Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

There is nothing that can prevent Me from reaching you when I need to. You must keep this in mind in these times of transition. Because the heart that unites to Me through prayer not only transcends itself, but it also transcends all situations around it. For this reason, I am here, on this third and final day.

I am happy for those who have waited for My arrival, and My Father has confessed to Me that a great part of the task has been achieved on this third day of meetings with Me. And this is possible because you are here.

As much as I have the power to renew all things, if those who are Mine were not here with Me at this moment, how could the wonder of being in God and the joy of feeling His Bliss and His Presence occur and how could the hearts that are here leave this place strengthened, carrying the power of Love wherever they go and to whomever they meet along their paths?

Just as I give you My Love, I hope you learn to give Love to your brothers and sisters, despite the errors and misunderstandings, despite the faults or even sin.

If I took each step upon Calvary for you, will you, as My apostles, dare to take the steps on this planetary Calvary?

This is why I again tell you about mature love, a love that does not oscillate nor become cold, a love that is capable of understanding, beyond oneself, the Purpose of God, and is capable of walking in trust towards the unknown, regardless of not being understood, for all that comes from God will never do it harm.

Only when you follow just one God will you be protected, will you be guided, will your hearts receive the intuition they need so that in this crucial times they may know how to make the right decisions and not impulsive ones. Because at this moment, a lot of discernment is necessary.

Everything is so fragile in this world that anything could break within the consciousness and outside of the consciousness. This is why you should trust in the Gift of the Science of the Holy Spirit and, every day, through prayer, invoke Its Wisdom. Because you will be able to see how this world is at this moment and how some situations seem irreversible.

But for God there is nothing irreversible or impossible, you only need to open the right door through the heart and thus Grace will always come into your lives and you will not be helpless or unprotected.

In truth, I tell you, just as I told My apostles, just as I once told the people of Israel: your feet must not be on two paths. You already know what I represent to the world.

But humanity still does not know My secrets, where I truly come from and to where I ascended after My Resurrection.

I have given you little impulses about My Consciousness, about the existence of My true Origin, so that your consciousnesses may awaken from the dream in which they live. To achieve the level of this revelation, your hearts must pray a lot, and you already know this.

At this moment, there is no other path, because prayer is not tiring but rather renewing. When you learn to be aware of what it means to give the word to God, I assure you that you will not only learn at the school of prayer, but you will also learn to work, just as the Hierarchy works for this planet and your humanity.

It is important that you may keep all this in mind and that it may be kept in the memory of everyone, every day. Because prayer will place you at a point far from adversity, far from the chaos and dissociation of these times, far from the ignorance and madness that this planet is living.

After these three days of meetings with Me, I was able to see with My own Eyes that your prayers were truly sincere. And this will allow for Argentina that the Sacred Ark of God may be here for longer,  present in the consciousness of this country and in the hearts that want to venerate and adore it, because it this way all will slowly be transformed, at an unknown but yet understood speed.

To be before the Teraphim of God is not just a Grace, it is an opportunity that must not be missed. Because this opportunity is for souls, and how many souls in the world would wish to be before the Ark of the Holy Covenant, not only to remember the essential purpose of having come here to Earth, but also to know how to walk, decided toward the purpose!

On this third day, your Master and Lord carries out a synthesis, because during these three last days, many situations took place in the universal inner planes.

Therefore, I am here to tell you that what happened here was not just a meeting, a moment of elevation and awareness, a moment of love and offering. Rather, throughout the last three days, the Hierarchy was able to work much more than what had been foreseen or thought of. Thus, the Hierarchy expects to reach even beyond what is foreseen, when it is at the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, so that everyone who decides to may meet with the Brotherhood.

This movement that the Hierarchy makes is unique and unrepeatable. Each movement that the Hierarchy makes is no like the others. Each impulse that the Hierarchy gives is definitive and transcendental because it invites Its disciples to place themselves on the lines of the Plan, where in truth they should have always been.

Now, I leave here filled with the love of My companions.

So that the purpose of this nation and of the Americas may keep being fulfilled, so that the Ark of the Holy Covenant may keep emanating its codes of Love and Light within souls and all nations, I will offer to you what is deepest and most blessed that I have, which is the Eucharist. Because in this way you will always find the power of renewal and peace.

I thank you for having responded to My summoning, and do not forget to follow the steps of the Lord.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Lord is smiling at all of us.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


We will intone "Primordial Source" a few times and we will accompany Christ in His task of liberation of the planet.

We will stand.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The origin of the Earth was modified from the beginning. The Divine Purpose was not able to be accomplished and many of you already know what the reason was.

Today I do not come to remind you of the mistake, but rather the causes, something that is still to be corrected by the redemption itself of the human being, so that they may recover their filiation with the Source and live the Will of God.

The correction of the Divine Purpose has still not occurred. Humanity has gone through many experiences over the course of time and it is still not redeemed. For this reason, I must return to the Earth to finish carrying out and concretizing what is missing.

If I had not come more than two thousand years ago, the planet would not be within this solar system. The heartbreaking injustice of humanity in that time was very great, and even with the Blood that was shed up to the height of the Cross, the human being has continued to make mistakes.

Now, the situation of this time compared to that of yesterday is very different. The events have become more serious and have harmed the spirituality of the human being. The expansion of the consciousness promised by the Universe will reach the Earth to enter into the human being, to de-crystallize their resistances, and through a great blow of Light that will emerge from the Divine Source, through the Central Sun of the Galaxy, a large part of humanity will have the chance to awaken.

The events of these days are a prelude for carrying humanity into a recovery of its origin and its purpose.

Thus, humanity will have a unique opportunity and could recover the place it lost when Adam and Eve committed the first errors and left Eden. The duality itself that many of you experience today, originating in the time of the Genesis, is what each one must learn to overcome, and do so.

This will bring to the consciousness an important possibility that is not only material, but also spiritual, for humankind of the surface of the Earth to genetically recover its place, that archetype or design of God that was thought of in order to be applied in this humanity, in this race, and which was modified by perversion and disobedience.

At this moment, humanity does not know what will happen inwardly. Before Divine Justice modifies the universe, continue to modify your attitudes and habits for, in this way, you will not feel the impact of the Law at this time.

The Universal Mother has spoken to you about repentance, about penitence. These are words, attributes that cannot be forgotten; you cannot listen to them as if you did not understand what this means. The Word of the Hierarchy comes with determination at this time.

It is necessary to forge the existence of the true being so that illusion may fade away from the human consciousness. Two thousand more years cannot any longer go by for the human being to be able to change, there is no time. This is the only opportunity, an opportunity so similar and unique like that which was received by the people of Israel, with the birth of the Messiah.

After two thousand and twenty years, the situation of humanity has become worse. Humanity has distanced itself from the Purpose and it believed that it was beyond anything. But in this time, it has recognized that this is not so. The events show the contrary, and this must end.

