Dear Children,

On this day, when the world remembers their loved ones who departed, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of their families, I invite you to pray for all My children who lost their lives before the appointed time, through wars and conflicts.

How many families, in this moment, are divided and fragmented by the painful departure of those who left the material world! But, remember that I am here, on this day, to console those who have not yet managed to overcome the trauma of the painful departure of a loved one.

Remember, My beloved ones, that your Heavenly Mother witnessed firsthand the condemnation, scourging and death of Her Son on the Cross and that, although I felt Myself dying together with My Son, I had to give strength and shelter to those around Me.

Today, in the face of a violent humanity, helpless and without empathy for one other, I come as the Mother of Consolation and Peace to lead My children to the Love of God, so that even those who, for some reason, are dead in spirit may one day, like the prodigal son, resurrect and be reborn through the power of forgiveness and redemption.

Today, My Mother's Heart opens as a humble and pure Tabernacle so that each child, still on Earth, in Heaven or in some other plane of consciousness, may rediscover the path of the Unfathomable Light of God.

I am here, I am your Mother, the Consoling Mother of the afflicted.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Come, Holy Spirit of God
and blow upon Your Creatures
who cry out for peace and justice.
Come, Holy Spirit of God
and console those who have lived through
moral, human and spiritual captivity.
Come, Holy Spirit of God
and flood with Your graces and heavenly powers
those who ask for clemency and compassion.
Come, Holy Spirit of God
and enlighten with Your gifts
those who seek the truth within themselves.
Sustain, Holy Spirit
those who have fallen through imprudence, 
ignorance or disobedience.
Come, Holy Spirit of God
and restore all that has been damaged,
deliver from death those who were condemned in life,
redeem those who provoke wars, pains and injustice.
O Holy Spirit of God,
who filled Me and embraced Me at Pentecost,
descend now upon this wounded human reality.
Holy Spirit of God,
hear the voice of Your Faithful Servant 
and Mediatrix of souls,
embrace with Your fire those who are submerged 
in their own darkness,
banish from every prison
those who cry out for help.
Holy Spirit of God,
open the way
to those who were left behind and judged,
so that they may rediscover the sacred path
of Your Eternal Heart.
Listen to the holy supplication
of the Heavenly Mother,
Holy Spirit of God,
let no soul,
upon the face of the Earth,
for any cause or situation,
lose the Grace of living under the Love of God.
Holy Spirit of Justice,
sustain My children.
Holy Spirit of Truth,
show by Your Science the right path.
Holy Spirit of Love,
mend the wounded hearts.
In unity and reverence to You,
Holy Spirit of God,
respond to my supplications,
in glory to the Creator of Life,
of Love and Unity.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear Children:

During these days and due to the seriousness of the wars and the shedding of innocent blood, Our Three Sacred Hearts are trying to stop the evil that has invaded the minds and hearts of My children of some nations.

Therefore, today I come especially to ask you, now more than ever, to accompany Me in prayer so that the Three Sacred Hearts may intervene for all families and especially for the children who suffer from war, annihilation, invasion and mistreatment.

In the name of Our Creator and Lord of the Universe, I come to ask that the weapons be stopped so that the uncertain door of evil does not continue to be opened in the world.

I come to ask you, in the name of God, that the interests of the nations no longer predominate, so that the most disadvantaged do not find themselves in the urgency of escaping from terror and death.

Dear children, this is the expected time of tribulation and of the Apocalypse. Therefore, more than ever, I come to ask you to recognize the Presence of God in you every day and, through the Divine Presence, to remember that you are all brothers and sisters of the same Father who is in Heaven. Thus, My children, the world as a whole will not continue to turn away from Love and Light.

I pray, day and night, so that the world may attain peace. Pray with Me every day, so that the angels, tormented by wars, may be sustained.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


After delivering the weekly Message, Our Lady accompanied the consecration of the Holy Eucharist, as recounted below:

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:  

Let us celebrate together with our Mother this moment of consecration. At this moment, we prepare to partake in this mystery of Love that Christ left us in the Presence of Mary, Our Lady.

And, in the silence of our hearts, before the Heart of Mary, the Queen of Peace, we purify our hearts, our conscience, so that bathed in Her Maternal Love, we prepare our inner world to receive once again the Body and Blood of Christ, which will be transubstantiated in this celebration that Mary will accompany with attention and reverence.

Our Mother tells us, in this moment, that on the night when Jesus was gathered with His apostles, She, in another part of Jerusalem, was gathered with the holy women. Through their spirits, their consciences, they united with the sacrifice of the Son of God—a sacrifice that in the ether of the Earth would leave imprinted the eternal presence of His Love and His Mercy for souls.

And, in that hour, all sins from Adam and Eve to the present, until the end of times, were being contemplated by Our Lord and Our Lady, who in reparation and amnesty, offered them to God through the angels.

Thus, that Communion, which Christ officiated and celebrated with His apostles at the Last Supper, reached Mary, our Mother, and the holy women through the hands of the angels. It came in the form of a luminous Light, a form that entered the souls of Mary and the holy women to establish definitively that covenant with the Will of God through the Firstborn Son.

On that night, as Jesus was with His apostles and Mary was gathered with Her disciples, the holy women, when Jesus took the bread and raised it to God in thanksgiving, in offering and in sacrifice, Mary asked God if She could spiritually die alongside Her Son for the remission of all sins committed from the beginning, from Adam and Eve to the end of times. This was so that souls could receive the abundance of God's Love, a Love that would renew them and help them move forward in every step.

Thus, Jesus broke the bread and, offering it to His companions with a paternal, loving, and attentive gaze, said to them, just as He said to His Mother and the holy women in spirit: "Take and eat all of it, for this is My Body that will be given for mankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.


We bow down in reverence.

And thus, the form of Light entered into the apostles, into Mary, and into the holy women, preparing them for the Sorrowful Passion of Jesus.

And before consummating that covenant with the Eternal, Jesus took the Holy Grail in His Hands, lifting it to the Heavens, also in offering and sacrifice for the souls.

At that moment, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the holy women, in Spiritual Communion, offered themselves to be the first custodians of the Precious Blood of Christ, which would be shed from the moment of the flagellation to the heights of Mount Calvary. Thus, in honor of the Son of God, the spiritual science of the Via Sacra, of the Christic impulses that the Master left imprinted and engraved in each step of the Cross, could be established.

After transubstantiating the wine into His Precious Blood, Jesus passed the Chalice to His apostles and in spirit, to the holy women through the angels, saying to them: "Take and drink all of it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal covenant between souls and God, the Blood of the Lamb that will be shed for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me until I return to the world."

