it is not easy to forget oneself in order to carry out the Plan of God, to serve and transcend one's human condition; but this is the essence of Love.
Even God renounced His self by multiplying Himself and creating life; He renounced His self to be born as a human being, among humankind; He renounced His life and the love He experienced for it and for His creatures when dying on the Cross.
The essence of life is not to overcome suffering; it is to live love. That is what you must understand now. It is not by suffering that you fulfill the Will of God for you, it is by loving.
The true key of the triumph of God in Christ was not the suffering that He experienced in the world; it was the growing Love undertaken, from the manger to the Cross. It is that limitless Love that you must seek.
It is only this Love, revealed in you, that will be able to provide for you within, and lead your being to what is true. But this same Love, which is the meaning of existence for all children of God, is hidden under your aspects and records, experiences held in your cells and in your consciousness, accumulated throughout all of human evolution.
To break these walls of the human condition was what Christ did on the Cross, and not only on Calvary, but in each instant of His life. This was His mission; to find the revelation of this Love and live it, transcending the entire human condition, not only of His material bodies, but of all beings of Earth.
When I tell you to contemplate the Cross, it is because there is found He Who revealed the Love of God for you. There, He overcame your human condition and opened the doors to God for you.
Contemplate and love the Passion of Christ. In His Wounds find the open path to reach His Heart and discover in it a perfect Love. Let the spiritual wounds that open within you in these times also reveal to you this greater Love, this Love which will renew and surpass the Love of God.
Do not concentrate your attention on accepting pain and suffering, but rather on going beyond, and untiringly seeking Love. This is your path, your redemption, your salvation, your plenitude, your return to the Divine Origin.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Universe of God is sublime, and its mysteries are incalculable. But, before reaching the celestial heights, children, you should learn to deal with your human condition and live the transcendence of illusions, available to humans by the time of Earth and its mysteries, until you can cross the layers and veils that separate you from the Truth and the Time of God, so you may discover not only the celestial mysteries but, above all, yourselves.
If I spoke to you only of sublime things, you would make from the Truth an illusion in your minds, you would have it as a story, but not as an experience, as a philosophy, but not as life manifested in everything that you are. This is why, sometimes, I speak to you of the Universe and sometimes I go back to your human condition, to create a bridge between what you think you are and what you must find out about yourselves.
The Truth already is. It manifested in the Origin of life and has hidden in the essence and microcosmos of each being. To find it, you should search for it as you search for the things of the world today. Just as you make an effort for the victories on Earth, make an effort for the triumphs of Heaven.
Search for the example of those who have already walked this path. Drink from the experience of those who were tested and transcended human life, to find Christ hidden and alive within themselves. Those you call saints, children, are not God, and it is not their miracles that will make them reach God, but rather their example which can inspire you and bring you light for the darkness of consciousness.
To reach what is High, you should elevate yourselves. To reach that which is within, you should deepen. And this is an eternal and tireless mission, until you return to the Origin of life.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Cultivate persistence, inner strength and peace.
To step out of yourselves is the key that will allow you to make of the cross, of these times, a triumph of the Love of God within His children, as it was with the One who first carried the Cross and showed you the way.
Self-pity and excessive concern about yourselves, children, will prevent you from seeing the need of the world, of the Divine Creation and of the Plan of God as a whole.
You are no longer in times of experiences and mere learning. You are before the final tests for this humanity and, oftentimes, your trial will not be to stay in the world, amidst the chaos and human madness, but to deal with your own inner chaos and transcend yourselves, out of love for a Higher Plan.
The time has come to use the determination that you use to maintain your resistances, to break them. And this will not happen by mistreating yourselves, but by serving and loving your neighbor unconditionally.
Transformation is not only about taking care of yourselves, children. Transformation happens when you step out of yourselves and let your own life be conducted and supported by God, while you busy yourselves with serving and loving your neighbor in the smallest details.
You already know what I tell you. Release your desires and aspirations, your goals so human and insignificant in the face of the greatness of the cycle that you live as humanity. Recognize where you stand, what you are experiencing and what is the Divine aspiration for your lives. Thus, you will be on the correct path in the correct way.
