In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Even when the crust of the Earth seems to be dark, the Light of the Star of Bethlehem shines in humanity, bringing the cosmic impulse of God to Creation and the planet.
It is to this that I want to take you today, where your spirits need to elevate to unite to the Essence of Creation and the Universe; remembering in this time and at this hour that God has a Project for this humanity and the planet, just as He has written His Will for each human heart.
Remember that living the Will of God is not impossible. Behold the Slave of the Lord, Who heard the call of God within Herself, through the presence of Archangel Gabriel.
Today I want you to remember and keep very much in mind that this Call of God continues to resound in this universe and, above all, in the inner worlds that are open to hear it.
This call resounds through your guardian angel, an invisible and unfathomable Eternal Presence of the Father, unconditional and anonymous service that accompanies all apostles of Christ in their walk upon Earth.
I want you today not only to contemplate the Birth of Christ within your inner worlds but also to be aware, in this important hour of the planet, about what Christ needs to build through this Work, formed of souls that were self-summoned from times past.
Thus, My Son will be able to intercede and intervene in humanity, especially in the causes that seem impossible or difficult to resolve; and thus also, through His Grace and Love, My Son will be able to intercede in the aspects of your consciousnesses that still do not want to be transformed.
Even so, follow the path that I indicate to you today, the path toward inner purity and innocence, which each one of your souls and each one of the souls of your brothers and sisters have been able to conceive from the womb of your mothers, during your gestation.
Imagine how wonderful God’s Creation is; because just as Jesus, still a child, reflected the incarnated Purity and Innocence of God, each one of you and your brothers and sisters in this world, who come from the same Creative Source, from the same spaces of this Greater Universe, hold this small molecule of Light that reminds you of your inner purity and innocence.
Today I am not speaking to you about childishness but rather about a mature purity and innocence that are united to the Source of Creation and the Will of the Father. This is what humanity needs to recover so that wars may end, so that conflicts may dissolve, so that your own resistances may be transformed.
Beloved children, there is no other way but love, the mature love that My Son taught you and continues to teach you, the love that accepts and includes, the love that surrenders and resigns, the mature love that humbles itself before the Celestial Father to see itself as insignificant and small within this great universe, just as your Heavenly Mother saw Herself before Archangel Gabriel.
For this reason, I place the Mirror of My Heart at your disposal today, and by means of this sacred meeting and this moment, through My Immaculate Heart, I reflect this principle of the Innocence and Purity of God so that you yourselves and your brothers and sisters may recover it; and you may think, “how can we do it?”
Dear children, everything begins with your intentions and thoughts, and this will end up by reflecting on your decisions.
For this reason, God is attentive to this moment and to this special spiritual conjuncture of the Birth of Christ; because today we are not celebrating a historic date but rather the remembrance of the incarnated Living God’s sacrifice through His Son, Who offered Himself out of love for you to grant you your salvation through Christ.
And this must not be something transitory. Make good use of this moment and this conjuncture before the presence of the Spiritual Hierarchy itself, before the Kingdom of Mirna Jad, which shines today in a special way within your inner worlds so that you may be able to drink again from the source and its healing principles.
What is it that you still have not been able to heal?
What is it that you still have not been able to forgive?
What is it that you still have not been able to accept and recognize?
What is the barrier that places itself between you and God preventing you from accepting His Will in absolute surrender?
Beloved children, avail yourselves of this spiritual conjuncture of the Birth of Christ.
Turn to your own beings to again find your inner child; not to remember your traumas and wounds but rather to remember and resume your innocence and purity.
Your guardian angels open this door so that many more inner children may be healed, and hearts may no longer remain hardened, indifferent to the Call of God, indifferent to the change and to this moment that the Hierarchy blesses and consecrates for you to resume the essence of your group and evolutionary life.
How many times did the apostles have to resume the path that Christ was indicating to them, dear children? How many times did they have to realize they were mistaken, that they should be humble and simple, to fulfill the Law of the Lord with righteousness?
Without humility nothing can be done, My beloved children. God could not be God if He were not humble. Accept the school of His humility, and you will be free of yourselves.
My silence also contemplates the needs and prayers of the world on this day, when everyone has the Grace of being reconsecrated to the Child King so that the foundations of His Work may be strengthened, so that His spiritual principles may be fulfilled, so that the flame of the Divine Purpose of God may continue to illuminate the path of all disciples of Christ on this dark night that each one is learning to live and go through.
However, I ask you, My dear children, not stop in your own darkness but rather look to the depth of the path, to the end of the spiritual path, and see how the Light of God begins to emerge; because Christ incarnated to let the world know that He is the Light of the world, the Lord of the world, the King of the Universe.
His Light cannot blind you because His Light comes to guide you, to take you to the Kingdom of God, where God hopes to have you close, in consciousness and wisdom.
Today Christ, My Son, contemplates in His Hands the Plan that God gave Him for this Work and for so many kind works in the world. And this project will be fulfilled only through souls, through those who imitate the resignation of Mary and the yes of the Mother of God to God through Archangel Gabriel.
Contemplate and live this spiritual moment, the yes of Mary. For this reason, today the redemption of the world is possible, the liberation from evil, the transformation and conversion of hearts, the consecration of families, healing of the inner worlds and all Graces granted and those that can be granted to the hearts that are faithful to the Lord.
Disciples of Israel, the preparatory time has come for the Return of Christ. Will you accompany Him?
By the Light and Grace that bless this moment, I thank you for responding to My call and for opening the hearing of the heart to listen to the Sacred Word of God through His Slave, the Mother of the World.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear Children:
On this Saturday, accompany the recollection of the Lord, so that His Sacred Heart may be repaired from all the evils caused to the human race and especially to life.
Let us pray so that nations, peoples and society may rediscover the significance and reason for belonging to God, so that the ideologies that incite to the rejection and denial of all spirituality and even of all religion may not undermine the path of souls, of the return to the House of the Heavenly Father.
Therefore, My children, this is an atypical time, it is a time in which one's own ideas prevail, capable of changing the destiny of one or several entire nations.
This is the reason and the time to turn to the Spiritual Temple of God, to pray and to ask for sanity to fill all possible hearts, especially all hearts that no longer believe in the existence of the Living God. This also wounds My Mother's Heart, just as the lance wounded My Son on the Cross.
Therefore, dear children, you must have a life united with God, for He is the Source and He is the spiritual nourishment in these times.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Behold the Living, Sovereign and Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, which as a Sun of the Universe spreads Its Rays upon the world and all humanity in order to transmute and redeem it.
I expose today My Eucharistic Heart to those who want to contemplate It, as a portal that surpasses all the limits of the consciousness, as a portal that overcomes all barriers and obstacles; because My Eucharistic Heart, the Priestly Heart of Christ, is the fundament of God’s Love for souls, for all creatures.
There is nothing that prevents souls from reaching My Heart. There are no barriers or limits because if souls are in Me, I Am in them and thus divine unity is established.
Behold the Eucharistic Heart which has poured out Blood for the souls of the world from the wood of the Cross on the top of the Mount Calvary.
Every drop of My Blood poured out was a code of renewal, healing and forgiveness. Invoke the power of the Blood of Jesus in these times when the world lives its own darkness, when many souls are unjustly condemned.
I Am the Eucharistic Sun that rises on the horizon so that, after the three days of darkness, humanity may stand up again, straighten up and elevate its gaze to the heavens to see the Son of God come among the clouds, as the Christ among the Christs, as the powerful breath of renewing hope that will bring joy to the hearts that, despite everything, have faith in Me.
Contemplate the Eucharistic Sun of My Heart, offered to the world today, once again, as atonement for all the errors and sins committed up to the present; because I know that the Love of God is unbeknownst to you, for His Love is so great and so infinite that your lives would not bear it.
Behold the Living God Himself Who was present among the men and women of the Earth to preach, heal, cure, exorcise and liberate the souls of the world.
Behold the God Who incarnated in a humble manger in Bethlehem, hidden from the sight of all, adored by the most simple and humble, recognized by the angels of Heaven and the whole universe.
Trust in the power of liberation, because the world needs to be liberated from its agonies and guilt.
My enemy has laid his claws upon many of Mine, but trust because I will triumph, just as the Merciful Love of God triumphed on the Cross to amend the errors from Adam and Eve to the end of times.
This is why I Am here, companions, to give continuity to the triumph of God’s Love in all His Creatures.
How I wish that time would not pass so that I would not have to bid farewell to Mine! Because I know that the hour of the Garden of Gethsemane will come for each one of you, just as it came for the Lord. And at this hour, the Chalice of Sacrifice will be presented to each one; will you drink of it, just as Christ drank of it on the night of Holy Thursday?
In the greatest solitude lies the greatest strength, because God makes you grow in His Infinite and Cosmic Love, a Love capable of forgiving the enemy so that they can also be saved.
I want you to be a part of the Sun of My Heart, I want you to be a part of My Rays, that you may permeate the darkest layers of the illusion of the world, of pain and suffering, so that many more can be saved in My Name, in the Name of Jesus, just as you were saved by Me in the beginning.
