Marathon of Divine Mercy

Friar Elías del Sagrado corazón de Jesús:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We revere Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

My path is for the brave and decided, because it is a path of inner divestment. You will feel this divestment within your being and soul, until it hurts you, because I come to deposit My treasures and blessings in new wineskins, in instruments empty of themselves.

I come to deposit My gifts in those who can fulfill them, and you have received all these treasures and Graces throughout the times. For this reason, I come here to remind you of them.

The hour has come, companions, for your Lord to testify, before the Creator, to each one of the Graces and virtues that have been received.

Therefore, I come to draw, with My own Hand, a line on the ground that distinguishes the past from the future. This line that I draw on the ground is this moment at which each one of you are now; it is the moment, companions, to make the last decision.

For this reason, on My path I do not offer roses, but rather, I entrust to Mine thorns and very deep deserts, because what I want and ardently wish is to see the Christs of the New Time.

Although your miseries are still abundant and present, although the path of perfection is very long, and even if each one has to go through their own dark night, I come to offer to Mine everything you can carry out to achieve My aspirations in this world, through the souls that live Me and adore Me.

Because through what is imperfect, and through what is impure, I come to renew all things and what I expect every day is that you may live it for Me; through a mature, responsible and conscious commitment, which may allow you someday to see and understand all that your Master and Lord sees and understands, all that He sees in this world and in humanity.

I expect that each one may take their last and great step, knowing what this means, although it may seem unknown and even if you do not know everything.

It happens that I come to deliver My Plan to you, a Plan that must still be concretized through the true and sensible decision of each one of you, knowing that you will not oscillate, although the storm may come, although darkness may draw near, knowing that your true decision, a mature decision, will define the next step and the next event.

Thus, I come to start the last synthesis, the last reflection that will define the next times, through the souls that adhere to transformation.

I come here, companions, to finish My task with you and so that, from the moment when I Am no longer among you, just as I was not with My apostles, you may be My own living Gospel in a real and true way, with My Words, all My impulses and all My Graces as part of your beings; because this is what God will contemplate at the end of times.

It is through this that the Creator will plan and project the coming time, that is, the New Humanity, in which many are called upon to participate, even in this time of transition and despite what is apparently uncertain. Because what must be written through each one of your lives is the Will of God, which has already been written since the origin in the Source, but which is a Will that must be fulfilled in these times, which must be carried out through you.

In silence, I pray for those who will try it. But also, in silence, I pray for those who will deny it. Because My path is for the brave and also for the imperfect, for those who do not fear to be transformed by My own Hands.

This is all that I wanted to tell you today.

I Am beginning to bid farewell to each one of the inner worlds, to all those who were blissful, throughout the times and the years, to have the Grace of being present before the Lord, as you are today.

Do you know how to understand what this means in this time, knowing that there are thousands of souls that cannot live this?

What does it mean and represent to be before the Lord?

What does it mean to be before His Soul and Divinity, which comes directly from the Primordial Source, and which, through the Divine Word, expresses itself to you and to the whole world, so that you may listen to what God thinks and feels?

May the sound of My Voice reverberate. May the echo of My Words be perpetuated so that you and your brothers and sisters of the whole world may always find the Guiding Star of the Lord, the Great Star in the dark night, the Light of Christ in the darkness, so that you may once again feel guided and accompanied.  

I have come to fulfill My promise, throughout these years. Have you realized this? The promise that I would be with all of you and your brothers and sisters every day until the end of times.

My Work, expressed here through the gathered souls, begins the cycle of its deep and inner transformation, to which everyone will be led.

My advice is that you may adhere and above all trust in Me, in My instructions and also in My decisions if in truth you say you believe in Me.

The cycles exist to begin, but also to complete. The end has now come in this month of August; just as the beginning had already been written, the end had already been written.

This must be understood with wisdom and above all with love, because the foundations of My Work will be raised again through the souls who, from the beginning, founded them and through all those who gradually joined My Path, which is the path of the solemn Hierarchy.

This is not just a change, this is a renewal, because your Master is renewal itself and you also need to be renewed, that is, to re-learn, just as many times the apostles and the disciples re-learned until they themselves managed to carry out My Work in the whole world, following the guidelines of the venerable Law.

I pray for all this and for all those who will live it, for all those who must face it for themselves. Because it is the test of faith, of the confirmation of those who say they are with Me. May My Love, which is not personal, but of the Eternal Father, help you at this moment.

From the innermost depths of My Merciful Heart, I thank all those who have prayed throughout the times and the years, all those who, despite everything, were present at each moment of merciful prayer.

I want you to know that all is counted by God, down to the last hair of your heads.

May this impulse multiply, may this impulse renew and bring hope to those who no longer have it, because I come to make all things new until the end of times.

Thank you, all beings who pray from the heart!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the Lord of the Desert, Who went through this experience for forty days, in the same way that you went through this experience of finding the meaning of your inner desert, without fearing spiritual aridity or emptiness.

This is why I am here, and I am the Lord of the Desert, Who, at the doors of the next Sacred Week, when the Son of God will be glorified at the entrance of Jerusalem, comes to conclude with you this first stage so that you may understand, in these times, that each process of your lives and consciousnesses has a meaning to God within this school of redemption and forgiveness.

Therefore, I invite you to keep walking along this desert because at the end of this path you will find the doorway to renewal, an experience that may enrich your consciousnesses and make them mature, and grow internally, knowing that life does not end here and that evolutionary life continues forward through your steps. I need you to take these steady steps in these times so that, before the Celestial Father, we may guarantee, together, that this Project of Mine is possible, with you and your brothers and sisters.

A Project still not understood or known, a Project that is only unveiled through those who love it, through those who make it a part of themselves so that it may be fulfilled at this crucial time of humanity.

So I come today to deliver to you the synthesis of the experience that I lived during forty days in the desert, where, just like you, in these times, I was tempted, I was persecuted, and I was sought for by the enemy.

But remember that with the keys of serenity, meekness and a peacemaking spirit, you will be able to make this synthesis that you need in order to follow, in fidelity, the Commandments of God, which He holds like promises in the Kingdom of the Heavens for each one of His children, of His creatures.

In this third impulse that prepares the next Sacred Week, I wanted to demonstrate to you, through these special meetings held at the house blessed by My Mother, at the house of Association Mary, that the Spiritual Hierarchy needs you to understand the events of these times and the duties and responsibilities of these events that each one of Mine has before God, because without My disciples of the end of times, I will not be able to do anything, and you know that the participation of My followers and companions is fundamental.

It is not that I cannot work miracles in your lives and consciousnesses, but rather that through the effort of the consequent and humble, of the responsible and conscious servers, I will justify, before the Higher Laws, all the errors of humanity, and when I physically return to this world, I will complete this Plan that is already taking place at this very moment, through your consciousnesses.

So I invite you to feel that you are a part of My Redeeming Project, so that you can be caretakers and guardians of Christ’s aspirations in these times and, especially, of those aspirations that your Master and Lord has for the peoples and nations where My Heart and My Love must reach, through the hands that give, through the feet that walk on My path, through all those who, decided, say ‘yes’.

Once more, a cycle is being fulfilled this week, previous to the Sacred Week, right before the Presence of the Son of the Sun.

I needed you to live this experience consciously, an experience that will be completed and finalized in the coming months and cycles, when you will understand and realize, on your own, all that has happened here in these last three special meetings with Me. An experience that is not only for you, but also for your brothers and sisters, for all those who cannot be physically present in the next Sacred Week, but who will have the Grace, in spite of the distance, to receive Me in their hearts and homes, in their families and spaces of prayer.

May this moment be raised to the Heavens, in the Presence of the Father’s Son. That this third preparatory impulse that I give you today may symbolize, for everyone, the opportunity to consecrate one’s life even more, and, above all, one’s consciousness, for that which God expects to cause to descend as Grace and as Will upon His children, the Christs of the New Times.

In these symbolic Words that I give you today, I leave many keys to you. When you can re-read My Words, of these three preparatory meetings, at that moment you will complete the meaning of this experience and will realize that, because you have had the opportunity to go through the inner desert, together with Me, in such a quick and intensive way throughout this week, your hearts will be ready for what I will ask of you in the coming times.

And, although you will have the sensation that it is an impossible or unattainable challenge, I have absolute confidence that you will be able to do so, because if up to now and in just one week you have crossed a deep and inner spiritual desert, what would you not be able to do for Me?

Dare and be brave, Peace is with you so that you can fulfill My Will, and so that this Will may be fulfilled in your brothers and sisters of the path. Because if this moment and these meetings had not taken place, what would be of those places where there are still conflicts and wars, famine, slavery and trafficking?

Also for them I am here, and I have availed Myself of the house of Association Mary to intercede for all of them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Prepared in the mystery of this desert, which you will gradually discover within yourselves, step by step, now you will enter the planetary Passion with Me, and you will understand what the planet feels, by carrying within yourselves the cross of the world, so that souls may be redeemed and consecrated.

