In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Behold the Sun of God that was created in the Cosmos to illuminate all consciousnesses and creatures. This is the infinite and cosmic Sun that never extinguishes, that always comes to assist those who need It and those who cry out for Its inner presence.
However, I Am not alone here today but rather accompanied by hundreds of other Suns, which know the infinite trajectory of this universe and Creation. They are the sacred consciousnesses of old, those consciousnesses that have been walking throughout time, throughout the events of the universe and the planet.
For this reason, today the infinite Suns that respond to the Creator are present here to radiate their codes of Light, not only to your consciousnesses but also to all of humanity, which, as you know, is going through its dark night.
Behold the Sun of the Reliquary of God, which spiritually presents itself so that souls may venerate and recognize it within themselves.
This is the eternal communion that you and your brothers and sisters must achieve in this time to be able to endure the last events so that your consciousnesses may be transformed inside and outside, so that your lives may be completely different, just as God expects in His silence and in the infinity of His Love.
Receive the presence of the Hierarchical Suns of God today, those consciousnesses that respond to His Original Project, to His Will and His Design, those consciousnesses that know the origin of each being and accompany the trajectory of each soul and each spirit on the planet, even of those who are in errors and perdition.
However, through the Sun of Our Hearts, We illuminate the dark spaces of the consciousness and of the being so that they may be redeemed; We bring the peace that many seek in this time but cannot find it. Yet, by simply placing your consciousnesses before these Suns of the universe, which know your origins and trajectories, you will enter into communion with the Heights and with Divine Life because I, as your Master, and all the Hierarchies, have learned from humanity, from its errors and successes, from its triumphs, but also from its failures.
But today, may your spirits rise through this Center of Love, which is so silent and hidden, so mysterious and unknown, which will only be revealed to the pure of heart, to the pure of intention, to those who do not want anything else for themselves, to those who aspire to live the void and surrender to God, Our Creator.
This is where the Suns of the Hierarchies will deposit their treasures in trust and faith. It is within the heart of each being who surrenders to God and to His Plan that His Work will be able to be reflected and mirrored on Earth in these critical times.
How infinite is the wealth of the inner life of this universe! How vast are its dimensions and planes, and all its existence!
Therefore, look at your beings today as spirits, rather than just as human beings. It is this spirit in each being, created by the Solar Consciousnesses, that will give you the strength of perfection and transformation, of peace and the conviction of serving God despite everything, at every moment of life and throughout time; because, in this way, a part of humanity is being prepared by Our Solar Consciousnesses to awaken the new code of God, the one that was thought of by the Eternal Father in your origin, before everything existed, before everything was life in matter and in the universe.
Now, companions, you can see and contemplate that life does not end here.
What is the dimension of your inner universe?
How much can your inner universe offer to the Eternal Father in this time?
It is not in that which is great that you will attain perfection but rather in that which is small, in that which is the simplest, in everything that is done out of love. This is what makes the consciousness evolve and awaken, without ambitions, without flaunting, without expectations.
Imagine if the Son of God had wanted all power for Himself; He could not have been the Christ. For this reason, from the first moment, the powerful Spirit of God, through the incarnation of His Son on Earth, was born in a humble manger, preached, healed and brought all those who needed Him close to His Heart. I was just one more among so many, although I knew that God had sent Me on a mission.
This is how God sends you to Earth, after many experiences, to live a mission and fulfill an irrefutable Will, a Will that cannot be erased or disappear from the consciousness although it may seem it can.
Your lives must be a pencil in the Hands of God in this time. Will you allow Him to write? Will you allow Him to decide the destiny and the path?
Many are the treasures that are still kept in the universe and in inner life. This Center of Love, which gathers and congregates you today, offers to you this sacred and blessed, sacrificed and silent opportunity.
The life of the spirit is the balm of simplicity, the life of the spirit is the balm of humility, the life of the spirit is the balm of inner divestment; because those who wish to be free from themselves forever, may they renounce, and then, through their lives, God in His Wisdom will be able to write the future and what is to come.
After the last year when I was here with you, only now can I tell you that I Am fulfilling what I had foreseen, until now I had not been able to for other circumstances.
I feel joy and bliss for the effort of the brave, of those who persist in faith, and those who do not step back despite everything. Because God shows His Fortitude in those who respond and say yes to Him at each moment and stage of life. God blesses, with His Light, those who persist and those who truly strive, without anything in return, without conditions or forms.
A Spiritual Light is born again today through this Center of Love, which congregates and unites you. Today you will not understand it but you will indeed know it as time goes by. It is this Sacred Light that will radiate upon you, as from this cycle, to prepare the New Humanity and the New Time before My physical Return to the world.
Do not forget this and keep it in mind, because at the hardest moment of humanity, you will need it as a strength of faith and effort in your lives, as My apostles, as servants of the Plan, as collaborators of this Work of Love, which belongs to Christ alone, and through Christ, belongs to all souls.
Today, the Sun of My Heart expands and becomes illuminated to encourage you to move on, to achieve and concretize the projects of the Hierarchy in this place and others. Because I will count on those who are truly with Me, regardless of their imperfection or the moment of their lives.
Thus, receive My Spiritual Anointing so that, once initiated by My Spirit, you may begin this new stage with joy and bliss, with the absolute certainty of responding to My Merciful Heart.
