Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May the Voice that thunders in Heaven be heard.

May the Voice that resounds on the planet be heard.

The hour has come for the fulfillment of the promise of the Son of God, because it is written and in this way it will be fulfilled.

May hearts prepare themselves in great joy, may the aftermath of the past dissolve, and souls feel guided by the Scepter of My Love, which will guide you toward the promised Purpose, because when you attain it and live it, you will know the power of liberation.

The shackles of inertia will break, the chains of the past will disappear, and your souls will be ready to walk freely, and thus await with joy the arrival of the Great Master.

Therefore, do not fear the tempest of your own boat, contrary winds may blow strong, but the conviction of faith will never perish.

Believe in the power that My Father has given you in the Heavens, that of feeling as part of His Creation and of His Universe, of being worthy Children of God.

This is the time when the trumpets of the Heavens will continue to sound, to allow the Divine Purpose to continue to be written in the hearts of humanity. The Book of Love is not concluded yet, for the last will be the first, and the first will be the last. This is a Law, and in this way it will be fulfilled. Therefore, do not remain in your own exile.

Through My Word and through My Message, through My Parables and through My Teachings, I have come throughout the ages to teach you about the Kingdom of the Heavens. That Kingdom which eternally reverberates beyond the dimensions and planes, and will always remain present in the heart that believes in it.

Therefore, stand up, companions! Assume your own purification, not as a condemnation, but rather as your liberation. Because this is not the time of victims, but it is rather the time of the victims of My Love, of those who have great clarity in their consciousnesses and hearts what is necessary to do in this time, and what should not be done in this time, not to come out of the protection of My Hand.

Therefore, lift up your heads towards the Heavens, and see the great promised time come, in which slavery will end, in which the hells will close so that souls may be reborn in My Love and be part of the  great moment of My Redeeming Supper, just as it was before Pentecost with My chosen ones, My apostles. Because I will again break the bread and consecrate the wine. I will give you to eat and drink of the Sacred Sacrament, by means of the luminous forms that I will reveal at this great moment.

And at this hour, the sacred Mystery of the Eucharist will be transubstantiated again, just as corrupt matter, which has deviated throughout the times, will also be transubstantiated. The cells and atoms, which will impel this great event, will participate in this.

Therefore, let the cross no longer weigh you down. Because in this time there are heavier crosses that you cannot see with your own physical eyes, but that you will be able to know under the spirit of prayer.

For this reason, I once told you to leave all you had, to carry your cross and follow Me. This is the hour when that moment is being fulfilled.

Nothing is out of place. Humanity is out of place, because it does not love the unknown, what it cannot control, all that which it cannot appropriate.

For this reason, I taught you the path of humility and sacrifice. This path is a great school for Me, as it is for those who are determined to live it. It is about simply daring, in a spirit of selflessness and renunciation, to climb the steps toward the Heavens, following one path and one principle, which is the principle of My Love, which will never betray you, which will never abandon you, which will never separate from the heart that supplicates for it, from the heart that asks for it regardless of its errors, regardless of its miseries, regardless of its imperfections.

Allow My Love to transform you a little more. I need to live in souls to be able to live in hearts, to carry forward My works of the end times, so that you may feel My closeness, so that you may perceive My consolation, so that you may take refuge in My embrace. Because I come to demand from you what you can give Me, and I will not tire of repeating it, even after you have heard it from Me many times.

Through the good instruments, I need to intervene in humanity and the planet. Because hearts may be a reliquary, in which My Treasures will be deposited in those who aspire to be stewards of My Relics, the Relics of My Passion and the Relics that were given to Me after My Ascension to the Heavens.

Do you aspire to know these Spiritual Treasures that I have for each one of Mine?

How wonderful it would be if you become aware of all this! If you do, your consciousnesses will no longer get mixed up with what is superficial, so that they will rise through humility, through the pure intention of the heart that loves, that does not criticize, does not judge, or allow itself to condemn its neighbor.

Therefore, resize your perspective. Be brave and accept repentance for those who do not repent, for those who do not do penance, so that the balance of humanity may be sustained in this end time, despite the risks that are lived on this surface.

Nevertheless, trust, because My Promises are fulfilled at the correct hour and in the correct time. Do not anticipate the events.

Continue to build, within yourselves, the dwelling place that I need for the moment of My Return. Because first My Divinity will return to the women and men of the Earth, and My servers and apostles will feel impelled by something unknown and supreme so that, in the nations and in the peoples or wherever they are, they may announce My Return to humanity.

Because when My Divinity enters hearts definitively, as it was through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, souls will speak in tongues. This will be fulfilled again, it was the promise that I made to My apostles after My reappearance in the Holy Cenacle.

Do you believe that the merits of My Passion have power?

Why do you doubt the way? If the Way is here, before you; if the Life is here, before you; The Truth is here, before you, in the name of Love and Peace. Because it is the Father who sends Me to you, just as I send you to the world so that you may be a testimony of My Word, an example of constant transformation, forerunners of peace even in the smallest details, even towards those you have beside you.

I observe everything, you cannot hide anything from Me. Just as I Am here, I Am also in other places at this moment. I Am in the homes and families who have opened the doors to Me at this moment to listen to Me.

Do you see how I can see everything? Because God has given Me the Grace of omnipresence and of the relationship between the universes. Thus, the Rays of the Supreme descend to placate the anguishes of souls, to place My Hand upon the heart of each one, to tell them, “Trust and have faith,”  because what you must still live is because God has already foreseen it.

I know that for many, living Divine Will is a challenge, but do not worry about results, do not generate expectations or illusions, surrender your lives completely into the Hands of God, just as the Divine Son surrendered on the Cross for you, so that you might live, so that you might be reborn, so that today you might be here, listening to Me. Just as many times you listened to Me in the important times of the Holy Land, just as those people who listened to each one of My Parables and remember them today, just as today you can remember My Beatitudes, just as you can remember the first time I taught you the Our Father.

So we are meeting again, so that humanity may find itself again at some moment, and be aware that it cannot go one in this way, that it can no longer continue to suffer in this way, that we must cut, once and for all, this chain of suffering that submerges souls in their own abysses, moving them away from the Light of My Love.

However, I grant again this Light of My untiring Love so that you may be strengthened at this moment of trial, as people, as souls and as a planet, as a civilization that urgently needs to be redeemed, to prepare and heal itself, to be cured from hatred, vengeance and impunity.

And you, companions, are the first ones who must live it. You must no longer have impunity, you must no longer criticize, you must no longer judge, because no one knows what it is to be condemned and feel within this hard spiritual prison.

For this reason, love, just as I love you. For this reason, live, just as I live. I am not asking you for something unattainable, I am asking you for something real, for what you can live and do.

This is why I gave you the Sacraments, so that I may be present to assist you in Confession, in the Footwashing, in the renewal of Baptism, in the Anointment of the sick in body and spirit.

I accepted the Wounds I received, to free you from sin, to liberate you from your bitterness, so that, through My Heart, at each moment and at each step, you may feel the strength of hope, the power of renewal I bring you, because My main task is to renew you at each moment.

If you allow me to renew you, you will understand life from a different perspective. You will learn to see life as a great learning process and as a great school, because I want to have you all in My Kingdom.

As a loving demonstration of what I Am saying, I will call today those who are postulants to adore Me. You may come here, so that I may anoint you.

Through you, may the world remember that it must adore the Lord, because in the Lord lies your life, your redemption.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We remain concentrated, for Jesus is here.

Beloved children and servers, remember with Me, for a moment, the Sea of Galilee and the Mount where I pronounced the Beatitudes.

Do you remember what you heard from My Mouth in that time, and how the Holy Spirit of God, by work of Divine Mercy and the sacrifice of His Most Beloved Son, worked, in that time, so that your souls might be here today, living this consecration?

Do you now understand that all has a meaning in life?

I know what each one has lived throughout the times, but I come to strengthen and encourage you, so that you may submerge into the ocean of My Love, through adoration of the Holy Eucharist.

In this exercise, which you will undertake at each moment of new adoration, remember, My beloveds, that you will be closing the Wounds that this world inflicts on Me today. You will be kissing My Hands and Feet, just as the holy women did. Their kisses healed My wounds, because they were kisses of consoling love, of supplication and reparation for the souls of the world.

Under this solemn spirit of Peace, I come to consecrate you as the adorers you have always been. Remember that, since the Mount of Beatitudes, your souls decided to adore and recognize Me as your only Master and Lord.

Therefore, today I place My Hands upon you, and in this sacred imposition, I ask the Holy Spirit of God to work miracles in your lives, and that you may be light in the world, which suffers due to so much darkness.

Elevate your hearts to the Heavens, the Lord receives you in His Glory, and thus blesses you in this consecration, giving thanks for your daily experience of this exercise for Me, until the last moment of your lives. Because in this last hour, I will be at the other side of the door, to bring you to My Kingdom, because some will not be here when I return.

Decide to live holiness, so that the world may recover the purity and innocence it has lost. Holiness is not vainglory. Holiness is to have a simple heart, capable of being receptive to the suffering of others, to the pain of others, and to do anything to relieve it. Just as, at this moment, I relieve you, who are being consecrated today, as well as all your brothers and sisters present here.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

And at this moment of consecration, to accompany the brothers and sisters, still in the Presence of Christ Jesus, we will sing together the song “Consecration” so that these brothers and sisters may see, before themselves, what is yet to come, the hope that Christ promises to each one, beyond everything we are living.

Let us accompany the Master in this consecration. 

Brothers and sisters, let us say a prayer to conclude this moment and proceed with the Spiritual Communion. 

When the priest finishes consecrating the Communion, you will receive it, as this will be a part of the exercise of your consecration.

We will say the prayer of the Celestial Father in Portuguese once.

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the Lord of the Swords, the One who does not battle, but rather conquers through Love.

Behold the Lord of the Swords, who does not hurt nor wounds, but rather cuts the ties with evil.

Behold the Lord of the Swords, who illuminates the spaces and abysses, liberating souls from perdition and rescuing the essences from the hells.