May the merits of the Passion of Christ renew your inner forces and strengthen your decision to be with Me forever.

I bless you and encourage you to follow the path of the planetary apostolate so that all religions, beliefs and philosophies may unite on behalf of the Return of Christ.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Some have already dared to enter the desert I am offering you during this week. I walk beside those who persevere and who, however much they know it is unknown, keep going forward, knowing that I do not wish any harm for you, but rather the victory of My Kingdom in each one of your hearts and lives.

For this reason, I am here, offering to you this spiritual exercise of entering into the very depths of the inner desert so that, in the void and in solitude, you may only find God, Who will give you His abundance and His spiritual riches so that, in the coming months, your hearts may be more ready and more decided to follow the paths that the Lord has planned for these times.

Do not forget that here My Sacred Heart is exposed, the Heart that emits the Rays of Grace and Mercy at this very moment for all painful situations of the planet, for the regions of the world where darkness and evil reign. This is the opportunity you give Me when you respond to My Call, in this second preparatory meeting with Me, because the aim of all this is to establish My Peace.

I want to leave three keys to you today, three keys that will always open the doors to the Kingdom of the Heavens so that your souls, in spite of what they may live or go through, may be elevated. Three keys that are important in these definitive times, when great spiritual pressures meet in the consciousness of the planet and of humanity.

Your Master and Lord used these three keys during His Passion, during His Calvary and above all at the moment of His Death: the key of meekness, the key of serenity and the great key of the peacemaking spirit.

Without these three keys, companions, it will be very difficult for you and your brothers and sisters to go through these times because the unknown comes to meet you not to confront you or harass you, the unknown comes to meet you so that you may learn to overcome yourselves in Love, in the same Love that I lived for you and that I live today for the whole world.

So keep going forward, in this intensive and preparatory week, crossing this desert that each one knows within and that God contemplates with immensity and Mercy because, in the end, My Sacred Heart will attain victory in those who say ‘yes’ to Me.

The Universe is attentive to the movements of the inner worlds, to the steps of souls, to the self-giving of hearts, to the surrender of each one of the spirits that join Me at this hour, to be a part of the great Network of Mercy for this planet and this humanity.

May that which you cannot transform no longer weigh on you. Come to quench your thirst in the Fount of My Heart, which is Living Water, through the Words and the Messages that I deliver to you in these times.

In this Hour of Mercy, at three o’clock, when you contemplate the moment when your Master and Lord expired on the Cross, may this not signify a defeat, but rather the possibility, through Me, for you to love the symbol of sacrifice and surrender to what is Greater, knowing that the Father has planned all that will happen in these times, and that He needs souls in order to carry it all out.

It gladdens Me to meet you, once again, at this special moment when the Celestial Father has given Me permission to come here to contemplate the souls that make their efforts to live Christic Life. But have faith and a lot of perseverance, patience in the transformation, solidity in the decisions, temperance in the battles, love in the agonies, silence in the tests, confidence in the storm, bravery in the challenges, unity in the harassments and much Light in times of darkness, because in this way you will open the correct door for Me so that I can help and assist you, both you and your brothers and sisters.

With the keys of meekness, serenity and a peacemaking spirit, may your consciousness climb one more step on this stairway of Light that I offer to you toward the universe, toward the higher worlds, so that the Christs of the New Times can awaken and be in the place where I need them at this moment.

In the next Sacred Week, once again, I will give you the Codes of My Passion so that, on that occasion, you may see the Victory of Christ through the attributes that I once revealed to you in the Spiritual Trilogy.

Drink the impulses of the Spiritual Trilogy, nourish your consciousnesses with the Spiritual Trilogy, and I assure you that you will have the same strength and the same courage that I had when I lived here on Earth; all that I lived for you and all that I keep living for you until the current times.

Remember that within the Communion always lies the opportunity of forgiveness and reconciliation, not only with the Eternal Father, but also among yourselves, brothers and sisters of My Path.

I infuse My Peace in the world and I make, of this humanity, rescuable souls, redeemed spirits, Christic consciousnesses that work for peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, I come here, to this cenacle that is favored by Me, to the great oratory of the Mother of God.

Today, I come, in a special way, because I want to be close to you and with each one of your souls, preparing you to enter the desert that My Hand is indicating to you today, to this spiritual desert of humanity, which many do not want to cross because they forget that I am in the desert, when you just seek Me and call Me.

In this preamble to the next Sacred Week, I will come unexpectedly, throughout this week, without giving notice, so that your hearts may be ready, just as were the apostles, together with My Mother, in the Cenacle, after the Resurrection of your Lord.

I want to be able to meet you, I want to be able to feel and contemplate you, just as it was with the apostles, when they were together with My Heavenly Mother, in the Re-appearance of Christ, days before My Ascension to the Heavens.

I also come to relieve your hearts and spirits, to remove the weight of the cross that has been placed upon your backs, but I encourage you and I invite you to keep carrying this cross, not only for you, but rather for the great need of Love in this humanity and on this planet.

I come with this Message for all to internally prepare for the next Sacred Week, and, My Heart, with joy and predilection, has chosen this place blessed by My Heavenly Mother, to announce, once again, the Word of God, so that hearts, upon entering this desert that I invite you to cross this week, may again find God and, before Him, be in silence, in attunement and in love, for all that is necessary and urgent to repair in this humanity and on the planet, because the war keeps happening, souls keep suffering; insecurity, impunity and fear continue being established in peoples and nations.

I prepare you in this desert, just as your Master and Lord prepared Himself for forty days to accept the Chalice that the Father offered to Him, which today I offer to you, in My Name, so that you may drink from it without any fear, because My Precious Blood comes to purify you, it comes to bless you and re-consecrate you for the next stages of the Plan of the Redeemer.

May the agony of not being able to reach Me or feel me no longer weigh on you. I am here, as the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to remind you that you have a part to play at this moment with Me, because My aspiration is that you may be My apostles of the end of times.

May this desert, which I invite you to cross today with courage and bravery, strengthen you. May this desert, which I invite you to cross, with love and faith, make you grow internally for all that will come because, before the Celestial Father, I need souls that justify the errors of the world and the grave sins that outrage the Heart of God in these times.

Adore Me in the Divine Sacrament of the Altar during these days. May your vigil of Adoration expand and be strengthened so that the Kingdom of the Heavens may descend to Earth, not only during the next Sacred Week, but also in this preparatory week which, with bliss and joy, I come to share with you in a special way, and, Our Lord, the Celestial Father, has decided that this blessed house, consecrated to the Heart of My Mother, should be the place, the cenacle and the oratory for these meetings to take place, these unexpected meetings.

Remember your Guardian Angels, they are thirsty for your offerings to the Heart of God, for your offerings for humanity and for the planet so that Love, Peace and Light may not disappear from the surface of the Earth.

I understand you and I also comprehend you, these are unknown and difficult times, and sometimes you feel you cannot endure them. But have faith, I died for you, so that you could have life in Me.

I bless you and I thank you for welcoming Me in this place, for the simplicity of each detail, for the sincere offering of the hearts that trust in Me.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Today, I come here so that you may be at My side. I arrive at this place, just as I arrived many times at Kibeho, to announce the Message of salvation, but also to give the Message of the end of times.

This announced time is now, you are going through the end of times; a time of challenges, and also of uncertain moments, when souls do not know what path to follow or what direction to take to reach the Heart of My Father. For this reason, I am here, and I will always be, even if in the time to I may not appear.

My Love must echo in each human heart. My Words must resonate in each soul, like the precious Legacy that I have delivered to you throughout times, which will lead you, sooner or later, to discover within yourselves the virtues that I have left to you with so much love. Precious gifts that God needs at this moment so that, through His children, He may carry forward the Work of Mercy and Redemption, the most culminating moment, when all souls will have the opportunity to experience salvation.

Today I contemplate a world still in agony, a world divided by power and ambition, by war and by displacement; a wounded world, a hurt world, a destroyed world that still does not want to change.

But do not be burdened, nor become fearful, the cross that I deliver to each one of you is a definitive cross, but it is also an unknown cross that impels you to be brave and determined, that impels you to find the realization of the Divine Will.

I know that many are suffering due to what they are living at this moment, above all, those peoples who are outraged by their own brothers and sisters, places where darkness reigns and peace is dissipated. I invite you to be persevering in the power of prayer, may prayer build what would seem impossible, may prayer concretize what would seem distant. Have a determined faith at this moment, because, in this way, you will understand all that is happening at this time.

While I am here, I contemplate all necessities, which are many, and require My help. But I want to tell you something that I once said in Kibeho: that, in this end time, only those who are within My Heart and live in My Heart, will not perish, in spite of what may happen, and they will help those who cannot do this.

