While Aurora, as a Center of Love, opens the doors to inner healing, the most oppressed souls receive the opportunity of redemption and forgiveness.
For this reason, Aurora, as a Sacred Center, offers to hearts the Grace of liberation from the prisons and the chains of evil.
Aurora opens like a great Mirror of Light and shows humanity its potent Principle of Planetary Healing.
In this sense, a soul present in Aurora is a soul that accelerates the steps of its purification, and Aurora, as a Kingdom of Superior Love, sees to it that this deep healing can be made concrete and become conscious for the beings.
Aurora is this healing Mirror capable of dissolving the debts that the soul has acquired.
For this, Aurora carries forward, as its mission, the task of redemption of souls by means of its Ray of Liberation and of its Ray of Love. This allows for the hearts that contact Aurora to feel renewed and, thus, everything begins to regenerate from the beginning.
The human consciousness that joins to Aurora lives a before and an after, to attain, at last, its inner freedom from the chains that are contrary to life.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
As a Bird of Light, I penetrate the deepest spaces of the human consciousness in order to transform it. In that place, I pour out Grace that emanates from the Rays of My Wings so that My children can re-encounter the Celestial Father.
There, everything is removed so that souls may be free from captivity and from the prisons of life.
The Bird of Light enters into the depths of consciousness to show the human being the time and the moment of their purification. Throughout this path, the Bird of Light dissipates and dissolves the abysses of the consciousness so that the beings from the surface can again find the spiritual path that leads them into peace.
It could be painful to banish and break old structures; that is why the Bird of Light enters into the spaces of the deep consciousness so as to not leave any hidden corner inside of the being, but rather that everything be revealed so it may go through the transformation.
While you pray, the Bird of Light can reach the greatest and most unknown depths; while you pray and have faith, the task of your Heavenly Mother can be expanded.
In that way, the day will arrive in which there will no longer exist all the atavisms in My children and the sacred divine energy of Love will reign, which will nourish the spirit with an eternal gladness, in a splendid life united with the Creator.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Raise your heart up to Heaven while you are on this Earth, so that through prayer you can be close to God, and in spite of what you believe or not to be purifying, you know the time of surrender has come.
Sustain your life based on the expressions of the degrees of love, thus you will allow the true Christian principles to flourish in you.
Child, this life is a path full of challenges and of transcendences; when you just are able to take a step towards the Truth, your soul is liberated from the chains of pride and of the lie.
Go beyond the hard shell of indifference with the strength of love and the impetus of service; in this way, you will know that within you there is a universe which is still unknown to you.
Open the correct door with the correct key. May your spirit today be magnetized with a courage capable of helping you to transcend barriers and to overcome the tests of your own consciousness.
Start by taking the first step towards yielding, and the old human being who lives and acts through your mind and your actions will lose strength, since you will allow the Ray of Redemption to transform your being.
If you want to change the world, first begin with yourself; be generous, efficient, and give of yourself all the time, so that before you the love of the sincere heart gradually opens the doors on the paths of Christification.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear son, dear daughter,
Completely empty all your being of expectations, results, and fears, because at this time the hour of conscious purification is approaching.
Empty all your being of elucubrations and wonderful ideas, so that, looking for the Void of God, you find the universe of nothing, of surrender, and of the unconditional.
Empty your mind of projects, of ideals, and of any doubt, so that, when you are before the Will of the Father, your consciousness does not lose the opportunity of fully and confidently launching itself into the Plan of God.
Empty your inner world of what is perfect or imperfect, of what is weak or has solidity or spiritual fortitude, so that before each new test, your heart can be living everything in peace.
Empty yourself without fear, empty yourself, so that the powerful seed of humility and of renunciation may arise in you, and thus, in each new learning you can be free of yourself.
You have to empty yourself completely of yourself so that you may hear the teachings and the corrections that will reach your path in order to shape your spirit and to transform everything that is archaic in your consciousness.
Empty yourself and just say "yes" to Creation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My beloved Son was also denied, but His countenance of peace and surrender never changed.
He endured it all without complaining because He knew that the Victory of God was close.
His greatest sufferings were experienced with great humility. His most terrible pains were experienced with great surrender.
Up to that moment, no one had understood the Nazarene, until Blood and Water sprung from His Side and the redeeming Mercy of God became present in that time.
The Blood of Christ spilled on the earth meant reparation. The Water of Christ spilled on the earth meant the purification of the whole human race.
Only after all that He silently experienced for the world, He was recognized; after the most terrible evil was transformed by Him, and the heart of mankind was liberated from the greatest wrath of all times.
If at this moment you are being denied, cast off or rejected, remember every day That Heart of flesh and blood that died for you in order to liberate you from sin, and that His Mercy was greater than all sins committed in the world.
Remember that, without love, compassion and Mercy, this humanity will not be able to live. Redouble your efforts, redouble your sacrifices and live each stage as the Victory of God and of His Project, beacuse in the end the humble ones shall be crowned, the powerful will lose their throne and this planet will survive to all its agony, for the Return of Christ is close; one only needs to believe it and confirm it within oneself.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
And now, may your bare feet, like Mine, walk in the direction of the Portal of Renewal, and, before crossing it, may everything old be dissolved in you so that, once you have crossed it, your mirror heart and your soul may capture and feel the impulses of union with universal life.
