Dear children,
I deeply rejoice for finding you here today, reunited in this beloved oratory of My Heart, because all of the praying families are favored before the Heart of the Celestial Father.
Dear children, today I would like to tell you from the depths of My Heavenly Soul that higher and eternal life exists after this life. Many among you, of those who have already left, learn close to My Heart about the power of prayer which rescues and liberates other souls.
For this, you must rejoice, and each day love the Will of the Creator who wants to see you mature and be firm on this path, which will finally also lead you to find your own dwelling in the Heart of the Celestial Father.
My children, death is a deep step of purification and detachment: in this way, the soul lives a stage of surrender of everything that it lived on the surface of the Earth. If your souls pray with trust to My Immaculate Heart, you will fear nothing, Your Heavenly Mother takes care and protects each one of Her children who are following the Will of God in obedience, and their brothers and sisters.
You will see, in these times, My beloved ones, that the world will purify quickly, this is not a punishment of God, it is the movement of truly living a change within the consciousness, in order to be able to reach the consecration to the Kingdom of God.
If you are here today, it is because I love you, and will always give thanks for your prayers, for the Plan of the Most High and for this suffering planet.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who awakens you to a Higher Life, after this life,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In times without peace, may your deepest desire be to do all that is possible so that the spiritual Peace that comes from God may be expressed in your lives.
Every day, through the effort of living the prayer of the heart and of being the living prayer, you will manage to reflect that which your Celestial Father so much expects.
Dear children, open the way so that Peace may always reign, like a torch of light that is never extinguished. In the time of your purification you will live inner encounters with peace, and it will be able to be reflected to all of the planetary life.
Children of Mine, be the messengers of peace by means of your good deeds, because the majority of the souls lose themselves for not being able to find the path of peace that I have been showing you and teaching you.
I thank you for answering to My proposal of peacemaking!
Who finds you in the Source of Peace,
You Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
With eternal joy and profound peace, today I gather all of you again in the sacred oratory of My Immaculate Heart, for on this sacred day one of My awaited plans is fulfilled: the expansion of My Marian Message in the world.
For this reason, dear children, I have come to remind you that My Work is done through peace, with hands united together with Mine.
Thus, beloved children, the task of spreading My urgent Message to the world will always be based on charity, sacrifice and above all, the unity and love that your hearts can reflect toward Mine.
All My Work in this world, which your Heavenly Mother lovingly offers you, must be supported by the spirit of fraternity and not of power.
Beloved children, throughout the years I have made you grow in virtue, talent and gifts by My side. Thus, My most beautiful but simple images, through this means of universal communication, were presented to the unredeemed souls.
From the beginning, you accompanied My Work and you will continue to do so until the much awaited redemption of humanity is accomplished.
Although the time will come when I am no longer amongst you daily, but rather just visiting you in an extraordinary way, you, My very dear children, will have much to disseminate and publish. When you do so, you will see My requests, one by one, being fulfilled, for God needs it thus.
Children, while you purify yourselves and take the first steps toward a greater maturity, I ask that out of love for My Most Sacred Heart, you keep your souls united through the Graces and the wonders that I have poured out for you. I would like to see you more united, not only in My celestial joy, but also in the challenges and the tests.
Many of those present here today would already be prepared to be part of the new team of soldiers that will work in the expansion of this immaculate Project of God: the redemption of the modernity of the world through the Divine Message of the Sacred Hearts.
Before the Presence of Christ and of the angels that accompanied Me during My Glorious Assumption, I receive the sincere offerings that you will commit to work with Me throughout world for the planetary redemption. For this, I ask that on a piece of paper, you write your aspiration of accompanying and supporting this new Project that will be presented to everybody today.
My only Purpose, beloved children, is that the world and souls achieve peace.
I thank you for responding to My important call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In urgent times do not get tired of searching for the purity of the heart, because it will be purity that will embrace you and protect you.
You, My dear children, must purify yourselves in order to reach this state of Grace, and the Mercy of God will be the sustenance that will help you cross this time of definition, purification and spiritual war.
Every day, through the prayer of the holy rosary and by the interior effort, you will find the path towards the original purity that each one of your beings keeps in the depths of the soul.
