WEEKLY MESSAGE OF SAINT JOSEPH TRANSMITTED during the trip from the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, TO THE VISIONARY SISTER LUCÍA DE JESÚS

A few days away from finishing your Lenten path, child, strengthen your heart even further, redo your offerings, renew your commitment; in light of God, review that which you still have not surrendered, let go of the reins still in your hands, leave the treasures you still embrace as precious to you and plunge even deeper into the void.

With bare feet and empty hands, walk divesting yourself of the past and the future, forgiving what has passed and offering what will come. At each step, embrace the present moment and allow Divine Graces to descend over your consciousness to fill the empty spaces.

Yield space to the Spirit of God, so that it may be Him Who leads you during your last days in the desert, and that it is Him Who guides you after crossing the arid lands of inner solitude.

Each day, let the Creator find in you a heart ready to be in Him and to live for Him each moment of life in this world.

Do not tire of walking and do not fear what will come on leaving the desert, because for this you are preparing your heart. And if you transform into an ever more empty and transparent instrument, you will always yield space so that the Father may be in you; and it is He, child, Who will live each stage of human transformation within your heart.

Thus, concentrate your energy, your consciousness and your will on being an empty instrument in the Hands of God. He will do everything else in you and through you.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The Lenten journey, children, is a path of transformation, where the consciousness is invited to travel through the desert of its inner self, in which it will only find solitude from itself.

On the inner desert, you will be tested by your own aspects and by the aspects of the enemy, which with its cunning, will seek to confuse you so you lose your faith and the firm decision to surrender your lives.

The great keys to cross this inner desert are silence, humility, patience, and above all, children, the capacity to be transparent with yourselves, the capacity to look straight at your own inner abysses and still trust in the Hand that guides you and calls on you to go beyond the human condition.

The Lenten path is a challenging path, upon which souls are purified and faith is sometimes shaken, so that it can then be strengthened by a direct contact with the Creator. On the Lenten path, the adversary shows and presents the temptations of the world to you and its apparent conquests to cause you to feel that triumphs in the material world and being a "good" person are worth more than walking full of misery on a path of eternal battle and suffering.

Your human aspects and your miseries in purification will cause you to feel that you are not worthy of living the Divine Promise and that the Grace of God is not enough in your life so you can continue to walk. But today I tell you: go further! Continue to walk through this arid desert, letting each footstep along the way strip you of the world and fill you with God.

Continue to walk without wanting to see the results, rather just trusting that the Work of the Most High will be carried out in your lives beyond that which you can see, perceive or feel. Get to know the potential of faith that grows even in the darkness, because the Lenten path, children, is a path of transformation.

The Lenten path is a path of strength, but not seeing a consolidated strength, because it will only be revealed on the Cross. Lent is the time for building that fortitude within you, which paradoxically is built when you allow yourselves to be broken up into a thousand pieces and be rebuilt by God.

The Lenten fortitude is not a human fortitude, but rather a Divine Fortitude which is revealed through human fragility, because it is only when the human aspects give way to the Higher Aspects of God that you will be capable of perceiving the purpose of each trial and suffering.

The fortitude of the Lenten faith was revealed in the extreme and transcendent Love of the Cross, as well as in the power of the Resurrection of Christ, after He allowed Himself to die, with a death that caused Him to break into a thousand pieces, expressed in His scourged Flesh, in His spilled Blood and His shattered Soul; it was then, when the resurfacing of what seemed impossible to regain life, that the human fragility revealed Divine Fortitude. That is what is generated on the Lenten path.

Thus, walk and take each step with a humble and ready heart.

Allow the transformation to take place, that the vessel break and that the Divine Potter rebuild it so as to reveal His creative potential through His new vessel.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


During this Lent, child, learn to go deeper into the desert of your heart so your offering may be more sincere and real, so your experience of Christic Love may be broader.

In the same way Christ contemplated His Cross and each of the martyrdoms He would experience throughout the Calvary, you too should contemplate the trials of these times with bravery.

