
When you need to return to the beginning of the Whole, to your origin, contemplate the starry sky at night and ask: Father, where am I from? Thus, you will be opening your heart to awaken to the knowledge of your existence.

Open yourself without fear, so that one day you may know where you come from and why you are here on this planet, because you must recognize that true life is not material, but immaterial.

But if you ask where your inner origin comes from, you should know, My child, that knowing this will commit you to being responsible and mature, for your evolution and awakening.

Therefore, I invite you to risk knowing who you really are, and allow your soul to be released from the material prison, which does not allow it to be what it has come to be here on Earth.

I am not talking about looking for achievements, but rather about knowing, in order to grow and better serve the Plan of God; because the Celestial Father needs His children to be awake and to abandon the illusion and pleasures of material life.

Thus, knowing who you are and placing yourself to serve, you will not fear death, because you will know that the spirit does not die but reintegrates into the dynamic universal life.

Be patient, but also be humble. Persevere every day in the ardent aspiration that your consciousness may rise to expand, only so that you become more aware, responsible and surrendered to Higher Life.

You have My support and blessing to begin this sacred path towards the return to Higher Existence.

Go ahead!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I reflect the principles of Universal Creation to the whole planet.

I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I bring to humanity the Attributes of God.

I am the Lady of the Lakes, because. through them, I mirror healing and regeneration to the world.

I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I sustain the universal balance of the planet.

I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I establish the beauty of peace.

I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I allow My children to return to their inner origin.

I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I ignite My Mirrors of the cosmos and, thus, I free the planet from constant oppression.

I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I spiritually gestate the moral and internal reconstruction of humanity.

I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I purify and heal suffering souls.

I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, I lead My children towards peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Weekly Message transmitted by the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Dear children,

Behold the Sacred Lady of the Portal, who opens the spaces of the consciousness so that Divine Science may descend into it.

Behold the Sacred Lady of the Portal, who in this time shows all Her children the pathway of return to the Heart of God.

Behold the Sacred Lady of the Portal, who guides and leads prayerful hearts towards a definitive meeting with their inner origin.

Behold the Sacred Lady of the Portal, who in this time shows the signs of the Return of Christ to all servers of the Redeemer.

Behold the Sacred Lady of the Portal, who intercedes between the Earth and Heaven for impossible causes and situations.

Behold the Sacred Lady of the Portal, who brings to everyone the blessed flow of Celestial Grace so that you may be cleansed of your faults and be reborn as redeemed instruments, placed in offering at the Feet of the Celestial Father.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



From the beginning of the manifestation of life, My children, in the most pure and profound Thought of God, when He was gestating the Project of this humanity, within it was contemplated the existence of the original peoples; those peoples are called thus not only because they gave origin to the civilizations of this world, but also because, from the origin of life, they were thought by God to maintain the union between Heaven and Earth, union among all Kingdoms of Nature, union between the surface of the planet and the subtle worlds.

The original peoples, beloved children, are those thought by God to be the doorkeepers of the sublime worlds, of the superior realities where the sacred dwells, where beings are invited to return to their Origins in the Celestial Founts.

It is in this way that, from the beginning of humanity and up to today, the Divine Hierarchy has impelled the original peoples to find their purity and return to the Purpose that God manifested for their lives at the beginning.

Upon creating this planet and each being of this Earth, which is the bearer of a particle of the divine essence, your Celestial Father created not only the Kingdoms, the elements and the human being, a fruit of the clay consecrated by His Divine Breath. God also created subtle realities, invisible to the human eyes that do not seek with sincerity the sacred within their lives.

These subtle worlds maintain, within the planet, the Divine Purpose. Within them, communion with all kinds of life is lived; within them the dimensions unite and there is no danger, because those who enter there live pure in heart and in spirit, and only aspire to fulfill the Divine Will and Purpose.

Those who enter these subtle worlds, My children, have been divested of their personal wills and from their human condition of impurity and degeneration. In this way, their hearts find the path to express purity and unity with the Divine.

These subtle worlds are safeguarded by nature, by its strength, beauty and harmony. In the invisible of the lakes, seas, deserts and mountains, they hide, not only to sustain the planet, but also so that, through the greatness of the expression of nature, those who arrive there can feel that something more dwells there; that a sacred mystery lies hidden there, and it is as if Heaven were closer to humanity and God could express Himself.

Throughout the times and the history of humanity, many were the peoples who could enter these subtle worlds with all they were because, while humanity, in other parts of the Earth,  lost its purpose, these peoples found it and deepened into it, not only through science and wisdom but, above all, through love for the sacred and divine and through respect for life and nature.

These were the Keys that allowed these peoples to live the Science of Transfiguration. And, just as My Son had once revealed It to you on Mount Tabor, they also could recognize their true face, illuminate cells and atoms and allow, not only for their heart and consciousness to vibrate in another more elevated level, but also their more material part. This part, which today seems so dense, had elevated and became transfigured in ancient times.

Through the simplicity of the heart, the original peoples discovered that the same solar essence that they contemplated and adored in the infinite sky dwelled within them. And, in this way, they lived a profound union with God, as they could understand Him.

Upon illuminating their cells and atoms, upon letting themselves be permeated by the light in their souls, these peoples attained the same vibration of the subtle worlds, and thus could not only see them, but also enter and participate in them, as representatives of humanity.

