My dear children,
In the Love of God, you will find the answer for every stage of life.
In the Love of God, you will be reborn as in each new dawn and you will find meaning in all of the experience you have lived.
In the Love of God, you will be healed, but you will also be freed from yourselves.
In the Love of God, there will no longer be any reason to act, think or proceed away from this Divine Love.
As a Mother, as a Mother who was on Earth and knew the human condition up close, I ask you not to let yourselves be embraced by your own imperfection; rather, let Love heal and redeem you, let the door of your heart always remain wide open. Never close the door of your heart.
Hold on to the Love of the Eternal Father and you will be reborn, liberated from the bonds and all the evils of the world will be dissolved.
In truth, I say to you, My children, that without Love you can never know reality in depth. Therefore, do not forget that you were created, at the Source, by a deep feeling of the Love of God.
So divest yourselves of that which you believe, that which you claim to be the only truth. Divest yourselves of that which you hold as your own.
It is time for My children to practice, in their own flesh, the Words of all the Messengers; for one day the end will come and you must be living in the Love of God, in the Love that is capable of going beyond yourselves for the concretion of a greater and universal good.
This is the key that I give you once again, the key of empty love, of a love free of convictions and ideas, of a love that is capable of sacrificing itself out of love for My Son.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Greater Love.
My dear children,
Today I bring the Sacred Scepter of the Will of God within My Hands, so that It may be deposited into the consciousness and soul of Brazil, so that this country may fulfill, by means of all its inhabitants, the spiritual purpose of your nation, in the mission to express and reflect the emergence of the New Earth.
For this reason, My children, God and My Beloved Son sends Me with the Scepter of Divine Purpose so that the souls of this country may not lose the guidance and the path of a spiritual and profound realization that this part of the planet has.
From Brazil, the Solar Son must emerge and reappear and, with all His angelic hosts that, under the protection of Saint Michael the Archangel, must defeat the insignia of evil so that each Brazilian child and each representative of South America may receive the Ray of Liberation, Healing and Forgiveness.
Therefore, My children, from now on, as your Mother and Patroness of Brazil, I come in prayer to prepare you, to lead you once again to My Son, for He is your Way of redemption, He is the Life for each of you, just as Christ is also the invincible Truth and Light for those who aspire to follow His Sacred Footsteps.
I am here, because I am from here, I am from this people. I am the Black Virgin, Mother of all the simple and humble. I am the Star of this blessed country.
Continue praying with Me, with love, faith and hope, until on the day of and at the least expected hour, you will see the Divine Son return and sit under the Fig Tree, to distribute and share the Bread of Eternal Life.
I thank you for responding My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children of the Figueira Community,
Today, with joy, I return to this Sacred Hill so as to be closer to My dear children and, thus, be closer to humanity.
Feel, through My gesture of Love, the great closeness of God, of a Father who loves you, of a Father who suffers for the way you treat one another among brothers.
On this day, I want to thank you for being here, by My side, in this sacred task of liberation of souls, of souls committed to My adversary.
Being able to witness the reopening of the Marian Center brings Me more hope and joy. Being able to see My children in procession and song deeply relieves My Heart.
It is for this reason, My children, that you must slowly offer the visit to the Marian Centers again to pilgrims, because the whole world needs pilgrim souls at the Marian Centers so that your Heavenly Mother may avoid a feared Third World War of weapons, famine, persecution and great destruction.
The Eternal Father has given Me His permission so that, through the pilgrims at the Marian Centers, I can intercede for humanity.
For this reason, I again re-consecrate, on this day, the Marian Center of Figueira so that it may live this next stage, according to what I need.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
I ask that, as from today, your lives be roses in the hands of the Mother of God, so that I may be able to place them as an offering of consoling love at the foot of the Thrones of God.
Beloved children, to be a rose in the hands of the Heavenly Mother is to sanctify your lives every day through unconditional service and the prayer that emerges like a flame of love and devotion of the heart.
The roses of life are what I need, at this moment, to justify before the Divine Law all the errors and indifferences committed against the Heart of God.
Thus, through constant determination and true commitment, My beloveds, be roses in the hands of the Mother of God, so the Heavenly Mother may have the happiness of being able to intercede, save and rescue all those who endure and suffer at this moment.
