So that the human indifference towards higher life not cause humanity to lose the possibility of coming to know and experience this life, those who are awake must redouble their efforts, multiply their tasks and overcome their own limits, every day, so as to respond on behalf of those who ignore the celestial call.
In addition to their own purification and their own weight that they must endure in these times, the new apostles and disciples of Christ must withstand the purification of the planet and carry on their backs those burdens that others who had committed themselves to Christ do not want to bear.
In the Universe, the responsibility of the manifestation of the Plan of God was equally shared among those who committed themselves to render this service. But when they arrived on the planet, with veils over their eyes, their souls became confused, they forgot and remained asleep or imprisoned in their personal likings and in their ways of understanding this Plan.
Children, when a soul that had to fulfill a certain mission changes this mission to adjust it to their own will and their opinion, this, for the Plan, is considered an indifference towards the Truth of the Creator, even if they believe they are serving God.
There are many souls that had committed themselves to the Lord and that, throughout their experiences on Earth, fulfilled in part what God had asked them; but now, in the culminating moment of the Divine Plan, they have become lost in the strong influences of chaos and have cast aside fidelity, exchanging it for superficiality.
I tell you these things first for you to be attentive and always be guardians of the Divine Plan, and also for you to know that the Creator will count on you to fulfill that part of His Plan that was left behind due to human indifference.
May the love to the Plan in your hearts be greater than your self-love so that you can imitate the example of Christ and not only carry your own cross, but let God place upon it the weight of the indifference and ignorance of His Children so that they not become lost but rather have an opportunity to awaken.
The Creator counts on you, children, for a response and a greater responsibility. It is time to serve, to love, and to surrender to the Divine Plan.
Your father and companion on the Evolutionary Path,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Patience in transformation and in your own purification is primary. Remember that you are before a human condition that degenerated throughout the centuries and you are before codes that emerge from your consciousnesses to be transformed, and they even go past life on Earth, for their roots are in the Universe.
Always remember that the One Who came to the world to give you an example was the Son of the Living God and He had to suffer the evils of the Earth and transmute the atavisms of humanity to open the path for you.
The transcendence of the human matter of Jesus started since His gestation until His last breath on the Cross. If the Living God worked in each instant of His life to culminate with His lesson of love, do not expect it to be different for you. How do you want to sanctify your bodies and souls if you are only beginning to understand this path now?
The Son of God was aware of universal life and its mysteries; He knew all the cosmic sciences because He was one with The One Who created them; and even so, in order to free the fear of His last Cell and experience love in full with all the levels of His Consciousness, He had to reach the Cross and forgive everything that He had experienced up to there.
Children, you have a long way to go to reach perfection. Do not be in a hurry, be patient. However, be constant and persistent and do not become comfortable in the fact that transformation will last you a lifetime.
Yes, the absolute transformation will take your whole life, but every day you must achieve a new step, so that at the end of this life you may be worthy of reaching other celestial worlds and dimensions that bring you closer to God.
The transformation will last a lifetime because evolution is eternal and not because you will always be in the same place. Each day, a new understanding and a new step must occur, based on permanent effort. Do not worry whether you take long or short steps, because each day and each cycle will lead you to a different step.
What really matters is that you do not stop and that you be constant.
Open yourselves every day so that the Love of God may transform you and withdraw a little of yourselves from your own consciousness so as to give space to Love and the divine Presence.
Each day, remove an object of your inner dwelling place to make room for the Celestial Dweller that will come one day. At some point, you will have the house empty and clean to receive Him.
Your father and long-standing friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Find the inner strength in permanent renewal before the Plan of God.
Beloved children,
In these times, the pressure of the planet will lead you to a definition of consciousness and there will no longer be two paths on which to go. Light and darkness will struggle before your consciousnesses to triumph in the human heart. Those who have committed themselves to the experience of peace, of love and of unity with God must seek in the Creator their permanent fortitude.
Place your own being into the Arms of the Lord and entrust the guidance of your lives to Him. There is no space for your personal will in these times. You must listen to the inner indications to be in the correct place and collaborate with the Plan of God.
Children, the Creator will shortly silence the echo of His Voice, but prayerful hearts that have built a path of unity with God will be able to feel His Will and hear It through their consciousness.
The tests that many are experiencing in these times and the challenges they are experiencing are part of a higher will that propels you into a more immediate and true transformation. Do not think that God has abandoned you or you are off His path because you are going through tests, often painful for the heart and the consciousness.
If your paths do not take you to the destination you expected, ask yourselves, children, if this is the right path and if the obstacles you encounter have been placed there by the Creator Himself so that you wake up and realize that you should not walk there.
The Lord is trying to correct the steps of His disciples and companions while there is still time to reverse the errors and return, because the time is now coming, children, when the errors will no longer be reversible as they are today, and you will not have Mercy available as the source you have now. It will be Justice that will guide humanity, and it will be other laws that will guide your lessons. For this reason, today I warn you: be attentive to the signs in your own life; meditate before taking your steps and ask yourselves inwardly what the Will of God is. Ask Him for the grace of being in the correct place and collaborate with His Plan. Ask for the grace of being guided to a definition that will lead you to Higher Will.
This coming August will seek to find you firm and mature in your spiritual life. This means that you must take on the consequences of your steps and decisions and that you can no longer count so much on the permanent intervention of the Hierarchy.
Our love and Our gaze will always be upon you; but many times, children, we can only observe you.
