In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today, I return to a people, to the people most consecrated to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart. For this reason, dear children, at this moment I open the doors of My Grace so that It may descend upon My children and their souls.
I attentively listen to the supplications of those who cry out, those who, in humility, elevate their prayers to God, all those who firmly experience the Sacred Sacrament of the Eucharist, the favorite union with My Most Beloved Son Jesus.
Dear children, I would not be able to explain to you with My Words what it means for your Heavenly Mother to be able to return to Africa and respond to all the requests that are elevated to My Heart.
Africa is a land of origins and of a sacred primordial history, which My Son will cause to raise and emerge in the coming time so that the whole world may come to know the sacred values of Africa, which have been buried throughout time.
However, do not fear, dear children, and be brave, because the Return of My Son is approaching and He will be here with you and for you, just as for all this continent loved by God.
The great wealth that Africa has is spiritual, anonymous and secret, and it lies within the heart of each of My children from Africa; a spiritual wealth that can be reflected through their faces and by means of the gift of faith, which miraculously sustains the souls that incessantly seek communion with God and the favorite union with My Most Beloved Son, as well as with My Immaculate and Maternal Heart.
Despite what Africa and the whole world experience today, despite the pains and anguishes that My children experience, trust, dear children, in the Presence of the Mother of God, Who comes to place you all on Her maternal lap, Who comes to offer you the secure door of Her Maternal Heart so that all can be spiritually cured and thus renew their lives.
Because this is the promise of My Son; from the first moment of His Incarnation on Earth until His great moment of Resurrection, Christ faithfully kept His offering for souls and the planet. And, from His Return on, He will continue to do so for all those who deserve Justice, Mercy and Peace, for all those who are discarded and despised.
My Beloved Son and His Maternal Mother find, in each child, an abundant and infinite spiritual wealth. This is the spiritual code that Christ will come to resurrect from Africa. Consequently, He will come to resurrect human dignity, because the whole world will still have to learn from Africa, from its inner state of faith and prayer, of praise and love for Our Father-Mother, the Creator.
Today, I listen to the voices of those who cry out for relief. The Mother of God is here to respond to you but above all to welcome you within Her Maternal Heart.
How many offerings have you made to My Beloved Son? Today, the Mother of God comes to spiritually recognize them through this door of Grace that opens and is unknown.
This is why I Am here, fulfilling this mission of God to tell you, My beloved children, that the Celestial Father loves you and contemplates you; that the Celestial Father also waits for the great moment of your liberation and the end of spiritual slavery. Because My Son will come to break the shackles, My Son will come to untie the knots, because the precious souls of Africa are incalculable, and they have much to teach the world.
Therefore, the time of the reemergence of Africa is written within the Heart of God; because the voice of those in most need will be heard, and the doors of Mercy will open for all.
Inexplicably, dear children, with the sacred and awaited Return of Christ, you will no longer know what suffering or anguish is. The stigmas of human life will disappear because the Resurrected will come to meet you, just as He came to meet His apostles and followers.
In the name of the Lord, I want to tell you, My beloved children, that you are part of His spiritual family and Sacred Mystical Body, which forms and unites the Spiritual Church of Christ on Earth.
Throughout time, just as on this special day for your Heavenly Mother and for your hearts, you are spiritually anointed by the Presence of Christ through My Heart; because He will also come here in the next days to deliver to you His Message of salvation and love, to raise again the souls that are still fallen and desperate, to edify, through hearts, His Christic code of redemption.
This is why many angels are with Me today, dear children, collecting the intentions of honest souls, carrying in their baskets of Light the prayers of the hearts that love God. Because this is the day of the offering of souls toi the Celestial Father by means of My Immaculate Heart, a secure door for your salvation, refuge for the innocent, dwelling for the chosen, temple for those who cry out, tabernacle for all souls.
Behold the Heart of your Mother, the Mother of Peace. Because while I Am here, I also assist the whole world, those who are victims of wars and of spiritual slavery, those who are trafficked and those who are lost. I Am here for all, in the Name of the Lord.
Behold the Slave of God; may My Word be fulfilled in you, just as the Word of God became flesh within the Heart of Mary, just as the Word became Flesh within My Womb of Light, and brought salvation to all.
This is the Voice of the Faithful Slave and Mother of all those who cry out. Receive My caress of Love in your essences and souls, My consolation of a Mother Who comes to strengthen your faith and trust in Our Creator.
Now the time has come to fulfill the promises, because Christ sends Me as His Servant to cure the hearts of the Earth, mainly those who are most in need.
May all those who have offered to My Heart today to be consecrated, approach, so that the Mother of God can bless and consecrate Her beloved children of Africa.
My beloved and dear children, I Am here with you and for you. With the glory of all Heaven and the presence of all angels, I come to bless you and consecrate you as My Children, as Children of Mary, so that you may feel the embrace of God and the eternal consolation of His Heart.
In the name of Grace, I Am blessing and consecrating you; feel you are in My Arms, listen to the beating of My Heart within you, the Grace of My Love is what I give to you today, the Grace that will strengthen and encourage you to keep going forward.
Today, just as I consecrate you as My Children, because you have always been My children, in the same way I also consecrate Africa, so that its people may rise in hope and faith, and resurrect through the Love of Christ.
May all chains be broken, may all shackles be dissolved, may the doors of Light open so that souls may accompany the sacred pilgrimage toward the Celestial Kingdom, where I will take you one day.
I thank you, My children, for your prayerful fidelity, for your persistence and also your strength. This pleases the Heart of God, this touches the Heart of My Son. For this reason, Our Sacred Hearts are in Africa again today, and They will always be with your people, your families and loved ones. When you simply call Us through the prayer of the heart, We will fulfill Our promise, the promise of loving you eternally, just as God loves you.
I bless you and consecrate you as Children of Mary, as beloved Children of My Heart, because the heart of Africa beats today within each soul and each heart that unites to God at this moment.
May the Peace of My Son be within you.
May My Love embrace and console you.
I Am here and Am your Mother.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Once again, I come from Heaven with a Message, but also with a call to the consciousness of humanity.
Today, with My gaze turned toward the ground, I share with you the lamentation of the Heart of the Mother of God, because humanity cannot understand Our Message, the Message of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph.
This is why Saint Joseph, My Most Chaste Spouse, is offering Himself before the Celestial Father to return to this world, to bring a message to this Humanity in an extraordinary way. His visit to this planet will be unexpected, because He will intercede, as a Guardian of Souls, at the most culminating moments of humanity, and one of these culminating moments is this very moment that humanity is experiencing.
For this reason, My beloved children, Our Divine Celestial Consciousnesses expand their offering before the Creator Father, because humanity cannot understand, and, as it cannot understand, humanity does not want to change.
Today I would have many reasons, not only to be here with you, so that you may feel My Heart, so that you may live in My Heart, but also to express to you, from the depths of My Heart, all the situations that the Mother of God observes in this humanity.
How do you believe, beloved children, that the world will not precipitate upon you, if the change has not yet arrived?
How will you believe, beloved children, that the Kingdoms of Nature and the elements will not show their strength and power to all eyes of the world, if the change has not yet arrived?
How do you believe, beloved children, that the climate change will not be unleashed upon this humanity, if the change has not yet arrived?
How do you believe, beloved children, that the injustice, the annihilation and the destruction between brothers and sisters of the same race will end, if the change has not yet arrived?
There are so many more things that I could say to you tonight!
There are so many more truths that My Heart could present to each one of you!
A few days ago, I told you not to fail to pray, in spite of what may happen, My beloved children, even though the opposing winds may be stronger than the expression of your supplications.
I ask you not to challenge the laws of Nature, because if you challenge these laws, you will challenge the Universal Laws, which is what many of My children in the world are doing, without being aware of it.
All that which is taking place in the world, all that which is presenting itself in current times has a motive and reason in order to accelerate the Return of Christ.
However, My dear children, where do you believe Christ will return first?
Upon what place will He descend and where will He present Himself to begin to correct this humanity from its mistakes and faults?
Where do you believe, beloved children, that Christ will show and reveal Himself to the men and women of the Earth when He returns to this world?
Have you ever thought of this?
I invite you, My dear children, to meditate, in prayer, upon all the Words of the Heavenly Mother, because this Message is not Her own, it is a Message that emerges again from the Source of God, from His compassionate Heart, which is infinite and invincible. All the causes that present themselves in this humanity today are the reasons to move souls away from the Compassion of God.
Who will have the bravery and also the determination to go above themselves, to place the needs of the world first, before their own? To be aware of the importance of gratitude and reverence, which have been lost in the world so quickly?
How do you believe My Graces will come to the Earth like the flowers of Light that I deposit within the hearts of each one of My children, to again give them life and renewal?
How do you believe that My Light will come to the world if many among My children close the doors to Me and do not allow Me to pass into their dimensions of suffering and agony?
God is also experiencing a riddle with this humanity.
For this reason, with this Flower of Light that I bring in My hands today to offer to each one of My children, I ask and supplicate to you: return to the Heart of God, return to the Essential Origin so that you can return to the Primordial Source. Because while millions of souls absolutely do the contrary, My enemy, the adversary of all, covers greater planes of consciousness. Do not allow this, beloved children.
Sustain yourselves, in these times, through My prayerful Heart.
My supplications will never cease to be pronounced, My Voice will never cease to speak to you, because I will fulfill what I promised to the Celestial Father, in spite of the time it may take Me to carry it out in this world. Therefore, I tell you, while still holding within My hands this Flower of Light that I offer to you, that all those who have already awakened should help those who have not awakened.
I do not ask you to instruct them, I ask you to give them the example, the example that is born from the heart, an example that leads you to the truth, to experience simplicity and humility, the example of the unconditional self-giving that allows you to make Christic Love bloom within you.
With love and even with celestial sweetness, receive this immaterial flower that I offer to you today so that, by holding it in the innermost core of your essences, you may once again commune with the Source of Creation for those who do not commune with My Son, for those who do not experience My Son, for those who contradict My Son, for all those who deny My Son, for those who, out of ignorance, wound the Heart of Christ, day by day.
May your lives be converted into flowers of light for the Mother of God, because I do not speak to you of an unattainable perfection, I speak to you, My dear children, of a simplicity that is near each one of you, the simplicity that the power of the prayer from the heart gives to you.
I still need, My beloved children, through all those who support Me and follow Me as praying beings and children of Mary, to carry out many works in this humanity.
Because humanity is not ready for the Return of My Son, it is more and more submerged in illusion and chained by certain spiritual forces, contrary to the Plan of the Father, which only subject and chastise souls.
I am also the Mother that liberates the chains of oppression, the chains of spiritual prison, because it is in that which is spiritual where everything begins, and it is in that which is spiritual where everything ends.