Dear children, do not get discourage by finding difficulties, it is part of your constant transition to see and get to know the deepest secrets of the unconscious world, something to which humanity does not pay much attention.
With My love and Maternal Grace, My children, I will help you to conquer the kingdom of the purity of the heart. Do not fear falling and rising many times, the love of your spirits will be the driving force which will remove the obstacles and will make you transcend yourselves every day, until you have finally reached redemption.
God needs the purity of your hearts to transmute the evil of the planet and the grave errors of the adversary. When your hearts pray with Me they are able to triumph, and in the times to come, be the living example of an immediate conversion.
Dear children, let us work to reach peace and purity, the scale is already unbalanced and there is no one to repair it. I am with you and I pray for your prompt sanctity.
I thank you for answering to My call for Peace!
Who loves you always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I would like to tell you, My children, that the situations of the world are precipitating and have no limits, for humanity itself generates the conditions for this to happen.
However there is a part of souls that spiritually struggle to repair the serious outrages that the majority perpetrate, and even though all of this is not enough, the Divinity helps the consequent so that at least a part of humanity may become rescuable and redeemable.
The weight of the spiritual debt of humanity is very great and souls at this moment are suffering the consequences of what the majority does. This awakens the anger of God, which is not a punishment, but rather a supreme fiery tension that tries to stop the descent of the Law, of which the majority of humankind is ignorant.
The events of these end times frame the coming moral and spiritual change of humanity, and what most increases the anger of God is unconsciousness and the way in which planetary life is carried out.
In all this reality, The Kingdoms of Nature also suffer the consequences of humanity. They, being part of the same end, will have an action within the cycle of the great purification.
Mother Nature, who is wise and pure, will show her power to humanity. All this would not be necessary if from the beginning human dignity and the created Kingdoms had been respected.
The consciousness of humanity, My children, is more delayed than the first settlers of the Earth. This causes the Heart of God to shudder on seeing that discernment and wisdom disappear from the consciousness of those who say they are ordering the nations.
For this reason, the Love of God will be able to move through the barriers of that precariousness that today's human being created through their actions.
The new paradise, the New Earth, will be free of all these influences, because the project was that this race should be fraternal and equitable in all states of being; which was changed. That is the concern of the universe in face of the reality of this humanity.
Values do not exist, and if they do, they are all manipulated, which causes the true purpose of the life of the soul and the spirit to be lost, and many souls fall prey of the adversary, which is the main governor of some regions.
Let us pray without ceasing and without thinking, something will have to change, the time indicates this.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Spokesperson of the Universe
Dear children,
Today I have come to ask you to continue praying the Holy Rosary every day, because just as I said it in Fatima, the wrath of God may be appeased through the loving prayer of all.
In this time, My children, this will not prevent all of humanity from being purified, because many of My children in the world still associate with the paths of evil. It is due to this extraordinary cause of salvation that Your Heavenly Mother suffers the pain and the ingratitude of the world, and at the same time, these feelings of perdition are transmuted by the instruments that the Mother of God chose, just as it was in all the Apparitions from the past.
Once again I come to Brazil, to collect from meek hearts all of the prayers and novenas that they are able to humbly offer Me. It will be through this sincere offering from all of My dear children that I will be able to intercede or at least alleviate the fear of death that many consciousnesses are suffering in these times of no peace.
For this reason, My children of Brazil, Your Heavenly Mother descends from Heaven, like in Fatima, to awaken the rays of devotion and of peace through the prayer of the Holy Rosary.
Children, in this cycle, may your lives be prayer, because if they are pure prayer, you will be devotion, and through holy devotion, the world will achieve the essence of peace.
With My right hand over My Immaculate Heart and My left hand reaching out to the world, I come to simply offer the path of the ray of devotion to all of My praying children. Your hearts can express that devotion, just like a flower that opens to receive the rays of the sun.
Dear children, My wish is that through the Rosary, your lives may already be different, filled by the streams of this ray of devotion; streams that spring from the Heart of Your Heavenly Mother, just as compassion, peace, elevation, hope and healing do.