Humanity cannot continue to move backward; it was not created for this end. Setback is part of the adversity; evolution is part of the Divine Source, and the Hierarchy has concentrated on that in these special days, in which important decisions will define the next steps on the surface of the Earth.

But those who want to forge their survival will not manage to do so. It is necessary to strive in order to be within the Law and fulfill it. Suffering is not a part of Creation nor of life. Will you continue to suffer when the assistance of the universe is here?

Humanity must understand that it is not alone and that life does not end here. The universe is in a constant great dynamism, everything is part of life, everything is part of Creation. Is it not of God? For He was Who created it.

Awaken and you will not perish. The consciousness must expand and achieve its purpose. The mirages and illusion must no longer submit your lives. How much longer will you wait for the great step to be taken?

We hope that humanity understands that a great step must be taken, and that many other situations of which humanity is ignorant of and is not aware of depends on that step. Those steps must be taken. There is no place to go or where to remain.

The consciousness will be carried into facing reality. Your irritation or intolerance will not help. You will suffer; you will only suffer if you resist the great change in consciousness.

Humanity needs to be prepared for My Return. If it does not prepare, how will I be recognized? Will the Son of God be imprisoned because He cannot be crucified again?

He will come with the Glory that the Father has given Him, with the great revelation that was experienced by some of the apostles at the Transfiguration. With Him will come not only angelic beings, but also everything that is and vibrates in the universe, called the Brotherhood.

There will be no form or movement that will stop it because when the Return occurs, the universe will tremble and the planet will enter into a time where it has never been, the eternal time of the universe, where everything is known and is lived.

At this moment, any preparation could be insufficient. For this reason, the demand is very great at this time. You will need to help your brothers and sisters in their awakening. You cannot be paralyzed when I return to the world and the universe enters the planet in a very strong way. There will be nobody who cannot see it; that moment is written and you must remember it.

That is why I have come in these end times, preparing you so that, when I return, you are not surprised, because you will be able to see the true Face of the Son of God, as nobody has ever seen It before, because the Son will come from the Source and at His Feet, the universe will accompany Him, and humanity will know it because it will be a sign without warning.

Those who have never believed, will believe. Those who denied Me, will repent. And those who abandoned Me, will beat their chest and say: My God! My God! But everything will have been accomplished, because the Graces of My Source have been endless.

I come to open the eyes of the consciousness. I come to make you feel the Truth within your hearts, and this goes beyond any religion, because the Divine Source is one and universal. It is the Source of all creatures and consciousnesses, on all levels of Creation.

That Divine Source belongs to each being, because we all come from it and the goal of this experience on Earth, as well as in the universe, is that you return someday to that Source, to renew Creation with all that you learned and experienced.

I do not want you to feel fear of My Words, but rather seriousness. The Will of God acts in this place and His Power expresses through My Words, awakening the cells of the human beings so that they achieve an elevation and an awakening.

I do not want more souls to continue to blind themselves, to lose the path of the spirit, to miss the opportunity of inwardly loving and growing.

I gave My Life for you and I continue to do so, because humanity has not understood the Message. For this reason, I still have to come from Heaven so that souls can hear and recognize Me. If I were in My Church of the Earth, humanity would not hear Me.

Many were the paths that My companions decided to take, and they slowly distanced themselves from Me. In the center of My divine and solar Heart I unite all the paths so that souls may return to Me and have eternal life.

But My coming to the world, My Return, is not far. Think about that, because at the least expected moment I will come and you must be ready to go to My encounter, just as I will go to the five continents. And all of humanity, in spite of their languages, will understand Me, for I will speak a single language that nobody has heard yet. It will be the Spirit of God that will cause you to understand My Message, just as you now understand My Words.

You must be stewards of My Legacy, living it so that your brothers and sisters may also learn to live it.

I come from Heaven with the Purpose of God, because there is little time left for humanity to correct its paths and amend its errors, so that it does not lack My Mercy. This is what I hope for, that you not lack My Mercy.

Today I carry the great Scroll of God in My Hands, which the Father wrote for humanity, His sublime and ardent Desire for each of His children.

This Scroll was presented to the Archangels in Genesis, to be applied to the first humans, in Adam and Eve.

Pray with Me for the times that will come, so that this Purpose of God that is written may be fulfilled in each one of your lives according to His thought, and I will pray for you so that you may live it.

Many souls denied this Legacy, souls with great tasks rejected this Purpose without being aware of what they did. But I will take care of them and I will position them in the place they belong, that corresponds to their choice, because now they will not have the prize of the Heavens, but rather the loving Justice.

But you will continue to pray until just before My Return to the world, so that souls may be able to correspond to My Call, which is the Call of My Father through the Voice of His Son, which hopes to echo in hearts.

Today, in light of the written Will of God at the origin of this Creation, we will offer the Sacrament of the Eucharist, so that through the Body and the Blood of Christ, souls may have the inner strength to live the Purpose.

Let us celebrate, contemplating this mystery.

Let us contemplate Christ, still present in this place for the whole world, bearing in His Hands the Scroll of God, the ardent Will of the Creator for His children at the origin of Creation.

Let us place our hands on our hearts and unite with Jesus Christ, making our offering on this afternoon of Mercy and of awareness. And in the name of humanity, let us give thanks that the Lord always leads us to Truth so that we may be guided to the Father.

We offer our imperfect hearts and we aspire to receive the coming of Christ to the Earth, in brotherhood and in light.

Knowing the purpose of Creation, in that time, and while gathered together with His companions, Jesus took the bread, raised it and offered all His Being for each one of us. And He asked of the Father that the bread He was offering be converted into His Body.

The Father heard Him and accepted His surrender.

And thus, Jesus broke it and offered it to the apostles, saying to them: "Take and eat, for this is My Body that will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

And the form of Light entered into the soul of the apostles. Jesus then took the Chalice and raised it, asking the Father to convert it into His precious Blood; the Father heard Him. Then Jesus offered it to the apostles in an act of profound Love, saying to them: "Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, which will be shed by Your Lord for the forgiveness of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

The Body and the Blood of Christ.

With all our hearts, in the living Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we offer the prayer that He taught us:

Our Father (in Spanish and English).

May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth.

I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof,
but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.
Celestial Father,
Who leads us all,
accept our offer of surrender to You.
Guide us through the path of love,
so that Your Will may be done.

I will always give you everything that I Am and everything that I have, because I know what you need for learning to love My mystery and living My Will.

At the request of Our Lord, through the brothers and sisters of the Council, we are going to listen to an intention you may want to leave in the Heart of the Redeemer for humanity.

The Lord listens, one at a time:

"May Your Will eternally be accomplished, Lord."

"May there be peace in hearts, in spite of the suffering."

"May we be able to live compassion and unity, and be as one heart and one soul."

