Through My Hands, I undo, once and again, the hidden knots of the human consciousness, and thus I liberate My children from the spiritual and earthly prisons.
Through My Hands, I undo the knots of perdition, of obstacles and of fears, which are not real and generate suffering in the souls.
Whenever they ask me, I will undo the knots of the consciousness when My children by themselves cannot manage or feel greater difficulty in doing it.
I am the Mother who undoes all the hidden knots of the human consciousness. The removal of these knots means a time of liberation and light for the consciousness to attain the redemption it needs.
Through My Hands, I undo the knots of humanity and, by freeing it from its constant spiritual and physical captivity, I allow My children to recuperate their dignity as My spiritual children.
Through My Hands, I offer you the path of renewal and faith.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Everything that will be seen in these end times must not surprise anyone, because inconceivable situations will show themselves overnight and, as a result from them, many consciousnesses will define their destiny.
Let it be enough to be in God and seek His Kingdom at each moment so that what will show itself before everyone does not bother anyone, nor provoke undesirable decisions.
We still come to the world at the express request of the Creator Father because humanity is distracted and seduced by all the material conditions and the spiritual life, which is what sustains the consciousness, has been put into second place.
But we also come for all those who persist in faith and in trust, knowing that some day they will know the Kingdom of God and will become part of it.
In this time, everything that will happen will be extreme; there will be no half measures. This will place the souls where they choose to be, because nobody will be obligated to seek God, but yes, they will be called to pay attention.
This is a time in which everything will be in motion. I know it seems little encouraging, but it is the truth.
The planet, as a consequence, can no longer sustain two polarities, two forms of life. Either the planet is purified or the planet self-destructs.
Let us continue working for the purification of humanity and for the salvation of all of the Kingdoms, beyond all consequences.
Let us proclaim our faith and let us decree the coming of the Kingdom of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Novena to the Sacred Thorned Heart of Jesus
Ninth day
There are already thorns in My Heart that have turned into flowers of love for the Lord.
This is a sign that, beyond any circumstance, the faithful love of Mine is reaching the depths of the Heart of the Shepherd and the pains are being alleviated by the prayer of those who cry out for Mercy, not only for themselves, but also for the whole world.
But that does not mean that humanity will cease to put painful thorns in the Heart of the Lord; however, the faith of those who believe in Me will allow the conversion of what seemed impossible.
Today I come to ask you that, through your prayer, you remove the ninth thorn in the Heart of your Shepherd, which is the thorn of the materialistic and lavish life.
This thorn provokes in Me immense pain, since souls, through all that is material and concrete, turn toward a life of vices and of pleasures, forgetting what is essential, what the creator Universe placed in the inner world of each being.
For this reason, ask the Celestial Father for the souls that are completely submerged and abducted by the temptations of the material life and of luxury.
You, stop for a moment and reflect, so that within you may manifest a detachment of all that is petty, superfluous and that does not build the brotherhood among beings.
Empty yourself completely and let the Fire of My Love invade you, even when you believe that nothing happens.
Pray wholeheartedly to God so that His immense and infinite Mercy may be poured out over those who are hypnotized by the world illusion, so that they may receive the impulse of the awakening and of redemption.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Novena to the Sacred Thorned Heart of Jesus
Fourth Day
Today, remove from My Heart, the painful thorn of indifference that many of My followers left for Me, those who used to be with Me and who still think they are.
In truth, the indifference of these hearts has completely blinded them, to the point of challenging My Work and putting it to the test.
I had to carry the thorn of indifference of My old companions so that the Wrath of God would not knock at the door of each one of them.
For this reason, through your simple prayer, remove this uncomfortable and painful thorn from Me, of those who thought to win, but who have already spiritually failed.
My Silence reveals the deepest core of My Heart, because in this time I have decided to tell you the whole truth, however hard it may seem.
I have the duty of preparing for My second return in your hearts and I will need true hearts, rather than perfect hearts, because you will only find perfection in God.
When hearts are not true, they lie and are indifferent, and from that point on, these souls miss the opportunity of loving.
Also offer the Celestial Father your failures, your weaknesses, and your bitterness. Believe that, through the thorn of My Heart and by the offering of the Beloved Son, I will be able to again renew everything.
Have faith, My child, and with devotion and love, remove from My Heart the painful thorn of indifference; thus, you will help your Master so that the unending wellspring of Mercy may still remain open, healing and converting the hardened hearts.
Avoid any indifferent act, and seek to perceive where the indifference is, because it is as cunning as the serpent; it hides and emerges when least expected.
Overcome indifference by means of an unconditional service to others, thus, together with Me, you will also overcome, in the name of love.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Do not let failure invade your heart, because it does not exist.
Cleanse your consciousness and purify your heart in the Restoring Fountain of My Grace.
Allow the Love of God to reign in you so that the doorways to change may be opened.
Sustain yourself through the faith that My Heart can express to you, and do not forget that I Am Your Mother and that I love you.
Rejoice in My Son, again and again, because the hour of your redemption will come and you will remember all the experiences you had; thus, you will be transcending your human and terrestrial story.
Believe, above all, in the healing power of love, so that the Holy Spirit may always fill you and in this way, you may be able to surrender to God more each day.
The time will come for duality to be overcome and the human being will set aside suffering and start living the true happiness of being in God.
Participate every day in the powerful current of Mercy and be part of the great moment of redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the Mother of the New Humanity, the Mother of the New Being, of the New Human, which gestated within the Womb of the Servant of God, just as His Firstborn Son expresses perfection and likeness with the Father.
I come, My children, to place each one of your essences in My Heart and in My spiritual and divine Womb, so that you may be reborn and that, from your victorious redemption, the New Being and the New Life on Earth may arise.
Fruit of the redemption and rehabilitation of beings, fruit of the reconciliation between men and God, fruit of the awakening of hearts, in order to remember their Origin and purpose: this is the New Life on Earth; this is the Life that I come to establish through you, by Divine Will and Purpose.
With My Love united to the love of your hearts, I come to remove the power of illusion, of indifference, of human will and of the wickedness that permeates the hearts of humans. And making you free from all evil and clean from all stain, I come to give you the Grace of being worthy children of God, worthy representatives of Your Creator Father on the Earth.
I come to awaken ambassadors of peace and good, precursors of a New Time, in which duality will be overcome by the power of Love and Unity, which will reach the Earth through the sincere prayers of the children of God.
I come to demystify the celestial mysteries so that illusion may cease to be the truth in your lives and that, awakened to the true meaning of human existence, you may get to know the divine mysteries, the universal life and the celestial dimensions, which have always been hidden from your hearts, and now they must express themselves.
Pray, my children, for a redeemed America, for nations that lay their faces on the ground and, in humility, cry out for peace and for forgiveness.
Pray for a planet that awakens to Unity among beings, and pray for Love to be a necessity within each being. A necessity that makes you overcome arrogance, pride and vanities, which until today have led you to perdition and deception.
Pray for the Americas and also for the planet. Pray that, until the end, all nations may have an opportunity to know peace and Truth, and knowing the Truth, they may choose between the old and the New Human.
Pray for ignorance to be dissipated from the hearts of beings. And pray so that the Truth may reveal to you that Love must prevail beyond all human understanding and science, beyond religions and cultures, beyond differences and borders, and even dimensions, so that nothing else may separate you from each other, and nothing may separate you from God.
Today I pray with you before God, and I cry out to the Father for a New Life. I cry out so that the Being that is being gestated within Me be born in your essences and, as mysterious as the birth of My Son Jesus, you may express the New Life and the New Human.
I love you and bless you, and with My Heart full of Love, I thank you for making My words and My divine aspirations a reality.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the New Humanity
Before the second return, of your Master and Lord, I will unmask My false friends and everyone will see who they are.
I will not let any more deceptions and illusions exist, as they have existed in recent times.
I will raise the Scepter of the Power of the Love of God and, with a single decree, I will cleanse each consciousness and each space so that the Glory of God may descend to the world.
Before the second return, of your Master and Lord, I will separate the chaff from the wheat and with those who were faithful to Me, I will make the new flour as the symbol of the redemption of the planet.
Before the second return, of your Master and Lord, to the world, I will free souls from their captivity and I will let men know the immensity of the Love that has brought them here.
When I return, for the second time, I will see the eyes of My disciples, full of joy, because their Shepherd will be returning.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Dear children:
You know that in these times, the spirituality of humanity is being corrupted due to the influences of the material life and of the pleasures that millions of souls experience.
This is the reason why the spiritual connection with what is real is being interfered with; this interference is generated by unelevated spiritual forces that awaken in souls the need for having power or prestige, both in spiritual life and in society.
