We praise you, Lord, and we bless you,
for by Your Holy Cross you redeemed the world.

(three times)


 In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold, the One about Whom was written and announced in the Sacred Books.

Behold, He who reappeared to the apostles of the past, to the holy women and to all those who had faith in Me, beyond what seemed to be the defeat of the Lord.

Behold, He who reappears to you again and who has even been written and announced in the Books of recent times.

Behold, the reappearance of Christ.

You must know that this is the time, that this is the hour and that this is the moment, in which the reappearance of the Lord not only emerges within you, but in all humanity, in all those who have been called to prepare My Return.

We now enter the frequency of Adoration, solemnity and sacred reverence, for the great moment of the Resurrection of your Lord, in the lives of those who believe in Him and who have never desisted from living His Word.

To all those who are in their homes, listening to My message, take a candle and light it so that you are not only in vigil with Me, but so that we are in vigil and restoration for the whole world, for those who still do not live peace, for those who have lost hope, for those who have abandoned their nations and emigrated, looking for an opportunity and a dignified life.

Today, on this day of vigil, solemnity and sacred reverence, I honor those who are despised, those who are exploited, all the refugees who have been severely chastised by their own brothers and sisters, by their own cultures, by their own countries, because they have forgotten what love and fraternity are.

For this reason, the efforts of all those who work for peace, for the common good and for service mainly repair the sorrowful Wounds of My Heart that many governments of the world still cause Me for being disconnected from the truth, and above all, from God, for being united to the reigning darkness, ambition, illusion and to the false power that subject the peoples and all My brothers and sisters.

Under the spirit of the Divine Brotherhood, on this day of vigil, solemnity and sacred reverence for the Resurrection of your Master and Lord, I come to meet you to resurrect you in spirit, soul and consciousness, so that everything may be renewed, not only in you, but also in your brothers and sisters, in those who need it the most, in those who cry out for peace and relief from suffering.

Therefore, My Restorative and Consoling Spirit, on this Hallelujah Saturday, visits  in omnipresence all the refugees of the world and their refugee camps so that they may have faith that I will return and make all things and situations new, gathering around Me the innocent, the poor, the children, women and men, the elderly and the ill, so that I can heal them again with My Presence and My silence.

I am the One who has resurrected, time and again, through My apostles and followers, through all those who are part of the Sacraments, through all those who believe in forgiveness and reconciliation.

For this reason, may this flame that you have in your hands today be the coming of the Holy and Sublime Spirit, who once arrived at Pentecost and entered the sacred Cenacle of those who, like you, were waiting for the Resurrection of the Lord.

May the sublime Flame of the Holy Spirit inundate you and fill you, and may the symbol of this light that you have in your hands today reach the whole world, especially those who are in the refuges and in all the shelters of the world, waiting for an opportunity, waiting for the hope of the return of love and joy in each of their lives.

This Saturday of vigil, solemnity and sacred reverence is instituted as the "day of the innocents and of all the refugees of the world" so that the authorities of this planet receive the Science of the Holy Spirit and, above all, sufficient sensitivity to feel pity, compassion and love for those who suffer unjustly, for those who are governed by a system of adversity and chaos.

I come to re-erect all the suffering essences, in the four corners of the Earth, who live in refugee camps and who today are immigrants who have lost their identity, their dignity and, above all, their faith in hope.

This is the reason for also having died on the Cross, for having given My life for all, so that human fraternity would never dissolve in the world, and thus the Christic quality, incessant spirit of service and constant self-giving may always be present in the hearts that awaken to the Plan of God and to a given life and service for this humanity, even if they have no religion; they too can be part of My Christic Spirit of charity and giving.

Thus, on this day of vigil, solemnity and sacred reverence, I contemplate a world wounded, outraged, indifferent, subjected, enslaved, exploited and darkened by the forces of evil. But remember that the true victory of the Kingdom of God is within each of you. That is where evil is overcome by faith, love and the constancy of noble hearts to the resurrected Christ.

May this light, which you have in your hands today, accompany you for the end of times; and may this light, which comes from the Breath of the Holy Spirit, renew you and always give you the impulse to transform your own lives and the life of the whole planet.

While I am here and you accompany Me in this sacred moment of vigil, solemnity and sacred reverence, My Spirit is, at this moment, reaching the hearts of all the refugees of the world and, through them, reaching the authorities of this humanity, so that they can resume the path towards the House of the Father, towards the fulfillment of the Will for this planet and this humanity.

Now, make your offering for those who are innocent, so that those souls, moved by the breath of the Holy Spirit, reach their interior resurrection on this day of vigil, solemnity and sacred reverence.