“Father, listen to those who serve Me,

those who follow Me, those who live Me.
Father, sweet Adonai, Supreme Will, Eternal Hope,
sacred relief from suffering,
listen to us, so that Your Will may be fulfilled.
Father, do not look at the errors,
believe in all that which I can do in Your children,
because Your Love, Your Grace and Your Mercy will always win.”


I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To close this meeting and this transmission, carrying the impulse of the Love of Christ within the heart, let us listen to a song requested by Him:


Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The time has come for you to know, companions, who you truly are, the place you have come from, the Source from which you emerged, and the reason why you have come to the Earth so that, in this time as in other times, you may learn to live the Plan of God and its realization in this life.

This is the definitive incarnation for all human beings, a moment in which we are all faced with the opportunity of discerning and of becoming aware of what you really are, rather than what you appear to be.

Today I come as the Nazarene, as the Shepherd who once again summons His sheep from the four corners of the Earth, so that you may attentively hear this revelation which will make you aware of your reality and the moment that you are undergoing, of the stage you are going through and the lesson that in this cycle you are experiencing.

I come to place you in the dimension of the Sidereal Universe, where the Consciousness of God is present in infinite manifestations and Names; you come from there, you are not only human beings, you are essences, souls and spirits that came to learn something fundamental: forgiveness.

This forgiveness, which is so necessary in you and in the world, is the forgiveness that will lead you into repentance and reconciliation with yourselves, among peoples and nations.

And so, the time has come to know the truth and awaken through it, knowing that it is in this last cycle that you will have the great spiritual impulse to take the great step in your lives, recognizing that God needs it at this moment and that you also need it to rebuild your lives, not only in a spiritual way but also in a material way and, as a consequence, all of humanity will be rebuilt and will again rise up from where it is.

But there is only one requirement for this, your faith in all that I tell you, your trust in all that I do, your love for all that I preach.

You will thus give impulse to other souls so that, through their offering and surrender, they will also be able to awaken and become aware that the time has come to change.

Because the great change is coming, the end is drawing closer, time is marking this moment. You also have to be aware of this so that you may be prepared, attentive and vigilant in the face of everything that will move the planet, because of the movement that will be done by the Universe.

Today I want to place you all on this plane of consciousness, from where each one of you come, so that returning to the Origin and the beginning of your existence, you may recover the values and the attributes you need to go through these times and these very definitive moments.

Enter now into this state of consciousness and let us allow ourselves to be filled by the Presence of God, in the manifestation of the Elohim. It was this aspect of the Father that directly took charge of the manifestation of the different Sources that, being created by the angels, conceived life.

Feel yourselves in the maternal Womb of the Universe and, in this moment, awaken to its original purity which will lead you to understand the Wisdom of God, the purity that will show you the path of return to the Eternal Father.

For He has His arms wide open, like a Father that loves His children, like a Father waiting for His creatures, that they may feel the immensity of His Love and of His compassion for the world.

Before this state of consciousness, each of you must turn toward God just as you are, without hiding anything, for He knows you within, He has knowledge of your inner self, and nothing can remain hidden within your hearts.

Release your sorrows, dissolve your unhappiness, heal your hearts, fortify your souls, and enter into communion with the Father, in the Presence of the Elohim, so that He may give you His Grace in this moment and through His Son, because of the great need of humanity and for all the essences that are still lost in the abysses of illusion, ignorance and indifference, for the souls that suffer in this moment, without having a moment of relief nor peace.

By the Grace that My merciful Heart has always given you, and because of this origin from which each one comes in essence and in spirit, for the opportunity of reconciliation and of peace, so that the healing of humanity may be established, and in the company of all the Guardian Angels present on this planet and within this humanity, with the purest Source of the Father and by the power of His Sacred Names, receive what you need at this moment.

In complete inner dispossession, without expectations or personal intentions, with an openness of heart and soul, we will call upon the Names of God so that His Names, Attributes, Graces, Mercy and Wonders may descend to Earth.

You will do so until I tell you.

We can begin.

Song: "The Names of God".

At this moment, Christ is talking to His Father, in the Spiritual Source of Creation. Christ, as a loving Son, talks to the Father, kneeling before him.

Before the emanation of this powerful Light, Christ offers Himself to each one of us, for the purpose of each life, for the mission of each being, for the Plan of Love in humanity, for the redemption of all souls.

Christ untiringly offers Himself, showing the Father each one of His Wounds, revealing to the Father each one of His martyrdoms, agonies and heartaches for humanity and, most importantly, Christ again offers His Heart for each one of our hearts. Because at this moment, the Master knows the importance of the fulfillment of the spiritual path of each one of His companions.

From the Wounds of His Hands and His Side, He offers the Light of unfathomable Mercy, achieved by the Redeemer during His sorrowful Passion.

 The Father again receives each of the offerings of Christ at the center of His Spirit, where the Source manifests, as well as the offerings and sacrifices, the surrenders and tests of His disciples. He offers the Father the triumphs of adoration, the fortitude of communion and the power of prayer, of those who entrust themselves to this, day after day.

Jesus, with a loving gaze before the Source of the Father, gathers the archangels around Him, who are also in adoration to this luminous Source.

The archangels offer their consciousnesses for the human Genetic Project and each one places their tools within this Source: swords, shields, crystals of light, their own crowns and, especially, the spiritual heart of each archangel that, united as a single heart, protect and safeguard the whole Creative Mind.

Jesus, in an absolute and inward silence, looks toward each of us, although He is still within that Source of Light. With a loving gaze, but in His Heart there is a feeling of pain for the souls of the world, for those who abandoned Him and did not surrender, He asks us:

My companions, you, what will you give God for the redemption of the whole human race? What will you give the Father? What are you waiting for?

Crying, Jesus says to us:

Time is coming to an end, do not waste it, do not waste your incarnation, claim what God placed as a treasure in each of your hearts.

The gaze of Christ turns back to the Source of Light.

He approaches It, as do the archangels, Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, accompanied by more hosts of Light.

Mary offers to Christ...

In the silence of Mary is expressed the Love that She gathered from each one of the hearts that have sincerely prayed together with Her without expecting anything in return.

Mary, the Holy Virgin, places in the Hands of Her Son all the results of the prayer of the hearts, especially the Prayer for Peace in the Nations, and She also gives Him the love that Her children have placed in each of those prayers, overcoming themselves, dying to themselves, watching over, caring for and protecting this request of the Universal Mother.

It is in this way that the hosts that accompany Our Lady place at the Source hundreds of Rosaries of Light and the faith expressed by each of Her children in the Sanctuaries and the Marian Centers founded by Her Immaculate Heart.

The Father, attentive to the movement of the Mother of God, listens to Our Lady, as the archangels are listening to Our Lady.