From the new time and after having crossed through the Portal of Renewal, may your essence, your life and your consciousness participate in the divine impulses that Our Sacred and Eternal Hearts will emanate so that the new and renewed consciousness is established in you, so that the past and all experiences be purified, and your soul, which is immaterial and internal, may take flight, to join the Creator of all that exists and of all that resonates within this universe.
May your consciousness be the new redeemed key, may it be that precious note that will compose the new melody of peace and redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Science of Superior Love
Dear children,
I come from a dimension that you do not know, a Divine Universe where you have never been as material creatures, but only as a unique part of the Consciousness of the Father, before your lives manifested themselves. And it was there, in the origin of your existence, that you experienced and felt the Science of true Superior Love.
Today I speak to you about the Love that comes from the Heart of God, a Love that transcends all that has already been experienced by His creatures in this Universe and in all of the others.
With My Divine and Celestial Word, I come to make you feel that which is concealed, hidden within your hearts.
Today I bring in My Hands the seven keys that open the doors of your chests and in this way, places you before an unknown reality, even though it comes to something, children, that is within each one of you.
Today I want to teach you the Science of Superior Love, which in truth is the science of the return to the Heart of God; the path that you must begin to tread still in this life, so that, crossing the portals of Eternity, you find a safe space, where you will be able to continue your own redemption.
The Science of Superior Love begins to be lived when the being emits their “yes” to the Universe, recognizing their limited human condition and their great need of God.
It is there, children, where emerges in the interior the Principle of humility, which little by little breaks down the false fortress of arrogance, of haughtiness and of human pride.
Before recognizing oneself as small and poor, with sincerity of the heart, there is no way of giving place for this Superior Love to develop within you.
When the being recognizes themselves as miserable, they are capable of seeking the healing for their miseries in service, in forgiveness of their failures, and of the failures committed by their brothers and sisters. Because upon recognizing their imperfections and allowing to be born in their own interior the Principle of humility, no matter how small it is, the being can also comprehend the imperfection and the misery of others.
The more you serve and find within you the spirit of abnegation, the more you will live in the Science of Superior Love and you will let universal chemistry take place in your spirits and, above all, in your personalities, which so many times impede your walk to the return to the Origin.
Discover on this path the power of prayer, the selfless prayer, which seeks no other thing but the redemption of the world.
Let your anxieties for getting this or that convert into a possibility of union with the Divine Word, for the redemption of Life, for the forgiveness of human errors, which did not begin in this world.
Little by little, you will discover that the roots of your miseries cannot be found only in what you know about yourselves, but that they enter mysteries of human consciousness that seem unreachable for you.
But when you reach this moment, when it seems impossible for you to be healed, because it escapes your possibilities of comprehension, it is there, My children, that God will make you know something more about yourselves, something beyond your miseries and imperfections.
This is Superior Love, which is also beyond what you know of this world, and at the same time, has as dwelling the depth of your hearts. Place that is hidden from you today and which you do not know, even if you think you know how to love.
It is when the being gradually unravels their miseries and breaks down the barriers of their ignorance that the Science of Superior Love is revealed, because you become meek and humble, before the One who Is the Only One that can help you: God Most High.
The Creator will then strengthen you and encourage you to go beyond, to unite yourselves to His Spirit and to Universal Life.
And to find in the true meaning of the existence of the Earth your strength, not only to live your own purification and the purification of the planet, but also to give testimony in the Universe of the redemption of your spirits.
All that I tell you today, My children, is for you to raise from the abyss of ignorance and of resistance, and to open yourselves to the living of Superior Love.
In this way, I will lead you to the awakening of greater truths and you will discover that today I did not only speak to your souls and to your hearts, I spoke to your spirits, to your old Warriors and universal Commanders, to your essences and to this which you do not know and which comes from God, to awaken today the Science of Superior Love in your lives.
Encourage yourselves to comprehend what I tell you with your own experience. Take a step in trust and in faith, in service and in abnegation, in redemption and in the purification of your miseries and live the Science of Superior Love.
I bless you and guide you on this path and I thank you for coming to meet Me and for trusting that, from today on, your lives will never be the same.
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
The mission that has already changed
Dear children,
On the 13th of October, while your Heavenly Mother was visiting Her children of Argentina at the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, My Voice of Mother reminded all the importance of the materialization of this mission; above all the second part of the mission which corresponds to the nation of Chile.
The efforts that, for example, My children of Argentina made until today, were seen; this is what has allowed this sacred mission, integrated by all those who pray, to be able to reach the city of Mendoza.
The importance of the materialization of the spiritual task of the Divine Messengers with the nations, and the conscious collaboration of those who directly or indirectly participate in this Work of love allows to generate the necessary bases so that the Plan foreseen for each nation, as for each part of humanity, may be fulfilled and, specially, certain catastrophic events be prevented.
Thus, the souls, with a little more material time, can meditate and reverse their errors, travelling, as of this cycle, the path of redemption that My Son offers.
The materialization of a divine mission as the one of Chile includes many factors, some of them in favor and most of them against, since the mentioned nation, in the last times, has not been receptive to the spiritual and inner changes that it needs to live.
This is the reason why Chile, as a country, has faced processes of purification through earthquakes, tsunamis, tremors and recently, through the very serious fires.
In 1981, your Heavenly Mother presented Herself as the White Lady of Peace, in Peñablanca, Chile, with the aim of stopping the serious errors of dictatorship and of the disappeared, which became a regional process of all the Southern Cone, promoted and planned by the mentioned nation.