In this way, they became Guardians and Doorkeepers of these subtle dimensions, which up to today hide within the planet. Some of these peoples left upon the surface traces of their history and life, and then disappeared. But others, My children, were never known by humanity.

Today your Divine Mother comes to this place, sacred to Heaven and Earth, to reveal to you a history and, more than that, to impel your souls toward the quest for purity and for the sacred.

The time has come to unveil the hidden mysteries in the history of humanity, not only to abandon ignorance but, above all, My children, to embrace purity. And in the time to come, when the Earth will be elevated in its vibration and conducted to a new time, a new reality, may your hearts and spirits be ready, not only to see, but to participate in this sublime life.

Seek the purity of your hearts, seek union with life and nature and, just as today I reveal to you many mysteries, other truths will also be revealed in your hearts.

I bless you and thank you for coming here and for being open from the heart to the revelations that God brings to you at this time.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Once upon the eternal time, there was an infinite and loving purpose of the One; He wanted to reflect His experience through a Creation formed and constituted by many types of life.

In this way, first the universes, its galaxies, suns and stars were created, then the nebulae were created and, within them, the dimensions and the planes of consciousness had already dwelt.

Later, when this first Creation had matured, in a vibratory and spiritual sense, the Father, with all of His Love, fixed His gaze in a point of the Universe, where a planet, which had shone the most, generated a greater spiritual condition that was capable of sheltering and receiving a Project.

For this, the Father asked this treasure of the Universe, which was spontaneously expressing itself, to receive one of the most special elements and fluids of the Creation: the water element, so that that which would happen later could have the necessary support to develop and evolve.

This element would bring to the human consciousness, which was the last fulfilled Project, the inner and also material capacity to remember its origin, not only since the maternal womb, but also its superior origin.

The water element is the fundamental basis for the emotional and sentimental balance of the human being. Therefore, in the creation of the planet Earth, the Father wanted to grant to His children the greatest quantity of oceans and seas so that they would not feel the spiritual disconnection from the maternal womb.

So the human Project was accompanied since the beginning and has been the most privileged genetic Project, because this very project, in order to be corrected and redeemed, received the incarnation of the Son of God, so that the human race might find a direct path along which to return to its true essence.

In this way, other human beings offered for the Project to last and achieve the greatest degree of perfection, which was possible through everything that Christ taught, which was the path of Love and Forgiveness.

For this reason, all human beings, under any condition, have the possibility, within the whole Universe, to live and experience Love in a direct way and without great efforts. A Love that comes from the spirit, a Love that transcends errors and that makes peace, that expands the consciousness and opens the inner senses to consciously live the Plan and the Will of God.

This small blue planet, within the Creation, is the favorite school, where other universal consciousnesses can learn about how the true Love for the Creator, for the Supreme Father, can move events and grant miracles of life and of redemption.

The key lies within living it and in trusting in the power of the Greater Love.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Just as in My Heart I had welcomed each apostle and disciple of My Son, each new soul that awakened to the Eternal Covenant, between God and men, thus children, I invite you to receive those who are awakening in these times.

My Heart of Mother and Protector, not only of the message and of the mission of My Son, but also of those who were listening to it and who were awakening through it, comes to welcome in these times all the hearts that surrender before God.


Regardless of your past in this world and beyond, My Heart contemplates your truth, the essence that you are, part of the Living God and the Origin to which you must return.


In this time, in which souls will not find meaning and encouragement in things of the world, I invite you to contemplate each heart as I used to contemplate those who were awakening through the living Presence of Christ on Earth.


Among pagans and saints in spirit, among devotees and the worldly, all of them were touched and washed by the Love of God, through Christ, to return to His Heart. Time has passed, My children, and many of these souls that had sealed a commitment with Christ have gone astray. But the time has come for them to return to His Heart; the time has come for them to take in their hands the torch that illuminates the world and announces the return of the Redeemer to the Earth. 

Therefore, while receiving the souls that are arriving and are awakening, little by little, do not look at your past and your sins, but be  the examples of love yourselves, that which they will need in order to consolidate their awakening and endure the transformation of their lives.


It is time to welcome and unite what is separated, it is time for the cells of God to return to His Heart. And this will occur, My children, not only with you, but with all souls that left the Divine Founts with the mission of renewing and re-creating the Creation of the Most High God.


Embrace with love the part that is up to you to do, and learn to welcome your neighbor with your heart. This will also make you grow and will also bring you closer to God, as it must be.

Together, you will return to the Origin of Life.


I bless you and thank you for imitating My example of Mother and Guardian of souls.


Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages

When the Creator sent His children to the Earth with veils over their eyes, so that they would not remember their origin, He also created the Centers of Love and of Light, which would someday awaken in aid of humanity, to allow them to remember and return to the Heart of the Father.

The Centers of Love reveal the mysteries of God and His Love for humanity; they reveal the fondness of the Father for His children of the Earth, in spite of the vastness of the Creation.

The Centers of Love reveal that the Creator not only placed the best of Himself hidden in the hearts of humanity but also, children, in the depths and hidden layers of the planetary consciousness. Just as the Creator delivered a part of His Essence to animate human consciousness, He also deposited, throughout the entire planet, a part of the most sacred that exists in His Creation, in this and in other Universes. These are the Centers of Love.