Mary, our Mother, talks to God; and Christ, Her Son, is in ecstasy through the Love emanated by the Voice of Mary and, above all, by the offering made by Her hands for humanity. And the Grace granted to our Mother by the Father brings relief to the Heart of Christ; and a balm of Light enters into the Heart of the Redeemer, dissolving the thorns in His Spirit.

Errors are delayed. Mercy grants redemption to souls that listen to this message at this moment.

Jesus stands up from the ground and takes the hands of His Mother, looking at Her with gentleness, saying to Mary:

"Mother, I gave My companions to You, and You have taken care of them, although some of them have not reciprocated. Today I get up from the ground, once again, as I once stood up three times during Calvary, because You help Me, Mother, with the strength of Your Love, Your patience and Your trust, to renew all things. And today, together we renewed all His creatures in the Presence of God, and those that have repented from the heart are anointed with the luminous Sign of the Cross. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

And then the archangels drawback from the Source and the Mother of God withdraws into the Temple of Her Heart to continue praying for Her children.

Christ returns here, to this place, with a gentle gaze, impregnated with a profound silence and renewing His Heart within us, He again offers us the greater mystery of His Love, the Holy Communion, in which all those who listen are invited to spiritually participate in.

And in the same way today Our Lord offers us His Body and His Blood, at this moment and after this experience, in which we were filled with the Most Holy Trinity and our faults were washed by the Source of the Love of God, in this moment and for the days that will come, let us offer ourselves, so that God, through the Sacred Hearts, may always show us the path for finding Light, Love and surrender.

Let us listen to the instrumental of "And Thus Spoke the Master."

Surrendered before the altar of Our Lord, we re-experience this mystery of love and the legacy He gave us through the Eucharist, and we remain in the presence of this experience that we had together. To our awareness we bring the image of this Source of Light so that we also may place what we have and do not have, in trust to the Creator.

In a time so like this one, Jesus was gathered, together with His apostles, to give them the most important legacy of humanity, before living His sorrowful Passion.

And so He offered Himself, lifting up the bread, He gave it to the Father so that it could be blessed. And then, He gave it to His apostles, saying to them: "Take it and eat it, for this is My Body that will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.



He then took the Chalice and performing the same action, offered it to the Father so that it could be blessed. Then He passed it to His apostles and with all the tenderness and love of His Heart, looking each one in the eye, He said to them: "Take it and drink it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant that will be poured out for humankind, for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me."


We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


The Body and the Blood of Christ.

Blessed are they who avail themselves spiritually of this Sacrament, for on this day they will also be communing with Me, in spite of where they are.

In union with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, let us pray the prayer that Christ taught us.


Our Father (in Spanish).

Our Father (in English).

May the Peace of Christ descend upon Earth.

And today, seven drops of the Spiritual Blood of Christ were poured out by the Redeemer into these chalices, for the redemption of humanity. Amen.

May peace be in you, so that peace may be in the world.

And before going to the same place and spiritual space wherein consciousness I took each one of you today, I ask you to remember this experience, because you will need it as strength for your spirits and souls.

Meditate through this experience and you will be able to find many more keys on your spiritual path.

Today, for the second time, I have felt the presence of each one of your hearts; in this way, I do not feel alone.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Light of the powerful White Mountain will congregate and gather all the Masters of the past, all those who have participated in the Conclave of the Hierarchy throughout times.

Their Presence will be visible, but the majority will not be able to reach Them, because They will be under a certain mission and task, under a certain purpose and request for the Creator.

And, thus, the treasuries of the inner Retreats of the Earth will open, and not only will the light of each one of them be seen, but so will the most sacred relics from when this planet began, as a creation, and as a genetic project. From them, a stronger and more powerful light will arrive, because the great sign of the White Light of the Mountain will bring with it many revelations and the mysteries will be unveiled.

Everything will become visible to all, but no one will be able to violate these treasures and relics, because a powerful and invisible energy will protect them.

In this way, the Masters will come from very far places of the planet. Some will descend from the Himalayas, others will come from the Andes, and some will come from here, and silence will show the truth.

The Heart of God will be touched at this moment, because the Masters of the past, the Masters of Light, the instructors of the planet and of humanity will prepare the Return of Christ, and this will be the great compensation and inner sustenance for My Church.

All that is written in the Universe throughout the stars will be shown. And that which is written in the Universe will descend to the planet, like something very similar to the comets, to the shooting stars that illuminate the firmament at night.

Those who aspired for so long to ascend to the mountains to find their inner world will find it after having struggled for many centuries against themselves, to transmute their desires, their temptations, their duality, their imperfection.

In this hour the Sacred Chalice, the Holy Grail, will emerge, just as it was once here, in this Sacred White Mountain.

Again, the table of redemption will be prepared.

The tribes will also arrive, just as Israel arrived after it was liberated from the slavery of Egypt. But the people of Israel, the ancient people, will no longer take 40 years to find me, to find the Second Person of God, the Son, but rather they will know the path because the Masters will be their very stars that will indicate upon the firmament, just as it was in Bethlehem, the coming of the Messiah, the Savior and Redeemer.

There will no longer be any consciousness upon the Surface of the Earth, a nation, any human power or any person that can hide from what will happen because all this movement and this event will be through the greater impulse of Cosmic Love, which has created you in the image and likeness of the Father to be able to fulfill, in this material and spiritual plane, His Designs and Wills.

The winter will pass, the dark night will end, because the powerful light of the inner Retreats will bring the new, that which no one has been able to see since this planet and this genetic project began.

And, at last, before the Son of God arrives, the Confraternity will gather. From their essences will shine the great stars of their origins.

The faces of the just will no longer cry for lamentations and guilt, but rather they will rejoice. The cry will be of joy, of rejoicing and bliss, because the Holy Grail will be there, resplendent, on top of the White Mountain.

And the synthesis and the legacy of all the love lived by Christ, your Master and Lord, will open the great portal between Heaven and Earth, for the glorious and victorious descent of the Son of God.

The great Light of the White Mountain will be the one that will open the door to the new time. But, afterward, many signs will be shown, even though the planet and its humanity may be touched, stirred or disturbed.

Those who were assigned to fulfill a task and a mission in these times will be consciously called and the Eternal Father will no longer have to wait until His children awaken and become aware of the truth.

Just as I speak to you today, from the top of the White Mountain, so will that event be, but even more striking and revealing.

The Masters of the mountains who will descend from the Himalayas, from the Andes, and who will emerge from the inner Retreats of the planet, will bring with them their entire legacy and all learnings, and, above all, the experience of Christic Love, lived as great universal and cosmic consciousnesses.

No one will be able to say that this will not be true, because God needs it this way and determines it for the construction and the advent of the new race, which will no longer violate nor outrage the laws, the principles or the attributes that are a part of a Higher Will and a Design that comes to the world and to your consciousnesses in order to elevate them toward the Higher Purpose.