Today, I unite times and dimensions, I unite planes and consciousnesses, I unite all in the Creator, the God of the universe and life, just as the Son united to the Father on the Cross.
Be strong and persist, the cross may be heavy, but My Love will always renew you, sanctify you, it will give you eternal life, because it is the Love of the Source that leads you to truth, which brings you wisdom and understanding in these critical moments.
Have faith and move on, take the step and represent Me in this world so much in need of the Lord, just as I need Mine; because although I Am in Heaven or in the heart of this universe, I Am a part of humanity.
I approach those who need Me the most, I hear those who beg Me the most, I respond to those who trust in Me.
Do not be afraid of the cross. Do not be afraid of the end of times. There is no greater thing you can experience than what I have experienced for you at the top of Mount Calvary, where God left Me alone for a moment so that I could die for My companions.
And thus, from the seemingly death or defeat of Christ, the Tree of Life born, grow and bear fruit, renewing the principle of this Project through Love and Forgiveness.
Behold the God of Mercy Who anoints with His Light those who believe in Him and do not despair. Because if you have a part in Me, I will always have a part in you and, regardless of what happens or regardless of what you experience inside or outside, no one, no one will separate you from My Love; because My Love is fidelity, My Love is obedience, My Love is the truth that liberates the souls of the world.
Carry this Message in your innermost depths so that you may live it and you may represent Me.
On this day, once again, I grant you the Sacrament of the Eucharistic Sun of God and the Anointing for your bodies so that you may have life in abundance.
Do not lose faith, I Am Who I Am, I Am the Alpha and the Omega.
Today, I leave the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus exposed on the top of Mount Calvary so that Israel and the world may be sanctified through those who aspire to be at the foot of the Cross of Christ, just as My Mother, John and the holy women were, living with Me the greatest gift of Love and Renunciation for the salvation of the entire human race until the end of days.
My Mantle embraces all, My Mantle protects you; My Hand leads you and guides you toward My Father’s House. For, after this experience on Earth, you will return to your origins, you will remember your stories and passages with Me, in each moment of your inner trajectory. Thus, on this day which is already written, you will see before you the treasures that I have entrusted to you through the experience of the Sacraments.
Blessed are those who perpetuate the Legacy of Christ through the Eucharist and the Sacraments, because in Heaven they will be called Children of God and servants of Christ.
Do not let My Love die in the world, especially in souls. It is time to save those who no longer trust in My church and who have placed a barrier between My Heart and the hearts of My children.
Therefore, I come to renew everything, just as I renewed everything in Jerusalem on Holy Friday at three o'clock in the afternoon, when, in the seemingly defeat and in the laughter of the pharisees, the earth trembled, the dead rose, the Temple was torn and God showed His Power through His Son. In that hour, evil was extirpated from the world for three days, and I will do the same when I return.
I will put an end to that which separates My children from My Father; because He loves you so much, that I know you do not understand or know it. His Love has brought you here, to this moment, to Montserrat, to once again demonstrate His Mercy for you and for the world.
Let us celebrate, in renewal and life, for all those whom your Lord expects to return to the House of God; so that My Heart may no longer suffer agony for those who distance themselves, for those who lose themselves, for those who suffer, for those who do not see the Light nor feel the Love of God.
It is time for My Christic Love to be lived.
Adonai, Shalom, Balakthi,
O Lord of Mercy, hear Your Son.
Eli, Eli, Balakhti,
hear the Voice of Your Servant.
Elohim, Salohuá, Iod,
accept My sacrifice, Lord,
so that all may be saved in Your Name.
My days with you are now numbered.
May My Love work miracles and renew life.
I thank you for being here today with Me, truly, just as you are, without hiding; because I do not see the errors, I contemplate the Treasures of My Father in your essences.
Go in peace and have faith.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Supper is served, but very few want to come and help themselves to My Spiritual Banquet.
I offer to Mine all that I have. I offer to Mine all that I Am and, in truth, I tell you that I do not ask for anything in return.
Thus, I hope that Mine will respond in the same way, that you will always give everything for nothing in return, because this is the wisdom of the Law of Love, of that heart that lives its own void, that heart that divests itself and does not fear to confidently take steps toward Me.
For still no one knows or is aware of that which I have prepared for each one of Mine. I have the most perfect and sacred wonders kept in Paradise for My Apostles.
This is why I know the hour of each one of you. I know the hour when you will rise to the Heavens to meet Me, to give Me the triumph of your crown of thorns, the triumph of each moment and each experience lived on Earth as the most perfect fruits for God, the fruits of self-giving.
Today I have come here in an extraordinary way. You have prepared the house to receive Me and once again I tell you: “Here I Am, receiving the offering of your consecration, for in the depths of My Heart I knew that this hour and this day would come.
So, today I want you to understand the meaning of cycles, the sacred time of opportunities, the unique moment of inner surrender, in which God attentively contemplates your steps, in which God silently knows your sufferings and tests. Despite all that the Eternal Father sees in this world, everything, absolutely everything, is under His Paternal Gaze.
This is why, on this day, He has sent Me here, in an extraordinary way, to commune with those who are starting to climb the steps of consecration, who, trusting your Lord Jesus Christ, walk toward that which is unknown and immaterial, where God has a space and a place for each one of you, so that someday you may merge with His Absolute Void, and, in this way, you may no longer want to be anything, but rather want to be all in the Creator.
Today, I have received the Grace of having this time with you, of re-appearing to you, just as I re-appeared to My apostles in Jerusalem.
And facing the doors of Israel, the sacred spiritual mission that your Master will share with you, I want you to internally and spiritually feel today the same thing that I felt when your Master and Lord entered Jerusalem, when the Living God Himself was recognized, adored and praised by humanity. And, on that day, no one died on Earth, because God’s Grace abundantly and Mercifully descended upon souls, establishing His most precious Gifts and Virtues within hearts.
Taking this example and this fact, the triumphant entrance of Christ in Jerusalem, I thus prepare you, as from now on, for My sacred task in Israel and in the Middle East, as well as in Turkey and in Syria.
From this fact and this example, I want to share a synthesis with you, and also a reflection about this fruitful cycle, all that I myself have closely accompanied, although it does not seem so.
And on this afternoon, when souls are consecrated to Christic and missionary life, I want to express a fraternal gesture of love, and also of protection to those who dare to walk toward Me in trust, responding to My Supreme Will, even if you do not know it profoundly, uniting to My Eternal Love to relieve the suffering of the planet, so that love may heal pain.
For this reason, today, Aadrika, Tissianie and Timoteo, receive from My Hands My Sacred Crown of Thorns, the symbol of sacred resignation before the Lord.
For just as you are today with Me on this solemn afternoon of consecration, in the same way you have been with Me in Israel in other times, with the difference that today you again remember, in the innermost depth of your souls and spirits, in communion with the Life of the Master and Lord.
After more than fifteen years of this Order consecrated by Me, in the last seven years up to the present, through the Message and the Word of the Mother of God, souls have been called and summoned to serve in Humanitarian Missions. They were called to live a greater challenge than your consciousnesses. They were called to be ambassadors of selfless service and of charity. They were summoned to be sparks of Christ’s Love in the darkness so that, through service for the neediest and most vulnerable in any part of the world, you might be before the suffering of the Lord through the innocent, in the tears of the child that is lost, in the pain of orphans and of the discarded, in the disease of those who are not welcomed, in the despair of those who flee from wars and conflicts.
You have been before Me in those who are forgotten and repudiated, in those who are slaves of the corrupt systems of this world. Many times, you were before Me while you faced those who suffer natural and migratory disasters, but also, together with Me, you have been before those who are indifferent and wicked.
Many times, I have passed before you and your brothers and sisters, and few were able to recognize Me.
See how many you are, and you will realize how few have responded to My Call. I offered to all the deepest Graces of My Heart, but few were able to appreciate and recognize them.
However, today I come here for those who continue and trust in Me, because, just as two-thousand years ago, My Sacred Prophecy is again fulfilled.
I will send you two by two to the most suffering places in the world, where not only food, but also love is lacking. Where not only a home, but also compassion is lacking. Where not only water, but also the Supreme Fountain of God in each heart is lacking.
Considering the coming spiritual mission to Israel and Turkey, I come to beg the world to listen to My Voice, and to know that I Am thirsty. I remain in this world, in the hope that I will be helped through the needy.
How far will the indifference of humanity go?
Where is the goodness of humanity?
Why is the heart being hardened by indifference, after the Living God Himself shed His Blood at each step to the Calvary?
Where is the essence of charity?
God did not make this world to be indifferent. God did not create this world to be selfish. He did not let Himself be flagellated or let Himself die for the ungrateful.
What else shall I do so that the world may change?
But yes, I Am consoled by the voice of the innocent from Africa and other parts of the world who, submerged in grave need, do not lose faith in Me, because the faith that emerges and springs from their hearts is their own nourishment and inexplicably overcomes the whole human condition.
