In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children, today I will not be able to dictate a Message but rather simply pronounce My Sacred Words to you.
My dear children of Argentina, of My beloved Argentina, despite the turbulent and dark times, today I want you to be able to feel and enter My Peace.
The world suffers and agonizes, souls endure and become lost, but do not forget that I Am here and Am your Mother, the Mother of each one of you and humanity. I rejoice at being able to be with you today and I unite with that which My Beloved Son, Christ Jesus, has said.
Dare to strengthen yourselves on the path of consecration to the Plan of God, even during the time of purification and transformation of consciousness.
However, I ask you, My children, to no longer become lost in suffering but rather to submerge in Christ, My Son, Who is the Universe of Hope. I will bring you to Him whenever you need it; yet, I also hear you, I contemplate and accompany you.
Believe that I hear your true and most intimate prayers, your deepest supplications, your pleas to the Heart of God. But now is the time for you and your brothers and sisters to live My Message, being My Message, not through your words but rather through your actions, your acts of love, charity and mercy. This is what will help heal the world and humanity.
While humanity becomes divided in that which is superficial and petty, I invite you to deepen into prayer.
The universe of prayer is quite unknown, and only when you unite to it do you start to understand and feel its meaning. Because the doors of the Heavens must be open to the Earth and it is you, My beloved children, who will keep them open through your acts of love and your prayers.
Today I come here with joy and bliss, to reconsecrate this Marian Center and all its representatives, all those who have committed themselves to Me since the earliest times to sustain this point of Light in Argentina.
It is time now for you to be an authentic and true brotherhood, you have the tools for this, you have the knowledge and especially My blessing.
This is how the souls that still wait to cross the portal of hope will be able to come and you yourselves will be renewed; thus the Work will be renewed. Because, as you know, this is the time of the Rescue Plan. Everything needs to be rescued, everything needs to be safe within the Sacred Temple of the Heart of the Eternal Father and His Messengers.
I want to leave to you here My testimony of Love, together with the bravery of moving forward, overcoming these unknown and inexplicable times, crossing the barriers and limits of consciousness and of your own beings; because there, in the infinite, after all this, God and His Creation are to be found, the place where you come from, remember.
It is toward this place and sacred space of God’s Creation that your experience in this incarnation must be taken, as a deep synthesis of all that has been lived and shared, within yourselves and with your brothers and sisters.
This is what will renew Creation, the universe and humanity. Thus, see before you the spiritual treasures that We have entrusted to you and all the Graces that have been poured out from the beginning up to the present moment.
Behold My Maternal Heart, children, an inexhaustible Wellspring of the Graces of God for souls and hearts. Allow this Light, which springs from My Heart, to heal your wounds forever; may you be thus liberated, healed and renewed. No longer hold feelings of frustration or discouragement within yourselves but rather a higher feeling of love, faith and trust in God.
Because although My Heart may withdraw in the coming times, I will be by your side if you allow Me to; and barefoot, we will follow the pathway of humility and inner divestment so that the void may fill your beings and in the void you may receive the All, the One, the Infinite, the Eternal God.
May your gestures of love be an extension of My Love in the world.
May the self-giving of your hands be a gesture of My Charity in the world.
May your bare feet, which walk steadily, be an act of surrender of the Mother of God for souls.
And today I have come to celebrate the Eucharist with you, as a witness of the sacrifice of My Beloved Son for humanity in the Holy Cenacle and on the Cross, so that your cross may be relieved.
Trust, trust in God, because everything has its hour and moment. Do not rush, do not fear. Have faith, a renewed and authentic faith, so that you may be the prelude to the One Thousand Years of Peace.
I thank you for wholeheartedly responding to My call!
May the blessing of My Son be upon you and the world, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children,
In this dark night of the planet, do not fear to go through your own purification, but be attentive and patient to know that each moment is to be transcended and overcome through the strength of the Love that Jesus, My Son, gives you.
Surrender yourselves definitively at the Feet of the Lord and no longer resist. Allow Him, finally, to make you His instruments of peace and good for the world.
No one will be able to reach the Father except through the Kind Heart of Christ, in Him is the answer, in Him is relief. In Christ, My Son, you will find peace again.
On this day, I have the joy of returning to My beloved and eternal Aurora, but I can return through those who today, in simplicity, open the door of their hearts to Me so that the Mother of Aurora may also have a place where She can always return to.
Today, in particular, I would like all those who have ever stepped upon the sacred ground of Aurora to know about the special stage that it is going through, through all its servants and members on the surface.
Therefore, I remind all My children that, from Aurora and through Aurora, many of you received the Grace of redemption and of peace. I would not want you to forget this.
Aurora is preparing for a new stage, thought and meditated upon by the Heart of God. I would like My children to be attentive and receptive so that they do not miss the signs that Aurora, as a Center of Love, will give to them.
Aurora is silent donation. Aurora is the Kingdom that withdraws itself and then expands through its inner Light.
Aurora is the support of those who always say yes to it and do not forget it, because Aurora will never claim what it has given. Aurora is the sacrifice of the heart that loves it.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Beloved children,
For God, your Father, there is no impediment or obstacle for Him to be close to His Children and for His Spiritual Plan to descend and unite to the souls that invoke Him and cry out to Him.
I Am the Mother of Argentina, the Venerated Virgin of Lujan, who holds all supplications in Her Heart and watches over the faith of Her children, so that it may not disappear.
Be conscious of the dark night that the planet and humanity are going through. There are no other paths, but God’s path, which can be drawn through your hearts and your inner life.
My Son sends me before, to be with you on this day, because I Am the Mother of all, the Venerable Mother that has made a commitment to each one of Her children so that they may live the Will of God.
I come to heal the wounds that have opened.
I come to place Light where there is darkness.
I come to bring hope where it has completely disappeared.
I come to open the eyes of your consciousnesses, the eyes of your souls, so that you may see and feel the Kingdom of God close to you.
Argentina will rise from the ashes, because its inner spirit, the spirit of this nation, cannot be defeated.
You still do not know its fire, a sacred fire that impels Argentina to be a strong country, firm in its conviction and faith, which is what you must learn to take care of and protect today. Because despite the dark night or despite the time without answers or signs, or even without solutions, this is the calvary that shows itself before you so that you may live and cross it, because if My Son did it for you, you can also do it.
God blesses, with His Graces, those who sacrifice and persevere.
God tends to those who are weak and those who cannot find meaning to their lives.
God is here, in you and among you, and He springs from My Motherly Heart in offering and love for His children.
Do not forget everything I have taught you. It is time to apply the divine knowledge that We have given you.
It is time for you to be yourselves, once and for all, with your own light, with your own love, united to the Love of the Father, with constant self-giving and service for those who suffer.
Today, I come to pour out My Grace upon those who have lost it and even upon those who have never recognized it.
Because if I speak today it is at the request of My Son and in obedience to His designs. Because here, before Me and in your souls, there are precious crystals that still must be polished and transformed. And when My Son starts transforming and polishing them, will you leave? He has something special for each one, believe Me. Because He hopes He will reveal it to each being, on the indicated day and hour.
Meanwhile, I invite you to renew yourselves in the school of prayer.
How will you sustain yourselves if you do not pray?
How will you be able to discern if you do not pray?
How will you be able to have Light on your paths if you do not pray?
Darkness embraces many souls in these times and you know it.
Allow your own purification to be freed and transcended forever. Because God does not want to see you in suffering or in pain, but rather in the joy and certainty to live Him each day, in perpetual communion with His Sublime and Eternal Heart.
But the tests of life are there to be lived and experienced. If I promised to you a life of roses, I would not be honest with you, MY children.
If My Son drank from the Chalice without deserving it, have you asked yourselves internally if you would be capable of drinking the offering to God from the Chalice?
O My Lord, Your Altar is served. How many chalices are full to be offered and drunk by souls?
Who will understand, beyond themselves, the reason for this commitment and the reason why God offers to you His mystery to be revealed?
I pray for those who cannot understand this moment, because I know.
Have you ever wondered what I felt upon seeing My Son being handed over, flagellated, crucified and killed on the Cross for something He never did?
What is more beyond human comprehension?
What is more beyond knowledge or even knowledge itself?
It is called love, children; love for the unknown, love for the immaterial will that has ruled your lives and the lives of your brothers and sisters since the emergence of your essences in the ponds of God and since the gestation in the wombs of your mothers.
For this reason, a mother knows what it is to have a child; but does a child know what it is to have a mother?
How many mothers suffer disappointment of their dearest children and cry, just as I cry with them, so that My tears may be the river of Grace that consoles the mothers who love and protect the path of their children?