I tell you all this as an impulse for the growth of all. May those who still have their feet in two boats define themselves and not allow themselves to fall into the sea of illusions and ignorance of the world.
I love you and I leave you My blessing. I propel you into the new cycle that is coming.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When Jesus was on the Cross and said: “Father, why hast thou forsaken Me?”, it was His humanity that proclaimed those words; it was His Cells, sustained until then by Divine Power, that in the depths, feared the hour of being alone with their pain and their suffering.
After that question of His human heart, Jesus recognized in all the spaces of His Consciousness, from matter to spirit, His filiation and unity with God. He understood, at His core, the essence of love and of the human project, and experienced the fullness of being in likeness to the Father.
The fear of His Cells dissipated through the power of the love and forgiveness that emanated from Him. Jesus understood the Will of His Father and why He abandoned Him in that hour that seemed to be the most difficult when He had always accompanied Him. He discovered that the Father wanted Him to feel and experience the love He had within and which made Him in likeness to God and united to Him; and that, in truth, the Creator had not abandoned Him. He allowed Him to discover that the Father was in Him, as He was in the Father, through the love, forgiveness and mercy which, at that moment, were poured upon the Earth.
The Virgin Mary and John understood the Will of God when they saw Jesus on the Cross asking for forgiveness for those who crucified Him, and together with Christ, they learned this unfathomable love, which unites matter with spirit, which divinizes humankind.
That was how the Virgin Mary and John also experienced that profound union with God, by the simple fact of observing Christ. That union was later experienced by the apostles and disciples of Jesus and Mary through the Grace of the Holy Spirit, and in this way, all overcame the fear of death and loneliness; all filled their spirits with the courage that was born of the certainty that God was in them because they were a living part of the Divine Consciousness.
It was because of that certainty and of that courage that the Church of Christ was consolidated on Earth. But throughout the centuries, not all human beings understood the Passion of Jesus and meditated on His example to the point where they allowed themselves to be divinized by Him; not all found the certainty of the likeness to God; not all sought fortitude in the living God within themselves.
Children, today the Creator speaks to you and instructs you through His Messengers. The Most High Lord accompanies each one in their steps and renews the story, awakening New Christs. But just as He “abandoned” Jesus on the Cross, the moment will also come to each one of you to discover, in solitude, the union with God. And for an instant, it may seem unjust, painful or incomprehensible to you that the Creator abandons you when you have the most need of Him. However, if you overcome human fear and seek that union with God in spirit, you will understand that the Father, whom you always sought in the heights, is living within every being, in their essence, in their inner universe.
When the time comes for the trial of humanity, remember what I have said to you and do not fear, but rather, love and live forgiveness, like the One Who loved and forgave before you, leaving you the example.
Your father and friend, Who prepares your paths for divine union,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My child,
Be true and transparent first with yourself and then in everything. Allow your consciousness to face the truth without fear and without the need to hide what you see or to appear to be something different from what you have found within yourself.
Look at yourself more than in a mirror; look into the depths of your inner world, recognizing there the fears, the difficulties, what should be transformed, healed, forgiven, freed. Also see the virtues, the gifts, what should be stimulated, nourished; what should grow spiritually, even though in silence and in anonymity.
Face the truth about yourself to eradicate the lie from your consciousness, and thus, help humanity. Overcome the need to appear as something, to please, to conquer, to convince, to manipulate; because all this, child, is part of an ancient lie that prevents humanity from finding the Truth.
When human beings do not know themselves and increasingly move away from the truth about themselves, they also move away from God, from the universe, from reality; for this reason, child, in these times, being true to yourself and the world is a great service.
Be an example for those who are lost from themselves; an example of a heart that found itself and did not fear seeing itself exactly as it is, both in misery as well as in virtue, to thus transcend the miseries and simplify the virtues, knowing that everything you are is part of a lesson, of an experience that takes you to something greater: to the Consciousness of God.
When the being is before itself with simplicity, neither do miseries haunt them nor do their virtues bring them vanity, because they know that the path is to be nothing, in order to find a truth even deeper than the one found when they overcame the ancient lie that involved them.
Child, walk toward the truth without fear and, transcending one illusion after another, discover that the truth lies in the emptiness of self, where nothing becomes everything.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To the youth of the planet,
Children, this is the beginning of a new cycle for the planetary consciousness. Next August will mark the time of even deeper definitions for souls, and the Youth Festival for Peace comes to open the doors of this cycle for all young people of the Earth.
You must be aware that your mission does not start or finish in this Festival, because it is the beginning of a path which will be endless, profound and painful for many, a path of transformation, of definition, a path to discover the truth about yourselves and lose the fear of expressing it.
I tell you that it will be a painful path because the current youth is very involved with superficialities, in a poorly profound life from a spiritual point of view. It is a youth educated to think only in themselves, in their own advantage, in their own pleasure. It is a youth built in an era of permanent involutive stimuli, a youth that represents the last cycles of the old humankind and that is completely impregnated by the patterns left by all the previous generations.
This is the youth that must live the transition of the planet and bear the currents that will descend to reform the Earth and to attract a new life. This youth will have to say "no" to all the patterns they carry in their consciousness - as a compiled set of human experiences of all eras of humanity – in order to be nothing and be reborn in life as children of God.
Thus, children, see that the Youth Festival for Peace is only a door that opens in the consciousness of the youth and that very timidly shows you the rising of a new Sun in the horizon.
