Special Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, transmitted in the city of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón, for the 33rd Marathon of Divine Mercy

Prayer: Our Father (in Portuguese).

With great gladness and joy, listen to My Voice, which comes from infinity to speak to you and all your brothers and sisters, who, in trust and faith, have walked by My side over the years, and especially in this Work that is carried out here by the Sacred Hearts.

You do not know, companions, how pleased My Soul is to be here today with you, in perpetual spiritual communion with all those that are not present, and that are lost in the tribulation in the world.

But today I come to stretch out My Hand to you so that you may see My Heart, which is luminous among you. I do not stop acting in this world so that My disciples may feel Me close and walk by My side, in this desert that a part of humanity is experiencing in this cycle of transition.

I want you to draw close to My Heart, in the same way that I offer It to you, so that you may enter into My Spirit and feel the Will of My Father showing Itself to you, for example, through this meeting.

I would not like to fail to go through here without you feeling Me, understanding what I request of you as a spiritual flock, as a purpose for this end time. 

I come to bring you My Peace and also My gratitude for having allowed new doors of Heaven to open upon this needy place in which hearts, without perceiving it, cry out for My intercession.

This Marathon will bring results for everybody; it will open new paths for the consequent, those who have made a promise to My Sacred Heart, giving a victory to My plan through service and prayer in this region of the planet where God has been able to mirror His Presence simply through the realization of His Creation and its beauty.

Today I come to invite you to be in My Cenacle, not only to commune with Me, but rather beyond Me, in the name of My Father and of all the universe that gathers especially to bless you, transfigure you, and lift you up to My Heart.

I need you to continue accomplishing My Purpose, in spite of what happens.

Today My Hands close impossible wounds, the deepest wounds, those that humankind cannot heal. This is the work of My Mercy, of My unfathomable Love and Pity, not only for you, but also for the world that grows darker and is blind because it does not recognize Me.

Now, companions, that you do recognize Me, make Me known to those who sleep, that do not vivify Me and do not adore Me.

My Heart offers Itself in this end time to all, without exception, before the Justice of My Father comes to this world and this humanity. A Justice that humanity will not understand because it does not know it nor does it feel it; but I bring you the source of My atonement, the healing for your spirits and souls, the renewal of your paths and surrender to My unfathomable Heart. 

In your lives, I only wish to institute a spirit of apostleship, of mission, and of service.

Let this Marathon represent the renewal of service to God, that which you can give Me beyond the limitations and the tests, the fears and the uncertainty.

I would like you to be able to be renewed every day and stop looking back, to the past, because if I Am your renewing and Christic sacred Presence, why are you stuck in the past?

When I am present, I bring you what is new, what you still do not know or experience. I bring you the presence of another Law that participates in other universes, and which gathers you here so that you may live and feel Me.

Your hearts are potentials in service and in prayer. Here, stronger pillars of prayer can exist that propagate that Light throughout the world with the precious prayerful word.

Your hearts should not only pray, they should be living mirrors that reflect what the rest do not experience in this time and to which many do not pay much attention because they do not deeply know Me.

I need your hands to reach others so that at the same time, you can see Me in those that suffer, in those that are lost, in the Lower Kingdoms.

The whole of Creation participated in My surrender on the Cross and continues to do so in My Glory and in My Divinity. Nothing is separated after I ascended to the Heavens, to the House of My Father.

I left you the task of being children of the Mother of the World, of being seeds of the New Humanity, spiritually speaking.

I left you the task of propagating My Gospel through acts of charity and of peace, a peace that is lacking in the world and in many hearts.

The Americas have this mission with Me and with the other Sacred Hearts; it is part of this spiritual trilogy between your Master, Holy Mary, and Saint Joseph.

You and your lost brothers and sisters are called to live this project that is still not understood, because it is a project of higher Love, of an unknown existence that is today drawing closer to you so that you may perceive and live it.

I provide you with this Grace and this Mercy so that your paths may be peaceful and non-confrontational, so that your hearts unite with Me, just as they should unite with your brothers and sisters, without differences or denials.

I open a door for you to live the experience of love and of redemption. You have already experienced these things through the Work that you have carried out here for so long, in honor of My God. It is for this reason that I come here to give you My Graces, the spirit of My infinite and universal gratitude.

I thus come to wash your feet, to baptize your heads in the name of the Holy Spirit, to anoint you and heal you in the name of Love and of Unity, something that humanity is rapidly losing; but if you go through the end of times with Me, you must fear nothing. 

I want your lives to be surrendered to Me.

I want you to embrace the Cross with Me that I carry through the world in this time.

I want you to remove the thorns from My Heart because of all the unjust and prideful.

I want you to contemplate the immensity of My love and submerge in My Spirit, living each of My Words, just as the apostles lived them in the past.

