When in service to God through humanitarian missions, those who serve and those who are helped allow the descent of the flow of Divine Mercy, and within a social or humanitarian situation, the service done from the heart transcends material and intellectual boundaries, since it is done for the common good and for the benefit of the equilibrium and harmony of all.
In this time, all forms of service to humanity, no matter how small they may seem, favors the action of spiritual Laws that, through the service of love, counteract future disasters and maladjustments of the nations of the world.
So the service for humanity, which in truth is in the most need, creates new conditions so that the energy of Divine Mercy can intervene for the benefit of all.
Humanitarian service purifies the consciousness that offers to help others. Also, that service done for the love of God awakens a sense of maturity and of personal responsibility in the consciousness in the face of scenes of chaos.
For this reason, service builds the spirit of solidarity and of peace with one's peers.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Humanitarian Missionaries
Dear children,
There are certain past stories in the Universe that, if remembered, they would cause pain. That is why it is better to be in the present, awaiting with hope for the coming time.
What may have happened in the Universe will not solve nor will it make any creature evolve in love. Only on this school-planet, by the sacrifice of My Son, will you find the path to live your surrender, your forgiveness and your redemption awaited by the Universe.
Meanwhile, live the day to day learning as if it were the last and make of all of this experience a triumph of love for God.
It will be in this way that the past will be purified and sublimated whenever necessary, and in your own selves you will find new virtues that will give you momentum and inner strength to keep on walking in faith, in sacrifice and in the hope that you will always give your best so that this planet and this Universe may be recreated by that which each being reaches, in the school of the degrees of love.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
It is in the hour of Mercy when I most recognize your effort and your prayer, your intention of being truly with Me, no matter the place or the situation.
It is in this remembered sorrowful hour when your Master and Lord has more Mercy and His glorious intervention appeases the action of Justice.
For this reason, companions, remember every day the infinite and recurrent wonders that My Merciful Heart can accomplish in your spiritual and material lives.
Always encourge yourself to say "yes" to Me in the Hour of Divine Mercy because, when this happens, I will not only be able to help your consciousnesses during the severe purification, but I will also be able to intervene in more situations of the planet, because I will have instruments of My Mercy to do so.
In this hour, may your hearts feel the ardor of My Heart so that My Sacred Word is fulfilled within you.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Let prayer be like a flower that opens over your heart and allow the subtle fragrances that it emanates flood your spirit and your whole being.
Let the very light of the flower of prayer sublimate the innermost spaces of your consciousness. Trust in the power of the Word and in the amplitude of its creative energy.
Let the flower of prayer work in you, according to its time and not according to your expectations.
The flower of prayer shows you the hidden inner beauty, beyond a delayed purification or a delayed test.
Let the flower of prayer, over your heart, enkindle your soul with love, and may it regain a sense of purpose, whenever it is necessary.
Let the flower of prayer perform the miracle of love and redemption in your life. Feel the peace radiated by the beautiful flowers and the devotion they express in all Creation.
Because, someday, your soul may be like a flower that, having been born, grown and matured in the petals of love, forgiveness and redemption, will express what God so much expected of your essence.
Trust and continue to turn your life into a flower in adoration and devotion to God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who Blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part VI
Today, from My Merciful Heart, emanates a Green ray of healing, for My wish, amidst many aspirations, is to be able to manifest the counterpart of healing on the surface at Aurora, that is to say, that part of the external and inner healing that the bodies of people need to recuperate and heal.
For this reason, this part of the project of the manifestation of Aurora is very important to Me because its aspiration is that in the area of Redención 1 the House of Healing and of Restoration be built, completely consecrated to Brother Pio; for finally it will be his place, within Aurora, where his presence will be able to heal souls.
The House of Healing and of Restoration in Redención 1 will be of very great support for the subsequent stage of spiritual healing that Aurora offers. That House, which will have Brother Pio himself as a guardian, will receive the hearts that have gone through a process of spiritual liberation.
This simple but harmonious House will fulfill one of the most important tasks within the spiritual task of the Kingdom of Aurora. It will be in charge of the external and internal phases of purification and of rehabilitation, having as a basis the knowledge received by Friar Ameinó through the external therapies; as well as having an outpatient area to attend to the local community and the collaborators who may be in Aurora.