Even though they are beings incarnated in this world, the faith of the little ones and of the innocent renews all things and grants to the world an inexplicable time of peace, despite the wars. The faith of the discarded and forgotten grants the balance of the axis of the planet, because they live in God and God lives in them, just as God lives in His Son, and His Son lives in God.
With the deepest cry of My Heart, I tell those who still have not taken the step to respond and listen to God, because the hardest hour is approaching, just as the Lord lived His hardest hour in the Garden of Gethsemane.
I have nothing more to offer to you, other than this reality.
Who will be capable of not losing any more time?
Who will decide to be a piece within the great puzzle of the Plan?
A New Earth cannot be built with the inconsistent.
And all has been said. This is why today I kneel before those who are consecrated, because God alone knows about the reality of each heart, what hides in the depths of the spirit and the soul.
After these honest years of effort with the suffering brothers and sisters of Venezuela through the Humanitarian Roraima Mission, now the cycle comes of harvesting the fruits of surrender, allowing My Redeeming and Consoling Love to descend upon Africa, Poland, Turkey and the whole world, allowing the souls that are discarded and not considered by the world to be part of My Celestial Kingdom.
This is something inexplicable to Me. It is a Mystery of God, in which He can work through His Children, those who say 'yes' to service and to self-giving, without anything in return, with the only aim of consoling My Heart. For this reason, today I bless those who are brave, regardless of their imperfections and miseries.
I do not come to point out that which is not right. I come to seek that which I left to you as talents two-thousand years ago. Thus, the Word of the Lord is fulfilled, the Sacred Prophecy revealed by the Angel of God in the Garden of Gethsemane: despite the darkness that was surrounding the Master, the visions of the New Christs of the end of times, who would raise My Celestial Church through your life and your consecration, in the hardest hour of the Lord, when the Chalice of sins was to be drunk by Me, the awakening of the New Christs comforted Me and gave Me the strength to say 'yes'.
Today I come to recognize that which no one sees. This is why I Am here.
I will bless you through the Sacraments, as an inexhaustible sign of My Presence, the Presence of the Eternal Love of God in His Children. May all this be for the good of humanity and the planet so that no more innocent blood may be shed in this world, so that war may not be unleashed upon humanity, because the Hand of the Son of God deters it through those who accept the Crown of Christ.
Elohenu, Adonai, Eli,
hold in Your Heart this sacred moment,
one of the so many promises that you gave to Me
in the Garden of Gethsemane.
And today, before those who aspire to live
the path of simplicity and surrender,
My Eyes become illuminated at seeing this moment
that You, Lord, have carefully prepared
for Your Children and for Me.
Thus, I praise You, Adonai,
and I thank You, Sacred Father,
because in the face of such a confused and obscure world,
Your Celestial Kingdom awakens in simple hearts.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Now, we will ask Tissianie, Aadrika and Timoteo to draw near.
Dear children and apostles, missionaries of the Love of My Heart, in the name of Our Lord, Adonai, Elohenu, Abba, I come once again to bless you and, with plenitude and Love, consecrate you to this sacred mission of giving your lives for Me.
Aadrika, today I consecrate you, in the name of My Celestial Mother, with the name Shalom.
Timoteo, you already have a name that to Me is special, very significant for this incarnation.
Tissianie, I consecrate you with the name Aajhmaná, so that the spiritual food of the Heavens may be that which nourishes your spirit and life.
Thank you for this enthusiastic response, toward the unknown Love!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I am not seeking what is perfect or wonderful within you. I am looking for the true honesty of your heart which, united to Me, may reflect in your life and in your consciousness. I said this to the apostles and today I say it to you, companions.
I do not need your lives to be perfect or realized. I need your lives to surrender to My Feet, just as the holy women surrendered to the Feet of the Master and did not seek anything for themselves other than to please and adore the Lord.
Therefore, empty yourselves once again before Me, at this moment, and keep in mind, at this time, how many wonders God has accomplished in your life and in the lives of your brothers and sisters. How many Graces and treasures He has poured out through the Presence of His Most Beloved Son on Earth and, even more, He has multiplied His Graces and prodigies in the hearts of those who are Mine.
For this reason, in this difficult hour of the planet, I ask you: empty yourself of all before Me once again and allow Me to anoint you with My Light. Allow Me to embrace you with My Love so that you may become nothing, but rather be all in the Eternal Father. Just as His Child is in the Father, so the Father is in His Child.
In this void in which I invite you to live, I also invite you to divest yourselves of that which oppresses you or torments you, because your Lord, the King of the Universe, knows all the spiritual ties that souls live. He knows all the chains that bind you. And nothing is impossible for the victory of your Master and Lord, because for the one who is with Me, and I Am with them, I assure them that they will be liberated, and each step of life will be a learning experience, it will be a lesson and wisdom lived so that, at each moment, you may learn to grow in love and in truth, because I need you, in these times, in love and in truth.
But so that souls may be in this love and in this truth, they must be empty of themselves, just as your Master and Lord was empty of Himself in the Garden of Gethsemane, at the moment of His Condemnation, in the judgment of the pharisees. At each step to the Calvary as well as in the Crucifixion, your Master and Lord was empty of Himself so that it might be God Who was suffering for you, because I want you to know, once and for all, that the Living God suffered for you on the Cross.
He descended from the Source and from the Universe to save and rescue you. And the powerful Love of the Living God made itself so small and insignificant that He was born in a manger, where His adversaries would never think that God could be.
Thus, the Love of the Father, through His Son, defeats the powerful, humbles the arrogant, divests those who waste their riches and gives His most precious spiritual treasures to the poorest in heart, to the most humble within. And through His Presence He ennobles and elevates those who recognize His Sidereal Name: Adonai.
I know that the cross is heavy for many, but I assure you before this Mediterranean Sea, where I deeply pray for the wounds and outrages brought about to the most innocent, that there are worse crosses than yours, because, thus, I can help you carry your own cross, without your perceiving it.
But in these final and challenging times, I need you to help Me carry the cross of the planet, because many do not want to carry nor bear it due to the fear of what they will feel or suffer.
But do not forget what I once told you, that I do not come here to ask for new crucified, because the Living God has let Himself be crucified for you, so that you might be liberated from evil. I come to seek victims that may be postulants to My Love. I come to summon the victims of My Merciful Love, who time and again not only recognize the Presence of the Lord in life, but also recognize the power of His Blood and His Water, infinite streams converted and transubstantiated into sublime and powerful Rays of Divine Mercy. Time and again, I untiringly offer this Divine Mercy for the liberation of souls from all spiritual slavery, as well as from the hells of this world, which engulfs many.
By the power of My Blood shed at each step of the path to Calvary, I come to demonstrate to you the Lord’s sacrifice and sacred surrender through His most absolute silence, which defeated enemies, those who were against the Plan of God.
And although My apostles abandoned Me at the most culminating moment of My Life, when I needed them the most, I was spiritually consoled and sustained by the holy women who, in their own prayer and ecstasy, internally helped the Lord and anointed Him with the most precious oils of the Holy Land, preparing the Lord’s sepulcher, because they clearly knew about the day of My Glorious Resurrection.
With this fact that I bring today to all of you, I invite you to live the Ray of Resurrection, because each one of you will need it in these times, to learn to begin anew, every day, despite the learning experiences and lessons of life, despite the clashes and interferences.
Through the Ray of Resurrection, I come to teach you about the power of transcendence and renewal, something that your own Master lived at the sepulcher, on the third day, after having resurrected and having been adored and recognized as the Living God by all the angels of the universe.
I want you to carry this impulse in your hearts and essences so that, with courage, bravery and determination, you may learn to overcome the end of times, because there will still be a lot to go through, learn and grow internally, and I will support you so that you may live new Christic experiences.
When you feel that the tension is too ardent or the pressure seems too big, remember that you will be before the great step of Christification, because they are gradual and mature steps for those who decide to go through them.
Thus, I make the New Christs emerge, not only because they remember My Presence in this world and in humanity, for it is an indelible and inexhaustible Presence, but also because My apostles dare to walk by My side at each new summoning, regardless of the consequences or even of their families.
I once promised that I would give all to the one who would give Me all, and I would take care of each member of their family, because everything is important to Me, even what seems small and invisible.
Thus, I make you understand that God is present in that which is simple and true, that His Power and His Majesty hides in what is humble and austere, and that His Love reveals itself and shows up in those who are true and honest in heart. In this way, He manages to embrace His creatures, sustains them, guides them and leads them to the fulfillment of the Spiritual Purpose.
Thus, the Eternal Father renews Himself through souls and hearts and this planet, seemingly lost, can re-create itself through the hearts that surrender in trust to the Lord and accept to live His Greater Love.
