Every time you get tired of something in you which must be transformed, and you finally surrender your being, realizing that your actions are fruits of your own inner world and not the consequences of attitudes of your neighbor, then, child, you take a new step towards spiritual maturity.
Even though it may seem that you always repent the same things, it is never the same. Transformation keeps deepening within your consciousness.
May your heart not be anguished for confessing the same things, but rather may your soul rejoice for perceiving that which is there to be transformed, not remaining in ignorance, in illusion nor in darkness.
Do not grieve when perceiving the same miseries that need to be liberated, but rather pull more deeply at the roots of human atavism which dwell in you, until this can be liberated from your consciousness and, in consequence, from the entire human consciousness.
I do not say that you will find joy as you perceive the mud that exists within you, but it will relieve your soul and your heart with the determination of transformation and the victory of surrendering to God.
Walk with love towards the goal that you see before your eyes. I will always help you get there.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When souls thank God for another mission accomplished, they open the doors for more Graces to descend upon the world and for more souls to be able to receive healing, forgiveness and the Mercy of God.
To go on a pilgrimage with the Divine Messengers into the world, physically or by heart and consciousness, is to assume the apostleship of these times and to forget oneself so that the world may receive the Peace that comes from the Heart of the Creator.
Today, children, not only your hearts are thankful, but also the Heart of God emanates gratitude toward the infinite Cosmos, and His Love is felt within all of His Creation.
The Heart of God is relieved, just as so many souls and states of consciousness that you do not know. The liberation experienced these past days relieved and repaired the Heart of the Father; but the deepest gratitude of the Heart of God emerges from the feeling of unity that His Eyes see in the Work of Love, established by Him on Earth.
Your hearts managed to vibrate within the same purpose, in unity and in love, regardless of where they were and what role they played in the Plan of God. Finally, children, souls could experience and live what it is to be a missionary of God, an apostle of Christ, a companion of His. They could understand that this is an inner state, a state of consciousness. At last the Love of your Creator is arriving in the right place within you, and the instructions delivered by God are becoming life in your consciousnesses.
Do you now understand how little is necessary to establish Peace? And how fulfilled you feel as you accomplish the Plan of God?
Your attitude of transformation, of unity and of love opened the doors for the Divine Messengers to stay some more time in the world, and for the nations that had been self-condemned to perdition to be able to receive Divine Mercy. From this comes the gratitude of God and the gratitude that My Chaste Heart expresses to you today.
The Light-Network of the Heart of your Divine Mother is visible today, resplendent, embracing the planetary consciousness. And for this reason, I thank you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Accompany, with your heart and spirit, the steps of your Lord through this world.
Cry out, on behalf of humanity, for the roots of corruption of human consciousness to be pulled out from the depths of beings and of the Earth. Allow the Divine Hands to plunge into the ocean of the records of humanity, to liberate and purify you, removing from the consciousness of men and women of this world, the weight that does not allow them to walk.
Beg for Grace and liberation.
Let Mercy descend upon the Earth as a transforming flow, and offer your heart so that it may be the first one to be healed and transformed by God. Because thus, child, with your own example, you will open an even greater door so that the Mercy of God may descend to the world.
Cry out and be an example of the action of Divine Mercy. Ask God to transform the world and let yourself be transformed. Ask the Father to sublimate human corruption and let Him tear out from you the corrupt roots, the ancient energies and hidden forces that hinder you from deepening your steps toward God.
Look at the world, child, and feel yourself as a mirror of it. If you transform what is inside of you, that which is outside of you will also transform.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Devotion: A Door to Liberation
Devotion, children, is a Gift of God in the hearts of human beings, a Divine Ray placed inside beings so that, when active and awake, it may lead you to return to the Heart of the Father.
Devotion activates in human consciousness its potential to unite dimensions, to dissolve all barriers which separate hearts from God and to open doors so that beings may be liberated from all that impedes them from reaching the Father.
Devotion is like a magnet that raises the consciousness towards God and, at the same time, purifies it so that it may reach the Father.
Devotion allows hearts to recognize the need to be in God and, when this devotion is mature and evolutionary, beings are conscious of the need to create a condition so that those who do not manage to, may also have the possibility of reaching the Father.
Devotion, which is born in the heart and rises towards the consciousness, allows beings to mature their lower nuclei and transmute them, because the energy itself allows you to understand that it is necessary to transform oneself in order to reach God.
Devotion is a door towards planetary liberation and a safe path to awaken and activate the mirrors of your hearts.