In this Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations, when you have again prayed with My Immaculate Heart, in the name of Christ, My Son, I come to thank you, and I ask you to keep persevering, in spite of your purifications and your trials.
When everything becomes very difficult for you, as well as for your families, or even for your nations, remember the flower that I gave you today: it is the Lotus Flower, the Flower of Compassion of God's Consciousness, which is that which souls need at this moment so as to heal their deep wounds, to dissolve their deep episodes of incomprehension, to be worthy of again receiving the Grace of God, which will elevate their consciousnesses, will expand the love of their hearts.
Because through this Lotus Flower of Compassion of God's Consciousness, you again receive His Higher Love, which is what humanity needs in order to heal itself, in order to be liberated from the chains of oppression.
Children, the world lives its hardest moment, not only with the thousands of lives that have become lost through this pandemic. I assure you, My beloveds, that I have prayed for each one of those souls, who have been taken to the fire of hell, which My Holy Angels of Heaven have liberated from this oppression, so that they might achieve the Grace of Celestial Glory.
How many souls, how many people, known or even unknown to you, have been carried away by this pandemic!
Once again, I say to you that the cure is waiting to descend onto the whole planet, but if men and women do not repent, if they do not place their knees on the ground to ask for forgiveness and Mercy, how do you believe the change will come? How do you believe you will be worthy of Divine Healing and Divine Grace? In this there is no mystery and no science.
Children, listen attentively, I come to teach to you the same way as I learned here on Earth, while being a Woman and a Mother who assumed all the children of God, in the great promise that I made to My Son at the foot of His Cross.
Therefore, I again say to you that while this change is not made, while penance and repentance do not become present in the depths of the consciousness of human beings, I ask you to implore to the Divine Blood of Christ.
Because when a soul invokes the Blood of Jesus, His Heart opens up as an infinite fountain and, from the depths of the abyss of His Mercy, the Divine Grace emerges, which, with Codes of Light, bathes like rain the prayerful soul and all the situations for which the soul makes requests for in its prayer.
It is in this way that the apostles of Christ, the prayerful armies of Mary, learn, in a gradual and careful way, about the path of redemption, not only by living their own redemption through the power of the Blood of Christ, but also by opening the door for those who have condemned themselves to the ignorance of this humanity.
It is this ignorance, My beloved children, which since a long time ago humanity should no longer have been living, which does not allow for the changes to come, not only the material changes, but also the spiritual changes, which are so fundamental and urgent, and which, if you could see beyond that which is material, you would, from one second to the next, make this change that is so much awaited by the Eternal Father.
Therefore, I again ask you to pay attention to My Message, because what your Mother comes to ask of you is not impossible, I come to ask that which is closest to you, I come to ask you that which is most real.
While the changes in the majority of humanity do not arrive, My sorrow will be very great. My Heart is pierced by the indifferences, sacrileges, heresies and outrages of the men and women of the Earth, which must be transmuted, which must be relieved by the prayer of My children, strengthening the potent network of planetary prayer, to sustain, to the greatest extent, the axis of the Earth.
The impactful expression of the volcanoes in these times is the deep cry of the heart of the planet, it is the warning that the axis of the Earth today is sustained by an extremely thin thread of spiritual light, which could break if My children cease to pray.
I know that all are responsible for this, and I know that the majority of peoples and nations are subjected by those who rule them, for all that they decide and lie about, for the false promises that they announce, because they are empty promises, empty of love, empty of truth, empty of true solutions.
For this reason, your only path, My beloveds, is to turn your consciousnesses towards God, because the more you are in God, the less you will lack.
Although at some moment you might experience needs, learn to understand the signs of God. Because God is not poverty, His Love is abundance. And it is this Love, which is present in the whole universe and in all of Creation, that allows for the expression of the Laws of the Most High Father, and these Laws do not allow for anything to be lacking.
But the imbalance that the surface of the planet lives is generated by greed, distorted throughout the times, a greed not only for what is material, but also for the power that has expanded, throughout this world, the level of poverty, misery and hunger.
But all this is what My Son must correct soon in this humanity.
I invite you to pray for that which you know and for that which you do not know, just as the Mother of God prays for all causes and situations of this world.
I would like to speak to you about how wonderful it is to be close to God, how wonderful it is to be a part of His Kingdom and to be able to unveil His mysteries to the whole consciousness of the Earth. But humanity, out of ignorance, and also out of ingratitude, has not yet learned how to appreciate Our Words and even less the Treasures of the Father.
However, as His Mother and also as His Servant, I do not come to judge you nor do I come to claim anything from you, My Love is present here so that you can overcome yourselves and help all your brothers and sisters overcome themselves in love, especially those who have greater difficulties, difficulties that emerge from deep traumas, from unknown sufferings, from guilty feelings that have not been dissolved from within the consciousness.
Therefore, you should never criticize, you should only contribute and contribute more so that the inner unity between souls may be possible, and that this unity, beloved children, may be converted into a great mirror that is the depository of the Grace and Mercy of God for all hearts.
Do you understand now how simple it is to change the world?
It is not through wars or through clashes that the problems of humanity will be solved.
Will the rulers of the nations of the world keep ignoring the existence of God?
How far will they go?
How much will they lie to people and not give solutions to all peoples?
I just pray, every day, for all rulers, who are also My lost children, to have the Grace of feeling what a hungry child feels, of hearing the cry of a poor child, of hearing the despair of an exiled refugee child in another part of the world, of being able to feel and know what is felt and experienced by a family that is rejected, despised and insulted on the borders of the countries of this world, because they cannot rebuild their hopes or their human dignity.
If God gave you Creation, all that exists in the universe, if God gave you nature and its fruits, the mountains, the rivers and oceans, the birds, the sun, the dawn, the stars and the firmament, how is it possible for human ignorance and the lack of fraternity to exist? I do not ask you to convert into assistant workers; I ask you to be kind souls, in service and love.
May My silence allow the Words that I bring from the Source to echo within the heart of My children, because the cup is more than overflowing and the world still challenges the Wrath of God.
I again ask you not to attract the Angel of Divine Justice toward the Earth, because, just as it was in Fatima, more than 100 years ago, I must again place myself before the Angel of the Justice of God to avoid world punishment.
Therefore, I again ask you, for the upcoming time, every 13th, until I indicate, to consciously work in the meetings of prayer with the prayer of reconsecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary so that difficult events in the world may be avoided.
Because, just as I am the Mother of Love, I am the Woman of the Apocalypse. Because a sign will appear in the sky: a Woman clothed with the Sun, crowned with stars and with the Moon at Her feet, will come like the dawn to announce the end of times, a time that is being fulfilled.
Children, I am very grateful because I have felt and I seen that you have listened to each one of My Words with bravery and courage, sustained by the Inner Christ.
At the request of Archangel Gabriel, I come to accompany each one of you so that, together, we may live the greatest sacrifice of Love through the Eucharist, so that My ardent wish may be fulfilled within souls.
May this Message echo in as many hearts as possible and not be just one more Message.
Beloved children, before the angels of the Kingdom of Lys, in the simplicity of this moment, let us make Our offering to God for the triumph of His Love and His Truth on the planet. Let us prepare ourselves for Communion.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Brothers and sisters, responding to this request of the Mother of God, before the Presence of Her Immaculate Heart, we invite everyone who can, to kneel down or stand up, to begin to offer this sacrifice of the Son of God, to relive it within each one of us so that, as the Divine Mother said, Her Message may echo in as many hearts as possible throughout he world.
Therefore, before the Angels of the Kingdom of Lys, like them, we invite you to symbolically prostrate yourselves before God so that His Celestial Universe may approach, and this offering, which we will make today as one spiritual family, may be received with love and gratitude in the Celestial Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
So, we reveal at this moment the mystery of the Love of God.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
On the night when Jesus would be handed over, before that moment, He gathered with His apostles at the Cenacle to give away His Greatest Legacy of Love, through the Eucharist, the Body and the Blood of Christ.
Thus, at that moment, Jesus took the bread, and, raising it to God, He offered it with His whole Heart and His entire Soul, and asked the Father for this bread to be converted into His Divine Body. Then, Jesus broke it, and, offering it to the apostles, He said to them, “Take and eat of it, because this is My Body, which will be surrendered for you, for the forgiveness of sins.”
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Before finishing the Supper, Our Lord took the Chalice in His Hands and, carrying out the same exercise, he raised it, offering it to God for the wine to be converted into the precious Blood of Christ. Then He, passing it to His apostles, offered it to each one of them, saying, “Take it and drink of it, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which will be shed by your Redeemer for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me, until I return to the world.”
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Behold the Body and Blood of Christ. May hearts rejoice at again participating in the Supper of Our Lord. Amen.
In union with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, we ask for the Most Holy Trinity to consecrate these elements that we offer at this altar, for the glory of Its Kingdom.
Let us say together the prayer that Christ taught us, the Our Father in Aramaic.
Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic).
May the Peace, the Love, the Light and the Mercy of Christ descend upon the planet.
Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.
With love and reverence, we announce the Spiritual Communion of all souls on the Earth with Christ.
And now, brothers and sisters, responding to a second request of the Divine Mother, to conclude this task She has entrusted each one of us with, we will prepare to make a short moment of Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament so that, in this moment of silence, each one of us may make deep contact with God, through the Eucharistic Heart of Christ. And, once more, let us offer this moment, so that the Message of the Divine Mother may echo deeply within many hearts.
Let us prepare ourselves for this exercise.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In reverence and gratitude, we begin this moment of Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament.
We revere the most precious Eucharistic Body of Christ.
We pray, phrase by phrase:
Who is in God, fears nothing.
Who is in God, does not retrocede.
Who is in God, lives from the Love of God.
This is the force of today.
In God, In God, in God.
We revere and thank the Eucharistic Body of Christ, and hold Christ in our hearts.
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Breathe the pure air of heaven, breathe and enter the Atmosphere of God, the Kingdom of His Creation, the Greater Universe where there is peace, where evil does not prevail, where love expresses itself and joy is shared through being in the Presence of God.
Thus, enter the Divine State of Consciousness so that, from this place, My children, you can hear Me.
Thus, I remove you for a moment from the sphere of the Earth so that, at the moment of this Apparition, you may enter the space where the blessed ones are, as well as the angels that praise God.
Place your hands in reception to receive the pure air of Heaven, the impulses that the Divine Fountain emanates today, not only for this world but also for all Creation.
Today, I have come as the Messenger of the Universe to lead My children to the Consciousness of God, where for a moment they may be renewed and healed, where that which is adverse and contrary does not exist, because, through My Heart, I give you Love, the same Love that My Son gave you on the Cross, at the culminating moment of His last expiration.
Today, place your consciousness in that which is beyond forms and enter the Universe of God through your hearts, enter this safe feeling that brings you the confidence of believing in the Word of the Mother of God, which is the Word of the Divine Word, the Creator Word, from which all once began.