For this reason, in essence, all that you live and all that you do must be done out of love, a solid love, a conscious love, a love that does not hasten, a love that advances and builds, a love that gives of itself and surrenders without knowing what will happen afterward.

Love is an unchangeable guide for you, it is the path that keeps you united to God, above all, in this definitive time, when each step and each action must be premeditated upon in Love and in the benefits that this Love builds in each one.

If only humanity placed its attention upon this example that I give you, a great many chaotic situations would not exist. But humanity has appropriated love, to the point of believing that it decides by itself if it loves or not, if it accepts or rejects.

Companions, this is not Love. Love is still unknown to you, the Love that comes from the Source, the Love that comes from the Father, a Love that always leads you to sacrifice in order to live sacred renunciation in plenitude, without expecting anything in return.

I know this is a step that many do not dare to take, but if I am here, and if I am your Master, is this Love impossible to live, by any chance? An unconditional and selfless Love, a Love that has nothing to lose, but has all to give, to build and to evolve.

If you do not reformulate this topic, every day, how will you step out of your own obstacles? And how will humanity step out of its own obstacles?

How can chaos be dissolved if souls do not deepen into the degrees of love? It is nothing impossible to achieve; just as today I teach this to you, I also taught this to My apostles. See the result in the life of each apostle, what they achieved and what they did for Me, what they did for the Creator.

Love will lead you to the void of yourselves, to a void where the All is to be found, where lacks, dissatisfactions or even disturbances do not exist.

Souls must live the Love of My Heart, to learn to live in the Heart of God, within His infinite and unfathomable Love.

If you, in your lives and in the lives of your brothers and sisters, foster the Greater Love, if  you sow and cultivate this Love, all the time, you will allow My bases of Return to be prepared because I will have a place of repose in the heart of My companions, I will have a space where I can return to put an end to the suffering of the world.

Today, I come with My contemplative Spirit, the contemplative Spirit of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, because I want to take you to this state, in spite of what you may live in the material or even in the mental level in this critical and difficult time, I want you to place your heart and your mind in the Universe of the Contemplation of God, where there is no duality, differences nor conflicts. Thus, you will elevate your consciousness and humanity toward this state of harmony and peace, and you will allow the flow of the Love of God to be more real and alive on this material plane, not only through your prayers, but also through your actions, day by day. This will be able to radiate, not only to your loved beings, but also towards all spaces and places where you may be.

Love is the key for the healing of humanity, it is the key that opens the door to the new time, a time that is different from that of today, a real-time where the Will of God will be experienced forever.

May your souls aspire to this path towards the New Race, toward the New Earth, toward the new planet, free from perversion, from the use of power, from impunity, suffering and even from disease.

The heart that loves never becomes sick. This is a Law, but it is also a principle in the three planes of consciousness: spiritual, mental and material. When you do not manage to love, return to the path that you have lost, be kind in love, and all will be able to be healed.

I have nothing else to say to you, but this. I know that many expect grandiose answers or even unknown responses, but it is very simple, companions, I am here and I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and I come to teach you, but also to radiate to you the same that I shared, as a profound feeling, with each one of My apostles.

In this way, in this Reappearance of Christ, just as it was in the Cenacle, I come to prepare you for My Return, delivering to you very simple keys so that you do not stray from your path, so that, in your lives, you may keep in mind what is essential.

The Father taught all this to Me when I was here in this world while living the forty days in the desert. What I bring you today is this experience of love, lived and also fulfilled within Me, in this seeming desolation of the desert.

I not only invite you to find God in this desert that each one may be living at this moment, but also know that I am there, invisible and silent, accompanying each one of Mine who dares to cross the desert of their inner world to find, at some moment, the Light of the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Rejoice, when you feel thirst for Me; rejoice, when you do not find Me, because I am strengthening yoy, I am turning you into My apostles.        

My Hand will always be extended to all those who need it. Follow My Path and all will be renewed, mainly within you, and, so that it may happen, you should not resist nor cause yourselves to sink. Do not create unnecessary conditions, be intelligent and have faith, because the desert is not forever, but it is the great opportunity for you to be freed from yourselves, for you to again be naked before God, showing what you really are and not what you appear to be, revealing what your souls are, in essence, and, in spirit, because everything else is fleeting.

I want to deliver today the strength of My Faith to all those who need it, asking the Father to make you brave and strong from within; asking the Eternal Father for you to have courage and much determination to go through these definitive times, and so that He may grant you the Grace that He granted to His Son during the forty days of the desert, where the First-Born Son lived His great synthesis, a preparation to assume the Cross.

By means of the faith of My merciful Heart, receive this blessing, and may the paths toward the Father keep being built with the examples of your lives for the redemption of your hearts.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Christ, we will entone “Apostles of Love”, allowing each one of our souls to confirm themselves on this path of apostleship and let us be available and entire for all that must be done and serve, without expecting anything in return, just as He has asked of us.

And, before the Sacred Heart of Jesus, may we be able to confirm, but also give thanks. May this song, which we will sing all together, prepare us to live the Sacrament of the Spiritual Communion that will be immediately offered to all, so that this covenant with Christ may be strengthened.

Let us sing.


Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come as the evening sun to bring you the Light of God, because there is nothing that cannot be resolved through love. Love is saving, love is alive, love is resplendent.

When the children of God turn to love, nothing happens, all is transformed and is elevated; thus, do not fear. Feel the Love of God that vivifies you, that transforms you, and causes you to change, time after time.

My Heart is a Source of this Love, which you can participate in, day by day; this is why I need you to be like My Love, like the Love that saved you, like the Love that rescued you and redeemed you up to the cross.

It is this Love of God that surrendered and gave everything it had for each one of you. It is this Love that let itself be flagellated, that let itself be humiliated, that let itself be sacrificed for humankind so that humankind might learn from the truth that Love is.

I want to see you in this Love all the time, in a Love that regenerates, that brings life, that calms, that neutralizes forms and all struggles.

I hope to see the world in this Love, again and again, because I know that it is not and many are not because they do not know the miracles that this Love can do when one truly surrenders to It without fear. Because the Love of God is something that penetrates the Consciousness, it is a Love that brings confidence and brings strength in the face of situations in life and in events.

Today I wanted to give this Love to all those who are here. That is what I was hoping for, because I know that you have need of this Love that I bring you, for this end time in which the human consciousness must face itself to learn to transcend and be free of itself.

But everything is possible in Love, in the Love that I taught you, the Love that I professed to My apostles and all My followers.

It is this same Love that I bring you today and in which I make you participants of, again and again, so that you may know that the world needs to have beings of love who, as instruments, can mirror the Source of the Love of God, transforming their own love into a greater Love, a Love that comes to assist the world and the critical events of the Earth.

It is this Love that I offer to you that will allow you to experience the transition. Without love, nothing will be possible, everything will be a void, a desert and loneliness.

My Heart is a doorway to this Love that can transform and transcend you when you cannot manage to on your own, when you do not know where to go and to whom to appeal.

I not only speak to you about nonmaterial love, but also the love that I experienced as a human being, as a man and as consciousness.

This Love, which is also of God, acted in everything, participated in everything, and surrendered for you as you surrender for Me today.

Love will allow you to experience the fraternity that the world urgently needs to practice, a fraternity that sees the need of a fellow being, a fraternity that sees the need present in a peer.

I invite you to find this Love within yourselves, it is this Love that lets you see God in each moment, in each circumstance. It will be necessary to go through these times under this Law, to learn how to overcome oneself and help your brothers and sisters, your companions, overcome themselves.

But without Love, nothing can be done, it is like having no direction, it is like having no path. This is why I bring you this Source of Love for this end time, because humanity urgently needs it in order to stop committing errors and faults, to stop separating itself from God and losing the direction of its path.

Today I offer Myself as this Love that renews you, heals you, cures you, as this Love that brings many things to an end, and that opens doors to new experiences, new learnings, new schools.

I do not stop thinking about how much you still need to live in this Love, a love that is not palpable. It is a Love that moves Divine energy and causes it to flow throughout the Universe, and in all spaces of Creation.

In the same way that the angels live from the Source of this Love and are nurtured by it, you must also nurture yourselves from this Love of God that offers itself, time after time, unconditionally, so that souls may accomplish their purpose and, above all, the Will of God. While this does not happen and love is not present, everything becomes dark, fragile and weak.

Love allows you to be elevated all the time, it has you see reality and find a path of peace that will lead you to a mature and wise understanding. I only wish for you to find this love someday, because it is a living and Divine Love that will consecrate you, that will make you good servers and collaborators of My Work.

And those who live this love today, and truly practice it, let them continue to do so, because the planet needs it as a consciousness, humanity needs it as a race, just as all of the Kingdoms of Nature have need of the love of these people, so as to be able to evolve and awaken in order to grow, like you grow and live, in spite of the condition the world and humanity are in.