Behold the Venerable Lord of the Swords, who brings the Purpose of God to the Earth, who opens the planes of consciousness with the powerful Light of the Sword of God so that souls may be elevated and transcended into the Kingdom of God.

Behold the Lord of the Swords, the One who defeats with faith, the One who gains through silence, the One who manifests the expression of the Will of God.

Recognize the Face of the Lord of the Swords, because, through His Presence, you will win and you will not fear the end of times, but rather, as warrior apostles of Peace, of Mercy and of Good, you will bring My Christic Love to all who need it.

Temper your swords, the swords of the heart, which do not hurt nor wound, but rather liberates the hells of the Earth through fervent prayer.

This is the Light that ignites your swords, this is the Light of prayer that brings you wisdom and understanding, science, command and strategy.

It is the Light of prayer that will ignite your swords and, through the sword of the heart, you will build a great stronghold that will not be defeated by anything, because your faith must always be strong, above all, in the face of what is unknown.

Be postulants of the warriors and apostles of Mercy because My armies are preparing for the great final battle, the battle of Armageddon, in which all will want to be against all, above all, in those spaces where lies not My Love nor My Light.

But you, together with Me, together with the Lord of the Swords, will share the strategies, the inner projects and plans that throughout the battle will be carried forward to rescue even the last lost soul.

The board of the end of times in upon the table, incredible pieces are being moved in this game, because, in spite of the darkness, the chaos or the suffering of humanity, the Love and the Light of the Father and of the Holy Spirit have to prevail no matter what it costs.

Therefore, be precious pieces and instruments in My Hands. Never play against My projects, do not let yourselves be dragged nor deceived, use the intelligence of the Holy Spirit, use the temperance of the Christic Love so that, within this spiritual and planetary strategy of war, your consciousness may be placed in the correct location, and not at the incorrect moment or situation.

Therefore, you must be postulants to the great Spirit of the Command of Christ.

In spite of the hard moments or of the difficulties, on whatever plane of consciousness, the Lord of the Swords will guide you, and, even more, he will show you the darkest intentions of My enemy, and, at the correct hour and the precise moment, the sword of your hearts will cut the shackles and generate liberation so that souls may not be lost.

You have never seen a time like this. The light of prayer not only should illuminate your paths or even your deserts, the light of prayer, which ignites the sword of the human heart should demonstrate to you the Plan of the Redeemer, which is within the Spiritual Universe, like a great strategy for the end of times.

Be a part of a chain of Light, of that chain of Light that the Hierarchy gestates to carry forward the Designs of the Father.

But I ask you to cut the chains of evil, the habits of superstition, of lies, of half-truths, of the comments and even of the value judgments; submerge in the Love of My Heart, and the Lord of Swords will always protect you from any evil. And, each day that passes, you will be further, much further away from illusion, and, your eyes, although they are human, will contemplate with the soul the urgent needs of this planet, from your Kingdoms of Nature to all the human beings that dwell here and are swallowed by materialism and consumerism, by the constant invasion of information that is neither spiritual nor evolutionary.

Therefore, I invite you, on this day, to be a part of the Command of the Lord of the Swords, not to transgress neither to wound.

Therefore, you must watch your words, all that you say and all that you emit because the tongue could be converted into a sword of the transgression of all Laws.

May your lips only be in the prayer of the heart. At the right time, you will receive the response that you need and you will know which path to tread, and you will not lose peace.

Now, make your inner offering to the Lord of the Swords, and may the light of the heart give you understanding, at this moment, for the need that the Lord presents to you.

May the light of the Sword of the Heart, ignited by the powerful prayer and the sublime word of the Divine Creation, consecrate you and confirm you in this inner task that has no form, nor does it have a method, but rather it is conducted by a spiritual strategy.

Let us pray:

O, Lord of the Swords, Sublime Heart of Jesus!
May my lips never pronounce any evil,
may my prayer be converted into a sublime word
so that the sword of my heart
only emits love and compassion
toward all planes of consciousness.

O, Lord of the Swords!
Root out the cells of evil,
liberate the chains of perdition
so that we may recognize the Face of Your Return
in this final time of humanity.


Now that you have made your offering, you will consummate this moment with the Spiritual Communion, which will be offered after this meeting with Me.

But before this exercise is lovingly delivered to all, I want to tell you, to know that My Heart has a place and space for each one of you. I ask you not to fear evil. It could make much noise, but it is very weak because it does not know Love, it does not know the Light nor Unity; but you, who have been graced and filled with My Spirit for so many years, your consciousnesses and your souls know Love, Light and Unity.

Affirm your faith in these three important principles, and ask God to show you, when at any moment you do not love, at any moment you do not illuminate, or when at any moment you are not united to your brothers and sisters. Thus, you will allow evil not to prevail, and you will not delay in returning to the path toward Love, Light and Unity, which will lead you to My Mercy.

Believe that I am here, and that I am your Redeemer, and that I bring a Message of Peace and awakening for the world. If this were not so, it would not make sense for you to come to meet Me. But, today I tell you, yes, come to meet Me internally so that your essences may be strengthened and learn to go through these difficult times with Love, Light and Unity.

Many use My Name, but few know what this Name means. By any chance have you ever wondered what Jesus or Yeshua means in Aramaic? It is a sacred Name that was rose from the Heart of God for the incarnation of the Son of God on Earth.

It is this name, Yeshua, that gave an impulse to the redemption of humanity and of the planet, which culminated on the top of Mount Calvary during the Crucifixion and was completed during the Resurrection and Ascension of your Lord to the Heavens.

Yeshua, in Aramaic, is an exorcistic name. It is a name that attracts to your consciousnesses the Higher Love of God, that Love that originated before everything existed; it is this Love that does not know evil.

Yeshua is the key to salvation; it is the name of Love, of Higher Love.

Therefore, I want you to know that I am now returning. This first Return is taking place through these years of Apparitions, which began once in Rwanda through Emmanuel, the youth of Africa, and which today is completed here, at this Sacred Center, by means of the Work of the unfathomable Mercy, which in essence is the Work of Redemption. With this, I want to tell you that, by means of the Sacred Weeks that have happened and all the meetings of Mercy that have been taking place in an interrupted way since years ago, I am giving continuity to what I once began in Rwanda, by means of the Message that was a preparation for the Return of the Lord.

You should know the Message that I left in Rwanda so that you may understand what I am telling you today because as much as the Hierarchy appears in different places of the world or in different times, the Message is the same for all cultures and peoples, the messages of warning, messages of salvation.

I can now see that, by means of your faith and devotion to My Sacred Heart, you have postulated to be a part of the Commands of the Lord of the Swords.

And before bidding farewell, I want to finalize this first fortnight of the month of July, of so many important impulses for souls, impulses of revelation and impulses of consciousness and awakening, by bringing you a song that emerged a long, long time ago, at this Sacred Community of Figueira.

This song reveals to you an impulse of awakening, but also of preparation for My Return. Through this hymn, I leave you My Kingdom.

I thank you for being with Me today, in the Commands of the Lord of the Swords.

May the prayer that I taught you today be essential for you so that you may prepare for the end of these times, so that the sword of the human heart may be the one that, through love and charity, makes Mercy descend upon these times.

After this song, which will lead you to My Kingdom, you will prepare to live the Spiritual Communion, which will consummate this offering of your souls, on this day.

I thank you and I bless you, as the Lord of the Swords, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You may go in peace.


I will never leave you alone.

I return to the world, once again, because My Celestial Father has requested it.

For this reason, I am here, companions, not only for you to receive the Codes of My Passion, but also for you to be helped by Me in this harsh planetary reality.

Today I come to ask you to open your hearts to My Presence and to give Me everything that makes you suffer and endure.

Today, before the Celestial Father, I have the infinite Grace of being able to raise up to the Kingdom of Heaven all those who have suffered unjustly in this pandemic.

I have promised you that the cure will come, but the response of humanity towards the promises of the Eternal Father is still insufficient in light of everything He wants to do in this humanity and upon this planet.

For this reason, companions, My Heart approaches yours so that you feel the human Heart of Jesus, the Heart that suffered for you up to the Cross, the Heart that came to give its life for you, asking nothing in return.

It is this human Heart, the human Heart of Jesus, His great spiritual Reliquary, that I offer to the world today so that everyone, all at once, may enter it.

In the fire of My Heart, you will be able to purify your anguish and sorrow, you will be able to renew your hope and your faith, because that is how it was written, that at the end of time this would come to be.

Here, in front of you, in front of all human vision lies the reality of the end of times, unknown to many, but painful for most.

God still has His Arms open to His children. Listen to His Voice in the inner worlds and feel the joy of meeting Him again, despite everything that is happening.

I come as the great Spirit of Consolation. I come as the Master of Reconciliation. I want your lives and, above all, your souls to be reconciled today with the Eternal Father.

I have brought your Guardian Angels and all the Guardian Angels of the whole world so that, at My Feet, they may receive your offerings in the spirit of reconciliation and peace.

The new Israel, which is the humanity of this time, will have to rise again, come out of the ruins in which it has placed itself, resurrect in spirit, in love and in hope, to glimpse My Return upon the horizon.

But My Glory will not only come from the Heavens, but My Glory will also come from the inner worlds of the planet.

Most of the spiritual treasures that I have left for the world, and that no man on Earth has yet discovered, will be revealed, because they are not tangible treasures, but rather immaterial treasures that were recorded in each step of My Passion so that, in this time, of which you participate, you would have the tools you need to be able to transform everything.

With this, I am not telling you that you will stop purifying yourselves because the planet needs purifying. Therefore, you must always be in the spirit of faith, not in the paths of sadness or agony, because no one but your Master and Lord knows everything the world needs at this moment, what each soul needs in this time.

For this reason, today I have come as the Great Consoler, so that you can feel Me and, by feeling Me, you can commune with My human Heart, with this Heart so immense in Love and Mercy that lived here with you a long time ago and that gave Love to humanity for its prompt redemption and conversion.

And this afternoon, I open the doors of Heaven and the universe even more so that everything that oppresses the planet at this time can be liberated.