In the same way Christ contemplated and understood the definition and the fragility of His companions, you too contemplate not only your own human and inner fragility, but also that of your brothers and sisters, and with eyes of compassion, follow the definition of all those who walk with you.

Not all will find the fortitude within themselves to continue onward regardless of the circumstances. Not all will know that the Creator does not count on human strength, but rather on the surrender of hearts, so that He may be the strength in souls. Not all will understand that they do not need to conquer or triumph on their own, but rather just allow God to triumph through their lives in the most unthinkable situations, in the most unfamiliar conditions.

Observe the events of this time with the Eyes of the Lenten Christ, He Who faced each temptation through silence. And when facing the cunning visions of the adversary, His Eyes were fixed on God; when facing the confusing and conflicting words of the adversary, His Mouth only spoke prayers and decrees; when facing the miseries of His friends, which the adversary made Him observe, His Heart emanated understanding and certainty that salvation would come from His own yes, and that His brothers and sisters, even though they did not persevere on the path, would have a new opportunity because of the perseverance of His Heart in the Divine Purpose.

For this reason, Christ fixed His Eyes on the Purpose, and when facing all denials and miseries, He only affirmed the Light of the triumph of the Most High within Himself, and through Him, in all souls.

Child, place your heart in the Heart of the Lenten Christ to cross the desert in ascension, developing within yourself the fortitude capable of moving past the obstacles of the end of times.

Place your spirit in the Spirit of the Lenten Christ so that your being may be strengthened and grow in the virtue of faithfulness in the face of all trails, and that the confusions of the enemy not be more than your school of inner maturing.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the most arid deserts or in the deepest abysses, the Love of God will always find you, child. When you are able to go beyond an inner aridity, sufferings and anguish, doubts and afflictions, and are able to pray to your Father Who is in Heaven, He will always hear you.

And like a starry sky in the desert or like a powerful light in the abyss, His Love will be revealed to your heart and will make you feel that not even deserts or abysses will limit the Presence of God in the life of His Creatures, because union with the Creator happens from the inside out, it is something that is experienced within you.

And the circumstances in life do not matter, where and how you are. If your heart is willing to go beyond that, the Creator will be guiding your steps and sustaining your spirit.

For this reason, do not be afraid and do not suffer because of the times of chaos and  conflict on the planet and in creatures. Concentrate your consciousness on the power of the Light and, in the face of the shouts of the deceiver, let your silence open the doors to a higher reality.

The enemy will shout and seek to confuse consciousnesses in many ways; its expression is an appearance, and its deception lies in superficiality.

Thus, the battle you must fight is in silence, constantly placing your heart in God and not allowing your eyes to focus on appearances, but rather that the focus of you heart be on the Truth, and that the shouts of the enemy echo without any strength in your ears, for they will not find any room in your heart.

Let your goal be Love, despite seeing resentment, wars and chaos in the world.

Let your goal be the Light, despite seeing confusion and darkness in the world.

Let your heart remain in the certainty that strengthens it, which is the Divine Purpose, that is beyond everything that is confusing and apparent. It is in this way, child, that in spite of everything that happens on the planet, you will find peace and will transmit peace to the world.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


At all the Marian Centers, through the Reliquary of My Heart, I will be the doorkeeper and the protector, the guardian of the spiritual relics and of the divine gifts that are held within the sacred places, erected in honor of God and for the manifestation of His Plan.

The Reliquary of My Heart will be the protector of all the virtues achieved by souls. It will be the guardian of the evolution of those who said 'yes' to God, and each time that you should contemplate it with love, you will not only be receiving within yourselves that which I once achieved through humility and spiritual emptiness, but also, children, you will be safeguarded by Me, Who before God has received the authority to be your father and guardian in these times of transition.

It is for this reason that, in the face of the difficulties that seem impossible to you to transform, pray with Me, contemplating the Reliquary of My Heart. When the desert is greater than your faith, pray with Me, contemplating the Reliquary of My Heart. When the energies of the world within you seem to battle with your purest principles, pray with Me, contemplating the Reliquary of My Heart.

And so that all the souls of the world may have the chance to be before the Reliquary of My Heart, I ask that every 19th of the month, in a simple way, the Reliquary of My Heart be transmitted live, for one hour, so that all those who want to be before It in silence, may do so. This practice will allow you to find peace and to strengthen all the virtues that you have already achieved with you.

In this time of transition, I will be the guardian of your souls, your father and companion who, in silence, will follow your steps so that you not become lost, but that you may be always in Christ.

It is in this way, children, that I ask that every 19th day, of each month, at 7 pm, your hearts unite in prayer. Especially those who today cannot be at the Marian Centers, so that they may also receive the Graces and the Gifts that emerge from the Reliquary of My Heart for the world.

If you do this simple exercise on the day of the Celebration of the Heart of Saint Joseph, not only for yourselves but also for all the souls of the world, you will be able to intercede with Me for the greatest sinners and for those who are self-condemned, so that those souls may open their eyes and find the light and salvation in Christ.

I wait for you in prayer and I bless you.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


XVII - The Peace of the Virgin Mary

Contemplating the world, as well as the innermost spaces of its consciousness, a soul sought peace and did not manage to find it. The confusion of humanity, the imbalances in humankind, illnesses, suffering, the lack of a true meaning to life, this is what this soul would see while seeking peace in the world and even within themself.

Therefore, asking for the help of God, this soul prayed to the Lord, saying: "Lord, if it is possible to feel peace in times of anguish, give me peace. If it is possible to feel You, even while in the desert, make me feel You. If it is possible to keep faith and believe that after this deep night the light of a new day and a new life will come, then grant me this faith, because I feel lost, alone and empty, and I cannot find anything but anguish and uncertainty around me."

And after observing this soul over a long period of silence, the Lord responded:  "See, little soul, that your feet are spiritually upon a mount; this is the Calvary of the world. To go through it without losing faith, hope, or peace within, you must focus your consciousness on the true purpose of your existence.

Then, contemplate the Cross and each day relieve the Calvary of the Lord. Meditate upon the moment He would find peace in His Heart. and Imitate His footsteps. Perceive that it was in the gaze of the Most Holy Mary and in the certainty of Her silent presence, during the entire trajectory with the Cross, that your Lord, My Son, would find peace and be renewed so as to continue forward. It was in the eyes of Mary, the Virgin Mother of life, that your Lord would find hope and resume the purpose of each drop of His poured Blood.

The Calvary of these times is designed by the choices of the souls of the whole world. As one humanity, you must go through this test, but you, little soul, can either experience Calvary in the unconsciousness of the two thieves, or you can experience Calvary through renewing Creation, the laws and life, as Christ taught you to do.

If you then lose your peace, seek this peace in the eyes of the Virgin Mary. Pray to Her Immaculate Heart, and She, Who is the very Source of Peace for all life, will respond to you with silence, but with Her deep Love, with Her Peace and Her renewal. That is the way of finding peace in these times of transition."

May this dialogue, children, teach you not to linger in the anguish of the world, but rather to learn to renew yourselves in the Most Holy Mary, and find Her Peace, despite any tribulation in the world.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


VII - The Strength for Seeking Light and Crying Out for Mercy

A soul that was treading their path of surrender to God, one day, while experiencing a profound moment of inner definition, tempted by the forces of the world, thought about abandoning everything and launching into the pleasures and illusions of life. This soul was tempted to think and to feel that their surrender had no meaning, that it made no difference to the evolution of life and that despite so much effort, they were standing still; so it would be better to leave this path and launch into the world.