On this new night, when I meet you on the top of Malaga’s mountains and before the Mediterranean Sea, witnesses of the greatest pains caused by war, invasions and conquests experienced at this location of the planet, and for the hundreds of boats that have crossed this sea and have been discarded, I come to grant a spiritual atonement so that the errors committed against the poorest among the poor may be forgiven through your ‘yes’ to follow the path of the Lord in sacrifice for those who do not live My path, for those who deny My path, for those who do not live My Word, for those who do not want to awaken.
May your ‘yes’ be for each one of them, so that their lives may continue to receive Graces and be blessed in the innermost depths of the spirit and of the consciousness, a place from where they will find the inner strength they need to live their learning experience on this planet.
Thus, I will slowly gather the flocks of the Lord, from the four cardinal points of the planet, until the time and hour comes, which is not so far, for My Return to the world, because in a short time it will cease to be a promise and it will be a reality.
And on a night similar to this, before the Mediterranean Sea, you and your brothers and sisters of the planet will be able to be witnesses of the Glorious Return of the Lord. Some here, on this physical plane, and others on the inner planes; all will be participants at this great promised moment, just as the angels will be witnesses of this universal event.
I consciously prepare you for this day, and I will absolutely not forget anyone, because all has been foreseen by the Eternal Father. I Myself remember those who no longer live on this physical plane, their loved ones and the loved ones of all of humanity who, for some reason, have lost their life and died in the hope of finding the Promised Land.
Tonight, My Merciful Heart illuminates this night, just as this Moon illuminates the whole world with its disk of Light, faithful witness of God’s Presence within you, witness of the Grace that descends through My Words and for the redemption of the entire human race.
Keep praying during these days to relieve My Heart and know that I will joyously be waiting in Israel, in the name of all your brothers and sisters of the Work and of humanity, because I assure you that Israel will mark a turning point for your lives and the life of the planet, as My Christic Codes once again manifest themselves to the whole world.
This is what will mark all of you as My self-summoned. This is what My Eternal Father will recognize when I return to the world.
This is why I Am here, for this cause, so that this may be fulfilled in you and in your brothers and sisters of the whole world, so that you may awaken those who are asleep and truly love those who hate you, so that those who take revenge may be forgiven, so that those who have not been rescued may be redeemed. All is being counted and foreseen by the Lord.
At this hour of the dark night of the planet, have faith and move on. My promise is fulfilled in the silence of your hearts. It is there where I want to live forever within you, it is there where God needs us all.
Now, under this sidereal and universal night, when the stars are witnesses of the Passion of Christ, but also of His Ascension into the Heavens, into the Universe, may all consciousnesses who live in the cosmos contemplate this moment of Spiritual Communion. In this way, all these consciousnesses who live in the firmament, in other galaxies and stars, will be able to learn from this moment, which I have given to you with so much Love, through the institution of the Eucharist.
Enter the inner Cenacle with Me and consciously live the Sacrifice of the Lord again, so that this world may attain peace, so that this world may put violence aside, so that nations may be freed from impunity, and the poorest and most simple may no longer live in inequality, but rather in equality, with the aim that the Kingdom of God may descend to Earth.
In this starry firmament, on this moonlit night that embraces you, I not only leave you the blessing of My Spirit, Soul and Divinity, but I also leave to you your origins, alive in this universe, so that you may make the commitment of bringing this moment to the universe, which is the place where you come from, the place to which you will return someday to finally merge with the Immaterial Source.
I thank you once again for accompanying Me on this solemn night and enter the Spiritual Communion with Me to once again prepare the inner temple for the Communion with the Sacred Son who opens the doors of Israel for you to enter into the New Jerusalem.
Let us also pray for this cause and this mission. This is the least I ask of you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Listen in silence to the beating of My Heart, of a Heart that gave itself for you and for the world.
This is the Heart that still continues to suffer for humanity and for the planet. It is a human Heart, just like yours. A Heart that was glorified and enlightened. A heart that propagates Peace and Mercy.
This is the Heart that humanity feels within. A Heart that welcomes all souls and Kingdoms of Nature. It is the Heart of the Creator, of the Living God, of the Merciful God.
Today My Presence reaches the world through the Heart of the Lord and, with open arms, contemplates the planet and everything that inhabits it.
You are in the time of great inflection, but also in the time of great repentance, before more situations are unleashed in humanity. The door of My Mercy is still open, and it is through My Heart that you will reach it.
The Heart of the Lamb of God is still being scourged, but this time in a deeper and more unknown way.
The ideals of humanity wound the Heart of the Lord.
The actions of humanity wound the Heart of the Lord.
The lack of awareness and love wound the Heart of the Lord.
You are souls that come from God and that keep, within yourselves, the Love of the Universe.
Injustice cannot surpass the love within you. You need to do something, not only to offer your prayers to the heights, but also to change.
The change of times will arrive in the rhythm of the events of the planet. For this reason, may your hearts not close.
This is the time to assert the Teachings of God through His Divine Messengers.
We tell you again that the Word must be fulfilled within you so that you may be a testimony, so It may be a reality and justify all the threats that the world is experiencing, through nations and governments.
A great part of humanity is innocent of the wars, persecutions, famine, lack of care, of everything that is outside of the Law.
But My Return cannot be at this time, because humanity must still realize all that it has done. My arrival will be in a culminating moment, but also unexpected.
The celestial doors are being prepared for this moment, as events unfold in humanity, in this rhythm, My arrival comes.
I cannot help but tell you that you still have to prepare yourselves; and that this preparation is born from awareness, discernment and adherence to the Hierarchy.
Most will learn about the end of time through another school, which is the school in which many should not be in. Therefore, do not allow indifference to embrace you or fill you; do not allow indifference to replace love.
In difficult moments, think of My Passion and all the pains and martyrdoms that I suffered for you, from the Garden of Gethsemane to the top of Mount Calvary, until the moment of My expiration.
There you will find an unknown inner force that will give you an impulse to experience transcendence and surrender; and you value all that I have lived for you, even though it was a long time ago. My Passion is spiritually timeless.
Souls can access the records of the events that I experienced more than two thousand years ago, because, in each step of My Passion, I left a teaching, a message, a lesson for the world.
Not everyone is able to fully experience the pain I suffered for you.
My Passion is not to be understood, but to be loved. It is not to be recognized, but to be valued. In it, I have left the steps of your sanctification, and so, you are always blessed by the Heavenly Father.
The planet as a consciousness lives its passion. A passion that it has never lived or suffered before, and its essence, which is humanity, is sick.
Therefore, your change and your repentance will relieve the world and the Kingdoms of Nature. But the currents of the universe will continue to descend, they will continue to work, they will continue to transform, because at least a small part of humanity must reach the Portal toward a New Earth and a New Humanity.
The aspiration of the Eternal Father is that all may reach the New Earth, the new Eden, the New Humanity. But the world, being far from the Law, moves away from that portal. This is why these are times of greatest sacrifices and of great resignations.
Now will be the cycle in which each one of you, companions, will confirm if you are within Me, so that I may be within you.
When I appeared to you, for the first time, more than seven years ago, it was for this moment, so that you would live this moment with Me and not retreat, not abandon Me.
The experience of the Christic life is for everyone, but I know that not everyone could achieve it, this does not mean being far from God and His Will, it means living different schools and lessons. Therefore, everything you do is written in the universe and it is witnessed.
These are times to keep the doors of My Mercy open so that the greatest number of souls may be redeemed and saved, at least they can have an opportunity in the next world.
Your happiness, companions, will be in the next world, because this is the time of surrender, and of faith to live in Me.
I need your lives to be balm for My Heart, and not the wounds.
I need your lives to be an example of transformation and charity, and not of offenses. I do not need you perfect, I need you true and pure of intention so that, through you, I can be in the world bringing My Love to humanity and to the places that need it the most, beyond distance.
In My Heart is the refuge for your souls, the aspiration of your consciousnesses, the renewal of your lives. Whoever is not in My Heart, it is because they do not want to be, it is because they have not yet seen, beyond themselves, the Grace received.
I want you to be aware of the opportunity, to not only receive My Presence, but to also receive My Message, to be close to Me at this crucial time of humanity. This represents a lot for Me, because I know what it means, especially when one of you fails Me and turns your back on Me, abandoning Me, invaded by incomprehension and unconsciousness.
I need you to live the truth from the heart and, through that truth that I bring you, to learn to love and serve.
Learn to be among brothers and sisters, in these difficult times, because in each new message, I bring you My Priesthood, which comes to sanctify and bless you in the Holy Spirit.
Let us pray for better times to come. Do not stop praying. The Father hears the prayers of His children, and He feels purity when their intentions are true.
Do not stop returning every day to the essence of the Purpose and the Divine Will, so you will be protected and safe in these times of darkness.
My Staff will show you the way. My Heart will be the Light along your paths. My Mantle will be your Peace, and My Cross, your protection.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May your heart feel the pain of the world and be moved, finding the way of repairing the suffering of humanity in each instant of life.
From the simplest things to the greatest surrenders, offer God your actions, feelings and thoughts so that He may transform you into an instrument of repair for the human consciousness.
