At the same time that the chaos expands throughout the world, the Light also expands within souls. Everything will be allowed at the end of times so that beings may experience their inner definition.
Just as many souls throw themselves into the abysses due to their choices and actions each day, so too, children, will those who raise their hands in a sincere request for help receive the opportunity to reach redemption.
The Light will expand within beings with the same intensity that chaos expands in the world. Everything will find its balance, and within those who pray and awaken the faith within themselves, will dwell the answer to every moment of confusion and darkness that they will experience upon the Earth.
In these times, the souls who are searching for the Light will meet Christ, because they know their last opportunity is approaching. Therefore, do not fear or build up expectations, only pray so discernment and wisdom may make you see when you are before a sincere heart that searches for redemption and the opportunity to see the Light.
This opportunity will be given to all, because the time of Mercy is still present in the world. For those who cry out the doors will be opened so that they may know the Grace of redemption while there is still time.
This is why souls approach, this is why more complex situations arise at this time, because everyone feels within the Call of the last opportunity, and those who are vigilant walk towards it to go from obscurity to Light.
The Sacraments will be the key to the redemption of beings, as well as constant prayer and the sincere heart that is seeking redemption. Humility will dictate the degree of Grace that the consciousness can receive, and faith will dictate the amplitude of the action of Grace in hearts.
Therefore, pray and do not get tired of praying.
Allow the Light of Christ to permeate your inner being so that you may be His mirrors in the world. It is now time to mirror the Lord so that the darkness of these times does not matter, wherever there is a disciple of Christ, there will be Light.
You have my blessing for this,
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph.
The time has come, children, for the spiritual life to mature in your hearts so that you may give testimony of peace to a world that suffers in pain; that you may give testimony of resilience to a world that has not learned to love sacrifice, but that surrenders itself more each day to the false law of least effort.
Time has come to rethink your steps every day, so that you may not be circling the same flaws and miseries, but that you may let go of that which prevents you from experiencing a broader transformation.
The time has come to serve, to put your consciousness in the need that arises every day, not to increase tension and be at the limits of tiredness and fatigue, but so that you may learn to live doing everything out of love, and not out of obligation; that you may learn to revere the gift of life at each instant of it, so that there may not be any regrets in your hearts, and that you may take full advantage of each instant in which love can find space within your hearts.
The time has come to look at your neighbor with eyes of compassion, not of superiority; to revere the lives of others, knowing that God is hidden within them.
The time has come to not only recite spiritual theories, but to be spiritual, to manifest the spirit that silently dwells in the core of each being since the beginning.
And how to do this?
Start, children, by being grateful; by meditating, every day, on where you are, who you are and what you have come to do in this world. Do not let unconsciousness hold you, but embrace your awakening that must happen daily.
The stimuli of the world lead consciousnesses to be constantly asleep, to be more distracted each day, and have their creative potential asleep. Therefore, spiritual awakening must happen every day.
May there always be a space in your lives to stop and be thankful, to be conscious of The Divine Presence and ask yourselves internally what the Will of God is for your lives. Do not allow the time of the world to go by without your consciousness deepening in surrender, in service, in the awakening of love and in the consecration of life.
I am talking about making your actions, thoughts and feelings sacred. And this does not mean to be perfect, but only to be conscious of what you are and what you express to the world.
Souls today are silenced and buried in the inner world of many beings that are unaware of the truth about themselves and who live and express themselves without ever perceiving the consequence of their actions.
This is why I call you to awaken every day, to give thanks every day, to consecrate yourselves every day, to serve every day, to meditate on the Divine Purpose every day, to realize that life is sacred and that in everything that happens in it dwells an opportunity for transformation, for healing, for redemption and for mercy.
I tell you this on a day like this, in which I have called you to consecration as a Light-Community, so that you may understand that consecration is not a ceremony, but a state of consciousness.
Consecration is more than a moment of renewal of vows, of being for an instant in the peace of the presence of the Hierarchy.
Consecration, children, is a commitment to be new every day, to be able to start from scratch and to always live in the aspiration of making existence sacred and making room so that the Creator may express Himself through you.
May consecration not be an instant for you, but a constant aspiration, a constant experience. For this, I call you today.
With these words I bless you, I consecrate you, I renew you and I leave upon each one of you the Grace of beginning again, of healing, of reflecting and of mirroring the Sacred Life.
You have my blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Open your hearts for an instant, children, so that they may receive the love and the healing that come from this sacred place, this humble place unknown to the world.
From its depths emanates profound healing, old as the Perfect Thought of the Creator, Thought of Love for His Creatures. Allow your Hearts to feel the beating of the Heart of Aurora. Allow your spirits to find peace in the silence of Aurora.
When the Creator allowed the existence of suffering, He also created healing, so that His Creatures might learn not only from sorrow, but also from His Infinite Love.
When the Creator allowed the existence of duality, He did not want to punish His Children; He just aspired for His Creatures to grow through the challenges, to learn to discern and manifest wisdom, to develop, in their hearts, compassion, piety and mercy, attributes that up to that moment were unknown in all life.