Being the beginning of a new spiritual cycle, although it may not seem to be so, the Youth Festival for Peace will place your consciousnesses before an inner synthesis, perhaps even sooner than the Festival happens.
That will be so because those who first say "yes" are the spearhead that breaks the old barriers and opens the consciousness for the new. These must be the example for those who will come afterwards, and to be so they will be forged in the invisible of the spirit.
May the young people awake for a new time and a new life. May they prepare their spirits to sustain the planet with peace and inner harmony, and may they be the sowers of the future, preparing life of those who will be the youth of the new Earth.
I leave to you this impulse that expands your consciousness and elevates you so that you may start to be aware of the life of spirit and do not remain so tied to appearances and to matter. The current youth is already a prisoner of appearances and many young people do not know who they are because they only know what they want to appear to be. As an impulse for all the human consciousness, be true and transparent, and do not be afraid of loving and being as you are.
Recognize that there is a great spiritual mystery behind each request of the Divinity because – when you work for God - everything has a Higher Purpose.
I leave you My Best Wishes for a good awakening for all.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Launch yourself into the impossible, if the Lord asks you so. Overcome any natural or supernatural fear and respond to divine Will, even without understanding It.
What could seem more impossible for a human being than to accept that his virgin wife gestates the Son of God, brought and impregnated by the Holy Spirit? Nevertheless, child, in the face of this and so many other mysteries in My life, I never denied the Will of the Lord.
It was for this unrestricted obedience that the Creator granted His simple servant the Grace of sharing His Power and His Glory, even though I was alive, in a body, a mind, a soul, and a human heart.
The Lord always asked Me for impossible things, and the most impossible of all was having asked Me one day to be as like Him as His Son was, in the human form of that little child, whom I carried in My arms for years.
The greatness of that child was so immense and His Holiness and Majesty were so infinite, even being in such a small body, that to resemble such manifested love seemed impossible to Me. But I did not refuse that divine request and I just opened myself to love My Son and God as one thing. I allowed myself to be permeated by Divine Presence in my life and I opened each cell of My body so that it might live in itself the awakening to love and the likeness to God.
I gradually discovered that to be like the Father, just as My Son was, meant to love the Father as My Son loved Him, and to love everything just as the Father loved. The essence of love was the beginning, the middle and the end of all things, of all paths.
And it was in observing the little Jesus that I discovered that evolution is eternal, and that the union with God must be permanent, constant. And so it was that, even after death, I continued to contemplate the steps and the triumph of My beloved Son, and I went ever deeper into experiencing love and the likeness to God.
I tell you this because the Creator asks for impossible things from all His children. Even in the same way He asked Me, He will also ask you to love as His Firstborn Son loves and to be in likeness to Him, just as His beloved Son is.
Know, child, that the essence of everything lies in losing your fear of launching yourself into love.
Even though doubt, fear, pride and the lack of peace torment you, never stop fulfilling the Will of the Father. When you respond to His Call, you will see His Wonders manifest in your life.
I love you and, with My example, I always inspire you.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Allow your heart to know the gift of faith. Let this faith break within you the barriers of doubt, of indifference, of the need to keep the appearances before the world; let it break the barriers of impossibilities, fears, vanities. Let yourself be filled by the faith that transcends the comprehension of the mind and does not find a confirmation of its existence but in the depths of the heart.
There is no scientific evidence that confirms the action of faith and often you want to explain the miracles caused by it as a way to dissolve its merits in the human life. But faith, per se, child, is a great miracle.
When faith is established in the heart, it is a sign that this heart has already won many barriers within itself and that the consciousness has already treaded a certain path of transformation and of union with God to arrive there.
Faith is born without obstacles in the simple of mind, of heart and of spirit, and in them it expands each day, transforming itself into a source of love and graces for the incredulous and the desperate.
Those who have faith and let themselves be filled by it become, sooner or later, vehicles of the divine Grace for other hearts: faith itself, covered by Grace, makes miracles.
Child, what is called miracles in this world is nothing else but the action of faith in the human heart. If the one who needs a miracle, at some level, does not make their consciousness ready to receive it with faith, this miracle does not manifest itself, because miracles are the manifestation of Grace and divine Mercy, and if there is no attunement and affinity in the heart and consciousness, these Graces do not descend.
The universal Laws are a great mystery for the human mind, which ignores them almost completely. Only those who live under these Laws understand them.
Today, child, I call you to experience the divine principle of faith for you to receive from the Highest God the Grace you need in these times, manifested in a miracle of love and transformation, for you to fulfill your mission while it is still time.
Be willing to live the faith and ask for the Grace to receive it.
May the Father fill you with divine faith, transforming not only your small consciousness but also all of humanity, which, empty of faith and hope, does not find a meaning for life.
I bless you today and always.
Your father and companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When I talk to you about universal life, many look around and see an abysmal distance that exists between what I say and what you live as humanity.
The approach to the universal life must be first in consciousness because I tell you that, for many, from one day to another the barriers of illusion will fall to the ground and Truth will become visible to the human eye. Those who always ignored it will fear and will think they are crazy; those who had a mere idea about it will fear and will not enter the portals that will open in front of their eyes; and those who know it and live it will wait for it and, anxious for finding it, will recognize it before their eyes and will cross without fear the portals that will lead them to a new life.