You have my blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend
Saint Joseph Most Chaste
Keep your consciousness in peace and within it the unique inspiration of illumination, of unity with God, of the fulfillment of His Purpose, of the manifestation of His Kingdom.
Let your desires and wishes be washed from your heart, and gradually find true peace, the peace that comes from the Creator.
You already know the way, you already know your destination, because it is your Origin and dwells in you.
Pacify your heart by observing your actions, thoughts and feelings and thus remember the purpose of your life, which is to simply find God again within you and allow others to also find Him.
May every moment be an opportunity for transcendence and ascension for you. May each test bring you closer to God.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May your hearts be in peace, so that in peace you receive the designs of God.
Transcend that which is apparent and commonplace, for your consciousness to enter into the sacred and into what is true.
The Plans of God were already designed for each being, now the creatures need to put their feet on the path traced by the Creator and not the path traced by skills, temptations or difficulties.
To experience a superior reality is a higher decision that each being has to take, within and outside of himself, for it to resonate in your souls and also in your planetary bodies.
How often have we said that there is no more time? How often have we warned that it is time to enter into the Real Time? It is there where Truth inhabits and the illusion becomes visible for you to know how to distinguish the difference between being in the world in God and in being in the world without Him.
Choose, children, every day, the path of the Sacred and the elevation of consciousness. You will thank, in the future, for each renunciation made in the name of the evolution of humanity.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Stand before the Reliquary of My Chaste Heart so that it may silently reveal to you the love that is within you and lead you into unconditionally loving God.
Let your soul express, without fear or shame, without the fear of being new, different or unknown. Plunge into the mystery of your inner world to express what humanity does not know. Seek the reference of your evolutionary path in the depths of your essence because it is there where the Truth is held, that which you so aspire to find.
The greatest of all contacts is the one that is established with one's own inner world, and the greatest of all revelations is to discover that the Universe and its mysteries are within you. The understanding of inexplicable things, the revelation of invisible things, contact with life and eternity, knowledge and awareness of the Truth, all of this is within you.
But this world has taught humankind to not seek answers within themselves and to go through life looking for guidelines of mundane things outside of themselves. They seek for intelligence instead of wisdom; they seek vanity instead of inner beauty; they seek pleasures and happiness instead of the transcendence of all for being in the fullness of God.
Stand before the Reliquary of My Heart, in prayer, because it will silently show you the path to your own inner being, and you will know who you are, even without knowing, seeing or hearing. It will be a feeling, it will be the expression of the truth in your heart and in your life.
Stand before the Reliquary of My Heart and feel the peace and the freedom that I felt on discovering the path to be in God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Silence and breathe to search within yourself for the path of elevation. Let all the veils of illusion and the human condition that you must transmute and transcend before you reach God be shown to your heart.
May your limitations make you humble, but may they not remove your faith and hope. Go beyond and discover within you the door that unites you to the Infinite, to the Divine Consciousness and to your celestial origin. Let your essence reveal itself as a bridge to the Heart of God and, even if you cannot cross this bridge at once, let it always be the symbol of your perseverance, the reason for your faith.
Each day, aspire more to the Infinite, to the eternal, but not only to abandon what upsets you about life upon Earth. Love the opportunity that God gave you and learn to understand life in its evolutionary and spiritual sense. May your eyes contemplate upon the planet the opportunity to love more and better, and in each of your brothers and sisters, contemplate the potential of renewal of the Love of God in the emergence of a New Christ.
Aspire toward the Infinite, the universe, as a form of knowing that your goal is to return to God; but you will return, child, with your heart full of an unknown love, with your spirit full of the Divine Spirit, with your consciousness fully expressing the essence of the Divine Thought for humanity. And with this legacy within your heart, you will offer it to God so that a new beginning may be written in Heaven, as on Earth.
For this aspire to a superior life; for this aspire to return to God. May there be no human aspirations and human concepts about the supreme life within you. Let the truth pulsate within your heart and be the motor that allows you to experience the transformation, every day.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The art of being nothing
To be nothing is an inner state that transcends all the sciences and philosophies, all the teachings.