I am here to protect the Work of God, in which you participate.
My Son hopes you have been able to learn today and have grown internally. This is what My Son has hoped for for a long time, because if in all this and at this moment there were not love, I would not be here, because God is Love, but He is also Justice.
He will never allow you to go astray from His path and, even if you go astray, He will rescue you because this is the promise that My Son has made at the foot of His Throne, of His humble house of love and service in this Creation.
I want this Light, which once ignited in your hearts for this Work many years ago, to today re-ignite in confidence and faith. Because if I am here it is not only because I love you, but also because I accompany and support you.
And today I promise you, My beloveds, that your wounded trust is being repaired by the Grace that God has sent Me to give you, in spiritual communion with My Son and in eternal sacrament.
God knows that human imperfection is very great; but despite this, the one who obeys the Lord becomes liberated from themselves forever. Because that is where your school is, the one of surrendering your own will every day so that the Will of God may reign in you at each moment.
Today, I come to give to the offended hearts the roses that exist in the Kingdom of Heaven, which are profoundly spiritual and invisible, so that a flower of My celestial garden, nourished by good and praying souls, may be positioned upon your hearts and, thus, you may receive the perfume of the Mother of God, the perfume of Her Grace and Her Peace.
Argentina, through you, must affirm itself in the work with the Centers of Love. You already know how to do it and how to represent the Hierarchy on this wounded, outraged and violated planet.
And thus, in union with the Centers of Love, you will be able to know the treasures of the Hierarchy, but above all the treasures that are hidden and yet to be revealed in your hearts. Cross the door to the inner rebirth, the door that I offer to you today to inner rebirth, reconciliation and internal union with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
My Son has asked Me to anoint each one of you with a kiss on your forefront. Receive, in this way, this gesture of Love of the Celestial Mother, of the little Virgin of Lujan, so that the stars and suns that live in you may ignite and affirm themselves in the purpose of God.
I want to thank each one of My children of the Light-Network for being here today and for having crossed the threshold of incomprehension and misunderstandings. Because the love that lives and dwells in each being has brought you here, up to this present day, so that the pain may be liberated, so that faith may be strengthened, so that peace may fill you and embrace you on this day and thus, this may be radiated to the world that needs it so much in this crucial and difficult hour.
Remember that in Heaven We are always there for everyone, for everyone; that the doors of My Heart will always open so that you may find a safe haven in this time.
The work of the Light-Choir in Argentina must expand. The Southern Cone must make the gifts of God shine through the voices that offer to praise and recognize Him as the only God of the universe and of life and so that, above all, the doors of the Heavens may be open upon Argentina, and this country, this nation, and especially its people, may be a part of the last boat of salvation of Christ, Our Lord.
Because you will see Him come down the mountain, just as He did so many times.
Because you will see Him preach, heal and cure in a surprising way, just as He did so many times.
Because you will be able to feel, upon His Return, His blessing Hand, His closeness and His embrace, as He did many times with the forgotten, with the discarded, with the offended, with the wounded, with all those who have been despised.
The touch of His humble Love, at His Return, will transform all things, just as the Mantle that the holy women would touch for them to be healed, just as the tears that rolled upon His Feet to wash and bless them with the love of the confirmed ones.
Today I want you to re-consecrate your vows as Children of Mary, but with an inner conviction of striving every day to fulfill the vows that you yourselves professed to Christ.
This will allow the light and expression of the task of Argentina through you to be fulfilled, because everything is offered so that this may happen. For this reason, I am here, to accompany and impel you once more.
My Son needs your service in Argentina to make the sun of this nation to shine, because to Him, Our Lord, this is urgent.
Before I bid farewell and thank you, I wish for the little Marys to draw near to be blessed by Me.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us bless these little souls, through anointment, so that they may be consecrated as Children of Mary.
Let us say a prayer for this soul.
Prayer: “Hail Mary” (twice).
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May the perfume of My Love be felt at this moment, so that souls may re-ignite in the Love and Grace of the Father, which are immeasurable, infinite and inextinguishable.
Just as I consecrate these little souls today, baptizing them with the spiritual Light of My Son, in the same way I consecrate and baptize you again with the spiritual Light that Jesus brought to His Mother and His apostles in His Resurrection.
May the stars of My Crown protect and guide Argentina.