May the Spirit, which unites the Most Holy Trinity, bless and renew you, inside and outside.
The steps of the disciples are now marked and assigned, it is enough to take them in order to live and fulfill them as My Eternal Father determines.
May the sun of the heart be ignited in you so that love and peace may radiate to the world, to your families and brothers and sisters, so that there may no longer be conflict or division but rather unity and brotherhood, a spirit of cooperation and collaboration among your fellow beings.
Just as I taught My first apostles in that time, in the same way I teach you today; because Love is the first rule, and it will never change. Happy will be those who live of the Love that I impart to the world and especially to souls and to this place today, which I cherish so much.
May Argentina fulfill its spiritual mission so that its people may prepare My Return in the hearts of the simple and those who are free from themselves.
Just as Peter and My apostles saw the Lord come, walking upon the waters in the Sea of Galilee, in the same way, I hope you can recognize Me in My Return; for I will not come as a King but rather as a humble worker and servant of the Father, just as I was when came to this world, preaching and healing souls.
May the advent of the New Time be fulfilled now and always. Amen.
I thank you for being here by My side, in simplicity of heart and life. This is how I feel you at each moment.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado corazón de Jesús:
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
We revere Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
My path is for the brave and decided, because it is a path of inner divestment. You will feel this divestment within your being and soul, until it hurts you, because I come to deposit My treasures and blessings in new wineskins, in instruments empty of themselves.
I come to deposit My gifts in those who can fulfill them, and you have received all these treasures and Graces throughout the times. For this reason, I come here to remind you of them.
The hour has come, companions, for your Lord to testify, before the Creator, to each one of the Graces and virtues that have been received.
Therefore, I come to draw, with My own Hand, a line on the ground that distinguishes the past from the future. This line that I draw on the ground is this moment at which each one of you are now; it is the moment, companions, to make the last decision.
For this reason, on My path I do not offer roses, but rather, I entrust to Mine thorns and very deep deserts, because what I want and ardently wish is to see the Christs of the New Time.
Although your miseries are still abundant and present, although the path of perfection is very long, and even if each one has to go through their own dark night, I come to offer to Mine everything you can carry out to achieve My aspirations in this world, through the souls that live Me and adore Me.
Because through what is imperfect, and through what is impure, I come to renew all things and what I expect every day is that you may live it for Me; through a mature, responsible and conscious commitment, which may allow you someday to see and understand all that your Master and Lord sees and understands, all that He sees in this world and in humanity.
I expect that each one may take their last and great step, knowing what this means, although it may seem unknown and even if you do not know everything.
It happens that I come to deliver My Plan to you, a Plan that must still be concretized through the true and sensible decision of each one of you, knowing that you will not oscillate, although the storm may come, although darkness may draw near, knowing that your true decision, a mature decision, will define the next step and the next event.
Thus, I come to start the last synthesis, the last reflection that will define the next times, through the souls that adhere to transformation.
I come here, companions, to finish My task with you and so that, from the moment when I Am no longer among you, just as I was not with My apostles, you may be My own living Gospel in a real and true way, with My Words, all My impulses and all My Graces as part of your beings; because this is what God will contemplate at the end of times.
It is through this that the Creator will plan and project the coming time, that is, the New Humanity, in which many are called upon to participate, even in this time of transition and despite what is apparently uncertain. Because what must be written through each one of your lives is the Will of God, which has already been written since the origin in the Source, but which is a Will that must be fulfilled in these times, which must be carried out through you.
In silence, I pray for those who will try it. But also, in silence, I pray for those who will deny it. Because My path is for the brave and also for the imperfect, for those who do not fear to be transformed by My own Hands.
This is all that I wanted to tell you today.
I Am beginning to bid farewell to each one of the inner worlds, to all those who were blissful, throughout the times and the years, to have the Grace of being present before the Lord, as you are today.
Do you know how to understand what this means in this time, knowing that there are thousands of souls that cannot live this?
What does it mean and represent to be before the Lord?
What does it mean to be before His Soul and Divinity, which comes directly from the Primordial Source, and which, through the Divine Word, expresses itself to you and to the whole world, so that you may listen to what God thinks and feels?
May the sound of My Voice reverberate. May the echo of My Words be perpetuated so that you and your brothers and sisters of the whole world may always find the Guiding Star of the Lord, the Great Star in the dark night, the Light of Christ in the darkness, so that you may once again feel guided and accompanied.
I have come to fulfill My promise, throughout these years. Have you realized this? The promise that I would be with all of you and your brothers and sisters every day until the end of times.
My Work, expressed here through the gathered souls, begins the cycle of its deep and inner transformation, to which everyone will be led.
My advice is that you may adhere and above all trust in Me, in My instructions and also in My decisions if in truth you say you believe in Me.
The cycles exist to begin, but also to complete. The end has now come in this month of August; just as the beginning had already been written, the end had already been written.
This must be understood with wisdom and above all with love, because the foundations of My Work will be raised again through the souls who, from the beginning, founded them and through all those who gradually joined My Path, which is the path of the solemn Hierarchy.
This is not just a change, this is a renewal, because your Master is renewal itself and you also need to be renewed, that is, to re-learn, just as many times the apostles and the disciples re-learned until they themselves managed to carry out My Work in the whole world, following the guidelines of the venerable Law.