My Children, do not fear the things of the world; the time has come for you to be My true servants of prayer; in this way, at least a part of humanity will not perish.
Let us continue to pray, always praying; Grace and Mercy are urgent for the world.
I love you. I contemplate you. I thank you for praying to My wounded Heart.
May Peace be in your beings,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
With My blue eyes of Light, placed upon the world, I deeply pray for all of humanity, for those who are consequent and also for the unaware, so that soon, through Supreme Grace, all My children may be able to go through the definitive time of acute purification.
The Grace of God will be the fortitude for those hearts that humbly pray from the heart and unite, above all, with all My plans of Peace.
Dear children, from Heaven, your Heavenly Mother still sees error spread like a poison throughout the hearts of ungrateful hearts, which seek to satiate their wills and satisfy their desires. But this will soon end.
The prayer of the Holy Rosary proclaimed by My children of the world is stopping the anger of God from being provoked, and in spite of everything continuing the same, a sort of universal conciliation is taking place among good souls and subjected souls.
It is through the Spirit of My maternal Love that the doors of the Celestial Universe are opening to help the sick world.
My children, continue to pray, with greater effort now, because in the repetition of the Hail Mary lies the celestial formula of Light that allows to placate the power of the Laws and to open the source of Mercy of your Most Holy Mother.
It is through the powerful decree of the Hail Mary that the words of the Archangel Gabriel become subtle vibrations, capable of relating the material universe with the spiritual universe.
It is through this ancient formula that the Purity and the Grace of the Mother of God descend over the world, over a region, or even over a sinning consciousness, to awaken the compassion of God and open a sincere path towards repentance and contrition as an act of redemption.
Dear children, today I leave you these keys because I know that many of you need more understanding.
If through the Hail Mary you recognize yourselves as sinners, this does not mean that you will sin again, but rather it reminds you of the importance of living Universal Laws and of never transgressing them.
Beloved children, when you recognize your sins or debts, you are affirming the need for reversing your fear of failure, damnation or abandonment of the spiritual path.
It is through My divine intervention that your eyes will open to clearly see the path of transformation and of fusion with peace.
If humanity should see prayers with a universal spirit, in truth, the effects of the words would substitute errors and would transform tests into great lessons.
For this reason, I ask that you truly pray and do so without haste; in this way, your sacred invocations of My Immaculate Heart will cause My plans of Peace and of Mercy to triumph.
I thank you for praying to My Maternal Heart!
Who elevates you to the consciousness of prayer,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Prayer
Dear children,
When you truly pray, the Laws change, and the world, in spite of everything, gains the Grace of a greater time of peace.
But the revenge that My adversary projects into ungrateful hearts is the recurring thought for concretizing his opposing plans. This will be disarmed because the persistence of those who pray will become stronger than all cruelty.
The Kingdom of God will be visible in the hearts of the simple and, in this way, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
Follow the path of peace that I bring you in this time, and be bearers of My maternal Love so that it may be radiated from your hearts to the world.
Dear children, I bring you the Grace of awakening in time and of experiencing, without fear, the cycle of your purification.
Know that, through your life and your purified consciousnesses, you will have the happiness of receiving new celestial impulses that will reconfigure your lives and all planetary life.
Woe to those that do not listen to God and who do not purify themselves! In truth, many will come to regret not having changed.
Thus, accept the cross and follow Christ. In His pious Heart, you will find liberation from matter.
Children, be happy while you purify yourselves; everything can be offered to God without fear.
In your hearts, there are divine merits for being with Me today.
Pour out love, pour out truth, pour out the inner purity of the divine essence.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who helps you walk in absolute faith,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The purification of the soul and of the whole being, according to the Law of Harmony, is similar to an inexhaustible spring of water.
This spring experiences permanent times of transformation, its rhythm is continuous, and, thus, each moment is indelible.
Water is chaste and pure, but the spring experiences its path of purification when it encounters all that which is superficial.
In this way, your hearts, which, in the image of God, are very pure, receive all the lessons to be able to grow and mature.
This spring experiences its transformations and you also experience the time of drought, the time of abundance and the time of balance, but you never stop purifying yourselves until you achieve peace.