The Source of the Love of God is open to spiritually descend toward Earth; it must find instruments to be able to descend and express in, it must find open hearts to be able to be placed in, and thus multiply the Graces of God in all senses and in all of life.

This is the time for you to experience the miracle of love, but first believe in it so that you may feel it and live it. This will unify you, will make you more fraternal, more like companions with one another.

Feel My Heart that emanates this Love of God, and become calm. Everything is a transition and is an experience.

Love is eternal, the Love of God will never end; hardship will end and the Light will win when you enter into the current of the Love of God, and make it part of yourselves, because the Love of God will grant you forgiveness and reconciliation.

This is all that I expect for this time, to see My Work reflected like a living current of Love in the hearts and in the souls that say "yes" to the Creator and fully trust in Him, in His Will.

I make you participants in the Truth that comes from the Love of God so that you may find it someday, knowing that everything passes, but that the experience of Love is indestructible and unexchangeable for your consciousnesses.

God needs love to reign in the world and in hearts so that peace may be established and unity among brothers and sisters can be experienced, beyond everything.

I leave you My Love as a way out, as a Light on the horizon, as the sun that shines on you in this afternoon of Grace.

Today I do not come to judge your actions nor your undertakings. I come to invite you to enter the Universe of My Love, where you will find the Truth and experience it in a simple way.

In this way, I will make you representatives of My Work on Earth, and there will be beings on the surface of this planet that will be bridges of communication between the Earth and Heaven, which is what God needs, not only in priestly life, but also in all of those who pray and proclaim their faith toward the Creator. In this way, the world will stay stabilized and in balance, and everything will happen in a more harmonious way.

When souls do not live love, hearts suffer and do not understand why. Human love must be transformed into Divine Love, and only a Grace can grant this, in this time, so that humanity may understand that it made a mistake, and that it must reconsider so that Mercy may fill you and be able to save you.

It is the Love of My Heart that today brings you peace, and the peace of God blesses you and fills you so that you may continue onward for Me, so that the Project may be accomplished and Love may prevail, as He prevailed on the Cross.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Apparition of the Glorified Jesus Christ during the Sacred Week, day 4, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

You will see a great sign in the sky: a Woman clothed with the Sun, crowned with twelve stars, with a Moon at Her feet, announcing the next coming of your Redeemer.

On Her right, you will see the prophet John the Baptist resume proclaiming the Word of God for the thousand years of peace to be fulfilled in the whole sphere of the Earth and in this local universe.

Afterward, you will see coming among the clouds, with a great crash of light, your Lord and Master, the Redeemer, surrounded by many legions of angels that will proclaim with their trumpets the awakening of the New Humanity.

But before this happens, the Eternal Father will come, through His Beloved Son, with all His Might, with all His Science, and with all His Wisdom He will make His small Heart shine, because the Heart that He will cause to shine, will be stronger than five million suns.

You will see the Divinity of the Father in His most beloved Son and in His beloved Lady, followed by Saint Gabriel the Archangel and by Saint Michael the Archangel, who will place His sword in the center of this world, in direction to the Earth and will signal to the tribes where they should congregate to be able to hear again, in consciousness and awakening, the Word of your Lord God Almighty through His beloved Son, the Redeemer.

Then the Judgement will come, the Universal Judgement, in which the souls will be judged according to the merits reached in their earthly life and, by all the sacrifices offered to God, many of these souls that live today on the planet this experience of love and forgiveness, will become blessed and simple, so similar to God that this sensation and this sentiment will be recognized by all the universes and beyond them.

After that, you will see the judgment of Lucifer, which will be made by the Holy Archangel Gabriel, gathering all the Lords of the Universal Judgement, he will experience the judgment in the face of the world and humanity.

And the Father, with all the power of His Mercy and Love, through Saint Michael the Archangel will make His Throne descend and will give to Saint Michael the Archangel, in one of His hands, the Scepter of Light of His Power, that will be used to defeat evil forever.

You will then see the Holy Lady of God calling Her children who are in the desert so that they can find peace again. In them, an unknown light will shine which will be handed by the Holy Father through the hands of the Archangel Raphael. This Light, that will be poured out as a rain of Graces, will be so potent and infinite that it will be seen from the universe. 

With all the strength of Love from the Father, you will see the new redeemed shining in those creatures, great mirrors of light that will give the signal, at that moment, that the last cycle of humanity is being completed.

Do not worry about the interferences, God allows them for the world to know and, above all the darkness, that the last hour is approaching to surrender oneself before the Power of the Almighty, as it was in the victory of Christ on the Cross. If I Am your Lord and King, you have nothing to fear.

I give you the prophecies for you to listen to them and do not place them in your minds but in your hearts. Let My Word sprout like a new source in your beings. And thus, as time goes by, you will be able to understand My Mysteries that are still unknown to humanity. Therefore, today I have brought here My Divine Mother and Holy Lady, and My beloved cousin John the Baptist. They represent for you the sign of a new announcement that comes, together with your King, to be proclaimed in humanity.

The prophecies do not exist to be understood, but to be humbly accepted because in this way the souls understand the Kingdom of God and His next Project for humanity. Protect these teachings so that, when you leave this Sacred Week, they do not vanish from your memories when you face evil again, that which must still be defeated in this final battle.

After the children of the Divine Lady are removed from the desert, having ignited the mirror of love and the inner sun within themselves, the beloved Son will descend to Earth, accompanied by the Archangels who will bring the Ark of the Holy Covenant between Their hands. Thus, the planet will be renewed and the spiritual and christic impulses will be experienced.

The chaff will be separated from the wheat and the souls will be like flowers, like redeemed flowers, in My celestial Garden, that I will cultivate on this planet and on the continents, with My own Hands.

You will then see your loyal Gardener sow the New Earth with new laws and principles. The angels and archangels will help the tribes of Israel, which are scattered today throughout the whole world for them to be able to congregate in a new ceremony, in the new Communion of Peace, that will be established and instituted after the Final Judgment.

The unfaithful father, the fallen angel, will be removed from the planet. With great solemnity and reverence, the most resplendent angels will prostrate their faces on the ground to ask for the Mercy of God and for the universal, cosmic, inner, soul, and spiritual atonement for all sins, for all outrages and evils committed.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: 
Our Lord is asking the choir to play "Así habló el Maestro".

When the time comes to expel Lucifer from the world, all his fallen troops will be placed in beautiful diamonds of light that the angels will elevate, with their chant and praise, to universes very similar to this one.

The living Eye of God, at that definite time, will be looking and contemplating humanity, while the tribes will gather around the Divine Lady and Glorious Mother. They will prepare themselves to receive their Master and King, in His Return to the world. Unknown lights will be ignited upon the planet, which will be seen in the East and in the West.

The ancient patriarchs of the desert and the prophets will reappear in humanity as living and resplendent beings. All the ancient councils of this humanity will follow the path of their Glorious King and with a serene and patient gaze, fixed on the horizon, they will see the Lord arriving among the clouds. They will hear within the Word and the Call of Adonai.

All will be attentive at that moment because the planet will be in a great universal movement. It will be the set and definite time in which the real-time, that time awaited by all the legions on Earth, by all the peoples of the desert, and by all the beings of goodwill, will enter into the planetary consciousness. A new sign will be given in the universe: a star brighter than the Sun, in the essence of the Holy Spirit, will shine in the firmament, very close to the Southern Cross.

The consistent will thus hear, first within themselves, the words about the return of their King. All will open their inner ears and thus will be able to recognize, in their interior, that the awaited hour is arriving.

Those indicated by the Holy Mother of God will feel bliss and unexplainable joy. After having ignited the mirror of their hearts, they will be in absolute and definite unity with the King. In this way, a profound communion will take place with the New Humanity.

The King, in the company of sages and prophets, will show the world the Tablets of the new Law, those Laws that will repopulate the new planet. All will pay attention to the new Commandments that will have as their fundamental basis to love God above all things and also love their fellow beings.

The Holy Trinity will descend. Finally, after so many mistakes and duties, the souls, in total plenitude and trust, will be in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The last trumpet, which by indication of the Archangel Gabriel will sound in the spiritual plane of the consciousnesses, will bring a new consciousness to humanity and many will recognize their sins, their actions and indifferences, and especially, the injustices committed to the sacred Kingdoms of Nature.

Out of nowhere, the souls will hear the essence of the Kingdoms. The soul group of each Kingdom will speak for itself. And this communication, that has never been able to occur between human beings and the Kingdoms, will be granted by God Himself. At the moment this happens, the New Humanity will become conscious of all the suffering caused throughout the times and centuries.

At that moment, the doors of the most sacred places will open. That which was before invisible and hidden will become visible and material to all. Nobody will believe what they will see, and this new humanity will become conscious of who has really accompanied the world from the beginning of this Human Project. They will have on their chests, written as letters of fire, the legends of the greatest sages that have accompanied humanity throughout the times and who have made it possible for this humanity, the current humanity, not to self-destruct yet.