Just as you look at the sky and see only the stars, in spite of the infinite life that dwells within them, on Earth, children, your eyes often cannot perceive the mysteries that hide, the life that offers itself, the Grace that develops and renews, time and again. But the moment has come to know it, the moment has come to experience this higher life, more than knowing about its existence. The hour has come to live the Centers of Love, just as the hour has come to experience what you truly are as children of God.

The Time of your Father, of His higher reality, now approaches the Earth, and for this moment you must be prepared. Let the revelations manifest and let them go beyond the planetary events.

For a long time, I have come to meet you to reveal prophecies that speak of the reality of the planet and about the future of the nations not only so that you, My children, could awaken to what was to come upon humanity, but also so that your consciousnesses could believe in Me, and thus could at least wonder about the celestial reality from which I come, and that, like so many other mysteries, hide from humanity.

In this cycle, I come to reveal to you something deeper, more spiritual and unknown and, just like the prophecies that I delivered to you in other times, that which I reveal to you today will also manifest.

Open your hearts, My children, to perceive the reality of the Sacred Centers, of the Centers of Love. Open your hearts for a truth that has not been unveiled by humanity.

Open your hearts to know who you are. Let the veils tear asunder. Let the Hands of God open your eyes and your consciousness because it is no longer the time to be in ignorance. But it is rather time to be strengthened by the truth, because it will not only make you worthy and noble, but it will be your only sustenance for the trials that will come.

In My Marian Centers, discover the Centers of Love. Perceive the reality that dwells beyond the churches raised by humanity. Discover the Celestial Church of God on Earth. Perceive the Founts of His Creation manifesting amidst humanity. Perceive the living silent God in everything that was created by Him.

I bless you and lead you to this celestial reality, because the moment to find it has come.

I love you and hold you in My Heart.


Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages

Take My hands, My children, and let yourselves be led by My Immaculate Heart to the Origin of Life, to the Place of protection and of Peace where your essences rested before the manifestation of the Divine Thought for your lives.


Take My hands and come with Me to the Original Source of Life, where the deepest Love of your Creator Father dwells, where unity is a living reality because nothing is separate from God.

Although you have trodden a path of evolution and so often feel separate from God, today I come to show you, My children, this Original Space in a time in which there is no past nor future, but only the eternal present in the Heart of your Creator Father.

There, unity is maintained and essences remain safeguarded with their original principles.

Lakes of Light, Fountains of Peace are your true dwellings. There are no forms, only colors, sounds and vibrations. Although the essences resound in their own note, unity manifests itself through melodies that form unique music, which is the song of God, the song of life’s manifestation.

Let your ears hear and let your souls remember this Space of protection in the Womb of Creation. There, My children, where the Feminine Energy protects you, where the truth of what you are makes you pure, there is nothing corrupt, there are no stains, there is no pain, only peace and unity with the Creator.

Let your hearts live the experience of being with Me there, because a part of your consciousness has never left the Fountain of God.

This space that I show to your heart today is the connection with the Divine, this part of your consciousnesses that dwells there, and that will always allow you to return to God and not lose unity with the Father. It is the magnet that attracts you to the Origin, the purity that makes you return to the truth of your existence.

Today, My children, receive the Grace of being in God, of being in Peace, of being in My Immaculate Heart, and I, being in you, show you oneness in life.

May the celestial melody resound in your hearts and rekindle the hope to return to the Source, rekindle the momentum to be pure and to let yourselves purify and renew, so that someday you may find the truth about yourselves again; a truth that is prior to all existence, prior to planets and suns, prior to material life, both in Heaven and on Earth; a truth that dwells in unity with the Divine Consciousness. 

My Grace touches you today, your Divine Origin blesses you and thus, I heal you and love you, renewing your commitments with God so that, after knowing that there is an Origin that waits for you, you can make this superior reality known to the world.

I love you, My children, and that is why I am here.

I embrace you and have all of you in My Immaculate Heart.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages

God the Father establishes His Sacred Geometries by means of pilgrimages to the different nations and cultures of the world.

In this human diversity, the Father tries, by means of His Sacred Geometry, to have His Children of the Earth resume the essence of what they were in the beginning and before committing errors.

It is in this way that the Divine Messengers gradually draw, in the inner planes, the principles of these geometries, and thus important spiritual matrixes are established by means of the word, instruction, the Sacraments, Mercy and Grace.

The Sacred Geometries of God try, at this time, to have souls remember their origins so that in this Origin they can recover what they lost, that which is spiritual and divine, in these times, when modernity and influences deviate hearts from the path of fulfillment of their mission.

For this reason, the Sacred Hearts, while they go on pilgrimage in the world, take souls to the path of awakening so that the spirit of each being can recognize the Love of God within, and unite to the Eternal Father.

There, in this union, in this divine alliance, the soul comes into contact with the Sacred Geometries which are, in essence, the Virtues of God and His Greater Purpose for humanity.

For this reason, when a pilgrimage is fulfilled, as was this one that has just concluded in Europe, the Divine Hierarchy manages to finish establishing, in the inner planes, these Sacred Geometries that bring with them impulses of renewal for the nations, of awakening to a life of disinterested service and especially, these Sacred Geometries establish peace among peoples for greater periods of time.