We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.


We bow down in reverence.

And at that moment, the angels present during the transubstantiation of the bread and wine at the Last Supper made available, from that time until the end of times, all the chalices that would receive the offering of souls that would consecrate themselves and live for Christ and in Christ.

Thus, we place our soul and spirit before that offering; we place our life and essence within those chalices so that, like this celebration, those chalices may be offered to God in reparation and in Mercy.

Thus, Jesus raised His Body and His Blood to bear witness to the Infinite and Merciful Presence of God's Love. The apostles, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the holy women contemplated the institution of the Christic Legacy of Love and Redemption at that moment.

Prayer: "Our Father."

And, just as Christ represents universal Peace and Peace for the world, we invoke, alongside the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the descent of Peace.

"Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.


And, as we share the Peace of Christ, let us radiate the Peace of Mary to each Inner Christ.

And, at this moment, we will announce Spiritual Communion to all internal worlds and souls in the world that need that inner Christic Presence.

As requested by Mary, in this communion moment, let us sing "Make of me nothing," so that in the inner emptiness that we must seek in each step, we can be filled with the All, with the Presence of God.





In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Open your hearts for an instant, children, so that they may receive the love and the healing that come from this sacred place, this humble place unknown to the world.

From its depths emanates profound healing, old as the Perfect Thought of the Creator, Thought of Love for His Creatures. Allow your Hearts to feel the beating of the Heart of Aurora. Allow your spirits to find peace in the silence of Aurora.

When the Creator allowed the existence of suffering, He also created healing, so that His Creatures might learn not only from sorrow, but also from His Infinite Love.

When the Creator allowed the existence of duality, He did not want to punish His Children; He just aspired for His Creatures to grow through the challenges, to learn to discern and manifest wisdom, to develop, in their hearts, compassion, piety and mercy, attributes that up to that moment were unknown in all life.

Therefore, children, in the face of the chaos of the world, in the face of the deep suffering of souls, do not place your eyes on the punishment of God, because before allowing suffering, the Creator manifested healing.

Before allowing duality, the Creator manifested liberation.

Before allowing His Creatures to learn by making mistakes, the Creator manifested forgiveness.

Before seeing His Children going astray on the path, the Creator manifested redemption, which gives them the possibility of returning and again finding the point of purity that dwells within themselves.

And so that this would not be far away from beings, so that this could be close to each heart, the Creator manifested Aurora. However, Aurora is hidden, hidden within a humble space. And to find what dwells in it, you must at least aspire to this humility and, with the simplicity of your hearts, enter into the simplicity of Aurora, and recognize there its greatness.

Aurora is not a place; it is a gift of the Heart of the Creator, which holds in itself the purpose of allowing creatures to recover their purity, to become liberated from the ties, from the chains that the world imposes on them, to heal their deepest wounds, to transform their most ingrained aspects and find peace.

Aurora is a state of consciousness that exists and manifests itself through sacrifice. And to be part of Aurora, you must be part not only of its healing, its redemption and forgiveness, but also of its sacrifice, its service to humanity and the planet.

I aspired to be here to fulfill a Divine Will, for the time of Aurora has come, and this means, children, that the time has come for the liberation of the human heart.

The greater the darkness manifested in the world, the greater the Light that emanates from the depths of the Centers of Love.

And just like Aurora, they need mirror-hearts that may reflect to the world the gifts hidden within them; they need consciousnesses that may say ‘yes’ to the transcendence of their human aspects and to the manifestation of a higher life, which does not happen only through human effort, but rather through the opening of the consciousness to receive the Grace that has existed within the Centers of Love since the beginning of life upon the Earth.

Just like Aurora, other sacred spaces are hidden on the planet, and they pulsate, children, like a great heart that waits to express itself on Earth and demonstrate to creatures that this world is not inhabited only by chaos, but that the Light dwells in it in a higher proportion than darkness.   

The day will come when the silence of the Centers of Love will make room for a great voice, which is the voice of the Divine Purpose. And I am preparing you for this day, so that your souls may know how to recognize what comes from the Heart of God to manifest His Purpose, and what does not come from His Heart, but rather from the cunning of His enemy, who up to the end will try to confuse beings.

Therefore, hold in your hearts what I give you today, which is the possibility of recognizing the Centers of Love, the possibility of being before the Hierarchy of Light and recognizing the Presence of God without allowing your hearts to become confused.

Thus, children, you will be able to guide others, you will be able to be the Light upon the table of the world, the Light that is ignited in the dark house to illuminate the path and show the truth. Although they may be few, a candle within the house makes a great difference.

When darkness takes over the world, the Light of the heart of those who are awakened will show the path to souls. And I aspire, children, for your hearts to be ready to serve until the end, until the last soul is rescued and may return to the Heart of God.

Within yourselves, awaken a deep love for souls. Allow the Love of God to grow within you, so that you may learn how to love as He loves, and your lives may gain another meaning, through service, compassion, mercy, through the love that grows, expands and renews itself within you.

Because it is this love, children, that will be the engine propelling the tireless service that you will render to souls until the end.

Through prayer, you will open a door for God to love through you. And through service, you will allow this Love to reach all hearts. The Purpose of God is simple, the way to reach His Heart is simple; true prayer transforms the human condition. Therefore, do not fail to pray.

If you want to know the mysteries of Heaven, pray from the heart.

If you want to be mirrors of the Centers of Love, pray from the heart.

If you want to discover the Divine Purpose for your lives, pray from the heart.

If you want to find the answers to your deepest questions, pray from the heart.

If you want to untie the knots that exist within your family, pray from the heart. And though prayer you will find the truth; through dialog with God, you will find the answers.

Do not fear the times to come; just place within your hearts the certainty that before God allowed all this to happen, He manifested the Centers of Love. He manifested healing in Aurora so that it might come to the world the moment souls need it the most.

Pray for the awakening of humanity. Pray so that, at each sacred point of this world, there may be souls who are capable of manifesting the Thought of God, and that they may do it from the heart.

I am here today for this. For this I come as the intercessor of souls and, above all, of families, so that, through their consecration, they may find the principle of Universal Family, and receive the principle of the Family of Nazareth, a Sacred Family that grows in unity, compassion, love.

May the families come here, who will be consecrated today.

May the peace that comes from the Heart of Aurora permeate your hearts, liberate your anguishes, fears, your deepest sorrows. May they make room for the joy of a mission accomplished, because the Grace of God has touched your hearts.

Before God allowed death, He created eternal life, divine life. Therefore, children, joyfully live the gift of life on Earth, which gives you the possibility to grow and love. But be aware that a higher life awaits you, and it is there that the love you have learned on Earth multiplies.