All beings are always searching to be something, through their profession, education, spiritual lineage, their role within the life on Earth, within families and inserted in the systems of life that the world offers.
To be nothing is not to stop doing things. To be nothing is a greater knowledge of the universal life that gives the heart the certainty that nothing that it seems to be belongs to it. To be nothing is the knowledge of All that God is; the wisdom that all life comes from this All and outside of It, is a mere nothing.
Within the body nothing functions alone. An arm, no matter how important it is in the body, outside of it, it loses its meaning and becomes nothing. So, the being who recognizes the Mystical Body of the Lord, formed by Life, also knows that separated from Him is nothing and together with Him, is everything.
To be nothing is an art of love and wisdom: it is a divine science, more than the consciousness of humility. A being can be humble and, even so, still be full of ignorance, believing that humility belongs to him, that he himself is the manifestation of humility.
To be nothing is a path of knowledge and of transcendence, it is the finality of everything. To be nothing is a path of love.
Aspire to this, children. To be completely in God and to recognize yourselves as nothing outside of Him.
You have my blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the Celestial Universe, in the most intimate of Divine Thought, there is a sublime archetype of higher life, where creatures live love and respect, in spite of differences, and they walk towards the goal of unity with God, having as their greatest aspiration that their fellow being may come to unite with God.
In this higher life, peace dwells in the hearts of humanity, for there is no need for competition, vanity or arrogance among them. There is no need for control, power or malice among them. The peace that comes from the aspiration that all achieve love is born in the Heart of the Father and is manifested in the hearts of beings.
The Father has this archetype of life held within Himself and, every now and then, He puts it in His Hands and offers it to humanity, because this is the Will of God for humanity.
The Lord does not offer His purpose to evolved beings, those wise in love and grace; He offers it to those who have erred the most, who have sinned the most and who have distanced themselves from His Heart the most. Beings who, gathered together on the Earth, every day receive an opportunity to be redeemed and to live this perfect archetype that God has for them.
For this reason, children, today I come to show you this divine aspiration so that you may love it and unite to it, also aspiring, deeply, to express the Will and Love of God.
Place this goal before your hearts and every day ask the Father for the grace of being able to live and express this divine archetype for humanity. Ask God to awaken within you this unique and perfect potential to love, which dwells in your hearts and makes you in His likeness. And believe that, through a daily effort to love, it is possible to transcend the current human condition and to embrace the divine archetype of life on Earth.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Life passes, ephemeral and simple in what is palpable to you, to reveal an Eternity and a sublime Truth. Every expression of life that is not material does not perish and endures, to demonstrate to humankind where their heart must be.
The memories, the learning experiences, the examples, the teachings, the true feelings of Love, all of this remains alive, inside and outside of humankind and also in the Heart of God and in the Sacred Books, as part of the history of humanity, as part of the history of the renewal of the Heart of the Father.
Life passes so quickly in order to reveal a Truth and a mystery that transcends the body and human understanding: there is a reality that exceeds all the wisdom that humanity has already known; there is a Life that transcends everything that today you understand as life.
See, children, how the Eternal knocks on your door so that you may enter into the Time of no time, into Real Time.
Let this moment not be a loss to you, but rather a link with the Truth, because your instructor on Earth leaves the world to raise you to the Universe. Everything he learned in life, he will elevate to a Greater Life, and the sublime learning experiences that he will live in the Universe will be revealed to your heart, as a higher teaching.
Therefore, embrace this moment as a step towards Infinity. Let this new cycle, of your instructor and master, in this and in many lives, elevate you to new cycles, as Work and as beings in evolution.
The one who accompanies this moment with gratitude will take a step towards Infinity and will place, not only their heart, but a part of the human consciousness, closer to God, in His Eternity.
Eternity, children, is not death. Eternity is Life revealed.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In order for you to be able to reach the Heart of the Father, and not only be a knower of a part of Divine Wisdom, but also experience it, you must begin to make the most basic principles of evolutionary human conduct a reality and life within you.
You were called to transcend the common and natural tendencies of the human beings of this time so that a new life may be established on Earth through your heart and so that all who seek spiritual life may find a meaning for their own existence.