In this sense, the Sacred Geometries always manifest, from the beginning to the end of a pilgrimage, and they can continue working for a longer time, although the pilgrimage has ended.

In this way, a mystery is projected upon the consciousnesses of nations and this mystery is unveiled when the consciousness adheres to the Divine Purpose, often without understanding or knowing it.

But every purpose is based on love, and it is this love that approaches the suffering souls so that they may experience it in the joy of finding God again, and of being able to live forgiveness and Mercy.

For this reason, in each new pilgrimage, new Sacred Geometries are delivered by the Divine Messengers to be sown in the consciousness of nations and, in consequence, in humanity.

All this spiritual and divine movement deactivates points of world conflict, as the hidden bases of exploitation, corruption and trafficking of persons, and also the Kingdoms of Nature are benefitted by the Sacred Geometries of God.

Thus, the planet, as a consciousness that lives and feels, breathes again.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages
Message for the Apparition of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

To the soldiers of prayer: The Planetary Light-Network – Part II

Carrying on your chest the star of peace, today, may your origin be confirmed and thus the mystery of your origin may be revealed.

Discovering the occult meaning and the reason for your coming to the Earth, may your hearts pacify themselves in Christ so that the Divine Purpose may be fulfilled within you.

Children, now that you carry on your chest the sacred symbol of the Heart of the Redeemer, may your arms remain open to receive and welcome any need, and in this unconditional openness and in this immediate response, may you recognize the action of the Divine Providence.

This is the time when the new Light-Network, with all the knowledge received, will open the doors of its inner world to welcome the serious planetary situation and will live it as a part of itself in order to be able to relieve it, just as the Hierarchy relieves the planet, time and again.

To be part of the new Light-Network is not to be impelled by emotions, nor by one’s own goals. It is to say “yes” to the Hierarchy under any circumstance or situation, to be able to go beyond appearances in order to penetrate the sense of the Purpose with the consciousness.

For this reason, My children, to carry on your chest the symbol of your redemption is to open the doors of the heart in order to learn to welcome the Divine Grace and live in the Mercy of God, despite the precarious situation of humanity.

However, a Light-Network missionary has it clear and present in their consciousness that it is not their human persona that will act or serve, but it will rather give room for the soul and what is beyond it and comes from God, that which will conduct the personal purpose of each being.

To carry, impressed on the chest, the symbol of the new Light-Network, is to send a message to the Universe of true and profound adhesion to the Plan; it is to understand, accept and welcome the needs of the purpose and it is to sincerely strive for these needs to be fulfilled. Because a Light-Network missionary is already aware that each request of the Divinity does not address a situation or a person. They know that each request must be complied with and be fulfilled so that near upcoming events do not affect humanity, nor the Kingdoms of Nature.

Now the Light-Network missionary recognizes the primary importance of remaining attuned with the Hierarchy so that their path, life, and consciousness may be conducted along a safe path of protection.

Whoever carries the impressed sacred symbol of the Confraternity will know that they will be part of an infinite Brotherhood, of a broad Mission, and will comply, as a duty, with the part that is required of them with joy and in the certainty that, above all, the Plan of Love will be fulfilled in humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May there be peace in your hearts, My children, love and mercy, today and always.

With the blessings of your Celestial Mother, enter into a new cycle, at the beginning of a new time in which the Earth begins to leave the illusion that it used to live and, little by little, recognize the Truth of God that reveals itself.

Now that you are  on the path of learning love, you will be able to unite it to the path of the awakening of consciousness to higher life and, in this way, My children, unite mind and heart to the Divine Purpose so that you can remember what you came to do in this world, what is your origin, what is the purpose of life and to where you must walk in order to evolve as children and God. 

It is with your hearts filled with love and your consciousnesses permeated by the Divine Truth that you will be able to go through this cycle that is beginning. The time has come for spiritual maturity, My children, for becoming aware of the moment that you are experiencing and for no longer seeking satisfaction and the meeting of your own needs, but rather seeking eternal service, finding the correct way to serve God and be part of His Plan, wherever you are.

If your hearts are united with Mine, I will support you day and night within My Divine Consciousness and, although strong tests are lived, they will all be overcome with the spirit of love and of gratitude which, being within Me, you will always be able to experience. 

At this first moment, allow that which lives within you, and is still experiencing its purification, finish purifying, transforming and defining itself. Surrender at once to the Divine Will because God needs you ready to help this planet.

Through your prayers and the spiritual maturity of your consciousnesses, you will be able to help those who are lost and who cannot understand and accept what they experience in this world, because they are attached and stuck within the old human and in the old life, whose bases will disappear because something new will replace it.

The Spirit of God will come to inspire the hearts and the consciousness of humanity in the experience of a new pattern of behavior and life. It will teach everyone, from the heart, how to manage the transition of the times and how to enter the true archetype of the human consciousness, that which God has thought for beings since the beginning and however, few knew how to live.

To receive and experience the inspirations of the Spirit of God, you must be willing from the heart and in consciousness to embrace the Divine Will and not your own. May the basis of your lives be the need to express a new life and not to feed the old principles and human tendencies.

Place in your consciousness the evolutionary purpose so that everything you seek, aspire or yearn for may be oriented to spiritual life and to the manifestation of the Plan of God, and not to human needs.