I want you to be a quill of light in My Hands so that I may write the new history in the Book of My Father, your history of redemption, of atonement, of forgiveness and of Mercy, of liberation and of peace; because the time will come, dear companions, in which you must be gathered together like today, in this sacred cenacle that you are lovingly offering Me.

Just as I gathered together the twelve, today I gather you and those that are spiritually not here.

I leave you the greetings of My Peace, the luminous sign of My victorious and resplendent Cross throughout the universe.

I leave you My sorrow for the world, the denial of hearts, the indifference of the arrogant, the poverty of the non-humble, the pride of the blind, the malice of the ungrateful, so that you may share this with Me and so that your love, together with Mine, can erase all the miseries and My Sacred Heart may triumph as it is triumphing in your lives.

Let this Marathon open the doors to those who must come, to the young people of this region that must also find the Path of Christ, not a strict path, but the path of love, of redemption, and of peace. The path of the prayerful apostleship, of the mission in service and in charity through pity.

I invite you to be renewed in the name of the Law of the Hierarchy, in the name of unity and the good.

Adonai, Mercy, Mercy, Mercy,

Redemption, Redemption, Redemption for this planet.
(three times in Portuguese)

On this evening of communion with Me, I give you the blessing of these elements and My paternal embrace in perfect union with My unfathomable Heart of Love, so that, renewed by My Spirit, your paths may be on My Paths and your hearts may be In My Heart in honor and adoration of the Father.

I renew you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As I rise, accept My proclamation of Peace and confirm yourselves to Me as each one is able to live it in this offering that is lifted up.

I will return tomorrow to be with you in spiritual union and in vigil for the world.

Thank you for granting this space to Me in your hearts. The fruits will be seen in the next world, in the new humanity and in the joy of your countenances.

Remember that this is done for all of humanity, not only for you, but for those that most need it and that most suffer the tribulation.


Unite your prayers with My supplications of light and let Me take care of all things.

Unite your aspirations with My plans of peace, thus you will realize how much there is to be done for this humanity.

Work with Me, and through My Heart with all those in need; through simple works, carry My divine Love to everyone.

Consolidate My twelve celestial attributes in your spirit and follow the Universal Mother along the pathways I indicate for souls.

Embrace charity and service as a legacy, thus you will see how many prodigies will happen through all those who give themselves to the rest and to My Heart.

With your hands, weave with Me the mantle of mercy, and through each act, restore what needs forgiveness and compassion.

Embrace charity and service as a legacy, thus you will see how many prodigies will happen through all those who give themselves to the rest and to My Heart.

Build you sacred temple in Me. May your life and your heart be the true oratory in these times, so that the lack of love is overcome and indifference is erased from the hearts that do not live God.

With your hands, weave with Me the mantle of mercy, and through each act, restore what needs forgiveness and compassion.

Do not fail to see around you the needs of your fellow humans, for My Beloved Son might be hidden within the suffering hearts.

Live My project of peace every day; that both in joy and in sorrow you see the Will of My Lord, and thus will learn to live your own cross not as a burden, but as the liberation from all error.

Trust, I am Your Mother. I do not abandon My little children, I pray next to you so that some day you do more humble things, just as My Son has done.

I love you and I pray for everyone in the Sacred Temple of the Heart of God.

Who blesses you in glory,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

I can make your hearts humble and meek with My maternal Grace because through My Heart I teach you to day by day love the Plan of the Creator by means of surrender and daily sacrifice.

I would like humility to be appreciated and recognized by all My children, that they live it and be an example in each moment of service and charity to others; in this way you will conquer purity and you will be able to detach from all that is old.

As Your Mother who loves you, I invite you to find in humility the path of overcoming the self and the possibility of living it in the name of all those who deny the Love of Christ. In this way, through humility, the Maternal Heart of Your Mother shapes the apostles of Christ so that they can quickly be open to fulfill the Will of God.

On facing all the tests that must be overcome, My Heart will welcome all the children who are willing to live this precious learning in the sacred school of humility; to all of them I will give My encouragement and My strength of a Mother.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who teaches you to love holy humility,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Service ennobles the soul and brings the spirit of charity to the world, which is so scarce amongst everyone. When a heart discovers the love of service, it is fulfilled and finds a safe path for its own consecration.

The second step, after selfless service, under the spirit of charity, is conscious sacrifice in the name of the sufferings of Christ. As simple as what you do may seem, whenever you offer your actions to the reparation of the Heart of Christ, your offers are accepted, and the Sacred Heart is alleviated.

I have consecrated this house to My Chaste Heart so that here you can live simplicity, charity and love amongst all of you. I want to make each serving heart a source of peace for this planet.

Many think it is necessary to perform great works and travel very far so that the service is valid and true, but I tell you that it was in a simple carpenter’s shop where I rendered the greatest service of My little Spirit, and there I found holiness and the door to Divinity, which I reached beside My Son.

Holiness in the life of each being does not depend on the external circumstances that you experience, for it depends only on each heart, on the willingness of each one to make their own existence sacred.

If in the service you provide, you offer your actions to God, you will discover many mysteries that will be revealed to you as understandings, sometimes inexplicable, that come from the heart, and that only to the heart will they be clear.

As Father of all servers, I pledge to be present among you whenever you invoke My Presence through prayer, through charity, and through acts of compassion and fraternity.

I pledge to intercede for souls and the Kingdoms of Nature in this prayer room of charity.

I will only ask you to remember Me and that you make this space into a place of joy, charity and unity between humankind and God.

I would like for an image of My Chaste Heart to be at the entrance of this house, consecrating and blessing this place, which will radiate the inspiration of service towards the souls who must approach during these times.

I bless you and I guard you.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear children:

On this day, I invite you to prepare yourselves for the prayer meeting that is coming. This is a reason for your lives to be available for the fulfillment of the Divine Will.

I wish, My children, that your hearts would always walk in faith so that from now on you will be prepared to be touched by the flame of the Holy Spirit.

At this time, may your hearts be in prayer and in communion with My Son so that, strengthened in faith, you can take steps towards the consecration to the Celestial Father.

Children, as Your Mother I guide you through the path of sanctity and service to those most in need.

Many spiritual wounds still must be healed by the balm that prayer itself provides.

In tune with all that will happen in the coming prayer meeting I hand you, My children, the keys of forgiveness and mercy so that everything is under the shelter of the Celestial Father.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In faith and love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

The act of humanitarian service for the lost souls who suffer or are sick, sooner or later leads to the total consecration of the life into the hands of God.

The humanitarian service in Turkey awoke in each Missionary child of Peace the gift of a deeper and more conscious service in union with the Celestial Hierarchy.

Dear children, the inner work carried out during so many days in Turkey has permitted all the souls received into the heart of the Missionaries of Peace, and therefore into the Heart of the Celestial Hierarchy, to once again find a material and spiritual meaning to life.

The path of humanitarian service performed by the Missionaries of Peace in the Middle East, travelling through each region of Turkey, required an effort and especially an adaptation of each Missionary of Peace to the state of transmutation that until now continues to take place with the close and inner support of the Mother of the World.

A server is not only in service to find Divine Piety at some moment of their life, but they also offer in these critical times to collaborate openly in what the Universe will need to liberate from suffering humanity.

During this mision taking place in Turkey, the Celestial Hierarchy, in union with the service of the Missionaries of Peace, has extensively transmuted states of indignation, of fear, and lack of love.

Each act of missionary service, which presented itself day by day, opened a little window through which spiritual light could enter the consciousnesses of the Middle East that had been victims of the adversary and of the lack of spiritual light.

The triumph of My Immaculate Heart was gradually woven like a new network of spiritual love in each region of Turkey through which the Missionaries of Peace passed, and mainly, dear children, this network was woven in the hearts of the refugees who had lost hope. Thus, My children, the Regent Angel of Turkey was liberated from the prison to which He had been subject through this humanitarian mision of peace and through the prayers of all.

Once again, the Light of My Immaculate Heart has sown new seeds for the future.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Refugees


As the smoke of the sacred incense that exorcises darkness, the clouds of Heaven on which My feet alight exorcise the creations of evil and I establish the Kingdom of Light where it did not exist before.

In this war of end of time, dear children, there is nothing that can oppose the light of the Mother of the Sun, because if it did it would burn due to the intensity of the solar impulse which the divine fire holds.

My children, the angelic tools will always be available to the missionaries and the soldiers of peace so that, seeming nothingness, they emerge and are able to defend themselves from all evil.

The Armageddon already surrounds the planet and very few are willing to accept that the times have changed; resistance to change, even if in part, affects the whole which is the present world, and delays the steps that the majority must take.

Once more I tell you, in this final battle for the spiritual conquest of the next kingdom there can be no interference of any kind because if it were like this the consciousnesses would not be prepared to endure the expected purification of the planet.

Through the humanitarian service and the donation of love, may the false kingdoms created in the great regions continue being deactivated, kingdoms that exist to terrorize the consciousnesses and separate them from God.

True victory will be in those who persevere with the heart. My Son will never leave you alone when among the hearts there is certainty and absolute faith that Jesus dwells and lives in each human heart. This cannot be taken away by anyone or any weapon of physical or spiritual extermination.

The Love of Christ that lives in the hearts is the Love of the Father that embraces you and guides you to the final goal. Today I speak to you of the refugees, your brothers and sisters, who persevere until the end in the sacred hope that someday they will find the Promised Land, after a long exile.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who unites you to the Heart of the Celestial Father,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees


Indifference: A world disease

Dear children,

Most of humanity is blind, a product of the great indifference that exists among human beings and towards the Kingdoms of Nature.