Upon inwardly planning to abandon their spiritual path, the soul felt they could not do so and something tied them to God. With a mixture of fear and of indignation, the soul began to question the Lord, saying: "Tell me, Lord, why do you tie me to Your Heart? What difference do I make for You if I am always the same invisible and imperfect soul in the infinity of Your Creation? God, why do You not allow that I abandon this path and that, surrendered to the world, I may learn to find You through other ways that are not this one?"

And with a smile on His Face, showing His celestial compassion, the Lord answered:  "Can an organ decide for itself to live outside of the body and leave? However much it wants to be independent within this body, and it might create illnesses and imbalances, that organ cannot leave on its own. And if one day, after so many illnesses, it were to be removed from this body, do you believe, little soul, that it would survive alone?

This is how the souls are like that have committed themselves to Me are. All the souls I have created are cells of My Mystical and infinite Body, but those that have committed themselves to Me are organs inside of Me, which have a fundamental role in the evolution of life, and even if they do not realize it, they are part of an infinite Work that does not begin nor end in this world. Therefore, beloved soul, it is not I Who ties you to My Heart and does not allow you to follow other paths; it is your own life and your condition of union with Me that makes you feel that, in spite of all the temptations, you cannot do so.

But for you, this moment is not the expression of your purest thought. You are going through a moment of blindness and ignorance, in which clouds cover your face and your heart, and you cannot see or feel the truth. So that this truth to be revealed to you, do not distance yourself from My Love and do not stop crying out for My Mercy. Even if you are in the desert, I will give you the strength to persist. And even in the inner dryness, you will feel My Fount that, in the very depths of the depths, springs up again within you. In a time of confusion, do not stop seeking Me, and I will give you peace."

In this dialogue with God, children, may the souls that today are blind find the strength to seek the Light and cry out for Mercy.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


While the Lord was in the desert, preparing His Heart for the surrender that He would experience by means of the Cross, His Mother Mary was already gathering together the disciples and the holy women and informing them about the Kingdom of God, about higher truths and about the path that is trodden to reach them, which is through humility, service, surrender and, above all, the love for God and for life.

At the same time that Christ was defeating the temptations in the desert, He was tested in His most human part and thus, He would take refuge in the Divine Heart of His Father; the souls that had committed to Him from the beginning of their existence were also led inwardly to the inner desert. At that moment, they recognized their weaknesses and were preparing for something greater, even if it was unknown.

The triumph of the Messiah was not understood by the majority of humanity, because the Will of God had no likeness to the ideas of humankind; but those who spiritually committed to Christ were ready and, sooner or later, they would be able to unite with the essence of the surrender of the Lord, to follow in His footsteps.

I tell you this, children, because as the spiritual time of Lent goes by, your hearts must go deeper into the meaning of the cross, you must observe the temptations and defeat them with silence and prayer, with the awakening of faith.

Let not your attention be on the laughter of the enemy, but rather on the Word of God. Hear His Voice and walk closer to Him, within yourselves.

Lent ends with a profound definition of the souls that are willing to accompany Christ and, in each cycle, in each new Lent, a greater, broader and more complete definition draws closer, until the day comes for entering Jerusalem, not to be acclaimed, but to experience absolute surrender.

Thus, do not forget the depths of what you are called upon to live; do not forget about the inner and divine greatness that you have committed to participate in.

The day of the cross is known only to God. Until this time comes, it is a cycle for walking more and more toward the Father, to merge into Him and to be One with Him so that the surrender of your lives may be fruitful, in Heaven as on Earth.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The time has come to respond to the call of God; a call that invites you to meet the spiritual and physical needs of this planet in redemption.

The time has come to listen to the Voice of God, which strongly resonates in the hearts that have already awakened. 

From His Word will come the strength to move on. From His Love will come the help for renewal each day in the fulfilling of His Plan. From His desert, but also from His Kingdom, will come the experiences that will forge an unbreakable fortitude in those who walk.

Thus, listen to the Voice of God within you and follow His call. There will be no other cycle, there will be no other time.

There is only a great need, children, of being in the correct place and carrying out the responsibilities that your Celestial Father gave you from the beginning of humanity.