Thus, consciousnesses believe they are well connected, while in reality, they are being influenced. This is what leads millions of souls into making impulsive decisions and, in many cases, destroying their own spirituality.
The Law of Divine Justice will come to reveal and to correct this deviation of most of humanity, just as the Law of Liberation will also come, which will be applied to unblock the psychic plane of the planet from all the interferences experienced throughout time.
Thus, there will be much to liberate in these times and, in this way, cut the roots that the adversary caused to grow in thousands of consciousnesses which are in the illusion of being uplifted.
The angelic consciousness will be entrusted to reveal and bring into evidence these parallel realities that only feed on the dreams of people.
Everything will be exorcized.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
With the Light emanated by the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can bring to the planet the ruling Principles of the Consciousness of God, and from the Mirrors of Light, pour out these inner attributes into the consciousness of humanity.
With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can dissolve the contrary forces that impede the awakening of humanity.
With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can grant the spiritual healing within souls so that afterward material healing may occur.
With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can regenerate the consciousness of humanity and withdraw it from spiritual illusion so that hearts may find the Christic path.
With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can encompass large regions of the planet, and from the most natural and sacred places of Creation in this world, She can help elevate the consciousness of human beings so that they may awaken to their inner reality.
With the Light of the Mirrors I can reflect upon the planet all the Love of God, so that souls may feel and perceive that it is time to change, so that the world may change and the entire Earth may be redeemed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Never blame your consciousness when it finds the truth about your reality and your condition, including the reality or the situation of a fellow being.
Everything that is revealed and comes to light is part of the liberation of beings from all the ancient chains that imprison the consciousness.
To know oneself and others is part of the learning of Love-Wisdom and of the application of that Law.
To know about oneself, who one truly is, liberating oneself from fantasies, illusions, and deceits, is like looking at a mirror to know that the moment of redemption has come.
For this reason, nobody can feel guilty or daunted when they come to know unknown realities about themselves. It is the way of living the path of evolution transparently, rather than the path of condemnation.
Love-Wisdom is a great mystery. Who manages to access that mystery will not only learn, but will also be free of themselves, because it is through loving that peace is achieved.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Songs of Figueira - "At the Altar"
Within this song is revealed the importance that there is, for the end of times, in building an inner temple, capable of being filled by universal and cosmic Laws, capable of protecting and of holding the most pure essence of God, within His children, the co-creators.
For this reason, the song cries out for the Spiritual Hierarchy, following the sacred principles of the Brotherhood in humility and in obedience.
It is for this reason, the entire foundation of a true and sacred spiritual life is to be found in the living of attributes, which will be the basic rules for the construction and the strengthening of the life of the spirit; principles and laws that bring us out of ignorance and of the spiritual drowsiness of these critical times.
The song's title is "At the Altar" because after the daily construction, after some evolutionary methods and behaviors in life, the sacred temple of each being, represented by each consecrated body, offers the Lord all of their being to be purified and blessed by the divine energy of Grace.
In this sense, the living terrestrial being begins to lose the power that desires and habits have over human life.
Setting aside these mundane habits, the consciousness takes wing toward the infinite in search of its origin and of its higher reality, leaves inertia behind, and banishes any vestiges of indifference.
In this way, the soul, which builds its inner temple for the Lord, surrenders to an absolute unconditional service, knowing that nothing of what exists belongs to them, that no recognition offered will enlarge their spirit.
The soul ardently seeks union with Divine Spirit and leaves behind the corrupted stream of illusion in order to enter into the great Universal Consciousness where the Spiritual Hierarchy dwells.
Thus, the first premise in support of the elevation of this temple is vigilance and prayer, fundamental keys to keeping the great stronghold of the spirit protected. In this way, nothing and nobody will take the disciple by surprise; on the contrary, the consciousness will be attentive to the new indications of the spirit.
This song teaches about truly building a life based on selflessness and service to others.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Dear children:
The Three Sacred Hearts are working, more than ever before, in humanity and in its deep consciousness so that some spiritual principles may be maintained intact and protected.
For this reason, more than ever, the Spiritual Hierarchy makes all the necessary efforts to prevent human ignorance itself and the inordinate use of power on Earth from spiritually creating those degenerative conditions that will open the door to decadence and the risks that humanity, with no consciousness, will choose as its destiny.
Thus, silently, just like more than two thousand years ago, when this race was at the doorway of its great self-destruction, it was there that the Sacred Hearts gathered together to carry forward this complex mission of again placing the consciousness of humanity in the place it is supposed to be.
In this time, a spiritual mission similar to the previous one is being carried out, except that this time it is not only complex, but also difficult, since the human consciousness learned to destroy itself, as well as learned how to shed its own life, and transgress its society, its culture, and its faith.
At the doorway of the Apocalypse, the Sacred Hearts articulate broad strategies, so that the majority may wake up from the dream and the illusion in which they have placed themselves.
We are facing the challenge of the end times.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Contemplate the Consciousness of God as a great Kingdom of infinite proportions and beauty, and each of His Aspects as a gateway to a state of consciousness of that Celestial Kingdom.
Contemplate the Aspects of God as a great path of ascension built by the Father Himself so that His children may reach Him.
Each Aspect of God is a bridge of upliftment to a higher dimension, and the gradual contact with Them causes you to return to the Source of Unity, where everything becomes One again.
Each Aspect of God, besides being a bridge, is also a Kingdom that is revealed when the heart opens to discover it.
Within the human heart lies a unique key, which opens the doors to each one of the dimensions of the Kingdom of God as this heart lives greater and higher degrees of Love.
The Kingdom of God on Earth, still unknown to humankind, is the manifestation of an Aspect of the Father that can only be revealed to hearts that love. To experience the Revelation of Life on this world and come to know what is hidden both within the Earth and in the invisible of the surface that you can see with your physical eyes, you must first learn to love that which is accessible, palpable, and visible to you.
To access a higher state and experience a Divine Revelation, you must first learn to manifest Love at the level you are on.
Manifest a Love for life, for your brothers and sisters, for the Kingdoms of Nature, for the consciousness itself of the planet, and you will see how your hearts and your consciousnesses will access the dimensions of life that have always been here, but which you could never see.
You will thus find the true expression of God on Earth, a Revelation of His Kingdom and of the Sacred that Adonai manifested in material life as part of Himself, as a dimension of what He is and was given to humankind so that, in communion with the God that manifests in matter, they would be able to renew Divine Consciousness though Love.
While the world shakes, God calls upon you to wake up your consciousnesses to the true meaning of life, and through the Love that is born from your hearts, to access what is Real and transcends all knowledge, including all human wisdom.
You will be able to move beyond the times that will come only with the heart and consciousness immersed in the Truth and in the Revelation of the Kingdom of God, which lives together with life on Earth, in dimensions that hearts that do not open to Love cannot see.
All lies will come to light. Everything that seemed perfect and, however, belonged to illusion, will fall to earth and return to dust.
For the hearts that do not know how to love and that do not experience the Revelation of the Kingdom of God, there will be no life, for the foundations of their lives will crumble and they will see nothing but dust before their eyes and confusion in their inner world.
On the other hand, the hearts that awaken to Love and to the Truth and allow God to reveal His Kingdom to them and the higher life that lives in Him, will look at the dust, and behind the dust, they will see the Truth manifested.
That is why today I tell you, children, that to live, you must love, because you will only find Life when Love reveals to you that which without it, cannot be seen.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Where neither the eyes nor the mind can reach, there dwells the Heart of God.
Where only souls, spirits and hearts, elevated in worship can enter, there dwells the Heart of God.
The vision that encompasses Life and contemplates everything. Love that renews Itself, second by second and beyond time. Spirit that animates, sustains and supports everything that was created.
In the most sublime spheres of Existence, where it seems that the multiplication of Life never existed and Unity is an eternal reality, there dwells the Divine Consciousness.
Let yourselves, in this cycle, be elevated and lead to the higher spheres of Existence, so that you will find the Truth about yourselves and you do not allow being involved or deceived by the superficialities of the world.
You exist as divine creatures, manifested in this world by a superior Purpose, and despite of everything seeming to be more dense in this time and the human condition seeming to be deeply immersed in the illusions of the world, the only way to overcome your own difficulties of the final cycles without getting lost, children, is by elevating yourself to God, without ignoring your material condition, it is elevating yourself to the Divine Truth.
That is why, in this time, the Divine Messengers bring, in Their Words, revelations and an inner state that is hid in everything that We say, so that you reach the sublime spheres, so that you cling to the universal Truth and so that the Truth itself makes you free of yourselves and from the things of the world.