Indifference comes to the tiniest details of daily life, to the point that indifferent souls do not notice their own mistakes; it exacerbates the war in the world because it keeps it in deep ignorance of the true reality of these times. It is one of the hind paws of the beast; the beast stands firmly on all of human indifferences and thus sharpens its horns in the illusion of the people and the vanity of the proud. The glory felt by the beast is so fake that, despite its own cunning, it does not realize it is deluded inside its own creation.

The beast sustains itself in everything which is indifferent, from the smallest to the biggest of nations.

The apparent confidence that the beast feels helps it overcome the faint strength of the tepid hearts. It is opulent and calls itself blessed because it always feeds from human suffering and the indignation felt by those who are not indifferent.

The beast is a great strategist, it recreates indifference in human minds and makes the faint people feel that by being indifferent they will look stronger. This indifference justifies the mistakes of the souls and in this way they can never leave the abyss in which they have placed themselves.

The beast appears powerful in the fake arts it imparts to humanity. But attention in everything, even in the smallest things, will prevent you from being indifferent and so you will know how to protect the spiritual heritage entrusted to you.

Indifference leads to irreverence, and in this state there is no trust in God. The beast will be defeated when most people stop being indifferent to their fellow human and to all life manifested around them.

Indifference is like gluttony, it will not stop growing inside the consciousness. Those who act with intelligence will no longer be so indifferent. But the beast takes advantage of the limitations of the soldiers. The determined actions of faith and consciousness in these times would draw many out of the abyss of indifference.

The angels of Heaven battle with swords of fire to dissipate the indifference that constantly makes the minds of people still so that they cannot act and everything remains static.

The path to the sacred also protects consciousnesses, and the beast does not know that the sacred and reverent ascends the good spirits to other planes and separates them from this world disease.

The mission of the soldiers of Christ is to care for the celestial treasures so that they will have more spiritual consciousness to protect the whole legacy that has been delivered.

Reverence is the protecting balm of the self-summoned; where there is reverence there is no indifference. Reverence could be the path that souls would go through in order to replace planetary indifference and then change the human codes that lead to the deterioration of everything.

To get out of indifference, you must first listen with humility to the indications to leave that place.

Observe how many consciousnesses are blinded by indifference and cannot see the true need of humanity, which is to leave this indifference as soon as possible, to walk towards the new humanity.

Service will make you less indifferent and more awake to change, a little bit more every day.

Indifference is sovereign in this world and it must be exorcised.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who elevates you to the Spirit of Reverence,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees



Dear children,

The time of darkness that the world is experiencing will disappear from the planet at the moment in which My Son returns in glory to humanity. At that point, the Final Judgment will commence, and the Earth will be reordered so that a new humanity and a new world may begin, free of the sins and the lack of obedience to the Laws of the Universe.

For this moment I am preparing you; for this My Son has asked Me to send you on missions of peace, so that the greatest number of regions in the world receive the rays of the Mercy of God and the necessary codes for spiritual rehabilitation.

Dear children, it is this important task that My missionaries are addressing; a spiritual mission and one of service, guided by the Celestial Hierarchy, so that the greatest number of souls have the Grace of receiving something of Divine Mercy in these times of chaos and abnormalities. My children, the descent of those celestial codes of love, of unity, of forgiveness, and of fraternity will be reached through the unprompted surrender of hearts in redemption, hearts such as yours.

Humanitarian service fulfills an important part, and the spiritual task being carried out by the Celestial Hierarchy extensively complements the other part that you all cannot do. Thus, dear children, there is a group work that exists guided by your Heavenly Mother, Who directs you to attend and serve the needs that are not only physical, but also very internal.

At this time My missionaries must broaden their field of inner vision when they encounter what they will face in the next days. The mission will cause them to understand aspects of the consciousness of humanity that need to be purified and corrected, and this will be possible through the Mercy of God.

Keep moving forward with the faith that characterizes you, do not forget that I will always be the flame on your paths.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who unites you with the Heart of the Eternal Father,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of refugees

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

While the missions are broadly developing in the spiritual life of consciousnesses, your Heavenly Mother, together with the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, pray so that the fruits and the results of each humanitarian mission may motivate other consciousnesses to live the spirit of humanitarian service. It is in this way, My children, that your Most Holy Mother and Saint Joseph the Worker gradually form the souls who consecrate themselves to the Immaculate Heart as soldiers in the service of Christ.

Now, dear children, through these missions, must emerge in each one of you not only the strength to unite the groups of prayer, but also, must awaken the missionary soul in My children.

The missionary soul is a state which can feel the consciousness that lives the Plan of God , and who offers the self fully to the Universe to help, to serve unconditionally where necessary.

The missionary soul, My children, could transform the Earth, for it is the living principle of self-giving service in any place.

There may exist, dear children, a common missionary soul, where all consciousnesses unite in that inner level of the spirit to confirm and surrender themselves to fulfill the Will of God.