It is time to raise your consciousness to what is real and true, to begin to attract the Kingdom of God to this world and, at the same time that the planet purifies and experiences its final test, the hearts of those who are conscious and consequent are always turned toward God to attract toward the world the new laws and the new life.

By sustaining this planet in prayer and in peace, you will give permission, before the Universe and before God, for the suffering of humanity to not be greater than their possibility to endure; so that the consciousnesses can experience a learning of love and so that those who will awaken late may receive an opportunity to live Mercy.

The basis of everything, children, lies in prayer, but now your prayer must spring from the heart to the consciousness, and become life.

I bless you and thank you for responding to My call!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The spiritual and interior healing shall be the means by which humanity will be redeemed.

But, in order to be able to find the healing, there must be true repentance and purity of intention; on the contrary, the healing will not be able to approach the consciousness that still has not been redeemed.

A true coexistence with the Laws and with the Kingdoms, in all their expressions, grants the arrival of that so awaited spiritual healing; healing that will fill the spirit and each part of the being so that the consciousness, free of oppression, may take the steps towards the Lord.

This is the time to return to the origin and to the essence that created us so that the sense of the sacred and of reverence may be what elevates the consciousness so that it reaches the inner transcendence.

I thank You for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace.


Keep your faith firm so that it may raise you towards the Heights; thus, you will be united heart and soul to the Kingdom of God.

Keep your faith firm, because nothing and no one will be able to make you fail. All the living of experiences is transitory and nothing is forever.

Keep your faith firm so that you may continue learning about love and so that, in confidence, you may build in yourself the path of return to your true origin. 

Keep your faith firm so that the light of faith may accompany you and guide your steps towards the Divine Purpose.

Child, let your faith never disappear; continue to feed it with the fire of prayer. In this way, everything will continue to purify and to be transcended so that, one day, you may attain the infinite unity with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Keep your faith firm so that you may learn that everything will pass away, but the spirit will remain ignited in the joy of living God.

Your firm faith will save you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I am the Mother of the New Humanity, the Mother of the New Being, of the New Human, which gestated within the Womb of the Servant of God, just as His Firstborn Son expresses perfection and likeness with the Father.

I come, My children, to place each one of your essences in My Heart and in My spiritual and divine Womb, so that you may be reborn and that, from your victorious redemption, the New Being and the New Life on Earth may arise.

Fruit of the redemption and rehabilitation of beings, fruit of the reconciliation between men and God, fruit of the awakening of hearts, in order to remember their Origin and purpose: this is the New Life on Earth; this is the Life that I come to establish through you, by Divine Will and Purpose.

With My Love united to the love of your hearts, I come to remove the power of illusion, of indifference, of human will and of the wickedness that permeates the hearts of humans. And making you free from all evil and clean from all stain, I come to give you the Grace of being worthy children of God, worthy representatives of Your Creator Father on the Earth.

I come to awaken ambassadors of peace and good, precursors of a New Time, in which duality will be overcome by the power of Love and Unity, which will reach the Earth through the sincere prayers of the children of God.

I come to demystify the celestial mysteries so that illusion may cease to be the truth in your lives and that, awakened to the true meaning of human existence, you may get to know the divine mysteries, the universal life and the celestial dimensions, which have always been hidden from your hearts, and now they must express themselves.

Pray, my children, for a redeemed America, for nations that lay their faces on the ground and, in humility, cry out for peace and for forgiveness.

Pray for a planet that awakens to Unity among beings, and pray for Love to be a necessity within each being. A necessity that makes you overcome arrogance, pride and vanities, which until today have led you to perdition and deception.

Pray for the Americas and also for the planet. Pray that, until the end, all nations may have an opportunity to know peace and Truth, and knowing the Truth, they may choose between the old and the New Human.

Pray for ignorance to be dissipated from the hearts of beings. And pray so that the Truth may reveal to you that Love must prevail beyond all human understanding and science, beyond religions and cultures, beyond differences and borders, and even dimensions, so that nothing else may separate you from each other, and nothing may separate you from God.

Today I pray with you before God, and I cry out to the Father for a New Life. I cry out so that the Being that is being gestated within Me be born in your essences and, as mysterious as the birth of My Son Jesus, you may express the New Life and the New Human.

I love you and bless you, and with My Heart full of Love, I thank you for making My words and My divine aspirations a reality.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the New Humanity


As your lives are purified, strengthen the faith of your hearts; because faith will protect you from everything and you will be able to look towards the universe to contemplate the stars and find your star of origin.

Keep your faith strengthened, nourished by the prayer that uplifts, redeems and purifies; in this way, you will be led towards the Heart of God and you will find the inner relief that you so much seek.

Strengthen your faith so that faith in the world lasts and, despite the critical times, everything that is good and evolutionary within beings may come first in these times in order to dissolve the aggressions of evil and its attacks.

May the faith of the heart keep you firm on the path because you will need it for everything that will soon happen.

Within the Celestial Father lies the way out and the path to the reunion with His Divine Mercy.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


The Fraternity of the Light - Part II

In the wind of the next Spring, will be thrown the seeds of Heaven that, holding gifts, talents and graces within, will sow the New Earth.

These seeds will germinate, and from them will sprout the first principles that will some day lead them to approach the Sun in order to feel from it the Fire of Love of the Universal Father. 

The moment has come, after the last storm, for the purifying rain to stop, which refreshed and cleansed the earth so that, afterwards, the great radiance of the Sun of God could come out again. 

Thus, the fertile soil of consciousnesses was prepared to receive the new codes.

The Son of God, Jesus Christ, announced the moment of the great spiritual intervention of the Brothers of the Stars.

The Space Gardeners gathered so that, on the plane of the spirit, souls received, for this new cycle, the necessary impulses that will liberate them from indifference and stinginess.

With the awakening of consciousness to the universal life, doors of inner communication were opened in order to remove humanity from spiritual drowsiness and thus lead it to recognize the Truth from which it had distanced itself.

After so many crises, the planet is about to give birth to the New Human, to the consciousness that is responsible and consistent with the designs of the Spiritual Universe.

And although the Earth continues to be purified and exorcized from the influences that oppress it, the servers of the light prepare themselves, finally, to assume and carry out that which, for eras, had been foreseen to happen.

In this sense, the first flashes of the Fraternity of Light begin to appear and the appearances cease to be on the first plane so that the true brotherhood among beings may be established in consciousnesses.

All this comes together with the time of the revelations, time in which each soul, open to divine impulses, recognizes its origin, its existence and, above all, its duty towards Creation.

The Fraternity of Light is forged with the maturity and the responsibility of those who are consistent, thus many more are lead to live the same experience.

In the Fraternity of Light there are no differences, privileges, nor irresponsibilities towards the development of the Plan upon the surface of the Earth.

The Fraternity of Light is formed from the integration of souls with Divine Purpose and is based on principles, which are rules that allow the awakening of the Virtues of God in the servers who gather, virtues that will lead them to understand and to concretize Divine Will by means of the Plan.

Those who form the Fraternity of Light work day and night to build within themselves this spirit of fidelity and transparency with Christ. They commit themselves to live and represent the Hierarchy in every sense. They do not try to take advantages in their tasks, nor in their works. They understand that every service is a way of achieving, even more, the absolute surrender for the neighbor, and of gestating within themselves the essence of humility.

To be in the Fraternity of Light is to learn to follow and to accompany the Law of the Hierarchy, which immediately helps in the awakening of the obedience that will counteract the planetary disobedience. 

Within the Fraternity of Light there exists equality that leads to solidarity, to good and to mutual respect.

The members and the postulants of the Fraternity of Light aspire to incarnate, within themselves, the principles that will allow them to form part of the Third Order of the Brotherhood.

As it is in the Universe, the Fraternity of Light lives each principle as an attribute and a guiding star, so that the life of the server may not be an illusion, but rather, be correctly aligned with the Purpose.

The new Light-Network, a postulant of the Fraternity of Light, assumes the 33 principles that will someday lead it to be fully in the Heart of the Hierarchy.

All the postulants of the Fraternity of Light assume to:

1. Follow one God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and eliminate from their lives the "spiritual" facets that deviate souls.

2. Have as the only and true Master, the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

3. Ardently aspire to be in inner communion with the stars, so as to consciously participate in Universal Life.

4. Not allow oneself to slander or destroy the Work of the Hierarchy.

5. Maintain neutrality as a constant goal for the end of times.

6. Build a spirit of solidarity and good among the brothers and sisters upon the path.

7. Demystify any idea of power, control or command, knowing that every spiritual impulse only comes from God.

8. Accept with gratitude the necessary corrections.

9. Stop justifying oneself for wanting to escape from the Truth.

10. Be a bearer of absolute and unrestricted fidelity.

11. Manifest equality and transparency in ones own life.

12. Not fear to tell the truth. Fear to be absorbed by lie and to not be able to come out of it.

13. Believe in the coming of the New and last Christs.

14. Fraternize with humanity without comming out of the rules that protect the task.

15. Be untiring in prayer, loving in service and peaceful before difficulties.

16. Dissolve from oneself any vestige of criticism or rejection.

17. Aspire to someday know the star of origin.

18. Live the present so as not to alllow oneself to be driven by the past and its decay.

19. Sustain the torch of Christ in an unchangeable way.

20. Not vacillate because of what others may say. Sustain faith through trust in God.

21. Become kindred with the Divine. To disconnect from that which is superfluous.

22. Learn to cut the chain of evil.

23. Assume the commitment and not give up because of the force of personal conveniences.

24. Remember the inner bond with Christ.

25. Divest oneself of errors, believing in the power of the Laws of Healing.

26. Help to build the planetary rescue.

27. Not waste the graces.

28. Not waste the instruction.

29. Be humble all the time. Seek in oneself the spirit of resignation.

30. Learn not to respond in order to learn how to listen.

31. Not place the responsibility on the fellow being. Assume the errors committed.

32. So as not to be imprudent, not allow oneself to be carried away by familiarity.

33. Be a light in the darkness, relief in suffering, permanent giving of self in service.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Listen to your heart and find the Truth. Aspire all the time to rekindle yourself through it, for you to always remember what you are essentially, and not what happens to you superficially in daily life.

Remember your origin and your filiation to the most High, and sustain yourself through this unbreakable memory that will help you to continue awakening the trust in God and in His divine Mercy.

So, renew yourself, and do not disturb yourself with the errors. The Eternal Father already knows the imperfection of the human Project and of all the experiments of life that led and still lead humanity through an obscure path.