Meanwhile, and when all this happens, the Woman Clothed with the Sun will also come after Her Son, and those who did not believe in Her will see Her in glory, just as She ascended to the Heavens, surrounded by angels and stars.

Her great Universes will be shown, Her Faces will be revealed, and in the end She will show the last path along which to return to the Father, to be in communion with His Spirit and with His Consciousness, for all eternity.

Suffering will no longer be the cause of all evils and anguishes, of so many sorrows and tests, because in this hour, My enemy will be defeated, and his head will be under My Feet.

I, Myself, and the Archangel Gabriel will redeem him, and all his fallen armies that sentenced all the civilizations and peoples of the planet and of the Universe throughout the times. And, thus, Creation will be recreated and everything will again have a meaning for God.

A great many, indeed many souls will recognize their mistakes. But the Light of Divine Mercy will come as the last lifeline at the moment of the great universal Judgment. 

At that hour, all will be defined. This is why I prepare you with these announcements and words, because you must not forget them. There will no longer be another moment when I can repeat and announce them, as I do today, on this day.

Because when all this happens, you, as a part of the extension of My Will and of My Work upon the planet, will understand the meaning of all that you have done, of all that you have lived and experienced, of all I have asked you to faithfully fulfill.

In this way all will begin again, and souls will rejoice, they will no longer lose the path nor the meaning of their existences because, when the King returns through the powerful Light of the White Mountain, at that moment, all will be accomplished, and the new scriptures will be fulfilled.

The Bible will be renewed and restored from the outrage that humans have made towards it, because a new history will be written, not only in the Heart of the Father, but also in the heart of His children.

The cycles will close when the inner Retreats become visible, and, everything, absolutely everything, without much time left, will begin from scratch.

Be ready for this moment, be conscious of what I tell you.

Spread My Words throughout the world, because as they are the last, they are the most revealing.  There is a part of these signs that you must understand for yourselves, in attunement and love with Me. In this way, you will keep growing in love and truth, in justice and in service for all those who do not do so, and who, someday, in the next time and in the next world, must do so.

God created His children for them to serve one another, to love one another, to grow together and in unity.

Keep praying for your Master to be able to continue speaking and announcing the Word, which is no longer His own, but is the Word of God, which comes from His Source, and, above all, from His Love.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.



Marathon of Divine Mercy

May peace be in this place and everything that does not belong to My Father be dispelled. So be it.

I have come from the Universe to bring you My Message, for it is time that essences awaken.

That is why today I manifest My Sacred Heart to all, the human Heart of Christ; which received the spear to spill the Mercy of God throughout the ends of the Earth and to remove the enemy and its surface reign.

And although its forces move in this planetary sphere, My Heart will always triumph, and you will make It succeed when you adore My Spirit and open your consciousness to My Call.

Pay attention to what I am telling you, because they are not only words, nor decrees; they are also energies retransmitted by the Divine Source through the Verb of the Son of God.

So I come to separate My flocks from evil, so that all enter the stable of My Heart, because there, will always exist the way out which My powerful Hand will indicate, to the Kingdom of the Father.

What colonizes humanity is not evolutionary. That is why I come in this time to demystify everything, because the heart of each one of you, as that of each one of your brothers and sisters, must be in the right place, according to its freedom and its choice.

Yesterday I told you, companions, that in this time everything is permitted, not only on Earth but also in the Cosmos. We are at the peak of a great Armageddon.

While the doors of the Light are opening to be able to prevail, My enemy also prevails in the defeated.

I come for those who are becoming lost, because I know that they can be in Me and I in them, until someday, they achieve the unconditional spirit.

You, who are present, who over time have followed so many marathons, already have the key to open the door to the unconditional spirit that is within each one of you, because it will be that spirit that will unconditionally concretize My Project in humanity.

I have attained new genetic codes, that are waiting to be placed in consciousnesses of the surface.

The Passion that I lived allowed this. Thus, it was not only a Passion, a transmutation of the suffering and the sin of the world.

God created those conditions in that time so that humanity could learn about love, and how, through love, it could achieve a Christic consciousness.

You are the bearers of a primordial essence that comes from great reservoirs of the Universe, where the Creator Parents, beyond their seventh dimension of consciousness, work to recreate this Creation.

Today I invite you to remember your origin, because only in your origin will you achieve Redemption. Everything that happens around you will be superfluous, it will have no importance in the face of the need for the Project of Christ to prevail.

Awaken those codes in yourselves, not only through prayer and adoration. Elevate your consciousnesses to the Divine and you will be bearers of new gifts that are waiting to wake up in you as new talents; those talents of which I once spoke in the parables.

It is this, My Heart, that gave Itself for you in that time, which in this same time and in this same Era not only prepares for Its Return to humanity, but also the return within you, beyond the soul and the spirit; beyond the essence.

If you, companions, feel encouraged to commune of these divine codes through the practices of the spiritual life, you will be on the correct path to be able to find Me and find Me again as many times as necessary.

This is why I come to awaken your right-side consciousness; that is the great veil for your consciousnesses, which the Master of Love comes to withdraw with His own Hands so that you may awaken to the true reality of these times.

Abandon the superficial life and move toward the life of the spirit, because it will be your spirits that will not perish and will not let the body perish under the terrestrial energies, but instead will be firm so as to be carriers of the new codes that I bring you today, from where all of life, the life of the infinite has emerged.

From the Source, from Abba, I bring for all what many lack.

Believe that this inner transformation is possible, for in this way, the new doors will open so that you may tread the inner enclosures, where your bodies will be alive, full of the Love of God and His Grace, guided by once your brothers and sisters, who only wait for you to stretch out your hands to them, so that they may uplift you to the Consciousness of Universal Love.

I want you to listen more than once to this message that I bring you today, because only My Mercy allows a great Grace in this hour, unknown to all, and which is conceived of by My Love in light of so many sins in the world, so much indifference and omissions.

Thus I show you that My Being is not only Jesus, or a Heart that can only love.

My Consciousness has expanded for you, since the Ascension.

Many say that I went to Heaven, but I was always among you, manifesting the power of My Love and the miracles of life.

If you believe that I am in a Body through the bread; if you also believe that My Divine Blood is to be found through the wine, after being consecrated, why do you fear inner transcendence?

I give you the foundation so that you may experience the impulses and always be renewed under the spirit of faith.

In the Universe there are dwelling places that are waiting for you all, there are spaces in which your souls may be happy, because it has been the Will of My father to create all those expressions of Love in the Universe.

That is why My intent, companions, is that your consciousnesses be uplifted and moved out of the inertia of these times. Inertia will only lead you into suffering. Be brave, My friends, and unite from the heart with My Great Portal.

The archangels show the way to those who aspire to experience their transformation.

All the Holy Creator Parents hope that a large part of humanity wake up from their deep sleep, so that this Project on the Earth, as well as so many others in the Universe, come into real time, the eternal present in which there is no pain, or suffering; what you call "eternity."

