Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May the Voice that thunders in Heaven be heard.

May the Voice that resounds on the planet be heard.

The hour has come for the fulfillment of the promise of the Son of God, because it is written and in this way it will be fulfilled.

May hearts prepare themselves in great joy, may the aftermath of the past dissolve, and souls feel guided by the Scepter of My Love, which will guide you toward the promised Purpose, because when you attain it and live it, you will know the power of liberation.

The shackles of inertia will break, the chains of the past will disappear, and your souls will be ready to walk freely, and thus await with joy the arrival of the Great Master.

Therefore, do not fear the tempest of your own boat, contrary winds may blow strong, but the conviction of faith will never perish.

Believe in the power that My Father has given you in the Heavens, that of feeling as part of His Creation and of His Universe, of being worthy Children of God.

This is the time when the trumpets of the Heavens will continue to sound, to allow the Divine Purpose to continue to be written in the hearts of humanity. The Book of Love is not concluded yet, for the last will be the first, and the first will be the last. This is a Law, and in this way it will be fulfilled. Therefore, do not remain in your own exile.

Through My Word and through My Message, through My Parables and through My Teachings, I have come throughout the ages to teach you about the Kingdom of the Heavens. That Kingdom which eternally reverberates beyond the dimensions and planes, and will always remain present in the heart that believes in it.

Therefore, stand up, companions! Assume your own purification, not as a condemnation, but rather as your liberation. Because this is not the time of victims, but it is rather the time of the victims of My Love, of those who have great clarity in their consciousnesses and hearts what is necessary to do in this time, and what should not be done in this time, not to come out of the protection of My Hand.

Therefore, lift up your heads towards the Heavens, and see the great promised time come, in which slavery will end, in which the hells will close so that souls may be reborn in My Love and be part of the  great moment of My Redeeming Supper, just as it was before Pentecost with My chosen ones, My apostles. Because I will again break the bread and consecrate the wine. I will give you to eat and drink of the Sacred Sacrament, by means of the luminous forms that I will reveal at this great moment.

And at this hour, the sacred Mystery of the Eucharist will be transubstantiated again, just as corrupt matter, which has deviated throughout the times, will also be transubstantiated. The cells and atoms, which will impel this great event, will participate in this.

Therefore, let the cross no longer weigh you down. Because in this time there are heavier crosses that you cannot see with your own physical eyes, but that you will be able to know under the spirit of prayer.

For this reason, I once told you to leave all you had, to carry your cross and follow Me. This is the hour when that moment is being fulfilled.

Nothing is out of place. Humanity is out of place, because it does not love the unknown, what it cannot control, all that which it cannot appropriate.

For this reason, I taught you the path of humility and sacrifice. This path is a great school for Me, as it is for those who are determined to live it. It is about simply daring, in a spirit of selflessness and renunciation, to climb the steps toward the Heavens, following one path and one principle, which is the principle of My Love, which will never betray you, which will never abandon you, which will never separate from the heart that supplicates for it, from the heart that asks for it regardless of its errors, regardless of its miseries, regardless of its imperfections.

Allow My Love to transform you a little more. I need to live in souls to be able to live in hearts, to carry forward My works of the end times, so that you may feel My closeness, so that you may perceive My consolation, so that you may take refuge in My embrace. Because I come to demand from you what you can give Me, and I will not tire of repeating it, even after you have heard it from Me many times.

Through the good instruments, I need to intervene in humanity and the planet. Because hearts may be a reliquary, in which My Treasures will be deposited in those who aspire to be stewards of My Relics, the Relics of My Passion and the Relics that were given to Me after My Ascension to the Heavens.

Do you aspire to know these Spiritual Treasures that I have for each one of Mine?

How wonderful it would be if you become aware of all this! If you do, your consciousnesses will no longer get mixed up with what is superficial, so that they will rise through humility, through the pure intention of the heart that loves, that does not criticize, does not judge, or allow itself to condemn its neighbor.

Therefore, resize your perspective. Be brave and accept repentance for those who do not repent, for those who do not do penance, so that the balance of humanity may be sustained in this end time, despite the risks that are lived on this surface.

Nevertheless, trust, because My Promises are fulfilled at the correct hour and in the correct time. Do not anticipate the events.

Continue to build, within yourselves, the dwelling place that I need for the moment of My Return. Because first My Divinity will return to the women and men of the Earth, and My servers and apostles will feel impelled by something unknown and supreme so that, in the nations and in the peoples or wherever they are, they may announce My Return to humanity.

Because when My Divinity enters hearts definitively, as it was through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, souls will speak in tongues. This will be fulfilled again, it was the promise that I made to My apostles after My reappearance in the Holy Cenacle.

Do you believe that the merits of My Passion have power?

Why do you doubt the way? If the Way is here, before you; if the Life is here, before you; The Truth is here, before you, in the name of Love and Peace. Because it is the Father who sends Me to you, just as I send you to the world so that you may be a testimony of My Word, an example of constant transformation, forerunners of peace even in the smallest details, even towards those you have beside you.

I observe everything, you cannot hide anything from Me. Just as I Am here, I Am also in other places at this moment. I Am in the homes and families who have opened the doors to Me at this moment to listen to Me.

Do you see how I can see everything? Because God has given Me the Grace of omnipresence and of the relationship between the universes. Thus, the Rays of the Supreme descend to placate the anguishes of souls, to place My Hand upon the heart of each one, to tell them, “Trust and have faith,”  because what you must still live is because God has already foreseen it.

I know that for many, living Divine Will is a challenge, but do not worry about results, do not generate expectations or illusions, surrender your lives completely into the Hands of God, just as the Divine Son surrendered on the Cross for you, so that you might live, so that you might be reborn, so that today you might be here, listening to Me. Just as many times you listened to Me in the important times of the Holy Land, just as those people who listened to each one of My Parables and remember them today, just as today you can remember My Beatitudes, just as you can remember the first time I taught you the Our Father.

So we are meeting again, so that humanity may find itself again at some moment, and be aware that it cannot go one in this way, that it can no longer continue to suffer in this way, that we must cut, once and for all, this chain of suffering that submerges souls in their own abysses, moving them away from the Light of My Love.

However, I grant again this Light of My untiring Love so that you may be strengthened at this moment of trial, as people, as souls and as a planet, as a civilization that urgently needs to be redeemed, to prepare and heal itself, to be cured from hatred, vengeance and impunity.

And you, companions, are the first ones who must live it. You must no longer have impunity, you must no longer criticize, you must no longer judge, because no one knows what it is to be condemned and feel within this hard spiritual prison.

For this reason, love, just as I love you. For this reason, live, just as I live. I am not asking you for something unattainable, I am asking you for something real, for what you can live and do.

This is why I gave you the Sacraments, so that I may be present to assist you in Confession, in the Footwashing, in the renewal of Baptism, in the Anointment of the sick in body and spirit.

I accepted the Wounds I received, to free you from sin, to liberate you from your bitterness, so that, through My Heart, at each moment and at each step, you may feel the strength of hope, the power of renewal I bring you, because My main task is to renew you at each moment.

If you allow me to renew you, you will understand life from a different perspective. You will learn to see life as a great learning process and as a great school, because I want to have you all in My Kingdom.

As a loving demonstration of what I Am saying, I will call today those who are postulants to adore Me. You may come here, so that I may anoint you.

Through you, may the world remember that it must adore the Lord, because in the Lord lies your life, your redemption.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We remain concentrated, for Jesus is here.

Beloved children and servers, remember with Me, for a moment, the Sea of Galilee and the Mount where I pronounced the Beatitudes.

Do you remember what you heard from My Mouth in that time, and how the Holy Spirit of God, by work of Divine Mercy and the sacrifice of His Most Beloved Son, worked, in that time, so that your souls might be here today, living this consecration?

Do you now understand that all has a meaning in life?

I know what each one has lived throughout the times, but I come to strengthen and encourage you, so that you may submerge into the ocean of My Love, through adoration of the Holy Eucharist.

In this exercise, which you will undertake at each moment of new adoration, remember, My beloveds, that you will be closing the Wounds that this world inflicts on Me today. You will be kissing My Hands and Feet, just as the holy women did. Their kisses healed My wounds, because they were kisses of consoling love, of supplication and reparation for the souls of the world.

Under this solemn spirit of Peace, I come to consecrate you as the adorers you have always been. Remember that, since the Mount of Beatitudes, your souls decided to adore and recognize Me as your only Master and Lord.

Therefore, today I place My Hands upon you, and in this sacred imposition, I ask the Holy Spirit of God to work miracles in your lives, and that you may be light in the world, which suffers due to so much darkness.

Elevate your hearts to the Heavens, the Lord receives you in His Glory, and thus blesses you in this consecration, giving thanks for your daily experience of this exercise for Me, until the last moment of your lives. Because in this last hour, I will be at the other side of the door, to bring you to My Kingdom, because some will not be here when I return.

