Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from Santiago de Compostela, Spain, in Lourdes, France, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Whoever has lost their faith or has been wounded by some human cause, will always doubt the action or the mystery of God.

This form of faith must be healed by a greater Grace, able to restore and to dissolve this wound.

In these times, the action of the adversary tries to alter the faith of the souls, through situations or unpleasant experiences that modify in the soul all that it believed.

For this reason, prayer and regular confession with Christ allows that certain events and experiences, that debilitate the faith of a consciousness, can be healed.

In this way, experiencing the profound healing of the faith of humanity, the charism of prayer, for example, will solve the deficiencies that the souls may have after having gone through certain events.

In this sense, if there is this possibility of healing the faith that was wounded or damaged by human beings, the soul, that has gone through this experience, will be freed from placing obstacles and objections where there are none or in other places that resemble reality.

In these times it is necessary that the souls place their living faith in the sublime space of Heaven.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Santiago de Compostela, La Coruña, Spain, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

When the soul is purified, it consecrates itself more and more to God, and His divine and infinite Plan is carried out on the surface.

When the soul is purified, it gains more spiritual strength to face the new changes.

When the soul is purified, it disconnects from everything that ties it to the past and to its ancient story.

When the soul is purified, it frees itself from everything that binds it to its conscious and unconscious plane.

When the soul is purified, it finds the path towards the light, and especially towards its divine essence.

When the soul is purified, it is much more able to resist the planetary transition.

When the soul is purified, it can experience more peace.

To go through purification is a school and a state that helps to place the consciousness on a higher level.

Purification, supported by prayer, opens doors to the new, to the sacred.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I come to the world to free it from its ties, to remove it from its prisons, to carry all My children into an eternal awakening.

I come to the world to return the hope lost by the human heart, to give spiritual life to everything that is already inwardly dead.

I come to the world to plant the seeds of the New Humanity and to carry My children to submerge into the Source of Purification.

I come to the world to testify to Love so this Love may be alive among creatures that do not yet love each other.

I come to the world to help dissolve sin and so that joy may return to wounded and saddened hearts.

I come to the world for those who call Me, for those who wait for Me and for those who seek Me in their small lives.

I come to the world for those that cry out for Me, for those who ask God, Our Lord, for a Greater Grace.

I come to bring peace every day and to grant My children the moment for their redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


As a Great Mirror of Light, I illumine your consciousnesses, so you may transcend yourselves, and in this way, you may be strengthened during the time of the purification.

As a Great Mirror of Light, I reflect Divine Life, so it may be recognized and loved by beings from the surface.

As a Great Mirror of Light, I bring the world the possibility of finding again the lost path to the Kingdom of God.

As a Great Mirror of Light, I elevate the mental consciousness of the planet, so it may conceive of evolutionary things in its ideas and projects.

As a Great Mirror of Light, I gather together your souls so they may receive the Gifts and Graces that will bring about the birth of a New Humanity.

As a Great Mirror of Light, I purify, transcend and make sublime everything that is archaic, and in this way, I concretize the Plan of God, establishing peace in the human heart.

Unite with My Great Mirror of Light and the Earth will be transfigured.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


I purify your hands, so they may be free of self and gifted to the All.

I purify your feet with the Water of Life, so they may be clean and free at the moment of walking toward peace.

I purify your hearts, so they may be free of all stain and thus have great and expansive feelings of love.

I purify your eyes, so they may see God in every place.

I purify your ears, so they may inwardly hear the Sacred Word of God as unique and true.

I purify your mouths, so they may pronounce elevated vibrations, and that silence may penetrate into the depths of each being.

I purify each aspect of your beings, so that in the morning you may be free of everything, of any tie or any prison.

I purify, purify and purify in order that your souls govern, and your divine essences emerge into the awareness of each being.

After purifying you, I will definitely consecrate you so that you may be instruments and examples of the total human redemption. That will be the testimonial of the inexplicable victory of your Heavenly Mother in this humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


When the Plan of God is not lovingly accepted, just as the universe of Higher Will presents it, humanity inwardly responds that it is stepping away from Grace and the opportunity for redemption which forgiveness grants it. But when the Plan of God is not accepted by those beings that are more aware, this is the answer though which the entire Purpose will begin to be erased.

This completely superficial and small-minded attitude of the human being limits the development of that Greater Plan, which only seeks a group benefit for all creatures.

For this reason, in this time, a non-acceptance and lack of adherence to all that is being planned through the Spiritual Hierarchy, affirms and confirms, on the part of the human collective, the living of or the experience of a violent and irresistible purification, since that inexplicable opportunity is not being considered, nor is the Grace of living a different Law that could, on its higher level, transform many things.

Thus, the participation or the absence of those within the Plan of Love will bring consequences and results in all senses.