The House of Healing and of Restoration will be the first headquarters of the health and healing sector in Uruguay, and this House must have six consulting rooms, two hydrotherapy rooms, an outpatient area, an infirmary area, and an area for the making of natural remedies, as well as for the processing of all medicinal herbs. It will also have a smaller external infrastructure that will house four rooms with a little kitchen, a few bathrooms and a laundry room for the patients who will be in treatment for some days in Aurora.
If this building can be concretized, I could tell you that fifty percent of the task of the Kingdom of Aurora would already be accomplished.
The House of Healing and of Restoration will not only weekly attend hearts that arrive for the healing process, but will also serve for treating the members of the Light Community of Aurora and the local community.
I will await with joy for the concretization of the House of Healing and of Restoration of Aurora. This impulse will also permit for the repair and reconstruction of the buildings that already exist, and which need immediate maintenance so that the brothers and sisters who live there are able to carry out the assigned tasks.
I will count on the honorary help of architects, engineers, builders, workers and collaborators who may want to spend a period of time in Aurora to evaluate, together with the coordination of the Light-Community of Aurora, this project of your Lord.
I thank you for striving to fulfill the task of Aurora for Uruguay and for the planet!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Dear Children:
The time of the purification of each soul, of each consciousness, refers to the moment of being consciously able to be freed from many past spiritual experiences that compromised the walk and the evolution in degrees of love.
For that reason, to get rid of that past history means to open up without fear and leave behind any resistance that may interfere.
This is the time to make a synthesis of your life in order to close many inner doors that only lead to states of consciousness of suffering and pain.
The time of purification is to be able to move towards a new stage that will place each consciousness on another step of awakening and redemption.
However, the moment for coming to know the reality of each being is like facing something that would have no solution. But through Grace and Mercy, consciousnesses can heal the past, daring to take more steps in love and in compassion.
By following in the steps of the Hierarchy, souls will achieve the peace of knowing that they are already in another school.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Aurora is a power plant of purifying fire; its high temperatures transform what is coarse into what is precious and the dense into the sublime.
Only those who are united in heart with Aurora cross its threshold of purification and of transmutation.
Aurora is that fire that does not allow any code of evil to remain because its voltage of non-material and cosmic energy is stronger than all the Suns of the Universe. Everything it touches, it transforms and realigns so that it may have a function within the vast Purpose.
Aurora is the fire that repels evil and exorcizes it according to the present need.
Thus, Aurora is a power plant of hot energy that transubstantiates what is corrupt within the consciousness in order to be able to purify it, and this it determines through its powerful light.
Aurora is capable of changing a life experience so that it may achieve the purpose.
Aurora is capable of breaking the chains and dissolving the shackles of perdition. Its powerful energy will always bring changes where they still do not exist and it can also bring healing where there is sickness.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Series - Divine Revelations of these times
From the humble cave of Bethlehem to the Temple of the Circumcision - Part II
After the physical, internal and universal events that took place in the simple cave of Bethlehem, after a few days, Saint Joseph and your Heavenly Mother prepared to present the Child God in the Temple.
This was now the second mystery that would be revealed to men, during that time, concerning what would spiritually signify the coming of the Messiah to the Earth.
At that time, the cave of Bethlehem was permeated and filled with Christic light and within each place that the Child King passed by divine attributes and codes were deposited, not only as teraphims, but also for all those who, in some way or another, participated in and knew about the Birth of Jesus in Bethlehem; they received spiritual impulses that would bring them to a transformation of consciousness.
Days after the sacred Child of Israel was born, Saint Joseph had already made the preparations and finished the prayers so that He would also go through, within the Temple, the process of so-called purification.
Saint Joseph arrived in the Temple together with the Most Holy Mary and the Little Child in Her arms but during the process of the circumcision of the Little Child, as the Law of Moses requires, an unexpected fact was revealed through a humble priest called Simon.
This wise and contacted being was one of the many people on Earth that waited for the coming of the Messiah and for the fulfilling of the prophecies of the Prophets.
In this instance of the Presentation of the Little Child in the Temple and after the circumcision, Simon, inspired by the Divine Fire of the Holy Spirit, shared and announced a prophecy to the Mother of God, telling Her that a sword of pain would pierce Her Heart. And, immediately, He recited one of the prophecies about the advent of Christ on Earth.
The Temple of the Circumcision was the place that not only determined the complete consecration of the Child King to the Plan of God but where the spiritual sacrifice that His Heavenly Mother would live by offering the Little Child as spiritual reparation and atonement for all the errors committed in humanity.