Decide to live holiness, so that the world may recover the purity and innocence it has lost. Holiness is not vainglory. Holiness is to have a simple heart, capable of being receptive to the suffering of others, to the pain of others, and to do anything to relieve it. Just as, at this moment, I relieve you, who are being consecrated today, as well as all your brothers and sisters present here.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

And at this moment of consecration, to accompany the brothers and sisters, still in the Presence of Christ Jesus, we will sing together the song “Consecration” so that these brothers and sisters may see, before themselves, what is yet to come, the hope that Christ promises to each one, beyond everything we are living.

Let us accompany the Master in this consecration. 

Brothers and sisters, let us say a prayer to conclude this moment and proceed with the Spiritual Communion. 

When the priest finishes consecrating the Communion, you will receive it, as this will be a part of the exercise of your consecration.

We will say the prayer of the Celestial Father in Portuguese once.

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Just as the Light shone in the humble Grotto of Bethlehem, a profound eternal Light shines in the essence of each of My children.

Although at this planetary moment the Sacred Project of God, that Project that was thought of by the Eternal Father, is being put at stake by humanity of the surface, in spite of all circumstances, in spite of all the situations that deviate humanity from Supreme Will, despite everything, My children, there is a profound Light in the essence of each of My children, an eternal Light similar to the one that emerged in the humble Grotto of Bethlehem, in the Incarnation of the Son of God.

However, today, I come as your Heavenly Mother to remind the world, to remind souls that, despite all error and darkness, this eternal Light can never be put out, because from it comes not only that which God expects from each creature, but also in the eternal and profound Light of each one of My children is written the path and the trajectory that they must follow after this incarnation, with all they have learned and lived on this planet.

Therefore, let humanity not forget this eternal and profound Light that is alive in the essence of each of My children, the essence that is illuminated and nourished by the Essence of Christ. Thus, fulfilling in this universe the Creative Principle with which My Own Son may make of His apostles the Christs of the New Times, who will receive the spiritual and universal Legacy so that, after this transition of the Earth, humanity may be repopulated with new principles, attributes and codes.

However, do not think, My children, that this is very far away, because if the Return of My Son is very near in these times, the moment is also very near when humanity will be liberated from spiritual captivity, the chains, the ties and all oppressions that places consciousnesses on a path that is far from God.

Therefore, at this moment, I come to spiritually rebuild all that My children need so they may not only live their path of awakening and elevation in these times, but also be placed within the Commands of Christ, following His Will, listening to His guidance and concretizing that which, in these final times, He has thought of to prepare this Earth, to prepare the inner worlds, for what is to come, what is wonderful and is to come from the Universe when this spiritual captivity on the planet may finally end.

This is why, My children, I do not come today to contemplate what you have not done right. I come at the request of My Son to contemplate the eternal Light that God has given to you since the origin of your consciousnesses, in the sacred spaces of this universe, where the Project of God once began. This Project, although it is old, is alive, because it must still be fulfilled in those who dare to live their awakening.

The greater number of souls that awaken in these times, the greater will be the interventions of the Spiritual Hierarchy to dissolve and placate the events of the Armageddon.

Do you understand what I am saying to you?

To be part of this moment with the Hierarchy is unique, not only for that which you can live or experience, but also for what you can get to know or discover about that which is kept as a mystery in this cosmos.

Many have come to the Earth as fallen stars. After such a long time of so many lessons and tests, many of these stars have converted and transformed into a part of this spiritual and eternal firmament, giving a living and concrete testimonial of the conversion that Christ has made in hearts, bringing them to the path of Love and of the Truth.

Therefore, My children, you must not lose heart at this moment. Although the events on the planet become more serious or precipitate, you must not lose heart, you must not stop. There is a Greater Life that awaits not only you, but also your brothers and sisters on the planet.

I want to tell you in clear Words, My beloved children, that there is something that awaits you beyond this material and concrete life. And that which exists beyond is not only spiritual or immaterial. It is also a part of this material universe.

Therefore, the Hierarchy, throughout the times, has been preparing you for this moment. You could not be facing the revelation of a mystery if your inner worlds were not in the correct vibration. This is why purification is necessary, because if the Little Child, the Son of the Father, was purified in the Temple to live His Great Task, could the Law of Purification be unnecessary in this universe?

The Law of Purification has been distorted by what is understood at this moment. Purification is a process of liberation. It is the first step of the school of transcendence. It is the great spiritual opportunity for hearts, before God, to become free from the ties, the oppressions and from the suffering in which this humanity is submerged.

In the Law of Purification lies the Light of the Divine Essence, and souls and the inner worlds can find it when they decide to face it and not resist it. Just imagine what would have happened if the Son of God had not undergone purification.

Could the Project of the Father be mistaken?

No, My children, not only did the Son of God undergo purification in the Temple, but also the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, as well as your Most Holy Mother, were purified during that event.

I know that today I speak to you again about a mystery, but there is no better way to understand My Words than placing them in your hearts.

Pray, meditate, and become interested in having the revelation of what is kept in the Mystery of God, because life, My children, does not end here.

Our Work on this planet has a special goal: that incarnated consciousnesses may achieve the steps of ascension in daily transformation, in daily effort, in the determination to convert their consciousnesses into that ardent, deep and eternal aspiration that the Celestial Father thought of before your origins.

Therefore, it must be clear for you that this is the cause of your incarnation. Thus, for a moment you may feel and imagine what the Hierarchy feels and see from the souls of this world that are far from the path of the Truth, that have closed the door to their own Spiritual Purpose.

But now your Heavenly Mother has the last chance, through Her Word, and especially through Her Presence, to give the Grace of the spiritual awakening so that souls may not only correct their paths, but also become postulants to be New Christs, so that they may be in the place and at the moment My Son needs them.

Your only dwelling place is in the Kingdom of the Heavens. Each moment that is lived in this world, each moment that you experience or each place where you may be is merely a transition, it is a learning experience and a lesson of humility.

Beloved children, it is above, in the Creation of the Eternal Father, it is above in this Sidereal Universe, where your true being is, where your true face shows, a face that many humanities have known for a long time. We will work until as many souls as possible achieve this, until those who are most asleep awaken from this universal lethargy.

This is why We bring the Light of Our Divine Impulses so that they may be not just Words, but rather eternal and inexhaustible Decrees so that the souls that listen to them time and again may be transformed, knowing that in the Sacred Instruction of the Hierarchy you will always have, before yourselves, the opportunity to change, a change that will surely lead you to transformation and redemption.

If My Son managed to transform the apostles into good people, to convert them into His apostles so that they could cause His Work to be perpetuated throughout the world, what could My Son do with each one of you?

There is only one reason for all of this: you must learn to trust so that you may learn to love. And may this Love, which is not mundane, but rather the Love that emerges from the Source through the souls that serve and surrender, help you day by day to reflect the Love of God in your works of service and charity, with just one aim: for the relief of suffering, of the suffering that we see in this world and on this Earth, the suffering that paralyses and enslaves hearts.

Our Voice, Our Word and, above all, Our Divine and Consoling Love come to break this chain of suffering, so that souls may be liberated and attain peace, the joy of feeling loved by the Eternal Father. Because He, as their Father who is in the Heavens, and who is in their hearts, always has His Arms open to all, because He is Merciful, Kind and Prodigious. When you suffer, when you fall, when you distance yourselves from Him, it is because you forget not only His Love, you also forget that He is sheer Mercy, Untiring Source of Compassion.

This is why I come today not only to celebrate the Nativity of the King of the Universe, to celebrate the Nativity of all Inner Christs, those who confirm themselves day by day through their ‘yes’. I also come to lay on My Serving Hands, as the Mother of Universal Healing, to radiate My Light and My Graces upon My children, asking the Celestial Father to bring healing to the deepest and most unknown wounds in the hearts of the world, so that all My children may attain the happiness of being in God.

Unite to Me and let us work to fulfill this Aspiration of God: that souls may smile and attain the happiness of being in God, so as to be a part of His Sacred Kingdom.

May the Light of the Inner Christs be perpetuated at this moment of the planet.

Nourished by the Essence of Christ, may this Light of the Inner Christs grant the Grace of liberation and peace to the souls that need it the most. In this way, the chains that tie souls to suffering and pain will continue to break and the perfect Flower that God created will spring from each inner essence, through the origin of each one of His Children.

Contemplate, in your inner world, the Flower of God, and thus attain your freedom.

I will see you next December 31 when, through the Kingdom of Aurora, the Spiritual Hierarchy will close this year with a deep act of meditation and reflection in the face of all that is happening and, above all, in a profound act of offering to God.

This act will be offered through the fruits that souls have lived in these times. The spiritual fruits and the sacred treasures of the hearts that still keep the Project of the Father on this planet alive. The fruit of sacrifice and the surrender of love from the heart are pillars that sustain His Project on this planet.

Thus, through Aurora, in unity and omnipresence, the Mother of God will grant Her maternal blessing, preparing with Her children the next steps that Christ will take in North America and in other places of the world.