Begin, then, by being faithful to God, true and transparent before Him as well as before your brothers and sisters, without fear or shame of making your effort and transformation visible. Be faithful to what you already know an evolutionary behavior, replacing, in your consciousness, decadence for evolution.
Go deeper in your daily prayers and make them more sincere each time, leading you to a transparent dialogue with God, confessing to Him so that, in this way, you may surrender what for you seems impossible to transform.
Sincerely strive to love and understand your neighbor, and overcome yourself every day, not leaving your request for forgiveness and a sincere act of reconciliation for later, when you offend someone or when you are offended.
If you do not strive in these little things, to no avail will God pronounce before you and your heart the most sublime Revelations of the celestial mysteries and make known to you the most pure Truths about life and infinity, because the Wisdom will be lost in the imperfection of your mind and, although you may believe that you know many things, you will not be an instrument for the manifestation of this Truth on Earth.
You will not be worthy of being a participant in the sublime things of Heaven, not because you have not had the tools and opportunities for that, but because you did not open a space in your heart to experience the Truth, be transformed by it and announce it to the world, through your own life.
For this reason, go and deepen within the simple things. May the experience of the Truth accompany your Revelation. At least try it, everyday.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart in the depths of the divine dimensions and find there the door for your own redemption.
Contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart and find in it an example of surpassing and humility, a path for you to follow and find Christ; find God.
Contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart and find in it an example of service and charity, the Christic charity that, more than to acts of compassion, leads you to the awakening of Love, that makes you a faithful imitator of Christ.
Contemplate the Spiritual Reliquary of My Heart and find, in the reliquaries of wood that I have consecrated and will consecrate in the world, a bridge for the Heart of the Father, an inspiration for your small life, a fortress that is kept within you and that you have not yet been able to find.
Contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart and know, child, that in the humility of this Heart, before your eyes, divine and spiritual Gifts are to be found. Gifts that come from God and that call you to the awakening. Gifts that invite you to express the likeness with the Father in the eternal transcendence of your human condition so that one day, finally, you may return to your Celestial Origin.
Receive the Grace of contemplating the Reliquary of My Heart, not for Me, but for all that God has given Me and that today I offer to humanity as a symbol of My perpetual service to His Heart of Love.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Calm your heart in the Fount of Peace that comes from the Heart of God and remember, before anything else, to cry out to the Father so that His Peace, His Grace and His Mercy may descend upon the world.
Remember to place your small heart in the Heart of God so that the Creator may enlarge it with His Presence within you and thus, child, you may be able to fulfill all that He may ask of you in this time.
Remember that you are an instrument of God, called on to be an extension of His in the world so that the Father may renew Himself within you, as He did with His Son, from His birth until Calvary and His death on the Cross.
Never forget the purpose of your life, which is broader than what you conceive for yourself. Remember that life does not begin or end in this world, but that it has only a passage in it, a school, a learning experience to be added so that this life may be enriched and renewed.
Remember, then, that not only you, but each one of your brothers and sisters have a higher purpose to manifest and that your example will always be important to remind your fellow being and the world that there is much more to be lived and learned; there is much more to be loved; there is much more to serve.
Just as My Words remind you of the purpose of your existence, and with the Love of My Heart, I place you again in the point of faith where you need to be, be yourself also, child, a living reminder for your sisters and brothers, not with words, but with actions, with transparency, with truth, with love.
May the world see you and see God trying to surpass Himself within the human condition.
Be more than a reference for joy or for consecration. Be an element which uplifts the world to something higher. Be the one who, with their simple presence, is a reminder that something higher exists.
Your being is magnetized by all the Graces you have already received, because if today you hear these words, it is because the Grace of God has acted upon you and allowed your ears and your heart to be worthy of listening to His Designs.
Be aware of all that you have already received and, above all, be grateful in the certainty that everything has to be multiplied, added to, and shared for all beings.
Be, child, a multiplier of the Graces that you have received, and thus, let God make you a living fount of Graces and Peace, because He knows that your heart shares and allows this Grace to flow like a river that does not keep the water to itself, but gives of it to drink for all those who allow it to flow.