So, companions, think for a moment: why does your Master of Love today give you so many keys?

I still wait for you to climb the mountains of this world to be able to find me. Did God then create them through His personal desire? For you, they are the symbol of your upliftment, of the constant persistence and of deep faith, of always being able to achieve the goal that your spirits came to fulfill on this sacred mission.

So today I bring you the Cosmos, that it not only be contemplated in the Material Universe, but also in the essence of the Spiritual Universe.

The Laws are active at this moment, in an inexplicable and mysterious way, so that souls may be uplifted and find again the path they lost to the Great Light.

God expressed many attributes in these Marian Centers.

Those attributes were the basis for this great awakening.

Do you remember when you used to invoke them, when you pronounced them from the heart?

Did you ever, companions, at some time think that through the singing of the attributes you were uniting with new laws?

That always happened here, in this Marian Center, in this community, which is the mother of many others on the plane of the spirit.

It is for that reason that God sent His Messengers here and not to some other place in the world.

In essence, I am showing everybody what the real Church is, the one I taught about two thousand years ago, the blessed Celestial Church, that is spread through all the creatures of the Earth through their inner essence.

It is the Church that I need to rebuild; but I know that the race still needs something formal to understand it.

That is why I bring so many symbols and signs throughout the times, through so many Apparitions of the Divine Messengers, so that each being, in their school, experience their evolution according to the degree of their learning and awakening.

Through these words I want to give you the true teaching that exists in the Universe.

You are not in this world just to suffer or perish.

Be more intelligent than My adversary and move off this stance of being victims.

Reactivate the Ray of your inner intelligence so that the Ray of Love-Wisdom may emerge, and have a thirst for discovering the Universe beyond yourselves; the Universe that exists within you, that is wise and rich, generous and most prodigious, just like the Universe that exists in this Material Universe.

Are you prepared, companions, so that during the Sacred Week you may come to know My true Aspect? Respond!

Those present say "yes".

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

He says that we don't know what we are saying.

I am not only a fisher of souls, but a caller of essences, of essences that came to fulfill a Project and carry out a great mission at the end of these times and after so, so many experiences.

When I tell you to be more intelligent than My adversary, I invite you to move off the point of suffering, so that you may enter into the Universe of the Great Consciousness, in which everything can be uplifted and liberated beyond matter as well as spirit.

You have asked Me for time to reveal these matters to you.

My Father knows it all, sees it all, to the point of knowing how far your hearts can expand with this knowledge.

I Am that glorified King that comes to show Himself to the world, so that through My Heart, all may come to know their inner Universe and all that exists in this Cosmos.

You are stars that descended to Earth, that were deported to this world to experience a Project, but not like what you think.

All of Creation is contained in the Love of God and everything that exists within this Creation is blessed, although any consciousness, in this Universe or another, may be in its deepest affliction or in its great test, to struggle against the forces of chaos, prevailing through love and truth.

Duality is present in this humanity. That is the reason, companions, for your having free choice, and that this law defines your destiny forever.

Thus, before making a decision, meditate. Invoke the powerful wisdom of My Heart, so that after, you not suffer unnecessarily.

Be adults in the spiritual life and you will be receptacles for the new.

For today I have already said much.

Aspire to expand this knowledge in these days.

Continue to pray from the heart and with fervor, so that not only your consciousnesses are worked upon, but also the consciousness of humanity, which is one and  cannot lose this last Grace.

Meanwhile, I will consecrate these elements, so that souls may be vivified and find love again.

I want you to sing to My Heart.

Plead for My help, because the King is with His Reign in you and hopes that this Reign may be realized in the end of these times.

Here is the Glory of all Creation.

Happy are those who participate in this Sacrament, for they not only feed their spirit and their consciousness with the divine energy of Love, but also the matter shines forth when the Holy Communion enters their mouths and communes of Universal Love.

Be happy and believe that this is true, for if I am here, companions, it is because God has sent Me so that for a time, which has been set by Him, I may be among you expressing My Divine Mercy and My Glory.

I bless these elements under the celestial authority of God, of all the angels and archangels, of all souls of goodwill that inhabit this planet, so that love, mercy, compassion, and peace may triumph in all consciousnesses of the world. So be it.

Together, companions, and responding to My request, we will do the Holy Cross, the glorious sign of our Redeemer.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. (x3)

Glory to God in the highest and Peace on Earth for all beings of goodwill.

I thank you.

Sing to Me as if you had found Me for the first time.


On this afternoon of Mercy, I come with the burning desire to meet you once again, because there are still many souls in the world that do not want to see Me.

That is why today and during this week, I invite you to remember My Sacrifice, so that you may also experience it for those souls who deny God.

There are still many consciousnesses submerged in materialism. But My Mercy still comes to the world so as to be able to save you. And in My total trust, I will continue forward through you, so that My plans of redemption may be fulfilled.

I would like your hearts to be very close to Mine, for I need to hear the beat of your essences, because this week will not be like the previous one, the one I experienced with you last year.

The times have changed a lot, My companions, and few perceive the changes that have occurred in humanity. That is why today I show you My Heart, which perpetually pours out Blood and Water.

My Heart is full of Mercy for all, but very few have come to drink from this Fount of Graces for fear of sin, of error or of a mistake. Dear companions, My Mercy does not see these things, but rather the spirit of your perseverance.

At the beginning of this meeting, I sent you a message of peace from the higher spheres of consciousness, so that you would be able to unite with these creator principles.

But today I also want to tell you, My companions, that your Father, the archangel Michael, accompanying me in presence and omnipresence, expects to descend upon this sacred ground of Aurora through the manifestation of the sacred hermitage. Much time has gone by since I made the request to you, My friends. Many souls in the invisible worlds wait to pass through this portal. And this will be possible through your collaboration.

You will know, My friends, that Heaven has many needs with regard to this humanity. And in the same way that We, the Divine Messengers, ask for many things, humanity also asks us for many things.

Grace is reciprocal. Therefore, My companions, let us start working, because the archangel Michael hopes to descend and bring His glory to this place. A Glory that will be radiated to the world, principally to those hearts that need to be exorcized.

Continue to pray for this holy cause. The Creator Father will thank you. Continue to evoke His Holy Name in your hearts, for thus you will also be calling for My Universal Grace.

The archangel Michael and I are but one. He was the great Messenger of God for those past times, when He helped Me to carry the cross of this humanity.

But He comes now to your aid, luminous and winged, to bring His liberation to humanity, which souls have been awaiting for a long time.

In this Sacred Week, companions, I wish for you to relive My Passion, as you did the previous year. But at this time, in this Sacred Week, your hearts should already be mature, for in this cycle, I need to gather up all the talents that I placed in you, for the planetary emergency is very great and souls ask for help and liberation, and it will be through your hearts, through your inner instruments, which are souls praising God, where I will be able to carry out My tasks and reach inhospitable places, where not even light or love exist.