Let us pray:

may the advent of the New Race be fulfilled.
May humanity be able to express its archetype.
May the word be alive and build Your Temple.
That Your Mystery may expand within us
and true existence be revealed to the world
so that we may gather in Your Name
and glorify Perfect Unity.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will sing a song at the request of our Most Holy Mother. A song that imitates the ‘yes’ of Mary, which She invites us to live in these times. The song is called “I say ‘yes’.”

And through this song we will affirm our ‘yes’ to Mary, in Her Heart, for all that Christ needs from each one of us, affirming that through our 'yes' the Lord will concretize His Victory.


I thank you for responding to My call!

May the Light of the Nativity of the Lord illuminate the world and especially Ukraine with Love and Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After the Return of My Son, I will also come as a Sun to give the last blessing to the world, to finish opening the paths for all My children, paths that will lead them to the Heart of God.

This is why He sends His Messenger, He sends the Servant and Mother of God so that, by pronouncing Her Sweet Voice and delivering Her Maternal Message to the world, souls may find within themselves the path of redemption and reconciliation, which is that which humanity lacks at this moment.

For this reason, Our Divine Consciousnesses do not tire of approaching the world so that Our children on Earth may feel our closeness, may feel Our sacred drawing near, full of Love and Mercy, full of Light and Peace for all.

But My Eyes of a Mother cannot fail to contemplate the situation of humanity, which is serious, painful and difficult for all, and in which souls need a lot of spiritual guidance so that they do not lose sight of Divine Will and do not forget the Spiritual Purpose that God established in each one of His children.

This is why We have become tireless with each one of you, My children, so that you may find this definitive path that will lead you not only to the great awakening, but also to the obedient fulfillment of the Divine Will that welcomes you and receives you through the Source of Love and Unity in the Kingdom of the Heavens.

While My Son does not yet come to the world, He sends His Celestial Mother to Earth so that the Voice of the Mother of God may be heard once again, just as it was heard by some of My children in Lourdes, La Salette, Garabandal and Fatima. A Voice that was not able to echo in the end of these times because My Message has not yet resounded as it had been foreseen.

This is why I Am here today again. I Am here again, in this sacred place of the Peaks of Europe, so that you may understand and also perceive that in the silence of the mountains lies the Presence of the Hierarchy, just as it can also be found in the silence of your hearts, at the sacred moment of prayer and liturgy, as well as in the tireless service for others.

These are the attributes and principles that humanity urgently needs in these times, because humanity is losing the sense of perspective, and by losing the sense of perspective, it loses the sense of discernment. And this does not bring light to its paths, does not bring wisdom to decisions, does not bring a firm decision during the next steps that must be taken.

For this reason I Am here, sent by My Son, so that you may make the voice of My Message of Garabandal resound. Because all that happened there was not in vain, all that happened there was not understood because it was not accepted, because there was no openness to the Higher Laws that were active in those events of Garabandal in an impactful and determining way.

But My Message of Garabandal did resound in the simple and humble hearts, because that is where God is, in the simple and humble hearts, in the seemingly unknown spaces of the planet, where innocence and purity can be found.

This allows God to express Himself with His Power and Will, overcoming the laws of Physics and matter through supernatural events.

But the Spiritual Hierarchy does not concentrate itself on phenomena nor on extraordinary movements. Humanity needs them to awaken and understand the Message of the Hierarchy.

This is why I Am here once again so that My Message may resound within you, My children, and may thus open the doors to the Mercy and Grace of God that the world needs.

Meanwhile, My children, I will be very close, accompanying you, because a Good Mother wants you to take safe steps toward peace, because when you are at peace, you will be in fraternal brotherhood.

Dear children, today I take time in this space so that you may feel and, above all, listen to each one of My Words and, beyond listening to them, you may feel My Spiritual, Divine and Cosmic Vibration that brings you the Attributes and Principles of the Source at each moment of Apparition, with the goal being your healing and spiritual regeneration.

Here, on the top of these mountains, I Am gathered with all the angels of Garabandal, bringing My Message of Peace, bringing My Word, but also My Cry to the world so that it may stop the war and destruction, because humanity of the surface keeps opening uncertain doors to evil and it not only compromises its spiritual life, but it also compromises life on the whole planet.

We must still continue to pray with fervor and determination so that the few doors that are still open to the Heavens may remain open, for the fulfillment of the sacred intervention and help that all groups of souls of this planet need, so that they may find the definitive path to the Lord.

I Am at the foot of the Cross of the Calvary of the planet, and I wait for each one of you, My children, so that you may accompany Me at this moment, bearing in your hearts My Message of Mother so that, before all happens, the Grace may exist of reversing certain situations that seem irreversible.

But I entrust you to the power of prayer, to untiring service, to Eternal Love, which transforms and consecrates the lives of the consciousnesses that walk in Christ.

I retreat, on this day, in the prayer of My children, so that you may continue to accompany My Steps of Slave and Servant of the Lord, for this planet, for My children of all of humanity.

In the conception of the next Nativity of the Lord, may the Spirit of Peace and the Good fill the inner nucleus and hearts with the Sovereign Truth of the Universe, which someday will place you before reality, so that you may be redeemed and reconcile with the Eternal Father.

I will pray for this, because I know it is very important and urgent.

Once again, I thank all those who have accompanied Me in this pilgrimage and, especially, I thank all those who live My Message.

I bless you in the name of the Lord, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, anointing you through the Spirit of the Lord, through His Love-Wisdom.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


My beloved children,

Today, I come to prepare the eve of the anniversary of My Apparitions, I come to a world, confused and divided by injustice and errors.

As your Mother, who loves you, I ask you to continue on faithful to My Heart so that your lives may be the example that I need before the Celestial Father, in order to grant the world a greater time of peace.

Dear children, I am here today, just as you are here, responding to My favorite call. It is in that unconditional response of My children that allows Me to reach the world, time and again. It is what allows Me to be close to you, accompanying your steps towards the Heart of My Son.

For this reason, My beloved ones, that, on this eve, I invite you to prepare, with love and gratitude, for tomorrow, when your Celestial Mother will carry out an important spiritual intervention in the face of all the crises of these times.

I encourage you to always remain in My Peace, and may that Peace give you the necessary confidence to be able to carry forward the constant expression of the Love of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


We stand up to receive Him.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, My Celestial Church will draw you closer to the Primordial Source, because humanity should still continue to understand what the reasons and the motives are for your being here, as well as for the existence of the material universe.

Through the portal of My Celestial Church, let your souls enter this moment, coming before the Non-material Source that is shown through the portals of the universe.

Follow me in consciousness toward the place where I want to take you today, so that once more, your souls and the souls of your brothers and sisters may be participants in the codes of life, just as your Master and Lord was a participant in the Life of the Father in Himself.

Today the consciousness of the world is placed before the Elohim, a Name of revelation and of strength, of determination and of concretion of Will in all Creation. Holy is the Name of Elohim for all the universe. Holy are Its geometric forms and matrixes that not only regenerate life, existence, but also all of Creation.

Prepare your inner world for this moment, placing yourself in the practice of the void, so that you may hear beyond the words, so that you may understand beyond the mind, so that you may be permeated by the Light of the Spirit, that reverberating and eternal Spirit that is the Elohim itself.

Your hands in the sign of willingness, in the void and in openness.

Let us bring back, in this moment, the blue scenario, so that the melody and the color blue impregnate the physical matter of your human beings.

Close your eyes for a moment and listen, beyond the Word, the vibratory meaning of the Message of the Lord.

And now, with your souls at the Primordial Source, in company of the Creator Fathers, the Elohim, we will contemplate the mystery of the Creation in its divine form.

In that time, when nothing appeared to have a concrete form, the Principle emerged, governed by the Love of God. The Principle had a goal, a purpose, placed in the Mind of the Creator Fathers.

God Himself blessed the Archangels for that mission, which they would carry forward in Creation. But they did not know the whole Will of God. They only knew a part of the mystery, because in the beginning, the Will of the Father was really a mystery; it could not be understood by the mental universe.

But there is something that God placed in the angelic beings, which was obedience, so that they could accomplish it and thus move forward with it in absolute resignation and surrender to the Will of the Father.

Now you, beings from the surface of the Earth, essences of the Supreme Divine Source, position yourselves like the Creator Fathers, at that moment and in that time, and beyond the errors of humanity throughout the ages, in order to understand the occult meaning of the Will of God, permeated by the formula of Wisdom.

Let us see God on His Throne, at the Primordial Source and with the Creator Fathers, calling them, one by one, to serve Him.

Between the Father and the Archangels, contemplate a deep lake of blue light. It was there where everything began. Not only because of His Divine Thought, but fundamentally through a deep feeling, which emerged from the deepest core of God.

God is still a mystery to many, but He has already shown His Power in Creation and in this humanity through those Christified.