Among the groups of prayer and among the different missionaries, a positive state of missionary soul is being generated; a state in which many more consciousnesses far away from this Work will be drawn by this spirit of congregating to serve through prayer and selfless giving.

It is for this reason that the missionary soul is being formed spontaneously by all hearts which, independently of where they are, are united in mission through the call of the Celestial Messengers.

Dear children, the missionary soul is safeguarded by the Guardian Angels who take care of all that is expressed as service and prayer. 

This impulse of the missionary soul, formed by the servers, is spiritually reaching the consciousness of the nations, in this case, Argentina and Turkey.

For this reason, dear children, I invite you to protect and move forward in this spirit of fraternal unity that is being created by the prayer impulse of all groups of prayer, in support of humanitarian missions.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you in the Heart of the Father,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees


Dear children,

At the doors of the humanitarian service in Turkey, the Missionaries of Peace will continue towards the attendance of new spiritual, social and moral needs; all of them will be covered through fraternal love.

Es así, queridos hijos, que Vuestra Madre Celeste está en este momento trabajando en unión a los misioneros con grupos de almas especiales, las que desde el principio de sus vidas esperaban una ayuda espiritual mayor.

Thus, dear children, Your Heavenly Mother is in this moment working in union with the Missionaries of Peace with groups of special souls, which from the beginning of their lives have waited for a bigger spiritual help.

See, My children, how the true humanitarian service, without profits nor personal advantages from any part, the service from the heart, reaches the deepest of the spirit of each being.

The Mother of the World encourages the Missionaries of Peace so that they may reach the same degree of donation and surrender that My beloved Son lived. Along this path of absolute and abnegate donation from the children of God, the celestial doors remain open and these are the internal doors that indicate to the servers the next place of service.

When prayer is also filled by service and faith, dear children, the doors of the Law of Manifestation and of Absence of Need open themselves and the spirit of providence transforms the spiritual and material poverty of the consciousnesses.

Service is a gift, but at the same time it is a mystery that presents itself in the life of people so that they may be encouraged to transcend themselves and above all so that in the service to the neighbor true love be lived.

The Mission of Peace in the Middle East, in this moment, is permitting that the souls with different creeds recover through some path their intimate filiation with the Celestial Father. When this filiation and feeling of belongingness to the Divine are recovered, the suffering soul in need gains inner strength to move ahead and thus to advance in the name of God.

The religions in this moment will become a point of conflict for humanity, because as it has been so far, the faith and trust of the poor souls in the Lord will be at stake. This faith and this testimony of each child of the Middle East have permitted the Heavenly Hierarchy to send the servers of the Plan from the Americas on a humanitarian mission.

This clamor from the suffering hearts has also permitted, dear children, the humanitarian missions to expand throughout the whole Middle East, over the Arabian countries.

Through service, the flame of the Love of God will never go out because service keeps alive the soul that donates itself without interests or complaints; thus through the service of My children My Immaculate Heart will also triumph.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who encourages you to constant self-donation,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees



Discover in service the ennoblement of soul and spirit, the birth of universal love, because only when the need of your neighbor transcends your own, can you understand a little of the essence of true love, which you came to learn in this world.

Understand that when you serve, it is not only the act of serving that liberates souls from the hells of this world but it is also the love and fraternal charity that you imprint in your actions and the sincerity with which you transcend your fears and limitations to do that which you have never thought of doing, which truly unites your hands with the Hands of the Creator and makes your service sacred.

Go and meet the poorest; go far away into the abysses searching for those who need your union with God. Go where the helpless do not know hope, where the sick do not know faith, where those starving do not know mercy, where the poor do not know the wealth of fully living in the Spirit of God. Imprint all these attributes in the silence of your mouth and in the sincere acts of your hands, in the profound beating of your heart.

Place in service the hope that this world will reach redemption, that souls will recognize unity and love.

You do not need to preach because, in these times, words are sometimes very imperfect. Choose to give an example of peace-making, fraternity, selfless surrender.

Never expect to be thanked for the service you render. Do not expect returns, do not seek results. Place in the soil the seed of a tree that maybe you will not see grow, but trust that it will bear fruits for a future time when there is starvation and that it will provide shade so that those tired of so much walking may find a place to rest.

Just like you ignite your heart in the service to the poorest, also ignite it in the service to those who are beside you. You often worry about the souls far away that become lost, but you do not see those who are getting lost because they do not find in you a little support, help, compassion and fraternity.

I know that you want to heal the world, rebuild the Earth, and not allow the boat of salvation for this race to sink. So, start with your own home, with the Centers of Love, with all life around you, because the one who learns to love does not love once in a while or only a few, the most miserable ones.

Child, when love really dwells in the human heart, it contemplates all Creation; it contemplates the fellow beings and also the Kingdoms of Nature; it equally contemplates the poor and the rich, because the greatest lack is the lack of love.