If you are roses in My hands, you will be able to transform your life into a life worthy in the Lord.
When you offer Me roses upon My altars, I accept them, because I know that the flowers offered by My children to the Mother of God do not only have the purpose of honoring Me and of recognizing Me.
With that simple offering of bringing flowers to the Mother of God, I, as Servant and Slave, gather that tenderness of My children to pour out that love I receive over the dark abysses of the Earth. In this way, those condemned souls receive the Grace of freedom. Thus, all souls may be freed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
I wish, with ardent love, that at the next Prayer Vigil of July 12, all Marian Centers offer at least one decade of the Holy Rosary in order to support and accompany their Celestial Mother in the sacred task of liberation and rescue of the most lost souls.
I also wish, with ardent devotion, that families gather within their homes and prayer groups to spiritually accompany this task of the Mother of God. In this way, My beloved ones, you will be united from the heart to the special mission that the Divine Mother will carry out on that day.
On July 12, the Sacred Lady of Peace will be entering spaces of humanity where many souls disappear without explanation.
As a Mother of help and protector, My wish is to be able to reach everyone who unjustly suffers from human and organ trafficking, which is a very serious arrow stuck in the Heart of My Lord.
This is why, from now on, I invite you to make your prayers fervent so that the unbreakable chain of evil, sustained by many lost children of Mine, may be cut by the powerful intervention of Saint Michael the Archangel, and thus souls may be liberated from the disguised slavery of these times.
I wish, with ardent purity, that the world will listen to My supplications; in this way I will also be able to appease this sorrowful wave of the pandemic that takes to hell many souls who do not confess nor ask for forgiveness.
From now on, and always, I will be grateful to you.
Who leads you to the Peace of the Heart of the Kingdom of God,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I reflect the principles of Universal Creation to the whole planet.
I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I bring to humanity the Attributes of God.
I am the Lady of the Lakes, because. through them, I mirror healing and regeneration to the world.
I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I sustain the universal balance of the planet.
I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I establish the beauty of peace.
I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I allow My children to return to their inner origin.
I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I ignite My Mirrors of the cosmos and, thus, I free the planet from constant oppression.
I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I spiritually gestate the moral and internal reconstruction of humanity.
I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I purify and heal suffering souls.
I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, I lead My children towards peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On this day of Mercy, your prayers resound throughout My Immaculate Heart, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus is attentive to the voice of your supplications, because, at this crucial planetary moment, souls need liberation and forgiveness.
May the Divine and Unfathomable Mercy of the Redeemer help you, at this moment, to stay in peace, a peace so necessary and urgent for the inner worlds.
Dear children, on this day I bring you the Good News, the joy you must feel for being alongside My Son, helping Him relieve the heavy cross of humanity.
May the purpose of praying for Mercy to descend keep happening, because, where there is one or more than one in supplication from the heart, My Son will be able to help you and close the doors of hell and perdition for all souls that walk towards the abysses of the planet.
May you, as apostles of Mercy, be aware and thankful for participating in the inner Commands of Christ, as the necessity of these times will lead humanity to live a definition, before My Son returns to the world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Seventh Poem
make my imperfect being
a result of redemption.
Make all my miseries
an act of rendition and forgiveness.
Mother, may Your Heart
fill me through Your Rays of Love
so that I may live
the Sacred Will of Your Son.
Liberate me from the chains that I am still dragging.
With Your Sword of Light, Divine Lady,
cut the spiritual ties with evil
so that the planet may also be liberated
from all that humanity causes it.
I ask, dear Mother,
that You may accompany me in each step,
that You may watch and guard
the treasures that my soul has received
through the Love of Your Son,
because my only aspiration, Queen of Heaven,
is to fulfill and live all that which Christ expects.
For this, raise me up, Mother,
from all my falls;
help me, Mother,
in the moments of great tribulation;
protect me from all harassment.
May my spirit, mind and body
be a temple
where God can remain.
Through Your blessing, Mother,
may I fulfill the promises of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Christ will make you pure of heart because He gave His Life for you so that the errors of humanity could be forgiven.
His Blood justified the sins of everyone and brought freedom to the prisons of planetary life.
Through the Holy Spirit, His Water purified and baptized you as bearers of His Peace.
Each of His Wounds was offered as a salvation for all the condemned of the world, and His pain and agony continue to be the path of offering for the unredeemed.
His Cross triumphed and continues triumphing up to today.
In this way, are all marked by the power of that Cross, which defeats evil and brings freedom from the chains that imprison you.
His Word came to renew you and continues to do so because the purpose of the Divine Word is to continue to free all from the captivity of these times.
Avail yourselves then of the merits of My Son so that your lives may be converted in Christ and thus, you convert the cruelty of the world into a chamber of redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Christ will make you pure of heart because He gave His Life for you so that the errors of humanity could be forgiven.
His Blood justified the sins of everyone and brought freedom to the prisons of planetary life.
Through the Holy Spirit, His Water purified and baptized you as bearers of His Peace.
Each of His Wounds was offered as a salvation for all the condemned of the world, and His pain and agony continue to be the path of offering for the unredeemed.
His Cross triumphed and continues triumphing up to today.
In this way, are all marked by the power of that Cross, which defeats evil and brings freedom from the chains that imprison you.
His Word came to renew you and continues to do so because the purpose of the Divine Word is to continue to free all from the captivity of these times.
Avail yourselves then of the merits of My Son so that your lives may be converted in Christ and thus, you convert the cruelty of the world into a chamber of redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Your Queen, Mother and Advocate
In the high Celestial Spheres, very close to the Fount of the Celestial Father, a state of Divine Consciousness exists, where Your Queen, Mother and Advocate, intercedes for causes that are impossible.
At this state of consciousness, which is a Spiritual and Divine Plane, where different Angelic Hierarchies are to be found, who accompany their Heavenly Mother in the spiritual process of intercession, the Guardian Angels of all souls in the world arrive also. They can present to the Eternal Father the merits attained by the good souls by means of service, the giving of self, prayer, the transformation and redemption of consciousness. But they can also silently present all that has not been attained by the souls that are lost and have not yet awakened to the powerful Light of God.
Before this scenario, your Queen, Mother and Advocate, appeals to the Eternal Father for a undeserved Grace, for a situation or a cause that is out of the Law. In this moment, the Celestial Father grants to your Queen, Mother and Advocate, to expose the reasons for Her requests and intention. So then the Celestial Universe receives from the Divine Mother the intention that was manifested, and proceeds to deliver a undeserved state of Grace, through the action of Divine Mercy.
In this hour, the angels receive the order of the One to liberate a consciousness or situation from the inferior state of consciousness and, in this way, through the merits attained by the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the soul or situation receives the help it urgently needs.
This powerful and unknown state of Divine Grace remains latent in the center of the light of the essence, of the soul that was crying out for help, and thus the action of the Law of Mercy, Forgiveness and Redemption is established.
This state of Grace will remain in the consciousness for the time that it values this state and recognizes it within itself, through a correct, transparent, pure and simple life, according to what is taught in the Gospel of Christ.
Meanwhile, in the Celestial Universe, the Most Holy Mother gathers all the prayers, offerings and intentions, that are elevated by the angels themselves to Heaven. And gathering all petitions, the same Holy Virgin places them, in an action of pure humility, at the Feet of the Creator.
At this moment, the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Most Holy Trinity, intercedes, so that the soul, for which the intervention occurs, or the cause for which the appeal is made, may receive the spiritual anointment of the Third and Divine Person.
Thus, in this blessing that is granted, the soul or situation for which the intervention is made receives the impulse for renewal and forgiveness; and the Sacrament of Reconciliation takes place between the soul and the Divine Universe.
Your Queen, Mother and Advocate, upon seeing that the alliance with the Eternal Father is re-established, proceeds to attend other necessities and urgencies, seeking that, beyond everything, Her children of the Earth may recover and live in the Love of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
As Lady of the Nativity of Jesus, today I invite you to build an inner manger within yourselves during this time, through prayer, so that your souls, united with that of Christ, may be able to be reborn and renewed in the attributes of the Sacred Family, so that this Universal Sacred Family may today be a reality upon this planet.
For this, My children, today many prepare for the coming of the Child King by building mangers, to remember that important event of the Birth of Jesus as a doorway to freedom from human slavery and the redemption of the errors of humankind upon the surface of the Earth.
Today, in a particular way, your Divine Mother contemplates the creativity in the preparation of the mangers, and this is very important, because a greater number of souls lovingly preparing their mangers will allow the Sacred Spirit of the Holy Family of Nazareth to be present in the nuclei of the families.