It was from that moment, of Jesus being in the Temple, that the fall of the evil empire, which in that time subjected and punished the Earth, oppressing the continuity of the sacred People of Israel, would begin.
The arrival of the Little Jesus to the Temple and the company of Saint Joseph and your Heavenly Mother represented that, at that very same hour, the great divine intervention would develop, the one that would bring to an end the decadence of men and of all the human degeneration, through the presence of Christ on Earth, as well as all the unconditional life that this very Child, later a Man, would give for love for all His brothers and sisters.
The act of purification in the Temple meant the passage to another stage of that perfect but silent Plan, that God Himself was carrying forward through His Beloved Son.
It was through the presentation of the Child King in the Temple that the angelic and archangelic intervention began to directly occur within all of the souls of humanity, of that time, since it was necessary for all of humankind to move away from its process of self-destruction and its ambitious power.
For that reason, since the time that Jesus had incarnated on Earth, the angelic and archangelic beings, at the request of the Mother of God, made use of the highest spiritual instruments and the purest Immaterial Rays so that the spirits on Earth may live the first steps of redemption.
In order for all of this to be possible, the Child King, still being a newborn, applied certain divine Laws that modified the spiritual condition of the Earth, but that, at the same time, opened the portals of contact and spiritual communication among the Greater Source and the inner worlds, places where the essences are.
All of the universal movements carried out, by the presence of the Sacred Family and the angelic intervention, stopped the advance of the evil powers over human consciousness, which was more primitive in that time.
All of these contrary currents, as a punishment, had to present the entire victory that was generated from the Birth of Jesus until the Death and Resurrection of Christ.
In this way, the planet and humanity were converted and redeemed by the potent voltage of Love-Wisdom.
The alliance that was achieved between Heaven and Earth defeated and overcame the projects of the adversary. But now, in this current time, and before the second Coming of Christ, humanity is in a moment so similar to that of the Birth of Jesus, a moment in which each human being will have the Grace of overcoming in love and of surpassing and transcending indifference so that Christ may triumph again in all hearts.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Come close to Me and I will take you to the Non-material Source of My Graces, a place in which you will wash your feet, your hands and your head to purify and re-consecrate yourself.
Stay in that Source so that your soul may be renewed and, as a result, all of humanity may be renewed because of your having achieved redemption.
Stay in My Non-material Source so that your being may be sublimated and find the sense of My Non-material Laws.
Stay in My Source so that everthing within may be healed, and what is most old and deep may be freed, so that the essence of the new being may be born.
Stay at My side after having purified yourself. Smile at life and you will experience a renewal.
Stay submerged within My Silence so that, finding within your being the Truth of God, you may participate in the communion with divine life, and also renew the path of apostolate and service to humanity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Today I do not come to contemplate your difficulties and tests, your inner disagreements or your possible doubts.
Today I come to make you resemble My Heart and My Life.
I come so that someday you may learn to imitate and represent Me, just as My apostles represented and imitated Me some time after I ascended to the Heavens.
With this I want to tell you that it is possible for you to live Me, to feel Me, and that you let Me act through your life, as long as you give Me permission to do so; for if you give Me permission, you will come to know those aspects of the consciousness that are like unconscious prisons, and that I will help you to defeat and transcend through love and sacred effort, always experiencing a non-transferable love and unlimited trust in My Heart.
Therefore, make the decision, encourage yourself day after day to surrender to Me what imprisons you in consciousness.
Come and be a part of Me, and one day you will perceive that you are now different and that you have been born to the life of the sacred spirit.
Persist for Me all the time and you will not fail.
Today I wash you in My Fountain and I fully purify you through My Grace so that the Divine Will be accomplished.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
From the Universe to Earth is mirrored the opportunity of help for all of humanity.
But the request for help and for divine intervention must be heard in the very heights of the Universe so that global inequality may be dissipated and the common good among creatures may be established.
Divine intervention will always be within reach of all those who open their hearts to God and faithfully follow Him, in this way, fulfilling His Commandments.
This is the time for asking the Highest for immense Mercy so that all those that have not received it may be deserving of the divine power of Grace, that life may be transmuted and purified in the time foreseen.
The request of sincere hearts will help and will save the hearts of those whose inner worlds are closed, and they will be able to be reborn in the trust and in the faith that they have never been alone.
Mercy can still perform miracles in human life.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Find the center of your being by meditating upon the Truth and on the divine presence. Do not let the forces of chaos confuse your mind and conduct the purification of your bodies according to their condition of confusion and evil. Seek the center of your being in silence. Place your consciousness in the Cosmos, in the Creator of all things.