I pray for all this and for all those who will live it, for all those who must face it for themselves. Because it is the test of faith, of the confirmation of those who say they are with Me. May My Love, which is not personal, but of the Eternal Father, help you at this moment.
From the innermost depths of My Merciful Heart, I thank all those who have prayed throughout the times and the years, all those who, despite everything, were present at each moment of merciful prayer.
I want you to know that all is counted by God, down to the last hair of your heads.
May this impulse multiply, may this impulse renew and bring hope to those who no longer have it, because I come to make all things new until the end of times.
Thank you, all beings who pray from the heart!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Listen, brave heart, do not tire of persisting. You must always remember that there is a Higher Love that blesses and embraces you, even under the severest conditions.
Today I come to remove from you the weight of your cross a little, so that you may rest in My Arms and may feel the infinite greatness of My Love, the same Love that I taught when I was on Earth.
What do you fear, if you will not lose anything?
I need to build, in you, My Victory, still not revealed to your human eyes, the ardent victory that your soul has waited for since your conception in the womb of your mother.
I need you to learn to dissolve in My Love, because My ocean of Grace is infinite, it purifies all impurities and sins.
Remember that each drop of My Blood touched the earth, and each drop of My Blood, which was shed upon the surface of the Earth, was permeated with a high code of Love, which did not become known to those who were blind in soul and spirit, to those who were against Me, even those who crucified Me without any pity.
But you, My soul, listened to My Word on the top of the Mount, as well as in the desert and on the boats in the high sea.
How many followed My footprints, which I would leave marked on the ground! How few waited for My Resurrection! But many kept watch at that moment.
Today, I bring that which overcomes all adversity and all tests. I bring you the essence of My Origin, which impelled My manifestation in the Life of the Spirit, in Divinity, in Soul and in matter, until I was born here, in this world, in a humble manger.
Why do you fear your falls, if I fell for you on the path of the Cross?
Why do you fear your wounds, if I was flagellated for you so that you could be healed by My Wounds?
The price of My martyrdom was very great and is still unknown to the whole world. This is why I come to demonstrate it to you through the essence of My Origin, which is the very Source of God’s Love, which impels life, elevates the soul, consecrates the spirit, which opens up the Grace of redemption.
And this does not mean that, throughout your human life, you will not continue falling or suffering. But you must extract a lesson from each fall, to learn not to fall again in the same circumstance or situation. Because I have taught you to stand up, not only through My Will, through the most difficult moment of My Life, which was the agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, but I also taught you to stand up and persist through My Love, a very great and unknown love that is capable, even in your life, to forgive any situation, under any circumstance.
If I forgave you, even while nailed to the Cross, praying to the Father to forgive you all, because I knew that you and your brothers and sisters did not know what you were doing, by any chance, My soul, do you not believe that God has already forgiven you?
So that you do not fall again under the same circumstances, you must truly live My Word, with dedication and justice, until each one of My Words may be part of your life, just as I Am a part of you in the Communion, breaking Myself and sharing of Myself with Mine, through the consecrated Bread and through the transubstantiated Blood.
My beloveds, at each Communion lies the deep renewal of your being, of each atom and each cell, because your Master and Lord renounced for you, did you know that? In the same way, the Lord renounced for the whole world, assuming, on His Back, all the sins of the world, without complaining or condemning. Because it was the Living Love of God, through His Son, that amended all the errors, from Adam and Eve to the end of times.
This is why I Am here once again, to remind you of this. You cannot leave here without keeping My Words in mind, because the world provokes great thirst in Me, a very bitter and severe thirst, like the one I felt on the Cross, when they gave me gall to drink. Who would be capable of enduring this with Me?
In what is apparently unjust is the great key to overcoming, the key that opens the doors of love to someday live compassion, the compassion that perpetually shone in all My masters of the East. Remember that they visited Me in Bethlehem and found Me through the signs that the Sky gave them.
Out of love and reverence for everything that is sacred in the Far East, I returned their visit, and learned and remembered wonderful things, so wonderful and important as the ones I remind you of in these times, especially through My last Christic impulses.
I do not come to place you before your own reality. My soul, which still belongs to Me, I come to place you before the truth, because, as I once told you: “The truth will always set you free.” And you will be able to live the truth, if you live justice and transparency, recognizing that you, My soul, are still neither perfect nor pure. But My Love can consecrate you and transform you into something pure and true, by your simply living fidelity to Me.
Dare to take steps toward Me and allow My Love to rapture you completely. Do you, by any chance, fear the power of My Love or losing the control of your life?
In truth I tell you, My soul, that there is no greater Love that you can come to know, as the one that many Saints have known and comes from the Kingdom of the Heavens.
Help Me for Christs of the New Time to exist, in the simplicity of the spirit, in the communion with the soul, in untiring service to those who suffer the most and to the poorest among the poor.
If there were more charity in the world and if more souls practiced it, I assure you that it would not be necessary to purify the planet, because the one who responds to the Will of God is free from their own prisons and agonies.
Today I come to speak to you with the sweetest Love of My Heart. Do you dare, My soul, to experience it?
Do not just say ‘yes’ to Me, because you must demonstrate it until the end of your days when you have left here.