For the special vigil of Christmas Eve, on December 24, 2019, I invite all My children to this year send photos of their mangers so that they may be presented as an inner offering of commitment in the protection of the love of families.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While the world and humanity suffer, there will always be service to do and to offer.
In service, you will find the correct door to get out of yourselves every day.
Service does not make you think about your processes or your deserts.
Service quenches the inner thirst and liberates you from any emptiness.
The world and humanity especially need to serve each other in order for the most serious faults, caused toward Creation and to the Kingdoms of Nature, to be forgiven.
Imitate My Son, be like Him, souls in eternal service to God and to the poorest among the poor, spiritually and materially.
Rejoice when the Universe sends you a new service and in this way you will be freed from yourselves.
The world suffers, not only due to the lack of compassionate love, but also from the lack of service.
Service is the ABC's of spiritual life and of religious life, because it is in service that you will find the healing for all miseries.
Receive service as an opportunity to love and to share inner goodness.
May service for others give you an impulse to concretize the so expected healing of humanity.
I thank you for responding to My maternal call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The spiritual Blood of My beloved Son shall still be poured out as a powerful spring upon humanity.
This precious Blood, which holds the luminous codes of the sorrowful Passion of Jesus, shall be that which will finish completely purifying all following believers, servers and the consecrated of Christ.
The Divine Blood of Jesus shall be poured out as a powerful Light in the world and, in that moment, all will be unleashed, everything will be defined, and the promise of His Second Return will be fulfilled.
For this reason, the precious spiritual Blood of My Son may be recognized and all of His sacrifice shall not have been in vain, in spite of the perversion in which present humanity is to be found.
When the powerful Blood of Jesus is once again poured out by the angels at the request of Christ, religions will know the true and only Face of Christ.
The moment will come when the blood of the martyrs of the end of times will also be recognized, and such a sacrifice or surrender shall no longer be experienced anywhere on Earth, for the powerful Blood of Jesus, in Its divine and spiritual state, will free all those who at some time felt like prisoners of themselves and of their human condition.
The Divine Blood of Christ, which will be offered in hundreds of chalices, shall grant those who persevere in Christ many wonders, revelations and miracles. And a new Earth will begin after everything has been purified and redeemed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Divine Project of Redemption
Within this material Universe, and in the infinite existence of many forms of life, the Creator lovingly thought to carry forward a Divine Project of Redemption that, by means of the surrender of His Beloved Son, could recover the souls back into union with the High and especially, the spiritual communion with the Celestial Father.
This Project could not have faults. Therefore, the Eternal Father entrusted it and delivered it into the care of the Archangels Micha-El and Gabriel. And another part of the Divine Project of Redemption was under the care of Archangel Raphael.
Thus, the experience and the testimony of the love that Christ left manifested in the consciousness of the planet by means of His Passion, Death and Resurrection, the great opportunity to experience the path of redemption approached all of humanity again, in different times and stages.
This is the reason why the Divine Project of Redemption renews itself time and again, through the steps of the souls in the School of the degrees of love and of forgiveness.
Each time some consciousness takes a step within the Divine Project of Redemption, this event begins to be part of the Christic Legacy of Love that the new humanity will receive to be able to begin to truly live the Plan of God.
This Divine Project of Redemption also focuses on the history of terrestrial and spiritual, soul and cosmic life, that each consciousness brings as inner baggage.
Thus, when souls make their definition of following the path of Christ and of fraternal life, all the history of the consciousness begins to become evident or is revealed through the impulses of its spiritual and service work.
When the consciousness faces its true history, and the unknown reveals the reality of its spirit and of its soul, in most cases the consciousnesses deny the origin or the feeling of this knowledge or stories which, throughout the ages, have marked a lasting spiritual wound which has brought spiritual, internal and even physical consequences and traumas.
The Divine Project of Redemption, which was attained by the Christ Himself under the manifestation and the expression of a wise, compassionate and merciful love, is the means through which the souls will be able to liberate themselves of their errors and stories of suffering or of failures that their own consciousness feels but whose origin it does not know.
The Divine Project of Redemption promises not only the spiritual and internal healing of past facts, but this Project governed by Christ Himself aspires to place the consciousness in the school and on the path that it should follow, without interferences nor obstacles on the part of its own consciousness.