From within you, each day, may a greater love be born that expresses fraternity and unity with your neighbor, that expresses service and cooperation among brothers and sisters, that expresses overcoming limitations and defeating barriers.
May your heart recognize in all things the opportunity to heal the world so that it may be with prayer or with life, with the word and with silence, with stillness and with service, knowing how to find the need, knowing how to embrace the opportunities and find the Living God in each instant.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Do not fear, because in spite of all the adversities, in spite of the misery overflowing from your hearts, and sometimes your lack of hope, the Heart of God, children, still beats within each one of you.
Feel this inner universe, which is behind all the layers of illusion that this humanity constantly experiences. The time is now approaching for the revealing of the truth for all children of God, and may they recognize themselves as His children; may they perceive the likeness that exists between the Creator and His creatures.
Thus, do not fear. Do not fear the illusions of the world; only fear being far from God, for this is a Gift of His Holy Spirit that will not allow any of you to abandon His path.
Greater than all the illnesses that circulate throughout this world is the illness that dwells within human beings that does not allow them to come close to God. And this illness, children, must begin to be healed, for it is only this which will stop you from living Divine Will.
It will not be any plan of the adversary that will separate you from God if, within each one of you, this union is preserved. For this reason, you must begin to work from the inside out, seeking the connection with God in the depths of yourselves, this doorway to the Universe, to the infinite that is within your hearts.
Today I do not come to speak to you about the illnesses of this world, nor do I come to tell you about human miseries, but rather about the perfection that hides within each one of you, as well as the perfection that hides in the depths of this planet that must be revealed to you.
I come to elevate your consciousnesses, once again, so that you may move from the point where you are found today and you may place yourselves in the celestial dimensions, which are not far from you, but rather they are within you, which are invisible here, which hide underneath your feet, in the depths of the heart of this Earth.
Today, children, I do not come to speak of that which you do not deserve to receive; I do not come to point out that which you must transform, because I deeply know the human heart; it still beats within Me, for this is the Will of God. My human Heart will only merge with the Father when each heart that beats does so.
Thus, I understand you ever more fully. I know about your weaknesses, your limitations and your difficulties; but I also know of the mystery held within you, which is unknown to you.
With My eyes, I see your transparent beings and contemplate the divine essence within you. I do not need to look up to Heaven to find God; today I look at each one of you and I can find Him. Your essences are living mirrors of Divine Consciousness, and many believe that they already know, that they already understand, but it is not a question of understanding or of knowing, because humanity knows many things and, meanwhile, they remain at the point where they are.
The time has come to allow this Living God to be expressed in each one of you, and this is done with surrender, ceasing to observe the human miseries, no longer pointing out the errors of others or the errors within your own hearts, but rather, seek the truth, children, that dwells in the depths of your hearts.
This silent truth can also be found and revealed through silence. But to become silent and seek God in your own hearts, you must be brave of spirit, because the Creator does not look like what you think; He does not express Himself like you express yourselves every day; He does not aspire to stand out in anything or in anyone, so much so that He has kept Himself silent within you from the beginning of Creation. But now this Heart beats, this Word wishes to express, It wants to reveal Itself, first for each one of you and then for all Creation.
The moment has come for humanity to express Divine Thought and, more than this Thought, it is time for humanity to express God Himself, because only in this way will it be able to go beyond the union of times, that which is called the transition of this planet.
Thus, become silent, each one standing before God. Let your souls yield, may they be able to move beyond the thresholds of human miseries and difficulties, both in you and in your neighbor. Because it is not true that you are not perfect. Yes, you are perfect, but you still have not discovered what you are, because you did not express that, neither in the Cosmos nor on Earth, in spite of you having once seen, upon the Cross, He Who was a mirror for you, of what you truly are.
Set aside your fears and your aspirations as well.
Do not look for the places that are not where you belong; seek your own place in the Heart of God and not in this world.
Do not be looking for roles in the theater of this Earth; seek the truth within your own heart and want to express it.
Do not look for the truth in your neighbor, do not want them to express God, because this is as human as you know humanity.
It is time for each one of you to seek God within yourselves, to contemplate the celestial altars before yourselves and, bowing down before this altar, you may be able to surrender to God.
Today I tell you all this, children, because My Heart was also ill, lost in the human illusions, believing I had a mission, a principal role in the history of this planet, because God made Me the father of His Son; and at a certain moment, He called Me to His Kingdom and He asked Me to leave Him behind, which for Me meant to abandon Him, because I thought that this was My mission and that this Plan would not be accomplished because the Son of God would not be protected, and the Mother of God would also not be supported.
But at the moment when I was in the arms of Mary, and without Her saying a word to Me, nor was I saying anything to Her, I found silence, which showed Me the likeness with God. In the Heart of Mary I saw reflected the Celestial Universe; this same Universe was reflected within Me. I recognized the likeness with God, who I was and who He is. In this way, I did not fear to surrender My Spirit into His Arms and enter into His Eternal Time, walking toward the Source of Creation, into eternal service to the Heart of God.
You, children, do not need to leave this world to understand what I tell you, because it is not necessary. Today the Creator is calling you to something different, He calls you to find this mystery through striving and surrender, through silence and inner solitude, which is so feared by humanity, because sometimes it seems that you are afraid of finding out the truth, because you become lost from yourselves, from all that you believe yourselves to be.
If for an instant you could contemplate Divine Truth, you would not hesitate to set yourselves aside in order to be what you truly are.
Remember that you are still going through Lent, this moment of finding yourselves and of finding Christ, first within you and then before you when, because of His infinite Mercy, you will be able to again find Him in this world.
Do not fear the desert; do not fear to perceive that souls become weaker, because the Creator has a Will for each being of this Earth, and this Will is not fulfilled the way you think, but the way that He leads, according to the permission that souls give Him. Thus, stop looking all around you and begin looking inward.
The Plan of God is manifesting; it is seeking to gain space within you, that space that humanity has never given it, but now this is the time to do so.
Let this desert be fertile, the opportunity for being transparent, of living this so feared transparency. Prepare for Easter, prepare to surrender completely without fear, to be empty in light of God.
Planetary events can many times be used to fulfill Divine Will. Know how to make the adversities a time for becoming stronger; know how to make the next Sacred Week a moment for standing before Christ, in the very depths of your hearts, for truly participating with Him in His Easter, for feeling His solitude, His agony and His surrender, and live this solitude, this agony and this surrender, because this is what your humanity lives, it is part of the path that you must tread in order to surrender to God, to defeat that which humanity fears most: surrender, sacrifice and that which is called death; and, in this way, you will discover who you are and who God is, within you and within all Creation.
While I speak with you, My Heart opens and all the deepest codes that I achieved in the name of humanity, the whole path that I trod in order to be here, I place it all here within these sacred Reliquaries, these which I bless for each Marian Center and for My beloved Africa.
This is the seventh Reliquary, which I aspire may reach there, so that you may understand that My Heart remains with those who are most in need. I am with you, My children, as well as with each child of this Earth; I am in each home and in each heart, because My Heart is united with God, and this same Divine and Celestial Heart dwells within you.
Contemplate the Reliquaries to discover this truth, to be in front of a mirror, just as I was in front of the mirror of the Heart of Mary. Today I give you the mirror of My Chaste Heart through each Reliquary consecrated by Me. May this Grace expand throughout the four corners of this world, so that all beings may have the opportunity of discovering the truth about themselves.
While in omnipresence, My Heart multiplies to enter into each of these Reliquaries. I ask you to sing, to bring incense and blessed water here so that, together with Me, we may consecrate them and offer them to God.
Song: Sacred Reliquary.
And now, contemplate the greatest of all Reliquaries, which holds the Body and the Blood of your Lord, He who is the eternal mirror of what you should be, of what you must discover.
By the authority that My Son once granted Me, as a Priest in light of God, I consecrate not only this Eucharist, but also each priest of this planet. May they receive the chastity, the humility, the surrender and the void of My Chaste Heart so that, in this way, they may be living chalices for the Consciousness of Christ.
Let us pray together with the Angel of Presence, not only for the consecration of these elements and the transubstantiation of the bread and the wine into the Body and the Blood of Christ; let us pray in reparation to the Heart of Our Lord, for all the evils caused by this humanity; let us pray, crying out, in the name of each being of this Earth, so that all may see the Celestial Truth before themselves and merge with it, seeing it revealed within themselves.
Let us pray to the Father, crying out for His Mercy. And this same Mercy, which gushed out of the unfathomable Heart of God, consecrates these elements and restores the human consciousness. In this way, children, in this divine mystery, the very Heart of God is repaired.
Prayer of Our Father in Portuguese and in Aramaic.
May seven sounds of the bell proclaim peace within you and in this world.
In this way, I bless you, and I thank you for listening to My words, meditating upon them and finding this truth within your hearts.
I thank you and I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sister Lucía de Jesús: We are going to finish, at the request of Saint Joseph, with the Hymn to Saint Joseph, feeling this whole story that beats within each one of the seven Reliquaries, today consecrated by Him
Song: Hymn to Saint Joseph
Child, trust in what God is building within your consciousness and in your heart with each test and challenge.