Your love and attunement with Me will allow the doors of hell to again close and your Guardian Angels may make My Legacy triumph throughout the world, in the hearts that are renewed with My Words, in the lives that become My Message.

For this reason, I want you, placing your hands in willingness, your surrender to God, to merge again into His immaterial and divine Source, the immaterial Source that brings you the Spirit of Consolation so that your lives can be healed and renewed in Me.

Feel how the whole world stops and how souls receive, at this moment, all that the immaterial Source has for them. Because My Love will never die within you, only if you allow it to die; because My Light will never die within you, only if you allow My Light to die within you.

I come to bring you the Light of consolation so that, in the consolation that I can give you, you may enter My Peace, a place where everything occurs and is concretized.

This is the greatest gift that I can give you today, because you are part of the treasures of My Heart; through them you will discover the strength of determination to overcome these times.

I want to say to all who are listening to Me, at this moment, that I have felt with fervor your prayers and supplications; to all My companions from South America and from the whole world, I have listened attentively to your prayers.

Therefore, the Angel of the Lord will arrive in the world, at the most necessary moment, to bring this pandemic to an end.

The promises that I make to you are not the promises that you want, because My promises are certain and never change. What changes My promises might be your wishes or even your needs.

The promises that I give to the world have a time and also have a moment, that which the Father considers. 

Therefore, keep working so that My promises are fulfilled and are able to descend from the Spiritual Universe to your Material Universe, so there will be more Light in the world and many souls will stop becoming lost, not only in this illusion, but also in this planetary suffering.

I wish you to be firm in Me. For this reason, I give you My human Heart, on this day, so that you feel and understand what I am telling you as knowledge, closer to your consciousnesses.

While I am here, on the triumphant day of My arrival, today, I do not want the palms to be laid before Me, but I want your lives to be surrendered to Me, in faith and in reverence.

I ask You for forgiveness, Lord,
for all that has been committed.

Grant me the Grace of liberation.

(repeated 3 times)

With these simple words of prayer, you grant the Grace that the doors of the universe be opened, to help the souls who need it most, at this moment, especially those who have passed on due to the injustice of illness.

I ask that you no be longer part of the suffering of the world, but I ask you not to be indifferent to the suffering of the world. May your lives be that oil that heals the wounds of the consciousness of humanity with your examples, prayers and service for others. You know that the world is in chaos, but what will you do to get out of that chaos and take your fellow beings away from the chaos?

Elevate your consciousnesses to the true frequencies of the universe. Nourish yourselves with vibrations of Love and the Unity of God because, in this way, you will attract to the world the Divine Wisdom that the men and women of the Earth need at this time to find the safe solutions of these times.

Today My Heart opens even more before you and the world, and It emanates its seven powerful Rays towards all directions of the planet, especially towards all the consciousnesses that live in darkness and suffering.

Do not believe in what they promise, believe in My Word, because the Word is not Mine, but of God. The Sacred Word arises from Its Source and comes through Its faithful Servant, the Christ.

For humanity to be embraced by My Consoler Spirit, there must be true sacrifices, not great, but small, that can repair the Heart of the Father in everything that His children do, time and again.

For this reason, I come to bring you the strength of determination so that you can live the strength of faith. The Holy Spirit will help you, purifying your paths, and the Holy Spirit will open the doors to deliver Its Science and Understanding to all so that, finally, you are a New Humanity.

At My Feet, I have all your intentions, which I gather with Love. Here I see intentions from all over the world, true and sincere intentions of hearts so simple and humble that ask for the great change of humanity and the integral cure of this planet.

It is there, in that state of consciousness, cooperation, fraternity and brotherhood, where I always need to see your hearts, thinking about the needs of others so that all may achieve light, healing and reconciliation.

Now, let us pray that this Sacred Week may leave its strong impulses in all inner worlds, and that hearts, regardless of where they are at this moment, know that My human Heart, the one that lived, died and resurrected for you, today is present as a sacred Tabernacle within the homes of the world that opened the doors to this sacred meeting.


For this reason, I will bless you under the sublime Spirit of the Sacraments and, especially, of the Spiritual Communion that you can live again with Me, each day of this Sacred Week.

Feel the relief that I am offering you, and rest in My Arms from this battle that the whole world is living, because I will make of the servants warriors, I will make the most humble victorious, I will make priests of those who live My Word and be My Word for the world.

Celestial Father, Who leads us all,
accept our offer of surrender to You.
Guide us through the path of love
so that Your Will may be done.


(repeated 3 times)

And now I will leave you with the Spiritual Communion, these sacred celebrations that I have entrusted to My priests of this Congregation, not only for them, but for all the priests of the world who must be the bridge between Heaven and Earth in this planetary moment.

I thank you, and go in peace, in the certainty that everything will change.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

And so, from the beginning, the Father knew that He would give Himself to the world, through His Beloved Son, for the redemption of all souls and the forgiveness of all errors committed.

My Voice is pronounced to a world that must awaken.

My Heart expands before all of the Universe, bringing the charity of My Spirit and the balm of My Soul to all souls of the world.

We are preparing, at this time, brothers and sisters, to listen to the Words of Christ, which are a part of the Mystery of God that, at this moment, will be unveiled to humanity.

At the request of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, we will listen to "Thus spoke the Master" and we will open our hearts to these revelations.

Today, in My hands, I bring a spiritual treasure that many still do not know. It is something more than your essence and your truth; something more than existence, more than your origin.

It is the first thing that manifested before the Celestial Father, when He thought this into existence, before the creation of the Universes and of all life on the surface of the Earth, such as the Kingdoms of Nature that you know of today, before all Creation was part of the Thought of God and He had the perfect and divine intention of manifesting His Kingdom within men and women.

It was when God, your Eternal Father, decided to unveil the mystery of His Trine Consciousness, presenting Himself to humanity throughout the recent times and by means of all the history that took place within this part of the Universe, as in others.

In this way, He mandated the Creator Fathers, the Archangels, to carry this great Divine Mystery within Their Hearts, which would be unveiled to the humanity of the Earth and in other places of the Universe, through the Word, the Sacred Word.

Thus, the Holy Spirit intervened at that moment, so that all the Virtues and the Gifts of God could remain recorded in the essence of His children, not only those who are here, in this humanity, but also in other spheres of the Universe.

For this event and this petition, God requested from His Archangels that they mobilize the whole Universe so that all, in the inner worlds, could feel the presence of His Truth and of His Divinity even in the smallest details, in the greatest feeling of union with God and with His Source.

And this Mystery came to the world. Hearts were able to recognize it when the great Angelic Consciousnesses presented themselves to humanity. The first Patriarchs and Prophets received the revelation of God through His living and resplendent Presence, not only through supraphysical movements, but through non-material Laws that humanity still has not fully discovered.

I need you to understand, companions, that this is an invisible mystery that shows itself to your inner eyes and your souls, because God needs a part of humanity to be able to represent Him in this time, knowing that a new civilization must awaken so that, through the Return of Christ, the Project of God that was thought of in the beginning and that still has not been accomplished because of the errors of humankind, may be established through each human essence that shines like a sun before the Universe. Essences that must be freed from darkness and oppression so that the presence of God may reign with the absolute and permanent conviction that, being in Him and in His Presence, nothing bad will happen, but rather luminous triumphs will be achieved.

Because the greatest testimony that you can give to God in this moment is the true transformation of your lives, your sacrifice and your surrender, knowing that what God aspires for is that the majority may be able to do something for humanity, for the planet, for the sustenance of the equilibrium of the axis of the Earth, for the seas, for the continents, and for all of Nature, which is in agony because of the perversion of humankind and the punishment of those who use their hands to destroy it.

I am the One Who, with His Blood, wrote the new time and the beginning of a new opportunity, the coming of a hope that, like a flame, will maintain the faith in hearts and a definite awakening to redemption.

If you, companions, had not offered all of this work today, this would not be possible, because God needs your consciousness to come to attain reality so that you may help take many out of illusion, those who are asleep and despair and continue to suffer because of their own errors and choices.

But I do not come to punish the world nor to threaten it. I come to tell you that the Fount of the Love of God can be revealed within you and will be the key to the portal of the path in order to overcome duality, the evil that was established in many hearts of the Earth through the action of My adversary. Love, companions, will help you to learn to obey, and obedience to the Divine Hierarchy and to the Presence of God will support you and strengthen you.

And everything that still waits in the Universe to be revealed to the consciousness of the world will come forward, because in the same way that you today responded to My call, in a sincere and true way, I will be here among you again, companions, as long as I can and am allowed, to always lead you to God and to tell you that suffering is an illusion that humankind of the surface has created, upon distancing itself from Love.

Thus, the Love of God itself is presented to the world so that it may within hear the call of God and may never again deny it, knowing that this is the time of last opportunities, in which everyone will be invited to cross the portals of the Cosmos to find again their true consciousness and their higher self, which patiently waits to fulfill the Will of the Father in this material Universe and on this planet; a higher self that hopes to accomplish its mission and its task, offering itself fully to God, without any need to suffer or endure, like the world does every day.

Today Argentina was freed from a very great evil because you, companions, allowed the Revelation of God to come, and as much as My words are abstract or not understandable, your essences and your souls understand what I am saying to you at this moment. Because in order to understand and know the Revelations of God, first you must love them, love them more than yourselves and everything that exists, and the Father will feel much pleased and happy for being able to show them to you.

And so the veils of the consciousness will fall away from your faces, and the past of the Universe and the history of humanity will be completely erased from your consciousnesses, and you will step upon the path that you lost before committing errors.

It is no longer the time of suffering; it is the time of healing, of Mercy, of forgiveness, of reconciliation and of the renewal of your consciousnesses. This will allow all the impulses to be mirrored and to be reflected in Argentina and in the whole world and that more souls may return to God and feel this deep communion that is born of the heart from the one that believes and has faith without having seen.

What I give to you from My hands, companions, is what God thought of for South America, and is called Creator Project of the highest dimensions of consciousness, where only happiness, unity and the Love of God exists; where the law of suffering is transcended because life is lived in the Law of Equality, Harmony and Love.