Therefore, when you learn to love more in this world, you will multiply this love in your fellow being. The only purpose of this life is to learn how to love, to learn how to love from the heart, how to renew the Love of God.

When this is fulfilled, the Creator opens new cycles for you, so that you may enter new stages, in which the love that you have learned on the planet multiplies and reaches all of Creation. Then, you will understand the meaning of life and even the meaning of death, the meaning of renouncing material life and of releasing it to enter higher life.

For each being there is a time and an hour, determined by the Divine Purpose. And be grateful when it is fulfilled, because a new cycle has come for the souls that say ‘yes.’

Today My Heart rejoices before your families, each one with its difficulties and challenges, with its virtues and gifts, with a Purpose to be manifested. Despite the human condition, may the will to know a Higher Love and of growing together in this Love always beat within you.

Pray for one another, pray with one another, and allow this love to grow.

You have My blessing for this.

May this water represent for your lives the purity of the Sacred Family of Nazareth; may it wash away your sins, may it liberate you from pains, may it reveal its purity and bring you peace.

May this incense represent your aspiration to live that which is sacred, may it liberate your souls from that which prevents you from reaching what is sacred.

Here I am, children, as a Father for the fathers, as a Father for the children, as a Friend to whom you can turn whenever you need.

I will listen to you and bring you answers, although they may not be what you may think.

Today I consecrate you as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph. May your lives speak to the world about the Love of God, may your service and prayer be sincere. Thus, you will find peace.

I thank you for being here today at the foot of this altar. I welcome your prayers and petitions in My Heart. I will intercede for them before God.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace.


To prepare for death: an art of love and surrender before God.

To prepare for death, children, is in reality a daily act of keeping the heart clean and empty of the things of the world, of fearing God and of surrendering to His Celestial Will.

To prepare for death should be a constant act in which the consciousness wakes up each day, knowing that it may be the last, and lives each instant giving the best of themselves so that the Will of God may be realized.

To fear God is in truth to love Him above all things, and to not hesitate when the moment comes to give up the things of the world in order to embrace His Celestial Universe.

Each day of your lives, you should prepare for death, in the sense of allowing gratitude, yielding, love and surrender to permeate all your atoms and enter into the deepest fears of your beings, not only those that are hidden within the human soul but, above all, those that are part of the material condition of human beings and that permeate even your bones.

To defeat these fears, you must love more, each day. But do not just love the world, love God, love life and know that life is not limited to planet Earth; to know that a greater and eternal life awaits you and that in order to always be worthy of it, it is enough that you carry with you the Love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit within your hearts.

For this reason, carry forward the practice of loving, of being grateful and of surrendering to God, every day. Aspire to discover a Greater Kingdom within you, in the world and beyond it, and thus you will discover the unity between the realities of life and that death is a step toward a greater life, where mysteries do not exist but rather only truth and the transparency of knowing oneself to be a child of God, returning to His Heart.

Each day, children, let the Love of the Creator expand within you and allow It to replace your deepest fears.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph




The Resurrection of Christ, child, means the beginning of a new time, in which humanity will be able to understand that which it came to the world for and what the path is that it is to follow in order to bring its existence into fullness.

The Resurrection elevates you above the greatest human fears, which are suffering and death, and places you in the truth of the Eternal Time of God so that you may know that the one who gives all of their self to God receives from Him all that He is, and participates in His Glory in unity with His Kingdom.

Resurrection is infinite rejoicing, divine and universal, because it is the revelation not only of the Face of God, but it is also the revelation of the face of humankind, as children of God and creatures in likeness to their Creator.

The path to the Glory of God is absolute surrender, unconditional love, full and total, which is born from the deepest core of human submission. 

You already know about all these things, but you must remember, because the condition of the planet will make you face situations that will lead you into experiencing this: choose the cross, surrender, eternal life in Christ.

Year after year, you are led into remembering the Life, the Death and the Resurrection of Christ so that when the time comes for the Easter of this world, you will be able to follow in His footsteps.

For this reason, love your Lord more each day, His Life, His example, His surrender, His eternal Consciousness, His Path, His Truth, because this same Love will allow you to imitate Him.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Live in the faith of the first Christians, who did not fear death but who madly wished for life in Christ and constantly offered their existence to God so that He could make of their soul's receptacles in order for graces and mercies to reach the world.

Live in the faith of the first Christians, who announced the Kingdom of God, not only with the word but mainly with their lives; which allowed them to become inflamed by the Love of God and discover what true faith is in the Heart of the Celestial Father.

Live in the faith of the first Christians, who were not struggling to gain and accumulate things of the world, rather they were surrendering to gain their place in Heaven, dissolving in the Heart of God, becoming One with the Father.

Live in the faith of the first Christians, who gave their lives for mysteries unknown to them, for an experience and a greater Life, which was only kept in the certainty of their hearts and in the darkness of their absolute faith.

Live, child, in this faith, allowing yourself to be inflamed by it, in prayer. May this faith, hidden within you, gain a place within your whole being so that it may be Christ who expands within you.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I Am not only Jesus, but a Divine Consciousness that emerged from an extremely high non-material Source, and came to the world to awaken redemption in humanity.

But before I emerged from that non-material Source, many situations occurred in the Universe, many failures and errors were committed.

It was the decision of the Great Celestial Father that the Second Person of His Most Holy Divinity should descend to Earth with the Power of the Spirit and of all the Creative Love  to be able to incarnate on Earth and bring the Good News of salvation.

The Son of God, when once among you, performed many spiritual and inner tasks. Up until now humanity has only come to know ten percent of that Mission.

The spiritual Mission that the Father entrusted to Me was more profound than it seemed.

The Passion, the Death on the Cross, and then the Resurrection and the Ascension were significant events of that great spiritual Mission on Earth.

In truth, companions, since before I incarnated on Earth as a human being and to be among you, My Father entrusted Me to help all the material Universe, the great fallen ones, so that they could be redeemed and converted.

That spiritual Mission was not known to humanity, because at that time, as well as in the times following the great presence of Jesus on Earth, the human being was still very immature to be able to know it and understanding it.

All this was possible through the action of the superior and immaterial laws that are not within the reach of humanity.

I come to reveal, companions, to all of humanity, to those who believe and those who do not believe, that the great moment of the return of the Lord is approaching and there is still a little time left for repenting and redeeming.

I bring to you all the possibilities from the Universe

I present to your lives all the paths that lead to My Heart.