It is there where I want to have you today so that you do not identify with matter, but rather you may unite in spirit with the sacred Source of Creation, where, through Its Mirrors, I will reveal more to you about the existence of Creation, about the true existence of Creation; where the origin emerged, where God gestated the universes and all civilizations.
See yourselves, then, before the great Mirror of Neutrality, in which is revealed a part of the history of this universe, which you call the Material Universe.
I come, through this, to close your unknown wounds, to erase the past, and to place you in the eternal present, from where emanate the impulses of the Love of God for all His creatures.
Today, you can see a world in darkness, in obscurity and in suffering, but why does this still happen? If the Mother of God is here to lead you to Love and Grace, why do my children keep suffering chaos? Why, more each day, do the families throughout the world separate instead of uniting, and the project of the universal family is always seen in danger? Why do souls have difficulty living in love and being in this love always, which will help them understand all the experiences of life, the whole trajectory of the Cosmos? Who else will risk transcending this duality so that they can finally live the Divine Will?
In this, there is no mystery, but rather the revelation of the deep simplicity and humility of recognizing, within oneself, the Will that God has for each one of His creatures.
I know that for My children it is not easy to attain this transcendence, but I am here, because I am your Mother, and I come to tell you that this is possible, even in these times when the way out is not found, if your devotion and your faith were expanded, the celestial spheres would lead your spirits toward the goal and in this perfect but profound inner communion with the Creator God, they would always lead you to be in His Peace, although you may live battles and deserts, although you believe you will never manage.
I come here as a part of this emanation of the source of the Love of God, as I have come in other times and in other humanities to announce the same Message, in various forms.
Now that you are before this Mirror of the Neutrality of God, see how much history this Mirror holds, of all that has happened throughout this universe, throughout times and the different humanities.
Children, with this I want you to understand that the entire human race of this time is before the doors of living a great opportunity of redemption and reconciliation, but first, you have to learn to love so that you can know the mystery that God still waits to reveal to all His creatures, so that they can understand the infinite abundance of the Love of God.
Today I will tell you a very significant and important story for this whole material universe; a higher story, previous to your race, previous to this planet, when God still thought of that time in which His angels and archangels would carry forward Creation, especially within the material universe.
There was one of His creatures in this local universe, who was loved and recognized by many civilizations and by many origins, as well as by many lakes of Light that deeply knew the existence of this being.
But there was a day when this being made a mistake and, without realizing it, involved by his ambition and power, he forgot the essential, of loving God above all things. Thus, this creature fell, through his great errors and debts. Did Creation, by any chance, judge him for his errors and faults?
In that time, the universe was learning to live in the Law, just as today you learn to live in the Universal Laws; without knowing them deeply, you know within that they are the guide for these times.
But this being that once failed, his ambition turned him blind, it left him in a condition that no other creature of the universe would have expected, as his word, presence and action were emblematic and respected in this universe.
He was a great commander that guided and led many legions, and the center of his existence was the Purpose that in that time was destroyed by temptation and harassment.
How was this being able to return to the path he had lost?
How was this being able to realize he had fallen?
How was this being able to recover his filiation with the Father?
It is something similar to what can happen to you today, even in the daily things of life.
This being became aware of his errors when his brothers, while even being transgressed by him, helped him and did not cease to love him, because they knew that he was mistaken and that he was blind, far from Love and the Truth.
This being came to Earth in his worst spiritual and inner condition; he had not only lost the values of his loyalty, but he also lost the principles of his spirituality; and just like all of you, he came to live his redemption.
And one unexpected and extraordinary day, he lived his redemption when a potent ray of Love again entered his heart and removed the blindness of his eyes, removed the ambition of his being, because love, Christic Love, converted him completely. And then, at that moment, this being became aware of what had happened.
In the example of this story, would you be able to do the same for a fellow being?
Would you be able to go beyond what you believe you know?
If this being who had fallen recovered his mission, his emblematic spirit, once again being the commander among the commanders of the universe, how would you understand Mercy today?
Evil can appear to be strong or even unbreakable, but in essence, it is weak, because evil does not know Love nor Unity, and you are creatures created in the image and likeness of the Eternal Father, in your souls and essences, you have a molecule of the Creation that allows you to go beyond your limits and your possibilities.
This is why, My children, you are here, on this planet, to live this great process of redemption and forgiveness, because when Higher Love works and acts, there is nothing that can resist it.
Today I want you to meditate upon this message because many of you are already in the face of this time of great redemptions and inner opportunities so that the Plan of God may be fulfilled.
So, in this time, My children, may the center of your existence be love for the Purpose so that you may learn to overcome, every day, just as this commander of the universe overcame, through knowing the Love of God, which he had lost for different circumstances.
Never wish to have power or authority over anything. Always seek, by means of Love, to be empty, so that God can work through your lives.
Never aspire to have anything or to control anything, although sometimes it may be difficult for you. Remember to withdraw in holy humility and thus you will be in unity with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; thus, you will be able to be precursors of the renewal of this universe.
On this extraordinary day, I come with this inner and deeply loving revelation so that the consciousnesses may awaken, so that they may contemplate the universe and know that, beyond this place and this space there is something bigger that awaits you and expects you….
Thus, just as this being commander of the universe has his history and trajectory, you also have one.
Would you not aspire to know the origin of your consciousness and the purpose for which God created you?
Can you perceive, My children, that life is not only material, that true life is immaterial?
Think of this, aspire to this, pray for this so that your consciousnesses may be firm and decided at this moment of the Plan and that, in spite of the hesitations, you may know how to overcome difficulties and tests for one reason, for Love.
Today I have all the essences commune with this great Mirror of the Neutrality of God; and I want to leave you there, during this day, so that nothing dual can remove you from this space.
Remember that you have entered the Source of Creation and that your spirits have participated in this moment.
Lastly, today I wish to bless one of My visionaries, Sister Lucía de Jesús, so that this day, in renunciation and selflessness, may be surrendered at the Service of God for the souls that suffer; so that someday, in the Return of Christ, we may celebrate the redemption of souls and of the planet, the liberation of the Earth from all suffering and the trauma lived throughout times. Therefore, you must remember your origins, and although you do not understand nor know what it is about, love your origins, and unite to them through a simple and fervent prayer.
May the sacred Attributes of the Mother of God descend upon you and upon your brothers and sisters so that, by means of these Words and of this Message, the fruits of redemption may grow.
Prayer: “Universal Mother.”
I bid farewell to you, beloved children, and from this moment on I prepare you for the month of August, in which the Spiritual Hierarchy, just as it was in the month of April of this year, will give a great impulse to all, regardless of where each one is, because, through My Presence and the Presence of My Beloved Son, you will be learning to be united in omnipresence.
So that this may be possible, I will now have you enter the universe of a simple song, which will lead your souls and spirits to reach close to God.
This song is an emblem and a hymn of this Community of Figueira. It is the essential reason for the manifestation of this Sacred Center that, thanks to the Father and the collaboration of many souls, is alive and beats, like a subtle sound, throughout the universe.
I will leave you with the song “Breath of the Spirit.”
I thank you for responding to My call!
Go in peace and trust in God.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
While the universe opens up before your eyes, never lose peace. My Peace will always comfort you and give you an understanding about these times.
This universe opens up so that you may know it, so that you dare to deepen into it and thus you can find the meaning and the reason for existing within this Creation.
In these universes, there are various realities, and that is where I want to take you, because the world must raise its consciousness. Humanity must transcend its fears and, in this way, find confidence in what exists, in the unknown.
From the universe I bring My Message to all today, because humanity still has to listen to the Word of God, this Word that comes to strengthen you and give you new values so that your souls may be in communion with the universe and with Higher Life.
In order to arrive here, I have crossed many planes of consciousness; you must always keep this in mind. So that I can come to the world and speak to humanity, the universes have to open, the portals have to be expressed and the great path of Light must be built so that I can come to the Earth and present Myself.
It is because of all that happened during August that I, as Mother and Guardian of Faith, come to talk to humanity again. Because there are still children of Mine who do not listen to the Word of God, they only hear it, and this is not enough.
In these times of purification, your consciousnesses must be united with universal life. Thus, the currents of the universe will help you and give you the inner strength you need in order to overcome yourselves.
Everything that is material must be purified. Therefore, this is the time, My children, for you to experience this transcendence, day by day.
This is why I bring the universe to you, so that first you can recognize it within yourselves and then you can express it, even while being in material life, even while living on this planet and within this humanity.
Therefore, your consciousnesses must return to the origin. Not to the origin of errors, of blame, of the incomprehension that perhaps you have lived in the universe or within this school-planet.
You must return to the origin of your truth, to the origin of your essence. There, nothing can be corrupted, because if you are in God, God will be within you and His Word will be fulfilled.
These times are not only definitive times, times of tests, times of confirmation, they are times in which the universe gathers and unites, and so do the hierarchies, in order to help humanity.
The Commands in the universe are very broad, the challenges for humanity are very great. But there is only one reason and motive that keeps everyone here, which is the love for the Project of God. A Project that declined many times and has been distorted throughout the times.
Therefore, My children, now this is not important. What is important is your awakening, and in your awakening will be the evolution of your consciousnesses. And this evolution of your consciousnesses will only be attained through love and surrender.
My Son taught you how to do it. His Instruction is in force and timeless. Whether it wants it or not, humanity must walk towards the portal that will lead you to the Land of the New Christs. And this, My children, is not a theory, it is a reality, it is an aspiration of God, it is a goal.
The more who give up, the less possibilities you will have that all may reach this portal that the universe opens in the consciousness of humanity, and that someday will lead you to an encounter with the Land of the New Christs.
The Love of My Son will allow you to know this path, It will allow you to understand this goal and this aspiration of God.
After August 8, the Eternal Father has not given up, and He will not give up, although the majority of His children have their consciousnesses busy with an inferior and indifferent reality.
The tests come to teach all of you, My children, that it is time to change something, which cannot only stay within the mind as information or part of memory, but that you must practice and apply it within the life of these times.
This is why the universe mobilizes itself and works untiringly. Its cosmic currents, its mirrors of light, its Hierarchies, its universal, mental and divine doors, they all intertwine and interrelate, and through the Rays, they help humanity.
My children, there is a part that the Hierarchy cannot do for you, and it is up to you to do this part.
Your faith in these times must be strengthened just like your confidence in the Plan of God, these are times of incredible situations, never seen before.
But you must not stay in it, in that which is superficial, you must aspire toward that which is non-material, although you do not know it, although you do not understand it, although you do not experience it.
From there will come the help from the Source, just as the non-material Source helps the whole universe, the rest of Creation.
You are in a time that no other humanity has lived. Do you understand now the importance of this moment?
Your lives must be the very message fulfilled, the Word of My Son manifested through redemption and surrender to God.