Believe that what I tell you, children, is not a tale or fantasy. Blessed are those who launch themselves with their hearts into the unveiling of the celestial mysteries and who, in humility, empty their own interior to become the vessels of the universal Truth.
Be attentive to the celestial guide and try with dedication and hope to live what we tell you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Enter into the Heart of God and find there the possibility to overcome obstacles and limits and to live that which today seems impossible and unthinkable to you.
Children, this is the time not only of miracles, but also of truths. It is the time in which the human consciousness must approach what it really is and no longer be linked to limitations that are imposed by ignorance and blindness from this world.
In many cycles and in many eras, humanity got near Truth, but showed to the Universe that it had not yet reached a degree of sufficient love to be able to remember the past, the origin, and with this, to remember everything that must be healed and redeemed in the depth of each being.
After the example given by My Son Jesus and, after His Spirit of Love continued awakening and teaching, each heart that opened itself to love and to forgive, at least a part of the human consciousness is already minimally ready to find Truth.
In order not to get confused and to commit the same mistakes of the past, - when the Creator tried to reveal the universal life to you -, you must be humble in mind, emotions, intentions, heart, soul and spirit. And this humility does not come from carelessness with yourselves or with a self-martyrdom.
The humility of which I talk to you is the simple act of recognizing that you have always been asleep in this world and, even though what you are – in truth, in spirit – seems to be larger and full of power, know that there is no greater power than the Power of God and that every power that tries to impose itself to the Divine Power is simple human force, that – with a blow from the Highest – transforms itself into dust, into nothing.
To enter into the universal life, you must first feel it, let yourself be permeated by it as children that are before a new world. Do not want to know and do not think you already know. Do not want to be and do not think you are something. Only be before the Portals for the Cosmos, knowing that the only necessary thing in this moment is the humility of the heart and the certainty that to cross these portals you must have within yourselves the experience of love, of true love, that transcends one’s own needs and that even transcend one’s own life.
Place the spirit before the Cosmos, the Universe, the Origin and ask the Father for the grace to be humble and to learn and live true love. Because the time is coming to return and to consecrate this world to truth, overthrowing the false kingdoms built on Earth with the Power of the Divine Light.
Children, this is the last hour to build, within yourselves, that fortress that will cross the portals and the dimensions; that will recognize the past, the origin, the mistakes made; that will accept redemption; that will ask for forgiveness and that will surrender to the Cosmos – in the crystal of the heart – the experience of love as a symbol of absolute adhesion to the Divine Will and, as a visible sign for the universe, that the thousand years of peace have begun.
Today keep My Words in the heart and let them approach you a little to Truth because, even if only little by little, it is time to remember.
Your Father and Friend of all eras and of all cycles,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
There are two things in this world without which human existence would have no meaning: love and unity.
Many believe that I come every day to the world to say the same things to you. In truth, I come to tell you that which you have never learned. I come to teach you to be real children of God. I come to teach all to step out of the illusion of the world and recognize the truth of the Universe. I come so that, in a simple, humble, and sometimes even practical way, you may learn to express that truth that is hidden in your essences.
Humanity, My children, still does not know almost anything about itself; it is ignorant of its origin, of its past, and above all, what it itself is; it is also ignorant about the illusion that it generates in the world, what that illusion does to human life, to the life of the Kingdoms, to the consciousness of the planet. Many times, children, the human consciousness does not have access to the purity within itself, but it does have access to those spaces of the consciousness that are full of misery, of energies that need to be purified and transformed by the power of Divine Mercy. And many have asked themselves why they cannot find that purity within themselves and why they always tend to manifest the miseries, the mud of the inner world. Because you came to the world to transform that mud of the consciousness. So it needs to be before your eyes, so that you may see it, recognize it, and thus, transform it. But humankind identified with that mud, held on to it, and once again impregnated their consciousnesses with the desire for power, with envy, competition, the lack of love and fraternity.
In order to find your essence, you must look for it. It is much easier in these times to allow yourselves to be carried away by the miseries and illusions of your own consciousness, because to find the essence, you must move past those layers of illusion through effort, persistence, and perseverance, and sometimes this causes you pain.
To break through your own barriers, you must be strong, brave of spirit, but meek of heart. The courage of the spirit is nothing like the courage you think you know. Many believe that to be brave is to impose their personality, their own ideas and energies, but in reality, the brave one, children, is the one who lives humility, the one who places their head on the ground and asks for forgiveness, help, mercy.
Brave is the one who, in the face of the miseries of others, does not judge, recognizes their own imperfection and loves.
Brave is the one who, when judged, asks the Father for forgiveness because of the lack of love and understanding in the human consciousness, but does not feel wounded, because they are not free to judge and does not understand all things.
Brave of spirit is the one that loves the Plan of God above their own life and loves it not only in themselves; they love the manifestation of that Plan in each creature, in each essence; they know that the Creator has need of each heart, of each soul. They know that the divine Essence is not only in themselves, but in each being, in each heart.
Brave is the one that gives up their own sword to live love; the one who imitates the example of Christ, that lives His Gospel and that, when they receive a blow to their cheek, offers the other, the other side. And they do not do it through pride, do not do it because they believe themselves to be better that the rest. They do this because they understand that in that moment, the one who is striking them is far from God and needs an example of meekness to wake up and step away from the ignorance they are in, because humanity is unpredictable, and each day the blindfold is put on the eyes of one of your brothers or sisters, and even on your own eyes. Just the example of love, of unity, is what removes the illusion that the blindfold on human eyes represents.
When My Son carried the Cross and I was no longer in this world, from the Kingdom of the Heavens I observed and prayed for the ignorance of those who were not able to understand His sacrifice. But once crucified, those human beings who hated Him, understood His Love, because after the whole martyrdom, He asked for forgiveness from His Father Who was in the Heavens because of human ignorance.
That example of forgiveness must be re-experienced every day by those who believe in the sacrifice of Christ; by those who know that the Creator abandoned Him on the Cross so that, with all His humanity, He could live love and awaken the true divine archetype in the human consciousness, the likeness with God, thus demonstrating to each heart that He was not the only Child of the Creator, He was the firstborn, the first, the One Who would be the example and the source of the awakening of all of you.
Until today, you have not understood this truth and venerate the Son of God in the Body of Christ as if He were eternally the only one. That inability to understand the Plan of God is what causes Our Lord to re-experience His Passion, day after day, and humanity only cries out for His Mercy, but does not understand that those who are on Earth also must be the living mercy.
Do not cry out for the Mercy of Christ to resolve the problems of your daily lives, to achieve a little peace. Cry out for Mercy for something deeper, so that He may transform the human consciousness, withdraw it from ignorance and so that you may live the divine archetype for humanity.
Cry out for the Mercy of Christ, that this world may step out of illusion, may recognize universal life, commune with all existence; begin with the love for the Kingdoms, recognizing that not only humanity must evolve, but all that is life must reach God.
Cry out for Mercy so that humanity may understand universal evolution, the different ways the Creator expresses Himself.
Today, children, I want to renew your attitude toward prayer, because the time in which a new world must emerge is coming.
The portals to a new life will open before human eyes, and if you do not ask God for the grace to recognize higher life, you will be afraid of entering those portals and will miss the opportunity of entering universal life and finding the Consciousness of Christ again, which is no longer the Consciousness of Jesus, it is beyond Jesus. He is the Cosmic Christ, the Solar Christ, part of the Mind, the Heart of Divine Creation; a living part of the Source from which all things emerged.
To understand what Christ is today, you must understand what you are, because if you always see yourselves as material creatures and do not manage to withdraw your consciousness from common daily life, how will you understand that, on descending from the Cross, Christ rose and, on reaching the Heavens, His Ascension never ended?
Listen to My words and let them resonate in your consciousnesses, to wake them up, at least to an interest in this spiritual search, this true transformation, because the knowledge already exists in your consciousnesses. Many are living libraries, full of information, but lacking in experience, in an experience, for example, of unity with God and with His Truth. I tell you this, children, not to humiliate you, criticize you. I tell you this because the time of this world is already mixing in with the time of the Universe. The hours are no longer counted by the clocks in your homes.
Those who observe the flow of life and the planetary events can understand what I tell you. More and more, the ignorant are sinking deeper into the abyss of chaos. Each day this reign expands in the consciousness of the blind and those who do not understand and do not know love.
For this reason, the time has come for the disciples of Christ of all eras to also deepen their mission; that they also be completely permeated by the unity with God, by the living of His Love.
Today, what I tell you has the intention of transforming the human consciousness, because soon I will have been coming daily to the world for one year, and many are moved by My words, although few are being definitely transformed by them.
In order for Me to receive the permission from God for continuing to come to the world, and in order for My Apparitions to not end, some of you must live My words, or at least, strive each day to do so.
The time on the planet of the Divine Messengers depends on the response of the human heart, for if you generate merits for a deeper teaching to descend to Earth, we can continue with you. But if you do not live nor seek to live what we tell you, if you just feel peace in the moments when We are with you, and in your daily life, you forget these divine principles, how will We come before God and cry out to Him to continue among you?
Children, humanity needs divine help and Guidance; for this reason, today I ask you to strive in your hearts to live love and unity among you and with each human heart. I ask that you make the effort to pray more each day not only for yourselves, but for the whole planet. I know you are learning to cry out for humanity, for the consciousness of the Kingdoms, and for that I thank you and return to the world. Now deepen that prayer, that awakening, and in each instant live in offering for the consciousness of the planet where you are.
With My Heart exposed to your eyes, I present an offer to you of lifting up a petition to the Father. That by the union granted to My Most Chaste Heart by God, your offerings reach the celestial altars, so that the Creator may hear you.
Feel the Presence of God, because His Eyes are upon humanity, upon the Kingdoms, upon the planet.
Feel that His Consciousness reaches not only your homes, the Marian Centers or the Light-Communities. Feel, children, that through your offering, the Light of God, the Father of all Creation, reaches each consciousness, all life.
And offering this moment as reparation for all the wars and conflicts of the world, pray with Me:
Now, offer the Father the Blood of His Son, spilled in the lands of the East. Offer Him the Body of Christ. Ask the Creator that this Body and this Blood, which one day divinized the planet and gave you the opportunity to live redemption, may in this moment enter all the shrines of the Earth.
May the Living Presence of Christ today be able to permeate the heart of all those who seek peace, irrespective of their religion, of their belief, or of their ignorance, whether that search for peace is for themselves or for all the planet. Ask the Creator to grant you, as humanity, the grace of living peace and of being in likeness to His Son.
May this Grace manifest in these elements, of which you will commune as human consciousness, and in this way, you will understand a great mystery, the mystery of unity that the Creator grants all souls, among themselves and with Him.