I am that flow that leads you upon new paths. I am the Mother of all that has been created.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who unites you to the principle of original purity,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Your true fusion for these times will be the perfect union with My Son and after that with God the Father. This inner and spiritual fusion will be what will strengthen you in the culminating moments of the purification of the Earth.
Dear children, the task of seeking God and My Son all the time has already started, for this do not allow that superficial things may conquer you and make you change the destiny of this great encounter with the Creator.
Dear children, for this it will be important that you renounce, that you renounce what you are not and what you will never be. Renounce with joy and without disquietude, renounce for love to My Son and thus you will rebuild the whole Earth.
Renounce for those that imprison themselves by the action of the material and illusory life. Renounce everything you can so that in your acts of love, God sees that it is possible to pour His Mercy. Renounce without punishing yourself and without bothering yourself.
I ask you to renounce what you believe about yourselves, this small act of humility will help to dissipate pride in the hearts impoverished of spirit. If you renounce, do it for love to humanity. Do not be afraid of renouncing yourselves because behind each renunciation a new door for the liberation of the world will be opened.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In times of crises, may consolation and reconciliation reign. May your hearts continue to strive every day to find the peace of the heart.
I am your Mother and I am in every place and moment, contemplating from My Most Pure Heart, each step that you take towards the redemption of life and consciousness.
Dear children, today your hearts are discovering the power that an act of humility has and how it opens the doors so that the souls may reform their lives and thus, the greater purpose may be fulfilled.
You will get to know, on the path of purification, many inner aspects of yourselves. Some will be conscious and others, you will get to know little by little, because for the Plan of your Celestial Father it is essential that humanity lives redemption of everything through love. An act of reconciliation is an act that marks the redemption and the conciliation with the Laws of the Heights.
Children, in this way your Heavenly Mother follows your steps through this path towards the holiness which some of you are beginning to traverse. Remember today the arrival of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph and the pathway that His Heart has opened to the world in the hope that something may truly change.
Read His words and thus you will see the blessed work of the Heavenly Messengers. In truth, those are the last ones for that humanity that may wish to be spiritually saved. The humility poured by Saint Joseph will be the master key to cross the end of the times.
I thank you for answering to My call!
In union with the chaste work of Saint Joseph Worker of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
A universal call for peace and good in the world
From the center of the universe, in the Heart of Our Eternal Father's Light, My voice proclaims a request to all souls today: that they listen attentively to the Words of the Mother of Heaven.
August the 8th already marked the change of a cycle. This great change which includes your small planet is being guided from the Spiritual Universe. The entire universe, all galaxies, stars and suns of this and other universes are entering the new gateway that will lead you to find the final and profound awakening. This will demand from your world the balm of serenity, of meekness and mainly of peace, while you participate in its purification.
Perversity will be purified by Divine Justice. The lie will be purified by the Power of God. The annihilation of innocent souls and subversion will be purified by the Wrath of God. The destruction of a fruitful life, in this and other Kingdoms of Creation, will be purified by Redemption.
All causes that disturb the equilibrium of humanity, and those that became fashionable and control entire regions, will be purified by the Rays of the universe and by all its root energies such as Liberation, Transmutation, Redemption, Transcendence, Transfiguration and Light as an autonomous synthesis of all.
The new cycle which has already begun will demand from hearts a life moderately consecrated, a life totally surrendered and of a spirit of unity and not of selfishness, if indeed anyone is to be saved from the imperious light of the rays of the Central Sun.
Through omnipotent Truth, I come to prepare you for all that you have never before seen, for what you have never before believed, and for what you have never before known in your reality of the world. Therefore, your Mother of the World will give the last signs, which will indicate the culminating moment of your preparation before the times of purification to come.
What was hidden for decades will be known. What was the secret of a few will be revealed by the Law itself. What was poorly done will be news everywhere. Nothing will remain the same as before. For those who have not sought the Kingdom of God, it will be too late.