I want and I wish you to be able to live under these Laws so that your lives may continue to change and transform according to what the Father needs. But do not be afraid of your purification, because your purification will free you and will leave you more whole and available for the end of times.

And so I give My Graces and My Mercies to all beings, knowing that this time is unique and unrepeatable and that before I return to the world physically, I will withdraw, because I will have left all my instructions and teachings so that you may be ready for what will come. You must not be fearful about what still has not come; this has no meaning and has no solution.

Now is the time to be that which God needs in the small efforts, in the immediate surrender, in collaboration and in cooperation with the planet, with the Kingdoms of Nature, with your brothers and sisters on the path, with all those whom you have by your side daily. These are souls that also need love and forgiveness, and you can be My precursors in this infinite and invincible love that can fill your consciousnesses and everything that exists, no matter how much darkness there may be, no matter how much tribulation may prevail.

Love will not take you out of Me, for if you are in My Love, you will be in the Father, and I will be in you. This is only what I need in order to be able to prepare My Return to humanity, the Return that is coming and that can already be felt through the awakening of hearts.

As a sample of this immensity of Love and of Mercy, today I will grant a special Grace, because I know that it is a deserved Grace and reciprocated by the souls that are timidly willing to take steps toward Me. But believe that all take steps toward Me, as small as they may seem; they only need to be real, sincere steps, profound steps, because I do not need you to be perfect, as you know. Because if I had to save the world with perfect beings, the Project would not be accomplished, existence would be meaningless Creation would have no reason.

It is in love where you will achieve freedom and will heal your hearts and wounds, just like My Presence today heals wounds of the past of Argentina, of those who disappeared and the fallen in the Malvinas Islands and, especially in those who through terror and oppression, were not able to see God.

Today, through your prayers, through your persistence and your faith, Argentina is inwardly renewed, in spite of its outer chaos. I teach you to journey on the opposite path because My adversary does not know it nor can He identify it. It is with kindness, with love and with generosity that you will transform the world and the human consciousness and, consequently, the nations.

Never raise your swords. Never raise your word. Never let your anger rise toward any brother or sister, because I assure you that you will regret it. Place the fire that is part of this nation in the Hands of God. Let everything be given to the Highest, just as the Highest gave it to you from the beginning, even in the smallest details of all this Universal Creation.

Love, not only your brothers and sisters, but also the Kingdoms of Nature. Open your senses and perceive that in the Kingdoms there is also the need for healing and for forgiveness, the pressing need to express love for the most innocent Kingdoms.

And, in this way, Argentina will gradually become something else, because My Presence here will not be lacking. My inclusion and Presence will always be here because I know you need it.

In the heights of the Sierras of Cordoba, during the month of September, your Lord will give a new impulse that will place Argentina in another state and on another level. The presence of the Hierarchy will become visible, not only in spirit, but also in the physical, because as you know, it is the time of awakening, it is the time of love and of forgiveness. Amen.

And now that your inner worlds are prepared to enter into My Celestial Church, I invite you to stand up for the celebration.

And we will call upon Karina, Sonia, Viviana, Ivonne and the mother of Mara to come here to the foot of the stage.

You, My daughters, are a group of souls that have much to do for Me; I have seen it, I have recognized it and, above all, I have felt it.

God and His paternal gaze are upon everything. For this reason, through this act of consecration, as My spiritual daughters and My spouses, I come to bring you the testimony of the Love of God through My Heart, for all those who are behind you seeking the path of the spirit and the truth. Amen.

"Celestial Father, may Your Altars descend to Earth. May the angels congregate the souls in Your Celestial Church so that the Fount of Your Love, of Your Healing and of Your Compassion, may descend into hearts. Amen"

"Father, through Your Will, You created the water so that all can feel, every day, the renewal and the rebirth of Your Spirit in the human essence, so that everything may be washed, purified and blessed by Your Spirit. Today, may souls be blessed by the Grace of Your Light. Amen."

The elements of consecration for the helpers.

"May the Light of Your Heart, Eternal Father, illuminate the consciousnesses so that, through the consecration of their life, they may always find Your Truth and especially the Fount of Your Love that will nurture them, renew them and free them from all evil. Amen."

At this moment, the sisters will make an offering to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the silence of their inner being.

Your name will be María Sofía.

Your name will be Caridad.

Your name will be María of Israel.

Your name will be Esperanza.

He wants to ask of you something for Africa, that you be called María of Kibeho, for Africa.

And now we will move on to the moment of the transubstantiation of the bread and the wine, and we ask those who can, to kneel in reverence and gratitude.

Only because of love, in that time, I took the bread. The Most Holy Trinity blessed it. I gave it to the apostles, saying to them: "Let all take and eat of It, for this is My Body that will be given for you for the forgiveness of sins."

And at the sound of the three bells, the bread changed into the living Body of Christ.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

And still through an act of great Love and Mercy, I took the Chalice into My Hands. The Most Holy Trinity blessed it. I handed it to the apostles, saying to them: "Let all take and drink of It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be shed by your Redeemer and by many innocents for the forgiveness of sins. Remember to do this in memory of Me."

And at the sound of the three bells, the wine changed into the precious Blood of Christ.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

Behold the testimony of the Love of God for all souls of the world. Happy will be those that avail themselves of this Most Holy Sacrament.

Prayer: Our Father.

And we establish the Peace of Christ in humanity, by listening to seven sounds of the bell.

May the Peace of God flood your hearts and Truth remain in your lives so that the Plan of God may be realized in all souls and His Kingdom be established in humanity. So be it.

May the Peace of My Heart be in you and in the whole world.

I give you Peace in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for having received Me, and in fraternity and for the whole world, you will give one another the greeting of peace.

Special Apparitions

At last, the day has come for the liberation of this place, from the roots of evil and from its persecutions.

At last, the voice of the pilgrims rise up to the Heavens and the Father of the Universe hears the voice of His children who cry out for His Mercy and for His Pity.

At last the uncertain doors are closed and a door of Light opens in the heart of humankind so that Divine Energy may enter, this energy which will transform everything when hearts open to receive it and make it part of their lives forever.

At last, Divine Mercy has triumphed again and lost hearts find the path which, due to different circumstances, they had never found.

This is the time of revelations, this is the time in which the Divine Consciousness will approach humanity to remind it of its commitment with the Source, just as it was in Genesis, in the beginning.

After having deviated and it became corrupt, humanity can, through the sacrifice of the Son of God, achieve the Mercy of the Father and justify its existence, in spite of errors.

It is for this reason that I am here today, among you, and with many more who are not here today, I am also them, to transmit the joy of My Heart, the Grace of My Spirit, and the Sovereignty of My Soul to you, which in light of the Celestial Father, will redeem you and justify you so that you may go through the door of redemption.

Today not only the past is purified and sublimated, but also the present is redeemed and contemplated by the Mercy of the Father so that His children may achieve true Peace, which they lose in these times because of the modernities of this cycle that blinds the consciousness of souls and, little by little, separates them from God.

But I come to offer Myself, as that bridge of Light, upon which everyone can cross toward the House of the Celestial Father Who, in spite of the extremely serious mistakes of His children throughout time, sends Your Savior so that you may find and feel Him again, so that you may again draw closer to the Fount of His Love and of His Wisdom, which descends from the Celestial Universe to fill you and to bless you.

This is the time, companions, of experiencing a change in consciousness, of living the Plan of God with joy and of completely adhering to that Divine Plan so that your lives may receive new attributes, and these attributes of God may be radiated to the world just as I radiate the Light of My Heart to you now.

Thus, here today, the doors of Heaven and of the Universe are opened so that not only the fallen may be freed and redeemed, but also your souls may experience communion with the Father, with the Son and with the Holy Spirit, in order to establish again the alliance which was once lost through the action of humankind, who believed they had more power than God and more authority than Divine Justice.

But today, I do not come to remove the past, neither your history. I come to awaken within you the commitment of joyfully living a union with God and the existence of the whole Universe, because all that was created, companions, is not only material and concrete. Everything created is profoundly spiritual, lovingly thought of by the Divine Source so that all creatures that exist beyond this Universe and which have a filiation with God, may learn from Love and from Wisdom. Because the mistakes within Creation not only occurred here. The errors of humanity are distant and unknown, they have their origin in other stars, in other ways of thinking, in other ways of feeling, in other ways of acting.

With My Consciousness, I come to interrupt this timeline, chronological and concrete, which has lead the world to its self-destruction many times.

That is why I come to correct these defects from the origin, which are not only human or material, but also spiritual, and which are far from God because they do not have love or unity and, even less, wisdom.

That is why I come to correct in this time what no one has managed to correct by themselves, knowing that millions of souls, not only in Europe but throughout the world, were interfered with by that spiritual deviation of humanity.

A corrupt source is today replaced by a Source of Light and Wisdom, so that in the origin of the human essence, which goes beyond anything intellectual or mental, which goes beyond the reach of humankind, may be able to regenerate this current race which came to the Earth with a purpose and has not yet fulfilled it, since the origins of Adam and Eve.

This is why I sacrificed Myself and died for you on the Cross, because if I had not been here, as your Master and Lord, humanity would not exist at this moment, even after all it has done over the course of time and having transgressed Universal Laws, again and again.

I come to speak to you with the clarity of the Wisdom of God, with the momentum of the Spirit of My Eternal Father, because this is the time of an extraordinary Grace which not only is being received by Berlin today, but also the whole world that was a participant in those past events, which left indelible traces in souls and in hearts.

But I come to summon the newly redeemed, those who opened their hearts to listen to God and to feel in the depths of their spirits the loving and powerful voice of the Son of God; a Consciousness that knows you deeply, since before you existed, since before you were essences of light in the Creator Sources of My Father.

Today I return, companions, to place Europe and specially Germany facing the opportunity of returning to the Source of the Creation of God so that the attributes of love, of compassion, of forgiveness, of unity, of healing, and specially of light may be within the consciousness of this people, which must be reignited in the Love of God, having a deep and infinite gratitude for all those who have cried out at this moment through this prayer of today, for their people, for their culture, and for their nation so that, through the divine intercession of the Son, all may be transfigured with the loving and compassionate help of the Archangel Michael, who has once again removed the essence of evil at the request of the Eternal Father.

