Monday, August 5 of 2024

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Friar Elías del Sagrado corazón de Jesús:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We revere Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

My path is for the brave and decided, because it is a path of inner divestment. You will feel this divestment within your being and soul, until it hurts you, because I come to deposit My treasures and blessings in new wineskins, in instruments empty of themselves.

I come to deposit My gifts in those who can fulfill them, and you have received all these treasures and Graces throughout the times. For this reason, I come here to remind you of them.

The hour has come, companions, for your Lord to testify, before the Creator, to each one of the Graces and virtues that have been received.

Therefore, I come to draw, with My own Hand, a line on the ground that distinguishes the past from the future. This line that I draw on the ground is this moment at which each one of you are now; it is the moment, companions, to make the last decision.

For this reason, on My path I do not offer roses, but rather, I entrust to Mine thorns and very deep deserts, because what I want and ardently wish is to see the Christs of the New Time.

Although your miseries are still abundant and present, although the path of perfection is very long, and even if each one has to go through their own dark night, I come to offer to Mine everything you can carry out to achieve My aspirations in this world, through the souls that live Me and adore Me.

Because through what is imperfect, and through what is impure, I come to renew all things and what I expect every day is that you may live it for Me; through a mature, responsible and conscious commitment, which may allow you someday to see and understand all that your Master and Lord sees and understands, all that He sees in this world and in humanity.

I expect that each one may take their last and great step, knowing what this means, although it may seem unknown and even if you do not know everything.

It happens that I come to deliver My Plan to you, a Plan that must still be concretized through the true and sensible decision of each one of you, knowing that you will not oscillate, although the storm may come, although darkness may draw near, knowing that your true decision, a mature decision, will define the next step and the next event.

Thus, I come to start the last synthesis, the last reflection that will define the next times, through the souls that adhere to transformation.

I come here, companions, to finish My task with you and so that, from the moment when I Am no longer among you, just as I was not with My apostles, you may be My own living Gospel in a real and true way, with My Words, all My impulses and all My Graces as part of your beings; because this is what God will contemplate at the end of times.

It is through this that the Creator will plan and project the coming time, that is, the New Humanity, in which many are called upon to participate, even in this time of transition and despite what is apparently uncertain. Because what must be written through each one of your lives is the Will of God, which has already been written since the origin in the Source, but which is a Will that must be fulfilled in these times, which must be carried out through you.

In silence, I pray for those who will try it. But also, in silence, I pray for those who will deny it. Because My path is for the brave and also for the imperfect, for those who do not fear to be transformed by My own Hands.

This is all that I wanted to tell you today.

I Am beginning to bid farewell to each one of the inner worlds, to all those who were blissful, throughout the times and the years, to have the Grace of being present before the Lord, as you are today.

Do you know how to understand what this means in this time, knowing that there are thousands of souls that cannot live this?

What does it mean and represent to be before the Lord?

What does it mean to be before His Soul and Divinity, which comes directly from the Primordial Source, and which, through the Divine Word, expresses itself to you and to the whole world, so that you may listen to what God thinks and feels?

May the sound of My Voice reverberate. May the echo of My Words be perpetuated so that you and your brothers and sisters of the whole world may always find the Guiding Star of the Lord, the Great Star in the dark night, the Light of Christ in the darkness, so that you may once again feel guided and accompanied.  

I have come to fulfill My promise, throughout these years. Have you realized this? The promise that I would be with all of you and your brothers and sisters every day until the end of times.

My Work, expressed here through the gathered souls, begins the cycle of its deep and inner transformation, to which everyone will be led.

My advice is that you may adhere and above all trust in Me, in My instructions and also in My decisions if in truth you say you believe in Me.

The cycles exist to begin, but also to complete. The end has now come in this month of August; just as the beginning had already been written, the end had already been written.

This must be understood with wisdom and above all with love, because the foundations of My Work will be raised again through the souls who, from the beginning, founded them and through all those who gradually joined My Path, which is the path of the solemn Hierarchy.

This is not just a change, this is a renewal, because your Master is renewal itself and you also need to be renewed, that is, to re-learn, just as many times the apostles and the disciples re-learned until they themselves managed to carry out My Work in the whole world, following the guidelines of the venerable Law.

I pray for all this and for all those who will live it, for all those who must face it for themselves. Because it is the test of faith, of the confirmation of those who say they are with Me. May My Love, which is not personal, but of the Eternal Father, help you at this moment.

From the innermost depths of My Merciful Heart, I thank all those who have prayed throughout the times and the years, all those who, despite everything, were present at each moment of merciful prayer.

I want you to know that all is counted by God, down to the last hair of your heads.

May this impulse multiply, may this impulse renew and bring hope to those who no longer have it, because I come to make all things new until the end of times.

Thank you, all beings who pray from the heart!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.