Before the need for the accomplishment of Divine Will in this time, and for the recovery of the Purpose throughout the whole human race, as it had been thought of in the beginning of the Primordial Source, a new generation of Christified consciousnesses will emerge. But a way of understanding it or even feeling it will not exist. It will be something that comes directly from the Source to the hearts that will be called to live that spiritual process.

It is something that will come, beyond imperfections, errors or matter. The path of Christification will emerge in unknown consciousnesses, in unimaginable people, in souls that have been waiting since the origin of the Earth for this moment, in collaboration with the Plan of My Return to the world.

The true transformations of the human race in this time will emerge from within beings, so that afterward, that transformation may occur in material life.

Just as the great Hierarchies of the universe were called by Myself to meditate and reflect, today you are aware of this moment that the Archangels are living with Me at the request of the Celestial Father. It is like stopping time and space for a moment. It is to paralyze the errors and traumas in the material universe, especially of this surface race, which must understand that this moment of inflection where it is placed, is the most important. It will be when the last opportunity will be given.

Are you aware of this? So that your material mind and your minds understand beyond forms what God is thinking, not only for you, but also for all Creation.

In this event taking place in the spiritual universe, the Sacred Ark of the Holy Covenant is the intermediary so that the greatest possible number of souls on Earth may receive this impulse. And as much as symbolically it may not be comprehended or understood, what is most important in this moment is the openness of heart, so that you may be participants in the advent of the New Humanity that will come after the current one.

While I am here with you, I must also attentively take care of the requests of My Father, so that His Will be always accomplished, even though the Archangels themselves do not yet deeply know it.

Since the origin of the Earth, the great angelic consciousnesses, the Elohim, learned from this humanity and from the evolution of this planet, from its successes and from its errors, from its victories and from its defeats. And even more, they learned of the choice of humanity throughout time, and of all the alterations made in the human genetic project.

You could not exist at this time if God had not desired it so. How could it be possible to live without His Will, when His Will is the center of the life of the universe? Because from His Will come His deepest aspirations of seeing His creatures in eternal happiness and in the accomplishment of His Divine Purpose, governed by the Sacred Blue Ray.

Now, this great lake of blue light of the spiritual universe is the Consciousness itself of the Elohim. From there came His ardent desire, and there was born His first Will.

God is a Science and an unknown Power; it is for this reason that He has so many Sacred Names, so that He may be understood.

But have you ever asked yourselves, what is there beyond God? What is there beyond the Most Holy Trinity? The Sacred Life of the spiritual plane, does it just end in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit?

Expand your consciousness even further, and through My Words, capture the impulses that I am sending to you.

Material life is not what is most important, even though it is part of the evolution of your lives. But it is time that, before My Return, souls understand the meaning of the Presence of God, not only by His Name, but through what He is, beyond the life of the spirit.

Religions perhaps will not understand what I am telling you, but if I did not say that, it would not be the Will of God. If He sends His Son to the world to prepare you, what is really taking place in this moment? Why is humanity facing the first steps of its Armageddon? Is suffering the only way to learn? No, it is not!

The more consciousness becomes elevated, the less will be the suffering and the debts to be amended. I want you to learn like I learned, to enter into Divine Law. I gave you a first Law so that you could live it, which is the Law of Love. The more you love one another, not only will you be closer to Me, but also to My Father.

What He needs is that, after My Passion, what He so desires be fulfilled, is that the inner Christs awaken, that they concretize the coming of the Kingdom of God in faith, in love and in the trust of hearts. But first you must love what I ask of you, in order to participate.

Do not try to understand it, but rather try to accept it. For this reason, the Creator Fathers today are before the Consciousness of the very Elohim, so that from the eternal principle, a new intervention and opportunity may emerge for all the souls that accept it.

For this reason, My Celestial Church offered to be the intermediary in this event, and not only to have you re-experience My Love, but also for you to love the Divine Wisdom that comes from the Supreme Source.

Today, the Creator Fathers meditate on how They will move forward with this intervention in humanity, in a way similar to how They did in the past, with the people of Israel.

But at this time, the need is very great to be able to be met and reciprocate. The Archangels have been entrusted with this mission. That through the Blue Source of Elohim, humanity may be assisted so that at least a minority of people may fulfill the Will of God, just as the patriarchs fulfilled it.

This will bring the healing of humanity and the concretization in the process of human redemption. And although all are facing the mystery of trying to understand what God needs in this moment, know that the Creator Fathers, the Archangels, will inspire different peoples in the world so that they awaken to this call and fulfill the Eternal Will, which comes from the Father directly to each soul.

Not only the Passion of the Lord is offered so that this may be possible, but also the prayers, the sacrifices, the adoration and the works of charity that are carried out in the whole world through beings of goodwill, and at this moment, in this world crisis, a special and expiatory Grace is allowed, particularly for those that did not deserve it.

The new Tablets of the Law will be given to the Tribes of Israel, that are today scattered throughout the Earth. The Creator Fathers will entrust this exercise so that in the soul of each being, the Will of the Father, which He has been determined since the last 8th of August, may be recognized and felt. This means that not only you are aware of this; the whole universe is aware of this.

Do you understand what I tell you? It is not just another moment. It is not just another cycle. It is a definitive time, but also culminating, not only for your race, but also for all that surround it in the universe, because the only purpose and goal is the realization and the fulfillment of the Will, which will bring revelations, knowledge and deeds.

Saint Joseph has been entrusted by the Eternal Father with being the great intercessor between souls and God from the spiritual universe, so that souls may recognize what the Father needs at this moment for the planet. He will be the Messenger of the inner planes, not only in the conversion of the human heart, but also in the awakening of this great and last call.

Today remain in the consciousness of what happens in the Primordial Source. And although the message is symbolic, love it, just as I love you, so that you feel encouraged and risk living My Will, because everything that you unite in Heaven will be united on Earth, and everything you unleash on Earth will be unleashed in Heaven.

The sacred matrixes of Creation are placed in the hands of the Creator Fathers so that, with the beginning of nothing, when no form and no life had existed, They may go back to contemplating and meditating upon the Call of God, of Elohim.

In the Garden of Gethsemane, this mystery was revealed to Me. I could never have retreated nor refused to suffer for you, because My own human heart, just like yours, was afraid. My cells were afraid of what they would experience in the face of such a great and cruel injustice. Your own Master saw Himself in His human persona.

In spite of the errors, of the tribulations and the attacks in the Garden of Gethsemane, My Heart, just like yours, was carried into peace in order to feel trust, courage and bravery for living something so great.

I trusted, in that moment, that you would do greater things than those that I did.

In spite of the abandonment of My apostles, the uncertainty of My companions, I could not fail to fulfill the Will of God. And when I was crucified, in the Hands and in the Feet, God, in that hour, asked Me to surpass Myself; and the depths of My Spirit, in that moment, cried out: Father, forgive them for they know not what they do! But that was not just for that moment, but rather for all that would happen afterward, up to the present time.

My Spirit felt the impact of the Cross, but also felt the Love of the Source, for the renovation of the human project and redemption.

My Holy Mother did not stay behind. After having known this mystery of the offering of the Spirit of Christ, in rectifying the human errors up to these present times, She also offered Herself, placing Her head upon the ground at the top of Mount Calvary, so that Her Life and Her Heart could be pierced by the pain of Christ, in reparation of the whole human race.

Today I ask you to do the same, beyond the imperfect life, the falls, beyond all lack of understanding, so that you always say to the Father: "Lord, I do it for You, for Your Will, for Your Purpose, for Your ardent aspiration, for Your Love."

Place your hands upon your heart and give thanks.

Under the reflective gaze of Jesus, let us offer this Communion so that the aspirations of the Father may be accomplished in all hearts possible.

When Jesus was gathered with His apostles, moments before His Passion, understanding the Purpose of God beyond material life so that one day, we also would understand it, He took the bread, offered it to the Father, gave thanks and asked that it be transubstantiated into His Body. He then broke it and gave it to His apostles, saying to them: "Take and eat of it, for this is My Body that will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.

He then took the Chalice, and elevating is, gave thanks so that it too would be blessed and transubstantiated into His Blood. He passed it to His companions, saying to them: "Take and drink of it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the eternal and new Covenant, the Blood that will be shed by your Lord for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me."

We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.

The Body and the Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Blessed are the pure of heart, for they will be in the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Our Father (in Spanish and in English).

May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth.

I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof,
but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.

From Heaven, gather this revelation of the Primordial Source of Elohim, to understand that the transformation of the human heart is possible in the absolute living of the Christic life.

Today you will intone a song for Me that resonates in the life of each human being of this planet and that causes the mystery of the surrender of love to be understood. I will carry this song, so simple and straightforward, to the Father in My Heart, as a testimony that redemption is possible in these definitive times, in which the flames of faith, of love and of trust must always be renewed so that His Will may be done.

At the request of Christ, let us listen to "That Which I Am, I give You," and after that song, we will close the meeting of this day and will withdraw to meditate and reflect upon what the Lord has revealed to us today.