The powerful currents that come for the transformation of the Earth have already started to descend over the planet and over beings, and everything within and outside of humanity will intensify.
Let this intensity touch your being and find you in peace so that its action within you is transformative, strengthening the best in you and giving you sufficient inner strength to purify and purge what is of the old humanity.
If your strength is consolidated in your human aspects, you will suffer a lot, child, because the energies that are descending into the world will pull your human condition out by its roots and everything that was based on it will be destabilized.
So then, breathe deeply, become silent and seek the Consciousness of God. Visualize the stars inside of you, and allow the Truth to gain strength within you so that you know it is beyond any experience lived on Earth, and it is there, in the Truth of God, where your consciousness and your heart must be.
The world shakes and your heart shakes with the world. For an instant, halt the flow of your thoughts and make your heart peaceful so that the world may become peaceful with you.
Everything is a question of placing your consciousness in the right place to go through this transition, being a peacemaker rather than someone who needs peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Second Message
The revelation of the mystery is approaching the human consciousness. This is the moment of knowing the Truth deeply and of being able to penetrate this mystery through the revelation of its divine and cosmic knowledge.
Today I come again from the Sun because this is the universal star that rules and illuminates you, day by day.
In spite of what may happen, and before any event, the Sun, as an essence, gives you life, regeneration and healing.
For this reason, today My Message also comes from this place, from this Sun that governs this solar system and that concentrates many universal and cosmic Laws for the evolution of life and consciousness.
The Sun will be the witness of the events of the end of times on this planet and in its humanity, and in it, all the principles will be poured so that the solar system may be regenerated again and everything may start from scratch.
The Sun that rules you is not only a physical, material or cosmic element; it is an energy that has been placed within this system of life so that all could learn from it throughout the cycles and seasons.
Each element, just as each event, has its place and its hour. The Sun that rules you will enter a new state and a new form through its divine self-purification and that of its laws that are part of this Material Universe; laws that are also part of hundreds of Suns in other regions of the vast Cosmos.
In this Sun, you will find power plants for the regeneration of human essences and of their spiritual counterparts that will still have to live their redemption, purification and, lastly, their rehabilitation.
The waves that it will emit for these times will be intense and decisive. A part of humanity will identify this as a punishment, as a global imbalance, or as part of a universal event; although this is true, the intention and purpose is another, the Universe never stops and has never stopped, it lives in a constant dynamism and a permanent acceleration.
You, as humanity and as a planet, are within this system of life and within this system of evolution that reaches the deepest of your bodies, matter, cells and atoms.
The acceleration of these times is part of the acceleration of the Universe and of this solar system that prepares to enter into a new time that, spiritually, will not be so perceptible to all but that it will be visible in the movement of the laws of material life or, even, in the hands of a clock. Time seems to run and not be enough.
The transition of humanity and the apex of its great purification are approaching in order to enter the real time of the Universe, in which only the eternal present exists.
For this reason, the Hierarchies, throughout times and generations, through all ages and decades, have prepared the preamble for the entrance of this new time; otherwise, humanity would have suffered the acceleration of time too much, within its consciousness and spirit.
Universal assistance comes to the aid of all, the approach of the Hierarchy comes to the aid of all. It will only suffice to live the rules in order to fulfill the Plan and carry it out according to the Divine Purpose.
It will be worthless to do much in humanity if the mission is not based on love and truth, on transparency and obedience, fundamental attributes for the current times, when many spiritual and human manifestations will be presented and will convince the majority that they are real and autonomous.
Following the Hierarchy has a single meaning and a single aim, a single purpose, a single goal, which is to achieve the fusion in brotherhood, unity and with faith; attributes that promote the materialization of the Plan on the surface of this planet and in others.
The humanities of this Universe are offering themselves to help this current humanity, this race that comes from the Adams and the Eves and from a continuity of mistakes and faults that have taken place throughout the times and ages; but the end of the Law of Suffering is drawing near so that the doors to healing and relief of pain may be opened.
The more you cry out for My Mercy and for the Piety of God, the more the doors will open.
The more you demonstrate that you are understanding what We say and what We speak, the more the doors to Mercy will open and each one, in spite of where or how they are, will receive what they need. Trust in what I Tell you.
