Dear children,

I am like the Sun of the Universe that day by day wants to illuminate you and love you so that you may be able to live something unique and glorious in My Son. Live in the Spirit of Christ and, in humility, reconcile your lives with His Sacred Heart.

Dear children, in the daily reconciliation of your hearts with My Son, you will help so that many souls that are lost in the life of the world and souls that do not feel God may all be guided by the Light of My Immaculate Heart.

Little children, through trust in Christ, you will be able to renew life and all the mistakes committed, especially those that are repeated without being able to be forgiven. All these will receive the right measure of Divine Mercy. Therefore, your hearts, as part of humanity, will revert to world situations in which all souls live, such as the lack of faith and the absence of love.

Today I invite you to renew yourselves before My Son through prayer so that everything may be reconciled and forgiven according to the precepts of the Most High God.

Dear children, in the act of reconciliation you will be saved and many souls that still deny and do not live the Living God may be touched by the presence of My Maternal Love. But for this to happen, I need you in prayer, affirming in your hearts the life of Mercy so that the majority of the faults committed by humanity may be forgiven.

My children, we are now on the path towards the reparation of the heart and of life, therefore I invite you to exercise patience before what is unbreakable and to remain in My Immaculate Heart so that My Love may heal everything.

Recognize that without God the Father nothing can be done. May gratitude spring in you for being before His throne.

Mercy for My children from the whole world!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Divine Patience is the gift that allows you to understand with the heart and with the soul the mysteries of God. This will free you from judging the precepts that the Divine Faith awakens in all the souls.

Dear children, the best path to know God is to live under His Immense Love so that your hearts may discover the true devotion to Him. The path of faith builds hope and allows you to feel the mysteries of the Father, those that until now have been distant from humanity. For this reason, dear children, the devotion to My Immaculate Heart will raise you up to the Kingdom of the Heavens so that in the eternity of your hearts you may be able to feel the Living God, a God of all, amongst all.

Little children, your souls must be like silent pilgrims who walk in confidence and in faith towards the designs of God, and who emanate purity from their hearts towards the hearts of their brothers and sisters. The pilgrim lives in devo- tion to My Immaculate Heart and accepts to be in the Sacred Heart of My Son to begin to live an inner reconciliation. The soul of the pilgrim is the living flame that My Heart of Mother of Peace is igniting in all hearts.

Dear children, My mission with you is to bring you close to My Son and even more, to the ministry of His Divine Mercy. But for this to happen in all of you, you must be vigilant in prayer and in adoration to the Most Holy Heart of My Son so that the Peace of His Kingdom of Love will be able to reach all. Therefore, dear children, now is the time to mature the consciousness, the heart and the soul before God, not only in confession with My Resurrected Son, but even more in reconciliation and in fraternity among creatures. Thus, little children, the Plans of God will be manifesting themselves, first in the absolute faith of the heart and in the consciousness of all My children.

Walking in the life of prayer, the Mysteries of God will begin to be uncovered as a true feeling of faith in your hearts. In this way, My dear ones, you will help Me in the renovation of love and of truth in all My children when you unite to Me in prayer.

My Immaculate Heart is for each one of My children. This is why, I appear monthly to make the Will of God known to you. Now, in the call of the Celestial Father, He invites you to fraternize your hearts with all the hearts of the souls so that Christ may be able to renovate the life of humanity.

The first return of My Son will happen through the renova- tion of the devotion to My Immaculate Heart and for this all My children are called by My celestial voice to begin the path towards My Humble Heart.

I await you in love so that with Me you may penetrate into the Heavens with prayers, and peace may be able to descend over the hearts. As My Son of Nazareth has said, “I give you My Peace, remain in My Peace.”

Live with joy the presence of My Immaculate Heart amongst you.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mercy for the whole world, Peace for the souls that listen to My Voice,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