In this sense, the spiritual debt acquired by Chile is, at this moment, unpayable.
It is thus that the Merciful and Compassionate God decided to risk this pilgrim mission through Chile to try by all means for this nation to have an opportunity.
As in the last months the support and the collaboration for this pilgrimage has come from very few donor hearts, the mission through Argentina, in this last phase, began to feel the lack of means and of resources to be able to continue.
When the Divinity presents the program for a pilgrimage it means, in the first instance, an aspiration that the most awaken humanity is called to help to concretize, as is the case of Santiago, of Valdivia and of Punta Arenas.
But as this aspiration, until the moment, has not been totally manifested, today, as Mother and Intercessor of the just causes of Heaven, I see Myself in the duty and in the commitment of announcing that the pilgrimage will fulfill half of the foreseen program.
However, with the few resources received, we must reach Santiago de Chile, so that, one way or another, Chile may receive at least one part of all the Grace, of the Redemption and of the foreseen Mercy.
For this to be possible, today I come to ask the world to at least help your Heavenly Mother to carry forward this mission in three places that I have chosen for this purpose. They are: Santiago, on 24th and 25th of October, Viña del Mar, on the 28th of October, and Valparaíso, on 5th and 6th of November with the Marathon of Prayer.
These places chosen by My Heart are relatively close and are within the possibility of the resources received.
However, dear children, the help for all of this happens will be essential.
The next visit to Valdivia and to Punta Arenas will remain an inspiration of your Heavenly Mother, in the hope that, in another cycle, your consciousnesses may already be in another point of awakening.
I thank the company of all My children and again I thank the loving efforts.
Who blesses you always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today, I take all of you in My arms, just as I took Jesus to the Temple.
Today, I give you to God so that your lives may be purified, redeemed and filled by the Sacred Spirit of the Creator.
At that time, at the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, the sacred and little Child was the primary mediator so that humanity could be reinstated with the spiritual connection that it had lost through its errors.
The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple meant a culminating moment in which humanity, through the Presence of the Divine Son, was removed from the great abysses in which, through different circumstances, it had been placed.
This Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple also meant for your Heavenly Mother the surrender of Her Son so that, from that moment on, My maternal Heart would be prepared to take on humanity until the end of times.
In this event of the Presentation of the little Child Jesus, the Father granted, His Firstborn as well as His tireless Servant, the divine authority of absolute intercession for all those for whom They might ask.
The delivery of Jesus into the Arms of the Eternal Father represents for humanity the renewal of the gifts of faith, of trust and of unity with the Divine Source.
The Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple was the first symbol of defeat and removal of paganism of the time by the conception of the one and only true God, Adonai.
This was how the Presentation of the Child in the Temple gave the world an opportunity to recognize themselves as children of God, so that the connection of each being can be built with dignity.
This means that the Child Jesus was presented in the temple to reveal to the world the Merciful and Just God and to reverse the doctrinal concept of a God of intense Justice and irreproachable Law.
The Child Jesus made it possible to reestablish, at that time, the connection between souls and God. From then on, He renewed the times through His sacrifice in the following moments, of His Passion and Death.
Presenting the Divine Child in the Temple of the Creator means reminding the world of its inner universe and the existence it holds, in order to contribute to this humanity with the true divine virtues that God conceived in the origin of each essence, just as in the spiritual emergence of each soul.
The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple allowed, on the spiritual plane of the human consciousness, the rebuilding of this inner temple that is transgressed by one's own actions.
The small Jesus recovered, for humanity of the surface, the principle of spiritual connection with the Creator and His Most Pure Source.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Great Miracle of the Sun
One hundred years ago at the Cova da Iria, in Fátima, Portugal, the last and definitive Apparition of the Mother of God happened, the one which brought to the world the end of a terrible war and a prolonged period of peace. At that time, humanity was on the brink of its own perdition.
Although the message of Fátima was clear and convincing through the revelation of the three secrets of Fátima, the Most Holy Mother warned Her children that a true penance was urgent and immediate, since the repentance of the hearts would grant the world a significant atonement.
The Miracle of the Sun, also called the stellar phenomenon, was the culminating event when, on October 13, 1917, this local Universe, of which this planet forms part, lived a cut in time and space.
The Miracle of the Sun, or stellar phenomenon, consisted in mobilizing great consciousnesses of the Material Universe and Cosmic Regents which allowed, at a planetary level, to put an end to the endless cycle of siege, destruction and of the conquest that humanity was immersed in by the First World War.
This phenomenon, understood by humanity as the constant and random twirl of the Sun, meant the reunion of certain cosmic currents of the Material Universe, that have their bases in the Central Sun of this galaxy.
I would like, dear children, that you comprehend that, if this evolutionary intervention of the Greater Universe had not have happened on October 13, 1917, humanity would have already destroyed itself.
It was necessary, at the universal and divine level, to carry forward this movement of the solar and stellar elements of the Universe.
This allowed to stop, upon the planet and within its humanity, the idea of a conquest and of an unmeasured power, that would lead to the development of other events.
The Miracle of the Sun, or the stellar phenomenon, cleaned and purified the psychic plane of the entire planet in less than fifteen minutes, a time in which the solar and stellar elements that were operated by the Regents of the Universe, dissipated from the ether of the Earth a great quantity of registers of suffering and death that had been generated.