Love has no culture, no religion, no language, no ethnicity. The love that is proposed to be experienced in this world is the same Love of the Heart of God. Therefore, love in this love and be this love at every moment, with everything and with everyone, in the silence of your actions, in the solitude of your heart, just as among the crowds. Thus, you will learn that the greatest service to be lived in this world is not only charity, it is Christification.

Your Father and Cmpanion always, the one who leads you to the Heart of Christ,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees, transmitted in the locality of San Esteban, Córdoba, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

May the Divine Conception of My Original Purity be of spiritual help for those souls that aspire to reach God and be in His Fatherly Arms.

Service to humanity, dear children, detaches the incapacity to love from the consciousness, and holds the doors of the heart open to God.

Every day, when missionaries serve, they must bear in mind that they are doing so for the Plan of God, for the fulfillment of this highest Work for peace in the world.

It is My Original Purity, the Purity of God, that will help you find the eternal path of elevation and of love for the world.

Dear children, the service in Turkey has the inner intention of opening doors even further so that hearts, on some plane of consciousness, may reencounter God.

The gifts that favor peace, love and fraternity can become unforgettable for the souls that receive not only humanitarian help, but also the love from heart to heart.

My dear children, in these times I need you to learn to serve spiritually, seeking in this moment to fulfill the Purpose of the Creator in all of humanity.

The missionaries in Turkey, together with the humanitarian associations that take care of the refugees, established an ecumenical bond of service for peace, with no conditions and in favor of no one. This fraternal act of cooperation and charity demonstrates to the universe the possibility that the paths of service may expand even more and that other consciousnesses may be able to serve in order to forget themselves and put their attention on the needs of the other.

The Divinity is relieved by the voluntary work; this shows an open path for new opportunities. Service to others will take you to find inner purity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who leads you to eternal service,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees


The Heavens open themselves to receive the offers of humanity.

Being sincere of heart, Mercy descends again in lands that are already living in the Divine Justice. Merciful acts are those which unite you to the Consciousness of Christ, The One who is Mercy Itself.

A humanitarian mission, children, is more than a social act, because I am talking to you about a request of God, a renovation and an awakening of a commitment that His Creatures have towards Him. As much as you are before two missions in which you meet cultures extremely different from yours, the souls recognize unity and the spirits are touched by the love that permeates their acts.

When you serve from the heart, you balance many evils, not only of those who you are serving. The love that you radiate touches those who are around you and permeates the life of spirit; it replaces the mistakes and debts of the nations for divine merits of redemption, of salvation and of mercy. If, in truth, everyone opened themselves to the missionary spirit, you would understand what I tell you.

Today I want you to know that the missionaries in Turkey have already become an instrument in the Hands of God because their spirits recognize that the service they are providing is not for themselves. Experience and the years have taken them to the consecration of life to the acts of Mercy, and in this way they have become, as a group, a bridge for the Mercy of the Creator to descend to Earth. But they are only 14 and they cannot multiply themselves in all the nations that must consecrate themselves to God through service and through prayer. Therefore, when I call you to service, listen to My Voice.

None of the missionaries in Turkey is perfect; none of them knew how to serve from the beginning, but the resistances were broken by love, and today, when they are before a mission asked by God, they can transcend their individualities and miseries in order to be bearers of the Divine Mercy.

We do not expect that the different missions that we ask for, have the same success, but that you do open yourselves to the missionary spirit that the consciousness-group of this Work of Love have already achieved over the past few years.

I wish the missionary spirit would expand itself beyond Brazil, and mostly Uruguay and Argentina would encourage themselves to transcend the atavisms to serve the neighbor and to discover in service a prompt transformation, the unity with God and with the neighbor, the transmutation and the liberation of these nations from all the mistakes committed in the past. Because, although the Earth has to restart, it needs to have a starting point, and you must leave in it a fertile soil, so that those who will come afterwards sow the seeds of a new time.

I love you and I only ask you to trust in what I tell you and that you do not be afraid to answer to the celestial requests. In these times, every effort is little to fulfill the goal which you have been responsible to fulfill since the beginning of this race.

Your Father and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


While the world begins to become aware of the need for service and Argentina takes the first steps in the active balancing of its debts with God, I call on you so that you do not stop taking your steps. May each mission be a doorway that is opened to a greater possibility of redemption in the world.

My missionaries in Chaco are beginning to become aware of the spiritual task that they carry out and their hearts can now feel the Purpose of God a little more.

The suffering of the indigenous consciousness is being alleviated, but as I have told you, this is a door that was opened so that you may continue on a long journey of reparation and redemption.

For Argentina to become a nation able to be the cradle of the New Humanity, just like Brazil, Uruguay, and other countries of South America, there must exist a greater spirit of love and fraternity.

With small acts of service, the consciousness is expanded to know the truth, which is the presence of God within all living creatures. Service, children, dignifies the spirit and activates love, latent in the human heart. For this reason, now that you have taken the first steps with greater awareness, I will ask you to not stop.

The missionaries will feel in their hearts the need for this service to have some continuity, and I tell you that this feeling is true. I would like other members of this Work to have the opportunity to contribute their love into acts of fraternal charity, but for that, I need the inner and material willingness of all.

As the spiritual maladjustment is gradually balanced and transmuted in Chaco through the simple and sincere actions of servers, the paths will open in the matter and you will find those intercessors sent by God that will help you to provide a more materially dignified life to the peoples of Chaco.

But before that, you must still make a great effort so that love is able to dissolve the sorrow that has impregnated the indigenous consciousness for so many centuries.

My children, the world is in its last breaths of suffering, and the Justice of God will soon descend to the Earth. That is not a threat, it is a reality. For this reason, the most important now is to learn to truly love, to break your own structures of pride, egoism and indifference, so that, still in the time of His Mercy, the Lord may grant you the Grace of dwelling in your inner worlds and strengthen you for the rebuilding of the material and spiritual life of the Earth.

I love you and, for this reason, I impel you so that you do not stop your steps now. Deepen into the spirit of service and, at the end of this mission, I will tell you what I most want for Argentina and for South America. I await you to be attentive and open-hearted to listen to Me.

Your Father and Instructor,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Maturity when you are serving arises from the understanding that a service that is provided responding to a request of God transcends matter and has its true purpose in spirit. When the Creator sends you to serve, you must be conscious that you are mere instruments in His hands, since – in order to balance the great human karma – it is necessary to be the members of humanity themselves the ones acting and interceding in this act of balance.

What do you fear when we send you to serve? Are you, by any chance, thinking that your hands will be the ones to act?

No longer lose time with expectations, anxieties, or even with prides and vanities. Focus on being true, simple, obedient, meek, vigilant, and peaceful. Focus on being united to God and on thinking of Him all the time and not of yourselves.

When you are before an act of service, do not be confused. Confusion comes from the lack of clarity of purpose of your actions. If you focus your attention on God, soon you will see how He will open the paths and will show you a greater necessity, which suddenly will not be that one you were thinking.

Both cases of the Middle East and of Chaco, your brothers and sisters need to be listened to and to find, in you, a bridge to something higher. Donate encouragement, donate hope, donate peace of heart. Do not show yourselves immature, insecure or without a purpose, because you are being closely guided by Our Words as well as by the intuition and by heart, vehicles we always use to conduct you. For this reason, let yourselves be internally guided.

Trust in those who we have elected to coordinate you and direct you in each mission, because to those hearts, we are united in a special way. Do not have great ideas or do not want to accomplish heroic services to tell at the end, because the true mission, which happens in spirit, will be known by few. And it will be admired only by God, because humanity still has not learned to love the life of the spirit and, even though it may know the spiritual facts, it will have little interest if there are not material results.

For this reason, I ask you once more to be more humble and obedient, more united of heart to each other, and all to the Most High God. In this way, the Purpose of God will be fulfilled.

The One who loves you and guides you,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

May all those who aspire to be missionaries of the Plan of God listen to these words and learn to serve. Truly attentive spirits never think that I am speaking to others, but rather accept all is directed at them; for this reason, they grow and mature as God expects. 


May each service rendered by the servers and the consecrated to the Plan of the Most High God be the reason for generating the necessary balance and heal the past evils of such transgressing humanity.

May your hands as from now begin to rebuild the world through acts of service, to repair the evil caused in the beginning and placate the chaos that is precipitating over the world.

There are many places on the planet that have not been destroyed by war or overtaken by armed conflicts, but they are as spiritually wounded as those that are at war.

Humanity, as consciousness, has assaulted planetary life so much that a large part of the spirit of the planet is being deteriorated and is suffering like a dying person, who takes their last breath of life.

The way to heal this sick world is only with love, love in all its expressions: love through acts of fraternal charity, love radiated in prayer, love radiated through silence, love manifested in the heart that is transformed for love of the Plan of God.

A server who is on their way to a mission requested by God must be like the laborer that carries in their hands the brick and cement to rebuild the planetary consciousness*. In each small act, there must be a full and absolute love, which transcends the conditions, the differences, the mistakes, the fear and the sorrow. In this way, you will shortly be able to be converted into true instruments of God.

Let the active and luminous reconstruction of the spiritual life of humanity be in the intention of every missionary.

The human consciousness was created based on divine and pure principles, which gave it the peculiarity of being able to directly unite with the Creator, without intermediaries. Those principles were attacked from the beginning of this Project, and the forces of the adversary tried to change them into what you know as capital energies, which today are many more than seven. 

In order to be as crystalline as God thought again and to achieve the Divine Purpose, the time has come to cause the divine principles to keep growing in your own interior and in the interior of your fellow beings and thus, gradually weaken those dark forces that have grown so much in the human consciousnesses.