Trust that your spirit will be strengthened as you cross the limits of your weaknesses and see your own faith grow.
Trust that from you, your Creator only needs a surrendered heart, ready to experience His miracles, ready to carry the weight of His responsibilities, ready to experience the fulfillment of His Plan.
Trust that from your miseries emerges a perfect potential for love, just like your creation emerged from clay, when you allowed the Divine Breath to touch your spirit. Let this Breath again fill your heart, and trust that a new life emerges each day within you, each time you open your heart to breathe that breath that comes from the Heavens.
Trust that the Plan of God within you and within this world will be fulfilled.
Trust, My child, that each stone on the path was placed with love, for in each of your leaps, the Hand of God is guiding you to a new level of your transformation.
Trust that there is a God hidden and living in your heart and that, from one moment to the next, He will reveal Himself through you.
Trust, and let your trust change into faith, and let your faith change into a doorway toward the new time and the new life.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
By means of the Holy Eucharistic you will find the inner portal that will unite you to God and, from that place of consciousness, there will descend all the attributes that you need to reach transformation.
By means of the Eucharist you will find the living God present in the perfect form of His Son. In the Father you will feel His powerful Presence and you will be able to accompany, as servants, the manifestation of His Will.
By means of the Eucharist you will find the path that will always lead you to the Light and you will feel within you an inner uplifting force, which will impel you towards transcendence.
By means of the Eucharist you will find every answer you seek and you will feel within yourself the confidence in God that is necessary in order to take the steps on the Christic path.
By means of the Eucharist you will find the food that will nourish your faith for the times that will come. And, despite the cycle of tribulation, your faith will not falter because you would have built within yourself the full union with the Most Holy Trinity.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Glory to the Kingdoms of Nature for being the dwelling places of God and of life, for being instruments of the greatness of the Father and of His Presence.
Glory to the Kingdoms of Nature because, in spite of everything that is happening in the world, in spite of all the outrages to their bodies, to their spirits and to their consciousnesses, the Kingdoms continue to be expressions of the giving of self and of love, and never tire of waiting for compassion, peace and, above all, the awakening of Christic Love in humankind, which will open the doors so that all beings may take a step in their evolution.
Today I say: glory to the Kingdoms of Nature, for in them the Creator dwells and expresses Himself, alive, whole, building His Body through the elements that are born of the Earth.
When I give Glory to the Kingdoms of Nature, I give glory to the Living God and to the Celestial Mother that dwell within them.
In these times of tribulation, in which nations become imbalanced and chaos gains space within and outside of humankind, children, you must learn to contemplate the Kingdoms in order not to lose your peace and union with God.
The greater the imbalance in human life, the more you must be united and in communion with the Kingdoms of Nature, for within them dwells the unstoppable Peace of God, and the gift of knowing how to give of oneself in love.
Contemplating the Kingdoms, you may recover the peace that as humanity you have lost. By loving and serving the Kingdoms of Nature, you can awaken within yourselves love for life which, when mature, transforms into Christic love.
It is not enough to contemplate and to love; you must learn to mature the love, aware of the times you experience and what you are called to experience and become. You are called to be Christs of the New Time, imitators of the One Who gave all of Himself out of love for His Father and His Divine Plan.
In this way, children, assist the Kingdoms of Nature and, in communion, receive help from them so that you may become another, so that you may be renewed, grow and mature the expression of love in your hearts.
To live Christic Love there is no formula. You should only love and be love, loving all that is life, everything that holds in itself the expression of God, because the Lord has His dwelling place within His children.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Series – Divine Revelations of these times
My Divine Conception in union with the Most Holy Trinity
In the elevated spheres of the Spiritual Universe, a place in which the Living God is present, there are great spiritual matrixes, which encompass great spaces of the Trine Consciousness; because these matrixes are the faithful reflection of a Principle and of a Purpose of the Divine Will.
With forms of great crystal cities of light, these matrixes, which are spiritual and divine, formed by the contribution of the Gift of each Creator Father, that is, by the intervention of each archangel, guard elevated principles and attributes of the Divine Mind with the goal of being able to project and manifest the Plan and its different manifestations within the Universes.
From one of these ancient matrixes of the Spiritual Universe, arrives the Immaculate and Pure Essence which comes from the Divine Conception of the Mother of God.
These immaterial spaces, within the sublime spheres, can only be visited and contemplated by the archangels since it is from these spiritual matrixes that the principles of the Creator Source also emanates because these great crystal cities of light are united, in vibration and in a spiritual way, to the twelve main Sources of the Creator Father-Mother.
This entire evolutionary system of life is a great current of elevated spiritual energy that nourishes the spaces of Creation and, at the same time, moves towards the other constituted Universes: the Spiritual Universe, the Soul Universe, the Higher Mental and the Cosmic Material Universe.
It is in this way that all existing life is benefitted by these impulses which eternally emanate from the Creator Sources of the Spiritual Universe.
In this sense, just as the Creation and the Universe feeds and nourish themselves on divine principles that the Only Mind constantly emanates, the creatures, created in the image and likeness of God, have the inner potential to establish a contact with the meaning for their existence, that is, to resume union with their purpose of life.
The Essence of the Mother of God emerged, manifested itself and sprang from one of these most potent matrixes so that we could live, by the Will of God, an experience of love on Earth.
This Divine Conception of the Mother of God was formed without any stain, as it did not have any experience of suffering, duality or errors.
The Divine Origin of the Essence of the Greater Mother was constituted based on an extremely high degree of purity, of love, and of humility; which led her to incarnate on Earth as a purely immaculate and humble Being.
This characteristic, unusual within the Creation of the Project of God, had an unknown meaning and purpose to the human being, up until the present time.
Within the revelations delivered to the Most Holy Mary, through Archangel Saint Gabriel, it is expressed that the spiritual constitution of the Mother of God is a faithful mirror of the ardent desire of God for the creatures of Earth to know the Love of the Father in a maternal and cosmic aspect.
All of the simplicity and poverty that the Mother of Jesus could manifest during Her passage on Earth were reflections of the fulfilling of this project thought of by God, to defeat evil and duality, by means of the arrival of the Messiah, the Savior.
For God, first it was important for the spiritual, universal and divine contribution of the Creator Fathers, of the Archangels, so that this experience of divine maternity and of unconditional love might have a lasting result throughout the times and the ages.
The recognition that each being of the Earth can make of maternity, and of the affiliation with the Mother of God, spiritually allows God to grant His Divine Presence in the heart of humanity.
Thus, evil is once again overcome by the power of maternal love, by that unconditional motherly love that is capable of giving life to each one of her children.
In synthesis, the desire of God for humanity to have a material and spiritual Mother, like Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was to break the chain that was formed at the beginning with Adam and Eve so that, with humanity being able to recognize the Mother of God, the Mother of all, the maternal love might dissolve the roots of evil, and the causes of all errors, time and again.
In this way, the project, thought of within the Source of Creation, through the matrixes and with the spiritual contribution of the archangels, by indication of the Eternal Father, constituted the Essence of Mary as a possible and evident result by applying the same experience of love in all creatures, permitting the actulaization of the Plan and the transcendence of duality.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Second Series of poems
Tenth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Liberate my Soul, dear Jesus,
from all the inventions of the world,
may it awaken
to purity and compassionate love
by means of Your divine
and powerful intercession.
Lord, make me free
of resentments and guilt.
Build, through my service to You,
all the plans and gifts
that You, Beloved Lord,
have thought of.
Consecrate me to You, Lord,
even in the moments of test
and the challenges of life.
Make me a partaker
in the Sacrament of Reconciliation
and that every day I may
confess to You openly
so that my small spirit may be renewed
for as long as You,
Master of Love,
may consider.
Embrace me, Lord
during the cold nights.
Shelter me upon Your lap, Lord,
so that close to Your kind Heart
I may be able to adore You as the Great living and
divine Temple of God.
I give You thanks
for granting me Your eternal Peace.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
When Jesus was on the Cross and said: “Father, why hast thou forsaken Me?”, it was His humanity that proclaimed those words; it was His Cells, sustained until then by Divine Power, that in the depths, feared the hour of being alone with their pain and their suffering.
After that question of His human heart, Jesus recognized in all the spaces of His Consciousness, from matter to spirit, His filiation and unity with God. He understood, at His core, the essence of love and of the human project, and experienced the fullness of being in likeness to the Father.
The fear of His Cells dissipated through the power of the love and forgiveness that emanated from Him. Jesus understood the Will of His Father and why He abandoned Him in that hour that seemed to be the most difficult when He had always accompanied Him. He discovered that the Father wanted Him to feel and experience the love He had within and which made Him in likeness to God and united to Him; and that, in truth, the Creator had not abandoned Him. He allowed Him to discover that the Father was in Him, as He was in the Father, through the love, forgiveness and mercy which, at that moment, were poured upon the Earth.