The tests are intensified, but the Graces are also multiplied. Know how to take the Gifts of God so that they may be the foundation under your feet, and carry on in prayer, in communion and in surrender.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph




When a being enters the desert, even if they have simply touched its sands and felt its heat, they can no longer turn back.

The desert can appear to be dangerous, full of sufferings and woes. But today I tell you that there is no greater suffering for a soul than to enter the desert and not deepen into its experience, to not surrender to God and discover its mysteries.

The soul that steps upon the desert but does not walk in it and rather remains imprisoned by its fears does not let go of the crutches that supported its steps, nor does it discover its true support or know what it is like to walk on its own feet.

This soul, defeated by their fears, without wishing to let go of affections, sensations, the past within themselves, ends up seeking more crutches and more chains; the sensations they did not find with the crutches they hold in their hands and the chains fettered to their feet.

The soul becomes a prisoner of itself, each time emptier, more enslaved and more fearful, simply because they did not manage to yield to the infinity of the desert that appeared before them.

God calls on you to mature in the desert, to set aside human emotions so as to discover and consolidate your heart into Christic Love. But for this, children, you need to let go of your crutches, break the chains, experience the void and walk through it, even though you do not feel support under your own feet.

This is called experiencing faith.

Do not be slaves of yourselves. Recognize that there is no other executioner but pride, vanity and ignorance of hearts that believe they are safer when they are full of themselves, but do not perceive that they do not even know themselves.

I leave you My blessing so that you may cry out for freedom and live it.

If you feel that your feet are on the sands of the desert, walk and do not pause your steps. Consolidate the union with God and strengthen your own faith. This will allow you to be truly free.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Walking in the desert and being defeated by the Power of God is not being indifferent to life or to one's fellow being. The desert leads you to know God so that you may find all creatures and all life within the Creator.

The desert is a Meeting.

After crossing the void, the aridity and the solitude, having transcended the first stages of the desert, the heart purified and yielded to God, which is their only and last Fountain of pure water, the hearts experience a Meeting. In God they discover the truth, the purity and Life itself containing all creatures.

The desert is a path to truly find your fellow being. Upon coming to know yourselves, divesting yourselves of appearances, of crutches, of chains, you will also begin to see with a transparent gaze. By crossing the desert and finding God, you will be able to see Him in everything and in everybody, to discover His Love revealed in the essences of humankind.

When a heart experiences dryness, it is not because this heart is simply crossing the desert; it is because it has stepped into the desert. But it needs to walk in it, allow itself to be transformed in it, experience the void and also the Meeting.

The desert is made up of stages, discoveries, profound and inner experiences that must be understood today. If your hearts feel aridity, emptiness, temptation, loneliness, go deeper into what you experience and come to surrender, to the revelation of faith.

Let your crutches, your chains be broken. Leave, by the side of the road, the human support and even the spiritual ones, which manifest as virtues and skills, and allow yourselves to be nothing.

Continue into the desert upon the long road to empty yourselves.

Feel suspended into the void and, at the same time, very close to touching God.

It is the Meeting in the desert that gives you the strength to renew the Love of God. If there is no desert, there is no Christic Love. But I do not only speak to you about placing your feet upon the hot sand and feeling its dryness; I speak about knowing you are in the desert, accepting it, entering into it, fully living it.

This is why I speak to you about the desert, not to bring you some comfort, but to give you courage. The courage to be nothing.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Withdraw into the desert with God, trusting in His silence and in His Presence.

Let all spiritual and human sensations, which were once before confirmations and inner impulses to you, now be substituted by the fortitude of faith that, in a simple and pure way, unites you with God.

Accept the miracle of the desert with love, for God calls to the desert those in whom He hopes to place His trust, His Cross, His Grace and, above all, child, those who have been willing from the beginning to redeem their own lives, surpassing the Love of God.