Feel renewed, then, and freed. Feel yourselves baptized again by My Spirit, by the Spirit that descended on Pentecost and that, in the past, brought the apostles a strengthening of their faith and of the apostolate.

So, I invite you as a nation and as a people, as a culture in redemption, to be apostles of Mine in this time, not only through the prayer from the heart and through supplication, but also in expressing inner love to your brothers and sisters, to those who most suffer, to the Kingdoms of Nature that silently transmute the condition of the human being all the time.

You have been blessed with exuberant and precious nature, because the Kingdoms donated themselves before you did, to accompany you in your transition toward redemption.

And now that this moment approaches, and not only your souls but also the souls of Germany will have that opportunity of truly experiencing redemption, for all that was done and what happened, gladden your hearts, and again and again reconfirm your filiation with God so that the Angel of Germany, deeply offended by the action of humankind in the past, may receive the help it needs from the Angel of Portugal so that the one thousand years of peace may reign in this people and you be participants in the glorious coming of your Redeemer.

So be it.

God, through His Son, opens the doors of His Celestial Church so that souls may commune of His Divine Source, with the attributes of love and of unity, attributes that expressed the Creation of the spiritual, mental and material Universes.

And thus, in light of the Source of the Creation of the Father and the divine Gift of His Mercy, in the same way as the angels of Heaven, I invite you to bow down to the ground to receive from God the Gift of His reconciliation and forgiveness, no matter if you are from Germany or not, for humanity is one and inseparable.

When humanity understands that, wars, hunger, inequality, human conflicts and religious persecutions will no longer exist.

When humanity accepts that it is one and inseparable, everything will change forever.

Let us stand.

"Lord of the Universe, Who frees and transmutes all things, grant Your children the infinite Grace of Your Forgiveness so that all may be rebuilt, restored and reconciled with Your Spirit. Amen".

"For the sake of the Water which sprung from My Side, may souls receive healing and Mercy. Amen".

I celebrate the apostolate of My Eucharist with those who most suffer and have need of it, so that souls may commune of My Spirit, which renews them and brings them faith in these times.

Those who can, kneel down to carry out this consecration, a consecration that will renew Germany and all the souls that live here through the unfathomable Mercy of the Heart of Jesus.

In that time, when I was with the apostles celebrating the mystery of the Love of God, manifested through the presence of the Son, I brought all the Divine Attributes for the world, offering the bread to God so that it may be blessed and consecrated in the silent presence of the angels of Heaven.

After that moment, I said to the apostles, as I say to you today: "Take and eat all of it, for this is My Body that was given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins".

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. (Repeated three times)

In the expansion of that mystery of Love, which came from the Divine Source of the Father, in the same way He blessed the Holy Chalice. And in that moment I gave it to My apostles, saying to them: "Take and all drink of it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be spilled by your Redeemer for the remission of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me".

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. (Repeated three times)

Prayer: Our Father.

This is the Body and the Divine Blood of Christ, happy are they invited to avail themselves of this Sacrament, for they shall achieve eternal life.

I taught you a long time ago to love one another, to support and accompany one another in the moments of joy as in the moments of sorrow, in the moments of life as in the moments of death. Now I ask you to do the same with whom you have beside you, day after day, for thus you will do it with Me.

Renew this request of your Lord all the days that will come, in this way, the Love of God will not be lacking in the world, and the nations of the Earth will learn to correct their paths and will place themselves on the path of God; a God Who has no religion or governor because it is the God of Love, infinite, wide, deep, healing, restorative and inter-dimensional, for it is an omnipresent and almighty God, it is the Source that loves you all the time and will never forget you, because His Love is real and invincible.

May this Love reach the souls of Germany today so that, renewed by the Sacrament of Faith, they may feel themselves to be worthy children of God.

May the deep Peace of My Heart be with you for, in this way, the Peace that comes from My Heart will be with your people and with all nations.

In unity and in love for Me, you will give each other the greeting of Peace.

I thank Germany, Europe and all My followers for having responded to My call, this important spiritual call for Berlin.

I thank you.

In the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We can give each other the greeting of Peace.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus during the 54th Marathon of Divine Mercy, int the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Today your hearts will be forgiven and your lives will be renewed, because the Almighty is coming after His Son, to liberate the world from darkness and perdition.

He comes to assemble the spirits that have loved Him and have honored Him, who have given praises to His Name and to all of His Creation.

Today I am before your deepest miseries, but I come to seek your greatest love, that love that today you have unconditionally given Me and gifted Me, so that I might be here, among My own, to give you communion of My Body and of My Blood, of My Spirit and of My Divinity.

Today, the Father comes with His Kingdom, His angels and archangels, with His celestial choirs, to bless the first Blue Cross. And the Breath of the Spirit will come to souls and will ignite hearts with an unknown joy they have never lived before.

Just as the Gifts of God descended in the Cenacle over the apostles and Mary, today the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit assemble here to descend into your hearts and essences.

So, companions, it is a great moment of renewal and of joy, in which the past must be erased from your consciousnesses and minds, because yes, now I will be able to walk with those who are firm, with those who have learned to step out of tepidness and of lack of love.

Now I will be able to walk with those who are to be just, with those who learn to carry My Work forward, with those who have said yes to My Sacred Heart. In them I will not lay the cross of bitterness and of suffering, but rather the Cross of Emmanuel, which is the Cross of victory and of the upliftment of the human consciousness to the Kingdom of God.

Thus, your spirits will be uplifted and must believe, My companions, that your griefs will dissolve completely, as long as you give permission for this.

For this reason, with this tenderness that now flows out from My Heart, today I do not come to see the sinners but those who redeem themselves and those who tread the path of inner transformation every day.

Do not believe, companions, that you will gain Heaven while you are on Earth.

You have come here, as humanity, to learn to love and to forgive, to learn to live compassion and justice in each detail.

When this is achieved, all of humanity will be free from adversity and from sin, and the doors of the hells will close as many times as God has closed them through His Son and His Faithful Servant, as well as Saint Joseph.

Drink of this moment as a unique moment that will never be repeated again. To unite Heaven and Earth, the Universe and humanity is something grand that does not happen every day.

The Father does not descend to the world since I ascended to the Heavens. Imagine, companions, how much time has passed for this moment to come in which the merits of My Passion and of My Cross may be engraved in the radiance of the Blue Cross.

For this reason, today I have halted darkness and My adversary. Here present before your eyes is the manifestation of the Will of God and of His divine Purpose. And you, at this moment, companions, are being led to enter the spirit of Emmanuel, in which are to be found peace, harmony, healing, and the forgiveness of all of your mistakes.

To this is added the Light of Aurora and its divine Ray of Liberation, which today works silently without moving so many laws nor energies, except within consciousnesses and the hearts that open in order to find it.

See therefore, companions, how at this moment, the time of illusion is halted in a part of this planet and the Real Time of God enters, to make you feel in Its silence a unity with all of the Cosmos and with all of Universal Life.

For this, the Shining Ones, the Elohim, are the ones that open the doors between the planes, so that the Father may descend here with His Spirit.

The wind comes to clean the bad thoughts of the ungrateful, so that they do not affect you, but rather that the Breath of the Spirit of God may prevail over your consciousnesses in this moment.

In introspection and prayer, let us move to meet the Father and the blessing of the Blue Cross.

Follow Me.

Hear, Lord, the voice of Your people. Hear the voice of all this race, which today prostrates itself at Your Feet to praise You and glorify You.

Hear, Emmanuel, the voice of Your children and come to this world with all of Your Power and Splendor, so that the most impenetrable darkness may be dispelled, so that hearts may be liberated from the chains of perdition and of illusion and the Christs of the New Time may be established; those who will come from different parts of the world and will place themselves at the foot of Your Cross to await the coming of Your Son.

Let us listen to the Voice of the Father, who today is not only in the Heavens, but also here over Aurora, as the Wise Creator of all that exists, as the Father of Mercy and of Goodness, Who in His divine aspect of Emmanuel comes to His children to bless them with His redeeming and cosmic Light.

While the Heavens open before You, Beloved Lord, descend with Your Rays the power of Creation and of all divine manifestation, so that Your divine Thought may be fulfilled on this planet and souls may finally find the path of love and of reconciliation.

The Voice of the Eternal Father:

Beloved children, listen to Your Father.

I Am the beginning and I Am the end.

I Am that I Am and I come from the spiritual Universe to assemble you in My Love and in My Justice.

The seven Regent Angels who were convened, may they now descend and let the Cross be lit.

Today, the Father of Love blesses this symbol, which will unite the peoples and the nations; which will bring hope to the unredeemed and which will bring redemption to all evil, so that the Love of the Source may triumph; so that Truth and Justice may reign.

Beloved children, I love you and I wait for you with My Arms open so that My Beloved Son may bring you toward Me and you may be seated at the foot of My Throne together with the angels, so that we may sing Glory and Hallelujah.

While your guardian angels prostrate themselves on the ground, the deepest griefs are forgiven and by means of this Blue Cross, one more Purpose of God is fulfilled on the surface of this planet.

The Voice of Christ:

My children and companions, in order for the Light of Emmanuel to become visible among consciousnesses, let us intone His sacred Name, so that the angels may pour out the codes and the merits attained during My Passion and thus the doors to opportunities and to Graces may open for all souls that seek unity with the Father and Creation.

Today, together with you, I will sing the holy Name of Emmanuel.

All intone Emmanuel.

Feel your hearts freed from the past, from the restraints and from the perversions of life.

Feel your hearts full of the Light of Emmanuel and commune of the Father, Who is here today with His divine Consciousness to bring Peace to this world and also the Fount of His Compassion.

And now, let us call out the Names of God, so that the Regent Angels, who were appointed by the Universe, may fill this Cross with the codes of the Divinity of His Beloved Son.

All intone the holy Names of God: Adonai, Emmanuel, Abba, Eli Eli, Yahve, Shekinah, Elohim, El Shaddai, Yod He Vaud He.