Pray as My Son prayed and listen to His Voice, that still echoes among the valleys. Ask God for this echo in the East of the planet to free souls and lift them up to the Kingdom of God.
May these elements synthesize, within each one who listens to Me, all the words that I transmitted to you today, and beyond them, all that as a divine principle, I brought to the world today.
By the power granted Me by God, as His servant and mediator, I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And I thank you for persevering and for uniting with My Chaste Heart.
Continue in peace and cry out for peace every day of your lives.
When Saint Joseph arrived, He showed us an image of Himself, when he was about 30 years old. It was night, and He walked alone upon a hill, looking at the starry Sky and talking to God. He then asked us to write down what He, at that time, was saying to the Father in prayer, which He now allowed us to listen. He prayed:
Lord, heal me
Lord, heal me, entering with the power of Your Love
into all my atoms and molecules.
Lord, heal me, burning, with the fire of Your Holy Spirit,
each particle of my small being.
Lord, heal me, reduce my soul to a true nothing
so that I may recognize Your Greatness and infinite Majesty.
Lord, heal me and show Your Face to my impure eyes
so that I may recognize You as the Father, the Truth and the Origin of all things.
Lord, heal me and remove from me that which believes to be separate from You.
Show me, O Lord of all Creation,
that You are in all things;
You are behind all illusion, hidden in the essence of each being.
Lord, heal me, defeat me and leave me surrendered at Your Feet.
May my whole being recognize Your Power and rejoice in You eternally.
God of Love, God of Truth,
God of Purity, God of Joy,
God of the poor and the rich,
God of the healthy and the sick,
God of Heaven, Earth and the whole Universe,
God of the Cosmos, God of Existence, God of Creation,
heal me, renew me
and allow me to discover You to be as within me, as I am within myself.
Lord, reveal that You are in all things and that all things are in You.
Reveal Yourself in unity with All and, thus, heal me, Lord.
True healing comes from the surrender of the heart before God, from the recognition of His Greatness and of our own smallness before Him.
Healing, which must be born in spirit and have its reflection in matter, is nothing more, children, than the demystification of unity and its absolute experience.
When you understand the Presence of God in all things, there will be no illness, neither in body nor in spirit, that can bring you down because when the consciousness lives unity with God, all its cells are encompassed by this Divine Presence and find in themselves the Principle of the Father, in this way dissolving all imbalance, all sickness, all anguish and all pain.
Therefore, today I teach you to ask the Lord for healing. Do not ask for healing of the body, of the mind or of the emotions: ask for the healing of separateness, of ignorance, of illusion and thus, children, you will discover that a healthy spirit is the one which unites to the Living God and finds Him within, multiplied in its cells, animating its body, permeating both matter and spirit with His Holiness.
Pray from the heart, pray as humanity, because it is very ill; if you, as cells of this great human body, recognize unity with God, you will gradually heal the ills that still permeate the world.
I love you and leave you My Blessing and My Peace so that you heal yourselves and thus, attract healing to the whole planet.
Your Father and Healer,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Do not forget to think in the planet more than in yourself. The one who aspires to know all sciences and forgets the most important of all – which is the love of neighbor and of the Plan of God – will never find the path that leads to Christ.
Then concentrate your attention every day on the life of The One who came to the world to be your example. Revive His Gospel, not seeking to be a Messiah, but rather living the Teaching He brought to the world. There was only one Messiah and there will always be only one because that is a single mission, which will finish to be fulfilled in the return of Christ. The state of Christ is what must be multiplied. It is on the experience of this Teaching that your attention must be. Remember that Jesus reached Christification on the cross when, alone with His humanity, He was able to forgive and love the humankind, the planet and the Plans of His Father, more than His own life.
I will not ask you, child, to die on the cross in order to learn to love, but rather to die a little more every day because each time you die a little, you learn about true love, the Christic love.
Renounce all glory on Earth, all recognition, all honor, even when this honor will be given to you by the humankind out of the admiration of seeing you virtuous and adhered to the Plans of God.
Jesus could have descended from the cross and convinced humankind of His Power. If He had done so, maybe many people would have honored Him and believed that He truly was the Messiah, but the Teaching of Christ was also a learning for Himself: from His birth till His death, He should demonstrate to humanity that it is not through glory, through aggrandizement or through the use of power that you reach God, but only through the simple humility and resignation before the Father.
Jesus knew that all powers He had belonged to His Father, and these powers were taken away from Him on the cross so that He would learn from the maximum power that comes from having or being nothing: Love and Mercy.
It was like this that Christ renovated the human consciousness and even the universal life because not only on Earth but in the whole universe power and the use of forces and energies were valued.
All the Creation lived a learning with the example of Christ because after having renounced Himself and His life, He made His Body be reborn and regained the life of His Cells only with the power of the love achieved on the cross. There was no science, substance, energy or vibration that, in a laboratory, would revive the Body of Christ: it was pure love, renovated by the renunciation and by the surrender of Jesus, which made He regain life.
Thus learn, child, to renovate once more the human condition with this living example of Christ within and before you. Imitate Him, overcoming the fear that humanly torments your heart, and open yourself to be nothing.
The one who, in humility, was nothing and achieved everything, your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the universe gives you graces, distribute them to the world through merciful acts, prayers, silence, joy and the experiencing of virtues.