But you must always recognize a single Regent Consciousness: that in which you originated and created you, that being present in the spiritual and supra-spiritual Universe, expects all of Its creatures of the material Universe to be able to take the great step towards redemption, recognizing their errors, taking responsibility for their failures, transforming their lives by the compelling power of My Mercy; it is that spiritual energy which I bring to you in this time, as the last lifesaver for your salvation.

But today I do not need you to recognize your sins or your failures, because I already know them all, profoundly.

I come to raise your consciousnesses toward the true spiritual reality that your souls are still searching for, so that they can melt into God, and on the Path of God, find their sacred task for these times, the fulfillment of their spiritual mission for this end of time.

I need, companions, that you to open your consciousness and your hearts so that My Divine Fire may descend upon you, and you are not only bathed by My Spirit, but also redeemed by My Grace.

That immaterial Source from which I come from the spiritual Universe, is still intact and you can recognize It within you because God has given you an inner Universe that you must still discover, that you must still deepen so as to find the Divine Purpose of Creation on your paths, the goal and the objective that brought you here, to this life that goes beyond the superficial and material life.

It is time, companions, and before the spiritual Universe that today awaits you, so that you can recognize your spiritual mission in this period, knowing that there is not much time left for the great purification of the Earth and of humanity.

But you can count on My support, on My Hope and on My Faith to be able to move through this transition of the end of times; something that you have never lived  and that for the first time, you will go through in these critical times.

But if your consciousnesses and your hearts are truly connected with the Heights and united to God, the immaterial Source from where I come will aid you and will help you, and all the sublime currents of the Universe will come to your aid.

Even though you are purifying yourselves of mind and body, the spirit of each one of you, if united to Me, will not lose the spirit of the joy of God.

I also bring this opportunity for all of humanity, because the human consciousness still has not risen to be able to perceive, beyond material life, the errors committed, and thus enter into the School of Redemption that I offer to you; a place in which you will be able to perceive and recognize which attributes of life you must live in this time, in order to definitely move away from many customs and habits that only stain your souls and separate you from God, distancing you from Love and from Truth.

I promised from the beginning to tell you the Truth and I will fulfill this until I return physically to Earth.

But when I return physically, many things will have happened, because in the most acute moment of humanity is when I will enter from the Universe to the planet, and no one will be able to say that I Am not the Christ, the Master among masters, that will return to announce the Good News and gather all those redeemed to again celebrate the restoring and redeeming communion of the end of times together with the Celestial Father.

While you have time to prepare yourselves for this event, do not allow your lives to be distracted by the world and that the distraction completely absorb you, until it is able to take away your reason and discernment. 

We are in a time of planetary rescue, but this will be physically seen shortly.. First the spiritual Universe will intervene in humanity, because it is your spirits that need this great opportunity in these times, so that all of your history kept in your inner Universe may be redeemed.

Do not miss the opportunity of knowing the Grace. That is the Divine Grace that has brought Me here today to Camboriú, to radiate what this people in Southern Brazil spiritually need, to be able to correct their paths and enter into the Kingdom of God just as they deserve, by means of their efforts, their prayer, their unconditional service to others, in the name of fraternity and of solidarity among all creatures.

In this way, you will be taking sure steps and you will draw closer to My Heart more and more so that I may fill you and illumine you through My Divine Essence, which has the power of more than hundreds of suns to illuminate all the Universes and all consciousnesses. That essence is a Spiritual and Non-material Sun that was manifested by the Non-material Source from which I emerged, to bring the great impulse to this local Universe, and especially to this humanity.

The whole Universe contemplates the opportunity that you may be able to take that great step. The doors to the Divine Mercy of God are still open. Thus, you will be able to lift your beings toward the High and enter into the Heart of God to be able to be in perpetual communion with Him and receive His Sacred Presence in your hearts.

Perhaps you do  not understand everything that I tell you today. It is through the immaterial Laws that I am able to pour My Message upon the world, like a tributary of Grace and of Mercy for humankind.

And thus, you are also participants in all the codes of light that My Heart brings today for those who will be redeemed.

The time has come for Me to show My true Face. But in order to see It, and particularly recognize it, you must prepare as the apostles prepared, who in prayer and in vigil, without knowing it, recognized the Face of the Lord in the Heights of Mount Tabor, a place where I displayed and also showed them My transfigured Aspect, just as God manifested Me from His Source with all of the power of His Divine Humility.

The world will not be able to say that it did not know how to change and that the spiritual Universe did not come to warn them that it was the time of the great change in consciousness, with effort and resolve, with faith and with the impulse of spirit.

For this reason, I bring you higher revelations, so that your consciousnesses may be uplifted and you perceive and see reality, the emergency of these times at a planetary level and at  level of humanity. It is there that indifference must be eradicated, so that the love may reign that will bring the impulse for the transformation of all beings and the elevation of consciousness of the planet toward its true and real time.

The effort must be very great, but those who decide from the heart, will count on the help and guidance of the Hierarchy, because the Plan of God works in the Hierarchy, and everything is possible when the Plan is followed in obedience and transparency.

Outside of these rules, the Plan will not be fulfilled in any consciousness.

The human being of these times, in those who have perverted and deviated after  many Graces, from the Blood shed on the Cross to all the Christian martyrs and blessed in spirit, must reverse that spiritual situation with their effort, to be able to be worthy of the Grace, that like a very powerful flow of light, will transform their lives overnight.

But it is necessary that you be determined and that you confirm your consciousnesses to God, because My Words will no longer pass. They must be divine attributes in your lives so that the Plan of God may be reached and materialized on the surface of the Earth.

I am here to help you and give you an impulse.

I wish the good for everyone and the end of indifference in the human race.

I need you to be pillars of My Work, just as the Father needs, because My Church in the world is collapsing because of so many blasphemies committed and so many transgressions carried out on the consciousness that I most adore, the children.

This calvary must be reversed; the power of the Cross of the Redeemer must triumph.

But first you must represent My Cross in your lives, elevating your consciousnesses to the Hights and extending your arms in donation, in charity, in mercy, and in good wherever you may go and to whomever you meet on your paths.

That will greatly reverse the debts of humanity and more points of light will be able to continue opening over the surface of the Earth, because you will demonstrate to the Universe, and mainly to the Creator, that there is a part of your consciousnesses that is understanding the Hierarchy.

I tell you again, companions, that from the spiritual Universe I bring possibilities for everyone, not only to reverse your pain and suffering, but to be able to confirm you in the commitment with the Creator.

This sacred planet, all the sacred Kingdoms, must fulfill the purpose for which they were created in the Genesis. After having deviated and perverted, the awakening of the consciousness of humanity will allow healing to come for all of the planet. And in this way, equality will be established among the peoples, among the races, and mainly, among the nations.

