Wednesday, June 22 of 2016

Daily Messages

Where there is love, unity and fraternity, there will be peace.

Where there is disposition and effort to overcome oneself – not to shed over the neighbor one’s own inner unbalance – there will be harmony and brotherhood.

Children, the great battle of these times will be for inner pacification and for building an inner fortress that may sustain you and help you to support your own purification and the purification of the planet.

Every day try to give a little of yourselves to your neighbor. Try to build brotherhood and fraternity as priorities in your lives, because in these times it is the group fortress that will sustain you and keep you standing.

Along the years, we have impelled you to the experience of group life with the Communities-of-Light-because in the group life you have the opportunity to develop forgetfulness of self, the love to the neighbor as they are, patience, forgiveness, self-transcendence, transformation, fraternity and the most important: unity.

It is by living unity that you approach the purpose of human existence. By experiencing this divine principle and by becoming each time more alive you can lead the human race to fulfill the divine Plans.

The planetary transition, one’s own purification and all the tests of these times have the function to lead you to the living of unity. Because, when you are facing these situations, it is only the true unity that will make you survive. The unity will be for the spirit like water and air are for the body; if there is no unity, there will be no life.

You might believe that you are on the right path, but without unity with the neighbor and with God, you will lose the meaning of your own existence and will walk in the world like bodies empty of spirit and essence, as dead in life.

Do you understand the importance of overcoming yourselves to love the other?

Do you understand the importance of leaving aside your own concepts and ideas of how the human being should be to accept the neighbor as they are?

Love is what transforms and, if you do not love your neighbor, they will never leave the point they are in and will never express what they really are, because to reach Truth, you must transform yourselves and – to transform yourselves – you must live love, give and receive true love.

Children, enter in the essence and in the heart and let them be commanders of their own life. It is in this way that the new principles and the new Laws will act in your lives and will be able to flow like the currents of a new time, for them not to drag and destabilize you due to your resistances.

This path is simple and does not need to contain suffering, but each one chooses the form to learn, according to one’s own effort and consciousness.

I love you and therefore I am telling you all these things.

I bless you.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph