To search for union with God is an arduous, tiring path, and for the human ego, it is full of many defeats. While walking, divest from yourselves, and stop being what you have been up until today.
To not recognize oneself as a human personality is often despairing and distressing. Therefore, I tell you, children, that if your first goal is not found in God, but rather in yourselves, even if in your own holiness, you will suffer a lot when the Creator takes you towards nothing.
The veracity of this path is found in the love of God. Even if you are not wise, if you do not have skills, if you do not express virtues, if you love God and His Plan, this is enough to fulfill His Will.
The Creator does not look in you, children, for many skills and apparent virtues: He looks for a true inner world.
In this world, you have learned the path contrary to that of transformation, because you believe that appearing to be something outside of yourselves will be sufficient enough to reach the goal. However, children, the true fortress is internal. You must first consolidate the inner adhesion to the Plan, not caring so much how you can express it; later, little by little, you will make emerge what you truly are. If you build this inner fortress, you will be able to count on it when the planetary need dictates it so. But if you are only making efforts to appear to be something, you will see how, with the first wind, this false fortress will fall apart. It will be enough that events may not flow according to your will, and already you will see that you were not as strong as you appeared to be.
My beloveds, today I leave you this key: before anything else, hold the inner and true union with God, even if it is invisible to the eyes of the world. Do not try to show anything, just make an effort to be it.
Your Father and Instructor,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more