Emerge from this world as an inner light that helps in the sublimation of your consciousness and of what is around you.

Make use of the tool of praying so it can always dissolve and remove from you any doubt or disturbance and, at last, submerge yourself in the Ocean of Mercy and allow that, time and again, all may be redeemed.

Recognize yourself, once and for always, as a worthy child of God, so you will be touched by Grace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My child,

Elevate your heart to your Father and Creator, Who, from Heaven, emits His Silence to the world, observing the inner steps that His creatures decide to give in these times.

Contemplate the infinite Universe of God and, for a moment, let your thought return to its Origin, to the Creator Source from which all things come.

Contemplate with your heart the Infinite, which not only becomes visible in a starry night, but also in the depths of your inner world, where the Cosmos becomes small and life is mirrored because God mirrors Himself within you.

Today let your consciousness take one step further towards the Infinite, as towards the truth that is kept within your own being.

This is a definitive cycle for humanity, as for all life, and no creature, neither in Heaven nor on Earth, will be free from its spiritual and evolutionary definition.

The very Laws and currents that come from the Heart of God, preceding His Justice, will correct the paths and give impulse to the beings toward a definitive decision, because the moment has come for there to be only one boat, and all the self-summoned within it.

The definition of the spirit, of the consciousness and of the heart is spiritual, but it also manifests in the physical life of every being, in their actions, in their decisions, in their thoughts.

Each being, My child, will be defined according to what they have built within themselves.

If you have built a path of effort and constant surrender, albeit imperfect, the Laws and Rays that come from God will help you to establish your feet and your heart in the path of your surrender without hesitatation.

But if your heart sowed uncertainty, and again and again you preferred to surrender to temptations rather than to overcome them, then, My child, the Law and the Rays of God will put you definitively in the place that you chose to be by your free will, expressed in your actions, in your thoughts and within your heart.

The most intimate space of your heart will come to light and you will be transparent not only before God but also before humanity, because the cycle of definition precedes the cycle of revelation and, after souls have been defined, everything will be revealed to them.

I know that many will cry late for their ignorance, and they will cry out for Mercy only in the time of Justice, because pride had blinded their eyes to the Grace of God.

But today, I come to your encounter to teach you to elevate your heart toward the Heights and place your consciousness in the Divine Purpose so that the definitions of your brothers and sisters do not frighten you, nor the cry of those who will later repent. 

My Heart does not come to the world to judge souls, but to warn them, to deliver them all that they need to overcome the obstacles particular to these times.

I come for the self-summoned and I come for each of My children, for all who know how to hear Me.

My Voice does not pronounce to a few.

My Voice echoes throughout the world for everyone, because it represents the Grace of God that descends to the world for all His children.

Therefore, My child, listen to the voice of your Heavenly Mother in your heart and seek God. Choose the definition that places your spirit in the search for salvation.

Look very deep within your interior and be sincere with yourself; let your thoughts and heart reach the Celestial Spheres and understand that a greater Plan is drawn through your life and life in this world.

Render the superficialities to which you incline your heart and ask the Father with a clamor for the Grace of definitive awakening; because the awakening is gradual, and every step of your heart reveals a new awakening that becomes necessary, until you return with everything that you are, to the Heart of God.

Do not fear these times, do not fear loneliness, do not fear for your companions on the path, do not fear the darkness of the world, but be, My child, a light within that darkness.

Keep your heart in God, keep in you the love of His Purpose, and in the future you may be an assistance to those who today you see are lost in this world.

These are times of definition, times of surrender, and I know that you have already heard this throughout your spiritual walk. But now, My child, you will see before you the fulfillment of the Prophecies, which not only spoke about the end of the old humanity, but also, and above all; about the revelation of a new humankind, a new life, a New Earth.

Place your heart in this Purpose; make of yourself a seed of the new; a beginning of the new in this cycle that ends.

I leave you My blessing and My peace.

Thank you, My child, for listening to My call of peace!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


The Revelation of God to Humanity

The Revelation of God to humanity, My children, is eternal and begins when the human heart is maturing and awakening more than in wisdom but, in humility.

The Revelation of God to humanity happens when the heart is simple and recognizes its own smallness, not limiting the divine wisdom and existence to its comprehension and to everything that has already been revealed.

The Revelation of God to humanity does not stop, but from the patriarchs to the present day it deepens and only culminates in the full unity of the being with God, in their return to the origin.

Humankind itself is the Revelation of God.

It is the true self-knowledge, which is not a human science, but a spiritual and divine science, that leads you to the Revelation of God Himself.

At the same time, humans beings are the closest creatures to God, yet the most distant. 

The divine presence within you and the unity that you hold as a silent potential in your essence makes you close to God. However, My children, ignorance and indifference push humankind away from themselves, from what you truly are, and consequently move you away from God and from the Truth.

The Revelation of God to humanity happens with the awakening of thirst for superior life, with the discontent of the spirit with all that life in matter offers to it, with the discontent of the spirit with its own expression in life.

When the spirit is discontent with itself and with the world, it moves within the being so that this spiritual discontentment impels the consciousness to seek superior life, to deepen in the awakening and the self-knowledge that, in truth, is the knowledge of God within you.