We are going to intone the Names of God so that the Presence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit may fill all refugee hearts, all the souls on Earth who must awaken to My consoling Love.

I am listening.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us all stand, and also those who are in their houses and homes, to receive through the Sacred Heart of Jesus the Presence of the Holy Trinity, on this day of vigil, solemnity and sacred reverence.

Song: The Names of God

Let us pray together.

Come, Holy Spirit,
Illuminate the hearts,
so that they may achieve
the Transfiguration of Jesus.

(seven times)

Now feel how your spirits, in the depths of your beings, how you are resurrected through the Presence of My Light and My Consoling Spirit in each of your hearts; how the Holy Spirit brings the awakening of science and wisdom to all consciences in these critical moments, so that more are serving, so that more are given, so that more are willing to give their lives for and to others in order that the common good and human fraternity be fulfilled beyond religion, social class, cultures, ethnic groups or any condition; may all be transfigured by the Light of My Sacred Heart so that they may achieve peace and mutual solidarity, and thus all feel themselves as brothers and sisters in Christ and for Christ, so that the world and its Kingdoms of Nature may also be repaired through awareness and works of love that all beings on Earth need in order to be redeemed one day. 

And now, as a second impulse of Light from My Heart, united with the Guardian Angels and the Angels of Heaven who accompany Me and are present throughout all directions on the planet, we will intone, with a spirit of solemnity, the "Pater Noster".

Song: Pater Noster.

The holy women sang together, on Holy Saturday, awaiting the Resurrection of the Lord.

When I ask you to sing, it should be spontaneous and not thought of with the mind, but felt with the heart, because it is the soul that emits the sacred sound of the universe so that, under the divine connection, the doors of Heaven open and angels can work.

Perfection is in the love expressed in each note, in each melody, as in each word. It is through this that My Love is renewed through the voices that offer themselves, throughout time, to sing to the Lord.

Before leaving Aurora on this day of vigil, solemnity and sacred reverence, and of making you enter My Celestial Church again so that you can live the Spiritual Communion of this day of vigil, I will ask you for one last song, which this time will come from Figueira. A song that expresses your effort to live My Will, My Designs and, above all, the encouragement to concretize the apostleship throughout time, through the heart.

That song is called "That which I am, this I give you."

In this message and in this music are expressed the ardent aspiration of a soul to be sustained in Christ and to not perish. For this reason, this song should be akin to all in this planetary moment, in which the service and humanitarian self-giving for your brothers and sisters of the world will be what will forge within you, not only the warrior of Christ, but also the server, the apostle of love.

Today, I thank you with sweetness, for having come to meet Me, once again.

I bless you and give you My Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Dear children,

On this day, in which the infinite ocean of the Mercy of God is expressed through His beloved Son, the souls that were congregated by the healing Light of Saint Raphael the Archangel are now receiving the spiritual and inner assistance they need.

Meanwhile, Saint Raphael the Archangel sends His armies to gather the most miserable souls, which remained imprisoned in illusion and error. Through today's prayer, these souls receive a new opportunity to become aware of life and the purpose for which they are here.

The Saint Raphael the Archangel reaches the spaces of the planetary consciousness where the majority of human beings only know pain and suffering and, through the light of the prayers of peacemaking hearts, these souls are also withdrawn from these levels of consciousness so that, through Divine Mercy, they may enter the Source of healing and restoration.

Continue to pray to the Saint Raphael the Archangel so that the end of this pandemic may free hearts from oppression. 

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message received during the journey from Amsterdam, Netherlands, to Dusseldorf, Germany, transmitted by the Glorified Christ Jesus to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

I have the authority and the permission from My Father to reestablish in the essences all experiences that they may have lost for some spiritual reason.

Therefore, through My Hands, today I give to the essences of My apostles everything that they may have once lost.

Thus, I spiritually place within those of Mine the virtues and fortitudes they have achieved during the course of this life so that, again recovering what they lost, they may feel blessed by the Love and the Light of God.

I come to meet you on this day, to restore you with My Presence of Love and Mercy, for you to feel My Peace again and take My Hand to follow the path towards the triumph of Christic Love within you and, in consequence, in the world.

Feel capable of crossing these difficult times through the trust you have in My Heart.

May My Light be a rain of blessings for you.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus



Today I bring to the world the Grace of God, which is poured out like the rain that touches and nourishes the Earth. By means of this divine grace, I dissolve evil and hearts are rid of their pains, anguishes and sufferings.

Today the Grace of God descends, that powerful divine science that is not deserved by humanity but which is clamored for by the voice of those who pray with the heart.