Each soul is responsible for everything coming out in an evolutionary way.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you, with Mercy,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

I am the Lady of the Light and, with the Light that I bring to the world, I completely dispel and purify all forces of chaos.

I am the Lady of the Light and, with the Light I bring to the world, I awaken the Grace of redemption within essences.

I am the Lady of the Light in order to illuminate your paths and consciousnesses until you find, on your own, the gateway to the Celestial House of the Lord.

I am the Lady of the Light and, with the Light that I bring to the world, I draw away My children from imminent danger so that all may awaken to the truth.

I am the Lady of the Light and I expose all that needs to be liberated until the coming of My beloved Son is fulfilled.

I am the Lady of the Light and, in the world, I reflect the Light of My Mirrors so that the race may receive the codes of My Assumption and of My Divinity, codes that will help souls feel worthy before the Lord.

I am the Lady of the Light and, in My Womb of Light, I conceive a New Humanity so that the Project conceived by the Creator may be accomplished.

I thank you for drinking from the Fount of My Maternal Light!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

In these times, God offers you a purification of consciousness so that you may take the steps toward a definite consecration.

In spite of being unknown to everyone, the purification of these times is the impulse of the universe, which is present to take apart the oldest and most resistant structures.

When souls trust, they adhere to this current process of purification and allow themselves to be renewed. The experience becomes milder for the consciousness that has never learned to be purified and to be freed from its own abysses.

On the contrary, if the soul places an inner barrier so that the purification cannot take place, it must unavoidably face the impact of the impulse of the universe, which fosters that purification in these times. The result of this will be a painful experience.

This is why My Son on the Cross taught you how to yield to Greater Will and how to lose your fear of not being able to control everything.

The impulse of purification comes in these times to the human consciousness to place it at another point in its evolution and awakening.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you and loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

To be deserving of all the Graces, first, you must take care of them. This will represent throughout the Universe the true care for the spiritual Gifts that you receive.

The Graces I bring you are not the same as those from the past. Everything renews itself from the moment that God grants an atonement to the soul and to the heart that needs it.

Graces must be protected from the adversary because he will always try to deactivate them within the consciousnesses that had once received them.

Graces are like delicate flowers in a garden, which must be sheltered and protected by your prayers.

They are the greatest treasure that descends from Heaven in these times, even though humanity is indifferent to how much it receives through Divine Providence.

I would like those of My children who are closest to Me to be guardians of all the Graces that I give to souls because, in truth, I tell you, that in the face of the time of purification that approaches, that source of Grace will cease upon the whole planet so that souls may offer to God the Gifts they received directly from His Heart and, thus, the great moment of the redemption of humanity may arrive.

Be attentive to the times that are approaching, because, in this way, you will be prepared.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you in Love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My beloved children,

The end of these times, and the purification of souls, requires that the servers of Christ assume missions and tasks that have not been foreseen. For this, My children, the Lord prepares you all through sacrifice and inner surrender so that you may take the steps and thus, the Plan may be fulfilled.

Whoever opposes to realize that Divine Will will suffer much, and that which was already resistant will resist more, until the glorious blow of the sword of Christ breaks the structures. Therefore, at this time, My children, I invite you to seek the essence of inner humility so that you, who will have to face your own transformations in these difficult times, manage to find inner resources to do so.

Therefore, My children, the time has come to place yourselves on the step that corresponds to each one and not try to move forward by skipping the rules of the Law of the Hierarchy. Obedience will protect you from yourselves, and when you do not fulfill it, everything becomes more fragile.

Encourage yourselves to say yes to the arrival of Divine Justice and you will soon be able to transform yourselves into that which My Son has been expecting for so long. Be simple and you will see born the humility that will be the shield against all adversity. Do not forget to follow My steps.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who educates you spiritually,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

May peace reign in times of hostility, and may unity build the bridges between consciousnesses and God, so that all prodigies and Graces may descend on souls.

Dear children, may peace reign in the times of hostility, so that the whole planet may be purified in a greater harmony, and may become liberated from the chains that humankind of the surface has imposed on it by means of the degradation and of the mistreatment of the Kingdoms of Nature.

Dear children, may peace reign in the times of hostility, so that every being on the surface of the Earth may recognize and accept the time of their redemption, so that each essence may commune again with the Celestial Father.

Dear children, may peace reign in the times of hostility, so that all may recognize themselves as worthy children of God; may souls serve the Plan of God out of love, and in the giving of self and surrender may all hearts be able to take the step towards a definitive union with Creation.

May peace reign in the times of hostility, so that all may be rebuilt!

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who supports you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Every day, dear children, I try to have the world become aware of what it is going through in this time, and of the perfect formula of prayer, as a means to liberate and unblock planetary processes.