My voice is an encouragement for the souls that walk into the void, for I simply say: "Go into this void and this desert; walk far and go deep into it, for it is there where you cannot recognize yourself  that God will reveal Himself, and will finally show you who you are."

Your Lord used to withdraw into the desert to pray, because it was there where He left behind His human condition and embraced His Divine Condition. And thus, the desert must be a hope for you.

Let the pain of renunciation become freedom from what holds you to the world.

In the desert, you can suffer with heavy footsteps due to the chains of the slavery of the world that are fastened to your feet, or you can bow down before God, place your face on the ground and know that, with your clamor elevated into the void, these currents are broken and you can walk free.

The desert will not cease to be arid and lonely, but your steps will be free and your heart light, so as to reach your own destiny.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The deserts, child, are experienced in different stages of the surrender and transformation of humankind.

During inner growth, the Creator brings His children into the desert many times. Sometimes rapidly and simply and, sometimes, in a deep and prolonged way, which seems to never end.

The desert is an inner state of emptiness in which the Creator takes from His children and friends all the consolations of Earth, every feeling, every affection, all that which the spiritual being creates as a support, and sometimes this acts as a springboard upon their path toward inner life.

All of that is taken away so that, in this way, the consciousness may learn to be supported purely byspiritual foundations, in the knowledge and experience of God, which is born from faith and the experience of the void.

Consolidate your union with God through the simple certainty that He is present, even if He does not make Himself felt, heard nor seen.

The desert can be seen as rough and painful but, in truth, child, the desert is the invitation of God for souls to achieve a profound and direct union with Him, far from the illusions and the senses, far from the dimensions of matter and all they are made up of.

The desert is an invitation to what is real; but to cross this desert, it is not enough to have knowledge. The science of humility must be discovered, of yielding and of surrender, the science of launching oneself into the Divine Hands and knowing that His Will is perfect, both in the oasis and in the desert, in the temples full of souls that awaken as well as in the calvary full of souls that despise.

That is why I speak about the desert, so that you may learn to love it and to aspire to it. Not to aspire to suffering, but rather aspire to a direct, profound and real union with the One who created you and invites you to express the likeness to His Heart.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the desert, child, where there is no food, there is no water, there are no fountains, just emptiness, your sustenance will be the Breath of the Spirit of God.

It is the union with the Holy Spirit that will reveal your strength in Christ, in spite of any misery, weakness or smallness.

It is the Spirit of God, which dwells in the depths of your being, that will speak louder than all the confused words of your lost mind and the temptations of the world. From inside out, the Holy Spirit will reveal Itself within you, and in the arid and dark desert, within your own heart, you will find a Light.

Thus, seek the Holy Spirit, even though it seems incomprehensible to you. Ask for the Grace to discover It and know It within you and in everything.

When you were thought of by God, within you, in the deepest core of your human condition, a particle of His Holy Spirit was hidden. That Spirit that animates matter, and which is the bridge between illusion and Truth, can take care of everything you are, through the yielding of your heart, the surrender and the true union with God, even in the emptiness.

Cry out for the revelation of the mysterious and silent Spirit of God.

His golden Sun will be revealed in the night of your heart, and you will no longer be walking lost in the desert, but rather you will have a direction, which is the deepening into the mystery of surrender, which will someday show you who you truly are.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Pray, child, and still adore God in the desert of your heart. Remember that  withdrawing into the desert is to prepare you for meeting the Creator.

The desert is full of desolation, temptations and challenges; the desert is dry, empty and lonely. But it is this way so that you may move past all the limitations of your human weaknesses, purify the illusions and break the streams that, since the beginning of humanity, have been created to imprison the consciousness within a lie about the self.

Walk with firm steps through the desert of your heart and know that your goal is only one: meeting with your Creator.

In the desert, the Lord leads you to overcome the temptations that weaken your most human part: your cells, your bones, your mind, your emotions. But it is in the fortitude of this desert that your Creator will reveal the potential in you to transform the most impure conditions of a whole race.