I give you My Peace because My Peace is unchangeable. My Peace is transformative. My Peace is healing. My Peace brings renewal.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


I come to save those who want to return to God. For this reason, today I am present on this date that is very special, not only for the Celestial Father, but also for the Sacred Hearts.

Tonight I bring the synthesis of the experience that I had in Bethlehem, because many mysteries occurred on that night. And in spite of two thousand years having gone by since this event, it continues to echo in the Celestial Universe, as well as in the Cosmos.

Today I have you spiritually participate in the revelations of God, in the revelations that God made for the Sacred Family and for all the souls that were called by the Father, in that time, to be able to experience and participate in the Birth of Christ.

Today it is a planetary reality that many do not seek the inner Christ. But the strength of the inner Christ in a very few grants the graces that the planet needs, that humanity urgently needs to be able to awaken to the reality in which it lives.

My divine intervention descends today to Earth with all the angels of the Universe that praise God, that adore the Child King. They come with Me today, dear children, to be able to help and assist the families of the world, because the family, as you know, My children, is the main nucleus of the Project of God. A family that, in this so crucial time of humanity, needs to recover the values that God gave them from the beginning of this genetic project.

And each time this very special date of the end of the year comes closer, when My adversary works untiringly to distract souls and draw them away from their inner purpose, the Celestial Universe then comes close to the Earth and, with the strength and the power of the Holy Spirit, through your Heavenly Mother, souls have the great opportunity and the great chance of being able to recover the place they lost after committing their errors. Because the event that took place in the Cave of Bethlehem was a great merit, it was the first merit that Christ granted to humanity, through His Incarnation in this world.

Thus, the living God was present among the men and women of the Earth. He announced Himself to the world as the Messiah, the Savior, and He will continue to do so for the times that will come, until the last soul has the opportunity to awaken, beyond the errors committed in this current cycle.

And so, on this special night, in which we contemplate the Nativity of Our Lord and Divine Grace drawing closer to humanity, I draw closer to the families of the world, I enter into the homes of the world, so that all may be able to spiritually commune of this occult Sacrament of the Birth of Jesus, in which families can again drink of the Divine Fount and souls can be strengthened on the path of faith and of trust in God.

Today I have all nations of the world at My Feet, all cultures and all peoples that give tribute to and remember the Birth of Jesus. And from Heaven, He sends them a fraternal embrace as the Greater Governor that He is, so that you may always follow His Purpose, so that you may continue following His footsteps, the footsteps of light that He leaves opon His paths, until finding the great Portal of Redemption.

Today, in My Maternal Heart I bring this important moment of the Cave of Bethlehem, this mystery that ceases to be a mystery and that reveals itself to the world today, through the knowledge and divine instruction that the Hierarchy brings, knowing that it was not a simple birth, but rather it was a great revelation that God brought for humanity.

With the  birth of My beloved Son, God indicated an opportunity to the world, and He continues to reveal it; He continues to show it through the contemplation of this mystery, in which many Hierarchies participated and a Great Celestial Brotherhood assembled around the planet, more than two thousand years ago, to participate in this moment, because a very great many cosmic rays descended to accomplish the spiritual recovery of humanity and withdraw the human race from a project dismissed by the Eternal Father Himself.

How much Love He had, so immeasurable and infinite, that He gave Himself to each one of His children! He made Himself into such a little child and in likeness to yourselves, so that you could recognize Him, you could feel and see Him with your own eyes, because many that are here today were participants in this event in the Cave of Bethlehem.

This is the time for understanding that this story continues and is being written, and that this story that is being written cannot be changed.

In this way, you can understand, My children, how the Divine Will continues to be active throughout the times and the generations, and how this Will must be concretized in yourselves, and your brothers and sisters, so that what God thought of and ardently desired, within this cycle of the final battle, may be accomplished beyond any event or circumstance.

And so, My children, you are facing a new opportunity of consciously assuming this commitment that My Son offers you; not only an inner union of yourselves with your inner Christ, but the living of the Project of the Redeemer, of all that He needs to concretize and carry out in this cycle.

In this way, your purification will be small, insignificant, because the energy of cosmic healing will grant you a transformation and change of your being.

Thus, I bring you this opportunity so that you may consciously re-enter the Divine Source, this Source that generated the incarnation of the Son of God through the Grace of the Holy Spirit, in the conception of your Divine Mother.

Everything that God needs for this time and through this Work is not small, but rather very large. In everything that He needs to carry out in humanity, in the most distant peoples of the Earth, as is Africa, His aspiration is ardent and alive, it beats in the very Heart of the Father until it may be accomplished and carry out what He needs, because in the simplest things the most marvelous things will be seen. It is in this space and in this place where Mercy will take action and hearts will be redeemed, becoming free forever from the captivity and slavery that My enemy imposes.

But you have the Grace of having Aurora and other Sacred Centers, where you do not lack the opportunity nor the tools for being able to experience this ascension and transformation, no matter how hard it may seem.

While you fulfill what God needs, you will not suffer, because God is love and joy. Suffering is a part of humankind, of that which humanity itself has generated through its debts.

The spiritual Universe is hope, is ascension, and it is light. And it is this Light of Christ that I bring to you today, My children, so that it may penetrate your hearts and essences and, recovering your origin and your existence, you may be able to again feel as a part of the Project of God, of this great Mission of the end of times that each one is called upon to experience, together with your Heavenly Mother.

I place a blessing today, upon those who most need it, setting My Hands upon you and upon the whole world, as a mother who caresses her children and consoles their hearts. This Grace brings you the fortitude of the Holy Spirit and the Gift of Science for experiencing these definitive times.

May the fortitude and the science of the Holy Spirit grant you the power of discernment, the capacity to understand beyond the limits of the mind and the consciousness, and to be able to carry out and give impulse to the Will of God upon the surface of this planet.

If you simply fulfill, only this, you will be living the purpose and the essence of your lives. And, in this way, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in many more places, in many more hearts, in many more lost souls that will become rescuable and will no longer be fallen stars, but rather little suns in the firmament that will also live their spiritual mission.

Today I tell you these last words, in this cycle I give you these last messages, because when the twelve years of My Apparitions are completed, in the coming 2020, a period will end, will be finalized, and you must live everything that you have received as knowledge and instruction.

While I am here, I help the rest of humanity and carry all toward the Heart of My Son, fulfilling on this night what He requested of Me, and re-establishing His Divine Will in this place, so that it may finally be lived without alterations.

I am this new Aurora that comes to the world to illuminate the times of darkness. I am the last Messenger of God and the first that will open the door to My Son so that He may return to the world. In that moment, your hearts must already be defined and, with bravery and courage, waiting for the coming of the Redeemer.

Today, from your hearts, I will receive this sacred offering of the novena and in My Heart, I will carry your prayers and all your intentions to those who are suffering because of their purification, so that they may stop suffering, because God loves them, God considers them and contemplates them, just as He contemplated and considered His Slave and His faithful Servant, your Celestial Mother.

I want you to place yourselves at the foot of this manger, this spiritual manger, this divine revelation that I have brought to you today, so that this impulse that the Hierarchy brings may be radiated and expanded into the whole world, so that the New Christs may awaken and participate in this sacred Mission.

For this, in this moment, let us listen to the instrumental of "Silent Night."

And, at the request of our Divine Mother, for all the families of the world, because of all the graces and merits of this novena, carried out by the families of the world, we will pray the "Act of Consecration to the Sacred Family of Nazareth" two times, and in the Heart of the Divine Mother, in Her presence, we will offer these prayers.

We take a breath.

Prayer: "Act of Consecration to the Sacred Family of Nazareth" (repeated twice).

My tears fall tonight, feeling the love and the strength of your prayers. How in the simplest and most humble lies what is great and victorious, what comes from God, for all eternity. Amen.

You will sing "Silent Night" so that this consecration may reach all the families of the world and the very smallest, those who are alone and who are orphans.

I thank you for responding to My call, and may the powerful Light of the Star of Bethlehem guide the steps and your paths for the coming times. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Continue, because I am working with the world.

The world needs an unfathomable divine intervention in order to be saved. Therefore, together with the angels of God and all His hosts, under the luminous impulse of the Holy Spirit, today your Heavenly Mother arrives here, not only to gather you together and fill you with the Love of God, but also to lead you to the truth and to the liberation of your life, to be able to break the chains that imprison My children, to free from captivity the many who are in it.

All of this is by the divine authority given to Me by My Son and by the celestial power granted to Me by the Father, since the first time He accepted Me as His faithful Servant.

Thus, I invite you, My children, not only to discover within yourselves the gifts and virtues of God, but I also invite you, My children, to discover your personal mission for this planet and for this humanity, since it is the time of the planetary transition, and the need and the help of many soldiers of Christ has today become very urgent.

Thus, I invite you, My children, to ask yourselves where this talent and this gift of God are that My Son left you, not only through His testimony of Love, but also through His Word, His Gospel.