I thank you for this meeting of peace, love and reconciliation.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My dear children,
As your Mother who loves you and protects you, I Am the One Who guides you to Jesus so that, in Jesus Who is Love, Truth and Wisdom, you may live in this time the transformation so that humanity in all its condition may be transformed.
Therefore, I am here as the Mother of the apostles of My Son so that you may be encouraged to cross the path of inner purification, just as your Divine Mother, St. Joseph and the little Child lived it, so that the values of spiritual life may be present in humanity.
Without purification the soul is not liberated, remember that purification is not pain, but liberation. Purification is not a punishment or a penalty, it is a Law that helps you in the detachment from the superficial and insensitive life.
Dear children, the planet is going through this culminating moment, prior to the Return of Christ. Therefore, I am here as Mother Intercessor so that My children understand that the definitive door of redemption must be opened.
On this day and in this month of August, the Sacred Hierarchy meditates and reflects on its next steps to be able to help humanity; but for this to become a reality it is necessary to have confirmed servers capable of assuming for themselves the Purpose that is designed by God Himself from the beginning.
Remember the pencil in the Hand of God, may your souls allow God to continue writing.
I am here as always, I am your Mother.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of those who say yes
Words of the Virgin Mary during the consecration of Daughters of Mary:
Today, My Words are directed to what you truly are and why you have come to Earth to serve God.
In that pure and immaculate space, which dwells in your essences, it is where My Son and Our Father God place Their designs, impulses that manifest themselves as small seeds that, through your efforts, surrender and disposition, can germinate until one day they become something very important to God; so important that He so much seeks in each one of the souls, that the Children of God, His Creatures, may be His instruments on Earth, empty, stripped and unconditional. I am fully aware that it is challenging for human beings, but with the strength of faith, children, everything is possible.
Remember what My Son said in the Gospel: “If your faith were so great and strong, you could tell the mountain to move and it would move.” This is part of the reality of the Law and of the experience of the Law of life.
Therefore, today I consecrate you, even though you are already My daughters, My daughters called to be mirrors on Earth that reflect My Motherhood and Love for the souls and the Kingdoms of Nature.
Receive My spiritual blessing as the beginning of a new stage, as the opening of a new path that, through your conviction and faith, you will discover for yourselves; because it is important to know and remember that God has a destiny for each being, with the courage to embrace the unknown and the bravery to face these times and challenges.
The Hand of God guides those who seek it. His Sacred Hand rests on the heads of those who accept His blessing. He is not far from anything, He is in everything, He is in your inner world.
The master key is humility, which will never allow you to be far from God and His Love. That is why souls get lost in their own convictions, in their own ambitions, because the power that is not of God blinds souls until they are lost.
I come thus and on this day, through you, to rebuild the faith and the conviction that many souls felt when they were called to the path of the Work of the Hierarchy.
Nothing belongs to us, we are here in passing. We must only serve and pray, and the Father Who is in Heaven will do the rest even if sometimes you do not perceive it, because His Love is immeasurable, His Wisdom is infinite and His Power is governed by poverty, detachment and emptiness.
Behold the God of Life who makes all things new through His Son, Our Lord Jesus.
One who entrusts their life to God should not fear losing it, for there is nothing to lose in this world. He dwells in all forms. He makes Himself present in all geometries. His solemn Presence is in the silence, but not in a personal silence, rather in a stripped silence, capable of giving Himself tirelessly, as the Heavenly Father did from the beginning of Creation. He only wants you to experience Him, to feel Him and to recognize Him within yourselves; just as Jesus, My Son, wants to be recognized in you through the Eucharist.
May this beginning, this new beginning make the servants grow not only in spirit, but also in self-giving, in untiring offering so that the evil that is so great in this world may be extirpated.
Receive My Light and Maternal Love through this blessing and consecration, on behalf of humanity, as Daughters of Mary.
Keep My Words in your heart, for it is there that everything will always be understood, just as your Mother always did, Who kept the Words of God and His mysteries in Her Heart.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Inner Prayer of Padre Pio
for each moment of taking a decision
Beloved Lord,
may my gaze, my ears and my soul
be attentive to the signs that You send to me,
because knowing how deeply imperfect
and small I am before You,
I know that, if I implore from my heart and spirit,
Your inexhaustible Love will guide me.
Make me, Lord, in this world,
a faithful mirror of Your Presence;
banish from my being all arrogance, haughtiness and pride;
convert my heart according to Your Will.