Human beings, child, gradually discover themselves through surpassing, yielding and surrendering. And each desert crossed draws you closer to God and, in this way, draws you closer to yourselves, to what you really are.

Cross your inner deserts so that your soul may prepare for planetary deserts and, one day, child, your spirit will also be taken into a universal desert, a desert that will reveal the true meaning of human existence and this will not only bring humankind closer to the Heart of God, but all of creation. 

I leave you My blessing and My peace so that, with them, you may take the necessary steps in this time.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Retreat your heart in the Presence of your Lord and enter into the living memory of His Passion so that each year you can discover the mysteries of His Love, and learn to love a little more.

Begin to feel with Him, that the night of His surrender is drawing closer. Feel how love and compassion are now beginning to be born within Him, because he knew that His hour was coming.

Feel His gaze upon His companions, emanating compassion and Mercy, understanding and forgiving them, even before they sinned, abandoning the Lord on the road to the Calvary.

Seek this superior Love so that you also may begin to go deeper into the Calvary that the Earth experiences, in the change of times, in the purification of the planet, in the awakening of a greater Love. And from now on begin to forgive the sins committed, not only by you, but above all by your neighbor. Begin to further understand human fragility and place your heart in the mysterious essence that makes you worthy children of God.

The road to the Calvary does not begin with the cross on your back; it begins in the desert and it is often experienced and deepened in spiritual levels before manifesting. Thus, child, from now on open your heart for the awakening of Love, for the cross of these times.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


During the 40 days in the desert, your Lord not only strengthened His Spirit and His union with the Father; He experienced for the first time the suffering of the entire world in His Heart and knew what it meant to carry the Cross of the sins of each being of this Earth.

His silence sustained His inner world and raised Him beyond human pain, for Him to reach the Heart of the Father and to know His Love would go beyond any sacrifice.

Today, child, you are invited to enter the desert of your heart, to there contemplate this planet, to prepare your inner world for that which will come, to experience within yourself what the transition of times is and, above all, to strengthen your union with God, entering His Heart and knowing there is nothing on this Earth which can surpass the necessity to reach the Father. His Love justifies all things.

Every effort, sacrifice and offering made with the heart are justified by the Love of God.

Every humiliation, emptiness, desert, loneliness and silence are justified by the Love of God.

Every service, tireless surrender, renunciation and trial are justified by the Love of God.

In the Love of God everything is dissolved and pacified, everything finds its meaning and its value, since within it all can be renewed. Therefore go, child, and seek that Love. It will be your sustenance, it will justify your existence, it shall be the meaning for your life on Earth.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Contemplate the solar essence that is given to creatures through the spiritual treasures that God hides deep in beings.

Contemplate the solar essence that is given to creatures through the "yes" that a few emit to the Universe, forgetting themselves and surrendering their own lives to the Father for the benefit of human evolution, and more than that, for the benefit of the evolution of all the Universes and the renewal that God Himself lives when His Children say "yes".

Enter the desert of your inner being  and follow the sublime ceremonies that are carried out in the silence, while humanity, distracted, seeks a way out of the entanglements and the chaos of their own lives.

Contemplate the solar essence that God gives to His Children, so invisible, yet as palpable as the wind.

This Light, which does not come from this world, is not only like the Sun that illumines your days. It does not reveal itself to those who do not want to see it; therefore, child, enter the desert of your heart and there receive what God has to give you.

Like the Patriarchs who opened themselves to a new cycle and awakened the faith in One God, Who spoke to them in their heart and awakened their consciousness, you too enter the desert of your spirit, open to a new cycle, ready for a new Law.

I know that, for you, many mysteries are not palpable and even less, reachable before your imperfection, but today I take you to the desert and I show you a place where emptiness is real, where you become a new jar, ready for a new cycle and a new inner learning.

Just simply take My Hands and enter with Me into this desert and, like the peoples of ancient times, allow yourself to be renewed by God.