Today this is all that I can tell you. Your consciousnesses have a point to be able to support the powerful currents of the Universe, which desicively and imperatively, come to  the aid of humanity.

 Have these currents flow in your lives through good examples, a life of prayer, of donation of self, of service, of consideration for a fellow being and all the Kingdoms of Nature.

At this time let us lift the offering of each one of your hearts to God, so that your inner Universe enters into communion with the Divinity and the Universe.

We stand up.

Your Master and Lord, the Son of God, of the living God, will bless and consecrate the elements offered on the Altar so that souls may commune of the Most Holy Trinity, in perfect harmony and attunement, and so that the fruits of Creation may awaken in simple and humble hearts.

Lord of Life Who created all and manifested all, powerful Celestial Father, sublime Divine Consciousness, consecrate these elements that are today being offered at the doors of the Celestial Universe as an act of reparation and of healing for the hearts most in need of Your Light and of Your Truth. Amen.

Father, baptize Your children with Water of Life, just as You once baptized Your Son in the Jordan River with Your Spirit of Life, so that Your Works may manifest in all those who are congregated by Your Love. Amen

A moment of offering to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, through the intercession of the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus.

At that time, I took the bread, giving thanks to God and He blessed it with His Divine Spirit. I gave it to My apostles, saying to them: "All take and eat of it, for this is My Body that is surrendered for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

And thus, the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God entered into the apostles and in all of those present on the inner planes.

Lifting the Chalice to God, giving thanks for the Sacrifice that would be lived and experienced, the Father blessed it, and I passed it to My apostles, saying to them: "All take and drink from It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood that today will be surrendered for everyone for the forgiveness of sins. Always do this in Remembrance of Me until I return to the Earth."

Our Father...

Eat of this Body and drink of this Blood so that your spirits may reach eternal Life.

I have received your offerings in My Heart. I will cry out and ask for each one of them to the Celestial Father.

I hope that the example of your lives will serve for many more, knowing that it is still necessary that the powerful current of My Divine Mercy continue to help the world.

The Peace of My Heart be in you and that your lives always represent Peace, knowing that the Peace of God is essential for these times, for the descent of the spiritual Universe over humanity.

As an act of reparation and of healing, as an act of joy and of gladness, and especially, of reconciliation with God, in My Name you will give each other the greeting of peace.

I thank you for having been with Me today, something that has been indispensable for Me and essential for your souls.

I bless you.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you!



With the power and the strength of My Heavenly Light, each time I present myself in the world I exorcise and liberate humanity from a great planetary pressure, so that the psychic plane may be relieved of the currents of conflict and perturbation.

For this reason, in the Hour of Mercy, your Master and Lord grants unique opportunities for the redemption and conversion of hearts.

In the Hour of Mercy, great spaces are opened from the Consciousness of God, so the souls may be submerged in the ocean of Love and can be cured spiritually.

That in the Hour of Mercy, the Passion of your Master be remembered, so that all the merits of His Death, His Resurrection and His Glory be deposited as a balm of repairing and inner relief in humanity, for souls to find the path to live their salvation.

That in the Hour of Mercy the presence of the Son of God be vivified so that by the merits of His Passion, inner redemption is radiated to the world.

I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Never forget My Mercy, for you will always need it.

Each time you exercise and practice My Mercy, a miracle of love is generated in your soul and in the soul of the planet.

For through the Chaplet you invoke Mercy due to the merits gained during My sorrowful Passion, and the Father, Who is infinitely merciful, receives this request and, instead of applying His Holy Justice to you or the world, grants His merciful Compassion to all sinners of the world.

Remember that each time you invoke the merits of My Passion, by means of the power of the Rosary of Mercy, you will be opening the Wound on My Side, and from Me will pour out the Light of the Blood and the Water of Christ, over all that has been spiritually corrupted and destroyed.

Happy will be those who always invoke My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, because each time it is necessary, I will submerge and baptize them in the Ocean of My Mercy and I will grant them all the most immense Love of My Heart.

I thank all who present themselves as apostles of My Divine Mercy, because their sufferings will be My sufferings, their sorrows and anguishes will be My sorrows and anguishes, and through the power of My Love, I will free them.

Happy will be those who always trust in My Mercy, for I will not abandon them at the time of their death, but rather will be at their side like the Angel of Resurrection.

I thank you for invoking the Mercy of My Heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


During the Hour of Mercy, while the greatest flow of the Fount of My pitying Heart opens, everyone has the unique opportunity to be able to submerge in My Ocean of Love so that the most serious faults committed may be forgiven and the deepest wounds may be healed.

At the Hour of Mercy, companions, the Wound of Light of My Side opens to pour out the most potent flow of the Pity of God upon the sinners who sincerely and truthfully ask for Mercy.

At the most culminating hour of Mercy, while every day the sorrowful Death of the Lord on the Cross is remembered, souls, and the whole world, have the opportunity of purifying their heart of every spiritual stain and of being able to enter into the Kingdom of the Heavens, simply by remembering the sorrowful Passion of Jesus.

Announce to the world that the deepest depths of My Mercy are still open so that souls, during this definitive hour of humanity, may achieve spiritual salvation and universal forgiveness.

May your lives be a testimony of My Mercy.

May your examples and acts be merciful, so that in the great universe of My Mercy, souls and the world may achieve peace.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Through the meditation of the Sorrowful Mysteries, what does the agony of Jesus in the Garden mean to you? What does the flagellation of Jesus mean to you?

What does the sorrowful crowning of thorns mean to you?

What do the three falls of Jesus with the Cross mean to you?

What is the value of the crucifixion and death of Christ to you? And the moment in which the spear thrust His side and poured out Water and Blood?

Have you understood the greatness of these merits?

In some part of your being and of your consciousness, all these facts and true experiences of Christ may be resonating.

Why should they resonate?

Because in communion with these mysteries, you will be in perfect communion with Christ, and you will allow all the merits of the Redeemer to replace, in your consciousness, all that must someday be transformed.

Therefore, live the Sorrowful Mysteries as a triumph, at each step, and experience surrendered by Christ.

Live each Sorrowful Mystery as the deepest demonstration of the Love of God that forgives all and can do all.

This is the essence of the experience of Love of My Son: to leave His legacy to the world so that humanity may avail itself of this legacy.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


And now that I have come to meet you, rest your head on My Chest and feel all the peace that I can offer you at this time, a peace that no one else can give you, or bring you.

Now feel My living Heart, which beats internally near your ears. This is the Heart that has suffered for the world and for humanity.

It is the Heart that has shed Its Blood for souls, for the forgiveness of errors and which still does so, for all of your companions and for your enemies.