May my soul be
like a pitcher of fresh water
in Your Holy Hands,
so that You, Lord, may pour out my spirit and my being
where You need them the most
so that, in perpetual self-giving and service,
I may fulfill, at each step, your Work of Love.
I ask You, Lord,
for You, just as Your Son did to the holy apostles,
to wash my head and purify it
from all thought that is contrary to You.
I ask You, Lord,
for You to wash my hands and liberate me from all the past,
and especially divest me from the inappropriate use
of power and all authority.
I ask You, Lord,
for You to wash my feet from the dust of the past,
from acquired traumas, from all suffering or scars
that I may have caused in some heart.
I ask You to purify me,
just as Your Beloved Son
was purified at the Temple.
Make me free from myself
so that, with another consciousness
and under a secure condition,
I may decide in accordance with Your Will
and Your Holy Aspiration.
Lastly, Lord,
empty me, humble me, make me nothing
so that You, Beloved Father, may be everything
because at the end of this pilgrimage on Earth,
Your wise and loving decision will be fulfilled.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My most precious children,
Finally, after several cycles, the Sacred and Blessed Hearts touch with Their Feet all of North America to purify it and to bless it through the Love and Grace of God.
Today, your Heavenly Mother reapproaches the soul of the United States and its guardian angel so that the precious souls who live here may be protected, and one day find the path of Spiritual Purpose; just as the Purpose of this nation needs to be recovered so that the existence of this country is guided and conducted as the Father established it in the beginning, long before North America was a reality.
With Our Eyes and Our loving gaze placed upon the spiritual debt that this nation has acquired in recent times, We, as Sacred Hearts, will be praying that Justice will give way to the work of God's Mercy and Love, not only for this entire nation, but also for each and every soul found here.
Dear children, the pilgrim and humble Feet of the Lady of the United States also come to America for the innocent souls of the unborn, and also for the souls of the prisoners and of those who, to this day, live under the death penalty, which must be urgently abolished.
I need that, in this new Pilgrimage for Peace, hearts from all parts of the world unite with the Heavenly Mother and, through prayers, accompany Me; because, in this period that has been granted to Me through this pilgrimage, I will be able to intervene in many urgent matters.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the United States
Dear children,
May consecrated life represent, to all those who follow this path, the beacon that illuminates the night on the face of the Earth.
May consecrated life be the bridge that unites souls to God through the experience of the Sacraments.
May the consecrated life reflect the Living Face of Christ so that those who most need love and peace will find it through the consecrated life.
Let us remember that consecrated life, in spite of going through its moment of purification, is part of the Mystical Body of Christ and that, being part of My Son, consecrated life has the joy of receiving an Extraordinary Grace from God.
May all consecrated life continue to walk, through faith, in the ardent quest to serve the Lord and to be close to His Divine Consciousness.
May consecrated life be strengthened and affirmed on this planet, so that the existence of the New Christs may soon become a reality.
I pray day and night for all consecrated life, so that it may be an instrument of peace and charity in the world, so that it may reach those who suffer the most and endure the absence of peace and love.
Through consecrated life, may My Son prepare His Return to humanity, because consecrated life will be the space where Christ will affirm His next Work of the redemption of the world.
To all those who aspire to consecrated life, may they aspire to live it, for it is in the depths of their being that Christ must govern and work for the whole world.
Consecrated life is the flame that can never be extinguished on the entire surface of the Earth.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of consecrated life
Dear Children:
Today, as the Mother of purification, I hold with My Hands the flag of the nation of France, so that its spiritual consciousness may be purified through the Light of My Heart, so that its soul may be purified through the Love of My Heart, so that its people may be reconciled through the Peace of My Heart.
Today, My children, I contemplate a France unrecognizable in its spiritual aspect, not only because of its society, but also because of its religion, which stained the soul of many consciousnesses through its acts. That is why, children, as the Lady of La Salette, I weep before all that this beloved country of Mine is experiencing.
I come for you to know that France has always been the cradle of important saints and enlightened by the Holy Spirit. France has always been chosen by Me to carry the message of peace and penance.
In Lourdes, I came to call souls to repentance to prevent the bloody French colonization from happening, but My call was not accepted.
Through the Message of La Salette, I came to guide My children to the Purpose of God, but it was not enough.