The global Miracle of the Sun, with the meeting of the angels and the Hierarchies, despite having its epicenter in Fátima, embraced the whole planet, relieving it from its chain of great human and terrestrial errors.
October 13, 2017, was the closing of the mission that your Celestial Mother came to accomplish during six continuous months, in which humanity was prepared to live the Miracle of the Sun.
Even though the Most Holy Mother had announced that if there were not a true repentance a second war could come, worse than the one that was already occurring, humanity was able to know, after the atomic bomb, that it was capable of self-destruction and irreversible damage to itself, even in these current times.
That is why, on October 13, 2017, after one hundred years of My Apparitions in Fatima, your Celestial Mother came to beg the world not to forget to live a deep and true repentance, because this lack of penance in the human beings of today is heading toward ideas and war projects, worse than the ones that have already occurred, it is headed toward wanting to destroy the life and the evolution of the Kingdoms of Nature, as has been happening in the last fifty years, and it is leading to the loss of logic and discernment of the human beings who lead and govern this planet.
I come to ask for the repentance of the heart, so that you remember that there exists only one God present in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; I come to ask you not to forget to be considerate, merciful and fraternal to one another; I come to ask you to proclaim your faith in the infinite existence of the Celestial Church of Christ; I come to ask that you give the examples, among yourselves, of equality, compassion, love and respect, because, after all the help received, humanity continues to hurt itself in ways never seen before.
As the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, I remind you, dear children, to pray a Mystery of the Rosary, every day, and that you do not deceive yourselves anymore by exchanging this important prayer for the technologies and their constant problems.
Do so with the heart, and you will see the powerful results of this spiritual tool, that will provide you with peace and the spiritual healing of your lives.
If at least just a few fulfill all these requests, I will be able to continue interceding before the Celestial Father, although the scales are in great inequality. I will go tirelessly, to meet of all My children, and I will be able to help, one by one.
If humanity does not pray and does not stop to think before acting impulsively, a worse crisis will embrace the planet and, as in these days, innocent lives will unjustly pay for the others.
To avoid all this, I come again to ask for the consecration of your lives and homes of the world to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, thus I will triumph, being able to live among you in a true and solemn way.
I thank you for responding to this important call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While some souls risk their lives and their evolution for this planet, My Heart comes to protect and shelter them in this cycle of Armageddon.
Everything that you live at this moment will be part of the battle, and at the same time, of the inner preparation for what must come later to this world.
In the meantime, do not allow that your aspirations to fully serve Christ fade, do not allow that the aspiration of achieving redemption also fade.
Keep rowing together with Me until we are able to find a good port within this spiritual shipwreck that the planet is facing.
Continue to live the purification of the heart, the transcendence of the feelings that form part of the human degeneration of these times.
Whatever happens, never lose the great capacity of loving and of serving, because I assure you that someday you will be free from the ties and the chains that for centuries have imprisoned many souls.
I am with you, in the joy as well as in the tests. I am maternally inseparable from the new apostles of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Enter into the ocean of My Grace, so that all that happens in the world can be repaired.
Enter into the ocean of My Grace, so that all that happens in the inner world of the planet may be purified and filled by the Motherly Light of My Heart.
Enter into the ocean of My Grace, so that God may hold you in His Arms of Mercy and may realize His Redeeming Project of Love in you.
Enter into the ocean of My Grace, so that all the circumstances of life may be resolved by the immaculate power of My Love.
Enter into the ocean of My Grace, so that the life of the planet, its kingdoms, elements, angels and devas may also be aided in this time through the intercession of your prayer.
Enter into the ocean of My Grace, so that all you lost and is real, which comes from God, is recovered and you feel the fortitude that My Heart radiates in these times.
Enter into the ocean of My Grace, so you live in My Love and My Motherly Love is able to be in you until the Divine Work on this planet is accomplished.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
I Am the Lady of Silence, in My retreat, I observe the need of each heart, without ceasing to listen to it.
I Am the Lady of Silence, and in My retreat, I contemplate the inner reality of each heart, without ceasing to listen to it.
I Am the Lady of Silence, and in My retreat, I support the purification of each being, who may unexpectedly come to meet with Me, in order that they be freed from the errors of humanity.
I Am the Lady of Silence, and in My retreat, I accompany the spiritual transition of each being until they finally achieve the liberation of their spirit and all their consciousness.
I Am the Lady of Silence, and in My retreat, I closely guide those who most have need of help so they may take their steps, and thus surrender at the Feet of the Lord.
I Am the Lady of Silence, and in My retreat, I observe the events of life and do not let anybody lose the meaning of the Purpose until they perceive it.
I Am the Lady of Silence and in My Arms, I place the most miserable, those who have retreated on the stairs of Light; so that, in My motherly containment, they again take their steps toward My Son.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Today My Heart lights up with joy for those most simple and for those most poor; because of the love that emerges from their hearts while calling upon your Celestial Mother so that She, as a sweet Lady, may come to meet Her children.
Today I come here because of those who have called Me.
Once again, dear children, I congregate you in the sacred oratory of My Immaculate Heart, where you can have the divine experience, the meeting with God and the manifestation of His divine Purpose for each one of your consciousnesses.
Today I come dressed in white, crowned by My children and with the moon at My feet, to announce to the world that there is still time to repent.
God thirsts for the love of all His creatures, for the sincerity of hearts, for the truth of all the servers who can express it in these times.