Christic Love is not unattainable, it is close, tender and secure in simple and humble souls, in those who do not allow themselves to retrogress, but rather move forward with bravery, courage and determination, just as I taught you at each passage of the Calvary.
Today I confess to you, My souls, that when I fell, and My Most Holy Mother came towards Her suffering Son, the flame of Her Love pushed the contrary forces aside and raised Her Son again. In the same way, I raise the dignity of each one of you again.
Because if you have been struck on one cheek, you must, in humility, offer the other cheek. Because if you have been offended, you must have the courage to forgive. Because if you have been hurt, you must have the bravery to see the Lord disfigured, and remember that Love is capable of everything, it is capable of renewing all things.
I leave this lesson to you, because it will be essential for you in these critical times. Because when I Am no longer here to speak to you, you must be My own Living Word on Earth.
Today, My Spirit will baptize, through the Sacrament, the souls that have asked for it, the souls that have been chosen by Me and need it.
I tell you all that today, through the symbol of the Sacrament of the Baptism, to renew, before God and in a spiritual way, your first Baptism, so that, through this Sacrament, the lost souls may be rescued in different parts of the world, and the union of these souls with God, the Creator, may be re-established.
Let us then prepare ourselves now for the Sacrament of Communion.
And so that My Words may enter even more into your hearts and essences, I ask you to sing to Me again, so that God’s Love, inexhaustible and inextinguishable, may be poured out upon you and the world, especially upon those who suffer the most.
I bless you and encourage you: Forward, New Christs! There is still very much to be done.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Our Lord has just removed His Heart from His Chest and placed it to levitate over the public.
Why do you do this, Jesus?
Behold the Love that never ends, the Love that burns with Love for the souls that dare to be victims of My Love until the last days of their lives.
Behold the Sacred and Pierced Heart of Jesus, which does not retrogress, but rather moves forward, and transfigures, with Its Fire, all those who let themselves be touched by My Light.
My Heart lives for you. This is the reason for My Life.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Now, His Heart has returned to His Chest and beats strongly, strongly, through the fire of His Redeeming Love.
We thank You, Jesus, for this moment, and because You always demonstrate to us that it is possible to continue moving forward.
Do not distance Yourself from us, Jesus. We need You.
I Am here to give you life in abundance.
May peace fill you and renew you, so that peace may be renewed in the whole world.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Jesus Christ will stay a little longer to listen to us singing. Those who feel like it, may kneel down.
We will sing: “Everything I have lived.”
And we make our offering, through this song, to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, inexhaustible Source of all prodigies, miracles and mercies.
Account on the Apparition, made the following day:
I want to make a little synthesis of the Apparition of Christ, as several brothers and sisters asked me about some moments, and I would like to explain to you what Christ clarified about these moments.
I will begin with the end of the Apparition. You remember that Christ, at a certain moment said that He had removed His Heart from His Chest, and placed this Burning Heart levitating over the public, over you.
As much as Christ’s Presence is in Divinity, Soul and Spirit, and His Presence is real and impactful at each moment, on these planes of consciousness there is also life, just as it exists on the physical plane.
And Christ made this movement so that we might meditate upon how it is possible for a Consciousness such as Christ to remove His Heart and continue alive? Because I know that many wondered: Why did this happen? It is an attempt at understanding the Message through this symbol, because He is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent.
So, as He is one of the manifestations of the Most Holy Trinity, He, in a simple, yet also powerful way, comes to manifest what God really is, above all through Love.
Some asked me: “Friar, to whom was Christ speaking?” He was speaking to each one of us. Because when Christ is present, He can see everything: what we feel, what we think, what we live, what we silence, everything. We know that we cannot hide anything from Our Lord.
And when He speaks sometimes in singular form and sometimes in plural form, He gradually builds the path to the extent that we allow it.
His Christic Energy, which is a very high energy, as you were able to feel, is an energy that gradually enters us according to our openness. Because He, who is the King of the Universe, will never transgress our will and our permission. This is why He is the King, do you understand?
So, He gradually works in us as we give me permission. Most of the times, He manages to reach those spaces of the consciousness in which there are situations that are not well solved and we do not even realize it by ourselves.
And He knows it, He does not judge it, does not condemn it. On the contrary, He raised our human dignity above the different situations that each one of you has lived in this lifetime, even with someone close or distant, which seemed very intense to me.
So, when He says “My soul,” Christ speaks to that aspect of our consciousness that has the possibility to unite to God. Because He speaks to souls, not to minds. And the soul of each one of us knows what Christ is saying. Therefore, each moment that is lived with Christ goes beyond any emotion, it is a deeply inner movement, which our souls express and many live.
And thus, when Christ works with our soul, He also works with our spirit; with our spirit, which knows divine life and knows what it is about, although it may seem a little abstract to us. It sends its impulse to our soul and our soul and our soul discharges this energy upon our human being, and then, at this moment, when the Christic energy enters, we feel liberation.
To conclude, I want to tell you something that I always tell my brothers and sisters who travel with us all the time, because it is something that we have lived for sixteen years, every day: that the Divine Hierarchy, as much as we live the same ritual, the same prayer, the same Apparition, never manifests itself in the same way.
