Daily Message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am the Mother of the Universe in the essence of the Golden Ray, because through it, all universal impulses descend toward the world so that humanity may achieve redemption and conversion.

Through the Golden Ray, a consciousness can access science and wisdom and thus understand the fusion that exists between matter and spirit.

Your lives are universally ruled by many Rays, but the Golden Ray concentrates the perfect union of the spiritual plane with the material plane; it is the Ray that allows two such different realities to be united.

The Golden Ray is capable of bringing understanding to the consciousness about to the invisible, and thus, this Ray allows each spirit to penetrate the mystery and love the unknown.

This is the Ray capable of awakening inner wisdom and it is broadly complemented by the Golden Ruby Ray, creating a deep understanding of celestial mysteries throughout all space.

The Golden Ray is a principle of regeneration of all that has been created; it opens the doors so that other Laws may act within material life.

The Golden Ray allows for the attraction of more elevated vibrations and it can be seen in consciousnesses that reveal a devotion to the sublime planes.

It is the Ray that creates divine fire and expands it in different degrees of manifestation.

The Golden Ray allows for the recreations of spiritual spaces and generates an inner expansion of universal knowledge when the latter is loved with devotion.

Its principal essence is the First Ray, that of Will.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who leads you to the divine essence of the Rays of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Message of Mary for non-believers

Listen to the Voice of My Heart and just think that I exist within this vast universe of life and love.

Just think that I exist and that I govern a part of Heaven under the impulse of the Holy Spirit of God and that I pour the Gifts of this wise Spirit into the hearts that open to recognize it in the depths of their inner self.

Just think of Me as your Mother, the Mother of the Redeemer, Who throughout time has offered Myself to the world to be able to guide it and support it in the sacred Purpose of God.

Just think that I am this great Star and this great Sun that lights up the abysses and that converts fallen souls through the Love of God, Our Lord.

Just think about who I can be and not in what you believe.

My Consciousness comes from an eternal principle, from a most pure Source of Creation, which gave of Itself so that the whole universe could learn about real Love. It was this Divine Source that gave Me life and it was through this Divine Source that Jesus was able to incarnate in humanity.

Just think about what We are and not in what you believe. Open yourself to know the mystery of Love, which can do all things and which recreates all things, as it is written in the Heart of the Father.

Souls are born to live in faith, and it is this faith that allows the establishment of the true belief that God exists and loves you.

Everything has a meaning for the universe and the universe participates in this concept. Thus, the heart of each creature was created so that each one could feel the honor of being loved by God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who leads you toward the essence of real faith,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Message for the Vigil of Prayer, received in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, transmitted by Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, to the visionary Sister Lucía

Pray with your heart and with your spirit; in this way, My Verb will unite with yours and My Presence will be perceptible to your small being.

Pray for the nations, for the peoples, for the world, and go with your purest intention, traveling this planet; in this way, you will learn to fly like the Luminous Bird that rescues those most in need.

Pray for your brothers and sisters, for your friends and for your enemies, with the same love and with the same fervor, because the difference between souls is in your eyes rather than in the Eyes of God.

Unite with the Divine Gaze and contemplate the unique essence of each creature that lives on Earth.

Pray with love for the Kingdoms, just as you would pray for those that are at your side and greatly suffer, because the Kingdoms are also at your side and many times, suffer even more than your brothers and sisters.

Pray directing your aspirations to the Universe, to Infinity, so that the One who reigns in this universe is able to receive your aspirations and concretize His Greater Will in you.

Pray for what you know has need of your prayers, but also pray for situations unknown to you, because your eyes have limits and and so does your knowledge; but there is the One who has no limits, who sees everything, and can guide your prayers to where they are needed.

Pray for the oceans and for everything that lives in them.

Pray for the air and for everything that breathes it.

Pray for what is visible to you and for what is invisible also.

Pray for what you know is living and for what you do not know, but also has life.

Let your prayer expand and your verb cross the walls of your small house. Let your prayer be infinite and powerful, strong enough to travel through the whole world. You will achieve this if you take your small verb and offer it to the very great Divine Verb.

Unite your voice to the great Voice of the Universe.

Unite your heart with the Universal Heart and in this way, you will find yourself within everything, within the all.

I come to lead you to this state of consciousness, because the time has come for being one with the One who is in everything, and for discovering this Universal and Divine King in all things.

If you listen to My Words with your heart and, while you pray, you remember each one of them, you will then discover that great and silent mystery in which your small consciousness is immersed.

Seek to be simple, My child, so that in the simplicity, you come to know the One who is Purity itself, who is Love itself and Truth itself. 