When Heaven opens Itself before your eyes, even if often the limitation of the human eyes cannot see It, contemplate with the inner gaze this unfathomable Grace of the Divine presence and cry out for the planet, for the ignorant, for those asleep. Offer the Father a true transformation, a true miracle for His Creation. That by contemplating the world His wounded Heart may find a relief in your permanent effort.
I will not ask you, My child, that you do not fall or do not sin anymore because this world will always lead you to fall and, even if you do not want it, a part of you always sins because in some form it collaborates with the human degradation.
What I will ask you today is that, if you fall, that you get up; if you sin, that you clean your stains with the Forgiveness and the Divine Mercy, with the true repentance, this one that will help you not always to make the same mistakes.
Your weaknesses are the same as many of your brothers and sisters of the world; therefore, find the strength to surpass them in the permanent offer to do it for others, for those who are blind of spirit.
Today, child, I will offer you a path of reparation, a path in which your life becomes a planetary service, in which all your acts, thoughts and feelings are offered to God to repair something. If you do it so, you will make fewer mistakes and you will meditate before acting, because your consciousness will remind you that everything you do is for God.
Offer to Father your daily attempt to overcome yourself and, if you are not able to do so, offer Him your intention and persistence. Never give up, child, because the merits are found in the heart and in the consciousness of those who have pure intentions.
Many times the sincere intention to overcome something and the eternal attempt of doing so is worth more than the act of the one who overcomes themselves easily every day. A sinner who tries to get out of sin is worth more than the saint who is so by nature.
Make of your life a permanent repair of the Wounds of God and may He find in you a true relief.
I leave you My Blessing and My Grace, for you to take fruitful steps.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Children, why do you think about the past?
To forget the past is not to be indifferent to what one has lived, or to ignore everything you have experienced as consciousnesses. To forget the past is to assimilate inside the good fruits of the experiences that made you grow as human beings and, from then on, take new steps, uplifting that which was not well in your lives.
When you leave the past to the time that corresponds to it and do not try to perpetuate an action of an experience that no longer exists, you are giving an opportunity of transcendence to this state of consciousness that you call past.
All the positive experiences must serve as a basis for the being to attain new evolutionary steps, but their eyes must not be fixed on their own feet, but rather on the top of this great staircase.
To become stuck in the past, children, is like climbing a great staircase that takes you to the Kingdom of God and detaining your own walking to observe the details of the steps that you have taken or that you keep taking. If, on the contrary, you liberate the past and take your feet off these steps, walking with firm footsteps, you will give opportunity to others, who will come after you, to climb this staircase.
Oftentimes, children, sticking to situations and people of the past because you want to perpetuate you own presence in a conjuncture that no longer suits you, is like being still in the middle of the staircase, willing to make your presence there eternal – believing that, thus, you will help the others – when, in truth, it is by walking and climbing the steps that you can help your neighbors, because you will liberate the path so that they can climb.
Walk, children, and do not look behind. Do not count how many steps you have climbed or with what details they were done. Do not stop on the staircase, do not get distracted from the target that the Creator has for you. Take your steps and leave, for He Who knows all things, the directing of those who could not accompany you. Remember that the greatest service is to evolve. If you evolve as consciousnesses, you will do it as humanity and, if you do it as humanity, you will do it in the name of the whole universe and of the whole of Creation.
Contemplate a greater purpose and no longer get lost in the distractions of a time that has passed.
Your Father and Friend, this One that impels you to the eternal present,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
For the Graces that you receive daily to be manifested in your lives as a true transformation, you must not allow them to become lost and pass you by like the wind.
When receiving a divine Grace, meditate upon it, feel it within your essences and, in prayer, ask for it to be expanded and to completely transform your beings.
The action of divine Grace is infinite; however, if you receive it and do not even feel what it is doing within you, it will continue to be latent and invisible to your eyes even after this life.
Imagine, children, that someday you may cross the portals of this world without having fulfilled your own mission and then perceive that infinite Graces were given to you, but you never sought them and or even thought about them.
Your lives, by themselves, are already a great grace; it is an invaluable grace to be in this world, at this time, together with the Divine Messengers, being guided in the minimum details. And you receive a greater and unfathomable Grace for this instruction to become alive within each one of you and so that you may be witnesses of the transformative power of divine Grace and may show the world, with your personal example, the true potential of human beings as children of God.
My children, search within you the Graces we hand to you, feel them and make them grow and multiply, always knowing that the result of the perfect expression of the work of Grace is not for yourselves, but rather for the Divine Plan, for the planet, for humanity. In prayer, observe your own inner world and, in silence, allow yourselves to be permeated and transformed by Grace.
At least send the universe a sign that you are not indifferent to everything you receive and that you aspire for the Creator to express Himself with all His Greatness within each one of you.
I love you and I am telling you all this so that you do not to waste the Graces you received, because a time will come when neither Grace nor Mercy will be able to descend upon the human heart, because it will be with the treasures you have already received that you will build your stronghold in the coming times.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Blessed are the pure of heart and brave of spirit, those who will be considered weak to the eyes of the world because they will renounce to the sense pleasures and to the capital forces.
Blessed are those who, among humankind, do not fear losing all, including themselves, to find God, those who renounce to the merits and to the honors of this world because they know that the greatest wealth is being nothing and have nothing, so that they may be fulfilled by the Creator.
Blessed are those who do not seek to adapt the Words of God to their human understanding, but rather break the barriers of their own mind to enter into the divine wisdom.