God has His Arms open, showing His shining Heart, indicating to all that there is still time to enter into the Ocean of His Mercy, so that your debts may be purified, so that your souls may be healed and so that you can simply feel, dear children, something that I feel all the time, which is to be in the joy of God; in union with His divine and unfathomable Source, in perpetual and perfect communion.
So that all this may be possible and may first emerge in your lives, you must continue to pray the Rosary every day, because the announcement that I made in Fatima is still latent.
After one hundred years, the world is in the great gravity, in a great chaos that submerges many souls into hell.
I request, dear children, that with the same sincerity of your hearts and the same warmth of your prayers, today offered to the Holy Creator, you continue to form groups of prayer so that in this city and beyond it, there may be pillars of light that will be placed by Heaven and under the order of My Immaculate Heart, through the work of the holy angels.
I come to request, dear children, that you continue to pray for the equilibrium of the planet and its humanity, that your hearts do not tire of proclaiming your faith in God, nor of seeking the Church so that, through the Eucharist, your lives may be in communion with My beloved Son, every day.
I need, dear children, that you turn this city into a Mirror of My Celestial Kingdom. And that will begin first in you, living good attitudes, reflecting good examples, transforming your lives through the extremely powerful flow of the prayer of the heart.
Dear children, I ask you to follow My steps, the steps that I am pointing out today, so that God can allow Me to return here as many times as is necessary and under the principle of His divine Will.
I need your hearts to continue to open so that My angels, the angels that accompany Me today and that surround your Celestial Mother, can heal your deepest wounds and so that, after each meeting with Me, you may leave renewed with strengthened hope, with unquenchable faith, with an unknown love that will finally free you from this captivity of the end of times.
Today I come especially to gather up your prayers so that more Graces may be poured out upon the world, especially upon those corners of the world where the whole of humanity still does not know what happens. How much souls suffer in silence, through slavery and persecution!
I come to use your prayers from today to be able to close more hells on this planet; so that more souls, in likeness to yours, may awaken and get out of this illusion that blinds the world.
I come to open the portals of the Universe so that not only you, but also more souls of the whole world may feel and hear the call of God to consecrate their lives to the Infinite and make of this planet a sacred people, just as was the people of the desert, in the Company of Moses.
Through My maternal eyes, I come to contemplate the sweetness that emerges from your hearts today, the warm prayer that ennobles your spirits and vivifies your souls before the presence of the Mother of God.
Now, more than ever, God has His ears well available to listen to the pleas of His children. Some will soon achieve the graces they need, but others must continue to pray, every day, to be able to achieve the Great Grace of God. Because true prayer, which can be pronounced by your hearts, will free you, will redeem you and you will be able to achieve peace through ending the human debt, all sins that make of hearts, suffering hearts.
I come, dear children, to institute My Portal of Peace in the world and I come to make of you souls in constant renewal, hearts in adoration to God.
I want to work My miracle in the most simple so that they may testify to the world the power of the Love of God when hearts open and allow the Creator to transform them, not only through His Holy Servant, but also, My children, through the prayer and devotion of your hearts.
I want to build the impossible here, in a world of chaos and so many wars. My eyes contemplate situations that you do not know, that the whole world does not know, and those which I aspire to share with My children, those who will open to feel the pain of this world with Me.
I want to make of this place, as well as your homes and your hearts, cenacles of reparation, to repair the Heart of God, so offended and so wounded by the actions of humankind.
My children, tonight I not only share the joy of My Holy Spirit with your little hearts, but I also give you a thorn from My Heart so that you may repair it with your constant prayers. For on this night I tell you that not much is needed to repair the Heart of God. When you are simple, but true, you can open the doors of Heaven and, within yourselves, you can contemplate the Heart of the Father, which He shows to His children when they open to see it.
On this night, I come to reveal a celestial mystery to you: the mystery of reparation, so that you may learn, My children, that on transforming your lives, you are not only transforming your families and bringing a little more peace to your homes, to your friends. In this way, children, when you transform your spirits and your hearts, when you pray every day, together with Me, you are repairing the Heart of God from faults that you do not know, you are generating merits so that many lost souls may find the way out of the darkness in which they live, in this world and beyond it.
My children, I want to build the triumph of God in your hearts so that this triumph may spread from you toward the world. I only need you to say “yes” to Me and to truly pray, transforming the priorities in your lives, being aware, children, of those actions that do not build the Plan of God in this world but rather, on the contrary, destroy the grace of your spirits, the grace that I give you, time and again, when I come from Heaven to meet with you.
Do not lose, My children, everything that I gave you and everything that I will still give to you, by coming to this world. But rather, day and night, with your prayers, with your actions, with the transformation of your lives, build a Greater Grace for all of this planet. The planet is at war, it is in permanent agony, which many do not perceive because they only see their small sufferings and only seek their vain happiness.
Today, My children, I want you to know a greater happiness, which transcends all that fills you with the things of this world. I come to give you celestial joy, which is beyond all human suffering and which is even found through sacrifice and constant effort.
I want you to know, children, the joy of being in My Immaculate Heart and of sharing all the blessings of Heaven with Me, so that you may bring them to your brothers and sisters, those who are beside you and those who are in the world, in remote and unknown places.
Come with Me, My children, transcending the borders between nations, through the prayer of your hearts, so that the world may find a greater time of peace through your lives.
Is what I ask you too much, that you pray a Mystery of the Rosary, every day, uniting the mirrors of your hearts with My Immaculate Heart? Pray with Me, children, and see your lives transformed by the Grace of My Spirit, by the presence of My Immaculate Heart.
You are part of the story of My life, which I write each day through the conversion of your heart and the perpetual awakening of a renewing prayer, a prayer that brings the faith and hope, that which the world needs so much.
And I tell you again, dear children, that I must go to the United States again; My task with that nation is not finished yet, and through your collaboration and your union with Me, it will be possible for Me to triumph again in the more awakened hearts and, above all, in the hearts that have distanced themselves from God through the action of My enemy.
I come to build in you the importance of uniting with all races and cultures so that together, dear children, we may attend to this planetary emergency, which is a responsibility of each one of you.
I Am your Mediator, the Peace-maker, the Mother who consoles souls and hearts.
Today I come with a special blessing for those who will consecrate themselves as new Children of Mary. May you now come up to My altar so that I may bless you all.
I will pray to the Eternal Father for you:
“Lord of the Heights, maximum Omnipotence,
which is mirrored and is alive in all universes,
as in all stars,
participate in this moment with us.
Hear the voice of Your faithful Servant:
make Your Celestial Kingdom descend,
transmute and purify souls
and vivify them with the Fire of Your divine Spirit
so that Your original Project, Eternal Father,
may be established in humanity, in all those who today are redeemed
at the feet of Your Celestial Servant.
I consecrate you, dear children, and I ask you from today on to be a part of My army of Light, of My soldiers of prayer, of My warriors of Mercy, so that you may carry to the world the relief that it needs and the hope that many souls have lost in these critical times.
Today I am crowned again as Mother and Lady of this city. The next step, dear children, will be that from the square of this city, to this location, we will do a procession in honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, during the next meeting, so that I am able, dear children, to bring many more souls, millions of souls, into My Heart, and from My Heart to the Celestial Kingdom.
So be it.
I bless you and maternally thank you for having responded to My call, once again.
I have been able to do many things in the world and concretize here on Earth the Sacred Will of God, by means of this meeting.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Be My Peace in the world so that more hearts may be ignited in the Mercy of the Creator.
See you later, dear children.
Through My Presence and My Words, I purify your life and your wholes consciousness, and what would seem impossible to transform is dissolved by My maternal Love.
In this way, you will have your feet free from all ties so as to be able to walk toward My beloved Son, and He will wait for you, full of His Divine Mercy, to pour It out as a balm over you.
Feel that it is possible to be redeemed and live all the Gifts of Heaven in these difficult times.
Today I caress your face, place your head on My chest and have you know the Love of God, which heals and closes the wound of any situation.
Hold My Mantle tightly, and everything will pass. Only God is enough for the simple hearts that live the prayer of the heart.
Do not worry, God is above everything, and He, Who is powerful, will free you from all evil.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you and absolves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Throughout time, My Presence is perpetuated within humanity, and coming to assist My children, I become present at the moments when this race is about to deviate.
I come with the authority of My Son, to announce His Return to the world.
Thus, in this very unpredictable time, I spiritually prepare the sheep so that they may follow the pathway that will allow them to find the Heart of Christ.
In this cycle, I go to meet the most lost sheep within and outside of the Church. I go after the most sinful souls so that they may reflect and be in time to experience a true inner repentance.
For this reason, through My Presence in the world and in this cycle, I prepare hearts so that they may face the most absolute and overwhelming change in their lives.
I come to give encouragement, hope and motivation to those who must cross the definite threshold of the times because the more souls that are redeemed and repent, the greater will be the Victory of Christ in the world, and time of the coming purification with be decreased.
Through hearts, I build souls of constant faith and hope.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The descent of the Celestial Kingdom
My beloveds,
Today I fulfill the promise that I made to your hearts, and I again descend to this world with all My Celestial and Universal Consciousness, entering into one of My Homes on Earth, to bring the Celestial Kingdom.
This Kingdom belongs to all My faithful children, who gather at the Feet of the Eternal Father and at the Feet of My Son the Redeemer, who from the heart are able to live in fidelity to the Love of God, the transparency of that love, the inner freedom of having chosen with the heart to follow the path of the good, of fraternity and of the Mercy that Christ brought to this humanity.
This Celestial Church, which is formed by all the sincere hearts in their love for God, makes no distinction of race, people, religion nor dogmas. It is formed by all who seek the good, light, love and a fraternal life for themselves, for their brothers and sisters of the whole world; who seek respect, consideration and the recognition of all the Kingdoms of Nature, as a precious and fundamental part of life on this planet, the fruits of the Divine Creation of the Father.
This Celestial Church that My Son has assembled as an offering to the Eternal Father today descends and unites with Me, with My Immaculate Heart, so that in this way, I am able to care for, protect, guide and lead it until My Son returns to the world, the only King, the Savior.
As from this new cycle on, My children, everything will be exposed in order to be purified. Nothing will remain hidden from the eyes of humankind, nothing will be held back any longer.
Those who define themselves for the good will have to struggle, every day, to allow their lives to move onto the path that will lead them toward the Love of God, and they will do this with joy, knowing that the thousand years of peace are arriving; they will strive and prepare the Return of Christ with small and large actions. All will see them and know who they are.
Those who deceive themselves and choose to support the false powers of this world will no longer be hidden and they will be seen by all throughout the whole world. They will mock the sincere hearts that seek the good, and their infidelity will be seen and heard by all. They will persecute the good hearts and want to destroy the Celestial Church due to not being able to take it over. But you should fear nothing, because I will be with you and in you, and nothing will be able to make you suffer.
I will keep the true Church of My Son until He returns, placing under My Mantle of protection those who are pure and simple of heart, the faithful and the truthful, the just and obedient to the Laws of Heaven, the charitable and the generous with their peers and with the Kingdoms, the brave who seek love above the pettiness of this world, those who suffer because of the malice of the cruel and the sinners, and the innocent, those who nobody can protect.
And in this way, the Celestial Church of My Son will grow, nation by nation, region by region, continent after continent in this world, and nothing will stop it, because the real love, the real light and the real peace will come to each thirsty soul of this Earth.
Remember that it is My Son Who calls souls within the inner worlds, and it is also My maternal Love that gathers you together to take you to Christ, beyond any action on the surface of the Earth.
Thus, things will happen that you will not be able to understand when the children of the Celestial Church begin to assemble, and from the furthest places of the world, they cry out for the Love of their Heavenly Mother and for their Lord, and when they begin to come to the spaces where the Divine Messengers will descend to bring peace.
The great miracles of light, healing and conversion will begin to manifest throughout the world, because souls will ignite, wherever they may be, responding to the call of their Shepherd.
Evil will want to confuse you, but the redeeming Love of Christ is powerful and unmistakable, and nothing will stop It.
Get ready, beloved children, to travel with Me to those lost places of the world in search of your brothers and sisters, so that they may definitely be a part of this, our Celestial Church.
And so, in this cycle beginning today, the 144,000 will awaken and nothing will stop this. That task that they will accomplish, of preparing the Return of Christ, belongs to each soul committed to the advent of a New Humanity, to each one of those who hear My words with their ears or in their inner worlds.
And it will no longer be only 144,000; there will be many more who, with an ardent love ignited for My Son in their hearts, will walk at His side to live, together with Him, the love and the fraternity that this race was always destined to live.
My beloveds, today My Heart is rejoicing and I come to you as the bride that comes to the altar, to begin the most important stage of her life, a stage in which she will definitely form the great family, the Universal Family, who will fervently wait for the arrival of Her King, the Glorified Christ Jesus.
Today, I descend here, and also upon the surface of the desert of Peru, where within the inner worlds of the planet, the Masters and Ancients of other times and of forever who take care of this world. This is where the White Brotherhood has faithfully followed the Plan of God for this world.
They have unconditionally been united with the Eternal Father and with all His Designs, being the bridge between the Cosmic Universe and the Earth since before Adam and Eve, a task that God gave them and, in spite of all errors, My children of the surface, He allowed us today to still have this blessed planet for taking forward the divine Project.
For this reason, I have also descended into the desert of Chilca, in the same way that My Son descended some years ago, to also bring the Celestial Church to that location, because all of them, as silent lovers of My Son, belong to this gathering of consciousnesses that, from the inner planes, help us to sustain and preserve this beloved planet.
My beloveds, today I lovingly invite you, as Mother, to take a step with your spirits and souls, to enter together with Me into the school of the real knowledge about this civilization, which is you and this planet, a knowledge that belongs to you and that has been hidden from everybody’s consciousnesses.
Now that you are maturing, now that you are reaching spiritual maturity, it is your responsibility to experience the great truths with openness while also holding the hand of your Heavenly Mother, Who will lead you along these new paths with love, taking care of each one of your souls.
This new cycle will be full of revelations that will make you strong and allow you to understand many things that formerly were called “mysteries,” because the time to know about them had still not yet come for all.
My beloveds, today My Heart is rejoicing and I come to you as the bride that comes to the altar, to begin the most important stage of her life, a stage in which she will definitely form the great family, the Universal Family, who will fervently wait for the arrival of Her King, the Glorified Christ Jesus.
I love you, and I bless you on this unforgettable day of rejoicing.
Thank you for accompanying Me today, for being a part of this celestial victory.
Your Mother Mary, the Universal Mother
So that Divine Justice not be accelerated for those who are most resistant to change, it is necessary to pray for them and mercifully help them so they may be able to find their place in this transition of the Earth.
Those who have the most resistance to change are those who will be purified the most. This shows that until now, resignation, true humility and trust have never existed in the decisions that, for instance, your fellow being, teacher or instructor may have made for the good of all.
This resistance sooner or later leads to suffering, then generates fear and lastly, physical illness; since in the consciousness that resists so much there is no system of evacuation for archaic states.
That is why, when a soul passes through that kind of inner difficulty, and so that it may not enter that path that will lead it to an unfortunate destination, it needs to be aided by placing it where it does not think so much about itself, but rather in the need for relieving the suffering of others, which is to say, in a life of permanent service.
In these times, it will be necessary to use the tools of decompression, such as unconditional service to humanity, so that the consciousnesses that experience high degrees of resistance can unblock their inner processes so that, eventually, they are spiritually capable of participating in the last phase of the end of times.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Behold, My children, the dark night of this world will begin within humankind who, separated from God, offer themselves to be instruments of the enemy of the Creator.
Behold, this night will be long and will seem eternal to those who do not have their strength anchored in the faith of the heart.
Behold, the world will tremble and will experience the consequences of a life empty of spirit and of spiritual meaning.
