Friday, December 16 of 2016

Weekly Messages

The essence of life on Earth is permanent transformation, it is to discover that nothing is lost and that everything and everyone will have a new possibility of redemption if they say "yes" and cry out to God for this opportunity.

The essence of life on Earth is to turn the darkest mud into a luminous and perfect pearl, similar to the Heart of the Father.

God hides within human imperfection, and, as a profound act of Mercy, God multiplies within humankind, even in the worst.

The Creator conceals His Will under the human will, not because Divine Will is less, or less powerful, but rather because the great mystery of life is the Humility of God, which teaches the human heart the true path for reaching Him.

The Creator teaches humankind by example. The one who wants to find a likeness with God, may they tread the path that He indicates to humanity, every day!

There are no creatures in the universe as privileged as human beings. There is no essence that is so naturally close to Divine Essence as that which animates human creation, the human spirit and the purpose of its existence.

However, children, it is also part of the great mystery of humanity, such as the blindness they live, that they not only limit Universal Creation, but also an understanding about themselves.

Humankind disregards the meaning of greatness, and so they never awaken the potential of their hearts. Their sense of greatness and glory is found within the material life and in the act of magnifying things that in reality only diminish themselves, and blind them daily. They believe that they grow in power and glory, and, every day, they stray farther from the Truth and true spiritual growth. Universal evolution passes before their blind eyes and leaves them behind, because they were not capable of contemplating the Whole, but only themselves and their ignorance, an ignorance that has fantasized about greatness and tied them to the smallness of this world.

Today, children, the Truth is before all hearts, that Truth which first reveals the mud to you, because to find the pearl within yourselves first you need to properly understand what precedes it. As long as you see that which is mud as a human treasure, you will never discover that the true treasure of human consciousness has always been hidden within itself.

For this reason, the eyes that open first see miseries, imperfections and then the fantasies that covered their ignorance are overturned. But if you are willing to live humility, this itself will transform and will wash away that mud, showing you that which was hidden, which is the true likeness of God, that essence that never dies in those who say "yes" to the Father, and that can even be restored in those who were apparently most lost when they cried out for Forgiveness and Mercy.

I tell you this because we have come to places in the world that are apparently lost in their ignorance, but nothing is lost if hearts are willing to transform.

Therefore, cry out, believe that it is possible, and walk towards the discovery of the Truth, which emerges like a New Sun on the horizon of your lives.

He Who loves you and leads you to the New,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph