To be nothing is to discover the truth about yourself. To lose your own identity or individuality is to reach the Origin of all, where there is no other thing but the unity with the Whole.
To come to be nothing is a great challenge because the individual identity of each consciousness was built beyond this world and this life, in others experiences of the soul and of the spirit that transcend what you know about yourselves today.
Great, children, is the mystery of the Divine Will because the Creator, who was One, divided Himself into three and, thus, in many others particles of life, whose true mission is discovering themselves in unity with Him again.
The Creator multiplied Himself in the universes, in the galaxies, in the constellations, in the stars, in the planets, in the beings, in the Kingdoms of Nature; He created the evolutionary scale that it is nothing more than the path of return to the Origin. The Creator opened the dimensions from matter to the superuniverses, and closed –from the top down– the doors that lead to Him. And the only key that opens these doors is love.
To be nothing, children, is to discover the truth about yourselves. To be nothing as individuals, as personalities, as separated particles of God, is to know that the Creator is who lives within each being; He is who animates life. The one who discovers oneself in God and God in oneself lives the plenitude.
Lose the fear of losing yourselves, because it is lost from yourselves that you will find yourselves. To be nothing is to discover the truth about yourselves.
The illusion of the illusions is to believe that you are something, to celebrate merits and to cry the defeats. God is the one who lives in each creature; His is the victory of Your lives and to Him belongs your evolution, towards Him is the path of the return, in Him are enclosed all the sciences, all the rays, all the worlds, all life.
The Creator emanates life, which must return to Him: it is the eternal cycle of building and believing yourself to be something to, then, deconstruct yourself, know that you are nothing and in the nothingness discover the Whole, God, the One and Only and Immutable in His Infinity, static in His permanent movement.
The quest of nothingness is not sad. To lose yourself is not to die, it is to find yourself. To die is not to end, it is to start over again.
To know is not to be. That is why I tell you these things.
Children, more than knowing the science of nothingness, you must live it. That is why I tell you things that many times you already know, because yesterday was the era of knowing and today is time of being.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Oh human soul that is in the last time of your imperfection, renounce what binds you to the old world, and launch into the infinity of a new life! Struggle firmly in your last battle of this cycle of darkness, a battle that will cause you to ascend to sublime realities and that, despite being long and painful, its merits will never end.
Oh soul that is so unknown to yourself, plunge into your inner world and remove the veils that cover your human eyes, so that you may discover the infinity of your own consciousness.
Soul of God, so tired of the cycles of illusion experienced on this Earth, the blindness and indifference are now coming to an end, so that you may rest contemplating the Sunrise of a new day, of a new era.
Soul of God that is so small and infinite at the same time; your greatness was hidden by the ignorance of the human mind, and your smallness is to be found in the humility which you are to uncover. Within you, humility and greatness must encounter, because it is only through recognizing yourself as a small nothing that you will discover the likeness to God that contains all things within Himself.
Open your heart to the Creative Word, speak through prayer, and no longer with human concepts and limited ideas.
Contemplate before you the great example of the Sacred Family and overcome the ancient prejudice against being pure and simple like those three Sacred Hearts. The greatest of mysteries is unveiled in simplicity.
No longer search so much for great sciences, if the greatest of all sciences is to discover yourself in likeness to God: in Him lies Omniscience.
While the world anchors matter to the old patterns of the Earth, elevate yourself, little soul. Make yourself light as the wind and return to the Father. In the silence of your example, carry all humanity with you, and reaching the Heavens, open the doors to the new time, to the time that has always been, that is, but that your world never came to know.
Go in search of the new, the eternal, the infinite.
Who shows you the path to the new era,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My child,
Be true and transparent first with yourself and then in everything. Allow your consciousness to face the truth without fear and without the need to hide what you see or to appear to be something different from what you have found within yourself.
Look at yourself more than in a mirror; look into the depths of your inner world, recognizing there the fears, the difficulties, what should be transformed, healed, forgiven, freed. Also see the virtues, the gifts, what should be stimulated, nourished; what should grow spiritually, even though in silence and in anonymity.
Face the truth about yourself to eradicate the lie from your consciousness, and thus, help humanity. Overcome the need to appear as something, to please, to conquer, to convince, to manipulate; because all this, child, is part of an ancient lie that prevents humanity from finding the Truth.
When human beings do not know themselves and increasingly move away from the truth about themselves, they also move away from God, from the universe, from reality; for this reason, child, in these times, being true to yourself and the world is a great service.
Be an example for those who are lost from themselves; an example of a heart that found itself and did not fear seeing itself exactly as it is, both in misery as well as in virtue, to thus transcend the miseries and simplify the virtues, knowing that everything you are is part of a lesson, of an experience that takes you to something greater: to the Consciousness of God.
When the being is before itself with simplicity, neither do miseries haunt them nor do their virtues bring them vanity, because they know that the path is to be nothing, in order to find a truth even deeper than the one found when they overcame the ancient lie that involved them.
Child, walk toward the truth without fear and, transcending one illusion after another, discover that the truth lies in the emptiness of self, where nothing becomes everything.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Divine dialogue between the Most Holy Mary and the Angel of Portugal
Angel of Portugal: “Sweet Queen of the Stars, Spiritual Ruler of all souls, lost and not lost; consent, Celestial Majesty, to raise each one of Your children into the arms of the Celestial Father.
At least, Adorable and Holy Virgin, shine with Your Divine Love upon each essence so that it may at last find God, the Supreme Lord”.
Most Holy Mary: “Welcoming Angel of Portugal, legionnaire and server of Archangel Saint Raphael, I send You and all of Your blessed armies, in honor of the Archangel Saint Michael to free all the consciousnesses that are chained by My adversary.
With Your Peace, Angel of Portugal, dissipate all illusion of the consciousness, and I ask, servant angel of God, that you pray for all My children, especially for those that believe they are living their spirituality and do not have God because of their great pride.
Angel of Peace, untiringly protect My beloved Portugal, and also have it inwardly know that all these peoples must still settle their errors committed against My indigenous peoples”.
Angel of Portugal: “Yes, My Lady, Most Pious Mother Who consoles the afflicted, Who brings hope and renewal to those who are spiritually hungry.
Yes, Mother, this is My humble reply before Your precious request for mercy. Remember, Holy Celestial Mother, those who blaspheme the Heart of Your Beloved Son; implore, Holy Virgin, for each consciousness of this world, so that nobody lose the peace of the Lord”.
Most Holy Mary: “Servant of My Father, who serves the Higher Universes, valued Angel of Portugal, I will respond to your holy petitions; I will ask My Beloved Son to placate the justice of God and that His Sacred Heart help to dissolve human indifference, the action that commits all the errors of the world.
O Holy Angel of Peace!, help the angels of all the nations, give impulse to each regent angel of each nation, so that it may show itself to the world. Holy Angel of Portugal, Consciousness that adores the Holy Body of My Son in the Eucharist, radiate the codes of light that spring from the untiring Heart of Christ and cause each soul to discover the sweetness of the Love of My Son.
Have it come to known through the perfect communion with His Body and His Blood, have it come to love first and in the life of each being, so that in this way, My children abandon the abyss of their great ignorance.”
Angel of Portugal: “Beloved Mother and Queen of the Jubilation of Christ, we will make known the most pious majesty of Your Son, so that hearts may find Christ and never again separate from Him.
I will send the armies of the Archangel Saint Raphael, so that they may work on healing all souls, and especially the disregarding hearts, that still deny the power of Your Son.
Do not cry, Holy Star of Peace! From your tears springs the appeal for a merciful salvation for each one of Your children. Let me, Mother of the Sun, dry each tear from Your most pure countenance with My linens of light, to offer them to the Beloved Father as petals of the eternal flowers of Your Heart.”
Most Holy Mary: “If souls knew, Beloved Angel of Peace, what My generous Heart feels, they would not fail to be in My arms, just as Jesus was.
I will not cease for one instant to stretch out My arms to the world and to offer My consoling hands, as healing and a remedy for any pain.
It gives Me pleasure, Holy Angel of Portugal, to hear from Your mouth the offering of Your Angelic Consciousness. Thus We will alleviate the Father, experiencing for all the pain of the world. In this way, wronged hearts will be able to find the path of hope.”
Angel of Portugal: “You know, Pious Mother and Queen of Peace, that we are at Your eternal service, for Your name, which is holy, resounds in our hearts like a melody of love and of redemption.
We will hear Your call and will respond immediately; all the guardian angels of Your children will help You so that the men and women of Earth respond to the voice of Your supplications”.
Most Holy Mary: “Then, Angel of Peace, emit this Gift of Grace from Your heart, so that Peace embrace not only Portugal, that it one day may redeem itself, but may the Peace of God, of the Most High, reach all who need it.
I shall invoke Your name, and You, Holy Angel, shall make known to the world the lack of its innocence. Take refuge in the prayer of all My children, and in this way, together with Your legions, You will redeem the Earth, preparing it for the return of Christ.”
Angel of Portugal: Yes, Merciful Mother, we shall comply with Your most sweet petitions; may Your Holy and Immaculate Heart be the refuge for each angel. Together with You, Adorable Mother, we lift up all supplications so that this blind humanity may awaken from its deep sleep.
We thank You and praise You, Universal Mother.
Most Holy Mary: It is thus, Angel of Peace, that on this day I shall make known to the whole world our divine dialogue, so that souls may be moved and feel the truth and the cry of My blessed words. This is why today I reveal them to all My children”.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In union with the Angel of Portugal,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When I talk to you about universal life, many look around and see an abysmal distance that exists between what I say and what you live as humanity.
The approach to the universal life must be first in consciousness because I tell you that, for many, from one day to another the barriers of illusion will fall to the ground and Truth will become visible to the human eye. Those who always ignored it will fear and will think they are crazy; those who had a mere idea about it will fear and will not enter the portals that will open in front of their eyes; and those who know it and live it will wait for it and, anxious for finding it, will recognize it before their eyes and will cross without fear the portals that will lead them to a new life.
Believe that what I tell you, children, is not a tale or fantasy. Blessed are those who launch themselves with their hearts into the unveiling of the celestial mysteries and who, in humility, empty their own interior to become the vessels of the universal Truth.
Be attentive to the celestial guide and try with dedication and hope to live what we tell you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
This is the last time for planetary illusion, and this is why, children, the forces of chaos and evil unrestrainedly try to grow and multiply throughout the world. They know this is their last time. Just as the Creator knows His eternity, those forces know their end.
Children of mine, this is the time to close your eyes to the influences of the planet, because the more the end draws near, the more illusion grows, and souls, minds and hearts are more confused.
If you do not hold on tight to higher life and vanquish the tendencies of the world in order to maintain your own faith, following a true spiritual path will cost you very much. You will confuse the message with the messenger and by not seeing the prophecies being fulfilled in the time and form that you expected, you will not believe anything that you learned up to now.
Remaining in love is a mission for the brave of spirit, those who believe more in God than in themselves, those who are attentive to His Messages and not so much to the way they reach their own hearts.
The Apocalypse is now occurring, inside and outside of many beings. The Americas are being taken care of by the Divine Messengers, but the time will come, children, when it should also go through its purification. The birth of a New Race and of a new principle of life will depend on each heart that will be there and their disposition in persevering, beyond trials, to rebuild the world when the time comes.
Children, you will fully understand what you experience and the instruction we deliver you when you are awake in all levels of consciousness, and the veils are no longer upon your eyes. But today I want you to understand that the planetary events will not happen the way you expect. And so it is, that they are happening now, and very few have noticed them.
So that the chaos on Earth does not confuse you, more each day affirm faith and unity with one another. The prayer that sustains the heart is the same that will maintain the mind in sanity.
Remain with what I told you and do not forget it. When the time comes, these words will be like keys that unlock the doors of the new time.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To be Human without being human
The science of these times, children, is the transcendence of the old human and the birth of the new. To be born without dying in the body. To allow matter to be reborn, transcending that which has been corrupted.
The new human is born within the consciousness. It is the fruit of inner purification, of the act of expelling the old so that what is true may emerge.
The new human, children, in truth is not new; it has always been within each human being; it is the principle, the reality, the beginning of everything and also the end, the goal toward which you walk.
The old human took hold of the truth and built upon the essence a life of illusions; it created something that did not exist and hid the Divine Thought with human thought.
Humanity, children, is a race of likeness to the Father in many aspects unknown to humankind. One of these is the capacity to create through thought, feeling and the heart, a capacity that once had only been granted to the angels. But like a great universal paradox, this likeness to God has distanced humanity from the Creator because, instead of learning with love, they created, with thought, a false human being, and a false evolution, which led them more toward the abyss than toward Heaven.
Influenced by the illusion of the time in which they lived, human beings moved further and further away from the Whole and entered into themselves. They gradually lost the ability to be in everything—which the likeness to God offered them—and they lost consciousness of unity, strengthening individuality, as human law.
Children, how can a being, created to live unity, compete with their fellow beings, create traps for the evolution of their neighbors, or want to be better or worse than the others?
The answer to these questions lies not only in the very duality of this world but also in all the illusion in which humanity has placed itself, as consciousness.
I recognize, children, that after so many evolutionary cycles as a race, the illusion is stronger than the truth; it is easier to remain in that which is old than to tear it out of yourselves so that the original may emerge. However, it is necessary that everyone be aware of what they are experiencing and of the inner battle - individual and human - that you must experience in these times in order to return to your origins, to the Original Plan of God.
When you pray from the heart and allow yourselves to live spiritual virtues, such as humility, fraternity, compassion and forgiveness, you are living from the truth, from the original human or the new human and, gradually, you will be able to remove the reign of that which is old without it causing you great destabilization or suffering.
The experience of truth, in a harmonious way, simply depends on the surrender of each being.
Everything I tell you today is so that you may be inspired to seek the truth within yourselves, and not remain in that which is old, in the illusory.
May My words lead you to seek within yourselves this similarity with the Divine, which became hidden by the layers of illusion and is ignored by the great majority of human beings.
Now, children, it is time to be Human, without being human, and to discover the truth about yourselves.
The keys to all the doors that take you to the Path of Light are held in prayer and in the practice of virtue.
I love you and I leave you My peace.
In the same way that I was able to discover the truth and the similarity to God, may all those who hear Me be able to do so. Strive and persevere.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
For the divine Life to find in your heart a door to enter into humanity, you must have the manifestation of this life as priority.
When you are conscious that the most important is the union with God, you do it at each moment and you do not need to be closed in a chapel for this, because there are many forms to be united with the Father and one of them is to be His worker and building in the world His Work, so that not only you, child, but many others, unite themselves with Him.
You would not have to lose the opportunity to contemplate the Heart of God and to be perfectly united with Him, but as long as your tasks are still for yourself, they will separate you from God and, even if you believe that you do it for Him, you will not be able to find this union in your work.
The depth of the consciousness of each one is only known by themselves, and if you search it within you, you will know if your intention is to build something for God or if you are searching to big up yourself and receive the merits for fulfilling these tasks that you help to manifest.
Why did Santa Teresa of Jesus attain contemplation, if she spent so many days and so many hours occupying herself with foundations, constructions, with forming consecrated beings, with contacts in society?
Because she knew that what she was doing did not have any other end but to manifest a work that allowed the union of the human heart with God.
How could Father Pio contemplate if he was so busy with confessions, with administrating the construction of a hospital, with the pain that the wounds on his body caused him and also the wounds of his heart, caused by the incomprehension of beings?
Because he knew that everything he did had no other end but to expand a divine reign whose king he was not, it was Christ.
Child, if you want to grow as a soul, as a consciousness and as a servant of God and if you want to be a real instrument of God and builder of His Work in the world, forget from now onwards the merits that you may want for yourself.
If you are doing something and deep inside you gratify yourself for manifesting it, meditate and ask for mercy for your ignorance and for wanting to be recognized for a work that is not yours. In each moment, meditate on your intentions, and everything that you do, do it for God and not for yourself.
If in your activities you exercise what I tell you and in everything you are searching to please the Lord and to create conditions so that humanity has a form to unite itself to Him, when the moment to pray arrives, it will not cost you so much to find the Father, because in no moment you left Him.
Thus, child, your life will not be anymore an eternal falling and getting up, an eternal distancing and approaching yourself to God, and every day, in every liturgy, you will have the opportunity to unite yourself even more with Him.
The possibility to evolve and to fly to sublime worlds or to stay within yourself, with the illusionary merits of a task that is not yours, remains in your hands.
For the inner growth of humanity and its union with God I tell you these things.
I leave you My blessing.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
While the majority of the human beings remain in the illusion of forms, few are the ones who open themselves to true love, to develop the potential of their own heart.
Humanity, children, is more committed to the development of the mind, of criticism, of judgments, it is more willing to affirm itself in the mistakes of the neighbor than in discovering their own essence and the reason why the Creator sent them into the world.
This is the era of the blooming of the heart, of the spiritual life, of the sense of maternity. Therefore, children, I am at your side every day, to teach you about Piety, Compassion and Mercy of a Mother towards Her children.
If you only observed My examples of love towards the human heart, you would have a thousand possibilities to imitate Me, to leave the point of decadence in which you are as human consciousness.
The one who lives in the Love, in the Piety, in the Compassion and in the Mercy of God enters in His Laws and is sustained by them. Their joy will no longer depend on the successes in this world and they will discover, in their own essence, that the true plenitude is within themselves, in the union kept with God.
The material life, My children, will be the vehicle of transformation and of redemption of everything that separated itself from the Creator over its existence. The material life will be for you the challenge to demonstrate to the Creation the greatness of Love of the Father that converts everything and redeems everything, transforming the most distant essence of the divine Source into an essence filled by the Heart of Christ.
Many think, My beloved ones, that what I am saying is impossible and unreachable, but they fear to launch themselves into the discovery of love and to surrender, handing in the false reign of their minds to the government of the heart that unites itself to the Father.
Others do not understand My words because they are so distant from the truth of their own hearts and because they ignore almost completely the life of the spirit, believing that the fact of knowing concepts and philosophies approaches them to the Truth.
What really approaches you to the Truth, children, is Love and Unity, that are the experience of Truth itself. All the attributes of the Highest God are saved within these divine principles: Love and Unity. But, to unveil and to know them, you should first take the risk to live them
The first step of everything is prayer; then, the prayer practiced in service and in sharing.
Cry out for Mercy, but also be merciful.
There are no secrets on this path, My beloved ones. You do not need to fear the change of times or the purification of the world. Concentrate yourselves in transforming your hearts and in becoming true instruments of God. Concentrate yourselves in unveiling the mysteries of your own essences and in loving your neighbor as they are, making an effort to overcome the layers of matter and to reach the essence of each being.
Dispose yourselves, beloved children, to be real soldiers of prayer, those who surrender their will to the Will of God and who make theirs the divine Thought.
I love you and I want to see you consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, so that, by means of your consecrations, I can consecrate the Americas and impregnate, in its sacred soil, the new life.
Today I renew you, I bless you and I thank you for responding to My call.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
To consecrate America to My Immaculate Heart I need the effort and the definitive awakening of all My soldiers.
Not all nations are willing, spiritually, to receive Me, because the spirit of illusion and numbness involves the creatures in pleasures and false spiritual searches that do not exist for the benefit of the evolution of the planet, but only for the material well-being of individuals.
Today, My Beloved Ones, the Creator calls you to a spiritual life that transcends material well-being and often does not include it because He is trying to awaken you to the present planetary situation in which imbalance has become a law and peace an exception in the hearts of a few.
Today, children, the Creator calls you to the permanent sacrifice and effort, because not all of those who committed themselves to His Plans in the beginning are responding to His Call.
There are many nations that depend on the balance generated by others in order to not disappear, because of the consciousness of these nations, as a whole, decided to remain in darkness.
My beloved ones, understand that what I come to offer you is not suffering, because this is the result of human imbalance and the actions of the forces of chaos. What I offer you is sacrifice, an act of doing not only your own part but also a little more, on behalf of those who did not answer.
Suffering is the result of illusion, it is something used by those forces that want to leave you asleep and tied to yourselves and to your own pains. Sacrifice is full of God, because the soul is willing to consciously serve to generate the correct balance, including to relieve the pain from those who suffer.
Children, I come to ask you once more that you pray with Me and that you listen to My Call. I come to ask you to pray for America and that you do it for all who are in perdition and deceit.
At this moment, those who are willing to really walk at My side are carrying a burden that often exceeds the sacrifice that corresponds to them experience. And it is not the Will of God, children, that the imbalance is also present among His own, because not everyone is responding correctly.
It is necessary that among the soldiers of the Creator there is an equitable and balanced surrender, so that the weight of the human imbalance not to be sustained by a few.
My beloved ones, meditate on what I say and search in your life for the correct balance. If you still have not surrendered to what to do or if you still have not responded to My Call as you should, review your life and be willing to start again.
For the balance in humanity and in the servers of God, I ask you for these things.
Today I bless My little son who, to respond to My call, tries to surpass himself every day.
Today, I will not only ask you to pray for My visionaries. I will also ask you to work together with them for the institution of a new world full of peace. I will ask you to fight together with them for the consecration of America to My Immaculate Heart and, for this, take your rosaries and pray, pray and do not forget to respond to My call.
I blessed you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of America
My dear children:
At this time in which humanity loses sight of its ascension, I invite you to pray every day for humanity to be elevated.
Dear children, it is through the currents of the groups of prayer that the planet finds a little relief; relief from everything it lives due to the infractions of the depredatory hands of humankind upon the Kingdoms of Nature.
It is so, dear children, that through the groups of prayer I forge columns of light present on the planet for the moments of transition and of purification. This also relieves the planetary consciousness that is very intoxicated by the noises and modernities that hypnotize the consciousness of the people.
In the 21st century I come to take you away from the illusion and for you to strengthen the union with the spirit and with God Father. In this way, dear children, your hearts will be open to hear and feel the call that comes from the Universe.
It is in this acute time of the planet that humanity will define its next cycle and, from there, it will walk towards a next destiny and spiritual stage; all this before the return of My Son to the world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In prayer and love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Praised be the God of the Universe! Honored be His Holy Name because His Presence and His Mercy will save you.
While the Father sends Me every day to remove you from the illusion and to patiently teach you to accept the transformation and to live it, on the other hand, My adversary tries to destroy the nuclei of Light that I have built in the consciousnesses that have already defined themselves, for life, to follow My call and My path to Jesus.
So it is, dear children, that the perversion, the obstinacy and the lack of control of the human desires will knock at the door of all the disciples, but do not open it and only recognize that the time has come of the intense purification.
While the hearts define their spiritual life and their evolution, ask the Universe for the powers of Grace, of Mercy and of the blessed gifts that made the Sacred Family a unique project for humanity.
While the values of spirituality and family get lost by being substituted by impulsive actions and decisions, the adversary takes advantage of the moment to weaken in the consciousnesses the importance of living holiness and thus change it for a liberal life.
In this state is humanity and the majority of souls that still have to define their steps towards Christ. Therefore, a first and great battle will take place within each being, to confirm themselves or to lose the possibility of following the Project of God before the Apocalypse.
Dear children, with all the legions of Archangel Miguel, we are in prayer, asking for the souls to perceive that the whole planet is in a hard and constant battle.
To safeguard your paths and for you to be more protected from all adversity and temptation, I ask you to you invoke Me and that you call your guardian angels with determination so that the contrary currents will be dissolved with the entry of the Light of God.
I pray continuously for all My soldiers to fight with Me in the liberation and redemption from all the planetary evil; this battle is the preamble of triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who prays with you and for you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Beloved children,
Today My Rosary extends all over the world and, from the Inner Center of Fátima, where purity lives, I make each bead of My Most Holy Rosary travel through the abysses of the planet, through the nations in conflict, through the homes without peace and in the hearts of all those who unite with Me in prayer.
My beloved ones, I come as Our Lady of the Holy Rosary so that humanity recovers the purity which it lost from its heart, through the simple prayer of the Holy Rosary.
I come as your Holy Mother of Fátima to tell you that it is in the exercise of prayer that the heart strengthens and prepares itself to enter into the celestial mysteries. When you pray with the heart and abandon the worries of this world to dedicate yourselves only to pray, with your whole being, your hearts become mirrors of light that capture the peace that I wish to radiate to the world from My Universe of love, and reflect it as a spiritual attribute to all the planet.
Many of My children have forgotten the life of prayer, and even though they do not find peace and admit the degeneration in which this world is found, they prefer to proudly unite with chaos than humbly surrender to the life of prayer.
Children, those who pray discover the truth because they unite to the Truth itself that is the Consciousness of the Higher God, and in this way cause the illusion, which was blinding them, to fade away.
There is no mystery that cannot be revealed to the heart that prays with sincerity because this heart knows the non-limitation of God and does not reduce the expressions of the Creator and the greatness of His Creation to the small human comprehension. Therefore, children, I wish that you pray each time more deeply, so that your hearts are ready to find the reality that until today was invisible to the majority of the human beings.
I want you to strengthen yourselves not only to face chaos with bravery and in union with the Divine Purpose: I also want you to strengthen yourselves in order to enter into a reality that transcends all the material life and that in no way resembles what you know today.
I want you to strengthen yourselves in order to see the mirrors of Fátima lighted and to read the true history of humanity in them.
I want you to strengthen yourselves in order to see the mirrors of your hearts lighted and see reflected on them the truth of your spirits, because just as chaos reveals itself to the world and the atrocities are no longer hidden, are no longer a secret, in the same way, children, the true history of this humanity will also be revealed, and not just a few will recognize it. Every living being and all those who died in ignorance will see before them this history reflected on the mirrors and it will be the moment to define their own evolution, to embrace the Divine Purpose, or to step back and remain in the absolute illusion that was involving you.
My children, prayer is more than an instrument of peace and redemption: prayer is a door to the Universe of God, it is the bridge that removes you from human blindness and leads you to the horizon of truth. That is why, children, as Queen of the Holy Rosary, today I ask you to pray with Me so I can awaken for the higher life, on this day, as many as those who pray and search for peace.
Pray so that your brothers and sisters will remember My Immaculate Heart and, so that, with a simple thought sent to Me, I can work the miracle of awakening them to love.
Pray, children, for the peace among humankind, and in the Kingdoms of Nature.
Pray for the establishing of My Kingdom and so you can be worthy to see this Kingdom emerge on the surface of the Earth.
I bless you today and always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Holy Rosary of Fátima
Dear children,
The Laws of the universe define all of planetary life, as well as the events foreseen for these times.
The life of permanent prayer could change those events and thus, souls would not have to suffer. But the response should be much greater in the face of all that is happening in this time.
Concordance with and adherence to the Plan will be fundamental for creatures; it will be in this way that souls will respond to the call and will not be able to say they did not know.
The opportunity for change and forgiveness will be granted to everyone, in the hope that hearts respond to the Greater Call.
We are at a critical moment for humanity, in which indifference, pride and false ownership conquer the minds of humankind through the actions of My adversary. It is in this way that consciousnesses are hypnotized, even though they live a spiritual life; their own ego draws them away from the true path that was thought of by the universe, and which it was proposed they travel.
When that path is not lived, the consciousness is in its own illusion and makes no effort to leave that human condition, even when knowing that this causes it to miss the opportunities provided to it by the universe.
In this hour, dear children, everything is at stake, and the consciousnesses most committed to the Plan, as well as those not so committed, are at the doorway of a great inner definition which will depend only on each one, without anyone's influence. For this reason, children, the moment has come for observing everything with more awareness and earnestness; this will place you on the correct path and you will be able to make the correct decision.
The time has come to give all for the Plan, because the tools are now in your hands so that you may work. It would be better if you asked yourselves how to use the knowledge received before applying it according to your own will. Those who have the tools in their hands and do not make them available to be used will find it more difficult to give of themselves and truly live the Plan.
Everything begins with the decision and with the awareness held about the true need of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who wakes you up to the Greater Consciousness,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Beloved children,
In order for peace to be established, ignorance must be dissipated from the hearts and consciousnesses of human beings.
This sacred planet is being taken to the abyss by the actions and the ideas of those who believe themselves wise but who ignore the truth, even about themselves. How to live in wisdom, if you, My dears, do not even know the truth about yourselves, about your origin and the real reason why you came to this world?
The path to discovering the truth is considered by many to be the path of the ignorant; those who seek to develop faith in order to unveil heavenly mysteries are often considered lost and blind by the great powers of this material world.
Children, very unhappy is the heart that is blind to the things of God or has a tepid and superficial faith, only to give the appearance to society that it follows a path that leads to the Father.
My beloved ones, at this moment, on the planet, when a definition is demanded of all consciousnesses, you must give everything for love of God. The definition of your lives must be complete and absolute, because this is the only way to not be deceived by the enemy and by yourselves. Because I tell you that the very human tendencies, those that have been rooted in your consciousness for so many centuries of uncertain and diverted experiences, can lead you to the abyss, without My adversary having to make any effort.
Children, do not think that My words threaten or come to cause you fear, because, otherwise, how will I reveal to you the truth about these times?
Those who do not realize for themselves that we are in the last days of human illusion and who do not see with their own eyes the decay of the world will awaken abruptly when this chaos that expands in the world touches their lives forcefully.
My beloved ones, I just want to make peace and good triumph in your lives. I want to keep you firm for the trying times so that you may persevere with the inner light ignited and alive in the days of darkness. For many will depend on the light ingnited in the hearts of a few in order to see their own path and not get lost.
My children, it is time to hold on to the life of prayer, so you are not confused by what is coming. It is the time and the moment, especially for the Americas, to protect the Plans of God, and this will be done within each one.
Children, leave external influences and material appearances for the strategies of My adversary, because the masks of illusion will fall by themselves when, on the return of My Beloved Son, light triumphs again in the world.
Concentrate, you all, in affirming the foundations of inner fortress, the one that once built, is immutable and impermeable to harassment and doubt, which are inherent at these moments.
The adversary is fighting with all his strengths. In world events, you can see the reflection of this battle which does not only happen in the Middle East, but everywhere on the planet. Therefore, My beloved ones, in every way I insist and beg with My Heart for an immediate awakening.
May light be established in your lives and may the power of love, which is expressed in unity and fraternity, be greater than the incentives to false power, which generates the conflicts and wars that are growing in the world.
I love you and for this reasonI tell you all these things. Unite to My Heart in prayer, in donation and in service. Persist so that peace will be established. Persist to overcome the obstacles, and may My Plans, which are the Plans of the Creator, be able to be fulfilled.
I bless you, under the Celestial Light of the Most High.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear,
Do not distress your heart for what you have not yet managed to do or to transcend.
Break the barriers of inertia and illusion through the powerful fire of My Heart and wait in vigil, for all will be accomplished.
Follow Me in the goal of making your life a small sacred temple through the purification of your acts, feelings and thoughts. Everything has its cycle; it is useless that you hurry to see the results.
Patience is the master key of those who persevere and of the innocent. When you are not able to embrace transformation, hide in My Immaculate Heart and trust; under My Mantle you become invisible.
Walk by My side holding My hand tightly, and in each step you take, feel that I will teach you to overcome all the abysses of the consciousness.
The true disciple must know their own human condition so as to learn to love beyond the human conditions of others.
Let the flow of My call make you feel sure of the path you travel, because for God, failure does not exist; all that exists is the lack of love in those who still do not love.
To experience the school of redemption is a purpose for all the self-summoned. I wish for your heart to be purified until it is as pure as it is when you draw close to My maternal Heart.
I do not cease attending to those who need special help; all are favored children to Me. Let the path of transformation be the stepping stone so that someday, your soul may be converted in Christ.
Forward! Continue forward and without discouragement; humanity will finally be consecrated through the triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who unifies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The deconsecrated of My Immaculate Heart
My children,
In these times when the opponent strikes hard with his capital energies, the souls of the world are weakened if they do not pray with their hearts imploring for Mercy and protection.
Those who deconsecrate themselves to My Immaculate Heart cause me an eternal pain unbearable to explain, it is stronger than all the pains I suffered with my Son in His Passion.
The deconsecrated deprive themselves of My divine Presence for they decide to remain unchanged and choose the things of the world as true and illusory. The ones who deconsecrated themselves lose the spiritual quality of favorite children and become, by children of the world.
In this, your Mother can do nothing in the face of so much arrogance, indifference and human pride. Those who deconsecrate themselves to My Immaculate Heart make Me suffer spiritually, and bring as a result that, in truth, they never understood in whose Heart they were .
I pray for them, as I pray for you, in the hope that the indifference, arrogance and pride of souls will be transformed into love and compassion.
The ones who deconsecrate themselves to My Immaculate Heart have nothing else to do in their spiritual life, they become autonomous and they apparently feel free for having stripped themselves of the sacrifice they had promised to fulfill, once again, before God.
Your Mother implores for their Guardian Angels so that they feel relieved on carrying this weight of the human condition of these times.
Those who deconsecrate themselves to My Immaculate Heart never loved the plan. Thus today I confess to you that this is one of My many sorrows for the world.
I thank you for responding to My call.
In union with those who persist,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Indifference: A world disease
Dear children,
Most of humanity is blind, a product of the great indifference that exists among human beings and towards the Kingdoms of Nature.
Indifference comes to the tiniest details of daily life, to the point that indifferent souls do not notice their own mistakes; it exacerbates the war in the world because it keeps it in deep ignorance of the true reality of these times. It is one of the hind paws of the beast; the beast stands firmly on all of human indifferences and thus sharpens its horns in the illusion of the people and the vanity of the proud. The glory felt by the beast is so fake that, despite its own cunning, it does not realize it is deluded inside its own creation.
The beast sustains itself in everything which is indifferent, from the smallest to the biggest of nations.
The apparent confidence that the beast feels helps it overcome the faint strength of the tepid hearts. It is opulent and calls itself blessed because it always feeds from human suffering and the indignation felt by those who are not indifferent.
The beast is a great strategist, it recreates indifference in human minds and makes the faint people feel that by being indifferent they will look stronger. This indifference justifies the mistakes of the souls and in this way they can never leave the abyss in which they have placed themselves.
The beast appears powerful in the fake arts it imparts to humanity. But attention in everything, even in the smallest things, will prevent you from being indifferent and so you will know how to protect the spiritual heritage entrusted to you.
Indifference leads to irreverence, and in this state there is no trust in God. The beast will be defeated when most people stop being indifferent to their fellow human and to all life manifested around them.
Indifference is like gluttony, it will not stop growing inside the consciousness. Those who act with intelligence will no longer be so indifferent. But the beast takes advantage of the limitations of the soldiers. The determined actions of faith and consciousness in these times would draw many out of the abyss of indifference.
The angels of Heaven battle with swords of fire to dissipate the indifference that constantly makes the minds of people still so that they cannot act and everything remains static.
The path to the sacred also protects consciousnesses, and the beast does not know that the sacred and reverent ascends the good spirits to other planes and separates them from this world disease.
The mission of the soldiers of Christ is to care for the celestial treasures so that they will have more spiritual consciousness to protect the whole legacy that has been delivered.
Reverence is the protecting balm of the self-summoned; where there is reverence there is no indifference. Reverence could be the path that souls would go through in order to replace planetary indifference and then change the human codes that lead to the deterioration of everything.
To get out of indifference, you must first listen with humility to the indications to leave that place.
Observe how many consciousnesses are blinded by indifference and cannot see the true need of humanity, which is to leave this indifference as soon as possible, to walk towards the new humanity.
Service will make you less indifferent and more awake to change, a little bit more every day.
Indifference is sovereign in this world and it must be exorcised.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who elevates you to the Spirit of Reverence,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees
Many ask themselves where the unity will come from between the different cultures, religions, races and nations. How can such diversity be united?
Few have discovered the power of the Love of God and almost no one lives the truth which is to know that if such an infinite God was capable of creating such diversity, He can be found in all things and also in the different religions inspired by Him.
The creatures are inside of the consciousness of God and God in them, but the ignorance that closed their eyes does not allow them to see that the Creator is there, in the depths. And so they live an illusion, a life apart from Him, only because they do not know that He is in all that was created. They do not see Him and do not feel Him because they have not yet opened to know He is within beings.
The Creator, in His immeasurable possibility of loving, throughout the existence of humanity, created many religions. Each one would lead a certain part of His Creation, but – if they keep His Essence alive – all would lead to one purpose.
When Mary says She will unite, within Her Immaculate Heart, the different religions, peoples and races, this does not mean that everybody will recognize the person of Mary as Mother of God. Mary is Unity itself, because Her mantle protects the entire Creation. As Unity, She leads the different religions to Love which is the Principle that Her Son expresses.
Many may not recognize the person of Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life, but those who believe in Love and live in Love are in Christ without knowing it.
The Love which Christ expresses transcends the existence of the person of Jesus. The Unity which Mary expresses transcends the person of Mary. They are no longer a material part of Creation. Those who came from One Spirit manifested themselves on Earth to construct a path, to express an archetype, to give a living example and now, in the different scales of evolution, they continue giving examples and leaving Their footprints within all dimensions, so that even the angels could follow Their steps.
The principles of Love and Unity are possible to be lived by all true religions, including those who do not have a religion guided by an institution but who in their hearts seek to connect themselves with God constantly, by Love and Unity. This is how Christ and Mary lead humanity.
Being a Christian is more than believing in Christ. If you want to reach the religion of the heart, in which all are brothers, children of one God, believe in Love and Unity.
Love and Unity will lead you to the Origin. This is the reason for human existence: to live these two universal attributes that once became flesh and today have returned to the Purest Heart of the Creator so that every living creature, from matter to the spirit, can return to God.
I want you to announce to the world that there is one God and He unites you in the principles of Love and of Unity. It does not matter if the path is seemingly different because some will be more open to following the steps of Muhammad; others of Buddha, others of Christ, others of Mary, but all can be united, in spirit, in the Purpose of God for humanity, which is one: Love and Unity to reach Him.
Live with this certainty in your hearts and do not doubt for an instant the possibility that God, from which comes all things, can return to Himself all that He once created.
I love you, bless you and ask you to keep praying for Peace on the planet. Remember, every day, that your spirits already live in God and that, just by being aware of His presence inside of you, you are already bearers of the greatest mystery of love and of mercy of this creation.
Pray for those who do not know the Love of God and for those who believe they love Him, but do not know the true Love and the true Unity that lead to the Creator.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear child,
Every day, strengthen in your interior the certainty of the existence of a superior life and of a purpose that transcends matter and the superficialities impregnated in it.
In these times, many will strengthen illusions, the disproportioned pleasures and the absolute usufruct. The big companies that dominate the ordinary mind of humanity with their influences inspired by the forces of chaos – in the same way that the false governments of this world – will encourage humanity to seek pleasure above life itself.
When the change of the planetary cycle becomes visible even to the blind of heart, Light will call Its children to Itself, and darkness will also want to strengthen its reign. You, as a child of Light, must be a beacon which illuminates the path of the lost ones and indicates them the goal.
Do not let yourself be carried out by the despair of humanity or even by the anxiety of “gratifying yourself while there is time”, because this will be the motto of the dark ones in the end of all.
Seek to be lucid amongst all and, much as those who you love follow other paths, remain yourself firmly in the purpose of reaching God.
Child, never think it is not worthy to keep spiritual principles and try to find God in a world that has drifted away so much from Him. Much as the world around you seems to be ending, the principle of all, the seed that will impregnate the New Earth will be inside of you and, while you still remain steady despite yourself, it will never die.
God is alive in the interior of all His Creatures, but He only acts by means of those who believe in this truth and remain in it, even if they seem to be the only ones with this certainty.
The things I tell you, child, you may find today in the world around you or tomorrow beside you. For this reason, assimilate what I tell you and consolidate inside of you the absolute conviction of the triumph of God on Earth.
Much as this war may not be visible to your eyes in this moment because of your spiritual immaturity, just trust and grow. Mature your spirit with foundations sanctified by the impulses of the Divine Messengers and you will be, yourself, the Living Principle of a perfect Creation in this world.
Like you, there will be others; and from you all will raise the New Humanity. For this reason, be brave and persevere. Do not stop working, we are counting on you in this army of love, peace and renovation for the Earth.
Your Father and Friend, The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more