The Grace of God is like a sun that shines in the firmament: it is like the sun that is born in the dawn of the life of each being; it is like the sun that withdraws during the night and illuminates the inner worlds.

Today it is the Grace of God the one that, like a rain of light, touches the planet and penetrates the deepest layers of the land and of the consciousness in order to restore them.

Today it is the Grace of God that works the miracles in the life of those who believe in it; it is the grace that strengthens the faith of the believers in Christ; it is the grace that transforms all of the planetary life.

Although there may be chaos, persecutions and humanitarian crises, the Grace of God somehow comes to those who suffer the most; grace flows like a great river and pours out upon souls like little sparks of light.

It is by means of the constant prayer of those who invoke Universal Mercy that Grace descends through the simple instruments that offer themselves to it, day by day.

Today it is Grace that touches the door of the heart and thus a door opens towards new opportunities to love and to forgive all experiences lived.

In the Grace of God, you will find the hope yearned for and the infinite light so much sought for; it is the fount that feeds the spirit and transforms the soul that opens to receive its divine fire.

Today, Grace repairs all human consciousnesses and, in silence, God contemplates what His Love accomplishes in the essences created by Him.

Grace heals the deepest wounds and reveals to hearts unique joy and exaltation. Because within the Grace of God is the conversion of the hardened heart, is the healing of the sick soul; within grace is the redemption and the faith of the one who never believed in God.

It is Grace that is born today like the Dawn and unveils the mysteries of love expressed in the gifts of the Creation.

Grace touches the Earth today, just as the praying voice of My children touches and reaches the Heavens, establishing communion with the Creator Father.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


On this day of grace, My dear children, your Heavenly Mother descends with all of the Treasures of Heaven, to place them and store them within this new Marian Center, which will timidly be born through the efforts and the prayers of those who may want to reciprocrate with Me.

For this reason, on this day, I bring in My Hands seven of the hundreds of celestial spheres that are kept in the Greater Kingdom, so that, sowing them in the spiritual consciousness of this Marian Center, they may open and radiate the celestial principles for which they were brought here.

This spiritual science, that today, the Ever-Virgin Mary awakens over this Marian Center, will help the purpose that this simple but humble space will fulfill within the Divine Will.

The purpose of the Marian Center Sanctuary of the Creation is to attract from the Divine Universe the powerful and healing currents that will help in the restoration and rehabilitation of the Minor Kingdoms and the Greater Kingdoms, as the devic, angelic and human are.

This Marian Center will shelter souls in the service of prayer, but will also safeguard the essence of each one of the Kingdoms, which needs help and spiritual assistance, so that in the next phase of the planet, the essence and the matrix of the Kingdoms may develop another degree of evolution.

Thus, everything that may be generated here, in this Marian Center, will have its repercussion in the immediate future as well as in the distant future. Everything is part of a spiritual and divine construction.

The Marian Center Sanctuary of the Creation will contribute through sowing the bases for the life of the Kingdoms in the next stage of the planet.

I thank you for responding to My call for the salvation and healing of the Kingdoms of Nature.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Rest in My arms so that My sweet maternal gaze may contemplate you, asleep and surrendered to the Love of the Mother of God.

From My Heart and My Soul receive a warm restoration for your spirit, and thus, find peace once more.

Lie in the arms of The Divine Mother and feel how everything will always be well.

Stay in the arms of the Divine Mother as long as you need. I am here for what you may require and need.

Be silent and surrender yourself to Me in prayer, so that you may feel the maternal caress of your Most Holy Mother.

Let me have you feel the power of the Love of God poured out in each word spoken, in each gesture shared, in each plea heard by the Mother of God.

Thus, strengthen your faith in my trust and feel how I lighten your cross, a cross that the world also carries.

Stay in my arms and sustain yourself in Me.

At this moment, feel the consolation of My Heart and the protective shelter of My Soul.

I am here and I Am your Mother.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Follow the steps of the holy women and also take with you the oils that will anoint the Divine Body of the Lord. Walk beside them, decided to find, within you, the Beloved Lord.

Follow the steps of the holy women, feel in them the redemptive love that ravishes them, the constant resignation to live in God and the absolute trust in the First Born.

Follow the steps of the holy women who go to encounter the Sepulcher, draw near, together with them, to the Sacred Body of the Lord, the one that rests among canvases and flowers that honor His Sacrifice of Love.

Prostrate yourself on the ground like the holy women, relive this encounter with Christ as it were for the first time.

Feel the decided fervor of the holy women, the unchangeable bravery of their hearts adoring the Lord and stay on your knees before the Highest Son.

Look at Him with devotion and joy. He will soon rise from the dead and songs of "Hallelujah" will be heard.