The souls that have been congregated by the Mother of the World and by the Love of the Divine Lady will prostrate on the ground, will place their hands on their faces, and will cry because the world and the old civilization did not become aware of this, of the presence of the greatest sages in the innermost places of the Earth.

In the desert of Mongolia, a voice that has been very silent throughout the times will be proclaimed. An ancient and great Patriarch will show himself to Humanity and in his warmest and most expressive love, will show the consistent souls a divine and sacred legacy, well kept in the hearts of gold, because the souls will see the heart of that great sage shining like gold, and thus they will understand that a sacred knowledge, kept in the inner worlds, will be given as a key to those who will repopulate the Earth.

During the thousand years of peace, it will not be necessary to suffer, because in truth I tell you the New Humanity will finally have learned that it was not necessary to follow along this path and be distant from the Love of God.

At that time, the holy Divinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit will be present in humanity. The Son of God will visit the Earth many times, and at that time many will know His true Aspect. They will not only see the Nazarene, but the Son of God Glorified in His most simple humility and Mercy. The hearts will feel at that moment the greatness of the Love of God and His infinite Pity.

In these times to come, everything will be more peaceful. No nation will oppose itself to another nation. The humanities will not be against the Laws of God nor the principles that lead the universes. Thus, the promised Earth will arrive, will come out alive from the Scriptures, and will be materialized on this planet, in the new congregated for peace.

And when the most sacred places are opened, as doors of light and great consciousness, to the eyes of all who deserve this, the Son of God, brighter than the sun and hundreds of stars, will be in Communion with His new people. The faults committed in the past will be erased. There will be a gap in time and space of the whole history of humanity, from the beginning of Adam to the birth of Christ, and afterward from the Ascension of Christ to the present. These times will be extirpated and this memory of your Master and Lord, in Israel, will prevail in the memory of the most humble. 

When the Holy Communion of the New Covenant between the consistent ones and Our God the Father is given, the essence of the Divine Trinity will be merged in each consciousness and all will rejoice, great joy will fill them, rejoicing, bliss, and glory will last a thousand years.

And finally, after that Holy Communion and the new covenant with the Glorified King, the Shepherd of multitudes and all races, will have all people, all nations and all languages understand themselves as they have never before understood because they will finally live in love.

The most dangerous weapons will be removed from the world. There will not be any weapon more potent than the one that God has through His Heart, which is the power of His Love.

The Earth will be free of many things in the days of the Final Judgment. The Earth will not tremble anymore, the seas will not be agitated when the Son of God comes among the clouds, lighting the entire universe upon the sleeping humanity.

I come today to give continuity to the prophecy that I once announced in the Temple. Joyful are those who believe in what I say, because times will go by, but My Words will flourish in the simple hearts. So be it.

Divine Hierarchy, of Angels and Archangels,
we open the door to you, let the Light in.
In the name of humanity,
we now invoke Your cosmic intervention. Amen.
(in Portuguese, three times)

Listen to the Voice of the Master with love, for the new codes that are being sown to enter into the consciousnesses of all, and within six months of your time, you will not recognize yourselves.

Today God wants the Son of God to be once more the Higher Priest for all the creatures on Earth and for all His followers.

May the souls be anointed by the sacred spirit of Healing, so that the Designs of God may be fulfilled in it. Amen.

Today I am pouring out the Rays of My Grace upon all the elements exhibited here so that My Grace is multiplied in all humanity. And now, not only you receive My Mercy but all races and cultures on Earth, which I am going to meet with, in a short time.

It is through the mystery of the Communion, of every bread and wine offered at My Altar, that I multiply, at this time, all the Rays of My Grace for them to reach all cultures of the world and for My Voice to be heard on all continents and languages. Remember that I still have this aspiration. Do not delay yourselves, because many souls agonize without being able to meet with the Lord again and not even being able to understand Him in their own languages.

My Message of Peace in this Sacred Week is extended throughout the whole world and, above all, on all those regions of the planet that do not live in peace but only in war and destruction.

Today I have gathered the priests and adorers because My Priests represent My disciples and the Adorers represent the peoples of God, those who listen to the Living Word that comes from the Heart of their Master.

Through these elements, companions, I am confirming that this is My Body, and this is My Blood and that My Word, the Word of God, will also reach the farthest places of the world, through the work and action of your beings in this Plan, united to your Redeemer.

Europe will have to reopen the doors for the Sacred Hearts to reach Asia and Oceania in the next cycle.

Today My Heart shows you the ardent desire to visit Japan, Thailand, South Korea, and Australia, where My Message will multiply itself for the world and for all souls that are there.

Raise your offer to God.

Our Father (in Aramaic)

Our Father (in Portuguese and Spanish)

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Our Lord is asking that a brother who speaks English comes here to pray Our Father in English, please, to complete this consecration.

Our Father (in English)

Be in peace, My son, My Grace is upon you. I thank you.

Glory to God in the highest and peace on Earth to all beings of goodwill.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you, dear companions, for having been with me today in this sacred proclamation of the divine Prophecy of God.

I thank you.


I bring Peace to a place where Peace does not exist, this is why I have come here, seeking from you a true response that is able to encompass My Heart, through all of your pleas.

From this place, I come to withdraw what causes pain and all mistakes.

With My Hand, I come to separate what causes the children of God to lose the path of Light and Love.

This is why I have come here in spirit, under the Spirit of My father, to awaken your consciousnesses to something that is necessary in these times, which is to be consistent, as a Nation and as a people, with the Plans of God, which, in spite of being unknown by all, must be carried out with the surrender of your hearts to My Redeeming Purpose, which must reach many more consciousnesses throughout the world.

In this way, you will be able to understand, companions, how important your step is in the face of all that is happening in the world, and that which will still take place in this Nation.

I cannot promise you great things in this place, I can only promise you My Kingdom, which is safe and eternal for all hearts.

Thus, companions, beginning with your true step, My Work will expand and reach those hearts that are still closed, that do not know the greatness of My Love nor the power of My Mercy.

Today, companions, I came to bring you a unique opportunity of confirming your souls to consecration, the consecration that is important so that many more Graces may descend upon those who do not deserve them.

And why do I tell you this? Because the power of My Mercy transcends all limits and barriers, all errors and obstacles throughout time and within all of humanity.

If you accept this Fount of Mercy, which is immaterial and luminous, your spirits, which expect this, will be deeply grateful to you from the moment in which you opened your consciousnesses to the call of My Word, to the proclamation of My Divine Spirit, for each one of you, and for each one of your brothers and sisters.

It is thus that the Eternal Father, in His infinite Mercy and through the intercession of His Divine Son, has decided, companions, to continue with this pilgrimage, that is not only material, but profoundly spiritual, guided by the One Source so that the majority of hearts may be touched by this Great Redeeming Spirit.

Because in truth, I tell you, companions, that this is the last chance for awakening the consciousnesses to the truth that many have not seen.

It is for this reason that today I come from a far away desert, which is part of your North American nation, a very well-known desert that must also be consecrated in its austerity and solitude to My Sacred Heart.

However, as I know, companions, many of you do not have knowledge of the true reality that takes place in the deserts of the world. Your Master of Love, before coming here on this day, thus placed His Feet upon that place to deactivate many things that must not happen in humanity.

Thus, by means of the renewal that I bring for each one of your lives and with the impulse of your hearts, to embrace this great proposal of My Eternal Heart of Love, I invite you to contemplate with your hearts the whole Creation of God that, on this Planet and in this humanity, is being destroyed and forgotten by most.

You may ask yourselves, companions, why I am taking you to the desert of New Mexico? Because just like the rest of the deserts of the world, which are a part of a spiritual task, of the transcendence of humanity, of its human condition through the inner desert, I request that, through this example, you may contemplate the deserts of the world, that each one of you may be able to find Me in that desert of New Mexico, just as you have found Me in Shambhala, in Chilca, as well as in the desert of Atacama.

Just like the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven and of Earth, who reveals the power of Her Mirrors to you, the immaterial communication between souls and God throughout the deserts of the world, I demonstrate the possibility of finding the God of Love, the God of Forgiveness, the God of Divine Mercy within each one of you.

Through this desert that I have crossed today, I tried to renew many principles that in essence are a part of the spiritual consciousness of this humanity, especially of your Nation and your people which, like the ancient peoples of the desert, must recover not only your original purity, but mainly your wisdom so that you can make decisions under the protection and guidance of the divine Laws of God, which are altered in these times by human deeds, by human actions, by the response humanity gives to the true need for reconciliation, for forgiveness and for the redemption of all human consciousnesses before God.

I thus came to withdraw something that darkens souls, so that they might be illuminated by My Spirit.

In this definitive hour, in which everything is at stake within and outside of beings, in which all your paths are facing a great definition and the possibility of a profound awakening of the higher consciousness, for each one of the human beings.