Because Christ, just as at so many other moments that we live with Him at each Sacred Week, has demonstrated to us, once more, how infinite His Love is.
And each time He demonstrates this infinite Love to us, what He tries to do, in this instance that we give Him, is not only to liberate souls from their prisons, but also unite souls in communion. And when this happens, brothers and sisters, there is no contrary force that could prevail. Because at that moment, we make Christ triumph on Earth.
Thus, I invite you to stay motivated. We still have a few more days in this Sacred Week, until the Sunday of Glory. Give yourselves the opportunity for Him to do what He wants to do to each one of us, at last. Ok?
Thank you! I wish you a good work!
May your hearts be in peace, so that in peace you receive the designs of God.
Transcend that which is apparent and commonplace, for your consciousness to enter into the sacred and into what is true.
The Plans of God were already designed for each being, now the creatures need to put their feet on the path traced by the Creator and not the path traced by skills, temptations or difficulties.
To experience a superior reality is a higher decision that each being has to take, within and outside of himself, for it to resonate in your souls and also in your planetary bodies.
How often have we said that there is no more time? How often have we warned that it is time to enter into the Real Time? It is there where Truth inhabits and the illusion becomes visible for you to know how to distinguish the difference between being in the world in God and in being in the world without Him.
Choose, children, every day, the path of the Sacred and the elevation of consciousness. You will thank, in the future, for each renunciation made in the name of the evolution of humanity.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When hearts pray, accompanying the Divine Messengers in Their pilgrimage throughout this world, they are opening the doors to Heaven so that a new life may be instituted on Earth.
The sincere prayer of your hearts awakens the potential of the human heart of uniting Heaven with Earth and, little by little, you begin to express the true purpose of humanity.
When hearts awaken, they generate merits so that more souls can also awaken and so that those who are in the abysses of this world may receive an opportunity of finding the light.
Only the one who has already been in the abysses of the Earth, children, knows the pain and the anguish of being far from God and prisoner of the play of dark forces that besiege this world. For this reason, what is most important is to cry out and plead for lost souls, say 'yes' to God unconditionally, and accompany the steps of His Messengers, even though you may not totally know the mission that we are carrying out in this world at this time.
What we do, as we are on pilgrimage throughout the nations, is much broader than what we can reveal to you. We are withdrawing this planet from the abyss of its self-destruction and placing it in the correct position for its transformation so that it is able to cross the threshold between illusory time and the Time of God, in which nothing will ever be the same, in which the truth will be revealed to you, in which you will know who you are and why you are here.
Thus, children, something so simple as a sincere prayer is the response you must give to God, every day, so that you may fulfill your part in this mission of love. Simply accompany Our steps with the heart and, wherever you are, announce through prayer your adherence to this Plan of love and of rescue of the life on Earth.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In spite of the times of darkness and of urgency, I will always come like the evening Sun, to announce to the world the hour of its salvation.
I will be stronger and more intense than the oceans, because in them souls find peace.
I will be stronger than the wind, because through it, souls can feel the perpetual caress of My Love.
I will not abandon you when times are difficult. I will be there, amongst you, in the silence of the night, to listen to you and so that you hear to My advice.
The time that is approaching will be moving for everyone. Therefore, whoever joins with Me will not perish, they will find the long awaited relief and calm.
I only ask you one thing, that you persist and you sustain yourselves through My Faith, because Heaven and Earth will pass, but My Words will remain in courageous hearts.
Receive from me all the inner strength necessary to go through the end of times for My sake; thus, I will always offer you My Hands to lead you to the House of My Father, a place where a new stage will begin.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I speak to the heart of the old human so that they may yield and become new, renewed in God by His deep Love.
I speak to the lapsed heart of a lost humanity, so that, knowing itself to have strayed, it may seek the path of return to the Heart of God and enter the path of its redemption.
I speak to the miserable, to the sinners, and to the indifferent, so that they may know that by recognizing their miseries, sins, and indifference, they may change and create reason for Mercy to descend upon the world and permeate not only their being, but all life.
I speak to those who consider themselves small and to those who consider themselves great, so that each one, yielding up their vanities, know that it is not by wanting to be small or great that they will reach God; it is by being nothing, disposing with greatness and smallness to the Father, knowing that everything only gains meaning in God.
I speak to the world by a higher Will, making My voice the echo of the Sovereign Voice of the Creator because He sends His Messengers to warn and guide humanity. Therefore, listen to the Messengers of God, as the Voice of God Himself speaks to you. In gratitude, revere the grace the Father grants you.
Know that if you are hearing these words, they are for each one of you; it is God Himself who called you by name to listen to His Voice.
I speak to you, My child, because this is the Divine Will. It is enough now that you follow these words, so that you understand what the Creator expects of your heart.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Third Series of Poems
Tenth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Beloved Jesus,
make me brave in each moment.
May the tests serve
to purify my consciousness.
May the challenges that You send me
help in the transcendence of my being.
May each transition of life
be the passage towards a new
state of consciousness.
Help me, Lord,
to be persevering,
humble and dedicated.
May I be able to feel within my heart
the Ray of Your Mercy
and the divine and supreme Grace
acting and working throughout my being
because thus Your divine Light will triumph
before the inner darkness
of these times.