This will justify, at this moment, all the errors that the world commits, and that humanity carries out, even within a pandemic.
Do not let the Law of Mercy move away, cry for the Mercy of God and trust.
I come to the world to deepen into the awakening, knowing that the universe is there, waiting for those who are self-summoned and for those who stepped back on the path of My Son.
The commitment of each being does not dissolve, as much as their lives change, as much as they move away from the path, because it is an essential commitment, it is something that you carry within yourselves, within your essence, brought by the Non-material Source.
Do you now understand the meaning of this responsibility?
To be with My Son is not a passing or emotional moment; Our Words must be fulfilled in you, because God gives them to you out of love and wisdom.
This will recreate the Creation, and your lives must always undergo a metamorphosis, a constant change, a permanent transformation, because this is where Christ works and carries forward His Plan.
We do not ask you for the impossible, but rather for what is possible, what comes from the heart and renews life.
On behalf of all Hierarchies of the Divine and Universal Plan, I sanctify you and I bless you at this moment so that, stepping out of yourselves, more each day, you may attain the supreme reality, while still living material life.
It is not impossible, it is just a matter of aspiring and wanting it. Higher Life will be there, calling at the doors of your consciousnesses, leading you to awaken and understand the Plan, beyond everything.
May your faith be renewed, may the commitment be remembered by everyone, may the Virtues and the Gifts of God be fulfilled on the surface of the Earth so that the New Humanity may be born.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
It is through the love of My children that the Holy Mother of God and your Mother can work with humanity and the planet, through the precious tools that exist in the whole of the vast Cosmos, tools that generated the Principles of Creation and that permitted the generation of life in the origin of origins.
It is these same tools of light of the nonmaterial and spiritual Universe that in this time act in the Universe and on this planet with the aim to not only uplift the human consciousness, but also to redeem it so as to take it on the path of good and light.
You are before the Mystery of the Origins, of the first thing that God thought of before the creation of the universes. You are before your existence, your creation. You are before the Mystery from which you emerged as essences.
Today you are before one of the truths of God and My angels accompany this sacred movement which, like a spiral of light, descends its principles from the Source for the human consciousness which, in these defining times, opens to reveal the mysteries and thus become able to know them, in order to become sacred and united, in perfect alliance with God.
In the nonmaterial Source, there are many manifestations of life. In the Universe, not only that which lives and vibrates is called life, but also everything that is moved by nonmaterial energy, as a powerful flow and energy that feeds back the spaces and all of the planes of consciousness, so that souls and all the beings of the Universe may be in contact with God.
In this part of the local Universe, where your planet constitutes a system of life, only one percent of this system of communication exists.
So you will be able to understand, My children, how vast the Creation of God is in this Universe. Because as you already know and learned, through the instruction received, the Universe not only ends in the physical, but it is also mental, spiritual and supra-spiritual, something that the human consciousness has not achieved yet, due to the condition of its molecular and cellular density and to the chaos of these times.
But the Father thought of something different for this humanity and this planet, even before the return of His Beloved Son, that His most sacred treasures of Creation, the most ancient knowledge of this material and spiritual Universe should be within reach of all human beings, so that they may finally represent the Plan of God on Earth and the veils of cosmic life may fall from their faces so that the truth that brought them here and the Purpose that conceived them for this moment may be shown.
This is why, through My Immaculate Heart I not only profess simple words for souls, so that everyone may understand Me. But it is time, My children, that your consciousnesses take one more step toward the Universe so that your vibrations may be elevated more, given the planetary need and the chaos of the end times.
Just as the people of Israel were, this generation of the end of times, this humanity transitioning from an old time to a new time, must be deserving of the celestial treasures so that it may become the steward of the relics of God and of all His knowledge emitted since before creation.
Now, My children, the Mystery has now ceased to be a mystery. It is time for you to be able to ascend through the awakening and the sacred knowledge written in the eternal, in the sublime spheres of Creation, where the Divine Purpose pulsates and vibrates for all of Creation and for all life.
Today you are before one of the Wills of God and I know that your hearts cannot embrace all of this, even less your minds because of the limitation they have. But your spirits, that know universal and cosmic Life, that feel in the center of their breast the Greater Life and the confraternity that has brought them here to learn about redemption and forgiveness, your spirits are indeed open, because it will be your spirits that will make you understand the Mysteries of God, and you will thus become familiar, in an evolutionary way, with the divine Knowledge of the Supreme Source.
There are still many keys that we must deliver so that new doors may be opened. It will depend on the receptivity of hearts to divine knowledge for this to happen. This will generate more opportunities. The divine science will be close to your lives.
You will learn to interrelate with the Universes and with other systems of Creation that are beyond this local Universe.
It is time to understand, My children, that we are not alone. It is no longer a theory of a few wise or scientific men.
Divine and universal reality wants to descend so that your souls may find the commitment that brought them here and become instruments of God, so that He may work in the end of these times, fully activating the plan of rescue in this humanity.
Nothing of what I tell you is strange. However only some hearts, in this hour and at this time, are able to understand all of this universal system, since the majority is awakening to something that they have long forgotten and that comes from the stars, from all the suns, from all the stars that encircle the Universe, generating universal Life and the descent of sublime Life in all the systems of this Universe and of others.
The Creation of God is vast, and much knowledge can draw close to the souls that want to reconnect with universal Life so that ignorance may be dispelled and the tonic of Truth may enter the consciousness, which will make you responsible and correspondent with the Divine Plan of the Father.
Thus, it is now time to take steps in spiritual evolution. It is time for you to no longer remain restricted to what occurred on the planet or with what is told in the history books that were written. Many more truths exist in the Universe that are not known up until today.
Only by the decision of the Eternal Father can this reality be part of your lives, be within your consciousnesses and form you in the Sacred Knowledge of God. That same knowledge, which once descended over the patriarchs and the prophets, was what allowed the originality of the race to be preserved, beyond its errors and acts committed, and also what allowed the preparation for the birth of Jesus.
The human being from the Earth has many possibilities in the system of life. However, the plans of My adversary reached the entire human consciousness so that it would not know its potential and virtues, or the possibility of being able to communicate with God in a fluid and permanent way, like no other place in the Universe.
For this reason, the human being is something unpredictable. They may be in good or in evil.
But it is time, My children, that through the Sacred Knowledge which comes from the Universe of God, you may learn in the end of these times to defeat duality so that your souls may grow in love and in truth, in service and in humility for those who are more ignorant and foolish, for all those who do not want to see the Truth of the Universe that is written since ancient times in the Mirrors of Creation, divine and cosmic information that is refracted from time to time to other systems of life beyond the Earth.
Beyond the Earth, the material amongst distance planets is something alternate for the consciousness of humanity.
There are many points in the Universe from which you can reach other spaces in a matter of seconds or minutes. It is just that humanity is in an alternate time.
It will be the knowledge of the Universe that will allow you to access the truth of real time or present time, and will allow you to understand everything that exists within the Universe of God and which is much more sacred than what has been sacred on this planet.
All beings come from different Sources, from distant origins, from undeletable histories, from a lived experience that remains engraved in the consciousness, that is still not aware of this reality.
But those veils will also fall someday and you will be able to recognize your actions and errors. And you will be able to amend them in the Love of Christ, especially through the strength of your faith in the sacred Plan of the Creator.
Your Guardian angels keep the history of your existence and deeply know your inner and spiritual reality; what you were, what you are now and what you will become someday, after transcending duality, death and illusion.
But in order to be able to live this as many other beings have lived it at some time, humility, resignation, obedience and a great deal of willingness are needed to concretize the purpose that brought you here, beyond what you think, what you feel or what you live.
The true essence that brought you here is not in material life. Material life and its vehicles are instruments to live that experience, to learn something that you stopped learning or that you never learned, for different circumstances or reasons.
Material life can reflect spiritual life, but it will never be the same as supreme life. God created each plane of consciousness, thinking of each detail and meaning of each movement, each action and each purpose.
You, as humanity and as a planet, as an existence within a universal system, within an infinite creation of a vast universe, you are immersed within this Purpose, which must be designed and accomplished in these coming times, so that an unknown Will may be fulfilled, so similar to the Will that God once had to bring His Son to Earth.
With this spiritual comparison, My children, you are faced with a great divine responsibility and before the Portal of a great opportunity of carrying out the Greater Will on Earth.
Therefore, My children, as time, months and years go by, each time new Children of Mary are consecrated, they take on greater responsibilities before Creation, knowing that it is not only carrying the mantle of the Virgin Mary on their bodies; it is something much greater, that comes from the Source and that gives them the grace of living their consecration.
Those who will be consecrated today can approach the stage.
You will make your vows before the Mother of God of learning to submerge in Divine Life, so that your consciousness may be divinized and thus, one day, you may fulfill the Greater Will that brought you here.
I have said a lot more than expected tonight, because God observes and contemplates the movement of your inner beings in order to measure how far it is possible to deepen in the revelations of His Sacred Knowledge.
Today, may those who will consecrate themselves, and those who have already consecrated, be permeated and filled by the sublime spheres so that, essentially as souls and spirits, you may unite with the Greater Source through the love and the unity that brought you to the Earth to fulfill a Sacred Purpose.
Continue to pray every day so that the Mother of God and your Mother may be able to continue pronouncing and revealing the Mysteries of God and thus, more each day, human ignorance may be dissolved from humanity.
Today, by means of the Mirrors of the Universe, through My Maternal Heart, as Empress of the Universe and of the Earth, as the Greater Lady of the Universe and Mother of the World, I radiate My attributes to you so that, as little seeds of light, they may be sown in your hearts and essences, so that when Christ returns for the second time to the Earth, He may find in you the talents and virtues that He will need to be able to redo and reconfigure humanity.
Listening to the Hymn of your consecration, I raise your aspirations to the Highest, and in His Heart, the Father receives your pleas, so that your souls may be contemplated by His Mercy at this moment of consecration and of union with the powerful Light of the Celestial Universe.
For this reason, children, on this night, before the Knowledge of God that has been revealed, receive My warmest and sweetest love of Mother so that in your hearts you may feel the promising warmth of My Love and the coming of hope. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We all stand, at the request of Mary. And together with Her, let us give thanks for the immensity of Her Love and Her Grace, because we know that we are not deserving of so much knowledge. And through this knowledge, through the Most Holy Mary, each one of us can discover each day more of the infinite Love of God for each one of His children.
At the request of the Divine Mother, we will pray for this consecration and for those who will re-consecrate today, renewing the vows with the commitment to live the Plan of God on Earth and to materialize it in these times, so that the salvation of humanity may be accomplished.
Let us pray the Our Father in Portuguese, together with Our Lady.
Pai Nosso...
With the power that comes from the Source of God, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, I bless you and I consecrate you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
You may sing the Hymn of your consecration.
I thank you for responding to My call and for being open to hear the revelations of the Lord.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Today I consecrate this land, a promise of God and His Divine Kingdom.
Today I consecrate your hearts, a project of Christ, the Redeemer.
Today I place My children of Chile in My arms, a project of My maternal Love.
Because of all this, dear children, today I present you with the Plan of the Creator for this part of the world, for this nation that must carry out the most infinite aspiration of God which comes from His Most Holy Heart, a project that will be accomplished with the help of each of you.
Today a new horizon can be glimpsed by your consciousnesses. A door into the past closes and another door opens into Heaven so that you may recognize your origins, your personal mission, your commitment to Christ.
The deepest cores are healed by My Heart and by the strength of the Love of God, coming from His purest, most chaste and immaculate Source.
Today, this is what I bring you, dear children. From the furthest infinity of the universe to what is greatest of this planet is being bathed by the Light of God, by His non-material Source, which brings new principles to the hearts of this nation and for the world.
Here, today in Santiago, your Heavenly Mother finishes a stage and begins a new one, accompanied by your hearts that have given their vow of confirmation on this night of consecration and peace.
I will count on your hands to carry service, prayer, instruction and also healing to Chile.
I will count on your feet so that, through you, dear children, I am able to journey among this people, carrying out the ardent aspiration of My Son of turning this nation into a blessed homeland.
Thus, dear children, with this small step that your hearts take today, the most precious Project of God descends upon your consciousnesses like a Grace, and in this moment, to your lives brings the strength of the renewing Spirit that transforms and heals all things: the strength of My Holy Spirit, so your lives, united with My Son, may begin the apostolic path that I encourage you to experience in the end of these times.
From that Greater Source I come today, from the purest and most chaste non-material Source I bring that which is unknown to your beings, which at the end of these times, through your prayer and your charity, will become visible, aware and available for each of you.
The Mysteries of God will cease to be mysteries. They will be teachings, impulses of light, ways to renew your hearts daily.
Thus, I tell you, dear children, that you are not alone on this night. Your Heavenly Mother, in light of the Celestial Father and in light of His most beloved Son, has made the commitment to accompany you. Just as you have made a commitment to Me, on this night, to accompany Me on this new walk of returning to this people, a people in redemption, love and light, so that it may recover its sacred values that were inspired in the original people, so it may recover the spiritual dignity of being able to feel like a child of God, as a nation and as a race.
For this reason, dear children, let your hearts celebrate today, let your bitterness disappear today, let your hearts beat as Mine beats in this great emanation of Love that I bring you from the Source to make your lives, lives within the Divinity, within the Father, within His Project of Love.
I would like you to feel your spirits to be free to walk in peace, knowing that you are taking sure steps toward that new reality, toward that new mission that My Heart brings you today, that My hands today gift you with a motherly Love, to each of your hearts.
Let the suns of your beings rise and may this land be redeemed by the star of your hearts, which today shine again in the Love of Christ, Our Lord.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
On this night, My children, I invite you to renew your commitment to Me and also renew your faith, so that in this way, you may prepare the return of My Son to this world and that He may find, in your hearts, a refuge and a hope.
The world is distant from God, and humanity no longer believes in the Return of Christ. But I come on this evening, children, to show humanity, through the testimony of your lives and the renewal of your faith, that your Lord and King is now returning in Spirit to the cradle of the Americas and, with all His Divinity and splendor, He will place His Feet on the soil of this land.
For this, I want you to prepare your hearts with faith and hope, with an absolute trust in My Immaculate Heart; because in spite of all the tests that humanity will experience and which I have already announced, the Son of God will return to the world and it will be when the time of this Earth unites with eternity and dissolves the chaos and the conflicts of this Earth, to make way for the Kingdom of His Love, His Mercy and His Peace.
Today, My children, I come to establish this Kingdom within you, because you opened the doors of your hearts to Me. Let this Kingdom expand, transform you and change you every day into true divine projects, in which the promises of God are fulfilled and His perfection is manifested.
In this way, My children, Divine Will shall expand throughout this planet and the East will also see a new opportunity, a new life being born on this Earth, in the heart of the Americas.
Children, you will see the chaos of this world, you will see this world tremble; but today, I come to strengthen your faith and the joy of your hearts.
Today, My eyes of a Mother and Pilgrim contemplate your hearts with great joy, because I see redeemed soldiers that are defeating the battle of the end of times, with knees on the ground, with your forehead on the ground, crying out to the Father for His Mercy, for His Forgiveness, and for the redemption of this planet.
Today I also come to especially ask for the Kingdoms of Nature, so that you may understand, children, that this country, like all the countries of the world, not only has great beauty to be contemplated by the heart of humankind; such beauty, children, sustains this world with a surrender that humanity still does not understand.
If you allow the Kingdoms to be assaulted, and little by little, disappear from this world, as essence and spirit, you will not allow the Earth to be sustained and fulfill its mission.
Especially in this nation so loved, I come to ask that you pray for the Kingdoms, and that in your groups of prayer, be aware of the silent suffering that the Kingdoms of Nature endure because of the indifference of humanity, because of the assault and all the sins that are not only in the human heart, but also, as a result, extend into My little Kingdoms of Nature.
Today, children, feel the joy of My Heart, the infinite Love that I bring from My Celestial Kingdom, and allow yourselves to be inspired to be different, and with an even greater impulse, carry the good news of the Presence of God on Earth with words, with prayer; but above all, with the examples of your lives.
Show the world and this nation that you are different after being in the Presence of your Divine Mother; because today I bring you the redemption of your spirits, the Mercy of Christ, so you may be renewed and finally express this higher love that dwells in your essences, this unique love that I come to wake up with My infinite Divine Love.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Responding to this celestial call to assembly, see born in your hearts the Star of My Celestial Confederation.
And on this afternoon, on this evening of Graces, feel part of an infinite legion of love that works for peace, the good, the awakening of all the universes.
Let your deepest beings, your spirits unknown to this material life, stand up again and look firmly toward the universe to find again this inner communion with the Great Brotherhood.
And now, dear children, that your hearts were worked upon and are now ready to be able to begin with new steps on this walk of light, on this apostolic walk that I invite you to experience, I will consecrate you with the Water of Life, with the water that comes from the Source which materialized on this Earth through water as a sacred element for the healing, redemption and consecration of this humanity.
Bring water here for Me to bless.
"Place, Lord, Your Hands over this element that You have created for the creatures of this world, so they may be washed, purified and redeemed by the consoling Spirit of Your Sacred Heart.
Through this element, place here the gifts of Your Son so that, in this important Sacrament, with the essence of infinite life, all the souls of Chile may again find their original purity. Amen."
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At the request of Our Lady, we are going to ask that the Children of Mary stand up to receive this blessing Our Divine Mother is providing.
You can bring more water here, because I will also bless everybody, dear children, not only those who are being consecrated today; because through your souls, the souls that are present here today, I am weaving My Celestial Mantle with your essences, in this nation and in all your people.
I will also, dear children, bless these sacred elements that you have brought to the foot of My alter, as well as these intentions that have come from other nations of the world, which I will hold with the great love of My motherly Heart, to request for each of them, so that more children of Mine in the world achieve healing and freedom.
Let these flowers as well, at the foot of the altar which make the spirit of this people re-emerge, be blessed by the Love of My Heart, so that souls may find Higher Love again. Amen.
Today I bless the children that are being consecrated to My Immaculate Heart and who come from this land, which is closing its wounds and is resurfacing to true Love, which I invite you to experience and to practice every day, holding My Immaculate Heart as its foundation, as impulse and as an awakening.
I consecrate you, in this new apostleship that you will experience together with Me, so the land may be consecrated as the homeland that God hopes to see manifested in this end time.
I bless you with the Love of My Heart. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And My feet will continue to walk among this people. I invite you to accompany Me, in the next meetings, so that more souls may be consecrated in love. And you, as from now, My children, be instruments of My Immaculate Heart so that more stars may be ignited in this nation and fill this firmament with redeemed beings.
So be it.
I love you always, I love you eternally. And for this meeting which has been done in the name of Grace, I thank you for responding to My call.
Sing with your hearts so that God may hear you and thus His Celestial Kingdom be established above all things.
Song: "To Look At You."
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I come for the souls of the world and not for the beasts that dwell on the Earth. They will not stop Me from doing what I must do in the name of the Father.
I come here for the hearts that listen to Me.
I come here for the hearts that cry out to Me.
I come here for all My children, regardless of their beliefs or their religion, for I am the Mother of Love, I am the Mother of the Sacred Victory of Christ, and who is here with Me is with God.
Everything may be trembling around you, but if My Heart is present here, dear children, it is a sign that God is here among you and that the triumph of His Kingdom is near.
The defeat of the beasts is close, because when My Son places His Feet on this planet, many things will come to an end. He promised this during the last meeting in the city of Mendoza. His promise is active and current.
You, dear children, must continue to pray with Me every day, irrespective of what is happening in your nation or in all your people, so that the promise of Christ can be concretized and many more hearts not only here in Chile, but also in the world, may be able to receive the Grace of God, as you receive it today.
I invite you, dear children, to work conscientiously and with perseverance, because I did not finish My work in Peñablanca, nor was it broadly understood. I came as the Mother of this nation, in those past times, to try and avoid many things in the Southern Cone.
Thus, as Mother of Kindness and of Mercy, I had the permission to choose the most wretched souls so that here they could understand My great testimony of love for the world, and above all, for this country that is still in My celestial plans.
For this reason, warriors of peace, ancient peoples of the sacred mountains, I invite you to work united with Me, I invite you to open the doors of your hearts so that finally, the doors of your homes can open to souls. And in the same way, dear children, you be able to go through the doors of your homes to have an encounter with those most in need of prayer, those that are most wretched, those that suffer, those that still do not know God nor the Love of the Redeemer.
With the awareness you have acquired in your lives, however small it may be, I invite you, dear children, to accompany Me, to help Me to engrave the flag of Chile on My Heart. And further, dear children, I want My celestial Mantle to be that redeemed flag so that more stars of My crown may shine.
What I need, dear children, is that you help Me save this people, that new groups of prayer be generated here that will join Christian ecumenism, and not fear to say, dear children, that you believe in the Mother of the Redeemer.
I come with My Hands full of Graces so that on this night, they may be poured out. I come on this night, full of the Love of God, so that your deepest wounds be healed, so that the past of this country be erased and it be possible to open new doors to great opportunities and changes in this nation.
I come to seek the love you hold, within you, under more than seven keys. But remember that I am the Master of all the keys of the universe and have no impediment for being able to reach your hearts.
If I am the Lady of Mount Carmel, your Lady of Carmen, the Patroness of this country and all Chileans, what I need, dear children, is for you to dare to cause My Immaculate Heart to triumph; that you not fear to proclaim My blessings, My joy, My kindness and My love for each of you.
On this night of preparation and reflection, I invite you to take a step in this spiritual walk, to open the doors to all those that must come, to all those who have lost their faith in God and are submerged in the materialism of these times.
This country holds a great spiritual treasure that is still unknown to it, that exists from north to south and in the greatest heights of these mountains of the Andes.
Dear children, value these natural treasures that God gave you. Look to your mountains, not as if they were ordinary mountains. Look to the mountains, seeking the sign of the elevation of your consciousnesses. The time has come for you to climb the mountain to its peak to find Christ, Who waits for you with His Heart open, full of Mercy and with His Arms open, to meet with you again, to say to you, dear children, as He always says: "My companions, enter into My Heart and you will find peace."
I need this people to transform into the spiritual model which God thought of since the beginning. Your roots, those of the original peoples, hold a great treasure, an important legacy that comes from the Incas and which cannot be erased from your memories.
Remember your origins, dear children, above all things, love what this sacred people left sown here and everything it achieved through its experiences and its culture.
In this simple way, I invite you to recover the values, to recover the spiritual dignity this people once lived.
This will greatly help you change your way of thinking, to see all things differently and rise above all the events of these times.
Because, dear children, in this end time and encouraged by My Immaculate Heart, I need you to dare to live your own truth, the truth that My Son preaches not only in the Gospel, but also through the Sacraments, prayer, service, instruction, and most importantly, through the love He needs you to experience so that your hearts can be healed and redeemed.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
On this night, I came to speak to you about a higher Love.
I came to awaken you, My children, through My Sacred Verb, which is the echo of the Voice of God in this world.
Just as I am His Servant, and I never tire of serving the Lord, I ask, children, that you unite with Me in this universal service; that you come here for more than wanting to see Me, to pray for peace, to cry out for this nation as well as the whole world; because I need soldiers of peace, children, from north to south, in the East and in the West, to consecrate this world to a spiritual life, fraternal, real, a life that follows the Laws that are in Heaven and which also hide inside the Earth, as well as in the human heart.
The true potential, children, your real likeness with God, that love which is in the depths of your hearts and which is a principle of Divine Love, that, children, is what you should awaken on this day.
I do not come to bring you a new religion, a new belief or a new faith. I come to renew the faith of this people, to have it become real in the Lord, our God, so that in this way, My children, you no longer just think of yourselves, but become soldiers of an army that does not come from this world and does not act through the establishment of their own will, but rather through the Will of God.
Today, children, as your Celestial Universal Mother, I open My arms to the eyes of your hearts and only ask that you be under My Mantle, under My protection. And for this, I need you to pray, that you fulfill the Commandments given to you by God through Moses. And more than that, children, that you fulfill and live the only Commandment left to you by My Son, when His voice resounded on this Earth.
Today, My children, I come to ignite the mirrors of your hearts and make your beings redeemed and rescuable again, so that you may accomplish the Will of God, not only on this Earth, but also beyond it, in what you call eternity, where time does not exist and service is constant.
Thus, I prepare you on this Earth so that you may eternally serve God. There is no greater wholeness, My children, than finding a service, a meaning for your own life, a real sense which will lead you to justice, Mercy, inner peacefulness, and as a result, to the transformation of your lives, so that little by little, you transform this world.
Today, children, My Verb does not bring you a utopia; it brings you a Grace that unfolds in the heart that says 'yes' to Me. Thus, stretch out your hands to Me and receive the Graces I bring you. Cry out for My Mercy, which is the same that comes from the Blood and the Water of My Son; I am only a bearer of this Grace, I am the bearer of Peace and I bring it as mediator and intercessor into your lives.
On this evening, I call on you to experience humility, so that you recognize that many times you are lost and do not find help because you do not seek Me, because you do not seek God.
Today, children, I open a new door for you, a door to redemption, and I invite you to go through so as to renew your lives in My Peace, in My Presence, because if you pray with Me, I will be with you every day.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I come to this nation, in this time, to carry out an inexplicable and unknown plan which may appear to be impossible. A Plan that is only just beginning on this day, and which will develop over time. Thus, you must pray together with your Celestial Mother so that this plan be fulfilled, stage by stage.
Dear children, I come to prepare you for something greater, I come to prepare you so that you acquire a new awareness, so that you come out of yourselves, and encouraged by My Heart, take the steps toward Christ through an unconditional life of service, which is what this people, in perfect unity and fraternity, must work for in these times, so that in this way, My children, you never lack My Grace, the Grace which I want to pour out with so much love upon all of Chile and all My children who live there.
On this evening, this is My Message, this is My declaration. I also call on you, dear children, to gather other souls that do not know I am here, through this communication, through you, so that through your hearts, you transmit My call to the souls of this nation.
For this meeting, today I thank you, dear children, for responding to My call.
In the Grace of God, which is infinite, perpetual and invincible, I bless you.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Take My Peace to Chile, so that peace may be in your hearts and in the whole world.
I thank you.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
While My ears listen to the melody of your hearts, I come to speak to you about the depths of your essences, which are what is most valuable to God.
Today I come to find you in the stillness of spirit, in the perseverance of continuing onward so as to be able to meet My Son again in these end times.
Today I come from Heaven with great joy and motherliness. We are at the threshold of a great meeting in August, in which all of humanity will carry out its synthesis to begin to live a new cycle with the Lord.
Beloved children, everything you experience in these times is part of a great inner purification; do not despair, My children. I Am your hand, the hand that guides you on the path of redemption and of rehabilitation. Thus, I pray for you every day of your days, so you may finally achieve the redemption of heart and spirit.
Your path on this Earth has a reason. This great experience of love that you must live, must serve God in the future and the whole universe, which will avail itself of this experience of redemption in the times that will come within this galaxy.
Dear children, like a great Star of the universe, today I draw closer to you and aspire every day to ignite your inner stars. Because the real path of redemption is to be found through the illumination of your hearts, which is the result prayer brings you through a life of service and of charity.
But today I am not here alone with you. I come with all of the universe, so that every day you live this great coming together again with your true higher spirit, in which the real answer is to be found, within all of your existence.
God created you so you could learn and grow in love. I come to teach you that very simple but true path; thus, as your Most Holy Mother, I am persevering and patient. It has already been eight years that I have been walking at your side, dear children, lifting you up from the ground, freeing you from persecutions and disturbances, so that your real spirit in Christ may accomplish the mission that it has come to carry out in this world.
And if you live that personal mission God granted you, the 144,000 apostles of Christ, the saints of the end days, those who are written down in the Bible, will appear in this cycle to fulfill their true mission in the Plan, the Purpose of God which must be accomplished above all things.
Through your lives, beloved children, the new Project of God can be written, and in His blessed Heart are written the first signs of your redemption. But you must be patient, meek and humble so the Holy Spirit may dwell in you and Its powerful universal Gifts are able to transform your lives completely, until the smallest particles of evil can be dispelled.
You know, My children, that the world is going through its spiritual decline. But I still find fervent souls in the four corners of the planet, who are My true planetary mirrors that can radiate My maternal Purpose through the attributes I granted your lives.
My maternal aspiration, My children, is that at the end of your days, when you have crossed the threshold of lessons, you have been able to experience the attributes I gave you in 2007. Such very simple but true attributes, which will make you like God and your brothers and sisters of all the universe.
Thus, this Project has still not ended. And in spite of the great debt humanity has, of the assaults done to the Kingdoms of Nature, the Mother of the Universe, the Pachamama, is patient with Her children, with all of the disciples of Christ that must wake up in this end time, to rediscover the path you have lost among the illusions of this humanity.
I Am your Mother Earth; I Am also your Mother from Heaven, I Am the great Spirit of Nature that circulates through this humanity, bringing the breeze of the Holy Spirit, the fruits for all the souls that decide to be seeds of My great Tree of Wisdom and Creation.
So throughout these years, I have been working with each of you. I have been performing little miracles of love in your lives, which My Son has allowed Me to do in the life of all spirits on Earth.
Today I ask you, My children, to not look anymore at your mistakes. See the results of your change. Meditate, reflect on and become aware of all you have transformed in your lives; and this has been possible, My children, through the powerful action of My maternal Grace.
Today I open My arms and extend My hands to the world. I hope to have you all close to My Heart so you may feel the beat, the Immaculate Heart of Mary that continues to beat for this humanity, pleading for this Project of God so that at least it may be accomplished in a coming Christ. Thus, I will be able to withdraw from this humanity. I will be able to continue walking among the stars, instructing other beings throughout this universe. Because I will have seen, My children, that My Plans of Peace were accomplished in your lives and the New Christs were born out of a spirit of humility.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
It is for this reason that tonight, in My Mantle I bring all the stars of the Cosmos, so that each of you remember what you came to do in this world, because your souls know that the evolutionary path has no beginning or end on this Earth.
The Creation of God, My children, is infinite. And in this end of times, I come to show humanity that it has been blind for a long time; but the time has come to open your eyes, the eyes of the spirit and the heart, and contemplate the Origin of your essences, of your spirits in infinity. An origin that observes you each day, which awaits with love that you may remember that existence, so that you no longer only experience material things.
Let all of your attention, My dear ones, not only be focused on life on Earth, because Reality beats at the center of this Cosmos.
The Heart of My Son, Who was upon this world, today reigns in Infinity, inviting you to follow in His footsteps. Christ, My beloveds, came to this world to be an example to you, to leave the footprints where you must place your feet.
But for this, you need to believe in what I say to you, because My Words are not pronounced only to touch your hearts. They must enter into your consciousnesses and allow you to reflect, to seek the Truth that I place in each word that I bring to pour over humanity, to dispel the illusion of human hearts.
Just as I Am the Mother of Jesus, I Am the Mother of all the creatures of this world. Thus, I come to instruct you, to lead your souls toward the Will of God; because the Creator, My dears, never desisted from His Creation. Every day He sends one of His Messengers to the world, in the eternal hope that at least a few are able to accomplish His Holy Plan.
I come to the world because I know it is possible that those who listen to My call may definitely transform, and especially in these times, in which the darkness is great, but Light is also infinite; and supreme is the Presence of God in the world, in His Servant, in His Son, Those who come to meet with you to guide you to infinity.
As from this August 8th, My children, I will lead you to a new awakening. There will be no doubts that can cloud the hearts of those who listen to Me, because My Voice will be clear, will reveal the Truth that many did not want to see; because the time is coming in which the veils must fall from the human consciousness, and that each being of this world, prepared or not, must discover the divine mysteries, must find the Truth.