May this renewal bring to consciousnesses the expansion of their paths, in consecration and in faith, the entry through the doors of Mercy to the Kingdom of Emmanuel so that they may always learn to live and to fulfill His Will no matter how small it may be.

I have asked this night that a prayer be recited, which synthesizes the expression of all of the Work of the Father in this Universe and on this planet. A prayer that you will hear through uniting your hearts to God in this moment.

I bless you, under the Powerful Light of Emmanuel opening in this Sacred Center the descent of His divine Spirit so that souls may find Him within themselves.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Our Father...

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On this afternoon I come as the One Who Transfigures all things and to you, companions, I present the Face of My Transfiguration, which you too must achieve in your lives, in service and in prayer, so that finally, the world and humanity may become free from all the sins that deviate souls from the purpose, from the path that Christ, your Lord, has called you to walk in this hour.

I know that many of you must enter this path; that is why things are so difficult.

But My adversary will not triumph. The triumph will be of the Heart of God, the Father.

Today I come here, companions, with all the rejoicing of Heaven and the Universe, to again show you My Face of Transfiguration, which radiates your beings to transform your cells and atoms, in the precious project that God has foreseen for you.

This, companions, is also the Work of My Divine Mercy.

Accept the convocation that I present to you today.

Fully live a life of prayer.

Serve your brothers whenever you find them in great need. And that need must not only be material, but also spiritual, because souls suffer in their spirits. Many souls suffer in this critical time.

I would like that your hearts perceive these things, because the world needs to wake up from this deep sleep in which it has been placed.

I lived the cross for you and now I live the spiritual cross for humanity. Who will share it with Me in this hour?

I know that your beings do not know what true suffering is. That is why I lived it for you in that time, so that you would not suffer in this hour, neither your brothers, nor all those who you do not know in this current moment of humanity.

For those who are new, I would like you to adopt My Sacred Heart and set aside the habits you adopted in your lives, the habits which are not of the evolution of God.

Thus, I need you purified in this time, so that you may enter the Kingdom of My Father in consciousness and participate of all the treasures that I want to deposit in each one of you.

I would like, companions, that you aspire to celestial life, not as something unattainable, but rather as something close to you, as it is today, in this sacred meeting with Me.

That's why I open the Doors of the Heavens, so that your miseries may be transformed and the sins of the world not weigh so heavily upon the planet.

As from today, companions, you must be consistent with Me in your attitude of life and in the practice of good examples. Because this is My last call to humanity, before everything is precipitated, which is something that humanity does not expect because it believes that it will never happen.

Just as you see the sun born on the horizon, so will you see the day become dark, and that will be the sign that you must be ready and in permanent vigil with Me.

So, companions, you will know where to be and you will not despair over the things the world will say, because the truth will be in your hearts, that which I have been teaching for two thousand years and which today I give you again so that you may participate with Me in this preferred union with My Spirit.

I would like you to count all of the times that I have already been with you and how many things I have told you over time. In this way you will understand, companions, that My Purpose continues to live in the consistent hearts open to respond to the call of the Most High, in the liberation of your lives and of all the debts that delay your evolution.

I would like you to open your eyes to what is real and abandon the illusion of this humanity, of a fictitious realization that has nothing to do with spirit, because, companions, your true treasure is in the heart.

You will leave this Earth carrying this experience to the place in the Universe that will correspond to you, and to the Lords of the Law you will present all your efforts, all the goals that you have fulfilled in your spiritual life, in the work of prayer and of solidarity for your peers.

That is what is real for this time, companions.

In this way, your lives will be a miracle and you will see miracles happen around you and in each one of your brothers. Because who is transfigured achieves everything and is in God, within His infinite Purpose.

This is why I have come to bless you on this afternoon, to untie the knots of consciousness, everything that prevents the souls from walking  towards My Heart, because if today you listen to Me, companions, your brothers also must listen to Me through you.

In the Universe, energy is economized. That is why nothing is lost and each moment is blessed and sacred for you, because in the end, you must live your mission and no longer be lost in the world.

Reflect to your Father what you truly are.

Express the love that you still have not given to your brothers.

Unite in a single brotherhood and be confirmed as My apostles of the new time.

So when I return for the second time in Glory, you will not only see Me come in Light, but also with the thirteen angelic legions that I have chosen to re-ignite the world in Liberation and in Redemption, and turn this sacred planet, so very abused by humankind, into a blessed sacred land, at the beginning of a New Humanity.

For this reason, companions, do not only care for yourselves; learn to care for your brothers and acquaintances.

Do not allow your brothers to enter the darkness.

Through prayer of the heart, fervently plead to the Celestial Father, offering My Sacred Heart for the world, and wait; wait in silence, because the response will come. The time is indicating it.

And now, companions, let us pray so that this Transfiguration may occur in those who must be transfigured by the Fire of My Spirit and of My divine intercession, to thus realize and accomplish the Project of God on Earth in this last era.

Let us repeat:

Transfiguration, Transfiguration, Transfiguration!

Ray of upliftment and transcendence, dwell in us. Amen. (x3 times)

And now, I not only come for your souls but also for the souls of the world and for all those who must reach peace.

Thus, today I give you this blessing, so that you may be renewed in My Presence.

While I am present, offer these elements in adoration to God and sanctify your lives in union with the Holy Spirit.

Song: You are the King

And to think when I least...

And to the Heart of our Father we will lift up this offering, in remembrance of the Passion of Our Lord and of the sacred opportunity that your Master, Christ the Redeemer, left for everyone through a perpetual Communion with His Body and His Blood, divinized in all spirits of the Earth that always commune with His Sacred Heart.

In the name of this sacred ceremony, companions and of all the angels of Heaven that are assembled here for the Redemption and for Peace on the whole planet, I institute the transubstantiation of this bread and of this wine for the redemption of souls and the hearts that will eat and drink of the Spirit of the King.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I bless you and thank you for having received Me in this place.

And while I rise up, follow along with this song as the proclamation of your souls, in union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and of His infinite Love for each being of this planet.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and be the peace in these times; wherever you go and to those you find, only give peace.

I thank you!


Emmanuel listens to you with His deep feeling of Love and Truth.

The scale of Justice is being balanced for some parts of the world where peace and especially My Mercy are lacking.

As a Solar Angel, I bring you what exists in the Kingdom of Heaven, that which is most pure, among all that is pure in this Kingdom.

And to close this seventh day, let us pray, as you have been doing in these days.

The whole Order at the feet of My altar. Those who cannot kneel before My Throne may stand. Reverence is born from the spirit and not from matter. The spirit is filled by the Light of God and thus you are vivified in His Love. 

Our Lord asks the Order to say the prayer that the angel taught us in Fatima, the prayer of reparation, when He so indicates.

In the meantime, companions, see Emmanuel present here, in His deepest emanation, through His beloved Son who manifests His Power, His Source and His Love for this Earth compromised with the insignia of evil.

Reparation is what many souls need to achieve redemption. Without reparation there will be no cure and the cure is born from Love, and it is Love that repairs all deep things in the souls.

The end is drawing near. The Omega is being drawn in the Sideral Universe. That is the visible sign of a great change that will lead humanity to a change in consciousness, permanent and continuous, without stopping, beyond the hours and time.

It is the great inner change in the open hearts, which live in the Lord, which dwell in His Spirit and which transcend the times with nothing hurting them and taking them away from God. For it is the deep communion that will lead you to Peace.

Let us pray, companions, the hour is setting it. Those who do not know prayer may unite through the heart, to the great path that I will open on this seventh day.

Oh! Beloved Lord, 
Oh! Beloved Christ, 
accept our reparation through our love, 
our surrender and our prayer, 
so that Your flagellated Heart, Lord, 
be relieved by our devotion to You.
(repeat seven times)

Raise your prayers to God and intercede lovingly for this sleeping humanity, which needs to awaken the spirit of redemption.

Freed from mistakes and sins, during these last seven days, be worthy in the Lord to receive again His Grace.

And thus prepared and willing to face the end of times, you will be able to help all those brothers and sisters who will need your hands and prayers. This will be a visible sign to all and that will show that the end has come.

Emmanuel is the source of all just causes for this Universe. From His Heart the Truth is born and that Truth is provided to all the heavens of this Universe, until it reaches here, your plane in this material life and thus many souls recognize His Will.

But when most of this humanity is disconnected from that Truth of Emmanuel, other paths are taken. They are not the paths of the Lord, souls are distanced from the purpose and lose the strength of their inner light.

For this reason, My companions, My God sent Me into the world; and God manifested Himself before you in Body, Soul and Heart. He was scourged, martyred and humiliated, but this was to save this whole race.

Many of those who are not here today, and who will be witnesses that I have been here, when they know My message, will be grateful and repent for having wasted their time and for having turned their backs on the Universe that welcomes them and calls them to redemption.

But the Father needs you strong and purified because the signs will come one after the other and, by that time, there will be no more time to wait.

From the source of that Justice the Omega is born, and that is the predestined symbol for the world, the one that will close a stage at the end of the purification to start another cycle, a new Earth liberated from all evil.

But for that to be possible, companions, the effort will be great. The demand will also be great. Many will give everything to reach that goal, even their own lives, as many did in the past to maintain the balance of humanity.

But you will not have to think about these things. Your Lord is the true existence, He must be the aspiration of your trust so that the bases are truly built and no pillar will be crooked, so that the Temple of Light, in righteousness and harmony, may be raised before the Lord, your God.

The floor of your feet must be removed. The Earth will tremble because it will cry out at the moment of its great birth. And there the beings of Light will gather around the Omega to begin the final ceremony. And you will see protective lights, shining in some points of the Earth, that will fill the souls of an unknown spirit, of an unknown force that will strengthen them and bring them to peace, before all things. And that will serve as a support for many hearts that are not destined to make use of that Greater Light.

Now remember, companions, the Source of Holy Justice. Today, your Lord, Christ Jesus, reveals to all the essence of the final time.

Do not think of your families and children, for if you have truly given your lives to My Heart, what should you fear, are you no longer a part of My unfathomable Mercy?