Devotion must always deepen within beings, raise their vibration and stop being an emotional process to become an experience, a spiritual and inner condition of beings.
Devotion must keep rising from the heart to the consciousness so that you always know how to open the doors to reach God.
Allow devotion to express itself in your hearts. Do not be afraid to transform yourselves and become pure before God, for this is what will make you return to the Father.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Go and walk the paths that God traced for your heart. Strengthen your spirit through prayer, transmute and transform your being through service and sacrifice. Overcome the comforts that imprison humanity and look for the sense of your existence within the infinite.
Do not surrender your heart, your body and your spirit to human superficialities. Do not let your thoughts wander into the abysses as if you could never to fall in their depths. Let your mind rise.
Love the experience of transformation. Let your heart consecrate and re-consecrate every day.
Find your strength in the altitudes of Cavalry, as in the depths of the Infinite; there will be the Heart of God.
Wake up, child, every day in a different way: willing to give your human condition an opportunity to go deeper into the Truth and not to submerge within illusion.
Free yourself from fears, in prayer. Free yourself from vices, surrendering your heart to God. Free yourself of the abysses, letting your spirit conduct you to the path of evolution that God calls you to live.
Let the world scream the "sound of perdition" and let your soul only listen to the celestial melodies.
Do not let the temptations shake you, but rather the fear of being far from God.
Pray and meditate on what I tell you, so that your heart may always find peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Observe within the signs of nature, the expression of the spirit of the Earth. Through the elements, sense the deepest feelings of the planet that shelters you.
The Earth lives and expresses through the Kingdoms, giving humankind knowledge of the intensity of its heart.
When the winds stir, rains fall and lightning ignites the skies, lighting up that which the clouds had darkened, feel the Earth liberating hearts and let your spirit also be cleansed by its water of life.
When the sun shines on the horizon and the blue sparkles in the sky, painting the air of the Earth with a new day, you also experience the renewal that the elements bring, and thank the Father for the opportunity to begin again.
Like the Kingdoms of Nature within their seasons, child, let yourself be transformed by life. Revere the cycles that the Earth brings you and live each moment with gratitude, for in all things there is a message from God, for you.
Enter into yourself by facing Nature, so as to enter into the depths of the Earth and become a knower of its science and its spirit.
Life has a lot to teach you, it is enough that do not go through it with indifference and superficiality.
Contemplate the depths of the All and one day you will truly understand why you are here.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To My missionary of peace children
As an inner synthesis of the mission in Paraguay, recognize everything that in the last days has been transforming within each one of you and offer it to God.
Offer to the Father your expectations, your aspirations of having done more than you did, of taking to your brothers and sisters a more concrete aid, that would bring them a more worthy and healthy life.
Offer to the Father the aspiration of having taught and of having learned with the original peoples, of giving them love and charity and of receiving a learning of simplicity and purity.
Offer to the Father everything that in the last days was healed and transmuted in the human consciousness as the mistakes from the past.
Offer to the Father your efforts of each day, for following what I had told you and also every time in which you forgot My words.
I would like that this mission would mark an inner deepening of the missionary of peace task, a greater disposition of the apprentices of the Christic charity in fulfilling a spiritual role and not only a material one. May the mission, that happens in spirit, be an increasingly priority in your lives.
Each time that you learn to value what happens in the invisible worlds and understand that it is there that the real mission has its results, as Divinity, We can open other paths in the human consciousness and liberate situations each time more profound and rooted, each time more ancient and unconscious for the present humanity.
Children, there are not many missionaries of the present days who serve in matter being conscious of spiritual reflections of their mission. It is therefore that the Creator is so attentive to your movements and follows you with so much love by means of Our Presence and Our Words.
May the missionary of peace spirit expand itself in the human consciousness and may your disposition in deepening the inner transformation – as a form to give a more crystalline service each day – be as a code for humanity that will impel it; an example that gives other servers a spiritual meaning to their own service.
If you dispose yourselves to live the transformation and assume taking steps for your own redemption, you will help many others, who ramble in the world without knowing what to do and who, by your examples, will discover the essence of service, that is more than a social act, it is the path to the Christic life.
I thank you for continuing and for never giving up the transformation.
Believe, children, that the redemption is within reach of every one who says “yes”. And if, at the same time in which you walk towards the redemption of spirit, you do true service, you will open the doors for the redemption of the blind and indifferent ones.
I encourage the whole Planetary Mission Network to continue deepening themselves in essence of the service and to make contact with the indigenous peoples as a form of repairing everything they have lived in the four corners of the world.