Whoever has persecuted and offended the Servants of Christ will fear to see the great Hand of God. Whoever has slandered and cursed the Sons of God will have no cave or corner in which to hide. Whoever has loved material life and disbelieved in the existence of spiritual life will not be able to be present at that time. Whoever has doubted will believe for what they will see. Whoever has instilled rules or regulations conditioning the union of the faithful with God will be removed from the throne upon which they sat.
There will be no one and nothing that can stop the descent of the true reality. The lamentations will be of the false, for they will lament for not having listened. The tears will be of the perverse for having wronged the lives of so many.
The only dogma will be that of the Coming of Christ and the meek will see the Great Lord. The indifferent will be removed to another universe and the Earth will be restored during the thousand years of peace.
Therefore, My children, purify what you are, do not keep anything that makes you falsely strong, and do not be skeptical, for the Wrath of God will be just. The cup is no longer just overflowing, it is overflowing so much that even the Blood of the Chalice is despised by humanity.
It will not be enough at this time to have good faith, to go to church and go to confession; whoever does not truly seek a clean, dignified and fraternal life will not be able to be happy. Blessed are the peacemakers, because they will inherit the Promised Land, and this will cease to be an emblem, it will become truth and reality within all those who will repopulate the New Earth.
There is no time to lose. Accept that you never changed and that your humanity preferred to grow old quickly rather than wanting to change in the name of Love.
I come to give you the Design of God, but I also come to make you rethink before the new time that has already begun.
I am your Mother and I desire that you listen to Me with the ears of the heart, thus, you will understand the essence of everything and soon you will be columns of Light in a time of great changes.
I thank you for accompanying My call!
Who reveals to you the book of the Apocalypse,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Wash your being like in the wells of Bethsaida, so that your soul may resurrect from the battles in victory and redemption.
Let the water that I offer you today be the fountain, which renovates you every day, so that it may purify you in the harmony of the heart.
Today I wash you in the fountain of Bethsaida, so that by being purified through the love of My Heart, you may rediscover the meaning of living in God. Your lives will be able to be redeemed in Christ; He is the Great Fountain which can fulfill you all the time.
Children, do not decay, stand up; today My fountain of love washes you so that later you may enter in the fountain of the Heart of Christ. Purify yourselves in peace, My hands are extended to help you; we are already in the time of living the cycle of transformation.
I bless you and purify you, such as God thought out of Love for all.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who purifies you in the fountain of love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Confirm every day that I am present in everything.
As your Mother, I follow each inner movement and I can, thus, be closer when your heart trusts that I am present in your path in order to guide you towards this expected pathway, the pathway of purification.
In many souls this will happen in different ways, for this, keep the neutrality and peace in order to being able to transcend the new times that are coming.
The path of perfection is achieved through the principle of purification, remember that the liberation from your whole being will happen in different cycles. It is the Will of God that you learn to grow slowly and to comprehend each aspect of your being in order to be able to mature in Christ.
Remember that forgiveness exists and that it can unlock the padlock that ties many chains. In this way, you will be free when you simply ask of heart and in prayer for inner liberation.
Now, walk in confidence, the purification of everything will show at these times the direct pathway to purity. For this, My Maternal Heart donates itself in order to help all those who aspire to truly find Christ and His Mercy.
Today I am present in the simple hearts, seeking in all My children a greater scale of consecration. On the so expected day of the inner freedom will happen the fusion with Christ and a new stage will begin in the life of all of those who have been patient and constant before the tests of the inner world.
Faith will allow you to raise every inner state and thus, you will be able to start again in the name of peace. Pray with Me in absolute trust.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who guides you to the eternal consecration,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Like a flower that opens itself at dawn with the rays of the sun, in this way your hearts can open themselves to the conversion into beauty and love. One only needs a single requirement in order to live it and fulfill it: that every day you be persistent, and have faith in that which you will achieve.
In this way, children, your impurities will be purified and your senses will be consecrated to the Divine Laws. Live, then, the meaning of a new life, redeemed in the name of love and of mercy.
But while you walk in conversion do not allow, children, that your hearts be closed by all the challenges that you may live; you are passing through a cycle of transition, and it is there where peace must play its principle part in the critical times.