And this will be possible, companions, through a Law that you have forgotten, which the whole North American consciousness has forgotten, which is the Law that is manifesting today before your eyes and hearts: the Law of Love, of Love-Wisdom, which will lead you to find the path that many have lost.

And so it is that at My right I open a door for you, a new door, so that at My side and within Me, you may begin a new stage, a new path, a new pathway, toward the eternal redemption of all aspects that have led the North American people into errors and wars, into conflicts, into the disharmony of the nations of the world.

I invite you to enter the doorway of humility for, in this way, the Eternal Father will see within your hearts a true rather than superficial surrender.

As My Mother has requested in Fatima in 1917, so that war might end and evil may be uprooted from the world, She revealed the Purity of Her Immaculate Heart, which can be venerated by all souls of the world, regardless of religion or beliefs.

This doorway to humility that I open for you today is a definitive door that will lead you to be closer to God and within His Project of Love, which He wishes to carry out in your lives and in the lives of your brothers and sisters.

It will depend on this step, of crossing this threshold towards a true surrender that you lovingly and through your prayerful word will open the doors for all those who have had them spiritually closed for centuries.

See then, companions, how far the power of the Love of My Mercy can go.

Thus, I am returning, although many do not believe so.

Happy are those who experience each one of My Words and make them flesh of their own flesh.

For, in this way, they will be with Me, step by step, moment by moment, and they will be able to help those who have denied these revelations of the end of times, and they will be able to help those who have mocked Our Sacred Presences.

Happy are the humble, blessed are the joyful, because they will be worthy of seeing the Redeemer in His greatest Glory and in His true aspect, the aspect of His Existence, of His intimate and eternal Union with the Creator.

And now that some of you have humbled yourselves for many more who do not humble themselves before the Celestial Father, we will perform this inner communion with My Sacred Heart.

Through the communion and the offering that each one of your souls make to the Eternal, at this moment, so that the Purpose of God in this Nation and in this humanity may be fulfilled, with the angels of the Universe who adore My Sacred Heart as a Source of Wonder and of Grace, I invite you, companions, to free yourselves of your sins, of your wounds, of all your misunderstandings, of your obstacles, of all the bindings and chains that throughout time have not let you be worthy children of God.

Remember that the Holy Communion on this Friday is for this whole Nation, and as an act of thanks for the presence of your Humble Master of Love in this beloved land.

Prayer of the Angel of Peace done three times, in English.

The incense is the offering of all the angels of the Universe to all the holy archangels, Creator Fathers of the Celestial Universe, who through this sacred element exorcise the forces of the Universe, free the spaces and consecrate the dimensions to the Light of the Creator.

With the authority of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, may all evil be released and souls be reborn to the power of My Redeeming Love.

This is the water that purifies, that sanctifies, that blesses souls with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and with Its immaterial presence throughout  the whole Universe.

This is the Living Symbol of My Blood and My Body, preciously poured out for the salvation of the souls of the world and for all planes of consciousness.

This is the Grail that is coming to radiate Its codes of awakening and redemption within all of humanity.

I invite you to re-experience My Last Supper, especially those who have never done so, so that you open your hearts and your souls to receive the definite union with the Almighty through this communion.

Let us sing.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Place your left hand over your heart and before My Father, revere this moment, this third meeting with Me. That in this month of August ends a stage and begins a new one for all the missionaries of the Earth, for all those consecrated in My Plan of Redemption and of Light.

A stage on this day is closing and a new door is opening, so that you may cross it in consciousness and brotherhood.

I have come with the Celestial Beings, the Elohim, all the Shining Beings. A part of Them has descended to find you in this sacred desert and to finish instituting the Plan that once began and has not yet been able to end, the Plan of establishing the Light of the Sacred Centers on the surface of the planet, and for a humanity still very much asleep.

It is this inner Light, which is born from the Sacred Enclosures, that will help in the transition of the Earth, and all the consciousnesses that sleep in the dream of the illusion.

So, in this third meeting, companions, I come to open the eyes of your consciousnesses a little more. I come to bring you the synthesis of all that has occurred in this meeting of prayer, of the possibilities that you had of taking new steps through this spiritual exercise, this universal command that I invite you to live.

I come to bring you the synthesis of the experience of love in each one of you, of what after three years and in this meeting, you were able to give Me with all of your hearts, with all of your souls and spirits united with Me.

I come to bring you the synthesis and the response of this task carried out during the two days of this divine fusion that was lived between the Sacred Desert, in which I find Myself, and Aurora.

This union was radiated to all; that door was opened for all, and it does not matter where you may have been. But if your hearts were here, just as I brought your souls for this meeting, for this new stage that begins this August, a part of the Mission is fulfilled.

The response of the servers is important; this makes the Plan evolve and concretize in humanity, in spite of what may happen around you, or in the whole world.

This meeting is marked by an important Ray, that separates the old cycle from the new cycle. This is the Ray of Transfiguration, the Ray that I lived for you, and thus I was able to show you My true face.

It is this spiritual face that I want you to seek, your true face, what you truly are and have come to fulfill on this planet.

Thus I form My disciples, thus I create My soldiers: in the strength of prayer and in the living of service for fellow beings.

Today I come to synthesize this experience that you have lived in the desert with Me, naming Me the Son of the Sun, of the emanation of the One Source, of the Wisdom and the Absolute Understanding about the Truth of the Universe.

I wanted you to go through this desert, companions, so that when it is your time to cross it again, you know how to do it, without fear and with much valor.

This task here, with all of you in Peru, in consciousness and in spirit, allowed Me to withdraw some of My disciples from their very deep deserts, in which they were lost; because with My Grace, everything is possible, and when souls invoke My Divine Mercy, it also is possible.

So I tell you again, companions, that I leave no one behind. But I respect the time of each beloved of Mine, until he finally fulfills the service that he has come to lend Me, in the name of God.

From this desert, today a Greater Light goes forth, a Light that ascends and illumines the Planetary Consciousness; it is the Solar Light, it is the Divine Fire, it is the plea, the aspiration, the ardent devotion of the hearts that cried out for this humanity and for this planet in redemption.

Thus, I prepare you for that great moment in which you will see Me come among the clouds with the Face of My Glory and of My Divine Mercy. I will come with the Consciousness that many do not know. For this reason, I send some of Mine to the deserts, so that they may prepare as I prepared to live the Passion, and thus, live My Resurrection, which was to withdraw the whole race from spiritual death, in the past. 

This Sun that I Am, illuminates the Universe and brings the Good News, the message of hope and the new path which those who have been lost will again be able to tread.

It is this Sun that I Am, which illumines and warms the spirit and the body, bringing them renewal and healing for all wounds.

Today I say, especially to all those who were in their deserts, to come to Me. I Am that Sun which illumines your paths, and that gives you eternal life.

The darkness will pass, but My Word will remain. There is nothing that separates those who are united with Me. This Sun illumines all the stars and the consciousnesses that unite with the Purpose of My father, where each one fulfills  his part.

I Am that Sun of the constellations; I Am the Greater Governor, the Christ, Who was here on the planet to teach you the Truth, to teach you about Love and about Mercy.

Now that in these three days, companions, you have crossed this Sacred Desert with Me, where darkness could not triumph, but rather the Light of My Love, I ask you: shine, like this Sun that illumines you. Be Suns on the Earth. Be the Love of God, that illuminates inside and outside, and each space of this planet. Suns of My Father, stand up!

The morning has already begun, and a new night approaches. But do not fear, who is in My Heart knows everything and will be guided until completing their mission.

Suns: awaken and do not sleep! It is time to shine from within, it is time to illuminate the abysses and to dispel evil in the name of the Love of My Heart. Shine and be what you never were; be worthy children of God, and you will be making My Heart glad. Be as I was, even if you are not. Be Suns that illuminate from the heart and bring peace for a time of chaos.

The most difficult hour approaches, but I will not abandon you. Happy are they who have heard Me with attention, because they will be rewarded by My Father.

That now, the prayer that you have lived during these two days be life, be love, be unity and brotherhood. Do not look for similarities in your brothers, look for the beauty in the hearts of your fellow beings so that the curse will end, the curse that causes the world to suffer every day.

See the best that there is in each one, and help one another, because thus you will help Me. Sustain and support the one who has fallen, because you too will fall and I will not deny you, because My Father does not deny you.

If the souls could see the essence of these things, there would be no sense in the world being purified.

Do not be what you do not have to be. Be more than what you live, and live it truly.

I bless you with My Divine Consciousness, in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Companions, may this moment be kept within you, because the Son of the Sun came to meet you to bring you Peace.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Account of the third meeting with Christ, here in the desert of Chilca, in Peru.

When we gathered to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, at the end, the Consciousness of Christ began to approach here, the region of the desert of Chilca, as He did the two previous times.