Therefore, children, in the face of the chaos of the world, in the face of the deep suffering of souls, do not place your eyes on the punishment of God, because before allowing suffering, the Creator manifested healing.
Before allowing duality, the Creator manifested liberation.
Before allowing His Creatures to learn by making mistakes, the Creator manifested forgiveness.
Before seeing His Children going astray on the path, the Creator manifested redemption, which gives them the possibility of returning and again finding the point of purity that dwells within themselves.
And so that this would not be far away from beings, so that this could be close to each heart, the Creator manifested Aurora. However, Aurora is hidden, hidden within a humble space. And to find what dwells in it, you must at least aspire to this humility and, with the simplicity of your hearts, enter into the simplicity of Aurora, and recognize there its greatness.
Aurora is not a place; it is a gift of the Heart of the Creator, which holds in itself the purpose of allowing creatures to recover their purity, to become liberated from the ties, from the chains that the world imposes on them, to heal their deepest wounds, to transform their most ingrained aspects and find peace.
Aurora is a state of consciousness that exists and manifests itself through sacrifice. And to be part of Aurora, you must be part not only of its healing, its redemption and forgiveness, but also of its sacrifice, its service to humanity and the planet.
I aspired to be here to fulfill a Divine Will, for the time of Aurora has come, and this means, children, that the time has come for the liberation of the human heart.
The greater the darkness manifested in the world, the greater the Light that emanates from the depths of the Centers of Love.
And just like Aurora, they need mirror-hearts that may reflect to the world the gifts hidden within them; they need consciousnesses that may say ‘yes’ to the transcendence of their human aspects and to the manifestation of a higher life, which does not happen only through human effort, but rather through the opening of the consciousness to receive the Grace that has existed within the Centers of Love since the beginning of life upon the Earth.
Just like Aurora, other sacred spaces are hidden on the planet, and they pulsate, children, like a great heart that waits to express itself on Earth and demonstrate to creatures that this world is not inhabited only by chaos, but that the Light dwells in it in a higher proportion than darkness.
The day will come when the silence of the Centers of Love will make room for a great voice, which is the voice of the Divine Purpose. And I am preparing you for this day, so that your souls may know how to recognize what comes from the Heart of God to manifest His Purpose, and what does not come from His Heart, but rather from the cunning of His enemy, who up to the end will try to confuse beings.
Therefore, hold in your hearts what I give you today, which is the possibility of recognizing the Centers of Love, the possibility of being before the Hierarchy of Light and recognizing the Presence of God without allowing your hearts to become confused.
Thus, children, you will be able to guide others, you will be able to be the Light upon the table of the world, the Light that is ignited in the dark house to illuminate the path and show the truth. Although they may be few, a candle within the house makes a great difference.
When darkness takes over the world, the Light of the heart of those who are awakened will show the path to souls. And I aspire, children, for your hearts to be ready to serve until the end, until the last soul is rescued and may return to the Heart of God.
Within yourselves, awaken a deep love for souls. Allow the Love of God to grow within you, so that you may learn how to love as He loves, and your lives may gain another meaning, through service, compassion, mercy, through the love that grows, expands and renews itself within you.
Because it is this love, children, that will be the engine propelling the tireless service that you will render to souls until the end.
Through prayer, you will open a door for God to love through you. And through service, you will allow this Love to reach all hearts. The Purpose of God is simple, the way to reach His Heart is simple; true prayer transforms the human condition. Therefore, do not fail to pray.
If you want to know the mysteries of Heaven, pray from the heart.
If you want to be mirrors of the Centers of Love, pray from the heart.
If you want to discover the Divine Purpose for your lives, pray from the heart.
If you want to find the answers to your deepest questions, pray from the heart.
If you want to untie the knots that exist within your family, pray from the heart. And though prayer you will find the truth; through dialog with God, you will find the answers.
Do not fear the times to come; just place within your hearts the certainty that before God allowed all this to happen, He manifested the Centers of Love. He manifested healing in Aurora so that it might come to the world the moment souls need it the most.
Pray for the awakening of humanity. Pray so that, at each sacred point of this world, there may be souls who are capable of manifesting the Thought of God, and that they may do it from the heart.
I am here today for this. For this I come as the intercessor of souls and, above all, of families, so that, through their consecration, they may find the principle of Universal Family, and receive the principle of the Family of Nazareth, a Sacred Family that grows in unity, compassion, love.
May the families come here, who will be consecrated today.
May the peace that comes from the Heart of Aurora permeate your hearts, liberate your anguishes, fears, your deepest sorrows. May they make room for the joy of a mission accomplished, because the Grace of God has touched your hearts.
Before God allowed death, He created eternal life, divine life. Therefore, children, joyfully live the gift of life on Earth, which gives you the possibility to grow and love. But be aware that a higher life awaits you, and it is there that the love you have learned on Earth multiplies.