The Virgin Mary and John understood the Will of God when they saw Jesus on the Cross asking for forgiveness for those who crucified Him, and together with Christ, they learned this unfathomable love, which unites matter with spirit, which divinizes humankind.
That was how the Virgin Mary and John also experienced that profound union with God, by the simple fact of observing Christ. That union was later experienced by the apostles and disciples of Jesus and Mary through the Grace of the Holy Spirit, and in this way, all overcame the fear of death and loneliness; all filled their spirits with the courage that was born of the certainty that God was in them because they were a living part of the Divine Consciousness.
It was because of that certainty and of that courage that the Church of Christ was consolidated on Earth. But throughout the centuries, not all human beings understood the Passion of Jesus and meditated on His example to the point where they allowed themselves to be divinized by Him; not all found the certainty of the likeness to God; not all sought fortitude in the living God within themselves.
Children, today the Creator speaks to you and instructs you through His Messengers. The Most High Lord accompanies each one in their steps and renews the story, awakening New Christs. But just as He “abandoned” Jesus on the Cross, the moment will also come to each one of you to discover, in solitude, the union with God. And for an instant, it may seem unjust, painful or incomprehensible to you that the Creator abandons you when you have the most need of Him. However, if you overcome human fear and seek that union with God in spirit, you will understand that the Father, whom you always sought in the heights, is living within every being, in their essence, in their inner universe.
When the time comes for the trial of humanity, remember what I have said to you and do not fear, but rather, love and live forgiveness, like the One Who loved and forgave before you, leaving you the example.
Your father and friend, Who prepares your paths for divine union,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the souls in the world get lost I make them find the path towards God through My Love. Redemption establishes itself in the hearts that ask for My help and also in the hearts that ask for their brothers and sisters so that My Plan of Peace can be established in humanity; thus I close the door to My adversary, who corrodes the souls spiritually, places obstacles in their lives, and leads them to perdition, mainly, to the absence of love.
I have come here, dear children, to meet you under the Unity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Trinity has sent Me in this cycle and in these times to prepare you for what is going to come. I need that your hearts establish My reign in this world. I need you to fulfill with Me the Plan of peace that the Lord so much awaits.
The world is still deaf and blind, but your hearts are open for Me, and you, dear children, know that it is so and that I need your hearts to fulfill My designs without caring for how you are like and how imperfect you are before the eyes of the Universe.
I do not come here to search for your indignation, your indifference or omission. I come to search in you for what really exists in the depth of your beings and that is called God; it is in this God that you must live in this time for all those who do not live it. And remember God, dear children, each new morning in which you wake up, because God is forgotten in this time by the hearts that have not understood Him nor accepted His Will that is not the inferior human will.
I need to set up here, dear children, a Kingdom that would be impossible to be established in these times, but that is possible when your hearts open themselves to hear My call each time that I announce it to the world.
I have come to Cataluña to bring you the mystery of My Love, as I have already brought it once when I previously met you in this same city to renew the vows before the Celestial Father. And I would like, dear children, that at this time you strengthened these vows, not only for yourselves but for your brothers and sisters that are on this path and also for those who are not and have forgotten God, the Father of Love and Unity. If love and unity live among you, and you work for this love and for this unity, My Plan will triumph in this humanity.
It does not matter what happens around you, because I will be among you to impel you to walk and follow the steps of Christ, steps that at this time are offered to everyone to take for humanity and for the planet.
Dear children, you still do not know My profound pain for this race, for all the souls. You still do not know what it means to sustain the gravity of these times, and a race submerged in its ignorance and blindness.
As the Mother of Goodness and of Mercy, I open the doors for all those who do not deserve it, because the Christic seed is in you and in your brothers and sisters; a seed that will never disappear and that nobody will be able remove. It is the seed of unity and love that I come to water from time to time with My prayers, My words and My supplications for you before the Celestial Father. It is the seed that can never dry nor should get out of sight. It is the Christic seed that My adversary fears even not knowing it, because when it sprouts, flourishes and bears fruits, it is invincible.
Dear children, today I come to make you recognize your filiation with the Celestial Father, a filiation that is unique for each one of you, it is precious and also mysterious for many. Consider yourselves worthy children of God and the whole of humanity will be a worthy child of God for the steps you take in this time towards My Son, towards His Sacred Heart.
I do not come to ask you, dear children, for what you cannot give Me, but rather for what you really can donate Me with the heart, with your lives in each act of the day, in each example of charity and of goodness towards your fellow being. Thus, dear children, I invite you to share the miseries of the world and to support them with Me by prayer, service and sacrifice. I know that many fear sacrifice because they think they will suffer, but I do not come to bring you suffering, but the Peace of the Celestial Kingdom perpetually lived by angels and archangels in each moment of the Divine and Spiritual Universe. I open to you the doors towards the sacred knowledge that is called Celestial Universe.
I want you to be conscious, dear children, of this very important task of merging Heaven and Earth in one sole unity. Thus the doors of the hells of life will close and little by little the hearts will lose their ignorance, because the veils will fall from their consciousnesses and they will recognize that they have forgotten God and will encourage themselves to return to the path of My Son, that is the path of love and forgiveness.
Go ahead in spite of what happens and remember that I consider you My columns of light and peace in this unfaithful world. Make My Heart triumph in your lives and live it fully, because the time has already come and it is time to fight for this Plan of peace in the world, a world that each one builds day by day with their attitude, their thought, their feeling and their prayer.
United with you and together with each one of your spirits My Plan triumphs, and My adversary loses the war that he wants to fight so much. It is already time, dear children, for you to be bearers of My Peace and that you transmit it to the world, this is My main task with you in these times.
Now place in My Merciful and Immaculate Heart your intentions. I open My Heart of Light for you to place your supplications, your invocations, your requests to the Great Universal Father who loves you profoundly and never forgets you. Deposit these intentions in the silence of your hearts.
Now extending My arms and approaching My hands towards you, dear children, I will pray for Spain shedding My Graces upon it:
Holy Father, Blow of Spirit,
Shed Your Light upon the consciousnesses,
May they never be discouraged from searching for You
May they be able to find Your Peace and Your Truth;
Strengthen each spark of Your Spirit
That has congregated around My Immaculate Heart
To revere Your Presence and Your legacy with all Creation.
Angels of Heaven, Higher Consciousnesses,
Guide the souls on the good path
And fill the emptiness of love that many feel in their hearts;
Shed the Divine Spirit of My Son
So that they can live in Your Sacred Heart
And be in this time as a star that, from the universe, lights everything.
I bless you, dear children, and I bless everything you have brought to My altar in reverence and love. I bless the union with My Son that you search for every day without forgetting Him, your Master, your true love. Bring Me here the offering of the Eucharist for My Angels to transubstantiate it into the real spiritual and divine matter that nourishes your spirits and consciousnesses.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
At the beginning of Creation, only Unity existed, the Divine Consciousness that dwells where there is no time or space, where there is no matter, feelings or thoughts, where there is only Spirit.
Without ceasing to be Unity, the Spirit of God is multiplied. This is Omnipresence.
Without ceasing to be Spirit, the Mind of God is born, manifested in the Archangels. This is the work of Omniscience.
Without separating from the levels of Spirit, God manifests the Light in material creations. This is the fruit of Liberation.
God, who was One, divides into three, without ceasing to be One. His Transcendence is incomprehensible to the human mind.
God the Father became the Son and, in Transfiguration, He multiplies His Only Son into all creatures. All are One with the Father, through the Son.
The primordial principles take on a life of their own and creative power. The Rays become consciousness and dwell in all the particles that exist in the cosmos.
God never lost the Unity of the beginning. His multiplication has no end, it has no limit. His Consciousness is expanded beyond the boundaries of spirit, mind, and matter. His Divinity permeates everything.
You may ask yourselves: “How can the Creator dwell in a world so full of darkness? Where is God when chaos rushes into the world?”
God is the Life that dwells within the essence, the Consciousness that animates those who are aware, the Light that gives shape and life to that which the eyes of the not blind can see.
A person may not be blind, but if there is an absence of light in their lives, they will not be able to see. It is not that the world does not exist, that colors do not exist, that life does not exist: what is happening to that person is that they are separated from the light. They are not blind, they are simply stuck in a dark and empty room and do not find a way to open the windows or do not even know that there are windows in the room of their consciousnesses.
This is what happens with the majority of humanity. Ignorance and indifference have shut the human consciousness into a dark room and all the mysteries of life are outside, ready to be revealed at the moment the window of the consciousness is opened.
As they are not blind, they think they see everything. As they do not know the light, they do not know they are imprisoned in a dark room and they think life begins and ends within the four walls of that room.
Love, service, and prayer reach the darkness of those consciousnesses like chinks of light that come through the window, revealing that the window exists and that behind it there is a great mystery.
Some can see the light through the chink and believe they already know everything; others will dare to open the window and contemplate the view before them. The consciousness will be deeply expanded, in spite of only seeing life before their small window.