In the difficult moments you must remember Me, and there more than ever, my companions, the virtues and gifts I have given you in these days, which are invisible to your eyes, must be made available for service to the planet. It will not be necessary to shout for the things you will see, nor to be divided through your foundations.

Remember to seek the essence of humility that I taught you, that is the true home that is invincible and strong, that will not be destroyed by evil. Build in your foundations the essence of humility, so that the temple will be erected correctly and no wind greater than your strength can tear you down.

Thus, I will be able to enter your temples as I have done many times before to help the souls towards liberation.

Sing to Emmanuel, your Eternal Father. Through My Heart, He hears the offerings of the simple ones, when the inner emanation is truly born from the heart of each being.

Song: Emmanuel Padre-Madre Creador (Emmanuel Creator Father-Mother).

When you sing, not only do the doors of the Universe open. The souls are filled with an unknown spirit, whom they love very much from the beginning of their birth. That spirit is that of Love, the invincible strength for times of chaos.

On this seventh day, companions, My last blessing will be together with the apostles, instituting in this small space My Sacred Cenacle, where the image of the Sacred Heart must be erected. And thus many will remember that I was here among you, not only walking among the orange trees, visiting your souls, but consoling your sufferings and giving life to what was dead.

If the Sacred Heart were present here as an image and as light, here you would find a place of relief next to the house of My Mother and the chapel of Saint Michael.

The Universe gives you three spiritual and profound spaces, so that in this material life you may find the help you seek so much. The healing will always be within you and thus the sick body will be healed.

Make the right path now. Heal the deep things. Free yourselves from your beings and thus you will find peace in this spring which I leave open for all today.

Know that in this humble, small and simple place where this altar is located today will be My Presence, the beating of My Heart, not only for this country that owes so much to the Lord, but for this entire region of America.

But if your spirits connect with My Presence here, regardless of where they are, My friends, I will come to your homes creating a bridge of light, from here to your homes. I will pour My graces upon you, as long as you need them.

The times of trial will come, so I am giving you a little piece of Heaven that is deposited in this place through My Most Sacred Heart. This will be the precinct of the King, the One who does not rule only in the simple hearts. That is the true King.

Through My Words and instructions, I have consecrated all the elements. And just as you did during these days of prayer of Mercy, I invite all of the faithful and congregated to raise their rosaries to carry this Light of Mine, the Light of God, wherever you go.

Remember that everything is distributed with love and charity, without manipulation nor power because then my Light will not act. The sincerity of your heart will mark the way to bring My Light to the world.

Thank God for this final encounter and like the sun that shines in this galaxy, the one that illuminated you many centuries and eras ago, today, I pour out that Sun that is the presence of My Heart, the perfect code for the salvation of souls, the profound healing of wounded souls, the liberation of lost spirits and the Mercy for all humanity.

Under the power that God granted Me, on the basis of faith and trust in your lives, I bless you and absolve you from all sin so that you may sin no more, be transformed and become in perfect communion with My Heart.

Remember that I will always forgive you, but the time of justice is coming and the fountain of My Mercy is being gathered. Drink from that Greater Fountain. Submerge into that Ocean of Grace for the door is closing.

Under the angels of the Lord, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now, brothers, place your rosaries on the palms of your hands.

Oh! Blood of Christ, 
poured out over the world, 
purify our soul, 
relieve our heart.
Have mercy on us, Lord.
(repeat three times)
Marathon of Divine Mercy

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

In this moment, let us glorify the Three Sacred Hearts, of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph.

At the request of Our Lord, we will hold a minute of silence for peace on the planet.

Let us prostrate before the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Let the bell in the tower continue to ring, please.

Heaven descends to Earth and communes with good souls. Vivify this! 

Let us breathe in the air of Heaven.

Pray with Me, My companions, as you have done up until today. Heaven has heard you with attention and love.

The great hour draws closer for all souls. The doors of Heaven open to Earth and hearts commune with the Spirit of God.

Blessed are those who prevail and follow the paths of the Lord, for they will be removed from the desert in which they live and evil will be uprooted from suffering hearts.

Love and Truth will reign in all those who have sought My Path, who will thus achieve the purity they so seek.

The seed of the humility of God will sprout in hearts that will be reborn in Christ and will live in unity with the Celestial Father, and it will not be necessary for anybody to suffer anymore, because the great absolution of Infinity will come in aid of hearts that cry out.

It is time to banish what is old and allow the spirit of each one of you to be able to re-emerge in the Universe of the Lord. In this way, everything will be accomplished and no one will remain outside of the path that I am pointing out for this time, the path to Spirit.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us repeat the prayers that the Lord is transmitting. 

For the liberation of souls,
Lord Jesus, have pity on us.
For the liberation of the Mineral Kingdom,
Lord Jesus, have pity on us.
For the liberation of the Plant Kingdom,
Lord Jesus, have pity on us.
For the liberation of the Animal Kingdom,
Lord Jesus, have pity on us.
For the liberation of the Human Kingdom,
Lord Jesus, have pity on us.
For the liberation of hearts that suffer,
Lord Jesus, grant us deep healing.
For all those that have fallen in spirit,
in matter, into temptation and into deceit,
Lord Jesus, save them all.
For those who suffer and have lost hope,
Lord Jesus, have compassion on all of us.
For those who burn in the fire of hell
and who in life burn because of the deceits of the enemy,
Lord Jesus, have Mercy on all of us.
For the New Humanity that must resplendently re-emerge,
healed and freed of all things, renewed by the Return of Christ,
Lord Jesus, hear our supplications.
For those Divine Beings, those called the Celestial Messengers,
we cry out to the Celestial Father so that those Sacred Hearts
return to the world to free it from evil,
untie the binds, heal hearts,
transmute wounds and open the doors to redemption.
O Lord Jesus,
O Holy Virgin of Virgins,
O Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph,
in Your sacred triangulation, 
may the Most Holy trinity guide humanity,
and may all souls that live on Earth
be able to achieve the dwelling place of Heaven.
In this time that will come and for all eternity,
let souls celebrate, in Christ, the glorious Return of the Redeemer
together with the angels, archangels, and all the consciousnesses of the universe.
Let this world be a confederated one
and fulfill the Project of the Lord
in the time that will come.

Today this is My Message for you through this prayer. It is a proclamation of all the hearts of the world, of all the servers of Christ who have aspired to reach My Heart and to live in My eternal Peace.

If you decree this prayer with conviction, everything will be able to be accomplished.

If just one soul should do it with devotion, they will open a small door in the universe, providing an opportunity for the rescue and the salvation of souls. Imagine if all souls, the voice of all hearts, should speak this prayer to Heaven, what could happen, My companions?

On this afternoon, I give you My universal Legacy, a Legacy of simplicity and of humility that was professed since My Birth in this world.

I bring you closer to finding the Mysteries of God, which are kept within you, in the inner universe of each being. In this way, all can commune with the Spirit of God and achieve redemption in these times.

The Three Sacred Hearts present themselves before you today to be glorified and praised, to uplift your spirits to the Celestial Kingdom.

For this reason, dear companions, may all hearts be redeemed in this Trine Communion. Let your lives be the sap of life, the food for those that are hungry, spirit for the spirits that are fallen.

I invite you to carry God in your heart and to be able to transmit this impulse to all those  you meet, because this Grace that today I am pouring out upon you is unique in a difficult time, for a humanity that is spiritually ill.

I Am your food and your healing. Continue onward. Free your ties through the infinite power of prayer.

Today I come with My Most Holy Mother and with Saint Joseph. She comes announcing Her great moment. Saint Joseph guides souls that must serve, and Our Three Sacred Hearts give of themselves to all to announce the Good News to all hearts.

Stop suffering. Accept the healing that Heaven wants to give you, because from that point, your lives will quickly transform. Many will no longer recognize your faces because they will reflect the clouds of the sky, the rays of the universal sun, which will radiate to the darkness and dispel tribulation. But you must have a trusting heart, a sure faith, and an unbreakable fortitude. If you live these three very simple principles, you will be able to be My apostles of love and redemption.

Today all are united in this meeting and have prayed to build this bridge toward the universe. Do you know what repercussions this has had in the current world, mainly in the Kingdoms of Nature? How many debts are balanced at this moment? How many souls and hearts are assisted at this moment?

I know that many would like to see these things, the real material results. But My Father sends Me to bring you the Spirit, that which will always strengthen and will never perish, although it lives in this world.

I bring you all toward My Heart so that you experience the perfect Communion with the universe.

And so that this afternoon may be the closing of a cycle, and a new cycle begin for all as from tomorrow, let us praise the Lord of the Heights.

Let us send our supplications to the Sacred Hearts so that the holy angels may descend at this moment, not only to help this country, but all of humanity, mainly the hearts that cry out for supreme healing and for redemption.

Let us open the door to Heaven. Enter further into this Heaven. This Heaven is ready to serve you and comes to commune with all hearts through the Presence of the Messengers of God.

We will receive your offering at this moment. Now, this is unique for all.

Let us open the doors to the essence of the Love of God, where after all of this, they must return to merge with the Celestial Father.

Song: Elohim.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is pleased with souls that sing with devotion.

To finish carrying out this sacred glorification of the Holy Hearts of Jesus, of Mary, and of Saint Joseph, we will glorify the Immaculate Heart of Mary and then the Sacred Heart of Saint Joseph; thus, your offerings as humanity may be poured out, in Mercy, upon the Kingdoms of Nature and the Law cease to weigh so much on humanity and be transformed by the power of My merciful Heart.

We are present, accompanying you in this blessing. Continue united with the Spirit that is flowing at this hour of Mercy.

We give thanks also to all those who have sung to God from their homes. Imagine how many doors open in the homes of all beings when they truly seek supreme unity among creatures. Today, as Sacred Hearts, we are establishing an example of celestial fraternity that is lived in Heaven and in the universe, on all the divine planes and dimensions, from beings that serve God up to the angels.

I am observing to see if you are attentive. Heaven gathers you together here in a special way.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Jesus is telling us at this moment that today to this meeting He has brought the Aspect of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, surrounded by angels that lift Her up to the universe.

Let us glorify Mary and Her Immaculate Heart, Her maternal Heart.