Lord Jesus,
strengthen me day after day
in the union with You,
make me small and similar to You
so that I may perfectly imitate You
in each step.
Empty me in every moment, Lord.
Rejoice my Soul
while being in Your glorious Presence.
And I ask You, Lord,
to relieve the weight of my cross
so that, with Your merciful assistance,
I may surrender completely
at the Feet of the Celestial Father.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses and renews you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The Flower of the Youth Festival for Peace
My dear youth,
Each Festival concretized in this cycle is like a flower that is manifested to praise the Creator.
Now, through this new Festival in Belo Horizonte, your Heavenly Mother can already tell you that you are entering, as consciousnesses, in a time of greater maturity, where each one of the youth responsible for the manifestation of the Festivals will have the opportunity to take on with consciousness this mission and this spiritual task.
Until this moment, the Festivals were precious and hard-working, they were training to learn to take on with responsibility a part of the Plan which is presented to you by the Hierarchy.
For that reason, the Youth Campaign for Peace should continue expanding and it should continue being enlarged in the Festivals that will come.
Thus, in the previous times, I have delivered to you precious attributes that spiritually will work the consciousness of the coming Festivals. Keeping in mind what each new Festival should express, you will help your creativity and harmony with the essence of each meeting to deepen in you.
Each new Festival will be a goal to reach.
Each effort and the dedication that you place, as you have done lately, will help mature even further your principles and above all your consciousnesses.
The Youth Campaign for Peace, which houses one of its principles that is the Youth Festival for Peace, in this new cycle and after here, Belo Horizonte, should start to work within the universities, colleges and commercial areas so that the greatest number of youth can know the Youth Campaign for Peace.
The praying task of the youth is contributing to the essence of the youth of the planet to have the Grace of awakening and of protecting the new patterns of conduct that will form the consciousness of the New Humanity.
Thus, the participation of the younger ones in the Youth Campaign for Peace will expand the operational field of work and, most importantly, as brothers and sisters, you will learn to awaken a consciousness of greater love for Nature and for the planet.
Each new Festival that takes place in a city indicated by your Heavenly Mother, is a spiritual network that is built in the consciousnesses so that certain spaces of the planet may be protected from interferences and exploitation.
That is why each new Festival, each Youth Campaign for Peace that is realized and spread, helps to elevate the human consciousness so that some day it may find inner healing in its being.
I encourage all My dear youth to have some represent the Youth Campaign for Peace participating, fraternally, in the next World Youth Day to be held in Panama with the company of My beloved son, Pope Francis.
Thus, you will join other youth of the world who also seek the elevation of consciousness and above all, the peace to learn to overcome the obstacles of these times.
Among the youth that form the Youth Campaign for Peace, you will meet, pray and feel, in a spontaneous way, which one will represent in Panama.
May this fraternal unity, among brothers and sisters, build the new consciousness.
May the Festival, based today in Belo Horizonte, bear fruits of maturity to take the upcoming Festival to Buenos Aires and to unite the youth of different nations.
Do not forget, children, to invite the youth of Chile for the next task in Argentina.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
Who blesses you on this day,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Each prayer pronounced for the nations of the world is a drop of My Grace that descends from Heaven as morning rain.
Each sincere heart that pronounces the Holy Rosary for peace in the world is a Mirror of reflecting the Mercy of God in humanity.
I teach you, through the power of prayer, to know its mysteries, which are unveiled when the heart truly prays, allowing the sacred Divine Laws to reconciliate the errors of humanity and the deviations of the nations of the world.
Each moment of prayer offered, dear children, allows the whole world to be restored; above all, the souls most lost, which receive the Grace of finding God again.
This is why each meeting of prayer for peace in the nations means an opportunity that humanity may be alleviated of its faults committed, so that love and peace may reign.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May peace reign in the hearts that pray.
May this peace expand beyond the inner world.
May this peace reach great regions of the planet and may everything be redeemed.
May all believers celebrate the victory of the Redeemer because this is the day of the Joy of God since His Plan has been fulfilled through His Beloved Son.
May no one take a step backward today.
May the brave continue following the Pathway of My Son so that someday they may meet Him, face to face.
May this day represent for everyone the moment of His Ascension.
May the apostles of Christ already be able to manifest their commitment to the Master and Lord, for the Earth needs redeemed beings, selfless souls that carry their own cross with love.
May every essence be filled today with the spirit of the Resurrection of the Lord because it is now time for those walking in Christ to live and carry forward the preparation for His awaited and second Return.
May all be called to experience eternal Peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
There is no evil that can reign within the brave hearts in Christ, for that inner bravery only comes from the union with Christ, and that makes it real and, at the same time, simple.
There is nothing that can destroy that union with Christ, nothing that can dissolve it or make it disappear. When that union is sincere and honest, nothing can interfere with it.
There is nothing visible or invisible that can obstruct or corrupt that intimate union with Christ, because the foundation on faith makes it invincible and, at the same time, lasting.
There is nothing similar or seeming that can oppose the brave ones of Christ, or invade that essential union with My Son. If that powerful connection with Christ exists, everything will be stronger, and the experiences of love will be unforgettable.
There is nothing that can disturb or break that spiritual union with Christ, because a perfect communion exists with His Divine Person and, in this way, a union with His Most High Divinity is established.