Children of Mine, I am your Mother and I accompany you to the sacred temple of the heart, in which My Son lives in perpetual communion within the souls of the world. Repair your lives every day; feel the eternal joy of being redeemed by the Love of Christ. In this way you will build the new consciousness, redeemed and forgiven by the Son of God
Dear children, the times that are approaching the planet will indicate to you moments of purification, but also a cycle of conversion and of the ultimate Mercy. Now is the moment to unite yourself to My Beloved Son, letting Him transfigure you so that the new model of redemption and of peace may emerge, the new wineskin of the heart redeemed by Christ.
Your Mother congregates you in prayer so that all may be possible.
I thank you for answering My call!
Who conducts you through the path of conversion and of peace,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I will deliver every last petal of the rose that I hold inside Me so that the ignorance of humankind may be dissipated.
As the pure and maternal Love born from the Essence of God, I come to the world to heal what is incurable, to overcome what is invincible, to overthrow what is unshakeable and which separates the creatures from their Creator.
In this final time, I will spare no effort or words to awaken the human heart and definitively remove it from darkness, from the ignorance in which it permanently lives.
Children, I will move everything, within and outside the hearts, so that the proud may live in humility, the arrogant in renunciation, the egoists in service, and those who ignore and deny the existence of God may have all evil dissipated from their eyes and hearts.
As long as there is still the intercession of hearts in the world, I will always act. As long as there is still one heart that truly prays, I will always be here.
The day of the end of the darkness of the world approaches, and all the roots of evil that dwell within beings will be uprooted by the power of My Love and Divine Justice. You will feel that the ground trembles, the interior does not sustain itself, that the spirit is troubled and the soul cannot support the clarity of My Light, but be persistent and trust in My Heart.
You will see that many of those who appeared to be brave soldiers will give up their armor; others will fight with opposing armies. Let not the example of those who do not follow Me be a reason to disrupt your paths.
You will see an evil that you did not know existed emerge within yourselves. Simply hold on tight to My divine hands and reaffirm your consecration to My Heart because I will sustain you in this purification and, although I allow you to be tested and that you confirm yourselves on this path towards the Light, I will always accompany you silently.
I will speak intense Words that will make the enemy lose his reign within the human heart. I will overthrow the arrogant and proud spirit, not to mistreat it, but so that it learns, once and for all, the path to humility.
I will allow you to live great loss in human eyes, but to God they will be unique opportunities to divest of yourselves and follow only one path. I will banish the illusion from My soldiers and I will make them mature before the Plans of the Creator.
At My side will remain only a few who will completely respond to My call, but with these, I will keep the doors of redemption open for all humanity.
It is time to define your paths, knowing that the consequences of your choices will not be seen in this world, but rather after this life.
For many, the end of everything will appear to be a great failure, and those who enjoyed the illusion of matter will exalt themselves for having chosen the path of the pleasures of the world. But, when Heaven opens before the doors of hell and Divine Justice indicates the new paths, you will then feel the merits of all sacrifice and all renunciation achieved in this life.
I do not want to cause you fear, but it is time to be true to yourselves so that you may live the awakening.
Become mature in the times that are approaching.
I will guide you as long as you say yes to Me and, with the decisions of life, you demonstrate that you respond to My call.
My blessing will be perpetuated on this sacred ground of the New Earth, an earth that must live a new cycle of maturation and inner decision. Thus, you will demonstrate to the world the miracle of love and redemption.
I trust in your hearts and know that you will follow My paths.
Your Most Holy Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
Discover purity and its fount in the heart and reach it through the path of prayer.
Do not look towards the abysses of the consciousness, go ahead in the search for the fountain of the heart’s purity. Do not detain yourself in the paths of thought. Do not drown in the lakes of sentiment.
Go ahead in the search for the source of the heart’s purity, there you will be free. Keep on walking in confidence; prayer is the torch that guides you towards the fountain of the heart’s purity.
If you fall on the stony path of your own faults, an angel will extend His hand to you; trust and go ahead searching for the fountain the heart’s purity. Walk without fear, may no evil invade you, remember the resplendent fire of prayer that guides you to the fountain of the of the heart’s purity.