Repeat your pleas and inner intentions to My glorified Heart, because My Heart is open to welcome your requests. Because during this Sacred Week, I will be working with each one of you. I will try to show you the signs I need you to see, so that your spirits and consciousnesses may mature.

I deeply rejoice to meet with you again, because this Sacred Week is special for the world, especially for those who do not receive anything. For this reason, I am summoning all servers, so that they take the risk of coming here and sharing with Me the emanation of the Love of My Heart that is necessary for the world and for large parts of this humanity, who can no longer bear it, who need My Mercy through your mediating spirits.

I bring you the final summons so that you, now and always, may be My apostles. Live My message in practice and in life, live My teachings above all things, for you are already prepared, My companions, just as I prepared many spirits throughout the world, who always feel Me in their hearts and respond to My celestial commands, serving the neediest and most deprived souls, listening to the poorest and dying hearts. And mainly, carrying the Light and My Love.

Be still, for My energy is working in you.

This is one of the last Graces that I pour out upon the world, before My Return to the Earth. Therefore, keep each code of Light that I place in you.

Remember the words that I dictated at the beginning of this meeting.

Live My Message, live My Message and be My Message for all.

Feel My Heart, which draws close to your spirits.

Feel the rejoicing of My Love.

Come into My Lap of Light, because there, all will always be well.

Forget what happened. Live the eternal present with Me; in this way, you will receive what Heaven wants to pour out through My Heart.

I only need you near Me, so that you may feel My Hope and My Encouragement.

I come here for all, principally for those who are no longer here, whom I wait, in infinite patience, that they one day return to My Arms, in spite of the paths they have chosen for their lives.

I summon all the sheep to become a part of this great flock of universal light, of these deep nuclei of light that your inner consciousness experiences, for it is time to awaken. Your deep consciousness is calling you so that you really live what you have come to live in the name of the Lord. The world needs it and many souls also expect it.

The Plan will also be accomplished through all the servers. Everything is united to the same thread of light, from the Earth toward the Universe, beyond this material Universe.

Always summon your Eternal Father. He will be the strength that will move you, transform you and purify you.

My Heart will be your refuge. Thus, the time has come for you to be prepared and to not waste time on superficial things.

Reaffirm your vow of commitment with Me, for I wait every day, within the great universal silence in which I live, that each soul of this Earth may hear My last call, for I am fulfilling the promise to return, first from spirit, to then manifest in Glory for the whole of humanity.

But I need faithful witnesses who can give the example of what they have experienced and who are also able to wait for Me when the great hour for humanity approaches. That will be the moment, companions, in which all will be fulfilled, as it was written in the beginning.

You are a part of a universal story that is being written in the books of the Creator. You must be the pens in the hands of God, so that He may write His Will through your lives.

I invite you, companions, to the consecration of the sacred elements, which for you will be the Body and Blood of your beloved Redeemer.

From the earth comes the wheat, the product of the work of humankind. From this wheat, flour is born so that the bread of life may emerge for humanity. Through this example, companions, I invite you to remember your origins, for you must return to the beginning of everything. Just as you arose from the Whole, you soon will return to the Whole, because there you will merge with the Essence of God.

At that time, when I was present with you, celebrating My last supper, this same bread that is in front of Me was upon the table, being offered to the Creator as the glorified Body of Christ, Who would be mutilated, martyred, flagellated and wounded for the releasing of the sins of souls.

To your memories, and principally for your cells, may this sanctified Body represent the constant search for union with My Spirit, with My Divinity and with My Glorification.

Receive at this time the Rays of My Light.

The grape is also a product of the earth and the work of humankind. But through this example, I give you to drink of the renewal, the transfiguration, of the transubstantiation of the impure particles that are part of this planetary consciousness.

At that time, when I was sitting at the table with those of Mine and with many of you as souls in glory and in praise, I gave everyone to drink of the perfect code of My Blood, in which no impurity exists, but rather the maximum expression of the Love that was shed by Me during the flagellation, the Calvary and the cross.

Receive on this afternoon the Rays of My infinite Mercy and remember to drink of this Blood with reverence and love, for it will always renew, transmute, and free you, as long as you remember that I am present in all that is created.

Let us pray like on the Mount of Beatitudes.

Prayer: Our Father, in Aramaic.

And through the water that will wash your feet, the symbol of purification is found, where the wounds, sins, and errors are washed by the chastity that the water itself represents. 

When you receive this blessing, remember that you are being released from the ties. Because water holds the code of original purity, of what existed in the beginning in the Genesis, which sanctifies souls, purifies them and also renews them, under the Holy Spirit of God.

Bring me the water here.


O! Blood of Christ,
poured over the world,
purify our souls,
relieve our hearts,
Have pity on us, Lord.


The women from Bethany prepared the wells of light so that the codes of God could be poured out and the sick could be healed by the baptism that I granted after John, My beloved brother.

Remember the wells of Bethany and Samaria. There, when I went by, I left a fundamental principle for the world: the renewal of the Sacrament of Baptism and of Faith for all the souls who had faith in the Son of God, in spite of not knowing Him, nor truly knowing who He was or from where He was coming. Faith heals souls and brings them the hope to be able to continue onward.

So on this afternoon of Mercy, I bless this sacrament, this chaste and pure water, so that it may serve as healing for souls and as liberation from the sins of the world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

At the request of Our Lord, we will listen to the Our Father in Latin.

For those who are able, kneel to receive the blessing of Our Lord on this first day.

Song: Paternoster

Under the blessing of the celestial spheres, remember that on this day and for the days that will come, I will be congregating you in the Spirit of My Love, that you may be motivated to continue onward. And in spite of the consequences, see the Light of My Presence on the horizon, which will always be present within you.

I send My embrace of light to Mother Maria Shimani and to Sister Lucía, for during this Sacred Week they will be present in My Heart.

I thank you for being with Me today!

Create bridges of light during these days, thus I will be able to help you and give you the essence of My Love.

Go in peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus, in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón, during the 12th Marathon of Divine Mercy

And after My prayers, I bless those who will eat and drink of My Blood, those who will have their feet washed, renewing their vows to God.

And in this magnificent universal blessing, I again leave everybody an important Call: persevere, persevere, do not let evil deceive you. My Mercy is the great shield in the end of times. To those who cover themselves with My Mercy, I promise they will not perish, and they will triumph in the Eyes of My Father, because they will be a missionary consecrated to the Greater Plan.

On this afternoon of Mercy and of Pity, I bless you and I deeply love you as essences originating from the Greater Source.

Recognize your past, the true past that is found in the Origin, in the Greater Star, in the universe of the Father, where Love and Peace abide.