The Revelation of God to humanity deepens as human consciousness evolves, and what for the patriarchs was an inexplicable and incomprehensible feeling of God, and only an experience of God, without explanations; at this time it can become a profound and scientific revelation of human existence and of the existence of God.

The Creator Father is simple, and in His simplicity He keeps His Mysteries. But the human mind places barrier over barrier to know God, and few are the ones who deepen in His Presence.

This, My children, is the time of the Revelation of God to humanity, because a new cycle is coming, which will be culminating for human consciousness. 

The time has come for history to be renewed.

The time has come for the new prophets, the new apostles, the renewal of holiness and faith in the human heart, because just as God awakened and raised the prophets and peoples of pure faith in the past, in order to prepare the birth and the coming of His Son to the world, also today, My children, peoples and nations, hearts and spirits will raise to prepare again the arrival of Christ into the world.

The return of your Lord will be definitive and will mark the end of a time, because the last words of the scriptures will be fulfilled, and the Gospel that He left in the world will be renewed by the new revelations that the Son of Man will bring to the Earth.

His Word will be life and will reveal to the world the superior Truth, to which many have been blind, though it has always been here.

Before the arrival of Christ, just as in the past, the Revelation of God will be given first to the prophets of the new time, and the universal Gospel of Christ will begin to be written with the truth that is already emerging in the hearts of humankind.

The New Testament is being fulfilled at the same time that the Revelation of God to humanity is deepening, so that you can write the New Scriptures; the Laws that will dictate the new life.

Open your hearts to the Revelation of God, because everything is being said to awaken and to prepare the hearts and spirits of humanity for this new and definitive cycle.

I love you and bless you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


From where the Breath of the Spirit of God is born, comes My Immaculate Heart, from the purest emanation of the Love of the Creator for His creatures. From there comes the Divine Womb of Creation, which gives life and spirit to all beings, and which not only creates, but protects and accompanies all that has been created.

A bridge to the heart of God, My children, this is how My Immaculate Heart is expressed and manifested in your lives and in all the Creation.

More than the Mother of the Son of Man, I Am the Mother of Life, life that is born and emanates from the deepest Love of God, and for this true Life I come to guide you.

I come to place your eyes in Heaven, on the intimate mystery of Creation, but I also come to place your eyes on Earth, in the intimate mystery that is kept in the reason for the creation of this planet.

I come to reveal to you the Infinite shown through the Portals that I open to reach the world, and I also come to reveal to you the mysteries that emerge from Earth when My Feet touch the ground.

Children, this is a life of mysteries where chaos lives with the most profound Love of God, and where the greatest treasure of creation hides among human beings, as pearls in the swamps of the world.

My Immaculate Heart reaches you at this time not only to rewrite your histories and to give you a new opportunity to serve God. My Heart also comes for you to know your origin, your divine and universal history, and so that, by recognizing what you have to transform in the depth of your spirits, and at the same time knowing the potential you have to do it for yourselves, beloved children, you may know how to write the history of Redemption of this planet.

Your history does not begin in this world. The Origin of Creation is more than the clay that arises from human beings. Your beings come from a Perfect Essence and from unimaginable Sources of eternal Love and donation, which create and recreate the Universes.

If you want to find the truth about your spirits, My children, today I open for you the doors for this. Just place your eyes in Heaven, but also know how to contemplate the Earth. Know how to read the symbols of the stars, and to see these symbols in your hearts; but also know how to read the symbols of the Earth, which renews itself through Nature, which shows the human beings the path to recreate this creation.

I am also Mother nature, the Mother who donates life and surrenders Her own life for the renewal of the world and of Her creatures.

Know how to see in the entrails of Earth the story of surrender and love that this planet has lived throughout the centuries of its evolution.

Know how to see life moving for the creatures to grow and, although often Nature seems to show its fury, My children, know how to see the Grace of God and His Justice. Nature does not get angry. Nature renews itself and gives the human beings the possibility to renew themselves.

Know how to see in the cycles of Nature how this planet donates itself constantly so that there may be life on its surface, for so that there may be evolution and love.

Enter in communion with nature, My children, and you will be able to know the mysteries that are written in its silence.

Nature speaks to the human beings through its simple existence and keeps in it the history of the evolution of humanity, transmuting and transforming what does not correspond to the purpose of this world, and offering to the human beings, in its most beautiful expression, what moves them to discover the love and the unity with God.

In nature is kept the history of humanity from the beginning. The most beautiful and pure that the human being can reach and live is kept in the depths of Heavens as in the entrails of the Earth.

Stay before Nature, children, as the stars, and you will know without understanding that this life is much broader than what is kept in the Sacred Books.

And to discover your own history, it is necessary to look at heaven as to the depths of the Earth; it is necessary to look at the spirit and to let oneself be guided by the soul, but also to know that what is kept in the depths of the human condition, that there are not only capital energies and illusions.

This is the time of Truth, and the Truth is expressed in all things that come from the Heart of God. His Consciousness inhabits everything, one must only silence the heart and observe, give oneself the opportunity to deepen one’s own evolution and, so, serve this world that sleeps in the middle of chaos, that loses itself in illusion.

Today, My beloved children, I come to bring you impulses that will take you to deepen your spiritual life, to the awakening of the truth within you and to your profound union with God. You only need to listen to My Voice and follow it.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