But today, My beloved, do not think about what you are suffering or what you could suffer. Think of Me, unite with My Consciousness and feel My paternal embrace because I take care of all of My sheep, one by one, and I never forget anyone.

Surrender to Me, and yield as I have asked of you so many times.

Do not fear what will come but rather, what is not happening in your life.

Now, have your soul take refuge under the Rays of My Heart and feel the breath of the Spirit acting in each moment, within each breath, as well as in each word.

I can restore all things. I can supply all things because it is not I who does it; it is My Father who is in Heaven, it is He Who works, Who carries out and manifests the Higher Will.

Leave behind what you do not comprehend, what you do not accept or what you do not understand.

Trust in this Love that I am gifting to you because it is a Love that must be fulfilled in you so that the Plan of God may be fulfilled on Earth.

Rest like John the apostle, upon My Chest, and feel the pain and the agony of your Lord, in the silence and in the calm.

God does not offer souls to suffer; it is the souls that seek suffering because in the Kingdom of the Heavens, from whence I came today, pain or guilt do not exist. Be glad for resting your head on the Chest of your Master.

I know that you will not understand everything at once, but this does not matter to your Lord. What matters is that you experience it fully, united with Me, in spirit and in essence.

Do not confirm your sins, do not affirm your errors, uplift your heart and place it in Mine so that I may transform and polish it like the hands of a potter. And thus, you will be in perfect freedom and in a deep calm, and overnight you will not know what has happened to you, because everything will have transformed, just as I have thought it, according to the designs of God.

Receive the Love of My Heart as a balm and surrender. My Heart will not be bad for you, My Heart will not harm you. My Love is of the good and is a peace-bearer for souls.

Avail yourself of all that I can gift to you and trust because everything is appointed; everything has its hour and its time.

Just as today you are on My Chest, feeling the fire of My Heart and the gentleness of My Soul, the activity of My Divinity and of My Spirit, I would like to have many more emulate this example of union with the Lord.

Calm your heart of all anguish and accept what I give you because everything has a greater end and a purpose that you are still to discover someday.

Leave behind what you have suffered, what you have not understood; submerge in the ocean of My Light and everything will dissipate, because who trusts their Master, trusts in God, the Almighty. And their life, day by day, step by step, with effort and sacrifice, will become free.

From your soul, I want a new being that may be part of a New Humanity, conscious and awakened, responsible and worthy together with Creation.

There are so many treasures in Heaven, dear soul, that I have for revealing; My Hands are full of designs and I still cannot pour them out over the world because I cannot find a place nor refuge within the entire humanity.

But if you, My brave one, today, takes the step for many others, someday many others will recognize My Name and My Glory and will make it worthy in their lives so that the Love of God may thus triumph.

Now, embrace Me and feel the warmth of My Spirit; feel the protection of My Arms and the breathing of My Body as a renewing breath that sanctifies all things and renews all things.

There is nothing that can be lost. Everything is transformed according to My Will.

Become one of the holy women of Jerusalem, or like the apostle John, in complete surrender and selflessness.

Everything that you experience, My soul, has a reason and a meaning for God; there is nothing out of place, everything has a meaning and a time to be fulfilled. Be it in the good or far from it.

But today, I want you to feel the beating of My meek Heart, an inexplicable and Redeeming Love which yearns for good and worthy souls that may fulfill the Will of God in this time of difficult tests.

Embrace Me tightly and feel My consolation, which is basic and immediate. Let Me nurture you with My Peace and with the flame of My Faith, which is what brings Me to the world to seek those whom I have called by their name so that they may accompany Me in this era and in this cycle, in which the world will experience its greatest challenge of all time and of all eras. I cannot tell you the contrary.

My souls, it is time to live My Plan and to not wait any longer.

Sometimes your Lord and Master needs to feel the warmth of the love of His children in order to be able to keep moving forward. However much I am in Heaven, it does not mean that I do not feel like a human being does because I was among you as a human being so that you might experience and understand Me.

You will thus be embracing your Celestial Father, Who also needs consolation, upon seeing the offenses and the wrongs of the world.

How much Love can do in the hearts that decide to live it fully, the Love that comes from the High and that can spring from hearts, causing New Christs to be born!

I want you to offer your embrace to me today because I need it, just as you need Me to continue walking on this path, the most difficult of all times, one which no other humanity has experienced, in any other age.

You came here, My souls, for a greater purpose and design that you will come to know someday.

But today I do not need you to understand My mysteries, but rather that you feel the agony of your Lord and the request for consolation that is made to valiant hearts.

Now, feel how I cover you with My Mantle, that mantle that was torn by the hands of My enemies during the Passion and that covered My Body, stricken with wounds and injuries.

These are wounds that I live for the world and I want to share them with My servers, with those who are willing to follow Me unconditionally.

I want to offer you My sacrifices and My sorrows, because who suffers with their Lord, suffers with God, and the Love that never ends transforms all things, even what is most impenetrable. May My Wounds be a reason for your sanctification, for your persistence, and for your renunciation.

Because I have a precious plan for each one of My servers, which must be fulfilled in this critical hour of the planet, in which everything is being precipitated, hour by hour.

For this reason, I consecrate sons and daughters, to have armies on Earth that may be firm in Me, in spite of what may happen.

I have no more to give, only the Love of My Heart, which is what has brought Me here, throughout times and generations.

A Love that testifies to the presence of the Body and of the Blood of Christ for the reparation of errors and all deeds not under the Law of God. I once again tell you, My souls, that I need your hearts open even more so that I can enter with My Consciousness into the deepest corners of your souls, where the Kingdom of God must be fulfilled, so that the world and humanity may still exist.

For this reason, on this Holy Wednesday of retreat and prayer, I not only ask for your prayers, but also for your embrace so that a consoling spirit may be present and souls dare to say “yes” more each day.

Today I bring to you the most sacred moment of My life which was the entrance of the Last Supper. I come to speak with you with the same love with which I addressed My holy Mother and the women of Jerusalem, as well as My apostles. It is this unrestricted and infinite Love that never ends because it comes from and is born of the Fount of God for His creatures.

You need to finally be like Me and surpass Me because I come here so that you may one day do greater things than those I did. This will demonstrate to the Universe that a New Humanity is possible, which will have repented and will ask for forgiveness for everything it did, that will not be ashamed of confessing its errors and will be open to receive the Mercy of God, which is unquenchable and eternal.

I want you to live in the joy of My Celestial Love and you, little soul, that is learning to love Me, do not cease to do so. Dare to cross the thresholds of human resistance because I will help you be truly free you of yourself forever.