This Divine Project that is still sustained throughout the times is the Project of God which has achieved the greatest number of miracles and conversions in the last times.
All the beings on the Earth are called to remember the sacrifice of the Son of God, to be able to enter the Redeeming Project so that their past may be transformed and their future may be prepared according to the Will of God.
That this Project may fulfill the designs for the consciousness will absolutely depend on the openness of the human being to the path of transformation and of inner change.
This will make of the Project a new victory on Earth, by means of the testimony of redemption of each being.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My son and My daughter,
If you do not change, nobody will be able to make you change.
The change of your consciousness will promise transformations and renunciations, inner demands and challenges.
If you do not change, you will never be elevated to be able to recognize in yourself the action of Divine Will.
God has a perfect Design for every soul, but the Celestial Father will never demand that you live it.
This is the reason why the souls of the world suffer and lament, because they are resisting living and experiencing the Will of God.
To live Divine Will is to do and fulfill what goes beyond the liking or the opinion of the consciousness.
To not fulfill, in this time, what the Father needs of each one of His children is to turn your back on the Universe.
To resist fulfilling the Greater Will to live a personal want will always end in an uncertain destiny.
There are clear examples in the history of humankind of the effects of personal will.
To live the Will of God is to free oneself from the self, every day, it is to work a little more with humility, it is to completely surrender, even with limitations. But, above all, it is to trust and love beyond the self.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
What happens today in some nations of the world is the reflection of what once occurred in the Universe.
Everyone was once a participant in a very ancient history, which transcended the times until the present day.
Everyone was present and participated in an event within the Universe that changed the Plan of God, in the sense of its realization and its fulfillment.
Everyone comes from a spiritual and universal origin. In these origins, the first learnings began which, in most cases, were learnings and experiences that made you arrive here, to the Earth, to be able to someday attain forgiveness and redemption.
Each one of My children carries within themselves a history, not visible to human eyes but known to the eyes of the spirit.
This is the time in which this history, which occurred in the Universe, will close so that another stage may begin and humanity may be finally liberated from the endless chain of errors.
For this reason, children, there are certain events, still unknown to you, which are kept in the history of your spiritual being. Your spiritual being is what deeply knows all the causes and consequences that were once experienced by you in the Universe.
Everyone comes from a somewhat traumatic experience. Everyone comes from ancient wars in the Universe that only sought the conquest of space and the benefit of personal evolution, for this, having skipped the Law of the Hierarchy and the Law of Love.
This history, which is still recorded in the Universe, remains there, waiting to be purified by each of My children, in the moment and the hour that corresponds to you.
Within each one of you, this history, of great conflicts in the Universe, has greater or smaller intensity according to the experiences lived and the participation of each one within these events.
This is the time to put an end to this history because humanity, throughout the nations and throughout time, has repeated the same errors again, so similar to the most determining facts that were once lived in the Universe.
The higher planes expect that each one of My children, by means of service and of surrender, can help dissolve and repair these past events. Thus, humanity will have the grace of going into a new cycle with greater possibilities of deepening in love and in service.
In this sense, everything that was once experienced in the Universe is not only the result of the conflicts caused by the ambition of knowledge and of power but were also delicate experiences that left indelible marks in the consciousnesses.
Now that everyone can be more aware of this and can help break this chain of errors that humanity still lives and commits, you must know that prayer will be that key that will open the right door so that all of these histories of the Universe can be forgiven and the souls may have the opportunity of beginning to walk with hope.
Coming into contact with this history of the Universe, in which the majority participated in, is to return to the conscious commitment to live forgiveness, healing and redemption, beyond what has happened.
Therefore, everyone who today becomes conscious that they are not only beings incarnated on Earth, they will receive, in the name of humanity, the possibility to change the destiny of history so that finally all beings may live the great moment of redemption.
This is the time in which the history of the Universe will come to light so that the consciousnesses may also learn to redeem itself.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May your inner calvary not weigh you down. May it only be a living victory of love knowing that by redeeming and transforming your life you can give the example and the testimony of conversion.
Accept this inner calvary as an opportunity to purify and sublimate your life in the name of all the souls that do not accept it nor live it.
