Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
On this evening with no peace in the world, I come to bring you peace to comfort hearts and take them to the Kingdom of God.
The Woman Clothed in the Sun will always win. Her Love is deep and unknown. The Love She has for all creatures is unknown; for this reason, on this evening of Graces, I come to reveal it.
God sends His Messenger before the Return of His Son. And while My Plans develop in this world through the prayer of all My dear children, I come again to institute peace in essences, who easily lose it because of the things of this material world.
But remember, My children, that in this universe, which is also unknown to you, there is a spirit of profound peace, the sublime emanation of the motherhood that comes to gather up all Her children in this time, igniting the mirror of the heart in them.
If you continue to pray with Me every day, My Heart will not only bring relief to Africa, as it has been doing, but also to other regions of the world that also need it.
Through the Apparitions of My Immaculate Heart, as your Most Holy Mother, I come to weave unity among your hearts, for your network of Light must be strengthened. Follow My footsteps obediently so you may be shielded within My universal Mantle.
Beloved children, I deeply wish for you to know your origin, for in My universal Mantle are kept the stars of your origins. And if you continue to aspire to find that origin, I assure you, My children, that you will find it. But for this, it will be necessary, beloved children, that your hearts experience the path of purification and that you not fear to transform yourselves, for God needs you renewed and pure, so that He may write His new Plans in your hearts.
While this is about to happen, beloveds, I come from Heaven to announce the Good News to you, the hope that is lacking in this sick humanity.
Every day, through the Rosary, I invite you to reconsider, for the Mysteries of these events must be revealed to all. In each new Mystery of the Rosary, you will find a special key. My Son has asked Me, dear children, that you be able to discover the same gifts that We discovered, and what is called Mystery no longer be a mystery, but rather a science known to all hearts, a divine science that comes from the Heart of God.
Thus, work, My children, go get out of superficiality. God needs your hearts to be purified. Go to your brothers and sisters and forgive each other, live the act of reconciliation and of peace.
No longer produce profane words; let your verb be only prayer and love; in this way, you will ignite the mirrors of your hearts, and the Gifts of God will participate in your lives, you will not have to suffer, you will learn through the Light, and will cultivate a love you still do not know in your essences.
Today, the emanation of the Love of God is before you, like a resplendent and luminous Heart that constantly beats for this humanity; for what I need, dear children, is that not only My missionaries of peace serve through the Plan of God, but that you also are called, My children, to seek that inner Africa in each corner of this world.
Beloved children, do you know why I sent missionaries to Africa? So they could bring everybody the experience of love and of charity, the true experience of the love of the heart, the love that understands all things, forgives all things, and heals all things. But it is necessary that some of your brothers and sisters go to Africa so as to get out of their normal way of being, and opening their eyes to the suffering, help through My Plan to bring peace and healing to this humanity.
This mission will end, but there will be new missions in your lives. It is necessary, dear children, that you not lose the memory of all the experiences, for there will not be another opportunity for learning before the great Judgment unfolds in this world.
Today, I come to bring you My stars of Light, which are the representation of the mirrors of prayer that light up, day and night, through your prayers. For this reason, My children, continue to work for this peace you have still not attained.
Today, I am not in Goiâna, but I am with all your hearts. My omnipresence is still not known to humanity, but united with My Heart through the prayer of the Rosary, no distance or space exists, there are no boundaries between your hearts and Mine, because just a small prayer will be able to make you feel that I am here and in your lives.
While I am here with you, I am looking at the world, deeply coming to know the hearts that suffer. And in spite of God allowing Me to know everything, My children, there is a part in all this that you must fulfill so that the Grace of God is able to descend and His Mercy can act in the end of these times.
Thus, I come throughout the times, to each part of this humanity to transmit a Message of peace, but also of warning. God only wishes, My children, that all of humanity stop sleeping, come out of this deep sleep of illusion, and once and for all, recognize that it must change, repent and ask for forgiveness so that the Mercy of the Most High can reach all.
And although that still has not happened, My Heart holds the hope that it will happen, because God, throughout these years, has seen your hearts transform, millions of hearts in the world that have transformed through My Marian Apparitions and have not stopped seeking Me, not even for a second.
This fraternal and spiritual union, which each of you builds with My Heart, will allow you to transcend barriers, overcome obstacles and achieve the transcendence God needs in your lives.
For this reason, throughout these months, I have been consecrating Children of Mary; not only because you are My favored ones, but also because I need you so that the part of the Plan that God has requested of Me with such Love, can be accomplished through your lives.
If you testify to your redemption with Christ, new sources of opportunities will come to all; and it will not be in vain, My children, that I have come here, for such a long time, to re-ignite your hearts to peace and establish forever the Return of Christ in your beings.
Dear children, remember what I will tell you now. You are those flowers of light that descend in the hands of the angels to the world. Those flowers of change that were delicately worked upon by My Love to achieve the sacred Purpose of the Creator in their lives. Let those flowers of light be ignited again today, let sadness and bitterness be dispelled from hearts.
Above you exists a great Universe of Love that invites you and calls you to perpetually seek It; for a part of this great Universe of God is manifested and expressed through the Sacred Hearts.
Let the north of Brazil prepare to receive Us, because new tasks will come for all. In these times of emergency, the need grows more each day, and your own voices, beloved children, must be in constant prayer. Thus, just in this way, you will gladden Me.
Now I call the children who will be consecrated in this Sacred House.
Dear children, do not lose sight of My Presence, because while I speak with you, I speak with many souls of this world that also have need of redemption.
Song: "Hymn of the Children of Mary."
Dear children, those who will be consecrated today in My Presence, pray the prayer of the Universal Mother with devotion.
Prayer: "Universal Mother" (in Portuguese).
Dear children, remember that in this Island of Salvation I have blessed, you will always find the strength and the hope to continue onward; for in the Eucharistic Heart of My Son can be found the invincible fortitude that will allow you to continue forward in these times of chaos.
Today I consecrate you, bless you and give you My maternal Love in the name of all souls that cannot hear God.
Remember, beloved children, My consecrated ones, to pray for those who forget God and lose love.
Today I embrace you all, in the maternal lap of My Heart, under the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Thank you, dear children of Goiâna and São Paulo, for having responded to My call!
May unity and peace be within you.
I thank you.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us sing to say goodbye to Our Lady.
Song: "Hymn of the Children of Mary."
Dear brothers and sisters, after the Apparition of Mary, in which She really invites us to prayer and reclusion, let us carry this Presence of Her Heart to our homes, to our family members, to our dear ones.
We want to tell you that today, before the Apparition, there were two Guardian Angels here, beside the image of Our Lady, that were accompanying the speaking of the prayer and waiting, in a silent and reverent posture, for the coming of Mary; until the doors of Heaven opened and She, as a sphere of pink Light, arrived here, recognizing this place and this House, renewing it spiritually in its purpose and task.
And while She was transmitting everything we heard, She was inviting each of us to inwardly respond to a call here, in the sacred House of Mary: the adoration of the Sacrament. She says that here we will find a strength and support important for this time.
Mary was working with not only us, but also with Africa. At a certain moment, we could see Mary on pilgrimage with our missionary brothers and sisters in the Congo; She was in front, guiding their steps. This was what She was showing.
We want to end this Apparition, renewing our vows to Mary, to Christ, to God, trusting in that greater Purpose that Our Mother has with each of us.
Brothers and sisters, let us give thanks: Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more