And today, I return once again to My beloved France so that, as a country, it may be a people of open arms and not a society of constant confrontation.
That is why I am here, as the patient Mother who cries and cries out for France to recover its spiritual and human dignity; so that what is so characteristic of all French people may help to heal the wounds of colonialism, slavery and the errors committed throughout the ages in Africa and in the world.
France needs to place its knees on the ground and implore for Mercy and Pity so that it may reach the conversion of the heart and of its innermost essence.
I will have My Mother's gaze upon this dear people of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who Blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of France.
My dear children,
As Mother Nature and Mother of Life, today I descend with the Light of God upon this sacred mountain range to meet again with My children of this humanity.
I come on this day to assist and help all My children who, at this time, suffer and undergo their purifications and trials, facing overnight unexpected situations that change the destiny of the lives of many people.
But I would like to tell you, My children, that this does not mean that God is far from suffering or sickness. He is closer than it seems and He suffers together with all the sick and in need through His Son, Jesus Christ, who also suffers together with the Children of the Father.
This is the time of having to accept, but it is also the time to recognize the learnings of life, keeping in mind that every moment is a sacred opportunity for inner growth for all.
Each soul, in this final cycle, will experience that which it needs to learn most, so that in each of My children the Christic love may be born and emerge, which will allow them to understand life in its deepest essence.
As Sacred Hearts, before Our withdrawal, We can see how humanity is unprepared for the end of time. Therefore, the Spiritual Hierarchy dedicates every moment and every meeting to help in all possible situations.
At this turbulent and hostile time of the planet, may you learn to perpetuate the light of prayer and do not miss the opportunity to pray, to ask for My Graces and to intercede for all causes, for all situations and for all your brothers and sisters; because in this time it will be enough only to pray, but to pray from the heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of all who are sick in body and spirit
My dear children,
In the Law of Self-giving, you will find the inner strength to go through this moment, even if it seems impossible to you. For without self-giving, you will never understand God’s Will and all that He desires for your lives.
My children, self-giving is a master key that opens the door to piety and humility.
There is no way to understand or perceive what the Eternal Father traces with His Divine Thought, without first living by the Law of Self-giving.
Under that Sacred Law, you will purify yourselves. Under that Law, you will transcend yourselves. Under that Law, you will learn to be unconditional and righteous, just as Christ was until the last moment of expiring on the Cross.
Without self-giving, it is impossible to redeem the world and its sins.
Christ comes, through His Word, to awaken in you, My children, the commitment to embrace the Law of Self-giving, just as My son embraced the Cross and kissed it.
This is the moment, this is the great moment, in which Jesus will prove his fidelity to the Law of Self-giving, imperiously necessary to balance the evils of war, the impunity in nations, the indifference to those who suffer, the separatist ideologies of these times. For the Law of Self-giving will make you reunite again and again with your true essence; and in that inner communion with the essential, you will not be disturbed or intimidated. You will no longer believe, for yourselves, that the place and the moment that My Son entrusted to you to donate yourselves, does not make sense.
The opposite of self-giving is self-absorption. The opposite of self-giving is believing that you should no longer serve.
This is the exercise of the end times: self-giving without expecting anything in return, trusting that everything will be contemplated in you, even the smallest thing.
Think and meditate on all that I have told you, for My Son expects mature souls.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.
My children,
You are precious crystals that, day by day, are being polished by the Hands of the Redeemer.
May the great radiance that exists within you shine, so that this world may not lose its ability to love and forgive.
Your lives are precious crystals in the Hands of My Son so that, by being purified, you may attain the inner purpose that He has thought of for each one of you.
A raw crystal needs to be polished smoothly and carefully. In this work of the purification of the crystal, the harshness is removed so that the beauty that lies within the crystal may be expressed.
Each one of you are at this moment. Do not resist and allow My Son to make all things new, because His faithful Purpose is to convert your lives according to the project that He once thought of for each one of you. Trust, and do not fear.
Some harshness of life is difficult to remove, however, it is not impossible, because the Love of My Son came to the world to show everyone that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
My children, allow for everything to be removed from its place so that the great crystal of your lives may reflect the immeasurable beauty of the inner Christ, because this is the time for the inner Christs to rule, in this cycle, through Love.
May the Love of God repair and heal souls.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Today, I place you in My Arms so that, wrapped in the Sacred Cloth of Christ, your beings may be restored through the powerful Codes of the Redeemer.