So, be His apostles of the end of times, and place yourselves in the first lines of His celestial command; in this way, My children, with this inner and conscious attitude, you will not only be serving the Celestial Father but also the fulfillment of His Plan upon the surface of the Earth.

While I speak to you today, in a maternal and loving way, the chains of illusion are gradually broken away from the human consciousness, the hells are closed, and many crystals are elevated to find their process of liberation and of redemption.

In truth, My children, this world still does not know the mysteries of the Universe and all the relics that have been kept here for millions of years, since before My Divine Son incarnated.

I give you an impulse to the awakening of your consciousness so that your redemption, My children, may be the truthful testimony of God so that a new and renewed humanity may be able to continue, freed from the world illusion and the chaos, freed from the prisons that the forces of evil place around souls.

For this reason, your moment of consecration is now, your moment to testify to God is now, your moment for taking a step is now, and not at another time or another moment.

I call upon you, My children, to consciously assume this planetary situation, to establish within your homes groups of prayer that can be, at this moment, pillars of light where the angels can work, not only with you and your families, but also with your cities, peoples and nations so that the planetary balance may be sustained, and especially the mental balance of humanity which is highly unbalanced. So that many things do not happen, respond to this call that comes from My Heart and which is given impulse to by the fire of the Holy Spirit.

Today, I return to this Marian Center to strengthen and bless it in its spiritual task, so that its way of life, simple, austere and humble, may be able to open the eyes of many who are here, in this region and beyond it, so that you can feel God in your hearts; so that you may find the only path, which is the path of My Son, the path that will protect you and safeguard you in this crucial time.

Thus, you also will represent My Son on Earth and will be able to reciprocate to His call, knowing that it is necessary, My children, that your lives and the lives of your brothers and sisters do something for this planet. Much blood has been shed in this world after so many wars and conflicts, where humans were against their brothers and sisters.

Now, My children, I come to ignite you with the fire of the Holy Spirit so that you may assume your positions in this moment of the Plan, so that you may hear the voice of God through His Servant that resounds in the very depths of your souls and hearts, bringing you the impulse of truth and of consecration.

It will depend on the awakened human consciousness that the new time may arrive, free of atrocities and evil, of conflicts and of darkness, so that these conflicts may change, and this will help the Divine Hierarchy to be able to intervene.

Like in this moment, My children, My beloved Son has asked Me to intervene not only for your consciousnesses, but also for the world. At this moment, My children, I am not only here, but also in seven places in the world, where extremely serious things are taking place that you cannot even imagine.

All this is possible, My children, through your faithfulness on the path of prayer, knowing that it is urgent to do something for this humanity and this planet, knowing that it is important, My children, that today, when you leave this Marian Center, you be different people, you transform your lives and redeem them, consecrate them and elevate them to God so that He may consider you in His infinite Mercy when the time of the great Justice arrives for humanity, in which there will be no governor, nation or any weapon, however intelligent it may be, that will stop the authority and the power of God, which will move within this local Universe and beyond it and which will have repercussions in all the planets that are part of this solar system.

With this, My children, I do not come to bring you fear, I do not come to give you a warning; I come to advise you, My children, that there is still time for changing the events, for taking up a life of consecration and of redemption that, in the face of the Celestial Universe, can justify all the human errors committed in this time, all the lack of unity experienced in families, in the peoples, in the humanitarian crises, and beyond what you know, of all that is in the mental universe of this humanity and that, day after day, grows and imprisons the human consciousness.

Through a gigantic pillar of transmutation, I come today to this planet that is being subjected and completely lost. But remember, My children, that as much as there are souls in an absolute and profound darkness, there is within you a divine essence, something My adversary cannot touch, although it may torment you and persecute you.

Be intelligent, with the true channel of individual and group prayer, build your powerful swords of light so that each bead of prayer, each new meeting, each opportunity to serve and to surrender to God may, with the Light of the Father, cut all the chains that imprison My children, rescue and save those most in need, not only in the Human Kingdom but also in the Kingdoms of Nature.

Do something for this humanity, this is what I ask of you. Humanity does not know the power of God; it is an unknown and very ancient power.

I ask you, My children, to be mediators with your Heavenly Mother, that in your hearts you hear the Voice that My Immaculate Heart proclaims, that you be different people, that you live the examples of charity and of good, that you no longer judge one another, that you love one another deeply just as My Son taught you. Because in such simple but profound things, you will grant the Mother of God, by divine authority, that I may spend a longer time among you, especially in these moments in which frightful things will be seen, which no previous humanity has seen before.

For this reason, I come to protect you with My Divine Mantle, I come to awaken, in the very depths of your beings, this celestial and universal commitment that you made with My Son.

Because thus, dear children, you will be in the correct place, you will be in the correct moment, you will be on the path of Light and you will no longer see the mirages that this world and this humanity emit to spiritually confuse hearts.

I give you everything that I am and everything I have been, today I also give you everything I attained since My assumption into the Heavens; because I am not only your Mother, who intervenes within impossible causes, for the most serious illnesses, for the hardest problems, I am the universal Governess, the Queen and Mother of Peace, the Sovereign and Lady of the Universe, who comes with the power of the Scepter of God to put an end to many planetary situations.

But so that this can be concretized and carried out, so that millions of souls may get out of the hells of the Earth that they are in, and especially so that humanity may become aware of the errors it commits today, I need you not only as My consecrated, good and humble, charitable and merciful children, but also as My soldiers, so that you may be with Me twenty-four hours of the day, placing the call of God, the path of prayer as a priority; because in this way you will transform, My children, and you will not, in these times, enter the cycles of planetary purification that will be very acute and difficult, but rather you will be ready as soldiers of Christ to go where you are called, to be assembled where there are great needs, to help your brothers and sisters and the Kingdoms of Nature, to know that it is important to establish and rebuild this spiritual family of Israel that has been completely distorted throughout the times.

Do not feed the forces of chaos, be in silence, enter into meditation, seek the Light and mainly, seek God within you. The Father is full of Mercy and of Love to give you; suffer no longer, because what you suffer is what you think and generate, build the new humanity based on a great change in consciousness.

In this way, My Son will come, and you will recognize Him when He comes in an unexpected and inexplicable way, and although the Universe may move and the stars accompany this movement of the second return of Christ, My children, you will be able to feel Him, you will be able to recognize Him, you will be able to find Him within you, and in this way the Plan will be fulfilled. Amen.

Today I needed to talk to you in this way because these times are times of emergency in which you cannot miss any opportunity of awakening and realizing your part, that the planetary situation is harder than it seems. Thus, today I approach your human language and do not use an abstract or symbolic language, because I was your Mother, I am your Mother, and will be your Mother. You have a Mother, nobody in this world is an orphan, even though they may have lost their biological parents.

You have Me and will have Me, and I will always wait for you with open arms to listen to you, to feel you, to receive your love and, above all, your giving of self.

For this reason, today the consecration of new Children of Mary will be special for Me.

I invite you to approach this stage, the Light of My Altar, so that I may consecrate you because, in truth, My children, your essences are consecrated as My children and accordingly, are consecrated to God, it is just that at this moment, the veils of your consciousness spontaneously fall, so that you may find the truth of your origins and the reason for having come to the Earth to serve God and to love Him, to someday find that celestial happiness that is real and palpable for human hearts.

Because in this celestial truth, in this infinite happiness, is where you can find the Kingdom of God and discover all of His mysteries. They are mysteries of Love, of an incalculable and incomprehensible Love, of an immense and very great Love, it is this Love that brings Me to Earth for each one of My children, for each one of My soldiers, for each one of the Kingdoms of Nature that expect from human beings a greater service and a response, to heal their profound wounds and martyrdoms.

My children, in light of the Celestial Father and His powerful divine hosts, on this day and until the next Marathon of Divine Mercy that will occur in this place, Argentina will accomplish its second preparatory stage for what will happen in the month of October, in which the entire consciousness of Argentina will define its destiny and the continuation of the presence of the Mercy of God in each part of this land, in each corner of this place, of this precious nature that God gave to Argentina.

For this reason, I want you, My children, to fulfill My aspiration, an aspiration that I once asked of you, many years ago, that in all the provinces of Argentina there be groups of prayer, and that will begin not only through the help of My warriors of the Light-Network, but also through the very simple but important practice of prayer in families.

It is thus that, with much joy, on this day of the consecration of new Children, this army today stands before My Celestial Altar and surrenders their hearts to My Immaculate Heart, so that from this moment on I may guide you and protect you. It is this army that is consecrated today that will give impulse to the concretization of My request that in each province of Argentina there be groups of prayer. And if this aspiration is fulfilled before the month of October, through the prayer of families, of prayer for families, many things will be avoided and Justice will move away, Mercy will come and hearts will celebrate the return of Christ.