From Heaven the Celestial Mother will observe Her children who, as they can, will try to disseminate Her Words, which at that moment will be echoed by the word of Her little ones.
Behold, this time has already begun, because souls increasingly distance themselves from God and fall into the abysses of this world.
The fortitude of the children of Mary will take root in obedience to all God asks of you through His Messengers, and it is through learning to obey God today that you will know how to obey Him tomorrow, when His voice will be like a whisper within your own heart.
God will always speak to humankind, even if it is as a feeling or an intuition, but for that, today you must build the path of unity with the Father, so that neither chaos nor evil, in battle in the coming times, are able to disturb and destroy that union, which will allow you to hear God.
Behold, My children, the world must face its purification, and many will not want to see that what they experience are the consequences of their own actions and deviations, and they will place the blame for their sufferings on God.
I tell you today to have your spirits be firm in faith and unity with the Heart of the Father. Build in the consciousness a safe space in which you will be able to hear the Voice of God, which will inspire you.
Peace must be a state of consciousness, the result of a spirit of neutrality, which is born in hearts matured by prayer and by divine knowledge. And it is there, in that state of peace, that you will be able to understand the coming events in a different and true way, knowing how to move through the obstacles without becoming lost, and what is most important, being capable of guiding others so that they do not become lost.
Behold, in the dark night of the world, I will call on you to be the torches that will guide humanity. And I do not speak only of a symbol, My children; I speak of a spiritual reality, because if today humanity is already cold and lost, what will happen to everyone in the most critical moments of the purification of the planet?
The faith I build within you will guide the world, and will be the true testimony of the authenticity of My Presence among humankind. I will be alive in the hearts of My children, and My Words, which are eternal, will find the way to perpetuate themselves, echoing in the Word that will come out of your mouths when souls may need encouragement and support.
My Son called on you to be the Light of the world and to be visible, on the table, so as to illuminate this home which is the Earth. Make this prophecy and this divine intention come alive, and allow yourselves to be shaped today by what God expects of you, so that tomorrow you see My Words manifested in your lives.
Understand, beloved children, that everything I build within you today is for the salvation of all My children, who tomorrow will need to find encouragement through each one of you, because God will be silent and His Messengers will be silent with Him, emitting only the eternal hope and the infinite Love of Their Hearts to sustain the hearts of those who were united with Them from the beginning.
Everything I tell you and everything I call on you to experience is so that you build a new time and a new life. Allow yourselves to be molded, and if today you do not understand My words, tomorrow you will understand them.
The One Who loves you, blesses you and guides you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Signs in the Sky
The world will wake up one morning and will see the sign in the Sky that will indicate the moment of the return of Christ.
Many eyes will open and hearts will be redeemed before this visible sign of the universe.
While the sun rises on the highest peak of the hill, the sign of the universe will become more and more visible and it will not be erased. It will be the moment in which all will be transformed, and that which had remained hidden, out of nowhere, will be seen.
This sign will leave three more signs, visible throughout the world. They will not be able to be mistaken nor interpreted as natural phenomena, because they will have such a high degree of splendor that they will resemble nothing of this world.
In the meantime, a star, similar to the great Star of Bethlehem, will announce the opening of the portals of the universe.
When you see this great and unknown Star shine so bright in the sky, kneel down upon the ground and make penance, manifest deep repentance in the name of humanity because this will be the sign that Christ is now returning.
Similar things to what happened at the Birth of Jesus will occur at the final hour, because when the Child of God was born, He was Alfa, now, at His Return, He will be Omega.
Prepare your hearts with time for this moment.
Allow purification to take place so that you will be free of yourselves.
In total, four signs will be shown throughout this universe so that humanity may understand it is time to awaken and abandon illusion and inertia.
These signs will bring with them something new and innovative. But, at the same time, they will move all that is obscure, unjust and unloyal from East to West and from North to South.
It is thus that, because they are the signs of the universe upon the planet, they cannot be erased, altered nor hidden.
These signs will have the strength of hundreds of horses and an expansion greater than all the oceans.
This will be the moment in which you should be praying without distraction because the impulses will remain and that which is in vain will be transmuted.
The signs will reveal unknown mysteries, open inexplicable doors and allow the sleeping humanity to awaken and finally turn its attention toward God, as it will be unable to escape anywhere.
This way, regardless of how human beings become conscious of all their sins, all will be revealed in this world.
So, the great world lie, created by the beings of the surface, will be removed, and all will become conscious of the illusion that has been created for centuries.
When Christ returns many things will move, even the most incredible ones. Because as Christ is the living Law, where this Law is present, there will not be anything unfair or hidden.
Therefore, purify your hearts with time so that these events may not surpass your expectations nor surprise you from night to morning.
Keep watch, just as the guard does, who takes care of the house during the night.
Enter into vigil and prayer because this way you can be guided, step by step, until the end.
The signs of the universe will allow the planetary reality to become clearer and more evident in the face of all lies, frauds and injustices that will be revealed.
May the hearts be merciful as God is merciful because, this way, you will not fall into temptation.
I come to ask you, in essence, the same that Jesus asked His Apostles while He agonized in the Garden of Getsemani, because, at this time, your full correspondence, attunement and unconditionality will be necessary.
The most humble will help the most asleep.
The wisest, who will be moved by the Holy Spirit, will help the most ignorant.
The simplest will show all the way out towards the new and future cycle of humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more