Therefore, when you learn to love more in this world, you will multiply this love in your fellow being. The only purpose of this life is to learn how to love, to learn how to love from the heart, how to renew the Love of God.
When this is fulfilled, the Creator opens new cycles for you, so that you may enter new stages, in which the love that you have learned on the planet multiplies and reaches all of Creation. Then, you will understand the meaning of life and even the meaning of death, the meaning of renouncing material life and of releasing it to enter higher life.
For each being there is a time and an hour, determined by the Divine Purpose. And be grateful when it is fulfilled, because a new cycle has come for the souls that say ‘yes.’
Today My Heart rejoices before your families, each one with its difficulties and challenges, with its virtues and gifts, with a Purpose to be manifested. Despite the human condition, may the will to know a Higher Love and of growing together in this Love always beat within you.
Pray for one another, pray with one another, and allow this love to grow.
You have My blessing for this.
May this water represent for your lives the purity of the Sacred Family of Nazareth; may it wash away your sins, may it liberate you from pains, may it reveal its purity and bring you peace.
May this incense represent your aspiration to live that which is sacred, may it liberate your souls from that which prevents you from reaching what is sacred.
Here I am, children, as a Father for the fathers, as a Father for the children, as a Friend to whom you can turn whenever you need.
I will listen to you and bring you answers, although they may not be what you may think.
Today I consecrate you as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph. May your lives speak to the world about the Love of God, may your service and prayer be sincere. Thus, you will find peace.
I thank you for being here today at the foot of this altar. I welcome your prayers and petitions in My Heart. I will intercede for them before God.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Go in peace.
Find peace in the grace of sincere prayer, in which your hearts are capable of leaving yourselves, for a moment, to find the meaning of your own life in the rescue of the souls who are most in need.
Find peace in the grace of unity, in the possibility of having brothers and sisters on the evolutionary path who, despite their imperfections, are trying day by day to be better disciples and servants of Christ, companions of His Sacred Heart.
Find peace, children, in the possibility of looking around and being grateful, because gratitude places your heart and consciousness above the dimensions of chaos and conflicts, and allows you to see the Purpose of the existence hidden within beings, in their ability to love and serve.
Find peace in the possibility that God gives you of always starting from scratch again, of finding the point you left behind so that you can resume your commitment to Him every day.
Find peace even in times of chaos, because if you are able to feel peace in your hearts, you will be generating peace for the world and for the hearts that suffer.
Living a divine attribute, children, is the best way to radiate this attribute to the world. Being what you expect humanity to achieve someday is the best way to serve this Purpose, this Project conceived and loved by God. Within you are the keys and through you this Project is realized.
For this reason, when I asked you to consecrate yourselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph, I also asked you to demonstrate to the world your consecration through the actions of life, so that you may penetrate this mystery and discover that the human consciousness is one and that within each one lies the key to the consecration of all.
I have told you this many times before, and today I tell you again that you should be that which you expect from others and from the world. Be the human being thought of by God, so that one day you may see this human being manifesting itself in all creatures.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When life apparently comes to an end, know, children, that it is not the end, but the beginning of a new and mysterious stage, a new school in which you live the synthesis of your experience on Earth, assimilating what you have learned, transmuting what no longer corresponds to you, forwarding the records of your experiences to the corresponding Source, forwarding each body according to their destiny to then prepare something new.
Life does not come to an end. Life on Earth is a precious gift, a treasure of the Heart of God which He cares for with predilection because it is a Project that holds within itself the essence of everything that was created and whose plenitude will transform all of the Divine Creation.
But the fact that material life completes a cycle only signals that the consciousness needs to learn in other ways, that its experience has generated the merits and fruits that it should have, and it has been granted to live by the laws of matter and spirit.
After material life, deep steps follow, inner synthesis, moments of reflection and understanding, moments to look at life with the Eyes of God and, finally, to be able to see that which was not possible before. And just as an adult is able to understand that which for a child is incomprehensible, so the soul that leaves its body is able to see life as it really is.
And those who have walked on a sacred path will still experience many regrets, but they will give way to the light of the consciousness, which will open up to continue walkIng with the codes of love received on the planet.
For the souls who have walked in obscurity, seeing the truth is their greatest and unfathomable suffering. Incalculable is the repentance of the soul that realizes it has wasted its incarnation due to ignorance, indifference, illusions; and for these souls you must pray very much.
I tell you this first so that you will understand that life does not simply end in this world, but its follow-up is the consequence of everything you have lived on Earth. And secondly, so that you may revere the moment of those who pass the stage between material life and spiritual life; so that you may accompany, with your heart, the passage of the souls between dimensions and not fear, but build bridges of love with sincere prayer.
The suffering experienced in the world will give way to the deep awakening of beings, and the degrees of love can be expanded and multiplied at that moment when, in the light of truth, the soul may understand the Divine Will.
May your hearts, in the face of life as in death, always walk toward God. There you will be safe and see His Purpose being fulfilled and revealed in your inner world.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more