Do not cease to feel the Love that emanates from My Heart today and vivify it as if it were for the last time, because what I come to give today I will not be able to give again; the time is now ending and the definitive hour is approaching.

I do not want to crown you with flowers but rather with thorns so that you may surpass Me in Love, knowing that the human being is an unpredictable being throughout this Universe, just as I was, testifying to My Passion, Death and Resurrection.

I offer glory and honor to those who have decided to be by My side, but I also offer My pain and My agony to those who have confirmed themselves before Me during this afternoon of eternal Grace.

And now, I return your soul to the center of your being, in which exists the sacred Temple of Love, that must always be lit by the light of the Holy Spirit.

And My Heart retreats to offer itself again to other souls in the world that also need Me.

Blessed be the ones who received My Words with gratitude because they will understand everything within the coming times. And when I am no longer here among you, in a short while, you will deeply know everything that I have wanted to do in this place and in this house, and mainly, in you.

Because I must appear in other places in the world that also need Me, that also thirst for My Word and for My Verb and, above all, for the Love of God.

With that solemnity that I am trying to build in your hearts through this meeting, I want you to dignify yourselves today before Our Celestial Father, undertaking this commitment to Me until the end of days, knowing that everything that you will experience will be a great school for the soul and the spirit.

I only need you to give your love to the world, regardless of who it is, regardless of their belief or religion, their poverty or their wealth, their illness or their health.

I want you to love as I love you, because the test that is coming to the world will be very hard. And not all will bear this moment. For this reason, I strengthen you in this time and through My unconditional service to souls, I give you My Body and My Blood so that you may survive, just as your Master survived at each step of the Cross, and of His Agony.

This is not the time to be divided, distanced nor indifferent. Place your hearts within Mine and all will pass. Because what I wish from the world is very great and this may happen when I return for the second time. So, My souls, let us offer this moment to our God Almighty, Who has, on this day, again allowed this spiritual Grace for an unfaithful world. But Love will always overcome all these things. Everything will be fulfilled as God has thought it.


We can stand for the blessing of these elements.

 I have called you here because I never forgot you and because everything has its time for God and for the Universe (*).

As well as these sacred elements that are at the feet of your Master and Lord, today I will also offer your consciousnesses to God so that He may fulfill His designs within you.

The Lord Almighty, our Eternal Father Who is in the Heavens, may He bless with His most infinite Light and Wisdom.

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you for truly embracing Me.

Today I have chosen a song that testifies to the Work of the Celestial Mother, of how each soul of this Earth, as well as the Most Holy Mary, can respond to the call of God when He sounds it.

Today I have chosen such complementary voices, one with another, so that you may offer this response of souls to My Heart, this offering that hearts have made to My Spirit.

(*) Christ calls two people to the stage.

Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

On this day of Resurrection, the holy women entered the sepulcher on finding out about the disappearance of Jesus.

The Lord had risen, thus testifying to the Love of the Living God for humanity.

Mary Magdalene went fervently in search of her Beloved Lord and, not finding Him there, realized that something had happened.

In this way, Mary Magdalene remembered that Jesus had told her that He would be present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth. Thus, the Master of Love wished to have her understand that He would always be alive in the heart that opened to remember Him and re-experience Him every day.

This mystery of Christ revealed within consciousnesses and in Mary Magdalene the exact faith in the Purpose of the Eternal Father and in the expression of Divine Trust.

Then, after Mary Magdalene had searched for Jesus so many times, Our Lord made His first Apparition close to the Holy Sepulcher.

That in this encounter Mary Magdalene was able to see the Lord alive, meant the opportunity for the world to believe in the occult aspect of the Resurrection after death.

Through this mystery of the Resurrection, as He did with Lazarus, Jesus taught that the corporeal life that becomes corrupt can transfigure into something incorrupt. 

Thus, through this passage, the Lord came to teach that other universal and spiritual Laws can be applied in consciousnesses, which first must believe in them.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Holy must be the corporeal death that is consummated with the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. It is in this way that the soul, through the mediation of the priest, frees itself from antagonistic and earthly aspects to achieve the Grace of redemption.

Holy must be the corporeal death, because during the agony when the consciousness receives the Grace of the Anointing, the obstacles that stop the soul from flying toward new skies disappear since, in essence, the spirit also is blessed by the Holy Anointing.

Holy must be the corporeal death because before leaving the soul receives a great flow of prayer, it is assisted in achieving new steps and the whole consciousness is elevated to new schools.

Holy must be the corporeal death, because when the consciousness is anointed, all the healing the spirit needs is poured out so that it may free itself from the past and go on to live the eternal present.

Holy must be the corporeal death, because when the priest anoints the sick or the dying, they will be anointing the inner Christ of each being. In the name of the Lord, they will be opening the doors to divine and unfathomable Mercy.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you and loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When a spiritual and deep sorrow is healed, a liberation from the past and all its codes is established, thanks to the intercession of the Spiritual Laws of Healing.

Through the Immaculate House for the Alleviation of Suffering, I wish to establish a home where souls that have not yet found God within themselves are able to find Him through the charitable hands which will give of themselves to accompany that moment.

In this, My next Project, I would like a work of healing and of spiritual prayer to be experienced at the current nucleus with the souls that, in spiritual or physical convalescence, will need recovery.

For this reason, dear children, a second house for the relief of suffering and physical transition toward corporeal death must be founded.

I need, dear children, that this second house be called the House of Saint Lazarus, so that souls which will be experiencing their last days on Earth there, will be able to be resurrected to eternal life.

For this reason, My little ones, this task will gradually be gestated, with the hope that the servers of San Carlos and the surrounding cities, in prayer and in service, take on this important mission for the souls that do not know healing nor eternal life after death.

I need everybody to be trained, educated and prepared for that mission.

The purpose of the manifestation of the House of Saint Lazarus is a part of all people of São Paulo, which will be affiliated with the mother house of the Immaculate Mother  for the Alleviation of Suffering.

I also wish to be present, as the Lady of Graces, at the entryway of the House of Saint Lazarus.

This house will shelter many souls, and in the future will go through an expansion, because My design is that the Immaculate House for the Alleviation of Suffering have other houses in other cities of São Paulo, because this task will be done so that souls may feel loved and protected at the moment of their death.

Dear children, if the people of São Paulo should take on this task of healing and of the transition of souls into the Kingdom of the Heavens, I assure you that the city of São Paulo will not need to go through so many purifications.

Once again, I invite you to embrace My aspiration.

I thank you for accompanying Me!

Who brings relief to you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear son, dearest daughter,

Conceive, in this time, of a meek heart such as that of Jesus, free of judgments, criticism, and condemnations.