Do not forget this. In the difficult moments, the union with your origin will be the key to transcend the atavisms of this humanity, and in this way, you will give permission for the doors to open for those who have them closed, and then all will live in the Universe of My Divine Mercy.

I am grateful for your prayers and pleadings. I leave you My Peace.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

In this meeting we honor You, Jesus.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today the apparition was special, because Jesus appeared as a pilgrim, one of those pilgrims who walk on many roads.

In His Hand He held a staff and today He appeared kneeling before us and He took support on that staff.

He observed us for a long time; He looked peacefully at us, in silence. We felt that something was going to happen behind all that, something good, positive.

After some time, He showed His Sacred Heart, still as a pilgrim, and then He transformed into the Glorified Christ; He stood before a book that floated in the air, and on the covers of the book there was a symbol, the symbol of the Alpha and the Omega.

When Christ stood before that book, the book opened and He began to read.

First it was a silent reading, and He did not say what was written in that book; He only said that it was the Book of the Apocalypse that was known to the great Masters of the Universe.

Later on, He began to give His Special Message (July 6, 2014). And He began, saying:

"Prayer of Christ" and I asked Him: Is it really, Lord? "Yes, it is a prayer that I make to the Father."

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic)

Friar Elías:

Please, can a brother of Casa Redención, at the request of Christ, bring a loaf of uncut bread.

Following, Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón receives the daily Message of Christ Jesus.

Song: "Be in vigil and pray always".

My Sacred Hearts, today I am glad to see faces washed by the Fount of My Mercy and feet liberated from all the dust of the past, renewed in soul and in spirit; I give you on this day also My Grace.

In reparation to the Heart of Our Father, I ask that you offer the remaining beads for God, for your love of God, so that He also sends His Mercy to the rest of the world, to those places that are in shadows and where My Light has still not entered.

When I asked for all these prayers, everything had a spiritual and universal end that, through your grace and love, has been accomplished.

Thus, in the end times I will ask you for impossible things, and you will be able to confirm that you can do them when you simply unite with Me in the purpose, in the mission, for the good of all and for the peace of all.

And so, on this afternoon of Mercy, My Heart of Light approached you from Heaven, traveling from the heart of the universe to here, to radiate My Love and My Peace to you.

Each one of you has a commitment to Me. For that reason, to some I will ask for everything and others will know what they can give Me. We are in a time of definitions, of consecrations to the Will of God so that all souls, which are behind you, may also receive a merciful opportunity. Thus, the network of souls in the whole world, which receives the impulses of My Light and of My Mercy, will be able to free themselves and achieve the promised redemption.

Dear ones, before My farewell and My thanks, know that My Presence is not only with you, but with all the inner selves of the whole world.

In this way, My Being is returning to Its home, to the house of Its companions, to remind you of your origins, the true face of each being, the spirit of each one that are still unknown to you because of your veils. But My Grace comes to remove your veils and free you from sin, restoring you in God, in His Primordial Source, in His merciful Love.

Know that what I requested of Faustina, today I am requesting of you; but I am also asking it of all of humanity through those who truly listen to Me here and in their homes.

I am grateful because you are seeds of Light that establish My Heart in your hearts.

Now I will listen, in Glory to God, in this celestial and terrestrial unity that has been established through My Sacred Heart, in this definitive hour, I will listen to the singing of My consecrated, and I will also consecrate, before you, the bread, which is My Body, the wine, which is My Blood, to seal a profound unity so that you do not forget about this moment with Me.

If you are here today, My dear companions, it is because your souls have listened to Me. Thus you will be able to understand, in this hour, that what responds to God is the spirit in each of you, a spirit that at the end of days, will merge with God, with Me and with the universe.

Song: "Kyrie Eleison"

Friar Elías:

In the name of the Almighty God and the Holy Spirit, Jesus says that those who can kneel, do so.

In the bread and the wine, I will sow a cell of My Body and of My Blood.

Friar Elías:

Together with Christ, the monastery will intone the Our Father (in Aramaic).

Seven ringsof the bell.

"You expired, Jesus, but Your Death caused a spring of Life to flow for souls, and the ocean of Your Mercy flooded the whole world. O Source of Life, unfathomable Divine Mercy, flood the whole world, pouring out upon us up to the last drop of Your Blood. Amen."

Go in peace and be renewed through My Heart.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías:

It would be important that all the brothers and sisters know about some things that He permitted to be revealed. First, today He told us that He was coming from the heart of the universe, from Heaven. And from there, He arrived here very strongly. He did not come alone, but rather accompanied by other Hierarchies of the Light that, with much reverence, were in His Presence.

At a certain moment, near the stage, the universe opened and, as He said, for some seconds the universe and the Earth were one. And in our inner beings, He had us experience another time, different from this one, different from this physical time. When He made this movement as if it were a mudra, we perceived that not only we were in another time with Him, but also all those who were connected with Him at that moment.

At a certain point, something strange suddenly happened; with His Consciousness, He entered into the communication media, for example, the internet, and His energy travelled through the internet. Not only His Presence was unfolding in the homes, but also He was arriving in those spaces that needed a lot of light.

Suddenly, behind the Master, a stairway appeared that was of light blue color and that rose to the Heights, toward infinity. He was surrounded by Hierarchies of Light, and on His left and His right two energies began to descend, which we we also did not understand what it was about at that time, but He asked us to observe so as to hold that information.

What we understood is that those two energies were coming directly from the Father-Mother Creator. When the Hierarchies of Light that were around Christ saw that movement, they immediately revered it, took a posture of reverence, and we perceived that they were feeling something that went beyond their capacity, it was something greater, more powerful.

Those two energies that were coming from the Father-Mother Creator united through the Heart of Christ. At that moment, He told us about some things regarding the task of prayer we have been doing from yesterday till today.

And while He was speaking, He was not speaking only for us, but was speaking for all those that were joined with Him. At that moment, He was still circulating on the internet with His Consciousness.

When He spoke about the network of souls, we understood that it was a state in which we were all immersed. He was explaining to us that it had to do with the point or the moment at which we were in our spiritual evolution, and through that state, He works with the whole planet.

And when He continued with His Consciousness in these communications media, He did two tasks in one: He helped, assisted, saved what was necessary for that hour of Mercy, while He transmitted the message. We then found ourselves facing a completely supernatural situation and we met a different Face of Christ than what we knew until this time, the Face of the true Redeemer of the Universe.

We realized that today, a part of Him came to us that was closer to His material, physical Consciousness. For this reason, He told us not to worry about what we felt or saw, to let Him do the task, to trust that everything was alright.

He told us that, as a result of the Marathon, sixty percent of the task that He had foreseen was now accomplished. In that sixty percent, He was able to help a large part of the planet and was telling us that, in that hour, in the meeting with Him, the Marathon was concluded, but that He asked for a greater effort for God from us.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