Through the prayer of the heart, which is worked with every day, souls gain access to luminous and divine codes that help them take their steps and gradually overcome the obstacles that present themselves on the spiritual path and in their own purification.

It is in this way that, from time to time, when I descend to the planet, I remind humanity that the way out of certain worldwide situations and problems is found in prayer, even though it does not seem to be so.

True prayer will place any soul, under any condition, in the Arms of God, and, thus, the soul will be able to be fulfilling Divine Will.

I wish that all of My children could recognize, in this time, the inner transformation that they have experienced since the moment in which they assumed the path of prayer as a means of redemption and of transcendence.

I leave this reminder for all, because the power of prayer in the end of times will be indispensable and necessary.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who contemplates you with love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My children,

The Divine Messengers have reached places on the planet where perdition and evil reign.

At this time, We send our missionaries to these places which are the most difficult, so that they may help us generate a powerful channel of liberation, capable of redeeming the most impossible things in the world.

While your Heavenly Mother makes them face these difficult realities of the human condition, at the same time the missionaries face their own inner processes so that through them they may become detached from the conditions that have made of humanity a decadent civilization.

For this reason, I ask you today to light the inner ray of neutrality in your hearts, so that all that is within and outside of yourselves may be purified in a harmonious and peaceful way without the need of coming to conflict or blame.

Each servant soul at this time will also learn to bear their own inner and outer conditions, and they will also have to deal with the different situations, experiences never lived before, to the point of knowing how to neutralize them through high degrees of love.

In this way, along with Me, I encourage you to loosen this very long chain of human mistakes. Through faith and Divine Mercy all will be resolved. Know that I am with you now and always; I do not abandon you.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who contemplates you in Mercy,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Like a sun that lights up essences and souls, we come to this world in this way. Like a pure light that comes from a Greater Light, today we kindle your souls, your spirits, your lives, so that they may be like a lamp in this world, in this nation and beyond it.

Today we have come as the Sacred Family of Nazareth to renew the principle of the families of this world. Together with the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the little Heart of Jesus, we are here to make your lives sacred, so that, again and again, you remember the true archetype you must manifest as humanity. If we still come to the world, it is because it is possible, children, that this archetype be expressed and you be carriers of divine perfection.

Today we are here as a hope, as an encouragement, because we know that many human hearts have already lost the hope of seeing a new world manifest itself and they believe it is a Utopia that this Earth can consecrate itself to God.

Look around you and do not see only the miseries, do not see only the spiritual and material poverty of humankind; do not see only the riches in the hands of a few, the great arrogance and the great misery of the human heart. Look at those beside you, see how they fervently pray, how today they opened the doors of Heaven so that Those Who were here more than two thousand years ago could return.

In this way, children, see that a celestial mystery exists that humanity still does not understand. An inner mystery exists that is hidden from yourselves. The truth is still silent, hidden in your hearts, that truth that makes you invincible and makes you capable of anything. When you fervently pray and when you are united with God, you can feel a drop of what you are in essence, you can feel that a vast universe exists, within and outside of you, that brings you great possibilities of life, of spiritual life, of divine life.

As the Sacred Family, we came to meet with you so that you may recognize that path of return to the Father, that you may find strength, the inner fortitude to persevere in the sacred and, through your own example, disseminate the life consecrated to the Father.

The despair in this world is born from the fact that chaos and evil are seen by all eyes, because they live by appearances, deceit and lies, and the truth and the good are hidden, showing themselves only to the eyes of the pure and those who enter into their own heart and strive every day to live them.

However, a drop of light overcomes all the darkness on this planet. An act of love destroys a war. A true prayer, said humbly, with the yielding of the human heart, causes the plans of darkness to disappear and does not allow certain things to manifest in this world.

However, the human heart has learned to live from appearances and only believes in what is expressed before their eyes, and what the mind can understand and verify. This is the greatest deceit, My children, that humanity lives, because the Mystery of God, as I have told you, is silent although powerful, because it unites with the Consciousness of the One, He Who created all things, He Who with a breath defeats all the evils of this world.

With everything I am telling you today, I want to draw you a little closer to what you truly are. I want you to feel and live every day what you felt yesterday and today when you prayed from your heart.

May that hope of seeing God be able to grow in your lives, and may prayer bring you ever closer to the truth and pull you away from the deviations that you once followed, which, as humanity, brought you to this point.

Through you, My children, we came to heal an ancient past, so that you may understand that with the simplicity of your hearts, we can perform great miracles, which in truth are miracles because you do not know the truth, because you do not know the true potential of your hearts.

Many do not believe in what we speak of, because day after day they become lost in their miseries and in the impossibility of persevering on this path. But if we are here today, children, it is because you can respond to this call, because you can consecrate the ground on which you live and have the Plan of God triumph.