For this reason, there is nothing that can modify or altar that intimate union with Christ, because there is a trust in the Ministry of His Grace and in the Work of His Mercy.
Trust, children, in that union, and strengthen it every day so that the unfathomable Love of the Sacred Heart may continue to triumph.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the Word of God be Heard by open and simple hearts so that the attributes of the Universe and the Gifts of Heaven may be sown within them.
May the Word of God enrich the spirit and sanctify the consciousness that attentively listens to the Decrees of God.
May the Sacred Word of God impregnate all spaces, all forms, and all principles so that the Gift of Wisdom and of Understanding may reign.
May the Word of God be present in each labor, in each work, and in each heart, so that Light and discernment may exist in everything.
May the Word of God be full within hearts and alive within consciousnesses that listen to God.
May the Word of God be recognized and valued by the nations of the world so that peace may be established.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
My companions:
Let nothing that comes from you yourselves surprise you, because just as you will see appear what is most hidden in your sibling, so will you see emerge from yourselves what is most hidden. And let this not be a reason for gossip nor comments made among My disciples, because the time has come in which the door of the dungeon will be opened so that a profound cleansing of the consciousness may be done, in order to liberate it from its constant errors.
Animated by My Priestly Spirit, you will enter and submerge into yourselves, in prayer, to liberate all that is already old and does not a part of My Plan.
You might feel an unbearable inner pain, but know that what is most resistant and hard is being broken by My hammer of Light so that, from this shell arises a peacemaker spirit, that spirit of the truth of each being which was formerly imprisoned by the aspects of life.
I know that for the majority it is difficult to face yourselves and see the truth, but be brave, as your Master and Lord was brave, so as to be able to overcome all things through love.
May you not lack love at this moment, because love is what will liberate you from these chains, from these dungeons of the consciousness, from all inner prisons.
Open your arms and let the Liberating Ray of My Heart impregnate you, so as to establish a new being within you, just as the Father thought of it from the beginning.
Only be brave and thus you will achieve peace.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
In truth, children, few will have the Grace, in this time, of recognizing the Wonders of God even in the smallest details of life; few will have the capacity to understand that behind each request or intention, there the Will of God is to be found.
For this reason, only those who have a simple heart and a humble mind will not doubt nor fail in their faith, because being empty of self, they will be free of themselves.
You should never, children, put your faith into play, and even less the Designs of the Father through His Hierarchies, since behind everything a Purpose exists that is intangible to the prideful and the owners of themselves.
In this time, children, you must learn to differentiate between the Will of the Father and your own will; you must stop underestimating what you do not like and seems false to you in comparison with that which you fancy and makes you feel good.
On a spiritual path, you should never judge with the same measuring stick what you like and what you do not like; you must keep in mind that your inner wavering or your unreal doubts must not destabilize the Work, and above all, your sibling consciousnesses, as others have already done after having shared everything with them.
One should not small-mindedly judge the Work of God.
Be mindful and watch over the Supreme Truth rather than what is convenient to you.
I will be thankful if you are more mature in evolution.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Raise your heart up to Heaven while you are on this Earth, so that through prayer you can be close to God, and in spite of what you believe or not to be purifying, you know the time of surrender has come.
Sustain your life based on the expressions of the degrees of love, thus you will allow the true Christian principles to flourish in you.
Child, this life is a path full of challenges and of transcendences; when you just are able to take a step towards the Truth, your soul is liberated from the chains of pride and of the lie.
Go beyond the hard shell of indifference with the strength of love and the impetus of service; in this way, you will know that within you there is a universe which is still unknown to you.
Open the correct door with the correct key. May your spirit today be magnetized with a courage capable of helping you to transcend barriers and to overcome the tests of your own consciousness.
Start by taking the first step towards yielding, and the old human being who lives and acts through your mind and your actions will lose strength, since you will allow the Ray of Redemption to transform your being.
If you want to change the world, first begin with yourself; be generous, efficient, and give of yourself all the time, so that before you the love of the sincere heart gradually opens the doors on the paths of Christification.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Do not fear! Do not fear! The truth is announced to the brave hearts, that they are capable of knowing the end times and, even so, accept to live them with the peace of the heart and in deep surrender to God.
Children, why do I reveal to you the final events? Because it is part of your redemption and of your path of transformation in Christ that you are aware of these times, just as My Son knew the Cross He would carry, not only to Calvary, but until the present day.
The passion of these times will be long for many and will forge the inner strength of those who have yet strengthened themselves to fulfill the Will of God.
Nothing will be like the battle you will live after the one thousand years of peace; however, the transition of times and the expiration of ties will allow you to overcome obstacles that will come from beyond this life and beyond this world.
My soldiers are ready to overcome the temptations of the adversary, but what will cost you more, My children, is to overcome within yourselves that which still aspires to live these temptations. Temptation itself will not be your test, but rather the battle with your most human nuclei, which tends to respond to this temptation.
In the previous cycle, you found yourselves in the first hours of Gethsemane, learning to overcome the temptations, to renounce, to surrender your own lives. Now, you are in the last hours of the agony in the garden, in the moment in which My adversary presents to you the temptations of the world and the Creator presents to you the cross.