Anoint with your hands the Divine Body of the Lord and clean His wounds.

Wash with water the Body of the Lord and wrap Him in the sacred cloth of Restoration.

Stay by His side, in vigil, and affirm the victory of the Lord above all.

Leave the Sepulcher with the holy women and, in the garden, enter into prayer to await the Resurrection of the Savior.

This time is approaching, in which the inner Christ will have an everlasting place in the life of His disciples.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Enter the very depths of My Heart and find the Divine Garden of Roses, and there, cultivate your aspirations for serving God.

Allow each stage to be completed so that, above all, the Sacred Will of God may be done.

Stay in My Divine Garden of Roses for as much time as you need; it will always be open to receive you, so that you may rest your body after hard battles and arduous work.

Only feel the subtle scents of My Garden and remember that I will always be there to receive you, to embrace you and help you, just as I do with each one of My children.

Stay in My Divine Garden of Roses, feel the true freedom of your soul and the freeing of your consciousness from the prisons of life.

Retreat within My Divine Garden of Roses and feel the peace that never ends, the gladness that is always emanated, the spiritual joy of being in God; there you will find no evil; on the contrary, within My Garden, there is no suffering, guilt or error.

Submerge in the Roses of My Garden and feel the beauty of serving God unconditionally, as well as the joy of being able to fulfill His most cherished Designs.

And finally, in the center of My Garden, you will find Jesus, Who will renew your life and will hold you in His Arms so that you may feel the infinite Universe of His Love and of His Mercy.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Commune of Luz-Saint-Sauveur, the High Pyrenees, France, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

If everyone knew what these sacred mountains of the Pyrenees hold, humanity could already be different in knowledge, divine science, and inner healing.

It is for this reason that your Heavenly Mother has called on you to go on pilgrimage and to end this journey of long work at the foot of the Pyrenees, so that a prompt regeneration may be established and that it encourages the union of your essences with the sacred Mission of Our Lord.

I have also asked you to come here to help me generate an important current of spiritual regeneration in the souls that need it the most because if they do not receive this divine help, these consciousnesses will not be in the inner condition to face the final time.

Thus, your Heavenly Mother has you reach the Pyrenees so that this source of regeneration and healing for humanity may be able to emerge once more, as it happened a long time ago, in the grotto of Lourdes.

Thus, your Universal Mother will try to reactivate in this region a monastic task of prayer and spirituality that will help the French consciousness to inwardly recover certain codes it has lost. Know that all this work will be preventive and will help many consciousnesses on the inner planes.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I will send all My angels so that, after each battle, the Healers of Heaven may radiate their healing states over the servant humanity.

This is how your Heavenly Mother sends all Her Hosts of Light so that they may rebuild all that has been damaged after a hard confrontation.

Know, dear children, that the angels of healing dedicate their divine service to restore and balance that which My adversary tries to destroy.

Thus, the Love of God within them allows the doors of evil to be sealed, and, all that is involutive becomes expelled because, at that moment, My beloved ones, the Light of God, the Light of the Creator, triumphs over any adversity.

It is in this school that all the servers are entering in order to learn to love what the Father sends them as instruction and for inner growth.

As your Mother, I will not cease to accompany you on this trajectory that will lead you to serve for the liberation of many souls that are trapped in ignorance and in the temptation of My enemy.

When liberation and a global awakening happens within the consciousnesses, it is a sign, dear children, that the triumph of My Immaculate Heart is getting closer, every day; this will be inevitable in these times that will come for humanity. 

Know, My beloved warriors, that I will be near you, sustaining the scepter of My maternal government.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who protects you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from the city of San Carlos, San Pablo, to the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children:

May My Peace be your peace, so that by being able to see all the things in your lives from the vision of the Universe of God, in this difficult time, you can transform in time everything that will become a spiritual battle in the lives of many of My children.

On this day of awareness, may your consciousnesses enter into the spirit of the Divine Love and from there restore all that is damaged by your minds and feelings.

In the face of your purification, be seekers of the spirit of the Sacred Unity, because these are already My last Messages for the world, they are the last preparatory Messages that will be able to give you the necessary maturity so that you can work in Christ.

My Eternal Father made known to you the power of prayer and of the divine life through the Presence of Christ on the planet.

Live forever the aspiration to be nothing in this life, that way you will be reaching the spirit of humility more quickly.

Abandon your arrogance and say no to disunity, that way I will be able to say that you have grown in spirit and that you are truly in the right place, doing the right things.

Redemption is the same as purification. Do not put your inner aspects to tests that you could not pass. God has a place for each of His children.

I give you the freedom to choose the path of My Son, the path of perfection, or the path of the world, the path of pain and improvement.