The sky, which was overcast, gradually opened up and the sun began to radiate its light and its heat here in the mountains. Immediately, Christ showed us, we saw that He was coming close to us in a very different way than He has shown Himself at other times, and we could see the Master was coming with His Feet resting on a blue triangular platform that was floating.

He was on this platform. It was a very intense, strong blue color and it began to descend. As it descended, the Universes, the Heavens, were opening towards other planes, until reaching the spiritual plane, where we understood, comprehended that the Consciousness of the Father, Adonai, was, and so He opened that path when He descended; He was, in this third Apparition, dressed in White, there was a subtlety, something very light, delicate, above all, very loving; with the same features as the Glorified Christ, but this time, dressed all in white.

When He appeared, when He drew closer on this triangular blue platform, the first thing He took out of His Chest was His Heart, and He offered It to us. The Heart was on the palm of His right Hand being offered, and when He offered it to us, we could perceive that He did so for all the consciousnesses of the planet, above all for those that He says are indifferent. And He was Offering this Heart for Creation, He offered this Heart for the Kingdoms of Nature, for the Consciousness of the Kingdoms; it was something that was expanding to all, without distinction.

And in this way, He began to direct His Words, in the Message that He gave for this meeting. And when He spoke, at a certain point the Elohim, when we were still seeing the open Heavens, the dimensions, up to the spiritual plane, armies, that is what we saw, armies of the Elohim, they began to  position themselves to the right and to the left of Christ, above the mountains, here, in the desert.

There were many, all dressed in tunics down to their feet. They were resplendent beings like angels, but did not have wings. They were present there, and we saw that they were carrying out a task. In one moment, the Elohim accompanied all the work that Christ did through the message; because as He was talking, He was showing many things, above all, for example, what had to do with the Solar Consciousness, or what we know as the Sun.

At one point, when He began to talk about that Sun that we should be and what we should represent on the surface of the Earth, as missionaries, He brought, I don't know how He did it, a copy of another Sun that was shining on us.

Then, between Christ and the Sun, the physical sun shining on us, there was another extremely powerful Sun, and in its nucleus, in the center of that Sun, was the Consciousness of God. To say it in some way, cosmically, we saw ourselves represented, before a representation, so to speak, of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in a universal and spiritual way, that we had never seen, something very intense to see.

At the moment in which He makes that presentation through the Sun like the fundamental Consciousness of God, of Him as the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, He ascends, even while He was giving the message; He ascended and entered into this physical sun, which gives us light every day.

He began to transfigure and became like a Solar Being, which was a total Being of much light. It was a light that dazzled to see, it was a Light that was concentrated and was generated within this physical sun that gives us light.

I don't know what He wanted to show us with that, what it was He wanted to tell us, as an example, as a symbol, but at that moment, He was representing us, He showed Himself like that, like transfigured to the apostles on Mount Tabor.

Lastly, when He descended again from that Sun, more resplendent, more illuminated, naming Himself as the Son of the Sun, because the Son of the Sun, He was saying is the Son of God, of the living God. At that moment, He returned to that blue platform, and between that physical sun that shone on us and the Sun that He had brought, that copy of that Sun, let us say, of that more immaterial Sun, He made appear to His right and to His left, all the constellations within the heavenly vault, which were in perfect harmony and balance.

That was the experience and the accounts of the Apparition.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus during the 30th Marathon of Divine Mercy, at the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

What do you fear? When I am present, Light reigns and darkness is dispelled from the deepest spaces of all beings.

Why do you fear? Is not the Power that God has given Me stronger than a thousand armies?

The Power that comes from God is invincible but cannot be tempted by anybody.

The fallen angel has not come out of his abyss yet because I still have to return to give you My Victory and My Peace.

I take you all through a long desert and some fear to die on the way due to so much thirst.

I Am that great Mirror of Water, I Am that Oasis that is halfway of your paths to save you and give you to drink from the last Water of Life that saves all, that redeems all and that heals all.

You are still at the doorways of this great desert that I invite you to cross through experiences and tests. Do you not trust that I might be there to help you?

Today lie prostrate as I once was at Gethsemane.

Solitude is part of the test of all initiates. If I, Who Am your Life suffered it, so will you, but not to the same degree that I suffered for you and for the whole world, up to nowadays.

There is nowhere to escape to, companions. Armageddon is the entryway to the Apocalypse, that many believe has not arrived yet but that is unfolding in a devastating way in this humanity.

I am that Sacred Heart that consoles you, that moves you, that unites you with the Heavenly Father.

The thorns in My Heart are a sample of the gravity of the world and of all its inhabitants.

The yoke is intense in these times, but there is nothing to fear; work for My Father and together with Me, to serve Me in the name of Love, of Infinite Love.

Today the great and first spiritual battle is unleashed in the world, which is not visible, nor in anybody's reach.

For this reason, I have come this evening to comfort you, to give you to drink from My Water, that will not cause you to die but to be reborn in spirit, in union with Me.

These are difficult times, and they will become even more difficult, but I need you to hold fast to My Heart so that you may be in the Heart of My Father.

I also suffer because of so many cruelties, so much discouragement, so many sins; but I died for you on the Cross and the Mercy of God was granted to Me.

The same God had Himself nailed to the Cross for you, so that you did not lose yourselves. But that experience seems not to be sufficient for today's humanity, which in its deep consciousness believes the Master failed.

The victory is in the strength of true and invincible Love that comes from the Fount of My Father and which regenerates all things, those most lost things.

If your paths ever deviate from Mine, know that you can return.

So much love have I to give to the souls and few avail themselves of it!

For so long have I My Arms open and stretched out to you to receive you and few embrace Me!

So much peace can I give to you and few seek it!

I gave you the Sacraments, the signs of salvation so that you could live them again and again; because the body can die, but the soul lives in eternity.

It is your souls you must not fail, it is your spirits you must not hurt with your actions, your doubts, your little faith.

I know that many do not dare to cross this very large and hard desert.

Whoever trusts in My Mercy will be saved and will not be lost.

Today I come as the Jesus of the Divine Justice for the world.

My Hands continue to be wounded because of the faults of the world, because of the pride, the arrogance, the lack of penance. But I give you the strength to rebuild you, to heal you, to renew you again and again.

I am at the doorway of this desert to accompany you, since many souls will not know how to walk it because they do not have the inner guidance. But I Am that path that will lead you to the Father, to the house of the Heavenly Father where there is no fear, there is no darkness, only Love reigns.

I offered Myself to the world so that you may reach My Father, so that you may ascend to the heighest. Many times your bodies do not want it, but do not feel intimidated, the universe is still dual and the experience is alive for all.

But if there is love among My own, nothing will happen, because where there is true and not proud love, I am present. Perhaps you will not see Me nor feel Me in the most critical moments, but when the battle is at its peak, I will be there to support you.

For you I lived the first war of Redemption through the Passion and the Cross. I showed you how to do it in silence, in surrender and trusting in God, but many do not want to do it because they are afraid of failing.

Non-resistance will be your cordial sister, the one that will give you the strength to go through the tests, just as they are written. If you do not purify yourselves, you cannot reach the Kingdom of God.

Adam and Eve left this project during the Genesis and from that moment, original sin was cultivated in the heart of the men and women of the Earth.

The Patriarchs came to straighten out the paths of humanity.

The Prophets came to announce the salvation of the world through Christ.

Mary, your Mother, came to accompany you in love and in faith; if that very simple woman decided to live the powers of Heaven, embracing them with fervor and devotion, accepting the Will of the Father, why do you not do it?

Everything that is shown on your paths is part of an experience.

Sanctity is the goal of the new christs, of the new lambs that will go to different slaughterhouses; but nobody will go to the slaughterhouse as I did, for each one of the essences that lacked peace and reconciliation.

My Blood was poured out upon the world and few adored it; it is the Blood of God made flesh that was surrendered for Redemption.

The light of the mysteries is for all without exception; the mysteries of the Blood poured out, the mysteries of the Cross, of the Passion, of the Agony, and of the Resurrection were and are so that the world may be able to take its steps towards the Lord.

While I talk to you, I contemplate the world that is in agony and others celebrate their own realization. What is more valuable? That a humanity saves or that a nation develops through its poor powers? Weapons were created to instigate hearts to create fear and persecution.

If you are united to Me, you may die, but your spirits will always rise. The victory is to be found in Love, in the Unity that is commended by My Father to the whole Universe.

While I speak to you, I walk in the desert together with you, just as I did with the twelve to show them where truth was to be found.

May your hearts become peaceful, calm, may they be meek and loving. Your peers may fail but your love cannot disappear.

How will I be present in you if the Power of Love that moves all and recreates all for souls to grow in the Love of God is not there?

Today I comfort those who have fallen, those who are not able to raise from the ground because of their own experiences.

Today I baptize you as John baptized Me in the Jordan and I entrust you the joy of living this experience that many do not understand because it is unknown.