The Sun, for humanity, represents this spiritual fusion between souls and God, a fundamental principle that once had to be lived in the existence of the Adams and the Eves, but that did not succeed due to many different circumstances.
Now history will be recalculated and the Plan will deepen itself in the human consciousness so that every being on the Surface of this planet may keep clearly in mind what the Will of God means.
Do not fail to open your hearts to the mysteries. Drink from this Nonmaterial Fount that I bring you today so that your lives may be renewed and you may never, never be thirsty; because communion with higher life is possible while one lives this lower life on the surface of the Earth.
The School of the New Christs will be ruled by this master, the Sun of the Local Universe; the one who imparts many more energies and principles for human life, for the planet and the Universe.
From this Solar Fount, the New Time will be born and it will fill all Hierarchies and their disciples, all their servers and collaborators.
Now it is the time to take this leap and this step towards the fulfillment of the last part of the Plan, which is a responsibility of all, which is a responsibility of each one with God and the Universe.
The signature of your spirits has been conceived, the permit has been granted and the time is approaching for this event in which all, congregated in love, will internally prepare the emergence of this New Humanity that will cease to be mental so that it may finally be spiritual and divine, just as the Father has thought it since the Origins, since before the Universe and all of its life existed.
This Marathon means the passage into a new time and into a new spiritual energy conceded by the Hierarchy.
The past will remain in yesterday, the present will begin to be part of the future and the doors will open to a new cycle so that human consciousness may participate in the impulses that will come from the great master Sun.
May My Words be converted, in you, into a source of wisdom and clarity, into a source of discernment, healing and love; because the goal of all of this impulse is a greater goal, based on the Love of God and on the unity with the Supreme Source that rules you, since the origin of your essences in the Material Universe.
So that, finally, companions, you may be this spark of light for the world during the time of darkness and tribulation, so that more veils of the consciousness may fall from the faces of beings and the doors to knowledge and awakening may open.
Receive, then, all the assistance from this Solar Fount that will reveal itself to the world in a short while through its principles and signs, through its higher emanations and energies.
Come with Me to the Fount of the great Sun and let us commune, in essence, with the new life that will be free of errors, suffering and pain.
In the essence, the new being will be born, that will become like a Sun to illuminate the new times.
Receive My blessing and My understanding, My Grace and My Mercy for the times that will come.
Under this Sun that governs this part of the universal life, under the stars of this Universe that are witnesses of many experiences and lives, under the existence of the Material Universe and its powerful currents, attributes, rays and energies that are part of the elevation of consciousness and of the unity with God, I bless you for this new cycle, which will be sustained by your love and faith, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Like the water that falls with the rain, this afternoon, this is the way I bathe and wash you with My Mercy, for the souls to be able to purify themselves from all the wounds of the past.
Through My Mercy, I bring you to the Source of Divine Pity, so necessary for these times of definition, because it is through Piety that I guide you by your hand to live and experience the Compassion of God.
Companions, your lives, in service and love, can reach, in some time or another, this Source, so necessary for your transformation and redemption.
Day by day, while asking for the Mercy of My Heart, remember that you are not only praying for My Name, but that you are also imploring for Mercy for yourselves, for humanity and for the world.
Gather from the Source of Pity and Compassion, all the light that you need for the darkness of the world to be transmuted, even more.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Do not allow, on any account or reason, that the tree of the fruits of the Wisdom of God dries up and that its roots stop penetrating into the depths of the earth, so that, in this way, the tree may stay strong.
From time to time, storms, deserts, droughts or heavy rains will come; but I will not allow anything to knock you down.
Trust in Me. I Am the Tree of Life and whoever lives in Me will not perish.
I have everything to give you, just as I have the power to take everything away from you.
Throughout time, I will place you in scenarios never experienced before because I will need you to suffer for Me, or that you be glad for Me, in each moment.
Let the sap of My Wisdom run through every part of your being like water that purifies but at the same time calms.
Do not despair nor be anguished because, in the greatest inner void, just like in the greatest desert, there I Am. Firmly take My Hand and just say to Me: "Come, Lord Jesus", and there I will be.
I Am the refuge of the distressed. I Am the hope of those who despair. I Am the motive and the reason for every stage of life.
Do not fail to say to Me: "Lord, I trust in You", and I will give you My Trust, again and again, as I have already given it to you, so that you may feel comforted and firm for the coming steps to be taken.
Nourish yourself from the Tree of Life and take the fruits and the gifts that My Heart yields.