This is why I ask you to begin each day of service by pleading with God for the Grace of humility and unity with Him. In this way, taking the first step of your days with the intention of being pure, you will be assisted by the angels to serve in a crystalline way and to be true instruments of the Creator of the world.

For the reconstruction of the spiritual consciousness of the planet,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear children of Mine,

At the inner rising of the New Aurora, after a long time, today I gather all of the groups of prayer of Uruguay around My oratory of love. That is why, dear children, on this day I come from the Universe in order to establish a single group of work for the Plan of God in Uruguay; a unique opportunity that is granted to each one of you through the most potent spirit of the maternal Grace.

Dear children, I am giving to you an important mission: that of gestating within your hearts the spirit of fraternity and of service to the neighbor, something that has been a permanent attempt for a long time.

With the forthcoming existence of the House of Service requested by Saint Joseph, you will have once again the Grace of contributing with the Plan of God. In truth, the House of Service will be the reason for your temperaments and emotions to be worked on through voluntary and selfless service, as well as through the willing donation of your lives to the Plans of My beloved Son.

The House of Service that was entrusted with much love by the Most Chaste Saint Joseph will be able to fraternize with other houses and service organizations in Montevideo. This mission, which is now requested, will be supported by the International Humanitarian Federation, which is the mother consciousness for all of the planetary work.

Dear children, it will be right after you take your commitment to service before the Plan, that the Lord God, the Almighty Father, will then grant you the spirit of understanding and of wisdom so that you, My children of Uruguay, be able to understand in those moments, the importance of reversing the debts and the faults committed by the population of Uruguay.

This state of consciousness that I am talking to you about is not yet present in your beings, but it will be able to be so from the moment that you make an effort and that you love to be united above yourselves in order to materialize the Work of the Celestial Father, outside the well-known Church of My Son, because now the work is for all of the souls.

Dear children, the unification of your hearts and the absence of competition have been expected for a long time by the Universe. This unity through service and selfless love will place you in a position of assuming definitively, as Uruguayans, your task with Aurora. In this way, from this moment on, dear children, you will be prepared to accomplish, in these critical times, the materialization of the plan of healing of Aurora on the surface.

I lovingly dedicate this message to all of you today, because I know that you will need a celestial impulse in order to be able to continue on My Path.

Who loves you and accompanies you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees, on a celestial mission


In the same way that the enemy tries to weaken the different religions in the Middle East and mixes economic interests and power with the religious conflicts so that humanity no longer wants to reconnect to God, the enemy also weakens the role of the indigenous consciousness in the world, placing the original peoples in the face of the so-called "technologies".

The adversary of God tries to imprint in the human consciousness the idea that the indigenous peoples are primitive and that, being so, they delay the evolution of the planet in general.

Be attentive, because this is a destructive thought that diverts you from the Plans of God!

As I have already told you previously, the original peoples who remained faithful to the pure principle of their existence are guardians of fundamental attributes of spirit for the development of humanity.

The indigenous move and act based on intuition, wisdom, on the feeling of the heart, on the union with nature, on reverence for the sacred. Imagine the human being without these spiritual attributes! They would lose their life, their essence, their bond with God.

May the mission in Chaco not only be to render a service, but that you also allow yourselves to experience a mutual exchange: protect, support, and assist those that keep you spiritually united with the Wisdom of God.

These two missions, both to the Middle East and to Chaco, must renew the principles of faith, fraternity and unity in the human heart. Every service, every prayer and every liberation must have that purpose, because with faith, fraternity and unity, the heart will be able to know love one day.

Be in a posture of great humility, because both in one mission as well as the other, in spite of having many resources to help, if you are in a posture of learning, besides helping in great processes of spiritual liberation, you will bring many codes of maturation and wisdom in your consciousnesses.

Humility is the key to service. One who serves with the intention of being a bridge between God and humanity, transcending their expectations and aspirations, will accomplish the Purpose of the Lord, not only for their goal of service but also for their own transformation and the transformation of the human consciousness as a collective.

I love you, and in omnipresence, I accompany both missions as well as all the prayerful beings that support them. May everything be for the fulfillment of the Plans of God.

May peace and love be established in the world.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

I am the one Who unites that which is separated, divided amongst consciousnesses. I unite the pieces of the great wheel so that the Project may function. For this reason, whoever invokes My name receives the gifts of Grace that transform the life of all hearts.

Decide to seek me; so I may help you always, day and night. Do not be discouraged by anything, your trust must be in the Lord.

Dear children, I bring you the spirit of reconciliation so that you may live it. I give you My Love so that you may multiply and share it as the essence of life. I encourage you to achieve the transcendence of self every day through service and prayer.

Unify through My Sacred Heart. I come to introduce you to the universe of My Son's love where there is no separation or rivalries; there is only God, your Celestial Father.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you with the Universe,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