Song: Ave María.

Dear friends of Mine, trust in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It will always want to carry you toward the blessed fruit of Her Love.

To finish this union between Heaven and Earth, this communion between souls and God, redeemed and renewed souls, freed and forgiven by the powerful fire of Christ, let us glorify the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Father of all serving souls, Guardian of the hearts that endure and suffer, of the poor dying ones, those who are sick and alone.

Saint Joseph, through this song in which we invoke Your Heart, may all of Africa be able to be consecrated to the infinite healing of the Creator. So be it.

Song: Saint Joseph, Father of Love.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us do the prayer that He is inspiring in us at this moment, which is the prayer for the salvation of the souls of Africa; we will repeat, phrase by phrase.

Sacred Heart of Saint Joseph,
universal Servant and Watchman,
we cry out to You in this hour
for the salvation of all souls
that live in beloved Africa.
That together with Christ, Our Lord,
we may serve the Celestial Father
for the healing of humanity 
and its redemption.

We thank you for coming to Our meeting.

We bless you in the name of all of humanity: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you, Sacred Hearts, for all that you give us!

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

We are returning after a very intense moment with the Three Sacred Hearts. We did not expect the Three to appear at the same time. The Three Sacred Hearts brought the Celestial Universe here, and each of Them, in Their auras, manifested an infinite reality. Each of Them welcomed us at different moments. They observed our inner and spiritual needs, not only ours, but those of all humanity.

It is the first time we understand, with our consciousnesses, that Christ speaks of the Kingdoms of Nature.

When He referred to them at that moment, and mainly with the invocation of the prayer He taught us, He brought the consciousness of each one of the Kingdoms of Nature here, mainly the situations they are experiencing through the actions of humanity.

And when He brought, for example, the image or the presence of the Plant Kingdom or of the Animal Kingdom, He showed very horrific things that were being generated through situations brought about by humanity. He said that a part of our consciousness is not aware of what this situation means and of the spiritual dangers that we are bringing about because of that situation. Because, through that lack of awareness, Christ said that humanity is bringing about a very strong law being able to take place.

At one moment in the Apparition, at the Feet of Christ appeared each one of the represented Kingdoms. He was showing us and had us feel the suffering of each of the Kingdoms, which was something inexplicable to express in words or in stories. 

But through the prayer of that invocation that He transmitted to us, He gradually transmuted that situation and we saw that various parts of the planet, specifically Asia, were helped.

At one moment in the Apparition of Christ, when He referred to the Animal Kingdom, He showed us, as universal Consciousness, the laboratories, for example, where animals are manipulated. He showed us that the Kingdoms also have a Christic essence, which I don't know how to explain to you. He said that they hold it as essence because they are part of the creation of the universe. And we are modifying this creation.

As the Apparition moved forward, many different states were gradually being treated by the Hierarchy, referring to humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature.

After a moment, They began to pour out the energy of Grace.

Today Mary manifested in a state of deep silence, of a contemplation that is unknown. She was wrapped in a great cloth, a large fabric, and was in prayer, with Her eyes focused on Heaven. She had Her hair uncovered, wearing no veil, surrounded by many Cherubim Angels, small angels.

To the right of Christ, a moment later, appeared the image of Saint Joseph; He was symbolically guiding a flock of sheep. He was grazing them from a celestial level toward this physical level, and symbolically was showing us how He wanted to try and help us and guide us. For a moment, He showed us how our souls were in His arms. He held our souls in His arms. At that moment, He implored the Father through His Chaste Heart for us. Then They had us understand that it was not only for us, but rather for humanity as consciousness. At that moment, Saint Joseph channeled the holy degrees of love He had achieved in this life on Earth, and in this way, He lifted up that offering to the Creator.

Today we went through a very different and special Apparition, because the Three Sacred Hearts showed how They invoked the Celestial Father for Mercy.

After a moment, Christ began to ask that we call His Father, and He said to us: "I want you to sing Elohim," and I asked Him: Is it really, Master?

"Elohim is the Father, you are calling the Father, My Father. I am teaching you to bring the Consciousness of the Father to the Earth, and it is only through the invocation to the Celestial Father that you will know the unknown Supreme Consciousness."

And when we began to sing "Elohim," Mary was divinized, so to speak. She adored what She was listening to and the expressions of Her countenance would change, were transfigured into light. And Saint Joseph was very..., I don't know how to explain it...

They have us know all these things and these feelings that are not human. It was like a great universal celebration.

Christ was serene. He observed how our souls lit up during the moment of singing "Elohim." At that moment, with His serene vision, He observed how our Christic essence was gradually activated and followed that rhythm of the singing through a deep silence.

At one moment, Christ lifted His eyes to Heaven and through simply making this gesture, different Angelic Hierarchies began to appear. As we sang "Elohim," they congregated in circles of light and a great process of transmutation was liberating the planet. 

After Christ built this channel of light, He sent the angels to go down into the terrestrial hell. Then He showed Heaven above us and the hell below us. Those souls that were in hell wanted to latch onto, grab ahold of the angels, of the wings of the angels. But He showed how for some of them, the moment had not yet come for their being freed.

The angels obeyed the indications of the Master and were slowly withdrawing, taking out some groups of souls from that hell. Then that situation closed and we heard the song of Mary and the song of Saint Joseph.

During the moment when we sang to His Heart, Saint Joseph specifically was helping Africa through the offering each one of us was able to generate at that moment.

And to finish, when Christ explained and told us that He felt pleasure at hearing the soul that sang, He was trying to explain to us that for humanity, the sense of the song is very important at this time, because it is necessary to create new vibrations of light on Earth. He explained that this is much stronger when many souls sing in a true way. He says that other positive conditions are created in the planetary sphere and the liberation is more viable and possible for those that did not deserve it.

You perceived that He blessed the crosses at the beginning. They are the crosses that the Daughters of Christic Charity will carry, representing the protection of Christ in the work of service that these sisters have to develop and are developing at this moment.

For this reason, now we are going to participate in the placement of the cross in the sisters that, at the request of Christ, Mother María Shimani will do in them. And after, the little brothers and sisters that are standing here will receive the anointment of oil as a symbol of inner healing.

After, we will participate in the Communion and in other things that Heaven has asked of us. So we are going to prepare our hearts for this moment.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Today My Heart blesses Portugal, Spain, and Norway, because I know that My Most Sacred Heart still has to save many souls that are on different planes of consciousness.

Thus, I ask that you continue to pray from your heart; in this way, you will attract the universe of My Divine Mercy into your lives, the infinite ocean of My Love and of My Pity, which I want to pour out upon all of you and especially throughout the world.

Open your hearts so that I may satiate My thirst in the spring of your infinite love for Me; in this way, you will be able to help Me, dear companions, so that My Plans here in Europe may also be accomplished.

Today I come to bring you a Message of peace and of reconciliation from Heaven. And in the name of Your Most Holy Mother Mary, upon you I pour out the Grace that My Heart achieved when I experienced the Cross and the Passion for you.

For this reason, I come to free you from your intense Calvary. With My Hands, I come to withdraw the chains of damnation. I come to remove you from the prison in which you live.

Thus, calm your hearts in My Heart. Let only My Voice reverberate in your essences so that I can walk by your side, show you the way out and the path of trust in God.

When I gather you together to pray with Me, through the Prayer of Mercy, it is so that together, we can fulfill the purpose, which is to say, the Will of the Eternal Father, which He proposes for this time in Europe.

Your hearts have already walked through the instruction. You have received all the teachings you needed in these times. Now is the moment to risk a little more and cross the threshold to My Eternal Heart; in this way, I will be able to tell you what it is that I most want from you on this path that I propose toward simplicity and humility.

If your hearts are weary, then rest in My Heart. If your feet are already hurting from walking so much, let your feet rest within My Heart, within My Path of Light and of Peace.

Rest your beings within My Being and I will strengthen you and encourage you to continue forward on this Christic Path.

I promise you nothing for this time on Earth. Happiness is what I promise you after this life. But for this to be able to happen, My friends, suffering must exist so that the suffering of the world may be relieved: suffering for love, suffering for freedom, suffering that will bring hope for those that have none.

But I know that very few dare to live suffering, because it is not the suffering you know. It will not be necessary that you experience the suffering I lived for you.

My Divine Mercy comes to announce the time of liberation, the complete healing of your wounds and the moment of great hope for all.

Month by month, Heaven draws closer through My Heart. The Father is presented through My Eternal Spirit.

I hope that you can understand the magnitude of this Grace, through the simple act of Communion with Me. If you commune with Me for all of humanity, everything will have been said, My companions, and the world will be able to be freed from what it suffers.

I not only hope to gather you together in this time, but rather all those who still do not follow Me. Thus, the effort will be greater for everybody. But everything will be rewarded in the Eternal Heaven through eternal life, through unity with Me in a perpetual and loving way, the joy you will experience after this life for having served the Eternal God and His Project of Love and of Redemption.

But there is still much to be done, My friends. In your hands, firmly hold the torch of Light and of Peace.

Let the hearts that suffer and have fallen be able to see engraved in themselves the banner of peace and of union you have had with Me in this time. A precious time for all souls, a special intersession that My Heart grants the world with a single goal, that all may return to God, may seek God and no longer offend Him; but rather, gladden your hearts in God, that you glorify Him and honor Him for all eternity and for those that do not do this in this time. If your hearts glorify the Father, when other hearts are able to wake up, they too will glorify God.

In the name of the Authority of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I bless and consecrate the bread and the wine, visible signs of reparation in God, of the union of souls with the Eternal Universe through His preferred and beloved Son, Who spilled Blood and Water for the world, generating for all of humanity freedom from sin, and reconciliation of all the beings of the Earth with the Eternal Father through His Most Sacred Heart of Love.

For the blessing of this day and the opportunity to be here, in Portugal, prepare your hearts for tomorrow. The flame of the heart should already be lit so that the sparks of light, which will be radiated by your deep love, be able to expand throughout the world and reach the souls most in need.

All of this and more is possible through the prayer of the heart.

I thank you.

Go in peace.

Let us glorify God.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