I come to meet with you so that at least a part of humanity will have their heart ready to experience this great transition of the planet, a transition that does not come just to cause you to suffer. Who knows the true reason for this transition, glorifies God every day; because for each minute that goes by in the time of this world, they know it is one minute less they will need for finding the Creator.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary;
Children, Aurora covers itself in its best clothing to wait for the self-called in this sacred meeting we will experience in the days of August, in which you will remember that the Mother of God and all His Messengers touched this soil to make it blessed and sacred, so that each of you, as hearts in redemption, should enter by the doors of inner healing.
I Am the Great Star, I Am your Mother of the world and I come to ignite new stars, through the Children of Mary which I come to bless, with such maternal Love. In this way, My armies take shape at different points on the planet, so they may be living torches of the fire of Christ, of the transforming and liberating fire, through the power of prayer.
Let the children I will consecrate today come here, and I invite everybody to be here in August, in the Presence of Christ, your Lord, from August 4, after which you will experience, My children, the last chance for planetary redemption, before the doors of the transition open.
I come to bring you an awareness of what each one of you truly are. You are not matter, you are spirits of the Source of God, of the Source of Love and of Unity.
Let us sing, for the Children of Mary present themselves at the altars of the Most Holy Virgin.
I thank you.
Dear children, through the blessing granted Me by the universe and as Mother of the Holy Spirit of God, in the Triune Presence of the Son and the Eternal Father, I bless you and consecrate you, under the universal absolution of all the faults committed to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
I hope you are renewed and breathe the air of the universe, for the healing touched the door of your hearts.
I thank you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Song: "Hymn of the Children of Mary."
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
So what we were able to hear from Our Lady, both in the Message She transmitted today in the morning, as well as what She said to us now, during the Apparition, She has begun to fulfill a promise She made to us some time ago, that She was going to reveal the truths of the universe and that we have to have our hearts open; because it was important, in this time, that our humanity knows how it is that the Celestial Universes manifest, and what the relation is that our world and our humanity really have with this universe.
She told us She was going to give us this universal Legacy and has begun today, with great love, to try and place us within this universe.
It will be in our hands and our heart to listen to this instruction of Our Lady, and through that wisdom which comes from the Divinity, truly understand who we are, where we come from, what it is we have to do, what our mission as beings and humanity is, and how we have to carry it forward.
In this way, we will accompany Our Lady in these new instruction and new revelations, which will carry us, as She said today, into infinity.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We want to thank everybody for having accompanied us.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
And as Our Lady said today, all our consciousnesses will prepare for August, when we will have more revelations, and as Our Lady said, humanity will do its synthesis and will fully and with awareness begin the longed-for transition. So let us prepare.
Many thanks to everybody, and thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
On this evening with no peace in the world, I come to bring you peace to comfort hearts and take them to the Kingdom of God.
The Woman Clothed in the Sun will always win. Her Love is deep and unknown. The Love She has for all creatures is unknown; for this reason, on this evening of Graces, I come to reveal it.
God sends His Messenger before the Return of His Son. And while My Plans develop in this world through the prayer of all My dear children, I come again to institute peace in essences, who easily lose it because of the things of this material world.
But remember, My children, that in this universe, which is also unknown to you, there is a spirit of profound peace, the sublime emanation of the motherhood that comes to gather up all Her children in this time, igniting the mirror of the heart in them.
If you continue to pray with Me every day, My Heart will not only bring relief to Africa, as it has been doing, but also to other regions of the world that also need it.
Through the Apparitions of My Immaculate Heart, as your Most Holy Mother, I come to weave unity among your hearts, for your network of Light must be strengthened. Follow My footsteps obediently so you may be shielded within My universal Mantle.
Beloved children, I deeply wish for you to know your origin, for in My universal Mantle are kept the stars of your origins. And if you continue to aspire to find that origin, I assure you, My children, that you will find it. But for this, it will be necessary, beloved children, that your hearts experience the path of purification and that you not fear to transform yourselves, for God needs you renewed and pure, so that He may write His new Plans in your hearts.
While this is about to happen, beloveds, I come from Heaven to announce the Good News to you, the hope that is lacking in this sick humanity.
Every day, through the Rosary, I invite you to reconsider, for the Mysteries of these events must be revealed to all. In each new Mystery of the Rosary, you will find a special key. My Son has asked Me, dear children, that you be able to discover the same gifts that We discovered, and what is called Mystery no longer be a mystery, but rather a science known to all hearts, a divine science that comes from the Heart of God.
Thus, work, My children, go get out of superficiality. God needs your hearts to be purified. Go to your brothers and sisters and forgive each other, live the act of reconciliation and of peace.
No longer produce profane words; let your verb be only prayer and love; in this way, you will ignite the mirrors of your hearts, and the Gifts of God will participate in your lives, you will not have to suffer, you will learn through the Light, and will cultivate a love you still do not know in your essences.
Today, the emanation of the Love of God is before you, like a resplendent and luminous Heart that constantly beats for this humanity; for what I need, dear children, is that not only My missionaries of peace serve through the Plan of God, but that you also are called, My children, to seek that inner Africa in each corner of this world.
Beloved children, do you know why I sent missionaries to Africa? So they could bring everybody the experience of love and of charity, the true experience of the love of the heart, the love that understands all things, forgives all things, and heals all things. But it is necessary that some of your brothers and sisters go to Africa so as to get out of their normal way of being, and opening their eyes to the suffering, help through My Plan to bring peace and healing to this humanity.
This mission will end, but there will be new missions in your lives. It is necessary, dear children, that you not lose the memory of all the experiences, for there will not be another opportunity for learning before the great Judgment unfolds in this world.
Today, I come to bring you My stars of Light, which are the representation of the mirrors of prayer that light up, day and night, through your prayers. For this reason, My children, continue to work for this peace you have still not attained.
Today, I am not in Goiâna, but I am with all your hearts. My omnipresence is still not known to humanity, but united with My Heart through the prayer of the Rosary, no distance or space exists, there are no boundaries between your hearts and Mine, because just a small prayer will be able to make you feel that I am here and in your lives.
While I am here with you, I am looking at the world, deeply coming to know the hearts that suffer. And in spite of God allowing Me to know everything, My children, there is a part in all this that you must fulfill so that the Grace of God is able to descend and His Mercy can act in the end of these times.
Thus, I come throughout the times, to each part of this humanity to transmit a Message of peace, but also of warning. God only wishes, My children, that all of humanity stop sleeping, come out of this deep sleep of illusion, and once and for all, recognize that it must change, repent and ask for forgiveness so that the Mercy of the Most High can reach all.
And although that still has not happened, My Heart holds the hope that it will happen, because God, throughout these years, has seen your hearts transform, millions of hearts in the world that have transformed through My Marian Apparitions and have not stopped seeking Me, not even for a second.
This fraternal and spiritual union, which each of you builds with My Heart, will allow you to transcend barriers, overcome obstacles and achieve the transcendence God needs in your lives.
For this reason, throughout these months, I have been consecrating Children of Mary; not only because you are My favored ones, but also because I need you so that the part of the Plan that God has requested of Me with such Love, can be accomplished through your lives.
If you testify to your redemption with Christ, new sources of opportunities will come to all; and it will not be in vain, My children, that I have come here, for such a long time, to re-ignite your hearts to peace and establish forever the Return of Christ in your beings.
Dear children, remember what I will tell you now. You are those flowers of light that descend in the hands of the angels to the world. Those flowers of change that were delicately worked upon by My Love to achieve the sacred Purpose of the Creator in their lives. Let those flowers of light be ignited again today, let sadness and bitterness be dispelled from hearts.
Above you exists a great Universe of Love that invites you and calls you to perpetually seek It; for a part of this great Universe of God is manifested and expressed through the Sacred Hearts.
Let the north of Brazil prepare to receive Us, because new tasks will come for all. In these times of emergency, the need grows more each day, and your own voices, beloved children, must be in constant prayer. Thus, just in this way, you will gladden Me.
Now I call the children who will be consecrated in this Sacred House.
Dear children, do not lose sight of My Presence, because while I speak with you, I speak with many souls of this world that also have need of redemption.
Song: "Hymn of the Children of Mary."
Dear children, those who will be consecrated today in My Presence, pray the prayer of the Universal Mother with devotion.
Prayer: "Universal Mother" (in Portuguese).
Dear children, remember that in this Island of Salvation I have blessed, you will always find the strength and the hope to continue onward; for in the Eucharistic Heart of My Son can be found the invincible fortitude that will allow you to continue forward in these times of chaos.
Today I consecrate you, bless you and give you My maternal Love in the name of all souls that cannot hear God.
Remember, beloved children, My consecrated ones, to pray for those who forget God and lose love.
Today I embrace you all, in the maternal lap of My Heart, under the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Thank you, dear children of Goiâna and São Paulo, for having responded to My call!
May unity and peace be within you.
I thank you.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us sing to say goodbye to Our Lady.
Song: "Hymn of the Children of Mary."
Dear brothers and sisters, after the Apparition of Mary, in which She really invites us to prayer and reclusion, let us carry this Presence of Her Heart to our homes, to our family members, to our dear ones.
We want to tell you that today, before the Apparition, there were two Guardian Angels here, beside the image of Our Lady, that were accompanying the speaking of the prayer and waiting, in a silent and reverent posture, for the coming of Mary; until the doors of Heaven opened and She, as a sphere of pink Light, arrived here, recognizing this place and this House, renewing it spiritually in its purpose and task.
And while She was transmitting everything we heard, She was inviting each of us to inwardly respond to a call here, in the sacred House of Mary: the adoration of the Sacrament. She says that here we will find a strength and support important for this time.
Mary was working with not only us, but also with Africa. At a certain moment, we could see Mary on pilgrimage with our missionary brothers and sisters in the Congo; She was in front, guiding their steps. This was what She was showing.
We want to end this Apparition, renewing our vows to Mary, to Christ, to God, trusting in that greater Purpose that Our Mother has with each of us.
Brothers and sisters, let us give thanks: Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My Immaculate Heart comes to this world for the purpose of conquering your lives. I gather you together for another day to glorify the Heart of God. The doors of Heaven open in this city to pour out His Mercy, and all are assembled through My Immaculate Heart.
Day and night, I visit your homes and all the corners of this city, which is in such need of My Maternal Light, to listen to your pleas.
Thus, dear children, I ask that your homes be temples of prayer and of peace; in this way, you will prepare, dear children, for the Glorious Coming of Christ.
Let harmony and balance exist among your hearts; let there no longer be disunity or separation.
Let your families be sacred families; in this way, you will help Me, dear children, to have the Law of God be light in this world and on all corners of the Earth.
I invite you to create groups of prayer, the mission of which is to achieve My Divine Word; in this way, you will be united with the great Thought of God and will build new foundations in your lives.
I want to unite you with Me through the Holy Rosary, through Communion and Confession to My Son.
The enemy has managed to distract you from the Sacred Sacraments that unite you with the Heavens and the Universe. Remember to live the simple Commandments of Moses. You will open the doors of salvation for your lives when, in daily activity, through your families, you fulfill the Laws of God.
Everything will be rebuilt, everything will be in peace again, and love will not be lacking in your hearts. I come as the Queen of Peace, seeking peace in your lives.
Let your lives sow peace wherever you go.
Let your lips proclaim the greatness of God; in this way, your lives will be transformed by the power of My Marian Spirit, by the grandeur and the Mercy of Jesus, and mainly, by the Compassion of God.
Let your paths become straight, continue forward, continue through Me; do not lose sight of My call.
My eyes contemplate your hearts, My Mantle protects you and holds you when you truly follow My steps, steps that continue on to Jesus and which will carry you to a greater goal.
Dear children, it is time to become soldiers of prayer, it is the moment for praying armies to exist in this world.
The light is more powerful than evil. Love always wins, brings you hope and peace; thus, dare to take this great leap in evolution.
Let your lives be a perpetual prayer.
Let your spirits be in perpetual communion, and not lose sight of the path I indicate.
Dear children, My Heart must continue assisting humanity, It must continue to give torches of Light to all the hearts of the Earth so that, in this time of transition and of chaos, the essence of peace is not lost in the world.
The more you pray with Me every day, the more you will learn to grow through love, and feel what is real in your hearts; no evil or disturbance will exist, because your essences, which come from the Source of God, from the Greater Creation, will be firm and brave to continue onward, walking in Christ and for Christ, waking up the new apostles in everyone.
I bring you a simple but urgent call.
My Voice continues to reverberate in this local universe; all the Angels and Archangels hear this call, all of Creation works for the salvation of this world.
My dear children, have you perceived that I come to prevent many things?
Observe in your lives: how much time do you dedicate to God?, how much do you see, within yourselves the rich inner universe, which always lives in you and must be at the service of God through charity and the giving of self, for the good of this world and of souls?
I am the great Guiding Star of this universe; I am the second Sun of this universe, which comes to illumine your spiritual life, to rebuild your hearts and essences. I come mainly to bring you reconciliation with God.
In this way, My little ones, your lives will be healed and it will no longer be necessary to suffer; for this, you must pray with the heart, be united with My Maternal Essence.
How much I want to hold you always in My arms! My Son has allowed Me this special Grace of embracing you and sheltering you, of transmitting the warmth of My Immaculate Heart to you so you may feel trust and faith.
Dear children, I call on you at this time because it is a definitive cycle for all; you can no longer continue to do what you always do; something must change in your spiritual lives.
My Son has granted Me to be able to come to Betim so as to proclaim the awakening of all.
The time indicates a profound change. Thus, dear children, seek silence through prayer, step away from the noises of this world; look in nature for the Creation of the Father; in this way, you will be united with the universe and will be able to know the Will of God; because I assure you, dear children, that in this end time, each has their mission.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Today, I deeply thank you for overcoming the inertia of the world, for defeating the fear of meeting with what is Divine and coming to meet with Me.
Dear children, I know how difficult it is for you to have the Kingdom of God manifest in your lives, because you live in a time of chaos, in which modernities have dominated the minds and hearts of humankind. But today I ask, My children, that you find a source of hope in My Presence, because this is what I bring you in this time. Through My Presence in the world, I bring a unique opportunity so all the souls that live on Earth are able to accomplish the mission that is theirs to do and are able to return to the Celestial Origin with this divine mission fulfilled.
Thus, My children, although you consider it difficult to make My Words come alive in the simple daily activity of your consciousnesses, I ask those who hear Me with their heart to dissolve the impossibilities, because before this portal that is opening to the Kingdom of God, nothing is impossible.
I only need your lives to have the impetus of living in prayer, that you have the courage, each day, to face the worldly forces that live in each of your essences, and which, My dears, do not allow the Light of the Greater Kingdom to manifest in your beings. To the one who says 'yes', a Ray of the Celestial Heart will design your lives and will free them from all evil, so that in this time, My children, you are able to live the Words that I bring to the world.
Today, I ask you to receive the spring of hope and divine pity I bring to the world. I am announcing that this is still a time of Mercy, and even when the definitive time of Justice comes, it will be possible for those who cry out with the heart to reverse the evil in their lives, and through the Mercy of My Son, draw Divine Light to this world.
My dears, today I invite you to what seems impossible to you, so that in this time, you are able to see the world from another point of view.
No longer be, My children, in the small things of your lives, because if today you are here, it is because the Lord called each of your souls to manifest a Greater Purpose. In this time, you must discover that the Truth of God descends to the world to completely transform it, thus preparing the Second Coming of My Son and His Glorious Return to definitively redeem all the souls of this Earth, those still living and those no longer living, but who continue in the illusion this world once offered them.
My beloveds, if you accept responding to My call, I invite you to become part of this army of peace of Mine, so that peace can reach all the spaces of this world, for in this time, the Word I bring you crosses all boundaries, dissolves obstacles and reaches the most forgotten souls so they may receive an opportunity for redemption.
My beloveds, I aspire that on this night, the Light of the Celestial Kingdom touches each of your essences and transforms your lives forever.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
For this reason, the path of persistence will allow you to reach this purpose of Mine.
I speak to you with Love and in the name of Love. I bring you the Grace of serenity and of hope.
Today, I carry your pleas and intentions to Heaven; continue to pray so they can be accomplished. Everything has its timing in the universe of Will.
On this night of Graces, in which I see your ignited hearts, filled with the Spirit of God the Father, I consecrate these flowers and these images especially for you, My little children; so that through this symbol, through the flowers, you remember that your hearts are a perfect beauty for God, and even more so each of your lives.
Thank you, My little ones, for responding to My call.
The Universe blesses you and My Heart thanks you, go in peace, in complete trust and faith, remember Christ in your lives.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
This evening, Our Lady approached us, showed Herself as the Queen of Peace, and mentioned the importance the Plan of God has on Earth, that Her children should listen to Her with the heart rather than the mind.
She also mentioned the importance of Her next steps in the pilgrimage. She reminded us that the United States, Her next place of pilgrimage, is the number one nation for Her to carry conversion to. And that She expects all Her children of the world, irrespective of their nationality, to understand the importance of Her being able to speak with Her children of the United States.
She said that the souls that live in that nation have great need of Her Love, have great need of conversion and need to know Her more deeply, because She will go to that nation as the Mother of the World and expects to carry out a great task with all the inhabitants of the United States.
She especially mentioned the original nation, that of the indigenous people of that country.
You know that throughout all these years of pilgrimage, Our Lady as the Mother of Guadalupe, Mary of Guadalupe, has carried out a great task with the original peoples, peoples who have suffered a great deal in these last centuries. She is carrying relief to those souls that today are still on the surface of the Earth and to those who have still not been able to transcend into the light and are on other planes of consciousness.
So She asks that we pay attention to this pilgrimage because it will be a great triumph of the Light and of Her Immaculate Heart, and calls all Her children of the world to help Her reach the United States.
All the information on this great pilgrimage is on the webpage.
And after the United States, She, as we told you today, wants to go to Africa to finish a task.
So we are all very determined to carry the Light of God to all those places; in the same way that today we received the Love and the spiritual Healing of Our Lady.
Our Lady blessed the flowers here, on the altar, so that you could take them to your homes, as if you were taking a little piece of the Heart of Our Lady.
So we are going to ask the Children of Mary, who are dressed with a blue shirt, that while we sing, they come up here and then go back down to hand out the flowers to all of you.
And to all of you, we thank you with all our heart for having been with us tonight; and if you want Mary to return to this place, ask Her with your heart, and after some time, She will come back here.
Song: "Mary of Nazareth."
Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At Our Lady's request we will listen to the Hail Mary in Quechua and the Lady also said that She will pray in Quechua.
Our Lady says we can begin.
Prayer: Hail Mary in Quechua (twice).
I thank you for responding to My call!
All peoples of the true origin are in My Immaculate Heart.
Praise Christ, My children!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Song: Ave Luminosa.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
We are going to share some indications that Our Lady has given us and then we are going to make some comments.
Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Today, we felt that the Divine Mother came in a different way and She explained to us what was the reason for coming in a different way.
She appeared today as the Queen of Peace, like yesterday, and She told us that today She was not coming specifically to transmit a Message to us, because the Father considered, at this moment, that She had already told us enough, that She had already transmitted many instructions yesterday and today.
At that moment, the Mother begins to dialogue with us through some questions and answers that She was transmitting to us.
One of the questions we asked the Divine Mother was about the Via Crucis. She explained and transmitted to us, that, in the same way that She had asked us to do some spiritual exercises such as fasting, now She was asking us to practice the Via Crucis.
Our Lady explained the purpose of our living the Via Crucis. She told us: “I want you to be able to meet My Son in the Via Crucis."
She also told us that the Via Crucis was an important exercise in these times, because not only through this exercise would we work on our redemption, but also on the redemption of our families and other consciousnesses.
She told us: “On the Via Crucis you are going to find humanity, because My Son suffered and endured for humanity.”
She also told us: “In the different passages of the Via Crucis you will find humanity present and also many keys.”
Something that our Mother added was the following: “If My Son had not lived His Passion, you would not be here today and I also mean that you would not be able to have at this moment, for example, the presence of the Peace of the Lord. But this is now possible because the Via Crucis marked many steps for the world.”
She explained to us that, from what happened in the Passion of Jesus, this had also reached many generations.
When She lovingly referred to the exercise of the Via Crucis, She asked us to concentrate our being, our heart on the facts and the passages, because there are many, many keys, many attributes for us there.
I remembered an important point of the Apparition: when Our Lady asked a sister to pray in Quechua, we heard our Mother praying the Our Father in Quechua. She said to me, at that moment: “Wait for the sister to pray in Quechua and you will see what will happen.”
When the sister prayed the second Hail Mary in Quechua, Our Mother opened Her Arms and showed us something that was under Her Mantle and beyond Her Mantle. Under Her Mantle and to the right and left of Our Lady were many Indigenous children from different cultures and places of the world.
She began to call other consciousnesses and they were all gathered, many peoples of different cultures appeared; smiling and looking towards us, She said: “They are in Heaven.”
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
Our Mother also asked the pilgrims who share this task with us today, that we could organize a vigil in this house, in these days that we are going to be here, because She needs to rescue some souls that are here, in this region of Salta. So, afterwards we are going to organize this vigil.
And on Tuesdays, when we hold the vigil with the prayer groups, praying the Rosary, the Mother asked us for permission to do this task in the house of the sister who prayed in Quechua. So, let us see if she gives us permission.
She told us that She wants to go there so that we can all pray together and, we do not know why, but She saw something in that place.
Thank you all very much, we are going to say goodbye singing.
Song: “Divine Mother.”
Thank you, Mother, for all that You give us!
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more