I bless you and I hold you in My Heart.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To those who have already awakened - Part 1
To those who have already awakened corresponds, within the Plan, the greater commitment, solidarity, cooperation, and the effort to always do the best.
To those who have already awakened corresponds, giving greater support to those who do not support themselves; it is up to you to do the impossible so that each stage of the Plan may be fulfilled.
To those who have already awakened corresponds, to unite and fraternize more with fellow beings; you are responsible for making a greater sacrifice for those who do not truly do so, to be able to compensate for the inequality that exists between what has been received from the Universe as a treasure and those who do not surrender sincerely to God and create conflicts.
To those who have already awakened corresponds, to always keep in mind that you are serving God and not someone in particular; that the Work is not personified in any consciousness, sympathizer, or leader, because the Work is of the Hierarchy and not of humanity.
To those who have already awakened corresponds, being conscious that everything you do, think, or express will influence in favor or against the Plan, depending on the pure or impure intention that is placed upon it.
To those who have already awakened corresponds, to safeguard, shelter, and protect those who have just awakened and yes want to live the change. They must be protected from those who have become crystalized in time and space with their forms, ideals, and projects which are not merged to the Will of the Hierarchy.
That protection of those who have just awakened will allow the renovation, in a permanent way, of the Work of the Hierarchy.
To those who have already awakened corresponds, to know that everything that is done or said, be it evolutionary or negative, will influence in favor or against the Projects of the Divinity, and that it will help or hinder the realization of the Purpose.
This attitude, in one way or another, will weigh positively or negatively in the consciousness of who emits it. Therefore, to those who have already awakened corresponds, as a discipline, to never forget that you are in a place that does not belong to you, that it was granted by Grace and Mercy, and that this place, task, or mission cannot be in vain, but rather must receive the value and the respect with the love and the reverence that the Hierarchy deserves.
To those who have already awakened will correspond, remembering that everything that happens in this cycle will be registered in the Universe and that one day everything will be evaluated by Divine Justice.
To those who have already awakened corresponds; having more humility, resignation and much gratitude, thus the Work will remain alive in time.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Second Series of Poems
Fourth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
My Lord,
may the Rays of Your Heart
dissolve any possible
spiritual blindness within me
so that I may have the happiness
of recognizing Your humble steps.
Make me brave,
just as You were, dear Jesus,
in each step of the Cross.
May I not fear to carry
my own miseries,
may I fear not being able to find You.
But I know that as You are
kind and merciful, Lord,
You will grant me the Grace of finding You,
of feeling You and of recognizing You
in my inner world.
May You be this Divine Flame
within us
that transmutes and purifies everything.
Distance me, Lord,
from the illusions of life,
from everything that is superficial.
May I never lose the thirst
of drinking of Your Blood
and eating of Your Divine Body.
Make me similar to all
Your humble servants and martyrs
who gave until the last
minute of their lives
to recognize You and give testimony of You.
May I not fear the deserts
in which You may place me.
May I not fear the aridity
or the lack of sensitivity
or encouragement.
I only ask You, dearest Jesus,
that You renew me,
that You redeem me,
that You do in me
according to Your Word and Your Will,
because thus I will know the freedom
and the infinite joy
of serving You until the end.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Go and seek the Heart of God beyond the human miseries.
The errors are a way of recognising your own imperfection and seek, beyond the superficialities, that which is real, which is true.
God, child, offers you to learn through the knowledge of His Grace, awakening in your heart a profound faith in your Father and Lord Who, from the beginning of His Creation, until today, finds ways of demonstrating His Love to His children.
But it is also possible to know God through tiredness, through the constant errors, through the miseries that overflow the human condition without an apparent solution.
There the heart seeks a hope, something that is more real than its miserable condition, something that dissolves, with its truth, the illusion and the mirage of the labyrinth of vanities.
There is when the heart halts and thinks: God.
There is when the consciousness, that knows the occult meaning of life, finds a space, between the distractions of the personality, so that it descends over the being a drop of Grace, and this drop starts to transform everything it touches.
A drop of God satiates the thirst of the souls and gives them back life, but a river of the Divine Presence turns them into His instruments, living sources in a world that has thirst for Truth and that dies for not seeing the source before their eyes.