Your Father and Companion in missions of peace,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Worthy of glory and praise is the Most High Lord, Who sent his Son to the world to redeem humanity! May all creatures dwell in the Lord now and forever!
Dear companions of My Chaste Heart,
Today I open your eyes to the spiritual and planetary reality that has wounded the Heart of God very much in the last century of the existence of humanity.
With the mission to Chaco, the Universe of God was before the opportunity of redemption of many situations that refer to the indigenous consciousness, the original peoples of the planet. However, so that this liberation does not overload a few, it is necessary prayer and conscious collaboration from all.
Throughout the last centuries, your brothers and sisters of the indigenous consciousness suffered from the cunnings of the enemy of God, which have manifested in the planetary and material life as that which you call social injustices. These injustices are actually encouraged by the one who fights against the Divine Project on Earth and that, not only seeks to dispel the indigenous consciousness through the shortages and miseries that they live but also causes resentment to appear in their hearts.
This resentment was being transmitted from one generation to the next until very few remained in their original pacification and purity. It was in this way that conflicts and fights for possession and material resources led many souls, that should be guardians of sublime realities of the planet, to the hells and purgatories of this world.
With this humanitarian mission in Chaco, many hellish doors were opened to the rescue and rehabilitation of those souls, not only from Argentina but from all of America.
This fact, children, commits you as humanity because the loss of those souls was also caused by human actions.
It is for this reason that I ask you for greater awareness and prayerful spirit because, even though the acts performed in Chaco are simple, many evils can be balanced with the unity and adherence of everyone.
The planetary urgency calls on you to act and multiply your efforts. There is still much to be liberated on the planet and, with these two current missions, the consciousness of your group is beginning to understand the true performance of service, as well as of prayer.
If you live in the spirit of unity, many of your brothers and sisters that suffer in the underworlds of the planetary consciousness will be able to receive an opportunity to go through redemption in time.
Do not forget to dedicate some time to the true and heartfelt union with the missionaries; thus, many other doors will open for the liberation of the planet.
I love you and count on your prayers and your ignited hearts, as a doorway so that the Divine Mercy may descend to Earth.
Your father and friend, server and missionary of God,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Release your souls from the captivity of this world though love for the Plan of God. If you love the Plans of the the Most High for all that has been created, you will transcend the common understanding of all the events that are manifested in the world.
Be willing to love the Plan of God above your own selves and you can then live what the Lord really expects of you.
When your self-love is greater than your love for the Plan of God, you run the risk of getting lost in your own limitations and lose the opportunity to discover the transcendence of all expressions of life, whether mental, emotional, physical or spiritual.
When you love the Plan of God above all things, you are able to throw yourself into the impossible to manifest it and, then, you cross the threshold of the human limitations and discover new capabilities which are eternally dormant in the consciousnesses of all precisely because of the lack of love and surrender by the beings.
I know this is an unknown and unattainable love to many, because you have not learned to love the intangible, the Divine, the spiritual. In this world, love is always based on benefits and even the love for God and for the spiritual life has to bring some merit, even if it is holiness.
Those who seek the spiritual life, heading for holiness, begin their journey seeking a benefit, a recognition, a goal; but on the way, they discover that, in order to find what they seek, they must lose themselves. And thus lost, they leave little by little everything they have, all that they are and what they think they are, as well as their aspirations and even the pure intention of attaining holiness.
When the heart feels the most that it no longer wants anything and only walks towards God, when it seems to be even further away of any perfection, because to him nothing resembles the Perfection of the Father, it is when the soul arrives, without realizing, to the first step of its goal.
For this true love I call you: love that transcends the individuals, the benefits, the aspirations, the achievements; transcends the very needs of life and leaves the soul and spirit suspended in the hands of the Creator, so that they may be His instruments in the world, attracting His Peace into times of chaos.
What I tell you and that seems so distant would be the reason for the human existence; however, human beings gave it a name and placed it at a point unreachable to consciousnesses, because even aspiring to it causes you fear, shame or you think you are lacking in humility. This is holiness.
Holiness is the union with God, it is the manifestation of His Plan. Holiness is not an exception, it is a goal for all human consciousness.
To find holiness, it is necessary to love the Only One, but to love the Only One, it is necessary to leave behind the human loves, to discover the love for the Divine.
The world needs hearts that truly love, that attract from the universe the Love left by Christ, because only in this way will it balance such evil that expands on Earth.
I love you and invite you to love with the same Love.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more