Today, in front of your eyes, we are three, a simple, humble Family, which in the mystery of Its home, transformed the destiny of humanity and of all the universe, of all Creation. And in front of Our eyes, you are thousands, simple souls that must still unveil the secrets of God about themselves.

In front of Our eyes We see the transparency of your spirits and of your hearts, the possibility that God will manifest His Plan on Earth and in all the cosmos, the possibility that this wait will end which all of Creation is experiencing, of seeing Divine Love triumph.

In front of Our eyes, We contemplate your essences, We contemplate the potential for Love that one day expressed itself on the Cross and that today must be expressed in the calvary of this world.

One day, Divine Love emerged from the Heart of a Man who, today, expresses Himself to you as a child. That Love was born of His striving, of His sacrifice, of the struggle He overcame against Himself and against all evil.

Now, children, the universe waits for that same love to be born in your essences, through your striving, through the daily surrender of your sacrifice, through your perseverance in overcoming yourselves, in the simplest things, for I will not ask you for great things, I will not ask of you  great martyrdom, flagellation, crown of thorns, or death on a cross.

I will ask you to love your brothers and sisters as they are, to say 'no' to all anger, all criticism, to all value judgments.

I will ask you to renounce the pleasures and distractions of this world a little more each day. I will ask you to offer your purification and that you not complain so much, when, in truth, you receive everything from God.

I will ask you to be more grateful and that, on your knees, you pray to God every day, thanking the Father for the Graces you have received and asking Him for those who have nothing, neither in body nor in spirit; asking for those who are ignorant, for the indifferent, for the Kingdoms of Nature. I will ask you to help those Kingdoms, that you pray for them, that you pray with them, that you serve them, that you respect them as Creations of God, as bearers of the Divine Presence in the world; that you learn with them about a love that is also unique, which multiplies the love that exists in your souls.

I will ask, children, that each day you give something of yourselves to a fellow being. It is in this way that the cross of the world is carried.

With those very simple things, I lead you to God. I know that even with this, in spite of the simplicity of My Words, at this time it is difficult to defeat the human condition. That is why we are here, that is why every day we give you so many Graces, so many blessings, we give you so many opportunities to stand up after each fall. It is for this reason that Our hands are always stretched out to humanity and that, in spite of the flagellation that the Heart of God still experiences because of human actions, the Creator still allows Us to come to this world.

But I ask you from My Heart, with the humility of My Divine Heart, that you persevere, that you recognize your difficulties, but that you not hold on to them. Hold on firmly, children, to those instances in which a pure love can emerge from you.

And in this way, help Us to free this world from all the errors of the past. With these very simple actions, you change yesterday's errors. When you love and accept your brothers and sisters, you are bringing balance to all the faults committed yesterday through the lack of understanding of the human heart, through its inability to accept the different cultures and expressions of souls.

The divine mystery is immense and sometimes incomprehensible to the human mind; thus, before you try to understand, I ask you to experience and live every day this divine way of love, be it with your fellow being, with the Kingdoms of Nature, or in the silence of your own heart, be it in an intimate prayer with God.

With this very simple lesson, I come to take you out of yourselves a little, so that I can thus expand the liberation of this world, of this nation and all the beings that are listening to Us today. Because hearts take Us beyond this place, each home that opens its door to Us, also opens the door of their nation and offers humanity a further opportunity to reach God.

Now I will ask you to sing and cry out for peace, so that the portals of the Kingdom of God may open, and that what we came to do in this world may be done, not only by Us, but through the intercession of the human heart. Cry out for peace for all souls, for all the Kingdoms, for the whole planet.


And today I offer you a greater liberation and salvation of this world and of the whole universe: it is the Body and the Blood of My Son, given for you and for all the Creation of God. May that Grace multiply for all souls and for all the Kingdoms.

My small Child lifts up His Hands and blesses these elements so that they may be converted into a source of transformation for souls and of liberation for this world.

 Our Father in Aramaic.

May the Peace of Christ, of Mary, and of My Chaste Heart be in your lives and on the whole planet.

I thank you for being here and for multiplying these Graces for all of humanity. Pray, children, so that this doorway of peace continue to expand and broaden, so that more souls find God.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Continue in peace and with the hope of being reborn in spirit and of being one with God.

I thank you.

At this moment, Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón shared the daily Message transmitted by the Virgin Mary on this same day, November 19, 2016.


When a spiritual and divine door opens in consciousnesses that had been asleep, other doors open through the universal impulse that the first door delivers.

At that moment the principle of purification begins to manifest, and consciousnesses are led to know the process that they will have to face in its entirety.

Thus, everything that is a part of the debts is drawn towards the consciousness of those who at last have decided to tread the path of the spirit so that, in this way, everything may be liberated.