I will guide you and bless you on this path.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


While we were praying I saw Saint Joseph, first in the Middle East, dressed as a Muslim and with a cloth around his head. He was walking in the desert, accompanying different families who were emigrating, putting in His arms the children who were most tired of walking, and helping them. Afterwards, I saw Him in other cities, in big cities, helping people on the streets and only accompanying them, as someone who was simply passing by there. I also saw Him in different indigenous villages and when He appeared, He was surrounded by indigenous children who looked to be between three and eight years old. While Saint Joseph was transmitting the daily message, the children who were accompanying Him, spiritually radiated Light to the different indigenous tribes of the world.

       Dear companions in Christ, Missionaries of love on this Earth in so much need of aid and of peace,

Today I come to you with joy, but also with much regret in the depth of My Chaste Heart. I come with joy because I knew that, when arriving to the world, I would find beings that are willing to be with Me wherever it is necessary. I come with regret because I cannot be indifferent to all that happens in the world and also in the universe as a repercussion of the events of the Earth.

Today I do not come only from the Middle East, I come from many places of this vast planet, where I can walk beyond the borders, since for Me they do not exist. I come mostly from the region of Chaco, in Argentina, and also from other villages and tribes of original peoples that humanity still does not know. And I am not alone, because I have brought to you the little ones who – from the plans of the spirit – radiate their purity to those human beings who have the mission to keep guarding the presence of the indigenous consciousness on the planet, so that purity and simplicity do not disappear from the human heart.

Many think that it would not be necessary to carry out two missions at the same time, and lucubrate thoughts, imagining the reason why we have asked a mission to the Chaco, since the missionaries are already going so far, to the Middle East.

I know that the typical ignorance of the ordinary human mind often does not allow you to think and feel like the Creator of all things thinks and feels. That is why I will explain some truths to you, with My request that you observe them and learn from them, so that when your time arrives, with its own discernments, you make important decisions – time in which We will no longer be able to dictate all the steps as now.

The indigenous consciousness, in general, has an important mission of guarding the purity in humanity and also the possibility of understanding nature and, through nature, finding God. The indigenous are guardians of unity, of life in community, in a peaceful and loving way. Throughout times, many were losing these attributes and the customs of the current humanity were influencing the different indigenous communities of the world.

In Argentina, the region of Chaco, as other places, is a space of the consciousness of the nation that – despite the abandonment and the suffering which it lives – has not lost the essence of what it is and keeps being a guardian of the purity, mainly for this nation.

As South America has a primordial role in the end of times, if Argentina itself does not take care of the treasure it has in Chaco, it might lose the possibility of living simplicity, humility, peace and purity, attributes that are primordial for the emergence of a new race.

This mission of consecrating the Americas to God is a responsibility of all those who correspond to this Work of the Lord, and you must be aware that which each people fulfills a primordial role in the construction of the New Earth.

Why do we send the missionaries to Chaco and, at the same time, to the Middle East? Because, while some will try to heal the pain, the suffering and the resentment of the beings who have left their lands, their homes, others will go to a similar situation of people who have also been removed from their lands and, however, have not lost hope.

May the purity of your indigenous brothers and sisters be radiated to the Middle East and may, thanks to the different missionaries who will compose these two missions and all the prayer groups that will support them, a connection of love and unity may happen, so that, through service, love strengthens the population of Chaco and so that the purity of this people, strengthened by love, reach the Middle East as a hope that, one day, they be able to live fraternity.

May in these two missions, both peoples rekindle hope of being among brothers and sister, in a world of cooperation, of fraternity, of unity with one another and all with God. All this can be achieved with the purity of intention and the heart united, perfectly, to the Heart of God, from where comes all the principles and archetypes for humanity.

Go ahead, missionaries of Christ, of Mary and of My Most Chaste Heart. We will be in Omnipresence with all, watching over the fulfillment of the Divine Purpose.

Your Father and Friend, Missionary of all hours,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