May your inner calvary not be understood as a punishment or suffering, but as the spiritual opportunity to leave a stage to begin a new one, full of hope, renewal and spiritual triumphs.
Open yourself then, to know without fear, this calvary that will purify, so that one day in offer and in consecration, the Lord of the Universe may place the victory of His Cross within you, affirming and confirming the new time.
You are already at the doors of liberation. You are already in the cycle of redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Within the Superior Universes, the so-called Source of the Creation acts, universally, regenerating the principles and the spaces of manifestation that form part of the spiritual development of the constellations and the planets.
In this current time, the struggle and the effort to be connected with the High will demand dedication, striving and dynamism so that the currents contrary to the Light, which circulate around the planetary life, do not affect nor deliberately deviate the servers.
If some form of deviation or personal abandonment of the purpose takes place in this time, it is a consequence of the lack of inner and spiritual connection with the Source.
On the other hand, the cycle of self-purification is leading the human consciousnesses on the surface of the Earth to face itself and know that which was before unknown and hidden to it.
We refer to having consciousness and clarity concerning who each being of the surface truly is on a spiritual, mental, soul and material level.
Knowledge of the spiritual, mental and material aspects of the human being is something that used to be overlooked, because it acted in an unconscious way.
Now, due to the universal crossing of time and space, these aspects, which beforehand acted alone and with great occult power over the consciousnesses, are coming into evidence so that the human being may face them, purify them and liberate themselves from this constant oppression.
What happens nowadays is that the majority of humanity does not know, nor have the consciousness about how to solve a situation that, during long periods of time, has been compromising the possibility of their awakening and their surrender.
So, however much a minority is aligned with the Divine Purpose and has the inner tools it needs to carry forward the manifestation of the Plan, this part, which is the more conscious minority, does not know how to proceed nor act to solve its intensive process of purification.
For this reason, the Supreme Source of the Creation has, at its disposal, great re-transmitters of attributes and codes of light, the so-called "Mirrors".
The Mirrors are the support and fundamental bridge of union for the current planetary transition because the most sublime Mirrors of the Creation will be the indispensable support for the evolution of love within the terrestrial consciousness; just as they will be the pillars that will sustain the bridge that humanity itself must build through prayer, liturgy, Sacraments and service for the neediest.
Without these attributes widely applied in daily life, the human being will not be able to sustain itself.
Up to now, the Kingdoms of Nature, just as the vast oceans and seas, were the spiritual and internal consciousnesses that sustained the human being of the surface.
However, this cycle has changed, as the degradation, the mistreat and the lack of care for Nature have generated debts that are unpayable by the human race. And this has consequences, again and again, on the planet, reflecting on the changing climatic phenomena, the accelerated melting of the poles, the terrestrial and aerial contaminations and the collapse of all the environments generated by noise and visual contamination.
All of this planetary context drowns the Earth, as consciousness, the Lesser Kingdoms and all of humanity.
The moment has come for each being of the surface to counteract this evil caused to the planet and the Creation.
The moment has come for each soul to assume its own purification and transition, and to not feed on nor depend on anything or anyone.
The instruments to know how to create the spiritual condition have been taught; now it will only depend on the entire human race to be able to reverse and transmute what has been generated.
The Mirrors will be, in these times, the primary spiritual support of alignment and of balance.
The Mirrors will be able to unite with the mirror of the heart of each being so that, little by little, and with determination and consciousness, they may change the vibrations of the planet and the human race.
Within the Mirrors, you will find greater support for the end of times and the key that will open the right door for you to reach the Celestial Brotherhood.
It is time to work consciously.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Through My daily Apparition, I bring to the world and to the souls a very potent flow of the Mercy of God so that it enters into all the spirits that, day by day, need of expiation and love, so that some day they may be able to live redemption.
By means of My Presence and through the Mercy of God, I pour the codes of healing and reparation so that the souls may liberate themselves from the vicious chain of mistakes and humanity may awaken to the reality and the need of these times.
Therefore, Mercy does not only bring expiation to souls, but also to the consciousness so they learn to make the correct decisions and stop making hasty decisions.
The Mercy that comes from Heaven also absolves the souls, and so cycles of opportunities and of graces come to those who profess their faith, day to day, no matter what mistakes they make.
Mercy grants the necessary peace to be able to transform what needs to be transformed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who bless you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more