Listening to the hymn of your consecration, I invite you, My children, that each one of those who are being consecrated today before the Celestial Mother, place within My Heart your deepest and most intimate request, knowing that God in His Infinite and Unfathomable Mercy hears the intentions of His children when they are truly profound and sincere.

Today I will carry in My maternal Heart not only your intentions, My children, for yourselves, for your families or for your country, for the impossible and difficult causes, for the greatest or smallest problems, I will carry everything today in My Heart, My children, to bring you relief, so that you may feel God in your lives and hearts; and may that presence of God, which is so necessary in this time and especially in Argentina, be able to be emanate to other hearts through the vow of your consecration.

On such a especial and important day in which you, as a single people and a single family, like that ancient family of Israel that resumes its commitment up to this moment, unite inwardly with God to love Him and adore Him, to recognize Him and to live Him, and thus, always find His powerful Kingdom.

With the Love that comes from the entire Universe, with the Love that created all that exists, all that breathes, all that manifests and vibrates with the Love that comes from the great Divine Essence of God and encompasses all that exists and beyond, with this powerful and immeasurable Love, I bless you and consecrate you as My children.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And with deep love, I am grateful for all that My children of Argentina did during this month of October, because you are already experiencing October.

I invite you to be in real time, in which the most difficult things can be dissolved so that love may triumph in Argentina and in the world.

Today, through this consecration, you have allowed, My children, that the month of October may be filled with a special light that will guide and orient hearts in the decision that they will make for the coming times.

And now I want to hear the hymn of your consecration so that, elevating your hearts, you may seal this alliance between Heaven and Earth, between God and your souls.

I thank you for having responded to My call.

And I promise to return here, to Argentina, so that together you may accompany Me through other provinces that will also ignite in My Love, such as Tierra del Fuego and Tucuman.

I thank you.


If the Eternal Father did not send Me to the world every day, humanity would have no way of freeing itself from errors and oppressions.

For this reason, during the Hour of My Mercy, the powerful Spring of My Heart opens so that souls may be bathed by the most powerful Light that is born of My Merciful Heart. 

When souls call for Divine and unfathomable Mercy, no matter where they may be, I approach them to give them to drink of the Water of Life.

If those souls place the planet and humanity in their prayers, the world also benefits and many sinners are forgiven through the expiation that I grant them.

Each time souls unite with My Mercy, a part of My Consciousness approaches to help them. If that help is truly asked for, the spiritual intervention becomes even broader.

Thus, it is important, in this time, to have in mind what the Mercy of My Heart  represents, because the more the power of My Expiation is invoked, the greater the spiritual benefits are for souls and, in this way, your lives will change.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Through the intra-oceanic Mirrors, the spiritual Hierarchy can intervene in humanity,  since these non-material instruments of capture of cosmic light have the capacity of dissolving or ennobling a planetary situation.

To be before a Mirror is to be before a non-material and cosmic Source originated in the beginnings of the creation of the Universes; this means that the human consciousness in these times is facing a mystery that is revealed and demonstrated through knowledge and instruction.

The intra-oceanic Mirrors are bearers of ancient and eternal knowledge, materialized by the impulses that the Divine Consciousness, the Father, or the Primordial Source once emitted, before the Mental and Material Universes existed.

The Mirrors are emanations of the Creator Source Itself that, once placed on the different planes of consciousness, act and work by means of divine intelligence in order to allow the awakening and the redemption of the Universes, as well as of the humanities that deviated essentially from the Greater Will.

The power of light expansion and retransmission of the Mirrors is still unknown to surface humankind; but the moment will come when those connected to the Spiritual Hierarchy will receive, personally, the knowledge of these tools so that, by means of the Mirrors in their various manifestations, they may support the transition of the Earth through the Mirrors of the Universe.

The formation of mirror-beings will be expanded as from the next cycle, given the need for the balancing of the planet.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Companions, I still carry painful thorns in my heart and I need you to remove them through your adoration, contemplation and prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

These thorns represent the mortal sins that the souls on Earth live due to ignorance, fanaticism and temptation provoked by My adversary.

I wish for you to dedicate a space from your day for the contemplation of the Sacred Thorned Heart of Jesus so that each prayer, sincerely dedicated to the Lord, may grant the grace for the angels to remove these most painful thorns from me, which men place in Me, offending God with their perversions.

Therefore, I brought you with Me to the south of Brazil so that the Sacred Thorned Heart of Jesus may be remembered by men, as I reminded it to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, because with this exercise I will have the authority, through the souls who contemplate Me, to save, at the end of these times, the consciousnesses that, in life, have already condemned themselves to the hell of terrestrial consciousness.

Each time a soul dedicates a moment of adoration, to the Sacred Thorned Heart of Jesus, I will be able to work in the world and dissolve the mortal sin of humanity.

From this moment, I thank the veneration from all priests and religious people for this important exercise of atonement and redemption of the degenerated humanity.

I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Jesus Christ


Today My Merciful Heart is divided into two parts, one part is with Brazil and the other part is with Argentina.

The need for help and spiritual intervention in both nations is very large.

The Lord of the Universe, the Master of Love, has His Heart in two places to avoid the deactivation of the rescue project for South America.

Together with all the powers of My Spirit, My Soul and My Divinity, the cosmic and stellar elements are mobilized to help, from the Spiritual Universes, what is happening in the Material Universes.

Great Universal Consciousnesses are positioning themselves in different regions of the planet to carry out a great operation for safeguarding and protecting all the christic essences that have already awakened, and which will traverse the cycle of the end of times.

This is why the Celestial Brotherhood is mobilized, in order to counteract the ideals and the actions that would impact millions of people in South America, a region that, at the moment, is the focus of the imbalance of the surface of the planet.

My Spiritual Heart is divided into two parts for this reason, to give spiritual and inner assistance to those who will face one of the most difficult times of humanity.

But, in the end, My Sacred Heart will triumph in those who have believed in the Lord because, I will not abandon them.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your Heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


To All Prayer Beings on Earth

Today marks the third year since your Heavenly Mother announced to all the importance of praying the Rosary for the Peace of the Children in War. And after three years of continuous prayers, the weight of the situation worsened due to social, humanitarian and racial crises.

The Rosary for the Peace of the Children in War prevented many events and, up until now, other situations continue to be avoided by the presence of those who pray on Earth.

For this new cycle of challenges and transitions that are beginning, today the Mother of God offers you this Rosary to pray for an undetermined time so that during these upcoming times, and with the arrival of the new generations of humanity, the sacred attributes of peace, love, healing, light and Mercy may be sown in all those who will have to learn to go through these next times.

The Rosary for the Peace of the Children in the War is not only an invocation to the great archangels and their hosts of light so that they may intervene in the physical-spiritual situation of today's humanity, but this Rosary is also a spiritual impulse to awaken solidarity, cooperation and charity in each creature on Earth, regardless of their religion or creed.

This Rosary conceives the future unity among constituted religions in the presence of one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

This Rosary brings us the consciousness of the need to awaken in the human heart the service of love for humanity and for the planet.

If this Rosary is prayed together with the Rosary for the Salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature, the work of deepening in the life of service will become more expansive.

In order to have more tools of intercession for the planet and for humanity in these times, today I give you the third part of this Spiritual Trilogy of Prayer for the End of Times, which is the Rosary to know and learn to go through the End of Cycles.

Union bead
Sacred Heart of Jesus,
principle of renewal and healing,
descend Your Mercy upon the coming times.

First decade
For the Angel of Unity,
we implore to God,
may all souls
learn to overcome the end of times.

Second decade
For the Angel of Fraternity,
we implore to God,
may the Christs of the New Time
awaken and emerge.

Third decade
For the Angel of Pity,
we implore to God,
may all barriers and borders that
divide nations and peoples be dissolved.

Fourth decade
For the Angel of Compassion,
we implore to God,
may all creatures of the Earth
know the inner Christ.

Fifth decade
For the Angel of Faith,
we implore to God,
may Divine Justice be placated
through the love and service of all followers of Christ.

The Trilogy of Prayer for the End of Times will be able to help consolidate faith in the servers and a definite trust in the actualization of the Plan of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Although you are purifying yourself, and the planet is intensely purifying itself, never cease to see the beauty within you.

Although all inner resistance is being removed and the elements of Nature are cleaning the spaces, never cease to see the beauty within you.

Although everything within you is moving and you no longer know how to begin again, and in the world only wars exist, never cease to see the beauty within you.

Because that faith in what is real and found in each being will allow humanity to be something rescuable, and in this way, more doorways of light will open so that lost and distracted souls may receive the intervention of that which is Higher and is Divine.

In these times of great movements may you never cease to see the beauty within you because this will make each moment more sublime and gentle, you will learn from each life experience and you will enrich your spirit with new instructions.

So never cease to see the beauty within you; thus, you will make room for the healing of humanity on deeper levels of consciousness.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

The Three Sacred Hearts are working, more than ever before, in humanity and in its deep consciousness so that some spiritual principles may be maintained intact and protected.