Do you see it at the distance? It is not so far, that is the source of the heart’s purity. Look how it shines. It is fresh and pure water, it is chaste and clean, it is the fountain of the heart’s purity.
Do not discourage yourself, there are few steps left; may your feet be very firm to get to the fountain of the heart’s purity.
Do you see Me sitting in front of the fountain? I am the Guardian of all fountains of purity in the hearts. There, exist no debts, only love reigns; let this love transform the sins of your consciousness.
Feel free, you are already in front of it, get to closely know the fountain of the heart’s purity. Let your Mother from Heaven cleanse you completely, let Her purify your stains through Her Grace.
I am the Mother of the Most Pure Fountain of the Heart of God. Now you are clean by the rays of My Grace. Surrender to My arms and sleep on My lap, I am the fountain that cures the heart.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who guides you to the Fountain of the Love of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Your consecrated essences, like roses in My garden, can express the honor of feeling loved by God in spite of the times of purification that you are going through.
For this, children, day by day I come to encourage you on the path of conversion, something that you must work every day by means of a sincere prayer and a true service for your fellow humans.
It is this way, children, that your steps will enlarge in order to reach the aim and thus you will not face the abysses of consciousness, because your heart will already be as donated as Mine to you.
Therefore, children, let us build in each interior a great fortress that will be supported by the love and by the unity of always seeking the perfect communion with the Creator. As your Mother, I teach you to give a little more of yourselves every day so that your consciousnesses, out of love for all of humanity, may embrace the path of sacrifice and redemption that My Son offers to you, just as He once did for you.
Your prayers are heard when your consciousnesses embrace the path of sacrifice for others; in this way, a part of this world will not become lost nor will it succumb.
I thank you for answering My call!
Who teaches you how to donate yourselves from the heart,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I wish all the time, from heart and soul, that all My children may someday know the great Love of God because it was this Love and Mercy that brought each one of you into the world at the perfect level of need.
Therefore, children, while you face the first steps of a late purification, I invite you again to cling to the great Love of Adonai, a Love that rebuilds the universes and the wounded hearts. Without this Love of God, nothing would be possible in these times.
It is this love, My children, that has made you mature and grow, to thus, assume your redemption on this planet.
Learn to live and search for forgiveness, because it is forgiveness that will lead you to love, and love will make you find the so necessary and urgent Mercy in this time of chaos.
My children, your Heavenly Mother helps you to become aware that without the Love of God you will not be able to overcome the tests nor the cycles of intense and accelerated purification.
The love of God takes you to peace, therefore I surrender My Heart of Mother so you are able to feel and experience it as part of your lives.
For this, children, banish your self-love, human love that controls and deteriorates all that it touches.
I come at this time to convert earthly love into a sublime love, purer and healthier each day.
Therefore, My dear children, your real permission will allow new divine Laws to reform your lives so that you can start to live in the ocean of the Love of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who guides you to the universe of the Love of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
Today I bring to the world the Light of My Immaculate Heart, mainly to reveal the most profound mysteries of the universe.
I know that for many of you it is difficult to understand the amplitude of My task in the world, which I perform through My instruments, the visionaries.
Today, I tell you, children, that it is so and has always been so. See and believe, with eyes of humility and of trust, that the Mother of God arrived in Aurora to spread an important Message of Peace outside of the traditional Church of My Son.
Your Father needs My Presence to be more known, for the believers as well as for the non-believers. This is how your Celestial Mother has approached you, for many years, to give to the world the last key of salvation, which is the prayer of the heart.
If in truth many of you already prayed from the heart, not placing any mental impediment, you could feel inside of you that eight years of work would not be done by any being of this Earth, no matter how much holiness they manifested.
Children, the only power is with the Celestial Father and it is from Him that the works for the whole universe are manifested; without His permission and without His divine consent nothing would be possible.
Thus, I show you that through obedience there is guidance and protection, especially in the face of the deceptions of My adversary, who will always try to make you indifferent to all that is divine and pure.
But do not fear, dear children, receive with My Peace the time of your purification which will place you before all that must be transformed in time. Thus, you will be cleansed from all and free of any stain.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who guides you to awareness of the Truth.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more