Come to Me and all will be at peace.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Believe, My child, in the saving and redemptive power of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, since that Source is capable, not only of purifying and liberating you, but also of relieving and healing you.
Believe in the prodigies of the very powerful Source of Mercy, since It can renew you and encourage you to reach the way of rehabilitation.
Believe in the wonders that My Mercy can do, not only in your life, but also in each place and situation that presents itself.
Affirming the power of the Mercy of My Heart in your life, you will be able to rediscover the path to the fundamental principle of your essential and spiritual origin, and thus, you will be taking back the sense of having come to Earth.
The mistakes and faults do not matter; what matters is to have constancy, working every day to transcend them, so that the grace may descend.
Encourage yourself to surrender to My Divine Mercy. It is time to feel that everything can be done and everything will be achieved in peace.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Everything that will be seen in these end times must not surprise anyone, because inconceivable situations will show themselves overnight and, as a result from them, many consciousnesses will define their destiny.
Let it be enough to be in God and seek His Kingdom at each moment so that what will show itself before everyone does not bother anyone, nor provoke undesirable decisions.
We still come to the world at the express request of the Creator Father because humanity is distracted and seduced by all the material conditions and the spiritual life, which is what sustains the consciousness, has been put into second place.
But we also come for all those who persist in faith and in trust, knowing that some day they will know the Kingdom of God and will become part of it.
In this time, everything that will happen will be extreme; there will be no half measures. This will place the souls where they choose to be, because nobody will be obligated to seek God, but yes, they will be called to pay attention.
This is a time in which everything will be in motion. I know it seems little encouraging, but it is the truth.
The planet, as a consequence, can no longer sustain two polarities, two forms of life. Either the planet is purified or the planet self-destructs.
Let us continue working for the purification of humanity and for the salvation of all of the Kingdoms, beyond all consequences.
Let us proclaim our faith and let us decree the coming of the Kingdom of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Through My Presence, God brings you His Infinite Compassion, which, approaching the Earth, will try to rescue the souls of humanity from the abysses.
Divine Compassion is capable of forgiving what is most difficult, just as it is also capable of helping maintain an absolute balance during the times of rivalries.
It is for this reason that Divine Compassion leads to the awakening of pure neutrality.
In this time, Divine Compassion will try to place souls on the path that they once lost, for different reasons.
Divine Compassion will create an inner space, within the state of eternal light, where the soul will be placed in order to find relief for its errors and purifications.
Divine Compassion brings us hope and renewal, indispensable attributes for the healing of all humankind.
May Divine Compassion guard and protect everyone so that, being in it, all may drink from the Fount of God’s Love.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear child:
The time has come for you to see, within yourself, the reality of your true being and do not fear to purify it, because freeing yourself from the chains of the past, you may be able to take firm and secure steps towards the concretization of the Plan of God on the surface.
With neutrality, love, and harmony, let your story written in the Universe emerge from within you and show itself so that your consciousness and your life can make a synthesis, and everything, absolutely everything, is forgiven.
Pour your hope and your faith into My Heart, because thus I, as your Mother, will teach you to be different, from the moment in which you confirm within yourself that you no longer accept to carry so many mistakes commited.
Trust in the infinite power of the Mercy of My Son, because it will be His Divine Mercy that will guide you toward the path of redemption and of rehabilitation.
I understand that it is not easy to see the inner reality as it is, but encourage yourself to surpass the barriers of suffering so that the powerful energy of grace may act in everything, and thus, again, you overcome in the Love of Christ.
As of now, decide to change your destiny so that the Hand of God may lead you to His House.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Do not affirm in your life how imperfect you are, but rather believe in what you are in essence; because you know that you come from a Primordial Source that, making you arise as spirit, sent you through the Universe to learn to love and to forgive.
Concentrate your consciousness in everything that the Father deposited within the depth of your being, from there, allow the impulse of your essence to make you remember who you are and where you come from so that, once and for all, you can redeem the past and dissolve every sequel of inner pain.
Rejoice, because being before the Mother of the Most High, your inner consciousness will be purified and everything will be transfigured.
Have faith that someday you will be worthy of the Grace of God because, in truth, the Grace of God has touched your consciousness many times.
I would like you to remember the value of your essence because there will be kept your entire experience of faith, love and forgiveness; experiences that will help you to reach new steps in the School of unconditional love.
Affirm that you are before a unique opportunity and everything is conducted.
Love will overcome.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more