In this sense, when the consciousnesses that already serve in a continuous manner undergo this experience, they are led to face the process of their purification in a universal way.

When the scales of life and debts is out of balance, it means that consciousnesses will go through an intense experience, which will lead them into defining themselves within the Plan of Love and of Light.

At this time, the Hierarchy offers humanity the opportunity of balancing its paths and of following the only path of the evolution of consciousness.

This will cause all to be exposed within a consciousness. We must therefore pray and become more peaceful.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The reward of the servant of God is eternal service. The Creator renews His servants in the act of serving, and the certainty of being fulfilled by His Plan nourishes them.

Children, the great school of the Disciples of Christ in these times is eternal renunciation. However, I speak of renunciation of the things of this world, of the conveniences and pleasures that humanity as a whole has efforted much to maintain.

Those who fear renunciation, in truth, have never come to know the grace of serving God, because it is by renouncing all that is temporary that you may find what is eternal and nourishes the soul, body and spirit, making you full in God, beyond the appearances of the world.

Those who want to sustain themselves during their own purification must find their peace in renouncing all results concerning themselves, because they suffer much, those who every day look at their wound and do not allow it to heal due to the power of their thoughts about it.

You must recognize that the wounds are there, but in order for the pain to not torment your life and prevent you from doing whatever you are called to do at this time, you have to take your eyes off of yourselves.

Therefore, children, the greater the degree of consecration, the greater must be the renunciation, because a deep surrender will be demanded and you will be lead to live it beyond your own will; but this is not where your consciousness needs to be, because the Plan of God is manifested by undertaking it and not by thinking about it.

Thus, you should know that the one who gives everything will also receive everything, and the one who puts aside their own process, their purification, and even their needs in order to help others, will be rewarded by God and reach the expression of His Plan without noticing it.

For this reason, today I show you the path of service and transcendence and I thank you for trying to overcome yourselves for love to the Plan of the Creator. In this eternal attempt and true aspiration, the Plan is fulfilled. Go ahead.

Your Father and Companion in the path of ascension,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

The inexplicable cycle of peace that I have already spoken about to you, dear children, began on the last eighth of August, and new opportunities for redemption will be opening up for the consciousnesses that most need this.

In this planetary hour, some souls among all those that exist will have the opportunity of receiving a special Grace that will lessen their sins and their faults.

That hour which I refer to is the hour in which the Mercy of My Son will go through a great universal expansion that will draw to itself the most miserable in spirit so they may achieve redemption and be re-inserted upon the path of spiritual evolution.

It is for this reason, My children, that your Heavenly Mother works untiringly so that the greatest number of souls possible recognize the only Kingdom of God and so they draw closer to it as the self-summoned of the Plan.

I ask that, in the same way that you became aware of your awakening, that you have enough love for those souls that will come to straighten their paths toward the Light after having been lost in this world.

Thus, once again, My Son goes in search of those who, for various reasons and circumstances, remained behind, imprisoned in the hands of My adversary.

Now that this cycle of Peace and Grace for granting many things has come, children, I invite you to follow the steps of the last global events that will place humanity upon its axis and consciousness, after all that it has done, deviating throughout these times.

I ask you for that great spirit of peacefulness in order to be able to follow along with your purification and the final purification of your fellow beings, for if you do this, My dear children, it will be the test that you have understood and knew how to live in the Love of God in these times.

I thank you, now and always, for responding to My call!

Who blesses you in Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Do not fear! Do not fear! The truth is announced to the brave hearts, that they are capable of knowing the end times and, even so, accept to live them with the peace of the heart and in deep surrender to God.

Children, why do I reveal to you the final events? Because it is part of your redemption and of your path of transformation in Christ that you are aware of these times, just as My Son knew the Cross He would carry, not only to Calvary, but until the present day.

The passion of these times will be long for many and will forge the inner strength of those who have yet strengthened themselves to fulfill the Will of God.

Nothing will be like the battle you will live after the one thousand years of peace; however, the transition of times and the expiration of ties will allow you to overcome obstacles that will come from beyond this life and beyond this world.

My soldiers are ready to overcome the temptations of the adversary, but what will cost you more, My children, is to overcome within yourselves that which still aspires to live these temptations. Temptation itself will not be your test, but rather the battle with your most human nuclei, which tends to respond to this temptation.

In the previous cycle, you found yourselves in the first hours of Gethsemane, learning to overcome the temptations, to renounce, to surrender your own lives. Now, you are in the last hours of the agony in the garden, in the moment in which My adversary presents to you the temptations of the world and the Creator presents to you the cross.