He who was thirsty and was satiated can no longer see the thirst before his eyes and do nothing, because he knows the emptiness and the illusion, and this makes him despair.
But know, child, that everything has its time and freewill gave men the election of knowing God through love or clamouring for Him in the deepest of the one own miseries.
Know, however, that the Gaze of your Father is always attentive on His children, it does not halt and it does not get distracted. A simple movement is enough for Him to respond with a river of Graces to those who deserve Justice, because the Creator of the world is the God of Mercy and His Heart is renovated and it rejoices in the awakening of each human heart.
Choose, today, to surrender to knowing the Love of God and hold on to it by the power of His Grace or continue to descend deep in the abysses and to clamour to God consumed by your miseries.
The Father will never choose for you. He will only wait for your gaze to meet His, for your hands to reach out for His, for your heart to transcend time, tiredness, distraction, vanity and ignorance and, in a sincere prayer, return to the Father.
Go toward God.
Your father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May the Light of the Heart of God grant servers all His Wisdom so that the designs of the Most High may be fulfilled, in spite of the difficulties.
May the Light of the Heart of God dispel interferences and, with Its Power, break all obstacles so that souls may learn to walk free of themselves.
May the Light of the Heart of God penetrate the planetary consciousness so that more souls may be captured by the powerful Love of Jesus and be removed from the great abysses of hypnotism and illusion.
May the Light of the Heart of God reveal to consciousnesses the commitment established in the Universe, so that all the phases of the Plan of Love may be accomplished.
May the Light of the Heart of God attract the divine state of Peace toward the world and, in this way, may all darkness of the Earth be dispelled.
May the Light of the Heart of God divinize the matter, the soul and the whole consciousness that in this time confirms itself as an instrument in the Hands of the Creator.
May the Light of the Heart of God be reflected in the suffering humanity and, in this way, the wounds of the spirit may be healed by the infinite balm of His Redeeming Love.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Feel My Heart that perceives the world and all its children dispersed in illusion and in personal realizations, without the majority really searching for God.
Feel My Heart crying out for a little more consciousness and responsibility from the souls that compromise their lives with each step they take.
Feel My Heart begging for My children of the world to awaken from the deep and inert dream in which My adversary has placed them.
Feel My Heart interceding for the nations of the world and for the mistakes of their rulers who lead the peoples to spiritually compromise themselves.
Feel My Heart praying for the end of wars, violence among human beings, inner desperation and lack of love.
Feel My Heart begging to the Eternal father for those who serve Me and follow the Church of Christ to be transparent and disciplined in the protection of the communion of souls with My Beloved Son.
Feel My Heart sustaining these times and this humanity that will have to repent with the heart in order to be able to be saved.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
If in truth My Presence amongst you were only visions, it would never have been possible to build the Work through the human beings of the world.
A work is real when it is sustained by the Divine Presence itself and that Work persists because the Divine Presence so wishes and thus manifests it all.
Sometimes, certain religious people and priests offend more with their comments on the Work that God carries out in the world and please less with their liturgical activities.
In truth, when certain priests, religious people or even bishops offend the Work that God carries out within souls, far from the control and the authority of the Church, this is more serious than all the faults committed by poor sinners.
One must be careful with everything that a representative of Christ on Earth says or manifests to the people of God, causing hearts to dissent, filling them with more and more doubts.
This is much more serious because with their word, they could be condemning the salvation of all of these souls that hear them.
The Celestial Father has the only Truth and before everything that He does with His Work, separate from the power of the people of the Church, we must bow our head and be respectful; because the human being will never be able to deeply understand everything that God wants to do.
For this reason, I ask all priests, the religious ones and representatives of Christian churches to hold their tongues to not continue to offend the Work of God, which is infinite and eternal, and with their ironic comments, to not stain the souls that place their faith in Christ.
Each one fulfills their part in this mission of evangelizing in the Presence of the Lord, through example, love, and truth more than with words.
Do not forget the fraternity and the ecumenism which have not yet been understood by you, since the true alliance that must be established between the different beliefs is based on love and transparency.
Let priests be true intercessors of Christ between Heaven and Earth and not executioners dressed as saints who condemn their fellow beings and do not look within themselves, forgetting penance.
The one who thinks they will survive alone will be lost. Unity and respect among peoples and religions are what will defeat the beast that will come out of the abyss.
Faith is not measured by acts or judgments.
Faith is the balm of light in simple hearts.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more