Do not lose hope, let your faith not succumb, because today the King of God, the Son of Man, the Servant of the Most High steps with His Feet on what causes pain and bitterness in the hearts, delivering you from sins, from temptations and from deviations.

I give you My Faith which is what I can bequeath to you. Do not cease to seek Me, for many hearts need Me through My true disciples.

Today I bring serenity and calmness, for the battles will not end, and each time many more souls will have to join so that this Army of Light never falls away.

Your Mother runs to the desert to seek refuge, just as John said; you too should do it before the bad time comes. Many will be surprised for not having prepared.

The Sacraments will be the keys to enter that refuge, as well as prayer and vigil.

You must not persecute yourselves, you must not feel intimidated, but rather be at service for what God needs for humanity. Because in this Book that I hold today in My Hands, there are few who have committed themselves, although there could be many more if everybody walked in faith.

I love you, I bless you and I baptize you in the indulgence granted by My Divine Mercy.

Worship the Lord, worship Adonai.

Father, Who entrusted Your Son with the mystery of the sacrifice for the world, help them, Lord, so that they may rise again in Your Holy Name.
Just as you sent hundreds of angels to the Garden of Gethsemane so that they could help Me, thus, Lord, lift them up from the ground when they fall.
The flesh is weak but the soul is strong, created in likeness to You, created in the name of Your Love.
Adonai, nurture the spirits, lift up souls to your Kingdom, to Your Life, to Your Heart. Dissolve the pain of the world, rebuild Your Project for those who listen to You through Your Son. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Glorified Christ Jesus

​​​​​​​Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus during the Sacred Call, in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

When we were halfway through the prayer work of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, I began to see a desert-like place, a place that was unknown to me. At the end of the prayer and while we were singing "Christ, You are Love", I saw the Master walking in this place. He said it was the Middle East, specifically Syria, where He was spiritually gathering those brothers and sisters who had died trying to cross the desert, looking for a way out, an alternative. I also saw Him in the ships of the refugees, rescuing the soul of each of these consciousnesses.

During the whole time that He was here transmitting His monthly message, He continued to carry out this task in that place. It was an invisible and profound task, with each person that was there needing help.

He showed that the demand was very great, and that His Consciousness was able to encompass up to a certain number. At that moment, we asked Him why, and He responded that it was what the Father allowed, what the Law of the Universe permitted, since with what is happening in the Middle East, the conflict and the refugees, there is a great imbalance in the Laws, and He respects the Law. But nevertheless, the Master helped those consciousnesses.

At another moment, we saw Him with many children in His Arms. He showed the faces of many children in need, many of them undernourished and almost dead.

When He appeared here in Aurora, He showed Himself dressed as an Arab, the clothing covered all His Body, and only His Face could be seen, drawing attention to the brilliance of His Eyes, of a deep sky blue. While He transmitted the Message, in His left hand He held His Heart. It was a human Heart that beat, that was alive, and through which circulated vital, living and luminous Blood. He was stretching out His Hand to us and offered His Heart, to us and to all of humanity.

Look at Me and I will be with you.

Seek Me and you will find Me.

Do not turn away from Me and stay by My side.

I still offer you My Heart as salvation and rescue.

I still offer My Heart for you, especially for those that do not want Me nor live Me.

Today I have come from the universe not only to give you My Peace and dissolve all evils. Today I came in the name of My Father, to please Him and bring relief to His wounded Heart.

Today I came from a special place that is unknown to many, because you have only been there through prayer, through your souls and your sincere offerings to My Heart.

Today I come from far lands where hearts suffer and many despair because they cannot find peace and because of living in fear of death all the time.

Today I come with the vestments of a great Arab Master that travels through the deserts because in all places He hears voices crying out for help and pity.

Today, in My Arms I have held those who have died, those who are shipwrecked, those who are lost in the seas from so much indignity.

And today they are here in My Lap, in this warm manger that is being prepared to again incarnate the Son of God, in the face of a great time of tribulation and of darkness. But who has shed a tear for those they do not know and that suffer?

Today I come to remove you from your comfortable spaces, so that you may see beyond yourselves the true need of the Plan. It is for this reason that My Father, through My prayers, heard the supplications of His Son, so that consciousnesses in offering and service could carry My Peace, the Peace that I have given you here for such a long time.

Today I do not come to demand anything from you, but rather to ask you to finally decide to be what you still do not want to be, to be My instruments, My lamps that light up a world that is in the dark.

Today I have come to show you where the need is. While I walk through the desert of faraway Syria, I listen to the crying of the innocent. But to transcend the sorrow that I feel on seeing so much cruelty and indifference, in the face of so much lack of love and of pity, I offer My Heart as a refuge.

Today I am planting My last ray of light in the world, so that those that were imprisoned by their own brothers and sisters may find the way out to redemption, that they may see My Light on the horizon shining like the Aurora to bring a rescue to those who truly deserve it.

Companions, in light of what is happening in the world, you can perceive the smallness of your difficulties. If you turn away to not speak with a brother or sister, what would you do if you were facing a rifle about to kill you? Would you give up your life for Me to testify to the world that I was among you and resurrected from among the dead to give you eternal life?

There is no time to waste on superficial things. You must not give yourselves permission to become lost in such insignificant things that have no value or essence in the Eyes of God.

I come to awaken your consciousness, which is still asleep in you, because it is now time for it to awaken to the call of the Plan. Look around you and understand what is happening, and thus, continue to firmly walk to console those that call and cry out for My Mercy even though they do not know Me. That is why I am in the desert and also on the seas, stretching out My Hand to those that are shipwrecked all the time and have no land or place to live.

O companions! How insignificant are your things that have not seen hundreds of children crying from hunger, for bread or for water.

The times seen by John are taking place and nobody will be able to escape. The hour of evil has come and it is not enough, companions, that you hide in your amenities or in your ideals to justify to My Father that this is not real.

Thus, I offer you My Heart as a living and resplendent flame, for your Master that is in Heaven, and that is now in Syria, prepares the important mission of carrying peace from one heart to another. Of carrying love from one spirit to another. It will be in that hour that I will confirm if in truth you have understood My Law of loving one another in spite of your errors and your faults.

While souls know the first steps of their purification, let nobody fear, for who seeks My Heart will not be lost nor will be empty of feeling or of word.

I come seeking that which you still have not given Me, I come to banish what still does not want to die and that has increasingly deeper roots in the consciousness. I have no need of your dry and hard roots. I come to transplant you so that you may be a new being, a new consciousness, in which My Light may act in the most difficult moments.

I know that you all fail Me again and again, but My gaze is on your talents that are a refuge for My Gifts, which I place in each human heart. That is why I have come to assemble you all for this new mission in the Middle East. You will bring reality to many, that will help many to experience My Message and make it part of their being.

Recently humanity is crossing its first darkest part, but the worst has not begun. It is at that hour that I will return to reveal to the world the time of its judgment before My Lord, before the angels of Heaven. There is where the Earth will enter a new state, a new beginning, and those who have rejected My name will no longer be present, because the Earth will be repopulated by those that I have called to live My path. I need this mission to be carried out because the most acute hour is drawing closer.

May this Christmas be the Christmas of the renewal of consciousness and not of childishness, naivety, or indifference. You are already prepared to give the fruits that My Heart needs rather than being bad fruit in clean baskets with fresh fruit. Do not destroy what I am building.

I know that many will not believe what I am saying, for truly humble is the one that listens and is silent so as to recognize reality. I do not need your barriers, I do not want your obstacles, I need companions with a pure heart where God and His Work lives throughout time. Do not let your hearts become as hard as stone, be free of yourselves once and for all. Always seek a filiation with Me and with My Father Who is in Heaven.

I do not want you to deceive yourselves. I come to bring you My Light and the testimony of My Truth. I come to give you what you do not deserve, although I know you have offered yourselves for Me many times. Friends, I need your unity, where My adversary cannot enter. If in the basket there is a rotten fruit, the rest will be lost and that will not be because of lack of My care, but rather because of your actions, for you do not care about the great need of this planet.

I give you My Love that is the Love of the Living God, the Love of the Eternal and Omnipresent God; it is that Love that through the centuries takes care of fragile souls. The same as a plant dies because it cannot manage to survive, I give you of that water, but you do not drink it. I give you a little of My Love that transforms you, but you become closed. I give you My Word and you do not want to hear it. If I gave all these things to My children of the Middle East, the war would end and the thrones that have been built would fall down to the right and to the left of God, because the Father Who is in Heaven is the One Who has the Power and not you or any being of the Earth.

I incarnated in this world so that you could learn to love and to live through My Heart. I am always here, but you do not seek Me. I always wait to give you My embrace and My consolation.

Everything that must die will experience its suffering, but do not fear; love overcomes all barriers.

Be My witnesses in this time and walk at My side so as to always see peace. Remember that My Love is invincible and penetrates all things.

Surrender your powers at My Feet and I will resurrect you. It is time for humility.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