The great test of these times will be to renounce the worldly pleasures to find in the cross a hidden joy, a victory that is found hidden in the transcendence of self, of suffering, of pain, of the apparent failure; the victory that is found in the experience of forgiveness, humility, compassion, pity, in the abandonment of self; a victory that begins when you say yes to the higher will and you embrace the cross of these times, which is your own purification and transformation so that, through persistence, you can overcome the darkness of your own bodies and of human consciousness as a whole , so that light can emerge and triumph in every space of your beings.

My children, the Bread has already been broken at the Table of the Lord; you already know the need to surrender your own life, for the love of your brothers and sisters who live in ignorance, and for the triumph of the Creator in each human essence. The first temptations have already been overcome. Many can now stand the solitude of this Gethsemane of current times, and others are learning to find the true fortitude in God, and not in humankind, nor in humanity itself.

Now, the time has come for you to say yes, the last yes, the definitive yes.

Soon the Pharisees will come into their lives, into the planetary consciousness, represented by the currents which will descend through the battle between chaos and Divine Light, and they will definitively place the human consciousness in its passion, in planetary transition, in the moment of carrying the cross and transcending all appearances, to overcome, through faith, the tests that will present themselves.

My beloved soldiers and children so dear, always strengthen yourselves in My gaze, in My presence because I will accompany the Calvary of these times.

It will be My Pity that, united with the forgiveness of your hearts, will open new doors for human evolution; it will renew the principle of Mercy in a new Divine Attribute, which will not only convert the errors of consciousnesses and individuals but of entire civilizations.

This Divine Attribute will generate merits not only for the redemption of the human race but also of all consciousnesses that, in all the Cosmos, open themselves to this supreme transformation and reconciliation with God.

The triumph of the Creator in the human heart, in an entire race, will announcement the greatest miracle of love in all Creation. This triumph will generate a universal redemption.

Finally, the trumpets of the one thousand years of peace will sound, so that the new army can be formed and, under great degrees of love, may prepare itself for the final battle, before the supreme Triumph of God.

Feel within My Words the importance of life on Earth, the importance of life for each of you, and go forward proclaiming the Will and the Plan of God, accepting this Plan with love, beyond the appearances and the challenges through which it will place you.

Always say yes and do not look back. Find the strength to go forward in the Peace of My Immaculate Heart.

I will always accompany you from calvary to the resurrection and in the thousand years of peace.

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace



Patience in transformation and in your own purification is primary. Remember that you are before a human condition that degenerated throughout the centuries and you are before codes that emerge from your consciousnesses to be transformed, and they even go past life on Earth, for their roots are in the Universe.

Always remember that the One Who came to the world to give you an example was the Son of the Living God and He had to suffer the evils of the Earth and transmute the atavisms of humanity to open the path for you.

The transcendence of the human matter of Jesus started since His gestation until His last breath on the Cross. If the Living God worked in each instant of His life to culminate with His lesson of love, do not expect it to be different for you. How do you want to sanctify your bodies and souls if you are only beginning to understand this path now?

The Son of God was aware of universal life and its mysteries; He knew all the cosmic sciences because He was one with The One Who created them; and even so, in order to free the fear of His last Cell and experience love in full with all the levels of His Consciousness, He had to reach the Cross and forgive everything that He had experienced up to there.

Children, you have a long way to go to reach perfection. Do not be in a hurry, be patient. However, be constant and persistent and do not become comfortable in the fact that transformation will last you a lifetime.

Yes, the absolute transformation will take your whole life, but every day you must achieve a new step, so that at the end of this life you may be worthy of reaching other celestial worlds and dimensions that bring you closer to God.

The transformation will last a lifetime because evolution is eternal and not because you will always be in the same place. Each day, a new understanding and a new step must occur, based on permanent effort. Do not worry whether you take long or short steps, because each day and each cycle will lead you to a different step.

What really matters is that you do not stop and that you be constant.

Open yourselves every day so that the Love of God may transform you and withdraw a little of yourselves from your own consciousness so as to give space to Love and the divine Presence.

Each day, remove an object of your inner dwelling place to make room for the Celestial Dweller that will come one day. At some point, you will have the house empty and clean to receive Him.

Your father and long-standing friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I have come from Heaven to bring you My Peace and My Hope.

This is a reason for My Joy on seeing so many children that are being consecrated to My Heart, to have My plan triumph in the world, which are the Plans of God, in this humanity and on this planet.

Today I open the doors of the Heavens for each one of you, My children, so that you can enter, in consciousness and in devotion, the Great Kingdom of Fatima that waits to awaken the original purity in you.

You know, My children, that Europe has need of this purity. This purity must be in all the hearts that live here, so that the Work of My Son can continue forward.

Do not get tired, dear children, of listening to My words, for today I bring you the sign of My star of Light, the star that indicates the new time in humanity and that I once made appear in Fatima, at the foot of My Mantle.