Our Sacred Hearts await all of you in the Kingdom of Peace. Unify and do not lose sight of the sacred Purpose of God.

I thank you for alleviating My Heart outraged by the sins of the world.

Who holds you in the arms of Mercy,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



As the Lady of Graces, I visit you daily to quench the thirst of My Son for good souls.

Dear children,

With My hands on the Heart of Peace I give you My Graces to awaken gratitude in your hearts.

I ask you, little children, that you persist day by day in the path of prayer. Now, go joyfully and pray, pray and pray! Pray for this humanity whose time of change has arrived. The merciful forgiveness of My Son is being poured and delivered so that souls may live the penance of the heart. I call penance a deep prayer that may restore the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Through this path of restoration by means of prayer you will be united to My Son, who waits for you with immense bliss and joy.

Dear children, My Maternal Heart is donated to each one of My children, especially to those who live without God. I invite you to accompany Me in this task of peace and salvation of hearts.

Today I leave you My words of Love, because as the Mother and Queen of Peace, I wait so that today you may be united to My Immaculate Heart in prayer. I only want to tell you something else, that My voice speaks to many children in the world but especially to those who must help Me in the mission of conversion and of the simple path of prayer.

My Most Beloved Heart loves you and waits for you entire in each act of prayer. Know, dear children, that every prayer done with the heart is a prayer for the salvation of humanity, which is asleep.

Today I leave you the Love of My Immaculate Heart, as an inner strength for the hearts. My Heart of Peace pulsates in your little hearts.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Today I leave to each one of your hearts the sign of My Peace. You will find this sign in the daily prayer. Little ones, another sign for your souls is conversion. The Lord invites you to convert the spirit into a sacred temple of forgiveness and restora- tion of life.

Dear children, in the consecration of your lives by means of the Divine Word of prayer you will find the path that will lead you to the Doors of Peace, the Doors of My Kingdom.

My little ones, it is time to prepare your consciousnesses for what will soon come from the Heavens. My Immaculate Heart carries a herald for all of the children who unite to God. For this reason, little children, the world must also continue converting itself through the prayers of all of the children of the world. If you knew how necessary it is for your hearts to pray you would be each moment impregnated by the Light of My Heart.

I want you to recognize that we are in the moment of radiating peace for all those who need it. Your lives must convert them- selves into constant instruments of God, thus the Divine Plan of God will flow according to the designs for each one of the souls. This most precious plan of love will alleviate the constant generation of faults that many souls commit before the throne of the Father while they live in the world. For this, My dear children, I openly wait for you so that we may merge ourselves in prayer for all these children. As humanity you must learn many lessons of peace and of humility.

On this path of construction of the Inner Plan you will find Me. It is enough that each one of the souls opens itself to My immaculate call to conversion.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Peace for the lives.


Dear children,

I am also with you in the adoration to the Sacred Heart of My Son. I assure you, dear children, that in It you will find the strength that your hearts need in these moments.

Little ones, the contemplation of the Divine Heart of Christ is important for your lives. Each union that is established between you and His Spirit opens a door to the reconciliation of all the causes that by mistake may have been committed.

Never forget, dear children, this perfect union with Christ so that in the times of test you may have the will to continue on the path that will take you to Him. Today I call you so that your hearts may put their attention on this ministry.

The adoration of My Glorified Son will help you to understand better the situations of life. This will allow you, My little ones, to be able to give all to His Most Holy Heart.

Adoration is an act of constant restoration of life, of mind and spirit for all hearts. In contemplation begins for you a path of communion with Christ so that later you may be able to merge yourselves with Him in the adoration.

Know, My dear ones, that this exercise is of importance for all hearts. I must tell you that the goal of your hearts will be to not take this sacred exercise as if it were just one more passage in life. Each meeting for the adoration of the Sacred Heart of My Son must be an act of reparation for your hearts and for your little souls. This will help so that the world, which adores other forms more, may at least convert itself little by little from the heart and from the soul.

Each one of your hearts must love the adoration done before the Heart of My Son. You must establish an alliance with His Sacred Heart. This will be the beginning for hope and for good will.

For this reason, My little ones, I invite you to enter into the ocean of adoration. There you will remain, traveling a new path towards Him. In this way you will unite to His beloved Heart and you will help in the relief of all hearts that do not contemplate Him.

The first hour of salvation will occur by means of the adoration of the Heart of Christ; the adoration will prepare you for what will come afterwards.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Let us pray for those who do not adore God. Let us pray for those who do not love God.

Let us pray for those who do not surrender themselves to Light.

In reverence to the Heart of Christ,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