Conceive within you My flame of peace and free yourself from all claims and demands.

Conceive of the humility of being similar to My Son in His Works, in His charity, and in His Infinite Mercy.

Do not reject what you live, and accept with fervor that the time of your inner death has come.

Submit yourself without punishments to the rules of love and make all that you have still limited within yourself germinate.

Freedom of spirit is achieved through first forgiving yourself and then all others. There is no peace in the soul without a reconciliation with life.

The tests that your consciousness embraces are the stairway for being able to take a greater step,  unknown to your possibilities.

Let My Son model the new being and empty yourself, fully empty yourself, every day, showing the Universe that you know how to live love, rather than just understand it.

Rather than watching you walk aimlessly, I hold out My hand to you so that you can clasp it strongly and save yourself from the danger and from the traps that My adversary inflicts.

If you know the power of My Immaculate Heart a little, I assure you that you will learn to come out of yourself to serve others and you will find the so awaited hour of ascension.

Do not let anything external bring you down; take each experience as the opportunity of dying to yourself a little more every day.

You know that redemption starts by being true to yourself; do not seek either external answers or benefits; allow the fluid of spirit to always show you the exit.

If you do not know how to begin, start by loving that which seems impossible to love, forgiving what you would never want to forgive. Do as I did for you and for humanity; I had already forgiven you in holy humility before you crucified the Son of God.

Deeply think about and do not set yourself apart from those you do not understand. True surrender will occur through your humbling yourself before the sinner or the judge who condemns your life.

Imitate the silence of My Son and have confidence, because above all Love will triumph.

Accept what you live with joyfulness. Fly, fly high, and even if you do not manage it, I will take you to the Kingdom of My Lord.

I thank you for responding to My call.

In humility,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In a Heart as large as that of your Heavenly Mother, there are sublime feelings of love and unity held, which today I invite you to imitate and to live, because times and experiences are still coming that will need your expanded hearts in order to bear with and accept others.

With this I want to tell you, dear children, that love is the foundation of all life and without that love, life has no meaning; it is an empty or hollow life.

That is why I come to place My Great Maternal Heart in some of you so that you may regain the sense of learning to love and to forgive, so that your lives reflect the Light of God over the world.

It is at this crucial moment of the planet that love will be the foundation for everything, for any experience.

Therefore, do not wait to expand your hearts; do it now so that the new times find you prepared to learn again and to evolve.

Thus, I invite you to imitate My Beloved Son Who, experiencing the injustice of the world, negation, and death, did not stop loving each of you for even a second; it was that love that led Him to converting into Christ, your Savior.

Live in love and you will be able to reveal all mysteries, because true love lacks expediency or any other personal realization.

Love is infinite life.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who loves you in Soul and in Divinity,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Renew yourself everyday, even if life seems to go on and the years reflect in your face appearance.

Renew yourself in a time that does not go on, in the flow of the laws that transform only to generate new possibilities of evolution to the creatures.

Renew yourself in spirit and allow your being to rediscover the meaning of life each day, so that more and more you may approach to the Will of God for you.

Serving a God that is constant movement, permanent change and rebirth, you cannot be a prisoner of an idea or of an old thought and glimpse of what the Will of the Creator for your life is. Because of that, child, renew yourself; launch yourself into the new, renewing your plans according to the flow of the Divine Laws.

Do not be attached to the goals that you had when you were a child, in the body and in the spirit. Everything that is alive changes; transformation and renewing in the Creator are a law.

Renew yourself as a creature, as a soul, as child of God. Dissolve from your heart the impossibilities and search within you for the possible and achievable perfection in Christ. If you recognize yourself as a child of God as much as His Firstborn, live like Him, under Laws that belong to the Father and not to the world.

Renew yourself, beginning everyday as a little child: look at the world as if you had never seen it. Look at each human being as if you knew nothing about them and allow your heart to transcend the mistakes of the past, the fixed ideas about the conduct of your neighbor, and love each one in a new way everyday.

Renew yourself, breathing the air as if it were the first time, seeing the rain, the sun, the Kingdoms of the Nature as if it were the first time. For a moment, allow your being to find a state of renovation unknown to you and, even if it seems to be crazy or impossible, renew yourself.

Forget the time, the past, the goals for the future and even the present. Enter, for a moment, into the time of no time and renew yourself. Say: “Lord, make me again.”

If you do not renew yourself, child, the patterns of the old man will make your consciousness get old and you will die in life, not knowing about the existence of Eternity. You will live to comply with a goal that society put inside of you when you were still a child, while the life of the spirit, that is the truth, will always be for you an illusion, the second plan, the parallel universe.

Renew yourself and rediscover life everyday. Make yourself a child of God and not of humans. Live under laws that come from the Father and not only from the world.

The one who impels you to renewal,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Contemplate today the mystery of the death of Christ and the solitude felt by all of His apostles and disciples, by all of His followers, since very few were able to understand the greatness of His Crucifixion.

Contemplate in your heart the withdrawing of Christ, His silence and the uncertainty that this silence caused within His ones.

Those who were waiting for Him were facing a test of faith: were synthetizing in their own interior everything they had received and everything they had learned, to put into practice to help others.

This Holy Saturday will be similar to the test humanity will live in the future times. For now you are still in the presence of Christ, of the Most Holy Mary and of My Chaste Heart; now you still count on the instruction and guide of Those who were sent by the Lord to represent Him in matter and to lead His flock to the encounter with Him. But time will come when each one will have to confirm themselves and affirm their own faith. Each one will have to share the bread and be a bridge with God for those who are empty in spirit. Each apostle and each disciple of Christ will have to announce the awakening that will come after the dark days and thus, make those who will persevere to the end keep standing and with faith in their heart because they have made a commitment with God.

Contemplate the faith of the holy women of Jerusalem and how they overcame the pain they felt in order to live the pure love that the Lord had taught them.

Contemplate the devotion of these holy devotees of Christ, who not only persevered in the Calvary but also anointed the Body of Christ, saw Him resurrected, traveled through the continents announcing His Victory and, throughout the centuries, returned to the world, still as holy women to perpetuate the Work of the Savior.

Take your strength from the mysteries of the Calvary, from the victory over death, from faith during the days of darkness and from the glory of resurrection.

Relive the history of your Lord and multiply His Grace and goodness, being yourself the living word of Christ and the fulfillment of His promises.

Do greater things than He did and so accomplish His words,

Renew the Church of Christ that is not kept in a religion, but is in the heart of everyone who has faith and disposition to follow the steps of the Lord.

The one who guides you to the Savior,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