Blessed are those who will see the ruins of the world with eyes of compassion, but not of fear, those who know that the real Kingdom – eternal and imperishable – is built only in spirit.
Blessed are those who will listen to the prophecies that come from God and prepare themselves to live them as their greatest truth, those who do not wait for the events to manifest themselves in order to start believing in the divine words.
Blessed are those who are humble of heart and simple of spirit and can perceive the Presence of God when He approaches, those who will have clean eyes to see and understand the truth in the times that will come.
Blessed are those who drink from the prayer and from the Grace of God and who give to drink to others with the chalice of merciful actions. They will prepare the arrival of the Kingdom and, even though they will be the last ones to enter, they will have their seat at the right hand of The One who is at the right hand of God and they will eternally adore Him.
Blessed are those who do not know they are blessed, but only seek perpetually the Grace and the Divine Mercy.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
This is the last time for planetary illusion, and this is why, children, the forces of chaos and evil unrestrainedly try to grow and multiply throughout the world. They know this is their last time. Just as the Creator knows His eternity, those forces know their end.
Children of mine, this is the time to close your eyes to the influences of the planet, because the more the end draws near, the more illusion grows, and souls, minds and hearts are more confused.
If you do not hold on tight to higher life and vanquish the tendencies of the world in order to maintain your own faith, following a true spiritual path will cost you very much. You will confuse the message with the messenger and by not seeing the prophecies being fulfilled in the time and form that you expected, you will not believe anything that you learned up to now.
Remaining in love is a mission for the brave of spirit, those who believe more in God than in themselves, those who are attentive to His Messages and not so much to the way they reach their own hearts.
The Apocalypse is now occurring, inside and outside of many beings. The Americas are being taken care of by the Divine Messengers, but the time will come, children, when it should also go through its purification. The birth of a New Race and of a new principle of life will depend on each heart that will be there and their disposition in persevering, beyond trials, to rebuild the world when the time comes.
Children, you will fully understand what you experience and the instruction we deliver you when you are awake in all levels of consciousness, and the veils are no longer upon your eyes. But today I want you to understand that the planetary events will not happen the way you expect. And so it is, that they are happening now, and very few have noticed them.
So that the chaos on Earth does not confuse you, more each day affirm faith and unity with one another. The prayer that sustains the heart is the same that will maintain the mind in sanity.
Remain with what I told you and do not forget it. When the time comes, these words will be like keys that unlock the doors of the new time.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
God will not always speak to your ear and heart because there will come a moment in which His Voice will become silence and life within you.
You will no longer hear from the Lord His Words, as you hear them now, and this will dictate the moment of being One with the Father and that His Voice may not be pronounced from the outside inward, but within you for the whole world.
When the Creator silences and only observes the world, will be the time for the voices of His creatures to resound. It will be the moment to live the unity with God, so that from the being itself emerges the guidance for humanity.
The last test of the human heart will be the absolute solitude, solitude in which it will find itself spiritually as race and as consciousness. It will be the solitude of humanity with itself. And, in this moment, child, it will be only up to the human heart to find the exit to live love and truth.
Those who build unity with the Father will not hesitate or fear because their thought, feeling and action will be One with the Thought, Felling and Action of God. And those who do not know the Creator and never searched for Him will live the test of trusting their brothers and sisters in order not to get lost.
Those who claimed to be self-assured will see themselves facing an abyss and will want to turn back, without having where to go. The brave and trustful of God – and not of themselves – will launch themselves without fear and will enter the portals that lead to a new time, to the real time.
Child, among symbols and literalities, I make you know a part of truth. The only certainty you can have, before My words, is that whoever builds now a unity with the Father in their spirit will not get lost – but only from themselves.
Therefore, before wanting to know exactly what I say to you, search for the essence of My teaching and unite yourself, without delay, to the Creator, so that when your time comes of experiencing solitude, God will be with you, because He will be in you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Prayer to ask God for forgiveness
Lord, forgive us because from the moment we stepped on Earth,
we are ignorant of our actions.
Lord, forgive us because time passed and our eyes remain closed,
just as our heart and our small spirit.
Lord, forgive us because our hands work little for You
and much for ourselves;
they extend little to our neighbor and remain closed very much.
Lord, forgive us because we came to Earth as spirits in Redemption
and we knew nothing about Love,
neither did we know that here we would learn to love.
Lord, forgive us because the world is agonizing
and still we have not been able to find You in the Kingdoms of Nature
and in our brothers and sisters.
Lord, forgive us because we ignore unity
and we have separated ourselves as consciousnesses and as Your creatures.
Lord, forgive us. We aspire to not sinning again.
Forgive us as Your Son used to forgive.
Forgive us as You forgave our spirits when giving us the best You Have
in Your Creation: an experience of love and unity with You.
Lord, forgive us and clean our stains, heal our wounds
and reintegrate us in Your Kingdom.
Lord, forgive us and open the doors of Heaven to us.
Reconcile us with Your Heart and with everything that belongs to You.
Teach us to love and to forgive as You do it.
Teach us to unite what is separated.
Teach us to serve everyone in You, without leaving You,
and finding You in everything.
Lord, make our hearts Your Heart; our arms Your Arms;
our legs Your Legs; our bodies Your Body;
our minds, Your Mind; our lives Your Life;
our evolution, Your Evolution.
Lord, forgive us and make us like You.
Today I will only pray with each one of you and, as a human heart, I will ask God for His Forgiveness and for His Intercession for the Earth.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more