Let your Beloved and Serving Celestial Mother wrap you with the Sacred Cloth of Christ so that, like My Son Jesus, every cell and atom of your consciousness may be purified, transformed and repaired by the precious Codes of the Divine Blood of Christ.
Today, I bring you, and each one of My children, the Sacred Cloth of the Redeemer, so that not only may souls heal from all the aggressions of these times, but also so that each human heart may believe in the spiritual and healing power of My Son, Jesus.
Today, I wrap you with the Sacred Cloth of Christ, just as your Humble and Silent Mother did with her Son in the sepulcher.
I want every part of your consciousness to believe in the power of the Resurrection, so that humanity can redeem itself.
Child, like Jesus, contemplate yourself wrapped within the Sacred Cloth of Christ, so that not only may your being be deeply healed, but so that all of humanity may be healed, living within itself the Codes of the Blood of Jesus.
This is the time to repair the entire human race. This is the time to cure, to heal, so that the Love of My Son may become flesh in everyone, so that His Divine Love may triumph.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
As I have once told you, I am the Mother of the Oceans, the Lady of the whole Marine Kingdom.
When you destroy or wound this Kingdom, the mantle that protects the balance of the planet is torn by the very hands of the human being.
For this reason, as the Mother of the Oceans, I call you to awareness, because with the contamination of the oceans, there is no regeneration nor purification of the waters, with the destruction of coral, there is no harmony within marine life.
You must learn to know and perceive the reason why God first created the oceans and then created life. All living beings that inhabit the surface of the Earth, including human beings, come from ponds of life. In this analogy, My children, for the planet the oceans are the governors of balance and of the global purification of the Earth.
If they become contaminated, if chemical and nuclear experiments are made, if the oceans cease to purify because they have become dead oceans, how would humanity survive? It could never survive without clean and respected oceans, from its biology to its spiritual aspect.
Defend the oceans from yourselves and take care of them so that they do not become the great trash can of the world. Be responsible and hold accountable those who, absorbed by ignorance, transgress the laws of nature.
No longer carry out excessive fishing. The sea without fish is a sea that enters an acidic state, as fish are that which transmutes the contamination that the surface human being generates, day by day.
Let us pray for the oceans so that they may be protected, taken care of and respected.
Enough with transgressions!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My child, My soul,
When you have to take a step, on the path of your purification, you must know that you are taking a step towards the unknown that is within you. But, first, in order to purify that which is unknown, you must decide to, and that decision rises from within.
You must know, My child, that this is the time for this expected purification to take place. Christ, being the Son of God, purified himself in the temple to humbly fulfill the Law.
Christ was tempted throughout forty days in the desert in the same way that today many of My children are tempted, being placed in the permanent challenge of persisting, until the end.
The time of purification must be lived as a constant resignation of what one believes of oneself and also of what one believes of others. Without an attitude of resignation, in the face of unknown purification, there will not be sufficient humility to help placate the pride and arrogance disguised as noble people.
Decide to live this cycle of purification in a constant exercise of inner divestment, of a detachment from everything that you consider good or not good. Thus, you will open the correct door for Heaven to help you cross this desert that, sooner or later, will come to an end, and, after going through it, you will find the favorite oasis of the Heart of the Redeemer.
Remember, first you must accept the moment, and then go through it. Be consistent with My Words and all will be well.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Believe absolutely in the strength and power of overcoming that God's Love offers you.
Believe that, despite your deepest miseries, the Love of My Son and His Mercy will be able to place you into another reality.
Believe that, in the overcoming of yourself, you will learn to live the redemption of your whole being and come to know how to take steps that will lead towards the fulfillment of God's Will.
Believe that, overcoming yourself, each day a little more, dissolves the heavy chains that bind humanity.
Believe that by overcoming yourself, you will generate the condition for the suffering to disappear from the face of the Earth.
Therefore, believe absolutely in the strength and power of overcoming that God's Love offers you, because, in this way, you will be recreating Creation and the inner situations will be different.
Have faith and overcome yourself every day. Overcome the limits imposed upon you by the fears of your consciousness.
Make all things new and live this time of purification, not as a punishment, but as a great moment to overcome yourself, so that humanity may overcome itself, and abandon, once and for all, indifference and coldness.
Believe in the strength of overcoming and place your awareness in another state, in that which is positive, in the universal current of Love.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I reflect the principles of Universal Creation to the whole planet.