Up until today, there has been almost no one willing to leave that room, pioneering in the world outside of themselves; for this reason, the mysteries continue being mysteries.
I began this message with some words that are capable of opening a small chink in the dark room of the consciousness, but I know that many will close the window with their own hands to thus remain in absolute darkness.
Reflect upon what I tell you and, in the eyes of your hearts, try for an instant to risk feeling this mysterious ray of light, this small chink that opens in the consciousness.
If you allow your consciousnesses to expand, I will be able to lead you more truly to the union with God. You will be able to be more truthful in everything and unveil mysteries, including about yourselves and about planetary life.
For the growth and maturing of the human consciousness and its adherence to the Truth,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Many ask themselves where the unity will come from between the different cultures, religions, races and nations. How can such diversity be united?
Few have discovered the power of the Love of God and almost no one lives the truth which is to know that if such an infinite God was capable of creating such diversity, He can be found in all things and also in the different religions inspired by Him.
The creatures are inside of the consciousness of God and God in them, but the ignorance that closed their eyes does not allow them to see that the Creator is there, in the depths. And so they live an illusion, a life apart from Him, only because they do not know that He is in all that was created. They do not see Him and do not feel Him because they have not yet opened to know He is within beings.
The Creator, in His immeasurable possibility of loving, throughout the existence of humanity, created many religions. Each one would lead a certain part of His Creation, but – if they keep His Essence alive – all would lead to one purpose.
When Mary says She will unite, within Her Immaculate Heart, the different religions, peoples and races, this does not mean that everybody will recognize the person of Mary as Mother of God. Mary is Unity itself, because Her mantle protects the entire Creation. As Unity, She leads the different religions to Love which is the Principle that Her Son expresses.
Many may not recognize the person of Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life, but those who believe in Love and live in Love are in Christ without knowing it.
The Love which Christ expresses transcends the existence of the person of Jesus. The Unity which Mary expresses transcends the person of Mary. They are no longer a material part of Creation. Those who came from One Spirit manifested themselves on Earth to construct a path, to express an archetype, to give a living example and now, in the different scales of evolution, they continue giving examples and leaving Their footprints within all dimensions, so that even the angels could follow Their steps.
The principles of Love and Unity are possible to be lived by all true religions, including those who do not have a religion guided by an institution but who in their hearts seek to connect themselves with God constantly, by Love and Unity. This is how Christ and Mary lead humanity.
Being a Christian is more than believing in Christ. If you want to reach the religion of the heart, in which all are brothers, children of one God, believe in Love and Unity.
Love and Unity will lead you to the Origin. This is the reason for human existence: to live these two universal attributes that once became flesh and today have returned to the Purest Heart of the Creator so that every living creature, from matter to the spirit, can return to God.
I want you to announce to the world that there is one God and He unites you in the principles of Love and of Unity. It does not matter if the path is seemingly different because some will be more open to following the steps of Muhammad; others of Buddha, others of Christ, others of Mary, but all can be united, in spirit, in the Purpose of God for humanity, which is one: Love and Unity to reach Him.
Live with this certainty in your hearts and do not doubt for an instant the possibility that God, from which comes all things, can return to Himself all that He once created.
I love you, bless you and ask you to keep praying for Peace on the planet. Remember, every day, that your spirits already live in God and that, just by being aware of His presence inside of you, you are already bearers of the greatest mystery of love and of mercy of this creation.
Pray for those who do not know the Love of God and for those who believe they love Him, but do not know the true Love and the true Unity that lead to the Creator.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear child,
Every day, strengthen in your interior the certainty of the existence of a superior life and of a purpose that transcends matter and the superficialities impregnated in it.
In these times, many will strengthen illusions, the disproportioned pleasures and the absolute usufruct. The big companies that dominate the ordinary mind of humanity with their influences inspired by the forces of chaos – in the same way that the false governments of this world – will encourage humanity to seek pleasure above life itself.
When the change of the planetary cycle becomes visible even to the blind of heart, Light will call Its children to Itself, and darkness will also want to strengthen its reign. You, as a child of Light, must be a beacon which illuminates the path of the lost ones and indicates them the goal.
Do not let yourself be carried out by the despair of humanity or even by the anxiety of “gratifying yourself while there is time”, because this will be the motto of the dark ones in the end of all.
Seek to be lucid amongst all and, much as those who you love follow other paths, remain yourself firmly in the purpose of reaching God.
Child, never think it is not worthy to keep spiritual principles and try to find God in a world that has drifted away so much from Him. Much as the world around you seems to be ending, the principle of all, the seed that will impregnate the New Earth will be inside of you and, while you still remain steady despite yourself, it will never die.
God is alive in the interior of all His Creatures, but He only acts by means of those who believe in this truth and remain in it, even if they seem to be the only ones with this certainty.
The things I tell you, child, you may find today in the world around you or tomorrow beside you. For this reason, assimilate what I tell you and consolidate inside of you the absolute conviction of the triumph of God on Earth.
Much as this war may not be visible to your eyes in this moment because of your spiritual immaturity, just trust and grow. Mature your spirit with foundations sanctified by the impulses of the Divine Messengers and you will be, yourself, the Living Principle of a perfect Creation in this world.
Like you, there will be others; and from you all will raise the New Humanity. For this reason, be brave and persevere. Do not stop working, we are counting on you in this army of love, peace and renovation for the Earth.
Your Father and Friend, The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When I was on Earth as Joseph of Nazareth, many used to seek Me, asking for an advice about how to be united to God. My Chaste Heart was discovering, in the Child Jesus, that God was within all beings. But in a time in which people did not think about a Living God, except in the Scriptures, it would be very difficult to conceive the existence of God within each being.
Today, there are already enough knowledge and experiences, as humanity, for you to understand the things of Heaven and how they express themselves in the world. In this way you will discover in the world the potential that it has to live according to the Celestial Life.
In the same way that God is alive in each being and few can see Him, His Kingdom lives in the original idea of the creation of the Earth. In this way, the Living God must arise in the beings as much as the His Kingdom must manifest itself in the world.
To find the Lord within your own hearts and recognize yourselves as similar to God, you will have to stop knowing yourselves as imperfect individuals and merely human in the point of view of the Earth.
So that the Kingdom of God may be a reality in the world, everything that does not conform to that Kingdom must cease to exist. And it will not be God who will make all the things disappear and, thus, solve all the planetary problems. You, My beloved ones, are the ones who must make disappear, firstly from your own consciousnesses, all the concepts, the principles, the ideas and the intentions that construct all those things that separate you from God as humanity.
For instance: even though you may not be governors and may not have the power of starting or ending a war, to abolish the wars of the world, you must placate, in your own consciousnesses, wrath, competition, avarice and greed. And, in this way, you must act with everything, because it will be little by little that the Kingdom of God will descend to the world. But, for that, the harmony with which that Kingdom will install itself will depend on how prepared the human consciousness is receive it.
Many fear such mentioned planetary transition, but few are recognizing that the course of that transition will be the result of what each one can do to transform, in themselves, the human consciousnesses and, as a consequence, the planetary consciousness.
Meditate on what I tell you and on what I told in the previous days. You will find in My words the keys to achieve redemption in a peaceful and harmonious way.
I leave you My Love and My paternal advice, as well as I did in other times.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Sanctify your lives adoring the Living God that inhabits all that has been created.
In the essence of the purely interior act of adoring, you will find the true meaning of service and of charity, which is the quest for unity with the existent God in all things.
In a faraway past, the human beings recognized the sacred as something more natural and could feel it as a part of their lives. Nowadays, teaching you to internally reverence and adore God is like offering you a great challenge.
In Jerusalem, as in all the East, many spent their whole lives seeking the Savior and waiting for the Messiah, believing that they were living and breathing only to find Him.
But when they were before Him, they did not accept Him and denied the Humility of God, that was the most pure symbol of His manifestation among humanity.
Do not run the risk of living the same that humanity from old times lived, that believed that they were seeking God and that they were living for Him and, however, never believed in the veracity of their quest and even less, of their goal. They received the teaching as something sacred, but only to remain in the theory and organize life socially and ethically, in a way that they could live with a little more peace, in times of so many wars, conflicts and incessant quests for power.
May the Words of the Divine Messengers, that today are sacred to many, not be only beautiful theories, that make you more peaceful in face of the common society in which you live.
Banish from your interior the hidden doubt about the veracity of the teaching and do not allow that the unconscious of humanity make you believe that Christ will never return. Because if you reflect and seek the depths of unconsciousness, you will find many aspects that deny the existence of God and His Plan, as well as the return of His Son. These are remnants of a degenerated humanity that, over 2,000 years ago, did not believe in the incarnation of the Messiah.
Open your eyes and purify yourselves, walk truly to the transformation, so that you will not be surprised by yourselves in a near future.
I love you and guide you to the inner transparency so that you may get to know yourselves and banish the old being.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Faithful Guardian of the return of Christ
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more