This star indicates that the time of the purification of hearts is coming, so that, clean of every stain, you can be able to enter into the Kingdom of God and never again be separated from the truth that dwells in the higher worlds.

Dear children, today I finish My pilgrimage through Europe. And from this moment on, I will be sowing a new cycle when I return here once again, to embrace you and console you, so that your hearts may definitely be healed and apply for this Redeeming Work that My Son offers to each human heart.

In the same way, dear children, that I am united to each one of you and, through My words, am preparing your true consecration, I am united to each of My children of the world, to each light that emerges from each Marian Center and that unites to My Heart in this moment, so that My Work can spiritually expand in the world, and in this way, in all the souls that most need it.

It is in this way, dear children, that through your souls and hearts, I am weaving this Light Network that is expanding throughout the continents of this planet, to reinforce the alliance of hearts with God and so with His Divine Purpose, which I come to lovingly offer to each one of you today.

Extending My Hands to you, I again pour out My Graces, just as I poured them out in Argentina, a Grace for each one of you; what you most need in this life and for this spiritual path that I invite you to experience with Me, through prayer and the faith that your hearts must profess today, as the greatest testimony of love of the triumph of My Immaculate Heart here in Portugal and in Europe.

I come to this city once again to tell My hearts, My little children, who have already been initiated in this spiritual task for so many years, that you must renew, that you must take the step, so that many more souls can approach here; and that not only Portugal may receive the Grace of My Heart, but all the souls that are in Europe, waiting for this awakening, for that definite step, which they came to experience in this incarnation.

It is in this way, My dear children, that My star of Light rests at the foot of My Mantle and reveals that sign to all.

The New Christs must wake up, be the new legionnaires of the Lord, live His Word, His Testimony of Love, His Purpose in each one of you. It is in this way that you will transmit to the whole planet this spiritual impulse that I bring you today through the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Dear children, the hour has come for you to sign that spiritual document in the sacred book of My Heart, where your names have been written since a long time ago, so that, together with Me, united with Christ, your Lord, we may accomplish this Redeeming Work of the end of times.

I need you to leave your homes to seek the hearts that are most in need of Light; I need you to be My arms and My hands in this hour, to carry forward this Work of the Redemption of souls.

Your hearts are full of instructions, for you have received them over the years, through My faithful Son, whom I brought for you, so that you would be able to grow inwardly and learn to live in brotherhood.

Dear children, do what I ask and you will not repent (regret it). Souls must draw even closer to My Heart, to be the light in these times of darkness. For this reason, I bring and present this purpose to you, a divine purpose in the Eyes of God, which must be accomplished by each one of you.

It is thus, dear children, that My Work will not only be in the Americas, but also beyond Europe, for I wish to reach the hearts of Asia, of the Far East, who need My Voice, an Embrace, My Consolation, My Heart, My Light, to be able to continue walking in this crucial time of the planet.

You have that commitment, dear children, as European consciousnesses, to open the doors for those hearts that are so far away.

It will be the language of your hearts, the love of your spirits and souls that will open the doors for all those hearts, for there are still, dear children, many souls that must deeply know Me.

I am not only the Virgin Mary, I am the Mother of the world, I am the Greater Governor, I am the one Who rules your lives and souls, I am the shepherdess that leads the flocks of My Son toward the Temple of the Heart.

That is why I am here today, renewing your vows before leaving for the Americas, to meet all My children and unite all the hearts of South America and of the world at the Marian Center of Aurora, where the ninth year will be experienced with everyone, the anniversary on which My Consciousness definitively came into your lives.

Nine cycles will be completed and new doors will open so that hearts may be guided toward their purpose.

My wish, dear children, is that you accompany Me in this great summons that I am issuing for you to be with Me at the Marian Center of Aurora, receiving a little more inner healing for your spirits, for all your peers, for all the consciousness of the planet, which so needs servants of peace, warriors of My Heart, who in their forbearance, may achieve redemption.

Opening the doors of the Kingdom of Fatima, I congregate hearts in the Love of God and all those who join this moment, so that in this beloved Europe, peace may be experienced and professed as the purpose for these times.

Today I come as the Lady of the Great Star, to show you My Sign of Light that is still to be revealed in the simple hearts that lovingly follow My steps, with the living of prayer, of Peace, of Service, and of Love. An absolute love that fills you, renews you, redeems you, that uplifts you to the Heart of the Celestial Father.

I am that Lady of the Great Star, who brings to all the revelation of the Universe, of the true Consciousness, the One Consciousness of your Father that is still not known to the world.

Fatima is a preparation for that moment. I thus bring continuity to My Work in this time.

After having opened the doors in Medjugorje, here, dear children, I bring continuity to My spiritual Work so that souls may be consistent with God, and just as I have requested throughout time, through various visionaries, humanity may be able to accomplish what in truth it came to do, so that the New Humanity may be born.