The grandeur of these times is still unknown to you, and this ignorance is part of your human condition, but to transcend it is part of your mission.
So open yourself to understand, to live, to feel, and to be, more each day, the Will of God. Do not stop it with your thought; let it encompass your heart, your intuition, the soul and the spirit.
May it be incomprehensible in yourself, may it be alive, even if imperceptible.
May the Love of God, My child, live in your heart.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and eternal Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When My Heart comes to the world, it is not only to bring souls the Gift of Peace. I come to teach them to experience this Gift that God has already given them through the presence of His Divine Messengers.
I come in humility and silence so that souls may understand that the great things are only achievable when the heart knows to be small. The most infinite and hidden mysteries are revealed as a higher understanding to the heart that knows how to be humble, even without recognizing this in itself. Because God seeks the least to reveal His Face to them, seeks the most imperfect, yet who are willing to be someone else every day, allowing their hard clay to be molded by the Hands of the Celestial Potter.
Those who love the appearance of their own clay and take care of it as if it was a treasure will never be able to become receptacles of a true treasure, of a Universal Legacy. That is why, children, I continue to come to your encounter, because you have a long way to go in your yielding to God, a long way to surrender. This Work is not complete yet, but it can be constant if you were willing, every day, to begin again and be different. Every day offer the Father a small part of your clay so that it may be transformed and, thus, He can little by little design His Work through you.
Children, find the true meaning of life in transformation, so that at last, you can one day discover the truth about yourselves.
There is a meaning for human existence; there is a truth that transcends appearances and there is an experience to be lived that transcends all teachings and all wisdom written in the Sacred Books of this world.
Contrary to what many think, in order to know, you must be, and in order to be, you must allow yourselves to be transformed. I am here to help you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Fourth day of the novena
When I was called to the Temple to marry a Saintly and Pure Virgin, My Heart was before a challenge and an inner test.
For Myself, I had planned a life of silence, chastity and solitude. I had not thought of marrying, of constituting a family and sharing My experience on Earth with one, because I thought My mission could not be understood by anyone, as it was even a great mystery for myself.
When I saw the Most Holy Mary, a profound Love for God awakened within me, and this Love reflected in Me as a purity never experienced before.
I was solitary in this world, like the dry tuberose staff I held in My hands, and the Purity of the Most Holy Mary, reflected in Me, made the staff blossom. I thus understood the Will of God and renounced everything I had thought of for My life.
When the Will of God calls you to renounce your own plans, even though they may seem spiritual, so that you may live something you never thought to live, empty yourselves of yourselves, and pray to the Father, in My Name, saying:
You, Who awakened Purity in the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph
and caused Him to renounce His human will,
give us the Grace of being pure and simple
so that we may renounce our will
and live only Yours.
There is no greater gift than living the Will of God and seeing it made manifest in your own life. For this reason, lose the fear of tearing up your own plans and of opening your hands to receive the Scroll of the Divine Will.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Third day of the novena
I was still young when I came to know the Essene people in the desert. God placed a great mystery before Me, which, at the same time, was absolutely different from everything I knew - as a culture, as spiritual life and as a social way of life- but it was also known within Me. It was like a mirror of everything I held within Me, like a hidden life that could not express itself because it could not find space for manifestation.
Even being before something new and unknown, a lesson that transcended the Sacred Books and was renewed in each instant - just like Life- I launched myself into this experience and allowed My inner world to find that safe place, which it had searched for, for so long, in order to express itself.
When you are before a new teaching or a new way of understanding Life, when you are faced with something that calls you to a renewal, meditate on My example and pray to God, in My Name, saying:
just as Saint Joseph recognized
Your Impulses and Your Truth in His Life,
teach us to be before the new and
allow us to be renewed, without fear,
by Universal Truth.
These will be times of many tests, but also of many revelations. You will be faced with Truths that you did not know and you will also be able to more broadly understand what you were taught through symbols and parables.
For this reason, children, pray and prepare your hearts so that you do not fear being faced with that which is new.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more