I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I bring to humanity the Attributes of God.
I am the Lady of the Lakes, because. through them, I mirror healing and regeneration to the world.
I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I sustain the universal balance of the planet.
I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I establish the beauty of peace.
I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I allow My children to return to their inner origin.
I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I ignite My Mirrors of the cosmos and, thus, I free the planet from constant oppression.
I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I spiritually gestate the moral and internal reconstruction of humanity.
I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I purify and heal suffering souls.
I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, I lead My children towards peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
During the time of the Armageddon, may your fortitude in Christ be unbreakable.
May nothing disturb you.
May the sacred flame of faith teach you to overcome each moment and situation.
This is the time of the spiritual war of everyone against everyone, but through prayer, you will remain free of this worldwide movement that will try to carry souls along the path of damnation.
Throughout the years, I have taught you how to help your fellow being, not only through service, but also through the strength and power of prayer.
Now, more than ever, prayer will be that path that will allow you to communicate with God when Our Sacred Hearts have completely withdrawn.
Those who pray will be by My side and I will accompany them throughout their transition and purification because the triumph of My Heart will also happen within your lives.
Do not cease to seek My Son in the Sacraments as well as in His Word. There lies the support for all of you, the protection that you will need in the moments when everything is unleashed.
Dear children, always be grateful, and you will learn in this life to be humble, and humility will carry you into peace.
Persist and continue to walk alongside My Son, because His Divine Light will always dissolve all adversity, and the trusting hearts will be healed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Let your miseries be transformed into Mercy.
Let the spiritual power of the Blood of My Son remove the impurities from your consciousness so that the Divine Light of His Sacred Heart may find deep spaces to enter and transform you.
Miseries are accumulated residues from sins, mistakes, indifference.
Allow the redeeming Grace of the Water of Christ to wash and purify you because, for something new to enter, something old must leave.
You are, at this moment, at the doors of the surrender of your being and your consciousness.
Let the transforming and merciful impulse of My Son redeem your being and make of you a new vase.
Let the infinite Mercy consecrate you definitively and convert you into the aspiration that God has for your being.
I am by your side to accompany you. This is the great moment, for this to take place.
Your faith must be unwavering.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear Children,
The Most Chaste and Venerable Saint Joseph is preparing, in this month of July, to finalize His task with humanity. But His teachings and words will resonate within those who throughout the years have known how to recognize the impulses that He left for the transcendence of humanity.
Children, I would like to announce to you that on July 19th, the day of the last apparition of Saint Joseph, the monthly Feast of the Heart of Saint Joseph will be instituted, in which every 19th of the month, from the Heavens, Saint Joseph will intercede for impossible causes and for the most difficult purifications of the human heart.
This Feast of Saint Joseph will not only be to remember His paternal presence in the life of His apprentices, but it will also be an opportunity for hearts to plead to Saint Joseph, for Him to grant the necessary Graces.
On that day, those who stand before the Sacred Reliquary of Saint Joseph will have the joy of being blessed by Saint Joseph, and they will be able to begin finding the path of humility.
This Feast of Saint Joseph will not only be for honoring the Holy Name of the intercessor for the human hearts, but it will also be a day in which the souls that are praying to Saint Joseph will be able to renew their vows, and the missionary lives will be safeguarded by the light of the Chaste Heart, month after month.
May the monthly Feast of Saint Joseph be for remembering the impulses of each one of His words and instructions.
Every 19th, each soul will be able to offer Saint Joseph not only their imperfect hearts but they will also be able to light a candle so that the Grace of conversion may transform the hearts of humankind and the healing of humanity may be granted.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
While you pray, I purify your lips of all the words that you may pronounce apart from God.
While you pray, I sublimate your words so that you may achieve an understanding of the Purpose of God, and thus testify to the world.
While you pray, I heal your hearts, even though they are imperfect, so that they may hold feelings ever purer.
While you pray, I free your minds so that you may have thoughts of light, of wisdom, of brotherhood and of fraternity, so that everything may be constructive.
While you pray, I bring relief to your souls so that, within you, you feel the conviction and the reason for responding to the Call of God.
While you pray, I pour out My Graces upon you so that you may learn to amend your possible errors and so that, in constant prayer, you may feel free from the prisons of life.
While you pray, I can be closer to you and have you feel the Love of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more