For this reason, more than ever, the Spiritual Hierarchy makes all the necessary efforts to prevent human ignorance itself and the inordinate use of power on Earth from spiritually creating those degenerative conditions that will open the door to decadence and the risks that humanity, with no consciousness, will choose as its destiny.

Thus, silently, just like more than two thousand years ago, when this race was at the doorway of its great self-destruction, it was there that the Sacred Hearts gathered together to carry forward this complex mission of again placing the consciousness of humanity in the place it is supposed to be.

In this time, a spiritual mission similar to the previous one is being carried out, except that this time it is not only complex, but also difficult, since the human consciousness learned to destroy itself, as well as learned how to shed its own life, and transgress its society, its culture, and its faith.

At the doorway of the Apocalypse, the Sacred Hearts articulate broad strategies, so that the majority may wake up from the dream and the illusion in which they have placed themselves.

We are facing the challenge of the end times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Third Series of Poems
Second Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

Lord of Kindness,
placate the injustice
that is shown
before Your Eyes.

Relieve the inner pain
of those who truly suffer.

Place Your consoling Love
into the sick souls
and do not cease to guide me,
not even for a moment.

Beloved Jesus,
You know we are weak
and fragile of spirit,
You know we wound Your Heart
time and again with our
indifferent acts,
You know we do not do what we could
but rather we do what we should not.

Patient and beloved Jesus,
enter deeply
into our hearts
and tear out from us
all pride and arrogance
so that, free from the prisons of life,
we may humbly learn
to console You and adore You.

Sustain us during our falls.

Protect us in our weaknesses,
and always liberate us from ourselves
so that we may be worthy
of honoring and glorifying You
as the Savior and Redeemer
of our lives.

May we not abandon You.
May we abandon ourselves in You, Lord,
so that Your Sacred Will may be fulfilled.


I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Dear children,

Today, in a special and extraordinary way, two important meetings will be carried out, the special meeting with Christ and the Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations.

This demonstrates to your hearts that there are no borders nor distances, and that, when the souls are united in Christ, everything is possible.

These two celebrations will not only have impact in Europe, but also in the whole world.

Two epicenters of light and of prayer will be acting today on the planet: from the city of Cologne, in Germany, and from the Marian Center of Figueira, in Brazil.

This way, and by these means, the Spiritual Hierarchy will be able to work in a more profound realm of the consciousness of the nation of Germany, and of its regent angel.

Through the Marian Center of Figueira, the Divine Hierarchy will make use of the impulse of prayer for the nations of the world so that a powerful current of love may permeate and embrace the hearts that need the most.

The meetings of today will promote an uncommon conjuncture in these times. Thus, the Celestial Universe will descend again to work with humanity and, by means of both epicenters of light that will open in Germany and in Brazil, the Divinity will be able to intercede again for the planet.

All of those who on this day are truly connected with the development of both meetings will receive the necessary spiritual impulse that will prepare you for the next stage.

I will be very attentive to the offerings that My children make from the heart today.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Finally somebody places their gaze on this, on My Church and chapel of the people.

Finally somebody comes to visit me in the Sanctuary so that I can pour My Graces, the Graces of a meek Heart, that cannot do it without having a place and a space to pour My Love.

But today I have found this place in the heart of Mine who, in spite of everything, comes to Me and visits Me.

I am present and attentive in all the Sanctuaries on Earth, there I can attend to their supplications.

My Heart is sorry when the souls forget Me and leave Me aside, because then I cannot do anything, I cannot give anything while the souls are distracted with the world and do not visit the Blessed Sacrament.

I encourage you to remind your brothers and sisters of this and, in spite of how empty the Churches are, to call and invite your friends to visit the Silent Blessed Sacrament at the altar.

Thus, I will give you all the treasures that I have and I will be able to pour the Fountain of My Mercy on those who most need it, and also on those who search for it in their heart.

I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Jesus Christ


Dear children,

On the eve of this Nativity of the Lord, I would like all My children to work, every day, under the spirit of joy and love for serving God.

I would like your smile for receiving this next Nativity as something special and unique to be reflected on your faces, so that the spirit of the families may also continue to be helped.

For this, children, I daily invite you to renew yourselves, to be in Christ and for Christ, living each moment as something primordial, knowing that everything you do will have repercussions in the world.

I would like your lips to not tire of praising the Lord, because great are His Glory and His Mercy towards the world; a world that at this time needs infinite interventions and graces.

Celebrate every day and do not tire of doing so; celebrate from the heart and do it for your brothers and sisters of the world who lose the sense of living and the opportunity to love, just as I teach you every day.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

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Find the inner strength in permanent renewal before the Plan of God.

Beloved children,

In these times, the pressure of the planet will lead you to a definition of consciousness and there will  no longer be two paths on which to go.  Light and darkness will struggle before your consciousnesses to triumph in the human heart. Those who have committed themselves to the experience of peace, of love and of unity with God must seek in the Creator their permanent fortitude.

Place your own being into the Arms of the Lord and entrust the guidance of your lives to Him. There is no space for your personal will in these times. You must listen to the inner indications to be in the correct place and collaborate with the Plan of God.

Children, the Creator will shortly silence the echo of His Voice, but prayerful hearts that have built a path of unity with God will be able to feel His Will and hear It through their consciousness.

The tests that many are experiencing in these times and the challenges they are experiencing are part of a higher will that propels you into a more immediate and true transformation. Do not think that God has abandoned you or you are off His path because you are going through tests, often painful for the heart and the consciousness.

If your paths do not take you to the destination you expected, ask yourselves, children, if this is the right path and if the obstacles you encounter have been placed there by the Creator Himself so that you wake up and realize that you should not walk there.

The Lord is trying to correct the steps of His disciples and companions while there is still time to reverse the errors and return, because the time is now coming, children, when the errors will no longer be reversible as they are today, and you will not have Mercy available as the source you have now. It will be Justice that will guide humanity, and it will be other laws that will guide your lessons. For this reason, today I warn you: be attentive to the signs in your own life; meditate before taking your steps and ask yourselves inwardly what the Will of God is. Ask Him for the grace of being in the correct place and collaborate with His Plan. Ask for the grace of being guided to a definition that will lead you to Higher Will.

This coming August will seek to find you firm and mature in your spiritual life. This means that you must take on the consequences of your steps and decisions and that you can no longer count so much on the permanent intervention of the Hierarchy.

Our love and Our gaze will always be upon you; but many times, children, we can only observe you.

I tell you all this as an impulse for the growth of all. May those who still have their feet in two boats define themselves and not allow themselves to fall into the sea of illusions and ignorance of the world.

I love you and I leave you My blessing. I propel you into the new cycle that is coming.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Before all that happens in the world, the Messengers of God are trying to teach humanity how to intervene in aid of the souls.

Dear companions, throughout the centuries of your existence, humankind has almost always answered to the wars generating bigger wars and has tried to confront the false power with the same false power, without realizing that only the Power that comes from God can balance all things.

It is a divine aspiration that the planet do not be indifferent to what is happening in the Middle East, but not so that humankind may react with wars and respond to the hatred that permeates the hearts of the people present there sending an even heavier burden of hatred.

Do you realize that this has always been the strategy of the enemy? To generate such atrocity in the cities and such lack of love among humans, so that this hatred would expand itself to all beings and all would respond with the same level of terrorism.

In the beginning of all this chaos, many were impressed with the degree of wickedness of the human heart, when they saw the ways some people tortured and murdered the neighbor; but now, such is the hatred that is expanding itself through the hearts, that those who were impressed before with these actions would be capable of doing the same with the said murderers. That is why, children, God calls you to the awakening. Do not let yourselves be influenced by the evil of the world. Keep your consciousnesses fixed on the goodness and your hearts united to the One who was crowned with thorns in silence.

We call you to react to what happens in the whole world – and, mostly, in the Middle East – not with hatred and with resentment, but with absolute love. Dissolve resentment from your hearts, learn to forgive, in the small things, those who are closer to you. Learn to be brothers and sisters of each other, under the spirit of unity and of fraternity, and watch yourselves more precisely each time, so that neither in the small nor in the great things you are unfaithful to the principles of love that you have elected to live.

United to the Divine Messengers in a great chain of love for humanity. Serve, forgive, reconcile, love, send to the world messages of peace, and live this peace. Be examples of a true effort for living the goodness, and no longer allow yourselves to surrender to hatred and to lack of love only for your inability of being humble.

Abandon your pride and your will of defeating the others and standing out with your own behaviors, because these are the same conducts, the one that manifest themselves in your day by day, that, in greater proportions, generate the wars and the conflicts in the world.

It is time of growing in order to learn how to serve God. It is time to be humble, so that your pride does not make the planet sink, once more, in the sea of chaos and of evil.

Persevere and overcome yourselves. Put aside the childish and retrograde codes of pride and arrogance and allow that the Grace of living in peace and fraternity be a reality in your lives.

For the salvation of humanity,

Your Friend and Instructor, the Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