The great test of these times will be to renounce the worldly pleasures to find in the cross a hidden joy, a victory that is found hidden in the transcendence of self, of suffering, of pain, of the apparent failure; the victory that is found in the experience of forgiveness, humility, compassion, pity, in the abandonment of self; a victory that begins when you say yes to the higher will and you embrace the cross of these times, which is your own purification and transformation so that, through persistence, you can overcome the darkness of your own bodies and of human consciousness as a whole , so that light can emerge and triumph in every space of your beings.
My children, the Bread has already been broken at the Table of the Lord; you already know the need to surrender your own life, for the love of your brothers and sisters who live in ignorance, and for the triumph of the Creator in each human essence. The first temptations have already been overcome. Many can now stand the solitude of this Gethsemane of current times, and others are learning to find the true fortitude in God, and not in humankind, nor in humanity itself.
Now, the time has come for you to say yes, the last yes, the definitive yes.
Soon the Pharisees will come into their lives, into the planetary consciousness, represented by the currents which will descend through the battle between chaos and Divine Light, and they will definitively place the human consciousness in its passion, in planetary transition, in the moment of carrying the cross and transcending all appearances, to overcome, through faith, the tests that will present themselves.
My beloved soldiers and children so dear, always strengthen yourselves in My gaze, in My presence because I will accompany the Calvary of these times.
It will be My Pity that, united with the forgiveness of your hearts, will open new doors for human evolution; it will renew the principle of Mercy in a new Divine Attribute, which will not only convert the errors of consciousnesses and individuals but of entire civilizations.
This Divine Attribute will generate merits not only for the redemption of the human race but also of all consciousnesses that, in all the Cosmos, open themselves to this supreme transformation and reconciliation with God.
The triumph of the Creator in the human heart, in an entire race, will announcement the greatest miracle of love in all Creation. This triumph will generate a universal redemption.
Finally, the trumpets of the one thousand years of peace will sound, so that the new army can be formed and, under great degrees of love, may prepare itself for the final battle, before the supreme Triumph of God.
Feel within My Words the importance of life on Earth, the importance of life for each of you, and go forward proclaiming the Will and the Plan of God, accepting this Plan with love, beyond the appearances and the challenges through which it will place you.
Always say yes and do not look back. Find the strength to go forward in the Peace of My Immaculate Heart.
I will always accompany you from calvary to the resurrection and in the thousand years of peace.
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
As a bird that flies over the world I come in search of those who have not awakened for My last Call.
Many have heard the resounding of My voice throughout the centuries but few were those who could truly understand the essence of what they were living.
For the first time in the history of humanity the Woman Dressed of the Sun comes to reveal Her true Face so that the beings of this Earth may be able to get out from the ignorance in which they find themselves in life. For this I prepared you for such a long time so that you may be able to be the hands that will remove the veils of human unconsciousness. But for this My children, it is necessary that unconsciousness itself be healed and that your hearts have already defined themselves in this time of purification.
I need firm hearts that are aware of the essence of these times and that do not have their attention on what they live here on Earth, but on what they will live in the universe, from that which they have achieved in this world.
My children, all will be purified in this time. There will not be a soul upon the surface of the Earth that will not live its moment of purification. For this I ask you today that you affirm yourselves in the Power of prayer and in the love of the unknown because in this way, when the time comes to purify and to balance all the debts that you have before God, you will do it upon a strong foundation that will sustain you in the correct path and that will show you that you are living what was foreseen for you and that will soon pass.
My beloveds, if you affirm yourselves in prayer you will be able to purify yourselves in a more harmonious way because in spite of all inner suffering, you will count on My aid that in some way will lead you and shelter you always. But if on the contrary, you do not build this praying foundation, you may be very confused in this moment, allowing the enemy to tell to your heart lies that will have a tone of plain truths, diverting your souls that for so long persevered in fidelity on this path.
I want you to grow up My beloveds, definitively. The times of today are no longer the same as yesterday. Do not wish to keep within and outside you the same planetary scenery because this will not be possible.
The one who may get attached to the images of the past will suffer the abrupt transformation that the world lives. But the one who may let themselves be transformed and may allow the internal structures to be demolished will never suffer because they will be transformed together with the world and, in spite of living internally the chaos that is lived externally, they will also see in themselves emerging a new life when this life is stabilized in the world.
I do not want you to be scared with what you live, but know that many will not be able to support the internal and external transformations and purifications. But for all the merits that you have generated, your evolution will still be able to be saved, even if it may be in the level of the spirit.
My beloveds, My words resound with the tone of these times because you must be mature to understand what truly happens in the world. Have childish eyes no longer before the reality that waits for you to mature, but rather with firm feet. On this boat of salvation, row, row without faltering.
I Am the Mother of Figueira, the fig tree which gives the sap of Life so that its fruit may not wilt. In Me are united Earth and Heaven, Spirit and matter, the new and the old human.
Understand that if My presence were not among you, the self-summoned would not be able to answer to their commitment.
I Am the voice of the Divine Truth. That one who listens to Me with attention will find in Me each step to be taken. In My words is found the path for the materialization of the Plans of God. Do not be deaf in face of the Divine Word. Follow the echo of the Celestial Messenger.
I love you and I conduct you to the Heart of Christ, the Universal King.
Mary, Lady of the Sacred Figueira
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more