Place your hands on Mine and walk at My side; I come today to lead you through the Celestial Universe.

I thank you for walking with Me on this universal journey.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Special Message

The true awareness of what Life is only comes to humankind through the Spirit of God. My Immaculate Spirit and the Most Sacred Spirit of My Son comes from the Holy Spirit. But today I want to reveal to you that it is not necessary to be originally conceived by this Holy Spirit in order to experience the infinite Graces that Jesus and I experienced 2013 years ago.

The Holy Spirit transforms everything It touches, Its Fire purifies into Light everything that comes near It. The soul that has been touched by the Holy Spirit will never be the same, even during other existences in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Spirit of God even transforms the spiritual destiny of beings because the one who opens to receive a glorious touch from the Holy Spirit makes a commitment to the Creator to serve Him eternally.

The Holy Spirit is a mystery to the world because It is in everything, and everyone seeks It without knowing how to find It. The Holy Spirit manifests Itself as life-giving Fire and as a superhuman Gift; It manifests Itself as Love that illuminates everything, as Forgiveness that forgives everything, as Peace that radiates to everyone. 

The Holy Spirit comes when you least expect It, because at the moment when you least expect It, without losing the permanent aspiration to find It, that is when the heart makes room for the Holy Spirit to enter.

For the indwelling of Holy Spirit to be eternal within beings, the consecration of the soul must also be eternal, the offer of the heart must be eternal, the aspiration to serve the One and Only God must also be eternal.

The Lord deeply knows the heart of His creatures and He knows when His child confirms themselves perpetually in union with His Most Sacred Heart. And it is at this moment that the Lord sends His omnipresent Spirit to find this new home.

Since the heart of humankind is unpredictable, even to themselves, only God knows the truth about the intentions and feelings of humans, about the offers and aspirations. Therefore, the only thing that your beings must do is to be in a permanent offer and to reconsecrate yourselves daily before the Universe of God, with a pure and sincere heart. 

Seek without seeking, because this is how it will be without realizing it, and humility, which is the first Gift of the Spirit of God, will come to those who do not know it and have never known it. The Gift of humility is only known by the one who recognizes it in his neighbor because the heart that is truly full of the Holy Spirit is so close to God that it does not notice its own progress and virtues.

This is how Jesus, Mary and Joseph experienced the Holy Spirit. One recognized this Holy Spirit in the other and realized how many Gifts God had manifested in that family, full of charity and humility, but none of Us observed within ourselves the presence of this Spirit. We admired in silence and in prayer the virtues of the others, and the more we noticed the Love which the other manifested for God, the more our hearts were filled with this Spirit. And in Our simple life, but full of mysteries, the Holy Spirit was manifesting Itself.

Therefore I tell you today that a key to progress is to think only about God and strengthen the virtue of the neighbor, so that you may always grow and develop. Thus, even without realizing it, your spirits will be preparing themselves to receive the Spirit of God. 

May peace and harmony reign in each heart.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Find My Heart in each one of your hearts. Find Light in your essences and see the purity of My Love that strengthens you day by day.

Dear children,

Today I invite you to meditate on the Mystery of the Transfiguration of Jesus. In this Mystery, which can be contemplated through prayer, you must meditate on the sign that was manifested in the experience lived by Jesus alongside His apostles. They are the representatives of the heart of humanity that throughout time follows the voice and instruction of the Master.

My Son is the flame of life that allows you to take the steps in the consecration of your hearts to God. For this reason, dear children, as humanity you were partakers of the divine Mystery of the Transfiguration, a mystery that today I invite you to remember. Carry in your hearts the sign of this Divine Mystery that will lead you to discover a profound surrender and a constant transformation of your hearts.

As humanity, the apostles were witnesses of the infinite mystery of the Love that My Son lived and lives with His Universal Father. For this reason, little children, the apostles were called to find, in the depths of their hearts, the truth of the divine existence and the Presence of a Greater and Omnipotent Father among the creatures.

Jesus, the instructor, prepared them as humanity on the path of the awaking of the One and Only Consciousness.

Therefore, dear children, I conduct you, as My Son did with the apostles, towards the encounter with the only universal truth of God. Through the path of prayer, like Jesus, you will be able to transfigure life into something immaculate for God. In this way your souls, as instruments of the Creator, will be able to emanate the attributes of peace and of absolute surrender of the heart. So that My Son may transfigure your lives, you must begin with confidence, the pilgrimage of faith towards His Most Sacred Heart.

May faith be in your kind hearts.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