It is through the children who are being consecrated today, just as those who have already consecrated themselves through the apparitions, month after month, time after time and cycle after cycle; I thus institute, dear children, the seeds of the New Humanity that will sprout in the next time. This is the sign that My great star brings, the promise that will, at last, be fulfilled in each one of My children, as long as you are consistent with all that I request of you.

You, dear children, are part of My celestial and worldly Work. You are pieces of this great puzzle that I come to put together again in the world, after My adversary destroyed it.

I come to concretize the true purpose for your souls in your lives, the task that you must carry out with Me in this universal summons that I issue for all today.

And this moment that you share with My Immaculate Heart will also serve for those who will be consecrated in the future, taking on their faithful commitment to Me to make all efforts to accomplish My designs, to accomplish the Will of our God, of the Most High Father.

On this tree I leave the presence of My Love for all the Kingdoms of Nature. Here I leave the sign, on this small tree, that the Kingdoms must be revered and that they also need your prayers.

You, dear children, as a single race, are here and have been here up to this time, in this planet so loved by us, because the Younger Kingdoms have generated that Grace for all.

You know that they greatly suffer the consequences of human actions, the destruction, the blasphemy, everything that humankind does against their evolution. And even so, dear children, they continue to give of themselves because of you and for you until the end of times, until My Son returns.

Tell the unjust human beings not to destroy Nature, to take care of the Kingdoms, that they do not assassinate the whales.

They, dear children, are destroying the evolution of the Creation of God and that is one of My profound pains because of the lack of consciousness, above all because of the lack of love.

Tell all of Europe, and beyond it, to take care of the Younger Kingdoms, to sow codes of light through service to each one of them. In that way, on the day of the final Judgment, you will not be judged because the Mercy of My Heart will have acted.

Have you asked yourselves at some time, dear children, why do I long so much to be over the trees? I leave you this symbol to meditate upon.

A tree represents the Wisdom of God and you, as unconscious human beings, destroy that spiritual wisdom that the Plant Kingdom reveals to the world.

Many of those who are not here today, who were forerunners of that destruction throughout time, became aware of all this after having left the Earth.

I pray for them, for the souls of purgatory, so that they may reach the Light of the Celestial Kingdom.

Let yourselves, dear children, not follow the same paths. Warn all hearts, mainly the most unjust, that they are in time to change their attitude.

The whales cry because of the consequences of humankind. Remember that I Am the Mother of the world, Mother Nature.

And when Nature is destroyed by humankind, you are destroying My Consciousness. But My Love, which is more infinite, powerful than all the errors of the world, brings the Grace of awakening your consciousnesses and the consciousnesses of your brothers and sisters for this magnificent Work of Redemption of the hearts of all the beings of the Earth.

Let us pray.

Mother of Heaven, Mother Earth, intercede for us and for the Kingdoms.

One more.

Mother of Heaven, Mother Earth, intercede for us and for the Kingdoms. Amen.

Remember that the whales are the mother consciousness for the planet. In their original purity and their innocence, they embrace all the beings of the Earth; because they balance the oceans, and also all the mental consciousnesses. Remember this instruction.

And now, dear children, together with My angels, let us celebrate this moment of consecration for taking on this commitment to Me, to be carriers of My Peace and of My Grace for all of humanity that  needs it so much.

And thus, I will bless the sacred objects you have brought to My Altar so that they may be given to those who most need them. In this way, you will work on your detachment, because My Grace will fill you beyond the objects.

Be merciful, as the Father is Merciful with you.

Carry peace to all those who need it and do not forget that a fellow being must be first in your lives.

Let those who will be consecrated today as "Children of Mary" come here.

While the doors are still opening, sing the hymn of your consecration.

Flowers of light are poured out...

Three Hail Marys...

My very dear children, today I leave the Grace of My Heart so that it may take shape in your lives as the greatest testimony of your change and as a response of your hearts to the call of My Son, Jesus Christ.

By the authority the Father has granted Me and from all the choirs of Lys with all the angels of Heaven, I bless each one of your hearts and families, establishing peace and the good in each one of My children, the renewal and hope of all the hearts of Europe, so that you may fulfill the purpose of following the path toward your freedom and redemption at the moment when My Son returns, glorious and victorious among the clouds.

I place My hand over your heads, praying to My Son.

I thank you for responding to My summons and for being carriers of the celestial peace that it is possible to live in these times.

I love you, bless you, and embrace you.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

And now, being consecrated, proclaim this hymn in union with all the "Children of Mary" in the four corners of this world.

Go in peace.

I thank you for having helped Me to fulfill this pilgrimage and remember that I promise to return, when God so decides.

I thank you!


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
